A Woman's Place free porn video

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A Woman's Place by Pyrite [email protected] * * * * * * * Prologue It was just a small piece of wasteland, an undeveloped part of the suburbs that had been let go to seed. To Mariah though it was a haven, a place where she could go and hide amongst the long grass when she wanted to be alone, and that was exactly what she needed at this moment. As she sat there playing with a particularly long blade of grass and enjoying the feeling of the warm sun on her body, she thought about her parents and wondered why they had both been arguing so much over the last two days. It wasn't unusual for them to argue, what with her mother sometimes complaining about her father's lack of help around the house, and him countering that with why should he do woman's work when it was him that brought home the bacon. Yesterday though had been something else. Her mother had gone ballistic after her father had called her 'honey bun' - she hated that - and then afterwards when her father had told her, during one of their spats, that a woman's place is in the home, bringing up children. She had shouted back at him, calling him an old fashioned male chauvinistic pig and threatening to leave him. It had been awful! Mariah had been scared as she listened to them, thinking that this was going to lead to them splitting up but then her father had come home with a gift for her mother, a peace offering. It was an antique necklace he had said, that he'd picked up from somewhere, thinking that she'd like it and, sure enough, she had seemed happy with it. It had seemed to do the trick at first and things calmed down but later, when she had been laying in bed, she had heard her mother crying in her parents bedroom and then this morning, she had seemed very subdued. She couldn't have imagined what was going on but her father though, seemed positively happy. She shrugged her shoulders and picked at another blade of grass. Parents - who could figure them? Her thoughts were then interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching and she ducked her head below the level of the highest grass, not wanting to be seen. She held her breath as the footsteps got nearer in case she might be overheard, and then had to suppress a gasp as she saw the figure of a man standing behind the fence and looking all around himself. It was her father! She was frozen to the spot, imagining that he had found out about this place and that he had come looking for her but instead of calling out he took something out of his jacket pocket and looked carefully at it before pulling his arm back and throwing whatever it was as far as he could. She almost gasped again then, when she saw it heading her way and land just two feet in front of her, but somehow managed to keep herself under control. As she looked at it she was surprised to see that it was the old necklace that her father had given to her mother. She held her breath once again as she waited to see whether he would come and retrieve but all he did was start talking to himself in a very loud voice. "So you think that all women are good for is staying at home and looking after their men do you Greg! Well, let's see how you think about it when you're the one whose place is in the home, because I've done my share over the years and I want some of that freedom you've enjoyed and I don't intend on giving it up. I've got rid of that necklace now and nobody will ever find it out here and even if they do then there's no way that they'll associate it with us. No, you've forced me to do this and now I am going to enjoy calling the shots. There's no going back now 'honey bun' - ever"! Mariah had never heard her father like this before, sounding so cross and bitter, and she was relieved when he started walking away, finally letting herself breath again. What had that all been about? Why had her father thrown away that gift for her mother, and why had he been saying those things at someone called Greg? That was his name! Shaking her head again in puzzlement at the ways of adults, she picked up the necklace and admired the cherub in the middle of it. It was too nice to throw away. Maybe she should keep it, it would be great for dressing up in. Feeling happy with her prize Mariah made her way back home to hide it somewhere safe. After all, she didn't want her father finding it again - he would only probably throw it away like he had just done, and probably punish her. * * * * * * * Part 1. The Tables Are Turned "...and I'm telling you now George that it's got to stop, and you're going to have to help me in dealing with that young man"! George Collins looked up above his copy of the Times, put his cup down and then picked up another slice of toast, his clean shaven face a picture of bemusement. He could tell by the look on Martha's, his wife's, face that she wasn't happy and had a sinking feeling in his stomach as he realised that he should probably have been listening to her. She just never seemed to understand that he really wasn't a morning person and that he liked to assimilate the news before leaving for work. "Stop - what's got to stop?" he said smiling weakly, and then watched helplessly as his wife sat down in the chair opposite him and banged her half full cup of tea on top of the breakfast table. "You know, I think that I might as well not exist for all the notice that you all take of me, apart from Donna of course! I was trying to tell you that he is making his sister's life a misery with his constant niggling of her. He just never stops"! "Niggling - I haven't noticed anything. What do you mean"? Martha looked towards the Heaven's in exasperation and made a dramatic gesture with her hand, before bringing it gently to her forehead. "Why am I not surprised at that George - why? You mean to tell me that you haven't noticed the hair pulling, the pinching, the little insults and teasing that he's so careful to hide! She's a growing girl George - developing. This has got to stop now before it goes too far, and gets too personal". "Personal"? "I said she's developing George, growing - you know, as girls do!" Martha said, indicating towards her own bosom. She sighed to herself once again, as she saw the pieces of the jigsaw finally start falling into place in her husband's eyes. Men! "Y..you mean to say that she's growing brea..". "Breasts George, yes she is and it is a very confusing time for her". "But surely, what Daniel's doing is just what boys in general do the world over. Why all the fuss"? "Really George, I'm very disappointed in you. You really have no idea what we women have to go through do you. Well I've got to get ready for work now so we'll talk about this tonight" Martha said in a huff, standing up and walking upstairs to change into her office clothes. George put his newspaper down, realising that he had to go to work himself, as Donna walked in and prepared a bowl of cereal. "Morning Fluff," he said, ruffling her hair as he walked past her and looking at her just a little more closely than usual, trying to find evidence of what his wife had told him. He was a little startled to see that she had been right - there were definitely signs of two budding breasts growing there and, as he put his paper into his briefcase, mildly admonished himself for failing to notice them before. After all, she was well over thirteen now and he should have expected it. He would have to start paying a little more time with his family, in future. "Morning Dad" she answered, sitting down at the table and looking up to the Heaven's, just like her mother, giving that age old stare that women seem to develop naturally from an early age. She hated it when he called her by that stupid pet name. Didn't he realise that she was too old for that? A moment later George said his goodbyes as Martha came back downstairs with her make up bag, intending to prepare her face whilst she finished her breakfast. "Isn't your brother up yet?" she asked Donna as she opened her compact and looked in its small mirror, her eye shadow applicator already in her other hand. Getting a negative response, she walked out to the hallway. It was about time that he started taking his schoolwork seriously, and that started with arriving on time. Why couldn't George have checked to see whether he was up yet; it wasn't as if she didn't have to go out to work herself? She sighed inwardly, knowing deep down that she wouldn't have wanted it any other way. She still felt fiercely protective of her brood, and her family in general, and despite the advances that had been made in equality between the sexes it was still a woman's place to look after them - that just seemed to be their lot in life. She still didn't like that being taken for granted though. Having mollified herself she gathered her breath and looked up the stairway. "Daniel - will you down come here right away. I've got to get to work in a moment, and I don't want any more notes from school about you getting in late again, so move it"! * * * * * * * It was the moment that he had been waiting for. Despite being only fifteen, almost sixteen, he had begun to think that it might never happen, such was the hold that his newly rampant hormones had on his mind. This was the moment though. After all the waiting and anticipation, he was finally lying down on his sofa with Karen Macklow, and his hand had just reached into her bra, feeling her soft and tender nipple harden as he stroked it. It had taken him ages to pluck up enough courage to ask her out and he'd thought that he was going to be the last in his peer group to claim that he had gone beyond first stage with a girl. Indeed, Karen had been the only girl he had ever been out with to date. Now though, his wait was going to be worthwhile as he moved his other hand under her skirt and felt for the elastic waistband of her panties. He wondered what she would feel like down there. Would she be the same as his friends had described to him - all soft, warm and damp? He hoped so and he also looked forward to her letting him feel inside of her! He was practically drooling as her panties started to come down. He had never seen a proper girl's private parts before, that is not counting his younger sister Donna, and that didn't count. Even then, he hadn't seen her down there for a few years, either! He could just see the first hint of pubic hair and was just about to pull the panties down further when he gave a start, hearing someone shouting. At first, he thought that it might have been Karen, moaning in pleasure, because he had heard that girls did that sometimes. It didn't sound like that sort of noise though. He was puzzled for a moment, and he couldn't make out what was happening. Just then a loud knocking noise brought him back to reality and the image and sensation of being with Karen faded as the shouting started again, and became clearer. "Daniel - will you down come here right away. I've got to get to work in a moment, and I don't want any more notes from school about you getting in late again, so move it"! This time he was only too aware that the groaning sound he could hear was all his own and, as he opened his eyes, a wave of depression hit him. It had all been a dream and it was morning and he was in his own bed and there no Kanren - she wasn't here. Worse still, it was a school day! "Y..yes mum, I'm getting up now. I'll be down in a minute" he managed to get out. As he heard his mother's footsteps going down the stairs he also became aware that his hand was inside his PJ's, and of a warm stickiness spread around his belly. "Oh no, not again!" he whined and pulled himself out of his bed and, making sure that the coast was clear, awkwardly made his way to the bathroom. He tried as he tried to hold on to the thoughts of Karen as he washed himself down, desperate to remember how fresh she had smelt and how soft and pliant her body had been as she had yielded to him. If only his dream had been real for he had not even had the courage to ask her out yet, at least not out on her own. She had agreed though, to meet up with him and some friends tonight after school. It wasn't exactly a date but he was hopeful that he had maybe broken the ice with her and that he might get an opportunity to get things onto a firmer basis. As his mind drifted he washed away the stickiness around his groin but as soon as he had done so started to become hard again at the thoughts of Karen. He was spared any further suffering when his mother called out to him, once again. "You'd better hurry up and come down and get yourself some breakfast. I'm not having you leave this house without anything inside you - you need your energy"! He shouted back that he was getting ready and, with his mood now well and truly broken, went back into his bedroom to put on his school uniform. A few moments later he was walking down the stairs and adjusting his tie before making his way towards the kitchen. "At last!" his mother sighed in exasperation as he entered. "I wish you were more like Donna. She's always up and ready in good time and is no bother at all". As his mother turned to blow her nose, Daniel looked at his sister and pulled a face at her, as she sat there looking all angelic and smug. She was really starting to get on his nerves lately. It seemed like whatever he did was wrong whilst she seemed to get away with blue murder. It just wasn't fair! He did my best to her ignore her though and took a breakfast bowl and filled it up with cereal. His mother had already grounded him twice last week, for allegedly bullying her, and he didn't want to risk it happening again - not tonight of all nights! After all, he had only pulled her hair a few times, given her a light punch on the arm, and given her the odd Chinese burn. It was the sort of thing that boys did to each other all the time - well, apart from the pulling of the hair. What was it with girls anyway, that they had to be such wimps? Before he could think any further though, his mother spoke again. "Still, as you're both together now, then you might as well walk to school with her. Her friend Charlotte is ill, and I'd feel happier if she went with someone". "B..but mum, I don't..."