The Life And Death Of Al Parker Part 3: Beyond The Lines Of Friendship free porn video

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Warning: This story contains sexual material and transgender themes. If you're not 18 or over, or are offended by such material then don't read it! This story can be posted on Fictionmania or any other free sites however, I do ask that you notify me first before doing so. This story is based on the story called, "I, my sister" and was written by Diana Christy (07/97). I would like to thank Diana for allowing me to use parts of her story in mine. I would also like to thank Arcee and Darkside for their support and suggestions that I needed to finish this story. A special thanks to Elaine for all her hard work in proofing the story and her suggestions on a number of different issues. I couldn't have written this story without their support. Thanks guys! The life and death of Al Parker Part 3 - Beyond the lines of Friendship By Kelly Davidson Chapter 1 -- The plan Tom sat in his motel room staring at the blank wall across from him. He didn't have a clue on how he was going to get Jennifer, or rather Al, out of this situation safely. He had gone through half a dozen plans in his mind and each one he deemed wasn't feasible. But from these plans he did realize one thing, Dr. Jensen was going to have to die. There was no other alternative that he could see. If he let her live then their lives, as well as many others, would always be in danger. Yet knowing that fact didn't help ease his conscience. He had never been part of murdering someone before. Even when he had been on the police force he would never have shot at anyone with the intent to kill. Now he was being forced to go against his own principles to save others. It didn't sit well with him. Then there was Al. It was clear Al was on the brink of committing suicide if he didn't do something fast. The only thing stopping him was the control Gerald and Dr. Jensen had over his mind, and maybe a deep desire to even the score with everyone involved. But once that was over, so would his desire to live one more minute trapped in Jennifer Anderson's body. It was odd to think that way but the fact was, Al Parker was trapped in another person's body, even if at one time it had been his own. Tom wondered if the situation could be reversed or altered somehow. Of course what Al really needed was outside help but first he had to find something else for him to hold on to. `Wait, maybe that wasn't right,' he suddenly thought to himself. `Maybe what Al needed was an extension of the current situation.' Tom smiled as he kicked the idea around in head. Yes, this idea may work if he played his cards right. Slowly but surely Tom began to devise a plan to free Al from his situation. It all centered around when Dr. Jensen got back from her trip. Al would have his revenge and more by the time this was over. And the good doctor's project would be finished for good. *** Al kept looking out the window every chance he could. Tom was out there, waiting for the right moment to rescue him. The last two days had seemed like an eternity to him, especially since most of his time had been spent with Gerald. Normally Al would have spent the majority of his time cleaning the house and fixing meals. But with Dr. Jensen gone, Gerald put a hold on the housework so Jennifer would have more time serving his selfish needs. But tonight, if everything worked out as Tom planned, Al would be free from his grasp for good. Gerald reached out from behind and lifted up the hem of the silk dress Al was wearing. He gave Jennifer a devilish grin. "I see you're wearing the dress that I like so much. Let's say we go back into your bedroom and find out what else you have on that I like." Gerald took the maid's hand and Al followed the bodyguard back to his bedroom like a mindless robot. But Al didn't care this time; it was all part of Tom's plan. *** Tom took one more look at the mirror before leaving his room. Although he considered his chance of success as being better then average, he also knew there was a good chance he might fail. Such failure meant the end of life, as he knew it. "Well, it's too late to turn back now," he told the reflection in the mirror. He was now committed to see this through. Tom drove to the house in silence, not even listening to the radio. He didn't want anything to distract him as he went over the plan one more time in his mind. Everything had to be perfect. After parking his car on a side road where it couldn't be seen, he jogged slowly up to the gate. Carefully he looked around to make sure no one was watching him. The last thing he needed was a witness seeing him go in. Convinced everything was safe, Tom punched in the code Al had given him and the gate slowly began to open up. When it opened wide enough he darted inside and hit the close button. The gate closed back up and locked. `So far so good,' he thought. He made his way up the driveway, darting between trees in case Gerald happened to be looking out the window. When he was close enough to the house, he saw the light on in the kitchen; a signal Al had left for him indicating that Gerald was distracted and the coast was clear. Quietly he unlocked the front door with a key Al had given him and stepped inside. A careful check revealed Gerald was with Al in his room. He looked at his watch -- there wasn't much time left. Tom walked down the hallway toward the lab. *** Sarah Jensen was happy to be home. Her trip to Washington had been very long and tiring. More than that, it had been very upsetting. Her boss was a butthead who didn't understand any of the potential that project "Phoenix" represented. The entire time she was there, he had made it a point to remind her that she worked for him, and the only thing she should be concerned about was project "Peace". "It seems," he told her in front of a group of other paper pushers, "that you're not devoting all your time and effort to this project. Remember that you work for me. I paid for your office, your bodyguard, and your computer equipment plus all the research material you needed to get this project started. It's time you considered that and started producing." Sarah would have been more open to his criticism if he hadn't been such an `ass' about it and belittled her in front of ten other people. But he wanted to pound the point home that she was his employee and he was the boss, not the other way around. "Stupid male-ego jackass!" Sarah shouted as she opened up the gate. "I'd like to see you get as far as I have with your limited intelligence. You couldn't even turn on my computer without screwing that up. My work isn't like building a house. There were no blueprints to what I am doing. It's all based on theory, guesswork, and trial and error. Getting results takes time, months, sometimes years. What the hell would you know about hard work anyway?" The doctor parked her car in the garage and got out. She didn't bother with her suitcase; that was Gerald's job. She was a little surprised to find no one in the living room waiting to greet her. `The two lovebirds must be busy again,' she said to herself. Well no matter. She would talk to them later when they were through. Just as the doctor was getting ready to head upstairs she heard a noise coming from the hallway - a low tapping sound. Dr. Jensen peeked around the corner and was surprised at what she saw. She reached into her purse and pressed a button on her box. Chapter 2 -- Schedule of events Gerald noticed the light on his security box indicating that the gate was opening up but he was too busy at the time to care. After all, the doctor didn't need him to greet her at the door. It wasn't like they were married. Then the warning buzzer went off, indicating there was trouble and the doctor needed help fast. "Holy Crap," Gerald yelled as he struggled to put on his underwear and grab his gun at the same time. He ran out of the room leaving Jennifer alone in the bed wondering what was going on. Then it hit Al. "Oh my God, its Tom. They found him." Al grabbed Jennifer's silk robe and followed Gerald out of the bedroom. *** Tom was on his knees trying to pick the lock on the lab door when he first noticed it. It was that funny feeling you get when you know you were being watched. He looked up to see the doctor standing there in the hallway with a gun pointed right at his head. "I suggest you stay right there and don't move," she warned him. "I'm a expert shot." About that time Gerald showed up behind her, his gun also drawn. "Are you okay Dr. Jensen?" "I'm fine Gerald. But it looks like we have a visitor." About that time Al arrived and Tom could see the panic on his pretty face. The bodyguard looked at the intruder carefully for a moment before a light went off in his head. "You! I know you. You're the guy from the store who was hugging my girlfriend. What the hell are you doing here?" "That's for me to know and you to find out," Tom replied back pleasantly. "Oh, I can do THAT!" Gerald answered angrily. He took a step forward, his gun pointed directly at the intruder's head. Sarah stopped him. "There is a better way Gerald. Since he wants to see what's inside my lab so badly, why don't we let him. Stand up you and step aside." With two guns pointed at him, Tom did as he was told. Dr. Jensen unlocked the door while Gerald stood guard over him. After the door was opened, Gerald pushed him into a chair near the doctor's desk and strapped him down. The Doctor put her gun back in her purse and turned to face him. "You're in a lot of trouble my friend. I suggest you tell me what you are doing here or else. We can do this my way or...the hard way." Sarah made a motion to Gerald who moved closer to Tom in a threatening manner. "I'm looking for my friend," he told them calmly. "I see," Sarah said, a little amused by his answer and calm demeanor. "And you think your friend is in this house. I can assure you he or she is not. But just to humor you, what's your friend's name? "Al Parker," he replied back with a smile. The doctor felt as if her body had been slammed into a brick wall. That was the last name she expected to hear. Al Parker had led her to believe he was a vagrant without any friends. But this man they'd caught wasn't a vagrant. In fact he was dressed like a regular person. So why would he be interested in a dirty, smelly, useless tramp unless...unless Al Parker really wasn't what he said he