Habeas Corpus free porn video

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This is another "gargoyle"; that is, a short piece written as a break while I do a longer story. If it seems vaguely familiar, it's taken from a captioned picture on Robo's site. I saw the picture some time ago and made a note of it, but I neglected to write the title, for which I apologize to Robo and to the rest of you. The picture showed a nubile young girl touching herself, while the caption told of an adult male transformed into his female boss's teenaged daughter as a punishment for his continued sexual harassment. The title, by the way, is a pun, explanation at story's end. Habeas Corpus By Ellie Dauber (c) 2002 Hugh Feldman breezed into his outer office at Baumgarton and Whyte, Attorneys at Law. At 27, Hugh was the youngest of the associates, but he also had the second largest number of billable hours. His success was as much due to his good looks and his man's man charm as to his knowledge of the law. Alice, his secretary wasn't at her desk. 'Getting coffee, fixing her hair, or something,' he thought. He put down his briefcase and turned to take off his mohair overcoat. As it hung it up on one of the wooden hangers, he heard a noise behind him. "Alice, I need the file on Serranko and --" "She isn't here," a very feminine voice said. "In fact, she's working for someone else now." High turned. The voice belonged to a short, slightly chunky woman in her late thirties or early forties. She pushed her horn-rimmed glasses back onto her nose, then extended her hand. "How do you do, Mr. Feldman. I'm Sylvia Jackson, your new secretary." "Hi, Sylvia." Hugh shook her hand as he looked her over, mousy brown hair done up in a bun; her face wasn't bad, but she needed to lose those glasses and get some make-up. It was hard to judge her figure in the bulky sweater and skirt she was wearing, but she had a pretty good rack. Lose 10, maybe 20 pounds, and she _might_ have some potential. No wedding ring -- big surprise -- just be careful. "May I ask a few ques --" "Later, if you don't mind. Right now, I need the Serranko file. You'll find it in 'Pending' over there." He pointed to a set of vertical files along one wall. "Be a good little girl and bring it in -- Chop! Chop! -- oh, and coffee, black two Sweet-n-Low." Without another word, he turned and went into his private office. Sylvia was in a few minutes later with the file and his coffee. "Mr. Feldman, there was a tag on the file referencing Bayside Realty, so I brought in that file as well." She put a stack of material onto his desk. "I asked for the Serranko file," he said. "If I had wanted another file, I'd have --" He paused. He _did_ need the Bayside file. Well, he certainly wasn't about to apologize to a secretary. "Never mind, just go. Leave it here, and you can refile it later with the other material." She nodded, "Yes, sir." and left. He watched her walk to the door. Even with that extra weight, her ass wasn't bad either. Once he heard the door click shut behind her, Hugh dialed Joe McGregor, the personnel manager. "Joe, this is Hugh Feldman. What's the story with my secretary?" "Alice, umm, asked for a transfer," Joe said. "She said that she was tired of commuting, so she's over in our Elkins Glen office. It's a good half an hour or more closer to where she lives." "It's in a damned mall. Didn't she mind the pay cut?" "She, ahh, said it was worth it to, ah, to get the experience. She's the assistant office manager over there." "I didn't think she was qualified -- ah, the hell with it. If she wants to give up being _my_ secretary, it's her loss. But her replacement..." He let the words trail off. "What are you talking about? Sylvia's probably the best secretary in the firm. The only reason you got her is because Frank Harrison left to take that job in the D.C. office. Even Katherine Whyte asked about her." "Then let Katherine have her. She's... she looks --" "Will you try thinking with your brain for once. Sylvia's a great secretary. She can help you get that partnership you keep dreaming about." "I suppose I could give her a try." He _did_ want to be partner. There was enough money in it to keep him in pussy for a long, long time. "Besides, I've always liked Rubens." McGregor groaned. "Hugh, two bits of advice that you probably won't take: give the woman a chance and behave yourself. I shouldn't be saying this, but Sylvia wasn't the only one Katherine was asking about. She's watching you, my friend." "I knew it," Hugh said. "Katherine wants me, too." He chuckled and ended the call. Hugh spent the rest of the morning going over the Serranko file, making notes on his PC, checking some references in Shepard's on-line. About 12:40, there was a buzz on his