Cabin Fever: Parting ShotChapter 8 free porn video

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The elevator was so crowded. Filled to the brim with nondescript people in nondescript clothes. Though there was barely enough space to stand comfortably, Paul couldn’t move at all. The orange-yellow floor counter dead center above the doors kept ticking over, routinely stopping with a clinical, electronic “ding”. At every floor, the doors would open and some of his friends at the front of the crowd would march out into the warm, inviting hallways beyond. Paul tried to follow them, but he couldn’t push his way through the crowd. No matter how many people left the elevator, the faceless crowd standing between himself and the exit never seemed to get any thinner.

It felt so strange, being so packed in with all these strangers; so, abnormal.

It was the strangeness that woke him up; that bizarre sense that the bed was a lot more crowded than he was used to.

He opened his eyes and was greeted with a sight he didn’t immediately understand: a thick mass of long, dark hair. Immediately, he was fully awake.

His heart began to race as it all came flooding back to him: the shooting contest, the ‘prize’ he’d won and the late night visit he’d received afterwards.

The memories felt too crazy to be true, but the warm body next to him left no doubt: he had fucked Marcy.

His mind was a complete blank. He didn’t know what to think, what to feel or what to do. What happens next after you impulsively have mind blowing sex with a friend, who happens to be in a relationship with another friend? He was so confused, he couldn’t even feel anxious about the dilemma.

He caught sight of a long track of creamy, bare skin starting from Marcy’s shoulder and a different sequence of memories flashed through his mind. This time, they were all about her magnificent body. His dick began to grow very rapidly.

“Oh! No, no, no, no! Shit!” he privately cursed, as he clenched his eyes shut to prevent the sight of her getting him any more excited. Things were complicated enough as they were. A boner in that bed right now would just stir more chaos into the mix.

He tried to ‘will it’ away. When the same thing had happened the previous night, he had been convinced that the only way to make it go away was to give it release. But this time he felt he needed to be subtler. Jerking off by Marcy’s side seemed appropriate enough when they’d just fucked mere minutes earlier. But now, in the light of a new day, the idea felt rude.

Scrambling for some trick to make the wood go soft again, he quickly decided to reminisce about the last time he got a filling from his balding, spectacled dentist. It took some time, but eventually the strategy began to work, and after a frustratingly long wait, his manhood was as limp as a wet rag.

With that minor crisis over, Paul tried to come to some understanding about the situation. He wasn’t particularly fixated on figuring out why things had happened the way they had last night, nor was he dwelling on what he was going to do next. He just wanted some measure of clarity about it all, so he didn’t feel so lost.

He deliberately avoided any thoughts which might arouse him once again, which proved to be hindrance. Every time he felt like he was getting somewhere, the animal deep within began salivating, and Paul had to mentally ‘change channels’ before his cock began to rise.

By the time he felt his bedmate stirring, he was no wiser than when he had woken up.

“Oh, shit. Here we go,” Paul thought to himself. He had no game plan. He would just have to wing it.

He laid back and patiently waited out the sequence of random motions she made as she woke. The suspense was unbearable.

Marcy lifted the nearest side of her body for a second and Paul got a fleeting glance of the ample swell of her breast pressed against the mattress. Jesus, what a whopper! That little peek was probably going to give him another boner, but he was too impressed to mind.

Then finally, a single drowsy, hazel eye emerged from that rolling ball of thick brown hair. It widened as soon as it noticed him.

She turned her head and looked him over with both eyes. Her mellow expression suggested that she wasn’t upset, just a little confused.

“Morning,” Paul greeted, in the most casual voice he could manage. He spoke without even thinking, like a reflex action to cut the tension.

An awkward grin curled over Marcy’s face. “Heeeeyyyy...” she responded with a subtle roll of her eyes. It was like she’d suddenly found herself the victim of a practical joke and decided that there was nothing else she could to but take it in good humor.