was? But that would mean he had been able to lie to her while under her control serum. Sarah looked over at Jennifer who was standing there fidgeting. "What makes you think your friend is here?" she continued. "Because this was the last place he was seen alive," Tom answered. Gerald, who was furious about another break-in happening under his nose, asked the next question. "Who are you and what is this Al Parker's connection to you?" "My name is Tom McClain. I run a detective agency in Seattle and Al Parker is my partner. A few months ago a man by the name of Klein Walker sent him on a mission to steal some information from you. I didn't find out about all this until recently. Once I started searching for him, I was able to track his movements here." `At least if I fail Klein Walker will get his,' Tom thought. `Detective agency!' Sarah was shocked at what she had just heard. All these months of believing her serum had worked without a hitch were shattered. Now she was finding out there were some very serious glitches with it. What else was wrong with her research? "A PI you say," Gerald spoke angrily. "Well, you picked the wrong house to investigate my friend and I'm going to make sure you realize that." Tom ignored the bodyguard's threats and focused his attention on the doctor who seemed to be having a hard time dealing with what he had just said. "I need to know what happened to him Ms Jensen. I want to know if he's still alive. You have to tell me." A small smile replaced the doctor's shocked look. She turned to a cabinet and started pulling out some stuff from it. "I'll do better then that Mr. McClain, I'll show you exactly what I did to your friend. This Al Parker must really mean a lot to you, seeing that you would risk going to jail for him." "Al was like a brother to me," Tom stated firmly. "I would give up my life to save his." He saw Al lower his pretty head in shame. "Like brothers, uh?" Gerald grinned. "Soon you'll be more like sisters to each other." He let out a small chuckle but Dr. Jensen gave him a stern look that made him shut up. She mixed something into a glass and set it in front of him along with a loaded syringe. "I'll give you a choice Mr. McClain. You can either drink what's in the glass or I can give you this shot. What's in the drink won't harm you; it's just a small sedative to help you relax. So which method do you prefer I use?" "Just Tom, please Doctor and I hate needles so I'll make a deal with you. I'll drink what's in this cup without any complaints if you allow me to ask a few simple questions. Do we have a deal?" "Of course Tom. Just as long as you understand that I reserve the right to refuse answering any question you may ask. Gerald, please remove the restraint from his right arm." The bodyguard did as he was told. Tom picked up the glass and lifted it high in the air, as if toasting his host, before drinking it down. Once done, Gerald re-attached the restraint. "That will be all Gerald," Sarah told him. "We'll talk about this later." "Doctor, I don't think I should leave you alone with him," he protested. "Nonsense. I have my security box in case I need you. Beside, you still need to get dressed," she said, pointing at his underwear. It was a good excuse to get him to leave because she didn't want him hanging around to hear what she was going to say next. "Alright doctor, I'll be right outside if you need me." Gerald still wasn't convinced that leaving her alone was the right thing to do. After he was gone, Dr. Jensen sat down at her desk and lit a cigarette. "Before we continue, I need to ask you something Tom. How much do you know about what's going on here?" "Not much," the private investigator lied. "I know this is some kind of genetic research lab but I'm not clear about it's purpose. If I had to guess, I would say you are experimenting with human DNA to reproduce another human being, like cloning frogs or sheep." "Close but I'm still years away from that. No, it's much more complicated than that Tom." "I'm really not interested in what you're doing here doctor. All I want to know is where my friend is. Is Al Parker still alive?" Sarah eyed her new test subject carefully as she took another long drag from her cigarette and blew the smoke into the air. "He's alive. No real harm has been done to him. In fact, I would say he looks better now than before I first met him." She glanced over at Jennifer who was now staring at Tom -- panic and despair clearly in her eyes. "No real harm, that's good to hear." Tom replied. `Right! All you did was change his gender and turn him into your slave you self- centered bitch'. "Where is he doctor? I want to see him." "You've been looking at him all along Tom," the doctor replied back with a cold, thin smile. "Only he no longer goes by the name of Al Parker, he now prefers the name of Jennifer Anderson." Tom acted surprised even though he knew the truth before she had spoken it. "Al? Al, is that really you?" "I'm afraid he doesn't respond to that name anymore Tom. You see, it wouldn't look right for a pretty, young lady to respond to a man's name so we had to, for lack of a better term, block that from happening." "Jennifer, is what the doctor telling me the truth?" The maid sadly nodded. "As you can see Tom, she's very convincing. But it appears she was able to fool me on a number of things. I'll have to be more careful the next time." "Let us go Doctor," Tom pleaded with her. "You've got what you wanted. I promise, if you let us go you'll never hear from us again." The doctor looked at the private eye sharply. "If only it was that easy! Unfortunately I can't do that. Jennifer's ability to lie to me despite being told to tell the truth has raised questions about the effectiveness of my drug. So you see, I need her more now then I did before we met. And I also need you too Tom." The doctor stubbed out her cigarette and walked back over to the cabinet. "What for doctor? You already have a maid and a girlfriend for your bodyguard. From what I can tell, your he seems pretty happy with the current arrangement you set up for him. Oh, now I see, you're lonely too." Tom's hands began to feel heavy from the effects of the drug. "Don't flatter yourself Mr. McClain," Sarah Jensen snapped sarcastically back at him. "The last thing I need is a male gigolo messing up my life. No, I have other plans for you. Tell me Tom, do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads?" "Why blondes of course doctor." Tom hesitated for moment then continued. "Blondes do have more fun." He watched his friend react to the last comment and shook his head slightly. "Good!" the doctor replied. "I was supposed to perform a sex change next week and was told the new person needed to be a blonde. The donor's DNA I'm using is supposed to be very pretty." "Is that what your research is all about doctor? Changing men into women? Sounds like a feminist thing to me." Sarah sat back down at her desk and lit another cigarette. "Oh, I don't mind telling you Tom. In a little while you won't be able to repeat to anyone what I'm about to say. You see...this procedure is just a by-product of the serum's real purpose. What I'm really trying to do is develop a drug that will re-generate the body cells again and again. Do you understand what that means?" "Eternal youth," Tom replied. "And eternal life," she added. "A person who takes this drug, maybe once a year, would look the same 1,000 years from now as he or she does today." "But there's a problem, right doctor?" "Yes," Dr. Jensen said with some annoyance. "The nervous system can't handle more then one treatment of my serum. And while I'm able to create healthy, working organs such as the heart, lungs, and kidneys -- they don't stay that way for very long. After a few weeks they simply give out." "But if you've been able to work out the re-generation process, surely this problem wouldn't take too long to fix." Tom couldn't move his legs. The drug was starting to paralyze parts of his body. Sarah took another puff on her cigarette. "A year or two at the most. But unfortunately I have a boss who sees my project in a whole different light. You see, my drugs can be used both ways, to preserve life and to take it away. Just as it can re-generate a new, healthy organ, it can turn a healthy organ into a dead one. One drink and the correct code and its instant heart attack time. My boss refers to it as project Peace." She rolled her eyes while saying the project name. "But if you can do that now why delay the..." "Because Tom, he's a stubborn jackass," Sarah said before Tom had finished talking. "He wants to see the serum modified. He wants it to work over a period of time instead of instantly. He wants...who knows what he really wants. The point is I'm spending all my time on project Peace instead of what I really want to do. And I'm so damn close too." "I must hand it to you doctor, your research has impressed me." Tom made a motion toward Jennifer. "As I said Tom, she is only a by-product. But if you're impressed now, just wait until you see what I have planned for you. You see, my boss is not only a jackass, he's also a skirt chaser." She gave him a cold smile. "I see. And you plan to," Tom flashed her a quick smile back, "enlist my help in getting him to see things your way." He could feel the drug's icy grip taking over his body. "You're very clever Tom. I would use Jennifer but...well, lets just say Gerald has become very attached to her. But don't worry, I'll make sure he gives you a few lessons before your trip to Washington." Tom tried to get out a reply but his lips froze in mid-sentence. The doctor stubbed out her cigarette and smiled smartly. "I'm sorry I have to break my promise to you Tom, but there are a couple of shots I need to give you. However, I'll make it up to you. I will give you one last night as a man with Jennifer unrestricted. I couldn't allow that with Al Parker unfortunately but then, he wasn't the most pleasant person to deal with. You I actually like so it's a pity things have to end this way." Dr. Jensen picked up a syringe from the table and walked over to where he was sitting. "Jennifer, come here. I want you to see how this is done. You may need to do this one day." "Yes doctor." Al answered obediently placing his hand in the pocket of the robe he was wearing. He positioned himself behind Dr. Jensen. "Lets see, where is that...." The doctor never got to finish her sentence. Al grabbed her from