! "And I don't want any 'but mums' from you either my lad, just do as you're told" she said firmly before turning to look for her handbag. She was always losing it. Daniel barely managed to contain himself from cursing. He was supposed to be meeting up with his best friend Colin, but there was no way that he wanted to be seen with 'her'. The only other time that he had gone with her recently, she had grabbed his hand just as they went through the school gates and when all their friends could see them. It had taken him weeks to live that down, and the fact that all 'her' friends thought they looked cute made it even worse. The last thing he wanted was a repetition of that incident. Once he can just about shrug off - twice is a habit! Knowing that he really had no choice though, he decided to swallow for it for now. He would just have to get his own back on Donna later. If he thought that his silence signalled that this was going to be the end of his mother's lectures though, he had another think coming. She was still irate from her conversation with her husband George, and was going to let Daniel know what she thought! "You know Daniel, I am beginning to get really concerned about you. I just don't know why you've got such a bad attitude towards Donna and it's going to have to stop. As her big brother you should be setting a better example. In fact, it seems to me that it's the other way around at the moment. Take your schoolwork for instance. There she is, at the top of the top group in her year and excelling in all her grades, and where are you? At the bottom, that's where. The bottom of the bottom group. It was so embarrassing the other night having to meet your teacher Mrs Kirkbride, and finding ...". Daniel turned off at that point and just let his mother enter into another of her long diatribes, as women do. He had heard this particular lecture many times before and tried to let it wash over him. Occasionally though, when it was safe to do so, he would glance over towards his sister and his temperature would start to rise as he watched her lap it all up. Just let her wait until 'she' enters the tenth grade, he thought to himself, she'll find the work a lot harder than what she's used to and then we'll see who's the star pupil! He was being unfair though, knowing only all too well that he had 'never' excelled at his studies in the way that Donna had. As his mother continued, Daniel looked over at Donna again, but this time something caught his eye and he paid her a little more attention. He started to become aware that there was something different about her, something he just couldn't place at first. He pondered on it for a moment but still couldn't get what it was until she reached behind herself to top up with some OJ. That's when it hit him - she was wearing a bra! As she turned back around to face him again the fog that had been clouding his brain finally lifted. That was it! There were two distinct bumps at the front of her blouse and now that he was aware of it, he could clearly see the outline of her bra and realised that she had started growing breasts. As Donna caught his eye he tried to look as innocent as he could manage, but could not hide the grin that was rapidly spreading across his face. Who would believe it! His own bratty little sister was becoming a woman! He had thought that somehow, she would remain as his obnoxious little sister forever, but it was obvious now that this wasn't going to be the case. Despite his best intentions, Daniel's discovery made the chance to torment his sister once more, irresistible. He waited until his mother stopped talking and went into the hallway to get her coat before setting off for work. She called out to them both to get their school blazers and get a move on and as Donna moved to rise, Daniel hung back behind her. He had known that she would react first, just to keep in mother's good books, he thought bitterly. As soon as she did so he crept up behind her. As quick as a flash he dug his finger into her bra strap and pulled it back a little, and then released it, letting it leap back towards her skin with a definite 'snap'! "Ooowww!" Donna cried out in shock, wondering what on Earth had just happened to her. "So little Donna's growing boobies then, is she?" Daniel mocked her quietly, hoping that his mother wouldn't hear him. Donna spun around quickly, her face a picture of embarrassment and confusion as she rubbed her shoulder where the strap had snapped against it. "You..you..." she started to say, her voice breaking as Daniel grinned at her. "Ahhhh - is the 'liddle biddy girl' going to cry?" he mocked her, but just then their mother walked in. Daniel had expected Donna to complain and bleat to their mother, but she said nothing surprisingly, and instead fought to stop herself from crying tears of humiliation. Their mother wasn't fooled though. She took one look at Donna's face, and saw where she was rubbing herself and had sized up the situation immediately. "Right - you are in big trouble Mister," she said, staring at Daniel. "I want you back home here tonight, straight from school. I'm going to have words with your father about this! I don't think you can possibly imagine how horrible it is what you've just done, nor how hard it is for a young girl when she's finding out that she's becoming a woman"! Daniel's heart sank the moment her words sunk in. It wasn't at the threat of her father, he was always out working most of the time and hardly noticed anything that went on around here, anyway. No, it was more the fact that this meant he wouldn't now get the chance to meet up with Karen and ask her out. What would she think of him when he didn't show up? One thing was for sure though, there wouldn't be a lack of takers who would take advantage of the situation! "Oh no, you can't ground me - not tonight. Please!" he pleaded, but his cries fell on deaf ears. "You should have thought of that before you were so cruel to your sister. If you were growing breasts then you'd know...". "Mum - please, stop. This isn't helping me!" Donna interrupted, her embarrassment increasing with every mention of her developing chest. Everything went quiet for a moment, their mother being shocked at her daughters outburst, and Daniel still speechless from his punishment. Eventually though, their mother looked at her watch and pulled her coat over her shoulders before ruffling her daughter's hair. "Sorry dear - maybe I wasn't helping but it makes me so angry. He has no idea of what he just did to you". She then turned her eyes over towards Daniel, causing him to blanche as they narrowed. "But you though, you'd better be back in good time tonight. What you've done is inexcusable. Now get going, and I'd better not hear anything else bad about you when I get back tonight, or else..". * * * * * * * A few moments later Daniel and Donna were walking along the road together in silence, with Donna having to almost run to catch up with him, he was moving so fast. He was rushing to avoid his friend Colin, hoping that he wouldn't see him having to go to school with his little sister. Eventually though, Daniel could contain himself no longer. "You make me wanna puke, you do. Why did you have to cry out like that? Now I've missed my chance of going out with Karen Maclow. "But it was your fault! You were the one who hurt me. I don't understand Daniel - why are you always so mean to me?" she answered him, her eyes misting over as she did so. He didn't answer her question, but instead put his hand on her arm and twisted it slightly. "I'm going to make you pay for this you little brat. As soon as mum leaves us on our own next time, I'm going to get you to do all my chores as well as your own. That'll teach you to be my little sister". Donna's face dropped. He was always doing this to her lately, making her do his chores. The trouble was, bow that they considered they were old enough, their mum and dad often went out on their own in the evening, and left Daniel in charge of her, and he clearly resented it, taking it out on her on ewvery occasion. She wished things could have been like they used to be not so long ago because, the truth was, Donna had always looked up to Daniel. Despite his poor treatment of her recently, she could still remember when they had been very, very close. The way that he seemed to despise her now really upset her. "Please Daniel, can't we be friends again?" she pleaded, but he was in no mood to listen. "Oh shut up little girl. Just stick to your pathetic girl talk about make-up, clothes, and those stupid fake boy bands, with all the other 'liddle girls'.. That's all girls are good for. You're all so prissy and you make me sick" he growled at her before quickening his pace, making her run properly now, to keep up with him. A short while later they arrived outside the school. Once through the gates Daniel went straight over towards his friends who were standing in their usual corner of the school yard, leaving Donna to go in the opposite direction, where the girls hung out. He was determined not to let her embarrass him like the last time. Donna, out of breath now, soon caught up with some of her own friends and was pulled towards one side by one in particular, Mariah, the sister of Daniel's best friend Colin. "Hi Donna, have you been running? You look really tired". "I'm all right. I came in with Daniel this morning and he was walking so fast!" she answered, slowly regaining her breath. "Typical boys, always having to show you that they're stronger and faster at everything. Still, he is cute. I'll bet he's a good kisser". Donna paused for a moment, surprised at Mariah's words. She had never thought of him that way but now that she thought about it he was pretty cute looking, for a brother. It just seemed strange to her that one of her friends, and maybe it was more than one, was thinking of him in such a way as they would any other boy. She mused on this for a moment but was soon stopped by Mariah's incessant chattering. "Anyway, I'm glad you're okay. I was getting worried for a moment. I thought you might be ill, like Charlotte. Do you think she'll be all right for Saturday"? "I don't know. She wasn't very well yesterday. Still, there's another three days until then and I'm sure that she wouldn't want to miss the chance to play dress up. It's such fun!" Donna answered, forgetting about her troubles with her brother and dissolving into a fit of the giggles with her friend. While they were talking and laughing together, Daniel was looking over towards them and shaking his head in disbelief. He could have sworn that Donna hadn't stopped talking since she had got there. What was there to talk about, anyway? And that stupid giggling - it was one of the things about girls that drove him mad. He was so glad that he didn't have to live with that all the time, like Donna had to. For some reason he continued to watch them, remembering his discovery of Donna, earlier. He still couldn't believe that she was growing tits and from the look of it she wasn't the only one. The more he looked, the more that he realised both Donna and her friends were beginning to develop interesting shapes and it wasn't only from around the area of their chests. Their bottoms were