She laid her heavy head back down on Paul’s shoulder and her hand over his heart. They were only simple gestures, but they put Paul far more at ease. If Marcy was comfortable with this unorthodox sleeping arrangement, then he probably shouldn’t get in a twist about it, either.

“What time is it?” she gently groaned.

“Uh ... Hang on,” Paul replied. He reached over to the nightstand beside him and fetched the wristwatch he’d left there last night, shortly after they’d had sex.

“Uh ... It’s like ... eight ... something,” he reported, struggling to read the small analogue face with his sleepy eyes. “‘Bout ten after eight.”

“Mmm ... Good. It’s still kinda early, then,” Marcy purred. She was beginning to sound much more ‘awake’ now. Though he couldn’t see her face, somehow Paul knew Marcy’s eyes were wide open.

“I suppose,” he hesitantly agreed. “Some people are probably up and about, though.”

“Probably,” Marcy agreed with a sigh. She tried to hide it, but Paul could hear the apprehension in her voice. “It doesn’t really matter. It wouldn’t have taken them long to figure out what happened, anyway. And Bert kind of saw me coming in here, so ... no point worrying about it, y’know?”

“Yeah,” Paul agreed with a heavy sigh, “I guess you’re right.”

They laid there together in still silence for some time, neither one of them looking forward to the unavoidable chore of leaving that cozy bed, getting dressed and facing the world outside. They listened patiently to the sounds of dawn: the countless lively birdcalls mixed with the subtle creaks and groans of the rustic old cabin and the occasional ‘snap’ of its tin roof expanding under the fresh, warm sunlight. The distinct sounds of footfalls on the cabin’s timber floors confirmed their fears, and though neither of them said so, it soured the moment for them both.

“By the way...” Marcy eventually broke the silence. She raised her head to look Paul in the eye. “ ... I never got around to thanking you.”

“What for?” Paul asked, puzzled.

“Well ... everything!” She answered with a shrug. “You know ... for standing up for me on the beach, and for helping me teach those jerks a lesson, and for letting me crash here with you.”

“Hey, no problem,” Paul assured her warmly, “As a roommate, you’re actually a lot of fun...”

Marcy smirked.

“ ... You don’t cover the walls in death metal posters, you don’t erase my messages and you cook a mean chili,” he continued.

Marcy was chuckling heartily by the time he finished.

“Yeah, and you don’t borrow my clothes,” Marcy replied, after laying back down on his shoulder.

“As far as you know,” Paul facetiously clarified. They both shared a good, discreet laugh.

The joke seemed to be over all too quickly.

“There’s going to be hell to pay when we go out there,” Paul said as he stared at the bedroom door.

“Yeah,” Marcy mournfully agreed.

They each subconsciously embraced the other; Marcy’s fingers curled gently around Paul’s chest hair, as if trying to cling to him like a strip of Velcro, while Paul slipped his arm around the small of her back and gently grabbed hold of his other hand.

They both had a pretty good idea what would happen when they went out to join the others. It was going to be the worst kind of confrontation: the kind where nobody says anything and does nothing. Breakfast would be a frosty atmosphere of cold silence and biting subtext, until finally someone wouldn’t be able to take it anymore and it would all come out into the open, with all the bitterness, bile, and the fury of hell itself.

Unfortunately, there was no telling when that confrontation would occur. Maybe it was going to happen over breakfast, or maybe it would happen later in the day. Quite likely, it would strike them without any warning whatsoever. The only thing that was certain was that it was definitely coming.

It was like that old movie line about how the worst part of war is the calm before the battle. That was what Paul and Marcy would be walking in to when they left the bedroom.

What Paul dreaded the most was Karen’s reaction, mostly because he couldn’t predict what it might be. She would either be disappointed and think less of him for fucking Marcy simply because the opportunity presented itself, or she wouldn’t particularly care. He couldn’t decide which would be worse.

“You got any ideas what you’re gonna say to Jeff?” he asked Marcy.

Marcy grunted in disdain at the mention of her now-ex boyfriend, “Jeff and I are through.”

