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Antique Store This story is dedicated to all of us who are tired of everyone transforming into young buxom beauties. We old-timers who think a 26 inch waist is mission impossible. And want to watch Roseanne Barr snap Pamela Anderson Lee in half on prime-time TV. --------- Copyright 2000 by Samantha Michelle. Permission given to post on FictionMania, C-Sprite, and Sapphires. Please send comments to [email protected] ------- All I did was try to help a couple of older, oddly-dressed ladies get their shop door closed in a cloudburst. The wind had caught it and sprung the hinges, and rain was blowing inside. I had just dropped in at a neighboring shop-and-rob to pick up a candy bar, not like I really needed the calories. I was the only one in the parking lot. When I saw them fighting with the door and wind, I realized that at nine on a Saturday evening, and this being a three-day holiday, they'd probably never find a repairman before they were flooded. So I grabbed some of the ever-present tools out of my truck, and ignoring the cold driving rain, slowly managed to bend things back into some semblance of their original form. I was checking the fit, with them pulling it closed from the inside, when there was a really strong gust of wind, and a metallic ripping sound from above me. A deluge of foul-smelling water and goo knocked me to my knees. Shaking the stuff off my face, I realized the building's antique down-spout system had failed, and nailed me with gallons of dead leaves, bugs, and probably pigeon droppings. I managed to find a clean rivulet coming off a canopy, and when I could see, noticed my glasses had been washed off. I rinsed and rinsed and finally started to peel off as much clothing as was socially acceptable trying to clean myself off when I found I was shivering. Hard. One of the ladies called through he rain telling me to come inside. When I made it inside the door I was immediately wrapped in a large towel, and pushed towards the rear of their shop. "We've a shower in the back of the shop." She looked at me. "My goodness, you are going to catch your death of cold..." I both shook and nodded my head, because my teeth were chattering too hard to say anything. They shoved me, clothes, towel, and all, into the warm shower. I managed to slowly peel off what was left of my reeking clothes and set them and the towel outside the shower. Several washings with a bar of perfumed soap and some type of weird shampoo, and I was both clean and no longer shivering. Or at least not shivering as much. An "Oh good, you're finished," from right outside the shower curtain reminded me that I was now both sans culottes and without a towel. I almost screamed when the curtain was pulled back and one of the women handed me another towel. "Hey!" was all I managed as I tried to grab the towel while covering myself. My somewhat overweight, 40's something body wasn't that good anyway. "Don't sweat it dearie, I've been through two husbands and six kids. If I haven't seen it or washed it, you haven't got it." That did not help a lot as I pulled the curtain closed and quickly dried off. Wrapping the towel around me, I opened the curtain to find all three of them standing there. The tallest of the three handed me a mug of hot cocoa. That did help. What surprised me was they were all dressed like something out of the turn of the century. The nineteenth century. I tried to remember what type of store this was, but it didn't register. They sat me down in a big, padded chair at a table in a back room, pulled up chairs for themselves, and profusely thanked me for fixing their door. They also apologized repeatedly for my getting doused in what one of them described as smelling like old chicken guts in a hog wallow. Suddenly my brain restarted, and I asked about my clothes. "Made sure there weren't nothin left in the pockets and tossed them, braces and all, in the trash bin. Ain't nothin that'll ever get 'em clean, short 'a burnin." The smallest lady, who looked a bit like granny Clampett off the TV show, was speaking. "'Sides, ain't none of us going nowhere nohow, least for a while, 'cause while you was clean'n up the firemen came by and told us both bridges o'r Delany Creek's been washed out." It took a minute to sink in. At least I knew we were on high ground. And I realized with a start that without my glasses I couldn't drive anyway. I stared at them. Then the lights flickered and went out. When the emergency lights kicked on, I could see they were smiling. "Don't worry about a thing. We've got plenty of food and candles and such-like." This from the tall one who found a flashlight, and soon returned with a small candelabra and matches. The smallest one spoke up again "Darn it, Fergot my manners. I'm Maybel, the pretty gal on my right is Jesse, and the big'n that found the candles is Nellie." Both smiled at me. Maybel looked at me, and winked. "Since we been a bit closer than ladies and gents should afore introducing, what's yer name?" "Sam, Sam Michaels." I wondered if I had accidentally found a halfway house of some kind. I started to shiver again, and realized that the damp towel was not keeping me warm. Nellie broke in. Her "I think we need to find Sam here some clothes before he catches cold" sent Jessie off with a flashlight. Instead of clothes, she returned with a tape measure. I stared at it, and her. "This is a clothing store, among other things, and I can't tell what size you are without taking measurements." When I told her my sizes, she shrugged, saying they wouldn't help her at all. I wound up being measured like a dressmakers dummy. I started to feel like one. A dummy, that is. The three of them were looking over the measurements and mumbling to themselves. Nellie asked me to stand back up and examined my pudgy chest and waist. Although I was still shivering, I started to feel embarrassingly warm. They conferred again, and Jessie headed off with the flashlight. Nelly broke out more candles, and showed me to a dressing room. She put the candles and their holders on a shelf and told me to wait. I was left staring at myself and the towel in one of the corner mirrors. I realized that I had not brushed out my hair, and cringed at the thought of trying to keep what little I had while removing the tangles. Two knocks on the door, and Maybel handed me a neatly folded pile of clothes. I could hear giggling and a faint "he's gonna need help" as I closed the door. When I checked quickly through the clothes, I knew why they were giggling. It was a complete women's outfit, from the skin out, circa the eighteen-ninety's. My "Ahh, nice joke, but how about something that will fit me?" got an unexpected response. "Those are your size." "You know what I mean." "Sorry, dearie, but this is a women's boutique, and well, those are the least frilly we could find in your size." There was a pause "And it's those, a towel, or your birthday suit. And they're a lot warmer than a towel." I looked the clothes over again. The long bloomers, or