"Q" Is Fictional free porn video

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Q is Fictional By [email protected] Bob Quincy lay flat on his back and watched the ceiling tile roll by. The gurney was hard and the foam mattress provided little comfort for his 230- pound frame. In a few minutes they would slice open his chest and tear his ribs apart in an effort to repair arteries clogged with too many years of careless living. Bob Quincy might never see another sunset, and that was more disturbing than the pain. He always thought there would be plenty of time to watch sunsets. He was still young, only 53, plenty of time. "How are you doing, Mr. Quincy?" the nurse asked as they pulled to a stop. "Been better," was all he could mumble from his swirling consciousness. "What was that stuff?" "Just a tranquilizer. It'll take away some of the anxiety." She patted his shoulder. "The doctor will be here in a few minutes. Just try to relax." "Right, that should be easy." Bob tried not to think about the future. Keeping that positive attitude that everyone talked about was a lot easier when you're standing up. His doctor, long time friend Sam Able, told him he had an excellent chance for a full recovery. He would be better than before the heart attack. Somehow Bob just didn't believe it. He had felt himself growing weaker for the last few years. It had caused him to retire from the fire department. He wasn't able to do the work anymore. It was a terrible blow to his ego, and his wallet, but he had no choice. The chest pains and shortness of breath made it impossible. "Hello, Bob." Bob opened his eyes and saw Dr. Able standing over him wearing his green hospital garb. "Hey," Bob mumbled, "you look like a real doctor." "And you look like a real patient." Dr. Able nodded to the nurse. She stuck a needle into Bob's IV line. "We're ready to start. Don't worry; I've done this on a frog in biology class. It'll be much easier on you. You're so much bigger." Bob began to laugh but felt himself being pulled away. The sights and sounds of the hospital faded quickly as he sped into a black fog. An instant later, Bob found himself standing in a darkened room. The room was about 14 feet square and completely closed. There was no visible source of light, yet there was a dim glow that allowed him to see. The floor, walls, and ceiling were smooth, without any means of egress, or even any marks. "Welcome, Bob. I've been waiting for you." Bob spun around in a panic. "Jesus Christ!" Bob yelled. "Don't do that to a man who just had a heart attack. You scared the shit out of me!" The man standing behind Bob was tall and pleasant looking. He was well built with gray hair and a reassuring smile. There was something uncannily familiar about him. "Terribly sorry." A deep, primal fear was swelling within Bob. "Where am I? What's going on?? Am I dead?" "No, you're not dead." "Not dead is good," Bob said, patting his chest, still trying to coax his heart back to normal. "What is this place?" "Well," the man said, "there is no easy way to explain that. There are no words in your language to say what this place is. Let's just say that you are in a space between worlds. For lack of a better word, a netherworld." "Netherworld?" "Like I said, there are no words." "Well, who are you? Are you an angel?" The man laughed. "No, there are no angels." "I suppose there are no 'netherworlds' either." "Okay," the man said, "let's see if I can explain this. My name is Harlan. I am a being from another place. We travel the galaxy? participating, watching, maintaining order. We are the Continuum." "The Continuum? You mean like on Star Trek?" Bob threw up his hands. "I am dead! Or dreaming!" "Try not to be upset," Harlan said. "The reference is accurate." "Are you telling me that you're 'Q'?!" "Members of the Continuum often take human form. One of our members took the form of a writer for that show. He used the Continuum as part of a story. 'Q' is fictional. None of our members would ever do the things that he did in the stories, but the concept is accurate." "So you're an omnipotent, god-like figure from another planet." "We don't like to be referred to in those terms." Bob shook his head. "I gotta be dead." "You're not dead." "What do you want from me?" "We don't want anything from you," Harlan said with a reassuring voice. "I've come to give you a gift." "What kind of gift?" "Something you've always wanted." Harlan reached out with his hand. "Come." Bob refused to take Harlan's hand but followed. They moved through the darkened room yet never came closer to the wall. They seemed to turn a corner when a column of light appeared in front of them. In the center of the column stood the most beautiful, young, blond haired woman that Bob had ever seen. She was naked and motionless. "She is for you," Harlan said. "What?!" "I've gone to great lengths to make certain that she was perfect," Harlan said with a smile. "I've outdone myself this time." "I don't understand," Bob said. "You're giving me this girl?" "She is for you." "I can't," Bob said with a shudder. "I'm married. My daughter is older than her. I'd never survive a sexual encounter with her." Harlan laughed and shook his head. "I'm not giving her to you so you can have sex with