Paul glanced down at her in surprise. He knew that Marcy had been pissed off by Jeff’s drunken stupidity, but he didn’t realize she’d felt that strongly about it.

From Paul’s point of view, Jeff and Marcy’s relationship had always seemed quite volatile, with brief, bitter spot-fire fights punctuating their constant making out and retreats to private quarters. Despite the anger that would frequently flare up between them, they always made up shortly afterwards. Paul had never understood why they kept making up when there was clearly some serious hostility beneath the surface of their relationship, but he didn’t judge.

Paul had just assumed that this one night stand with Marcy was just another instance of her lashing out at her boyfriend; a severe psychological spanking for acting like such a douche earlier. But apparently, it had been less a case of Marcy trying to hurt Jeff and more a case of her consummating her decision to leave him finally.

“I figure I can do better than a boyfriend who treats me like a gambling chip to make bets with,” Marcy explained, her voice wavering with hints of pain and doubt.

“You can,” Paul asserted with all the confidence she lacked.

He planted a tender kiss upon her forehead. Ordinarily, such an intimate gesture would’ve felt creepy between the casual friends. But curled up in bed, their naked bodies pressed against one another, it seemed most appropriate. Despite her tough facade, Paul could tell Marcy needed the moral support right now and in the raw, naked aftermath of their night of passion together, there were no taboos.

“You can,” he repeated, even stronger than before. His embrace around her tightened; his left hand curled all the way around her until it was grasping her left shoulder, while his right hooked around her right hip and pulled her body closer. His pinkie skimmed the bulging flesh of her ass, but there was nothing lecherous about his touch.

“Thanks,” she replied with a deep, sorrowful sigh.

“What about you and Karen?” she inquired, artfully changing the subject. When no answer came, she lifted her head off Paul’s shoulder and gazed up at him attentively.

“I don’t know,” Paul replied with exasperation. “I ... I still have feelings for her. But right now, I don’t think I’m interested. Like, I look at her and I can’t help but see ... them.”

Marcy nodded in understanding, “Total mood killer.”

“Yeah,” Paul sighed. “I dunno, maybe somewhere down the line...”

Marcy waited until it became clear that Paul had nothing more to say before she responded, “Well, yes, you’re still gonna be pretty sore about it. I mean it’s only been 24... 36 hours since it happened. Give it some time, maybe you’ll get past it.”

“Maybe,” Paul skeptically agreed.

Marcy smiled and affectionately stroked his hair. They were by no means unwelcome gestures, but at the same time, they didn’t instill him with the hope that Marcy was trying to offer. Quite the opposite, in fact. He couldn’t help but think that there was something seriously fucked up about discussing romantic feelings for his long-time crush, while canoodling naked with a woman he’d just had earth-rocking sex with the night before. It was all such a mess, Paul began to suspect that there was no realistic hope of salvaging a healthy relationship out of it.

“I dunno, maybe I should just forget about her,” he said softly. “I mean, I don’t even know if I had a chance with her anyway.”

There was a change in Marcy’s manner. It was subtle, but Paul noticed it. It was as if she had some opinion, or perhaps even inside knowledge on the subject, but felt compelled to keep it to herself for some reason. If that was the case, Paul was too tired to try to drag it out of her

“This whole week,” he continued, “I kept seeing all these little signs that I was getting somewhere with her, y’know? Maybe I was just seeing what I wanted to see.

“It’s hard to argue with reality, y’know? She ended up fucking Bert and then I ended up in bed with you. Maybe I’m supposed to take it as a sign that it’s just not meant to be.”

“You don’t really believe that, though,” Marcy told him after a thoughtful pause.

“You think it sounds like a bunch of bullshit?” Paul asked, sheepishly.

Marcy shrugged, “I didn’t say that. I’m just saying that it doesn’t sound like you believe it.”

“I don’t want to believe it,” Paul replied. “But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true, right?

“I guess I’m just confused. I need some time to figure it all out. I had all these ideas about what was going to happen over the past couple days and then they went nothing like how I expected,” he told her.