pantaloons, at least that's what I think they were, and the several long slips seemed innocuous enough, and I was surprised how soft they felt. The dress and under-dress were of a soft, very heavy cotton, but there was no way I was going to get them around my middle. Then a little birdie told me why there was a long, heavy item I had not unrolled. When I unwrapped it, I was staring at a corset. A very large corset. This did not look good at all. I was certain that I had fallen into a loony bin, and was trapped with some of their inmates. Nellie's chuckling "Let me guess, you can't get dressed by yourself" didn't help. Escape did not seem likely either. Not in this weather, dressed in a towel. I pulled on the bloomers, and found they had a hook-and-eye inner panel that held my privates close to my body. I was surprised at how comfortable they were. I was not used to soft cotton all the way to the ankles. Deciding that I had better humor them before they became violent, I swallowed and opened the door. "I seem to be unable put these on in the proper manner..." They all giggled, and motioned me out of the room. I felt like a bloomered idiot. I never realized how many layers of clothes women used to wear. Realizing the three of them were probably dressed the same way was no consolation. Nellie's "Well, he got the first piece right," sounded bad. Shortly I was wearing one of the slips, and they had wrapped the corset around me, hooking it in the front, laces at the back. It covered me from armpits to crotch. When they said "Take a deep breath, and grab the bar over the door" I was afraid it might be my last. Nellie had taken three sets of laces and was puling from one side, and Jessie had done the same, pulling from the other. I felt many years of good living being squeezed up, down, and in. Several long tugs later, I realized that I was standing very, very straight, and was surprised I could still breathe. I felt ridiculous. Jessie measured me with the tape, grinned, and said "just two more inches.." I gaped at her like a fish, and she signaled the other two to start again. It took then quite a while, pulling in a little at a time, until Jessie told them to stop. I wanted to scream that I was being squashed, but I could not get that much air. Her tape must have been happy, because they wrapped the many feet of lacing around me, and tied it off in the back. They then fastened two wide straps over my shoulders to some clips in front, and moment later my shoulders were drawn straight back, until I had the posture of a British palace guard. Their "You can let go now," caused me to lower my arms slowly. I had never felt anything like it. I thought it would hurt. Rather, it felt kind of good, sort of like a tight full-body hug. When I looked at myself in the mirror by candle-light, I had to make sure it was me that I was watching. What I saw looked just like one of the many pictures in my history books of a matronly woman dressed in her corset. What surprised me was that I seemed to have grown breasts. I reached down, and found that between the corset and my pudgy chest, which had always gotten me teased, I now had a formidable bosom. I strutted for a moment, and then realized what I was doing. I crossed my arms across my protruding chest. They had started to laugh. "Seems Samantha likes the way she looks." I tried to sit in nearby chair, and found that in a corset, one does it carefully. The bottom of the corset had jabbed me painfully in a most-sensitive area. Once seated, I started shaking my head. "I can't believe I'm letting you do this to me." Then it dawned that they had called me Samantha. "Hey, I'm not a woman. Samantha's a woman's name..." "At this point you look a lot more like a Samantha, so quit complaining and let's finish getting you dressed." All I could do was nod. Even if I had planned on trying to escape, the corset didn't leave me enough air. Adding a second slip, they pulled the under-dress on, and buttoned it down the back. It had a hidden, stiff collar that forced my head up. Then came the dress itself. Five minutes later it was buttoned in place. I had been getting more used to the corset, and realized that for the first time in years my back wasn't giving me grief. I tried to walk, and almost tripped over the hem, which was dragging on the floor. Maybel's "Oops, fergot shoes" broke the silence. They carefully sat me back down, and I only got a little jab. I felt them pull up the legs of the pantaloons, and pull some thin socks over my feet. Then they made me stand on one of those little measuring gadgets. Finally, they sat me down, this time on a tall stool. My eyes bugged out when I saw what Maybel was expecting me to wear. They were calf-high boots. I managed a breathless "Hey, wait a minute, those things have three-inch heels," was not ignored. "They're four inches, and the only pair we got that'll fit yer gunboats, 'lessen you want these." She pulled out a pair of bright pink spikes that made my stomach curdle. Soon I was standing really tall, trying to balance in the very tight, stiff boots. I realized that twisting an ankle was unlikely. The boots had metal reinforcements. Nellie went and got several more candles, and when they had managed a reasonable level of illumination, Jessie got a brush, sat be down on the stool, and started working slowly on my hair. It felt really good, and I quit worrying about losing more to tangles. When they told me to close my eyes, I complied, as I had run low on energy and figured that whatever they did, as long as I lived though it, really didn't matter any more. That was before Maybel loosened the upper part of the dress, the corset straps and underdress, and pulled the slip down over the top of the corset. Several towels were tucked into the clothes. Her "hold still, I've ne're done this by candlelight. And keep yer mouth shut" made me stiffen. I felt a thick cream being carefully smeared over most of my face, neck, shoulders, and upper back and chest. A few minutes later it started to itch, and she told me that I needed at least a few more minutes. When I started trying to wriggle because it was beginning to burn, someone took damp cloths and wiped every bit of it off, rinsing me several times. This was followed by some sort of soothing lotion. It had been a long time since someone massaged my face like this, and I started to make happy noises. That got a giggle or two, but they continued. My skin felt cool, and sort of funny. They pulled and buttoned everything back into place. Reminding me too keep my eyes and mouth closed, and hold very still, I felt someone pulling out individual eyebrow hairs. "Wait just a minute. I know what you are doing this time." I felt whoever was doing it back off. 