Die wahre Geschichte von Tanja
- 3 years ago
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A faster than sound jet reached its destination in Latveria. A drugged Sue Richards, who had been taken from her own home in the night by Doombots was carried inside castle Doom.
When Susan awoke she was in the middle of Doom's bed. Her groggy eyes looked around at all the ruins on the walls, they seemed to glow. She felt strange, as she instantly recognized the large "D" above the bedframe. "Doom," she said softly.
"That's right Susan Richards!" Doom's voice echoed in the room. he was across from the bed on a large throne. "Or should I say Susan Von Doom!"
"What are you doing with me Doom," Sue was frightened at his look. "Is this a dream?" She looked around, "where am I?"
Doom continued, "Where you belong," He tapped his fingers, "You see, when Reed took my armor, and married you as Doom, the wedding was official. In fact, it can never be anulled or ended save for death."
"What are you talking about?" Sue gasped.
"You are still the wife of Doom," he grinned beneath his mask. "Well, you will be once Doom officially consummate the union!"
Sue was shocked when Doom stood up and walked towards her. She looked herself over and noticed she was dressed similar to him, with metal armor all around, save for her legs. A small green skirt covered her womanhood. The breeze on her pussy lips told her she had no panties on. She tried to cross her green high-heeled boots. "Oh god no!" Sue cried out.
She felt light headed as the ruins glowed a blood red. Doom touched her knee and she sighed. Something was happening to her!
Nach jener wunderbaren Nacht blieb ich natürlich liebend gern Kais Geliebte. Immerhin bekam ich später doch einige Gewissenbisse und für einen gewissen Zeitraum überlegte ich mir, - nicht zuletzt wegen Kai, - ob ich die Affäre nicht doch lieber beenden sollte. Es gab für mich Momente, in denen ich hin und hergerissen wurde von den in mir widerstrebenden Gefühlen. Auch wenn Kai nun mein Liebhaber geworden war, konnte ich einfach nicht vor mir selber verleugnen, daß er immer noch mein Sohn war....
Vorbemerkung: Ich schreibe keine Geschichten, ich erz?hle nur von meinen Phantasien... Heute versuche ich mich erstmals, etwas in meiner Muttersprache zu schreiben. Ich versuche zeitnah eine englische Version nachzulegen. Inspiriert wurde ich von folgender Comicsequenz http://diggerman.deviantart.com/art/Date-Night-Drag-Queen-Girlfriend- 504719679, habe allerdings auf Grund pers?nlicher Pr?ferenzen die homosexuelle Komponente entfernt. Wer Schreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten. Ich gel...
Hinweis: Diese Story habe ich schon Mal auf einer anderen Seite veröffentlicht! Herr von Büllow war den Zuhältern von Norddeutschland schon lange ein Dorn im Auge. Er spendete jährlich mehrere hunderttausend Euro zur Bekämpfung der Prostitution. Er war ein Mann vom altem Schlag der noch auf Sitte und Anstand einen sehr hohen Wert legte. So beschränkte er sich nicht darauf den Zuhältern den Krieg zu erklären, sondern ging sogar gegen harmlose Fernsehsendungen vor. Sein Verein zur Rettung von...
Anmerkung: Lange ist es her, dass mein Kopfkino bei Karin und Linda war, aber da sich einer meiner Leser die Fortsetzung dieser Geschichte gewünscht hat, überlege ich mal, was dort als nächstes schweinisches anstehen könnte. Ich empfehle allen immer die vorherigen Episoden zu lesen, da sich dann die Charaktere besser erschließen. Viel Spaß und eine kurze, aber geile Zeit...Wir haben noch irgendeinen, schlechten Film geguckt und sind dann müde ins Bett gefallen. Wir haben uns nichts angezogen...
Doctor von Siemein's office wasn't exactly as I remembered it, even though it had only been six months since my last appointment and I really hadn't paid a whole lot of attention on my previous visits anyway. The musty old furniture was gone, replaced with some new brightly colored leather chairs and a kidney shaped coffee table with a black and yellow Ying-Yang design printed on it. The walls were brighter too, I thought, gloss white with abstract paintings hanging on them. I looked at...
