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DISCIPLINE It was a wet and windy Sunday afternoon in early September, the large young woman had finished a gigantic lunch of; asparagus soup, grilled plaice, roast beef with horseradish, roast potatoes, dauphin potatoes, parsnip, onion, carrots, sprouts and broccoli, together with a bottle of claret, followed by treacle pudding and custard, cheese and biscuits with a glass of port and coffee and mints served with brandy and coffee. She was in a filthy temper, lunch had not been perfect either in substance or delivery; her intention was to go sailing, her one driving passion outside of her business, but the gale force winds were far too strong, instead she was going to vent her displeasure on her personal slave, who was, she thought, becoming far too lackadaisical in his duties. Today she would put that to rights. She had always been a bully, even from an early age, and as an only child with grossly over indulgent parents, the die was inevitably cast. She had grown into a selfish and extremely powerful woman, frightened of nothing and used to getting her own way; in business, in life, in anything. To describe her as one of the weaker sex would be utterly ridiculous. She is an imposing figure of a woman in her late twenties, about six feet tall in her stilettos and very heavy. She weighs about fifteen stone and could be described as a statuesque beauty, she almost always wore her hair piled high on her head, which made her appear even taller and her face is, as usual heavily made up. She is extremely rich, her cosmetic business had taken off in a big way in the late eighties and is almost running itself. A single woman with little interest in men, apart from possessing them, owning them and totally dominating them. She is not particularly interested in copulation although neither a virgin or a lesbian she prefers a man's tongue to do the work on her own terms...always on her own terms. Following the way that lunch had been served it was her opinion that her present slave was becoming extremely slack. She had realised that this situation was her fault in the main, the discipline of her latest charge had been sorely neglected as she was preoccupied with the buying of a new yacht and the selling of the old one, however, her mind was made up, this was not a situation which would be allowed to continue any further. She had rung for him and a short time later a knock on the study door heralded his appearance, 'Enter,' she called. The door opened and the slave entered, curtseyed and said, 'would you like your coat Madame?' 'Do not presume to know my wants. What have I told you to say on entering a room?' 'Er. oh yes. You rang Madame?' 'And what else should you do?' He thought for a while and then it dawned on him, he curtseyed again. 'Better,' she said, 'now let me look at you, turn around'. He did as he was told, revolving slowly as she inspected his uniform. He was dressed in his afternoon uniform as usual; in a full maids uniform of black heavily boned corset fitted with six suspenders, black seamed stockings, high heeled black court shoes, frilly, skimpy, pink nylon briefs, a white multi-layered net petticoat trimmed with pink lace which made the very full skirted black satin mini dress with a white lace collar & cuffs stand out virtually horizontally from his hips. Over his well padded bosom was a starched white apron and on his Cleopatra style wig sat a white cap trimmed with pink lace. She crossed her legs and sat back in her high back leather swivel chair. He felt quite embarrassed before the penetrating gaze of his mistress. She was wearing a short tweed skirt, tan tights, brown stiletto heeled shoes and a high necked cream silk blouse fastened with a large cameo broach, her underwear was hand made by the slave from the finest Chinese silk and consisted of matching brassiere, briefs and slip all in a light coffee colour. 'Stand still and face me'. He did so, putting his feet together and coming to attention . 'I am afraid that I am not all pleased, you have become very sloppy of late, I was not pleased with lunch, the soup was cold, the grilled fish was raw, the beef overcooked, the vegetables were hard, and the custard and the gravy were both lumpy and the wine was corked. Your presentation was abysmal and the service was nowhere near to the standard I expect. On top of that you are beginning to let yourself go. Just look at yourself, you are becoming very slovenly, your make up is terrible, you wear that uniform like a sack, your seams are not straight and your shoes need polishing. Because of this and your general insolence I am going to give you a punishment session this afternoon that you will not forget in a hurry', she said matter of factly, 'because you are a lazy precocious little slut who needs to be taught a lesson, I have overlooked your insolence for far too long and it is going to stop forthwith, spare the rod and spoil the child. I do not intend that proverb to prevail here any longer, do you understand?' He was taken aback. He had not expected this tirade. He had always secretly prided himself on the unquestioning obedience and the genuine love and respect he had tried to show for all his mistresses over the years. He had been in this position many times before, but this one seemed genuinely not to care too much about discipline and all the usual things that went with it, all she seemed interested in was her yacht. For weeks all she had done was talked, read, or looked at brochures about boats. Her lack of interest had, in turn, made him lax in both his duties and his appearance. He was not so much on edge, in fact, he had never been so contented since he 'went into service'. Although he had thought that she was an easy touch, he gulped, reality was now catching up with him. 'Yes Milady,' he answered. ' Good, I'm glad you realise it. Now get your knickers down , and bend over!' 'Yes Milady,' he replied, very apprehensively, as he pulled down his pink nylon panties and stretched his fingers down towards his shoes. He had done this very often in the past but not here at this latest 'posting'. He had almost forgotten how painful a caning could be, but he knew that this woman had a very strong arm and he knew instinctively that this would hurt more than most. Picking up the rattan cane, Mrs Watling walked around to the front of her desk and began sawing the thin yellow rod across the trembling buttocks as calmly as if she were a cellist tuning her instrument, noticing that his bottom tensed involuntarily. She smiled to herself, the afternoon was not going to be a complete waste after all. She stopped sawing and took up a measured stance, arm outstretched, she liked the tip of the cane to wrap itself around the haunches of her victim, it hurt much more that way and she liked them to feel the maximum amount of pain, it excited her. Standing on tip toe, she ordered him to count the strokes, she raised the cane and gasped with the effort, surprising herself. The first stroke of the rod descended with a screaming whistling sound followed abruptly by a crack as it bit cruelly into the soft flesh of the slaves round bottom. How pretty it looks, she thought, framed by the corset, petticoats and dress on top and the dark stocking tops and suspenders underneath. The stroke of the cane was perfect, a good hard hit, in the middle of the buttocks and took the victim by surprise. She had not lost her touch. His knees buckled and he gasped and almost screamed the number 'one' as a bright red weal immediately appeared across his pale buttocks Whip crack. 