developing a roundness that reminded him of the older girls. How could he have missed it when it had been going on right under his nose, for her friends were always visiting their house? He felt a stiffness in his trousers and cursed his prick for the lack of control he seemed to have over it, and then felt guilty for thinking this way about these...these little girls, for that's all they were, despite their development. His out of control libido was soon forgotten though as he felt his body lurch forward from the force of someone pounding his shoulder. "Hey - Daniel! Still think you're going to beat me today? You haven't got a chance - I've been training for this moment for weeks and I am at my peak" he heard from behind him. He turned around to see his arch-rival Arthur Franklin, better known as 'Art', grinning sadistically at him. He felt his anger rise and wanted to punch him out. At 5'8" they were about the same size, although Art looked slightly weightier than Daniel's own 135lbs, despite the fact that Art was a good eight months younger than him. He was prevented from any hasty action though by someone else coming up behind him holding him back. He turned ready to take on this new comer but then gave a sigh of relief. "Colin - wh..what are you doing here!" he gasped. "I always come here Dan, it's where I go to school - remember". Before he could answer, he found himself being twisted around again, to face Art. "Hey, I was talking to you! I was telling you how I was going to beat you today!" he repeated, more provocatively this time. Daniel's hackles started to rise again, but his friend intervened. "Just ignore him Dan. You can let your swimming do the talking for you". Daniel paused for a second, knowing that Colin was right but not wanting to back down and lose face. Common sense prevailed though and he turned away and walked to a quieter part of the schoolyard with Art's taunts still ringing in his ears. "Look at you - you're just too yellow. I'll bet your sister's got more balls than you". They just kept walking though, until they were out of earshot. Eventually Daniel calmed down. It hadn't been the best of starts to the day, but it could only get better, he thought to himself. "Colin, thanks for stopping me doing anything stupid. I'm sorry I missed you this morning. I had to bring Donna to school today as a favour to my mother". "Donna - oh yeah, she's getting really cute lately. Give it another year or two and I might even ask her out"! "Ask her out - Donna - my sister!" Daniel exclaimed, horrified that his best friend could even think about his sister in such a way, despite the fact that he had been starting to think about her friends, and even Colin's sister, in a similar fashion. "Well she's always round our house visiting Mariah, and it's just ... oh, never mind. Anyway, what do you really think your chances are today? You can't let Art win - he's unbearable enough as it is"! "Relax - there is no way in the world that he'll ever get anywhere near me. I might not be top of the class in my studies, but if there's one thing that I'm good at it's sport, and swimming in particular". Colin nodded, reassured by his answer. He knew that Daniel was still the school swimming champion, as he had always been, and everyone knew that no one came anywhere close to him. In fact, he seemed to excel at most sports, whether it was football, athletics, or swimming. This, as far as he was concerned, more than made up for his apparent academic failure. It was a shame that his parents and teachers didn't think so, but he'd show them one day, when he made his name as a top sporting professional! They walked in silence for a few seconds until Daniel broke the silence. "I tell you - he's not got a chance Col, I'm not in the mood to get beaten today". Colin looked at his friend and saw the grim look of determination on his face and had a feeling that it wasn't just Art that was bothering him. Daniel was usually pretty happy go lucky, apart from when he was with his sister. "What's up Dan, something upset you then?" Colin asked as the bell rang to herald the start of another day. Daniel looked down at his shoes and then kicked out at an imaginary pebble. "Yeah - I think I'm grounded tonight and I was going to ask Karen out when she met up with us later". "Oh tough break," Colin said, as they walked towards the main entrance, "but don't worry - I'll keep her warm for you". Daniel didn't have a chance to answer him, as they were jostled by the rest of the schoolchildren trying to get through the entrance at the same time, only giving him a stare that would have cut right through him if he had seen it. * * * * * * * The day had seemed to drag slowly for Daniel as he took all his usual classes and performed in his usual way - poorly! He thanked God that this afternoon would be devoted to the school swimming gala and that he'd get the chance to do something he was good at. Despite his bravado though, he knew that he was getting way too behind in his studies and that he'd really have to put some work in during the rest of the term to get anywhere near to making up lost ground. He just hoped that he was capable of doing so. Lunchtime finally came however, and Daniel went to the school cafeteria to look for Karen, hoping to explain to her why he wouldn't be there tonight. He was also going to try and persuade her to not bother going, because he just knew that someone else would make a move on her. He couldn't find her though, and sat down with a couple of other friends to have a light lunch. He couldn't swim effectively on a full stomach. After eating he went out into the schoolyard, hoping that she might be there. Sure enough, within a few seconds, he saw her standing with a couple of her friends in the schoolyard that was designated as belonging to the girls, even though everybody knew that there was no rule as such. He swallowed hard. It would take a very brave boy to walk across this no man's land and into enemy territory - it just wasn't done, and what if she rejected his plea! He would feel so foolish. Despite his reservations though, he had just about plucked up enough courage to risk it when he saw his sister, Donna, walk up to Karen and start talking to her. To say that this was a surprise to him would be an understatement. He wasn't even aware that Karen and Donna even knew each other, being separated by their two years. He was frozen into inaction as he watched them talk for a few moments and then suddenly, Karen looked up and saw him standing there in the distance. He forced a weak smile to his face and made an attempt at a friendly wave, but she just looked angry for a moment and turned on her heels, not even indicating that she was aware of his presence. He couldn't believe it! She had snubbed him. His puzzlement quickly turned to anger as he saw Donna looking at him now, shrugging her shoulders as if to say it was nothing to do with her. "Donna! What did she say to her"? he said out aloud to himself as a red mist descended over him. He walked over towards her, no longer caring about the fact that he now in girl's territory whilst Donna paled, seeing the mood that he was in and that he was walking her way. All she had tried to do was to explain to Karen why Daniel wouldn't be out that night, and that it was all her fault, but she knew that he wouldn't listen to reason and turned to run. As soon as she did so Daniel broke into a run also, and as they both hared across the schoolyard something fell out of Donna's pocket and clattered to the ground. Daniel soon saw that he would never reach her in time and slowed down as he saw something fall out of her pocket and wanted to see what it was. There would be always be another time, as far as getting his revenge on Donna was concerned. As he stopped and reached down towards it, he was quite surprised at what he saw. It looked like a chain, or necklace, with a medallion at its centre, containing what looked to be an angel. It also looked to be quite old and tarnished. It wasn't at all the type of thing he would have expected to see Donna wearing, although it really didn't look to be too valuable. Feeling a little better now that he had something he could use to upset her with he looked over towards the direction in which she had run, only to see her standing there with her hands covering her mouth. "Good - it must be important to her. I wonder what she'd do to get this back" he said to himself, and then turned and went in the opposite direction and back into the school. * * * * * * * Daniel won the swimming contest as most had expected him to, although it hadn't been anywhere near as comfortable a victory as he, himself, had anticipated. His mind had just not been as focused as usual, worrying about Karen and how Donna had ruined it for him, and he had almost let Art beat him until he had pulled himself together and beat him at the wire. He had been a little concerned though, about Art's threatening to punch his lights out earlier if he caught him on his own so he would be extra careful after school today, when he left to go home. Momentarily, his thoughts turned to the girls races that had taken place before his own, and how Donna had performed in an early heat she had been forced to enter. It had been an embarrassment to be associated with her as she struggled to even keep going before she eventually finished second to last. She had been pathetic and he knew for certain that his talent did not run in the family, at least not on the female side! His real interest though was in watching the older girls with their more developed forms and in the way that they filled their costumes so much more interestingly, especially Karen. He had almost drooled at the sight of her breasts, tightly contained in her swimsuit, and in the way that the rest of her sleek body went in and out in all the right places. This merely served to remind him though, of the chance that he had missed and he cursed Donna anew, both for what happened this morning and also for whatever she had said to turn Karen against him. He was still determined to speak to Karen himself though, and see if it wasn't too late to repair the damage. At least then he might have hope of another day. His opportunity came when they were leaving school later that afternoon. He saw Karen walking along just a short way in front of him and would have approached her there and then except that she was with one her friends and Daniel was still nervous about risking a public rejection. He followed her for a little while, trying to make himself as unobtrusive as possible, and eventually Karen and her friend parted company, giving him the chance that he needed. "Stop - Karen! Wait for me a minute. I want to explain something"! She stopped and looked at him as if he had just crawled out from under a rock. This was obviously going to take a lot more than just explaining, he thought nervously. "I..I just wanted to let you know why I couldn't make it this evening. I.." he started to say, but was soon cut short by Karen. "I already know why you can't make it. Your sister told me". "B..but you can't believe her. It wasn't my fault - she..". "That's what she told me. She said that you got into trouble because of something to do with her, but she didn't want to say what. She also asked me not to be mad, and that you really wanted to go out with me". Daniel was flabbergasted. He had expected to find that Donna had told Karen a pack of lies to get some sort of revenge on him, but it seemed as if she had done the exact opposite and had tried to stick up for him. "But if she told you that then why have you been ignoring me?" he asked her, puzzled at her treatment towards him. "Do you seriously think that I want to go out with a boy who has to get his little sister to fight his battles for him! If you'd had the courage to come to me yourself then it would have been different". "B..but I DID look for you earlier - I just couldn't find you"! "Hmmpphhh! Then you couldn't have made that much of an effort. I have been in the school all day, the same as you!" Karen answered and, turning on her heels, walked away from him. Daniel just stood there on the pathway, upset and confused. Even at his young age he seriously doubted whether he would ever understand women. It seemed as if whatever you did or said that you just couldn't win! Daniel looked at his watch and remembered that he was supposed to have gone straight home from school to face the music for his behaviour this morning and that his pursuit of Karen had taken him in the wrong direction. He started slowly running for home with his mood growing more sullen by the minute. The more he thought of what Karen had said, the more he started to blame Donna for