“Yeah, tell me about it,” Marcy chuckled dryly. Paul echoed her cynical mirth, appreciating the irony of how his and Marcy’s separate problems allowed each of them to relate to the other so well.

“You mind if I give you some advice?” Marcy asked after a long pause. There was a cool sense of caution in her tone; the word ‘advice’ was meant to be interpreted as ‘criticism’ and if he said ‘yes’, she wasn’t going to sugarcoat what came next.

“Yeah, I guess,” Paul shrugged. Ordinarily, he would’ve been more guarded when responding to a question like that. But right now, he was too rested and numb to be damaged by blunt words.

“You kind of have a tendency to over-think things...” Marcy told him, in a voice much gentler than Paul had expected.

The remark caught him by surprise. He didn’t quite know how to respond, so he didn’t.

“Like, right now: every time I move around a little, you take a quick peek down to see if you can see any more of my boobs...”

Paul could feel the blood rushing to his face. One second he had been listening to casual pillow talk, the next he was getting ambushed about his voyeuristic impulses. And he thought he’d been so discreet...

“I’m guessing you haven’t seen much, though, right?” she pressed him, with a dry smirk.

“Uh ... Well, uh ... I...” Paul awkwardly stalled.

“If you want to play with them, just go for it!” Marcy instructed, her voice as gentle and relaxed as could be

“Are you serious?” Paul silently asked her with his wide-open eyes.

“I can always say ‘no,’” Marcy added, only compounding Paul’s confusion. If she’d had a meaningful point that she was trying to get across, it had been totally lost on Paul by now. He wasn’t thinking about self-improvement anymore, he was only thinking about tits.

When he didn’t immediately react, Marcy leaned in and stared him down with a feisty smirk.

“I’m not going to say ‘no,’” she assured him in a sultry whisper.

A tentative grin grew on Paul’s face as he gradually concluded that she was indeed offering her fabulous tits up to him once again.

He drew his right hand down under her armpit and spread his grasp around the hot, sumptuous bulge he felt beneath. He pressed his fingers in and gently squeezed. He’d forgotten just how large they were; how yielding her flesh was. The erotic memories he had of the previous night couldn’t compare to holding the genuine article in his hand.

She was so goddamned sexy. Not simply because she was stacked, but also because of how she operated. It amazed Paul how smoothly she could bring breast play in to a serious conversation, as if it were no big deal. There was an artful grace to this side of her, one that Paul had noticed in her long ago. She wielded sex like it was an extension of herself. She was so bold, so shameless, so masterful in the way that she played the turbulent currents of sexual chemistry between herself and the men who fawned over her. It shocked him occasionally, but deep down it never failed to impress him.

“Happy now?” Marcy softly asked with a grin of approval.

“Mm-hmm” Paul agreed, trying to conceal his excitement and play it as cool as her.

“Good,” said Marcy.

Right on cue, Paul’s cock began to grow and rise at an urgent pace. It made him nervous. Just because Marcy was letting him feel her up didn’t mean she’d be cool with him sporting a boner while they were in bed together. Second base was a fair way from home, after all. He was enjoying himself; he didn’t want things to get weird.

“Oh! Hello!” Marcy chirped in surprise as Paul’s rising erection brushed across her thigh.

“See, your little friend down there knows what I’m talking about,” she told Paul. Her face was radiant with amusement, which came as a great relief to him. “When he wants something, he just stands up and goes for it. A real man of action.

“You should follow his lead more often,” she advised.

“Uh ... Okay,” Paul awkwardly responded, still not quite understanding what Marcy was trying to say. Of course, it didn’t help that his attention was focused elsewhere.

“Here, let me give you a better angle,” Marcy said as she rolled on to her side. That was much better! Not only could Paul hold her boob properly now instead of merely clasping it from the side between his thumb and fingers, but more importantly, he could see both of them! Damn, they were spectacular! So big and proud; pure femininity in its most overt form. Particularly, he found himself captivated by her candy-pink nipples, which were so beautifully petite compared to the grand size of the breasts themselves.