'Sorry dearie, but ya need some work. It won't make ya look funny, so quit worryin'." I put my hands up to protect my face and looked at Maybel. My "Unh unh, no way..." caused Nelly to shrug, and she went to get something. Jessie was behind me, still working on my hair. Maybel seemed to be amused by my actions. Nellie returned and joined Jessie. A sharp swat on my bottom with the brush made me reach around behind me with both hands. I was unable to respond fast enough when she handcuffed me. With the corset on I could barely move my arms at all. "Now you sit there and close yer eyes, 'cause I want to do this right." Not like I had much choice anymore. I wondered if the police checked this place regularly. At least I was warm and dry. It was not much of a consolation. Just before it seemed I would have nothing left, she finished, and began putting makeup on. I felt her carefully remove my earrings, something I had done years back, and had kept in because I loved the feeling of them swinging as I walked. They were replaced by really big, heavy, dangly ones that jingled. They felt really nice, almost erotic. It was the first thing I didn't mind. I began to wonder if I could afford to disappear for a while 'till things grew back. If I lived through it. I hoped they were finished, They weren't. I felt them put a long, soft wig on my head, and secure it all over by weaving my hair into it, and adding hairpins at the edges. When they stood me back up, I was wondering of there was a noose waiting. They turned me around, and told me if I would behave they would take off the handcuffs. In the heels I was about as maneuverable as a packing box, so they were not giving up much. I nodded, and soon was rubbing my wrists. "Now open yer eyes, dearie." I blinked, but the candlelight was low enough that it did not affect my sight. They were standing in front of me. Nellie was twirling the handcuffs like she had done this before. Her "turn around" caused me to face the mirrors. They had to rush and grab me before I collapsed to the floor. I had expected to look like a clown, or a guy in a dress, one of those weirdos that were sometimes found on TV talk shows. Instead, staring back at me was a stout, buxom, middle-aged woman with long graying hair. A proud woman who would have been perfectly at home in a horse-drawn carriage or manor house a hundred years ago. It was when I realized there was no sign of the dumpy, middle-aged professor I had been a couple of hours before that I got dizzy. With their smiling help I managed to stagger to the stool. "Easy, dearie, it takes a bit 'o time to get used to breathing right, and to walk in them shoes." I nodded, but my mind was still spinning. "And yer look so much better than yer did earlier." I nodded again. I didn't want to admit it, but I actually liked the way I looked and felt. I slowly got back up, and started to walk back and forth in front of the mirror. I found that by letting my hips roll and swing with each step, I moved easily, and the swishing of the skirts was sensuous. So were the earrings and continuous hug of the corset. I reached up and fondled my breasts, which were full and more sensitive than I had ever felt, then blushed when I realized they were watching. Nellie spoke up "Well, Samantha, I think you like dressing like a lady." I tried to deny it, but wound up grinning shyly. "It, it's like I'm a different person." The corset made me speak in a breathless voice that was almost feminine. I swished the long skirts around me. "But I'm not supposed to like it. And, dammit, it's getting me aroused..." That got a peal of laughter started. Shortly we were sitting, stiffly, around the table in the back room, sipping on sodas, and nibbling on some delicious imported chocolates. Jessie remarked that they could be written off to storm damage. The others agreed. I was still skittish, but felt like I belonged the way I was, at least for the moment. I knew it wasn't hypoxia, as I could still breathe reasonably well. A battery operated clock said it was four AM, and the wind was still howling. Nellie pulled several large comforters and a pile of blankets off a shelf, and by piling cushions on the floor soon had a sleeping area. When they started to undress each other, I stood to the side. "Hey, join in, it goes faster." I wound up helping Jessie. Soon we were all down to corsets and undergarments. I found myself staring hungrily at them. Each had a small, firmly corseted waist and proudly displayed breasts. The display got better when they removed their slips. They looked soft and womanly, not virginal. And all of them had hard, aroused nipples. They were chuckling. I looked down and saw why. Even in the slip and pantaloons I was creating quite a bulge. Something I had done little of in recent years. I tried to cover myself, and Nellie reached over and waived the handcuffs at me. I quit trying. Maybel and Jessie pulled off their bloomers from under their slips, and when Nellie handed one of them the handcuffs, she did the same. They motioned to me to do likewise. I think we didn't need the candles. My blush was probably brighter. I discovered I couldn't reach them. The corset would not let me bend enough. So I had to stand there while they pulled them off. I was very sure that they brushed me intentionally. The thin slip now resembled a tent. I hurt. It took two of them to lower me onto the cushions. When they rolled me on my back, they had to pull the slip down. Nellie and Jessie took a flashlight and went to get something. Maybel told me to stretch my arms out to the sides, and relax, and began to massage my feet. It felt so good I was afraid I was going to make a mess of the slip before the others returned. On of them lifted my head and massaged my neck, and I felt something hard and padded slipped behind me. Maybel moved up to my knees, and I forgot about the other two, which was a bad move. A moment later my wrists were secured wide apart to some kind of wooden bar they had put under me, and when I started to protest a big, soft leather plug was pushed into my mouth. They then put a wide, padded strap around my neck, securing me to whatever was holding my arms, and I felt them connect the leather thing to it also. In the corset I couldn't sit up, and the bar prevented me from rolling over. One they were certain I was breathing properly, I lay there watching them whispering to each other, and pointing at me. Although I couldn't look down, I knew the tent was wiggling. Which made it worse. They covered me with a comforter and a blanket, then disappeared out of my view. I wasn't uncomfortable at all, just immobile. They had tucked the bar down into the cushions, so unless I pulled at it, there was no pressure of any kind. I closed my eyes and tried to consciously relax. It worked too well. I barely heard them return. When they pulled my legs wide apart, and fastened them to something similar to what was holding my arms I got hard again. I felt like a Christmas turkey. I looked at them, and almost swallowed the plug. Maybel and Jessie were strapping Nellie's arms together behind her in what looked like a huge glove with shoulder straps. When they were finished, her arms touched from wrist to elbow, and her shoulders were drawn sharply back. They turned her around, and I saw she was blindfolded and had a wide leather strap across her