Moja Zona free porn video

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Jest to moje opowiadanie a mo?e fak dokumentalny –opisany pierwsze nasze spotkanie które trwa do dnia dzisiejszego .Kazdemu zycze tego samego co ja mam poznawanie siebie nawzajem na nowo jest wspaniale .Choc z mojej strony by?a ciekawo?? czegos nowego ,naprawde niewarto

Moja ?onka Ula i ja Mirek

Witajcie! Od 20 lat jestem ?onaty. Moja zona ULA tak ma na imie jest bardzo kochana. Ka?dy facet marzy o takiej kobiecie. Zacz??o si? to tak: poznali?my si? na ulicy przypadkowo i od razu po??czy?a nas ni? sympatii. Pewnego dnia zaprosi?em j? do siebie, mieli?my ogl?da? jaki? nowy film. Siedzieli?my blisko siebie. Czu?em jej ciep?o. W pewnym momencie zacz??a si? do mnie przytula?. Po?o?y?em d?o? na jej cieplutkim brzuszku i zacz??em go masowa?. Poczu?em jak dr?y. Chcia?a tego. Zacz??em rozpina? jej bluzk? a potem dotkn??em jej piersi. J?kn??a cichutko. Film przesta? nas interesowa?.

Ula obróci?a si? a ja pochyli?em si? i zacz?li?my si? ca?owa?. Ssa?em jej j?zyk a ona mój. Dotyka?em jej z?bów i pi?em jej ?lin?. To by?a szalona nami?tno??. Mój cz?onek dygota? z pragnienia.

Dr??cymi palcami zdj??em jej bluzk? i rozpi??em biustonosz. Mia?a j?drne, pi?kne piersi. Ich biel cudownie kontrastowa?a z reszt? jej opalonego cia?a. Opuszkami palców zacz??em masowa? jej niesamowicie stercz?ce sutki. W jej oczach zobaczy?em rozkosz.

Wzi??em pe?nymi d?o?mi jej piersi.
- S? cudowne... - szepn??em.
- Mmhmm... s? Twoje... - wyjecza?a.

Masowa?em je i ?ciska?em, jedocze?nie dra?ni?c palcami jej rozpaczliwie pulsuj?ce sutki.
Nie wytrzyma?em i ?akomie wzi??em je w usta. Na przemian ssa?em, liza?em i ?ciska?em wargami to jednego to d**giego. Iwonka chwyci?a mnie za g?ow? i dysza?a ci??ko. Ca?uj?c jej piersi rozpi??em jej spodnie. Pomog?a mi je zdj?? wraz z rajtuzami. By?a ju? tylko w samych majteczkach. Równie? zdj??em spodnie.

Znów zacz?li?my si? ca?owa? a moje d?onie wyczynia?y cuda z jej cyckami. W ko?cu zsun??em je na jej po?ladki i mocno chwyci?em jej pup?. By?a taka twarda. Mmhmmm...
Delikatnie zsun??em jej bialutkie majteczki i zacz??em masowa? nagie po?ladki, jednocze?nie ss?c jej sutki.

Ula dygota?a z przyjemno?ci. W ko?cu bez s?owa obróci?a si? i po?o?y?a na mnie odwrotnie. To by? dla mnie szok. Niemal zdar?em z niej majtki gdy poczu?em jak zdejmuje moje slipy i bierze w d?onie mego pulsuj?cego cz?onka. Jej pupa by?a wypi?ta dok?adnie w kierunku mojej twarzy. Zobaczy?em jej zadbany odbyt i ró?ow? cipk? z lekko rozchylonymi wargami. By?a taka zach?caj?ca i wyp?ywa?y z niej kropelki prze?roczystego ?luzu. Na to czeka?em. Chwyci?em j? mocno za po?ladki i unosz?c g?ow? zacz??em lizac jej uda. Poczu?em zapach jej intymno?ci i w ko?cu nie?mia?o zacz??em b??dzi? j?zykiem po tej pyszno?ci. By?a taka wilgotna. Poczu?em jej smak. Ula z wra?enia na chwil? wypu?ci?a z d?oni mego cz?onka i zamar?a. Zacz??em liza? jej cipk?, spija? jej soki. czubek mojego j?zyka rozpycha? jej rowek, w?lizgiwa? si? w niego i sun?? w nim a? po odbyt. Us?ysza?em jak Iwona dyszy. Mocniej rozwar?em jej pup? i li??c j? ci?gle odnalaz?em w ko?cu jej ?echtaczk?. W tym samym momencie poczu?em jak jej usta obejmuj? mojego cz?onka. Poczu?em jej j?zyk wibrujacy na mojej ?o??dzi. Ssa?a mnie i liza?a zawzi?cie i zach?annie, jak szalona. Ja tymczasem wyprawia?em cuda j?zykiem i wargami na jej sporym guzku. Ssa?em i liza?em, czuj?c jak jej ?echtaczka rozpaczliwie pulsuje od nadmiaru rozkoszy. W pewnym momencie Iwonka unios?a g?ow? wypuszczaj?c z ust mojego penisa.
- O, Bo?e... mmmhmm... oooch... - wyj?cza?a zagryzaj?c warg?, a jej cia?o zacz??o dygota?.
Jeszcze mocniej chwyci?em jej pup? i nie pozwalaj?c jej uciec, natarczywie liza?em jej ?echtaczk?. Jej soki zalewa?y mi twarz.

