Andi's Story free porn video

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Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad experiences. This is a short piece of fiction based on my Tuck fanfic, 'I Am Not Alone'. Many thanks to Ellen Hayes for her help in re-editing this story, and making it better. All constructive comments are welcome. Please e-mail to me: [email protected] or [email protected] Finally, this is a piece of adult fiction. If you are underage, or if you find it offensive, please go elsewhere. Quickly. Andi's Story By Samantha Michelle Copyright 2000 I was born Andrea Marie Thompson. Mom worked for the State Department. Dad was a civil engineer. They had been married for just a year when Mom found she was pregnant with me. Surprise! But she had good maternal instincts. So she decided it was time to complete the family. Soon I had a little brother and then a little sister. I guess my childhood was really pretty normal, except that I spent a lot more time with my Dad than most girls. Dad loved to fix up old cars, and so I became his helper. Instead of eyeliner I often wore axle grease. And because I was so different from the other little girls, I was usually lonely. It went that way until I turned eleven. I watched as all my friends started their periods, and filled out their training bras. I just grew taller, and more muscular. I was so incredibly happy when my nipples suddenly got big and sensitive that I ran around in a thin undershirt until my Mom caught me. Then I got a training bra. But that's as far as it went. About six months later I had my first period. I didn't know whether to cry or celebrate. Just after I turned twelve, I really discovered sports. Not those watered-down girls games; serious track and gymnastics, football. And best of all, wrestling. But they wouldn't let girls play contact sports. And, a few months after my period, I 'figured out' what boys were for, and got really interested in them. Unfortunately, they treated me more like a brother than a potential girlfriend. But they also taught me how to dance. And I loved it. I had a really hot temper, which got me in a lot of trouble. And I was aggressive. If I liked a boy, I would tackle and kiss him. So I think I scared off any boys that might have liked me. My Dad suggested that I take up martial arts as a way to expend my apparently limitless energy, and learn some self- control. It was a great idea. The local dojo housed masters of several different disciplines under the same roof. And for the first time I was in an environment where girls were not treated like frail pieces of china. I began to think my favorite skin colors were yellow and purple, with accents of green, red, and almost-black. By the time I was thirteen, I was competing in tournaments and usually placing in the top six slots. Just after I turned fourteen I received my first Dan (black belt) in Jeet Kun Do. And started high school. And started to have to shave my upper lip regularly. I didn't have a lot of face fur, but it was enough to be embarrassing. At the high school level, our dojo sponsored some martial arts tournaments. I was torn between on the one hand, wanting guys to go out with me, even though I had more muscle than figure, and on the other, cutting off my extremely long hair to be more competitive. But I was winning often enough. And getting stronger by the day, so I kept my hair. Six months later I received my belt in Akijutsu. Just before my fifteenth birthday, my voice dropped to a low tenor, and I had to practice speaking in high tones out of embarrassment. I was ready to become a stockholder in Nair. And was on my way to the fall State martial arts tournament, in two disciplines. That was where my life fell apart. I was well ahead in the rounds when someone complained that with my body structure and low voice, I must have been taking steroids. So I had to take a physical and give them a blood and pee sample. When the results came back POSITIVE, they tossed me out of the tournament. I was sobbing as I dialed home. The tournament officials had summarily ejected me when the results of my physical came back saying I was taking male hormones. What was worse, they announced it over the PA to everyone, and I was the laughingstock of all who saw me. All I wanted was to go home and die. Mom answered the phone, and I poured out my story to her. She knew I would never do anything like that, and said Dad would drive out and pick me up. Two hours later I was sobbing on his shoulder as he threatened the tournament officials with everything from simple assault to a lawsuit. But they refused to budge, citing my appearance and voice as confirmation of the medical findings. I cried the whole way home. Mom called her doctor, and got a prescription for something they said would make me relax. I was too groggy to do anything for two days. Dad contacted his lawyer, and sent me to a couple of specialists. I got poked, prodded, questioned, and zapped. I still refused to return to school, not to the teasing and ridicule I knew would be there. I began to wonder if life was worth living, and started thinking of ways to run away and end it all. When we went back to the specialists, they said they had found I had a strange hormone imbalance. This was why my body was developing like I was a teenage boy, rather than a girl. When they said that because I would test positive for steroids, I would never be able to compete in sanctioned events, I felt my world crumble. The only good thing was that the tournament officials had violated my rights by releasing the results before independent testing, and I would be eligible for public apologies and probably quite a sizable financial settlement. That made me feel not at all better. My life had disintegrated into nothing, and all I felt, all the time, was just agonizing pain as I waded through the wreckage of what had been a life before that damned tournament, and the doctors. And I knew it wasn't going to get any better. When I got home, I palmed the relaxation pill Mom gave me, waited until Mom and Dad were asleep, and left. Forever. I had some money, and a change of clothes. I knew I had to find a place to stay where no one would expect to find me, until I was ready to kill myself. I didn't think it would take that long, but I couldn't do it right away. I figured at dawn... So I went to this caf? at the edge of town. It was supposed to be a gay and lesbian coffee house, which also rented rooms without asking questions. I had never considered sex with a girl, and had never had sex with a guy, so the orientation of the patrons didn't concern me. When I got there it was dance night. Unfortunately, all the rooms were taken. The dancing was fast and hard, though, and I needed the release. I checked my small travel bag, downed a Pepsi, and hit the floor. And, for the first time, I REALLY let loose. I felt hot and hurt and I didn't give a damn what anyone might think. I went wild. I rubbed boobs and crotches and got rubbed and sandwiched and did all sorts of randy things. With both guys and girls. And I realized that I liked it. I was about ready to grab a guy and ask him to screw my brains out so I would not die a virgin. Then I felt a tap on the shoulder. I turned around and there stood Greg, a senior at my school, and a member of the school wrestling and martial arts team. I tried to run away, but he grabbed me, saying, "Hey, don't disappear. I believe you're innocent." I pushed him away, and made like I didn't hear him or care about him being there. Which I didn't. I wasn't really interested in anyone messing with my last night on earth. I was hugging someone, I wasn't quite sure who, when I heard his voice again. "YOU need to go home," he said to both of us. My partner disappeared, and I turned on him. I was going to make him pay for interfering, but he must've guessed what I was going to do, because he kissed me. That blew my concentration, and as I flailed at him he had no trouble putting me in a wristlock. And marching me out the door and to his truck. I was so startled and confused about him messing with the last dregs of my existence that I just lost it, screaming and crying as he opened the door, stuffed me into the back seat, buckled me in, and locked the doors. I found the doors and windows didn't open from the inside. Eventually I curled into a ball on the seat in frustration, and just retreated into myself. I felt him carry me up a stairs, and knock on a door. I heard it open, and a soft, female voice commented, "You brought me a present?" "No Gracie. This is Andi, the girl from the wrestling team they accused of using steroids. I met her at the caf?, where she was going really wild." He carried me over to a couch, and covered me with something. "She tried to run when she saw me. When I said I did not believe she was guilty..." "Do you think she's on something?" "No, and I didn't smell any alcohol. But, do you remember when Julia went crazy and then almost killed herself when her Mom threw her out? Well, she looked just like her, and it scared me." I tried to jump up and run, but I failed to notice a coffee table. I hit the floor, stunned. Then someone landed on me. Hard. And pinned me firmly. I figured it had to be Greg. He was a black belt too, and out-weighed me by about a hundred pounds. "Gracie, get some rope from the den, and hurry. She's strong, and I don't want to have to hurt her." I struggled madly, but was unable to free myself. I tried to bite him, and wound up with my face mashed into the carpet, with him squeezing the sides of my neck. I stated to feel weak, then dizzy, then... I woke up lying on my back, on a bed, with a headache. I tried to move, and the headache got a whole lot worse, and my stomach started hurting, too. But nothing moved, and I realized I was tied hand and foot. "She's awake Greg." I managed to open my eyes, and saw the woman smiling at me. "Bet your head hurts, right?" I nodded, and winced. She started to massage my neck, and I whimpered. But the massage made the pain diminish, and soon the headache was gone. That was when I really realized I was tied up. "Hey, you have no right to tie me up like this!" I tried to sound indignant. "Let me go this instant. This is kidnapping!" "No. And be quiet and civil or I will tape your mouth shut." I stared at her, but her expression was confident, and I knew she meant it. So I glared at her. I heard something, and turned my head to find Greg bringing in a soda can with a straw. "Gracie is really good at massaging out pinched nerves. So are you thirsty?" I wanted to scream at him, but instead I nodded. The liquid tasted good, and the sugar seemed to help my stomach. "Why am I tied up?" Greg and Gracie looked at me. Greg spoke carefully, "You lost control, and I was afraid you were going to hurt yourself, or someone else. So after I knocked you out we decided to make sure you were secure before we woke you." He looked at me carefully. "So why were you at the Caf? on a school night, acting like a bitch in heat?" I broke down sobbing. He came over and held me until I stopped. "That bad, unh?" I nodded. "Care to tell me about it?" I shook my head. "Well, maybe I should call your parents and tell them where..." I shook my head violently. "Please, no, I can't go back there and face them..." I started to cry again. Gracie came into view. "Greg, get the hell out of here for a bit. It's time for a girl-to-girl talk." He nodded, and I could hear him leave the room. "So your name is Andi?" "Yeah, short for Andrea." "Greg said you were thrown out of the state meet, is that what all this is about?" I nodded, and then shook my head. "Kind of... I'm some sort of weird freak..." The tears came back and I sobbed as she held me. "They accused me of taking hormones and made a spectacle of me and everyone laughed at me and I didn't do anything wrong and..." I ran out of breath, and sobbed silently for a while. "...and then my parents took me to a specialist and found out I'm a freak that is turning into a boy and I can't ever compete again and will never have a boyfriend and everyone will laugh at me and I just want to die." I was wailing as I ran out of breath. Then I was gagging for a while, until I got control of that, and then it was just me feeling bad. Gracie stared at me with tears in her eyes. "Been there, kid. Don't let them get to you. Let us help." "What the hell do you mean you've been there? How can you help? You're beautiful with a great boyfriend and can't know what it's like to have never had a real date. Or for guys to treat you like a brother instead of a girl." I sniffled "And you don't have to shave your face every day or smell bad or..." "Or nothing. Shut up a minute. I'm going to get Greg." She returned several minutes later. I got busy testing the ropes, but I was very securely tied in place. "Andi, Gracie told me what you said. But I think it's your emotions, not your brain talking. Try concentrating like you do to calm yourself before a match, then tell me what happened slowly and in detail." I nodded, and closed my eyes, reciting katas in my head. "I was at the meet when someone accused me of taking steroids. You already know the result. They said my body shape and deep voice confirmed the tests. When my father brought me home he had me examined by a couple of specialists, including someone called an endocrinologist." I paused "Can I have some more soda?" They put the straw in my mouth. The sweetness helped. "When they got the test results back, they told us that my body is making way too many male hormones, and also making a lot of female hormones. Which is why I tested positive. But they told my Dad I could never compete because of that. And they said I would continue to develop mostly as a boy, with big muscles and no figure and..." I started to sob, "And I don't want to be a freak, a girl in a guy's body. They said I seem to be fully female inside, and can probably have kids if I want. But no one will ever be able to love a freak like me. So dammit let me GO so I can disappear and die and then no one will laugh at me again." I looked at them. There were tears in their eyes. "No. We won't let you hurt yourself. We've lost too many friends because they were different, just in a different way." Gracie looked at me. "Andi, I personally know several guys, and at least a dozen girls that would consider you their ideal woman. Hell kid, all of those beautiful muscles of yours are making me horny." "But you're a girl..." She broke out laughing, and Greg swatted her. "Andi, I'm a lesbian." I stared at her "But you and Greg..." He spoke up "And I'm gay. We've been housemates ever since our parents threw us each out because we were homosexual." He sat on the bed. "Andi, love is not about sex. Love is about caring and feeling and wanting to share those emotions with the other person." "Please let me go. I'll leave quietly..." and your consciences will be clear, I didn't say. "Not a chance, Andi. Kids who are different kill themselves way too often. It's like an epidemic. We were lucky, because we were okay with ourselves when we got tossed out. And we had each other to turn to when it happened. You ran away, and your parents love you even with your differences. So you have them rooting for you, and are young and healthy and can have a wonderful life once you quit worrying about being different." He looked sad. "You have no idea how much I would give for my parents to call me up and tell me that they still love me." He sounded bitter. Gracie hugged him. He continued, "So we won't let you go until you change your mind about hurting yourself. Besides, I need a sparring partner. Gracie may be cute, for a girl, but she's as helpless as a lamb." I saw her hit him. "At least once you take away her knives and guns..." We all laughed. "I just realized what time it is, and I bet your parents are frantic." I shrugged. "We need to let them know that you're okay." I shook my head violently. "They'd trace the call and send the police and take me back." "Not the way I'll do it. What's your number?" "You're not lying to me, they won't be able to find me?" "I swear on my life, Andi." I gave it to him. "Okay. Be absolutely quiet, and listen." I nodded. He went and got a speakerphone, hooked it up, and dialed a number. "Police department, records section, how can I help you?" "Is Tony working the lab tonight? This is his friend Greg." "Hi Greg, it's been a while since you called him here at work. I'll patch you through." There were some clicks, and then another voice. "Greg, dude, what has you calling at this weird hour?" "Need a real favor. Got a young runaway here who was getting ready to do herself in. We're going to help her, but I need to make sure her parents know she's safe, but not in a way they can search for her." "Can do easy. She one of Gracie's?" "No, it's more complicated. Her name is Andrea, and her number is..." He rattled it off to the phone. "Will do. How long do you need? I can cover up to about three weeks, then it gets rather complex." "Try for all three weeks." "Will do within the hour. I hope I get a chance to meet her one of these days. See you at the club." "You bet. See ya." Greg hung up the telephone. "As far as your parents will know, you are at a safe house for runaways somewhere in New Jersey, and have said you need a couple of weeks to sort things out." "You've done this before." It was painfully obvious. "No one should have to die because they are different. So get some sleep." "I need to go to the bathroom." Who knew, it might even have a window. I wasn't that happy about staying around here. I wanted to be back in control of my life again. Gracie laughed at me, though. "Ever used a bedpan?" I groaned. Gracie could not get my tight pants down with me spread-eagled on the bed. "Sorry kid, but I'm going to have to do a bit of surgery." I got scared as she pulled out some scissors, and moved out of my field of view. Moments later the remains of my pants and underwear were gently pulled away, leaving me naked from the waist down. A couple more movements and my top suffered the same fate. "God, you're beautiful". She came back into view and smiled at me. "Are you sure you're not at least a bit Bi?" I shook my head. "I'm ugly. I'm hairy and my tits are tiny and I've never even had sex with anyone." "And a virgin to boot?" The way her voice sounded... it wasn't a voice I ever thought would be turned MY way, that's for sure. I glanced up, and she was almost drooling. She closed her eyes, though, and shook her head, and said to herself, "I'd better cover you up before I do something I shouldn't. You're way too much like one of my fantasies." She pulled a sheet and a couple of blankets over me. "I still need to pee." I reminded her. I did, too. She chuckled. "Be right back." When she returned she worked a thick towel under my bottom, and pressed a cold object over my crotch. I squeaked from the temperature and intimate contact. "Well, go," she suggested after a long time. "But I can't, I mean like you're here and..." "And someone's got to hold it in place, and you can't, so quit complaining." I realized I was stuck. It took a minute, but after I finally relaxed, I think I filled the damn thing. She took the towel, and gently wiped me. When she rubbed my labia, I arched upwards, and she chuckled. "Horny?" I blushed to my toes. "Yes, dammit, I'm always horny as hell. They even said the hormones are the cause." "Want some help?" Her voice was soft and seductive. She pulled up the covers. "If you want some, I'll be in the next room." I heard her start out the door, and suddenly realized I was being left alone, helpless. "Wait, please don't go, I'm scared to be alone like this." She came back, and looked at me "Yea, I guess it is pretty scary. Tell you what, if you won't fight me, I'll handcuff your wrists and feet together, and tie the cuffs to the bed. Then I can sleep next to you." I was scared. Of her. And of being alone. My fear of being alone won. "Okay, but please don't..." "I'll behave myself. Not willingly, I'd rather play with you. But I don't do rape. Be back in a moment." When she returned, she released one of my arms, and cuffed my wrists together. She then tied a rope to the cuffs, and to the top of the bed. When she released the other arm, I was still secure. She repeated the procedure for my ankles. I had more slack, but was not able to free myself. I watched as she undressed. She was the image of what I wanted to be: stunningly pretty, all smooth curves and flawless skin. Flawless hairless soft WOMAN's skin... When she climbed in next to me I was crying. "Hey, why the tears?" "You're so soft and beautiful and I'll never be and..." She put a hand over my mouth. "You're beautiful too. Just in a different way. So relax and get some sleep." She snuggled her naked body against me, and settled in place. I guess the warmth and exhaustion took its toll, and I fell asleep with my body sending conflicting signals about the woman next to me. Well, my body was sending one set of signals, but I wasn't ready to think about it. When I woke up, she was still sleeping next to me, but she had rolled over and was sort of wrapped around me. She had one hand on my right nipple, and her thigh was pressing against my crotch. It felt good, but it wasn't supposed to. I knew I was not a lesbian. But it felt REALLY good... At this point, I really did not know what I was. When she woke up I was staring at her beautiful face. She smiled at me, then looked scared, and pulled her arm and leg off me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to..." "It's okay. It was kind of weird, but it, it was, okay, I guess." She got up, and stretched. "Need to pee?" she asked over her shoulder. I nodded. We repeated last night's exercise, but she had to work the receptacle between my legs, which made me incredibly aroused. Wiping required her to push her hands between my thighs, and I moaned and squirmed. "Hey, take it easy, I'm doing the best I can." "Do any better and you'll need to stuff a pillow in my mouth." I froze when I realized what I had said. "Do you want me to?" Her voice was sensual. I shook. My body was screaming yes, and my mind was on vacation. "Try something different, I guarantee you won't regret it." I started to cry. "I, I think I want to, but I'm afraid and..." "I'll be gentle. And I don't expect you to reciprocate." She looked at me hungrily. "So do you want me to help, and why the pillow?" I nodded. "I, well, when I... I sort of get noisy..." She giggled, and then got something out of a dresser. "Clean sock." I opened my mouth and she worked it firmly into my mouth, and tied it in place with a ribbon. When she covered my eyes I shivered. She whispered in my ear, "Relax and enjoy. I'm going to make this really special..." It was, too. I woke up slowly, still twitching occasionally from Gracie's magic touch. I had all the will power of a bowl of warm pudding. My eyes still closed, I smiled. Gracie was right. It was the most incredibly sensual experience I had never encountered. No one told me my toes and eyebrows were erogenous zones. I think my hair roots had orgasms. I had a mental twinge that it was wrong for a woman to made passionate love to me all night. 'Bullshit,' I said back. Whoever had told me that it took a boy to make a girl feel good had never met Gracie. I wondered if I was a lesbian. And then realized it didn't matter. I tried to move, and found I was no longer tied up, at least not as much. That quickly brought me around. My hands and feet were still cuffed together, but the ropes were gone. And I had to pee. Really bad. I managed to sit up, and decided to try and hop to the bathroom. I slipped trying to get out of the bed. So inchworm would also work. I was halfway out the door when Gracie saw me and started laughing. "Need some help?" "Just tell me where the bathroom is." "Turn left, it's the second door on the right. Take a shower while you're at it." I was a fast inchworm. The door was open, and I was able to pull myself upright using the doorknob. Hop, hop, hop and sit. Aahhh... It felt so good to do it myself again. I looked at the shower, and the cuffs. And sniffed. I decided a bath would be easier. I was soaking in a tub, and doing my best to wash when the door opened, and Greg came in. I shrieked, and tried futilely to cover myself. I know I blushed down past my shoulders. "Hey, I mean like how about some privacy?!" "You don't turn me on." "Oh... yeah, well, er..." How the hell was I supposed to reply to that? "Get out anyway." Greg continued, "And Gracie said you would need help to wash your back and hair." That made sense, "I often help Gracie with hers. Do you want to do it sitting or standing?" He helped me up, and I stared as he stripped. His body was incredible. I shuddered as my nipples stood straight out, and felt a quivering between my legs. But he was as limp as last week's lettuce. He washed my back, and then my hair. My mind was reeling. It wasn't my body. It was that I was a girl. He finally finished rinsing the conditioner through my hair, and effortlessly picked me up by the waist and stood me on the bathmat. And dried me off. Everywhere. I moaned a few times and he chuckled. "Gracie said you were the most sensitive and sensual girl she had ever done." He paused, and looked at me, worried. "She didn't force you, did she? She can be pretty insistent and..." "No, I agreed to try, and it was, it was... the most incredible..." I was at a loss for words. He laughed. "She's an artist. And she loves giving pleasure as much as getting it." He finished drying me. "Hungry?" My stomached growled and I nodded. "Good. Gracie will be back soon with supplies. Do you like waffles?" I nodded again. I ate breakfast stark naked, still cuffed hand and foot. It was a weird experience. But I was hungry and the food was good. I ate as much as Greg. Gracie did the dishes, and Greg carried me to the living room, wrapped me in a blanket, and settled me on the couch. When Gracie came in, she sat facing me. "Well, feeling better?" I nodded. "Ready to learn more about living with your differences?" I nodded. Then I shook my head. "My life is over, so why bother?" That sort of slipped out. I hadn't meant to say anything. Gracie got right in my face. "That was your old, boring life," she smiled. "This is the new, exciting version. Got it?" "Fuck-" I started to curse her, but she kissed me and tried to inhale my tongue. I wanted to fight, but my body was screaming for more. I finally managed to pull away. "Hey, no fair!" She giggled. "Tell me you didn't enjoy last night." I flushed, and tried to withdraw into the blanket. "Well?" "You damn well know I loved every minute of it. God, I never believed that I could feel so..." "So aroused that you lost control and followed your instincts?" I nodded. "So does that mean I'm a lesbian?" She gave me a contemptuous look. "Hell no, girl! It just means you can accept stimulation and pleasure from another woman. Did Little Greggy here take off his clothes when he washed your hair?" Greg was chuckling. I nodded, and blushed again. "Did he make your nipples stiff and your pussy twitch?" I tried to turn a brighter shade of red, and nodded. "Then you're not a lesbian. He can do the same things to me, and all I get is a warm feeling from his being my friend." "Oh..." "And he looks hunky. I like painting him," she tossed out, which confused me even worse. "So quit worrying about it. Sex just is. Love is what it's all about. Love is deaf, dumb, and blind. And gender doesn't matter." She held me. "Love is not the size of your boobs. Love is the person." She held me for a little while, and so did Greg. Or they held each other, and I was in the middle, or something. Finally, they let go of everyone. "So let's try again, Greg said. "Are you ready to promise not to run away or hurt yourself, or do we have to keep you tied up like a puppy?" "How do you know I'm not going to lie to you?" I didn't mean to say that, either. My mouth was starting to seem like my worst enemy. Gracie answered, "Trust is a two-way street. Part of learning about who we area is learning to trust." She paused. "Do you want to hurt me?" I shook my head. "Then don't lie. Lying hurts." "Oh... Shit..." I sat there, and thought. I managed in a small voice, "Can I make the promise one day at a time?" They grabbed me and nearly crushed me with hugs. "One day at a time is plenty, love." I wound up back on the couch while Gracie made some phone calls. "Today's lesson will begin after supper. We're going dancing." "Dancing?" "At a club over in New Jersey where everyone is a bit weird." "Weird how? It's a gay place?" "And a whole lot stranger. You won't fit anything I have, so I'm going to take you by one of the sister's places to get you something to wear." She smiled. "And it'll be more than a bit kinky, so no complaints." "Kinky?" "Yep. Like leather and lace and chains and..." "In public?" I almost screamed. "Sure. What have you got to lose? You already gave up on your old life. You wanted to die, right? So who cares about being embarrassed?" "Okay... I think" She had me there. And my promise. I wondered how much weirder my life was going to get. Greg pulled out a key, and removed the handcuffs. I stretched, and rubbed my wrists. "How come you've got handcuffs and..." He smiled. "Gracie likes to play bondage games with her friends. If you want, I'm sure she would love to be tied up and let you do to her what she did to you." "Eep! Um... Can I take a rain check?" He snickered, and nodded. I wound up dressed in a pair of Gracie's panties, an oversize T-shirt of Greg's that looked like a very short dress when belted, and a pair of girl's high heels someone had left behind. It looked ridiculous. "Don't sweat it," Gracie told me, "they're just going to strip it off anyway where we're going." I gave her a wary look. I was not sure she was bluffing. She stuffed me in an older Ford Explorer that she said was Greg's, and we drove off. Twenty minutes later we were in a rather sleazy looking area, and pulled up next to a huge house with several Harleys parked in the front yard. I was starting to get nervous. I saw a bunch of black leather with blonde hair launch herself at Gracie. Their embrace made my crotch twitch in memory of last night. They finally separated. Gracie said, "Andi, this is Sheryl, chief dyke and owner of this house of ill repute." Sheryl stuck her tongue out at Gracie. Gracie's, "Please, and lots of it?" made it very clear they were more than just friends. "Come on inside. Sheryl and her crew agreed to help get you a set of or two of clothes, and an outfit for tonight." I squirmed in embarrassment, and arousal, as Sheryl massaged my bottom as we walked to the house. Gracie noted my concern. "Sher, she's under my protection, so hands off, okay?" "But she's so cute..." the woman behind me said sensuously, and I almost tripped. "You don't know the half of it. Wait till you get her clothes off." I blushed. We found ourselves in a big living room, where there were several more women. They looked me over like it was lunchtime and I was the main course. Sheryl said something, and one of the women started to undress me. When I objected, she got physical, and I reflexively flipped her onto the couch, dropping into a fighting stance. Instead of backing off, Sheryl got an evil grin, which sort of corked my apology before I got it out. She quickly stripped, revealing tattoos and a lot of muscles. "Strip, girl, and let's see how well you dance." The others rapidly cleared a big area of carpet. Gracie, looking really scared, said, "Andi..." But I'd stripped already. Which wasn't hard once the shirt came off. Sheryl said in awe, "God, Gracie, she's beautiful. You sure she's not..." "No, dammit, and I don't think you should do this" She looked at me. "Greg found her two days ago, ready to kill herself, and we were trying to show her that being different is okay, and now you are playing tough and..." I spoke up. "Gracie, relax." I looked at Sheryl. "I could use a good fight. But I don't want anything broken. And my sensei require me to tell any opponent I'm trained..." "What Dan?" Sheryl asked. "First in akijitsu and Jeet Kun do," I told her. She smiled, and bowed. "Shaolin Tiger style. Best two out of three?" I nodded. We faced each other, feinted a lot, and I made the first move. I was glad there was padding in the carpet. I bounced, hard. My butt was going to be sore for a while. She was giggling, until I showed her what a long leg could do to upset her footing. We sparred for a bit longer, and she attacked. Bad idea. She skidded tits first across the room, and hopped up, howling and rubbing her abraded nipples. It was my turn to snicker. At least she was smiling. Ten energetic minutes later we were both bruised and scraped, but she finally pinned me. She was going to make me beg to get loose, but Gracie snapped something and Sheryl was off me instantly. I hopped to my feet, and we bowed to each other. She smiled, and rubbed her badly scraped breasts. "You dance pretty well, for a kid. Welcome to our house," she announced in a formal tone, and bowed deeply at me. I stared at her. "Gracie should have told you more about us." I looked for Gracie, and found her, looking pale, staring at me. "Greg said you were good, but not that good." Sheryl interrupted Gracie. "Kid, I've been competing for ten years. But that's the first time I've gotten a nipple burn. Gracie is going to have to kiss them and make them better." I blushed. Gracie licked her lips. Soon I was sitting next to Sheryl, still naked, comparing notes on technique. One of the girls whispered something to her, and she smiled. Telling Gracie she could play with her friends, she pulled me to my feet, and motioned for me to follow her. When we were out of sight, she giggled. "Gracie really likes to play mother hen. So did you really threaten to kill yourself?" I wound up telling her my story. I expected her to laugh, but instead she gave me a hug. "Gracie was right, you're worth the effort. Hell, if you decide you can't go home, I could use a sparring partner. Even if you don't want to sleep with me, you are Welcome in My House." You could hear the capital letters on the words, but I didn't know what they meant. I stared at her. "You're good people. You just haven't figured who you are yet." We stopped in the middle of the hall. She pointed to the ceiling, where there was a big door. "The attic. Can you lift me so I can grab the ring?" She weighed a little more than me, but it was easy after the warm-up we'd had. The door was really part of a folding stairs, which she unfolded as she pulled it open and down. "You'll be glad you're naked, 'cause it is usually pretty warm up there." She was right. It made a good sauna. She looked at several piles of stuff, selecting a trunk and a large box. We dragged them down to the hallway, and folded the stairs back up. Sheryl hollered for assistance, and we had lots of help moving everything to the living room. I gasped when I saw Gracie again. She was blindfolded, and strapped securely, stark naked, to an X shaped contraption in the middle of the room. And was moaning and laughing insanely as an older woman carefully worked a feather over her. Sheryl whispered, "New toy, and Gracie loves being teased while she's helpless." I was getting a mind-boggling lesson in the stranger side of life. Suddenly Gracie arched her back and started to shake and scream. I realized she was having an incredible orgasm. I was startled that it seemed to last for several minutes. When she finally finished, she hung like a rag by her restraints. The older woman careful released her, and carried her to a couch. She was already breathing heavy, and completely limp in sleep. "She looks satisfied." I nodded. "She said she was trying to find some clothes for your, well, unusual build," I cringed, but she ignored it, "and asked if we had anything. Most of us are pretty buff, so it seemed possible." She paused. "Cathy, the one who whispered to me, remembered that one of the sisters was a weight-lifter about your size, and she'd stored a bunch of clothes here before she, she..." Sheryl went stiff and wiped her eye. "Before she was killed in an accident. She was one of my first lovers." I held her close until she quit shaking. I muttered, "Even the strong have to be weak sometimes." It was something I had read, long ago. She looked solemnly at me. "Remember that, kid, it's the first step in accepting yourself." I suddenly felt scared, and held on to her. We shared that embrace until someone mentioned we needed to get moving. Sheryl opened the trunk, saying I could have anything that would fit. There was more than I would have thought. Gracie woke up, to my prodding her with a long leather thing that one of the girls called a riding crop. I was wearing a laced-on leather vest that barely covered my nipples, a tiny leather flip skirt, and a leather thong and belt arrangement that was making me so horny it was obscene. And cycle boots with spurs. My hair had been braided, and was held in place with a leather scarf. With the scuffs and bruises from the match with Sheryl, I looked so much like a mean bitch I scared myself. Sheryl had briefed me well. Gracie almost jumped out of her skin, opened her eyes and I gave her a hard swat across her abundant fanny, growling "Kneel, bitch!" I almost screamed myself when I saw the bright red mark it left on her bottom. But it didn't slow Gracie down any. In a flash she was on her knees in front of me, head down. "Yes, mistress." I just stood there, awed. Suddenly she twitched, looked up, and fell over laughing. "Andi, Sheryl, damn you, don't tease me like that." I reached down and pulled her up, apologizing for hitting her so hard. "Don't apologize Andi, just promise me you'll do it again, later." I looked at her. "You are one strange, weird, perverted, crazy..." I searched for more adjectives "goofy, silly... kinky person." I looked at her. "And I think you're my friend." That got tears and a hug. We loaded everything into the Explorer, and I found myself promising to arrange for some mat time with Sheryl in the near future. I wondered what it would take to get her to beg for mercy. I suddenly realized I was looking forward to something, and started to shake. Gracie got real concerned, and when I told her, she kissed me. "Go for it, girl. You're learning." We never made it dancing that night. Halfway back I started to sneeze, and by the time we go to Gracie's place my head hurt and I felt awful. I wound up spending a week alternating between chills and sweats, the benefit of a bad case of the flu from school that I thought I'd missed. It looked like Greg and Gracie were immune. I hoped so. I wished the damn bug, in spades, on the judges that gave me the heave-ho. Gracie, Greg, and I did a lot of talking, and when I was finally back to solid food, they scheduled a trip to the same dance hall for that Friday. They convinced me to call my parents from a pay phone, and after a lot of tears and pleading, I promised I would come back home next week. I really missed them. A lot. Friday I again dressed in the leather outfit, but left the long thing I swatted Gracie with at the apartment. She wore a spandex mini-dress that screamed "Hot". Greg was the respectable one, in jeans and a thin sports shirt. We arrived there about nine, and I made it in the door with my brain only slightly addled. There were metalheads, and Goths, and flaming gay guys and really butch women. And they all seemed to accept the others. Once we had grabbed a table, I saw guys wearing skirts and makeup, and a whole bunch I was not sure about. The band was playing oldies, and I starting to bounce with the beat. I tried to dance myself into oblivion. It was wonderful. We left when they closed at two. Actually, we staggered out to the Explorer, so tired and sweaty Greg had to pull out towels so we could all dry off before we soaked his seats. I no longer thought I was a freak. Gracie and Greg were almost normal. I was just a little different. The really hairy guy, or whatever it was, that was hung like a horse and sported a double-D chest, now that was freaky. And HE hit on ME. Weird. But I still felt incredibly alone. Everyone there wanted to look the way they did. And I did not. I was certain of one thing, Gracie was right. I could still enjoy life, at least a little, even as different as I was. I don't remember the trip back to Greg and Gracie's. Or getting into bed. I woke up in a nightgown, tucked in next to Gracie, who was snoring softly. I curled around her, and went back to sleep. When the time finally came for me to go back to my parents' house, Gracie suggested I keep the kinky stuff I got from her biker friends at their place, and I agreed. I had the change of clothes I'd started with to go home in, so that's what I was wearing when they dropped me off a couple of blocks from home. Mom and Dad threw themselves at me when I came inside. After we all had a good cry, even Dad, they wanted the complete story. Without naming names, I told the truth. Most of it, anyway, I didn't ask them what they did to make me and my siblings, so they didn't have to know about me and Gracie. Mom wanted to haul me to a hospital; Dad just wanted to hug me. And my brother and sister, who had been hiding upstairs, wanted to go out to dinner. I suggested steak. Mom mumbled something about knives. Dad said something about paranoia. I went and changed clothes while they yelled at each other. The steak was great. When I went back to school on Monday, I was far, far behind, and didn't care. I figured that I could get caught up by the end of the semester, and they owed me for getting me booted out of the tournament and ruining my life. And that they wouldn't dare say anything about me 'leaving' like I had. I was right. And catching up required all my time, so I didn't have much of a chance to sit and stew about my problems. I also kept in touch with Greg, and occasionally Gracie. Just after Christmas, Gracie called and asked if I wanted to spend a couple of days with her and Sheryl and their group. I was afraid, and was also wriggling. Mom was still scared about my running off again, but I made it clear the people I wanted to visit were why I came back. Dad settled the issue, by voting on my side. So I spent five days, including New Year's Eve and Day, catching up on snuggles. And other things. I was glad I had warned Mom that I was going to do some non-tournament martial arts competition. When I finally got home again, if it wasn't scraped, it was bruised. I looked like a combat casualty. And I was limping from one of Sher's off-the-wall attacks. Gracie mothered both of us. Yes, she kissed it and made it better. Yummm. And Sher does do a good begging act. I am now a certified member of the orgasm-till-you-pass-out-screaming club. I thought Gracie by herself was incredible. She and Sher played me like a harp. I guess I'm definitely bisexual. Sher and I took on Gracie two times. She's even more beautiful when she comes. And Greg has made me his steady dance partner. He really loves to let it all hang out, and Gracie can't keep up with him. I can. The last time we went out, she had to drive us home. Greg was too tired to find the keyhole to start the Explorer. By February, my disappearance was forgotten by most everyone, and I managed to sneak away with a couple of acquaintances for a weekend at the casinos in Atlantic City. I'm plenty big enough to pass as much older. Which got me into a heap of trouble, I was actually winning big and someone decided to check my ID. Whoops. They made my parents come all the way to the casino to verify who I was, and then gave my winnings to them. When we got home I was grounded for a month. Worse, they put the money in my college fund, and then made me pay the taxes out of my allowance. I was still nearly friendless, except for other weird people like Gracie, Greg and Sher. I definitely was without a boyfriend. I got a lot of "if you're desperate," offers from guys, which I did NOT accept. And I still felt immensely ugly. But I was beginning to understand Gracie when she said it might take a long time, but eventually I would come to accept who and what I was. One of the first casualties was the schizophrenic bedroom I'd had, or developed, since I was a little girl. I gave my little sister the femmy stuff she wanted, and my brother the butch stuff HE wanted, and tossed most of the rest. Mom threw a fit when Dad kept giving me the leftovers from his office, and then a real Pentium, which went well, sort of, with the sick dying and dead PC's of various ages that I picked up. My room now resembled a national disaster. The old Ford police car he bought at auction was soon mechanically sound, and ready in the garage for when I turned sixteen. Or they opened a nearby racetrack. Mom refused to take me on training drives, citing her sanity, and ulcers. She thought I was going to commit vehicular suicide, but I had great reflexes. Hey, like if there are a couple of feet of clearance when changing lanes at 55, it works, right? I mean, like at Indy, they do at 190. Dad only closed his eyes and gripped the seat. Hard. I was looking forward to the freedom my own transportation would provide. The thing that bothered me the most was that all the weird people I met wanted to be what they were. I was the only girl who was turning into a boy involuntarily. Dammit, I wanted a say in what was happening. Which it looked like was not a choice. So I studied, and played with my car, and played with Sher and her friends, and Gracie, and sort of let life go on. And tried not to think about me, too much. It was late in the summer I met Valerie, but that is another story, Finis

Same as Andi's Story Videos

3 years ago
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Sandis Coffee Break

Story body constructed by Stealthbeast, revised by Chedder Cheese. ----- Sandis let out a long, vocalized yawn as she finished typing the last of her nightly notes. She stretched her arms out, her smooth green, snake scales gently reflecting the many computer monitors that surrounded her. She'd been working with Dr. Cooler on this procedure for months, and she wanted me make sure everything was set. They'd made a breakthrough in bio-engineering, they've found a way to control organic body...

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Bandishein Part I

It was the last day of the end semester of their B.Tech in Venkataswami Engineering College, and exams were due next week. As decided, it was the last time Rohan and Aditi were meeting before exams as both were wanting to avoid any distraction during exams. It was Rohan’s idea, agreed to by Aditi, but Aditi was having the urge to do a little relationship talk with Rohan just before exams to have some clarity. Aditi, an orphan girl, was raised by a Missionary orphanage and was very determined in...

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adult theater short storys

GLORYHOLEI'd love to be in a booth with a woman while she does her thing to all of those unidentified cocks! I have taken my wife to a local porn theater and made her take off her bra and pantyhose. She was wearing a very short skirt so hiking that up was no problem. I had her unbutton her blouse so the guys in the row we were sitting in could see her tits. They would move close to her and in the beginning she would panic but I held her there and told her to settle down and go with the flow....

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collection adult theater short storys

I love going to the local movie theater. my husband and i will go at a time that is not to crowded. normally there are a few couples there. we sit in the middle of the theater and begin kissing ... we get a few lookers. then i will pull up my skirt ( no panties - for easy access) and sit on his dick and ride him up and down. before you know it, we have people watching and wishing. it is amazing how hot that is. some have asked to join, but we tell them no, but are welcome to watch.Me and my...

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Sex storys

(All characters in this story are at least 18 years old) Here are some random sex story's that i had on my computer so enjoy...

2 years ago
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Lessons Learned the prestory

Introduction: A glmpse into the characters involved… very small sex scene involved Nick = handsome, sweet sincere guy with a dark side Anthony = Skyes brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesnt care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) ...

3 years ago
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Damnest StoryD

Again the ravings of a lunatic. Fiction. I like this story. It seemed so real when the idea grew in my mind. There is no sex. I have no idea where this should be posted. So I will put in the Loving Wives and get on with it. Copyright by mcwade May 15, 2005. The damnest story you ever heard: OK. Here we go. I am 63 years old. My gut is a bit too large, my waist is 36 inches instead of 32. I am way out of shape. I will walk this summer to regain some of my wind and shape. But that has...

2 years ago
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Lessons Learned the prestory

Anthony = Skye’s brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesn’t care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) Skye was sun tanning by the pool when she heard her brother’s voice. What could he possibly want, the fact she was sharing...

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My days in Thailand part 5 A Thias storyy

A NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Following story, although it changed to different girl in different country is true. It is slightly changed to fit the storyline. A word of caution: THOSE WHO DON’T LIKE ROUGH AND EXTREME SEX, DON’T EVEN START. - Master, why don’t you slap me sometimes? – asked Thia once in the middle of cleaning my room while I was working on some project drawings. - Excuse me? - Well…. I know that you love rough sex……and I know that you have some rough games with some girls….Sora...

4 years ago
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(These poems have all been posted elsewhere on the internet, years ago, but I decided to string some together to partly tell a story.) I had dated Jackie David perhaps a half-dozen times before we went dancing. I had found her more and more attractive each time, but had gone slow with her in the hope of building something solid in the way of a relationship - since she seemed to have more substance than any woman I had dated for some time. But the night that we danced I...

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Last Stop Bubbles A Purple Sidestory

- JALEN /-It’s the rattling of chains that wakes me, knocks me back down the hill like Sisyphus’ fucking bullshit rock. Yea. I know Sisyphus. Paint him black and you get the inner city version where the damn rock is America’s racial aggression that never quite dies. Double down by making that sad fuck an addict and shit, there I am, up the hill, down the hill.I groan, head pounding, and pull my face from the salty sweet embrace of a still moist cunt.Nose twitches.I fight back a sneeze. Realize...

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During colleges I worked famous coffee shop, young and sexually active. I had crazy nights with plenty of young college age coworkers, but one in particular she had a boyfriend for a few years and was pretty wild but she never cheated on him. After one day she cracked and we became like rabbits almost every other day,we fine any opportunity to be alone... Fast forward 6 years into the futer... I just broke up a 4 year long relationship and I came back to my old stomping grounds, I was at my...

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you were sitting on the couch watching me undress. i unzip my pants and the back down, revealing my round, plump ass. you like that im wearing a lace thong, think its sexy. i took off my pants and bend over infront of you. i pulled the thing crotch to the side, exposing my hairy glistening pussy. you told me to pull my ass cheeks apart so you can check my holes. i followed as i was told. you ripped off my undies and proceeded to finger my holes. you slap my ass and told me to get on top of the...

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Sex In Goa With Indian Sex Stories Storyreader

Hi how are you all iss story readers… All Male and female me fir ek story le kar hajir hu apko aur entertain krne ke liye or jyada maja dene ke liye.. Mera name Meet he.. Aur me ahmedabad gujarat se log pehli baar meri story read kr rahe he unko meri details de deta hu.. I m 26 yr old..doing business in ahmedabad..i m single… So now all readers me aab story pe ata hu.. Ya baat 1week pehle ki he.. Mene meri last story post ki”muslim housewife ki chudai”..uske baad muje kafi logo ke mail...

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Bi Beki TrueStory

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My sister and I True story0

Nickerlover; My sister and IMy younger sister and I only 13 months apart in age,I was the elder.right from a very early age we would play in those days what we called mothers and fathers and would bath together our parents didn't ever notice that we would play with each others sexy parts and at that early age we new nothing at all about sex. but as we both got a bit older in our later teens we got to play with each other and feelings were starting to become better when we were touching each...

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Turok the Tormentor story1

TUROK THE TORMENTOR By: ROBO Turok sat upon his throne over looking his domain. He was the supreme Demon in the Universe and had no equal. He had defeated and destroyed all whom had opposed him. Ever since he had destroyed Satan his life had become boring and dull. He had conquered everyone and everything and now had nothing to occupy his time leaving him with a dismal boring life for eternity. "Bring me an advisor......NOW!!!" he roared. A man came running up "Yes Sir, your...

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Turok the Tormentor story3

TUROK THE TORMENTOR 3 By: ROBO Turok emerged from the portal into a vacant downtown alley. He did not bother to shift out of the visual plane as there was no body around. He was looking for another victim but he wanted a special someone but did not know who he was looking for. As he walked down the alley he heard "Hey, Buddy have you got some spare change?" John was an old bum who was covered in garbage resting when he had seen Turok's boots. He asked for the change and saw...

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Two lsquomomsrsquo tell this true story2

My son Ken was 18 now, and soon got his own apt. and a room mate….Jen. Lynn and I still have visits from them and we stop by their place. Our husbands who had lost interest in sex, got use to Lynn and I, (Julie), spending the night together a lot. My husband and I have a guest house and Lynn I used that to have our ‘sleep over’s in. Her husband was always gone hunting or fishing and was never there on weekends. Our story telling continued and we kept going further with our mutual masturbation....

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My warstory

This story is purely fictional, and if you are under 18 years of age, you are to stop now. My warstory This story begins just before the war. I was a shy, slim boy at almost 18 years, living in a forsterhome for parentless boys, and I wanted to do my part. I had alway been a strange boy, feminine, slim, with something that might look like tits. I was focus for a lot of attension from some boys and teachers, they liked my apperance. Basicly I wanted to get away. So I joint up for...

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The Rescue of DBStory

Copyright© 2002-2004 by DB. The doorbell rang unexpectedly. I was surfing the web to see if Elf Sternberg ( had posted anything new on his latest AI (what I generally call robot) storyline. Although he recently, publicly referred to my writing as "abusively shallow", he also admits that it has affected him enough to provoke him into writing stores in response, so a lot of good has come from this in unexpected ways. Besides, having Elf as a critic is an...

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When I was about eight, I loved to climb poles and ropes. I discovered that I got this extreme feeling of overwhelming pleasure in my pubic area when I climbed them. Then, I discovered I could duplicate that pleasure with my hand on my pecker. When I was nine, my mother found me jacking off in my bedroom and told me that it was a sin and I would go straight to Hell. She also said that I would go blind if I continued. I thought about it for a time but then decided I would continue until I needed...

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For years, since I was around sixteen, I had the knack of convincing girls, and then women, that I could be trusted not to ever repeat what was revealed to me. This information gathering proved to be very useful over the years. I learned that the female gender needs to vent, and be listened to, their questions answered, but they don't want any advice, so I used this to my advantage. Once the word got passed around that I was a trusted soul with a lot of valuable information and a great...

4 years ago
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I went home, got married and started a family, one every year until we reached six. This was enough for me. My wife originally wanted a dozen but she settled for half a dozen. I had a good job and got promoted quickly, mainly because my personality made me learn everything I could about the company. In eight years, I made it into management in charge of the company's production planning responsibilities. Throughout my working career, I liked to flirt, talk dirty, touch provocatively, and...

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Stiffkey BluesChapter 4 Storyboard

Madeleine Roth, posting under the name of Fatima, was putting the last touches to her daily blog. Eastern Promise, the web site she ran with a number of her friends, took up most of her spare time. She and Krista Collins had founded the site almost three years earlier as way of publishing their fantasies of life in the east, veiled and enslaved as part of some potentate's harem. Over the years they had created a series of stories. They, in turn, had attracted other, like-minded, authors and...

2 years ago
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HouseChapter 5 Storyhour

Evidently, I didn't miss storyhour. Jason was just finishing his breakfast in the hotel dining room. I took a vacant seat at the far end of the counter, by the restaurant front door. One of the "J's" dropped a cup in front of me and filled it. She added a spoon, a small stainless pitcher of real cream and a glass pour jar of sugar, rubbed my head and hurried away. I wonder which one that was? For a town totally isolated by tropical storm flooding, there were sure a lot of people having...

1 year ago
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TG Storytime

TGStorytime! I had this crazy dream where I found a remote control that let me alter the very fabric of time and space. I could have used it to rob banks, bang several of my favorite pornstars at the same time, or really do whatever I wanted. All I wanted to do, though, was turn my penis into a vagina and grow rabbit ears and a fluffy tail. That could mean I’ve been reading too much TGStorytime, a user-contributed library of transgender was established in 2011 by Joe...

Sex Stories Sites
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Hey, this is just the starting point of hopefully a bunch of crazy and erotic stories. Feel free to just skip this part and start by choosing a story path of your liking, wether it might be for reading or adding chapters. We would also like to encourage you to add your own stories, if you like. No matter how short or long, how explicit or tame. We could just end the introduction here, but we'd like to remind you that all characters that take part in any sexual action are grown ups, 18 years or...

1 year ago
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Husband Turned on by Storytime

She then said, “It was Storytime night and that always ends with us having smoking hot sex”. Curious to what that meant I asked, “What is Storytime?” She said, “OMG it is so hot. John loves it when I tell him a sex story from my past or tell him a sex fantasy while I lay next to him and play with his dick. It is such great foreplay and it has really improved our sex life. We both get so horny. You should try it sometime”. This story is about how I discovered a kinky way to turn my husband on.

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Andy TaylorChapter 3

It was six weeks later and Kelly Carmichael was resting her head against the back of the bathtub as she soaked her aching body. Although she had never looked as good nor been as healthy in her entire life, at the same time her body had never ached so much nor in so many places. She had just experienced the most eventful six weeks of her young life. With her eyes closed she thought about what had happened subsequent to that first day. First, she had learned how large the apartment truly was....

3 years ago
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Andy and the contractor

Andy was playing games on her laptop while her husband Marcus was watching TV. Andy got excited when she won a game on the Solitaire game site. She told Marcus, but he wasn’t really interested. Marcus just sat in his chair flipping channels. He scrolled past the adult channels. Andy looked up as he past “Naughty Wives”. She told him to stop there, with a big smile on her face.Marcus looked at her with a big question mark on his face. “Since when do you watch porn?” he asked. “Since my...

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Andy TaylorChapter 12

It was Wednesday of the week following Kelly's disappearance and Andy was utterly beside herself with worry. It was the fourth day with still not a single word from Kelly, nor information of any kind about her whereabouts. By this time Andy was so keyed up she literally jumped when the phone rang with the characteristic ring indicating a call from the building's receptionist. Hoping for word about Kelly, Andy picked up the instrument before it rang for the second time. She was stunned to...

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Andys new life ch2

Andy woke a couple of hours later, his body ached and there was significant pain from the stripes across his arse. He remembered the reason for the pain, got in the shower and diligently shaved as commanded, he then got back into his basic bed and slept again.Andy was woken by the noise of metal clanking next to his bed. “Rise and shine 61. Put them on, ankles first, chains at the back, then your wrists behind your back”Andy looked at the item on the floor, it was two lengths of chain, each end...

1 year ago
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Andy Anna and Brownie

Anna and Andy are twins. They began having sex together about a month ago. Whenever their parents were gone, which was a lot. In Andy's bedroom, a lamp caught on fire, so they had to remodel Andy’s bedroom. Andy and Anna had to share a bed for two months. Anna doesn't like to wear a bra or a shirt in bed. She usually just sleeps in her panties. The first couple of nights, she couldn't sleep at all. She was so uncomfortable with a shirt and bra on. So on the third night, in the middle of...

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Andy and Sandy are having fun with Andy8217s dog Max 2

Andy now put her lips over the tip of his dick and began to suck it. She could already taste the first drops of precum. She swallowed the dick a little further into her mouth so Sandy had to let it go. “You were right. That’s fucking horny. I’d like to really suck it now. Can I take it into my mouth now and suck it good?” Andy looked up and smiled. “Now she caught fire,” she thought and watched Andy licking the tip of Max’s dick. “What is that?...

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Andys Office Initiation Part1

Andy thought it was odd when he was asked to include a full length photo in just his swimming trunks with his job application. But then it was for a sales assistant at a lingerie firm. Maybe it was normal – to test his commitment – that sort of thing. The salary was £40,000. That was £15,000 more than anywhere else he had applied for. The hours were good too. It was almost too good to be true. Andy arrived for his interview in his best suit. He cut a dashing figure and looked nice, especially...

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Andy**One**Andy tried not to be obvious about it: but it was hard not to notice that there wasn’t another white person in the entire restaurant. He’d let Mr. Asad pick the place of their lunch meeting. Maybe that was a mistake. But he wanted to make sure everything was to the black man’s liking. Andy hadn’t landed an account in months so when he’d been contacted by a corporate “headhunter” he’d been surprised—and relieved. As the fiscal year was drawing to a close, Andy suspected that his...

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Andy and Tina visit SSP author Orchidspray

Andy and Tina were lying in bed with their lap top. This is something new they’ve been doing to spice things up. They’d take turns finding hot pictures or videos and use them to get the other hot and bothered. This particular night Andy stumbled across Sex Stories Post and they took turns randomly choosing stories and reading them out loud to one another. They are a happy couple though have yet to tie the knot. They’ve been living together for nearly three years and Tina’s youngest c***d Chad...

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Andy and Sandy are having fun with Andy8217s dog Max 1

Three days after her “ride out” with Andrea and Lucifer, Sandra was on her way to Andrea in her car. Today the promised party with Max, Andy’s Doberman, was about to happen. Sandra was looking forward to it so much and she hoped everything would go well. Suddenly she thought about her first experience with Max. She had been together with Andrea for 3 months then. It was her first relationship with a woman and Andrea had introduced her to a lot of new varieties of sex....

1 year ago
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Andy TaylorChapter 10

"I'm being discriminated against, Miss Andy!" Ellen Duncan exclaimed. Ellie, Sam's wife, had joined them from San Diego just a few days earlier. Nearly three weeks had passed since Kelly's return from her trip to Los Angeles and Andy was working out on the exercise machines. As usual she was naked. Since Andy had just finished her workout — Ellie already knew not to bother her while she was exercising — sweat was pouring off her body. Andy stopped what she was doing and just stretched....

2 years ago
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Andy Drives Into Shifa8217s Hole

Hi people. Its Aditya again. Those who don’t know me, I’m from Bangalore and work in MNC. After having written so many stories about my own experience I have chosen to write the experience of one of my readers who contacted me after reading my stories. While chatting she shared this event of her life and with her permission I’m writing her story for you all. Most of it will be fact, but few additions are there to make it more exciting. The driver’s name, Andy, was hired by Shifa when she joined...

4 years ago
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Andy and Angela Plan to visit Grandpa

Andy and Angela were lying in bed with their lap top. This is something new they’ve been doing to spice things up. They’d take turns finding hot pictures or videos and use them to get the other hot and bothered. This particular night Andy stumbled across posts and they took turns randomly choosing users and showing them to one another. Andy is a handsome man but hasn't any daughters of his own. He has accepted Angela’s Idea to adopt daughters as his own so they have two twins, Debbie and Amy...

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Andy and the Lies

CHAPTER ONE           Andy was at his desk when the phone rang; he picked up the receiver and answered ?Hello Andy speaking.?            ?This is Angela, the MDs secretary; would you please come to his office right now, it’s because he would like to speak with you??            ?Any idea what it’s about Angela??            ?No, but Jean Simmons has just left his office with the union Rep.?            ?OK; I’ll be right up.?            Five minutes later he was outside the office; Angela stood up...

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Andy Griffith Show

Introduction The Andy Griffith Show, which introduced us to the denizens of Mayberry, North Carolina, ran on CBS from 1960 - 1968. Griffith played the role of Andy Taylor, a small-town widowed sheriff, who lived with his young son Opie (Ron Howard), and his Aunt Bee (Francis Bavier). Sheriff Taylor was backed up by his cousin and deputy, Barney Fife, played by Don Knotts. In 1965, when Andy made noises about ending the series, Knotts went looking for other projects, including movies...

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Andy TaylorChapter 2

It had been the most remarkable day of Kelly's young life. This goddess had not only eaten her cunt but she had drunk her urine. She felt she had to do something so she said, "Mistress Andy, now it's my turn. May I please try licking your cunt? Please?" Andy looked up, startled. Then she realized from the look in her eyes that the girl was absolutely serious. She really wanted to do it. Reluctantly, Andy nodded and stood up. But then, with a little smile, she rested her buns on the...

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Andy TaylorChapter 5

"'Drea Taylor, who is that exquisite thing you're sponsoring for the cotillion!?" Sarah Conklin gushed. "She is utterly fabulous! Do you know what she gave me last night as a hostess gift? My God," the woman interrupted herself, "I think it's the first hostess gift I've ever received! Where was she educated? If you know, please tell me! I'll ship that spoiled little bitch of a daughter of mine out to it in an instant." Then she related how Kelly had given her an exquisite cloisonné...

4 years ago
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Andy and Me Part 3

In the few months after our first night together, me and Andy continued to have fun every few days afterwards. I had stopped masturbating on our ‘days off’ so when it came to our sexual encounters, I was always full and ready. When I told Andy this, he started to do the same and I could definitely tell the difference. Most of the time we would give each other blowjobs, either separately or at the same time. We got so used to each others bodies and how they reacted, we began to know when the...

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Andys new life ch1

Andy was out running in the country lanes near his home. At 32 he had not yet married, but he’d had a number of girlfriends. He enjoyed running, besides it kept him in shape. He was pretty attractive and had an athletic body. As he rounded a corner he saw a young lady struggling with a puncture on her horsebox. “Can you help me please?” she asked. Andy went over to have a look at the situation, helping was the least that he could do. “The spare is in the horsebox, but it’s a bit heavy for me”...

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Andy TaylorChapter 8

At nine o'clock the next morning Kelly and Andy were in the kitchen sitting at the table drinking coffee and grinning at each other. The looks they were exchanging were the purest love that just flowed between the two beautiful women. "Mom," Kelly said, "I think it's a vicious plot to make me get married in a hurry!" "What is?" "Sleeping on Dad's shoulder with his hand cupping my tit," she replied. "It's heaven! But then this morning! He just rolls between your legs and takes...

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Andy Sophie

Many years ago I was involuntarily single for what seemed like a long time -- over a year. I was working a construction job putting up a suburban shopping mall and never saw women during the day. I've never cared for the bar scene so I spent my evenings looking through my collection of well-thumbed porn magazines, watching videos from the back room of my local outlet, and emptying tube after tube of lube. I had a long tapered butt plug for those special moments when a cucumber just wouldn't do...

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Andy and Volfys Bitch Boy

Andy slammed the empty beer can down on the table,let out an enormous belch then stood up and unzipped his fly. He reached into his drawers,pulled out his semi hard cock,and laughed as he gave it a couple of strokes. "Here,I wanna show You something. Look at this! Ain't it pretty? Aw,come on Billy! Be a good little br other,and suck my dick!"He may have me tied to the chair,but I was starting to get pissed,so I responded defiantly with "And what if I don't want to? What then? You can't Make Me...

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Andy TaylorChapter 4

The doorbell rang at eight-thirty the next morning and Kelly went to answer it. Opening the door, she saw two beautiful young women, one with brown hair and the other with the most gorgeous auburn hair she had ever seen. The redhead extended her hand and said, "Kelly? I'm Ginger Conrad and this is Sandy Harris. We've been sent out from Los Angeles to help with a couple of things." When Kelly shook hands, she was very pleasantly surprised at the strength in the two women's grips. Just...

2 years ago
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Andy TaylorChapter 16

Early in the Carlson's visit Andy had called Barbara Cumings and arranged for her to come over for dinner and bring Terry Williams with her. It was arranged for the next night. When she told Ellie that she would have to be dressed, the woman commented, "Prudes! Andy Taylor, why do you always have to invite prudes over here for dinner?" Then she told Andy how much she and Sam had enjoyed the previous few days. Andy saw Ellie's expression change and she asked about it. Looking guilty the...

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Andy Ch 03

*Author’s note: This is Chapter 3. You should read at least Chapter 2 for some backstory. Fun fact: I’ve received many comments saying my story is not realistic, fair enough, but I actually take inspiration from real life events that me and my friends have experienced* ***** ‘I’m pregnant.’ she said. Andy didn’t know what to say, and he didn’t have time to say anything because she kept talking. ‘I found out almost four months ago. For the longest time I didn’t know if I should tell you or...

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Andys new life ch 3

Andy was in pain, serious pain, his body ached everywhere, his head was cloudy, there was something in his mouth, he tried to gather his thoughts. Fear was the last thing that he remembered, the master had threatened him with a punishment and then the gas, that’s it the master had gassed him again. Andy was still locked in place on the metal frame, but adjustments had been made everywhere, most of his weight was now on his shoulders and elbows, which were bent over various poles at awkward...

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"How about having dinner with me tonight?", Phil Russell asked, although he knew he would be turned down. He still had to try. After all, Sue Brown was someone whom many men privately referred to as an 'instant hard-on'. Every time he looked at her, or heard her voice, he had to concentrate very hard, so he would not cream his pants right then and there.The recipient of his admiration and lust turned toward him with a smile. Her soft voice made him shiver. Her green eyes danced merrily as she...

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Andy Handcuffs The beggining

It was 8 AM when Andy woke up. He looked exhausted, probably due to the all-night-long sex that he had been doing with Adam. Andy was a tall 21 year-old man, brown hair and beautiful green eyes with the most defined six-pack in all Britain. Adam was a boyish 18 year-old boy, tall with blue eyes, hair and a bubble-butt to die for. He didn’t know very much about Adam. Actually they just met the night before. But at least it had been a good fuck, that’s all it mattered. Andy got up, dressed...


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