phone. "Mr. Feldman, this is Sylvia. I'm going for lunch now. Do you want me to order anything for you?" "I want you to stay here, Sylvia. I may have some work for you to do." "May? Mr. Feldman, I'm having lunch with my niece, Ginny. I don't want to get off on a bad start, but she and I set that up a week ago. She'll be meeting me at 'The Brick Oven' in five minutes." The "Oven" was an upscale restaurant in the lobby of the building. "Call down and have her come up here," Hugh said. "You can order out from there and eat at your desk. Oh, and when you do, add a Cali-burger and sweet potato fries, a large coke, and a slice of their apple pie for me. I'll pay you for it later." "But, Mr. Feldman." "Have to get back to work. Bring in the food when it comes." He cut off the line before she could respond. About 15 minutes later, there was a knock on his door. "Come in," Hugh called. "Lunch, Mr. Feldman." A blonde came in carrying a box lunch and soda from "The Brick Oven." She was pretty, damned pretty. She was, at most, 25, with shiny, straight hair that hung down to her shoulders. Her navy suit was dignified and appropriate, but it more than a little suggested the lush figure within. The skirt stopped just above the knee, revealing a pair of legs that right were out of ZZ-Top. "Aunt Sylvia said that your share was $14.80. That includes an 18 percent tip." "I told her that I'd settle with her later." He stood and watched her walk to the desk. Not bad, 38-C, maybe even -D. "You must be Ginny. What brings you into town today." "I'm doing a little job hunting." She put the food down on one of the few cleared spots on his desk. "I'd be happy to talk to Joe McGregor in personnel. We can always use another pretty secretary. Who knows, you could even wind up working under me." He leered, just to make sure that she caught the sexual suggestion in his words. Ginny stiffened. "_Mr. Feldman_ , I have a masters in marketing from Columbia. I was interviewing this morning with the Wexlar Group for a job as senior analyst." "Really? I'd never --" "Why? Because I'm a pretty young blonde." "Well, umm, yes. It's an honest enough mistake." "Not in this day and age. If I could, I'd slap your ass with a sexual harassment suit." "As a lawyer, I can tell you that you've no real grounds for a suit. However, I'd be happy to let you slap my ass -- if I can reciprocate, of course." "Good day, Mr. Feldman, and be very glad that you're not wearing your lunch right now." She turned and hurried out. Hugh sat and watched her ass swaying as she left. *** Sylvia buzzed him about 3:30. "Mr. Feldman, Ms. Whyte wants to see you." Hugh looked up from the mass of papers on his desk. "Did she say what case it was about?" "No, sir. She said it was a personal matter and that it would only take about five minutes." "Tell her I'll be right there." He clicked off the machine. "Yes!" he said, making a fist and cocking his elbow back in triumph. "It's the partnership. It's gotta be." Hugh straightened his tie, checked his hair, and headed directly for the office of Katherine Whyte, the managing partner. Susan, Katherine's assistant was at the desk by the door. She was a juicy little redhead Hugh had dated -- and bedded -- a few months before. She smiled when she saw Hugh and motioned for him to go right in. Katherine's office was twice the size of Hugh's, tastefully furnished with a small conference table and several comfortable chairs in one corner. Her desk was cherry wood with an inset PC console. The walls were mostly bookcases with both state and federal statutes and case law, but here and there, a painting hung on the wall. There were plants trailing along the length of her windowsill and a small, but well-stocked mini-bar in another corner. "You wanted to see me?" Hugh closed the door behind him and gave Katherine his best smile. "Yes, I did." She opened a drawer and took out a small manila file. "I've been going over your record here with the firm. "And..." He knew what was coming next. Bingo! Hugh Feldman, partner, it had such a nice ring. "You're an excellent litigator, Hugh, one of the best I've ever seen. You're a good rainmaker, too, with the highest billable hours of any of the associates." "Thank you, Katherine. I like hard work." "What I can't understand is how you can do all that good work and still find the time to be such an asshole." "What! What are you talking about, Katherine?" Katherine stood at her desk, still holding the file. She was a handsome woman of about fifty with a still trim figure. She wore a dark gray woman's business suit and a white satin blouse. Her hair, an even mix of gray and blonde, was done in a French braid. "I mean that this folder holds written complaints from half the women in this office, lawyers, para-legals, and