Cabin Fever: Need A Little Company - Chapter 02 free porn video

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the movies in the Cabin Fever franchise, nor any of the characters in it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Marcy was patient. She had nowhere better to be, after all. Besides, sucking Paul's dick wasn't exactly an unpleasant use of her time. Marcy loved cock; simple as that. She loved having it push through her labia when it was all moist and open, loved feeling it pounding away inside her. But she also enjoyed playing with it with her hands and mouth.

She didn't make any particular effort to arouse him. She knew the little fella would wake up in his own time. She simply ran her lips all around the spent member as slowly as could be, basically giving it a neverending French kiss. Periodically, she'd take the head into her mouth and made a point of probing his urethra with the tip of her tongue.

Eventually, Marcy noticed that Paul's cock was growing. When it began to stiffen, she finished the leisurely oral massage and gave him a proper blowjob. At a far more serious tempo, she drew the length of his swelling organ in and out of her mouth, while never letting the head escape her lips.

But once he was at full attention, Marcy promptly quit the blowjob and stood up. Paul glared at her with confusion.

She grabbed his erect maleness firmly and pulled on it as hard as she could without hurting him. Paul had no choice but to get up and follow her hand.

"Come on," she instructed in a matter-of-fact tone. "It isn't comfortable here. I want to go back to the bedroom."

True enough, Marcy led Paul back to the scene of their first coital foray. Her grasp upon his rod didn't loosen at all, leaving him with no choice but to follow her. Although, their brief trip gave Paul a chance to watch Marcy's cute butt in motion, which was stimulating, to say the least.

When they stood at the side of the disrupted bed, Marcy gently pushed Paul on to the mattress. He looked up at her longingly. By now there was nothing left of him beyond his primal craving for the embrace of her hot pussy. Marcy had broken his will - smothered all his worries about their peril, about his beloved Karen, with two D-cup pillows of the most supple feminine flesh. He was resigned to staying in the cabin with Marcy, awaiting his fate, whatever it would be, in a decadent cocktail of semen, vaginal fluid and sweat.

She climbed on top of him and almost immediately plunged her slick womanhood on to his rigid meat. They began to writhe together and quickly developed a rhythm that maximized the sensation of Paul penetrating her. They wrapped their arms around each other and held tight, hungry for the many sensual pleasures of the other's body.

Being their third fuck inside an hour, neither of Paul nor Marcy had the energy for a rerun of their last round in this bed. Yet their resolve to enjoy themselves burned hotter than ever before.

Paul grabbed Marcy's ass and squeezed harder and harder until it started to hurt her. Yet even then it was far more of a turn on for her than a turn off.

Her head was slumped over his left shoulder; all her energy was concentrated in her frisky hips. Every time Paul thrust into her, Marcy moaned quietly into his ear, making him want her more and more.

Their faces were so close together, yet they hesitated to kiss. Some part of them still remembered that their relationship was nothing more than polite; that sleeping together was wrong, even though it felt so good. But that lingering reluctance could never last in air so thick with the odors of their throbbing sexuality. Paul wavered first. He began mouthing her shoulder, delighting in the taste of her perfect skin. Then he moved up to the side of her neck, drawing a hearty, "Oh Yeah!" from Marcy with his hungry kisses. Eventually, their lips snapped upon one another, like a fish lunging upon that all-too-convenient bated hook that teases its senses until it can't take it anymore. Their tongues went wild, playing with each other, exploring each other's mouth.

Paul rolled over on top of Marcy and she didn't have the strength to resist. The springs of the quaint old bed began to squeak loudly as he powerfully humped her pelvis into its mattress. He raised his head, his breath heavy and ominous as he lost himself in the sublime caresses of Marcy's womanhood.

"Wait," Marcy suddenly protested. Paul didn't react.

"Wait, Paul!" she insisted in a louder voice. She held his belly back just firmly enough to impede his thrusts and get his attention. "Are you about to cum?"

Paul simply looked down at her with guilty look in his eye. He was still thrusting back and forth, still sampling her delights, but very gently as if he hoped she wouldn't notice him taking the liberty.

"Jeez, Paul, don't be so selfish!" Marcy sternly chided him. "Give me a chance to get there, too!"

As an afterthought, she pushed him off of her more forcefully and Paul grudgingly backed off, removing his ardent maleness from her hot opening.

"Lay down," Marcy commanded in a contrastingly warm tone, patting the mattress right beside her invitingly. Paul did as he was told, taking the intermission to reach over and fondle one of her incredible boobs. Marcy didn't resist.

