Magician's Assistant 2: Table Talk free porn video

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Magician's Assistant 2: Table Talk By Deane Christopher Copyrighted: 2001 "Hey!" Mat exclaimed. "Isn't that Magatrix over there?" "Where?" Mary asked as she began to scan the Cauldron's main room. "Over there! Standing just inside of the doorway that's a little to the right of the bar. You know, the one that most likely leads back to the dressing rooms that the performers use." Mat bobbed his head in the general direction of where he thought he had caught a glimpse of the striking female magician. "I don't see her." "Well, unless I'm way off base here, I do believe that that's her." "Are you referring to the redhead in that abbreviate black satin dress?" "Yes!" a relieved Mat returned thankfully. "That is her, isn't it!" "I'm not sure..." "Well, I am!" Vicki said smugly. "And, as much as I hate to say this: Mat's right! I do believe that that's Magatrix all right! And, though I can't be sure yet, I think that there's someone in the hallway behind her. Someone wearing something silver." Mary confirmed the fact that Vicki was right and that there was someone wearing some sort of silvery outfit visible in the hallway behind Magatrix. And, that whoever it was, the person was definitely a female and, though the Cauldron's diffused lighting made it hard to tell, she appeared to be a strawberry blonde. "Could that someone be Jasmine in that silver leotard that Magatrix fitted her out with?" Mat asked. "Could be..." Mary replied. "Except whoever it is, she doesn't appear to be wearing evening gloves..." "No! No, she isn't!" Vicki broke in, confirming Mary's assertion. "And, I do believe that I caught glimpses of a hemline every now and again, so its' mostly likely a dress and not a leotard..." "See!" Vicki proclaimed a moment or so later as Magatrix, dressed in a sexy black satin cocktail dress and Jasmine, in a similarly cut liquid silver one, began to casually lace their way across room. "I was right! It definitely was a dress that I saw!" A minute or so later, Magatrix, with Jasmine in tow, approached the table that was occupied by the group from Jeff's work and politely asked, "Excuse me! Would it be all right with you all if Jasmine and I joined you?" Even as Mat was in the process of doing the gentlemanly thing by getting up as a precursor to his offering his chair to Magatrix, Bob Carlson assumed the role of spokesman for the group and cordially said, "Please, do." "Jasmine." Magatrix urged. "Why don't you introduce me to all these nice friends of yours." Jasmine complied with Magatrix's directive. Starting with the spunky Mary Ellen Edwards who was seated immediately to her right, Jasmine proceeded around the table in a counterclockwise direction "Thank you, Jasmine!" Magatrix said at the completion of the introduction process. "Now, that you have introduced me to all of your friends here, I think it's time for you to close your eyes and go to sleep!" Those enchanting emerald eyes of Jasmine's flicked and then closed, as her chin correspondingly drooped and settled on that ever so elegant, Audrey Hepburn like neck-stalk of hers. "Good girl. That's it! Now, take a deep breath and go into a very deep and relaxing sleep. "Jasmine! The next time you hear me say the name Rupunzel, while you will remain fast asleep until I instruct you to awake, you will no longer be my lovely female assistant Jasmine. You will once again become the male Jeffrey Gibson. "However, when you do become Jeffrey Gibson, you will, for the time being, remain oblivious to the fact that your body is still that of a female's until I direct you to do otherwise. "Do you understand?" "Yes..." Jeff dreamily muttered "Good! Rupunzel! "Now, Jeff, your friends are going to once again ask you some questions. You are to answer them as honestly as you can. All right?" "Yes..." "All right! How 'bout we start with you, Mary. And then, we can work our way around the table." Magatrix said. "All I ask of is that you all ask questions that you already know the answer to. You know, so that you can verify that what Jeffrey here is telling us is true and that, while he might not look like his old self, he really is your friend Jeff. Also, I want all of you to pay close attention to both Jeff's choice or words and the way he phrases his replies. Okay, Mary! You're up! Go ahead! Ask the first question!" For the next ten minutes or so, Jeff's friends put one question after another to him/her. "Well," Bob Carlson finally gave up the ghost and said, "as reluctant as I am to have to say this: I'm convinced! She's Jeff all right! I mean, even if Jeff was back stage feeding Jasmine here the correct answers - You know, over some sort of high tech transceiver! - there's just no way he would have answered some of those questions. You know, as in: he would have balked! Especially so, given how personal quite a few of those questions were!" "I'm afraid I have to agree." Mat reluctantly offered. "Knowing Jeff as I do, I know that he wouldn't have wanted some of that stuff he just told us about to get out and there by, become fodder for the rumor mill at work. You know, as in he wouldn't have wanted some of that stuff to become - I guess you could say! - public knowledge. And, because of that, I really think that we all should agree right here and now that whatever we heard him tell us tonight goes no further then this table. You know, as in it stays right here!" "Mat's right!" Mary jumped into the fray. "I mean, as flattered as I was to hear Jeff admit that he likes me and would like to go out with me, I really think we need to make sure that we don't repeat anything that he wouldn't want everybody and his brother to know! All right?" Though a few did so grudgingly, Mat and Mary, working in conjunction with one another, managed to secure a concession from each and every member of their group. That is to say that, after a little haggling, they all agreed that all the personal information that Jeff had divulged about himself would remain sacrosanct. "Question." Magatrix interjected herself into the conversation. "By any chance did any of you pay any attention to those things I mentioned before? You know, as far as word choice and the way Jeff phrased his answers?" "Yes!" Vicki replied brightly. "Yes, I did! And, I must say were it not for the feminine voice, it was Jeff all the way!" Everyone else, to one degree or another, found themselves forced to concur with Vicki. "Good!" Magatrix asserted. "While I know I haven't convinced all of you that this gorgeous young woman who is seated next to me is really your friend and cohort Jeffrey Gibson, is it safe for me to assume that none of you can provide me with positive proof that she isn't?" Then, when no one said anything to refute her, Magatrix continued. "No? Good! So, I guess we can proceed on from here! "Jeff! In a few minutes, one of