My Transistion_(1) free porn video

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Lisa is a good friend. I've never tried to get to second base with her because I never saw her as girlfriend material. I don't know why, I mean she's hot and all but I always saw her as a little sister type.
We made some small talk and she said she had to go.
A couple days later I noticed a rash on my dick and thought I just needed a shower as it had been 2 days so I showed and went to bed but the next day I was feeling a slight pain in my groin area. So off to my doctors I went.
The doctor I was seeing was a woman about my age. She asked what the problem was and I told her I was feeling pain in my groin. She asked me to take my pants off and lie on the table so I did. She put some rubber gloves on and started her examination and sure enough I spring a boner. She just takes her pen out of her pocket and wacks my dick a good one and so much for my boner. Somewhat embarresed I said I was sorry. She just smiled and said it's ok. It happens all the time. 10 minutes later I left with some cream and some antibiotics. I was told to come back if it got worse.
Four days later and I was at emergency with a fever and a lot of pain in my groin. The doctor put me in a room by myself and other then him and a nurse, that's all I saw for the next couple days.
Finally the doctor told me I needed surgery. I asked what was wrong and he told me he would explain after another doctor looked me over.
A couple more days go by and four more doctors looked at me but none of them were talking.
Finally my doctor along with two other doctors came and told me I needed surgery as soon as possible to amputate me penis.
I was in shock to say the least and don't remember to much more. The next afternoon I met with another doctor and he told me after the first team of doctors were done he was going to come in and finish the SRS surgery.
What the hell is an SRS surgery I asked and what's going on here? He told me I have an aggressive flesh eating disease on my penis and that SRS meet sexual reassignment surgery. I would have to have a sex change but not to worry about it. As they were going to operate in the morning.
I cried for a while and then called my mother and told her that I was going to have surgery in the morning and could she come see me at the hospital tomorrow afternoon. Of course my mom was full of questions but I couldn't tell her what was going on. So I told her I have to get my appendix removed.
An hour later Lisa shows up and asks what's up. So I told her everything and made her swear not to tell anyone. We both cried and I told her to get checked out too.
The surgery went well and I woke up in ICU. My recovery went well to and I was released from hospital two weeks later with a package of adult diapers as I had to learn how to pee like a woman.
Lisa stopped by almost every day to check on me and one day told me her tests came back normal. She was okay.
Six weeks later I meet the doctor for a follow up and he asked if I wanted estrogen to help transition.
I asked what that meant and he said now that I don't have a penis anymore that I might be more happy as a woman.
I hadn't thought about that I said. What will happen to me I said.
Your body will slowly change and in a year or two, you will be a woman without the menstrual problem all other woman have.
He sent me home with a prescription and a referral to a shrink.
I talked it over with Lisa for a couple days and decided to go ahead and meet with the shrink.
The day I meet her. She told me she was glad I called and was so sorry for what happened to me. I told her everything and she even said that I had no other choice but to become a woman.
That's not what I want to hear I said in anger but I knew she was right.
I went home a stayed there for the next three weeks. I didn't answer the phone or the door. I just sat there and thought of the good old days. Fucking all the woman I've been with and beating off. Finally Lisa got my landlord to let her in my apartment. She was pretty mad at me but we talked and just hung out for most of the night.
The next morning I showered and went and filled the prescription. I went to see the shrink every week as she requested. I saw the doctor every month too.
About five months went by when I noticed a few subtle changes. My skin was softer and I didn't need to shave as much. My voice was different too. The next month I noticed my nipples were getting sensitive and my breasts were starting to grow. I started to wear baggy clothes which Lisa hated and believe me she mentioned it a a lot.
It was winter now so baggy clothes and winter jackets were the norm.
I went to Lisa's place one day to talk and hang out, watch a movie that sort of thing. She opened the door invited me in, I took my jacket off and when I looked up at her she was just standing there with her mouth open staring at me. I looked behind me then back at her saying what??? What's wrong?
She snapped out of her stair and said "nothing" nothing's wrong. We ate dinner and watched some tv without saying too much. Finally I stood up and said what's with you tonight?
She sat there quite as a mouse and staring me right in the eyes and said your changing!!!
Dose it bother you that much because if it dose... She cut me off and said no. It's not that. I I I just wasn't ready for this much change I mean you've got tits, I mean not little tits but pretty large ones. I stumbled back a step or two and said I gotta go and started for the door, but she cut me off and said no I'm sorry please don't go. We can talk this out.
Lisa's been my friend since grade school and she could always calm me down but to tell me I have big tits to my face like that scared the hell out of me. So I told her I needed time to think and grabbed my coat on my way out the door.
It was early November now, 11 months since my operation. My condition was next to impossible to hide anymore, hell I don't even need to shave my face. I haven't told my family yet, I was thinking. I've avoided them all to this point but I needed my mom so I called her and told her I was coming for a visit but only if she was going to be alone. Dad passed on when I was seven so he wasn't in the picture.
I got to mom's house around two in the afternoon. I walked in, took my shoes off and sat down on the couch before mom could give me the usual hug. I left my jacket on to. She came in and stopped and just looked at me. I asked her to sit down, that we needed to talk and that it was important. She sat down on the couch and said what is it sweat hart. I sat there and thought for a moment and she asked if this had any thing to do with me surgery.
Stunned I said yes. But what do you know???
Lisa has been keeping me in the loop. I know everything. And she smiled and said can I have my hug now!!!
I stood up and hugged my mom and cried.
You know, I always wanted a daughter, not like this mind you but I'll take it all the same.