Der wirklich lustige Punkt an der ganzen Sache ist. Es begann schon mit einer Schlange. Einer langen Schlange von vielen, sehr vielen Menschen, die mehr oder wenig geduldig warten. Warteschlange schon das Wort ist eigentlich so gar nicht super. Meine drei Freunde und ich, mit denen ich, ursprünglich, aus rein nicht Touristischen gründen, nach Paris gereist bin. Wir stehen seit gut einer dreiviertel Stunde in einer dieser Warteschlangen. So angepisst wie ich, nicht nur, von der Warterei bin,...
Zur Erklärung, stelle mir vor, dass ich Batman bin in einem geilen engen Latex Kostüm. Ich habe erfahren, dass sich Harley im Keller eines Geschäftshauses aufhält. Also schleiche ich mich in den Keller, komme in einen langen Gang mit einer Tür am Ende, welche angelehnt zu sein scheint und ein Lichtschein wird auf den Gang geworfen. Langsam schleiche ich mich an, an der Tür angelangt lunse ich hinein. Was ich sehe ist nicht viel, ein Tisch in der Raummitte und den Rest des Raumes kann man nur...
GESTAPO SS-LIEUTENANT Hans Von Yurt stood at ramrod stiff attention before the desk of his Commandant, SS-Oberf ührer Otto Stemp and watched and listened as the man ranted and raved, banging his fist on the desk for emphasis. He had rarely seen the man this angry. So far, SS-Lieutenant Von Yurt had no idea why the man was yelling at him about some traitorous woman who had sided with the Jews. The SS-Oberf ührer soon corrected that lack of his knowledge in the conversation. "THE...
The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! Wonder Woman - Who's Who In The...
HumorDie 25-jährige Isabella, arbeitet schon seit zwei Jahren bei der Detektei Brant in Düsseldorf. Von ihren Kollegen wird sie nur Isabel genannt, was sie nicht weiter stört. Sie kommt mit ihrer aufgestellten Art sehr gut bei den Kunden wie auch bei ihren Kollegen an. Nicht zuletzt auch wegen ihres Aussehens. Sie ist 1.70 groß, 55-60 Kilo. Sie hat schwarze schulterlange Haare, ein sympathisches Gesicht. Ihr Hintern ist etwas zu groß geraten, was für einige ein Hingucker ist. Ihre C-Titten hängen...
In the diner, Kyle and Tony introduced Vera and Blue to their wife, Debora. Debora was already showing her pregnancy, so the discussion turned into one about babies and difficulties of childbirth. Lee told the girls that she and Debora should have little trouble. Von also turned up and happily joined the discussion. “Lee, I was hoping you could do some magic for me,” Von said. Intrigued at being asked, Lee, said, “What do you want me to do Von?” “Well, when I examined the girls, I noticed...
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by Feinschmecker© Als meine Herrin vor kurzem in Urlaub geflogen ist, habe ich zuvor, kurz vor ihrem Abflug eine Mail von ihr erhalten. Sie schrieb: „Sklave, du bist mir in der letzten Zeit etwas zu frech geworden! Hemmungslos lässt du dir von deiner Herrin den Schwanz blasen und spritzt auch noch auf mein Gesicht ab. Ich glaube, ich werde dich einmal wieder etwas härter anfassen müssen, damit dir bewusst wird wer von uns beiden die Herrin ist und wer der Sklave! Wie du weißt, werde ich...
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Mein Name ist Tina Baumann ich bin 29jahre alt und bin seit 3 Jahren Lehrerin in einer Berufsschule in der ich nach langem Suchen endlich einen Job gefunden habe. Den Job habe ich meiner Meinung nach nur bekommen weil ich beim Bewerbungsgespräch meine weiblichen Reize eingesetzt habe und der Direktor mich sehr ansprechend findet ich hatte ein enges Figurbetontes Kleid an was meine festen Brüste (B-Körbchen) sehr gut zur Geltung bringt und farblich gut zu meinen langen blonden Haaren passt,...
