Demoted free porn video

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Demoted By Michelle X A year ago I was on top of the world. I was not even 30 years old, and already I was making six figures as the sales manager in a large insurance firm. I had a new BMW, a large spacious apartment, and a beautiful girlfriend. I was Mike Richardson, a corporate dynamo who was in total control of his future. And now? Just a year later, that's all gone. My name is now Michelle Smith, and I'm working as a lowly secretary, making just above minimum wage. My car and my girlfriend are gone. I was living in a dumpy, crowded apartment, but luckily my boyfriend Eric is letting me move in with him. How did this all happen? Let me explain. About to years ago, I was one of the two head honchos in the sales department. The other co-manager of the department was a bitch named Julie Black. She was hired by the company at about the same time I was, and for the entire time we were there, we were incredibly competitive. I hated that wench. The position of sales manager was initially supposed to be mine exclusively. But when Julie found out I was going to be promoted, she threatened to file a sex discrimination lawsuit. So to avoid any legal action, they gave her an equal position as me. I hated her even more then. We were serving as co-managers for about six months when there was a huge shakeup in the company. The former president of the company, an old family friend, was being replaced with Vera Spellman, a cutthroat, no-nonsense businesswoman. She had a notorious reputation for hating men, supposedly because she had experienced so much sex discrimination when she was first starting out. About a week after Vera joined the company, she set up a meeting with Julie and me to go over changes in the sales department. When we walked into her office, the woman was just as I had envisioned her. She was dressed in a professional suit with an incredibly stern look on her face that clearly indicated that she meant business. Vera explained to us that because of cutbacks, some of the upper level staff would have to be eliminated. This included one of the co-manager positions. Thus, only one of us could be manager, and she would interview us both before making her final decision. I kind of knew right then and there that I would be getting fired, knowing Vera's reputation as a man-hater. My interview confirmed my suspicions. For more than an hour, Vera utterly criticized my job performance, berating me while praising Julie. She told me that she expected more from me, "given all the advantages you have as a man." The news was inevitable. The next day, all three of us assembled, and Vera informed us that Julie would remain as sales manager while my position would be terminated. "Well," I asked, "at least I can go back to being a salesman, right?" "I'm afraid not," replied Vera without any iota of compassion. "There are no openings for you to be a sales rep. The only open position for you in the sales department will be with the secretarial staff." "What?" I said in disbelief. "A secretary! Hell, that's a job for flunkies. With all my experience, all my education, I deserve something better than that." Then Vera gave me the harshest look I'd ever seen a woman give. "Listen, Buster!" she said. "Don't you dare criticize the secretarial staff! I started out as a secretary, and look where I am now! They work their asses off for all the big-shot managers. If you ever want to be a manager again, you'll have to work your way up to the top, just like I did. It sounds like this experience may actually be a good lesson for you. You'll finally learn what it's like to do real work!" And with that, the meeting ended. As we left, Julie couldn't help but laugh. "I can't believe this!" she giggled. "You once thought you were so much better than I am. And now you're just a lowly secretary." "Shut up, Julie!" I said. "This is hard enough without you rubbing it in." "Um, excuse me. I'm your boss now. It's not appropriate for you to call me by my first name. From now on, you will address me as Ms. Black. Understood?" "Yes." Julie glared at me. "Um.yes.Ms. Black!" "Good," Julie said. "Tomorrow we'll get you started on your secretarial training." When I got home, I pondered my dilemma. Working as a secretary would mean a major cut in my pay, my benefits, as well as my self-respect. But on the other hand, I put five years into the company; I couldn't just throw all that away. I figured there was no way that Vera Spellman would last that long as company president. I thought I could just ride out the storm until she got kicked out, and then I would get my job as manager back. So the next day I swallowed my pride and faced my first day as secretary. Julie decided to make me her Executive Secretary. She figured that way she would be my direct boss and thus have complete control over me. I would have to follow her every command or else lose my job with the company. Things went good (as good as they could get given the situation) for about two weeks. Then one day Julie called all of the secretaries in the department in for a special meeting. As we entered the conference room, she handed us all a memo. On the subject line were the words "Dress Code Changes". "As the new manager," Julie said, "I have decided that this workplace environment should look more professional. Some of you have been a bit too casual with your attire, so I have made a new code that I expect you all to adhere to. It will be strictly enforced." At first, I was a bit puzzled, because the memo clearly didn't apply to me. It described a no pants policy; only professional-looking skirts and dresses were acceptable. In addition, no casual or athletic shoes were permitted. Anyone not wearing high heels would be fired on the spot. Finally, it was "strongly suggested" that we wore an appropriate amount of makeup, to show that we took pride in our appearance. Julie saw the puzzled look on my face, and before I could even let out the question, she looked right in my eyes and said, "I expect everyone to adhere to these rules. Everyone!" I thought it must have been some kind of joke. "Excuse me,, Ms. Black. This new policy doesn't make any sense. Why on earth would I want to wear skirts and high heels?" Julie made a sadistic grin and said, "I could care less about what you want. This is about what I want. I case you've forgotten, I'm the boss, not you." "All right, bitch, this is the last straw!" I yelled. "I can tolerate being your peon, but there's no way you're going to humiliate me further by putting me in dresses!" Meanwhile, one of the other secretaries, Phyllis, chimed in. "Well, I think this dress policy is completely fair. It's not comfortable wearing, skirts, pantyhose, and heels every day. If we have to do it, why shouldn't he? He doesn't deserve any special treatment." "I agree," said Julie. "Mike, you forget, you're not a manger anymore. You're just a secretary, like Phyllis and the rest of the girls. You don't get any special treatment just because you're a man. You'll have to suffer in heels and skirts like the rest of them." Julie then picked up the phone, saying, "I know how we can settle this." She called Vera and asked her to come over right away. In less than five minutes, she came strutting in with the typical stern look on her face. She picked up the memo and quickly scanned it. Vera looked at Julie and said, "Ms. Black, I've very impressed with your concern