Ula szczytowa?a niezwykle intensywnie.
- Aaaa, oooch... ju?.. och, przesta?... nie wytrzymam... - zacz??a krzycze? i rzuca? si? tak mocno, ?e musia?em j? z ?alem pu?ci?. Le?a?a par? chwil jak nie?ywa. Bez s?owa po?o?y?em j? na plecach i unios?em jej nogi . Kl?kn??em mi?dzy nimi i d?oni? nakierowa?em penisa prosto w jej szpark?. Mru??c oczy z rozkoszy powoli zacz??em w ni? wchodzi?. Czu?em jej ciep?o, a dzi?ki doskona?emu nawil?eniu jej elastyczna pochwa rozci?gn??a si? i wesz?em w ni? do ko?ca, a? po j?dra. Chwil? trwa?em w bezruchu, delektuj?c si? tym a potem spojrza?em jej w oczy. Patrzy?a na mnie z czu?o?ci?.
- Kocham Ci? - wyszepta?em.

Obj??a mnie mocniej nogami, krzy?uj?c stopy na moich plecach a ja zacz??em j? dyma?.
Robi?em to mocno i zdecydowanie, dawkuj?c sobie rozkosz poprzez ma?e przerwy. Patrzy?em jak mój penis to wynurza si? to znika w jej pochwie. Unios?em jej nogi i za?o?y?em sobie na ramiona. Teraz wchodzi?em w ni? najg?ebiej i najmocniej jak tylko mo?na. Pot zacz?? sp?ywa? po naszych cia?ach. wiec zamkn??a oczy i przygryza?a swoje palce, ?eby nie krzycze?.

Ja te? zasiska?em z?by i j?cza?em z przyjemno?ci. Czu?em jak jej pochwa pulsuje, zaciska si? rytmicznie na moim penisie, masuje go i niemal ssie. ?aden facet d?ugo by tego nie wytrzyma?. Wszed?em w ni? do ko?ca i zacz??em w ni? tryska?. Mia?em niezwykle d?ugi i obfity orgazm. Spermy by?o tak du?o, ?e a? utworzy?a bia?y pier?cie? wokó? mojego zag?ebionego w jej cipce penisa. Oboje d?ugo dochodzili?my do siebie.
zacze?a delikatnie pie?cic d?oni? mój kark a ja jej wspania?e piersi

Le?eli?my chwil? odpoczywaj?? po naszym pierwszym razie.
- A je?li zasz?am w ci???? Spu?ci?e? mi si? do ?rodka? - spyta?a cicho
- To b?dziemy mieli dziecko. - odpowiedzia?em, g?askaj?c j? po mokrym brzuchu i piersiach.
- Chc? jeszcze si? z Tob? kocha?. Ca?? noc... - doda?em.
D?ugo nie czekajac unios?a si? i zacz??a ca?owa? i pie?ci? moje brodawki. Pierwszy raz kto? mi to robi?. Poczu?em ogarniaj?c? przyjemno?? a mój cz?onek uniós? si? gotowy do dalszej akcji. Moja wtedy kochanka a obecnie zona bez s?owa na mnie usiad?a. By?a taka pi?kna. R?k? skierowa?a mojego penisa w swoje ?ono i powoli si? na niego nabi?a. Patrzy?em na to dr??c na ca?ym ciele. Efekty wizualne by?y zachwycaj?ce. Mia?em j? zupe?nie nag? na sobie. Opar?a d?onie na moich piersiach, odrzuci?a w ty? g?ow? i zacz??a mnie uje?d?a?. Niesamowicie pracowa?a biodrami i pup?.