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Vorwort :) Ich hab mir mal versucht eine kleine Geschichte auszudenken (die haupts?chlich in meinen Tagtr?umen entsteht) Kleine Warnung: Ich bin nicht grade DER Geschichtenschreiber, deshalb w?re ich erfreut ?ber konstruktive Kritik (Bitte wenn genau), was ich z.B. ?ndern sollte/k?nnte. Nun aber viel Spa? || ----------------------------- Hallo Leute, heute erz?hle ich euch etwas von meiner etwas SEHR seltsamen Entdeckung die ich neulich machen durfte. Wer ich bin? Nun ich bin eigentli...
The Unlucky Winner -Or Fruitcake and the Dresses of Doom ? by: Emma Smith Being the third adventure of the mildly loveable (so he says), but entirely mad (so we say), scientist Otto Von Fruitcake. Authors Note: When we left our friend at the end of the previous story his cunning but silly plan had totally failed. So there's no change there then. His assistant is soon to be married to a rich and hunky playboy. This is thanks to the now broken sex-changing Flip Gun. You'll notice...
Hannah und ihr geiler Opa Mein Name ist Hannah Schmittchen. Mittlerweile bin ich sechsundzwanzig Jahre alt. An dieser Stelle möchte ich Ihnen erzählen, wie das sexuelle Verhältnis zwischen mir und meinem Großvater begann. Ich beginne wohl besser ganz von vorn. Es war kurz vor meinem achtzehnten Geburtstag. Meine Großeltern luden mich zu sich auf den Campingplatz ein. Dort sollte eine Party für mich steigen. Ich fand den Vorschlag prima. Zu Hause hatten wir eine winzig-kleine Wohnung und so,...
IncestLinda mag Sven wirklich gerne. Sie ist schon lange völlig verliebt in ihn. Und sie würde alles für ihn tun. – Sven mag Linda auch. Er ist auch ziemlich verliebt in sie. Aber im Grunde ist er vor allem auf eins aus: Er will ficken. Er ist einfach geil darauf. Und wenn da nicht seine Erziehung und sein Gewissen wären, er würde noch viel mehr seine promiske Ader ausleben. Nur ist das eben so eine Sache. – Aber wenn er schon nicht wild rumficken darf, will er es wenigstens schmutzig und versaut....
Von der Raupe zum Schmetterling Warum die Verwandlung nötig war Es fing alles an mit dem Spruch "Hey du da, sieh mal zu, dass das Auto gewaschen wird". So so, dachte er die junge Frau des Chefs ist also soweit, dass sie im Betrieb rumkommandiert. 27 Jahre alt, blond, mittellanger Pferdeschwanz, schlank. Eine Augenweide, aber eben auch eine Discomaus, die es geschafft hatte den Juniorchef, der Zehn Jahre älter war um den Finger zu wickeln. Hinter vorgehaltener Hand nannten die älteren Kollegen...
If you are not yet of legal age to read stories containing adult sexual themes and images (usually 18 or 21 years of age, depending where you are in the US), then leave this site now. If you're not of legal age to read this stuff, you shouldn't still be here. But everyone else, please remember that this story is completely fictitious, with absolutely NO intentional resemblances or references to anyone living or dead. If you know you might be offended by profanity (curse words)...
One of my second cousins, Andy Von Scouries, a psychiatrist, is the hero of the following tale (they still use the Von in their branch of the family). When Andy and his sister were down visiting in Florida last winter they told me about some of his most interesting cases. He was hoping I'd write some of them up for him so he also left me a copy of his case notes and some of the video of the various sessions to ensure accuracy. Next time I'm up visiting him he's promised to let me sit in on...