She rolled over on to her side, turning her back to him and giving him another great view of her tight little ass. Once her tit slipped out of his grasp, his hand ventured south to caress one of those enticing buttocks and the sexy, long thigh beneath it. Marcy backed her hips up so that her ass was almost touching him.

"It's better this way," she explained, knowing that the different angle would give the most erogenous parts of her pussy the best contact with Paul's cock. She reached between her legs and found the virile shaft that she knew was waiting for her. Her loins were buzzing with excitement, aching for that prize to fill them once more; to ravage them with its merciless pounding. Yet Marcy kept her cool, guiding it calmly to her slit, and then shifting her hips just enough to take his cockhead inside.

"Okay, fuck me!" Marcy said in a voice that was both slutty and sweet all at once. "But don't rush!" she added in a far more serious tone.

Paul hardly needed the former instruction, but the latter came as a sobering reminder. With his hand now firmly locked upon her hip to hold her steady, he began to thrust against her, gently, then with added vigor. He increased his pace at an almost imperceptible rate, watching for any cue of disapproval from Marcy. Eventually he plateaued at a pace that was immensely pleasurable, but also didn't feel like it would push him towards a quick orgasm. If he wanted to be more energetic, his fear of having Marcy pull away from him again kept those urges in check.

Her moans of arousal were music to Paul's ears. Like a metal detector, the louder those chimes sounded, the closer he knew he was to striking the mother lode. "Mmm... Oh yeah..." she sighed. "Is it good for you?" She asked him mindlessly. Was it ever!

His other hand slipped beneath her and latched on to her right breast; that ample bundle of warm, supple flesh that filled his entire grasp with its splendor. He kneaded and massaged it; made love to it with his hand. He enjoyed it almost as much as Marcy's snatch. He pulled her entire torso closer to him, wanting every single part of her perfect body more and more with each passing second. He buried his face into her long brown hair and drank in its odor. That subtle lingering scent of shampoo, or maybe even perfume consumed yet another of his senses. In every way, he was fully immersed in feminine sexuality. It was heaven.

While Paul's firm cock constantly probed her tender flesh, Marcy rubbed her clit with firm, circular strokes. Her nether regions were brewing with excitement. Her body felt so hot, it was like she had been in a sauna for the past hour. She was gonna get her money's worth out of this screw, no doubt about it.

Suddenly, she felt Paul's fingers encroaching on to her mons. They assertively continued southward, pushing her own fingers out of the way. Without words, Paul told her that he wanted to take over her masturbation; he wanted to be the one to make her cum. It surprised Marcy, but also excited her more than a little. Grudgingly, her fingers surrendered her nub to him.

Now completely at Paul's mercy, completely ensnared in his lusty embrace, Marcy moaned and writhed her way to ecstasy. Paul's stimulation of her clit was instantly firmer and more rapid than the caresses she'd left it with. It was an immensely pleasurable shock to her system.

His thrusts had become quite vigorous. The sensations within resounded through her body like she was a church bell being rung over and over by his hard clapper.

"Oooooooooooooooh..." Marcy moaned with rapidly growing volume as she careened into the home stretch. Within a few moments, she came, very loudly.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" she yelped, as Paul continued to pound her seizing cunt. Heeding her earlier warning, Paul had been restraining himself, not knowing how close Marcy had truly been to climax. He had enough resistance to be able to torture her with a continuing series of deep penetrations, perhaps even a dozen, while she was well into a powerful orgasm.

But the squeeze of her tight corridor inevitably broke him. He finished masturbating her; using the hand on her crotch to hold her loins in place while he pressed himself into her butt and angled his hips to maximize his penetration. He continued to gyrate, if only mildly, as he spilled his wild oats into Marcy's lithe young belly.

The trembling and writhing waned into virtual motionlessness. The primal cries and grunts faded into heavy panting; and eventually even that gave way to an eerie silence. Within minutes the room was deathly still. The two illicit lovers still locked in their carnal embrace, their exhausted sexes still joined. The only signs of life between them came from Paul's hands: one ever so tenderly cradling the voluptuous breast it had found earlier, the other slowly tracing the crease between her crotch and left thigh.

Marcy's neat little crop of pubic hair was like the Turin shroud for a guy like him: a profound sight to gaze upon, but something he'd never dare dream of ever touching. Yet against all natural laws, here he was, with those holy strands coursing across his fingers over and over again. It was, in its own way, a religious experience - a way of holding on to the heaven she'd taken him to minutes earlier.