about maintaining a professional environment. I think it makes perfect sense to implement a more well-defined and equal dress code." Vera then turned to me. "You, sir, have absolutely no right to talk back to your boss like that. After all, you're just a lowly secretary, and you're in no position to decide company policy. If you care about your career, you'll follow these new rules to the very letter!" After Julie dismissed the rest of the secretaries, who were snickering at my predicament, Vera told me to follow her to her office. "You'll have the rest of the day off to prepare to tomorrow," she said. "I'm sure you don't have any of the necessary attire or makeup, so I'm going to take you on a shopping trip. Let's go." Before I had any chance to object, Vera dragged me out to the car, and we were off to the mall. I stayed silent as we drove, wondering what I should do. The thought of having to dress like a woman every day infuriated me. Could I really sink so low? Yet my dilemma further increased my desire to get revenge against Julie. If I left the company, there would be no way I could get my managerial position back and put Julie in her place. If I had quit, that would that would have been an undeniable admission that she had beaten me. Yes, I had no choice but to ride this thing out, even if it meant working as a woman. But I still had my doubts about the whole thing. Just as soon as I had made my decision in my mind, we arrived at a small boutique. Vera asked me if I had a credit card with a high limit. I said that I did, and she said, "Great! You'll have enough money to buy the perfect wardrobe for a working woman!" Vera explained that her friend owned the boutique, and that she would ensure that no one else would be around, so that I could try on all my clothes with minimal embarrassment. We must have spent hours, as Vera forced me to try on dozens of suits, skirts, and blouses. She kept on charging dozens and dozens of items to my card, and at one point I asked, "Isn't this a bit excessive?" She just ignored me, and gave me another skirt to try on. Vera really seemed to be enjoying my being forced to parade around in women's clothing. We must have bought several dozen items in every imaginable color, when she then sent me to the shoe department to buy some high heels. The whole time I was complaining about how much they pinched my toes and how hard it was to walk in them. Vera dismissed my complaints yet again. "Tough! All the other secretaries have to wear them, and I doubt they're complaining. Besides," she said with a sadistic smile, "You'll have plenty of time to practice walking in them." In the end, I had about 15 pairs of heels. Again, I complained about that being excessive, and she simply replied that we needed enough to match all my clothes. After we found some bras and pantyhose, Vera gave everything to the cashier to be rung up. "That will be $2,088.77," announced the clerk. I almost crapped in my pants! I was forced to spend over $2,000 on clothes that I didn't even want to wear in the first place. Before we left, Vera gave me one of the outfits and said, "I really loved this suit on you. Can you try it on again, just to see how it looks? Wear it with these pantyhose, this bra and these heels." She pushed me into a dressing room with the clothes. I first put on the navy blue pantyhose, followed by a padded bra and a white blouse. I then put on the navy blue jacket and skirt, followed by navy blue high heel shoes. I looked in the mirror and was amazed. From the neck down, I looked completely feminine. No one would doubt that this was the body of a very feminine secretary. Vera told me to walk out and show me the outfit. Because of the high heels and the tight skirt, it was impossible for me to walk in a masculine manner. Instead, I had to walk in an ultra-feminine style, taking tiny steps and swaying my hips. I was so embarrassed as I saw myself in a large mirror. "You look fabulous!" said Vera. "No one would ever guess that you're a man!" Was that supposed to be a compliment? "Okay, let's go." she said. "We have plenty more to do." "All right, let me just change." "Change? Why would you want to do that? You're going to need practice wearing these clothes, and the time to start is right now! You're going to go out exactly as you are dressed!" To ensure this, she went to the dressing room, found my male clothes, and threw them in the dumpster at the side of the store. "There!" she said. "Now you have no choice but to go out as a woman!" Indeed I didn't. Even though the walk back to the car took just a minute, I was incredibly self-conscious. I wondered how I, in my tight skirt, nylon-clad legs, and high heels, might look to another man passing by, sacred that they might find me attractive. I felt so vulnerable. When we got to the car, Vera informed me that that we were going to a salon. She remarked that it would look silly for me to have the body of a woman and the face of a man, so she would do everything she can to remove any trace of masculinity from me. This would include a perm, complete makeover, and manicure. Again, like the boutique, the salon happened to be owned by a friend of hers, who assured us that I would have total privacy for my makeover. The first thing that was taken care of was my hair. I was commanded by Vera not to ask any questions, just to let the beauticians do their thing. But it got to the point where they were doing so much styling, using so many chemicals that I had to pipe up. "I hope you're not giving me anything too feminine?" I asked. "On the contrary," the stylist replied. "Vera told me to give you a very feminine cut. She wanted to ensure that no one would ever mistake your hair for a man's style. It will have plenty of curls, and you're going to be a blonde as well!" I got really scared. Vera definitely seemed to be going overboard with all this. I was hoping that she would leave me masculine enough that I could still pass as a man when I was outside of work. But now it was becoming clearer that I would be living as a woman 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The rest of the session didn't do anything to allay my fears. They spent a long time on my makeup, and even pierced my ears. The worst part was how they plucked my eyebrows. They got them down to an unmistakably feminine arch that would take months to grow back. For my nails, Vera decided that since my own weren't long enough, she would have them glue on some fake nails. The beautician explained, "The glue will hold for at least a month. It's really strong, and there's no way you'll be able to get them off. After that, your nails should have grown long enough that they will look completely feminine." A month stuck with long nails! Even if I wanted to go back to being a man, I would be stuck with those. After we were all done, Vera had me take my first look in the mirror at myself completely feminized. My first thought was, "Oh my God, what have I done!" I looked undeniably female. I don't think any person passing me on the street would ever think I had been born a male. I panicked all of a sudden, saying to myself that this was all a big mistake. "How on earth did I let myself be feminized like this?" I wanted to just run away, but I knew I wouldn't get very far in my heels. But it was too late. I was stuck. There was nothing I could do to immediately go back to being a man. I had made my choice, and I would have to live with the consequences. Like