behind and forced a handkerchief over her nose and month. The doctor struggled to get back to her desk where her security box lay but Al held on tightly and in the process both ladies fell to the floor. A moment later the doctor's body went limp. Tom prayed Gerald hadn't heard the struggle going on but then he didn't know the lab was soundproof. "Tom, are you okay?" Al asked. All Tom could do was move his eyes. "Don't worry, it should wear off soon and I'll be right here with you." Al grabbed his hand and held on to it tightly. By the time the doctor came around, Tom was back to his normal self. She felt a prick on the back of her neck and reached her hand around to start rubbing it. That was when she noticed someone was standing over her. She looked up and saw Jennifer looking down at her with a smile on his face. "It's my turn now doctor." *** Tom wouldn't let Al harm the doctor despite his vocal objections. "You'll get your pound of flesh, I promise Kiddo." The remark shut Al up for the moment and he turned his attention to the doctor. "I want you to get me another vial of this control serum doctor." Sarah did as she was told, unable to do otherwise. "Okay Jennifer. Here's what..." "That's not my name Tom," Al yelled at him angrily. "My name is" there was a struggle on Al's face, "Jennifer Lynnette Anderson. Damn it, why can't I say my real name?" "Okay Jenn... Al. Look, for right now let's use your female name. This isn't the time for me to get confused and ruin everything. We still have lover boy to deal with." "Okay?" Al reluctantly agreed. "Good. Now here's what I want you to do. Take this drug and...." Chapter 3 -- Gerald's turn Gerald waited impatiently in the living room for something to happen. "Damn Dr. Jensen and her independence!" he muttered to himself. The bodyguard knew what was going on. He had figured it all out a long time ago. Dr. Jensen was devoting more time to her own research and had enlisted the aid of her friend, Susan Bennett, to finance it. Once he found out about the inheritance money Susan's daughter was supposed to receive, it doesn't take long to figure out what was going on. That and the fact Dr. Jensen's boss, Dennis Butz, had already talked to him several times about the lack of success she seemed to be having lately concerning project Peace. Despite being assigned to assist the doctor in her research -- she still insisted on doing things her way, without his help. Well this time he should be in there, protecting her. But what did she need to be protected from? The intruder was tied up and Jennifer was fully under her control. What danger was she really in? No, that wasn't what was bothering him. What was really eating at him was the fact that Dr. Jensen had captured this intruder, not him. This time he had literally been caught with his pants down and once again Dr. Jensen had been there to not only see him fail, but had bailed him out. Damn, he should have realized something was up when Jennifer started paying that much attention to this man at the store. Instead he had been sucker into a false sense of security by her charms, which had made him fail to do his job properly. That was why he had been given this assignment, because he was the best of the best in his class. Yet over the past few months he had failed to protect the project not once but several times. If it wasn't for dumb luck, his failures would have been exposed and he would be looking for a new job. Even now Dr. Jensen was in her lab questioning the intruder instead of letting him do his job. Gerald's ego was in need of a major stroking and there wasn't anyone around to do it. He heard the lab door close and the sound of footsteps coming towards him. It was Jennifer. "Hi Tiger." Al said with a big smile. "How are you feeling?" "Much better now that you showed up. Are you still naked underneath that robe?" He eyed her like a hungry cat watching a mouse. "You know, we really didn't get a chance to finish what we started. Maybe we can do that now." He reached out and pulled her down on top of him. "Silly sex-starved boy, not with the doctor in the next room I can't. Besides, I only came out here to change. The doctor wants me back in the lab to help out. But while I'm here, let me fix you a drink." "How is the doctor doing in there?" Gerald asked curiously. "Is she getting any answers out of him?" "You mean `HER'!" Al giggled as he emphasized the word "her". "No, actually she hasn't asked `Her' anything. I think she intends to let you question `HER' when the time comes." `Good!' thought Gerald. At least the doctor still trusted him to do his job. "So what does Miss-what's-her-name look like?" Gerald asked in curiosity. Al handed Gerald a drink. "Her new name is Cindy and she is one blonde knockout. In fact, I'm a little insecure about being around her. I'm afraid she may win your heart and then you'll lose interest in me." "I don't think you have to worry about're still good in the sack. Besides, I've always wanted two love mates at the same time." He smiled at the thought and downed his drink in one gulp. "Oh, you have, have you. Well, maybe I can convince you to let me be your favorite. You know, the doctor is kind of busy right now." Al opened up the front of the robe revealing Jennifer's naked body to him. "See anything you like tiger?" "Come here so I can get a closer look," he replied with a devilish grin on his face. Gerald started kissing Al's perfumed neck as he lay down on top of him. He began to feel a little weak but pushed the thought away because he had more important things on his mind. By the time he realized what was going on it was too late. Al clamped his hand over his mouth so Gerald couldn't say anything. He mumbled out something, most likely Jennifer's keyword followed by a command, but Al was unable to make any real sense out of it. When Al was sure the bodyguard was fully paralyzed he lifted himself off him and tied the robe back on to cover Jennifer's body. Tom appeared next to Al. "So you like blondes Gerald. I'll see what I can do with the doctor but be careful," Tom hesitated for a moment, "blondes do have more fun." Al's demeanor suddenly changed. "I'm glad that's over," Al shouted. "I told you I was going to pay you back asshole. I told you I was going to GET EVEN WITH YOU. I TOLD YOU..." Tom softly cut him off. "Al... that can wait. First things first." He handed him a cotton ball and a syringe. Al found the mark and injected it into Gerald. Now the only one left in the house not under the control of the serum was Tom. There was an emotional release inside Al once this was done. The hell that he had been experiencing these past few months was finally over. Al looked at Tom with tear-filled eyes and in a shaky voice said, "I better get dressed now. I'll be right back." It was the way he said it that concerned Tom. The tone of voice signaled great danger. While Al claimed that he was fine, the voice told a different story. Tom waited until after Al left and turned to Gerald. "Zomlix! You will remain seated and not try to talk. You will never repeat your keyword or say Jennifer's keyword again. You will not try to harm Jennifer or me in anyway. You will remain calm and relaxed. Zomlix!" Gerald's eyes glazed over and then returned to normal. With that done Tom followed after Al. Upon entering the bedroom he found Al lying face down on the bed crying. Tom felt so bad that he forgot about his own anger at the moment. Al would need a lot of love and understanding before he could continue on with a life as Jennifer. He sat down on the bed next to Al and gently touched him. "Hey, it's okay Al. This nightmare is over now. Soon we'll be on a plane heading home. I already have our plane tickets to take us back to Seattle." "I'm...I'm not going Tom." Al replied between sobs. "I don't want...want to go. I don't want to live...not like this. I can't live like this. I want you to command me not to move and then set the place on fire. Destroy this house and everyone in it so they can't do this again to someone else; so there won't be any more victims like Keith Bennett or me." Tom grabbed Al by the arms and faced him. "Are you CRAZY Kiddo? Do you have ANY idea what it took to find you? Do you really think I spent all this time tracking you down so I could watch you die in some FIRE? WELL YOU'RE WRONG, I DIDN'T! We have a few scores to settle still and one of them is with Klein Walker." "Then do it without ME!" Al cried out. "I can't go on. I don't want to go on. Let me DIE!" "Listen to me Kiddo. You're going to make it, do you hear me. I need you buddy. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? I NEED YOU! All these months have been HELL on me too. Al, it's going to get better, I promise. I'm going to take care of everything." "How?" Al sobbed. "By starting with the good doctor and Gerald." It was time to execute the second part of his plan. Chapter 4 --In and out While Al got dressed Tom went back to the lab to talk with Dr. Jensen. She was still sitting in her chair as he had told her to do. "Okay doctor. Trijola! I'm going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer me truthfully. I do not want you talking unnecessary or asking me any questions. You will only answer my questions with truthful answers. You will also remain calm while answering me. Trijola! Now, can you change Jennifer back into Al Parker?" "Yes. But if I did she would die," the doctor replied back calmly. "Isn't there anything you can do?" The doctor shook her head. "No. Once the process is done it's permanent. Even if I had his DNA sample, which I don't, the process of returning Jennifer back to her old male self would result in death. Her nervous system couldn't handle the stress a second time." "I see." Tom rubbed his chin. That idea was no good, time for plan B. "How young can you transform an adult person into a child and still have it be safe? "Perhaps as young as two but to be safe I wouldn't make an adult person any younger than three years old. The DNA sample would have to be that of a normal size three year old, otherwise there would be problems with organs and skin restructuring." "Okay, then let's start looking in your files for a normal, three year old child. A blonde, three year old female child Dr. Jensen." The doctor went over to her filing cabinet and in a few minutes had pulled out half a dozen folders. Tom looked through them and gave her the one he thought was the best. "Now, lets start