secretaries. I've even gotten comments from a few of the clients. In fact, we've made it a point not to give you any female clients for the last couple months." "That's... that's ridiculous." "Why do you think Alice Kerns transferred over to the Elkins Glen office? She had enough of your leering and your propositions. We even made her the assistant office manager over there just to get her to drop the suit she wanted to file." "Aren't you exaggerating just a little, Katherine? I admit that I'm a bit forward with women, but they never seemed to mind it." "Maybe -- or maybe you were just too caught up in your own ego to notice how they really felt." "Even if it's true, why are you telling me this now?" "Because I've decided that I'm getting _very_ tired of it. You've brought a lot of money to this firm, but I'm not sure that it's worth -- that _you're_ worth the aggravation any more." "So this whole thing is your way of telling me that I've got to work harder, bring in more money to the firm. Is that it?" "My Lord, you're even worse than I thought. No, Hugh, this is my way of telling you that you're not to harass women any more." "And if I don't -- assuming that I am in the first place, of course." "Spoken like the litigator you are. If you don't, well, you may not be very happy with the results." "You'll fire me then?" Hugh wasn't happy with the idea, but he could probably take about a third of his clients with him, if he left. That would be more than enough to set up his own firm. "No, actually, I had something much different in mind. Why, you might not even be able to practice law for a while." "Jail, disbarment? Come on, Katherine, we both know that you can't do either of those because I _might_... might have harassed some women." "I know that, Hugh. As I said, I have something else in mind." She took a breath and put the folder down on her desk. "Look, Hugh, you're a fine lawyer and a real asset to this firm. Please, try and behave." "All right, Katherine, since you asked so nicely. I'll try." He looked at his watch. "If there's nothing else you want to talk about, I do have some work on my desk. The Serranko case..." "Oh, yes. How's it coming?" "We have a hearing coming up in a couple of days. I think we've got this one beat. Do you want any of the details?" "No, I'll leave you to it." "Okay, then." He started for the door. "And, Hugh, please try and keep what I just said in mind." "I will. I will." He closed the door behind him. "Like hell, I will." *** Sylvia looked up as he walked past her desk. "Mr. Feldman, I'm sure you forgot, but you still owe me for your lunch. It was 14 --" "Will you stop bothering me? Take it out of petty cash if it's so important. I've got work to do." "Petty cash? But that would be stealing." "If you want the money so badly, then that's what you'll have to do for it. Otherwise, you can wait. I said that I'd pay you eventually. It's only a few dollars. Go without lunch or something. You could stand to lose a little weight." He was through the door and in his office before she could answer. "Mr. Feldman, that's not fair." "I'll tell you what, you get that pretty niece of yours to agree to go out on a date with me, and I'll pay you back double whatever it is I owe you." Sylvia gritted her teeth. "You'll have to excuse me, _sir_. I like to think of myself as a lady, and I won't be one, if I give your offer the sort of response it deserves." She stood up and started for the door. "Just a minute. You can't --" "Mr. Feldman, if I don't, you'll be singing soprano." She looked straight ahead and walked right past him and out of the office. Hugh stared at the closed door. "Some women just can't take a joke." He shrugged and went into his own office to finish preparing for the hearing. *** "A messenger just dropped this off, Mr. Feldman," Sylvia said. She tossed a packet of material on his desk. Hugh opened it and began to read. "Damn! They transferred it." "What do you mean, sir?" Sylvia asked. "My case, the Serranko case. I was supposed to be heard by Judge Rictman; Tom Rictman's an old friend of mine. The problem is, he's too good a friend. He felt that he had to recuse himself, and the case was transferred to Judge Hopkins." "I know her," Sylvia said. "I hear that she's a fine judge." "'Hippo' Hopkins hates me," Hugh said. "She's not too fond of men in general, but she particularly has it in for me." "Perhaps if you hadn't given her that nickname," Katherine said, walking into the office. "Lucille's always been sensitive about her weight." "Then she should do something about it," Hugh said, "instead of over-reacting to a little good-natured ribbing." "Good natured," Katherine said. "The first time you used that name was when you were interviewed about the Watlin- Hayes