Scooby Doo free porn video

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Since it's Halloween time, I thought that I'd repost a story that I wrote several years ago for my own amusement. It's not one of my best and I was in an odd mood when I wrote this story, as I'm sure you'll be able to tell. Hanna Barbara owns these characters and I make no claim to them. Since this story is completely free and written purely for amusement, I hope that no one wants to sue me. Scooby Doo By Morpheus It was a dark and stormy night. Well, actually it was only mildly overcast and a bright full moon gave plenty of light to see by. Along a deserted back road, a customized blue and green van, affectionately known as the Mystery Machine, traveled along. The 5 passengers inside, 4 meddlesome kids and a large brown dog, each kept an eye out for a place that they could stop for the night. Preferably someplace both free and spooky. As usual Fred was behind the wheel, Velma was shotgun and Daphne rode in the middle between them, while Scooby Doo and Shaggy were relegated to the back. The gangly teen known only by the name Shaggy took a deep drag from a joint, erupting into a coughing fit. "Man, this is some great shit Scoob," Shaggy said to the Great Dane next to him. "Wanna hit?" he asked, holding the joint out. "Ranks Raggy," Scooby said, accepting the joint. None of the passengers seemed to think it at all strange that their dog should talk, much less take a hit from a joint. "Rat's rood Raggy," Scooby said after hacking a little himself. Taking the joint back, Shaggy called up front, "Anyone want a hit before it's gone?" When they all passed, Shaggy shrugged and took another drag from it. Once the joint was gone, Shaggy looked over to Scooby and asked, "Like, you wanna have a snack Scooby old pal?" "Yeah, Yeah," Scooby responded enthusiastically, his tongue already hanging in anticipation. Shaggy just chuckled and opened a picnic basket, pulling out a submarine sandwich which was obviously 3 times too long to have fit in there, and readying it to eat. In the front seat Fred said, "Common Daphne, I'm trying to drive here." Daphne sighed and pulled her hand off of his crotch, disappointed but knowing that it could wait till later. Velma watched this with amusement and then slipped her own hand onto Daphne's thigh. Daphne slapped it off and glared at Velma. She didn't care that Velma was a lesbian, but she wished that Velma would quit hitting on her all the time. Smirking to herself, Daphne thought that Fred satisfied her more than enough. Suddenly Fred called out, "Look gang, I think I see a house up ahead." Everyone started looking for it, cheering when it came into view. "We can finally stop for the night," Daphne said yawning. "Yeah," Velma echoed, "I'm bushed" As they got closer, Scooby started shaking and said, "It's rooky." "Yeah," Shaggy said, staring ahead nervously, "it like, looks spooky." "Maybe it's deserted?" Fred said hopefully, casting a quick look at Daphne. "Or Maybe it's haunted," Shaggy cried. Velma snapped at him not to be such a baby, but it seemed to have little effect on the scared Shaggy. Pulling up to the abandoned looking mansion, the mystery solvers got out of the front seat while Shaggy and Scooby remained in the back, refusing to move. "What are you?" Velma asked impatiently, "Chickens?" With that both Scooby and Shaggy were suddenly outside the van (with no sign as to how they got out), flapping their arms and clucking while Daphne and Velma shook their heads. After knocking on the door and waiting a minute Fred announced, "Well gang, it looks like no one's home." But with that pronouncement, the door started to slowly creak open. Scooby was instantly in Shaggy's arms, shivering in fright. After an old man stuck his head out, Shaggy glared at Scooby and dropped him to the ground. "Can I help you?" the old man asked slowly. "We were wondering if you might let us stay here for the night sir," Velma told him. The old man shrugged, saying, "Be my guest. If you don't mind the ghosts that is." "Ghosts!" the whole gang said at once and the old man nodded. "Yep," he said, scratching his nearly bald head. "This place here has been haunted for decades. That's why I'm the only one to stay here." "Wow, another mystery to solve!" Daphne said enthusiastically. "We'd love to stay the night and look for your ghosts!" Shaggy