Bob And Carol And Gemma And - Alice? free porn video

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A work of FICTION for ADULTS only. Do NOT read this if you are under 18 or if you are not an adult according to the laws of your state or country. Do NOT read this if you are offended by fantasies involving sexually explicit material. Comments welcome, send to: [email protected] Bob and Carol and Gemma and - Alice? - by Bethany Jacques I sat there, in the kitchen, suddenly very nervous again. The previous half-hour had started out nerve-racking enough but I had settled, more quickly than I had imagined. Carol hadn't laughed, she had been kind, and interested, and considerate, and she had listened and asked intelligent questions. But then we had heard the car pull up outside and I had dashed upstairs to change - or just to hide. Now? I was sitting in the kitchen for a while. Waiting. Was this a good idea? I wasn't sure. I nervously sipped on my drink and pulled my short skirt down, I didn't want it showing my stocking tops. I heard cheery laughter as Gemma chatted with Bob, and as he shared a joke about his dinner-with-a-client with his wife Carol. I had heard them go through and start talking quietly in the lounge, I couldn't make out what they were saying. Then the door to the kitchen opened and Gemma came in and looked at me. "OK, dear? Ready for this?" >**********************< It had all started out so innocently that evening. I got home early, as I always tried to do when we had friends to stay. Carol and Bob were old friends, I had known Bob at college and he and I had been each other's best man when we both got married within a couple of years of starting work. Gemma and I had been happy for nearly twelve years, the usual ups and downs but we had worked to overcome them, and we had no reason to believe Carol and Bob didn't share similar wedded bliss. But that evening when Carol had arrived early, to have a good chatter with Gemma before Bob came along later, we had learned that things were quite not as they seemed. I had been surprised when Gemma had called me in, to join in their discussion. "I've told Gemma and she seems to think you should know too," said the lovely Carol when I sat opposite her with my coffee. I had been a little distracted, she was wearing a short skirt and I had always admired her legs. Gemma and I had often joked about that. But I tried to concentrate on what she was saying, not on her legs and her prominent bosoms. "It's Bob and I. We had a good talk last night. We're thinking about a divorce." I was shocked to say the least. I had thought I knew them both very well, we were so often in each other's houses and had been since just after our college days. I played golf with Bob, and all four of us frequently went down to the town pool for a swim when I really could admire Carol's figure. And we'd all been to the cinema together, sometimes to the theatre. But, I realised, not so much recently, I remembered Gemma had commented on that a couple of days earlier. I really didn't know what to say. But Carol continued. It's a collection of things really. We seem not to do so much together these days and - well - in bed, it just doesn't seem to work anymore. I mean, it used to be so good ... " At which she began to sob again. Gemma moved to comfort her, I myself stood up and walked over to kneel in front, to take her hand, to try to offer some support. Eventually she settled down and began to smile a little, difficult in the circumstances. It was Gemma's turn to speak. "Alan, we have to help here, don't we." I didn't really see how, I mean it was between Bob and Carol really, OK we would help out in any way we could but I really didn't see how. I looked at then both, two very attractive women in their mid-thirties, both somewhat upset. It was Gemma who surprised me by what she said next. "Carol, you probably don't realise this but Alan and I have been through this ourselves." I didn't realise what was going to come next, or I would probably just have shouted 'NO' and run out. Carol looked across at me, then at Gemma. "You two? Oh no, surely not, I mean, you and Alan, we've always looked at you as a sort-of role model where marriage is concerned. I mean, a couple of months ago I noticed you seemed a bit down, Alan, but since then, well, you've never seemed happier." I didn't know how to explain, in fact she was so right, but things had changed in the previous two months. "Well Carol. We had to talk it through, and we came up with a way of helping ourselves." No! "It was after we had watched a television program, I had an idea and Alan went along with it." No! No! "Some people might think it a little unconventional but, well, in the privacy of our own home, as I said we came up an idea, it doesn't affect other people and it works for us." No!!! Surely not. This was private, not for sharing. Not even with our nearest friends. Surely Gemma wasn't going to tell Carol about this, about our secret. I looked straight at her, screaming 'no' with my eyes. "Alan. I think this may be a good idea. To tell Carol at least, Bob won't be here for quite a while yet. She can keep a secret, I trust her. And if it helps her to realise that someone like us can find a way through all the problems, well, I think we're obliged to help. How about it?" I sat and thought about it. Rather stunned. It was between Gemma and me. It was private, man-and-wife stuff, not for public consumption. Gemma had a point, I wanted to help Bob and Carol but was this the only way? Would it really help? I would be revealing all to Carol, maybe not to Bob, how would she react? On the other hand I had to admit that in a way I was rather thrilled by the thought of sharing it with another person apart from Gemma. Maybe I could do it. "Alan, you can do it. Yes you can. Shall I tell Carol, do you want to be here when I do or would you rather go? You could go sort some stuff in the garden." Carol had recovered from her distress to some extent while we were discussing this. She looked across at me, then at Gemma, puzzled. "Look, you two, I don't want to cause even more problems. I mean, whatever Gemma is on about, Alan, if you're not happy about it...." "Alan, go on. I'm sure it will help, and I'm also sure you'd really like to. I'll help. You go on upstairs and make a start, I'll come and help in a minute. I really think it would be better to show Carol, not just to tell her. Please." And it was the way she said that 'please', that did it, she could wind me round her little finger when she said that, it was the look on her face when she said it, some combination of coy and sexy. I gave in, I stood up and went out and upstairs. Gemma joined me after a few seconds. "Right then, Alan, I know you will enjoy this. You go and shower, I'll get your stuff ready. So, shower I did. When I returned to the bedroom Gemma had gone back downstairs again. I looked at what she had laid on the bed. I became just a little aroused, at the thought of what was to come and of Carol waiting downstairs. I set to it. About twenty minutes later Gemma came back to help with my preparation. She had worked part-time in a beauty salon when she had been in college herself and had become very skilful in make-up. After helping me she went back down, and very soon I followed her. I paused outside the lounge, then knocked gently on the door. "Come in" I heard Gemma call out. I opened the door and went in. Carol looked at me. I stood there, in front of her, rather differently dressed from what she had seen about an hour earlier. She looked me up and down. I felt very different too. My own hair was beginning to recede but the shoulder length deep brown wig I was wearing hid all that. The delicate clip earrings were different too, as was the 'gold' choker with a deep blue central stone. Gemma had done her usual excellent job on my make- up, I was thrilled with the overall effect of my bluish eye-shadow, thick eye liner and mascaras and the deep red lipstick, coated with a smooth lip gloss. The clothing had changed too. No more shirt and trousers, I was wearing a sheer cream blouse