Robi?a to tak majestatycznie a zarazem cudownie, masuj?c pochw? mojego cz?onka na ca?ej d?ugo?ci, od ?o??dzi a? po j?dra. Unosi?a si? tak wysoko, ?e niemal wypada? z jej cipki a potem opada?a, tak, ?e znika? w niej a? po j?dra. Czu?em doskonale jak w?sk? i elastyczn? ma pochw?. Mia?em przecie? sporo przekraczaj?cego standard penisa a mimo to nadziewa?a si? na niego do ko?ca. Czu?em jak j? rozci?gam, jak napieram na tylne sklepienie jej pochwy. Mimo nawil?enia tarcie by?o dosy? spore i przy ka?dym jej unoszeniu jej pochwa niemal wywija?a si? na zewn?trz. Rozkosz zalewa?a nas niemal tonami. To by?o co? jak nirvana. Niemal mdleli?my z przyjemno?ci. Ca?ymi d?o?mi masowa?em jej podskakuj?ce piersi i palcami dra?ni?em jej sztywne sutki.

Ula ta?czy?a na mnie istny taniec brzucha. Szlocha?a przy tym i j?cza?a a mimo to robi?a to nadal z szalonym zaanga?owaniem. Przesun??em r?ce na jej po?ladki i zacz??em je masowa?, ?ciska? i rozci?ga?. W ko?cu palcami zacz??em pociera? rowek mi?dzy nimi. Dotkn??em mojego pracuj?cego w niej penisa i jej wilgotnej, gor?cej cipki. Poczu?em jak moje palce zalewa jej wilgo?. Wykorzysta?em to nawil?enie i po?o?y?em palce bezpo?ednio na jej odbycie. Zacz??em go masowa? i delikatnie uciska?. Spojrza?em wtedy na jej twarz i zobaczy?em ekstaz?. Mia?a zamkni?te oczy, zmarszczone czo?o i szerko rozwarte, jak do krzyku, usta przez które gwa?townie, urywanymi zrywami dysza?a i poj?kiwa?a. Kropelki potu sp?ywa?y jej po czole i piersiach a mimo to nie przestawa?a mnie uje?d?a?. Przeciwnie, unios?a si? nawet i teraz robi?a to kucaj?c nademn?. Robi?a rytmiczne przysiady, a ja niemal kona?em z rozkoszy, maj?c tak doskona?y widok, na prac? swojego cz?onka, który by? maksymalnie sztywny. W tej pozycji czu?em tak? dawk? przyjemno?ci, ?e a? dr?a?em i wiedzia?em, ?e d?ugo nie wytrzymam. Unios?em si? nieco i wsun??em r?ce pod jej po?ladki. Masowa?em ca?e je krocze, maj?c mi?dzy palcami swojego, tkwi?cego w niej penisa. Bez wahania dotyka?em palcami jej odbytu i napiera?em na niego, a? w ko?cu wsun??em jeden palec.

W tym samym momencie nagle targn?? nia nag?y wstrz?s. Wyda?a z siebie przeci?g?y pisk i opad?a na mnie. Poczu?em intensywne, rozpaczliwe skurcze jej pochwy na moim penisie. Obj??em j? mocno i przytuli?em do siebie.
J?kn??em g?o?no czuj?c nadchodz?cy orgazm. Tak intensywnego wytrysku nie mia?em jeszcze nigdy. Tryska?em g??boko w jej pochwie niemal minut?. Oboje z trudem uspokajali?my oddechy i tulili?my si? do siebie. Min??y d?ugie chwile zanim odzyskali?my ?wiadomo??.

- Wiesz co my robimy? - wyszepta?a.
- Tak, kochamy si?. - odpar?em.
- Ale, to szale?stwo.Przeciez si? jeszcze tak dobrze nie znamy.Wtedy odpowiedzia?em
- Oboje tego potrzebujemy. To cudowne spe?nia? swoje marzenia, realizowa? fantazje.
- Ale robimy to bez zabezpieczenia...
- B?dzie co ma by?. Chcesz mie? dziecko?
- Chc?,ale...
- Nie ma ?adnych ale, kochamy si?, a to wystarczy.
Po?o?yli?my si? na boku, przodem do siebie.
- Kocham Ci? - wyszepta?a.
- Ja Ciebie te?.
Zaczeli?my si? ca?owa?. Ci?gle nie mieli?my siebie do??. Zdziwiony poczu?em jak mój penis sztywnieje.
- Chc? jeszcze - j?kn??em. - Kocham Twoje wn?trze.
- To szale?stwo.
Przypomnia?em sobie filmy porno. Teraz mia?em to wszystko na ?ywo.
- Chc? Ci? od ty?u... - powiedzia?em.
By?a troche zaskoczona.
- Ale ja jeszcze nigdy...