just groaned, nervously saying, "Here we go again." Opening the door wider the old man invites them in, apparently without caring that he doesn't know the first thing about them. As they walked in, he told them, "My name is Ebenezer Scrudge. Let me take you to some rooms you can have for the night." They thanked him as old man Scrudge slowly led them upstairs and showed them to their rooms. *** When they got to their rooms, Shaggy suddenly announced, "Like, I'm famished." Scooby nodded his head in agreement and Shaggy continued, "Have you got anything around here to eat?" Scrudge gestured down the hall, saying, "There's a kitchen down that way. Feel free to help yourselves." As Scrudge left them Shaggy turned to Scooby, asking, "Did you hear that? He said to help ourselves." Scooby licked his lips and started running in the direction Scrudge had pointed, with Shaggy close behind. Fred looked suggestively at Daphne saying, "Well I'm going to bed now." Daphne smiled and followed him into his room, shutting the door behind them. Velma stared at their door in disappointment, wishing that for once Daphne would loosen up and give her a try. *** In the kitchen Shaggy was fixing an impossibly large sandwich while Scooby watched, drooling and occasionally offering suggestions. "You know Scoob," Shaggy said as he slapped a whole sausage on top of the sandwich, "I don't get what Daphne sees in Fred. Why doesn't she go for a real man like me?" Scooby snickered, earning a glare from Shaggy. "I mean, look at that faggoty ascot Fred's always wearing." Sighing Shaggy went back to his sandwich. Though he had his suspicions about Fred's sexual orientation, he also suspected that the ascot might just be to hide his hickeys. "All right Scoob," Shaggy proudly announced as he hold the sandwich out, "I call this masterpiece the Shaggy deluxe." Drool dripped from Scooby's tongue as he watched it. Before Shaggy knew it, Scooby's impossibly long tongue had lashed out like a frog's, wrapping around the sandwich and pulling the entire thing into his mouth. "Give that back!" Shaggy demanded as Scooby swallowed the whole thing without even chewing. "I'll get you for that!" Shaggy threatened half heartedly, already looking for something else to calm his munchies, while Scooby just snickered. Just then they heard a voice ask, "Will you be my friends?" Turning, their eyes bulged out as they saw a small bald headed ghost floating in the room in front of them, smiling pleasantly. "It's a Ggggggghost!!" Shaggy and Scooby screamed together, turning and running away as fast as they could. Behind them the ghost looked disappointed and sighed before fading away. *** Lying in bed next to Fred, Daphne took a deep drag from her cigarette and said, "Pretty good Freddie, but you didn't have to finish so quickly." Before he could respond they were interrupted by an insistent knocking on the door. Fred sighed, "I'll get it!" After quickly jumping back into his pants, he opened the door, only to have Scooby and Shaggy dart inside, clearly terrified. "What the hell's wrong with you two?" he asked, annoyed at being interrupted. "A rhost!" Scooby sputtered, while Shaggy nodded, adding, "Yeah, like, we saw a ghost." "Is that all?" Fred demanded impatiently. After a moment though, he brightened up. "All right, let's investigate this." Shaggy and Scooby both groaned. Less than a minute later both Fred and Daphne were both dressed and out in the hall, having already woken Velma. Velma looked at Daphne suggestively and then said, "I know, let's split up." Fred quickly agreed, but before Velma was able to suggest that she goes with Daphne, Daphne had said, "Fred and I will go this way, and you three can go that way." Velma sighed, resigned to being stuck with Scooby and Shaggy yet again. Shaggy shook his head. "Like no way. I'm not going to look for any ghost." "Re Reither!" Scooby said, shaking his emphatically. Velma frowned. "How about for a Scooby Snack?" Shaggy and Scooby looked thoughtful, then whispered hurriedly to each other. Finally they both held up two fingers. "All right," she said, "two Scooby Snacks it is then." After tossing each of them a pair of the snacks, they started on their way. Swallowing a Scooby Snack as they walked along Shaggy leaned over and told Scooby, "Boy, Velma sure makes the best bud brownies." Scooby nodded in complete agreement. *** As they