her. I'm giving her to you so you can be her." Bob stood in stunned silence for a moment. "I don't know if you noticed," Bob said, "but I happen to be a man. What kind of trick is this? Who are you? And why do you think that I want to be a woman?even a woman a beautiful as this one?" "Don't be afraid," Harlan said, touching Bob's shoulder. "It's okay." Bob was now trembling. This was wrong. This was terribly wrong. He felt weak and dizzy. Harlan held Bob's arm and guided him into a chair that had not been there a moment before. As Harlan placed his hand on Bob's shoulder again, Bob suddenly felt perfectly at ease. "Everything is fine, Bob," Harlan said. "Just try to relax." Bob took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I don't understand. Why are you doing this?" "Do you remember being 5 years old?" Harlan asked. Bob shrugged. "You were in Kindergarten. There were two girls in your class, Pat and Pam. They were twins. Do you remember?" Surprised, Bob brightened. "Yes, I do remember! We played together. Being with them was great." "Yes. Do you remember saying something to your grandmother when you came home one day?" Bob thought for a moment, and then it struck him like lightning. He nodded his head. "I told her I didn't want to be a boy anymore. I wanted to be a girl now." Harlan smiled briefly. "Do you remember what she said?" "She gasped in horror! 'You must never say anything like that again! Never! Do you understand? That's a terrible thing to even think!'" "And you never thought of it again, did you?" Harlan said. "At least not consciously." "I can't say that it never crossed my mind, but I'm not a transvestite or a transsexual or a homosexual. I really am a man." "Yes, I know," Harlan said. He looked Bob straight in the eye and gestured toward the girl. "Go look at her. See if you recognize her." Bob slowly approached the girl. The closer he got, the more beautiful she looked. Her skin was flawlessly smooth. Just by looking at it he could almost feel how soft it was. Every feature of her face was sculpted into Scandinavian perfection. She was small, perhaps 5 feet 3 inches tall, but built like an athlete. Her muscles were well defined and rippled under that silky layer of skin. Her hair was bright, silky blond that hung thickly to the center of her back. It was shaded from light, silvery blond to a rich gold. Bob stood directly in front of the girl and looked into her crystalline, icy blue eyes. She blinked. He jumped. "My God! She's alive." "Of course she's alive," Harlan said. "Her heart is beating, she's breathing; she's a fully functioning human female." "But she doesn't move." "That's because she has no life force," Harlan said. "That must come from you." "What?" "She is alive, but she has no life. She will not be complete until you step in and become one with her." Bob circled the girl, looking closely at every inch of her being. It suddenly struck him. "Holy shit," he said. "It's Gretchen, isn't it? It's Gretchen Carlson." Harlan smiled and nodded. "She is the main character in the book I wrote. Good Lord, it's really her!" "She is everything you wanted her to be, and more. Actually, this Gretchen is even better than the character you created. In fiction, a good character has many hardships, flaws, and trials to overcome. I've removed most of Gretchen's hardships. For example, she was never raped or molested. She doesn't have to cope with all that fear and uncertainty. She is the best of all you wanted her to be." "Is she still a lesbian?" "Yes. I knew that would be important to you." "She's smart?" "Brilliant! Physics professor?just like in the story." "Music?" "Pianist," Harlan said. "She's also a pilot and artist. All in all, a very talented young lady." "What about the money?" "96 million give or take a million. It's all being handled by a New York accounting firm." "And all I have to do is step in." "That's it." Bob circled Gretchen again. He was awed by the prospects offered to him. This was all too much to believe. Bob knew Gretchen better than anyone could. After all, he created her. His book was a mystery novel about crashing airplanes and unscrupulous businessmen who wanted her airfield to build a shopping mall. As he wrote the book, he dreamed of being her, having her money and flying her antique airplanes. Now he could do those things, all of them. He could even sit at a piano and play Beethoven like a pro, what a joy that would be. Then there were the sex scenes with another woman, so wildly erotic and indulging Bob's deepest fantasies. And she was so beautiful. More than anything, he dreamed of being good looking. Even for a man he was unattractive. He was always grateful that his children looked like his wife. Now he had a chance to be all the things, and have all the things, he ever desired; not just a chance to be attractive, but a chance to be magnificent. If you are going for good looking, why not go for the best of all; and best of all will be a woman. Without a doubt, the most beautiful human will always be a female. But there was going to be a price. There had to be. In Bob's experience, nothing ever came without a price. "What's the catch?" Bob asked. "You'll have to trust me, Bob. There is no catch. Her entire life, up to this point, has