Mom finally let me go and said now take that jacket off on the house and let me see you. I looked her in the eyes and said there have been some changes because of the hormones I'm taking mom. She said I can see that, your face looks a little different. Besides you've been on them for quite some time now. I smiled and removed my coat. Her eyes lit up when she saw the size of my chest and said oh my, you've grown so much. Are you wearing a bra? Mah, come-on I said. She laughed and said sorry my girl. We'll have to take you and get sized soon. It's ok mom, I'll get to it.
It was such a relief to know mom knew what was going on. Who else knows mom?
Well almost everyone by now I suppose you see I told your aunt this morning when you called and you know your aunt with a secret. We both just laughed.
Over the next few days I was visited or called by almost every family member I have and it was a little hard to explain to some of them but I got through it.
Lisa came by a few days later and apologize, saying that my mom can be very persuasive. Can you ever forgive me, I hugged her and said it's ok and thanked her. She had that strange look again. What's wrong now i said? We need to get you a bra. Let's go and she graded my hand and off to the mall we went.
I thought we were going to Walmart or something like that but she said nooo. Those were not bras. Those were shit on a hanger and we walked into La Senza. Lisa asked for someone to help measure me and fit me properly and a woman graded her measuring tape and started sizing me up then went and got one for me to try on. Now I've taken a few of these off other woman but never put one on so I'm sitting there looking a this thing and Lisa knocks on the door. Is everything okay in there. I open the door grab her arm and pull her in with me. What's wrong she says. Can you help me with this, I've never put one one before. Laughing she says take your top off. I'll help.
I pulled my top off reviling myself for the first time and Lisa gasped and said oh my. Those are beautiful. She had that deer in the headlights look again. I covered myself quickly and blushed. Sorry I didn't mean to... It's ok Lisa. Let's just get this over with. 38D wow. I'm only a 34B, I'm jealous as she smiles at me. I laugh and sigh at the same time.
Well that wasn't to bad was it??? If you say so Lisa I say.
The end on November and I'm it to see the doctor for my check up. Almost a year now since my surgery.
There's a new doctor now. A younger guy about 30. He asks me to take my clothes off and put the robe on that's open at the back and sit in the table with my feet in the stirrups. Then leaves, a few moments later he comes back in and asks how I'm doing. Good I think, where's the other doctor I ask. He's recovering from a stroke he had last week. I'm just filling in for the time being. Are you familiar with my file?? No but your here to have an exam right?? I guess I said. Okay then, let's get started and he pulls his chair up and turns his light on his head band on and puts his head under the garment. He touches me on the side's of my privets. It felt strange. A tingling. A warming. It felt strange. I put my hands down there to stop him so he asks. Are you okay. No please stop I said he backed up and asked what's wrong? Please read my file first!!! He just looks at me then says okay. He grabs my file and starts reading it. A moment later he looks up and says. I'm so sorry. I thought you were just a woman scared to have a man touch you. We get a lot of rape victims in here and we'll you know. Do you want me to continue.
I took a deep breath and said just go slow please. He says don't worry, I'll be gentle and he was. He finished his exam and I'm in tip top shape he said.
Two weeks before Christmas Lisa says I can't take it anymore. We're going shopping, your not warring these baggy clothes anymore. Let's go!!
I don't have any money Lisa I said. I'm still on long term disability but that's about to run out. It's okay your mom took care of that. Come on, let's go. Okay let's go I said.
Lisa and I shopped all day. First stop La Senza. You need a bra and panty set for every day of the week. So that's what I got. Then she says you need a supper... And she spun around and took off towards a rack grabed a fancy bra and g string combo and handed it to me. Try this on as she pushed me into the change room. I put it on just in time for the door to open. I forgot to lock it. Lisa stood there staring at me again. You know, I'm getting used to that you know. We both laughed and she said its perfect. Leave it on. Just give the tag to the cashier. Next we went to a high end dress shop. Lisa marched over to a rack of dresses pulled on off the rack and said trust me, this dress is to die for. Try it on as again I'm being pushed into a Chang room. This time I pull her in with me and said oh no you don't. Your helping me with this one. A few minutes later and I was in the dress. Lisa says "dam I'm good. I new this would look killer on you". Wear it out. Next to the jewelry shop. We picked out a couple nice necklace and earrings sets. Uhm Lisa, I don't have pierced ears. Laughing she says not yet. Let's go.
By the end of the day, we spent almost $2000 but I wouldn't need anything for a long time.
Three days before Christmas Lisa and I are getting our hair, nails and makeup done. The cosmetologist was explaining everything to me so I could do my own makeup. When we were done, I didn't recognize myself. Lisa was staring again and I felt fantastic.
Christmas day and everyone is at moms house including Lisa. I was warring a conservative outfit. Longer red skirt, red blouse, red low heals a nice danty gold chain and earrings. My makeup was perfect and a light dusting of perfume. Mother approved but Lisa said I looked like a granny. Lol.
For a lot of the family this was the first time they've seen me since my change. My brother was his usual asshole self until my aunt put him in his place. Lisa and I left around 10 pm it was a great time. I was comfortable and content.
New Years Eve and Lisa and I are dressed to the nines and out having fun. We were both drinking champagne and I for one was getting tipsy. Not wanting to drive, Lisa says I booked a motel for the night. I kinda loomed at her and thought she planed ahead? What's up??? Somewhere around 2:30 in the morning we went to check in. When we got to the room, the card wouldn't work so I said here, let me try. As I took the card from her she pushed me up against the door and kissed me lightly on the lips. Suprized at first I just let it happen then I kissed her back. Finally getting the door open and looking inside there was only one queen size bed. The room was lit in candlelight and there was a note on the table. Lisa says, this is for you, handing me the note. She looked worried about something. Looking at the note it read...
"Sweetheart I've wanted you for so long now but just couldn't work up the nerve to tell you. Then you changed and I want you even more now!!!
You see I'm a lesbian, have been for ever now and now your the most beautiful woman I know bar none. You keep catching me ogling over you and keep asking what's wrong. You take my breath away and I want you to take me to be yours. I know you love me to. A year ago you took me three times in one night.
I love you and only you. Please take me tonight!!!