Mimo to obróci?a si? i ukl?k?a na czworaka. Kl?kn??em za ni?. Mia?a pi?kn? pup?. Rozchyli?em j? nieco i skierowa?em stercz?cego cz?onka w jej cipk?. Dr?a?em z emocji na ca?ym ciele, patrz?c na jej intymno?ci. Poczu?em na g?ówce penisa opór jej cia?a.
- Nie nie tam. - zaprotestowa?a, a ja zrozumia?em, ?e wpycham go w jej odbyt. Chcia?em tego, ale wiedzia?em, ?e ona nie jest na to przygotowana, kto wie jaka by?aby jej reakcja. Mo?e kiedy? to zrobimy...
Pomog?a mi r?k? i nakierowa?a go na swoj? cipk?. Napar?em mocno i czuj?c niesamowicie odmienn? rozkosz stymulacji wszed?em w ni? a? po j?dra.
- Aaaach- st?kn??a prawdopodobnie z bólu.
Chwyci?em j? za biodra i zacz??em si? w niej poruszac . Przyjmno?? by?a osza?amiaj?ca. Pcha?em coraz mocniej i szybciej.

Poczu?em jej palce na swoich j?drach. Pochyli?em si? i wzi??em od do?u w d?onie jej rozko?ysane piersi. ?ciska?em je chwil?, palcami dra?ni?c jej sutki. Powoli mocniej wypi??a swój piekny ty?eczek , podpieraj?c si? na ?okciach. Dysza?a ci??ko.
- Rozerwiesz mnie... Ooooch... - j?cza?a. Unios?em kolana i kucn??em za ni?. Pochyli?em si? do przodu, chwyci?em j? za biodra i dosiad?em j? okrakiem. Teraz to by?o prawdziwe r?ni?cie, jak na filmach porno. W tej pozycji robi? to zwierz?ta. By?o to dla niej cos nowego wiec niemal skamla?a z przyjemno?ci przemieszanej z bólem. Rozkosz by?a nieziemska. Dyma?em j? wolno, dawkuj?c sobie przyjemno??.

D?ugo tego nie wytrzyma?em. Wszed?em w ni? jak najmocniej i zacz??em tryska?, po raz trzeci i ju? wiedzia?em, ?e ostatni tego wieczoru. Wysun??em penisa i zacz??em pociera? nim rowek mi?dzy jej cudownymi po?ladkami. Ostatnie krople mojej ekstazy rozmaza?em na jej odbycie. Cofn??em si? i opad?em jak nie?ywy na ?ó?ko. Iwona chwil? le?a?a cicho obok mnie a potem przesun??a si? i po?o?y?a g?ow? na moim brzuchu. Poczu?em jak jej usta obejmuj? mojego penisa. By?y takie nami?tne...
Oboje wiedzieli?my ju?, ?e dla takiego seksu warto ?y?, warto by? razem. Nieoficjalnie stali?my si? ma??e?stwem a wkrótce spotkali?my si? przed o?tarzem.
Sex dla nas jest czyst? rozkosz? a to co teraz robimy kochaj?c si? to samo wyzywaj?ce i wielokrotnie szokuj?ce dla nas pi?kno. Ostatnio nawet robimy sobie fajniutkie zdj?cia...Kilka z nich wam pokaze sami ocencie

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Act of War SOS Book 2Chapter 4 Alien Battleship in orbit

I awoke, I couldn't move, I was being carried by what looked like a giant spider, I tried to move my head to look around, I could see I was being carried down a long corridor, it looked to be made out of the same metal as the fighters. The ship must have been huge, we eventually came upon a lift of some kind, the spider entered it, I could feel the movement as we rode the lift for what seemed like several minutes. The lift stopped and the doors opened, I saw some smaller spiders walking the...

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San Diego bay

True story.The time is Southern California 1982, the bay of Coronado.I was stationed as a Navy sailor at one of the local bases and took to the ocean and the great weather of California. I grew up in the northern and much colder states so any chance I got I was outdoors and on the water.By great luck I found a sailboat that was ready to sail and at a price I could afford. The sail boat was a 21ft bay sailor, great for one person operation with a single mast and only one main and one stay sail....