Her left nipple danced for Paul like a sensual harem girl, as he began to gently squeeze the breast and distort its shape. However, it soon disappeared in to the palm of his hand as his grasp grew increasingly ambitious.

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Cabin Fever

This story is pure fantasy, but the people in the story are real. I wrote this for my own enjoyment a few years ago. I hope you enjoy.My wife and I have been married for 20+ years. We are very happily married. My wife, is 5'7" 150 pounds, with long light brown hair, blue eyes, 36c tits and a neatly trimmed pussy. We've been friends with "Bill" for many years. He owns a cabin out in the sticks, no electricity except with a generator. All water is carried in, at least until the well is drilled....

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EVIE, A VERY CLOSE FRIEND of mine for years, invited me over to spend Christmas and New Years up on the mountains at their family’s cabin. Her folks will be flying south for the winter and her siblings, all newlyweds at some point, were off spending the holiday with their spouses leaving my good friend alone for the holidays. ‘C’mon Chels, it will be fun,’ she chided over the phone. ‘We got the whole cabin to ourselves, up on the mountains and as far away from civilization as possible!’ She...

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Cabin Fever Parting ShotChapter 2

So naughty, so shameful, but so much fun! Marcy let the music move her as she danced, free and comfortable as could be. She let the inertia of her unbound breasts guide the undulations of her body, so that all would move as one. The heat of the flame amorously caressed her bare skin on one side, while the cool night air caressed it on the other. But by far the most exciting force upon her skin was the attention she felt upon it. She relished the familiar giddy thrill of captivating men with...

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Cabin Fever Chapter 2

"Mmmm... Good Morning, Master," my pet cooed. She folded her arms together and rolled over to face me. I put my arm around her and drew her up to me. "Good morning pet, did you sleep well?" "Oh yes, Master... after what you did for me last night, I slept like a baby!" she said, kissing my chest. I grabbed her by her hair and tipped her head backwards placing my mouth over hers and kissing her like she should be kissed. Powerfully. Deeply. Passionately. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself last...

1 year ago
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Cabin Fever

Hi. I’m Michael. I live in Silver Springs, Idaho with my wife Janet. We have two grown children, Marcus and Becky. I have never imagined I would be telling anyone this story. My wife doesn’t even know about this but I have a need to get it off my chest. You see, Becky and I have a sexual relationship. She’s now married and has a family of her own, but that hasn’t stopped us from fooling around. Having sex with my daughter was nothing that I ever fantasized, at least that I could remember. Shit,...

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Cabin Fevers

Okay, so I was lost in the woods. I shouldn't have been talked into going on that hiking trip with the rest of the frat brothers. I mean, its not like they wanted me to be with them anyways. I'm 125 pounds, I'm brown skinned, I am lanky, I am not your typical frat boy. Seriously, I have know idea why I had to go for this trip. I'm lost, they ditched me, and I'm going to freeze to death! All these thoughts raced through my head as I worried about what was to become of me. I sat by the rocks...

3 years ago
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Cabin Fever Need A Little Company Chapter 05

There were no spare bathrobes in the bathroom. Either there was only one available because Marcy had booked the room for one, or more likely, there was another in the wardrobe outside and she simply hadn’t bothered to bring it in to the bathroom. Paul wrapped a towel around his waist. He wasn’t sure why exactly; he was sure that he’d be completely bare again before too long. But something about stepping out into the motel room nude felt a bit too presumptuous. Hesitating a moment with...

3 years ago
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Cabin Fever Need A Little Company Chapter 05

Introduction: For years, Paul was secretly in love with his childhood friend Karen. Now Karen is dead. Following the funeral, Paul accepts an invitation from Karens close friend, Marcy, for a night of uninhibited, no-strings-attached comfort sex in Marcys motel room. Complicating matters is their mutual guilt over a previous brief affair the pair had shortly after Karen first fell ill, and the fact that (unbeknownst to Paul) Marcy is now 4 weeks pregnant as a result of that affair. Chapter 5 –...