Love Lisa."
Lisa was staring at me as she stood by the bed.
Shocked, I stood there!!!
She got up and walked over to me and kissed me every so sensually, so tender were her lips. I kissed her back the same way. Slowly, sudictivly and softly. She pulled me into her and kissed me harder as tears rolled down her cheeks. She breaks the kiss and says is that a yes? Smiling back at her as a tear roles down my cheek I said, Lisa I love you. She hugs me as I'm saying this. I didn't know how to tell you without ruining our friendship. I felt the zipper on my dress come down my back slowly, and I realize she wants me now. then her hands came back to the back of my shoulders and she pulled the straps off my shoulders. The dress fell to the floor. I reached down and pulled her dress off over her head. Brushing her tears away she slowly reached around and undid my bra and let it fall as well. Our eyes were locked on each other. Her hands touching my breasts ever so tenderly. Her hands are shaking, trembling. I was lost, I closed my eyes and tipped my head back as she leaned in and flicked her tounge at my nipple. Goose bumps quake through me. I felt weak in the knees. Lisa helped me lie down on the bed. Pushing me back kissing me at the same time and rubbing my nipples in the palms of her hands. Slowly she works down to my tits , kissing, licking, teasing. Ever so slowly, downward over my stomach. Hooking her thumbs under my panties pulling them down. Her hands are still trembling. I lift my ass a little to help get my soaked panties off. Starting at my feet, slowly kissing, licking, teasing, tasting all she could. She worked her way up my legs leaving a trail with her tongue. Pushing my legs apart while kissing the insides of my thighs to my new pussy. Now I'm trembling, burning with desire. She kisses all around my pussy but doesn't touch it. Quivering and with a very shaky voice I say please!!!
She continues to tease, blowing ever so lightly. Rubbing the tip of her nose up and down my lips. Flicking her tounge gently on my lips as if she was studying or exploring uncharted territory.
Then suddenly, without warning she shoves her tounge into the bottom of my cunt flicking her tounge upwards and closing her mouth over my pussy. Pure ecstasy rolled over me, I arched my back and flung my arms above my head. Lisa sucked and licked me relentlessly. Her hands holding my legs open, digging her tounge in and out, exposing my clit. And just when I thought I couldn't take anymore she shoves two finger's in there and thrusts them in and out sucking hard on my clit. I screamed in ecstasy as I cummed for the first time in about a year. Not missing a beat Lisa sucks hard on my clit. But there's to much for her to handle and she tries to back away but I grab her head and mash her face into my can't as I gush out the last of my orgasm.
Letting go of her head and collapsing on my back, Lisa cleaned me up then kissing her way back up to my lip's. Smiles and says as she roles off of me, that was worth the wait!!!
Lisa laid there while I caught my breath.
Lying there thinking about if I could even come close to that. I rolled to my side and stared at her for a moment that's when she said what. I just continued staring and said teach me how to do that to you. I want you to feel as fantastic as I do. Smiling at me she says go slow and enjoy everything you do as much is I will.
Leaning in I kiss her and tell her she's the only person in the world to touch me except the doctor. I haven't touched myself at all sexually, I was to scared.
Do you want to use my toys on me she says. Surprised I look her in the eyes. She laughs and says yes I do have toys, I'm an adult you know. Pushing me off her, she gets up and goes to her closet and returns with a box. Placing it on the bed she says. This was my toy box as she open's it reviling vibrators, dildos all sorts of sexy things.
She looks me in the eyes and says this one is a strap-on, you could feel like a man again as she studied my face, looking for a reaction. I have to admit I felt quite inept for a moment. No Lisa, this is who I am now. It's been hard for me but I've always felt more female then male. I just never told anyone. Lisa I'm happy now.