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Fuck Her harder

The last time my mom came to pick up my little sister, my little sister insulted my step mom and my real mommy laughed. I didn’t think much of it. At the ensuing family function, my step mom apparently made my real mommy and my sister drinks to loosen them up. My step mother then proceeded to explain to my mom and sister, with help from my father, that she’d push to take away mommy’s visitation rights, unless she agreed to let herself get humiliated like the way they humiliated her a few...

1 year ago
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WinnerChapter 5

The third-to-the-last pre-season game, before we got back to Washington, D.C., for a scheduled meeting with the Orioles at RFK and then another thirty miles north at Camden Yards, was against the Atlanta Braves in Richmond. We had still won more than we had lost, and Buzzy had trimmed the team down to the guys he wanted to keep plus the players he had to keep because Greeley Jepperson had paid them so much money and given them no-cut contracts. I stayed, I think, partly because I worked...

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A Family Affair Part Three

"Aaand... cut!" said Justyna. "Well done, everybody, that was excellent. Let's take a break."I feel so proud and excited. I had just finished my first scene in Justyna's new movie. She's the director, by the way, and it was she who decided to film "Seduction" at our family home.There are lots of new things I need to get used to. First of all, individual scenes are not shot in sequence. It all depends on the different setups and the lighting and everything. It's when Zoe gets to work that the...

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Sissy Bride Caught Peeking Parts 5 and 6

XXX WARNING!!! This story contains adult situations and sexual material. The characters portrayed in this story are FICTIONAL and portray FICTIONAL circumstances for FANTASY purposes only. It in no way condones non-consensual sex or unsafe-sex by any means. XXX The Sissy Bride: Caught Peeking By Janice337 Part V - Confessions Christmas preparations went as mother had planned. Aunts and Grandmothers phoned to talk with Mother about what to bring and who was in charge of...

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My Family Part Part 4 8211 Honeymoon With Girlfriend

Next day mom ne mjse pucha ki tum mili k sath hongkong ja rahe ho kal maine kaha haan mom aap ko kisne bataye toh bola ki dad ne tmne company account se ticket booked kari hai so dad k pass mail aayi hai aur woh tmhra wait kar rahe hain wahn kyunki unko bhi kl shaam ko singapore jana hai meeting k liye woh bi 1 week k liye so unhone tmhra hotel book karwa diya hai aur woh tmse hotel mein hi milenge tmhre sath lunch karenge maine pucha bt mili toh mom haste hua boli ki dont worrytmhra hotel wahi...

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The Power of Panties

Like virtually every other little girl in the world, I vividly remember my mother's constant nagging about keeping my dress pulled down so the boys wouldn't see my underwear. She was forever reminding me to sit like a lady, keep my legs together and be careful about bending over when I was wearing a skirt, or a dress. She never bothered to explain to me exactly why those pesky boys would want to see my underpants, but based on the amount of times she warned me about showing off my underwear, I...

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This was the MOST Embarrassing moment of my life

This just took place today,It was around 3 pm and I was off of work for the next two days I like I do every day go out for the night trying to find a girlfriend. So I walk down the street to this bar that I have had some luck with. I walk in and there is normal 2 guys drinking at the bar ,I walked to the bar and got my beer I took a seat at the table and for some time it was quiet once 9 PM HIT I was drunk as a skunk and the bar was hopping. There was people dancing and others playing pool, A...

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War victim

It has been almost twenty five years since Doug Mitchell came home from Viet Nam, a war he never understood, but one in which fought, because his country called. Some of the things he saw sickened him, and to this day have made a lasting impression on him. He would like to forget it all, but a decision he made back in l973 makes that impossible. In 1971, Saigon was a wide open city with more than the normal number vices to lure the young american soldiers. From gambling casinos to opium dens to...

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Masti In Hot Party

Hi friends. I’m 23 years old guy from Delhi. If any girl or aunties looking for sex or sex chat please mail on full secrecy will be maintained don’t worry. 1st chat if comfortable then we go ahead.  Firstly let me describe myself I am 22 years , 5 10 , athletic physique I was playboy in school and now in college , fuck almost every hot girl in my school and college. Let me describe my experience in sex party. I have a NRI friend Rahul, who was notorious in through hot parties , whether it’s...

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mm anal

when he reached for my cheeck and gently turned my head towards his to await his kiss. his kiss was so passionate it made me wet just thinking bout it.. he kisses me gently on the lips then sticking out his tongue to lick over my lips and over my teeth in my mouth where he met my tongue while i gently sucked on ran all over my mouth.. he gently got up and layed on top of me. without stopping from kissing me .. he slowly underessed himself.. first his shirt then his pants.....