with ruffles down the front between my 'breasts' and at the cuffs. It went well with the short tight black skirt and black stockings, held up by my suspenders. And the shoes, Gemma hadn't realised which ones I was going to wear when she had done my make-up. I'd always loved high heels, for many years I'd loved to look at Gemma's legs or Carol's when they were wearing stilettos. And now I was wearing my own. I stood there, waiting to be inspected, my tight black basque holding me in, pushing my 'boobs' out, giving me a more-than- acceptable figure. The little cap and frilly apron completed the effect - I was to all appearances a real 'lady's maid.' Carol spoke at last. "Wow! Alan, you look sensational - I never imagined ..... I wasn't sure what Gemma was on about but this, well!! I don't know ow to say this, I hardly dare admit it but - Gemma - looking at Alan like this, I'm getting rather turned on!" That was something new. And something which very much surprised me at first. But then I remembered the sort of comments which Gemma had made when she first saw me dressed, or at least the first time she saw me properly dressed. Made up that is, with nylons covering my shaved legs, with a tight basque or a waist cincher, able to show a proper female figure, in fact after Gemma said I really looked like 'a babe'. Gemma had liked it, maybe Carol did too. In other circumstances I might have been really impressed that Carol found me attractive. In this case I was happy, maybe even thrilled, but not 'excited', not in a sexual way. The two girls persuaded me to walk round a little, to sit and to stand, then Gemma asked me to get them some drinks. I made each a vodka and lime, I decided there and then that if the chance ever came that was going to be 'my' drink. If ever. And it was then, just as we were talking about my dressing, and wondering if Gemma was going to ask me to join them for a drink, that we heard a car outside. Bob was here, from work. I looked at Gemma, rather alarmed, this wasn't supposed to happen, there was supposed to be another hour yet. I just had to get changed back, and quick. I turned and dashed out and upstairs. I heard some shouting behind me but I didn't wait to hear, I was in too much of a hurry. I just got into the bedroom and reached behind me to unzip my skirt when a
hand grabbed mine from behind. It was Carol. "Wait, Alan. Or should I say 'Alice'. You've been so great so far, I want to know and I think Bob might too. Really, we do need help, Bob was getting rather desperate a couple of nights ago. And he was totally useless in bed last night. I know I shouldn't be saying this to you or to Gemma but I do need someone we can trust. And you can trust us, both of us, too. Please. Come down. As you are. I'll explain what is going on to Bob. If you can find it in you to help us this time, please Alan, I really don't want Bob and I to have to go on like this." She was beginning to sob by then, I never could stand a woman crying especially a friend. I just knew that, whatever the consequences, I had to say yes. So I did. Which is why, a few minutes later, I was at in the kitchen. Hesitant. Waiting. I could hear the girls and Bob talking next door. Presumably they were telling him what was going on. But how much of it? What was about to be expected of me? "OK, dear? Ready for this?" >**************< I walked through into the lounge and turned to face Gemma. And Bob. I wasn't sure exactly what the girls had told him, I hadn't been able to hear properly what they had been talking about. Probably something about Gemma and me having had difficult times ourselves and of our pleasure in being
able to work through them. But, from the look on Bob's face, I could see
Gemma hadn't told him exactly how. He said nothing for several seconds, then spoke, "Streuth Alan, You look sensational!" Again, as with Carol, not quite what I had been expecting, Not laughter, not ridicule, not 'Alan you look stupid', nothing like that. I decided to
maintain whatever illusion I had succeeded in creating. "Good evening sir, may I get you a drink?" It was the combination of the subservient manner and the rather gentle voice which did it, I think, and Bob's own obvious mental jump which matched the one I had made myself some months earlier. Not a massive jump, just an assumption about my name. "Er - yes please - er - Alice, a whisky if I may." I smiled sweetly at Bob and turned towards the drinks trolley, pouring his drink and adding what I knew to be the right amount of soda. I turned towards him and noticed Gemma and Carol beaming at each other. "Gemma, did you see that. You are a dirty old man, Bob Harris, I saw the way you tried to look up Alan's skirt!" Bob felt in some way caught out, he stuttered a little. "Well - er - no, I was just looking - I mean - " "You were looking at his legs!" Gemma butted in. The accusations were made light-heartedly but there was just a slight edge to what Carol was saying. "Gemma, please, you have to say 'she' and 'her', after all it is a woman you can see isn't it? And if you think her body looks good now you should see her in a mini-dress and sheer stockings!" That broke the ice, all three of them collapsed in mild hysterics. I was just beginning to feel rather embarrassed, rather out of it, when Carol brought us all back down to Earth. "Well, like I said, you really do look gorgeous Alice. If you're being the maid maybe you'd like to freshen all our drinks and you can both tell us all about it." "Yes, do Alice dear. And you can take off your cap and apron and come and have a drink too." I did another whisky and soda, and this time three vodka and limes, then sat down on the sofa next to Gemma. I carefully slid my legs to one side, trying to sit delicately, Carol smiled when she noticed my difficulty. We spent the best part of an hour chatting about my dressing, about how I felt being seen as a woman, and most importantly how Gemma and I thought it had helped us. We both had to admit - it wasn't entirely the sex but that was an important part of it. Making love as two women, with me often teasing Gemma's cunt, with my long fingers or with my lips, basically playing at being two women in bed together, we loved it! Specially when we played with each others breasts, and even more specially when we both wore exotic and usually very expensive bras and panties. It was just fun! Carol kept asking about what it felt like, I am sure she was getting rather excited by images of me dressed in underwear. Maybe I was just flattering myself, I had often wondered how things would have worked out if Bob and I had done things the other way round when we started double-dating, maybe me with Carol, Bob with Gemma. Could she have fancied me? And what's more, did she in any way now? Even with me dressed like this? I was jolted back to reality when Carol came into the kitchen with me to clear away the glasses at the end of the evening. "Well, Alice. It's certainly been an interesting evening. Bob has enjoyed it, I can tell. Have you noticed?" It did surprise me to hear her say that. She seemed to be saying something else but I didn't really understand. I looked straight at her, she had a rather weird smile on her face. I was going to ask but she grinned even wider. "Alan, you must have noticed Bob. His pants! He had a very large, well - boner! He kept looking at your legs and at your figure. You really do have a very good figure you know. Bob has been definitely very attentive, I'm beginning to get a bit worried about him!" She was still grinning, thank goodness, not really serious about her 'allegations' - I could well have worried if that hadn't been the case. Later that evening, as Gemma and I were getting ready for bed, I told my wife what Carol had said, I really wanted to know what she thought about it and whether she thought revealing all to Bob and Carol might have in any way helped them with their problem. She did admit that she had noticed some sort of effect on Bob, and yes she had seen something swelling inside his trousers. We agreed that it was maybe not such a good idea to go on too much in the coming