walked into the dark basement, Shaggy wondered why they always got stuck with the spookiest places to look. "Dusty," Velma said, wiping a finger along a table. "I bet nobody's been in here in years." "Right you are Bone Bag," they heard. Turning around they saw three ghosts floating in he air. A short fat one, a tall skinny one that seemed to smell horrible and the third one who was talking. "No bodies have been in here for years!" he started laughing loudly. Scooby and Shaggy gulped and started running up the stairs as fast as they could, with Velma trying to keep up. However even though they were running up the stairs as fast as they could, they still weren't even moving. It was like running on a treadmill. "Look at that," the fat ghost commented, "they run fast and get nowhere quick. Just like a waterfall." He chuckled while the apparent leader hit him, saying how stupid that was. At that moment the three mystery solvers were released from whatever hold the ghosts had on them and they zoomed up the stairs as quickly as they could, leaving a cloud of dust behind them and making the ghosts start sneezing. *** Shortly afterwards they found Fred and Daphne in an upstairs room. "We found the ghosts," Velma gasped, still trying to catch her breath. Frowning Fred told them that he and Daphne hadn't found anything. Noticing the fresh lipstick on Fred's collar, Shaggy and Velma suspected that they hadn't been looking very hard either. Hearing a soft, "Ahem," they all turned to see Mr. Scrudge standing in the doorway. "I see that you've met a few of the ghosts," he said with a knowing smile. "Well I haven't," Fred said suspiciously, with Daphne nodding agreement. "As far as I'm concerned, it's probably just a hoax to scare us away." Mr. Scrudge looked annoyed, then smiled. "You're wrong about one thing," he quietly told them. "You have met a ghost." Suddenly Scrudge stood up tall, his eyes glowing bright red. Before their eyes the very skin on his face seemed to dry up and fall away, leaving the hideous visage of a skull behind. Shaggy and Scooby stood where they were, having just wet themselves and being too petrified with fear to even move. Daphne, Velma and Fred all stared with shock and amazement, tingled through with fear. "This house holds a gate to the netherworld," the skeletal figure that had been Scrudge announced in a hollow voice, "and those of us trapped here get a little lonely." Shaggy gulped, staring in horror, glancing only barely over at Scooby who seemed to be a statue. "I think we would like you to remain," Scrudge said and started laughing. The whole group tried to move, but suddenly found themselves flung brutally against the walls by unseen hands, while the skeletal figure floated towards them, one after another. One by one he touched them with a bony finger, pulling a white mist from them and leaving their bodies to collapse motionless to the ground. "Now I shall harvest your souls to eat!" he yelled out, laughing maniacally, as he pulled the souls out of the five mystery solvers and gathered them into a glass ball, which had appeared in his hand. The glass ball started floating in the air, glowing with an inner light extruding the fear and confusion of the now trapped souls. Scrudge glared at the bodies all collapsed upon the floor, wondering if he should feast upon them, or perhaps just use them so that he could leave the accursed house he was trapped within. Just then a small bald ghost came flying into the room shouting, "Leave them alone you big bully." "What?" Scrudge shouts, obviously surprised by the intrusion. The ghost flew to a table, grabbing an old candleholder from it and charging the floating glass ball. With as much force as he could muster, the friendly ghost smashed the sphere with the candlestick, saying, "You're free." Then turning quickly back to the furious Scrudge the ghost started flying out the room, with the skeletal phantasm following close behind him. From the shattered sphere, glowing silvery mist poured forth and formed five smaller balls of light, each mindlessly and instinctively moving towards the nearest body to it and pouring inside. Moments later all five balls had vanished and the bodies once again began to move. *** Slowly Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby stood up, each somewhat wobbly and leaning against the walls for support. Velma looked around