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Second ChanceChapter 4

Nipples – bumpy or otherwise - aside, my reaction to Abby’s proximity was a puzzle. While she wandered among the breakfast buffet, I watched her with a growing fascination. I’d seen thousands of nipples, if not more, and touched, licked, bit, tickled, and squeezed more than I could probably remember, but Abby’s cherubic face and unremarkable body sometimes took my breath away. Mark’s schoolboy crush was completely understandable, so I decided to stop worrying and just go with the flow....

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Tina part 1

On Friday night I was at home, drinking myself into a state of numbness, when the phone rang. “John! It's Jenny. I want you to come for a pool-side barbecue tomorrow. Get here about noon. OK?” Now Jenny is married to my elder brother, Fred. She is a very stubborn woman who never takes 'no' for an answer, so, even though I did not want to go to her barbecue, I replied “OK Jenny. Thank you.” and hung up. Next day I was a bit late arriving at Fred and Jenny's. I heard voices coming...

4 years ago
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Caught in A Good Romance 2 of 10

© Copyright 2013, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Caught in A Good Romance, 2 of 10 By Leslie Lowe Chapter 2 I was sitting in the side-chair by Joyce's desk when she arrived promptly at nine the next morning. "My," she said, "aren't you the punctual one! How are you, Kim?" I stood up and flashed my best winning smile at her. "Fine, Joyce. Thank you." "I'm so glad they chose you!" she said. "I liked you so much I even told them I wanted a...

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Wifes wants New Shoes Pegged

My wife and I were just sitting around lounging, watching tv. She says to me that this past weekend when she was out drinking with her friends, the conversation turned to sex. I tell her okay, tell me more. We were just saying what we liked and what our husbands liked. I say to her well what did you say? She says she was the last person to talk and they were all saying some pretty kinky things. She said we were pretty kinky when it came to sex, She says I told them you like it when I fuck you...

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The dark elavator

I was working on a inportent computer tech.when this women send me a pc to pc message with a picture of a women say want to tast me baby.i look up and she says well how about it and winks i goto get lunch so i goto the elevator but it full.i dont want to take the red elevator its lights fliker and people say strange things happen in there. BUT LIKE I SAID THE ELEVATER WAS FULL SO I HAD TO. SOME GIRL SECTARIES HAD TO STEP IN WITH ME THEY WURE SO HOT.WAN HAD WHITE LONG HAIR NICE BLACK SKIN AND A...

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Do It Yourself ProjectChapter 1

Mary and Jeff were two good kids from good families. Their parents had moved to the suburbs from the city to experience the American dream. Jeff was a senior at the local public high school, Mary a junior at the area's parochial high school. Mary was an Honor student, always achieving excellent grades and was always respectful of her parents and teachers. Jeff's grades were not in the stratosphere like Mary's however, they were definitely well above average. He lettered in both Track and...

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Purva Ki Chudai

Hi doston me ISS ka bahut bada fan hu bahut himmat karne ke baad me aaj likh pa raha hu. ye kissa mera aur meri girlfriend ka hai meri girlfriend ka naam Purva hai. Uska figure acha tha rang sawnla tha. uske boobs 28C the jisko mene daba daba aur chus chus kar 32C kar diya. Ye kissa jabka hai jab me usske sath 2 saal se relationship me tha. humare bich kiss, smooch, mera uske boobs suck karna, uska mera land sehlana(lund ko bina pent se bahar nikale) chalta tha lekin humne kabhi chudayi nahi ki...

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Little Red Riding Slut

They all warned me not to take the shortcut through the forest, but I'll be fucked if I'm walking the long way round to Granny's house, not with this heavy basket of goodies in tow. Big bad wolf or no big bad wolf. They tell me granny is ill but that’s old people for you, always something wrong with them, and I get the chore of checking in on her. After an hour or so of walking I stop for a rest by a big old oak tree and sit down. Opening the basket I reach in and grab a cake, taking a...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 17 Zugzwang

December 1977 One of the best situations in chess is when you put your opponent into a situation where they have only one possible response to each of several moves in a row. Of course, being on the receiving end was a different story. In December, I was on the receiving end. Equally bad was being of a tempo, such that you had a strong position, but because it was your move, you had to weaken it. That was, in some ways, worse than forced moves to relieve your king from check. Events were...