mouth. Putting one and one together, I figured she was gagged the way I was. I watched, fascinated, as her heavy breasts, thrust out by having her shoulders drawn back, swung with every move. Maybel brought over an overstuffed chair, positioning it where I could see the back. A moment later they had bent Nellie over the back, and had tied her feet to the rear legs. Then they seemed to be tying her hands to something. This left her more than ample bottom fully exposed, with her body held rigidly horizontal by the corset and glove. Out came the hairbrushes, and up went the slip. Although I really needed my glasses, there was no question she was aroused. I was surprised she could walk as swollen as she was. They began with light swats, and occasional caresses that made her quiver. When they really began to swing, her bottom was turning bright red and bouncing rhythmically. She seemed to be trying to force her thighs together, and they would stop, caress her a bit, then continue. When they stopped she was moaning and grinding herself against the chair. She was so wet she glistened. They untied her, and she stood unsteadily. When she tried to get her legs together, a really sharp swat stopped her. Maybel came over to me, and patted the tent. I arched up. She and Jessie then lifted my hips and shoved a thick cushion under my butt. This began to look familiar, but I was so aroused I think I would have cooperated with anything. Not that I had any choice. Shortly I found myself with Nellie on her knees straddling me, just above my penis. When she tried to lower herself, she got another swat. She had an amazing bottom, and thick, curly bush that quivered. A dripping wet bush. I watched out of the corner of my eyes as Jessie put Maybel into a similar contraption, and reached beneath her slip to massage her. A blindfold and plug that looked too big to fit her mouth were added and secured. The next maneuver was weird. Jessie lay her, face down, with her feet by my head. Then she lifted the bar, moved some cushions, and pulled Maybel's feet under the bar to my shoulders. She then motioned me to be quiet, and slowly removed my gag. I saw it was much smaller than Maybel's With a grunt, she lifted Maybel by the glove, and sat her up, which planted her bush firmly on my mouth. This I understood. A moment later I felt Nellie being impaled on my penis. She was heavy, but amazingly tight. The next couple of hours were something out of an under-the counter novel. For an old guy who could rarely get it up, I was playing superman. I don't think Maybel was multi-orgasmic. Continuously orgasmic, maybe. The gag had left me with a dry mouth. Maybel sure didn't. Nellie had really talented muscles, managing to make me come twice to her innumerable times. The first took five minutes. The second took an hour. As Jessie was pulling them limply off me, I fell asleep. I woke up warm and unfettered except for the corset, sandwiched between two corseted, sleeping women. My jaw and tongue ached. My hips ached. And I felt better than I had in a long time. I wrapped my arms around the one in front, and went back to sleep. I woke the second time alone under the covers. I could smell hot cocoa, and noticed the lights were back on. The clock said 2:30. That meant it was already afternoon. A "Glad t'see yer decided to join us" caused me to try and sit up. Not in a corset. I had to roll over and lift myself, tucking my legs under me. They were all dressed, and sitting at the table. I managed to stand. Maybel's "I think yer need to brush yer teeth," caused them to giggle. I just smiled and headed for the washroom. After more pressing matters were settled, I noticed there was a new toothbrush waiting for me. I managed to scrub the smudged makeup off, and carefully remove the evidence of last night's activities from my face, teeth, and nether regions. When I emerged, they helped me put on the pantaloons, and in a little while I was dressed and made up like before. But this time I helped. I guess the guy that ran the stop-and-rob was marooned also, because they had tracked down some bread and lunchmeat. I was starved, but one large sandwich and I was full. "Corset" clicked. Someone banged on the front door, and a minute later Maybel escorted a harried looking trooper to the back. I was scared silly, but he seemed not to notice me. When he told us that it looked like it would be at least until Wednesday before they would have one of the bridges repaired. I groaned. The others giggled. When he asked if we needed to be evacuated, they loudly declined, saying they had plenty of food, and were going to have a washout party. I started to say something when one of them kicked me hard in the shin. I winced, and he gave me a funny look. Maybel escorted him out, and I heard her lock the door. By Wednesday I was totally worn out. I didn't know there were that many ways to make love. Or resurrect the dead. Maybel was part vacuum cleaner. With an attitude. And it wasn't just kinky stuff. Corrugated, weird, and insane, probably. I loved it. I felt like a hormone-soaked teenager again. But I had never had this much fun back then. It turned out Maybel was a widow, Nellie was divorced, and Jessie was a lesbian, which made for some interesting pairings. It took being tied up, gagged, and gloved, with her legs spread, but Jessie finally admitted that I had a talented tongue. She didn't have much option. Her quivering grunts told the whole story. It was not my choice. I was as trussed up as she was. And Maybel had a hairbrush to make sure I didn't stop. Nellie drove me home dressed in a skirt and sweater. And the corset. Once inside, we spent several hours in bed. God, I loved fondling her breasts. And she loved for me to fondle them. We returned with me dressed in my own clothes, wearing glasses. I realized I looked rather strange with the high, thin eyebrows. Another part of me wanted to put a skirt on. And I missed the corset. That was almost a year ago. These days I wear a corset, much tighter than the first one, all the time. I've lost almost fifty pounds, and feel like I'm thirty again. I'm also just as likely to be found as Samantha rather than Sam. Nine months ago at Nellie's urging, I started on a low dose of hormones, and the remaining fat has re-distributed itself, probably with the help of the corsets, to my chest, hips, and butt. I quickly developed big, sensitive nipples, which the Doc said would probably be all I would grow at my age. And they feel so, well, feminine as they jiggle. Nellie and I tied the knot, almost literally, last month. She was shackled under her gown. When she saw my present to her, it kept us busy for a full week. A complete set of leather and steel shackles, several other toys, and our "new" antique, heavy four-poster bed are always finding new uses. Maybel and Jessie are "renting" a spare bedroom while their place is renovated. Thanks to them, I've become all-too-well acquainted with the toys and shackles. But I'm not complaining. The last time I did I was stiff for a week. -- Finis