confused, then asked, "Rhat rappened Raggy?" Daphne looked at Velma curiously and said, "I don't know Velma, but what's wrong with you?" Freezing suddenly, Daphne was shocked by her own voice. Everyone looked at each other, and then started screaming in shock as the situation dawned on them. Slowly they all tried to calm down. Once they were all silent, looking down at themselves in horror, confusion and amazement, Fred finally spoke. "I guess we should tell who we really are. I'm Velma." Fred touched his chest, amazed at its flatness, and then between his legs as well, shaking his head in amazement. Frowning Daphne touched her breasts, mouthing the word, "Wow!" Shaking her head she looked around and blushed, admitting that she was really Shaggy. "Rats rou Raggy?" Velma asked, sounding surprised. They all looked at her, her true identity obvious. "I mean," she said slowly and carefully. "That's you Shaggy? Strange," she said, reaching back and seeming surprised not to find a tail there. "Shit!" Shaggy said, staring at himself in disgust, then at Daphne. "Give me back my body Shaggy," he demanded furiously. Scooby stood up, walking around a little wobbly on his four feet, then saying, "Re rave to rick rorever," sounding completely frustrated by his inability to speak clearly. "Rime Fred." They all stared at each other in amazement, and horror. "But how do we change back?" the new Fred asked. Before anyone could answer, a hideous laughter made them all turn, staring in horror at the skeletal Scrudge who had come back in. "That shall not be a problem for long!" he assured them, already reaching out to reclaim the souls that he desired. "RUN," the new Daphne shouted and everyone immediately ran past the ghost as fast as they could, while he started to give chase. *** Tired and gasping for breath, the gang stopped for a moment to rest in a large room. They were sure that they'd stopped Scrudge when they'd pushed the statue over on top of him (see chase scene). But when Fred tried pulling his mask off of the pinned body, the whole skull came off in his hands. After tossing the furious and still yelling skull into the toilet, they'd tried hurrying out of the mansion as quickly as they could, but finding that they were still pretty winded from the chase. Once they'd caught their breaths, they hurried out the front door and back to the Mystery Machine, glad that they at least got out of the place alive and hoping that they could still get away. "But I don't want to be stuck like THIS!" Shaggy complained, and Scooby furiously nodded his head in agreement. Fred sighed and looked at everyone. "I'm afraid that I don't know how we could get back to our own bodies. The only way I can think of is Scrudge, and for some reason I don't think he'd help us." Once they all thought about it, they were forced to agree, though that didn't mean they had to like it. "Ry rant ray a dog," Scooby whined, earning him a grin from Velma. "Want a Scooby snack?" she asked chuckling, digging into a pocket and pulling some out. After hesitating for a moment, she tossed a couple to Scooby, who looked at them in disgust, but swallowed them anyway. Suddenly he went into a spasm of pleasure and opened his mouth drooling, begging for another. Velma chuckled and tossed him another. Fred glanced at Daphne, feeling a bulge rising in the front of his pants. Grinning to himself, he thought that maybe he could finally get Daphne in bed. Quickly grabbing Daphne, he started giving her a deep kiss. Though she struggled at first, she quickly started kissing him back with equal passion. As they broke apart Daphne was blushing, but still kept taking sidelong looks at Fred, as if seeing something completely new about him. Fred smiled to himself as they climbed into the Mystery Machine and started driving away from the haunted mansion. In the back Shaggy and Scooby were gulping down everything left in the picnic basket, trying to take their minds off of what had just happened to them. While in the front Fred was driving, with Daphne's hand resting comfortably on his thigh. *** And they lived happily ever after. Well, not really. Fred and Daphne got married, but nearly divorced after Daphne was found in bed with the milkman. Scooby Doo and Shaggy had to go to a detox clinic and Velma eventually got charged with bestiality with a poodle, but got off due to lack of evidence. The End