the Cauldron's waitresses will come to our table to see if anyone wants another drink. When she does, you will wake up. However, you will feel and behave as though you are in a very pleasant, liquor induced stupor. That's to say that you will act as if you are on the verge of becoming the subdued, or - If you will? - the introverted version of shit-faced. And, no matter what happens or what anybody else but me says to you, you will remain completely oblivious to the fact that your body is that of a female until I direct otherwise. Do you understand what I have just told you?" "Yes..." Jeff groggily muttered. "Jeff! Tell me! What is your favorite mixed drink?" Sounding much the way an automaton might, Jeff's ever so sultry voice meekly intoned, "A pina colada..." "Good! Well, when the waitress gets around to you, I want you tell her that you would like her to bring you a pina colada. Then, after you have told the waitress what you would like to drink, your awareness of what is occurring around you will gradually improve until you reach a point where you are completely lucid and you can begin to function normally. That's to say, that you will reach a point where you will be able not only follow the conversation, but you will shortly thereafter, be able to take part in it as well. However, Jeffrey, even when your perception has reached a stage where it is once again crystal clear, you will continue to remain oblivious to the fact that you body is sexually out of sync with your mind. In other words, you will remain completely unaware of the fact that your body is still that of a young woman's. And, should anyone make mention of, or, for that matter, even allude to the fact that you're not your normal male self, you are to simply ignore them. Do you understand?" "Yes..." Jeff replied dreamily. "I understand..." "All right, Jeffrey! I want you to listen very, very carefully to what I'm about to tell you now. After our waitress returns with our drinks, you are to wait until I take a sip from my drink before you before you follow suit and take a sip of your pina colada. Now, when you do take that sip, you will gradually begin to become aware of the fact that some as yet elusive something isn't - Shall we say - copacetic. You know, as in you will begin to feel as if some as yet unidentified thing isn't as it should be. Or, to put that another way, you will find yourself beginning to feel a little anxious and apprehensive. "I suggest that in your uneasiness, you might feel a slight draft. You might even go so far as to hug yourself against the chill you're feeling. You know, and rub your arms and maybe even your legs in an effort to warm yourself. You might even fine that you have goose bumps. And, you might go so far as to even ask someone else at the table if they feel a little cool as well. "Next, I suggest that you might begin to feel eerily and unnaturally exposed. You might even use your hands to do a cursory inspection of yourself to see if you can detect what, if anything, is causing you to feel the way you do. "Jeff. You do like the feel of satin do you not?" "Yes..." "Good. I'm glad to hear that. "Well, let me suggest that you just don't like the feel of satin. You love it! Fact is, Jeff: you love the sensual and seductive feel of satin so much that it you find it erotically stimulating! You know, as in touch it is a real turn for you! And, not only do you love the feel of satin, but you also love the feel of a woman's leg encased in sheer, silky hosiery, even if the leg in question happens to be your own. "In other words, Jeff, once you touch any part of your body that is encased in either satin or nylon, you will begin to fidget and fuss with yourself in an effort to find any excuse to touch yourself. "For example: you might inadvertently reach up and jostle one or the other of those nice new and extremely sensitive boobies of yours. You know, to - Shall we say! - better situated it inside that sexy little dress that I fitted you out with backstage. Or, you might inadvertently go so far as to reach under the table and use one or another of your hands to caress those nylon encased inner thighs of yours. Perhaps, you might even become bold enough to run an index finger up along the swath of that new little you-know-what of yours. You know, to give yourself an extemporaneous thrill that'll keep you simmering on low side of a full blown state of arousal. "Then, after a few minutes of behaving in such a fashion, you will find yourself desiring another sip of your drink. So, you take a sip. However, when you return the glass to the table, you will become aware that there is something about your hands that looks different. You will begin to examine them and when you do, you will come to the stark realization that your hands of those of a woman. And, that realization will in turn restore your memory of everything, save for that little question and answer session that occurred here at the table, that has happened this evening. You will remember my turning you into my lovely assistant Jasmine and everything, with the exception of what I just now made mention of, that has occurred since. "Initially, you will find that being a guy with a girl's body to be extremely disorienting and mildly disconcerting. However, once I assure you that the change is in no way a permanent one and that your manhood will be restored to you while you are asleep tonight, you will begin to quickly warm to the prospect of your being able to experience what it's like to be a woman for a few hours. "Truth be told: you will, within the matter of minutes, find the whole situation of your being a man with a woman's body to be extremely erotic and ever so pleasurable. You will find that you like not only looking sexy, but feeling sexy as well. "That's to say that you will, within - Shall we say, fifteen minutes or there abouts. - become an unmitigated dick teaser. "In other words, you will adopt the credo of, 'If you've got it! Flaunt it!' "And, flaunt you will! "Though your mind will remain as manly entrenched as it ever was, you will nevertheless take great amounts of pleasure playfully torquing the livin' shit out of the libidos of other men. "Do you understand?" Jeff acknowledged that he did. "Good! I'm glad to hear that! "Now, I need to make mention of the fact that you will initially lose all of Jasmine's grace and charms upon the realization that you are a man fitted out with a woman's curvaceous physique. That means: your mannerisms will revert to being those of a man; there by, turning you into one oafish - To the point of appearing spastic! - looking woman. "That's to say that you will be extremely awkward at first. Plus, those high heels your wearing will give you a royal fit initially! "But, don't worry! As long as you take it slow and easy and exercise a little care, you'll find that you'll be able to hobble around in them just find. "A few minutes