CHRISSY'S FIRST DATE free porn video

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Chrissy was mad. She was fifteen years old and she
hadn't been on a single date.

It wasn't because she was unpopular. Lots of k**s at
her school liked her and wanted to be around her.

It wasn't because she was ugly. Her 5" 6" frame
supported breasts that were a handful each, tipped with
sharp little pencil eraser sized nipples just made to
suck on. Below that were her thin waist and hips that
any baby-bearing woman would love to have. Her cute
little pussy lips were pink and plump and nestled just
below fine wisps of golden pubic hair. Her face was
gorgeous. She was a knockout.

No, the reason Chrissy had never been on a date was
because of her father, one John Robinson by name.

He wasn't mean or anything. He just remembered what he
tried to do with 15 year old girls when he was, say
thirteen through nineteen. For that matter he lusted
after Chrissy's friends regularly and would gladly plow
their sweet teen furrows if it didn't mean he'd end up
in prison. He knew what boys thought about when they
looked at his daughter, and he had decided a long time
ago that she wasn't going to be exposed to groping
strangers out for a quick fuck and then on to the next

To be fair, any boy she wanted to spend time with was
welcome to come to the house and they could watch TV,
or make something to eat, or play board games on the
dining room table. Anything except be alone, especially
in a bedroom.

Adding to the problem was Chrissy's brother Bobby. He
was s*******n and a tackle on the football team. He was
a big big boy and nobody wanted to mess with him. He
made it known when Chrissy was just a freshman that any
guy who messed with his sister sexually was dead meat.
Period. He was encouraged in this attitude by his
father. Chrissy had no mother to intercede for her. Her
mother had run off with a biker gang when Chrissy was
only three.

The end result of all this "protection" by her father
was that he had erred in his judgment - seriously

For, you see, Chrissy had no experience with groping
boys at all. She'd never been kissed, never been petted
and for sure had never had a boy's mouth or fingers
anywhere near her sweet little pussy. No boy even tried
to sneak off to a dark corner with her. They danced
with her - properly apart from her soft body, of
course. But they never tried to get in her panties.
And, because of this, she just flat didn't believe that
boys really tried to do any of those things. As far as
she was concerned, it was all a big fairy tale her
father had concocted just to justify his stupid rules.

She had just told him that, in fact. She had told him
in a loud voice that some might even have called a
scream. Her face was red, and her delightful bosom was
heaving. Her father was sitting in his lounger with a
smug look on his face. He KNEW what boys tried to do.

"Chrissy, darling," he said calmly "I KNOW what boys
want to do to you, because I WAS a boy once upon a time
and I TRIED all the things that boys ALWAYS try with
girls. I tried the lines, I tried getting them drunk, I
tried begging for sympathy - all of it. And I got my
peter wet plenty, I'll tell you that!" He jerked his
head, somewhat startled that he'd admitted that to his
nubile teenage daughter.

"Oh BULLSHIT!" Chrissy yelled. "Just Bullshit, Daddy.
Boys don't want those things any more. Boys are polite
nowadays, since women's lib and all that stuff. You're
old fashioned Daddy and it's not fair. I don't get to
do ANYTHING!" she wailed.

John frowned. "Chrissy!" he barked. "That will be
enough of that kind of language. I'm NOT wrong about
this and I think I can prove it."

"Oh Reeaaallly," Chrissy drawled. "I'd like to see
that, Daddy. I really would."

John thought for a minute. "OK, but you have to do
whatever I say, OK?"

Chrissy was puzzled. She always did what her father
told her to. "What do you mean?" she said warily.

"I think I can prove to you what boys want, and what
that causes girls to want, but you'll have to do some
things that you might not otherwise be willing to do."
he said, like that explained everything. "Look" he said
impatiently. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do Daddy," she said.

"OK, then, just keep on trusting me, even if it seems
weird, OK?"

"OK, Daddy," she said.

"ROBERT!" yelled her father.

A distant call came back "What?"

"COME DOWN HERE." yelled her father.

A moment later Bobby, came bounding down the stairs. He
was dressed in the usual, sweat shorts and a tank top.
"What's up dad?" he said. He nodded to Chrissy.

"I need you to do something for me." he said. "I want
you to tell Chrissy... I mean us, what goes through a
boy's mind when he's on a date with a girl he likes."

"Um... I don't understand." said Bobby.

This wasn't technically true. Bobby pretty well knew
what he thought about every girl he took out. He hoped
each one would turn out to be a cumslut who would
spread her legs for him without asking. Why else would
a guy take a girl out? But he didn't think that's what
his father wanted to hear. And, since he didn't know
the right answer to the question at hand, he played his
ignorance card.

"Chrissy doesn't believe that boys she goes out with
would actually want to have sex with her." said John.

Two things happened almost instantly for Bobby. First,
all the times Bobby had tried to peek at his sister, to
see her naked, and all the times he had furiously beat
his meat while thinking about her naked flashed through
his mind. He KNEW how desirable she was as a woman. And
he was her brother!

Second, he couldn't help but reflect on the mental
image that came to his mind concerning the concept of
"boys wanting to have sex with Chrissy". In this case,
the last boy Bobby had seen Chrissy with came to mind.
That was Rex Johnson, who bragged about what a fabulous
cocksman he was. The fact that Rex was only with
Chrissy was because she stopped to help him pick up
some spilled papers didn't come into play.

What Bobby visualized was Rex, hunched between
Chrissy's wide spread legs, while his ass bobbed up and
down and his undoubtedly nasty cock slithered in and
out of his sweet sister's pussy lips.

In short, Bobby got horny and pissed at the same time.
He laughed a dark laugh. "That's stupid" he said.
"Every guy who ever looked at you wanted to get in your

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" squealed Chrissy, her eyes wide at
how crude Bobby could be.

"That's what we're trying to tell you, honey" said her
father in his reasonable voice. "Men are built to want
to have sex with beautiful girls. You are a beautiful
girl. Ergo, men want to have sex with you. Boys too."
he added.

Chrissy didn't believe it for one minute. She had an
idea. "All men?" she said, acting like she might
believe it.

"All men!" said her brother and father together.

"So...." she preened. "YOU have wanted to have sex with
me too?" She clasped her hands behind her butt and
grinned at her father. "I mean you're a man, right? And
you did say ALL men." she finished triumphantly.

She turned on her brother. "AND YOU TOO!!" she giggled
now. "Obviously you too have been practically CONSUMED
with lust for your dear sister." Now she laughed out

Then she stopped.