'two' Whip crack. 'three' The slave was beginning to lose control. Mrs Watling could see the bottom in front of her beginning to shake involuntarily and the slaves voice half screamed half sobbed out the number of the stroke, but it made no difference, she was enjoying herself, it was starting to make up for the loss of her sailing, the vicious caning persisted until the sixth stroke had landed. The slave was now sobbing like a child, thin red weals criss-crossed his trembling bottom like a coarse spiders web. The whole procedure had taken less than five minutes. 'Stand up,' said Mrs Watling calmly, 'Pull those knickers up and take mine down, get your face in my cleft, and kiss my arse'. 'Yes Milady,' the slave sobbed, and obeyed immediately, by removing her shoes and lifting her skirt and slip over her huge buttocks as she bent over the desk. Carefully, he placed his fingers in the waistband of her tights and gently took them off. He repeated the operation with her panties, and began to timidly French kiss her bottom. 'Deeper, get your tongue deeper you sniveling little pansy or I'll give you something to howl about' He knew that his mistress was not in a good mood but he did not really do his very best to please her. He hated putting his tongue up her bottom but he had no choice at all. If he refused he knew that he would be beaten until he gave in. After a little while of his half hearted efforts, she pushed him away, saying, 'Well you've had your chance now get your arse over the back of that arm chair and I'll see if another caning improves your capacity for pleasing your mistress'. He reluctantly bent over the back of the big leather armchair. 'Get your pants off and undo your suspenders and be quick or I'll give you double.' He stood up and fumbled with the clips and pulled his knickers down. 'I said OFF or are you deaf you stupid fool' she bellowed, ripping off his flimsy nylon knickers and throwing them onto the floor. 'You just earned yourself six more and I want those knickers replaced by the morning or I'll flog you again, understand?' He nodded. My God he thought what have I done to deserve this? 'Don't give me any of your dumb insolence, answer me properly' 'Yes madam, sorry madam. 'Yes, I think you probably will be. Perhaps this will improve your manners or are you going to carry on being difficult all afternoon?' she flexed the cane and smiled at him humourlessly. 'No, please madam , no oh please'. He did not want any more of that cane, his bottom was not used to it any more and it hurt so much. 'My bottom is so sore please, pleeease' 'Shut up or I'll give you some extra's, now, assume the position.' He bent over the chair and gripped the front rail, this had the effect of lifting his feet just clear of the floor stretching the flesh of his sore bottom taut. As the first of the twelve strokes cracked onto the back of his bare thighs he shuddered, screamed sobbed and begged for mercy; none came. She threw the cane onto the floor when the punishment was over. 'Right start again and this time you had better do the job properly for your own sake or else' Great heaving sobs racked his whole body and tears of pain and humiliation ran inconsolably down his cheeks as he first straightened himself, turned, curtseyed, thanked his mistress for being so lenient and walked over to the desk and squatted down behind the massive bottom gently but with some haste he lifted the skirt and underslip up the flawless legs and seeing the naked buttocks in front of him, he pushed his tongue as far as he could into her puckered anus, how he managed to stifle his retching he just didn't know, but somehow he did, he continued kissing and sucking it passionately and fervently for about ten minutes until she had climaxed twice and appeared satisfied for the time being. He withdrew his aching tongue. She abruptly stood up, turned and pushed him away, the suddenness made him overbalance and he landed on his bottom, he gasped with pain and struggled to his feet, not an easy task in a tight corset and stiletto heels. With a tissue he wiped away the cheap lipstick that he had to wear as it had smudged her bottom and replaced the cane in the bookcase where it was always kept, gathered up his tattered knickers and picked up her tights and soiled panties. Then he took out a clean pair that he always carried in a specially made pocket in the back of his apron, held them out she stepped into them and he very gently pulled them over her Junoesque bottom, remembering to kiss the backs of her legs as he drew the fine silk panties over her ample curves, he straightened her underslip and skirt, and asked if she would like a clean pair of tights to be fetched. 'Yes of course I would you idiot, otherwise I wouldn't have had you put any on me this morning would I? And be quick about it or you'll taste the strap' she snapped, 'now put on some knickers, fix that make up and get out. He curtseyed and backed toward the door, opened it, curtseyed again and closed the door quietly. He stood still for a moment to compose himself before he made his way up the stairs to the attic, he was reminded of the recent hiding with every step, the pain of climbing the stairs made him wince on every tread. Quickly he put on another pair of panties and hurried down two floors to his mistresses bedroom, he entered her dressing room and went to the lingerie drawers, selected a pair of 5 denier dark brown tights and a clean pair of yellow silk panties which he placed in the pocket of his starched white apron. To be caught without any would mean further harsh punishment as his mistress never allowed her panties or tights to be pulled up her legs more than once. He took them down to the study, knocked and waited, she called him to enter, he curtseyed. His mistress was sitting on the corner of her desk, her bare legs dangling on either side. 'Get on with it or have I to wait all day' He knelt before her and rolling her tights up as far as her knees, she stood and turned and he continued drawing the fine material over her legs carefully pushing up her skirt and slip, kissing her legs and buttocks as he did so, he pulled the tights over her monstrous buttocks and pulled down her slip smoothed her skirt as he went down to adjust the hem 'Watch where you're putting those hands of yours, my lad' she warned. He apologised profusely, at the same time feeling how unjust the comment had been if he had not smoothed her skirt she would undoubtedly have punished him further. He kissed the hem of her slip and skirt and put her shoes back on for her after kissing her feet. He stood and curtseyed but she was not even looking at him. 