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"Everything is settled Mr Doe. Did you enjoy your stay?" "Yeah! It was alright." Alright is the only word that came to your mind both to thank the lovely receptionist for providing unknowingly a fantasy for your daily jerk off and avoid to have to explain that you hate this island. The sun made your skin bright red. The mosquitoes made a free buffet out of your body but most of all you couldn't find a girl to get laid. You think you should have gone to Asia, maybe Thailand or Philippines. You...

Mind Control
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Halloween Voodoo

Halloween Voodoo Synopsis: Cody in search of the perfect anniversary present stumbles into a web of sinister magic. When the trap is sprung Cody tries to fight back. Can he rescue Shawna and save them both from an unimaginable fate? Be warned this Halloween horror tale. By Zapper Cody moved through the crowded flea-market not really sure why he'd come, yet feeling a sense of urgency as he looked at the beads, bangles, and jewelry. The New Orleans open air market was a...

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Master Voodoo

My name is David and I am a freelance web designer. This pretty much means I am self employed, it also means that I do not have an office and do not work the usual nine to five grind. On the flip side it means I am often pretty much a recluse, add to this the fact that I am a geek and it means zero social skills. So it comes as no surprise that I have no real friends and no girlfriend. These facts and the fact my parents were gone meant sinister eyes were drawn in my direction. As I...

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Dopey Doogie

When I commenced my first year of college I met Doogie, who would be my roommate for the following three years.He had been given his strange name by his dad, who as a teenager had loved a television show that had a main character with the same name.I was totally enchanted with him from the moment we met. Doogie was tall, gangly and goofy, and seemed to saunter about as if a puppeteer was controlling his movements with invisible strings. His gait was so laidback that it almost appeared that he...

Gay Male
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Mrs L wants to have the man nextdoor

Anyone who regularly visits will probably know by now of my desire for Mrs.L to truly enjoy herself by exploring her sexuality and fantasies.So,when we moved to a new house and discovered that our neighbour would be a thirty-something bloke living on his own,it was only a matter of time before I gradually introduced him into our bedroom talk. Initially,any interest was denied but I couldn’t fail to notice that when C’s(the man in question) name was dropped into our pillow talk as I was gently...

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The Boy Nextdoor

It was a beautiful summer morning following a night of violent thunder storms. I had closed the sliding glass door last night because of noise from the thunder and closed the drapes because of the lightening. It keeps me awake. So when I got out of bed I opened the drapes and sliding door so I could feel the morning air on my completely naked body. As I looked out into my back yard I could see that the wind had blown a few leaves around. Then I saw that one of the branches in one of my trees...

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Skidaddle Skiddoodle

Within the various stories, you will take on the role of a man who will end up having his big dick shrunken significantly - whether that be medicines, spells, superpowers, special teas, or what have you - to a comical level. They also run the possibility of being humiliated, their tiny cock free for the world to see. Will some regain their meat, or are they doomed to be a mockery in the sack forever?

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Andranak Gauner in Mirkandool

Andranak wälzte sich im Halbschlaf in seinem Bett herum. Seine suchende Hand glitt über die dicke Leinendecke die das Bett aus Stroh zusammenhielt fand aber niemand. Das machte ihn wirklich wach. Nicht das es ihn wirklich überraschte. Die Hure mit der er sich in sein Zimmer zurückgezogen hatte, benahm sich eben wie alle anderen. Wenn ihr Kunde seien Spass gehabt hatte und eingeschlafen war, verdrückten sie sich eben, bevor er wieder wach wurde und sie für ihren Lohn noch eine Stösschen mehr...

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The Boy Nextdoor

From my last story, you might imagine I had some explaining to do to my husband. After more than 20 years together I had betrayed our vows by giving a blowjob to a total stranger. I had to tell my husband and I did. I loosened him up with some wine and porn and told him my story... similar to what I ended up writing. My husband was upset but also intrigued. He wanted details and I gave them to him. We had great sex that night and he called me a slut. He's never done that but inside I really...

4 years ago
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My nr 1 sexdream is my Scottish neighbour nextdoor

For 10 years now I've been living nextdoor to a older Scottish women miss Trainer. She isthe most sexy beautiful super hot mature women I ever saw. She lives together with her husband an older Dutch man, mr Mulder. I can remember the first day I've met them and they invited me in for a beer.Miss Trainer was wearing (as always) an black tighties and a white shirt without bra. When I sat on their couch and she brought me my beer she bend over and showed me her awsome hot sexy saggy old Scottish...

2 years ago
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Mrs L wants to have the man nextdoor

Anyone who regularly visits will probably know by now of my desire for Mrs.L to truly enjoy herself by exploring her sexuality and fantasies.So,when we moved to a new house and discovered that our neighbour would be a thirty-something bloke living on his own,it was only a matter of time before I gradually introduced him into our bedroom talk. Initially,any interest was denied but I couldn't fail to notice that when C's(the man in question) name was dropped into our pillow talk as I was gently...