He may never have had a crush on Marcy; never pined away for her as he watched her pressing against some other guy. But realistically, to look at Marcy was to want her. He might never have thought about it, but deep down, part of him had wanted to blow his load inside her amazing body since the first time they'd met.

Laying there upon that disarrayed old bed, her most intimate areas locked in the clutches of her lover, exhausted and satisfied. Maybe Marcy drifted off to sleep, maybe she didn't. It wasn't clear how much time had passed, but the next thing she was aware of was a noise that sounded like a diesel engine. It was so distant that at first she thought it was just a dream and the fact that it disappeared only a couple of seconds later seemed to suggest that she had indeed imagined it.

But then she heard another noise: it sounded like a vehicle door slamming. This time, she was definitely wide awake. Soon after, she heard the sound of a man's voice.

Instantly, Marcy lifted her head off the pillow and listened intently.

"Paul," she whispered. "Did you hear that?"

She turned her head to look at him. She could tell from the way his head was raised that he had also heard the noises.

Another car door slammed and there was more talking. Marcy could judge the distance now: it was no more than 50 yards away.

"Oh my god!" she muttered as she suddenly sprang to life and scrambled frantically out of Paul's clingy embrace before he even had the chance to release her himself. She jumped out of the bed and tore out into the living room with Paul following close behind. The flashes of red light intermittently illuminating the living area made it clear that somebody had come.

"Oh my god!" Marcy repeated with a sense of astonishment, as she gazed out the cabin's front window to see an ambulance parked just beyond the tool shed.

"Shit!" Paul muttered, standing just behind her. "Bert did it! He got help!"

Marcy's sense of relief was short lived, for all too quickly the realization of what she had done over the past couple hours sunk in. The cheating; the selfishness of abandoning her best friend, Karen, to a dark and lonely fate; the simultaneous betrayal, by seducing the guy Karen had feelings for; the trashiness of pouncing on some other guy mere minutes after her boyfriend turned his back on her, not to mention the trashiness of fucking a guy simply because he was the only guy available; the sheer depravity of forcing herself on Paul, who sincerely tried to resist her, to stay true to his principles, at least at first. Not to mention the real risk that she had passed the killer disease to Paul, or perhaps vice-versa, because she was too impetuous to go fetch a condom.

It was like a bad joke, how everything seemed to turn on a dime. When there was no hope; when their love-bed was also to be their death-bed, nothing they did seemed wrong. But now... now that they were saved, now that there would be a tomorrow, a next week, a next year... now that she would have to live with the knowledge of how she'd behaved, the sleaziness of it all became all too apparent.

She could feel the remnants of her transgressions all across her body. Her right breast and mons still tingled from the post-coital fondling Paul had been giving them mere seconds ago. Her back, especially her ass was warm from where he had been pressed up against her. She could even feel his heavy deposit of semen clinging to the walls of her sex. She felt it because she knew it was in there. Like Eve who ate of the forbidden fruit, Marcy had realized how naked she was and suddenly felt so deeply ashamed.

"Oh, fuck!" she cursed, as she spied the two paramedics marching briskly towards the cabin. In a panic, she covered her exposed breasts and crotch with her hands, whirled around and charged back to the bedroom, almost pushing Paul over in the process. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! They can't see me like this!"

No more eager than Marcy to be caught with his pants down, Paul briskly marched over to the kitchen table to fetch the jeans that she'd tenaciously removed from him earlier.

"Paul, you fucking better be getting dressed!" Marcy barked at him as loud as she dared. Paul simply rolled his eyes and scowled in silence, resisting the temptation to curse back at her.

"Here! Put this on!" she ordered, as she chucked his sweater out into the living room. It landed on the couch.

Hastily buttoning and zipping his jeans as he went, Paul dashed back into the living room area and grabbed the sweater. Just as he began putting it on, a loud urgent knocking rapped on the rickety front door. His heart was racing as he pulled the top down over his head and body.

Without waiting for any kind of 'ready' signal from Marcy, Paul stepped over to the door and opened it to greet their saviors: a tall male paramedic with a thick goatee and his middle-aged female colleague. Just then, Marcy briskly padded back into the room, dressed once more in the tight mauve sweater and jeans she'd been wearing earlier in the morning. Her arms were folded tightly against her bust to try to hide the fact that she hadn't had time to put her bra back on.

"We got a report that a woman here was seriously ill?" The male paramedic declared in a no-nonsense tone.

"Uh, yeah... She's down here. C'mon!" Paul responded, stepping past the man and breaking into a jog as he led them to the shed where Karen laid, waiting for their medicines.