'I thought I told you to fix that face of yours, report here at three thirty sharp and I'll teach you another lesson in obedience' He curtseyed. 'Yes madam' He went back to the kitchen, where he washed her soiled panties. As a personal slave he knew that he had to be on call 24 hours of any day to do whatever he was told, he even had to wipe the bottom of his mistress, kiss it afterwards and be in attendance to bathe her, as well as run the household which included doing all the washing, scrubbing, ironing, cooking, cleaning and to 'entertain' his mistress or any of her guests in whatever way was required. His rewards were those of serving a 'beautiful and magnificent' woman, punishment, he was promised would be swift and severe for any transgression real or imaginary. When he had first arrived Mrs. Watling had told him that she had had several servants over the years and that she knew exactly how to punish for maximum effect in every area. He was warned that a spanking from her would be across her knees with his panties down and last for a quarter of an hour. Strappings and canings would be administered whenever she thought fit. None of this was particularly new to him. So far, apart from his 'welcome' and today's hiding, he had not been subjected to any of the harsh discipline he had been warned of at all, but he began to realise that his 'honeymoon period' was coming to an end. After he had hung her panties on the line, he came in and began the mountain of washing up, he was about half way through when he noticed the time, he dried his hands and ran up to his attic room where he fixed his make up yet again and checked his uniform put on a clean pair of knickers just in case and a clean cap and apron. The long case clock struck the half hour as he knocked gently on the study door. The door opened suddenly and she pulled him in with such force as he missed his step as his stiletto shoe buckled under him and he fell onto his face. 'Get up you twat' she shouted 'Stop fucking about! Sit there' she pointed to a hard wooden chair which she had placed in front of her desk. He curtseyed and lowered himself gingerly onto the hard wooden seat. She hoisted herself onto the desk directly in front of him and crossed her legs, his eyes were drawn to her thighs. 'Right I am not happy with your general behaviour, attitude, appearance, demeanour, performance, conduct, manners or courtesy. You seem to forget your position here, you are my slave, you do my bidding to my standards when I want it done, I am not used to being disobeyed and I am certainly not going to allow you to do as you please whether I am in or not. My eyes have been opened today to just how lazy you are. Have you finished the washing up yet?' He did not answer right away 'Answer me you little bastard and take your filthy lecherous eyes off my legs, now, I'll ask you once more, have you finished the washing up yet? He shook his head, he was fighting back the tears 'no madam' he sobbed. 'You see what I mean? Completely bone idle, You, my lad, are so lazy that I think we shall have to start training now. You came here as a fully trained maid. It is obvious to me now that you are nothing of the kind. I am very disappointed in you, still, I shall persevere, I don't allow failures. Over the next two months I shall examine your every move, and if I don't like what I see, you won't like the consequences. Do I make myself quite clear?' 'Yes madam' 'Starting right now let me tell you that the road to education will not be an easy one and if you fail in any way I shall feel obliged to begin the whole process again. Go to your room and change into a junior school uniform. You have precisely ten minutes and when you come back I want to hear you lisping' 'Yes madam' he stood, curtseyed, and backed toward the door, opened it curtseyed again and closed the door quietly. He stood still for a moment to compose himself before he made his way up the stairs to the attic. He felt very relieved to be rid of that dreadfully tight corset and those very high heeled pointed shoes. He changed from a ridiculous afternoon maid into an equally absurd overgrown schoolgirl, still he thought just another uniform this one was made up of; a white training bra, tailored navy blue cotton knickers, white knee socks, black flat heeled strap over patent leather shoes, white nylon blouse, short charcoal gray flannel gym-slip, blue striped school tie and matching sash, the whole ensemble finished off with a pony tailed wig, a straw bonnet and a pair of white cotton gloves. He picked up his satchel, checked himself over in the mirror, added some freckles, 'very St Trinians' he thought, and made his way downstairs. Mrs Watling was waiting for him at her study door flexing the cane between her hands, she was now wearing a mortar board and gown. She was obviously going to take the scenario quite seriously. She smiled 'Ah there you are, come in, come in, let's get straight down to business shall we? Touch your toes' The 'schoolgirl' obeyed. 'Yeth mith' he lisped. She lifted his gym-slip then slipped her cool hands underneath the elastic of his pants and pulled them down to the tops of his socks. 'When I have punished you thoroughly, you will sit at your desk with your bare bottom on the stool and write out five hundred times 'I am a lazy ungrateful slut and I must and will obey my most beautiful mistress implicitly at all times without question or hesitation. I must always appear perfectly dressed and will always show the utmost deference and humility to my betters.' Do you understand?' 'Yeth mith' 'Good, after that you will write an essay of not less than four hundred words with the topic of 'why it is good for me to be often and severely punished on my Bare Bottom'. 'Yeth mith' 'Oh dear, your bottom looks extremely sore to me so this is really going to hurt you, very much. That, however, is not my concern, perhaps this will teach you to realise that I will not tolerate your lackadaisical ways any longer. However, I am prepared to be extremely lenient and only award you a miserable half dozen, now shall we begin?'. 'Oh please, no, please, please, pleeese' 'Do I always have to repeat myself? And I've told you before that I want you to lisp like the spoilt brat you are; understand' 'Yeth mith' 'I shall give you eight instead.' He groaned, oh no, he thought, I can't believe this is happening. She carried on. 