it or not, I would have to live and work as a woman for the time being. Vera drove me home, and she offered to help bring up all my packages and put my new wardrobe away. She went to my bedroom and started putting all the skirts, blouses, and heels in my closet. Meanwhile, I went to the bathroom and put away to put away my makeup, perfume, Lady Schick, etc. When I came back out, my closets were filled with women's clothes. Not a shred of male clothing was in sight. "There wasn't enough room for both your new clothes and your old clothes. So I found these old boxes and packed away all of your male clothes in them. You certainly won't be wearing them any time in the foreseeable future." She then added, "You know, you just might want to consider giving all of these clothes to Goodwill. There's no reason to keep all these male clothes when they can be used by someone who actually needs them." I politely declined and told her that I didn't need any more of her help. Then after this very long day, Vera finally left. For the first time I had time to reflect on this very unusual turn of events. As I took a look at my feminine self in the mirror, I was definitely regretting my decision. "What the hell was I thinking? I'm a man! And yet here I am, wearing a skirt, hose, and heels, with a feminine hairstyle, makeup, and long polished nails!" I felt totally emasculated. All my life I had always felt in complete control of my future. But now I had no control whatsoever. I had been forcibly feminized, and there was no telling if or when I would be able to return to my male self. Since my male pajamas had been packed away, I changed into a nightgown and cried myself to sleep. I knew the next day would be even more difficult. My alarm woke me up at 5 AM. Normally I woke at 6, but now that I was going to work as a woman, I needed to give myself extra time to get myself ready for work. I first did my makeup, making sure to put enough on to please Julie. I wasn't used to putting on lipstick, mascara, and blush, but thankfully Vera had given me a copy of Vogue with some basic makeup tips. I then picked out a smart tan suit, completing with a beige blouse, and tan pantyhose and heels and picking out a matching purse. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a very feminine working woman. There wasn't even a trace of my former masculine myself. I felt a sudden rush of embarrassment and considered just not going at all. How could I, once the head of the department, now face all the secretaries in a skirt, so obviously forced into submission? But I knew I truly had no choice. Because none of my neighbors knew of my feminization, I quickly rushed out to my car to avoid being seen by them. And I drove off to my first day in the office in women's clothes. I could tell that all eyes were on me as I walked into the office. I was so humiliated that I didn't make any contact and walked right to Julie's office. "Good morning, boss." I said. "Is there anything you need me to do right now?" Julie looked me over with a grin and said, "Well, Mike, I have to give you credit. I never thought you'd go through with it. I'm glad to see that you know who the boss is. You clearly understand your low status in the office." That first day was hell. The first half of the day, Julie had me running all around the building running errands. I swear she did this on purpose. My feet were killing me in my heels, but I had no choice but to keep on going. The second half of the day, she had me do a lot of typing for her. Normally I can type very fast, but with my long nails, my speed was cut in half. I had to stay after work for two extra hours just to get it all done. Things were more of less like this over the next few days, but the other girls always found some way to humiliate me. Whereas as manager, the other secretaries had always treated me politely, now they openly insulted and mocked me. And as a male, I'd had the men's bathroom all to myself. After my feminization, Julie turned the men's bathroom into a private washroom for herself. Meanwhile, I was told that I had to use the public women's restroom with the other secretaries. One day Julie invited my girlfriend up to the office to surprise me. Boy, was I surprised! I had tried to keep my feminization a secret from my girlfriend, but I certainly couldn't hide any longer when she saw me in a white blouse, with a black skirt and matching hose and pumps. She let me know that she was breaking up with immediately, so that she could go find a "real man". The only thing that kept me going was the belief that Vera would soon get kicked out of the company any day. I was certain that the others in the company wouldn't stand her bitchy ways for very long. Once she would be kicked out, a new president would come in, and restore me to my managerial position. I felt it in my bones that I wouldn't be in skirts much longer. But I soon learned that things were not going as I had hoped. I had heard through the grapevine that Vera was bringing in record profits for the company, and that she would certainly remain as company president for at least a year. Could I keep up my feminization for that long? Well, it wasn't as if I had any choice. I had made my choice, and there was no going back until Vera was out of there. I had already invested this much into my career, so I couldn't just stop now. After I had been working in women's clothes for about two weeks, something happened that made my return to masculinity an even more remote possibility. I was driving to work one day, when I noticed one of my best friends and neighbors driving alongside of me. I couldn't possibly let him see me feminized, so I sped up to try to get away from him. Unfortunately, the cops were out that day, and I was pulled over for speeding. The policeman walked up to my car and said, "Can I see your license and registration, miss?" I reached over for my purse to pull out my license, when it suddenly struck me. My license had my male name, and a picture of me as a male. I couldn't possibly show it to him! I told him I must have lost the license and I tried to talk my way out of it, flirting with the cop and pretending to be a ditzy blonde. Thankfully, he let me off with a warning. But it did make me late for work, which was particularly bad that day because there was an important meeting at 9:00 sharp. I rushed into the conference room at about 9:20, and immediately Julie gave me a stern glare. "And what excuse do you have for being late?" I was honest and explained everything that happened. "Gosh," said my coworker Phyllis. "It would have been really embarrassing to show that cop that you were really a guy dressed in women's clothing!" "I agree," chimed in Julie. "It would be a shame if something like this were to happen to you again. And I think I know just the solution. It's actually something I had been tossing around in my mind the past few days, but I had never really brought it up." "What?" I asked cautiously. "Well," she replied, "it really doesn't make much sense for you to call yourself Mike, when you don't look at all like a man. It's not really appropriate for you here at work, and it's clearly causing you problems outside of work as well. Therefore, I would like you to ditch your masculine name and go by a feminine name." My name? This was the last vestige of my masculinity! She couldn't possibly take that away from me, could she? Then again, as with everything else, I as a mere secretary