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Visit to the Adult Store

My name is Karen and this is a follow-up to my road trip experience when I recently went on a trip with Rick, a buddy of my husband as we drove down and I stayed at his place for a couple of weeks in Florida. While driving down on the interstate I kept seeing signs along the highway of adult stores or adult superstores, I know what an adult store is and after talking about it Rick said that we should go to one and he’ll buy me some lingerie and a new toy or two.Several days later Rick asked me...

4 years ago
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My Three Sons 912 Our Travels Outside the Department Store

My Three Sons 9-12: Our Travels Outside the Department Store By Ron Dow75 9: The Personalizing the Cookie Cutters Cookies "There it is! The way out!" An 11 slim pre-teen in the Dutch boy wig cried, hurrying to the door in her over-the-insteps strap- ons. The girl in the simple white blouse and blue ribbed jumper had her blue fuzzy coat so carelessly held in one of her small hands, that it often touched the department store floor. "We're finished shopping!" "I wouldn't bet on...

3 years ago
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My First Time in an Adult Book Store

My First Time in an Adult Book Store by Fake Dedra Post Editor's note: This is an edited version of the story My First Time in an Adult Book Store that was originally posted on Fictionmania by Dedra Post. Most of the spelling, punctuation and grammar errors have been eliminated. What follows is a corrected version of Dedra's work. This story is true, however I have changed the names and places to avoid offending or embarrassing anyone. This story contains adult material....

2 years ago
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Sweet Treat Store

I always wanted to open a candy store and sell all kinds of candy. I would stock my shelves with the finest chocolates, chocolate covered fruit, taffy, fudge, etc. I also was in the business of selling sex or I guess you could call it prostitution. I had an idea, that I would have the candy business as a front and then offer women for hire. I took my time interviewing women who I thought would be the best candidates. I would call my girls "The Sweet Tarts."The candidates would have to do...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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The liquor Store

Michelle and I are your normal average couple, who got the bright idea to leave our stable full time jobs to start our own business. We found an old liquor store at a really cheap price and talked each other into buying it. The first few years the liquor store did really well, then the economy started to change so did our business and we were having trouble paying the bills. When the economy fell and the store started doing worse, we began fighting more and more. Money was always the problem....

Wife Lovers
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My First Time I Went Into A Book Store

My first time in an adult book store By Dedra Post This story is true, however I have changed the names and places so not to offend or embarrass anyone. This story contains material of a mutual nature, anyone not of age to read adult material, stop here and read no more. This story is the property of the author and maybe copied, downloaded, and forwarded, but it must stay in its original form. It may not be sold or reproduce for profit of any kind. Send all comments or suggestion...

2 years ago
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The video store

The Video StoreStore oneI checked my suitcase at the storage office of the railway station.'Are you leaving it all day?' asked the colleague from behind the counter.'No just a couple of hours' I replied handing him a ten dollar bill. Just long enough to get my cock sucked I thought. It had become quite a ritual. I would arrive in the city a few hours before my flight, store my baggage at the station and cruise the adult video stores for a couple of hours. There were no shortage of venues but I...

4 years ago
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The Wifes Store

Introduction: Wife becomes Whore at her Store My wife LeAnn is a 26 year old head turning brunette, at 5 7 she has straight shoulder length hair and dark brown eyes. Her perfectly tanned legs and firm round ass are attention getters, as are her tits, which are 34 double Ds. Im a 33 year old stockbroker. Im 511 and about 190, I consider myself above average in looks, and I work out to keep my body fit. After four years of married life, my wife decided she wanted to start a small used clothing...

4 years ago
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It Happened at the Grocery Store

It Began at the Grocery Store It was one year ago today. A routine run to the grocery store enriched my life beyond my wildest dreams. It also nearly cost the life of my love and destroyed me. I’m Amy Waters. At the time I was a third-year nursing student at Temple University in Philadelphia along with my two beautiful roommates Sami and Jenn. When I say they’re beautiful, I’m talking swimsuit model beautiful. Both have long, flowing natural blonde hair, perfect facial structures, flawless...

4 years ago
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The Wifes Store

I’m a 33 year old stockbroker. I’m 5’11 and about 190, I consider myself above average in looks, and I work out to keep my body fit. After four years of married life, my wife decided she wanted to start a small used clothing business. I told her she would have to run it by herself, as I had a busy work schedule. She found a small space to rent in a popular strip mall on the other side of town. I told her the location wasn’t the best, but she liked it, and the rent was reasonable. The business...

3 years ago
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Working At The Shoe Store

I thought it would be great working at a shoe store.  However, I have a foot fetish and am constantly aroused with all the incredibly sexy feet to look at.  A long time ago, I found out that feet turned me on.I had a girlfriend that liked to dominate me in the bedroom.  She got incredibly turned on when I sucked her toes.  At first, I didn’t really like it, but the more I did it I became a fan.  It was very exciting and erotic to me.  There’s nothing better than a woman who cares for her feet. ...

