Moja Zona free porn video

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Jest to moje opowiadanie a mo?e fak dokumentalny –opisany pierwsze nasze spotkanie które trwa do dnia dzisiejszego .Kazdemu zycze tego samego co ja mam poznawanie siebie nawzajem na nowo jest wspaniale .Choc z mojej strony by?a ciekawo?? czegos nowego ,naprawde niewarto

Moja ?onka Ula i ja Mirek

Witajcie! Od 20 lat jestem ?onaty. Moja zona ULA tak ma na imie jest bardzo kochana. Ka?dy facet marzy o takiej kobiecie. Zacz??o si? to tak: poznali?my si? na ulicy przypadkowo i od razu po??czy?a nas ni? sympatii. Pewnego dnia zaprosi?em j? do siebie, mieli?my ogl?da? jaki? nowy film. Siedzieli?my blisko siebie. Czu?em jej ciep?o. W pewnym momencie zacz??a si? do mnie przytula?. Po?o?y?em d?o? na jej cieplutkim brzuszku i zacz??em go masowa?. Poczu?em jak dr?y. Chcia?a tego. Zacz??em rozpina? jej bluzk? a potem dotkn??em jej piersi. J?kn??a cichutko. Film przesta? nas interesowa?.

Ula obróci?a si? a ja pochyli?em si? i zacz?li?my si? ca?owa?. Ssa?em jej j?zyk a ona mój. Dotyka?em jej z?bów i pi?em jej ?lin?. To by?a szalona nami?tno??. Mój cz?onek dygota? z pragnienia.

Dr??cymi palcami zdj??em jej bluzk? i rozpi??em biustonosz. Mia?a j?drne, pi?kne piersi. Ich biel cudownie kontrastowa?a z reszt? jej opalonego cia?a. Opuszkami palców zacz??em masowa? jej niesamowicie stercz?ce sutki. W jej oczach zobaczy?em rozkosz.

Wzi??em pe?nymi d?o?mi jej piersi.
- S? cudowne... - szepn??em.
- Mmhmm... s? Twoje... - wyjecza?a.

Masowa?em je i ?ciska?em, jedocze?nie dra?ni?c palcami jej rozpaczliwie pulsuj?ce sutki.
Nie wytrzyma?em i ?akomie wzi??em je w usta. Na przemian ssa?em, liza?em i ?ciska?em wargami to jednego to d**giego. Iwonka chwyci?a mnie za g?ow? i dysza?a ci??ko. Ca?uj?c jej piersi rozpi??em jej spodnie. Pomog?a mi je zdj?? wraz z rajtuzami. By?a ju? tylko w samych majteczkach. Równie? zdj??em spodnie.

Znów zacz?li?my si? ca?owa? a moje d?onie wyczynia?y cuda z jej cyckami. W ko?cu zsun??em je na jej po?ladki i mocno chwyci?em jej pup?. By?a taka twarda. Mmhmmm...
Delikatnie zsun??em jej bialutkie majteczki i zacz??em masowa? nagie po?ladki, jednocze?nie ss?c jej sutki.

Ula dygota?a z przyjemno?ci. W ko?cu bez s?owa obróci?a si? i po?o?y?a na mnie odwrotnie. To by? dla mnie szok. Niemal zdar?em z niej majtki gdy poczu?em jak zdejmuje moje slipy i bierze w d?onie mego pulsuj?cego cz?onka. Jej pupa by?a wypi?ta dok?adnie w kierunku mojej twarzy. Zobaczy?em jej zadbany odbyt i ró?ow? cipk? z lekko rozchylonymi wargami. By?a taka zach?caj?ca i wyp?ywa?y z niej kropelki prze?roczystego ?luzu. Na to czeka?em. Chwyci?em j? mocno za po?ladki i unosz?c g?ow? zacz??em lizac jej uda. Poczu?em zapach jej intymno?ci i w ko?cu nie?mia?o zacz??em b??dzi? j?zykiem po tej pyszno?ci. By?a taka wilgotna. Poczu?em jej smak. Ula z wra?enia na chwil? wypu?ci?a z d?oni mego cz?onka i zamar?a. Zacz??em liza? jej cipk?, spija? jej soki. czubek mojego j?zyka rozpycha? jej rowek, w?lizgiwa? si? w niego i sun?? w nim a? po odbyt. Us?ysza?em jak Iwona dyszy. Mocniej rozwar?em jej pup? i li??c j? ci?gle odnalaz?em w ko?cu jej ?echtaczk?. W tym samym momencie poczu?em jak jej usta obejmuj? mojego cz?onka. Poczu?em jej j?zyk wibrujacy na mojej ?o??dzi. Ssa?a mnie i liza?a zawzi?cie i zach?annie, jak szalona. Ja tymczasem wyprawia?em cuda j?zykiem i wargami na jej sporym guzku. Ssa?em i liza?em, czuj?c jak jej ?echtaczka rozpaczliwie pulsuje od nadmiaru rozkoszy. W pewnym momencie Iwonka unios?a g?ow? wypuszczaj?c z ust mojego penisa.
- O, Bo?e... mmmhmm... oooch... - wyj?cza?a zagryzaj?c warg?, a jej cia?o zacz??o dygota?.
Jeszcze mocniej chwyci?em jej pup? i nie pozwalaj?c jej uciec, natarczywie liza?em jej ?echtaczk?. Jej soki zalewa?y mi twarz.