“James and Susan Hullett. That’s H.u.l.l.e.t.t” I said to the pretty red head behind the ticket counter. “Here you are sir. Here is your boarding pass and seat assignment,” she said as she passed me my tickets and smiled. She looked to be about 22 or 23 and I couldn’t help noticing she had either very perky breast or a great push up bra. They were standing hard and proud. She noticed I was looking and her hand instinctively went to her cleavage and...
The vacation last year started like every other. Susan my wife and I had decided on a Jamaican holiday. Married for 9 years, we were looking for some kind of adventure. Sex was pretty straight, that is no swinging. Susan recently turned us on to x-rated movies to spice things up. In fact it was a movie we had recently seen, that had given us the Jamaican vacation idea. Looking back, I remember how turned on Susan got during an interracial scene. We actually watched that movie twice, and the sex...
(MF, wife, rel, voy, cuck, intr, preg)Wife goes native on vacation while husband watches.*** The vacation last year started like every other. Susan my wife and I had decided on a Jamaican holiday. Married for 9 years, we were looking for some kind of adventure. Sex was pretty straight, that is no swinging. Susan recently turned us on to x-rated movies to spice things up. In fact it was a movie we had recently seen, that had given us the Jamaican vacation idea. Looking back, I remember how...
CHAPTER 9 As Susan was escorted into the sitting room, she saw two couples. The men rose from theirseats as she walked in, and Peter, dropping his arm, led her to the center of the room. “Susan, I’d like you to meet some very close friends of mine,” he started. “This is Alex, indicating the older man. “And his wife, Janet,” The woman remained seated and smiled broadly at Susan. Alex was probably forty-five years old while his wife seemed much younger, perhaps thirty. She was a pleasant slender...
Susan's 34 and has three lovely k**s with Sam, her husband of 10 years, but something happened recently which she will never ever forget and it's going to haunt her for a very long time indeed. She'll probably never trust another man again after this nightmare. Why did she give in to temptation?Susan's very attractive, just over 5ft tall and has worked hard to keep her slim shapely figure despite her three pregnancies. She has long dark hair in a frizzy perm.She's well used to all the men...
CHAPTER 3 Susan awoke with a start at the sound of the door latch followed by the door opening. It wasn’t that the sound was loud, rather that in this soundproofed room, any noise stood outfrom the silence to which she’d grown accustomed. Peter moved into the room and turned on the room’s lights. Susan scampered to try to sit upright. The chain holding her wrist cuffs together, did not permit her to assume the kneeling position, and it really didn’t matter, because of the fog in Susan’s mind,...
CHAPTER 8 Peter and Susan sat and discussed at length the experience. Susan related how she had nearly panicked when she was hoisted from her feet by her breasts. She’d learned that it was necessary to remain very still, or even more stress would be applied to her breasts. Peter chuckled and commented that she hadn’t remained very still while she had climaxed. Susan chuckled too and said that she wasn’t very aware of much at that moment. She also wasn’t absolutely sure what had happened when...
CHAPTER 8 Peter and Susan sat and discussed at length the experience. Susan related how she had nearly panicked when she was hoisted from her feet by her breasts. She’d learned that it was necessary to remain very still, or even more stress would be applied to her breasts. Peter chuckled and commented that she hadn’t remained very still while she had climaxed. Susan chuckled too and said that she wasn’t very aware of much at that moment. She also wasn’t absolutely sure what had happened when...
CHAPTER 7 Susan woke the next morning, only after Peter had opened the door and said, “Good morning.” She sat up, feeling somewhat stiff, and saw him as he was walking toward the bed. In his hands, he held a tray with plates a cup and a glass of orange juice. “I don’t want you to starve, and we do have things to accomplish today.” he said almost cheerily. Susan blinked her eyes, trying to focus. She watched as he set the tray on the dresser closest to the bed, then moved to the closet on the...
CHAPTER 5 Peter ate his lunch in silence. In his mind, he was happy with the way that his punishment ofSusan had progressed. His goal for that morning was to have marked Susan, and he’d obviously succeeded. Her resentment, or perhaps defiance, was something he’d expected, in fact, he’d anticipated it sooner than it had come. He reviewed in his mind, what he had planned for that afternoon. His intention was to remove any notion of privacy that Susan had left. He would open and freely explore...