after your initial disorientation, you will start to become attuned to operating as a girl. Within - Shall we say! - five minutes or there abouts, you will find that you will be able to get about reasonable well in heels. After ten minutes, you'll find that they don't even phase you. And, after fifteen minutes have passed, round about the time you enter the brazen hussy stage, you will be so adapt at getting around in stiletto heels that, were I to direct you to do so, you would be able to perform a flawless gymnast floor exercise while still wearing them. "In other words, Jeff, fifteen minutes after you become aware of the fact that your body is one hundred and eighty degrees out of sexual sync with your mind, you'll be completely at home with functioning as the nimble little sex pot that you appear to all the world to be." Magatrix continued on to detail and enunciate the major points of the post-hypnotic suggestion she was saddling Jeff with for the next few minutes. Then, as a finishing touch, she continued on to say, "Jeff, once you become completely acclimated to this sensational new body I've fitted you out with, you will begin to feel a little bit playful, a little bit frisky. Then, on the heels of that, you will find yourself wishing to dance in the worst way imaginable. "Fact is: you will find it hard - But, not impossible! - to turn down a request from any man who might ask you to join him for a turnabout out on the dance floor. "Now, Jeffrey, in order to make it easier for that male ego of yours to deal with what would otherwise be the ignominy of dancing with another man, whenever the music is playing and your either in physical contact or fairly close proximity to a man, your mental mind-set will be as feminine as feminine can be. "Do you understand?" "Yes." Jeff weakly managed. "I understand..." Magatrix, upon finishing up with Jeff, caught the appropriate waitress's eye and waved her over. A moment later, when it became her turn, the liquid-silver clad Jeff murmured, "I'll have a pina colada. Please." After the waitress left to go get their drinks, Jeff sat there, a blank stare affixed upon that absolutely beatific countenance of hers, looking to all the world like a first class dufus. "When is she going to come around and start doing the stuff you told her to do?" Bob Carlson impatiently asked. "Soon!" Magatrix replied. "We should begin to see some evidence that she is beginning to become more lucid any second now." "Look!" Vicki broke in excitedly. "She just blinked her eyes!" "She did, didn't she!" Bill exclaimed, verifying Vicki assertion. Their very personable witch clad waitress returned in a few minutes with their selections. Magatrix, having waited for their waitress to be on her way, picked up her drink and took a sip. Jeff, taking his cue from her, followed suit. Setting her pina colada on the table, Jeff curiously looked about the room in general and then, the table in particular. She then looked to the floor, first to the right of the chair in which she sat and then, to the left of it. Mat, acting on an prior instruction given to him by the striking red headed magician, asked, "Hey, Jeff! What's up? Something wrong?" "No..." Jeff's ever so sultry voice purred in reply. "I mean, I'm not sure... But, I don't think so... "It's just..." "It's just what, buddy?" Mat pressed. "It's just that something doesn't feel entirely right to me... You know, as in something feels oddly out of kilter. If, that is: you know what I mean..." Just then, even as she was replying to Mat's inquiry, Jeff's ultra feminized body was wracked with several very noticeable shivers. Reflexively, Jeff hugged herself as she twisted her upper torso a little to the right in order to better address Mary Edwards, "Is it me, Mary? Or, do you feel a draft in here as well? I mean, I'm so chilled right now that I've got goose-bumps running all up and down my arms!" Then, following the scenario that Magatrix had laid out for her, Jeff absentmindedly reached up with her right hand and crassly jostled her rather prominent left breast so as to better situate it within the scalloped out portion of that sinfully delicious liquid-silver club dress in which she was so scintillatingly packaged. Several seconds after she had completed that maneuver, Jeff reached up and did likewise with that other conical chest protrusion of hers. Enjoying the erotic feel of the satin as she was, Jeff did not pull her hand away. Instead, she elected to allow the delicate tips of those well manicured and nail glossed fingers of hers to teasingly trace a delightfully descending path towards her lap. Passing the abbreviated hemline of that ever so fetching dress of hers, Jeff's hand glided out and onto the ultra feminized erogenous zone as defined by her nylon ensconced inner thigh. 'Damn, that feels good!' Jeff thought to herself, as her hand been to lazily spiral inwards toward her loins. Reaching up under her dress, Jeff, employing the middle finger of her dexterous left hand, drew it expertly up along the nylon enshrouded crease that proclaimed her womanhood; engendering the madly careening advent of one sexual shiver after another by doing so. It was Bob Carlson's stifled giggle, sounded within the muted cacophony of a whole parcel of stifled giggles, which brought Jeff of short. Feeling as if she may have been caught in the rude and crude act of playing with herself, a discombobulated and red-faced Jeff frantically beseeched, "Hey, guys! What gives? I mean, what's so dog-gone funny?" Fearing what Bob might say, Mat quickly interceded, "You mean to tell me that you missed it?" "Missed what?" "Missed seeing that girl playing a rather obvious game of stink-finger with herself!" Mat, Jeff was quick to realize, had specified 'girl' in his retort. And, since Jeff had been pre-programmed by Magatrix to think of herself as a guy, she wrong-headedly interrupted Mat's comments to mean that her friends had not been laughing at her. "Shit! I sure as hell would have liked to have seen that!" Jeff said as she reached for her pina colada and took another sip. Setting her drink back down on the table, Jeff became keenly aware that there was something very disconcerting about hers hands. They just did not look right to her, in that her hands appeared oddly and strikingly feminine to her. She turned them this-a-way and then that-a-way. She frantically examined first one and then the other and then both. Then, as if taking note of it for the first time, Jeff became ignominiously aware that the nails of hers hands were inordinately long and tapered. And then, on the heels of that revelation, adding insult to injury, Jeff came to the unnerving realization that those nails of hers were also exquisitely polished, in that they gleamed forth with a dazzling and very becoming silvery hue. "Holy shit!" a traumatized Jeff wild exclaimed as her memories of the evening's events were