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The Boy NextDoor

The Boy NextDoorMy name is Jack Duncan. I am 45 and a professional photographer. My wife Debbie is 32 with wavy, natural blonde hair atop a 5'6" body weighing 123 pounds. Blessed with a beautiful face and stark green eyes, Debbie has shapely hips carried on long, lovely legs. With supple breasts filling a B-cup, she is an attractive woman. My appetite for eroticism to some is strange. I am a voyeur and having a vivid imagination and pretty wife I am highly aroused watching her flirt with other...

5 years ago
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GMILF Nextdoor

All persons and events of this story are all just figments of my imagination and are not intended to represent any persons living or dead in any way, shape or form. Enjoy.Beep. Beep. Beep. I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock: 8:22 am... on a Saturday. I listened for a minute trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. Trash day? No, that was Wednesday. Car alarm? No, not quite right for that... Back up alarm? Yep, that was the noise. What the? I got up, threw on a pair of...

3 years ago
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Anitas Backdoot

Anita’s backdoorThat summer time Anita and I accepted our friends Cecilia and Peter’s idea for sharing a vacation week with them at a nice Bahamas resort.The first two days we spent mostly of the time lounging by the pool, swimming and relaxing in the sun. During the day the pool was mostly crowded, but in the evening we noticed that the place became a desert paradise for lonely people.On the third evening, after dinner, Ana and I came back to our room to relax. Suddenly she told me she would...

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the milf nextdoor

It was early september and a new college year had just started james was moving into a new aparment ith a college friends and was looking forward to it.. he was 5'11 and with dark curly hair and broad shoulders.They had moved in a week when james spotted her early one morning about 35 slim c sized tits and an amzing ass heading out for a jog.. her skin tight running legging really shoed off how amazing her ass and legs were while her unzipped jacket gave a slight glimpse of her bouncing...

4 years ago
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Hot Session With Mausi On Bhaidooj

Hey, fellow readers, I am Vikas Bansal, 19. Writing another sex story for you people. I really appreciate the feedback I got from you guys on the last sex story. Please do give me a feedback on , any women or lady can contact me for chats and for having a good time. I am 5 feet 10 inches tall, I have a little tummy. :), I have a 5.2-inch tool. The main protagonist of the story is my mausi, her name is Ruchi,32 years, she is an average housewife, but really has a good dressing sense and a good...

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Meeting A Bangalore Girl From Badoo

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers! I’m Siddharth, age 23, currently, in Bangalore, I work in a startup company, and I travel a lot. I’m separated from family because I wanted to lead an independent life. I got selected in the college campus and started working for this company. I moved to Bangalore because they have a good business here. I don’t know anyone in Bangalore, but still, I believed that I could find someone to pass time. I searched for my friends in Bangalore, but everyone was...

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My Fuckdooll

This is the story of how I discovered that my cousin Trixie was an insatiable whore. It was the end of the summer, and we had both just turned 18, and were getting ready for our senior year in high school. She and her parents were coming down to visit for the weekend because it was my mom's birthday. At first I figured it would just be another annoying family gathering where I'd spend the whole time shut up in my room so that I didn't have to deal with bothersome relatives. However, when I...

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Mummy Fucked By Doodhwala

Hi friends, me naam Sumit ( name change) hai apni ek nayi story ke sath pehle me apne bare me bata du me college me 20 saal ka hu ye meri ghr me mom dad or chota bhen hai meri mom ka naam rashmi hai vo ek teacher hai school me unka figure 36 28 36 hai ye story meri mummy ke baare me hai ki kaise vo doodh wale se chudi hamare ghr me ek ladka doodh dene aata hai vo gaon ka desi banda hai jiski umar karb 25 se 28 ki hogi vo gaon me kushti karta hai or usne apni body kaafi achi bana rakhi hai uski...