Ula szczytowa?a niezwykle intensywnie.
- Aaaa, oooch... ju?.. och, przesta?... nie wytrzymam... - zacz??a krzycze? i rzuca? si? tak mocno, ?e musia?em j? z ?alem pu?ci?. Le?a?a par? chwil jak nie?ywa. Bez s?owa po?o?y?em j? na plecach i unios?em jej nogi . Kl?kn??em mi?dzy nimi i d?oni? nakierowa?em penisa prosto w jej szpark?. Mru??c oczy z rozkoszy powoli zacz??em w ni? wchodzi?. Czu?em jej ciep?o, a dzi?ki doskona?emu nawil?eniu jej elastyczna pochwa rozci?gn??a si? i wesz?em w ni? do ko?ca, a? po j?dra. Chwil? trwa?em w bezruchu, delektuj?c si? tym a potem spojrza?em jej w oczy. Patrzy?a na mnie z czu?o?ci?.
- Kocham Ci? - wyszepta?em.

Obj??a mnie mocniej nogami, krzy?uj?c stopy na moich plecach a ja zacz??em j? dyma?.
Robi?em to mocno i zdecydowanie, dawkuj?c sobie rozkosz poprzez ma?e przerwy. Patrzy?em jak mój penis to wynurza si? to znika w jej pochwie. Unios?em jej nogi i za?o?y?em sobie na ramiona. Teraz wchodzi?em w ni? najg?ebiej i najmocniej jak tylko mo?na. Pot zacz?? sp?ywa? po naszych cia?ach. wiec zamkn??a oczy i przygryza?a swoje palce, ?eby nie krzycze?.

Ja te? zasiska?em z?by i j?cza?em z przyjemno?ci. Czu?em jak jej pochwa pulsuje, zaciska si? rytmicznie na moim penisie, masuje go i niemal ssie. ?aden facet d?ugo by tego nie wytrzyma?. Wszed?em w ni? do ko?ca i zacz??em w ni? tryska?. Mia?em niezwykle d?ugi i obfity orgazm. Spermy by?o tak du?o, ?e a? utworzy?a bia?y pier?cie? wokó? mojego zag?ebionego w jej cipce penisa. Oboje d?ugo dochodzili?my do siebie.
zacze?a delikatnie pie?cic d?oni? mój kark a ja jej wspania?e piersi

Le?eli?my chwil? odpoczywaj?? po naszym pierwszym razie.
- A je?li zasz?am w ci???? Spu?ci?e? mi si? do ?rodka? - spyta?a cicho
- To b?dziemy mieli dziecko. - odpowiedzia?em, g?askaj?c j? po mokrym brzuchu i piersiach.
- Chc? jeszcze si? z Tob? kocha?. Ca?? noc... - doda?em.
D?ugo nie czekajac unios?a si? i zacz??a ca?owa? i pie?ci? moje brodawki. Pierwszy raz kto? mi to robi?. Poczu?em ogarniaj?c? przyjemno?? a mój cz?onek uniós? si? gotowy do dalszej akcji. Moja wtedy kochanka a obecnie zona bez s?owa na mnie usiad?a. By?a taka pi?kna. R?k? skierowa?a mojego penisa w swoje ?ono i powoli si? na niego nabi?a. Patrzy?em na to dr??c na ca?ym ciele. Efekty wizualne by?y zachwycaj?ce. Mia?em j? zupe?nie nag? na sobie. Opar?a d?onie na moich piersiach, odrzuci?a w ty? g?ow? i zacz??a mnie uje?d?a?. Niesamowicie pracowa?a biodrami i pup?.