Just like that, the affair was over. Passionate, forbidden, unbridled: it had begun in an instant, and been quashed just as swiftly. 'Normal' life had resumed, though it now offered a real hope of overcoming their peril, which they hadn't had beforehand. Yet even though they were able to behave as if nothing had happened, the knowledge of what they had shared alone in that cabin, with all its bitter shame and sweet ecstasy, was burned permanently into both of their minds.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did, please vote and leave a comment. Comments are always appreciated!


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Cabin Fever2

  I was fourteen when I realized we weren't supposed to sleep together anymore.   Mom never really saw a big deal with letting us sleep in the same bed, even when we got older. She knew we were innocent kids, and didn't think of each other like that. So, naturally when we wen't up to the cabin for the summer there wasn't a question about Connor, my brother, and I sharing a room. We'd always done it, and neither of us liked sleeping on the rickety old couch Mom kept in the den....

3 years ago
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Cabin Fever

Zachary Kindholder looked up, hearing loud, dull thumping. For a moment, he didn’t remember where he was – his mind was still on the half-filled page before him, in Halstead Manor – but when the thumping sounded again, he turned in his chair and looked at the door. “What in the hell…?” he muttered, standing from his typewriter. He crossed the room, angry that someone had managed to find him. He had gone through such pains to make sure he would not be bothered. He peered out of the small...

4 years ago
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Cabin Fever II

Lisa Clark paced back and forth in front of the living room window. Her husband, Brad, left over a half hour ago to head north. She had told him she couldn't go to the family cabin this trip because of work. At the end of the street, Kevin Lang, Lisa's younger brother, sat in his pick up truck. He waited and watched, making sure his brother in law didn't return to the house. Kevin's wife should have been on her way north with her brother Brad, but Kevin wasn't taking any chances. Kevin...

2 years ago
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Cabin Fever

He awoke slowly, fighting his grogginess like wrestling through thick, wet mud. His condition was worse because he couldn't figure out why it was so hard. Taking a moment in his struggle to consciousness, he thought back on what he could remember... They had arrived late in the morning after a pleasant drive from the city. He and his wife had laughed and talked and thoroughly enjoyed their drive up from the city to their cabin in the mountains. It had been their family's favorite getaway...

3 years ago
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Cabin Fever Parting ShotChapter 3

Paul laid on the bed for ages, staring up at the poorly-finished, uneven planks of the ceiling in catatonia of rage and dread. He knew he would have to get up eventually, but he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to have to face her. He didn’t want to face him. He could hear the sounds of breakfast outside: chairs moving, utensils striking plates and bowls, people talking. He thought about just staying put and waiting for the others to finish so he could slink out unnoticed. But the longer he...

2 years ago
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Cabin Fever Parting ShotChapter 5

Once again, the weather had been idyllic all day long, so the group collectively decided to camp out on the lakeshore. Things got off to a rocky start right from the get-go, when Bert showed up at the beach still carrying his rifle, as he’d spent the afternoon hunting squirrels again. Nobody else wanted it around, especially if they were all going to get as wasted as they had been last night. Adding a loaded gun to that kind of anarchy seemed like crossing the line from stupid to downright...

3 years ago
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Cabin Fever Parting ShotChapter 8

The elevator was so crowded. Filled to the brim with nondescript people in nondescript clothes. Though there was barely enough space to stand comfortably, Paul couldn’t move at all. The orange-yellow floor counter dead center above the doors kept ticking over, routinely stopping with a clinical, electronic “ding”. At every floor, the doors would open and some of his friends at the front of the crowd would march out into the warm, inviting hallways beyond. Paul tried to follow them, but he...

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Sakura peeked around her Daddy's bedroom door. She was worried about him. So much had been happening in the world, events no one could have predicted. She woke up in the middle of the night, and coming back from the bathroom she heard Daddy moan.She didn't want to wake everyone else asleep in the house; she was only wearing her little babydoll nightie that hung loosely over her and that only came down to just below her bottom, and she wasn't wearing panties.The nightie was so lightweight and...

2 years ago
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Two friends are caught in a web of sex, love, and supernatural lust.A starting point guard on a college basketball team discovers there’s an even better hoop to shoot.Brandon and Jody were best buddies from the moment Jody arrived at the college dorm, although aside from their love of basketball, both boys had very little in common. Jody grew up in the upper-middle-class neighborhood, his father a successful second generation, German venture capitalist, while his mother an equally successful...

1 year ago
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Buck FeverChapter 9

When they arrived next door, they found out why Lucy had been so insistent that they come over. Mallory and Randy had refused to tell her anything about the trip, saying that it would take all four of them to tell the whole story. They were very excited. All Lucy knew at that point was that they'd gotten two deer. Part of the venison was in her freezer already. It was already after supper, so they gathered in the family room, and spread out to find a seat. Bob and Lucy sat in recliners. Sam...

1 year ago
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Pussy Fever

Pussy FeverJoyce sat at the table in the bar waiting for her friends. She was upset and looked forward to having some drinks with her work friends to try and get her mind off of her worries. Last week things had been so different. Exactly a week ago, Frank, one of the hottest salesmen for the company had finally successfully talked his way into Joyce’s bed. He was amazing! His body was that of a greek God and he knew exactly how to please a woman. When they finally went back to her place he...

2 years ago
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Fever 01

Three weeks ago, the first case for Colis-Hersch Fever was reported. A week ago, the entire eastern coast was in a state of panic and disarray. Two days ago, the world had ended. Hannah laughed out loud when she thought about it. When she pictured a zombie apocalypse, she saw a metropolis overrun with animated corpses, stumbling and groaning for human flesh. Not in Canada. In Canada, the zombies froze to death before they even took their first bite. In small town Barrhead, there were a total...

3 years ago
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Island Fever 5 Family Chapter 01

Introduction: A quick check in on Jeremy and his growing list of wives [[[-IF5-P1.TXT-]]] —————- Island Fever 5: Family Written by: JeremyDCP M/F, F/F and a whole lot more —————- PLEASE NOTE: The following story is a sequel to Island Fever, Island Fever 2: Eternity, Island Fever 3: Matrimony and Island Fever 4: Paradise. In order to fully understand this story and the unique situation that its cast of characters find themselves in, it is paramount that you are very familiar with the...

2 years ago
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Cabin Fever

We take a drive in the country to a place we have never gone before for the weekend. We drive deep into a wooded forest and pull up to a stone cottage.  You begin putting away the groceries and I begin lighting a fire in the den to take the chill out of the air. I take in the bags placing them in a hidden bedroom, pulling the door closed tightly behind me. You wonder perhaps what I am doing, but you know it has something to with my plans for the evening so you don’t pry.  Inside the room, I...

2 years ago
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Cabin Fever

We take a drive in the country to a place we have never gone before for the weekend. We drive deep into a wooded forest and pull up to a stone cottage. You begin putting away the groceries and I begin lighting a fire in the den to take the chill out of the air. I take in the bags placing them in a hidden bedroom, pulling the door closed tightly behind me. You wonder perhaps what I am doing, but you know it has something to with my plans for the evening so you don’t pry. Inside the room, I take...

4 years ago
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Cabin Fever Parting ShotChapter 2

So naughty, so shameful, but so much fun! Marcy let the music move her as she danced, free and comfortable as could be. She let the inertia of her unbound breasts guide the undulations of her body, so that all would move as one. The heat of the flame amorously caressed her bare skin on one side, while the cool night air caressed it on the other. But by far the most exciting force upon her skin was the attention she felt upon it. She relished the familiar giddy thrill of captivating men with...

4 years ago
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Cabin Fever Parting ShotChapter 7

It must’ve been a dream. That was the only explanation. Shit as unbelievable as this only ever happened in dreams. Little more than 24 hours ago, Paul had been on track to finally score with the girl he’d been in love with since month one of junior high. Despite all the game-planning and self-consciousness, it was essentially a simple state of affairs. But in the intervening day, everything had changed. The truly weird part about all of this was that right now, things were even simpler....

4 years ago
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The Bimbo Fever

Just Yesterday every thing was normal in town. Last night at about midnight a lab working on a fertility drug for women had an unexpected explosion. This released the now altered fertility drug into the air. The drug was based on a virus that could replicate in order to make the drug quicker to manufacture. The explosion change the drug and virus so that any woman who inhales it will loss her intelligence and become a sex starved bimbo. This takes between 5 to 7 hours after first exposure to...

3 years ago
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I Fucked My Hot Milf Maid Till She Sweat The Fever Out From Me

In last summer holidays I returned from hostel to home. Summer season was on peak I was enjoying the season and it was good to be home everything was just the same dad was in UAE for business but mom was not alone when I stepped in home I laid my yes on smoking beautiful, hot and sexy milf. Wow she was awesome. Later I found that she is our maid. I met with mom she was happy and I was happy too. And I was also having full hard erection from the moment I laid my eyes on her. Damn I was already...