She leans in and we kiss. I reach behind her and undo her bra. I then guide her to lie down on the bed, kissing her while working my hands over her breasts and sides of her body, working my way to her right ear, nibbling and kissing, leaving a trail with my tounge. Lisa's breathing becomes a little laboured and she sighs ever so slightly. Down to her neck niddling as I go. My hands are roaming over her breasts, squeezing and pinching and ever so slightly rubbing up and down over her nipples. Her nipples are rock hard as are mine so I move over top of her nipple to nipple rubbing up and down side to side in circles and mashing my tits in to hers. Our hands are all over each other. I was getting so aroused but I wanted to make her feel what she did to me so I grabbed her wrists and put them down, looking into her eyes I say, no it's your turn my love them burred my side face in her breasts and licked all over. Moving slowly down under her tits licking and sucking each nipple as I went lower and lower.
Getting to her belly button I gently kissed as she shuddered ever so slightly, letting her wrists go and placing my hands on the insides of her thighs I gently open her legs. She's still warring her G string but that wasn't going to stop me. Slowly kissing and licking my way down to the top of the band I pulled with my teeth at it and let it snap back agents her skin. She jerked a little and gasped too. I nibbled around her fabric lines being careful not to touch her sweet pussy. Lisa was moaning now and was breathing heaver.
I gently blow on her pussy as I trace the outline of her G string covering her sweet cunt. Slowly I pull the red fabric to the side and lick all around touching her lips slightly then moving away. Coming back to the top of her opening I use my chin to press in and slid down as my nose follows. God dose she smell so good. Looking up at her briefly to gage her reactions I smile slightly as I see her eyes closed tight and she's clinched her teeth. Wondering how much more of this teasing I could do I decided to taste her nectar. I darted my tongue deep into her honey hole. She gasped and jerked hard putting her hands on my head and holding me there. I stopped just like that with my tounge buried deep inside her as she settled down slightly and let my head go. Very slowly I worked my tounge up and down slightly not to much just a little. Mmmm she tastes so good. But I hold back and work in and out at the bottom of her pussy. Being careful not to touch her clitoris to much. My nose keeps bumping it lightly as I tounge fuck her a while. Lisa's moaning louder now and telling me "yes yes just like that, don't stop that's right just like that oh god please don't stop."
I start to flick my tongue up and hit her clit harder a couple times and insert a finger into the bottom of her pot slowly I work my tounge and finger into her alternating between tounge and finger, going a little faster now she is moaning, groaning and mumbling. I can't understand her as she is incoherent. She's trembling now almost as if she had hypothermia. So I slow down to a crawl and let her settle down for a moment, I left my finger in her and kissed all around her box.
Satisfied that she wasn't gonna cum yet I started to work my finger in and out again making sure not to touch her clit. Adding a second finger a moment later and kissing her clit slightly as it is more valuable now. Sticking out like a loan douglas fur in clear cut forest, Standing there proud I wrap my tounge around it and slide my mouth over it sucking it all into my mouth at once. Lisa screamed and jerked, spasming as she pushed her hips up to meet my onslaught of her sex. Shoving four fingers into her and sucking as hard is I could she explodes into orgasm. Her hands are on my head ramming my head into her cunny. I kept sucking and ramming my hand in and out. Her legs are squeezing my head and hands tighter as my movement becomes restricted but I keep sucking and am rewarded with another spasm as she fills my mouth with more nectar. I slow my assault on her and slowly pull my hand out, licking everywhere I can reach. Lisa is still as a mouse. I look up to see that she passed out.
I pulled myself up beside her and cuddled up to her with my head on her shoulder as I fell asleep with her.
I awoke in the morning to Lisa crying. Asking her if she was okay. She sobbed and told me she loved me so much. She couldn't bear to loose me. Smiling at her I say.
I love you Lisa...