his troubles and, conveniently, forgot that she had been trying to help him. "Why couldn't she have just minded her own business" he cursed to himself, "I would have fixed it with Karen if she hadn't poked her nose in"! * * * * * * * Martha looked at her watch and sighed. George had promised that he'd make an effort to be back in time this evening, he knew how important it was for her to let Daniel see that she had his father's support in the matter and that it wasn't just her who was angry, just because she was a woman. It was just typical that he'd put his work first again, as usual. She calmed down though, after a momentary show of frustration, feeling maybe that she was being just a little unfair. After all, they were living in an upmarket house that sported only the best of furniture. They had a new car every other year, and had at least two foreign holidays a year as well. Sure, she contributed to this with her own income, and she was sure that she was due for promotion soon which meant that her contribution would be even greater, but she was under no illusions that the higher than average lifestyle they enjoyed was mainly down to George. She sometimes wondered how he did it, but didn't let it unduly concern her. It was almost as soon as she had finished this train of thought that the phone rang. She leant across the breakfast bar where she was drinking coffee, and picked up the handset. "Martha, Hi. I just called to let you know that I'm going to be late again" she heard George say, a little sheepishly. "Oh, George. You know I really wanted you here with me to discipline Daniel. What is it this time?" she asked, her voice containing a mixture of disappointment, but also concern, for she could tell something wasn't as it should be from the tone of his voice. There was a slight pause for a moment, as if he was picking his words carefully. "Nothing darling, it's just that the auditors are in and they want to go through the books. It's not a good time to talk now. I'll give you a call later, when I know that I'm finished". "O..okay then. I'll see you when you get back then I suppose" she said, putting the phone down and feeling a little unnerved, having the strangest feeling that something wasn't quite right with him. * * * * * * * By the time he had gotten home Daniel's mood had worsened, and his resolution to get his own back on Donna somehow, had strengthened. The sight of her waiting for him in the hallway when he arrived home only served to steel his resolve even further. He was sure that she was just there to gloat! "Daniel - what did you do with that necklace I dropped?" she asked, catching him angry and out of breath. He had almost forgotten about that necklace thing, and acting on instinct his hand started to move towards his inside blazer pocket where had placed it for safe keeping, earlier. At the last minute though, he managed to control his involuntary action and made out as if he was just brushing his hair. "I'm not going to give it back. You messed things up for me with Karen and this is payback" he said, still panting as he tried to recover. "But you've got to! I only borrowed it from Mariah today. We were going to use it for dressing up on Saturday. Let me have it back - p..please!" she pleaded as a tremor starting to enter her voice. "Dressing up - sheeeez - you girls! Not a chance short stuff, now let me past. You know I've got to see mum and dad and you're only trying to make me even later that I already am, to try and get me into even more trouble" Daniel said, pushing past her and into the kitchen. "You're late. Where have you been?" his mother said, as soon as he entered the room. As soon as he tried to answer her though, she looked a little closer at him and spoke again. "What have you been doing? You stink of chlorine," she said, walking over towards him and sniffing his hair. Daniel told her about the swimming gala and how he hadn't bothered showering so that he could get home quickly, leaving out the part about Karen. "Then go and have a shower now, and afterwards come back down so that we can discuss what to do with you". "Er, I thought that you said that dad would be here" he said, looking all around to see if he might have missed his presence somehow. He saw a brief flicker of annoyance pass across his mother's face before she answered. "He had some business to finish so I'll just have to see to you myself. Don't go thinking I'm a soft touch though, 'cause I think its me that you should be more scared of"! Despite her cautionary tone Daniel could barely conceal the relief that he felt and practically ran up the stairs to his bedroom. It wasn't that he was particularly scared of his father, rather the fact that whenever his parents disagreed about anything he would always wind up worse off than he might otherwise expect to. Shutting his bedroom door behind him he quickly removed his school clothing before putting on a blue bathrobe and disappearing into the bathroom. He decided that he would give himself a thorough wash and then take his time before venturing back downstairs again. There was no rush, because he was sure that whatever else happened, he would not be going out of this house tonight, not if his mother had anything to do about it. His mother had been correct in that she was certainly no soft touch. The shower softened his mood a little and after he decided that he had soaked for long enough he dried himself, and put his bathrobe back on before returning to his bedroom. As soon as he walked in his bedroom door though, he saw Donna going through his blazer pocket and lifting out the necklace that he had picked up earlier. "Hey - what the hell do you think you're doing?" he shouted, causing Donna to fall over and drop the medallion, in surprise. As soon as he saw what Donna had dropped, Daniel leapt towards the necklace and grabbed hold of the medallion. "Give it back to me - it's mine!" Donna shouted back and reached out towards him, this time grabbing the chain with one hand, and Daniel's hand with the other. As she did so, they experienced what seemed to be an electric shock pass through them, causing Donna to pull away and let go of the medallion. Although he had felt the shock himself, Daniel continued to hang on to it grimly and then quickly replaced it back inside of his bathrobe pocket before reaching back towards his shocked sister, and grabbed her by the arm. "How dare you come here in my room and look through my things, you little brat. I..I'm going to teach you a real lesson this time" he said, picking Donna up with one arm and then laying her over his knee before she even had time to react. Donna was stunned into silence as she felt her skirt being raised and then her panties being pulled down to expose her bare behind. It was all such a shock that she only started screaming when she felt the sharp impact of his hand, although whether it was more from the physical pain than the humiliation that she felt, she wasn't sure. "Don't you" ...... "ever" ...... "come into" ...... "my room" ...... "again!" ... he yelled at her as she sobbed and wailed from his beating. He was so caught up in what he was doing that he didn't notice that even as his armed rained down she seemed to be getting a little heavier. Neither did he notice that the strange tingling sensation he had felt when he had been wrestling for the Medallion with Donna was now moving slowly along the whole length of his body. Eventually, once his anger had passed, he stopped and let Donna back down. As his excitement faded he started to become aware that something was wrong, very wrong indeed. He noticed that his hands seemed to be changing shape - getting smaller. He then looked at Donna and saw that she was struggling to pull her panties back up, as if they were now suddenly to small for her. Daniel's confusion increased as he went to stand up but he mistimed his movement as his feet hit thin air instead of the floor, and he fell tumbling from his bed. Donna turned around at hearing his fall, beginning to get worried herself now, at the pain she was getting from some of her clothing. "D..Daniel - what is happening?" she cried, her voice starting to waver as she noticed that he seemed to be getting smaller and less muscular. It diverted her attention from what was happening to herself for a moment, but she was quickly drawn back as she saw Daniel's much thinner arm pointing towards her. "Donna - you're getting bigger!" his voiced cracked, shifting into a higher register. She looked back at herself again, just in time to see her chest widening and the buttons of her school blouse straining. She..she seemed to be growing, almost as fast as Daniel was getting smaller. Despite what was happening to them both, they sat there frozen in mute horror, watching each other's body change. They lost all track of time, scarcely able to believe the evidence of their eyes as their bodies continued to morph, and the spell only became broken by the sound of their mother's voice calling from downstairs. "Is everything all right up there? I thought I could hear shouting"! As he snapped out of his trance Daniel tried to shout back to her, that everything was all right, despite the fact that this was far from the case. All that came out though, was a squeak, as he felt his throat start to constrict. He looked back at Donna again and noticed that her face had changed into an almost exact copy of his own. Feeling totally confused by now he then became aware that his chest was becoming tender. He tried to look down to see what was causing this feeling but found his view blocked by his bathrobe that now seemed to swamp him and cover his whole body. He started to panic now, and scrambled around inside of his bathrobe, desperately trying to find his body somewhere inside of the robe but failing, finding it hard to control his weaker arms and hands. He had completely forgotten about his mother now, as he fumbled with the sleeves that were now far too long for him but was suddenly reminded by a strange voice hissing at him. "Daniel - quick! She's coming up the stairs!" Everything was a blur after that as a series of sights, feelings and noises merged in a sudden flurry of activity. He turned towards where Donna had been sitting only to see a mirror image of himself moving towards him. His mind was in overload now, idly noting that although the image looked just like what he had seen in the mirror only a very short while ago, it seemed to be reversed and that it - he - was wearing the tattered remnants of Donna's clothing, all except for the skirt that had been removed. "Wh..what!" Daniel started to say, but stopped as he heard his voice. It sounded like ... like Donna's! Daniel was stunned into a state of shock as he felt himself being easily lifted and carried towards the wardrobe in the corner of his bedroom. He became vaguely aware of the sounds of footsteps approaching his room, and then of having his bathrobe whisked away from his body, leaving him naked and exposed. "Get inside and stay quiet"! Daniel had had only a second to take in the sight of the naked teenage boy who looked just like him and he doubted his sanity. It seemed like madness - this just couldn't be! He then looked down at his own body, now naked, and saw enough, even in the gloomy interior of the wardrobe, to experience an even greater sense of disbelief. Where was his penis? Where it should have been now seemed flat, smooth and pale with hardly a trace of hair. Everything went dark then as the door was shut on him. "Why didn't you answer me? I asked if you were all right!" Daniel heard his mother's voice say. He held his breath and wondered what was going to happen next. He certainly didn't want her to find him naked and like ... like... He heard his own voice again, being spoken this time by another, answer his mother and telling her that everything was all right followed by the sound of his mother answer back. His mind blanked out all thoughts of what she was saying, though, as he pressed a knuckle into his mouth to stifle the sound of a sob escaping, remembering what he had seen when he looked down at himself before it had all gone dark. His worries seemed to echo around his head, drowning out all thoughts of what was happening outside the wardrobe. It couldn't be - how could his penis have just disappeared? If it had gone then what was now there instead? A cold feeling ran down his body as the analytical part his brain caught up with his panic-stricken thoughts. If he no longer had a penis then he..he..must have a..a.. Fearing what he might find, he ran a finger down his small and smooth body until he encountered what he had dreaded finding most. Although he knew what he would find, it did not lessen