days about our own difficulties and how we had got through them in case it made Bob and Carol feel bad about telling us about their love life. However - we got some sort of an answer within minutes. As Gemma and I were making love, enjoying the feelings of each others' underwear and long hair and the thrill of our painted lips caressing, we heard something from the bedroom next door. The bed in there is our 'second-best' bed and it does creak at times. We heard a sound as if something was going on, then nothing for a minute, then a loud female -YES!. Maybe we had been some help! The next few days passed by more normally. The nights were really not very special for Gemma and I at all, just interrupted by sounds of heavy activity in the other bedroom. It seemed we had stirred something in the two of them and generally during the day the two of them seemed more at ease. While they were staying we took Bob and Carol shopping in the more up-market areas of Birmingham, we ate out a couple of times, Bob and I even fitted in a round of golf one afternoon when the weather improved a bit and I managed to pull some strings at the club. We got back at about five to find the girls somewhat excited. Gemma rushed and kissed me on the cheek. "OK Alan. Fun time again, we've been shopping and Carol has got you a
present or two." Carol grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs into the bedroom. "Gemma and I were talking after you had gone out, Alan, and we decided. Both Bob and I would like to meet 'Alice' again, so I asked Gemma about buying you a dress - for a present. She told me about one you mentioned you'd seen a couple of weeks ago. It does took gorgeous, we've just GOT TO see you wearing it, Alan. And I want to help. Gemma agreed to let me do your make-up and so on. So. Strip, Alan, have yourself a shower, I've put some rather special shower gel on the shelf in the bathroom. So go to it. Girl!" "Carol, Help! Do I have any say in this, I mean and what about Bob? What has he got to say about this?" "Bob is going to love it, believe me. Certainly if the other night is anything to go by. Gemma has agreed. We haven't even started on dinner so unless you want to starve tonight get a move on. I'll be back up in ten minutes, Gemma and I have got some of your stuff out for you already." So I was stuck. Ganged up on. What Bob would make of it I didn't know but I admit I was excited again. At the thought of dressing in company, I had eventually enjoyed the evening earlier in the week. And I knew the black dress Carol had mentioned, Gemma had told me a couple of weeks earlier she wanted me to get it but I hadn't had the chance to buy it yet. So I did set to it, the shower gel was indeed rather luxurious and very sweet-smelling. Very feminine. When I had shaved carefully - twice - I dashed into the bedroom and slid my panties on, pulling them up tightly to tuck my private parts in as tightly as possible. Then I lay on the bed and carefully stuck my breastforms in place. The previous occasion I had only slipped them into my bra but this time I wanted them to be secure, and more than that, carefully made-up to hide the edges. I did the make-up while I was waiting for Carol. Gemma was better at the facial cosmetics but I really had got the task of covering the seams round my 'breasts' down to a fine art. It was just very thin careful 'plastering' really! Carol was amazed at the sight when she did come into the bedroom a few minutes later. "Wow, Alan, they look so good. I can't see the join. It's a good thing Bob isn't here to see this at the moment. OK, get your bra on." After I'd done this I turned - to see Carol holding out a black satin 'bustier' - some sort of waist corset which was designed to hold me inwards in the right places. "Er - Carol, I don't really need that do I?" "You wait, Alan. You haven't seen the dress we've got for you yet." So I stepped into the bustier and pulled it up, round my waist, it reached up to just below my 'tits'. And then Carol, from behind me, pulled the cords really tight - and nearly cut me in half. I grunted in surprise and exhaled at which point Carol pushed me in the back with one hand and pulled even tighter with the other. This time I did cry out. "Alan, don't worry, you need to do this. You need a tiny waist to look your best, believe me." I slowly recovered and began to breathe again, then I could speak. "Streuth Carol, is this really necessary?" "It is if you are going to fit into a size 10" "A 10? Why on earth did you buy me a size 10. I'm a 14 really, though I can just about get into Gemma's size 12 stuff sometimes. Why?" "Because we had to get it, Alan, and it was in a sale, and the shop only had this size available in black, this or a 16. You just have to have a little black dress, every woman does, and you are going to look go good, believe me." She kept on saying that, I was not convinced. However I realised I had to go along with this and I was warming to the idea. Over the next twenty minutes Carol carried on with the transformation on Alan into Alice. She was obviously well primed by Gemma, knew where everything was and what to do for maximum effect. And she had a few ideas of her own. "The 7-denier seamed black hold-ups were my idea, Alan, so that suspender buttons don't spoil the line of the dress. They are long-line too, so they won't show if you cross your legs. And the earrings, I got them for you. They're only cheap costume stuff but they do the job very well, sort-of diamante pendants, they look really nice. Match the choker too, in the right light they'll glisten as if they cost a million. Now, let me get the wig on and the shoes, then let's see how the make-up looks." The wig went on carefully, then shoes. They amazed me. Gemma had decided I needed something a little more glamorous a couple of weeks ago, but these, well. They were high heels. VERY high heels, maybe 5" or 6", black patent stilettos. When I stood I was surprised how well I managed, walking around in them instantly as if I had worn heels like those all my life. At last Carol let me look in the mirror. I was amazed! Totally! She had done a good job, in fact she had done a brilliant job. The jewelry did sparkle and the whole effect, sexy black underwear and high heels, with the rather heavier and more provocative make-up than I usually wore in the house. Something stirred down below when I looked at my reflection. I looked gorgeous and I knew it. What would Gemma say to this? "Carol, you have done a brilliant job, really, I'd never have believed it" "Neither would I," said a voice behind me. It was Gemma who had crept up the stairs and in to have a look. "I just wondered how you were getting on - and I see the answer is 'famously'. Alice, you look sensational. OK Carol, where's this dress you've got for my husband?" Carol opened the wardrobe door and took out the dress on its hanger. Both Gemma and I breathed in loudly when we saw it. It was black, yes. But black p.v.c., and very short, and very small. Size 10 maybe but there was not a lot to it, Carol slid it off the hanger and pulled down the zip at the back. "Right now, it is Alice now, isn't it? Step into this and I'll fasten it for you, let's see how it looks." I stepped into the skirt and Carol tugged it up over my bum. I stretched my arms into the tight-fitting sleeves, then Carol zipped it up the back - not very far. And reached behind my neck to fasten the halter neck clip there. She fussed over the dress for a while, making sure I was tucked in properly and my bra was not visible. But an awful lot of my breasts were, it really was plunging between them, that dress and the bustier between them worked together to give bulging melons at the front. The back wasn't much better, though my hair hung down below my shoulders there was a fair amount of bare skin showing. I knew the answer I wanted to hear but I just had to ask, "Carol, can I get away with this, I mean, it's rather risqu? isn't it?" "Risqu??" butted in Gemma, "Alice, it's positively obscene, it's fucking lethal. I don't know how you've managed it between the two of you but you've produced