4 years ago
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Kamla Ke Puri Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hi mera naa ajeet ha aaj me aap ko ek mast kahani batana ja raha hu,mere age 26 saal hai aur meri height 6’hai meri body kafi aachi hai aur me ek private security gaurd company me manager hu meri company ka kaam security gaurd dena hai.Ab kahani pe aate hai meri company me ek naya ladka kaam par aaya uski age 29 hoge wo gaon se sahar me kaam k liya aaya tha wo mera junior tha meri uske aachi dosti ho gai.Hum saath ma saarab peta tha ek din usne bataya ke uske ghar me uske maa hai naam kamla age...

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Rogue MagusChapter 3

I was wrong about the police waiting for me when we got back to the apartment. In fact, it looked like no one was there at all. Cassandra accompanied me in. I hadn’t thought about it, but it was her night on the rotation. Since it was so late, and there wasn’t anything else I could do about Jordan tonight, we went straight to bed. She showed me just how much of her costume was ‘tear-away’ and then crawled over to me as if it were like any other night we had spent together. The problem was, I...

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Walk Like a ManChapter 21 The Next Step

I got a particularly nice welcome home party with Mom, Naomi, Walt and Vonda Voight. My diploma had been sent by UPS and it was there on Saturday just before our two guests arrived for the party. It was a hot August day and Mom wisely decided we’d have the dinner after six on the shaded back porch to avoid the worst of the heat. Casual wear was the order of the day. I had on a pair of cargo shorts, a polo shirt and flip flops. The others were dressed similarly, although Naomi stole the show...

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First Time Cuckoldress Part One

Bobby JoTina and I had been friends since college, more years than I cared to count. She had gone through marriage, two children, a burgeoning business, and finally divorce. Unfortunately, her ex had run afoul of some guys that don’t play nice. One night they came to their door with baseball bats looking for her husband. That was enough for her. Since divorce she had a few relationships, but nothing worth remembering the week after.The local papers had been full of ads for weeks announcing the...

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I left the office on that particular Friday afternoon feeling more flustered than I usually did at the end of a long and stressful work week. My boss had been coming down hard on my shoulders of late and the pressure was beginning to show. I opened the door to my mid sized coupe and climbed inside, my sore heels instantly glad of the respite. 8pm. How the hell had it gotten so late? I kicked the car into drive and pulled out of the lot, my mind still buzzing with a million questions. Had I sent...

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Slut wife chronicles 1 Lisa

On Thursday, July 13, 2001 I boarded Amtrak train 89 headed for Miami, Florida. I take a couple of vacations each year and I normally fly or drive to my destinations. But, on occasion I have taken an Amtrak train. Traveling by train is not only fun, but highly exciting most times; I get to meet a lot of people that I would never meet otherwise and this type of traveling provides ample time, the atmosphere and accommodations to have unsurpassed fun if you set the stage properly.At daytime you...

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I Have No IdeaChapter 14

No need to get dressed. When all you are wearing is flip flops and another woman’s secretions, those aren’t the words you expect to hear out of a dinner date. Vanessa was dressed for fun in shorts and a tank top. A nurse handed me a towel. I was blushing. “How about we get some barbecue on The Waterfront?” Shani suggested. “I figured we’d go to The Strip...” I ground my teeth as I considered. “You just landed in paradise,” Vanessa took my arm and leaned on my shoulder. Olivia mirrored on...

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Parents sent me to all Girl School Lesbian

I came from rather a conservative background, my parents being very strict with me and my two siblings. I grew up in a right-wing environment and my parents always had an opinion on current events and the latest news. Their opinions were very one sided, outdated and old fashioned, considering the times we lived in. A person who was involved in any of the arts, whether that be music, theater and performing arts or an artist was automatically labeled a 'lazy punk' by my parents. Only the very...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 56

Chuck When we landed in Tampa, I was ready to bite nails and punch bricks. Too many people with titles were making asses of themselves. I really didn't care how many toes I was going to step on, but I knew one thing for certain; if someone freed these guys, the world would find out about it. I would make sure every major news organization knew every name and every detail. Nightfox was at the airpark when we landed. I said goodbye to Steve and his family, then to all of my ladies. Maria,...

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Dinahs Breeding Ch 12

Jonas was thrilled to have the invitation to Ian and Dinah’s home for dinner. So anxious, in fact, that he arrived 30 minutes early. When the doorbell rang, Ian sprang to answer it as Dinah continued to feed Arielle. ‘Come in … come in!’ Ian and Jonas hugged, and then Ian led his uncle into the living room of the modest home. Jonas couldn’t help but watch his great-niece nurse from her mother’s large breast. He couldn’t help feel the sudden tightness in his pants, either, for women’s breasts...