case, right after the jury found against you. That's hardly good-natured." "Okay, I admit it," Hugh said. "I was mad." He paused a beat. "But a woman has no business letting herself get like that." "What business is it of yours what she looks like?" Katherine was getting mad. "I... I had to look at her sitting there like a lady Buddha every day of the case. I had to watch her three chins move every time she ruled on a motion." Hugh gestured to show the judge's size. Katherine looked at pointedly. "You know, I've never heard you object to appearing before an overweight _male_ judge. Phil Carmody must weigh close to 400 pounds, and the two of you get along famously." "That's different," Hugh said. "Phil's a guy." "That's just what I thought," Katherine said. "We go into this any further right now, but I want to see you in my office at 6." "What?" Hugh said. "I've got a plans for this evening." "Make your apologies to whoever it was because your plans are changed. I expect you to be at my office at 6 -- prompt." She turned and stormed out the door. Hugh scratched his head. "Women, like I always said, they have absolutely no sense of humor." *** The offices were empty as Hugh walked down the hall. Katherine had sent out a firm-wide e-mail asking everyone to go home early. As much as some people would have liked to stay and watch, just about everyone _had_ left. Hugh looked at his watch as he knocked on the door; 5:55. 'Better to be a few minutes early than on-time,' Hugh thought. 'Early could mean that you felt you had some power in the situation; on-time -- or, worse, late, -- meant that you felt trapped.' "Come in, Hugh," Katherine said. There was a click as the door unlocked and slid open. Hugh walked and looked around. Katherine was sitting in one of the chairs in the corner of her office. A woman, an attractive brunette Hugh had never before, was in the chair next to her. "Hello, Hugh," the brunette said. "Katherine's told me a great deal about you." Hugh judged her to be in her 20s. She wore a well-cut brown woman's suit over a crisp white blouse with a gold-colored scarf around her neck. The outfit hinted at a very nice body underneath. "Nothing too drastic, I hope." Hugh smiled his best smile. The evening had possibilities after all. "Amazing," the woman said. "He comes in here knowing how much trouble he's in, and he still hits on me. You were right, Katherine. He needs very serious adjustment." "I told you so," Katherine said. "I'll take the responsibility. With a little luck, I'll have my litigator back in... what... five or six years?" "More like ten, I should think." The woman seemed to be studying Hugh like some sort of animal in exhibit. "Excuse me," he said. "Would it be too much to ask what you're talking about?" "Actually, you have every right to know," Katherine said. "This is Delphine, a friend of mine. I asked her here to take care of you." "Excuse me?" Hugh said. Katherine stood up and walked over to him. "Hugh, your attitude towards woman is terrible. I talked to you about it, but you don't seem to listen. It's ruining the quality of your work and creating a great deal of trouble for me and for the firm." "So what are you, Katherine," Hugh said sarcastically, "my boss or my mother?" "At present, I'm your boss, but that's about to change." Before Hugh could stop her, Katherine slipped a silver chain with a small, heart-shaped locket over his head. As it hung down around his neck, High felt his body begin to tingle. Katherine stepped back. "Hugh, you are in serious need of what they used to call a 're-education', and you'll never get that as a full-grown man." "What the hell..." Hugh tried to lift his arms so he could take off the locket, but he found that he suddenly couldn't move. He couldn't even speak. The brunette rose to her feet. "What you're feeling, Mr. Feldman, is the magic beginning to work on your body, rejuvenating it. In a few moments, you'll be young again, fifteen or sixteen at most. Then the real changes start." 'No way,' Hugh thought. But the room did seem to be getting bigger. His clothes felt looser. He'd been taller than Katherine, but now he found himself looking up at her face. As the women watched, Hugh shrank down, losing almost half a foot in height, as he went from 6'2" to 5'9". His rugged face softened, his jaw rounding as he became younger. He was thinner, too, though his body still gave the sense of an athlete. His carefully razor-cut hair was now a mass of curls. His clothes stayed the same size at first, so that the new teen looked like he was wearing a tent. Then the magic affected them. They shrank, changing as they did. High's power suit changed into a pair of Levis and a sweater in the blue and gold of a nearby high school. His tie disappeared