Robi?a to tak majestatycznie a zarazem cudownie, masuj?c pochw? mojego cz?onka na ca?ej d?ugo?ci, od ?o??dzi a? po j?dra. Unosi?a si? tak wysoko, ?e niemal wypada? z jej cipki a potem opada?a, tak, ?e znika? w niej a? po j?dra. Czu?em doskonale jak w?sk? i elastyczn? ma pochw?. Mia?em przecie? sporo przekraczaj?cego standard penisa a mimo to nadziewa?a si? na niego do ko?ca. Czu?em jak j? rozci?gam, jak napieram na tylne sklepienie jej pochwy. Mimo nawil?enia tarcie by?o dosy? spore i przy ka?dym jej unoszeniu jej pochwa niemal wywija?a si? na zewn?trz. Rozkosz zalewa?a nas niemal tonami. To by?o co? jak nirvana. Niemal mdleli?my z przyjemno?ci. Ca?ymi d?o?mi masowa?em jej podskakuj?ce piersi i palcami dra?ni?em jej sztywne sutki.

Ula ta?czy?a na mnie istny taniec brzucha. Szlocha?a przy tym i j?cza?a a mimo to robi?a to nadal z szalonym zaanga?owaniem. Przesun??em r?ce na jej po?ladki i zacz??em je masowa?, ?ciska? i rozci?ga?. W ko?cu palcami zacz??em pociera? rowek mi?dzy nimi. Dotkn??em mojego pracuj?cego w niej penisa i jej wilgotnej, gor?cej cipki. Poczu?em jak moje palce zalewa jej wilgo?. Wykorzysta?em to nawil?enie i po?o?y?em palce bezpo?ednio na jej odbycie. Zacz??em go masowa? i delikatnie uciska?. Spojrza?em wtedy na jej twarz i zobaczy?em ekstaz?. Mia?a zamkni?te oczy, zmarszczone czo?o i szerko rozwarte, jak do krzyku, usta przez które gwa?townie, urywanymi zrywami dysza?a i poj?kiwa?a. Kropelki potu sp?ywa?y jej po czole i piersiach a mimo to nie przestawa?a mnie uje?d?a?. Przeciwnie, unios?a si? nawet i teraz robi?a to kucaj?c nademn?. Robi?a rytmiczne przysiady, a ja niemal kona?em z rozkoszy, maj?c tak doskona?y widok, na prac? swojego cz?onka, który by? maksymalnie sztywny. W tej pozycji czu?em tak? dawk? przyjemno?ci, ?e a? dr?a?em i wiedzia?em, ?e d?ugo nie wytrzymam. Unios?em si? nieco i wsun??em r?ce pod jej po?ladki. Masowa?em ca?e je krocze, maj?c mi?dzy palcami swojego, tkwi?cego w niej penisa. Bez wahania dotyka?em palcami jej odbytu i napiera?em na niego, a? w ko?cu wsun??em jeden palec.

W tym samym momencie nagle targn?? nia nag?y wstrz?s. Wyda?a z siebie przeci?g?y pisk i opad?a na mnie. Poczu?em intensywne, rozpaczliwe skurcze jej pochwy na moim penisie. Obj??em j? mocno i przytuli?em do siebie.
J?kn??em g?o?no czuj?c nadchodz?cy orgazm. Tak intensywnego wytrysku nie mia?em jeszcze nigdy. Tryska?em g??boko w jej pochwie niemal minut?. Oboje z trudem uspokajali?my oddechy i tulili?my si? do siebie. Min??y d?ugie chwile zanim odzyskali?my ?wiadomo??.