working on the physical side of this process. I need one for this child," he handed her the sample from the file, "and another for this one." Tom handed her a file from the top drawer of her desk. "That subject is a part of project Phoenix," Sarah replied. "What's project "Phoenix?" Tom asked curiously. "It's a project to transfer one persons memory's into another persons mind. If successful, it will allow you to change the recipients body and memory's to match that of the donor's." Tom was stunned. "Do you mean you can replace a persons memories with someone else's? Why didn't you just give Jennifer an entire new set of memories? Why only recreate the body but not her mind?" "I'm not that far along with the project," the doctor answered. "At best I can only transfer about 5% of a person's memory and even then most of the real old memory's wouldn't be there. I also needed tissue samples from a certain part of the brain -- which wasn't available in her case. The only thing Jennifer received from the original DNA donor was what we call her learning process. Since the real Jennifer Anderson had done the same thing so many times it was a part of her body function." "Like brushing your hair or walking a certain way," said Tom. "So that was how you were able to control Al like you did. You made her learning traits the dominant features in her behavior. Al couldn't have acted any other way." "That's correct," Sarah confirmed. "Okay, let me get this straight. With a sample of memory brain tissue you can transfer a person's memories, at least the most recent history, into another person's mind?" "Yes -- but that wouldn't have worked on Jennifer. The real Jennifer Anderson died some months before. Her brain cells are dead and totally useless now. This sample has to come from living brain cells with the same DNA as the body DNA. In other words, you can't mix the two. The memory DNA and body DNA has to come from the same person. Using two different DNA's, one for the memories and one for the body, would kill the subject. The exception to this mixing process is when you change a person's body DNA without changing the memory. There are no side effects that I know of." "That you know of doctor?" Tom responded sarcastically. "How comforting to hear you say that." He paused for a moment. "Alright then, is there any way to remove Al's memories from Jennifer's mind?" "Death is the only way," the doctor answered matter of factly -- too matter of factly for Tom's taste. "Death is not an option here doctor." He noticed she seemed to have something else she wanted to say. "Okay doctor, I hear you. Trijola! You will speak as your true self. You will remain calm while talking to me and will not try to leave the room. Trijola!" "Tom," Dr. Jensen started off. "I really didn't want to hurt you. I could tell you were a man who knew how to get things done -- not like my overly muscular bodyguard who doesn't have a clue. Look, I know we got started off on the wrong foot but you have a place here." "As a blonde knockout to please your brain-dead bodyguard? No thanks doctor." "Of course not Tom. Look, I had to do what I did because of Gerald. If you had come to me in person, without getting him involved, we could have worked something out. But by doing it the way you did, you forced my hand. I had no choice but to control your movements and change you." "But now you do have a choice, right doctor?" Tom asked doubtfully. "Yes. You have proven your worth to me. You have shown me that you can think things out, something Gerald lacks. I could insist to my boss that you replace Gerald and he would go for it. Or I could change your body so you would look like Gerald! Think of it, you would have his body and all his privileges but still be you. And I would give you complete control over your body, I promise." "But there is more." she added. "I'm offering you a chance to live forever as a young man. With my research and your help we could make this project a success. Think of it, we could repair millions of broken bodies. No one would have to suffer with pain or illnesses any more. We could bring happiness to the entire world. Total peace. Think about what we could do together." Tom was thinking. Did he have the right to let the doctor die when she could do so much good to mankind? Was he throwing away paradise for the entire human race? Was he committing a crime against the entire world? "TRIJOLA! You will STOP talking and ONLY answer questions WHEN ASKED! You will not talk to Tom about this again. TRIJOLA!" Tom turned to Al who was standing in the doorway glaring at him angrily. "ARE YOU GETTING STUPID OR WHAT? Don't LISTEN to her, LOOK AT ME! THIS IS THE PEACE SHE IS TALKING ABOUT! ONE QUEEN BEE SITTING ON HER THRONE while the rest of the world SERVES HER! She isn't out to SAVE the world Tom -- she's out to enslave it, like she enslaved me. This is HER PEACE TOM! I'M THE FUTURE SHE'S TALKING ABOUT!" The truth hit Tom like a ton of bricks. Al was right. The doctor wasn't doing this research to help others -- it was for more selfish reasons. "Thank you Al, I see your point. We're almost done in here, how is lover boy doing?" "Oh, he's almost ready," he replied with a slight smile. Chapter 5 - Bar room blitz Dr. Jensen drove off in her car followed closely by Tom in his vehicle. Al and Gerald stayed at the house to wait until it was time for them to show up. Tom had to caution Al several times not to do anything to Gerald while they were alone. Still, as he left to follow Dr. Jensen to their next stop, he worried if he had done the right thing. Dr. Jensen fought for control over her body but after a few minutes realized it was futile. She then changed tactics and thought about how the serum worked. An idea popped into her mind and she realized there was still a chance to work herself free, providing she had the time. Unfortunately, time was something Sarah figured she didn't have much of. She was positive Jennifer didn't plan to let her live much longer. Pulling up to the `Joe's Bar and Grill', the doctor knew what she had to do. Once inside she ordered a drink and quickly gulped it down. No sooner had she put the glass back on the counter than she ordered another and downed that one as well. The bartender raised his eyebrows. If the doctor kept this up she would be unable to drive herself home. Tom walked into the bar and took a seat in the corner where he could keep on eye on both the doctor and the clock. He observed her put away another drink but wasn't to concerned because it was part of his plan. He didn't know that it fit into Sarah's plan too. By the time Gerald and Al arrived, the doctor had just finished off her tenth drink and was definitely under the influence. The bartender made eye contact with Gerald and motioned him over. He whispered something to Gerald who nodded his head in agreement. After they were finished talking, the bodyguard walked over to where the doctor was sitting. "Come on Dr. Jensen, I think you've had enough. Let me drive you home." "You can take me home but I'M DRIVING," she told him in a slurred voice. Dr. Jensen grabbed her purse and staggered out the door followed closely by Gerald who was making sure she didn't fall over. Jennifer stopped long enough to tell the bartender they would be back later on to pick up Gerald's car. Tom waited five minutes after they left before getting up and also leaving. He drove his car to the designated spot located half a mile away on a deserted side road. Gerald and Jennifer were already out of the car waiting for him. "Get Gerald in my car," Tom told Al. He looked over at Sarah Jensen painfully. "I want to say something to the doctor before we go. Leave us alone for a minute, will you?" "Sure Tom, just don't get any ideas. I owe her. Come with me Gerald." The ex-bodyguard followed Al back to car like a faithful puppy dog. Tom stared at the doctor knowing what was going to happen and hating every moment of it. "I want you to know doctor...I'm very sorry about this. I really wish it could have ended in a different way. Please forgive me." The doctor didn't say anything. Instead she gave him a quick smile as if to say `I understand'. Al appeared behind him with her purse and Gerald's wallet. "I'll take it from here Tom. Why don't you go back to the car and wait with Gerald." Al was concerned that Tom might change his mind and spare the doctor's life. He really didn't have the guts to kill someone; not that Al Parker did either but that was before Dr. Jensen had put Al through this hell. Al had suffered too much from this mad doctor's nightmare experiment to let anyone stop him from getting his revenge. It was Dr. Jensen who had abandoned him to Gerald's perverted sexual fantasies without even a second thought so why should Al care how she felt. Tonight was payback for everything Sarah Jensen had put him through. After throwing Gerald's wallet into the front seat, Al pulled out a pint of blood taken out of Gerald's arm. He proceeded to pour the blood all over the front seat and dashboard. Next Al did the same thing to the back seat with a pint of Jennifer's blood. Once that was done, Al walked around the car rolling down all the windows. "You won't need to wear these where you're going," Al taunted the doctor as he unbuckled her seatbelt. "Now, listen to my directions carefully. I want you to drive to lookout point..." *** Tom watched the car make a U-turn and drive off in a hurry. It would be the last time anyone would see Dr. Jensen alive again. Al got into the passenger side of the car. He turned to smile at Gerald and said, "Are you ready Tiger? Then let's begin. Zomlix..." *** Dr. Jensen didn't have much time. The serum wasn't permanently attached to her DNA yet and the large amount of alcohol she consumed had weakened its effects. She concentrated on gaining control of her hands to shut off the car while her foot pushed down hard on the accelerator and the car leaped forward. She was less than a mile from a hairpin curve where her car was to have a most spectacular ending. At the curve there was a deep embankment with a river at the bottom. The speedometer reached 60, then 70, and then hit 80. She could see the guardrail ahead that protected the curve. At that speed the car would burst right through it. Her hand began to move but very slowly. Sarah Jensen knew she had seconds to live. Turning off the key wouldn't stop the car in time and she was going too fast to make the