completely. The buttons fell from his shirt, which gradually darkened as the material itself changed. The sleeves slid back along his arm. A "battelbots" emblem formed on what was now a cotton T-shirt. Polished oxfords softened and transformed into a pair of cross-trainers. The tingling feeling stopped, and Hugh discovered that he could move somewhat. He looked down at his new body. "Bitchin'," he said in a somewhat higher voice. "No responsibilities and all those sleek high school babes." "You like high school girls now, Hugh," Katherine said. "I would have thought you'd consider them jailbait." "Hey, Katherine, I still remember what statutory rape means," Hugh said. "But it ain't -- excuse me -- it isn't the same if the stud is a kid, too." He looked over at the brunette. "If this is your idea of punishment, sweetcheeks, then punish me some more." "Exactly what I had in mind," the woman said. "Resume." The tingling feeling came back as strong as ever, and Hugh's body refused to move again. He seemed to shrink again, but only a few inches this time. 'Shit,' he thought. 'I'm probably going to get too young to be interested in girls for a while." Hugh felt the clothes get loose again. His body seemed to be growing thinner as well as smaller. But now there were other sensations. His scalp began to itch. He felt his hair getting longer, sliding down over his ears, tickling the back of his neck. It didn't seem to stop until he could feel the hair reaching the small of his back. His face twitched as if the flesh was moving. His waist hurt. It felt as if it was being pulled tight. His hips felt odd, as well. His chest felt odd, as his shirt seemed to be moving against it. Something, something was pushing the shirt outward. He felt an erection. 'Last hard-on before I go back through puberty,' he thought. Then the feeling of it changed. His penis almost seemed to be melting away. The sensation disappeared after a short time to be replaced by the feeling that something was moving around inside his belly. The two women watched the face soften even more. Hugh's eyes seemed to grow bigger. They were hazel now, instead of the brown that they had always been. His shaggy eyebrows thinned and were shaped. His nose shrank and his lips seemed to grow fuller. Katherine noticed how much his new features made him look like a young cousin of hers. He was suddenly wearing a pale pink lipstick and a light blusher on his cheeks. It was hard to see in Hugh's once again oversized clothes, but his body was much slimmer. The 145 pounds he had weighed as a teenaged boy now reduced to a mere 114. His waist was narrowing as his hips grew wider. Breasts slowly formed on his chest, growing out to a 32-A. His hands grew slimmer, his fingers longer. His nails grew out, a coat of pale pink nail polish forming on them. Although they couldn't see it, the women knew what was happening at his groin. Hugh's penis stiffened, then it shrank down to less than a half-inch in length. His testicles retreated up into his body to transform into ovaries. As they did, the empty sack shrank down to a pair of nether lips that surrounded his New clitoris as it sank down into the opening that was appearing. In the space of a few moments, Hugh now had a fully functional female set of genitalia, all of it hidden behind a triangular patch of soft, chestnut-colored curls. As before, the magic now worked on Hugh's clothing. The T- shirt changed from dark green to pink, as a pair of battling robots became an image of Brittany Spears. A lacy bra formed underneath to cup and support the new breasts. The jeans slid up Hugh's legs, joining together as they did to become a skirt that stopped a couple inches above the knee. The cross-trainers were pink now. "Now what do you think?" the brunette asked. The tingling stopped and movement returned. Hugh looked down at his hands, wriggled his long, slender fingers. The fingers moved, gently cupped his new breasts. Then one hand moved down further. It pushed it at the front of his skirt, then pulled away. There was nothing there -- at least, nothing of what _had_ been there. "It's... it's so... different," Hugh said. Hugh? No, that was somebody else. Someone she had been, but someone that she wasn't -- that she didn't _want_ to be any more. She blushed, embarrassed at the memory of the man she had been. She was... Sue, now. The name came in a flash. It felt right, and she smiled as she repeated it to herself. "Ready to start your new life, then?" the woman -- "Aunt" Delphine -- asked. Sue walked over to Katherine Whyte and shyly took her hand. "Yes. Can we go home now, Momma?" The End This story can be posted to any free site. By the way, for those lacking in Latin, "habeas corpus" literally means "you have the body."