a sex kitten. Bob is going to positively love you, Alice." Bob! What would he think. I mean it was one thing to put on a skirt and a blouse and some make-up and to play at being a woman in the bedroom. But like this, heck, a couple of hours earlier I had been playing golf with him. This was something else. "OK Alice, we'll find out in a moment. Gemma, we'll come down in a couple of minutes, I've got Alice's makeup to finish and his - I mean her - nails to do. And - er - Gemma - that other thing we talked about. What do you think?" Gemma looked at me carefully, then turned to Carol. "Are you sure?" "Yes I am." "OK," was all she said, and went out and down the stairs. Carol sat down next to me to sort out my nails, it was a task I always enjoyed but usually found difficult, especially the end stages when I had seven or eight nails fitted. And that would certainly have been the case here. Carol wasn't using sticky pads, she was gluing them on. And they weren't my usual slightly longish nails, these were well over an inch long and they were scarlet. "OK now, let's finish you off, Alice, another coat of lipstick and liner pencil, then gloss. Then we're done. Now. Have a final look." I did so and was not at all disappointed, the look was even more glamorous than before. Carol handed me a small black purse - I turned and looked once more in the long mirror. Internally I was terrified but really I was so thrilled. I had wanted to try to 'look' female, ever since Gemma and I had started dressing me up. And now I had my dream come true. I beamed at Carol. "Wow, you really have done a great job, thank you so much." "OK Alice. Let's see what Bob thinks." Now for the crunch. I carefully walked down the stairs, coping with the impossibly high heels better than I would have thought, and went into the lounge. I saw Gemma first, it was the first time she had seen the 'full' me. Then I saw Bob and he saw me. He stood up and gulped. "Streuth Alan, you look totally sensational," he said with real feeling, I could tell he meant it. Carol had followed us down the stairs and gone past us, she turned and offered a whisky and a gin to us. "Let me be your waitress this time, Alice. Please, sit down on the sofa you two, I want to see you together." So we did, we sat down side by side. Gemma and Carol were looking at us, it was Carol who spoke first, "I'm sorry, Gemma, there's no way I could dress Bob up in any way to look nearly as good as Alan does, he's far too wide and much too tall. I mean in heels like those he'd be about 6 foot 10 nearly. And he's too broad. But they do make a lovely couple don't they." I may well have blushed, sitting there next to Bob, my legs crossed and showing off my nylonned thighs. "You're right" said Carol, "but I still think Bob can get some more fun out of this situation. Apart from what you have been doing in bed the past few nights that is." It was Bob's turn to look embarrassed. "Sorry you two but, well, you know, I mean it's the novelty of it, seeing Alan dressed like he was the other day, I mean, he looked really gorgeous. And he looks even better today doesn't he?!" Gemma stood up and disappeared upstairs for just a few moments, coming back holding her silk jacket, the one I had bought for her on a trip to Paris the previous year. "Try this on, Alice." I did. "OK you two, come on Bob, you've only had the one drink so you should be OK to drive." Bob and I looked at each other. Something was going on, and I could tell he didn't know what it was either. Gemma smiled at us as we stood there side-by-side. "Bob, you'd better take your car. Carol and I are going to change just a little more formal. I told you we weren't cooking tonight, you're going out with Alice. How about the 'Grey Fox', you're not likely to meet anybody who knows either of you there. Don't look like that, Alan, you know you really want to, don't you? And we both want to see how you get on." Bob and I both realised simultaneously. They'd arranged a 'date' for us! We both, together, almost in synchronised voices, called out together 'No'. But we hadn't a chance. The two girls had decided. And though I was a little loath to admit it I was secretly in ecstasy just thinking about it. Being seen, in public, wearing such a promiscuous outfit. And with a man too. I couldn't really tell what Bob thought about it but, just over fifteen minutes later we were walking hand-in- hand from the car park to the pub. "Alan, look, we have to go through with this, let's just get it over with. A couple of drinks and then we can go back to your house. OK?" "OK Bob. As you say. But please, go along with this will you. I really don't want to be caught, you know. I'd absolutely die of embarrassment even with strangers. Please, play along will you?" I squeezed Bob's hand to try to encourage him. Looking into his eyes I think I had misinterpreted what he was saying, he looked somewhat horrified. I realised it was the squeeze which had done it, a show of affection, not appropriate in the situation. But we still had to go ahead with this. "Please Bob." He relented, just a little. As we approached the door he reached out to hold it open for me and smiled. "After you, Alice." And I walked in. Into the pub. The Grey Fox, the lounge bar of. So there I was, with a man beside me holding my hand. A rather attractive man, I realised. And I saw the heads turn. To look at me. To look at my figure, my face, my hair, my legs. Inspecting all of me. And they saw a woman. I recognised the looks on the men's faces, after all I'd done it myself, stared at a woman entering a room, looked and imagined myself with her. But there was more. I looked across at Bob. He was beginning to smilem and I knew exactly where he was coming from. After all I'd been in that situation too. Walking into a pub or a restaurant with Gemma, I'd felt pride as other men looked at my date, my woman, wanting her, it had made me feel good. And I wanted Bob to feel good too. I slipped my hand from his and took his arm, smiling across at him. He realised. I had to play a part too. We walked over to the bar. The barman came over to us immediately, even though I could see there were a couple of other customers he should have served first. I smiled again at Bob and put on what I hoped was my very best and sexiest 'Alice' voice, "I think I'll have a gin-and tonic, darling." Bob ordered my drink and a double scotch for himself, I realised he was probably more nervous than me, he had decided he needed a double. Which was surprising really, considering I was the one who was taking the real risk. I mean, I did stand out somewhat. There weren't many guys who went out for the evening with another guy, at least not dressed as I was. From the bar I could see my reflection in the darkened window at the other side of the room. Not clearly but I could make out the main features, the tight revealing dress, the long legs and ultra-high heels, the long wavy blonde hair, the provocatively made-up face. I looked. And I thought 'I like this'! I did. The whole feminine appearance was turning me on, I could feel the tightness of my trapped organ between my legs. As I sat and crossed my legs, feeling my hem slide up a little over my thighs I realised the effect it was having. Not just on me but on several of the men in the room, they were getting excited too. I realised the feeling of power a woman can have over a man, appealing to his sexual instincts. My previous exploits had all been at home with Gemma. But here and now, this was something different. I sipped my drink slowly, reveling in the experience and, to some extent, playing at it. Like when I noticed one guy looking at me, I slid my hand up along my thigh, glorying in the sensation as my long red nails moved erotically over my nyloned thighs, and I watched him squirm. And again as I teased another man by slowly circling my red lips with my tongue, my eyes smiling at him as I teased him to some extent. Bob settled into it too. We talked quietly, about what we felt like, he said that he had got turned on the other night and that he and Carol had better sex than they had done for a