instantaneously restored to her. "I'm a woman! Or," Jeff disbelieving stammered, "maybe I should have said: my body's that of a woman!" Turning about to face Magatrix, a clearly panicked Jeff maniacally pleaded, "Please! I implore you! Change me back! I mean, you're not serious going to leave me like this, are you?" "Have no fear, Jeff! I have no intentions of leaving you like you are. "I mean, I could. You know, leave you like you are now! You know, if that is you'd like me to! But, to answer your question is - no! I've rigged it so that you will change back into your old manly self during the course of the night! You know, while you're at home - sleeping..." "You mean to tell me that I'm going to have deal with this girl-shit until I go to sleep tonight?" Jeff indignantly demanded. "Yes! I'm afraid so, Jeff." "Why? I mean, couldn't you just me back now?" "Well, of course I could! But, I'm not going to!" "And, just why in the hell not?" "Because, I and your friends here are going to have some fun at your expense!" "We sure as hell are!" Bob, earning an elbow jab to his ribcage from Vicki for his doing so, lecherously punctuated Magatrix's comment. "Whoa!" Jeff clamored, as she got unsteadily to her feet. "These damn high heels are going to be the death of me! Holy shit! I've got to tell ya! This being a girl is really, really weird! I mean, my center of gravity seems to be all out of kilter!" "Well," Mary scoffed, as she reached over and discretely pulled down on the hemline of the liquid-silver dress that Magatrix had decked Jeff out in. "I guess it goes without saying that it would be! You know, given the fact that you've got breasts now!" "Ah, Mary!" Bob Carlson mockingly complained. "Now, why in the world did you have to go and straighten out Jeff's dress like that? I mean, I was kind of hoping to get an up close and personal view of that new little honey pot of his - Or, hers! Or, whomever! - and you go and ruin it!" "Jeff!" Magatrix directed. "How about you try taking a few steps!" Jeff did as she was told. Using her arms to balance herself, she gingerly took a few steps; turned and retraced them. "Okay! Do it again! But, this time, take a few more steps away from table before you turn!" Once again, Jeff did as instructed. "Good! You see! You're starting to get the hang of 'em! You know, as in you did better that time than you did before!" "Hey, Jeff!" Mat called out. "How's it feel? You know, you being a girl and all?" "Actually," Jeff, having paused for a moment to consider her answer, continued on to say, "while it's still going to take some real getting use to, it's nowhere near as bad as I first thought it would be! Hey! Do you think they've got a mirror around here somewhere that's big enough for me to get a good look at myself? You know, because I'd really like to see for myself what I look like as a girl!" "Tell you what!" Magatrix cheerfully offered. "There's a full length mirror back in my dressing room that you could use! So, tell you what! Why don't you and I and the rest of these young ladies head on back there now? You know, so that you can get a look-see at yourself!" "Hey!" Bob broke in. "What about us? Can't the guys go too?" "No!" Ann smugly teased. "This is strictly a girl thing! No guys allowed!" "Yeah!" Vicki concurred. "You guys just stay here and talk about whatever it is you guys talk about when we girls aren't around..." "Oh, my!" Jeff, who's mannerism were becoming more those of a woman with every passing second, excitedly exclaimed as she caught the first glimpse of herself in the mirror. "I mean, I knew that I looked good! But, I had no idea I looked that good!" "So," Magatrix said, "I take it that you like the new you?" "Oh, yeah!" Jeff, cupping those new boobies of hers as she did so, turned to get a better look at her profile. "I like the new me a lot! I mean, I'm everything I like in a woman and then some! I'm mean, my legs! My ass! My tits! They're all absolutely fabulous! You know, as in they're perfection personified! And, my face! It's... it's... it's... It's so friggin' fantastic that it damn near takes my breath away! You know, as in it's both innocent and impishly sultry all at the same time!" "My, my!" Vicki jealously murmured under her breath. "Somebody here is certainly full of themselves! And, that someone sure isn't me..." "Yeah!" Ann, who had heard Vicki utter her snide remark, muttered. "You're right about that kiddo! Jeff really is full of herself! "However... all things considered... given how beautiful he - as a she - is... you've got to admit that Jeff has every right to gloat! You know, owing to the fact that there's no getting around the fact that she's absolutely gorgeous..." "Well, what do you know!" Bill beamed. "By the look the of things, they appear to be on their way back!" "They sure are!" Bob replied, confirming the obvious. "Hey! Other than the fact that he's a girl now, do you guys notice anything different about Jeff?" Mat inquired of his table-mates. "Yeah..." Bob returned. "I sure as hell do! He - Or, I guess I should be saying, she - isn't hobbling anymore!" "Is she still wearing heels?" Bill, who was craning his neck to see if he could provide an answer to his own question, asked. Bob Carlson, "I can't be sure. But, I tend to think she is..." "Well, unless these old eyes of mine are playing tricks on me, I do believe that our pal Jeff's still wearing heels!" "Now what makes you say that?" Bob demanded. "Well, every now and again, I catch sight of a silver glint near the floor!" Mat began to lay out the reasoning that went into that assertion of his. "And, since none of the others were wearing silver shoes, it pretty much goes without saying that the silver I'm seeing more than likely comes from those shoes that Magatrix fitted him - as a her - out with, now doesn't it?" "Okay! So, tell us, Jeff - Or, should we be calling you Jasmine now? - what your verdict is!" Mat said as Jeff and her entourage returned to the table. "I mean, I do believe the three of us would like to know just how you feel about being a girl!" "Yeah!" Bob urged. "What's it feel like?" "Well," Jeff coquettishly framed her thoughtful replied, "even though my mind is still as manly as it ever was - You know, as in I still like girls as much as I ever did! - all things considered, I'd have to say: it feels wonderful! I mean, I feel so darn sexy and turned on right now it isn't funny! You know, as in I'm in no holds barred love-lust with myself that I'm actually having a hard time restraining myself from doing something really crass! You know, as in I'm having a hard time keeping myself from reaching up under my dress and copping a feel! You know, given how horny I am right now!" "Well," Bob replied snidely, "if you're looking for a volunteer to step in and - Shall we say! - lend a hand, you need look no further! You know, as in it goes without say that I be more than happy to oblige..."