4 years ago
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Cabin Fever

It was December 23, and I was sitting in my family's mountain cabin with my four older brothers. I had been hoping to be spending the holidays at home with my friends, going to my best friend Alison's Christmas party and hopefully manage to get Kyle Miller to fuck me senseless. But no, my dearest daddy had other plans for me. Ever since he had found me on our living room couch two years ago with Lance Gordon's hand in my panties and his lips around my nipple he had made it a point to keep me...

4 years ago
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Cabin Fever

Amber grinned as she waited for the right moment; the little sleaze was so focused on watching Katherine's ass that he didn't even notice her hiding just to the left of the door hidden behind it when it opened. This scrawny little weasel really had the balls to show up and he had a full hockey bag in his right hand, no doubt full of toys to make good on his promise. Katherine had wanted to ignore his message at first block him but Amber convinced her this way was more fitting, more fun...

2 years ago
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Cabin Fever

"Let me see what life is like on Jupiter and Mars." FRANK SINATRA - Fly Me To The Moon The air hostess was kneeling beside Jack, talking quietly to him, but the words didn't register. All he knew was that the aeroplane was shaking. Yes, of course it was nothing but minor turbulence. He wasn't stupid. He understood that. The problem lay in the fact that all of his understanding was irrelevant. Illogically but inescapably, he was scared to death. It was the first time that he had flown in...

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Cabin Fever2

  I was fourteen when I realized we weren't supposed to sleep together anymore.   Mom never really saw a big deal with letting us sleep in the same bed, even when we got older. She knew we were innocent kids, and didn't think of each other like that. So, naturally when we wen't up to the cabin for the summer there wasn't a question about Connor, my brother, and I sharing a room. We'd always done it, and neither of us liked sleeping on the rickety old couch Mom kept in the den....

3 years ago
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Cabin Fever

Zachary Kindholder looked up, hearing loud, dull thumping. For a moment, he didn’t remember where he was – his mind was still on the half-filled page before him, in Halstead Manor – but when the thumping sounded again, he turned in his chair and looked at the door. “What in the hell…?” he muttered, standing from his typewriter. He crossed the room, angry that someone had managed to find him. He had gone through such pains to make sure he would not be bothered. He peered out of the small...

5 years ago
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Cabin Fever II

Lisa Clark paced back and forth in front of the living room window. Her husband, Brad, left over a half hour ago to head north. She had told him she couldn't go to the family cabin this trip because of work. At the end of the street, Kevin Lang, Lisa's younger brother, sat in his pick up truck. He waited and watched, making sure his brother in law didn't return to the house. Kevin's wife should have been on her way north with her brother Brad, but Kevin wasn't taking any chances. Kevin...

3 years ago
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Cabin Fever

He awoke slowly, fighting his grogginess like wrestling through thick, wet mud. His condition was worse because he couldn't figure out why it was so hard. Taking a moment in his struggle to consciousness, he thought back on what he could remember... They had arrived late in the morning after a pleasant drive from the city. He and his wife had laughed and talked and thoroughly enjoyed their drive up from the city to their cabin in the mountains. It had been their family's favorite getaway...

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Sakura peeked around her Daddy's bedroom door. She was worried about him. So much had been happening in the world, events no one could have predicted. She woke up in the middle of the night, and coming back from the bathroom she heard Daddy moan.She didn't want to wake everyone else asleep in the house; she was only wearing her little babydoll nightie that hung loosely over her and that only came down to just below her bottom, and she wasn't wearing panties.The nightie was so lightweight and...

2 years ago
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Two friends are caught in a web of sex, love, and supernatural lust.A starting point guard on a college basketball team discovers there’s an even better hoop to shoot.Brandon and Jody were best buddies from the moment Jody arrived at the college dorm, although aside from their love of basketball, both boys had very little in common. Jody grew up in the upper-middle-class neighborhood, his father a successful second generation, German venture capitalist, while his mother an equally successful...