'The standard way that I expected you to take punishment when dressed as a schoolgirl is as follows: you stand up after each stroke of the cane, pull up your knickers, repeat the following; thank you miss for the first, second etc., stroke, pull down your knickers, bend over and pull your skirts clear of your bottom ready for the next, do not take longer than thirty seconds or I shall add a stroke. I shall also add a stroke if fail to count, or fail to count correctly. We shall begin now.' The cane whistled through the air and landed squarely across the bottom of the waiting 'schoolchild' . He immediately jumped up pulled up his knickers, curtsied and said 'thank you mith for the firtht thtroke' He fumbled with the elastic, the gloves made it very difficult. He finally pulled down his pants, flipped up his gym-slip and resumed the position, and so it carried on with him sobbing and screaming with the intense pain until the last of the eight strokes had fallen on to his tender quivering bottom and he was told to leave and get on with his work. He hobbled out of the hallway, up the stairs to the top of the house and into the little purposefully built classroom, sat at his desk on the high hard high stool which did not have any foot rails so his legs had to dangle in mid air, this maintained the maximum pressure on his sore and swollen bottom. He opened the desk, found some paper, ink and a dip pen. He filled the inkwell and began to write his lines. After about an hour he had almost finished when Mrs Watling came in to inspect his progress. He did not hear her enter and she had to shout at him. He immediately stood up in the presence of his mistress. She marched over to the pile of finished papers and tore them in half, and threw them onto the floor, he burst into tears involuntarily, all that work he thought, gone. 'I told you bare arsed didn't I?' He had forgotten to take his pants down after he had pulled them up for the final stroke 'Yeth mith, oh I forgot, I'm thorry I really forgot, I'm tho tho thorry. pleathe, pleathe, don't hit me again! Pleathe,, my bottom ith tho thore, pleathe, merthy, merthy, pleathe, pleathe, mith.' 'Silence! How dare you speak without my permission, you are nothing but a disobedient child. You will spend every evening from eight o'clock until ten as a schoolgirl in the classroom for the next two months, at the end of each evening session you will bring the work you have done and the cane to me and we will inspect it together and then if it, or you are not up to standard I shall beat you, oh and by the way there will be no sexual relief for you until this punishment period is over, understand? Start the lines again'. With that the large woman left the room and the slave stood shaking and crying with great pitiful sobs, the door opened again 'keep this door open, get your pants down, get on with it and stop feeling sorry for yourself or I'll put you over my knee and give you something to howl about.' He did as he was told unable to control the sobs which racked his whole body, knowing that he had at least two months of this to look forward to after he had worked hard to please his mistress all day. The slave carried on writing, it was six o'clock and his bottom was extremely sore. He rewrote all the lines and was beginning to write the essay when the mistress entered the classroom, he immediately jumped up and bobbed a curtsey. 'That's enough for now I want to eat. Get changed, serve supper, you can finish this later, and I hope your handwriting improves quickly or I will give you a lot more practise '. 'Yeth mith' he curtseyed again, and said 'thank you very much mith' although he thought, you bitch?all I do for you and still you are not satisfied, but he knew these thoughts were dangerous because she had an uncanny way of telling what he was thinking, and he knew only too well that she was in a foul mood today. He ran up to his attic, stripped off and put on his make up and his evening uniform which he had prepared the night before. This was a white blouse with a ruffled front, his corset, a white opera topped slip, a pair of black knickers, a short tight black skirt, black seamed stockings and high heels. Finally he tied a white apron around his waist. Even rushing as fast as he could this still took about 20 minutes, He knew that it would be useless to go down unless the corset was laced properly, the seams of his stockings were perfectly straight and that his face was made up to the 'standard' required by the woman he had to call madam and treat like a goddess. When he went down, a good twenty five minutes later, she was sitting in the drawing room watching television, she had changed yet again, he was surprised, normally he had to dress and undress her, usually she would not even take her own panties down to have a pee. Today she had changed not once but twice in the same day. Now she was wearing a long, loose black and red, flowery dress and matching bolero style jacket. He went to the kitchen and prepared to lay tea, he loaded the tray and took it up to the dining room. As quietly as he could he laid the table with salad, cold meats, pickles, cheese, bread, biscuits and cakes. He laid out the cutlery, glassware and crockery. He took a deep breath checked himself automatically in the hall mirror and knocked very timidly on the door of the drawing room. 'What do you want?' 'Please Madame supper is served' 'About bloody time, my God you are a lazy bastard, remind me after I have eaten to smack your arse' 'Yes Madame. ' He could not believe it, after all the punishment she had heaped on his poor backside she could not even leave him alone now. She ate a hearty supper, he was in perfect attendance the whole while fussing and ingratiating himself as much as he could. 'It won't do you much good, creeping around me, I am still going to give you a good spanking, in fact you could say a spanking good spanking.? She laughed uproariously at her own joke. He looked sickened. 'Oh dear,? she said ,you don't find it very funny do you?' 'No Madame' 'Tough. I do. Now let me hear you laugh, dick head, your mistress has made a joke'. He began a forced titter but his heart wasn't really in it at all 'Louder!? she bellowed. He laughed like a hyena. 'Stop' she shouted! ?After you have washed up I want you to go and get changed into your girlie clothes and report to me in my study and we'll have some fun, won't we?? 'Yes Madame'. 'You've got an hour and if you know what's good for you, you won't be a minute late' She looked at her watch and checked the time. 'Move you lazy little slut'. He almost ran out of the dining room and down the stairs to the kitchen. He did the chores as fast as he could and used the back stairs to get to his garret. He stripped off and washed himself in the small washbasin in the corner. He put on his white frilly cotton knickers, a white cotton training bra, white ankle socks, a mountain of white net nylon petticoats, a white muslin dress with a pink satin bow tied tightly at the waist. He put on his black patent leather flat strap-over shoes, long haired wig and a pink Alice band. He checked himself in the full length mirror before he went down and took a deep breath, he knew that he was in for a hard time. He could feel the cool air on his legs as he descended the stairs and with a heavy heart he knocked on the door of the study, there was no answer. He knocked again. Still no answer, he knocked for a third time, and waited and waited, he dare not enter without permission, what should he do now? He was beginning to panic, he was now in effect ten minutes late and her words were echoing in his ears when she appeared from the drawing room 'Ah there you are. ' She motioned him to open the door which he did and she wafted past like a galleon in full sail and sat on the chair which she had placed in the centre of the room. She patted her large thighs 'Lets have you over here shall we?' he walked over he was almost in a daze. She smiled like a benevolent parent about to reward a child. He laid across her large, soft, welcoming lap, in any other situation he would have gained some comfort from the motherly position. He felt her lift the dress and petticoats and pull the frilly cotton knickers down to his ankles, he felt a cool breeze waft around his nether regions. She massaged the twin globes of sore flesh before her. How pretty his arse was she thought, how come I have ignored it for so long. She made a mental note to do this more often and rubbed his bum very gently. Just when she judged he had relaxed as much as he would in the circumstances, she forced something very sharp, into his anus. It was a plug about the size of a golf ball with a whole series of prickles sticking out of it, similar to the business end of a miniature medieval mace. 