had absolutely no control. All of the other secretaries nodded in agreement with Julie. "All right then! For your new name, why don't we call you.Michelle Smith? I'll call human resources and payroll and let them know about the change." Julie left for a few minutes, and returned with a smile. "It's all set! From now on, you'll be known as Michelle Smith. As far as this company is concerned, Mike Richardson no longer works here. All of your paychecks will be made out to Michelle Smith, so you really have no choice in the matter." Julie turned to the other secretaries and said, "Girls, here's how I want you to think of this situation. Don't think of Michelle as Mike. As far as I'm concerned, Mike Richardson no longer works here. Just think of it as if we've hired a new girl, Michelle Smith, fresh out of secretarial school! Pretend that he is a woman and that he has always been a woman!" Phyllis interrupted, saying, "That's perfectly fine with me, but I do have one problem with this. If you really were to hire a new, inexperienced girl, you would hardly make her your personal secretary, which she is now. Since I have the most secretarial experience, I should be the executive secretary. And Michelle, who is newly hired, should take on an entry level clerical position, such as a file clerk or a receptionist." Julie smiled and said, "Phyllis, I completely agree! I'm making you my secretary now. Your first official task will be to find simple duties that are more in line with Michelle's minimal experience." Unbelievably, things had gone from bad to worse. As Julie's executive secretary, I at least had a position of some importance with a somewhat decent salary. But as a mere file clerk, I would be making minimum wage in a meager position performing menial tasks. Even worse, Julie's new demands would make it even more difficult for me to return to a man. She explained to me that since all of my salary would be going to Michelle Smith (not Mike Richardson), I would need to get new bank accounts, credit cards, driver's license, etc. in my new name. It all seemed so drastic and irreversible to me. I protested, but Julie said that she wouldn't hear any of my whining. "You got yourself into this. You're the one who volunteered to work in women's clothes. It's only fitting that we give you the proper name to go with it." "Besides," she added, "with your feminine looks, it's not as if you're going back to men's clothes any time in the foreseeable future. You're stuck! Now you have to see what it's really like for a typical working woman. You'll probably start wishing that you had treated the secretaries a lot nicer!" Julie said she wanted to make everything official, so she took me down to the courthouse to get my name legally changed. She had some more friends over there, so there really weren't any questions or hassles. And before I knew it, I was now legally Michelle Smith. She dropped me off at home at the end of the day, and just as I was going out of my car, she had one last remark. "You know, Michelle, this apartment of yours is really extravagant for a new secretary just making minimum wage. I know we women like to live in high style, but for a mere office flunkie, you really need to find something more appropriate. You'll soon learn that a secretary's paycheck doesn't go very far." I knew she was right. I was no longer Mike, the hotshot businessman who had the world in the palm of his hand. I was now Michelle, just a stupid little secretary, like thousands of other women. Drastic changes soon came within the next few weeks. My paycheck as a secretary was less than a quarter of my pay as a manager. As a result, I had to follow Julie's advice and move out of my nice apartment to a small, dumpy studio. Because the apartment was so small, there was no room for all my boxes of male clothing. So I had to do the unthinkable and gave away all my male clothes. That further guaranteed the permanence of my femininity. I also decided to sell my brand new BMW and buy a used Hyundai. Even then, I was always low on cash, given my minimum wage salary. Things didn't improve at work either. Everyone treated me like a dumb, inexperienced bimbo. I was given the most boring, menial tasks, as if I wasn't competent enough to do anything that required even a modicum of thought. There was always the temptation to feel sorry for myself, but I understood that there were millions of other women who were in my same exact situation. We were stuck in low- paying jobs with no hope of ever advancing. Michelle Smith was nobody important. She was just another working girl trying to make it in the world. My life hit rock bottom about a year after I officially became Michelle. Julie had called me into her office. "Michelle, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. We're making some cutbacks at the company, and I think we'll have to let you go." "What!?" I screamed. "How can you fire me? With all my experience, all the time I've worked here? This company needs me!" Julie shook her head. "You're confused, Michelle. You've only worked here a year. It was Mike who worked here a long time. But he doesn't exist anymore." She continued, "This company doesn't need you. As the least experienced secretary here, you're absolutely dispensable." I was still consumed by disbelief. "I refuse to accept this, Julie! Look at what I've done for this company! I've turned myself into a woman, probably permanently! I've been doing all of your menial tasks for a whole year! You're not firing me after all that!" "I'm afraid I can," Julie replied. "Remember, I am the boss, while you have no power whatsoever. But don't worry. Secretaries are a dime a dozen. I'm sure you can find another job somewhere else. I'll even give you a good reference." And that was that. She had security come and escort me out of the building. Though my time with the company was over, my life as a woman and as a secretary would continue for the foreseeable future. Because of my depleted savings, I knew I had to find a new job right away. I tried to apply for jobs with more managerial responsibilities. Many wouldn't take me because as Michelle I only had minimal clerical experience. Other told me that a manger is a "man's job" and that a position such as receptionist or secretary would be more appropriate. I soon realized that I was stuck as an office flunkie. So I bit the bullet and took one of the many secretarial positions I was offered. So here I am now. I've faced reality and accepted the fact that I'll never return to my male identity. I'm stuck in heels and skirts for the rest of my life. I've tried to make the best out of my position. I'd been feeling pretty lonely, so I decided that it was time to start dating. One of the salesmen in my office, Eric, took a liking to me, and we've been going out for a few weeks. He's young and cocky, just like I used to be. It was a bit unusual going out with a man, but I've learned to accept assuming the submissive, feminine role in the relationship. It's difficult to surrender all of my control to Eric, but I guess I have no choice given my female identity. Things have already become serious with him, and it looks as if our relationship may become as permanent as my femininity. I'm a bit scared obviously. I never intended on being living my life as a woman, much less a secretary and a wife! I know I have a difficult road ahead of me. But I guess that's something all working women have to deal with. The End