- Wiesz co my robimy? - wyszepta?a.
- Tak, kochamy si?. - odpar?em.
- Ale, to szale?stwo.Przeciez si? jeszcze tak dobrze nie znamy.Wtedy odpowiedzia?em
- Oboje tego potrzebujemy. To cudowne spe?nia? swoje marzenia, realizowa? fantazje.
- Ale robimy to bez zabezpieczenia...
- B?dzie co ma by?. Chcesz mie? dziecko?
- Chc?,ale...
- Nie ma ?adnych ale, kochamy si?, a to wystarczy.
Po?o?yli?my si? na boku, przodem do siebie.
- Kocham Ci? - wyszepta?a.
- Ja Ciebie te?.
Zaczeli?my si? ca?owa?. Ci?gle nie mieli?my siebie do??. Zdziwiony poczu?em jak mój penis sztywnieje.
- Chc? jeszcze - j?kn??em. - Kocham Twoje wn?trze.
- To szale?stwo.
Przypomnia?em sobie filmy porno. Teraz mia?em to wszystko na ?ywo.
- Chc? Ci? od ty?u... - powiedzia?em.
By?a troche zaskoczona.
- Ale ja jeszcze nigdy...

Mimo to obróci?a si? i ukl?k?a na czworaka. Kl?kn??em za ni?. Mia?a pi?kn? pup?. Rozchyli?em j? nieco i skierowa?em stercz?cego cz?onka w jej cipk?. Dr?a?em z emocji na ca?ym ciele, patrz?c na jej intymno?ci. Poczu?em na g?ówce penisa opór jej cia?a.
- Nie nie tam. - zaprotestowa?a, a ja zrozumia?em, ?e wpycham go w jej odbyt. Chcia?em tego, ale wiedzia?em, ?e ona nie jest na to przygotowana, kto wie jaka by?aby jej reakcja. Mo?e kiedy? to zrobimy...
Pomog?a mi r?k? i nakierowa?a go na swoj? cipk?. Napar?em mocno i czuj?c niesamowicie odmienn? rozkosz stymulacji wszed?em w ni? a? po j?dra.
- Aaaach- st?kn??a prawdopodobnie z bólu.
Chwyci?em j? za biodra i zacz??em si? w niej poruszac . Przyjmno?? by?a osza?amiaj?ca. Pcha?em coraz mocniej i szybciej.

Poczu?em jej palce na swoich j?drach. Pochyli?em si? i wzi??em od do?u w d?onie jej rozko?ysane piersi. ?ciska?em je chwil?, palcami dra?ni?c jej sutki. Powoli mocniej wypi??a swój piekny ty?eczek , podpieraj?c si? na ?okciach. Dysza?a ci??ko.
- Rozerwiesz mnie... Ooooch... - j?cza?a. Unios?em kolana i kucn??em za ni?. Pochyli?em si? do przodu, chwyci?em j? za biodra i dosiad?em j? okrakiem. Teraz to by?o prawdziwe r?ni?cie, jak na filmach porno. W tej pozycji robi? to zwierz?ta. By?o to dla niej cos nowego wiec niemal skamla?a z przyjemno?ci przemieszanej z bólem. Rozkosz by?a nieziemska. Dyma?em j? wolno, dawkuj?c sobie przyjemno??.

D?ugo tego nie wytrzyma?em. Wszed?em w ni? jak najmocniej i zacz??em tryska?, po raz trzeci i ju? wiedzia?em, ?e ostatni tego wieczoru. Wysun??em penisa i zacz??em pociera? nim rowek mi?dzy jej cudownymi po?ladkami. Ostatnie krople mojej ekstazy rozmaza?em na jej odbycie. Cofn??em si? i opad?em jak nie?ywy na ?ó?ko. Iwona chwil? le?a?a cicho obok mnie a potem przesun??a si? i po?o?y?a g?ow? na moim brzuchu. Poczu?em jak jej usta obejmuj? mojego penisa. By?y takie nami?tne...
Oboje wiedzieli?my ju?, ?e dla takiego seksu warto ?y?, warto by? razem. Nieoficjalnie stali?my si? ma??e?stwem a wkrótce spotkali?my si? przed o?tarzem.
Sex dla nas jest czyst? rozkosz? a to co teraz robimy kochaj?c si? to samo wyzywaj?ce i wielokrotnie szokuj?ce dla nas pi?kno. Ostatnio nawet robimy sobie fajniutkie zdj?cia...Kilka z nich wam pokaze sami ocencie

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SexAndSubmission Marica Hase Lauren Phillips The Perfect Gift

Cute and sexy Marica Hase is The Perfect Gift for big tits Lauren Phillips and fat cock Ramon Nomar. Lauren is stressed out from doing all the housework at their new ranch. She just wants a little help around the place so Ramon has a little surprise for his curvaceous wife: A petite and willing Asian slave girl for this kinky couple to indulge their whims and fantasies. Ramon reveals this hot little package hanging from a tree in a fetching rope suspension. Lauren is excited to have a servant...