'This,' she said, 'is my little invention to stop you from clenching your nates and making my hand sore'. With that she brought her hand down with a resounding crack, his right buttock tensed involuntarily, and he felt her 'little invention' do its painful work, with a gasp from the stabbing pain in his anus he immediately unclenched his buttocks, with perfect timing and the same extreme force she brought down her hand for the second time onto his left buttock. It was in this manner how the spanking progressed. After about ten minutes of this he had learned not to tense his nates, he just lay subdued completely yielding over her knees sobbing uncontrollably. She ceased the punishment and told him to stand up, turn around and resume the position over the other knee. None of which he even heard, she pushed him and he fell to the floor, before he even realised it she had grabbed his ear, turned him around, pulled him back over her other knee and begun hitting his tortured flesh again, concentrating on flank farthest from her. After another resounding spanking she removed her instrument from his anus and again pushed him from her lap, this time she grabbed him by the fleshy parts of his arms and lifted him up. When he was standing, she told him to hold his skirts up and stand in the corner, with his toes, breasts, and nose touching the wall. He was left there for an hour sobbing the whole time, until she returned. She shouted at him to come to her, she was sitting on the high backed chair, he was frightened that he was going to get another hiding although he knew he must obey, he turned and in his haste he tripped over his lowered knickers, but she caught him but this time she did not pull him over her legs as he expected, instead she just ordered him to get his skirts up, he had let them go when he stumbled. She had sat down on the chair and manoeuvred him so that he was standing sideways between her knees, she grabbed his knickers and roughly pulled them up. He squealed with pain as his now very swollen buttocks were encased in the frilly cotton knickers stretching them to their limit. She stood, naked, in the bathroom doorway purposefully striking her hand with her hard wooden backed hairbrush 'While I've been waiting for you, I've had to undress myself and turn off the taps. I've even had to fetch the instrument of your punishment myself. You were told to be quick, and, after all the correction and punishment that you have had today, you still disobey me and bring more upon your self. Let me tell you now, I don't care how hard or how often I have to beat you, you will learn, and you will learn well. It is my wishes that are supreme in this household. What I want I get, and you supply, quickly and efficiently. If you don't, for what ever reason; well that's up to you: but I will have the last say. Now lets see your arse back over my knees a bloody sight quicker than you got changed!' With that she turned, walked into the bathroom, sat on the toilet, smiled sweetly and gently patted her huge naked thighs with the hairbrush He knew that life was unfair but he was in a no-win situation, he just laid across the massive thighs. He was already sobbing and he gasped with pain as she roughly pulled his knickers right up into the crease of his bottom until they could not be seen at all. As they parted his buttocks, she systematically began to cover the cheeks with the back of the brush Right from the start he cried, howled, sobbed, screamed and kicked trying to keep his bottom taught, but relentlessly, she pounded the twin globes before her. After five minutes, she pushed him from her lap and ordered him over the other knee . He begged through the heaving sobs that had engulfed his whole body, he pleaded, the mascara that he had applied so carefully was running down his face mingled with his tears like two black rivers, not of shame but of pure pain . She sneered 'You heard, now move or would you rather we spent some time in the cell?' Anything was better than the punishment cell and reluctantly he dragged his convulsing body over the huge knees of his mistress who without pause relentlessly began the punishment again. His whole body convulsed as his bottom and the backs of his legs turned from a rosy red to a yellow-purple hue. Great racking sobs were torn from the depths of his stomach. His whole body was writhing with the pain. His mistress cared not one jot. The harsh spanking finally came to a halt and the naked woman poured her sobbing choking vassal onto the floor, stepped over him into the bath and began to wash herself. He started to rise to his knees and crawl towards the bath when she said "I'll wash myself tonight, you get your nose into my panties and kiss every inch, I want them damp inside and out. When you've finished that you can lick my shoes, keep your arse in the air where I can see it and admire my handiwork" He knelt down with his face in her knickers furiously kissing and sucking the flimsy silk cloth mixing the saliva with his tears, this was not as bad a punishment as it sounds. She was, after all, always very clean; she only wore her panties for a few hours at the most, and it had to be better than French kissing her big fat backside. As she lay in the warm bath listening to the muffled sobbing of her slave she felt an immense power over him coupled with a total contempt. She made up her mind that he would have more punishment sessions like today. He had been with her for nearly a month now and apart from when he first came he had not been punished anywhere nearly as harshly as she had today, She looked at his bottom. It was swelling to nearly twice the size that it should be and was all the colours of the rainbow with a little piece of pink nylon just visible between the nates. He had been a slave for fifteen years and he knew that he would never get used to it , every few months an ever increasing group of women reviewed the allocation of the slaves in their command and changed them around. It was this that was so upsetting. Every woman had her own ways and expected the slave to know them immediately. This one wanted absolute attention to detail of dress