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Sunday had arrived at last, and the weather was set fair, for which Jack Wetherly was grateful. Aunt Rose had placed a breakfast of bread and dripping in front of him together with the tea, that only Aunt Rose could produce so stewed.Jack and his late father had lived with Aunt Rose, ever since his mother, who Jack was too young to remember, had died. Plump, always aproned, dolly sized, Rose was his mother’s sister and had been one of the more placid parts of his life.As she poured his tea Aunt...

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CAROL HUN THERE IS A FINGER IN ME PART TWOBaby tell me everything - when she asked for my leash I was surprised you handed it to her - I told her husband and the two guys that if any of them go back in the house I will take the leash from her - when we got into kitchen she asked me what will I do - I told her who holds the leash owns me, she said get on the kitchen table, I am going to spone out the cum that is in you, she got a glass ball jar and sat down in the chair behind me, she asked who...

1 year ago
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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 14 Virgin Claims Her Reward

Dean Michael Vivian grabbed the hem of her t-shirt, pulling it up her body. She exposed her flat stomach and an outie bellybutton. I grinned, reaching into my open fly to pull out my cock. Vivian had scored the highest on the pop quiz I’d given my students. Now she was eager for her reward. The sixteen-year-old stared at my cock with brown eyes hungry for it. Then her t-shirt blocked her gaze for a moment. Her black hair swayed short around her face when her top came off, her glasses...

1 year ago
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Coming Home to Sister Part I

Ever since childhood, my younger sister Sarah and I have been the best of friends. She is three years younger than me, but I have often thought that she was the more mature one. We spent many hours together as kids talking about our impressions and confusions in life, watching Rocky Mountain sunsets, and playing board games during the long winter months. As we grew into teenagers, we realized that we deeply loved each other in every way except for one - because of course, that was strictly...

4 years ago
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Taking a bathroom break

In the last story about my escapade with teasing a Canadian guy on cam, I mentioned in the very beginning, if you caught that, how I said that one of my original plans for the day was to go to the 4th or 5th floor of the library and masturbate in the bathroom stall...again. I owe a much clearer explanation for that.It all started on a Wednesday in October. I remember that it was a Wednesday because I was a part of this swing dance club (yes, you read that right, a swing dance club on a college...

1 year ago
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 12

Susie didn’t speak until they arrived at the railway station. Suddenly she stopped, sensing a strangeness come over Peter once more. Clutching her little bag to her chest, she turned and watched, realizing it would take some time before the last of the effects of the drugs left him. Once again, something weird was taking hold of Peter who now seemed to be staring at Susie as if mesmerized. He was seeing visions again. He could see beside her, standing there in the light streaming through the...

3 years ago
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In The Bathroom

My wife and I have taken many showers together , however, immediately upon entering the dark , steamy bathroom and hearing the steady rhythm of the shower running she saw the wanton desire blazing in my eyes as the last rays of light stream across my face before the door shuts behind us."MMM , what's this? " she asks, " Shhh , baby, just enjoy " I whispered. Standing beneath the hot relaxing water her curiosity is enhanced by the blinding darkness as the anticipation builds.Staring at the...

1 year ago
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Stacy Shares her sister with me

My cousin Stacy settled into life around my house quite well. She helped with the house work and spent time catching up with her old friends. They had no idea of her new “job” and Stacy didn’t let them in on her secret lifestyle. I spent my nights with Stacy in my bed as we soon fell into a pattern of fucking and fondling for hours on end. The things that Stacy could do with her pussy and mouth should be taught to all new wives and willing girlfriends. She had a blow job method that is hard to...

2 years ago
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480 the ladies on the moor

480 the ladies on the moorIt was getting dusk, when the motor spluttered and died, I had driven thousands of miles in that old girl and she chose here, the middle of bloody nowhere to splutter out on me. After a quick look under that bonnet thing at the front, at the ….erm engine…yes that’s what the dealer called it… anyway it was nothing I could put my finger on …well it was all too hot, and as I hadn’t looked under there since I bought it 3 years ago, I had no idea what I was looking at, or...

2 years ago
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My Wife and the Black Cabby

I used to work as a night security guard in a factory on the edge of town. The factory was on a quiet country lane which was did not have any public lighting, and was in complete darkness at night. Because of this, the lane was a favourite amongst couples who wanted discrete sex in cars. Although the lane appeared to be pitch black, we could see things as clear as day through the infrared lighting of our security cameras. We frequently used the camera's zoom lens to put us almost inside the car...

4 years ago
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© 2002 Today is the day. I am so nervous. This is my first real experience. I just met this guy online and I am going to meet him. Did I mention that I'm so nervous? Breath Nancy it will be ok. I remember talking to him. He asked me so many questions. He always liked my answers. I am so afraid he won't like me, so afraid. I wasn't prepared for this. I was thinking this was going to happen next weekend. All of a sudden the day is here. I have to get to work and I'm waiting for his...

2 years ago
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Sleeping With Beauty

1 I was late, of course. By the time I arrived at the court, I was greeted by an eerie silence, walking through rooms and rooms of people sitting, slouching, laying, all of them sleeping as if frozen in time. I slowly paced the long hallways, quiet rooms and courtyards, stripping off more and more layers of my gown until I was completely naked, enjoying the freedom, the feeling of a cool, light breeze on my breasts, safe in the knowledge that nobody could see me now as I set out to enact my...