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Magicians Assistant Friends Lovers 1

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 1: By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

4 years ago
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Magicians Assistant Friends Lovers 6

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 6 By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

2 years ago
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The Magicians Assistant

Bert had one dream in life, to become a great magician. He started off by performing magic tricks for is family and close friends. As a jobless adult, he attempted to earn a living with his hobby as “The Amazing Cazzo,” performing mediocre magic shows here and there earning barely enough cash to survive. Now, it wasn’t that Bert couldn’t perform the tricks, but his weak skills and lack of confidence caused many problems. He would often drop cards during his card tricks, get caught palming...

4 years ago
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Magicians Assistant Friends Lovers 2

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 2: By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

2 years ago
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Magicians Assistant Friends Lovers 3

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 3: By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

4 years ago
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Magicians Assistant Friends and Lovers 4

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 4: By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

4 years ago
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Magicians Assistant Friends Lovers 5

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 5 By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

3 years ago
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Magicians Assistant Friends Lovers 7

Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers 7 By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink Copyrighted 2002 Preface Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent has been reprimanded by the ethics review board of the Magician's...

3 years ago
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Executive Assistant Ch 01

Women’s lib has done nothing for me but double my work, Linda thought as she dropped a child off at school for the second time that morning. Two kids, two schools. Now she turned the car towards her office knowing the men and younger women would already be there tackling their work while hers continued to pile up. God knows her husband was already at work, some vestige of masculine rights always preventing him from taking on these extra jobs. He’d be drinking the coffee she’d brewed him, hers...

4 years ago
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THE ASSISTANT – PART 1The SkinCare company had a small office in downtown Chicago which acted as a relay between their huge laboratories in the outskirts of the city and their Marketing branch in New York. Jennifer had worked in New York in a junior position and now she was ready to tackle a managerial position in the Chicago office. She was the assistant to the VP of Research. Jennifer was already in her early 40s but the VP was a woman of 60. Rachel was already planning for retirement. Rachel...

4 years ago
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My New Assistant An Adult Story Part 1

I had my hard cock buried deep inside her tight pussy. I had my big hands on her wide hips. I looked down to see her hands gripping the small round table in front of us. Her large breast spilled out the sides of her body. She had just got her beautiful red hair cut. It was shoulder length now. Her eyes were trying to look back over her shoulder at me. I slowed down for a second as she hit connect on her phone. "Beep! Hello Honey! How are you. What's that noise in the back ground?" her husband...

3 years ago
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The Assistant A Romance

I survived my first five days working for Matt Steiner—start of the TV sitcom The Single Life. The job is as glamorous and as exciting as I thought it would be. It is filled with fun and exhilarating moments that only menial labor is able to provide. I met Matt on Monday after meeting with his agent. He coldly shook my hand and said, “hello” without looking at me. He looked upset and edgy. He wasn’t very nice to me. On my first day at my new job, I got careful instructions from Matt’s agent...