been programmed into her memories. And not just in her, but in people who would have known her, teachers, friends, lovers, acquaintances, business people, everyone who would have met her, or even heard of her. It was quite a chore to create this for you. There are even baby and childhood pictures, family photo albums and relatives in Sweden. You have no idea what this took." Bob stood there dumbfounded. "Why? Why would you do this for me?" Harlan took a deep breath and sighed. "Do you remember an auto accident about 6 years ago?" "I was a fireman. There were a lot of accidents." "It happened right in front of you as you drove home from work. You stopped, took you firefighter's gear out of the trunk of your car, and came to help." "Yes. There was a fire under the hood. It spread quickly. My extinguisher couldn't put it out. I got the guy out of the car just before the gas tank exploded. A piece of shrapnel tore my back open." "You shielded me with your body." "You?" Bob looked closely at Harlan. "Yes," he said. "It could have been. That might be why you looked familiar." Bob suddenly looked up. "Wait a minute! If you can do all these omnipotent things why couldn't you help yourself? Or me! Or prevent the accident altogether?" "If I had done that, you never would have had the chance to save me." "You mean it was a test?" "It was an opportunity to prove you were worthy." "Worthy of this?" Bob gestured toward Gretchen. "Worthy of a second chance." The chair that had appeared before was there again, right where it needed to be. Bob dropped into the seat and rubbed his face with his hands. "A second chance at life. That's a pretty special thing." "It's an offer made only rarely," Harlan said. "You've done this for others?" "Yes," Harlan said. "In the history of humanity, it has only been done a few hundred times. And never with the complexity of this project." "Really? Why?" "You love to ask questions, don't you?" "I just want to understand," Bob said. Harlan made a gesture and suddenly they were in a mahogany paneled office surrounded by bookshelves and paintings, plush furniture and sculptures. They sat across from each other at a beautifully polished mahogany table. Gretchen still stood in the column of light off to the left. Bob sat up straight and grabbed the table, slightly disoriented by the sudden shift of scene. "I wish you'd warn me before you do that," Bob said. Harlan ignored the remark. "The Continuum was the first intelligent species to evolve in the universe. We are more than a billion years old. In that time we have learned all the secrets and rules of the universe and how to manipulate them. That is how we do what we do. We have extraordinary mental capacity and exist as pure energy. We have evolved beyond the physical stage, but it is only through the physical that we can experience the pleasures and triumphs of life. We have taken the form of virtually every intelligent life form that exists. Therefore, we know, first hand, the strengths and weaknesses of all life in the universe. I, personally, have experienced 572 different species. Some excel at art, some at music, some are warriors, some are pacifists, some have barely the talent to get out of each other's way. Each is unique, but there is only one species that stands above it all. Any species that can give us a Mozart and an Einstein is something special." "You mean us?" "Yes. Humanity has evolved faster, with more diversity and potential than any other species. You are destined to be the dominant species in the universe. All you have to do is survive the next thousand years and you will be unstoppable. You are capable of exceeding even us. It will take millions of years, but you can do it." "I'm afraid you have more faith in humanity than I do," Bob said. "I don't think I like the idea of a species that is filled with murderers, rapists, and child molesters becoming the dominant species in the universe. Can you imagine Hitler and Stalin with the universe available to them!" Harlan smiled. "And that is why you are being given this gift. It is people like you, and your alter ego over there..." he gestured toward Gretchen, "that will guide humanity in the right direction." "Are you saying that I have a mission if I accept this gift? This is becoming more than you let on," Bob said. "That's the catch, isn't it?" "No," Harlan said. "No mission, no catch, you just do what you do." Bob let the implications of all this wash over him and sink in. After some time, he looked over at Gretchen. Something was swelling within him. He got up from the table and went to her. He examined her even more closely this time. "God?" he said with a sigh. "Look at her!" Bob reached out to touch her, but stopped himself. "Her hair is so shiny! She is so beautiful! I don't deserve this. I don't know if I want the responsibility for guiding humanity anywhere." "Don't think of it as a responsibility. It's an opportunity." Bob reached out again, and again stopped himself. He wanted to touch her so bad, but he dared not. "Go ahead," Harlan said. "It's okay. You can touch her." Bob looked at Harlan, then at Gretchen. Slowly, he reached out and ran his fingers over her hair. He closed his eyes; his head fell back as he drew a long deep breath. Beautiful hair had always been his fetish. The softness and smoothness of hers sent a chill running through him down to his toes. "It can be yours, Bob." "What happens to me, to my family." "You will not survive the surgery. Your family will mourn you. It will be hard for them, but they have been preparing themselves for it since you first had the heart attack." "What happens if I say 'no'? Will I still die?" "No. You will recover quite well and live many more years of quality life." "What happens to Gretchen if I say 'no'?" "She will be erased from existence." Bob nodded. There were deep and powerful emotions running through him. He had become a fireman because he wanted to make a difference. He had written a book, but no ever read it because it wasn't good enough for anyone to publish. He never had the intellect or talent to do many of the things he longed to do. Now all the talent was being offered to him, and in a package that thrilled him beyond imagining. Yet, there was a feeling that he was deserting his family for his own selfish reasons. "You would not be deserting them," Harlan said, as if he had read Bob's mind. "You are ready for this, and so are they. Besides, you'll be a wealthy woman. You can make a donation to them in Bob's name. Give them a million dollars if you want." "I could do that, couldn't I?" Bob said with a smile. "What do you say?" Harlan said, gesturing toward Gretchen. "Are you ready?" Bob smile nervously and moved as if he did not know which way to turn. "Will I remember being me?" "For a while," Harlan said. "Until you don't need it anymore. It would be a terrible burden to remember your life as Bob while trying to be Gretchen. You will keep the memory until you are comfortable as Gretchen, then it will fade and soon be gone completely." "Could I do it for a trial period, maybe for a few months?just to see how it will be?" "No," Harlan said. "You either do it or you don't. There will be no trials. You must make the commitment either way." "You're sure my family will be all right?" "They'll miss you, but they will be fine." "Okay," Bob said. "Let's do it." Instantly, the room shifted. It became bigger. Harlan got taller, and Bob was on the other side of the room and saw himself sitting at the table in a column of light. He felt something tickle his back. He spun around only to find long hair slapping him in the face. "Whoa," he said. "What was that?" The voice was not his. It was high-pitched and clearly female. "Shit!" He gasped and covered his mouth. "Is that me? Did you do it?" "It's all done," Harlan said. Bob began to laugh, giggle a female giggle as he looked as this hands and looked down to see his new pert breasts standing small, but proud. He ran his hands over the skin on his abdomen and cupped his breasts. His nipples became hard as his fingers grazed over the tips. He shook his head and felt the softness of his hair sweep across his back. "This is wonderful," Bob said. He took a deep breath, sucking as much air into his lungs as possible, then let it out slowly. "That's the first time I've been able to take a breath like that in years. Yesterday, I would have started coughing." "She is in perfect health, text book perfection. Of course I can't guarantee that she will stay that way. That depends on how you treat her. You eat the crap you're use to and you'll turn her sickly too, make her more vulnerable to disease. A good healthy diet and everything will be fine." "I'm not sure I know what a good diet is," Bob said. "That's okay," Harlan answered. "Gretchen does." Bob searched his new mind. Sure enough, Gretchen knew the right foods to eat, and the funny thing was, these were her favorite foods. But Bob found more as he searched her mind. "My God," he said. "I know how to do calculus!" "You know how to do lots of things now," Harlan said. "Just work on it for a few days." "Shit, Harlan, this is pretty spectacular! It's hard to believe that I'm this woman. God, listen to my voice! It's going to take a while to get used to this." "The more you use it, the more you'll get used to it. It will just take a little time. That is why Bob is still there with Gretchen. You will need to temper each other, learn from each other. You'll do just fine. And I'll be around if you need me." Gretchen walked over and stood near Bob in the column of light. "Good bye old friend. We did some good things. I don't even know how many lives we saved. We did good." Gretchen took Bob's hand and held it to her chest. "Are you going to take him away now?" Harlan nodded. "It's time. And it's time for you to be dressed and get to your meeting. The closing on your new house in Boston is in an hour. You don't want to be late." "Right," Gretchen said. "I've got to get to my hotel. Where is my room key?" Harlan held up the key and waved his hand. Gretchen disappeared from the world of Harlan and found herself stepping into the shower in her expensive hotel suite. Strange dream she thought as she lathered her hair. Um, what a great sensation. She loved the feel of all that warm, wet, soapy hair in her hands. Her sexual juices were flowing, like they always did when she washed her hair. Her nipples were hard and her clit was swelling with sensation. God, I love being a girl, she thought. The End