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It had just gone quarter to midnight and Diane had reduced her pacing up and down the hallway to a small shuffle in either direction. Where the hell is that girl? She thought. It wasn’t even a Friday or Saturday night, but she still decided to break her curfew.Any more of this nonsense, young lady and you will never leave the house again. Toni, her eighteen-year-old daughter was in trouble more often than she cared to admit, and Diane was sick of telling her to be in by curfew. She had set...

4 years ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 118

While Charles drove Frederik home, something unexpected happened. They had only been driving for a short while, when Charles said, “Frederik, I’m going to park the car for a moment, because I want to have a private talk with you. Is that okay?” “Um, sure,” Frederik responded, somewhat surprised by Charles’s question. After Charles had parked his car, he looked at Frederik and said, “This is maybe a little strange, but I want to ask you some questions about Sandra.” “That’s fine with me,...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable Revenge

Hello readers, this is Jack Master. Today I am writing a new kind of story. I guess you must have knowledge of wrestling. How people fight and win championship.etc. So this story is on the same theme. I hope you will enjoy it. So here I begin… Once there was a wrestling league in a city (name cannot be mentioned for any controversy). Here, type of wrestling conducted is a bit different which you must be thinking for. This club is mixed one. Where in one corner in the ring belongs to Man and...

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I miss my younger cousin

This is my first story written so stay with me also I have a.d.d. So sorry if I jump around place to place. I'm male and not very good looking. So this is my first time ever. I don't remember most of my childhood because of my head injuries, but I remembered this clearly and cry every time. So about tens years ago when I was 7 or 8 I was forced into having sex with three cousins. One of my cousins had long blond hair and was touched by one of my uncles when she was 6, she also was 7 or 8. The...

2 years ago
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Busting Sexy Niece

Hi, My Name is Sahil. I am now 40 year old. This is a story about me and my niece Vanshani who is now my wife. I am living in Florida, USA. Me and my wife were moved to Florida when I was 30 year old. My wife was youngest child in her family. She has one two older brothers. Her oldest brother had a daughter, Vanshani who was 21 year old. It was winter break in her college when Vanshani came to Florida. I went to air port to pick her up. I was seeing her first time after three years. When I saw...

1 year ago
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Lady Delancey

Lady Delancey By Eugene Webber Lady Delancey and Virginia watched as Daphne led Ronald outside. Lady Delancey with relief, the same relief her grandmother-in-law had felt in the Admiral's office. Virginia with apprehension, wondering if King could keep it together now that he was with the transgendered woman he found so despicable. Her thoughts were ended by Lady Delancey's hand slithering into hers, their fingers intertwining. Virginia turned to see Denise's beaming face, the...

3 years ago
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First Time for Everything

Ellen entered the room, quickly appraising its suitability Ellen entered the room, quickly appraising its suitability. With a quick little nod of Her head, she turned Her focus on tim. tim stared at the ground, hands folded over his bare genitals, apprehensive, nervous, uncertain, his stomach clenching and unclenching. he wanted to look up at Her, but that had been addressed in the e-mail directing him here, an out-of-the-way cabin deep in the woods, ?where no one can hear you scream? was...

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Espada y brujeria 01

Emilie sostenfa la afilada daga ceremonial con la mano izquierda. La derecha apuntaba un poco m?s abajo, a un peque?o altar del tama?o de una mesa lleno de runas y glifos. Desde la palma de la diestra salfan peque?os rayos dorados de luz, ba?ando las piedras y activando los glifos uno a uno, mientras recitaba versos en un lenguaje desconocido para la mayorfa de mortales. Para un observador externo resultarfa chocante observarla. Era una joven realmente hermosa. Ciertamente no destacaba por su ...

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Girls and Marriages and Hen Nights lots of Sex

'Do you Felicia Westbrook, take Blah Blah Blah'?I don't need to remind you people, that have been down the isle, of our wedding vows, where we promise not to be dirty unfaithful little girls, to our pussy hungry intended husbands, some of whom, which included mine, have already banged one of my so called friends, now standing just behind me, frocked-up as my bridesmaid, with my intended to be's, sperm still being nurtured inside her pussy.Weddings are like that from a girls point of view, they...

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Who Is Mercy Wild Chapter 4

WARNING: You must read Chapters 1 through 3 first, or this won't make any sense at all. If you are unsure how to find them, look under the authors' names search, find mine, and Chapters 1 through 3 of the story will be there for you. For those concerned about incomplete stories, please be assured that Dickens wrote serialised instalments of his greatest works. He did this in order to have more time to dress naughty and dance the can-can at pubs all over Western Europe. For...