while. He got us another drink and began to really warm to the experience. Then - he put his hand on my knee. I actually think he did it because he wanted to but he quickly leaned over to speak quietly to me. "Alan - er Alice, I mean. We have to keep up the appearance, don't we? Maybe we should be going soon." He didn't need to say that - suddenly Carol and Gemma were there, beside us. "Look, you two, I think you've done enough for now. And I'm just beginning to get a little worried about Bob's motives," said Gemma. "He's had several drinks already and I know from experience what that can lead to. Come on Alice, Bob can't drive, I'll take you home, Carol can drive Bob." As she pulled into out drive some way ahead of Carol in our car, Gemma turned to me. "Well Alice, I could tell you enjoyed yourself. I knew you would. I'm really not sure how to react to seeing the two of you together, but if later on you and Bob - well - you know ..." She left the sentence unfinished. I was shocked. What had she just said? Had she really just given her permission for me and Bob - me and her husband, that is, to - well, it didn't bear thinking about. I mean Bob was a guy, after all, and me? I was just a little confused. And I suppose I might have stayed confused until, ten minutes later as we all sat in our lounge again, having another drink, Bob put his hand on my leg again, and gently squeezed it! It was my reaction which, thinking about it afterwards, was surprising. I looked across at Gemma to see her watching us - she smiled at me. I was feeling so aroused at that moment, the whole evening, the dressing, the drinks, the feelings in the pub, they all combined in my mind, I felt I knew at least something about what it must feel like to be a woman. To be looked at, maybe even admired, maybe even lusted after. I looked into Bob's eyes - and I saw lust, and I couldn't help myself. I leaned over towards him and, ever so gently, touched my lips to his. I wasn't sure whether it was something I wanted to do but it was definitely something he wanted, I had seen that. And it was definitely pleasant at least, he responded by gripping my thigh harder and sliding his other hand round my waist to pull me towards him. Our lips pressed together a little harder, then I pulled back. In my sexy voice I spoke. "Wow, Bob darling, that was great. How about more?" I moved in again and this time Bob definitely responded, sliding his hand right up inside my skirt and opening his own mouth to admit my probing tongue. This wasn't just kissing, it was necking, and more still. I could feel the reaction inside his trousers as he became aroused and, out of sight of Carol and Gemma, my own right hand reached down to caress the bulge. This was moving into new territory. It was Carol who spoke next, moving us not just into new territory but right off the planet. "Er - Alice. Gemma and I had rather wanted to stay up for a while to watch a movie on TV. It's a real weepy - Sleepless in Sacramento or something like that. You could stay and watch it with us if you like. But if you two want to - er - go somewhere else - don't let us keep you." As we separated slightly I watched Bob. He had realised what was being said and, despite now being rather drunk, he rebelled against it. I could tell what he was thinking - he knew the 'awfulness' of what he had just done, he'd been kissing a guy, and in front of both our wives at that. And worse still I knew he had actually been enjoying it. And now, amazingly, his wife was actually giving me permission to make a move on him. Seriously. The total unexpectedness of the situation amazed me. Did I want to? YES! I knew I had to take charge. I leaned over to gently slide my creamy lips over his briefly, then stood up and provocatively slid my hands down my sides to straighten my skirt, wriggling my bulging tits as I did so. "Like what you see Bob darling?" I picked up my handbag and leaned right down over Bob so that he couldn't help staring right down my deep cleavage. "Do you, Bob? Fancy me do you?" His breathing became heavier, mine too became rather erratic as I realised that it was me having this effect on him. OK I was surprised but I was also thrilled. It was me, Alice, who excited him. He wanted me, I know he did, but it was as a woman I had such an effect on him. I looked him in the eyes, he smiled. Yes, he wanted me too. I leaned over and whispered quiet in his ear. "Are you up for this Bob, I can tell you are feeling really randy, your cock is swelling something massive in those trousers. How about it then? Am I woman enough for you?" His initial reaction was one of surprise, of pulling back from the brink of wherever we were. But I was ready for that. As I sat down again next to him on the sofa. I turned my body towards him and slid my right leg right across his lap giving him an eyeful of my 'fuck-me' stiletto, my long black seamed stocking and a tantalising glimpse of bare thigh above my exposed stocking top. He really had no choice, he just had to reach down and grab my leg just below the knee. I was ready, I wriggled so that his hand slid up over my knee towards my thigh, at the same moment covering his mouth with mine and working on it with my creamy red lips. Suddenly he did lose control, his own lips opened to admit my playful tongue. I wriggled more and felt his other hand begin to tease my breast through my thin tight dress. "Is that OK my darling? How about it then?" "Christ Alan - er - Alice, I don't know. I really want - heck, I really do - want to ...." He couldn't finish the sentence, couldn't express his desire. So I did it for him. I stood up and reached down to pull his hand towards me and spoke, very invitingly. "Come on, Bob my darling. Time for bed." Had I just said that? Of course I had! I was on cloud nine, revelling in the effect of my feminine wiles, on the guys in the bar and now on my best friend Bob. I wanted him. I didn't look at the girls, just pulled Bob vertical and dragged him, not too unwillingly, after me. And up the stairs into the master bedroom. The room where Gemma and I had made love so passionately and erotically so many times. But now I was going to have a different experience. I just didn't give Bob time to think. "Bob, my darling, can you unzip me please?" I asked, turning my back to him and moving close. I expected him just to start to undress me but he had suddenly gotten into the swing of things himself. His right hand snaked round my waist and up to cup my right breast, his head buried in my neck as he kissed me. I turned and flung my arms round his neck. "Jeez, Bob, that is SO good!" "Christ, Alan - Alice. YES!!" We kissed again, hard again, and I felt Bob's big hands pull on the zip of my dress behind me. I stood back and slid my arms out, letting the dress slide to the ground, then stepped out of it. I stood there, in basque and hose, heels and panties, just feeling ever-so-sexy. I could tell simply by looking down at Bob that he felt so too. I reached down and unzipped his pants, then slid my hand in and grasped his erect penis. It was the most gorgeous cock I had ever had the pleasure of touching - in fact apart from my own it was the first. It was almost 8 inches long by then and so big around. All I wanted to do was to lick and suck on it and see how big it really got when hard. I pushed Bob down onto the bed and climbed on beside him, then I leant over and wrapped my hands around his prick and slipped my smooth moist red lips down over it. I licked and sucked as much of it as I could into my mouth and there was still a lot left over to stroke with my hands. I even had him slide his pants down so I could play with and suck his balls as well. Bob moaned softly when I slipped his tight swollen balls into my mouth and rolled them around gently with my tongue while I kept stroking his wet cock. Then I started peeling the rest of his clothes off. I could hardly believe it. I was lying on a bed, all tarted up, with my best friend Bob naked beside me and we were both SO horny. I wrapped my creamy red lipstick-covered lips around his shaft again and sucked like I had never