corner. Her hand reached down and pulled on the door handle. The car door opened up and Dr. Jensen started to fall out of the car just as it struck the guardrail. She felt her body being thrown through the air and then everything went black. *** "Zomlix! Body and hair... Zomlix!" Tom stared into the rearview mirror in pure amazement. Watching Gerald's body change was shocking. Everything about the process looked so unreal. He glanced over at Al who was smiling and enjoying the moment. Months of pain, anger, and frustration caused by Gerald were starting to work their way out. But the best was still to come. Chapter 6 -- Investigation Utah law required that the Highway Patrol investigate every accident on a state highway that had a fatality. Normally Kevin wouldn't have been called to an accident so far away but the local patrols were already busy with two other crashes and the local police had asked for his help. It took Kevin almost 30 minutes to drive to the crash site. When he arrived, two deputy sheriff officers greeted the trooper. "Hi Kevin. I'm surprised to see you out here. You must have had some drive." "Hi Bob. Dave." He shook both officers' hands. "The local patrols were backed up so they called me. What have you got?" "So far one female, who we believe is the driver," Bob started off. "She was ejected from the vehicle and landed over there." The deputy shined his flashlight at the place where she had been found. "She's at the hospital now but I doubt if she will last the night. Her name was Sarah A. Jensen. She lives in the area." The deputy was interrupted by the tow truck driver, who asked if it was all right to start pulling the car up the hill. Bob gave him the okay and the three officers walked over to the embankment to get a better look of the recovery process. Even from the roadside Kevin could see that the car was a mess. "We think she had two passengers in the vehicle with her. I've sent volunteers down the river to search for them but so far they haven't found anything." "What makes you think that there were two other people in the car Bob?" Kevin asked. "We found a purse and wallet outside the vehicle that don't belong to the victim. Dave, you got those driver's licenses on you still?" "Yea, right here Bob." The other deputy sheriff pulled them out of his pocket. "The two people missing are a Miss Jennifer Anderson and a Mr. Gerald Rogers." Kevin's head turned sharply when he heard the names. "You okay Kevin?" Bob asked. "Yea...I'm fine. It's just that I pulled them over not to long ago for speeding. I let him go with a warning." "Too bad they didn't get the message. We estimate the car was doing at least 80 mph when it hit the guardrail. To top it off, the lady we sent to the hospital had been drinking heavily. I'll bet you a week's salary that she's at least twice over the limit," Dave stated in disgust. "Eighty miles per hour and stinking drunk. This would be a great Driver's Ed movie if we had all the bodies," Bob added. "Where do you think the other bodies are?" Kevin inquired. "We think they were thrown into the river," Bob explained. "The car flipped end over end a couple of times and then spun sideways before landing partially in the water. We found a shoe inside the car and another near the river. One of them was a man's shoe and the others belonged to a female however -- they were too small to belong to the woman we sent to the hospital. Most likely the shoes came off their feet while they were being ejected from the car." "And there's also a lot of blood on the passenger side and back seat, as well as on the dash and doors," Dave added. "It looks like they got tossed around pretty good before being thrown out. Here, take a look." He pointed his flashlight inside the car that the tow truck driver had just pulled up. There was blood everywhere inside except on the driver's side. "Looks like the driver was thrown out before it started flipping," Kevin observed. "Yea, we think so too. Oh, we found this on the woman driver." Bob handed Kevin a book of matches. "It's from a local bar not too far from here. I already had Dave ask the local police to check it out. Mr. Roger's car is parked outside the place. The bartender didn't see them get into the car with Ms. Jensen but Miss Anderson did say they were leaving Mr. Roger's car behind and would be back later to pick it up. I guess they decided to take a drive and get some air." Bob pointed to the windows that were rolled down. "Stupid people," Dave added. "The bartender said that Mr. Rogers and Miss Anderson weren't impaired in any way but they let the one person who was drunk drive for them. Just plain stupid." Something bothered Kevin about the Dave's statement. Except for being a bigot, which was it's own form of stupidity, Mr. Rogers didn't seem like an idiot. For him to get into a car being driven by a drunk driver and leave his brand new car behind didn't make sense. Surely he would have insisted on driving the doctor home himself. "Where is this bar Bob?" Kevin asked. "After we clear up this mess I want to talk to the bartender myself." *** "Thank goodness for 24 hour stores," Tom said to Al. Gerald needed some new clothes since his old ones were now too big and the wrong style. "Wait here with Gerald, I'll be back in a bit." Al got out of the car and walked into the store. It was close to Easter and the store still had a great selection of outfits to choose from. *** "I'm Officer Brown from the State Highway Patrol. I'm investigating a road accident and I would like to ask you a few questions if this is a good time." "Sure officer," the bartender said while he continued to clean a glass. "My name is Jimmy Boyd. I heard about the Doc, Gerald and Jennifer being killed. What a tragedy but I did warn him." "What do you mean?" Kevin asked. "Well, Miss Jensen came in and started drinking down one Mind Twister after another. That's our specialty drink here, I created it myself," Jimmy added proudly. He waited for the officer to finish up his notes before continuing. "Anyway, about 30 minutes later her friend, Gerald, and his girlfriend, Jennifer, walked into my bar. By this time the doctor was, a term I like to use -- completely shit-faced, and was in no condition to drive. So I called Gerald over and told him someone needed to take her home. I offered to call a cab but he told me he would take care of it himself. The three of them left and that was the last time I saw them." "Did you happen to see which one was driving the car when they left?" "No, I'm sorry officer. I just assumed it would be Gerald but I didn't actually see him get behind the wheel of the car. It was kind of funny in a way. I've never seen the doctor drink so much in all my life. It was almost as if she was trying to get drunk as quickly as she could." Kevin thought the bartender's last statement over for a moment before asking another question. "Did anyone else leave with them?" "No not really. There was a stranger wearing a Seahawks cap that came in shortly after she did. Come to think of it, he left a few minutes after they did. But he wasn't with them; he sat over there in the corner. First time I've seen him in here before." Bells starting going off in Kevin's head. Tom was wearing a Seattle Seahawks cap when they last met. "Can you tell me what this man looked like?" The bartender gave Kevin a pretty good description of someone who looked a lot like Tom. The patrolman pulled out a picture from his wallet. "Is this the man?" "Yea, that sure looks like him. Is he a friend of yours?" "Sort of. Thanks for your help Mr. Boyd. I'll let you know if I need anything else from you." Kevin went outside and sat down in his patrol car. He gripped the wheel hard, part out of anger and part out of fear about what his instincts were telling him. "Damn it Tom, what did you just do?" He hated to think this could be a case of another good ex-cop gone bad. Tom was his friend and now a suspect in a... what? A possible murder case? That was for Kevin to figure out. He called his patrol office to tell them he was clear and headed back to his district. Chapter 7 -- New plans, old plans "It took you long enough," Tom said to Al. Even though it was in the middle of the night, the parking lot was well lit, and Gerald was dressed in a way that was sure to have raised suspicions if anyone had seen him. The last thing they needed was to try and explain the situation to the police. "Get used to it Tom! Besides, I wasn't sure on the size and I had to get some assessors. Now lets get moving." Al got into the back seat and pulled out an outfit from one of the big bags he had. "What do you think Tiger?" Gerald's eyes went wide with horror. *** The phone rang very early in the morning at the Butz's residence. Dennis was an early riser but even 3am was a little too early for him. He fumbled around for the phone in the dark and picked it up. "This had better be good...WHAT?" The lady on the other end explained that she was a dispatcher for the Sheriff's department and that a friend of his had been involved in a serious automobile accident. When the investigating officer had checked her purse he found this number, informing them to call in case of an emergency. "How bad is she?" Dennis asked. "I see. Yes, thank you officer." He wrote down the name of the hospital where she had been taken. "Yes, I'll be on the next plane to Salt Lake, this morning. Thank you again officer. Have a good night." He hung up the phone and sat upright in his bed. Today was going to be a very long day. His wife asked him what was wrong to which he replied it was government business. That was enough to please her and let her know that he couldn't talk about it. Dennis Butz put on his robe and made his way downstairs to his office. He unlocked the safe and pulled out his personal phone book. Once he found the name he was looking for he picked up the phone and dialed. A sleepy voice answered on the other end. "Doctor, this is Dennis. We have a code black in Salt Lake City. I repeat, a CODE BLACK! I need you to get on a plane and fly out there. I am going to activate project Phoenix as of right now. Yea, I know. Look, don't argue with me, just DO IT. I'll work out the other details here...Yes I have a person in mind. Just get me what I need and don't create any suspicions. Say an old family friend asked you to check on her, okay? Right! I'll have a plane waiting for you, be on it within the hour. From what I've been told we