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Buck FeverChapter 9

When they arrived next door, they found out why Lucy had been so insistent that they come over. Mallory and Randy had refused to tell her anything about the trip, saying that it would take all four of them to tell the whole story. They were very excited. All Lucy knew at that point was that they'd gotten two deer. Part of the venison was in her freezer already. It was already after supper, so they gathered in the family room, and spread out to find a seat. Bob and Lucy sat in recliners. Sam...

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Pussy Fever

Pussy FeverJoyce sat at the table in the bar waiting for her friends. She was upset and looked forward to having some drinks with her work friends to try and get her mind off of her worries. Last week things had been so different. Exactly a week ago, Frank, one of the hottest salesmen for the company had finally successfully talked his way into Joyce’s bed. He was amazing! His body was that of a greek God and he knew exactly how to please a woman. When they finally went back to her place he...

3 years ago
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Fever 01

Three weeks ago, the first case for Colis-Hersch Fever was reported. A week ago, the entire eastern coast was in a state of panic and disarray. Two days ago, the world had ended. Hannah laughed out loud when she thought about it. When she pictured a zombie apocalypse, she saw a metropolis overrun with animated corpses, stumbling and groaning for human flesh. Not in Canada. In Canada, the zombies froze to death before they even took their first bite. In small town Barrhead, there were a total...

4 years ago
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Island Fever 5 Family Chapter 01

Introduction: A quick check in on Jeremy and his growing list of wives [[[-IF5-P1.TXT-]]] —————- Island Fever 5: Family Written by: JeremyDCP M/F, F/F and a whole lot more —————- PLEASE NOTE: The following story is a sequel to Island Fever, Island Fever 2: Eternity, Island Fever 3: Matrimony and Island Fever 4: Paradise. In order to fully understand this story and the unique situation that its cast of characters find themselves in, it is paramount that you are very familiar with the...

2 years ago
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Cabin Fever

We take a drive in the country to a place we have never gone before for the weekend. We drive deep into a wooded forest and pull up to a stone cottage.  You begin putting away the groceries and I begin lighting a fire in the den to take the chill out of the air. I take in the bags placing them in a hidden bedroom, pulling the door closed tightly behind me. You wonder perhaps what I am doing, but you know it has something to with my plans for the evening so you don’t pry.  Inside the room, I...

3 years ago
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Cabin Fever

We take a drive in the country to a place we have never gone before for the weekend. We drive deep into a wooded forest and pull up to a stone cottage. You begin putting away the groceries and I begin lighting a fire in the den to take the chill out of the air. I take in the bags placing them in a hidden bedroom, pulling the door closed tightly behind me. You wonder perhaps what I am doing, but you know it has something to with my plans for the evening so you don’t pry. Inside the room, I take...

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The Bimbo Fever

Just Yesterday every thing was normal in town. Last night at about midnight a lab working on a fertility drug for women had an unexpected explosion. This released the now altered fertility drug into the air. The drug was based on a virus that could replicate in order to make the drug quicker to manufacture. The explosion change the drug and virus so that any woman who inhales it will loss her intelligence and become a sex starved bimbo. This takes between 5 to 7 hours after first exposure to...

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I Fucked My Hot Milf Maid Till She Sweat The Fever Out From Me

In last summer holidays I returned from hostel to home. Summer season was on peak I was enjoying the season and it was good to be home everything was just the same dad was in UAE for business but mom was not alone when I stepped in home I laid my yes on smoking beautiful, hot and sexy milf. Wow she was awesome. Later I found that she is our maid. I met with mom she was happy and I was happy too. And I was also having full hard erection from the moment I laid my eyes on her. Damn I was already...

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Fever Of Passion

It all started when I got transferred to Pune. I was alone and my family in Lucknow. It was getting lonely in this new city where my friend circle included only office colleagues. I am sorry if the story gets too long as this is real incident and I want to narrate it the way it happened. Driven by loneliness I decided to keep a dog. So I got a lovely Golden Retriever pup. But in two days I realized that when I go to office the pup that I named Duke, feels very lonely. So I thought I’ll get a...

2 years ago
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Cabin in the Woods 6 days before Xmas

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I work at a nice resort in Lake Tahoe. It was just beginning to snow as I was driving to work. I was on call for the weekend. I'm the snow rescue guy. If you get trapped outside in the snow. Ski off a cliff and need to be rescued. Have to much to drink and hit a tree. They call me to rescue you. I've been skiing most of my life. I normally just pack a few items in a pack back to take while skiing. The forecast was for about 4-6 inches. I'm pretty sure for the...

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Cabin In The Adirondack Mountains

Cabin In The Adirondack Mountains Every year our parents took us up to Karen Lake where we own a cabin. Well we sort of own it because grandpa is too old to use it anymore and he told Dad that he would get it in his will when he dies. So every summer when school let out until it started up in the fall my sisters and I were trapped in the Adirondack Mountains. Dad went to work during the week but Mom was with us all week long. I would be turning fifteen that summer, while my sister...

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Cabin BreakIn

Most women were too petite for him, as he preferred taller women. Petite women were often attracted to him because they were impressed by his height and thought he was a tough guy, which was not the case at all. Because of his intellect, he was not attracted to ditzy women, but some women who shared his intellectual interests were a little boring for him to talk to, as the pillow talk between a man and a woman about astrophysics and quantum theory is not that exciting. He wanted to have a...

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Cabin of Temptation Part 1 Chapter 1 Driving with Alexis

“There’s good wifi and okay reception at the cabin,” she’d told me, “but you can’t get there unless you know the way.” So here I was, driving alone in the middle of god knows where with a girl who was my student just a couple of weeks ago. Her and her four best friends had been together from first grade all the way through high school and now they had graduated with very different futures ahead of them. They had decided to kick off “the best summer ever” with a week long stay at Alexis’s...

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Cabin boy

I was told a lot that I was a cute guy, but it did not help me with girls. I was not big strong teenager, I had never been very successful in the sports at school. I had discovered road bicycling, but it did not make you look very athletic. Instead it was good to be slim and light, like I was.I had just finished High School and was going to college next. In the past I had worked at different stores during the summer months to get money for the rest of the year. But with a bad economy in the...

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Cabin Story 3Chapter 2 Travels with my Aunt

When she woke up, Aunt Marti seemed not to remember anything about the previous evening. She shook me awake, handed me the clothes I had worn the day before, and told me to get dressed so we could get on the road. My conscience had recovered nicely, thank you. I still felt embarrassed by what I had done the night before but the guilt was draining away as my cock got stiffer. Marti was once again wearing a cropped tank top and cut-offs. The weather was hot and sticky so both of us were...

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Cabin Story 1

Introduction This is the first of three stories that I wrote just to try my hand at something. Each story is called The Cabin and each starts with the same scene: Two people Marti and Max are driving in an SUV on a rough road to a cabin where they will spend a few weeks vacationing. In each story the characters are related in different ways. The scene of the two people in SUV was the scene that first got me interested in writing the story. I did not know the relationship between the...

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Cabin A

I have been driving for hours, and I can’t wait to get out of the car and unpack my bags. I am so glad Jack agreed to let me go away by myself for the weekend. Well, to be fair I didn’t really leave him much choice. I told him either he let me go away for the weekend or I would go away permanently. It’s not that I don’t love my husband and kids, it’s just that sometimes I wonder if there’s more. More for me than being a forgotten wife and taxi driver to my children. The lady at the rental...

1 year ago
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Cabin by the Lake

Note : This story is completely fictional!!!  Natalie entered the living room only to find her two children just lounging around. She immediately realized that they were extremely bored. Kimberley, her 18 year old daughter, was reading a book. However, Natalie realized that she had read it before and that she had been on the same page for five minutes. Mark, her 18 year old, was laying in the recliner staring into space. And this was only the second week of summer vacation. If this continued...


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