sucked a cock before - which of course I hadn't. His hands began to roam all over my body, causing me to tingle from one end to the other. That was all it took. I felt his cock stiffen yet again and as he rammed it as far down my mouth as it would go, his sweet hot cum shot hard into my mouth. I paused for a minute as he wilted to swallow it all down. "Bob, that was so amazing. Wasn't it?" I heard a sweet satisfied moan from the bed beside me and turned my head round to look. Bob was lying there. He really did look so happy, so content, it gave me such a satisfied feeling to have been the woman for him, to have helped in his problems in some way. Hell, who was I kidding, 'helped' - I had helped ME, I had loved it. I reached down to caress his balls once more. I hoped that maybe he had more to give me and was soon rewarded as his cock once again swelled up to its full erect size. I knelt down and kissed the head gently to encourage it - not that it was really needed, Bob didn't needed any encouragement. "Bob. That was great but - would you like to fuck me?" I whispered in his ear in as sexy a voice as I could manage. "Alan, don't you dream of trying to get out of this, I am feeling so randy still, you are going to get the fuck of a lifetime, believe me. Come on, open your legs, I need to get at your arse." I lay on my back and lifted my legs in the air invitingly. Bob didn't need any more words from me to know that I wanted him to do me. He got on top of me and put his strong hands on my arse and pulled my arse cheeks apart. I reached for the tube of cream on my bedside table and handed it to him. He began to generously apply it to both his cock and my arse. He started by slowly working a finger at a time into my arse till he had three of them inside me. Then he started sliding his fingers in and out of me and stretching me at the same time till I was ready for his big tool. I reached down between my legs and guided his cock to my waiting hole and slowly eased it inside me. It still was almost more than I could take, I wasn't sure it was going to work but suddenly I felt his cock-head slip right into me. "Oooh yes Bob," I whispered in my sexiest voice, "That feels really great, how is it for you?" Bob started to answer, just beginning to slide his prick further up me. "Jeez Alice, it feels really nice, different to what I expected, your arse is really tight, I'm not sure if I can ........ OOOOHH!!! My god Alice that is fantastic, squeeze me again like that ... OOOOOHHHH !!!" Alice! He was calling me Alice! I felt his cock slowly slide up me, I was in heaven. It felt so good, not really like I had expected but in many ways SO much better. He started sliding his cock further and further inside me till I could feel his balls hitting against my arse with all his glorious length inside me. We both moaned and I felt my cock begin to get hard as well. He slowly eased it back out till just the head was in me and again slid fully right into me. I thought my arse was going to explode. I was LOVING every moment! "Go ahead and fuck me Bob. Fuck me hard!" I cried out, then realised maybe someone downstairs had heard me. But Bob didn't need any further urging and started plunging his massive tool deeper and deeper into my arse at a furious pace. I never stopped stroking my own cock and I was almost there again myself. "Cum right up me, Bob, my darling. Christ I do so want you to fuck me, come on baby, you got do it, oh my, Bob, that is SO GOOD, so DEEP, so HOT, I need it Bob, I need your juices in to - Oooooooooooooooh!!!" I cried. He climaxed. Jet after jet of hot cum shot from his cock right into me and I loved it. My own cock started to explode as well spraying my own juices all over his belly, we were rocking back and forth in paroxysms of ecstasy. I had never had such good sex with anyone, male or female, before in my life. As we both collapsed after our exertions Bob laid back on the bed and I curled up beside him, with my head on his chest, my legs wrapped around him, and my hand wrapped lovingly around his gorgeous, now wilted, love-tool. When morning came. I awoke and for a moment wondered just what was going on. Last night had been tremendous, but I wondered exactly what was going to come next. I turned sideways to find Gemma lying there beside me, fast asleep. I remembered. I'd had gay sex, heck I had been fucked, by my best friend. And at the invitation of his wife too and with my own wife's full consent. Wow!! What could possibly follow that? Gemma stirred a little but did not wake, I slid out of bed. Padding gently towards the bathroom I realised I was still 'dressed' - of course I was, there had been no opportunity since last night's shagging to get changed. I looked in the mirror and was appalled! My make-up was all over the place, smeared mascara, lipstick over my cheeks and down round my neck. This wouldn't do, I had better get it repaired. Then I realised just what I had been thinking. Usually when Gemma and I slept '? lesbian', I had been in a hurry to change back to 'Alan', to Alice that is, as soon as I had got up, while she slept on so that I could greet her as her husband. Not that I had been ashamed of being Alice or anything, just that I was obviously going to have to change that day and it made sense to do so from the start. But this time? Well, last night had definitely been different. Why shouldn't today be different too? Yes. So I stripped totally and showered after removing all my make-up as best I could with liberal applications of Gemma's cleansing cream. Then I re-applied the special cover-up cream carefully over the top of my breastforms to hide the join, slipped into a clean pair of panties, and quietly opened Gemma's lingerie drawer. Carol and Bob were in the spare room, my 'dressing room' and I couldn't get at my own clothes so it was going to have to be some of Gemma's. But which? Looking in her wardrobe the choice of skirt was obvious, the tight black leather one I had bought her last birthday, she looked great in it. She'd said I would too but I'd never tried it on. Everyone was very flattering when they came down to breakfast. Gemma was first, looking radiant as usual and a little jealous when she heard about the activities of the previous night. Carol was rather surprised too even though she had a good idea what was going on, after all she had given her 'consent' for it, hadn't she? And Bob? Well, he just looked happy, specially when I greeted him with a long luscious kiss - in front of his wife - which got him aroused yet again. Carol had apparently dragged him out of my bed at about two in the morning and insisted he perform again, for her, after all she is his wife isn't she? He looked remarkably fit considering. Right there and then Gemma and Bob decided to stay with us for one more night, to 'finish off' their rehabilitation although I do think they have worked through their problems in a way they never really imagined. In fact Gemma is the only one who didn't get any last night. But Carol and I have decided, or at least agreed, to do something about it. Tonight. Bob is due back from work soon, he's had a longer drive than usual, the three of 'us girls' have spent most of the day getting ready for this. I'm still wearing Gemma's tight black mini, thought I've swapped my top for a more glitzy low cut affair which Carol found for me when she and Gemma went shopping this afternoon, leaving me to do the housework. I've done my share towards the dinner tonight, the starter, just toast and a nice pate. Carol did the main course, a rather rich pasta-in- sauce thing which she says Bob will like. Rather difficult coping in the kitchen, she is wearing my black p.v.c. dress and sensational make- up, she looks totally foxy tonight. And Gemma got a new dress out of all this, a stunning red gown, slit right up the thigh, Bob is going to melt when he sees her in it. She has done the dessert, a fruit pie with loads of cream all over it. Basically lots of carbohydrate, Bob is going to need all the energy he can muster. We've just drawn lots. Not for who gets him tonight. Just for who gets him first!