Neither man was laughing with her. In fact, both looked
decidedly guilty!

"You'll never believe me until you see it for
yourself," said her father. "So, you and Bobby are
going on a date. Tonight. And I'll be with you, but I
won't say anything, unless you two are supposed to do
something and I see you aren't doing it. OK? It will be
a pretend date, but Bobby will show you what boys do on
dates with girls. Then you'll understand." He said with
finality in his voice.

"But Bobby's my brother!" said Chrissy.

"And Chrissy's my sister," said Bobby, somewhat

"That's right, and that's the only reason I'm allowing
this" said John. "You MUST be made to understand how
dangerous it is out there. Now. Both of you. Go get
dressed for your date. Each of you choose something
you'd like to wear on a date with someone you really

Both teens trudged off muttering about stupid ideas.
John went to each room to ensure that his orders were
followed. He went to Bobby's room first. "Bobby, I want
you to pretend she's just another girl you met at
school. Treat her just exactly like you'd treat any
other girl. OK?"

"Sure Dad," said Bobby, while mentally saying, "With
you watching... right?"

Then John went to Chrissy's room. He walked in to find
her dressed only in her panties.

"DADDY!" she yipped and covered her precious breasts
with her little hands.

"Oh! Sorry pumpkin," he said, looking at the floor. "I
know Bobby is your brother, but I want you to pretend
he's some boy you wish I'd let you go out with. And
dress like you were going out with THAT boy, not
Bobby." Then he left, before she could see the tent in
his own pants. While that might have supported his
contention about "all" men, he was a little embarrassed
about it right then.

Bobby got back to the living room first. He had on his
team sweats. They were talking about football when
Chrissy started down the stairs. Both men looked up and
their jaws dropped. Chrissy was dressed in a micro
skirt with a matching halter top. The halter top had a
deep vee that dropped well below the mid point of her
breasts, ensuring that everyone knew no bra of any kind
was involved in this outfit. Sandals completed her

Quite suddenly Bobby didn't have very much trouble at
all pretending this was just some girl he was taking
out on a date. "Wow" he said "You look HOT!" He
flinched and looked at his father out of the side of
his eyes, but his dad was staring at Chrissy too.

"Yeah," he said in a dull voice. Then he shook his
head, as if trying to drive some thought out of it.
"OK, now you guys have already had dinner. Where would
you take her now, Bobby?"

Bobby knew he'd try to get his date out at the lake,
where it was quiet and remote and romantic. But he
couldn't say that in front of his dad. "I'd uh drive
around. I guess."

"OK then," said John. "Let's go." They went out and got
in the car. Chrissy and Bobby in the front, and John in
the back seat. Bobby started driving. He didn't know
where to go since he couldn't go to the lake. He was
getting frustrated. He could be out with a real girl
tonight, but he was stuck with his sister. He glanced
at her. Her mico showed her legs almost clear to her
pussy. He gulped. She scooted over and leaned one hot
breast against his arm. It felt soft.

"Aren't I supposed to sit here, beside you?" she said
in her sweet voice.

"Uh, yeah... sure," he said. This was crazy. They'd be
out here for hours. He decided to call his father's
bluff. "Actually, I'd be taking my date out to the
lake. There's this cool place where I take the girls.
You know, to talk... and stuff."

"Now that's more like it," said John. "Let's go."

Bobby thought about what was happening as he drove.
He'd tried to call his father's bluff, but his dad
seemed to be pushing them toward something he'd dreamed
about occasionally as he beat off. That was petting his
sister and getting to see her naked. He felt his prick
begin to fill with blood. Who knew what might happen?
He'd just ride along and see. They got to his favorite
spot and he parked, turning off the lights. He already
had the radio on and he got out his favorite make-out
CD and put it in the player. He sat there, not knowing
what to do.

"See? This isn't so bad Daddy," said Chrissy. "I still
don't understand what all the fuss is about."

John leaned forward from the darkness in the back seat.
"Bobby, is that all you do when you bring a girl out
here? You just sit?"

"Well no," said Bobby. "I usually try to..." he dropped
off. He didn't want to admit that he usually tried to
get into the girl's panties.

"What do you try to do Bobby?" said his dad. "Come on.
Chrissy needs to know."

"Well I kiss them... and touch them..." He didn't add,
"if they'll let me."

"OK then, get to it. Show her what boys do."

Bobby couldn't cope with the stress. He was trying to
be two people at the same time. About then Chrissy
tipped her head up and whispered in his ear. "Aren't
you going to kiss me Bobby?"

So Bobby kissed her. In his confusion, he kissed her
like he'd kiss any girl. Definitely NOT like he'd kiss
his sister. But she felt like a girl, and she smelled
like a girl and within fifteen seconds she was kissing
like she'd done it lots.

As for Chrissy, when her brother kissed her like that,
like they did in the movies, she felt weak all over. It
made her feel funny in her stomach. No, not in her
stomach, but down there somewhere. She decided she
liked this kissing stuff. When she felt his tongue slip
into her mouth, all slippery and smooth, the feeling
"down there" got more intense.

When she kissed him back, and gave him some tongue in
return for his own, Bobby went on autopilot. His hands
began to stroke her back, moving to her arms, caressing
her hair. Now he kissed her cheeks and neck, nibbling
on her ear lobe. She shuddered, a good sign, and he
kissed her again as he decided to see what her young
breasts felt like.

When Bobby's hand came around her elbow and cupped her
breast through the halter top, Chrissy almost stopped
breathing. What was he doing? Boys weren't supposed to
do that. She broke the kiss "Bobby!" she said.

"Aw, c'mon. I won't hurt you. You just look so hot and
you feel so soft." He went back to kissing her.

Chrissy felt all muzzy inside. She felt a thrill shoot
through her when he said she looked hot. And his kisses
were so wonderful. What could it hurt to let him feel
her boobs a little? When his hand slid over her breast
again, she pressed it into his hand. It DID feel good.
She was enjoying a kiss when she realized his fingers
were pinching and rubbing her nipple. And that felt
REALLY good. Then, somehow, his hand slipped inside her
halter top and now he was fondling her naked breast.
Now he thrummed her nipple. She felt a sharp stab of
pleasure between her legs. She thought that was very
odd, but if felt good too.

"Chrissy?" he said as they paused to breathe.

"Hmm?" she said back.

"Can I see em?"

She knew exactly what he was talking about, because his
hand was still there, still squeezing and roving around
her breast. He'd gotten in through the side of the
halter top. But she wanted to tease him for some

"See what Bobby?" She arched her chest, pushing the
breast into his hand.