2 years ago
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First time with teacher and her assistant

This is my first one so be kind pls.This story is just a fantasy but all characters are real and o realy wish it comes true someday.This story took place when i was just 16, I used to take a computer lessons at school which i was failing at, so my teacher who i wont mention her name offered me to go to her house with a bunch of students to take extra lessons. She is about 50 -55 years old she has 3 k**s , who are old now, she is not so tall about 175 cm and she is plump,she weighs about 90-100...

2 years ago
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The Vets Assistant

( please be gentle with your criticism. This story is purely a fantasy, that should never be possible and never tried on a unwilling person, " Unless she truely feels the urge to fully submit to her inner Bitch" and her new mistress has that sexy seductive french accent that disolves oneself into a helpless submissive mess.) The advertised job just stated that local vet requires young fit lady interested in an Assistant Position, must have experience with large dogs and some knowledge of...

2 years ago
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Jayne The Hot Office Assistant

It’s not easy being beautiful.  Jayne King often wondered what it was like to be an average person.  Jayne was always hassled or whistled at.  She was used to getting attention from men and women.You see, Jayne had an abnormally large chest.  Oddly enough, she didn’t have implants.  If she was walking down the street, people would cat call out to her.  She would get very embarrassed by the sexual comments towards her.She was constantly hit on at bars and clubs.  Not only did Jayne have a...

Office Sex
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Personal Assistant

The dank, gray gloom was lifting as I pulled into the parking lot outside the mist-shrouded warehouse in Edinburgh. The snow was still falling heavily, swirling snowflakes had reduced visibility to a few feet by the time we reached our destination. Even though we had managed to outrun the blizzard, it would be difficult getting back this afternoon. Beside me, Fiona pulled the black trench coat tightly around her breasts and shivered slightly in spite of the warmth from the heater. I had picked...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Reina the Warlock Part 3 The New Assistant

"So who is this new little pet who is joining us?" Beleeza was splayed over a table in Reina's workshop watching her bondmate rummage about. The Daemon was looking especially outlandish today, her curved horns larger than usual, covered in dangling jewelry and chains. Her skin was charcoal grey, with only a few spots of brilliant red strewn across her face and arms. The elegant cloth around her waist was only there because Reina had ordered it so."She has worked under Mistress Loranna, who...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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How I Became an Executive Assistant

How I Became an Executive Assistant By Sarah Dechand It had been a while since I had thought of Emily, but there she was, right in front of me, in DuPont Circle, looking almost exactly the same as she had when we went out a decade ago. Well, a little bit of gray in her hair, but her skin was still smooth, and eyes bright. And she seemed happy to see me. So I stopped ? and it was one of those awkward moments, where I wasn't sure whether to shake her hand or give her a kiss hello....

2 years ago
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Fucking My Office Assistant Mrs Sangita Sarma

I am Zeet and I am going to tell you how I fucked Mrs. Sangita. Mrs. Sangita was working in office as my office assistant. She was around 37yrs and a sexy woman. She was married and has no issues. Her husband was working as Medical Representative and most of the time he was in tour. Mrs. Sangita was having a bomb figure and her boobs were large. Form the first day I saw her I was mad to fuck her. But I was afraid to do so as she was well conserved lady. I used to masturbate daily in night and...

1 year ago
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Oprahs assistant Nicki Minaj

Hi my name is Nikki and some may know me from my songs and performances but others know me through more ways I'm shameful of. This all started in the beginning of my career as I tried desperately To get in the limelight with many failed attempts until I met Oprah Winfrey. Now many might know her from tv as loving,caring Oprah But my experience with her was quite different(quite disgusting). A friend of mine had known Oprah's cousin and had actually set up an appointment for me to meet her for...

4 years ago
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Husbands assistant 5

Introduction: I travel back to the Gold Coast for a weekend with Bill This is the sequel to Husbands assistant, Husbands assistant 2, Husbands assistant 3and Husbands assistant 4. XNXX has messed up the dates which makes it harder to find Husbands assistant 4, but it is I suggest that you read those first. I spent Friday night in bed with Bills friend, Len, while Bill slept with Lens wife. Eleanor, in another room. Remembering the night that I had spent...

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Husbands assistant 3

Introduction: I get another call for assitance from my husband This is the sequel to Husbands assistant and Husbands assistant 2. I suggest that you read those first. My husband, Andrew, left on his next business trip early on Monday morning. I went to work as usual and came home as usual. What I did next was not usual, although I hoped that soon it would be the new usual, I stripped naked, had a quick shower, then, still naked, grabbed a nice bottle of wine from Andrews cellar and headed to...

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Personal Assistant

Personal Assistant James Mason was an unemployed recent college graduate. With nothing more than a degree in English Literature and the money he had received as graduation gifts, James moved to the big city with high hopes but no immediate prospects. He moved his few possessions into a cheap SRO hotel in an area of the city which had seen better days. He had been in the city for three weeks, sending resumes and checking with employment agencies, but thus far had not even gotten an...

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PUNISHING MY ASSISTANTBy ANGEL FUOCOA man submits his unruly female assistant to a series of punishments and humiliations.M/f, MF/f, humil, cons, blackmail, light FIRST EPISODE: THE SPANKING PUNISMENTMy female assistant at the University had made me loose my temper because of the delay in finishing a work I had given her. I had asked for it several times with no result. The last time I asked for it I warned her that if she didn't handle in the work for a certain date I would punish her...