and deportment. Some of the others he had served wanted only a drudge; others wanted a sex slave who was handy around the house, but in all cases, they generally punished by whipping, caning or spanking the bottom and over the years he had had many of these beatings justified or not. He could never get used to them. But today had been something else. For two weeks he had not been punished hardly at all, a spanking here and there but not even caned when really he knew that he deserved it, the complete change that had come over her today frightened him. He knew that his bottom could not stand that sort of treatment for too long, but he also knew that if she felt like it, she could and would repeat the punishment at will, although she did not strike him particularly as a sadist when he was first brought to the house, true she had given him a good whipping with a riding switch in the "cell" to show him who was "boss" and left him for the rest of the day and all that night strapped to the leather horse coming in periodically to "top-up" the "welcome" punishment. There was no sleep for him that night but the next day, she was kindness itself helping him on with his uniform and telling him exactly what she expected of him and how he would be rewarded for good behaviour with gifts of: makeup, jewelry, underwear and stockings. She also explained how he would be punished for breaking the rules. As a slave he had been very happy in her service, till now, that is he did not think that he had been especially negligent in his duties, in fact, he had thought that he had been quite the reverse, but he knew that it did not matter one iota what he thought. All he knew was that his bottom had not been so sore as this for years he had always prided himself on the unquestioning obedience and the genuine love and respect he showed for all his mistresses over the years. He moved and began fervently to kiss and lick her shoes, the slightly sweaty smell of her feet now pervaded his nostrils. She stood up "Dry me" she ordered. Of course, he had been punished like this before, but not for many years. He remembered when he had been an inexperienced slave. He had been caught masturbating by his then mistress, a young lesbian woman. She was furious. She had birched his buttocks, caned both his hands and his penis every week for six weeks, doubled every other punishment, made him work for longer hours with less to eat and drink, denied him the use of the lavatory (he had to use a chamber pot and only then with permission), made him write five hundred lines a day, gave him eight one thousand word essays to write each week and made him sleep, sitting on the floor, his hands tied above his head to the foot of her bed with her soiled panties stuffed in his mouth secured with a pair of her used tights after having a sound thrashing with cane, strap and brush That day she went out and had the metal restrainer made that he was always to wear to this day. It consisted of a hinged metal tube about an inch long with a lock and chain which was pulled around his buttocks and fastened back to the lock. This pulled his penis back tightly under his crotch and ensured that any erection however slight was extremely painful. It also made sure that he would have to sit down or squat to pass water. This restrainer was first removed for sexual relief three months later, after which she had caned both his hands and his penis. He shuddered after remembering such a horrible beginning to his life as a slave. She had broken him completely and then discarded him, well, more passed him on to one of her friends who used him like a sexual toy teaching him thoroughly the joys (to her) of analingus and cunnilingus. He always felt sorry for himself when he thought of the past. He was jolted back into the present when he heard his mistress stand up, he looked up at the imposing figure with his tear stained face. She smiled at him and said kindly, 'Dry me, please little servant' 'Yes Milady,' he said, helping her from the bath and picking up the soft white towels, he carefully began to dry the considerable body of his mistress. When this was completed, he perfumed her and rubbed talc into her. He fetched her night-dress, negligee and mules placing each item on her with reverence. He followed her into her boudoir and cut, filed, and polished her finger and toe nails. 'Bottom sore?' She asked 'Very milady' ' Well perhaps we won't have to go through this too often' 'No malady, thank you milady' 'Pull back the covers and I'll go to bed now, you can read to me' 'Yes milady' He pulled back the scarlet silk sheets and she sat on the edge of the bed. He took off her shoes and kissed her feet. She slid between the sheets and he covered her, helped her to sit up, and tenderly sat beside her on the floor and began to read from the novel that was kept on the bedside table. After about an hour, she was snoring softly and he placed the book down and crept out. He went into the bathroom and collected her clothes, returned to the kitchen, hung up the skirts, and washed the blouses, bra, knickers, tights and slips and his own maids' and school knickers, stockings, socks, training bra, blouse, underskirts, apron, and cap.. He polished the shoes, his as well as hers. He pressed her skirts, his uniform dress, gym slip, tie and sash. Then he carefully washed himself, put on his night-dress and went to bed. Although he laid on his stomach, he could not bear even a single sheet on his swollen, sore bottom. He sobbed himself to sleep on the hard mattress not for the first time in his life, but it was the first time here. He thought that he had found the perfect home here, she was generally kind and bought him things when she went shopping, but the severity of today's punishment had changed his mind radically. He woke at 5 am with the tinny ring of the alarm clock jangling in his ear, his bottom was still very sore, but he rose, wiped the sleep from his eyes and made his way down to the schoolroom and began to write the essay she had given him the evening before. He did not sit on the stool and he did not change into his school uniform, this was his way of rebelling. He knew that she would not rise before 10 o'clock. He finished the essay about 7 o'clock. He knew it wasn't very good, but he had other things that had to be done. He went back to the kitchen, slipped out of his night-dress, washed it, and put on the uniform he wore in the morning; full pink nylon knickers, beige long line bra, lightly boned white suspender belt, tan lisle stockings, black shoes with medium heels, pink opera topped slip with broiderie Anglaise around the hem and bust, a light gray long-sleeved blouse with a little black elasticated bow tie, and a gray striped mid thigh- length tight skirted smock topped dress, buttoned at the back and a flowery pink apron. The slave lit the fire, made himself tea, and cooked some breakfast, made up his face in a simple way, Hoovered all the downstairs carpets, went over the kitchen floor, washed up and ironed the clothes that were washed the night before, and before getting the mistresses breakfast