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The Descending of Jessica Ch 12

Several months ago, I hinted at an epilogue to wrap everything up. Unfortunately, this has turned into not only another chapter but probably should have been two or three. Oh, well. If you haven’t read the preceding chapters, you probably should or none of this will make any sense. If, on the other hand, you want to plow right in then have at it. I make no promises as to whether the continuity will make any sense to you, but you are welcome to try. As always, all names have been changed. Some...

2 years ago
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Dave and I

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person living, or dead is purely coincidental.Later that day we sat at the table talking about the events of the past evening. The phone rang. It was Dave on the phone. He wanted me to go out with him on Friday and he wanted me to dress sexy.. I had been with Dave only one time; it was at my anniversary party. My wife arranged everything. She invited her friend Kim and her male friend, Dave. I did not know she'd invited anyone. I was dressed en...

3 years ago
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The Great River

The day was hot and the sun was very bright and high in the sky. The Great River sparkled like sapphire, and the well-tended fields of wheat and barley shone like gold. It was the height of summer and the sweltering heat had sent most people indoors into the cool shade but out here in the countryside and farmlands, beyond the ancient capital, there were at least two people who were revelling in the warmth and sun. Alya laughed joyously, her head tossed back as her long raven hair streamed...

3 years ago
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Newlywed Horny Housewife On A Rainy Day 8211 Part 2

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a newlywed housewife. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

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Insatiable Part II

Eric and Teresa were finally ready to leave the apartment. As on most mornings they shared a cab. Eric always let Teresa enter the cab first. It gave him a chance to see his wife’s miniskirt rise almost to her ass crack. Once in the car he took her into his arms and kissed her madly. She responded by reaching between his legs seeking out his hard cock. Eric noticed that her pleated mini had slipped up her thighs almost exposing her sweet pussy. He gave it a slight push exposing her wet cunt. As...

2 years ago
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Daddy, Uncle Pete and my brothers Ronnie and UnkThe water feels so good on my body, just the thing i needed to wake up. I hate to be home alone, no one to fuck. Well I might as well soap my dick up real good and rub one out. I barely got my body soap up when I heard the door open. I listenand right away know its Uncle Pete, he walks hard. Anyone home he yells. I'm uphere I yell back to him. A few seconds later he walks through the door. MMMMM Ronnie you look good all...

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Sissy Toris Diaper Tale Pt 2

Chapter 2 Tony nervously buzzed the floor for Mary's condo. He had brought a different book bag this time, a black and white one, but in it he had put the carrying tote for his silicon forms, a bra, a spare diaper, a spare set of clothes and a rag doll. "Come on up," Mary chimed. "Seventeenth floor. The elevator should be done any moment." Tony looked at the female security guard a bit nervously and ran his fingers through his short cropped blond hair. "Going up to see Ms....

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Day of DestructionChapter 2

The next morning, I woke up and was getting ready to leave for work when the doorbell rang. The FBI was there with orders to take me to Washington. I packed a bag hurriedly and kissed my wife goodbye. In the car, I learned that Ralph and Dora were also on their way to the plane to take them all to Washington. In the air, I learned that I would be briefing the President and his cabinet. I objected that I was unprepared, it would waste precious time, and might infect others who wouldn't...

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Perfect PitchChapter 9 Coda

We were married that Saturday, six days from the day we officially met. Lots of people meet and get married even quicker. I read somewhere that the chance of this kind of marriage lasting is as good as any. Time will tell. One thing is for sure. It was one hell of a week. We held the ceremony at Rebecca's parent's house. The house sits on a little hill and from the large, shaded patio in back there's a view of Lake Travis. One of the local Justices of the Peace is a golfing buddy of...