CHAPTER 5 Peter ate his lunch in silence. In his mind, he was happy with the way that his punishment ofSusan had progressed. His goal for that morning was to have marked Susan, and he’d obviously succeeded. Her resentment, or perhaps defiance, was something he’d expected, in fact, he’d anticipated it sooner than it had come. He reviewed in his mind, what he had planned for that afternoon. His intention was to remove any notion of privacy that Susan had left. He would open and freely explore...
As Juan's lapping tongue found its way to Susan's fuck hole, her legs flopped wide open and she moaned out loud. She was getting wet .....very wet. Juan's slow approach had worked. He began to kiss his way up Susan's body and as he began to suck on her nipples again, he placed his cock head at her wet opening. Slowly he entered her. Her vagina felt like velvet around his Mexican cock. Never had he felt a pussy like this. "Too bad he couldn't keep her for himself," Juan thought glumly.Juan knew...
CHAPTER 6 Susan slowly came to, the darkness lifting, aware of nothing except an intense pleasure. As she opened her eyes, she was aware that her feet were still bound in their spread position, but realized as her first impulse was to flail about, her arms were free. As her eyes opened and her senses quickly returned, she saw Peter sitting next to her. She could still feel her receding climax, and the wonderful sensation it brought. She lifted her hands and arms for a moment, almost in a...
CHAPTER 6 Susan slowly came to, the darkness lifting, aware of nothing except an intense pleasure. As she opened her eyes, she was aware that her feet were still bound in their spread position, but realized as her first impulse was to flail about, her arms were free. As her eyes opened and her senses quickly returned, she saw Peter sitting next to her. She could still feel her receding climax, and the wonderful sensation it brought. She lifted her hands and arms for a moment, almost in a...
Jeff and Susan Phillips were finally headed back to their home in Dallas with their four year old son, Jeff Junior. The family was driving North on the scenic roads of the high desert of Mexico. Since it was summer they were not in a hurry and were taking an indirect route towards the U.S. border. The road they were currently on was chosen because Jeff thought the desert scenery would be beautiful. The Phillips family had been visiting the Aztec pyramids in the jungles south of Mexico City....
CHAPTER 2 Susan’s legs were aching in their awkward and strained position. Her arms, particularlyher hands were starting to tingle from being stretched and held high above her head. Even her jaw muscles were hurting from the strain of being held open by the leather bit of the gag that was forced between her lips, and her mouth was dry from having her panties held inside with the gag. Despite all this, she didn’t regret being here, in fact, she grew more excited with each passing minute....
Sorry folks, I had to repost this after I realized that it needed some editing. I do hope you enjoy and leave any comments.Chapter 1Susan contemplated her predicament. She was nude, save for her high-heeled shoes and stockings and practically suspended from the hoist overhead. She wore leather wrist cuffs, which were attached to the end of a long chain above her head. Her arms stretched nearly to their capacity above her. Her ankles were similarly adorned with leather cuffs, and her feet spread...
Susan was a very attractive but shy 18 year old who was born and raised in Iowa. Susan was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighted in at about 100 pounds even. She had wavy blonde hair and beautiful light blue eyes. She had had a sheltered life and she knew it. In her high school graduation class there were only 6 black students. Susan was always raised to be friends with everyone, but only close friends with people like herself. It would have been a scandal in her family if she would have ever...
Susan, Adam and JoeFamily, Close Relations, Up skirt/Pantie Flash, Multiple partners, Cum Dump, Pregnancy Joe arrived at Susan's in the mid afternoon. Adam and 4 of his “crew” were there. Susan had on her “little Blue Dress”, one just sexy enough to entice, over sheer “Day Glow” bright yellow, bra and pantie set. Adam brought in his suit bag and over night suitcase. He noticed the suitcase was weighty, but passed the thought, and left with his crew. Coming back an hour later, out of the view...