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Pahtan boos ne mom ko jam ki cohda3

Hi gayes i m asim . Apka dost yakeenan mere 2nt stories bhi apko pasand aye ho gee . Aj me app ko apni 3rd rayal sachi stroy sonane jaraha ho . Gayes app logg to mere baree me jantee hi hi .pihr bhi me dobara apna intro… Karwadeta ho apni nwe dostoo ki liyee . I m asim 23 m karachi i m mahjir urdu speek . Me jis office me job karta ho waha saree panjabi pahtan mard hi are 3 fimails hotee hi jo 3no mahjir hi hotee hi . Wese mere gahnd bhi 1st timi mere pahtan boos ni hi maree thi bohad maza aya...

3 years ago
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Angels and Demons2

Alright well I can't think of how else to make this ending longer but I need five thousand characters to post it so you can skip this paragraph because it will just be me rambling I mean come on look at this I've just given up on periods completely so like the great fish god dory says just keep swimming just keep swimming I'm almost there guys only 73 left look at me go dory would be proud but I'm still 9 chBINGO!!!! Chapters one and two are just prequels to the rest of...

3 years ago
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The Gutenberg RubricChapter 10

After their nap, Keith and Maddie stopped in the hotel restaurant and ordered black coffee. He looked around the café as they waited for the coffee to be delivered. A man in a gray suit too small for the width of his shoulders sat at a nearby table and seemed never to take his eyes off of them. Another man slouched near the entrance to the café reading a newspaper. A young man stood in the lobby engaged in texting on his cell phone. Two women sat at a sidewalk table sipping coffee and talking...

2 years ago
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Not EnoughThe Pact

What the bloody fucking hell did I get myself into here? How did I keep coming across females who slept with their family? Was I wearing a fucking sign on my back? Was it tattooed across my forehead? I walked to the end of the porch, my morning run suddenly abandoned; I leaned over and grabbed the rail and tried to crush it in my grasp. I wasn't really trying to do damage ... just trying to get it to recognize me. I needed to make an impression on that wood; crack the paint, score it,...

4 years ago
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The Parking Garage

Introduction: A steamy encounter between a man and his young mistress in a parking garage of his office I am standing up against your car, my form fitting black dress hugging every curve of my hour-glass figure perfectly, the plunging neckline barley covering my breasts, my dark hair falling in soft ringlets around my face. My full red lips parted slightly. My pulse races as I see you walking into the parking garage in that charcoal gray suit. You walk towards me slowly, our eyes lock, I see...

3 years ago
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Tara8217s story

Disclaimer: this story is a piece of fiction. Any resemblance to any character dead or alive is accidental. It’s a copy right material. All rights reserved by the author. Do not attempt to copy the material. I am humayun, 38 and single. It was way back in 1994, when i was 24 and still a virgin. We used to live is a ground floor apartment compound along the karachi beach in pakistan. I was working for a multinational and used to live with my parents as i don’t have any siblings. Right next to...

2 years ago
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Dirty Talk

This is a continuation of my previous story: Ingenious Toys.  The ‘Kombi’ of course was a VW Transporter, but not one of the 1960’s chartreuse microbuses you might be imagining. The only similarity that it bore to one of those countless hippie/surfer vans circling the country was an airbrush mural on the side; a surfer shooting through a pipeline and running his fingers through the wall of water that threatened to crash down on top of him. Far from being a “fried out Kombi” like in the Men At...

Straight Sex
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A Chance to AdvanceChapter 35

As we headed out of town and back up to our little house on the lake, Andrea could hardly sit still. I don't even have to look at her to know how excited she is. I can feel the excitement and the happiness radiating from her. She pulled her legs up under her and sat facing me in her seat. I glanced over at her and saw her looking at me with so much intense emotion showing plainly on her face. She grinned and said, "This has to be a dream. This is just like the fantasies I would play with...

4 years ago
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Meri Padosan Chandni

Dosto mera naam Rahil hai aur meri age 25 years hai mai ek smart n clever ladka ho.Ab story mai ata hu meri padosan chandni bohat hi khubsurat ladki hai uska figure 32 26 30 ka ho ga dekne mai todhi choti lagti hai uski age 18 ya 19 yrs ki hai,woh shalwar jamper pehenti hai. Mere mummy papa aur chota bhai sab mere cousion bahi ke bedi ki mangni mai gai the out of town mujhe office se chutti nhi mili thi to mai ghar pe akela tha jab mai office se gahr aye to dekha mere mummy papa log ja chuke...

2 years ago
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Black Dahlia AvengedChapter 12

As the two nervous girls entered the bedroom, an unwitting but automatically wry smile broke across the faces of both Zoe and Joan as a most unexpected sight met their eyes. Anna sat cross legged on an open chair, dressed in a black silk dressing gown she smiled warmly at the girls while puffing on a cigarette, Monroe naked and kneeling at her feet, his erect cock betraying the excitement he felt. He cringed a little at first having been in a position of total command over the young girls on...