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The shoe store

She was starting a new job Monday and was very excited. She would no longer be a waitress for minimum wage and her college education was finally going to pay off. Her new company gave her a bonus for signing on with them and she had spent it on a new wardrobe for work.She only had one more stop and that was to buy new shoes for work. The company was very specific that skirts and high heels were mandatory for all managers. She was going to be a manager, high heels would be fine with her.She...

3 years ago
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Opening of New Magic Depot Store

Cabinessence has opend this universe for other authors to write in if you desire. ---------- Opening Of New Magic Depot Store - Video Transcription By Cabinessence The following is a transcription of a newscast that was broadcast about two weeks ago about the opening of the Magic Depot Superstore on Route 9 near Fishkill, New York. "Hello this is Steve Schantz for Poughkeepsie, Channel 8 news. Well everyone in town is abuzz about the opening of the new Magic Depot...

3 years ago
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Daisy and Felicia have a humiliating day at Bob8217s record store

A lone snowflake fell from the December Vermont sky. In just two weeks time, Santa would be making his rounds to little boys and girls everywhere. If the fable were true, Daisy and Felicia (the Johnson girls,) as they were known, would be getting coal in their stockings this year. Their mother Beth had seemingly had enough of her daughters’ floundering ways. It had been nearly six months since they graduated high school and they still didn’t have jobs, nor were they seriously...

2 years ago
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Shopping Part 1 The Shoe Store

Shopping The Shoe Store Part One My wife and I live in the country so once a week we make the 50 minute drive to the nearest city to do some shopping. Beth is a bit of an exhibitionist so when we go to town she will wear a see through top with no bra, a very short mini skirt, with no panties and sandals. Sometimes when in town nothing really happens and then other times she will have an opportunity to flash some young guy giving him a thrill and turning herself on. As we drive to town I will...

2 years ago
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Stranger at a book store

One night several years ago, my wife decided she wanted to go to a bookstore and find a new book. She asked if I minded if she went alone, I said not at all as long as she wore what I told her to. She said, "No problem". So I went into her closet and picked out a super sexy, almost see-through short skirt, an extremely low cut top with a v neck that came down almost to her belly and a pair of boots with 5 inch heels. She asked "Any panties or bra?" I said "Noway, if your going, then your going...

3 years ago
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The Shoe Store

The Shoe StoreBy L Adam hated working Wednesdays. He works the entire day from opening to closing every Wednesday. His manager always takes Wednesday off. This was mostly a boring day for Adam. A few women came in the store before lunch which was a disappointment for Adam. Adam is a bit of a pervert. He likes to take a peak up a woman’s dress or skirt while he is putting on shoes for them. The morning customers all were wearing slacks. A woman came into the store a little after lunch time. She...

4 years ago
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Worlds Sexiest Lingerie Store

Lori had finally realized one of her long-time dreams -- having her own exclusive lingerie shop that she could organize and run the way she'd always dreaming about doing. Her shop was located in Coral Gables, Florida and it wasn't what you'd think when you first went inside, but Lori had found that her serious customers really enjoyed the shop when they discovered what she had. Lori was a very sexual and very sensual woman and she'd long thought that if she'd be open and honest about the...

3 years ago
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The Adult Toy Store

My wife Diane is a typical 24 year old young woman in every way, except for the fact that she has grown more and more sexual as she gets older. She is beautiful, five foot six inches, 127 pounds carrying a 36C chest with shoulder length auburn hair. She inherited her long, sexy legs from her mother's side of the family. She loves to dress to show off her great shape that she works hard at the gym to maintain. Sometimes, she undresses to show off her incredible body. We have experimented with a...

Group Sex
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Star Trek The Adult Store

Lieutenant Codi Brock walked into her quarters. There were still scorch marks along the bulkhead where the power surge had fried the replicator unit and caused a small fire in the storage drawers beneath it. The spacial anomaly the U.S.S. Pizon had run into had wreaked havoc on the small science vessels power systems and totally destroyed the secondary computer core. Deciding to assess the damage to her quarters Codi opened the drawer that had been directly beneath the destroyed replicator....

4 years ago
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The Adult Book Store

It seems our life was one sexual escapade after another. We were blessed with finding each other, we both had massive sex drivers or so we found out. Tammy was a virgin when we met and had just lost a lot of weight around 45 pounds but being 4’11” that’s a lot now she weighed 101. So, at 20 she had only dated 1 other guy before me and she had never dated in high school. It had been 2 weeks that I had been gone in the truck, Tammy and I were getting a little antsy being apart. Our...

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Greenleaf adult book store

Hi, my name is Stephanie, I’m 38 years old, and I’m the mother of an 18-year-old daughter, her name is Katie. And I have never been married. I don't even know who the father is. ************ My life-changing that Sunday afternoon, I was 17-years-old, My dad was having a poker game at our house with 7 of his friends. They were watching a football game on tv as they played. I was watching the game as well. The guys were in the dining room, at the kitchen table. Our house is an open house...

4 years ago
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A Day at the Grocery Store

Hello and thank-you for taking the time to read my first of what I hope are many stories. Please let me know what you think of my first attempt at some erotic prose. Compliments are gladly accepted and hopefully complaints will be minimal.I am going to ask you now to let me know if you feel what you are about to read is a true story or work of my imagination. My wife and I try to share the jobs around the house. I vacuum, wash the bath tub and toilets, BBQ about three times a week rain or...