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Baby Gina

BABY GINA by Throne "Honestly, George," his wife Maya said testily. "You make everything so difficult." He sat there on the couch, an average looking guy, with a nervous expression on his pale soft face. "But I don't understand why you would invite him to come here. Kurt bullied me in school and, well, you remember what happened at the class reunion." "I sure do," she said with a nasty grin. "He pushed you around, made you drink half a dozen cups of punch, and then wouldn't...

4 years ago
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Jims New Job

Jim's New Job by Karen Elizabeth L. (KarenTV720) I was only sixteen when my life changed. I know now that the change was definitely best for me but I had serious doubts during the time the change was occurring. I suppose the biggest problem was that I had no idea of what was happening to me or why. But before I get involved in some deep philosophical discussion let me explain what happened. Liked I said I was only sixteen and in the middle of my junior year in high...

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mere sexy babhi mere jaan

By: rajveer Hi all ISS readers. This is my first sotry . Main sidha main point pe aata hoon mera naam rajveer hai meri ek bahut hi sunder babhi hai jo mujhe jin ki age 30 hai or main 27 ka hu.mere babhiya bussines ke karan baher rahte the,main mere babhi ke sath rahata hu. Wo mera bahut khayal rakhati hai . phale main un ke bare amin galat nahi socta tha lakin jub se maine ye story padane laga to mera najariya un prati badal gaya . wo bahut sexy hai un ka size 36 30 36 un ke boobs mujhe bahut...

1 year ago
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At The Laundromat

ᴉMierda! I thought. “Thank you,” I said. I didn’t have an extra $150 to get my clothes dryer fixed, so I paid the serviceman and walked him to the door.At least my washer still worked. I had Thursday morning off so after I showered, I pulled my hair back, put on shorts and a baggy sweatshirt, and did the laundry that had been building up. I popped each load in a trash bag and then drove down to the Laundromat. Even if I would have to use their dryers until next month, I was not going to look...

Oral Sex
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Picture Taker

Picture Taker I went looking for my camera and it was missing. When I asked Mom about it, she said that my sister had borrowed it, and that she had given her permission to do so. I had taken some nude pictures of myself beating off and they were still in the camera. My hard cock was in my hand with a lot of stroking and some pretty amazing squirting. I had to get that camera back. Mom said that they were out taking pictures somewhere in the woods in a clearing near a stream. I...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 54 Spring Break Part II

March 1981, Milford, Ohio “We’ll need some lubrication, Stephanie.” “I know,” she grinned. “There’s baby oil on my sink.” I went into her private, attached bathroom, got the bottle of baby oil, and came back into the bedroom. “Steve, when Jennifer explained how you did it, she said she was face down on the bed. Is there a way to do it so I can see you?” I thought for a second, then said, “I think so, Squirt. If you’re on your back and I hold your legs, the angle should work.” “Oh! Let’s...

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Caught cheating by my wifes sister

All was going great for a while, we were having our usual amazing (ten times better than the wife) sex. I was on top in the missionary position. Emily was gasping and groaning underneath me; her fingers were dug into my ass plunging me deep inside her as she pleasured herself on my prick. I knew she was about to cum and I was more than ready to join her. Emily’s body began to shudder and she soon began her usual gasping with “fuck me, I’m your whore” dirty talk. I replied calling her a slut and...

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Sheik Omar Ch 05

Young Lady Mary is rescued by Sheikh Omar from certain death from thirst. He took her with him while his caravan travelled home to his oasis town. Now together with a French army captain and an Irish rebel who joined the Foreign Legion they try to find out what to do. ——————– The English girl, the two soldiers in the French foreign legion and the Arab sheik sat around a table filled with teacups and pastries trying to figure out what she could do. Going back to the coast and sell the farm in...

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Glossary (ノ^^)ノ Text emoticon. Woohoo! (Characters represent a person with their arms up and to the right.) ヽ(ಠಠ)ノ Text emoticon. Frustrated (Characters represent a person with their arms up to either side, with a furrowed brow and eyes.) Abba Hebrew. Daddy / Dad Ahuvi Hebrew. My beloved. (Said from a woman to a man) Ahuva Hebrew. “My beloved”, said from a man to a woman. Al tezayen li et hasechel Hebrew. “Don’t fuck with my mind” Alt: “Don’t bullshit me”. Ami Hebrew. Mommy /...

4 years ago
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My Son brings me another Part 3

Our Lovely Son's and Others.How wrong could I be. Or how right. My thought's were going to bite my ass. Big time.Debbie was in the same class as Jorden and Toby, they had become 'friends'.... and all of a sudden it hit me. Danm. It was a sucker punch. I sat up in my bed, the effect upset Susey. Her breasts stood proud as the moving sheets left her naked."What?""Debbie's a boy......, and I think Nicky's a sex addict just like us.""What the fuck, girl have you been sniffing something. Shit, what...