his sense of shock as his finger found the small slit that now sat between his legs, where his penis had once been. He parted his legs slightly, and moved his finger in between them, feeling a faint resistance as he confirmed that the slit was..was... a vagina - a girl's vagina! "N..no - it can't be," he sobbed, forgetting everything else other than what he had discovered, "I..I'm...". Just then a bright light hit him as the door suddenly opened, causing him to squint as he tried to adjust to the sudden change. "A..a girl. That's right, you're a girl, and you can stop that - take your hand away from there"! Daniel felt his hand being taken away from where he had been exploring himself and was then pulled back into his bedroom again. Just as before, he found himself staring at his own body. "It's all right - she's gone now. You'd better start pulling yourself together though, because she's expecting you downstairs in a moment". Daniel just stood and started at .. at himself. It was impossible - he knew that, but somehow Donna had changed into him. He was looking at his own body; walking, talking and sounding just as he did - had. "Oh come on Daniel! I know it's a shock but you must have worked out what's happened by now. No wonder you've been struggling in school if you can't think quicker than this". The next moment Daniel felt himself being picked up and carried towards the mirror. A moment later he was looking at his reflection, his body behind Donna's. Something wasn't quite right with this scene though, for he could feel a pair of hands resting on his shoulders but the reflection showed that he was the one whose hands were on Donna's shoulders, not the other way around. Impossible as it seemed, his mind eventually gave in to the inevitable. "Donna - I..I'm you. I'm in your body!" he gasped, at the same time horrified at how small and girlish his voice now sounded. "At last! I knew that we'd get there in the end". Daniel felt dizzy for a moment, the enormity of what had happened to him Causing his mind to shut down. He hardly even noticed the strong arm that lifted him and placed him on the bed, nor the fact that Donna - now changed into him - was starting to get dressed in his clothing. He managed to get his voice back for a second though, as he watched 'himself' pulling on a pair of his jeans. "B..but how .. how did this happen, and w..what are you doing"? "As to how, I have about as much idea as you, it seems. As to what I'm doing - Mum's given you ten minutes to get dressed and get downstairs so that she can give you the lecture that you deserve. You can't really go down like that so I'll have to take your punishment. That is unless you'd like to try explaining to her what's happened to us"! Daniel shook his head vigorously before quickly stopping, feeling what was, for him, the alien sensation of shoulder length dark brown hair flapping around his face. "That's agreed then, because neither do I. Not until we can find out what did this to us and whether we can change back again". Donna's comments finally drove Daniel on to find his voice properly this time. "Change back! You mean you think that this might be permanent? B..but that can't be! I'm not - I can't be a girl". For the first time since they had changed, Donna grinned as she started to see the possibilities this gave her. She didn't want to be a boy, all big and clumsy, any more than Daniel wanted to be a girl, but this situation certainly gave her the opportunity to extract a little payback for everything that Daniel had done to her during the last year. She decided that her payback would start now. "You certainly are a girl Daniel, or maybe I'd better call you Donna"! "Donna! No..no, you can't call me that - please!" the small girl sitting on the bed cried. "Okay then, so I'll carry on calling you Daniel then, for now, but don't go blaming me if you start getting asked some awkward questions when others hear me. Are you also going to ask your friends to keep calling you Daniel, and admit to them that you're a girl, now "? Daniel's face went pale for a moment as he imagined the reaction from both his friends and also from Art if they ever found out. His life would be made a misery! "No - NO!!! Don't tell anyone - you mustn't. I...I'll do anything, just please don't tell"! Donna smiled at him, enjoying her early moment of triumph. "Then you're going to have to start answering to the name Donna then, aren't you. Until we know what's happened you are Donna and I am Daniel, got that"? Daniel's face went an ashen shade of white. "Y..you're Daniel! Bu..but...". "No but's 'Donna', that's how it has got to be, that is if you don't want everyone to know that the 'big', 'tough' Daniel Collins is now just a 'liddle girl'. Besides, everyone will think I am Daniel anyway, so it'll be easier to just go along with it". There was a slight pause before Daniel answered. Eventually though, he conceded to his sister's logic, having no other choice. "I suppose that you're right Donna. It just seem doesn't seem fair. I'm still Daniel deep down, despite what you call me". "I suppose that you're right, who"? Daniel's face coloured again, but this time it went a bright crimson and he dropped his head and closed his eyes, accepting the inevitable, shamefully. "I suppose that you're right 'Daniel'" he said, gritting his teeth. "I know I'm right - there is no other way for time being. If you don't keep this up though then I'll tell everyone who you are anyway, whether they believe me or not. I should be able to think of a way to convince them given time, and you wouldn't want that now, would you"! Daniel swallowed, knowing that although he didn't really believe that she would do such a thing, he couldn't take the chance, at least until he found out how to reverse whatever had done this to them. Once he discovered that though, then he would make Donna pay. He shook his head, feeling his hair swish around his face once again. "Good girl - I knew that you'd see sense. Now let's just try it out for size. You just admitted that I'm now Daniel; now who does that make you"? Daniel hung his head in shame, trying to hide his face behind his long hair. There was to be no escape for him though as he felt his chin being raised to face his tormentor. "I said, who does this make you, or would you rather I asked our mother?" Donna repeated, her voice now carrying more than a hint of menace. "Donna, my name is Donna" he mumbled. "Well thank goodness that we've established that. Now, just so that we're clear, why don't you tell me what are you Donna"? Daniel continued looking up at her, knowing that she was making things as painful as she possibly could. For the first time he wished that he had been a little kinder to her. "A..a...girl. I'm a girl," he admitted, his eyes filling with tears as he said the fated words. "There, that wasn't so bad now, was it! It will help you in the long run if you can accept this. Now just wait here whilst I go downstairs and take the medicine that was meant for you. No that's what I call unfair. Me taking your punishment for something that you actually did to me". As Donna turned towards the door, she smiled to herself, enjoying the sudden feeling of superiority that her new body gave her, and with the patronising manner that she had just used on Daniel - no Donna. She was Daniel now. Yes - she was a he and she was Daniel! She was the big brother, now. She still felt a twinge of sympathy though, for 'his' little 'sister', as she watched Daniel look down at himself again, and wipe away the tears that were running down his soft downy cheeks. * * * * * * * Daniel - for he was determined to continue to think of himself that way - hardly noticed Donna leave the bedroom and go down the stairs. The words "good girl" were still reverberating around his head and built into a cacophony of sound that would have deafened him had the noise been real. He could still hardly believe that this wasn't all just some horrible nightmare and that he would wake up and find himself a boy again soon. Deep down though he knew that this was very, very real indeed and the dark brown hair that fell in front of his face as he looked down at the floor again, merely confirmed the fact. "I'm not a girl - I'm not a girl - I'm NOT!" he cried and then threw himself on top of his bed and buried his face in the pillow, hoping that it would swallow him up and never let him go. Anything would be better than being a girl - than being Donna! He would have gladly taken whatever punishment his mother cared to hand out, and then some, if only he could be a boy again. * * * * * * * "It was a very mean, spiteful and nasty thing that you did to your sister" 'Daniel's' mother berated him as Donna stood there, her head hung low in shame. "I really don't think you can even begin to understand what a girl goes through when she's growing up" his mother continued. "It can be so confusing for her, when she realises that she is slowly becoming a woman and especially so, when she finds that boys start noticing her as well. What you did this morning was embarrassing for her, and unforgivable"! Donna kept silent, wondering just what her mother would say if she knew the truth, that the 'Daniel' that she was berating had a better understanding of what it felt like to be a girl entering puberty than she could ever imagine. She had an almost overwhelming urge to smile and to tell her that her real son was now her daughter and visa versa but although she was sorely tempted she fought against it. It was a close thing though, because she knew she could make Daniel suffer more at her hands than those of her mother who might even start to become sympathetic to him, if she found out what had happened to them, and she wasn't having that. She wanted the opportunity to wreak revenge all to herself, at least until she found a way to change them back. That way Daniel might be somewhat more understanding of her. Despite this though, it was still hard for her to accept her mother's disappointment and scorn as she put on a most convincing act. "I know mum, and I am really, really sorry. I suppose that us boys have it easy in comparison to girls. It's just that I was in a bad mood and as soon as your back was turned, she started riling me. You never see that part of it," she said, feeling like a traitor as she said the words, but knowing that it would help her impersonation seem that much more convincing. Donna watched as her mother almost staggered in shock at what she had said. "Pardon me - did I just hear what I thought I heard?" his mother said, sitting down to steady herself. "I said that I think it must be lot more difficult being a girl than it is to be a boy, and that I suppose I should have been a lot more understanding towards Donna. I should never have hurt her that way. You are right - there is no excuse for the way I treated her. I will accept whatever punishment that you think is appropriate and try to be better behaved towards girls in general, in the future". "I..I..I'm not sure what to say? I am very surprised at your attitude though, and the maturity that you're showing. If only you could be like this more often. Maybe if you just stay in tonight then we can consider the matter closed. I just hope that you're not just saying this to keep me happy!" she said, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "No mum, I know that you'd see through that instantly. I swear, I almost feel like a different person today and I promise you that I'll try and get along much better with my sister in the future. Can I go to my room now"? His mother nodded, still stunned by how Daniel had conducted himself, and watched him turn to go back up the stairs to his room. She shook her head in wonder and put the kettle on for a much needed cup of tea. "I think I've seen it all now. Just wait until I tell George". * * * * * * * Part 2. Let The Punishment Fit The Crime Daniel was still lying on the bed and covering his head with a pillow when Donna walked in, her face still wearing a triumphant grin following the easy manipulation of their mother. It had been so easy! How stupid Daniel must have been not to realise just how easy it was to twist their parents around his finger! Donna smiled to herself. Things were going to be a lot different around here from now on. The combination of her greater intellect along with a stronger body was giving her the confidence that she could actually carry this off. Sensing that someone was there in his room, Daniel turned around, forgetting the fact that he was still naked. He wiped a hand across his tear-ridden face and looked at Donna, still in his body. "Oh for goodness sake, isn't it about time that you pulled yourself together! Look at you -