2 years ago
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Fever Of Passion

It all started when I got transferred to Pune. I was alone and my family in Lucknow. It was getting lonely in this new city where my friend circle included only office colleagues. I am sorry if the story gets too long as this is real incident and I want to narrate it the way it happened. Driven by loneliness I decided to keep a dog. So I got a lovely Golden Retriever pup. But in two days I realized that when I go to office the pup that I named Duke, feels very lonely. So I thought I’ll get a...

2 years ago
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Cabin in the Woods 6 days before Xmas

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I work at a nice resort in Lake Tahoe. It was just beginning to snow as I was driving to work. I was on call for the weekend. I'm the snow rescue guy. If you get trapped outside in the snow. Ski off a cliff and need to be rescued. Have to much to drink and hit a tree. They call me to rescue you. I've been skiing most of my life. I normally just pack a few items in a pack back to take while skiing. The forecast was for about 4-6 inches. I'm pretty sure for the...

2 years ago
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Cabin In The Adirondack Mountains

Cabin In The Adirondack Mountains Every year our parents took us up to Karen Lake where we own a cabin. Well we sort of own it because grandpa is too old to use it anymore and he told Dad that he would get it in his will when he dies. So every summer when school let out until it started up in the fall my sisters and I were trapped in the Adirondack Mountains. Dad went to work during the week but Mom was with us all week long. I would be turning fifteen that summer, while my sister...

3 years ago
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Cabin BreakIn

Most women were too petite for him, as he preferred taller women. Petite women were often attracted to him because they were impressed by his height and thought he was a tough guy, which was not the case at all. Because of his intellect, he was not attracted to ditzy women, but some women who shared his intellectual interests were a little boring for him to talk to, as the pillow talk between a man and a woman about astrophysics and quantum theory is not that exciting. He wanted to have a...

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Cabin boy

I was told a lot that I was a cute guy, but it did not help me with girls. I was not big strong teenager, I had never been very successful in the sports at school. I had discovered road bicycling, but it did not make you look very athletic. Instead it was good to be slim and light, like I was.I had just finished High School and was going to college next. In the past I had worked at different stores during the summer months to get money for the rest of the year. But with a bad economy in the...

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Cabin Story 3Chapter 2 Travels with my Aunt

When she woke up, Aunt Marti seemed not to remember anything about the previous evening. She shook me awake, handed me the clothes I had worn the day before, and told me to get dressed so we could get on the road. My conscience had recovered nicely, thank you. I still felt embarrassed by what I had done the night before but the guilt was draining away as my cock got stiffer. Marti was once again wearing a cropped tank top and cut-offs. The weather was hot and sticky so both of us were...

1 year ago
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Cabin Story 1

Introduction This is the first of three stories that I wrote just to try my hand at something. Each story is called The Cabin and each starts with the same scene: Two people Marti and Max are driving in an SUV on a rough road to a cabin where they will spend a few weeks vacationing. In each story the characters are related in different ways. The scene of the two people in SUV was the scene that first got me interested in writing the story. I did not know the relationship between the...

2 years ago
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Cabin A

I have been driving for hours, and I can’t wait to get out of the car and unpack my bags. I am so glad Jack agreed to let me go away by myself for the weekend. Well, to be fair I didn’t really leave him much choice. I told him either he let me go away for the weekend or I would go away permanently. It’s not that I don’t love my husband and kids, it’s just that sometimes I wonder if there’s more. More for me than being a forgotten wife and taxi driver to my children. The lady at the rental...

1 year ago
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Cabin by the Lake

Note : This story is completely fictional!!!  Natalie entered the living room only to find her two children just lounging around. She immediately realized that they were extremely bored. Kimberley, her 18 year old daughter, was reading a book. However, Natalie realized that she had read it before and that she had been on the same page for five minutes. Mark, her 18 year old, was laying in the recliner staring into space. And this was only the second week of summer vacation. If this continued...

3 years ago
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Cabin Boy

"Quick m'lady. Your hair!" Catherine gasped. "What are you doing?" Mary-Ann seized a fistful of the fair locks. There was a long knife in her hand. "Ow-oww! No! Stop it!" "It has to be done. Beggin' yer pardon m'lady. It grieves me, but 'tis your only chance." The knife was sawing, hacking at her hair. A handful of it had gone already, tossed over the side of the boat where the waves slapped and sloshed. Another handful, tugging and tearing at her scalp. Mary-Ann's eyes were full...

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