Susan was in a rental car driving from NY to the Cabelas in Reading, PA after being persuaded to hand deliver one of her thongs to Sean. She didn't know what made her agree to meet Sean, especially since she had to take time off from work. It was something in Sean that got her to say yes. She kept thinking "What the fuck did I get myself into?" Susan drove a bit fast because she was late to meet Sean and she wanted to get back to work.Susan would daydream every so often on the drive when her...
ReluctanceAs Susan slowly awakened she found herself, as usual, in Jeff's strong arms. His hand was cupping her right tit while her right hand was on top of his, holding it in position. When she opened her eyes she found herself looking into the most beautiful pair of blue eyes she'd ever seen. Suddenly things started to come back to her. She was married! And this was her new mother, Andy Taylor. "Good morning, my darling daughter," Andy whispered. "How do you feel on the morning following your...
CHAPTER 4 Peter stepped behind her, carefully eyeing the results of the punishment he had administered thus far. The stripes from the cat-o-nine tails were becoming darker across Susan’s back and the back of her legs. Her buttocks were somewhat swollen, and extraordinarily red. He softly stroked her back, as she stood with her hands behind her head, feet spread. He spoke as he felt the heat from her skin, “I’m going to leave you for a short time. Why don’t you have a drink of water, use the...
My name is Venkat and I am from Chennai, India. My wife, Susan and I have been married for past 3 years. Before marriage, Susan was a senior to me at work and was a year older by age. Also we were from different faiths, she being a Christian and I a Hindu. Our families, both hers and mine, were completely against this alliance. But we stood by each other and got married. We cut all formal ties with our families and moved to Mumbai immediately after marriage. Susan, now a 30 year old, has a...
This story is in continuation of my previous submission titled “Susan…” After that fateful night, our lives changed forever. Khalid became the man of the house and Susan his prized possession. I stooped down to a mere onlooker who frustratingly masturbated every night watching his hot wife Susan getting fucked by this muscular bully called Khalid. What worse – I had to call Khalid as ‘sir’ and my own wife as “Madam”. But we were all happy with the arrangement. Susan was fully satisfied of her...
Jim had picked out a nice thick butt plug: “I want you to feel it, honey, and stretch out your ass a little,” he’d told his wife that morning. “I want you to keep it up there all day, as a reminder of the ass-fucking I’m going to give you tonight.” Susan had nodded obediently: It was part of their current sex game: She was more passive, agreeing to anything her husband—her master, in this game—told her to do. The butt plug was having Jim’s desired effect on Susan: Now that she felt the hard...
Adam and SusanA kinky Twisted tale of Family, Close Relations, Older/Younger. Up Skirt/Pantie Flash, Multiple Partners, Cum play, Cream Pie “You know you've ruined my womb, I never should have let you in there”, Susan giggled. Adam replied, “it's your fault! You pushed back on me! I was fine with just getting your pussy”. They played the blame game feeding each others ego, fanning the flames of their taboo lust. Susan had always been promiscuous. She missed her graduation while birthing Adam....
Susan had posted she was free on the night of March 22nd and was hoping for better responses than she had received from the two previous attempts to attract a date in the city.A few days passed with no one seemingly taking an interest when a message arrived - plain and to the point "Could spend the day and evening with You.....dinner out? What time will you get there". Susan was taken aback! "Dinner out?" she thought. That was a very tempting offer, could she feel confident enough to actually...
Harolds Hand bewegte sich zu ihrer anderen Brust und er küsste ihren Hals. Ihr geht's gut, Schatz. Kitty ist mit Todd unterwegs. Er wird gut auf sie aufpassen. Harold drückte die Brustwarze seiner Frau und die verhärtete sich zwischen seinen Fingern. Komm, Schatz, bitte." "In Ordnung, Harold" sie seufzte wieder. "Pass auf." Jenny hörte zu, wie ihr Mann im Dunkeln nach einem Kondom im Nachttisch suchte. Mit 36 Jahren hatte Jenny das Gefühl, zu alt zu sein, um erneut schwanger zu werden, und...