4 years ago
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ISS Reader And Me Having Sex

Hi to all single ladies and girls in Bangalore. This is one of the best experiences I have ever had in recent times. I’m a 25-year-old working, fun-loving guy. This started when one of the ISS readers texted me on hangouts. She introduced herself as Neelu, 27-year-old working professional. She occasionally reads on ISS whenever she is little high over weekends. She started telling me about my previous story which she felt is quite good. She was asking me if it was real, how was the experience,...

2 years ago
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Sexual Encounter With An Online Friend

Hey, this is the Coolguy back with an encounter I had with another woman named Swapna (Name changed). I met her online after . This incident happened towards the end of March 2021. So not giving an elaborate introduction and getting to the story soon. So a brief introduction about me. I am 6 ft tall, 29 years of age, brought up in Chennai. In this story, I will be describing a sexual encounter that I had with a Swapna. I hope you all will enjoy it. An introduction about Swapna. She is 40 years...

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Undercover RoseChapter 85

First thing we did was drop off the rental car. "You know your lawyer is pretty good to get this truck released. I would have thought that the cops would want to hold it as well," Buddy said. "She is the Swamp's lawyer, not mine," I said. "They sent you a lawyer, even though you no longer work for them?" he asked. "I'm sure I will get the bill. I am also sure they are in containment mode. How better to contain it than to have their lawyer manage it. It also works in my favor....

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The Blind Girl in the Rain part 3

Part 3.The room quietly echoed to the sounds of city life as I lay there staring up into the fading dark as the world turned and night slipped into the beginnings of the new day.Sleep had been fitful. The constant turning of my mind as random thoughts flared, flickered and faded keeping me awake until the early hours. Night visions dancing in the darkness always bringing me back to the way she looked at me and the dawning realization that nothing would be the same again.I got up and sat on the...

First Time
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An Unexpected Visitor

‘I’m too old to be on a family vacation!’ She thought, exhaling dramatically as she lay on her hotel bed, firmly massaging her temples with her fingers. “Honey, are you coming to aqua aerobics with your sister and I?” her Mom called out from her adjoining room. “All that liquor you’ve been drinking is going to catch up with you…” Her Mother’s judgmental tone was giving her a headache. She closed her eyes, “No, go with out me,” she replied, trying to hide her annoyance. She kept her eyes closed...

Straight Sex
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Bicycle Mechanicbysatyr_132003©Saturday afternoon is a lazy day for me, but a day at the mall for my daughter, Cindy and her mom. Cindy is 18 and my wife is now 39. They are both the loves of my life. Cindy, a long legged blonde, is in her senior year at high school and is planning to go to a prestigious college up north in the fall. That is the reason why she and her mom were at the mall. Cindy was getting a clothing overhaul. She had nice clothes but my wife wanted her to be ready for school...

4 years ago
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Slut Exchanges Wife Swaps

Hi, to all readers… Thanks for phenomenal feedback on my experiences which were posted in ISS in various stories. For those of you who are reading for the first time, I would recommend to read earlier stories which I have posted on ISS to know better about myself and sex journey. You may search stories in ISS, they are titled as Dreamy Vacation 1, Dreamy Vacation 2, End of Dreamy Vacation : Part 3, How it all began: Dreamy Vacation. The story which I would be narrating below is about latest sex...

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Second ChanceChapter 43

Midnight. The video screens were alive with activity. Hawk Dryden and his tech staff had out done themselves this time. We were in my private office, inside the War Room, under the Pentagon. Technically, that meant I was in charge, but I had made it clear that I was a spectator. The Secretary of Defense was in charge of our forces as they assisted the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Jordanian Army against Iran's Imperial Guard. Hawk had put up impressive air cover to shepherd the joint...

1 year ago
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Private Elena Vega Mila Milan Poolside Orgy For Busty Agents

In Private Gold, Russian Hackers the infamous hacker Lutroo is once again hiding out and agents Mila Milan and Elena Vega are ready to pounce on his one weakness, beautiful women. It doesn’t take long for these girls to infiltrate Lutroo’s hideout where they find him and friend George Lee by the pool ready for some real action! Watch these girls get wet, sucking and fucking poolside as they enjoy the taste of cock before some great anal action that will culminate in a facial for Elena and a hot...