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Best Friend Over

Its a cold balmy day when you (22), your dad Eric (52), your brother Tom (18) and your friend Mike decide to head to your parents cabin. Its a fairly large cabin by the lake, and there are more than enough rooms for you to each have your own. There is one bathroom, however, which is accessible through the hallway and the master bedroom. You have a small boat which you can take out on the lake, and hiking trail which you can use to bike or hike on. The first night you are tired, and want to get...

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My Life

A big ‘thank you’ goes out to my editors and friends, LadyCibelle and Techsan. They always make my stories a much better read. I made quite a few changes after editing. Any errors are mine. There isn’t a lot of sex in this story. * As we get older I think we all look back and wonder ‘What if’ I did things differently? Even small things like taking the spouse out for dinner a couple of extra times, or playing catch with the kids instead of just watching them. Then there’s the bigger things,...

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The Edge Of The World

When I was growing up, I always thought winter came in two colours. There were white days, when everything looked as though it was covered in a fine icing and the frozen grass would crunch under my feet while I practiced making smoke rings on the frosty air. Then there were grey days, a multitude of variations on the same colour, as if God himself had switched the colour setting off on the world. When grey days bled into one another, it felt as though wintertime would never end. During the...

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DONNAThe elderly neighbour

I was going on town one Saturday evening, as I walked up our street Mr. Greenwood, an elderly man, who I’d known all my life, who lived further up the street on his own since his wife had died, was going into his house and he stopped and spoke to me.As we spoke he said “Have you got time for a drink?” “Of course I have” and it was starting to rain. We went in and he put the kettle on, a cup of tea in our hands and we sat on the settee. We talked about the usual stuff, school, boys, family...

2 years ago
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A lot of u ask how me and Kejala make it work

I got with my dom back in Dec 23,2012. Did not know i would hit a hard spot in a hardship, when I came to polly. When I came into polly I didn’t really think that I would have to really share my dom with anyone. Man I was wrong. I can say that, it was extremely hard at first, it really hurt at first and I didn’t know how to take it. As time went by it got a lot easier. I had to take the first step and get used to sharing. It has taken time and a lot of patience to take this climbs as the first...

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My stepsister Lisa home alone

One of these strangers was a girl named Lisa, who was a few years younger than me. I never really paid attention to my new step sister, not until we went on a holiday to Italy some years later. Now being a horny adolescent, my interest in girls had certainly grown over the years. I'm not sure why it happened then exactly, but the first time at the beach I couldn't help but notice how much Lisa's body had changed over the years. She had grown up to be a beautiful young woman, about...

2 years ago
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Ladyboy Gold! Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Tonight’s sexual entertainment is full of beautiful ladies, and uh, hot boys? Sorry, no. I’m still a little fuzzy from all the Everclear and Cialis last night. LadyboyGold is a premium site that doesn’t specialize in ladies or boys, at least not in the traditional sense. I’m sure I don’t have to explain that to somebody browsing my list of shemale sites, though.LadyboyGold claims to be the number-one reviewed TS site in the...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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20th Reunion

I was talking with Joel Harrelson, and was pondering how thankful I was that I hadn't married him (not that that had ever been a serious consideration), when a new arrival caught my eye. Joel must have noticed that I wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying, for he said "Well, nice to see you again", and wandered off, leaving me alone. I sipped my drink as I wracked my brain trying to remember the name of the guy who had just walked in. Oh yes, Dennis something-or-other. He looked...

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Calm Before The Storm Ch 02

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

2 years ago
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My Step Dadrsquos Surprise

It was two days before Xmas; my Step Dad Gary was at my house alone taking a shower in my bathroom. What he didn’t know or realize till it was too late was he had company. He was expecting me to come home & he and I would be making love. I told him I wanted him to wear my lipstick when I fucked him. He consented. I came in just moments after my husband’s Dad Doug had gotten there. As I approached the bedroom I heard Doug tell him he looked cute wearing my lipstick, cute like me and my Mom,...

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The Master DownstairsChapter 11

It's been a few days since we visited the adult store, and surprisingly, we haven't played with any of our toys or slaves. Kristen and I had sex several times, but it almost felt like before any of this had happened to us. Perhaps more frequent, but no real exercise of power or control. Just a married couple getting it on. I realized that we still had two, or actually three Leaks still to deal with: Susan's friends Jen and Sally as well as Stephanie's husband Rob. I was also eager to...