2 years ago
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Office Assistant Ki Seal Todi

Hi girls. I am Shrey Gandhi, M25, in Nagpur. I have a 7inch dick which is the most important information here. I am running a small company here. This incident is between me and my assistant. This happened almost 3 months back. I hired a new assistant for my office. I had conducted a few interviews where I got a few hot options but that time I had no intentions of sleeping with my assistant. I hires a girl, nidhi, 23, she seemed smart and I thought she could be asset to our office and I hired...

4 years ago
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The Personal Assistant

CHAPTER 1 I had been unemployed for nearly six months after being made redundant from my IT job. There were no real problems with paying the bills Penny my wife was making good money in a solicitors firm. When the offer of a job came I should have jumped at the chance, but it came from such a strange source and at such a strange cost. Penny and I sat at the kitchen table one morning. Despite me not working I was always up to make breakfast and see her off. I would then spend the...

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The Magicians Assistant

The Great Markus, magician extraordinaire, was on his worldwide tour presenting his celebrated magic extravaganza in all of the world’s greatest cities. All was going well with great revues and rapturous responses from an adoring public. Unfortunately for The Great Markus disaster struck in the great city of Baltimore named after Lord Baltimore in the 18th century. The disaster was that his long-standing assistant, Nancy, became hooked on the local delicacy, crab-cakes and ran off with Luigi,...

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The CircleChapter 31 Renees assistant Beach date

Renee had just settled into life in The Circle, and enthusiastically joined the housing partnership, when a number of things happen close together in time that jarred us all, albeit in a nice way by the time things were through. Vogue magazine's Christmas issue came out on that Wednesday, and it was a big deal. Renee was on the cover and featured inside in long article about the rising supermodel's fame, and the fashions she loved. Overnight, Renee's agent, who was based in Hollywood,...

2 years ago
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Office Assistant Turned As Lover

Hi! I am a regular reader of this site. This attempt of writing stories and I have thought for a long consider to write then dropped and continued the same and finally now I decided to write, because. I feel in the same line that happiness is doubled when it is shared of course; sex is also joyful fun, when shared. I mean if it is only one partner of the two enjoys not minding about the other, and then there is no sex. Its only fuck and just as like as one drinks water from tap to quench his...

2 years ago
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My Personal Assistant

This is a long story. It will be told in parts. This is part 1.Chapter 1          When I started my company, I had nothing. I literally built it from the ground up. During that time, I married and had 3 beautiful children. The more I built my company and my family, the harder I worked to ensure I would not lose either. I am now, 15 years later, a very wealthy and successful business man.           I am grateful for the success I have achieved but it came with a price. In order to achieve such...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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My Assistant

NOTE: THIS IS A PIECE OF FICTION AND MEANT FOR EROTIC READING. ANY RESEMBLANCES IN REAL LIFE PURELY COINCIDENTAL, UNINTENDED AND REGRETTED Hi this is Sanjay from Chennai. I work here for an IT Company as a Network Administrator. I am 5’5” tall, handsome features and a tanned color. I draw a satisfactory salary. Two months back an incident happened which I want to share with you guys. The company sacked the assistant under me and the entire work load shifted to my shoulders. As the company was...

Erotic Fiction
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Personal Assistant

Personal Assistant. Is that even a real job? I click on the ad just for fun. To my surprise there is a lengthy and professionally written description.Hours: Monday through Friday, weekend overtime available.Compensation: $15 per hour and up.Duties: house cleaning, errands, pet sitting, paperworkHmmm. It seems too good to be true. The ad has been posted for two weeks. It says to text the number provided to set up a phone interview.Text Corinne. I dial the number into my phone and click "new...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Assistant

When I graduated from high school I was not sure what I wanted to do with my life. So like many of my classmates, I applied to some colleges that interested me. I was accepted and started classes the next semester. I was a good student in high school and didn’t really put forth a lot of effort but I did get good grades. I thought college would be the same for me; boy was I wrong. I was a party girl and by the end of the first semester my grades showed it. Deciding that I was kidding myself and...

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The DJs Assistant

For the past several years, I've been a mobile DJ. Playing at all sorts of events from weddings to company events, it was a great way to earn a living. "Steve's DJ Service" had become a local name of quality and satisfaction. About two years ago, I started dating Lori. She genuinely seemed to enjoy helping me DJ and I was delighted to have the assistance. She would help me set up the equipment and tear it down afterwards. She also provided a barrier between me and the public by...

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The Personal Assistant

The Personal Assistant Belladonna Chapter One - Priya I started by bring stockings up my legs for the first time in years on a weekday. It was a familiar sensation, but it still felt odd to be doing it. I hooked the garters to the stockings before I stood up, feeling a bit more confident than I usually did in the morning. The garters pulled on my legs with each step. I shook my head at the sensation, wondering if I would get used to it again. It had been a long time...

2 years ago
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The Personal Assistant

As I touched up my makeup in the ladies room I thought about what was likely to happen when I went back to the table. No, that wasn't true — I knew what was going to happen — what I wondered about were the likely outcomes from what was going to happen. It wasn't every day that my boss asked me to "take care" of a large group of people and I had to wonder why he thought that I would go along with it. Granted that I was letting him bed me even though I was a married woman, but that didn't...