2 years ago
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Black Cat Got Your Tongue

"Damn, who could that be at this hour?" Abigail Stone thought as the phone by her bed rang mercilessly. Normally a phone call, even at this late hour, wouldn't have bothered her that much. The problem with answering this particular call was that Abigail was practically naked and spread face down on her bed, weighed down by one hundred and ninety-two pounds of manhood. Not counting, of course, the six inches of which was buried deep between her legs. As was her usual Friday night practice,...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 597

The Prison Planet Morales and Christine were working on the snow leopard hide while Jasmine and Ashley, having decided to use the clay oven, were mixing bread dough when the wolves came to their feet and rushed to the door. “What the crap?” Morales said as he stood, grabbed a rag and hurriedly wiped his hands. A moment later, Lobo, having waited for Morales, pushed the door open to stare with the rest as yet another canvas-covered load was set only a step or two away from the entrance....

3 years ago
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Happy Ending

Hi everyone, this is my first attempt at writing a story based on sexual escapades that I have experienced throughout my life. There is a element of truth in this story as this is based on an event that happened as close as yesterday.It was just past 7pm and the office had a deserted look to it already. Being the middle of summer most of the employees had already left on vacations and the remaining few unlucky souls had left for the day. I could feel the sharp spikes of pain resonate through my...

2 years ago
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Worrier Village

He had a new sword. A beautiful, and comfortable, new cummling that he had inherited from an uncle that died of an infection, and he had a new lover to be with. He thought about Shasta now, and about how they had met. Which had not been one of the most pleasant ordeal. It had been three months ago in a training session. Worriers were grouped in sets of five and in the later years they would be put against each other in mock battles for more extreme training. Back then Mark had had another...

1 year ago
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An Aspen Adventure

Lying there, I felt the cool breeze flow through the window into our bedroom. The rustling of the sheer curtains brought me completely awake. I opened my eyes to see the sun shine against the wall, just knowing it was going to be another beautiful fall day. I looked over at you, still asleep, snuggled up under the warm blanket. You looked so peaceful lying there. I wondered to myself if I should wake you or let you sleep in a bit. We had such a beautiful evening last night. I couldn’t help...

3 years ago
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Sex With Neighbor Auntie8217s Daughter 8211 Part I

Hi this is Chran raj from Vijayawada today I am going to narrate the real story which happened last 2years back and in between this two years I had many times sex that too I am going to submit all the stories soon while reading this story u may get bored and say what this story all boring story but after reading the full story u will not say it today I am going to narrate the story between me and my side house aunties. Before entering the story I am going to introduce the characters if I will...

1 year ago
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Love In Aurangabad

Hi ladies I’m from Aurangabad 23 years old with a good heart which contains only love for ladies. I believe and in sure you would too that if there are no ladies left in this world there will be no life sometimes it offends me that girls or aunties for that sake are not given the live they deserve in or out of bed ladies should be handled with delicacy and not with pain getting them on bed is isn’t difficult but keep them happy is difficult even I had a girl in my life sweet and sexy Neha. We...

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The Solitary ArrowPart 15

The bright sun of morning did little to warm the day. A chill northern breeze brought winds down from the mountains and whipped the turning leaves into orange and brown blizzards. Hyandai clutched her cloak about herself. "I dislike fall." She said to Harlen, peering back over her shoulder at him. Eying the trees as they denuded themselves for the winter, Harlen nodded. "It's colorful, at least." He said, plodding behind her as they passed through a small gap between two large...

3 years ago
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I want to be a woman Chapter two

Every time before I sucked him he would tell me to dress up like a girl and he had begun to buy me some hot, slutty clothes. He even bought me some real skin breasts to slide into the bras he bought me, which were larger than my moms bras. My tits filled out to a perfect 38D. He told me if I really wanted to be like a girl I needed to start shaving my legs and take the hormones he provided for me (It was easy. He is a doctor.). He told me it would keep my features more feminine starting at 14...

2 years ago
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Sex Games 9

Our last adventure was with the two young men we had picked up cruising. We took them to a local hotel and Carol had sex with them while I watched. Now that we were at home our adventurous sexual lifestyle had to be more discrete. We were both socially active people in the community and held somewhat prominent jobs. We continued to go to parties and community events, looking to see if an opportunity for an adventure would present itself. Our sexual adventures had become very important to us and...

Wife Lovers
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Adam and I had been friends since preschool. I had spent quite a lot of time at his house and he at mine. It wasn’t until the last year or two that I realized how incredibly beautiful his mom was. I arrived at Adam’s house one afternoon after school to help him with his math homework and even though I’d been told to just walk in, I rang the doorbell.“Alex, you know you can walk right on in.” his mom answered the door in shorts and a tank top.I swallowed hard before replying.“I’m just trying...

4 years ago
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As I reached the top of the stairs an elderly gentleman gave me a program for the day’s services. He wore a dark blue topcoat over what I somehow assumed to be a three-piece suit. He seemed to have lost weight as he got older, and what had once been craggy, aristocratic good looks now appeared tired. I took the program and entered the Cathedral. The floor, which I remembered from childhood to be concrete, had been recently paved with brown and tan marble tiles. The Cathedral does...

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For Beth

Beth is happily married to Allan. They often fantasize about various sex scenarios and sometimes they act out these fantasies. What follows is one of those fantasies. The plan is for Beth to enter a club alone. Allan will be at the bar, watching. Allan chooses to take a stool next to and Adonis, just the type that Beth often fantasizes about. Beth takes a seat alone at a small table in the corner. She orders a virgin Pina Colada. She can later pretend to loosen up as if under the influence of...

Straight Sex
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Classroom Ass Tease

Jessica chewed the end of her biro. She was trying to act coquettishly but felt nervous. Jessica was not the type to become infatuated but here she was sitting at the front of a crowded lecture feature making eyes at her college tutor. She crossed her legs for the fourth time and undid a button on her blouse. She glanced at his crotch for any sign of a reaction there but saw none.Disappointment and frustration had led her to this out of character course of action. Jessica's flat mate Casey had...