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Pirates of Caledonia II Learning the RopesChapter 2 Replacements

The Captain woke Tara and myself up by storming into my little room and throwing off the covers. We had slept little that night, and Tara had had several orgasms (and I even managed a couple myself) 'Come on Cabin Boy', she bellowed. 'Stop fucking my crew. We have work to do.' I came round quickly and she was holding out my razor and towel. 'Get showered, get dressed and get downstairs', she told me and have my naked rear a painful spank as I left the room. Tara quickly joined me in...

2 years ago
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Sex During Placement

Hi iss readers this is Rishi (name changed). I have been following iss for past 3 years now. Stories ere are quite erotic some times. I have always enjoyed reading stories out here. Today I am going to share my first sexperience which I had with my friend which I encountered during a off campus placement drive. First of all let me introduce myself, I am 6 ft tall a lil dark complexion but 7” dick which can satisfy desire of any girl. Now heroine of this plot she is 5’3 and slim figure girl. Her...

1 year ago
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The Fireplace

I walk into the room. I see you standing by the fireplace.You sit down by it and I join you.I bring my hand over towards yours brushing against it ever so gently.You reach out and brush yours back against mine, letting your manly hand linger for a few minutes. You then grab onto my hand and hold onto it bringing it down onto your cock.I turn my head noticing this. I start massaging your cock slowly with my hand. I hear you moan.You then turn towards me slightly. You bring your free hand over to...

2 years ago
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Thought placer

You wake up one morning with a headache. You've been grounded for weeks, your hot, redheaded girlfriend Hailey broke up with you, your grades are falling, basically, your life sucks. Your killer headache is just the last little bit that pushes you over the edge. "Nick! Breakfast is ready." Your mom says after opening your door. "Just shut the fuck up mom, I'll be down in a minute!" You lash out. "There is no place for language like that in this household! You know, I thought five weeks was...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Masturbation friendly workplace

It's a new generation and it's no longer taboo. I enjoyed it regularly along with a friend at my first job- night shift with some long dry hours to burn. True story.I was 17 then so the urge was overwhelming and often and we had to do something. I had taken the job printing, sealing and cutting plastic cards and badges. The guy I started working with was older, 22, but very cool and we quickly became friends.It had only been about a week for me when discovered the boss's porn collection-...

1 year ago
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This is something I wrote under a different screen name on a social media site with a journal facility. I toned the sex down in the original, but we’re all adults here right? I’ve put it in the non-erotic category, because although sex is a part of the tale, [a] it’s at homeopathic levels and [b] the story is about how lustful thoughts can keep one’s mind away from the prospect of an imminent mangling. When I put it up in the other place, both of the people who read it said it was almost not...

2 years ago
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Diamentional displacement

You are James Altair, a janator at Wendigo Corperation. You were suprized that you got the job so soon after graduating highschool. For fovr months now, you stayed on the bottom 3 floors but when you got you schedule for this week, you see you have the labs. Excited about the promotion after being dumped by Sara, you girlfriend of four years, you get on the elevator and go up to floor 12. You clean the halls and office outside the labs. You start cleaning thd last office and start cleaning but...

2 years ago
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Danis Work Placement

“Hi, I’m Danielle” you introduce yourself to the middle aged woman sitting at the reception desk, “I’m starting work here today” you add as way of explanation for disturbing her from her work. “Oh yes, Danielle,” she mumbles almost to herself as she rummages through some paper on her desk, finally pulling out a folder that she was obviously looking for, a folder that you see has your name plastered right across the centre, and the words “Work Placement” typed in bold letters underneath. “This...