"I want to see your tits," he said. "I bet they're

"You've seen my boobs before, you ninny," she giggled.
"Remember that time when I was in the shower and you
had to pee so bad and you couldn't wait and you barged
in? You saw em then."

"Yeah," he said. "But I never got to really look at

"Chrissy," said their dad, startling them both. They'd
forgotten he was back there. "Take off your top. That's
what the boys will want you to do on dates."

Chrissy reached behind her neck and untied the knot in
the halter top. It slipped down her chest and her
perfect pale orbs were exposed.

"Oh shit" said Bobby. "They really are beautiful." Then
his head dipped and he sucked in a nipple.

"BOBBY!!" his sister squealed. "You can't...
ohhhhhh.... you shouldn't..... ummmmm Oh Bobby, that
feels nice." She lay back as his mouth made love to one
and then the other. This was really nice and it kept
making her pussy feel so warm and wet, just like when
she was washing it extra good in the shower.

Bobby started running his hand from Chrissy's knee up
her thigh and then back down. Her skirt was so short he
could almost touch her panties without going under the
skirt at all. Her legs weren't closed, but they weren't
gaping open either. He let his hand go higher...
higher... higher... and then he hit panties.

Chrissy felt his hand moving all over her thighs. It
was a new feeling. It was nice, but scary at the same
time. "Bobby? What are you doing now Bobby?" she said

"I'm just feeling you a little," he said and went back
to licking and sucking her nipples.

"I don't think you're supposed to do that Bobby," she
sighed. "You shouldn't touch me... there."

There was a gasp from the back seat, and the sound of a
zipper being drawn. "Chrissy, you're here to learn what
boys want. Whatever he wants to do, you let him. You
need to know what things feel like," her father said.

Bobby's hand immediately rose to cup her pussy through
her panties. He pressed his fingers into her sex and
rubbed them in a slow circle.

Chrissy gasped as her brother's hand slapped against
her pussy. No boy had ever touched her there, and it
felt different. Then he rubbed and electricity shot
through her, only this time it went from there to her
nipples! She spread her legs almost u*********sly, to
give him more room.

Now he lifted his head and kissed her again, a long
tongue swapping kiss as he rubbed her. Her pussy felt
hot... sticky... good. She knew he was going to slip
his fingers into her panties... knew he was going to
touch her pussy with his fingers. She knew her pussy
would make his fingers wet. She couldn't wait.

She spread her legs wider.

Bobby was very excited. His dad had said she had to do
what he wanted. He knew it wasn't fair, but he was
going to take advantage of it. And when Chrissy spread
her legs for him he knew she was getting off on this
too. She was giving him permission. He took it. His
hand slid up, his fingers dipped into the top of her
panties. Suddenly her butt lifted off the seat of the
car. He felt her moving and he felt the panties sliding
down her thighs.

He helped and soon they were at her knees, then her
ankles. She didn't kick them off, but flopped her knees
apart instantly. His fingers found slick, hot luscious
pussy when he slid them back up. Without thinking he
slipped his long middle finger into her pussy and
probed. She was tight. Of course she was tight. She was
obviously a virgin. He felt for her hymen at the mouth
of her pussy. Nothing. He didn’t know how she’d lost
it, but it wasn’t there. He got the tip in her to the
first knuckle. Then he pushed and his finger slid all
the way in her.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh!" she groaned. "Ohhhhhhh Bobby, I can't
believe how good that feels." Bobby slicked his finger
out and back in several times. Chrissy sighed and her
hips started wiggling. "Ohhh yes. Can you make it go
deeper?" she sighed. There were definite rhythmic
sounds coming from the back seat now, light slapping
sounds. "I can't imagine anything feeling better than
that" she said.

"There is one thing" her brother grunted. "I mean I did
it with Sherry Henderson one time and she said she'd
never ever felt anything that good in her whole life."

"Ohhhhhh what did you do?" said Chrissy, lolling her
head back and forth on the seat back.

"Well, I put my peter in her," he wiggled his finger in
her pussy. "There, where my finger is."

"Ohhh we couldn't do that," she said. "I might get

"Oh, I'd never make you pregnant," he said. "I'd only
shoot practice stuff in you." He used the same line
he’d used on Sherry Henderson. She’d know he was full
of shit, but had let him anyway.

"You can do that?" she said, getting excited now. "You
can control whether it's real or just practice?
Obviously his sister didn’t know he was full of shit.

"Sure" he said, as if he believed it himself. "It's
hard to learn, but I got the hang of it, and now it's

Chrissy thought she heard a snort from the back seat.

"Well, we can't, because there's no room," she said.

"I brought a blanket," he said confidently.

They scrambled out of the car. Bobby opened the trunk
and got out a big soft blanket that he spread out on
the ground. Chrissy stood in the warm night air, her
white breasts plainly visible. She bent over and
slipped her mini down her thighs. She stood there
naked, uncertain, nervous.

"You're beautiful," Bobby said softly. She smiled
tentatively. He took his shirt off, and then dropped
his pants, stepping out of them. He kicked off his
shoes and pants at the same time. Then he bent over and
took off his briefs. When he stood back up his penis
stuck straight out from his body, pale in the
moonlight. It was slim, long, tapered. It was small at
the tip, and got bigger and bigger and bigger toward
the base.

"That won't fit in me," said Chrissy, completely sure.
She crossed her arms over her breasts.

"Yes it will," said her father, as he got out of the
back of the car. He stood there, leaning against the
car. "It will fit. It was made to fit."

"I'll go slow," said Bobby, he reached down and stroked
his hard cock a couple of times. "I'll stop if it

"Promise?" she said in a little voice.

"Promise," he confirmed. He held his arms out and she
accepted his hug. His penis poked her in the abdomen.
He reached down and bent it downward, shoving it
between her legs. Then he held her close and kissed her
deeply again. He moved his boner slowly back and forth,
making it rub against her pussy lips.

Chrissy got a weak feeling in her knees as she felt her
brother's stiff penis rubbing her pussy lips. His
kisses were so hot. She was panting. He was pushing her
down, lying down beside her, slipping his finger in her
pussy again. She splayed her legs wide open now,
kissing him back. Now he was rolling over, halfway on
her as he crawled between her wide spread thighs. His
finger slicked in and out. Then something else pushing
at her. Was it his cock? Whatever it was it felt good.


Stretching... her pussy lips were stretching.

It didn't hurt, exactly, but there was a lot of
pressure. Now there was something deeper. It was going
as deep as his finger had, but it was bigger, lots

"Wait!" she panted.