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Simply SaraChapter 30

Bev, it turned out, had brought everything needed for a Japanese dinner. She cooked, first putting on a clear plastic apron. "To protect my assets, ' she said. When the dinner was served, Bev slipped her little singlet on before she sat down. They all ate hungrily, then the talk began again. "Sara, ' Bev asked, "where are you staying Wednesday after the movers leave?' "Oh, I'll go out and get a room at the airport, ' she replied. "Why not stay with us... ' said Bev. " ... and...

2 years ago
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Hot Classmate In Pune 8211 Part II

Hey friends. Ye mere pehle story ka second part hai.Ye baat ko bohot time ho gaya hai sorry late story post karne me,me busy tha.So aapko pata hi hai my name is rohan(fake) and I am from pune.mere height 5ft11in hai Aur cock nearly 7 inches ka.White complexion hai Aur slim body as I regularly play sports and age 19 years hai and cute looks. Ab direct story pe aata hu. Aapko to pata hi hoga last story me kaise mene apni classmate Puja ko choda tha. Aapko uska description de du.Puja bhi mere...

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“Angie” was a girl I worked with, years, quiet, soft spoken, very catholic and conservative. Always wore conservative clothes, never flirted, never called attention to herself. I shared an office with her and got to know her over several years. Underneath the fa?e she was funny, great to talk to and great to be around. Also, she as gorgeous. When you looked past the conservative clothes and demeanor, she was amazing. She was, married, Mexican and spoke English with probably 95% accuracy and a...

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Exploring Sex With Sharon

Hi, people. My name is Jyoti, and I am from Goa. I am 21 years old. This is a year-old incident about exploring sex that I have written down. My college informed me to find an ex-student and interview that person’s experience about this college and how it shaped their career. Luckily my mom knew a lady who lived a floor above us in the building. I wasn’t very happy about it, thinking that lady would be of my mom’s age. The entire thing would be boring. It was a time when I was very irritated,...

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I confess Masturbating together with a male fri

I'm not gay right now but I used to masturbate with couple of my male friends in early teen years when we were discovering our bodies. There was one friend who is 3-4 years younger than me. When there is no parents at our home, I used to call over him to watch my fathers porn VHS' which I found them in a secret in his wardrobe :) I was calling him cause he is a babyboy and he has a girl's smooth ass and a very small dick. After a while starting to watch porn, we used to take our dicks out and...

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The World Wreckers

There wasn’t much left of the village when the grinder appeared on the horizon. The huge machine took two days to arrive at the village proper, so everyone had plenty of time to get most of their stuff packed up and leave. A few people stayed, mostly old people, sitting on their steps or in their living rooms, waiting for the end. For the grinding. Some people’s spirit was already broken. Some people seemed to welcome the end ... and the end was on its way. Dutch’s family fled the day before,...