2 years ago
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Retour de deacuteplacement

Il est 07h00 du matin un jeudi, mon avions vient d’atterrir, je m’empresse de prendre un taxi pour rentrer chez moi et faire une surprise a ma femme qui croit encore que je suis encore en Inde pour un déplacement, mais mon travail finis j’ai pue rentrer plus tôt. Dans le taxi le long du chemin je pensais déjà à plein de choses coquines que je vais lui faire . J’arrive à la maison, personne pour m’accueillir, en même temps je ne l’ai pas prévenue, elle a du surement faire des courses, je prépare...

2 years ago
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Youth Program Placement

Author's notes: this is the third part in my story set that started with artist in residence. This time, only some basic points are the same- otherwise, it's a totally new story. This one has a strong work component-you'll see what that means! As well, this story (unfortunately) uses scene splits. They are clearly marked and explained. It's like a movie, where you're shown different areas. They shouldn't be a problem. Story notes: this continues the continuum that started two stories...

3 years ago
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Job Placement

A chapter from my new book Random Stories by Raul Montana.it is available on Amazon for E Reader and paperback. Enjoy!Marcy recently moved to Florida from Kansas to live with her husband, Paul. She quickly found work at a school that did vocational training. Her position at this school was in a job placement function. She helped the soon to be graduates with skills such as resume writing and job searches. She would also set up job fairs and sometimes interviews for exceptional students. During...

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an evening by the fireplace

An evening to remember by Michelle's fireplace.As I drove on the lonesome highway outside of Madison and my thoughts began to wander. Evening was fast approaching and I was nearing my destination. I pulled off a country road and stopped for a minute to pick some wildflowers by the side of the road. They were just coming into bloom and very pretty. I started back up and made my way out of town pulling up to Michelle's house. I could hear the dog bark inside. Grabbing my gifts I proceeded to...

2 years ago
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theivery at the marketplace

Leihla had been caught red handed stealing from her employer. She had agreed to be his sex toy to avoid going to jail. The man handcuffed her and began to have his way with her. He lifted her top and kissed her neck. He pulled up her top and massaged her young breasts and pulled on her nipples. He ran his hands all over her body. She wanted to hate it but could not help but enjoy his wandering hands. She kept trying to convince him to let her go home but he was intent on having his way with...

4 years ago
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theivery at the marketplace

Leihla had been caught red handed stealing from her employer. She had agreed to be his sex toy to avoid going to jail. The man handcuffed her and began to have his way with her. He lifted her top and kissed her neck. He pulled up her top and massaged her young breasts and pulled on her nipples. He ran his hands all over her body. She wanted to hate it but could not help but enjoy his wandering hands. She kept trying to convince him to let her go home but he was intent on having his way with...

3 years ago
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I found Ellie by accident, which, I think, is how all loves begin. I noticed her because she was wearing our school uniform, despite it being a Saturday, waiting for a bus to come. She had short, blonde hair, blue eyes, and her face was evenly proportioned. Se was thick in the correct places, which is something I had not noticed in a woman before, and have not noticed since. She was sucking on a lollipop so forcefully that her cheeks became concave and her lips presented themselves as if they...

2 years ago
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Legends of the Displaced

You wake up with a terrible headache, laid down on an altar of some kind, your mind is a maelstrom of ideas, sensations, and other things. You can't remember who you are or what you are. Your body is on fire, melting and reforming. Suddenly everything stops. you open your eyes and see that you are in the open, in your peripheral vision you notice that the altar you are in is in the middle of a stone circle, in some kind of forest. immediately voices start to speak in your mind, thousands of...

1 year ago
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Mamas Replacement

I run my hand under the covers wanting to stroke my cock. Wait, my cock is hard, and something is moving down there. I’m still dreaming? I focus my eyes in the moonlight coming through the window and notice the blanket moving up and down. I pull the blanket off, and the beautiful face of my wife Eve stairs back at me. Piercing blue eyes stare into my very soul, her face happy as her mouth slides up and down my cock. “Eve, is that you?” I ask. She just smiles with her eyes as she continues to...

3 years ago
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Mamas Replacement

Only in my dreams could I conceive what is happening. I must be dreaming, this can’t be real, can it? I wake from the dream of having sex with my wife. A dream I now realize, because my wife had died two years ago. The dream is of my wife twenty-years-younger, but I'm the age I am now. I'm still groggy from sleep, but the dream seems to continue in my mind, as I'm feeling intense pleasure in my groin.I run my hand under the covers wanting to stroke my cock. Wait, my cock is hard, and...

4 years ago
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Once upon a time, a person was offered a choice by a force infinitely their greater. Either they could remain as they are, continuing their life as though nothing had happened, or they could get a chance to experience a different life altogether, abandoning their old life in the process. This person, for some unknown reason, chose the latter. At this stage, you're probably thinking "Great, I'm going to get to experience another life!" and whilst that is technically true, there is one small...

4 years ago
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The Replacement

THE REPLACEMENT by B.Pink It was the easiest ?10,000 I had ever earned. The women had contacted me on my mobile, how they got the number is anyone's guess. Maybe they had seen my advert in the Private Investigators Gazette, Call John Bullet, no job too large or small. They wanted to meet me in the cellar bar of a seedy club in town. I was early, I always was, as I wanted to see the layout of the place before they arrived. It was a place that you would not take your wife or...

1 year ago
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Roommate Replacement

Roommate Replacement by Everitt James The second he said it, Peter knew he had made a huge mistake. Lily's eyes were red as an uncooled caldera, brimming with rage at the young man she to this point had called her significant other. Lily's face gave Peter the distinct impression that soon he might be referred to as her deceased significant other. Her reply ringed and writhed in his head with like Wagnerian epic, "IF I LOST A FEW POUNDS?" Lily belt at the now trembling 18 year...

3 years ago
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Alex to Alina Chapter 8 The Replacement

Chapter 8: The Replacement I couldn't deny it anymore, I had boobs. I adjusted my brand new pink sports bra from Victoria's Secret and stared down at my chest. Another three weeks had past and they had grown quite significantly, now fully filling my A cups, meaning soon I would have to upgrade to the B cups I had thankfully already purchased. I wriggled a little back and forth, feeling them jiggle despite the confines of the sport bra. They actually stuck out far enough to...

3 years ago
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The Replacement

I nervously approached the huge entry way. It was a home straight from "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous." Live swans swam in the pond at the center of the circular drive. I had no clue why I was asked to come, but a thousand buck was promised just for showing up, and my rent was late. The tall doors opened and a man in a tuxedo welcomed me in with a bow. "Welcome Mr. Cooper," he said. "Uh, thanks." I was shown to a room with floor to ceiling bookshelves and a massive desk. ...

3 years ago
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The Replacement

The Replacement Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on a caption by Commentator] Carrie's hands started to tremble as she heard her younger brother entering her apartment. The tea in the cup in her hands thrashed about while she placed it upon her tabletop. Clearing her throat, Carrie called out, "Lee, can you come in here for a moment?" "What's up?" Lee inquired while he stared down at his sister. His inquisitiveness turned to concern once he noticed the nervous look...

3 years ago
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Neighbours Replacement

Neighbour's replacement It was the beginning of a sunny summer, school just finished (I was 16 at that time) and I was planning to have a great vacation at home, I only had a few friends and they all were leaving with their families to have a summer vacation elsewhere: I would have been alone with my parents (I had no brothers or sisters), but I was not bothered by that, that gave to me plenty of time to use my new computer, sleep and in particular to admire my neighbour. She was...

3 years ago
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Compulsion and Replacement

Compulsion and Replacement. A short story featuring my usual niche subject - rainwear A young man left alone for a day explores the spare room and a box of old clothes, the results of which are catastrophic or entrancing depending on your point of view John was rooting round in the spare room when he came across a box of old clothes. They must have belonged to his grandma and forgotten when she passed away. In a desultory way he looked through the contents amused by the...

3 years ago
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The Fireplace

It was late morning and the sun had finally inched its way in through the soft curtains at the window. Jennifer lay snuggled close to her pillows not wanting to move or even open her eyes. It was Sunday and this was her day to sleep in. She rolled over on her back and ran a hand down her silky negligee. She felt so cozy in bed she wanted it to last. Stretching her arms over her head she took a strand of her hair and played with the end of it. It was so smooth against her face. Closing her eyes...

2 years ago
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A Cold Night by the Fireplace

It was cold out and I was horny so I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to come over so I could act out one of my fantasies. We would have the house to ourselves all night so I decided that this was the night to make love to him on the living room floor with the fireplace burning. I started the fire then put down some blankets and the comforter from my bed then I ran upstairs and put on my best lingerie.’ When he got to the house I opened the door and kissed him hard, pulling him right to the...