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Abby TwoChapter 21

“This is yours?” “I’m going to Charles Sturt in the Fall and I needed transportation. To be honest, Abby paid and bought the new tyres. I put it together ... the engine ... drove it home.” George said, “First years have to live on campus.” “I’ll be year Three after I test out of One and Two.” “You sound smugly confident.” “Just the facts.” She turned to me, “Gonna gussy the ‘34?” “Yes,” I said, “and you, sweet sister, get to help me sand this down to primer.” “What?!?” she said, “Me?...

2 years ago
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Jessies StoryChapter 4

I flew us to Cancun and found a small resort just north of the strip. Excellence Playa Mujeres, mostly full of Germans, not crowded, and known for their food quality. There was a unique lobster restaurant within walking distance as well. I was lying on a towel on the beach getting quite a few stares from walkers by, when my wife returned with our drinks. She was eighteen now, and although they never carded anyone here, the bartender took my twenty and said, “Si Senor, she does look to be the...

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Crisis at IshtarChapter 56 Can it Get More Unfriendly

"Tam, Tif!" James shouted. "What brings you here? And what about the training?" "Madison wanted to go home and feed her son," Tiffany said. She was wearing a green hockey jersey. I looked at the logo and found that it was a wolf with a red cape in its mouth. "Diana and Ingrid took over," Tamara said as she skated up to James. Her jersey was the blue of Alice's dress and had a grinning Cheshire Cat as its logo. Their concubines were making their way onto the ice. None of them...

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Watching Sex Parents Sex With Aunty

Hi this is Raj, am going to submit a real story which happened couple of years ago. At that time my age was 18 years. My family consists of three. My dad, Raghu is 48 years, mom Rani (38-30-40) is 40 years, and me of Raj 18 years. We live in 2bhk flat a reputed city of Andhra Pradesh. My dad is a sex manic, I saw him ogle at many of aunties in my locality. He also had a crush on our neighbour aunty Radha And I saw him flirting with her (I saw inbox of his mobile, messaging sexy things with her...

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"How you doin', baby?" I could hear the terror, barely suppressed, in the girl's voice ... the sharp intake of breath before she answered. "O-o-okay, I guess." The cops would be telling her to stay on the line, keep the caller talking. "Remember me? Huh? I told you you'd hear from me again. We had such a good talk the other night." I gave her a moment, and then continued. "I've been watching you, baby. I seen you around. I told you that already. Right? I know where you go, what...

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Bus Stand Main Sex

Doston main ek baar phir se haazir hun ek nayi kahani ke saath. Ye kahani mere dost sudhir tyagi ki hai. Sudhir mere school ke time ka dost hai aur sex ke maamle main ek dum tharki hai. School ke time pe to wo bheed se bhari bus main paint main hi apna lund ladki ke pichwade pe ragad ragad ke jhad deta tha. Uska baap bahut hi paise wala tha aur wo saala ek dum bigda hua tha. Wo delhi main rent pe rehta tha aur aksar randiyon ko ghar pe laake chodta tha. Kai baar to hamne bhi uske saath maze...

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Girls Night In

When I go over to my best friends house, I always hope that somethings going to happen between us. We're always cuddling and hugging, and she's constantly touching me whenever she can. Not in naughty places though, although I wouldn't mind. We even have the odd shower together, in bathing suits. Although there was this one time that she poured the water down my back giving me shivers up my spine. Still, there was no kissing or sexual contact. I'm not a lesbian, I guess I'm just bi-curious...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 276 Touring the Mansion

Friday, September 2, 2005 It was a thrill getting home and seeing how much had been done while we'd been away on our honeymoon. Ava had come to meet us too, and everyone was eager to give us the grand tour. [I found out later that Ava had been roped into doing a great deal of work. Not because she had been needed, but because it'd be good for her to learn what was involved in setting up a household. That had been one of the things she'd felt insecure about before the beginning of our...

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Bottoms UpChapter 6 Debbies view

Larry was sparkling with excitement as he went back upstairs. He opened the front door in a hurry, pushed it shut with a bang and headed straight for the living room. Debbie was standing by the window, staring rather wistfully towards the hills that rose above the city, framed against the afternoon light. Alicia must be in her bedroom, he reflected. "Turn around Debs", he said in a low voice. "No, please don't. Not here. Alicia is bound to hear us." Going up to her he encircled her...

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