He stopped immediately.

She squirmed a little, trying to ease the pressure. He
sucked in a nipple while he was waiting. The pleasure
shot to right where the pressure was and she felt her
muscles relax. She tensed them again, pleased to have
found some new muscles she didn't know she had. Then
she relaxed them intentionally. Her brother groaned!

"Is something wrong?" she panted.

"No. Can I please push again?"

She nodded and then realized he couldn't see her that
well. She put her hands on his butt and pulled.

Bobby almost came when her pussy relaxed and then
squeezed his dick. He gritted his teeth and the urge
passed. Then she put her hands on his butt and pulled.
She had gotten lots more open all of a sudden. He slid
in another three inches as her hands pulled at him.

She was so hot and slick and she wanted his prick in

He blew his cork. He groaned and instinct made him
thrust. He only had two inches to go and his pubes
slammed into hers as his penis spat it's first long
slippery rope of semen. "Ohhh fuck!" he groaned and his
rod rapidly pulsed four more times. Each time a rope of
cum splashed up against her cervix. It pooled there,
with nowhere to go. Then, as he pulled back a little
and pushed again, he created pressure and that pressure
blew all his cum up into her womb.

Chrissy couldn't believe how the pressure had turned
into something else. Her brother's penis had looked
smooth and straight, but with it up inside of her she
could feel bumps and lumps all over it. They rubbed the
inside of her pussy in the nicest way. She thought she
might pass out, it felt so good. Then, just as a
different kind of pressure started to build, a pressure
that felt like it was going to make her fly apart, he
grunted and she felt his warm wet offering being pumped
into her belly.

Bobby was done. His dick was already getting smaller
and he pulled it out of his sister with a squelching
wet sound as he rolled sideways onto his back.

"Bobby!" she said, her voice rising. "No... Bobby ..
don't stop now. We're not done yet Bobby!" she said.
She knew she had been so close to something new,
something fabulous, something really wonderful. She
ached with the need to find out what that was.

"Boys!" came the disgusted voice of her father. He was
walking toward them now. His hands were moving at his
waist. "Don’t worry baby, I’ll help you." he said as he
unbuckled his belt.

"Daddy, I feel so..." she said as she writhed on the
blanket, spread out before him. Her pussy glistened in
the moonlight. It was matted and white with her
brother’s spend.

"I know sweetheart. He left you hanging. I’m going to
help you honey."

He crawled between her legs. He kissed her. Like in the
movies. He was a better kisser even than Bobby! She
felt something blunt at her pussy mouth. She knew it
was his cock. As he pushed into her, she thrust her
hips up off the blanket, trying to make her pussy climb
up her daddy’s penis. It was bigger than Bobby’s, but
she was very slick now, and, except for the pressure
again, it went in without too much trouble. It went
deeper too. It pushed against things up inside of her.

John savored the feel of his cock buried in sweet hot
teenage pussy. There was just nothing better than sweet
young pussy. He hoped he could control his own orgasm.
He needed to make her cum, hopefully more than once. If
he did, he’d be able to come back to her and she’d
happily let him do it again.

He began stroking his boner in and out of his daughter.
He made sure it sc****d along her clitty. He’d only
made seven or eight strokes when she had here first

Just as soon as her daddy put his big old cock in her
pussy all the way, Chrissy knew that the feeling she
was looking for would come back. Her daddy did it
different than Bobby. He moved it in and out. And when
he did she felt the most amazing thing. It was at the
top of her pussy, and it was a feeling that she thought
might make her scream.

The pressure was back.

It got bigger and bigger and bigger until she couldn’t
hold it in any more. Then she shuddered and her whole
body felt like it was on fire and in ice water at the
same time. It started in her pussy as a big warm ball
of fire and then shot out to the rest of her like
fireworks. She couldn’t talk.

"Uhhh! Unnggg... Ahhhh... Daddy... Ohhh... Ummm...
Ahhh... AAHHH... AHHHH!!!!!" she wailed.

She felt the feeling fade away a little bit, but her
daddy kept pounding into her and it started coming back
again. She tripped into a second orgasm, just as
intensive as her first. She gasped for breath and made
blubbering sounds. Her head flailed back and forth on
the blanket until her face was covered with her hair.
It just felt too good to describe. AND IT WAS COMING

John slammed her through three orgasm before her hands
began pushing at him, flailing weakly. She was gasping,
"No more! Daddy... please! I... can’t... breathe..." He
slid in tight and stopped, to let her breathe. Her
pussy fluttered weakly around his cock. She felt good
and he liked soaking in her hot box.

He wanted to cum, though. Her pussy nipped him as she
flexed her newfound muscles.

"Can you do that again, Baby?" he asked her. "Can you
squeeze me?" She did, once long and hard, and then
again, short. "Ohhhh baby," he said in a throaty voice.
"If you keep doing that I’m gonna cum."

Chrissy felt much better. Since he’d stopped moving in
her she had a chance to catch her breath. "Can you cum
with practice sperm too Daddy?"

John grinned. He knew without a doubt that either he or
his son would be knocking Chrissy up good an proper
within two or three months. She was a super good fuck
and he intended to pack her with baby butter daily all
by himself. He suspected Bobby would be sniffing around
her pussy too.

"Sure, baby," he said. No sense making her tense. She
began to flex and loosen those new muscles and it was
like being milked.

"OK, daddy," she said. "You can shoot your sperm in

Just that statement made his balls jump and started his
baby makers on their way toward his daughter’s uterus.
He had enough control to force almost all of his cum
into two massive jets that blasted out of the tip of
his penis like water out of a super pump-up water
cannon. He jammed his cock deep and put the tip right
at her cervix and let his seed flow.

Again Chrissy felt the wet heat that was a man trying
to impregnate her. This time she recognized it for what
it was. Her daddy was cumming inside her pussy. She
loved that feeling. It felt all warm and nice and
close. She decided she’d see if maybe her Daddy would
cum in her again.

John drained himself and eased his prick out of
Chrissy. They got dressed and rode back to the house
more or less in silence, each with his or her own
thoughts. When they got home, though, Chrissy held her
father’s hand as they went in the house. "Daddy? Could
I sleep in your bed tonight?"

John smiled. "Sure, baby, but I might try to help you
again during the night. Like on the blanket."

"That would be OK," she said.

Later, in bed, after she had cum three more times and
he had fucked another cup of his potent sperm in her
teen pussy she kissed him and said "So all the boys
want to do that on dates?"

"That’s pretty much right, sweetie. And I can’t let
them do that to my baby girl."

"So I still can’t go out on dates?"

"I don’t think so honey," he said.

She was quiet for a while. "That’s OK." she said
finally. "With you and Bobby being here, I don’t need
to go out on dates. I can get all the dating I need
right here at home."

It only took them one month to knock her up.



2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 14 Planning My First Date

Thursday, March 31, 2005 (Continued) Dinner and the dishes were finished later than normal, and I was about to talk with Dad about the problems caused by predatory girls, when I was buttonholed by all the females to talk about my date tomorrow. #3: If I wrote that, "I was looking forward to it", that'd be the same as saying, "the Pacific Ocean is damp." I had spent years desperately longing for tomorrow night. I would've been wildly...

2 years ago
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Ms Marca At 16 Was My First Big Dance Date

  Sweet 16  Oh Me My First Big Date   That fall I went into high school (10th grade) I was 16. It didn't take long for the word to get around that I was a player.   I was asked to a formal Christmas dance at the country club that year by a guy who lived not far from us. His mother and father were big wheels at the country club and I was growing up faster than my mother or father wanted me to.   I begged for weeks for them to let me go on dates, so when I got asked to this big formal thing,...

First Time
1 year ago
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Youll Always Remember Your First Date

You'll Always Remember Your First Date By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "You fucking asshole," yelled Laura slamming down her phone. "I'm going to fucking kill you." Greg was hysterical laughing hearing his sister screaming as she raced on the hall towards his room. "Open the door Greg. This is bullshit," screamed Laura. "Oh, I'm busy doing my homework sis," said Greg chuckling. "Why don't we catch up later?" "I fucking hate you. I can't believe you would do...

3 years ago
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First time sub domination by my date

My husband asked me several times to put some of my dating experiences in writing since he found them very exciting and felt that others may also find them exciting. This was one of my early experiences that I told him about, and he typed it all up and will post it for all to enjoy. I know I will never forget it, and he seemed to really enjoy hearing it. I hope you do as well.We have been married for many years, and everything has been great. Sometimes you just need to add a little spice to...

2 years ago
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Fucked on first date

Julie was in her apartment getting dressed for her first date. She wore rather conservative clothing, buttoned up shirt, nice shoes, dark tight fitting jeans, and of course underwear (bra included). Just as she was about to leave, her roommate Melanie walked in. "Ah, I caught you. Just in time." Melanie sounded relieved. "Not really, I have to leave now or I'll be late for my very important date." Julie replied. "Besides, I thought you were meeting with Jake tonight?" "I am. But the bf won't be...

2 years ago
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First Date

First Date As the clock ticked its steady relentless way to 3 in the morning I tossed and turned another few times in our large bed. I glanced again at the clock and saw that just two minutes had passed since my last look. No point in asking myself where she was – I knew exactly where she was and who she was with. I had arranged it after all. And now I had some serious doubts and angst as I lay there, alone. Earlier I had been full of bravado, lust and vigour as I had watched her prepare her...

1 year ago
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Chrissys First Date

An angry Chrissy reflected on how she was fifteen years old and she hadn't been on a single date. It wasn't because she was unpopular. Lots of kids at her school liked her and wanted to be around her. It wasn't because she was ugly. Her 5" 6" frame supported breasts that were a handful each, tipped with sharp little pencil eraser sized nipples just made to suck on. Below that were her thin waist and hips that any baby-bearing woman would love to have. Her cute little pussy lips were pink...

2 years ago
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Shellis First Date

That Special Date - Part 1 Hi, my name is Shelli. I am a 27 year old T girl now living full time as a woman. I began living full time about 3 years ago and have never looked back. I had always had an interest in woman s clothing and fashion as far back as I can remember. I had started to dress in my sister's clothes when I was in high school and never forgot the feeling. I would sometimes fake an illness so I could stay home and dress while everyone else was out - I could spend...

4 years ago
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Beautiful Mess First Date

The morning is a whirlwind of getting my things thrown together and back home, so I can shower and change for work. I had no intentions of sleeping at Jack's last night, but after the mind-blowing sex we had, how could I not? It was after all, a beautiful mess. As much as I thought I would fight my feelings with Jack, everything seems so right, the way he makes me feel safe, like I can trust him, how we interact with one another. We're able to communicate easily. There is no holding back. Our...

3 years ago
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First Date

A girl has to set some rules for herself. One of my rules is to never go to his place the first time. I used to have a rule that I never put out on a first date, but after violating it for the umpteenth time I decided to drop that one. I feel much safer in my own apartment though. Not that nothing could go wrong there, of course, but my neighbors are pretty nosy so I think they'd probably come investigate if I yelled really loud. Also, if we're at my place he's the one who has to get dressed...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 16 My First Date

Friday, April 1, 2005 (Continued) For most of the short journey, Carol sat turned around in her seat looking back at us. She kept an almost nonstop gush going: "Julia looks so beautiful", "Your dress is wonderful, Julia", "Mark is so lucky", "Julia is so lucky", "You two look so good together", "I wish I was older", "I'm going to wait up until you get home, to hear how it went." Mom quickly responded to that one, "No you won't, Carol. Mark won't be home till well after...

3 years ago
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A TRANS Formation Chapter 14 Jills First Date

After visiting her family over the weekend, Jill feels so relieved to get back to her apartment. Her life has gone through monumental changes since she last saw them. Yet, at her parents' house, everything is exactly the same as it was the last time she visited, four weeks before. In fact, it's exactly the same as it has been the whole time she was growing up there.As she gets out of Jerry's clothes and dresses as Jill again, she sees very clearly, why her life had sucked for so long. After...

1 year ago
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My First Date

Thank you to xHamster for giving me the platform and opportunity to pursue my inner girly-gurl! Also a special thanks to my handful of friends, who each in their own way helped me uncover a little piece of myself, and gave me the necessary encouragement I needed to explore all the different possibilities of being a slutty little CD! In a relatively short amount of time, I discovered a lot about myself. Things that turn me on, and a few that don't, but I wanted to experience them all on my path...

2 years ago
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First Date

We had been dealing with a lot of issues lately that had been keeping us apart. So she and I decided to meet, even if just for a night. AND, because of the nature of how we met, we never actually had a real “first date”, haven gotten to know each other so well by phone and mail long before we met in person. SO… we decided to make this our actual “first date”. Richmond, Virginia just about halfway between us, so we made plans to meet there at the Copper Grill – a very romantic restaurant. ...

1 year ago
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A First Date

A First Date By Jeanne Darc (Note: this story is a sequel to The Wedding Party. Please read that story first.) I was waiting in the lobby of my apartment the next day when Natasha arrived to pick me up for our date. I appreciated that she was on time; tardiness is a pet peeve of mine. She was driving a red Alpha Romeo. The engine growled like a lion preparing to spring. Was I the prey? She looked at me but didn't say anything. Just offered me the tiniest of smiles while she opened...

1 year ago
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My First Date

My First Date "I'm the same person I was an hour ago, you just know a bit more about me. That's all." "I'm not sure I wanted to know more about you," he said. "Yeah, I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. But I really needed someone to talk to. I needed an outside viewpoint," I said. I had just come out to my best friend. We had known each other for 6 years, and he had never known, or suspected I was a crossdresser. It's not an easy thing to be. Most people...

3 years ago
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Divorced wife After the First Date

***To get caught up, you will need to read the first segment titled: My First Day Divorced and the second segment titled: Divorced wife goes on her first date after divorce. This segment picks up where the last one left off***********The next morning, once I was finally able to get to bed in the very early hours of the morning, I kept hearing my phone ding. But I was ignoring it, mainly because I was tired from being out all night. And two, I knew who it would be. I mean come on, we all know it...

3 years ago
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The PowerChapter 5 First Date

Saturday evening found me waiting in the foyer, dressed in a new charcoal gray suit, black shirt and tie, and new black loafers. I had switched my usual hickory cane for a new brass and black lacquered model that the ladies had bought me for Christmas and was feeling quite dapper and dashing. Sue and Mom were upstairs doing some final primping and I was nervously eyeing my watch. It was after 7:30 and we had 8:00 reservations at a nice restaurant just outside the city limits. Then Sue came...

1 year ago
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My real First Date

First Date: One day when I was late 13 early 14 mom told me her boyfriend’s nephew was openly gay and he was 16. She told me she set up a date for us. My heart pounded being asked out as a girl. She said I she would take me to meet him when the time came. Well, a few days later she told me the boy would meet me and wanted to take me out to the movies. He had a driver’s license and could use his uncles car. Mom picked out my outfit a cute black pleased skirt, black seamed stockings, pink satin...

2 years ago
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My Sister Set Me Up on a Blind Date

It was a Friday night at the end of my sophomore year at college. A cop had pulled me over as I was driving home. "Yes it is, Officer." "And your last name is really Chevrolet?" "That's my last name. Just like it was the last name of Louis Chevrolet, the co-founder of the Chevrolet car company." I hated it when people wouldn't believe that my last name was Chevrolet. If it was Ford, they wouldn't think twice. Now if it was "Google" or "FedEx", I could understand...

3 years ago
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My first gay date

This probably won't attract much interest, but for me it marks a massive turning point in my life, and I felt I wanted to share it with my xhamster friendsas you may see from my other stories, since my divorce, I have almost exclusively had sex with men, and the more dominant the guy, the better, but so long as it is sleazy I'm happy. But that is all it really is, just sex with men, and I do not consider myself as a gay man because I don't really find guys attractive.Anyway, I was recently out...

3 years ago
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Horny Milf intro and first date

This is my first and so far only encounter with someone from xhamster (by the way has been the best sexual encounter I’ve had yet). So im not in my home state and have been extremely horny. Spending most my days looking for new things on xhamster, I’ve had a profile for a long while and barely tried the dating part. So I say why not try more and try to find something. Months have pass and I talk to a few people but nothing extravagant but some excitement through messageing only. So at this...

2 years ago
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Love on the First Date

I certainly did not expect to fall head-over-heels in love with Tracey Wynde on our first date. The thing about that was that I shouldn’t have been on a date with Tracey in the first place. I was still living with Diana and as far as anyone knew, things were fine. A lot of our friends were expecting us to announce our engagement any time soon. We were still having regular sex and going out together and with friends. On the surface, everything was great. That’s all it was – on the surface. The...

4 years ago
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First Date

Ken turned the water on in the shower, and waited for it to warm up. He had already spent most of the day getting ready; collecting the tux and other accessories from the hire shop, going to the barber for a haircut and a shave, even spending fifteen minute polishing his shoes until they gleamed. He was as nervous as a teenager taking a girl out for the first time. He smiled to himself as he looked down at the freshly trimmed pubic hair; it was the first time he had done any 'manscaping', but...

2 years ago
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Real First Date

First Real Date: One day Mom said one of her boyfriend’s nephew who was 17 (a couple years older than I was) was openly gay.. She told me she set up a date for us. My heart pounded being asked out as a girl. She said I she would take me to meet him when the time came. Well, a few days later she told me the boy would meet me and wanted to take me out to the movies. He had a driver’s license and could use his brother’s car. On that Saturday, she picked out my outfit a cute black pleased skirt,...

4 years ago
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The Fifth Date

The Fifth Date By Sarah Goodwoman Chapter 1 Scott paced back and forth with looking at his cell phone in his hand. He was only a half hour away from having his fifth date with Monica and was making big decision. He was either going to cancel the date or go through with it. He strongly wanted to enjoy the evening with Monica, he found her wonderful, yet he knew that if they had their date it ended their budding relationship. Scott knew it will end his relationship, the fifth date...

2 years ago
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First Date

My First DateBy: HornyJ My date went well Wednesday night. Jake and I met a few weeks ago at the library whenwe both reached for the same Kellerman book. Jake told me to go ahead and take it, andhe'd check it out when I was done. We got talking about authors we liked, and after a while heasked if I'd like to meet him for coffee sometime. I said sure, and told him I'm usually at thelibrary Tuesday afternoon. He met me there the next week, and we went out for coffee. Samethe following week, but...

3 years ago
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Not Your Average JoeChapter 9 The Mandate

When we arrived at school, Major Johnson excused himself to use the restroom. He’d already witnessed a demonstration of my self-defense skills, so he knew I could take care of myself if the situation called for it. I assured him I’d be fine standing out in the hall for the few minutes it took him to “do his business.” My father had been training me in martial arts sparring for years and, even though I didn’t particularly enjoy it, I still learned how to defend myself well enough to keep him...

4 years ago
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Things Girls Always Notice on a Date

Do you want to impress a girl on the very first date? If you really know what girls always notice on a date, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to impress that pretty lass within the first few minutes. And you know what they say, first impressions are everything when you’re trying to have a great date! Unlike men, who don’t notice a great deal too much, women are a lot sharper on a date.They put in a lot of effort, and they expect their date to look spruced up and primped for them. So what...