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Mummy Ko Chudwate Dekha 8211 Part 1Doodhwala

Meri mummy ka name hai sujata aur woh abhi 38 ki hain. Main pichle kitne salon se unhe papa se aur baki kai gair mardon se chudwate dekh rha hun. Pehle main apko bata dun k mere ghar me hum 3 log rehte hen. Main papa aur meri mummy. Mummy humesha se hi khubsurat rahi hai. Woh gori hai lumbi hai. Jyada time na barbad karte hue main sidhe story be ata hun. Yeh ek sachi ghatna hai. Yeh baat tabki hai jab main class 4 me tha. Mere kai doston k sath rehke main sex k bare me jaan gaya tha. Mere dost...

4 years ago
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Meri Girlfriend Aur Two Mazdoor

Hum phir aa gaye ek nati story le ker……Isme meri gf aur two mazdoor maza lete hain…. Hamare ghar ke samne ek construction ho rahi thi aur wahan per kaafi saare mazdoor the….Aur hum koi bhi ek baar zaroor karte hain….Unko dekh ker mere dimaag mein tharki khyaal aane laga….Mrin unkr paas gaya aur pucha ki 2 log chahiye kaam karne ke liye……2 mazdoo aage aaye and maine unko gaadi mein baitha ;iya…….Dono kale rang ke the aur kaafi patle the woh dono…… Mein unhe ghar le ker aaya aur darwza ki bell...

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I was married to a rich Gujarati businessman in Pune. I wont describe more about him. During the monsoons i used to stay indoors and watch tv. The two servants used to cook and do other works. Today my husband got a phone call that his friend is dead under mysterious circumstances. He told me ‘i am going to Mumbai and back tomorrow’. I took bath and came out to see that outside there was heavy rainfall and those two idiots were nowhere nearby.I went upstairs and saw that both of them were...

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Ek Multani Ney Ek Hyderabadi Sey Doosti

EK MULTANI NEY EK HYDERABADI SEY DOOSTI My name is Daniyal…..25 years old living in Multan – Pakistan completed my studies …and now doing my own business….for this I habe to move big city…Lahore…..I have normal hight 6’3″ and very sexy physic…mera Lund bhee bahut lamba aur moota hai…10 inch lamba aur 6 inch mota… and very handsome and good looking. Merey paroos mein ekk bara hee sunder larka hai…naam iska Abdul Musaveer…jo India Hyderabad sey migrate kerkey Multan mein usski family shift...

Gay Male
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Doodhi Hi Doodhi

Hello doston I am Radhe Mohan Sharma yeh meri teesri kahani hai. Maine sirf naam badla hai aur kuch jhooth nahi likha. Ashaa hai aapko pasand aayega. Yeh un dino ki baat hai jab mera ek Bank me job ho gaya aur mera posting ek village me hua. Mera posting jab hua toh maine socha jahan bhi posting hona tha ho gaya main idhar hi shift ho jaaoonga. Jab main ghar ki talaash kar raha tha ek school me ek sir the unhone apna ghar mujhe offer kiya aur main raazi ho gaya gaon ke ghar ke hisaab se woh...

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Hot Milf Nextdoor

The hot little minx next door has a penchant for much younger men. I have personally witnessed her fucking the pool boy, the pizza delivery guy, the cable man and just last weekend the lawn boy. She is a redheaded vixen about 5 ft 5 with DD breasts. Her nipples are teardrop in shape and dark brown, contrasting her pink flesh. To say that they are magnificent would be an understatement. She might weigh in at 130lbs. In her thirties she is married to a man much older than her. Older than me in...

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Gaoon Ki Doodhwali

Hello doston main phir se aa gaya…. naye email id ke saath… aur meri nayi kahani ke saath. aasha karta hoon aap ko yeh kahani bhi utni hi pasand aayegi….Main apne bhaiyya ki shadi mein gaya hua tha. Wahan mili mujhe ek gaon ki gori Phoolmati…woh ladki behad khoobsurat thi…chalo detail me jata hoon… May 24 ko mere bhaiyya ki shadi thi. main apne ghar se 20 tareekh ko hi chale gaya..kyonki gaon me aksar ladkiyan aasaani se apna sab kuch de deti hain isliye maine jaldi jana theek samjha. Main jis...