Same as Bob and Carol and Gemma and - Alice? Videos

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Blackmailing Gemma

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Growing Up A MasterChapter 27 Gemma

My sophomore year continued in much the same fashion. I had grown quite a bit over the last few years and I was now approaching six feet. I didn't really work out, but I didn't avoid physical activity, so I was in reasonable shape, if not Brad Pitt. I'd been told that my cock was larger as well, but I didn't really measure it anymore. I dated some girls from the school, though none seriously. I had Karen on a fairly regular basis, and I stopped by to see Cheri quite a bit. She came to my...

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The Partys not over for Gemma

I was in the bar again socializing. "so you have met the Birthday Girl?" these chicks told me. short dresses. "well, Gemma, we are throwing a party for her tonight and we want you to be there." "sure ok, I could visit." "you could sleep over, we want you to." "free drinks. so keep it hush." "yeh and we are going to get her fucked for her birthday, well more like raped. we are her friends you see." " make it memorable for her" "and you too, we are going to have you...

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Gemma enjoys two cocks

Instead of going back to the office I decided to go straight home for a change as I hadn’t had the opportunity to catch up with Gemma, my partner, for some time. As my car slowly came into the cul-de-sac where we live I was surprised, but pleased, to see her car parked outside the front of our houseOpening the front door and just about to shout that I was home, I was stopped by the distant noise of a woman groaning. I knew that groan wasn’t from anything else other than pure pleasure and I...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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gemma and i

ok , so it should’t have happened . Gemma was my best friend & although we had flirted with each other on occasion I had never imagined a situation which we found ourselves in last night . It had been a traumatic day . My boyfriend of 14 months had accidenly received a text message from me which had been intended for another guy I had met whilst on a girlie night out a few days earlier . Let me point out that nothing had happened between me & this guy , but the situation had been made much...

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gemma and i

ok , so it should't have happened . Gemma was my best friend & although wehad flirted with each other on occasion I had never imagined a situation whichwe found ourselves in last night .It had been a traumatic day . My boyfriend of 14 months had accidenlyreceived a text message from me which had been intended for another guy I had metwhilst on a girlie night out a few days earlier . Let me point out that nothinghad happened between me & this guy , but the situation had been made much...

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Gemma a Tale of Love

This story is about the beginning of my relationship with one of the most amazing women it’s ever been my luck to know. Back in the mid-seventies, I was living in London. I was a student radiographer at one of the top London teaching hospitals. I was living in student accommodation in Bayswater, which was a vibrant community at the time. It opened my eyes; it was the first time I’d lived away from home. Living in student accommodation, a run-down old six-story building off Queensway, was a new...

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Gemmas supermarket gang bang part 4

When we returned home after our third visit to the supermarket where Gemma had given Josh a blow job we had the best sex ever and I could hardly keep up with her appetite. After a few glasses of wine she was getting even hornier and then she received a text message from Josh suggesting she should come back into the store and ‘put on a show’ for his workmates againWhat sort of show do you think he means she asked. More teasing in the aisle or do you think they will want me to go further. Let’s...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 244 Carols Cuties Carol Manages Them Wonderfully Well

Sunday, June 19, 2005 (Continued) I made myself a comfort sandwich while I tried to work out what I'd done wrong. I remembered Julia previously telling me off for talking too long. Girls who're already eating out of my palm don't need to be led in tiny steps, which had been what I'd done. Knowing where I'd gone wrong didn't tell me what I should've done though. I couldn't have bluntly told them not to be jealous, not to be early or late, and not to rely on me driving them around....

4 years ago
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Gemmas supermarket tease part 3

We sat once again in the car and Gemma told me once more that the two visits into the store so far had made her feel sick with excitement and she was actually so wet she had her juices dribbling down the inside of her thighs. Did I see you sneak a quick feel of their cocks Gemma I asked, already sure of the answer. Already flushed she admitted that she did and she felt really horny at the thought of turning them on even more than she had already. In fact the small crowd of them made her even...

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Caroles Story 10 Carole Visits the Farm

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. Her...

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Gemmas spa experience final part

I still need more ravishing she groaned. Gemma needs more ravishing she stated in the third person from an almost drunken like stuporI manoeuvred her to the bench again, my cock dropping from her, dripping from our recent explosion and feeling battered from her hard riding of my prickWith both cocks needing some respite and needing to recover I beckoned toward Josh to take the lead in meeting her demands and giving me anotheropportunity to fulfil my voyeuristic desiresNeeding little...