4 years ago
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My Blind Date

Burying my wife's been such a life-changing event! I'd known Jackie, short for Jacquelyn, for two years, before we started dating ... then four years of dating, finally getting married on Catalina Island on the Fourth of July! Married fifteen glorious years together - until she was diagnosed with lymphoma! Refusing treatment - because she didn't want to live messed up by it - it didn't take long for her to weaken into a person I didn't recognize anymore. I loved her to the very end,...

3 years ago
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Promises and Secrets Tinas Prom Date

Promises and Secrets 3: Tina's Prom Date By Maria Ski Authors note: This story takes place before the events in 'Promises and Secrets'. Tina Grant, to know her is a pleasure; to look at her is to admire her, to fall in love with her... Because Tina Grant has a secret, a secret that she has kept from a very early age. Few people know, but those who do are sworn to not share the secret. Lest it harm Tina in any way. Who am I? I hear you ask, my name is Michael and I had the...

2 years ago
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A Date

Dad sat across from me at the table and shoveled oatmeal into his mouth more out of habit than for nourishment. Dark circles under his blue eyes confessed a lack of sleep. His constant sad expression made him look older than his forty-seven years. It didn't help that his hair had rescinded back to his ears. Worry had thinned his once bulky frame. He had been in a declining emotional state since my mother had left us last spring.The day after I graduated high school my mother packed her...

3 years ago
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The Test Date

Ra“Ok, sure!” … wait, did she just say ‘yes?!’I was joking not-joking when I asked and wasn’t expecting her to agree to a ‘test’ date. What even is a test date - I just made it up!I feel a bit sweaty, maybe she was joking too...Maya was a sharp brunette, shaped like a coke bottle, had a sexy waddle like a supermodel (I borrowed that line from her …). She was a bit younger than me and when she smiled, the corner curl of her lips would make me melt, and I think she knew it.Mmmmm her lips … and...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Just a Date

Thank you to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. DG Hear I heard that to get people interested in your story you have to do it in the first paragraph. I don't know much about writing so I guess I should do it. So, I will start out by saying I had sex with my brother's fiancée. More on this later. My name is Dan Welling. I'm twenty-nine and still single. I was born into a wealthy family. My dad owns Welling Manufacturing. He has three plants at which we make...

1 year ago
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That escalated quick Part 3 First date

Once I regain my composer I find out Sammy gave my chastity key to the guy I fucked on the sofa. I can't believe she just handed it over. "I thought you said I'd get the key back if I had sex with him?" I ask as the frustration starts to build. "You'll get it back," she replies calmly, "You just need to go on one date first." How can she be doing this? First she goes way overboard with the blowjobs, and then she gets me to fuck a guy, ok so the last part was kind of on me, but now she's...

4 years ago
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SRU The Prom Date

SRU - The Prom Date "I don't believe this!" said Paul as he arrived at his usual table to eat his dinner. "Don't believe what?" asked his best mate, Mark. "I've just asked Yvonne to go to the prom with me and she told me to get lost!" replied Paul. Paul had had his eyes on Yvonne for ages. Yvonne was one of the hottest looking girls in their year, her light auburn hair fell below her shoulders and her lips were begging to be kissed. "Oh, I'm sorry," said Mark, feeling sorry...

1 year ago
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Blossom First Date

"Sure, I understand," Nick said into the phone. "No, no hard feelings. Well, nice talking to you." "Shot down again, huh?" His son Anthony came ambling in from the kitchen. "Yeah," Nick said, "and thanks for the sympathy. Hey, are you doing anything Saturday night? Maybe we could rent a video, or..." "Sorry, Dad, no dice. I've got to work." Anthony plopped down in front of the TV as Nick's other son, Joey, came through the front door. "Hey, Joey," Anthony called out. "Dad...

3 years ago
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First Date

On our very first date, I anticipated my husband to be promiscuous and far more sexually advanced than I. Perhaps even a bit sexually aggressive, which made me cautiously choose my outfit as I got ready. I was definitely more nervous than usual for a first date. Not sure if it was because of my attraction to him or his bold manner. All I knew was it was the best invitation I'd had since moving to town six months ago. After picking me up, he asked if it would be ok if we stopped by to meet a few...

First Time
2 years ago
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Make That Date

(TG/F, transform, bondage) Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. Make that Date By Couture (c) 2002 Couture e-mail: [email protected] Below is a transcript of a recent episode of a new made for TV series called 'Make that Date'. Chuck: "Hi, everyone, this is Chuck Woolery, and welcome to another episode of..." "Make that Date," the audience screams in unison. Chuck: "I would like everyone to put...

3 years ago
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Joes Date

Joseph Fisher was an up and coming attorney in a prominent downtown law firm.His sharp mind and close attention to detail were assets that the partnersadmired. One day he would undoubtedly manage his own private practice, whichwas indeed his goal. The late twenties single man also made the rounds in town, frequenting themost popular night spots. His smooth style and good looks made him very invitingto the opposite gender. One particular evening he met a long legged foxy lady named Deidre,...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach Swim Date

Bikini Beach: Swim Date By Ellie Dauber (c) 2000 "Hey, look," Mack Reilly said, "here comes that stuck-up Amy Bowlan." He pointed at a pretty blonde, about 17, who had just come into the school cafeteria. Paul Kauffman put down his Coke, and looked in the direction his friend was pointing. "Aw, I don't think she's stuck-up, man." "Then why won't she go out with anybody? She's either stuck-up or - hell, maybe she's a lesbie. You think?" "Nah. She's new here, just moved in the...

2 years ago
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7th Date

Paul couldn't help grinning as he looked down at the woman nestled into his shoulder. A lock of her hair was tickling her nose, making it twitch as she slept. "Erica..." Nothing. "Ericaaaa..." "Hmmmph." Her eyes batted as the cobwebs started to clear. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, she realized how she'd fallen asleep. She lifted her head with a start, and turned to look at the man sitting next to her on her couch. "Oh. Paul, I'm so sorry. That was rude." She glanced over...

4 years ago
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Hannah and Zack a Sex Date

A story in the sex date universe of stories. Updated and edited for clarity March 2022. This story takes place in a universe created by EazinAlong where parents set up sex dates for their teens. Pretty simple concept. The first story was published in 2016 and recommend reading it first. I consulted with EazinAlong about the story and he reviewed it, though all punctuation errors etc. are mine alone. He also has a new Hannah story in the works. In this story, a neighbor boy Zack has a sex date...