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The Veterinarians Assistant

The young brunette had always relied on her looks to bunt life’s curveballs. In the aftermath of a one-night stand with some random ‘don’t worry, I’ll pull out’ college guy, she was still as beautiful as ever, with her hypnotic blue eyes and naturally plump lips. Some would argue the pregnancy had only enhanced her glow (perhaps meaning her breasts). She could even fool you from behind, having worked to retain her thin, athletic figure during the past 8 months, but her stupid dreams of...

4 years ago
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Husbands assistant 3

My husband, Andrew, left on his next business trip early on Monday morning. I went to work as usual and came home as usual. What I did next was not usual, although I hoped that soon it would be the new usual; I stripped naked, had a quick shower, then, still naked, grabbed a nice bottle of wine from Andrew's cellar and headed to Sarah and Ken's place, taking advantage of the new hole in the fence between our back yards so that I did not risk being seen entering their place naked. We had...

4 years ago
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A New Personal Assistant A New Dimension

My name is Natalie, I am an executive in a large organisation.Sally, my PA (Personal Assistant) and I were the best of friends and had a great working arrangement. She had been with me for over two years and knew all my little secrets.Sally had married just before she became my PA and a few months ago told me that she was pregnant. Pam, the HR manager came to my office and told me Sally had tendered her application for maternity leave, which I was aware of.Pam then asked me if there was anybody...

3 years ago
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Husbands assistant 4

Introduction: I return for a weekend with Bill This is the sequel to Husbands assistant, Husbands assistant 2and Husbands assistant 3. I suggest that you read those first. When Andrew and I got back from the Gold Coast after securing Bills signature on Andrews contract, I started to think about how I would be spending my visits to Bill. All I knew was that there would be a lot of sex involved, which,of course, suited me fine. I guessed that I would be naked often and so I decided that, to...

3 years ago
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The Research Assistant

The day was finally here. Today would be the day that Carla would find out if she had been accepted into her university’s graduate research program and which professor she would be matched with. It was the end of a long, stressful road full of interviews and exams. She felt she had performed pretty well on everything and was hoping for one of the more prestigious assignments. Maybe even more excited that she was, Carla’s boyfriend, Rich, was convinced tonight would finally be the night they got...

Office Sex
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Fucking my assistant manager Bex then my wife disc

Bex was my assistant manager and I was the manager we had started flirting from the 1st day we'd met and it had escalated from there. It had started as harmless flirty conversation at work and then escalated to flirty texts cumlminating in a text from her 'I'm waiting in the stock room for you to kiss me' needless to say I'd never moved so quick after a very heated and passionate kiss we'd done that a lot!!!We'd had a number of passionate kisses in both our cars but never actually got naked...

3 years ago
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Voluptuous Temporary Admin Assistant and The Manag

The voluptuous Temporary Admin Assistant and The ManagerWell folks, another year has passed by me and I am filled with anxiety about my future and other personal matters. This recession has not been good to for me as it is for many Americans. The job market doesn’t look to promising especially if you are a female that is over 40. To make matters even worse, I was forced to break my apartment lease in last year to care for my mom who had broken his hip in three places. I had one more month...

3 years ago
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Executive Assistant part1 of 4

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT By: Jacki Pett Part 1 I finished junior college in July of 1991. Neither College nor my stay in jail could have prepared me for the events that would soon mold and change my life. I was on probation for a car theft conviction and had almost two years of probation yet to serve. I thought that was an eternity but now, in retrospect, with what has happened, it was nothing. I was joyriding with a few of my buddies in what I thought was a friend's...

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Executive Assistant part3 of 4

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT By: Jacki Pett Part 3 I didn't waste any time in the bathroom. As I slipped the nightie over my head I told myself that Connie had told me to put it on so it wasn't as if it was my idea to wear pretty lingerie. I could justify wearing it more easily that way. I gathered my hair into the elastic tie. As I looked at myself in the mirror a little shiver went through me. It wasn't clear to me if it was delight or fear that I felt for just an instant....

2 years ago
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Seduced By Horny Assistant

Hi friends. This is my first story on Indian sex stories. I have been reading them since 3 years and used many tricks from these stories on my ladies. I will slowly post my experiences based on the response. Please drop in your comments at My name is Arya and I am 28. Not interested in marrying yet and having great fun. I am 6 ft 1 inch and have well toned gym body. I work as an executive in an huge MNC and to protect identity of all girls, I refer to them as Neha. So this incident occured 5...

2 years ago
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the new assistant pt 2

Lisa offered to give her new assistant Gloria a ride home after their long day at work. They were both happy and relieved the project was finally finished and their hard work had paid off. Lisa was especially glad she was able to bring the project in on time and that her crew would all be getting bonuses for their hard work and long hours.As Lisa pulled up to Gloria's apartment building to drop her, Gloria asked if she wanted to come in for coffee. It seemed like a good idea since Lisa had...

3 years ago
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Biancas Assistant Part I

The CEO's new assistant took a deep breath as he approached his boss's office. A stylized logo, featuring a snake in the shape of the letter S and some slender whiskered creature in the form an M, was emblazoned on the glass door window. It's almost over, he told himself. Just a few more minutes of this and then the weekend will be here and you can start the next week anew. Let's get this done, Justin. He adjusted himself and checked for any loose buttons or tears in his office...

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