4 years ago
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A Tale Of ImmoralityChapter 3 A Whiff Of Debauchery

I am Anne. I am the woman who went to Chicago to fuck a Russian concert pianist and his juicy Chinese page turner. Remember? I am also the woman who afterwards whispered "I love you" to her husband while rinsing her lover's fresh sperm from her cunt. By now you must find me disgusting. Please don't think I'd care less. I am not a masochist. I love to be liked. But yes, your disgust won't stop my desire to fuck outside my marriage. It is the spice of my life. Losing it would turn me...

2 years ago
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Watching JulieChapter 8 The Diary

They say our lives are an open book, and there it was: Julie's diary, open on the kitchen table. Its siren call hit me in the gut, and I didn't need any Greek to understand, "Read me, Read me." I reached for it and was about to pick it up when it hit me. This was a line that maybe I didn't want to cross. It's not that Julie was terribly secretive, at least my spouse and I didn't think she was. Sure, there was stuff we didn't know about--she was a teenager, after all--but we were...

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A mother and daughter tag team match

Mary had been an on-line mistress under an alias name for several years when a woman begged one day to be her slave. She knew the woman by the email address as her own neighbor, a woman married to a wealthy man and a total bitch. She couldn’t believe her luck and started her out doing various humiliating things and taking photos of them, which she masturbated at night looking at them and waiting for the day when she would confront her. Once she had her plug her ass and put on a...

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Hot night

When i was married my wife and i meet this cpl and we invited them to come over one night my wife was very horny when they first got there we all was talking.They just wanted to meet for the first time no sex, my wife got up and started to rub on the other woman tits and rubbed on his cock we then went into the room we was in there all night fucking.By time we got done all u could smell was sex in the air

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When I was growing up my mother had a work friend called Anita. She was an attractive thirty something redhead who I formed an immediate crush on, shortly after we met her marriage broke up and she became a regular visitor to our house. One particular night she mentioned that she needed a washing machine plumbed in but could not afford to pay a plumber to do the job, without thinking I said that was an easy job, and if she wanted I could pop round the next day and do it for her. she readily...

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7 November 2008Chapter 5

Dan and Tina walked hand in hand to the front counter of the Holiday Inn. Lisa smiled noticing them approaching. “I’ll be off work in ten minutes.” They sat in the lobby waiting for her. Dan loosened the bow holding her dress closed, her breasts suggestively virtually in view. The side hem of her dress was swept aside and she exaggerated crossing her legs to flash her bare pussy to two men seated across from her. “I think those guys are interested in you,” Dan commented of the amount of...

1 year ago
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A Special Sort of School

Chapter one .The new boyThe large oak paneled study was quiet, outside the weather had turned cold but in this part of the large rambling Victorian house the air was pleasantly warm.? In the distance the click of high heeled stilettos on bare wooden floor boards sounded through the house, the door to the study opened and in walked a tall well built woman, in her early 40's she had a curvaceous figure and long shapely legs, her pretty but slightly hard face was framed by long blonde hair.? A...

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A New LifeChapter 7

I explained to Aimee, “One of my friends is the commander of Navy Seals in San Diego. You are to be there around noon tomorrow and start interviews for male / female recruits into our organization, or your harem if you please. The one or ones you accept will be collared by you as they will not only be your lover/s, but your personal security detail. They will also be available to service your Mistresses as you desire.” Aimee looked at me like I had three heads, “You’ve got to be kidding...

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Special Massage Lesbian

She thought back to how she had decided to get into the business of personal massage.Her first orgasm had come at the hands of a masseuse who knew all of the special places on a woman's body. It had been her first special massage. She had been nervous, the tenseness evident in her shivering. She had lain nude underneath a towel that just covered her bottom, awaiting the masseuse.When the masseuse entered the room, April had been startled by the masseuse's good looks. April had expected a...

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Taken My second story

See my first story, Ravaged to get a good background on where this tale originates. This is another email written by me to my exwife while she was out of town(thats why its in 1st person). It is fictional, but so-deeply rooted in truth that I felt I could put it in true stories. She has an overwhelming desire to have at least 3 guys at once. She has dreams about it constantly, and i may publish them later also. She is afraid to unleash this desire, because she thinks she will never get enough...

1 year ago
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ShilohChapter 25 History Lesson

Kyle stands, takes Kathleen’s hand and says, “Let’s go home, KK. I don’t like the way this is developing.” MariLynn jumps quickly from her chair and moves between the couple and the portal. There’s a weapon of some kind in her hand. Tears are streaming down her face as she cries, “It wasn’t supposed to be this way, but you can’t leave. If you do it’ll mean Jonas died for nothing.” “MariLynn! What are you doing?” asks Sharon Supervisor. “I’m holding them until Carl sends someone for...

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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 2

I was standing in a corridor. The floor was felt green carpeting and the walls were narrow and tall. It was an old house, like. Super old. Musty too. I sniffed at the air as I walked forward, looking around curiously. Hey! I was also not in my human form! I was in my dragon form – a small, cat-shaped, cat-sized, black scaled dragony ball of cuteness that bore zero resemblance to a cat. Well, not really a ball. But Dad always called me a ball of adorable, so some kind of ball-ness was...

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