3 years ago
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CorruptionChapter 2 Happy Hubby

"You look great Jenny. How do I look, ready to be ravished?" Her tone let Jenny know that even if she'd been doing this for years she was still nervous about it. Jenny marveled again, why she wasn't more nervous, it was there, but it was damped down almost distant. She looked at Maria and saw Maria in a different light, she was very trim, and if she wasn't especially pretty, she was very well groomed. Her figure was average; in fact, there was nothing remarkable about her. Nothing that...

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White married social worker raped by BBC

This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life. The September sun beat down on Lisa through the open sunroof of her blue Acura as she pulled up to her last case of the day in the middle of the projects. The young, 21 year old had recently graduated from the University of South Florida with a degree in social work. Lisa had accepted this job with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) three months ago. She had just started to...

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Swetha Loves Her Life 8211 Part 16 Movie Making 8211 Part 3

Please read my previous parts for continuation. If you like to reach out to me, write to me at All my clients are very discreet with their naughty sides. So obviously our interests are also maintained discreetly. Any girls and aunties who are interested to make some money and also enjoy the fun, reach out to my email id. Also, any husbands who like to see there wife or girlfriends getting fucked? Let me know. Thanks for all those who wrote to me and it was overwhelming. I tried to respond to...

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Das geile Treiben im Kloster Althaus

Schwester Marianne zog die Ordenstracht aus, faltete sie sorgfältig zusammen und betrachtete sich lang und ausführlich im Spiegel. Trotz seiner bald fünfzig Jahre hatte sich ihr von Gott geschenkter Körper gut gehalten: Ihre Haut war nur um die Augen herum ein bisschen faltig geworden, ansonsten sah sie gute 15 Jahre jünger aus, als sie war. Ihre Brüste waren nach wie vor voll und fest und hingen nicht wie zwei nichtsnutzige, ausgetrocknete Hautlappen, wie bei der Großzahl der älteren Nonnen....

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Jamies Mistress

Jamie's Mistress By Marti B Jamie silently slipped through the door at precisely 2:57AM. He checked his watch to verify that he had in fact, beaten the Mistress's curfew. He quietly locked the door making doubly sure that the chain and deadbolt were secure. Mistress often reminded Jamie that this was a dangerous neighborhood. Securely ensconced in the apartment, Jamie uttered and barely discernable sigh as he slipped out of the torture instruments that he'd been wearing...

3 years ago
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A Wakeup FallChapter 3

He hugged Elena tightly. “My daughter, I am glad you returned. We have worried about you. Your mother is inside.” He looked up. “Who is the young man with you?” “He is Josh, my man. He rescued me from the Hedons who had carried me away from my path.” Her father clasped my arm and said, “Thank you, J-Josh. I am Tonho. Elena is my only daughter and has been slow to be interested in any of the men of the village. I’m glad to meet you. You are different with your height and dark hair.” “It’s...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 12 Improving My Attitude

June 1978 I woke up early on Sunday morning, feeling good for the second day in a row. I decided I was going to go to church as well. There was something positive about sitting in church that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. After church, I did my chores and then pedaled over to Bethany’s house for lunch. Her dad made hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill and I ate two of each. Bethany laughed when I had the second hot dog after I’d already had two burgers and a hot dog. “I’m a growing...

4 years ago
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My Other Daughter Part 3

This little Ally is something else. When she spent the night again the other night I had no idea she could be so daring; or nasty. I had gone to bed early and was sound asleep next to my wife when I heard a faint voice next to me. "Daddy, I can't sleep." Barely hearing this I opened my eyes to see Ally next to me with her "fuck me now eyes" looking right at me. "Can I suck your cock?" Before I could answer her head was under the sheet and my cock was buried in her throat. Her mouth was so wet...

2 years ago
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Welcoming my Neighbor

The weather was so hot as I got out of the house for the first time for the day. Looking across the street, I saw him standing there, washing his car. Muscular. Tanned. Shoulder length hair and just fucking sexy. I knew I would see him sooner or later but I hoped for sooner. He was the grandson of Mrs. Hawthorne, the nosy neighbor. He had relocated here to stay with her for the next few years. I know I am going to enjoy my new neighbor!Everyone knows me, am Nikki, twenty-two years old, brown...

Straight Sex
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Threesome With Mom And Friend

Thank you everyone for the comments on my first story which propelled me write this sequel.This is the sequel of my first story ‘Horny mom seduced and fucked son’. On the recommendation of one of my readers I am writing this story. It is a threesome of me, my mom and one of my friends. Please give your comments in my id Everyone’s comments will be appreciated. Now coming to the story… After our first sex, everyday we used to have sex, sometimes after my dad left for shop and later when I...

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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 24

Megan walked the five blocks to her uncle Derrick's house wearing her new bikini under her t-shirt and shorts, and as she walked up the driveway, she stopped and took a deep breath. She was about to go in the back door when she heard her uncle call out. "Megan, I'm back here, in the pool." Megan walked onto the concrete pool deck and looked down at Derrick who was floating peacefully on the chair float. "How's the water uncle Derrick?" "It's a little cool, but with this weather,...

3 years ago
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More Than A Dream

Slowly I enter the bedroom, squinting as my eyes adjust and survey my surroundings under the dim light of the sunset coming through the open patio doors. A tropical breeze blows the curtains inward sending a pulse of warm salty air into my lungs. I look towards the large canopy king bed to find you sleeping naked on your back spread across the crisp white sheets. I pause to take in the view of you with the top sheet pushed low between your legs so your beautiful cock is exposed. Your chest...

Love Stories
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Jim and Alice Naked at College

Chapter 1 Jim Bustillos, Tuesday, September 6, 1955 I got off the train at Union Station and pulled my scholarship letter out of my suitcase. It had Dr. Walter's address on it and I was supposed to see him as soon as I got in. Clutching the letter in my hand, I strode off in what I hoped was the general direction of Yale University. By the time I got to Dr. Walter's office my feet were killing me. I had purchased new shoes and they were clearly not wide enough. I was confronted by Dr....