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Accidental Experiment The Experiment BeginsChapter 11

Deep in a room several levels belowground in one of the most secure buildings in the world was a very luxurious set of rooms. These rooms were only known to a few people and what went on in them was even less known. "What do you mean you lost him?" said a man with a voice like a knife. General Gerald Lachs blanched, "That's what I said, sir. We lost the subject. One moment he's giving me grief in his room. Next the place looses all power. Then when we go to collect the subject for...

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The Real Awakening

They were downstairs, in his beautifully restored Victorian terrace. It was 11pm on Friday night. The deal had been signed now for almost 12 hours and they were still celebrating it. The others had both left while she was in the bathroom apparently. George and Todd, the fat Englishman who had been negotiating with David for two weeks. She was glad they had gone. She had wanted to be alone with him for so long. She forgot even to care that leaving her here, in her tipsy state, would inevitably...

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A New Horizon

    He ached inside his balls. Joan, had gotten him worked up all through the day, and she knew it, from the way he had been walking.  Finally when in it came time for them to get it on, Tom thought he wouldn't last long. To his surprise he lasted a lot longer than expected. Perhaps it was the slight pain his balls felt everytime they softly hit against Joan as he thrust deep inside her wet pussy. " Oh, fuck me, fuck me hard." Joan cried out upon the bed. Listening to her pleas Tom thrust...

Group Sex
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Cheating Sexual Desires Chapter 3

It's been six months since Derek caught Gabby cheating on him. For the first four months, he stayed at Tom's guest house. When Derek finally went home, he found a note from Gabby, but he didn't bother reading it and just tossed it in the trash. He had the engineer in his Condo, change his locks just in case she showed up. Derek was trying his best to move on. He spent the majority of his time at the club working with Tom on an expansion.It was Friday morning, Tom and Derek just completed the...

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Best Class Ever

She was sitting next to me. She was beautiful. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Her features were amazing. She look beautiful even if she wasn't smiling. The way her lips were, how her hair fell, the blush of her cheeks. I snuck looks at her all during class, pretending to look at the teacher, at the board, looking at her while her head was turned. Her perfume wafted over me and fuzzed my brain. I couldn't get her out of my mind. Psych was not going to get through to me today. Then she...

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Craigs List Cross Dresser Part 2

I turn you upside down so you back is on the chair with your legs over the back. I take off my pants and underwear. My dick is only half hard but I rub it into the cum on your face and feed it to you with the head of my dick. Then I rub my balls all over your face before leaving them for you to tongue and suck them into your mouth. I am getting harder now. I pull my scrotum up so you can tongue the sensitive area between my sack and my anus. As you lick this area, I reach forward and rub your...

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Finally did ita true wank buddy story

Hello,Just wanted to share my experience of finally wanking with someone else. This happened this week and since we're all a bunch of wankers on here and a lot of you are looking for a wank buddy (or at least like the idea of it) I thought I'd tell my tale. Everything is true - I see no point in making up tales (there are much juicier hot stories to wank over, trust me). It's not a particularly hot sexy story but at least you can read about what I experienced to make up your minds...For a LONG...

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Surprise Threesome For My Girlfriend 8211 Part 2

This story is the continuation of ‘Surprise Threesome For My Girlfriend Part – I.’ So I highly suggest you read my entire story before continuing to this one. When this bitch Asmita realized that two guys were licking her dripping wet pussy she got worried and questioned me. Asmita – Wft Ronak! Is there someone else with you? Me – No, babe, it’s just you and me. Asmita – No idiot, I sensed two different beards between my legs. Me – Asmita, ok, listen, promise me you won’t overreact when I...

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How I met my wife chapter 9

After Joan and I separated ways I was on the prowl, I would pick up Debra every Friday taking her out to dinner . I have figured out by treating her with a nice dinner and a few drinks she was more receptacle to my sexual advances.I had always liked small breasted girls but soon found out big breasts were another way to get off with. