John's Gift - Part 1 free porn video

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JOHN'S GIFT Prudence Walker Chapter One It is the year 2030 and I am dead - yet I live. "How?" You ask. Well, this is my story. My name is John Saunders, or at least it was. Now I have another name, but more of that later. I was a 6-foot, black haired guy of average build. I was born from normal, but talented parents with high IQs and somehow (a freak of genetics, maybe?) I was gifted with a survival trait so unusual I still find it hard to believe. Even after the first evidence, I dismissed it as just luck. The second time, well, twice couldn't be luck, but surely a truly astounding gift. The first time occurred when I was 7 years old and I fell out of the tree in the back yard. As I slipped and fell I remember screaming, then whilst still supposedly in the air, I suddenly found myself standing on the ground, with no injuries or bruises and not really comprehending just what had happened. The second time I was 18, and while walking along the sidewalk an out of control car careered on to the exact spot where I was standing. It was so sudden, that I never had chance to move, but in the instant before it could hit me I found myself 6 feet away with no recollection of how I had moved. The car ended up hitting a tree and, as the driver staggered out, he called to ask if I was unhurt, and just how did I avoid him? He said he never saw me move; Just realized I wasn't in front of the car any more. Not wanting any attention, I just mumbled a response and left the scene quickly. I wasn't willing to try to even think about, let alone explain the unexplainable. Considering it later, I came to the conclusion that the only thing that could logically have happened was for me to have teleported (see authors note above) absurd as that may seem. Anyway, absurd or not, years later that gift saved me once more, but this time with different results. I was employed by a nuclear research facility in the Nevada desert, assisting in the research to get the first working power plant using plasma energy, when there was a failure in the containment fields surrounding the magnetic bottle holding the plasma energy core. As it went critical and exploded I felt the gift try to shift me. It did, but only my mind, as the instantaneous disintegration of my body prevented it from following. As the plasma energy core matter expanded it destroyed the building and everyone in it, including the other scientists. So there I was, hovering a few feet off the ground nearly a mile away from a mini nuclear explosion with a 200 foot radius of destruction. I seemed to be in an energy state, but I still had my sense of body image -- just sound, smell and touch were missing. Confused, I wondered, 'Am I dead? Am I a ghost?' Having reached no conclusions, reaction to what had happened to me started to set in. Here I was in an energy form. I could see, but that was it. Maybe light was a type of energy that I could convert into vision, but not sound. The absolute silence was far scarier that it sounds (no pun intended) without even a heartbeat, or other bodily sound that we tend to ignore until you realize you're not hearing it anymore. How to describe how I felt? Well imagine lying in bed with your eyes closed, then running imaginary hands all over your body. You can feel the memory of your body even though you don't physically touch it, and what's more, I could imagine feeling clothing, any sort I wished. As there was, I had none of the feedback that you normally feel from clothing on your skin, so whatever I imagined wearing felt as real as if I was really wearing it. To test this theory I decided to imagine wearing something that I had never worn in my life, just to see if I sustain the illusion. For some reason Cathy, my sister, sprang to mind. I pictured wearing her gauzy, aquamarine chiffon prom dress with the puffy sleeves. As I concentrated on it, thinking of what it might feel like, I suddenly felt something flowing and sensuous brushing gently against my legs, and I could feel the bodice clinging to my chest. I imagined walking in it as she did when she wore it to the prom; I could feel the brush of nylons against each other as I walked in high heels. NYLONS and HEELS !? What am I saying! Sheesh! That was really freaky! I must have got deeper into that than I intended. I gave myself a mental slap, and imagined wearing my regular clothes again, although the memory of that brush with feminine apparel lingered in the back of my mind for some minutes. Pulling myself together (that's a joke) I decided to see if I could move myself somewhere. As I thought of home, and my parents' reactions to my 'death,' I found myself there in the kitchen with mom cooking breakfast. As I stood there watching I could sense the thoughts of many people, not just those in my house, but outside as well. The only thing was, nothing was particularly clear -- just a mishmash of thoughts and emotions all jumbled up together. I tried to talk to mom, but lacking any vocal equipment it was a bust. I tried to touch her, but found my hand sinking into her body with no resistance. But then, as though the contact had completed a circuit, mom's mental voice grew clearer. I wondered if I had made a closer, more intimate contact maybe I could communicate with her and I could tell her what had happened to me. I paused, contemplating what I was about to do. This was my mom's body I was intending to join with, and female too. I mean, here I was, just a normal guy intending to join with a female body. It was a tough decision. I had not given it a thought at first, but then the curiosity of finding out what a female body felt like overcame any reluctance I had. I edged nearer until our bodies started to meld into each other. It was an eerie feeling! As we merged I could feel her body as if it was my own; my body image changing and taking on a solid physical form again - her physical form! I felt the weight of breasts for the first time, and what it's like to have a void instead of my old equipment. I could hear and smell again as I watched her cooking bacon, and I could hear her thoughts as clear as day, thinking of what she was going to do next. I tried to talk using only my mental voice, but it didn't seem to get though, so I tried to move an arm, but it suddenly froze, as if the two signals were cancelling each other out. I felt the sense of shock run though her mind as her arm locked in a spasm, so I backed off, trying not to control any of her body while I thought of what next to try. Relaxing my control seemed to make mom's body start to feel normal as our thoughts patterns started to mesh, and I found myself thinking of what to make for dinner that day, without sensing that that was an odd thought to be thinking. As we merged deeper I found it hard to tell where I left off and mom began. Her thoughts seemed to be overriding my own, and as I sank deeper I felt my sense of "self" fading. Instinct, or the sense of survival made the gift operate again, and I found myself outside her body and inside my sister's bedroom. I felt strange, as though my body image had altered after being in my mom's body -- as if it had been overwritten to some extent by her body image. As I concentrated it started to fade, and the sensations of my familiar form took its place. Cathy was still asleep, and as I looked upon her relaxed body her long blonde hair strewn across the pillow it suddenly struck me that I might never be able to talk to her, or hug her ever again, unless I could find a new body to do it with. I Wondered whether I could use her body and control it while she slept. I decided to meld again, only this time it was very different as I felt myself fill her body. I could sense no thoughts, just warm and fuzzy emotions as she dreamt. Cautiously, I tried moving her body using my thoughts. I sat up in bed, feeling the brush of satin against my nipples, the weight of breasts again, and also the weight of long hair caressing my neck and shoulders with its silky softness. Getting out of bed, I stood up and felt the satin nightie brushing my now slender body. My nipples tingled and I felt them pucker into hard points against the nightie. WOW! That was truly awesome, and it sent shivers running though my/her whole body! Feeling my nipples harden was something I'd never thought I'd feel! Just as I was thinking about exploring further I suddenly thought, 'OH NO!' I'm not getting into this. This is my sisters body, treat it with respect. With that thought I walked to the vanity mirror to see if there was any sign of myself there. All I saw was my sister, hair mussed a little from sleeping. It was a strange sensation seeing a girl instead my own image in the mirror. I had noticed when I walked that even my actions seemed natural and feminine, which worried me at the time. Coming back from my exploration of my sister's body I grabbed a lipstick and hurriedly scrawled a message on the mirror, in case she awoke and I'd be unable to talk to mom. Moving towards the door, I grabbed a very delicate pink robe and slipped it on as I walked into the kitchen. When I entered mom smiled and said, "You're up early aren't you." I didn't know what to say, or even if I would be able to use Cathy's vocal equipment, so I just said, "Yes mom." Cathy's sweet voice seemed odd to my ears. Sitting down on the kitchen stool, I was completely unaware of my sweeping my robe under me in a feminine manner. I watched mom cooking breakfast, the smells of bacon and eggs making my mouth water. I decided to try and explain what had happened to me at the plant. "Mom," I said. "There's been an accident at John's work." "OH!" She said looking puzzled. I rushed on, trying to get it out before I lost it altogether. "Yes" I replied. "John was killed in an explosion." Mom's eyes widened in shock. "NO"! She screamed. At that, I felt Cathy awaken, and her body spasmed as she tried take in just where she was and why she woke to find herself in the kitchen. I relinquished all control to her body, but stayed in the back of her mind trying to maintain my sense of self, as turbulent emotions rushed though her body. I could feel her surprise and puzzlement as she tried to come to terms with her situation. Using her ears, I could hear mom yell at Cathy. What did she mean that John was dead, and just how did she know it? Of course Cathy denied knowing anything of the sort, and was asking her own questions. How long had she been in the kitchen, And how did she get there? Mom repeated what I had said, complaining, "Why are you scaring me this way?" Confused and bewildered, Cathy decided to run back to her bedroom. She didn't understand the how, what, and the why questions bubbling up in her mind. As she closed the door and turned to the mirror to see if she really was awake, she saw the message I'd written in bright lipstick. She screamed so loudly that I was literally scared out of her body. Several things happened then. Mom entered the room to find Cathy sobbing, and I was shocked to find my body image had again changed from my usual 6-foot male self to that of my sister's form. The sensations felt the same as when I had occupied her body. I could still feel her breasts, and running my now feminized fingers with their long nails over my energy body, I still felt female, almost as if I had no counteracting male feelings to reject it, causing it to remain as a sort of default form. I had no idea how long it would stay this way. Needless to say this was most disconcerting, especially as at that moment the sensations of the nightie I had worn popped back into my thoughts. So there I was, getting sensory feedback from a female form, and also from a piece of feminine apparel that felt radically different in the fact that it was on a much more sensitive form. My thoughts crashed to a stop as mom fainted after looking at what was written on the mirror. MOM MY BODY DIED TODAY IN A PLASMA EXPLOSION AT THE PLANT, BUT MY MIND IS STILL ALIVE. DON'T GRIEVE YET. YOU'LL HEAR MORE FROM ME SOMEHOW. LOVE JOHN. Almost without thinking I went to my mom's body and merged, thinking I could take advantage of the situation while she was unconscious. Finding I could again control a living body, I sat up. "Cathy listen to me," I said. "I'm your brother John in mom's body." She looked at me in shock. Was she thinking mom was crazy too? Quickly telling her my story before mom came to again, I explained how I came to control her body and why she found herself in the kitchen. She sat there watching me with a strange look on her face. "John, it is you, isn't it?" "Yes," I replied, giving her a hug, which again brought forth strange sensations as our chests pressed against each other. Pulling back I said, "This is so strange sitting here in mom's body." She laughed and asked how it compared with my original male one. "It's so different!" I replied, and explained about the weird changes in my body image after having been in her body, and the way I could still feel her nightie on me. Then she got this strange look and said, "After you leave mom's body will you have her form?" I said, " I suppose so. It seems as if I take on the form last used." She giggled and asked me whether I wanted to have mom's form or her's until we could do something about this whole thing. I thought about it for a full 2 seconds before answering that I liked hers better. "Okay," she said. " I'm going to change, then when you take my form you'll get the full benefit of feeling what a girl feels when fully dressed, okay?" I started to get a bad feeling about this, but what else could I do? I didn't really want to feel like my mom all the time. Besides she was older than Cathy and the thought went though my mind that Cathy's body did feel kinda nice, if somewhat disturbing. Suddenly, feeling mom stirring, I managed to extract my self from her body. I checked to see if it was true that I now had her form. I did. I felt bigger and slightly overweight as I went to where Cathy was dressing. OH oh, here we go, I thought as I watched her putting on the most sexy underwear she had before pulling on a silky slip. Then she reached into her closet for --you guessed it -- her prom dress! Oh boy! I should never have told her about that! While I was thinking what it was going to be like wearing that in my discorporeal state she was pulling on stockings and heels and had started making up her face. Oh god, no! Not makeup too! This was getting out of hand fast. I watched as she finished, stood up and posed, which I took to be the invitation to merge with her. Doing so, I found that not only did everything feel so nice, but also I could feel the makeup, and I realized she must have sprayed some perfume, as it filled my nose with its delicate aroma. The combined feeling of a bra confining my breasts, and the satin softness of her other under garments sent confusing signals to me. It felt odd to be wearing them and I'd never felt these sensations before (even mom's bra didn't feel quite like this, and besides I was distracted by the weirdness of that first contact with a female form). On the other hand, I was picking up Cathy's feelings and to her the clothes felt normal. After a few minutes the oddness seemed to fade as the signals from Cathy got stronger, and so it started to feel more and more normal to me. By this time Cathy was rubbing her hands over her body so that the flood of sensations was nearly overloading my mind. I think her idea was for me to retain all these feelings after I leave her body. I thought I could put up with it for a little while, at least it wasn't unpleasant, quite the reverse in fact. Feeling her do a twirl with the gown on was giving me an experience unlike any other I had ever had in my entire life. Abruptly, my thoughts came to a stop, as mom decided to stir, and Cathy ran to her side and helped her to her feet. I stayed with Cathy as she started to explain about what had happened, not wanting to be cast out into the silent void that contained my disembodied existence. Listening to Cathy explain, I tried to get into a state that stopped me being overcome by Cathy's very strong sense of self image, but I found it practically impossible. As I panicked, thinking I was going to lose myself again, the gift jerked me free, sending me into my isolated existence once more, although now I still felt that I was dressed exactly as Cathy was. The memory still as sharp, as it had been a moment ago. Running my mental hands over my body, I could feel everything -- The gown, the hose, even my feet felt as if encased in the heels she wore. I tried not to dwell on it, thinking it was still my sisters body, and it seemed improper and wrong to be doing this. Even though she couldn't see me I still felt uncomfortable, as if I was violating her in some way. I watched Cathy and mom talk, although I couldn't hear anything. I could see by the expressions on her face that, at first she didn't want to believe Cathy But as Cathy went on, I saw in her eyes that she was changing her mind. At last mom hugged Cathy and started to weep, and Cathy did too. After about 15 minutes they got up, then mom left and Cathy got some writing paper out of her drawer and started to write a message. I went over and read it as she finished and left to change again. "John," It read. "I told mom all about what you told me, but she want's to hear it from you so I've decided to go to bed early tonight so you can use my body to talk to her. I trust you not to take advantage of it, just so long as you don't keep it up all night." I sighed as I read this, thinking, at least I could experience life again, even if only in short bursts. Waiting till evening was very hard, and I almost gave in to the temptations of feeling up my body. The constant brush of hair against my neck kept me wanting to pull it away from my face, even knowing it couldn't be done, as it really wasn't there. At last Cathy fell asleep, but looking at her I realized she'd done it to me again. Instead of wearing a nightie she had gone to sleep fully dressed, including stockings and shoes. How she'd managed to get to sleep is anybody's guess, but I thought she had either not wanted me dressing her body or she was still giving me that feminine experience to take back with me when I left her body. This time I saw she had worn a tight black skirt that was way too short, and a white silk blouse. Merging with her body again told me she was still wearing the sexy underwear from this morning. Getting up, I started to get nervous thinking of the confrontation with my mom in this body. I walked over to the vanity and sat down, trying to calm myself. I Looked into the mirror and noticed I still had traces of makeup on. No lipstick, but I could see my eyelashes still had mascara on, and there was a hint of eye shadow. Idly toying with the bright red lipstick, I worried just how mom was going to react to me. I wondered what I would look like with that colour on since she'd worn pink lipstick this morning. What the heck, I thought. 'In for a penny, in for a pound.' Putting lipstick on seemed to be the culmination of the day's events. I wondered what could possibly top that. Looking over the vanity I espied some earrings, and knowing Cathy had had her ears pierced I took them and held them up to my ears. I restrained a very feminine giggle. 'Just what I need,' I thought as I slipped the sleepers out and replaced them with the long dangling ones. It only took a few seconds, almost as if this was coming naturally to me. I moved my head, which set them swinging, and the drag on my ears felt odd. Repressing a shudder at what I was doing, I stood up and walked out of the bedroom, going to where I knew mom was waiting for me in the lounge. As I walked to where my mom was sitting it didn't occur to me that I should have had difficulty in walking in heels until I saw mom looking at me. She had a puzzled statement on her face as I walked gracefully into the room. "John! Is that really you?" She asked. "Yes mom," I replied. "But you walked just like Cathy, and on heels too," she said. Looking down at my feet, I realized that I'd had no problem walking in heels, and everything started to hit me at once -- The walking in heels, the body, even putting on makeup, and the strange feeling that it was more or less normal. I plopped down in the chair next to mom and burst into tears as a flood of emotions filled my body. I had never been one to show much emotion, however, whether it was the body's hormones or just reaction to all the day's events up to this moment, I just let it rip. I didn't care that I was behaving in a typically feminine manner (it just seemed the thing to do). Mom came over and hugged me, which just started me off more, and I suddenly realized I should have hugged more when I was still a man and not worried about whether it was manly. After a while the tears slowed and I became aware that our breasts were touching, and of the nice feelings coming from them. I started to giggle, and it sounded a bit hysterical. Mom pulled back, looking into my eyes as if searching for a sign of her son. "You sound just like Cathy does," she said. At that point I started to get my act together. Mom asked me an embarrassing personal question that only I could answer (And if you think I'm going to tell you, then you'll be disappointed -- I'll only admit that it had to do with an injury to a certain male anatomical body part) and my response seemed to satisfy her. "John," she said, "I received a phone call from the authorities earlier today about the explosion at the plant, and you have been officially listed as dead." I nodded, thinking back, and then suddenly I realized why the gift had not taken my body at the time of the explosion. I explained to mom about my gift, and the two incidents when it showed itself to me. Mom listened to me quietly, not interrupting when I explained why the gift hadn't taken my body this time. My body was already dead at the time of the explosion from the massive dose of Gamma and Xray radiation that preceded the wave of annihilating heat from explosion by mere microseconds. Therefore the gift had abandoned my body and saved my mind instead. I could see mom digesting this information in a typical mom fashion, dismissing it as relatively unimportant, and coming out with a more practical and immediate question. "But, what are we going to do now?" She asked. "Is there anyway we can get another body for you -- Maybe a coma patient?" I thought about it, but realized it wasn't practical, as I soon explained. "Mom, it wouldn't work," I replied. "Oh? Why not?" She asked. "Well, for one thing a coma patient isn't necessarily without a mind, and even if it was, I might not be able to move it. Then I'd be stuck. Besides, I would prefer a young healthy body." For two hours we talked, discussing various options. Brain dead people were mentioned then dismissed as impractical, as not only were they rare, but there was the question of how would we find one in time to do anything about it. They don't advertise on the news, and are often quickly taken off life support. Another thing she mentioned was that dad was coming home tomorrow from Auckland, New Zealand. He was working as an official representative from the states, dealing with energy management systems. I felt very nervous, wondering if could I talk to dad like I was talking to mom. Would he think I was some sort of pervert, or queer if I used Cathy's body? I turned to mom. "I can't do it mom! You'll have to explain it all. I can't face him like this," I wailed. Mom just smiled and gave me a hug, "Don't fret son" she replied, "I'll warn him, and I'm sure he'd like to talk to you whether you look like our daughter or not." Getting up and walking into the kitchen to get a cup of hot Milo, we decided to sleep on it and wait for dad's input. We parted after another hug and I went back to Cathy's room. Looking round I could still see the my hastily scribbled message on the mirror, and thought of cleaning it off, but decided dad may need to see it, to convince him his family hadn't gone off the deep end. Now what, I wondered. Should I just lie on the bed as I am or should I undress? Hmmm, undress I think. It's unfair to Cathy to let her wake up fully clothed. Picking up a filmy nightie from under her pillow, I slowly undressed, hanging up her skirt and blouse in the closet and putting the underwear on the bedside chair. I pulled the nightie on, trying not to think of what I was doing, then I laid the bed and covered myself up. Not wanting to exit the body just yet, I lay there thinking of all the things that might get me a new body. But while I was thinking the body's tiredness was catching up, especially with the extra hours talking to mom. And so, unintentionally, I fell asleep still in Cathy's body. To be continued...

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VDay Per Bhabhi Ka Erotic Gift

Helo dosto. Mera naam nav hai. Mai ghaziabad se hu or 26 saal ka hu. Meri mail id Aab aata hu story pe. Dosto story thodi lambi hai. Puri padhna n kaisi lagi mail karna. Ye kahani meri or meri cousion bhabhi lovely ki hai. Jaisa naam hai waise hi darshan b. Dekhne me gori chitti, lambi, bahar nikli hui gand or kabhi2 gand me fasa suit. Moti chuchi or ghungrale baal. Bhabhi ki age 32 year hai or uski ek shop hai ladies undergarments n cosmetic ki. Mere ghr se 4,5 ghr chod k bhabhi ka ghr hai or...

3 years ago
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My Birthday Gift

MY BIRTHDAY GIFTBy Charles E. Campbell   It seemed harmless enough. I guess that what actually I mean to say is: It seemed harmless enough, at the time. But then again, you know what they always say; Hindsight is always 20/20. I was just trying to make my husband's fortieth birthday really special, that's all, just between the two of us, and looking back at the outcome, its quite apparent that I was completely successful in attaining that goal, even if the actual outcome means that I will be...

2 years ago
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The Gift

She brought him a gift. The sole purpose of the Gift was to service him and help act out his deepest, most erotic fantasies. She knew there was no emotional connection, only raw animal instinct, and a never-ending urge to experience what he hadn't before."She is yours to do as you wish," she said, taking a seat to watch.A new, beautiful, and wanting woman knelt before him. He could see his wife and her lustful eyes, watching, waiting to help him fulfill his fantasy."Join me," he said, reaching...

2 years ago
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An Unwanted Gift


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The Gift

The Gift by Brad Miller Hey, have you ever wondered what it would be like to be someone else? It was never something I really thought about until a couple years ago when my father told me about my very special gift. A gift that is passed from every male in the Edward's family to another. I inherited it from my father. And I am forever grateful for it. ---------- "Dammit Sean! Would you turn that fucking music down?", my sister, Alicia screamed. "Hell no! I'm trying to...

2 years ago
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Aliens GiftPart 5 New Mission

I. Colt pulled off the highway to the rest stop. He looked over at Brandy and saw a grin on her face. He knew she had been eyeing his hard-on for the last hour and she probably thought it was for her. "A lot she knew," he mumbled and then turned around to look at his naked step-sister. Sheri was fingering herself nonstop. The scent of her sex played on him like an aphrodisiac. Colt was momentarily distracted by Brandy who seemed to be reacting to Sheri's display as well. He pushed...

4 years ago
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A Wife8217s Gift

Hello friends, here is a story that will make your cocks hard and your cunts wet. A loving wife gifts to hubby his sexy sister on her wedding anniversay. I came writing it, I hope you cum reading it. Email me at I am very open with my older sister Sarita who is married to businessmen Sahil. They have two kids and they are studyng in school. Sahil is most of the times traveling and Sarita often spends some time with my wife Ankita. My sister loves her Bhabi (brother’s wife) and so does my wife...

1 year ago
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Amlu Aunty8217s New Year Gift

Hello, All, Indian Sex Stories readers. How are you all. Thanks for your huge and overwhelming response for my first sex story. I am happy that many of them read my sex story and informed about your satisfaction. Thanks to the Aunties and girls who invited to their house and mutually satisfied with new positions and new things and looking forward to satisfying you all to my best with the confidentiality. All your feedback are welcome. You can email me or chat with me in and will reply ASAP to...

2 years ago
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My Unique Wedding Gift My Sister

Hi frnds, m here to tell u my real life experience in which i got the best gift of my life, m Charlie (net name) 27y,5’8”ht,and m married since one and a half year, i lived in Gulshan e iqbal in khi and m doing a job in a cellular company, my wife is …. Let’s skip her name, 26y,5’6”ht, she is sexy and sweet and slutty, having right amount of flesh at the right places and making her curvaceous, we had a love marriage and we live happily very much in love since she gets me my wants and takes care...

3 years ago
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Birthday Per Diya Didi Ne Anmol Gift

Hi, friends kaise hain ap sab log nd umeed karta hu ki thik hi honge.jessa ki ap jante ho i m rahul nd my sweet sister palvi. ap sabne meri stories jo iss per publish ho chuki hain ko bahut passand kiya or muje mail kiye jinne read kar main or meri didi palvi bahut khush huye or unmain se kuch mere frd bhi bane jessa ki ap sab jante hain ki main or didi ek dusre ko bahut like karte hain or hum sex bhi karte hain hum dono apne is sex se bahut khush hain or chahte hain ki hum sada karte rahain....

2 years ago
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The Birthday Gift

Your birthday party had been great fun. We’d met some friends in our local. We’d had a good laugh, and maybe drunk a little too much. But hell it was your birthday. I hadn’t known what to get you for the occasion; I wanted it to be something memorable. But what? Clothes? I would choose wrong. Perfume? You had a dressing table full.  Underwear?  To easy.  But what? Then your eyes had lighted onto something in the pub and I knew! I knew what I could give you, that would make you smile, make you...

3 years ago
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The Gift cont

"It's been a long time since we had that kind of fun." I paused then decided to try to bring up something I'd been trying to discuss lately, "You know Brad, we should...""Let's have more fun." He interrupted.Pulling away from me he made to sit on the couch, when he spoke loudly "Hey, Trish you hear something?"Trying not to laugh I began to turn around, "Yeah, I thought I heard something on the stairs.""Shit, is it Ashley?" he gasped.Brad did such a good job of sounding serious, I had to pause...

2 years ago
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Twin Birthday Threesome Gift

This happened when I became officially major – completed 18 years of age. A brief on my family before the story: I am Vinod, only son of my parents – mom Soniya, age 41 years and papa Sanjay, age 46 years. We have been well-to-do family, running a profitable business in a suburb of a major Indian city. I was sent to another town to complete my graduation – to stay with my aunt, younger sister of mom. Her husband used to be abroad on a job and she used to stay alone. This is where the incidence...

3 years ago
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Shilpa Ki Birthday Gift

Hi readers, This is Vikram from Indore. Ye story mere are mere saali Shilpa k beech ki hai. Story shuru karne k pehale mein aap ko Shilpa k baare be kuch batha du, woh ek chubby figure ki ladki hai age 27 yrs, uska figure kuch 34 32 36 hoga. Jab b uska hips dekhta hu tho gajab ki garmi aa jathi hai badan mein. It is one of the best i ever seen. Jab meri biwi ko pehla beta hua tab se kuch different feelings jaagi Shilpa k liye, hota aisa ki jab b Shilpa mere bete ko mujh se lethi tho mera haath...

3 years ago
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A Gift for the Gifted Student

Gifted student sounds a little not PC. But that is what we called ourselves. Accelerated student might be a better way of putting it. But none the less we were very smart k**s and the school district wanted to make sure we did not get bored and go some where else so they came up with these special events and classes and field trips for us. I mean there were only ten of us in the program. I was excited about this trip to the city for a week. We would get to stay at a fancy hotel and go see all...

2 years ago
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A Gift for Her Father

When Robyn last left, her parents could not have been more in love. Her sister Tina was living at home about ready to graduate high school. Her aunt and uncle were ready to move in the area to be near the rest of the family. Fast forward one year, the parents cannot stand each other anymore. Tina dropped out of college and started popping pills while living in the family’s garage. Aunt Jamie and Uncle Hank were arrested for robbing a liquor store. The life that Robyn missed so much was...

4 years ago
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Wife Tales Hubbys Special Birthday Gift

A soft breeze blew across my body as I lay on the beach. It was not enough to cool the hot rays of the sun but it was refreshing. I loved the warmth of the sun on my bare skin. That’s one of the reasons Michael and I loved the clothing optional beaches. I also loved them because I enjoyed men looking at me while I was naked. It was arousing for me to know they were staring at me.Michael was not as uninhibited as me when it came to lying naked on the beach. But after a few attempts he was...

4 years ago
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The Past of the Great Takuri and his Gift

January 30. 2012This is my first Journal entry. Why do people write a journal? Probably because they’re lonely. But I, the great Takuri, or at least that’s what I’m calling myself these days, am never lonely. No I’m writing this journal so that other people can see, can read what great things I’ve done and where I’ve erred. It feels like I’m writing the truth. As a magician I spent my whole life living in illusions, bending the truth both to the audience but also to my humble self, now it feels...

1 year ago
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Incest Journey 8211 Part 6 Birthday gift of a threesome

Hi readers, I am here with the sixth part of the series, ‘Incest Journey.’ I hope you all enjoyed the first five parts of the series. Let’s start with the sixth part. Keerthi understood the situation in our house. The old days were restored. She is free in front of me now with no anger. My mother was also happy. Keerthi and I are very happy with our sex life. She told me to do sex with my mother once a week. Everything is going smoothly. When she entered the fifth month of her pregnancy, she...

3 years ago
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Mom as A Gift

I never thought I can give this kind of present for my son from me on the new millennium. My name is Vijaya. My son Ramesh is working in US and returned home for the millennium. As usual I was very excited to see him. He has been living in US for 5 years now and he comes home every 2 years. He arrived on the Christmas day as myself and his dad went to the airport to pick him. Ramesh was very excited to see us both despite his jetlag and just kept talking. Since we picked him up in the middle of...

2 years ago
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The Holiday Gift

1The Holiday Gift.        As she settled into the backseat of the cab for her ride home, after sharing some after work Christmas Eve drinks with some of her female coworkers, Danielle felt a touch of anxiety.  This was a distinctly rare occurrence for this usually very self assured young woman.  But this would be the first Christmas Eve that she would be spending with Reed, since they had moved in together ten months earlier, and she didn’t quite know how to react.  After a surprising number of...

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Best Possible Valentines Day Gift

Admittedly, I was rather late getting into the ‘dating game.’ It was just after Christmas Break of my senior year of high school when I had finally fallen in love with someone – a tall, glamorous beauty with a silky voice, eyes as deep as the oceans, and skin as white as virgin snow: Claire Mangelson. Suddenly, I realized that, for the first time in my life, I would need to buy a present for a girl who was not a blood relative I had known for years. The scary thing was that I had no idea what...

2 years ago
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A Gift for Ava The Calling CAW9

I may have thought way, way outside the box but I hope Ava’s story is accepted as an entry and most importantly I hope you all enjoy it!!! Lots of lust, Farmer Joe Oh and if X is kiss and O his hug then what is the symbol for lick? Ava strolled slowly on her way home from school after a very busy day. She had done an average job at a science test and had nearly been decapitated by a hockey stick. Besides home was not such an inviting place as it used to be. It was always noisy and money was...

1 year ago
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Richs Valentines Gift

RICH’S VALENTINES GIFT I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night...

4 years ago
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BDSM Birthday Gift For Riya

Hi friends, this is Vike (my online name), over the past four years I have helped girls around the world satisfy their needs through sext and have given them an experience of a lifetime. This is my first story on Indian sex stories. You can contact me on I live in Chandigarh; I stand feet tall with a tool of 7 inches. So this is story of a girl who wanted to explore the world of BDSM and how I gave her the gift on her 20th birthday. Riya was my college friend, she has a body which every guy...

3 years ago
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Most Unforgettable Birthday Gift From Sunil And Surya

After work and dinner that Saturday night in May, I felt restless and miserable, being alone( family away on vacation & myself forced to stay back on urgent academic work along with my boss for a conference). I was reminded of my erotic sessions with Sunil (starting from our first encounter in chennai-bound a/c sleeper bus), causing a stir in me and felt like talking to him. Suddenly, a sms flashed in my mobile from Sunil if he could visit me in the morning by 9 am or so. After replying him...

Gay Male
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Jiju8217s Birthday Gift

This is Nish, I am 27 year old. I married 2 years ago. I am from Delhi, but I stay in Bangalore after marriage. This story happened 4 years back before marriage. It happened on my jiju’s b’day. I came to meet my sister, there I got to know it is my jiu’s b’day. I wished him “happy b’day jiju” Jiju: thanks, where is my gift, you are wishing me without gift. Sis: what she can give. Me: I could have got something if I knew before. Jiju: I was just kidding. Don’t mind. After that my jiju went to...

2 years ago
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An Unwanted Gift 8211 Part I


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Johns Wife Angie Lee episode 4

Angie Lee was due in from the states soon and John was certainly happy about seeing his wife after a five month separation. He was a bit apprehensive about how she was going to fit in with his new friends. He was sexually involved with my wife Dot and her best friend Goody.  At twenty-something, before she met John, she was engaged to be married, but he disappeared one day. Much as she tried, she didn’t think she would ever find her Prince Charming. All of the good men were married. She was...

1 year ago
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Tommys gift from above Part1

It was Tommy's 17th birthday and everything was going wrong his parents were out of town and his friends were all grounded and on top of that his girlfriend had dumped him yesterday. Tommy was very depressed so he decided to take a walk his parents were very wealthy and had a house out in the country so no one was around to disturb him he decided to go in the old deer trail in the woods since he had never been in there before after a few hours he noticed it was getting late and started to go...

3 years ago
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Richs Valentines Gift

I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls...

1 year ago
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The Perfect Gift For A Teenager

Introduction: A teenager gets a perfect Christmas Gift This story is intended for mature adults only. It was christmas eve and Jake laid awake in his bed. He laid in his bed since morning filling his mind with erotic sexual fantasies. He was 18 and he was obsessed with sexual thoughts. As every teenager he watched a lot of porn and jerked off. Amidst his cloud of perverted thoughts he heard the clock chime twelve noon. Jake struggled from his bed and shambled out into the living room. His...

3 years ago
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Memorable Birthday Gift

Hi everyone….This is Dr.Akshay again. I am big fan of ISS since 3 yrs. Without wasting time let me introduce myself, I am Dr. Akshay from Pune.I am 30 yrs old having good looks and pretty good height Of 5’9”. And athletic body. I am doing my own Medical practice. I am very fun loving guy and I thought sex is the world’s most beautiful thing,and I am very passionate about sex., and you also agree to me.,otherwise you were not here… Coming to the story,let me introduce the heroin of the story,...

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My Christmas Gift

My Christmas Gift By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Where to start? Well, I suppose it started way before I was even born. My mom came from a wealthy family; rather, make that a filthy rich family. Her father, my grandfather, Randal Harper, was an investment banker and everything he touched made money. However, he also believed in the Andrew Carnegie model of making a fortune and then giving it back. My mom and her sister were given starter funds, and he then gave the...

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Young Indy Jones the Gift of Wet Pussies

Young Indy Jones & the Gift of Wet Pussies Egypt 1916 Now in his sixteenth year of living, Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr. lay in his berth listening to the rhythmic clackety clacking of the steam engine’s steel wheels as they passed over the uneven rails of the Egyptian desert. Outside his darkened window nightfall had cloaked the never-ending landscape in a shroud of mystery and magic. What adventurous escapades awaited this daring young man in this wild, untamed land? [Part...

4 years ago
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A gods gift

A gods gift to women I've always loved women, Large women, petite women, butch women and pretty women. It doesn't matter to me. I love them all. Sometimes I have to admit I am also a little jealous of them as well. They get to wear pretty clothing and just be more open then men are allowed. I sometimes just wish I could find a woman who would enjoy me being a woman as well. It's a Friday night and I have nothing planned for the weekend. I hurry home as I planned on getting dressed...

2 years ago
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A Paladins TrainingChapter 1 The Gift Awakens

***ARAN*** The afternoon sun sat low, and the surrounding trees cast long shadows across the dirt road as Aran Sunblade turned the note over to study the map again, knowing it would be the same this time as the hundred times before. He had found the slip of paper lying on his pillow one evening many months ago, when retiring for the night. It bore a simple message: “It is time to come home, Aran.” On the back was a map, leading to this place, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. He had asked...

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Alexandras Gift

“It’s good to see you again, Paul,” Lady Alexandra said, her gentle voice contradicted by the black leather bustier she spilled out of and the matching high, laced stiletto boots accentuating her long legs. She held a black riding crop she held in her hand and black cap perched on her blonde head.  Her bound, gagged masked and leather-clad husband moaned something in sympathy.  I understood.  Sadists are not unnecessarily cruel, and most pain has nothing to do with pleasure. “I had to get away...

3 years ago
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Sex With Shalini As My Birthday Gift

I tell you from starting. We both belong to Bhopal and we study in college away from Bhopal. We both belong to different branches. We always used to go back or college together. I. I tell you Shalinii’s so much sexy, hot and looks beautiful even without make up. She is around 5ft and has a perfect body. Our story started in 2nd year and we did sex 3rd year. It all started in 2nd year in the train back to our journey to Bhopal. Our journey is generally more than 30 hours and we traveled always...

3 years ago
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A Gift Bestowed

Matt Hegelson grew up a normal kid, he had two older sisters. Jane being the oldest was three years older and Meagan was a year older. He was raised by both parents until he was fourteen when his father died in a plane crash while on a business trip. His mother Melanie had taken the lost of his father very hard and Jane at the age of seventeen had to take responsibility for him and Meagan. About three months after his fathers death a insurance agent representing the Airline showed up with a...

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