2 years ago
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Our Office Fantasy Part 2

You answer the phone in hushed tones. “Hello baby.” “Hi gorgeous, how are you?” “How do you think? My nipples are hard and my pussy is wet!” I know how she feels. Since our affair began, her texts and phone calls make my body react too. The mere sound of her voice, or a sexy photo sent to my phone, causes me to leak pre cum. It’s an amazing feeling, and I love that she does it to me. “Did you take a look at the website I told you about?” you whisper. “Yes I did babe, damn it turned me on....

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 10 The Cylinder Room

Stephanie proved remarkably easy to control. I felt no need to have guards come along when I took her for her branding and later when I took her to the slave training facility. Partly this was because she was handcuffed, but probably the most important reason was because her defense attorney had given her the standard briefing about how the 'bio-implant' in her neck made successful escape impossible, made non compliance pointless and also provided her masters, including myself, with the...

1 year ago
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Breaking Drake Ch 01

Drake grinned at his parents, and at the military black jeep sitting in their yard. ‘Happy Birthday, son.’ His dad said, throwing the keys to him. ‘Take it out for a spin!’ His mother chirped. Drake obliged, grinning even wider as the engine purred to life. He backed out of the driveway and sped down the road. He hit the back-country highway, wanting to test out the new car. He raced down the road, twisting and turning. He laughed out loud, reveling in the wind coursing through his dark...

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My Journey As A Whore 8211 Part V

Hi its me Sweta again, here with next part of my journey. The next morning, Vijay saab was sitting at the computer and was watching the pictures and videos he took the night before. I got up from bed, wrapped the blanket and walked towards him. “Kya kar rahe hai saab?” I asked. “sending your naked pictures on internet” he said. Hearing it, I blushed. Vijay saab looked at my tomato red face and laughingly asked, “Do you want to hear what they have to say about you?” I often used to think that...

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Stewardess in Barcelona

Every year I go on holiday to Spain, normally I go to small touristic places at the beach but this year I decided to do something else. I would take a plane, go to Barcelona en get an hotel at the airport, I would rent a car and would stay a couple of days in and around Barcelona and maybe go to see a soccer match, in Camp Nou. When I left on the third day to visit the center of Barcelona I noticed 3 stewardesses walking in the hotel, not bad, not bad at all I thought. As the 3 walked by I got...

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Jordan Ventures into the Dark World of Bondage Pain and Sex Alone Part One

Matthew and I were in our senior year at college and were attending an appreciation dinner for an organization where we both volunteered. We knew each other casually and just by chance we sat at the same table. I had always thought he was a nice guy and very hot, but we were both involved with others so I never pursued it. He later told me basically the same about me. We passed the time just making small talk but kept finding things we had in common, which was itself interesting since we were...

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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 18

The Last Day The Beginning of the End 12:00:00 a.m. When the fireworks began, Brian was almost invisible, near the front door, beside the game machine. No one liked to sit there because the waitresses had a hard time noticing that your cup was empty or that you needed something. Brian loved to sit there because it gave him another barrier to erect between himself and the world. Never able truly to trust, Brian suffered a life of isolation and smoldering frustration as each day stretched...

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Third cock maybe not

Read 'second cock' first! So, I'm hiking most of the day with a boner in my shorts, anticipating seeing my friend from a year ago at that same spot. I arrived, set up camp, ate a little dinner, peered into my little campfire, thinking he won't come. So I'll await the evening and again enjoy a walk around in the meadow naked, feeling the night breeze on my hard on and balls making me horny, so I have to finally sit down and jerk off under the stars. I had pulled out the tequila I had brought and...

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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 12

Jake, Daphne, Geoffrey, Sibilius, Frank and Tanya materialized in the middle of the woods near the Phoenix Preserve. "There's a hunt today," Daphne told the others, "so there should be a few Phoenix girls out here somewhere." "Wouldn't it be better to go to some of the temple seats and ask some of your sisters for help?" Tanya wanted to know. "I think they don't want too many people finding out there might be trouble in paradise," Frank mused. "The idea that there's something...

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Jans quest

The night was young. Jan left the cubicle after a long hot shower, beads of water dripped from her skin to the floor, wetting the towel mat and the cool tiles. She took a towel from the rail but did not wipe her glistening skin with it, but draped it over her shoulders. She opened the bathroom door, looked left and right down the corridor, then boldly walked slowly down to her bedroom. It was early evening and she could have run into a member of her family. Jan half-wanted that to happen but...