3 years ago
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Leap of Faith Ch 02

Nicole’s slept fitfully, her dreams filled with confusing images of Rob and Sean. When she awoke, she felt the lingering sensation of arousal and her body tingled with unfulfilled desire as the dreams hovered at the edge of her periphery and continued to torment her with lustful pictures only half realised. She lay in the dark, mulling over what had happened in the kitchen. Despite what Sean had done to her, she felt incredibly guilty about kissing Rob. It felt like a betrayal although her...

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I met Trina the first day of class as a freshman at Eastern Michigan University. We bumped into each other in the hallway and she dropped a couple of books. I looked her over as I helped her pick up her books and saw that she was a great looking girl. I followed her into the classroom and when she picked a seat I took the one beside her. We introduced ourselves as we waited for the instructor to show up and I found out that she was eighteen, from Romulus, and hadn't yet declared a major. She...

3 years ago
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Bookstore booths first visit

Introduction: Neighbor takes me to a porno movie I was very young and had been having sex with my 44 year old neighbor for a few years. My Dad is no longer around so Fred often comes over when Mom is at work and his wife is busy, to help with my homework or watch a ball game with me. His wife thought he was very kind. He had started by sucking me off once, long ago when I was eight or nine, just reached up the leg of my shorts and pulled it out, even though it was very small. He licked it and...

4 years ago
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Kat and CaroleChapter 2

Naomi and Rebecca departed for the train to return to University, insisting that Kat and Harry not accompany them to the station. Instead, Flame-headed Kat, with Aibhilin, who was equally flame-headed, if perhaps a shade lighter, set off for the park. Harry, a little reluctantly, settled down to some work. Kat collected a bag of duck-food from the cafe – bread, especially processed white bread is not good for ducks – and they were soon surrounded by squabbling water-fowl. The ducks were so...

3 years ago
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River 8

CHAPTER 8 So far: River avoided problems with the law while helping the river cure the elders from the hospital. After that, there was a shopping trip to beautiful downtown St. Mary's in the evening, in preparation for the bigger excursion to the city on Saturday. Finally, River sees that her dad has a secret, which he won't tell her. River woke early again, and was able to spend an hour in the river before heading back to wake her family first, and then went back to her tent at...

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Whats Good for the Goose and Goosing the Gander The Handjob Series

I was back in Montreal for Christmas.  As I drove around the city I couldn’t help but enjoy old memories.  Maybe because of the season, one memory from a Christmas past stood out.  Swinging a little out of my way I drove past the old grey stone building where a long-time friend and I were once roommates.  Her name was Sheri and we’d known each other since we were kids.It was just before Christmas and for once Sheri and I had the apartment to ourselves.  We’d been secretly sleeping together for...

3 years ago
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family vacation 3rd evening at the Lake

Now to go on with the part about us going to Mike and Kathy's for some time on the lake near their house.It was almost withing a few minutes of leaving the dock that Tammy had her clothes off and was not worried about anyone seeing her.Jackie asked if it was ok for them to get naked too. Kathy told them it would be fine if everyone was naked if my dad did not care. Dad never had such a big smile on his face when he said sure that is fine with me. It was a matter of minutes before everyone on...

2 years ago
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Farber, Underwood, Carruthers, Kinshaw, Young, Oswald, Updike is its city's first openly transgendered firm. Follow the lives of its partners, associates, staff and clients. Today we learn the history of one of its members. GLADYS By Eugene Webber "Have you called the agency, Heloise?" John Farber asked his office manager. Heloise Farber, John's sister, older by three years, was taking a week off to visit their parents. Their father had retired eight months earlier and...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 51 Fourth of July Weekend Part I

July 2, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “This is unbelievable!” I exclaimed, reading the front page of the Chicago Tribune “What?” Jessica asked, sipping her lemon tea. “It says, and I honestly wonder if it’s accurate, that at the Nineteenth Party Conference in the Soviet Union, they voted to end the Communist Party’s monopoly on economic and other non-political power. They pretty much just threw out 70 years of Marxist-Leninist political philosophy in order to try to free the economy! I know...

4 years ago
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Jenny and Her Ordeal

Jenny entered the room as the instructions had told her, she walked to the table and immediately began to undress; in front of her on the table she noticed the items she was supposed wear. She shuddered inwardly as her eyes took in the items on the table, she wondered how the hell the purchaser of these items had managed to find her size and if indeed the items would actually fit. As she let her blouse drop into the basket, a strange thought ran through her mind, would she ever see these items...