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The Boy Nextdoor

It was a beautiful summer morning following a night of violent thunder storms. I had closed the sliding glass door last night because of noise from the thunder and closed the drapes because of the lightening. It keeps me awake. So when I got out of bed I opened the drapes and sliding door so I could feel the morning air on my completely naked body. As I looked out into my back yard I could see that the wind had blown a few leaves around. Then I saw that one of the branches in one of my trees...

Straight Sex
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my Aunty nextdoor

This story can also educate you for getting maximum pleasure in sex especially for women so read it carefully till end Hi friends its me again Amit from New Delhi this is my another story about a lady who is the second lady in my life.. B,coz of my computer works and computer related projects I live in Delhi and working in Gurgaon as u know I am un married,so I live alone in Delhi my parents live in a Panipat Haryana.. I recently changed my residence to another apartments in Delhi. The place...

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SEX With Nextdoor

Hi guys this is Amit from Kolkata. This my experience when i was doing my degree.Now i am 27 years working in kolkata. We are staying in a building where 7 other families in the same building campus. My college is from 1PM to 5PM so i will be free and at home till 12:30PM and go by then. Very rarely i study.. Remaining times i used to go to neighbors house or take rest in home. There is a family next our door. Only husband and wife will be in that house, they dont have any children. Uncle is a...

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The doodhwali

Hello, girls and aunties its your Kumar back to ISS with my new encounter. This is real story of my life. There is a family beside my house. Shanthi thought little plum ply but they in proper places and her husband is a medical rep. When ever I see her figure I used to excite and worked myself at bathroom .Usually she keeps a very closeness with me and when ever I need any thing I used to ask her as I am living lonely. I used to go there for a moment especially for phone, she offers me cool...

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My name is Raj. This is story of my friend Rani She lives in Mumbai From here onwards she will narrate her story. Main ek married female hon. I have one son. Who is studying in S.Y.J.C.? I am 35 years old. My figure is 44-30-45. I m fair and height is 55. My husband works as a production manager. The problem is that he works in night shift. From past two years he is at night shift. He leaves home exactly at 8:00 pm and comes home morning at 8:00 am. My son earlier was in boarding. But from...

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the stupid boy nextdoor

Its happening today , its been 2 week since the neighbor ear me hump in the shower , wall pounding sound mixed with my moaning , Mike bbc got up listening ear on the wall not sure what he was listening too, it was incredibly exciting , as he stroke his bbc the wife asleep realising the young white boy next door like getting ass fuckedthe continuous pounding , the moaning getting more constant and loud, Mike listen to his neighbor fucking on his toy in the showeryMike cum a huge load down the...

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Lagadum Lagadum Scoobiedoobie

© 2003 Kenny N Gamera She was young. She was pure. She was new. She was nice. Erin stepped from the bus and ran through the early evening rain to the coffee shop where Mr. Wheeler was waiting. Being late, she hoped she hadn't missed him as this meeting had taken her some time to set up. She hated to think that he would have left, but Dr. Ward's biology class was too important for her grades; she had no choice but to stay when it ran over. With one hand, she held a copy of The Daily...

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I sat here looking at a book. It was a book of images that my wife had drawn. You see my wife doodled. She doodled on everything and everywhere. If she was leaning against a dirty car she doodled in the dust. If she was standing on a dirt road she doodled using her foot. She especially doodled while talking on the telephone. We kept a stock of pads of paper right in the phone alcove to keep her from doodling on the bare wood of the desk. When she finished talking and set the phone back in the...

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Seven Wonders of the WorldChapter 3 Wat Kanidoo

I arrived in Bangkok in time for lunch. Seven-hour flight, but five hours by the clock. I was exhausted because I’d stayed up all night writing. My entire time in Odawara had been spent without even looking at my computer. I was thankful it had enough charge to boot. Fortunately, Japan uses the same power connections as Europe and I had the right adapter, so the computer was charged, even if I wasn’t. I wrote all about Ani Mai and what I felt, then realized I was probably reading much more...

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