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Simple Seduction

Chapter 1: ‘Mallory, please! You have to do this for me!’ Mallory Leanna Evens stared at her older sister as if she had grown two heads. ‘Macey, I can’t just go on your blind date for you and tell this mystery guy that you aren’t interested. It doesn’t work that way. If you want to, you go and tell him yourself.’ she sighed. It was so like Macey to make her do the dirty work. Sometimes Mallory wondered how it was that they were sisters. Besides the fact that they looked nothing alike, they...

2 years ago
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Saritha Made My Day

Dear Readers, I am Sumith from Hyderabad. This story is one of my short experience in 2008.Its 80% fact.. Hyderabad was in a celebratory mood with bonalu festival. After i finish my office i was getting bored, so just went for a walk around in my area sananthnagr. It was very colorful and i was enjoying the beauties and aunties in sarees and showing their navels. I called few of my friends about their evening activities. One my friend raj told to come to his place for a weekend party. Next...

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The Blonde and the Dark

To discover the prequel to this story, you need to read my Blog entry entitled “A Quick-Fix in the Afternoon”.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * It was a mid-week early evening, the weather had been rather kind lately, and I had decided to go to the bar for a quick drink after work before returning home. It was the same bar I had patronised with Rachel on that afternoon a few weeks earlier, when a chance meeting had led to an unexpected and brief sexual encounter with a complete...

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Rock Star Ch 06

A chauffeur dressed in black with his name on a signboard waited for him at arrivals. The driver carried his guitar case and luggage, if you can call his one bag of clothes as luggage, to a black limo parked in the ‘disabled’ parking zone. Taylor phoned Ann once he was settled in the back of the luxurious vehicle. ‘Hi Ann, I’m here.’ ‘Hello baby, did the limo driver find you?’ ‘Yes thank you, you could just have sent a normal car you know.’ Ann laughed, ‘This is LA baby, we do everything in...

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GameplayerChapter 23

Sam knew that the special detail to which Madeleine had been assigned offered her no personal rewards beyond the County's penurious per diem and a couple of days proximity to the coastal waters. He decided his bachelor's bank account would easily support a special dinner at Lindsay's, Twin Rivers' finest restaurant. He worried that, not having warned Madeleine of his intention to spend freely, she might fail to dress for the occasion. But when he saw her emerge from the hotel elevator at...

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Owner8217s Envy Tenant8217s Pride

Hi All, This is Akshay Ganna again. I am 36 years old and have a very nice 6 feet tall athletic body. I hope you have enjoyed my previous stories. This particular story is a real life incidence which took about 10 years back. I was then 26 years old and had been working in an IT firm in Pune. I was deputed to Hyderabad for a period of 6 months on a project delivery. In about a week I managed to have 1BHK house on the 3rd floor. It was on the top of the building with a big open terrace. The...

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She was young with a tight pussy and nice big tits and he was old enough to be her grandfather but he loved fucking her. He told her "Get on your hands and knees and raise that ass to me. I want to stick my cock in you and fuck you hard." He had to take a lot of his pink pills to be able to fuck the young gal for hours like she wanted it. He watched as she raised her ass to take his big thick meat. In his young days he fucked a lot of whores even when he was married. He had spent many days...

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Hearts BloomingChapter 3 Romancing a Lonely Heart

I still remember every detail of the day I saw the love of my new life for the first time. The date was Monday, October 10th, and Brad and I were walking together to go to our second hour class when suddenly, out of the blue, this drop-dead gorgeous girl that both Brad and I had never seen before appeared. “Wow, man. Who is she?” Brad asked me. “Gloria Harr, junior, just moved here from California,” I said as I scanned. “So far, she hates it here, and she only digs guys who...

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Sands of the Sahara

Note: Like most stories that I write, there a few pages of build up, before you get to the juicy parts, but I assure you, they do cum. .......................................................... My horse was exhausted, I knew it was not likely to carry me very much further. Tiredly I dismounted. I took my one remaining water bottle, gave the horse a handful and let a few drops dribble between my lips. I had been left with little choice but to take to the dunes even though I knew a horse...

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The FreshmanChapter 5 Two Streakers

Jason spent the following Sunday with his friends, once again going on a hike along the shore of Lake Michigan north of Chicago. It was a very pleasant outing, made even more so by Jason's extremely upbeat mood over his successful date with the RA the night before. The group got back from their hike relatively late. After getting cleaned up and changed they decided to go into Ken's room and order a pizza, after having missed dinner. Jason thought about going over the Burnside class...

4 years ago
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Amorous Agents Ch 02

Thank you Andi for proofreading and editing this part. ***** The team had three weeks to be ready to pass their OCFT, Obstacle Course Field Training. Keith had gotten to know these agents. Yes, they did not look fit, nor did they seem athletic at all, but he knew they would give one hundred ten percent, and that was all he asked. Christy worked with them in the gym and he would do his part. They surprised him. For four straight days they came in early and stayed late. Christy was with them...

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