4 years ago
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Bridge Of Sighs

It was 1997 so I was 20 or 21, and I won from work an all expenses paid (as in flights and hotel, not spending money) 7 day trip to Venice.This was for me plus one. I didn't have a boyfriend, and all my mates were still students,and could not afford to go with me.So, rather than waste the place, I had to find someone. I was racking my brains when a very nice and attractive manager stopped by my desk to ask for a report.I'd been drinking with him, in company, from time to time, so I knew he was...

3 years ago
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Stepping Stones Ch 00

Twelve O’clock the alarm blinked every second. I rolled over and saw a picture of James. Why him? Why Him, why him?!? I think it is more like why me. I thought he was the perfect roommate, everyone said I had nothing to worry about. He was always willing to spring for pizza or a flick. So why did I fall for him? How could he do that to me? Most of all, how could I love him and hate him at the same time. The memory seeps through me and all the pain from that day came flooding through. I...

3 years ago
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Student Having Fun

This Story is purely fantasy and is not an actual event.Sam was 16 years old and was currently attending a small town high school at the time of this story. Sam was what one might consider a horny little k** and was always fantisizing about sex with one of his teachers and three girls in his school. He masturbated regularly and always did it to pictuures of the affor mentioned people His teachers name was Lavender Williams and was a shapely woman with perjy tits and a fine tight ass. The girls...

3 years ago
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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 34

Erika Johansson brought the Lear Jet 24-D in for a textbook-perfect landing on runway 83E at Daytona International Airport. At the 5400 foot marker, she pulled off the runway onto the north taxiway and then onto the apron in front of the main Erika Air hanger. As Erika swung the jet so that the passenger door faced the hanger, Jake saw the cure for his feelings of melancholy. Standing in the opening created by the rolled-back hanger doors were his wife and children. Jake helped Debbie lower...

1 year ago
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TikTok… have you ever heard about it? I would not be surprised if you have not, since that is the Zoomers forte. However, there are some things you might be missing out on if you have not heard about TikToks since there are plenty of naughty ones out there. I am sure some of you might be hella confused as to what the fuck I am talking about, but I am just here to introduce a subreddit called r/tiktoknsfw/.What is TikTok?Now, for all the Millenials and boomers, what exactly is TikTok? Well, from...

Reddit NSFW List
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The House Sitter Chapter 1

Karen and Dave looked over the ad, "House/Dog Sitter wanted, must be mature, experienced, reliable house/pet sitter living in the greater Portland area. Must be flexible, excellent references. Pay commensurate with experience.” “I think we need more details, hun,” Dave said sipping his coffee. “We can add more if we don’t get any responses, dear.” “Okay, so when do you want to start it?” “Whenever you want to start dealing with the hordes of applicants I’m sure we’ll have.” Karen looked at him...

First Time
2 years ago
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Am I a Cock sucker

When you look at porn photos or videos do you want to see sexy young ladies with other ladies or playing with themselves? Or do you want to see them fucked by huge cocks?When a girl is alone and a guy walks on screen and she reaches over to massage his crotch do you get excited when she finally pulls his Dick out of his pant ? Is that something you look forward to ? Do you like it when she sucks his cock and it grows larger ? Now think about this one....do you wish you were HIM or do you...

3 years ago
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From Sub to Dom My ldquoCthulhurdquo risen

For those that have seen our videos, you will now Kutwijf is a perfect Asian Fuck Toy. 160 cm and 55Kg, open minded, submissive and devoted to her husband. But things had become a bit boring; she would fuck on demand, kitchen, bed, even in public, but after 10 minutes and a few positions, she would tell me to hurry up. Most times I would just wank and get it over with. Other times I would wank several times per day and not be able to cum. Then there were the late night porn sessions into the...

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Mac and Lisas bet Ch2

Al’s wife Candace was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Candace was a gorgeous woman with long reddish brown hair and clear blue eyes. She was shorter than me standing about 5’4 and she had a thick build that she’d developed playing soccer in high school and college, and through lots of exercise as an adult. She was thick but there was almost no fat on her. She had a big round ass that stretched any pants she wore and while her legs were equally as thick she still had a thigh gap. Her...