3 years ago
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The Fireplace

Chapter 1 Drenched running towards the house we nearly crash into the door before opening it. Her scalloped t-shirt reveals flesh glistening with sweat and rain. Golden hair clings tightly like wet lips to the delicate creases of her mouth. Water strokes and caresses her face before dripping to the floor. Soaked, she looks the part of an awakening flower. Her lips part slightly as she blows off more of the dewy water from her face. We drop our wet footwear at the foyer It occurs to me that...

4 years ago
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Just Your Average Workplace

“And that just about sums everything up,” I clapped my hands together, schoolteacher fashion, looking out over the sea of male faces, all of whom stared back blankly. It was all I could do to keep from rolling my eyes and flipping them all off, but, professionalism. Whatever. “Thank you all for your time, and enjoy our refreshments.” “Just in the nick of time, Andy,” I faked a smile, glad for an excuse to sit down. Not like anyone was paying attention at that point, anyway. But, sometimes it...

2 years ago
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The Office Becomes A Naturists Workplace

I’d finished school with what most considered outstanding results and went on from there to qualify as an accountant. The sensible option would have been to join one of the big accountancy firms in the city close to where I lived but for me, it was a bigger challenge to start my own company. It was a slow process but bit by bit my client base grew and I began to take on staff of my own. From a small business working from home, I began renting offices in town and developed to the point where I...

1 year ago
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Sexual exploitation at workplace

In the corporate society its not easy for a fresher girl to gain the work experience unless she fully comprises with her boss and allows him to do each and everything he wants to do her. For gaining recognition in her employer 's eyes she must agree to fulfill his all types of fetishes and demands as many times as he wants. The employer checks her loyalty and obedience very seriously. These things are strictly official. These rich employers are highly dominating and does not likes to be...

3 years ago
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Hostile Workplace

When the laws changed the impact was immediate and dramatic. The floodgates had been opened and the unstoppable forces now unleashed swept away all the old certainties and left a changed landscape in their wake. It did not take years but mere months, weeks even, before society had been radically transformed at every level. Companies very quickly saw the profits to be made from catering openly to male desires, and where one led the rest soon followed. Dress codes became a lot more revealing as...

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How to Handle a Bitch in the Workplace

This is a true story, as are all of my stories. And it was a great time!I was in my early 40s, working as a Regional Safety Manager for a large trucking company. We leased on owner operators, and it was my job to qualify, or disqualify, the Recruits that our lovely, but shady, ladies in our recruiting department would bring in. Which, caused a lot of conflict between the Safety Department and the Recruiting Department.These sweet talking women would practically have phone sex with some of the...

4 years ago
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The Office Becomes A Naturists Workplace

I’d finished school with what most considered outstanding results and went on from there to qualify as an accountant. The sensible option would have been to join one of the big accountancy firms in the city close to where I lived but for me, it was a bigger challenge to start my own company. It was a slow process but bit by bit my client base grew and I began to take on staff of my own. From a small business working from home, I began renting offices in town and developed to the point where I...

2 years ago
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A frustrated wealthy 39 year old widowed business woman seduces a young student who is on a work experience placement

Vicky had inherited the business from her late husband and had grown it tenfold. What started out as a small firm of engineering consultants had now grown to include architects, civil and hydraulic engineers, quantity surveyors and a construction division. With her business acumen, talent at networking, people skills and background as an architect, although she had never really practiced, Vicky had proved that all round knowledge, common sense and people skills were a better recipe for success...

1 year ago
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Hi! My name is Keven Jeanne Bardot, and I am a sheplacement. She-placements are males who stand in for biological women. And while there has always been a subculture involving straight men and shemales, it is only in the past few years that this has come out from the shadows and taken its place in the public eye. Until recently, probably the most open place where sheplacements were able to operate openly, were in jails and prisons. In male prisons the only women around are staff members -...

3 years ago
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Slutwife Terry Webb Has Sex in Risky Places

If you have read about my many different adventures you already know risky is normal for me. One of my all time favorite places for public sex is public beaches and public swimming pools. I can't tell you how many times I've included water (beaches, pools, lakes, etc) in our sexual play in public. Ive enjoyed sex in public bars on the pool table, pinball machine, or even on the bar by as many willing partners as time allowed. I still enjoy being naked while riding in a vehicle even when going...

1 year ago
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I find lesbian places

Not only does time heal all wounds so I could put most of my past behind me, I was becoming more comfortable with Catherine and she was always so anxious to please me. Now there were no more men in my life for the time being I was free to spend more time with her. It was partly because being a stranger in that part of the city I didn't have many friends to speak of, other than my colleagues from work, and the fact I liked the way she made me feel like a queen. We began having me frequent more...

2 years ago
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Asteroid Patrol The Replacement

I brought our ship ‘Juliet’ to a halt against the landing bay of headquarters. Once every three months we would return to Space Police HQ for supplies and other changes including picking up probationary officers. On this occasion however Bob was arriving for the last time. He was retiring and I was to be supplied with a new partner. ‘Well Bob, it’s been a blast.’ I held out my hand and he shook it. ‘You’ve come on a lot since they foisted you on me Dave.’ He grinned. ‘Finally I feel that I...

1 year ago
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the replacement

Chapter 1 This guy has got to show up, I was starting to get that sick stomach, considering what would happen if this guy that we found online to meet us, doesn’t show up. The place was this bar that was connected to the hotel we were staying at located on the outskirts of town. There was only one reason why we got the room and only one reason we were in this town, and that was to hopefully hook my wife up with a black guy for a roll in the hay.. But there was actually a lot more to this...

2 years ago
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Her Replacement

The chirping of crickets played in the background as my lover sucked my hardened nipples. I whipped my head back in pleasure only to hit the head rest on the driver side of his decade old mustang that still smelled new. His mouth sucked me in further and I responded by swaying my hips against his clothed cock. My relentless teasing resulted in him sliding his hand between my white panties and his denim jeans. I yelped in surprise and attempted to flee when his hand rubbed against my clitoris...

4 years ago
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My Husbands Nighttime Replacement

Adele sat on the bed, she could cry. Another unsatisfied night and her husband, Kyle, didn’t even seem to notice. She loved him, he just never seemed to care for her like he used to. Her body ached for real physical, passionate sex, something he seemed unable to give. She didn’t know what to do, she ached to be touched, but wanted to stay faithful to her husband, she loved him. She let a scream of frustration as she climbed out of bed. She did her morning hygiene, bathing then brushing her...

2 years ago
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Star Trek TNG The Replacement

What should she do? Beverly Crusher's mind wasn't really on it today. To be fair it was quiet in sickbay and all she was really had to do was the unenviable task of sorting out shift patterns and finishing off paperwork. The 'rewards' of being a Chief Medical Officer aboard a starship, she thought, although at least she got her own office. Her mind, however, wasn't on the job at hand. All she could think about was last night. She had slept well, although her dreams contained more visions of her...

3 years ago
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Rest of Kats Replacement

After eight months Kerry is so taken with Kat's way of controlling a woman that she ask Kat to teach her some things. What do you mean teach it just comes out of me when I see a woman I'm interested in things just seem to happen and before long I either get her or give up the chase. Kerry says you mean some get away? Oh yea not everyone falls but most do. Like how many can I ask? Kat smiles lets find out together ok she leads Kerry to her bedroom and a drawer opening it it's full of panties...

3 years ago
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The Replacement

It had taken a lot of bribes, just to get hold of him. And then the surgery had cost a lot more, but for the parents, it was worth it to have their Amber back again. They knew that he would not want to replace her, which was why they had implanted a little electro-shock device into him for training purposes. As well as that, a bangle that *she* could not take off contained a GPS device so they would know where their little princess was at all times. They waited for *her* to wake so...

3 years ago
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The Replacement

Daniel Swan looked out across the bay from the bench he sat on. It was a cool early autumn evening, just before eight. He looked at the bunch of white roses in his hand, lifted them, and sniffed them. She was not coming, he knew. Rachel would stay away. He placed the roses on the bench.“See you next month, my darling.” It was his ritual, every month, at eight in the evening on the fourteenth he would place twelve white roses on the bench. Two and a half years ago, on valentine’s day, her hands...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The Replacement

Kyle arrived home from work to his suburban townhouse Friday evening a little after 6 PM as he normally does. He opened a box of chicken nuggets and placed them in his oven to bake while he went to his master bathroom to take a dump in the toilet and then a shower to wash off the day's grunge. Fully refreshed, he grabbed a Guinness from the fridge and served himself the nuggets as he plopped in the sofa to catch the Thunderbirds marathon on Tech TV. A few hours and episodes later, he used...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 293 Replacement

Josh and I took Cassie and Mary into Indianapolis Friday night to celebrate Mary's twenty-second birthday. So much of our lives was focused on the ranch that we didn't go out often. It was a major production to take the casa to dinner someplace. Much easier to just cook at home. Josh and I had a few minutes to talk last weekend and decided we needed to treat our women to more outings. After all, the original intent of the agreement was so we could be free to date. Josh and Cassie had been...

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