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Mia Chapter 1 Introductions

Chapter 1 - Introductions 10 Aug 2010 Dearest Mia, I’m using the several thousand miles between us as an opportunity to start my letter writing hobby. I think as a generation we lack the romance of a hand written letter being delivered through the post. That being said, it also gives me the chance to perfect my English language skills and feel a bit more Jane Austen-esque. J (Damn it. I almost wrote a smiley face there.) I also think you get more out of a handwritten letter than Facebook,...

2 years ago
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T or D part 2

The next morning the four boys woke up after a short rest. “So Ace and Mike how long are you staying over?” asked Bryce. “Well I just remembered that I got to go somewhere with my dad today,” said Mike. “Oh, okay, how about you Ace?” asked Bryce. “Yeah I can stay for as long as I want,” said Ace. Mike left leaving Bryce, Ace and Logan. “So it is just us 3 now,” said Bryce. “Shit I got to go to my basketball game,” said Logan while running to get...

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Amity 3 TempestChapter 16 Shapeshifters

The sextet was complete. David had become the unofficial leader of the sextet even though they were theoretically equal. He brought his fellow team members up to speed with what Master Bart had told him regarding the political situation in Federation. Keven recommended that they go to see her grandmother, Domo Leslie and that they should get her side of the story. Keven’s sisters, Levi and Selwyn, also agreed this was a good place to start. The rest agreed, and they all blinked to the...

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Jackis BitchesChapter 1 Carols Parents Return

Carol was sitting in the parlor of her Uncle Rob's home awaiting the arrival of her parents. Carol, an 18 year old high school senior, was staying with her Uncle and his girlfriend, Joy, in order to finish high school while her parents were on an extended, three-month long European vacation. Carol was not only wanted to see them again, but she suddenly realized how much she had missed them both dearly. Carol loved both her Uncle Rob and his girlfriend, and also really enjoyed their sexual...

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First time fucking a prostitute

-finali is over!! Alex says after a hard day at work. He was the last one in, all his co-workers were gone, now to go home have a few beers, a movie and go to sleep….a blowjob would be good to but he didn’t have a girlfriend ore a friend with benefits, he was all alone….life wasn’t easy, couldnt remember when was the last time he got a good fuck or a handjob, only porn and self satisfaction was his option. As he was walking to his car the only thing on his mind was a warm mouth ore pussy on...

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Sarah Gets TrainedChapter 7

Sarah wakes up to a new reality Sarah stretched as she awoke. She realized that Stone must have put her in her bed. Once again she was struck by his two natures. He alternated between a caring person and a man intent on humiliating her. Feeling her crotch, she was reminded of his new level of control over her body. But while she realized he had control over this intimate, personal act, she wanted to postpone the inevitable. She refused to ask for him to unlock her vagina for hours until she...

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Adventures in Avoiding Downsizing

Adventures in Avoiding Downsizing Belladonna I was sitting in my cubicle when I first heard the rumor. It was a murmur going through the office. The kind of thing that is only whispered about for fear of it being you that they were talking about. The downsizing rumor spread swiftly in whispers. My coworkers' words filled everyone with dread. The economy was on the rocks. If you were out of a job, you were looking at a long period of joblessness. The men worried most of all. I...

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We met on a plane A new adventure

This is another true story from my three month affair that I had with a woman I met on a plane.At the end of one of our encounters, we were laying there naked in a hotel room and she says to me, "I really want to try and hook up with another woman and I want you to be part of it." We talked about how we would accomplish this (swinger clubs, strip clubs, on-line ads) and decided on trying to put an add on Craigslist. We were both married so neither of us could get away for a weekend, nor could...

Group Sex
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Naruko Uzumaki

I woke up to the dawn of a new day which you just know is gonna be filled with training with the pervy sage (btw if your wondering what Naruko looks like just look at the cover picture that is most likely above the chapter title somewhere and I highly suggest you do this because I'm not really gonna explain the clothes so I provided a picture of what naruko looks like so use that for reference only difference is that Naruko doesn't have that huge scroll) you pat down your clothes for no reason...

4 years ago
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Fucking Her Sleeping Next To Her Husband

This completely true incident took place years back. It was a daring act and my friends, even those hardcore womanizers much senior, appreciate my act. But to tell you frankly, i did that only due to the courage given by alcohol. Those days i was drinking daily and alcohol always used to make me horny, horny almost always was my condition. Of course i was in mid thirties. I was married at that time but was separated from wife for sometime. i did not have the habit of visiting prostitutes and i...

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HOBO Chapter 5 and 6

The following weeks at work were extremely strange to say the least. Robin appeared very detached from me which was surprisingly after what we had just shared. Then the strangest thing, at least to me, were the looks I was getting from people on every floor of the building. That first month, I worked on three different cases mostly just going over financials as I had done for Helen Jameson. In all three instances, I did uncover a few things that were helpful to the case. Nothing as important...

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I had been in sex with gays for 1 year, but had always been intrigued by those hot looking chicks who packed more than a pussy between their legs. I had no idea where to find one in KanpurI was definitely bi-sexual, still seeing whores, and still going to gloryholes for my cocksucking needs. I was a dream come true for me, I found a beautiful girl to have some really hot sex with.For a total slut like her, it was like dying and going to heaven. On my way into the street one afternoon, I saw a...

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Komal 8211 My Princess 8211 Part 1

I was always amazed, how would it feel to penetrate, to fuck and to love someone physically intense. So here is how it happened. I am not a unique but a simple bulky guy from the neighbourhood. Mama’s boy and chubby for others – mostly ignored but has a deep urge to be the centre of attraction. This might sound phenomenal of everyday psychology but that is how it was. I am 24 now residing at Nagpur. But the incidents happened was 2 years back. It was Aug 2015. I was in the final year of my...

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Moms New Man Part 2

Mom and I had been enjoying our arrangement for almost two years. I would come home from work and she, more days than not, would be ready for me with dinner and sex or sex and then dinner. I provided her a better living than she ever experienced. She managed the money with terms we agreed to - saving a certain percentage, maintaining the home, paying the bills, etc, and she could spend whatever was left however she chose. We talked and planned all aspects of our lives together just like a...

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Tattoopart 2

His story Background Hanna seemed a little remote when I returned from my business trip. I asked her how the tattooing went and she explained that she had changed her mind! I wasn’t completely surprised as she often would be very enthusiastic about a particular thing and then change her mind at the last moment. But on this occasion I was sure she would go through with it. I changed the subject and asked about the girls. Hanna told me that Yolanda was staying with her parents for a couple of...

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Johhy Wall

I own and work in a small office where we manage commercial real-estate. I have a total of over twenty-two million square feet of warehouse space and over a million square feet of office space. I stay away from retail; the turnover is too great and they require a lot of time and maintenance. I just love Fridays, it's the slowest day of the week. I generally take the office people out to lunch, I have two women that do all the office work and the billing and one field assistant. To makes sure...

1 year ago
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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 21

My name is Ahmed I am about 4 foot 6 inches tall of Pakistani origins and a student at Farfield School. I was pleased she was waiting as I was skipping school to see her. Janice had written me a note to take to school saying I had a dental appointment at 11am I would need to leave school at 10:30, she had signed it in my mother’s name. I was now over nervous I did not really know what to expect, I knew sex was something a man and woman did and it was exciting but otherwise I was clueless...

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All American BoyChapter 36

“All those in favor of drawing names raise your hands,” Nearly everyone in the class raised their names, so it was decided. Ms. Maria put all the names in a box, then she wrote all the names on the chalk board in alphabetical order. “I will draw a name and the first name on the board will be the partner, as you are matched with your partner please stand side by side so I can see all of you. If I draw a name and the next name on the board is the one I drew, then I draw again.” On the eighth...

1 year ago
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Airport Seach Ch 2A

M+f, nc, anal, reluc, humiliation, toys, spanking Natalie is searched at an airport in Cuba. She is humiliated by the guards and masturbated until she cums. Her body is abused by different electrical devices and if again forced to cum from the pain and the pleasure. Chapter 1 was mistakenly called Chapter 2, so this one will be Chapter 2A. Airport Search-Chapter 2 The Search --------------- Natalie began to catch her breath, as she lay half-naked on the floor, the humiliation of the forced...

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Lisa Does What She Has To Do

The young woman lay on the bed, the afternoon sun streaming in through the apartment window. Her eyes were closed but she was not asleep. A student at a university in the north of England, she was mentally reviewing the work yet to do on her thesis for the final year of her art history course, a comparison of the work of five leading Renaissance artists. She was so absorbed in these thoughts that she was able, almost, to ignore the man lying on top of her. Able, almost, to ignore his heavy...