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Nursing Girls

By Homealone_447 Elizabeth, Veronica and Daniela finally made the decision to spend their vacation on Elizabeth’s parents country house. They planned to leave at 7 am Saturday morning but, as expected for a group of untroubled teenagers, at 10 am they were just finishing packing. One hour later they were on the highway cheerfully taking about their boyfriends and their sexual adventures. * * * Been a cheerleader at her high school football team for several years, had really...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 3

Two days later, and Cheryl and Joe sat around in Joanne’s living room, the house otherwise deserted. Both Ella and Charlie were in school. Joanne was at work, still supporting local artists. The couple were doing what they had done ten years before. Both working on their writing. Cheryl somehow responding to Joe’s questions while finishing a memorial article honoring Nigella for Rolling Stone. Still staff, but with an ideal contract and better pay. Complete rights of refusal. When an editor...

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Sruthi Chudai Stories Bed Side Assistant

Before entering the story, I just want to tell you guys that I am coming up with a new channel in Youtube called Sruthi Chudai Stories. It is in my own name and I want to listen when everyone talks naughtily about me. I like to expose myself in open and like to see all the dirty comments. If you guys and gals encourage me, I will even come in front of camera and tell my stories with my face open in deo so that you can see me and talk naughtily. Telling about me, I am an orphan and raised in an...

3 years ago
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Diary of a Slave Merchant 2008 part 8

5:37pm I opened the door to the slave bedroom, and Ruby was sitting up in her bed, tears in her eyes, very frightened by the screams she had been hearing. "Baby, let's get a third bed made up and get the girls in here." I said. Baby grabbed a set of sheets, blanket and a pillow and went in to the slave bedroom. She walked over to Ruby, put her hand on Ruby's hand and said something in Spanish with a comforting tone. Ruby seemed relieved and took the bedding from Baby's hands,...

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Married Affair Part3

But here we were again, talking on the phone, expressing our love for each other, how we had both made mistakes, remembering how we had been fantastic sexually together."I've got to fuck you babe, I need to stick this swollen cock inside your wet pussy, I need to cum inside you, over your tits and over your pussy lips" you were horny, I could imagine you sitting in that hotel room, tugging on your cock as we began to talk dirty."Send me a picture of you cuming, I want to see you cum for me" I...

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Hiding loyalsock

he moon broke through the cover of thin clouds, bathing the clearing with it's silver glow. Barely a ripple broke the surface of the lake, the gentlest breeze whispered through the leaves of the tall trees around me.I checked and double checked the legs of my tripod, all tight. I switched the camera on and looked through the viewfinder, the focus was perfect. The wooden bench showed up on the tiny screen. Just to be sure, I took a quick look at the front of the camera. The black tape was still...

2 years ago
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Bachpan ki kutai ka badla techer se 8211 Part 2

Hello namaste dosto!! Me hajir hu ekbar fir se apni kahani ka dusra hissa leke. Muje pichli kahani se kafi commemts mile jinke liye me aap sabka tahe dil se aabhari hun. Jyada bor na karte hua kahani par aate hu. () Mene unse kaha “ye thik nahi he aap meri teacher thi me aapke sath ye kese” Itna kehne se pehle unhone fir se apne rasile hoth mere hoth oer rakh diye aur kehne lagi “techer jaye bhad me tum sirf muje sex karne k bare me socho. Aur ek aur bar kiss karne lagi fir me bhi unhe sath...

3 years ago
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AssignmentChapter 11

S11 I pounded the steering wheel of the car in frustration. I had followed Lola and that cop through the city but was caught in a light just as they headed into the warehouse district. I drove like a madman to catch up but could not find them anywhere. I began to criss-cross the area growing increasingly nervous. I didn't like the looks of that cop and the other fellow in the suit. Their conversation back at the coffee shop worried me. I didn't want to mess with a cop in front of witnesses...

2 years ago
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Hello n namskar aap sabhi jo bhi meri story ko read kar rahe ho sabhi ko specailly 30 se 40 saal ke lady ko mera payar bhara namskar.mai ek 30 saal ka rang gora meri height 5.5 inc weight 60 kg khubsurat sa insaan hun are yeh kiya mai apni tarif khud kiye jaa raha hun any way milne ke baad aap khud hi dekh lijyega baat un dino ki hai jab mai meri posting nepal mai thi to meri mulaqat mere flat ke bagal mai bari hi khubsurat lady se hui jise mai qarib 3 months se dekhta tha but meri un se baat...

4 years ago
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Strange TemptationsChapter 2

Jeff woke up suddenly with a big thirst. He remained in his bed for some time breathing heavily in the darkness. Then he got down from the bed and went out of his room. Everything in the lobby was covered in the darkness. He went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and fetched a water bottle. He drank thirstily. He closed the door back and came out of kitchen. He was returning to his room when he heard a faint giggle. At first, he didn't notice it and continued towards his room with...

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