1 year ago
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Bobby Invites Anne Carol And The Swinging Wives To A Party

Anne and Carol have received an invitation to a Girls Night Out Party at Bobby Vasquez’s estate. He also invited the wives from Dr. Carlos’s swingers group. He was there that night at the Lake. He is well known by the married ladies. There are two stipulations for the party. Plenty of food, beverage and entertainment provided. Bathing suits and wedding rings optional. My name is Anne. My best friend and co-worker is Carol. We have been invited to Bobby Vasquez’s estate for a Girls Night...

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Bob takes Candys anal cherry

Introduction: Totally fictional story The only thing Bob could think about for three days was Candys tight, wet, virgin pussy around his hard cock. Bob had never raped anyone before. But Candy was special, she was a temptress, a Lolita in the making. He called Sandra from work and told her he was coming over and made a special request. Have Candy shave her pussy and go buy her some special underwear. Bob planned to go straight to Sandras house after work. When he arrived Sandra opened the door...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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My Best Friend Gemma

Gemma had been my best friend for as long as I could remember, my dearest confidant, my soul mate. When I discovered my sexuality as a teenager, she was the first person that I told about it. She never judged me any differently because of it. It had never crossed her mind how my orientation would have anything to do with our friendship. Gemma and I were the best of mates, and nothing could ever break us apart. The worst day of my life was the day that I fell in love with her, merely a few...

2 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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Taking Gemma Again

It was an unseasonably hot day for the start of autumn and I was finishing my lunch when I saw Gemma through my window. It had been about six months since that occasion in her bedroom next door and I had hardly seen Gemma since she had moved out of home, so was surprised to see her through my window. After that, all afternoon I re-lived that day in my mind remembering how soft her skin was and how much she enjoyed our time after being reluctant at the start. Just after my grandfather clock...

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Gemma teasing the boys in the supermarket part 2

I had never seen Gemma so horny after her brief tease in the supermarket of the young bloke called Josh that she has a serious thing about. Knowing that she was a bit of a popular local milf at the store for a number of the young lads I said that she should give them the treat of a tease tooShe surprised me when she was really up for that even when I said she might have do something a bit different, or even more, than she had just done with Josh as he was bound to tell them about what you had...

1 year ago
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The Life of Gemma Hayl

The way Derek looked at me made me crazy! He was the one I wanted and he was the one I would get. Tonight he was coming over to hang out with my brother, that's when I would strike. "Miss Hayl?" Mrs. Hartman called me from my brilliant day dreaming. *** Derek walked into the living room behind Alex, my brother. Derek looked as delicious as ever in basketball shorts, a tank top, and a beanie the unfortunately covered his lucious brown curls. I would make sure I got that beanie off. I was dressed...

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Caroles Story 04 Carole in Porno

I, on the other hand, am a tall, thin, average looking guy, but I always keep myself in good shape. My best attribute was my cock. I am over nine inches long and am very thick, all the way to the bulbous mushroom-like head. What my wife, and other women, always appreciates the most is that it never really goes soft. It stays around seven inches, even when `flaccid', and hard enough to penetrate all but the tightest holes. This story is true, with some alterations like names and dates. I...

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Bob Sandi and PaulineChapter 3

Sunday was a day of getting used to my new life. I spent time in the exercise room and at the pool and I spent some time at the storage unit working on the Mustang. Monday morning when I got to work Doris, who had already been there for a half hour, told me that Sandi had called three times in the past fifteen minutes. I decided to get it over with and I called her at work. The receptionist told me that she was in a meeting, but had left instructions that if I called Cheri was to interrupt...

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Carole and Mandy pt 2

I left you with my horror of finding Steve and Vicky in my house looking at me dressed."Oh my god" I said, "what's going on Carole? What are you playing at I thought it was just us two" "don't worry she said they know all about you and your pathetic sissy ways" I could feel myself getting very red indeed, I wanted to run out and change but Vicky stood in the way of the door, Steve was still sat at the table smiling I looked at him and he just winked and smiled at me, "I don't understand why you...

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Caroles Story 05 The Rape of Carole

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. ...

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Gemmas spa experience day part 1

***************************************************************************************As we had often done in the past few years, we had taken a welcome break out of school term time and sought the calming and refreshing benefit of the on site spa of our location. A 'spa experience' the brochure had enticed. Having just arrived Gemma and I decided we would visit on our first evening to recover from the journey and get into the relaxed spirit of the long awaited holiday.The spa and the changing...

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Carole and Mandy pt1

Carole and Mandy had been seeing each other for a while now, this was their second attempt at making it work, they fist got engaged aged 18 but things went wrong a coup,e of years later, Carole knew Mandy dressed and on occasions would help but never went any further than a walk down the road, it all stopped obviously when they spilt. Twenty odd years later by the power of Facebook they got in touch again and hit it off big time even talk of moving in together so things were on the up and with...

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Bob Sandi and PaulineChapter 2

The next morning I was up and gone before Sandi got up. I had breakfast at a coffee shop just up the street from work and when I got to the office I did just what Frank had suggested. I put the names of all six women on my PA list in a small box, shook it up and then reached inside and pulled out a name. Pauline French was going to be my new personal assistant. Were the Gods fucking with me? Pauline is the only one of all the women on my list that I had lustful thoughts about. I imagined...

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Blackmailing Gemma

Gemma had grown up next door. I had know her since a baby and seen her grow up over the years. She had always been a pretty girl and she always put a smile on my face when I saw her. She was an only child and her parents were not only very protective, but also extremely strict with her. Now that normally leads to one of two things in my experience, either a rebellious daughter, causing her parents an immense deal of trouble and heartache, or a secretively rebellious daughter who did what her...

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Finally I get Gemmas mum

I have known Gemma for around 13 years now having gone to college with her. Her mum Maureen is in her late 50's blonde and very busty. When I first saw Maureen all those years ago I thought that she was Gemma's sister. Maureen married her partner Alan a few years ago and they live in South London around 20 minutes from me.I have always flirted with Maureen any time I saw her but she always rebuffed my advances due to her being married.Long story short after a few days of relentless flirting she...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Granddaddys Love Chapter 01 Kissing my granddaddy

I’ll always love you, grandpa! I was hiding in my bedroom, hugging my ragged stuffed bear, waiting for the storm to pass. I had considered crawling under the wooden frame, but I was no longer a child. My curvy ass and generous boobs were making it impossible to use my old hiding places and short of instantly becoming invisible, this was the end of the line for me. There was nowhere else that could be safer, except outside. But it wasn't safe for me to bolt out now. My mom was drunk again...

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