3 years ago
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The Lingerie Store

Our journey begins today at the mall. It is late in the evening and things are about to close up at a famous shop known for fine women's undergarments. You and I decide to slip in really quickly and see if there is anything that suits our fancy in this fine establishment. We walk in as the tone makes the clerk aware that someone has entered the store. The clerk darts up from her chair behind a counter and her face is somewhat flushed and almost flustered looking. She greets us with a...

2 years ago
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Porn At The Shoe Store

This story takes place in shoe store where I worked part time during the early 1970’s, I was in college and worked night and weekends to help pay the tab, it was rather late on a Friday night only about an hour before closing, business had been slow and the assistant manager who was in charge had let the other employees leave, I had asked to stay on because I really needed to make every dime I could for school. The assistant manager asked me if I would mind closing up as he really wanted...

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Accidental Affairs The Grocery Store

A burst of lust took control of me as I reached out and groped her breasts only to suddenly awake with my eyes clenched shut tightly as I tried to fall back into the lustful dream I was having. My erected cock lifting my boxers and bed sheets up as I groaned in sexual frustration, I could still see the image of my hands groping her breasts firmly but it was fading fast. I slowly opened my eyes as the imaged faded into my eye lids. A loud sigh escaped me as I tucked my morning wood under the...

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Meeting in a Grocery Store

I was sitting on the balcony of my condo with a cup of coffee and the morning newspaper while a steady rain provided a refreshing sound. I sipped my coffee and watched the concentric circles in the pond as the rain splattered the water. My golf day was a washout so I kicked back and relaxed. Reading the morning newspaper I came across the Daily Horoscope and read the message under my Cancer birth sign, "There are so many factors that come together to create amorous feelings and looks are not...

4 years ago
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A Visit to an Adult Store

A visit to an adult store By Robin O. I remember how jealous my older sister always got when I was little and my mother would brush my straight, thick blond hair. "You should have been a girl, Robin," Sis would say, shaking her frizzy, dirty-blond locks. It bothered me because I was not a girl. I was a boy. Mom would sigh and tell me that most girls would kill to have hair like mine, not only thick and straight, but bright and shiny, too. The style for boys was to wear it...

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The Thrift Store

The Thrift Store Pt 1 I'm building up the nerve to try to take some new pics tonight for my favorite crossdressing chat room and I want to look sexy. Wearing my stretch lycra pink panties under my regular mens clothes, I decided to head off to the thrift store to look for a new dress. It's usually empty in there and the counter guy is usually oblivious to what his patrons are buying there anyway, at least in my experiencees there. I walk in to an empty store. No customers that I...

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Dixies Trip to the Pet Store

Dixie’s Trip to the Pet Store By: DonnerTie The bell chimed as the door swung open to the pet shop. Sitting at the desk Trish looked up from her magazine. She noticed with a little contempt the girl who had interrupted her article. She was a little taller than Trish probably around 5’ 7? the body of an athlete. The girl looked like she had come straight from a game or practice. Trish could see the grass stains on her shorts and how she wore a jersey with the number 4 on it. How appropriate...

2 years ago
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Hot girl fucked in a clothes store

I'm a 19yo girl and I work in a clothes store for children, but there was one occasion when a man in his 40's, who was a customer, got in the store to buy something.  He was pretty handsome.  There was something weird about him that made my vagina feel the sensations I had never experienced in my lifetime.  It was at that moment when I saw him saying hi to one of my  coworkers.  I figured out she was his wife, but  wouldn't mind if I'd venture and  do something about my wet pussy,  while this...

Straight Sex
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The Candy Store

Patrick Conner ran his hand across the well worn railing that surrounded the old house's wide veranda. As president of Archer and Sons, the construction and demolition company that his grandfather, Thomas Archer, had founded, the forty-three year old had an almost reverent appreciation for the care that had gone into the construction of the Victorian era structure. "Damn shame," he said under his breath as he looked up at the twenty-two room mansion, taking in the craftsmanship that went...

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The Adult Store

Wendy feels nervous as she walks through the rundown streets toward the adult store. Her boyfriend, Kieran, holds her hand and reassures her that it will be alright. Wendy tries to calm her nerves. She realizes that it’s the area of the city she’s more afraid of than the adult store. It was her decision to come here. She was afraid that she’d be recognized in the high class city centre stores so insisted Kieran find one out of the way. Wendy is 22 and her white knee length skirt blows in the...

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Video Store

Lea had agreed to spend the weekend at her boyfriend Alex's apartment. She told her parents that she was visiting a college friend in the next state. Her little sister, Jenn, knew about the arrangement but had promised to keep her secret. Jenn owed Lea a favor. Earlier in the week, Lea had found her sister playing with herself while looking at a body builder magazine. Jenn was just discovering her sexuality and was easily excited. But Lea had been very supportive, explaining that she also...

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The Store

Constructive criticism welcome -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Damn it” I shouted as I slammed my fist down on the bench, “not only did I get overcharged, but half this stuff is past its expiration date!” I load everything back into my car and drive back to the store; I load everything into a trolley and storm...

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Claudia From The Convenience Store

"Beer and wine” was emblazoned in large letters across the side of the small brick building that housed a small store across the street from a run-down apartment community called the “Spanish Villas.”She was standing outside the “C’ convenience store, wearing tight little short-shorts and a much-too-small t-shirt that accentuated her model-like figure. She had long black hair that curled at the ends, that reached to the middle of her back. Her bronze-colored skin told me she was probably not...

Quickie Sex
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At the store

The end of the year is always a busy and stressful time for me what withvarious family and work commitments, I feel like I'm constantly on the gountil the first of the year. So now that we have finally changed to thenew year, I feel relieved to be done with that stress.I woke up just before noon on January 1st on top of my bed and still in myblack sequin cocktail dress and my black Soma Vanishing edge bra andmatching black high cut lace panties.My hair and makeup were a mess and I felt a little...