2 years ago
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Chapter II A First Date

That night I found myself tossing and turning, wondering what exactly Lincoln had meant by those words.It’s a date.Romantic or not, this would probably be considered my first proper date. Sure, I had hung out with guys occasionally during high school… but I wouldn’t consider awkwardly making out with a guy at a party while he pawed at my chest a date.Rolling over towards my nightstand, I glanced at my phone. 2:15 AM. Sighing, I tried burrowing further into my blankets. Squeezing my eyes shut, I...

First Time
1 year ago
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First Date

First Date As the clock ticked its steady relentless way to 3 in the morning I tossed and turned another few times in our large bed. I glanced again at the clock and saw that just two minutes had passed since my last look. No point in asking myself where she was – I knew exactly where she was and who she was with. I had arranged it after all. And now I had some serious doubts and angst as I lay there, alone. Earlier I had been full of bravado, lust and vigour as I had watched her...

1 year ago
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Rhiannas Prom Date

Prom Date Ben Carter waited for all his peers to exit the classroom. His teacher Miss Jamieson had requested he stay behind for a few minutes. It was the end of the day on a Friday and a long weekend loomed. Ben was anxious to get back home. He suspected he knew what the teacher wanted to discuss, "So Ben, what am I going to do with you?" Miss Jamieson asked. She was an older lady with a kind smile and seemed genuinely concerned for Ben. Ben looked at her with a downcast look. "I...

4 years ago
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Just a Date

Thank you to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. DG Hear * I heard that to get people interested in your story you have to do it in the first paragraph. I don’t know much about writing so I guess I should do it. So, I will start out by saying I had sex with my brother’s fiancée. More on this later. My name is Dan Welling. I’m twenty-nine and still single. I was born into a wealthy family. My dad owns Welling Manufacturing. He has three plants at which we make...

3 years ago
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Annies First Date

It was almost 1:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. I was driving home from the hotel and I had a hundred different thoughts running through my head. On so many levels what I did tonight would be considered wrong by many women. I mean here I am, a happily married mother of two returning home from a date with a man who is not my husband with his cum leaking from my pussy and my asshole. It seems so wrong but it was so exciting too and my husband wanted me to do it and I wanted to do it too! For us it...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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The Perffct Date

Two days later, when the children came to live with their grandparents, Logan was nine, almost ten, and Beth was five. The children knew their grandparents but had not been around them enough to feel comfortable. Once the children were informed of their parents’ death, young Beth clung to her big brother and refused to be separated even for a short time. Logan was equally protective of his little sister. It took almost six months for them to sleep in separate bedrooms. Even then during...

1 year ago
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The FavorChapter 36 Another Date

"You have a date on Friday night," Jeff told me. He did this quite often. He would set up a date for me, and he would have the person tell me what they paid for the date. It was usually something quite insignificant, like helping Jeff out with a job or something like that. It always humiliated me to know that there were people out there ready to do anything that Jeff asked for, because they knew they would get a sure shot at me. Some of the guys that took me out made sure to tell me what...

4 years ago
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The Blindest Date

As I looked in the mirror, it occurred to me that this was the first blind date I’d ever been on. I’ve heard the term a million times, but does anyone really go on blind dates anymore? This certainly wouldn’t be the first date I’ve been on, or the second. I’ve never counted them, that’s a pretty interesting thought in itself. Let’s see what the numbers say. Ok, I’ve been dating for half my life, give or take, about sixteen years roughly. Take away the two serious relationships of about six...

4 years ago
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My first date

My first dateI'm Nancy I started to date when I turned 17 my parents were cool with my boyfriend because they knew him (Mark) from church and liked his family and he lived just a few doors down from us. He was 18 and had just gotten his car and according to my father it was a sensible vehicle and not a hot rod , but a nice car with four doors and a small v6 engine bench seat both front and back a real family car. My father said that we were to be back by 10pm OK I said that we were just going...

2 years ago
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The Best Blind Date

Part 1: The MeetingThey always say a blind date should be blind. My first ever attempt at it was blind. It was my older sisters suggestion. She had always badgered me into getting a date. I just was not interested to be fair. I had my studies at University and that was my ultimate focus. Girls simply did not feature. However I did as I was told and decided to surf the internet. I joined one particular website that stated it was the best around and could simply find a date in "three easy...

3 years ago
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 8 The First Date

Rosa had Kathy's dinner ready almost an hour early, prompting Kathy to ask what was going on. Having no idea that her daughter had witnessed her and Dutch earlier, Rosa was a little flip in answering. "Got a date." "With the guy you were screwing this morning?" "What!" Kathy blithely ignored her mother and turned a page of People's magazine. Frozen in time and space, Rosa forced herself to react and firmly said, "Kathy, what did you just say to me?" The teenager closed the...

3 years ago
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SKIN DEEP Urban Legend Chapter Six First Date

SKIN DEEP - Urban Legend Chapter Six: First Date by Mark McDonald Journal> Journal Date 12/23/2081: 10:18 am. Journal> Voice dictation journal editor, open... Proceed. It was very cool in Gary's house, and my skin started to pimple up in goose flesh. I rubbed my arms as I walked in trying to rub off them off. "Wow, it's cold in here! Can you warm it up some?" "Sure, I'm sorry. Dad's a bit heavy; he likes it cooler than the rest of us. Go on into the living room...

3 years ago
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Ill Make it a Date

I'll Make it a Date By Roustam (Preface: This is purely a fantasy, but one that I would gladly have had come true. It's also my first attempt at writing for an audience larger than one, so I hope the readers will respond with any sort of criticism. I will happily -- and quickly -- add more to the story if you like it. The opening chapters may be a little slow, but I want to build up the romance between the main characters before the tg and erotic...

2 years ago
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Double Date

Double Date by Vickie Tern (So this year doesn't end without my posting even one new story on FM, here's one of many not yet finished, finished in time to post it this year! I hope.) You know how it goes, that long-dreaded moment. Your wife walks in unexpectedly and sees she isn't married to a man but instead to a wannabe woman. Or something like that, a sex freak. She studies you and determines it really is you though you seem to be someone else. Someone not her husband...

2 years ago
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A Dream Date or TV Date

TVDATE.TXT A Dream Date by Monique As you stand there looking at me, I know it is hard for you to believe your eyes. Standing in front of you is one of the most beautiful and seductive females you have ever seen. Let me tell you how she got that way. As soon as I left the bar last night, I knew that I was in trouble. Big trouble. As many times as I have worn a bra under my shirt, that was the first time that anyone had detected it, and I mean,...

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