don't have much time. Give me a call when it's done. Bye." Dennis hung up the phone and took in the gravity of the situation. If Sarah Jensen died before his person got there, project Peace would die with her. He picked up the phone to make sure the private jet would be waiting for the doctor when he got to the Denver airport. Then he went back upstairs to get dressed. *** They walked through the terminal quickly. To everyone in the building the three of them appeared as a normal couple. An older male, his younger and pretty wife, and the cutest three-year-old anyone had ever seen. She was wearing the frilliest dress that Al had been able to find and was clutching tightly onto a doll in one hand while holding on to her mother's hand with the other. Many of the people in the airport stopped and commented to each other on what a pretty little girl she was. They didn't realize inside this cute, little girl was actually a full-grown adult male by the name of Gerald Rogers. At the check-in counter the blonde attendant took their names and bent down to talk to the little girl who had caught her eye. "My, don't you look pretty tonight princess. Would you like a sweet?" The little girl shook her head shyly causing the attendant to laugh. "She's so cute in that outfit.". "It's her Easter outfit," Al explained. "She wore it to a wedding and gave me such a fit about taking it off that I decided to let her wear it home." She patted Gerald on the back, who moved closer and hid his face in Al's blue jeans. "Such a shy thing," the attendant chuckled. "What's her name?" "Tracy." Al answered half-smiling. *** The first chance Kevin got he placed a long distance call to Tom residence but there was no answer. Kevin knew there were dozens of other places Tom could be besides Salt Lake City, but he would have felt better if the private eye had answered the phone. Checking on a hunch, he called the airport to check on the flights out of Salt Lake to Seattle. There was one that had left about a half-hour earlier. The attendant checked the passenger list for the officer and sure enough Tom's name was on it. Unable to rule him out, Kevin left a message with the crash investigator to have Dr. Jensen's car checked in the morning, especially around the rear bumper. He had a sinking feeling in his stomach. Maybe these people didn't crash on their own. Maybe someone helped them. Chapter 8 -- Homecoming The flight from Salt Lake City was completely uneventful. At that time of the night most of the lights inside the plane where turned off so the passengers could sleep. Despite sitting in the dark, Tom stayed awake and thought about the upcoming events. There was so much left to do. He looked over at Al who had managed to fall into a fitful sleep. He wasn't out of the woods yet. Turning Gerald into Tracy had bought him time, but it wasn't the solution to saving Al's life. If he didn't get him help soon Al would kill himself. His friend needed to accept what had happened, that he was now permanently Jennifer Anderson and could never be Al Parker again. Tom wasn't sure how to accomplish this task but he did realize two things. First, it would take more than one person to get Al to accept himself as Jennifer and two; he was way over his head on this one. What he needed was to find someone who could help. He had an idea on who that someone might be. When they landed Tom loaded everyone into his car and drove to a nearby hotel. "We're not going home?" Al asked in a surprised voice. "Not right now Kiddo, I'm beat. In fact we're all beat. Lets get some sleep first." Tom's real reason for going to a hotel was so Al wouldn't be around any sharp objects. He deemed it too risky until Al got some real help. He could have ordered Al not to harm himself and he did consider doing just that. Doing so would have put his mind at ease and it made good sense but he also knew that this would be a fatal mistake. If he did issue an order, even for Al's own good, the results would be disastrous. Al would start comparing him to Dr. Jensen or Gerald and ruin any chance of him gaining his trust. What Al needed was someone he could trust to protect him while at the same time not feeling that they were trying to take advantage of the situation. Tom got a room with two queen size beds. He set Tracy on the couch and covered her up with a blanket. She looked so peaceful sleeping just like an angel. He wondered what kind of dreams Gerald would be having. "Take that bed Kiddo," Tom said, pointing to the one farthest from the outside door. Al nodded and went into the bathroom to remove his clothes. A moment later he came out wearing only a pair of panties and the T-shirt he had worn on the plane. Al lay down on the bed and turned off the light. Tom stripped down to his underwear and got in the other bed. Then he waited and it didn't take long. For the first few minutes Al tossed and turned in the bed. Then he heard Al sniffing as he tried to hold back the tears. Finally he got up and walked over to Tom's bed. "Tom?" Al said in a tearful voice. "It's okay Kiddo, I understand. Get in." Al lay down next to him and buried his face deep into his chest. Tom's T-shirt became wet as the floodgates opened up again. "I don't want to be alone...not tonight...not ever. Please hold me, please don't let go of me," Al wept. "I won't Kiddo. It's okay now." He wrapped his arms around Al and gave him a re-assuring hug, while fighting off his own desires within. Al may have been like a brother to him but he certainly didn't feel like one now. Tom tried to think of other things as he held on to him tightly. Al felt so soft and warm lying there against him. He thought about telling Al in a joking way that he needed a cold shower but quickly changed his mind. Al didn't need to hear comments like that. What his friend needed to hear was that someone cared for him as a human being, not as some sex object. Tom did care for him of course and was overjoyed to have Al back again. But he was also a normal, heterosexual male and well; Al was now in the shape of a warm, attractive female and that made things a little difficult for Tom. "You can sleep here tonight," he told Al. "I'll hold on to you and won't let go Kiddo. You're safe here, I promise. I won't let anything happen to you again." He pushed away his own thoughts for a moment and tried to concentrate on what was really important here. "Tom, I need to do something for me." "Sure Kiddo, anything. What is it?" "I want to call home. I need to talk to my parents." "Kiddo, your parents are dead, just like mine. Don't you remember?" "I know that Tom," Al sniffed. "I mean Jennifer's parents. Ever since this...this happened to me I've had a desire to call them. I guess it was part of the learned responses I inherited. Whenever Jennifer was out someplace she must have called home to tell them she was safe. It's been driving me nuts and of course Dr. Jensen wouldn't let me call them. Now that I'm free I can make that call, to let them know she's safe. But I don't know where to find them." "I don't either Kiddo," Tom lied. "But I'll get you the information. Now, get some sleep, we have a big day ahead of us." Al was exhausted and five minutes later he was sound snoring softly in his arms. Tom wondered how he was going to pull off this request. Well he would figure that out later. First there was a lady they needed to see in the morning, maybe two women if things worked out. Al moved slightly and Tom felt his soft warm body pressing against his. He really did need that cold shower. *** "I'm Dr. Schnegg. I'm here to see a patient by the name of Sarah Jensen. She was brought in a few hours ago." Troy Harper had been told to expect a specialist in the Jensen case. He wondered whom this Miss Jensen was that would cause a high price doctor to fly out in the middle of the night to check on her. "We've been expecting you Dr. Schnegg. I'm Dr. Harper." Troy held out his hand for the other doctor to shake it. "I've been taking care of her just as you requested. I'm afraid there isn't much hope Doctor. Her brain was severely damaged in the crash and even with the life support systems we have her on she won't last more than a couple of hours. I've already had to resuscitate her twice. Clinically she's brain dead and there's no hope I'm afraid." Dr. Schnegg looked at the chart and smiled at his colleague. "You've done well Dr. Harper. Now if you will allow me, I need to examine her myself in private. It was her request that I do this you see." He handed him a legal document that Dr. Harper quickly scanned over. "Of course Dr. Schnegg. Everything seems to be in order." Dr. Harper handed the legal paper back to him. "You will find her in room 311." Dr. Schnegg took the paper back and thanked him for all his help. He walked into the room with his bag and closed the door behind him. Ten minutes later he re-appeared. "Terrible blow," he stated. "I see no reason to let her suffer anymore, do you Dr. Harper?" "None Dr. Schnegg." Troy felt good about being asked. Even though Dr. Schnegg was now legally in charge of his former patient he still had the decency to ask him for his opinion. This doctor had real class. "I agree Dr. Harper. If it's okay with you, I would like to remove some of the life-support systems, at least the ones that will allow nature to take it's course without causing her to suffer any more." "I think that's the humane way to handle this situation Dr. Schnegg. I'll get a nurse to help you." "Thank you Dr. Harper," Dr. Schnegg replied. "These moments are never easy to handle alone." *** "Well, did you find anything?" Kevin had waited almost two hours past his shift to see what Pat Knight could find. "Nothing conclusive Kevin, the car is a mess. It does appear that the auto was kept in good shape before the accident, no rust spots anyway. The back bumper was messed up pretty badly but I did find some dents that may not have been caused by the accident." "Could that have been caused by a..." Pat answered the question before he finished. "I'm sorry Kevin, but that's impossible to tell for sure. The bumper is pretty well twisted and any evidence wouldn't stand up in court. If you want my expert opinion, this dent right here was caused by another car." He pointed to the small dent on the driver's side of the bumper. "However, when that dent happened is anyone's guess. It could have been last night at the crash site or last year in a parking lot. There isn't anyway f

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That’s what I was doing at Thomas’ the night I met Parker. The band was one of those unknown indie bands that I just couldn’t miss and since no one else had any interest, I went alone. I had no intention of meeting anybody, hell, I think I’d only picked up two girls in bars in all of my thirty five years and truth be told both of those picked me up. And so it was with Parker on that night. The bar was crowded…and loud and I was enjoying the band and the bodies. Working on...

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Parker Luck No 2

It was seemingly because of that friendship that Sue rang up Parker within the hour of him announcing his new line of work, insisting she be his very first client. It was abrupt, and she didn't seem to want to take anything but an emphatic 'yes' as his answer. She explained she had the clothes in mind for the shoot, he just needed to give her the direction when she explained it to him--but not over the phone. Parker was ecstatic, word had reached far enough to catch Sue's ear about how he...

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The Sexual Education of Madison Parker Part 4

Madison Parker woke up absolutely giddy on the first day of Christmas break. Not only was her older sister Abigail home from college for the holidays, but so was their sexy neighbor Robert. Maddi still felt a little guilty that she hadn’t told her boyfriend, Dennis, about all of her sexual escapades with Robert. But then again, she was pretty sure that he had learned a few things about sex too while he had been at baseball camp the previous summer.Maddi wandered into the kitchen and found her...

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Parker Luck No 3

"So you want a couples' shoot?" he asked as he set everything up, working on arranging his apartment's little photography corner. He was seeing a lot of business lately, but Mrs Walkers was only the second taker on his 'specialty' line of work, not that he minded. "Any idea where you want to take that, and do you have your own poses in mind?" "We did talk about the plan earlier. I want to be a willing, total slut for Kevin, and have the photos tell the story of me submitting to him"...

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Parker luck0

Not only did the girls agree to it, but while Parker set up some space in their apartment for shooting, Ashley and Sarah went out to pick up some extra special lingerie for the occasion, promising it was going to be amazing. He prepared himself as best he could, setting up lighting and taking a few test shots to make sure he had everything right where he wanted it, already planning out scenes and shots in his mind but knowing his devious friends were both likely to have their own ideas and...

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Jay had no idea how the night would turn out when he walked into the bar that evening, and once he saw the interior, he wanted to leave. In his mind, gay bars were always elegant and hip, clean and cool. This place was just an ordinary run-of-the-mill dive bar. An old man in a leather vest (with no shirt) and a black cap glanced at him when he walked in. A large woman sat at the far end. She looked like a permanent part of the place, like the pool table or the jukebox. A small pride flag was...

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An amazing night with parker

Now we’re in High School. Parker was 17, I was 16. Parker and I are in the 11th grade and we have a few classes together. English and Chemistry. I did good in both and always considered myself a good student. Parker was too but he always had trouble in chemistry. He wasn’t doing well. He had failed a lot of tests and he’d get very frustrated with himself. I’ve had several boyfriends and Parker has been through his girlfriends but we’ve never been romantically involved with each other. I...

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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 22 James Parker PhD

It was two years after Deirdre and Maureen's fallout. James Parker, Ph.D., Professor of Genetics at Humboldt State University, was groaning while going over the papers his junior class students had returned. The topic was an exciting one, or so he had thought. "Pick a Nobel Price Winner and describe her/his impact on modern Biology!" Half the class had – predictably – picked Kary Mullis and the Polymerase Chain Reaction. Of those, not even twenty percent had a true understanding of...

4 years ago
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Miss Parker Part 6

Okay folks, I've pondered this and decided that if you folks want more of this story then who am I to deny you.Not sure if this scene really works, but I'm sure you'll let me know if it sucks :-)Miss Parker - Part 6Over the next several months, Robert, Caroline and Gabriella got to know each other better. Both Caroline and Gabriella found themselves bent over, bare bottom in the air, to receive punishments from Robert. Caroline also found herself in a similar position with Robert, but for...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Miss Parker Part 2

Miss Parker – Part 2 “Gabriella will be home in two weeks time Miss Parker. By the time she arrives I expect you to have created a detailed plan of action regarding her education. I have taken the liberty of creating a report detailing where she is failing and have included comments from her teachers. Please deliver your plan no later than 1 o’clock next Friday.” “Yes Mr. Wilson,” replied Caroline, rubbing her bottom. She could well imagine the consequences of failing to deliver.” “That will be...

1 year ago
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Mark first crush. I was in a new school, second in two years, and who would've thought I would meet the perfect, athletic, Superman of my dreams in Band class?? He was first chair trumpet, I was fifth chair trombone. He was sooo handsom! He had a huge birthmark on his right arm, the shape of Canada, and the cutest little face in the world. Alas, I was at the time afraid to show my gayness; the eighth grade is no fun when others mock you constantly. So I was forced to admire from...

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Playing with the ParkersChapter 3 Meeting Don Parker

Saturday night finally came, and since I'd already "warned" Tad that he was in for a voyeuristic treat at the Parker Residence, we were both looking forward to our evening. Louise answered the doorbell and immediately wrapped both arms around me with a huge hug. As soon as I was released, Tad got the same treatment. Louise had only met Tad once before -- an afternoon when we'd met for a drink after work -- but the way she behaved, you would have thought they were long-lost...

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The Parker Cousins

Tragedy had befallen the family over and over for the last several years. Don’s wife had died of cervical cancer and a week later, one of their twin sons, Major Don Parker Jr, was killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan. The other son, David, and his wife drowned in a boating accident off the coast of Mexico. Don Jr. and David had married sisters, with each marriage producing one child. After Don Jr’s death, his widow suffered through another failed marriage. That, combined with the loss...

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The Sexual Education of Madison Parker

Madison Parker stood in front of her full-length mirror, admiring herself in a new pink bikini.She had just had her seventeenth birthday, and, in September, she would begin her senior year of high school. She was dating the star of the school’s baseball team, who was away attending a camp for young men with the potential for playing professional baseball.Madison turned back and forth, studying her body. Her mother would disapprove of how much of her butt was showing. Nor would she care for the...

First Time
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Miss Parker Part 2

Miss Parker – Part 2 “Gabriella will be home in two weeks time Miss Parker. By the time she arrives I expect you to have created a detailed plan of action regarding her education. I have taken the liberty of creating a report detailing where she is failing and have included comments from her teachers. Please deliver your plan no later than 1 o’clock next Friday.” “Yes Mr. Wilson,” replied Caroline, rubbing her bottom. She could well imagine the consequences of failing to deliver.” “That will...

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Miss Parker

This is my first attempt, so please be gentle. All feedback appreciated.Part 1. At 23 years old Miss Caroline Parker had graduated with a 1st class honors degree in history and had completed her teacher training. Her preference was for a secondary school teaching position, but with history being a less popular subject than Math or English, there was nothing available. To he honest about it, she was not really trying that hard. With large debts to repay, Caroline knew she had to get a job, but...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Andersonville 6 Friendship Lines

Andersonville 6 - Friendship Lines by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to my TS brothers and sisters, who have the guts to stand up to the world and say, "I'm not going to live a lie anymore." Fade in... I saw them come out of the courthouse from across the street. There were four of them; all men dressed in business suits. Every day, just a few minutes after 6pm, they left the courthouse to go home. Three of them proceeded to their cars but the fourth man, maybe 21...

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Parker ndash Mrsquo Lady Bound and Fucked

Parker – M’ Lady Bound and Fucked . I’m Parker. The chauffer to M’ Lady who I desperately want to fuck before I retire. So, this is how I achieved it.I send a note from Virgil’s phone, her current lover, to Lady P.Penny, on Wednesday at 4.30 pm you will trim your pussy before showering.You will only wear your wetlook black leather Basque. The one with the zip down the front; you know the one! By 5.30 you will tie your feet to the bedpost of your sexy four poster bed and make ready to attach...

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Zoe Parker Ch 05

Chapter 5-The Countdown How one could wake up to the last day of their life and feel completely serene perplexed Zoe. She had been laying awake for the past half an hour watching her alarm clock. That alone was an interesting event to her. Each tick of the minute, each change of the digit, was a like a slow countdown to her final moment on Earth. Watching the slow expiration of her life be tallied away was a new experience. Then again, it wasn’t quite staring at the wall. Zoe wanted to see as...

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Riding Mr Parker

Steve Parker had been teaching school for 7 years. His job teaching English as James Polk High school was not too bad, it paid enough for his lifestyle, the benefits were good, and he was looking forward to an early retirement at age 52. At 29 years old the fact that the best part of his life was thinking about retirement in 23 more years never seemed to strike him as odd. Steve was six feet tall, dark haired handsome and in good shape. Some of the young male teachers had problems with girl’s...

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Mr Parker Has Lunch with His Daughter in Law

exhibitionism mutual She asks her Father-in-Law to jerk off while she watches.I am Jason Parker and you have been married to my son for 10 years. Hisname is John. I have known you since you were just a sexytwenty-something and have since seen you blossom into a real woman inher sexual prime. I have always considered my son very lucky, if not abit boring, for what you seem to be- a firecracker.You and I have never flirted openly. But since my divorce 5 years ago,you have taken it upon yourself...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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Claire and Liam Parker

Claire and Liam Parker had always seemed like your perfect, young, mid-twenties, beautiful couple. She had the face on an angel. He was thin, yet with very well defined muscles. They always appeared happy, healthy, and loving to one another. Little did onlookers know, they both held a dark secret within. Liam Parker held a secret within the basement of their lovely home. Through the main hall and under the staircase was a mahogany wooden door. The door suspiciously held three locks upon it. No...

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Zoe Parker Ch 02

Ch. 2 – The Addiction The large rain drops splashed off of the top of the deep brown casket. The irony of a rainy day funeral was lost on Zoe Parker as she stared at the wooden box that held her deceased mother. Zoe observed the twenty or so people who decided to attend the burial ceremony. The small crowd creating a semi circle around the casket consisted of mostly people from her neighborhood smattered with a few of her mother’s old friends. All of them had known Sandra Parker during the...

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Zoe Parker Ch 01

Chapter 1 – The Alpha ‘Everything used to be perfect,’ She thought to herself as she lay in bed. Her favorite stuffed purple fuzzy monkey, Roger, held tightly against her chest by her two folded, crossed arms. It had been a rough three years for Zoe Parker. Her parents had been married for ten years. They had been a normal, happy family for those ten years. Then it all fell apart. A little bit of bickering evolved into full on shouting matches. Any resemblance of that loving, quant family was...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

2 years ago
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Blackfeather34 Life and Death

“I WILL NOT put on the blues again,” Jason said firmly. “We can make ... accommodations,” the officer facing him said. Miranda watched as the two argued at the kitchen table. She didn’t like him. He’d been the one to twice deny them permission to marry until Jason was discharged. Now he wanted him back. She poured coffee. Her aching back and protruding belly complained at the effort. “You will not be an official part of the army. You can even wear buckskins like your Indian friends.” There...

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Miss Parker Part 5 The final Part Maybe

Miss Parker - Part 5 (The final installment - maybe) Gabriella went upstairs to clean herself up and change before dinner. Robert went to his drinks cabinet and poured two small aperitifs and handed one to Caroline. “Caroline, I’m impressed by the way you handled that situation. Not too severe, but enough to drive home the message.” Thank you Mr. Wilson. I wasn’t sure at first, but it seemed like the right thing to do.” “Gaby will certainly think again before being cheeky to you.” “I...

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Miss Parker Part Seven

Chapter OneThe graveyard was quiet and peaceful as Robert walk the all too familiar path to his wife’s grave. He laid the flowers he had brought and tidied up the space around the stone. When he was done, he sat on the bench in front and thought of all the years gone by without her. Even though it had been 18 years since that fateful night, he still missed her every day.“I’m sorry I’ve not been by as much lately, but with work and Gabby, I’ve been busier than normal.”Even as the words left his...

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Miss Parker Part 6

Okay folks, I’ve pondered this and decided that if you folks want more of this story then who am I to deny you. Not sure if this scene really works, but I’m sure you’ll let me know if it sucks Miss Parker – Part 6 Over the next several months, Robert, Caroline and Gabriella got to know each other better. Both Caroline and Gabriella found themselves bent over, bare bottom in the air, to receive punishments from Robert. Caroline also found herself in a similar position with Robert, but for...

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Miss Parker Part 5 The final Part Maybe

Miss Parker – Part 5 (The final installment – maybe) Gabriella went upstairs to clean herself up and change before dinner. Robert went to his drinks cabinet and poured two small aperitifs and handed one to Caroline. “Caroline, I’m impressed by the way you handled that situation. Not too severe, but enough to drive home the message.” Thank you Mr. Wilson. I wasn’t sure at first, but it seemed like the right thing to do.” “Gaby will certainly think again before being cheeky to you.” “I...

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Peter Parker in a world of Dc and Marvel sluts pt 2 Gwen stacy

Peter could not believe his eyes as he traveled throughout the suicide sector slums the next day. Everywhere he turned, there was a female superhero he knew dressed like a 2$ whore or an old girlfriend on a street corner looking like a slut who was just begging for cock. He had been careful not to be seen by them but knew that by the time Starfire made her rounds, the whole female population of the slums would know he was there and what huge cockmeat he was packing. Seeing the actual...

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Fernanda Peituda Safada hottest stories part2

Below a new set of real life stories about a beautiful hot Brazilian women Fernanda, nick name Peituda Safada.You can meet her at the strip-club Rota96 in Curitiba Brazil!Fernanda & Paulla entertaining a guy.I had sex 2 days ago with together another dancer from the club:An american guy wants see how 2 girls do lesbian sex.He orders us to put out all clothes, only we must wear our shoesAfter that we must kissing. He wants see how our tongue goes deep in each other mouth .We must play by...

4 years ago
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The Parker Gang

The Parker Gang By Alice Parker            "Oh Shit!  Oh shit, shit, shit!"  I felt sick.  It had been a long week, the party was quickly coming up and now this.  I turned away from the peep-hole in the front door and almost ran smack into Ed and Frank, who were standing there next to each other with their arms folded and smirking.  They didn't look alike in appearance, but those bastards had to have been separated at birth.           I grabbed my stomach and slid partially down the door as...

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The Sexual Education of Madison Parker Continues

Madison woke up late on Saturday morning. She grabbed her phone from the nightstand and noticed it was almost 11:30. She stretched as she thought about what happened the previous night.After attending the high school football game with Dennis, they headed to their favorite parking spot to fool around. Dennis had turned out to be a good and thoughtful lover. He did his best to see to it that she was satisfied. However, Madison couldn’t help but draw a comparison between Dennis and Robert....

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Peter Parker always gets the ladies Pt 1Natasha Romanoff The black Widow

How had it gotten to be like this. How had Peter Parker, the handsome yet shy Nerd/Geek from Queens managed to nab, at the age of 20 no less, a beautiful and powerful woman 8 years older than him, who kicked the ass of Evil all over the world. Truth be told, the meetings the two had had before Natasha finally saw what she was looking for in Peter had been far from normal in terms of what society expected. ############################## He was taking pictures of the park. J.J.may have...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Strengthening The Friendship

Strengthening The FriendshipBy: Londebaaz Chohan Alvin and Irvin were both close to 30 almost. They grew up together on the same block and went to the same elementary, middle and the high school. They were very good friends. Alvin was over 6’ tall with broad shoulders, big and hard muscles weighing 250 pounds. Irvin was also a burly, husky man. With 6’ 2’’ height, he weighed 245 pounds. Alvin was married and had never considered himself as gay or bisexual but often fantasized about other men as...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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The ParkersChapter 9 Party Party Part 2

Laurie looked at everybody and said: "This is fun." It sure was. Brad, Arthur, Vera, Elaine, June, Kay, Don, Gerry, Sarah, Derek, Joan and Maggie were all there, naked and recovering. Carl and his boyfriend, Gus, were filming it. It was lots of fun. Laurie hugged Kay, kissed her on the lips and asked: "Will you leave me?" "Nope." "Okay... Vera, Sarah... I saw you too, while we were busy here... Do you want to join?" Vera and Sarah didn't even thought about it. They were not...

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Catherine and Alexander

Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...

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The ParkersChapter 17 Sucking cock is also fun

And that Sunday was, at last, Laurie's birthday. December 7, 2003. And Laurie Parker was 22. Roger and Lucy came from Larry's house in the morning, just a little after Joan Greene had left. Joan and Julie had spent the night together, and just acted silly during the whole morning. But Joan knew that, even if she was a dear friend (and lover) of Laurie, she had to go. That Sunday belonged to the Parker family. And Brad Johnson, obviously. Like Joan, Brad had also slept there, but he...

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