3 years ago
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Dixiersquos Trip to the Pet Store

The bell chimed as the door swung open to the pet shop. Sitting at the desk Trish looked up from her magazine. She noticed with a little contempt the girl who had interrupted her article. She was a little taller than Trish probably around 5' 7" the body of an athlete. The girl looked like she had come straight from a game or practice. Trish could see the grass stains on her shorts and how she wore a jersey with the number 4 on it. How appropriate that would be she thought dryly. The girl's...

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Life on Another PlanetChapter 8 The Book Store

Saturday, August 13, 2011, 10am “Grant, I’d like you to meet Jesse Peterson,” Mrs. Coultard said with a smile. “He’s a neighbour of mine and he’s looking for a part-time job. You told me you were looking for someone to work part time, so here he is.” “Well, nice to meet you, Jesse. I’m Grant Norwood. Why don’t we go into my office and we can talk,” he said with a friendly smile. “Thanks,” Jesse said, surprised at how easily the man accepted that he might be a candidate for a job. “Sue,”...

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Seth II CarolineChapter 8 New Store

1866 The store just off the wide main street of the bustling county seat opened very early on Tuesday, January 2, 1866. It was near the livery stable and the hotels, diagonally across Montgomery Avenue from the courthouse. The dark green sign with gilt lettering that hung above the deep-set door and many-paned window read "Montgomery Farm Supply." Robert Williams, who had hiked the four frigid miles from his home long before the sun appeared, and Zedediah Snowden, who lived within easy...

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Child of the Program Ommitted ChaptersChapter 6 Charlottes New Store

Erin and I held each other as we caught our breath. Her attempt to wane my concern with a small kiss led to another sweaty round. The exertion had finally worn me down. Even with my ability to recuperate, it had been a very busy afternoon. So, for a good fifteen minutes, we laid there breathing, relaxing and just enjoying being together. Erin and I had moved around to lay spooned together at the edge of the bed, so when my phone rang she was in easy reach. "Hello?" I could hear the other...

1 year ago
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A special visit to an Adult Store

I had been in a few "adult" shops a few times during my life (I'm 50)--you know the kind I mean, where they sell sex toys, porn mags & novels, etc.--but I had no way of knowing what was in store for me the last time I went into the local place. It was between 12 noon and 1 PM when I decided to visit the store for a session in the adult video arcade downstairs in the shop. My wife had not had much of a sex drive for the last few years, so I had begun to slip into this place from time to time for...

Erotic Fiction
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Well, baby, now it’s my turn to tell you what happened not so long ago. You know, I had to return the pants to the big department store in Makati and decided to stay there a couple nights. I had some problem with doing it and talked to a supervisor. She was taller than you (maybe 5’6”), slender with nice figure, about early 30’s, lovely eyes, full lips (made for cocksucking I thought) with very red lipstick, and dark skin. Her name was Reslie. We finished the exchange and had a...

3 years ago
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Hair Restorer

The Hair Restorer by Jimbo It was a real trying day at the office. All the girls were giving me a hard time about how old I looked. I did look a little older than I am. You se I am going bald real fast. But the weird thing is I am growing hair on the rest of my body like I was just coming out of puberty. My name is Max Parker and I am a slim man of about 22 years of age. I am almost completely bald already and no cure in sight for me. The baldness comes with the family. I...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 263 Euro Trash and Drugstores

Since Eve just turns off and stays turned off until I start moving around, and Leon had the operatives trick of sleeping like the dead, when he felt safe, I was the one who showered first. When I came out my hair was soaked and laying flat against my head in clumps. I wore my morning outfit just as if I were home alone. I wore grey sweat pants and a red sweat shirt. The were shapeless but they were warm and easy to maintain. I could wear them an hour or two in the morning for a week before I...

4 years ago
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Roadside store

Writing sexy stories is such a turn-on for me, I don’t know why I haven’t posted one in such a long time. I was inspired to tell this tale after a someone inquired if I frequent adult stores. My hubby and I love to travel the backroads and explore the less well-traveled parts of the Southeast. During these road trips sometimes we’re the only ones in a diner or a gas station, which can be kinda eerie, but also very arousing for me because with fewer or no witnesses, I am free to do as I please....

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Dani from the Antique Store

Dani was a cute college-aged twenty two year old girl who often filled in at her aunt’s antique shop on the small office building where I have an office. I was sitting in my office one weekend day, not too long ago, when Dani stuck her head in my office and asked if she could borrow a notepad and a pencil.I rummaged through my desk drawer as Dani stood patiently in my office doorway, watching me hunt down a pad and pen. She apologized for being intrusive. I assured her that her request was not...

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A New Friend at the Adult Toy Store

I decided to go to my favorite Adult Toy Store.  Now, this is not one of those dark, dingy places that make you feel uncomfortable.  It is well lit and attractive.  The people who work there are very nice, polite, helpful and make you feel right at home.  So I can go and feel at ease while I browse.  This store carries lingerie, clothing for clubs or stripping, stripper shoes, toys, and videos. Because I was driving straight to this store and then home again I decided to be a little more daring...

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Going with Arnie at an adult store

I had been dating a black guy, Arnie.At first it had been behind Victor; but I finally told my beloved hubby that I needed Arnie’s black cock to make me feel a real woman.One evening Arnie called me, asking if I was available to join him for the whole night. Hubby was very busy with his eyes glued to the screen, looking a soccer match; so I told my black lover I would be ready for him in less than half an hour…Victor was focused on the game; so I quickly went on showering, shaving my legs and...

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