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The Professor and the CheerleaderChapter 9

"Well fuck me to tears," sighed Bob. "I'd be happy to," said Kendra, who was lounging on the couch, eating popcorn. "This must be important," she added. "You don't use language like that unless you're rattled." "There it is," he said, ignoring her comments. "Sixteenth Century portable writing desk from Canterbury, England. Condition, good." "Portable writing desk?" Kendra's voice rose. "Yeah," he said. "Back then, authors traveled around because they got hired by...

2 years ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 1Chapter 3

Seventeen years earlier... “No, she isn’t!” five-year-old Corec said to his half-brothers. “Yes, she is,” Toman insisted. “Your mother’s buried in the crypt. Father’s just never taken you down there because you’re too little.” Corec couldn’t remember his mother, but there was a portrait in the sitting room with Father, Isa, and Mother all together, dressed up in their finest clothes. Isa was Father’s wife, and she was also Toman’s and Branth’s mother. Corec liked to look at the portrait...

1 year ago
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Perfect WishesChapter 15 Summer

As it always does, spring turned to summer. Jason, April, Theresa and I said goodbye to high school and prepared for college. Sarah, Melody and Miriam prepared for their new roles as seniors. The summer was pleasant. 'School' friends transformed into 'summer' friends. Our pool became the place to hang out. The usual crew was, in addition the four of us, April, Miriam, Jackie and Theresa. Our occasional bedmates were also spending quality time with Jason and Sarah. Think of a combination...

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My First Gangbang

OK, this is the story about how I got gangbanged and lost my virginity at the same time.Its a true story, this really happened. Please bear with me, its my first story here.It was four years ago, I was 18 years old. Still a virgin, and that really bothered me.I have long brown hair, at that time almost always in a pony tail. Brown eyes, and about 170cm tall. I have a slim body, and I'm fit. I enjoy horse riding and jogging in the woods. I think most boys would consider me cute, rather than...

Group Sex
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Tumbleweed Ch 02

The story of Jacob Hightower continues. Please read chapter 1 to follow the flow and story line. Constructive comments, critiques, and emails are appreciated. ******************** Chapter Two Jake was at the stable at 6 AM. He saddled his horse and going to the locked tack room got two additional pistols and a three of boxes of 45 caliber shells to take with him. Two of the weapons had the 7 ½ barrel and one was in the five inch style. The shorter pistol and one of the longer ones were...

3 years ago
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More 120s Mentor Part 2

(Author's note: All people are fictional characters and actions in this story are completely fictitious, they do not really exist and have never happened.) More 120's Mentor: Part 2 By Verna Benson I freaked when I realized I'd fallen asleep with the lipstick on last night. As my mom inquired as to why I was wearing it, I had absolutely no answer...I was speechless! "Are you gay, son?" mom asked me. "OhmyGod!" I thought, I'm not gay, but how can I explain this...

1 year ago
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making them pregnant pt 13

I pumped in 15 ropes of my sperm as I was being massaged and fucked. I held my cock inside Brenda while Nurse Anna worked on my prostate and Brenda milked my cock with her vagina. I was spent. Nurse Anna kissed my neck and whispered, “Here is her size diaphragm slide it in and tell her to keep it in for 24 hours.”I replaced my cock with the diaphragm and said, “Brenda, you know the rules keep this diaphragm in place for at least 24 hours so my sperm can have a chance. I might not get you...

1 year ago
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Earths CoreChapter 13 A Slight Change

From the force of impact, Hamer's defensive armor of mist energy crumbled and cracking sounds echoed. The east wall of the hall, on the other hand, was unblemished. A thin, glowing green layer of a mantle has been raised between Hamer and the wall to protect it, but the instant the force of the impact dissipated, the mantle vanished into air, while Hamer fell unconscious to the floor. To say that Hamer was "unlucky" is a statement that its true essence could only be understood by, maybe,...

2 years ago
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Camping trip

When I was young mom and I went to the state park to camp. After setting up camp and gathering wood and water, we cooked dinner and went to bed. Early the next morning I stoked the fire and made breakfast. After eating I asked if I could walk around, mom said don't get lost. I found a trail leading to the lake and walked around it till I found a secluded area. Looking around anf not seeing anyone I stripped and laid in the grass. I closed my eyes and started playing with my dick. It must have...

2 years ago
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Watersports Other than Surfing

Part 1 The first time I ever used an Internet dating site, I thought it would be just for fun. I never expected it to work, let alone help me find something that would change my love life forever – and open up my world to the greatest, most perverse sex I’ve ever had in my life. I’m a pretty normal guy. Average build, average size penis – nothing really about me stands out. At the time I had just finished university and was in my first job. I’ve had my share of girlfriends who...

4 years ago
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Erica The Best Way To Say Goodbye

I've long fancied Erica, ever since I saw her dropping off her children at school a few years ago. She's in her 40's and we've often met since and socialised occasionally, politely kissing on the cheeks. I saw her on Thursday at the Rugby Club. She was wearing a white sweat shirt and skin tight leggings! We meet at the Rugby Club by chance in the middle of the training pitch. I slip my arm around her slim waist and we kiss politely on the cheeks as usual. We talk briefly - she's moving to NZ...

Quickie Sex
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 13

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends aap sab ne meri pichli kahani me padha ki kaise Ramesh uncle ne us ghar me meri mummy ko ek anjan aadmi jinka naam dubeyji tha unse milwaya aur unhone meri mummy ko chod diya ab mai us rat ki aage ki bat batane jaa raha hu aap sabko. Dubeyji ne apne driver ko call kiya aur sath me Ramesh uncle ko bhi kuch samay me unka driver aa gaya aur vo vaha se chale gaye abhi Ramesh uncle nahi aaye the. Meri mummy kamre me baithi thi mummy usi samay call aaya vo jis...

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