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My Nylon Goddess Chapter 9

MY NYLON GODDESS - CHAPTER NINE [Author's note: A reminder that this story is set at a time before mobile phones made it so easy to contact one another ...] "The thing is -" "It was just so irresponsible!" "Yes, I know but -" "It's so unlike you, Alan! We were worried sick!" "I know Mum, and I'm really sorry. But if -" "I've never seen your father in such a state! We were just about to call the police, for goodness' sake!" "Like I said -" "I simply can't believe...

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The Sexy Project Team Member

In the whole project team, only I and Shruthi(name changed) had not done anything. Although it was a group project we had to collect individual newspaper clippings and make a booklet. I went up to her house and found that the other three girls were waiting for me as well. As soon as I reached there looked at Shruthi. As usual she was wearing a small skirt and loose top. Without anyone in my group knowing I had secretly completed the project already. So I was expecting some fun to go about!! So...

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Dan and the DeputyChapter 13

“So, augmentations today, that’s a pretty big deal, don’t you think?” Dan remarked to Ayumi as they sat together, her hand now caressing his ass and his fondling hers, too. “And orientations, too. Another biggie,” Ayumi agreed with a wink and kiss for him. “Definitely a biggie, of course. We need to know what the fuck we’re doing here, to the extent that we don’t already know, of course,” Dan concurred. “No doubt of that,” Farah chimed in now, a big smile on her face as she contemplated...

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Korean Wifes nudist resort visit wmassage

This is my good friends story of he and his Korean wife's visit to a nudist resort when they were about 40yrs old, and their very first Nudist Resort. It was called "Elysium Institute", then located in the Malibu, CA. foot hills. Unfortunately the resort closed down around 2001. Here's the story he tell me; We arrived at this quaint nudist resort, not knowing what they should, or would expect. We parked, and walked into the office to pay and get the courtesy tour of the grounds. During check-in...

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I have always been a daddys girl

I didn’t have to work hard at being a daddy’s girl. Others could tell I had daddy rapped around my little finger and could get anything I wanted. I was your typical little girl with long brunette hair and kept it tied back it either a pony tail or pig tails. It was soft as silk and flowed down my back to my bubble butt. My eyes matched the color of my hair and when I smiled I had two deep dimples on either side of my cheeks and people always held my chin, lifting my head back and...

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How My Childhood Fantasy Became Real

Hello, everyone, this is Sahil Kumar. I’m 20 years old from Pune. I’m studying second-year B.Com in a well-reputed college of Pune which comes at the 3rd position in the city for commerce. There are a lot of hot and sexy girls at which everyone looks at. Any girls or aunties who want to friendship or have sex with me can mail me anytime without any hesitation at as your info will be safe with me. I have many friends including girls. I had a girlfriend but broke up with her because she was...

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Meeting Adam

I walked across the hotel room towards the door to answer the tentative knock, opening the door I smiled and moved back to let Adam in, he brushed past me and I turned to look at him as I closed the door behind me, from the look on his face I think Adam appreciated the black basque, stockings and killer heels I was wearing especially for him, I moved forward and pushed him against the wall, my lips finding his as we kissed for the first time, starting slowly and soft, quickly to become more...

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Daddys Girl

Daddy's Girl The Hitchhiker It had been snowing all day. A wet, heavy incessant snow that was covering everything including the highway. Combined with a wind-chill factor in the teens, Christopher was almost frozen stiff. He was elated when the huge semi pulled over to pick him up. He climbed up into the cab and smiled thankfully at the driver. "Thanks a lot mister. I was just about frozen out there." "No problem, son." The driver smiled at him. "Name's Zeke," the driver said and extended his...

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Most Satisfying Sex with Hot College Senior

Hi guys. This is Aathi with a real erotic sexstory happened few days ago. So let’s start with the story.There was one fine day, I was at Bangalore for my work. I’m from Chennai but I travel a lot for my work and other stuffs. I was bored after completion of my work. So I decided to roam around the city. I went to Phoenix mall to catch out some movie and have some good food. But none of the movie at that time seemed interesting. So I went to KFC and having my brunch. Suddenly I noticed someone ....

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The Ith

The thick, iron-link chain slinked along the filthy basement floor grinding itself against the d-ring on the northern brick wall. One could tell by the scratches along the chain's end and the d-ring itself, that more than one attempt was made to break the connection. The Ith tried, but not until today did it break free. It had curled a talon from its big toe up and under the collar some odd days back. Using the fine sharpness of this lengthy protrusion it filed down the leather neck strap...

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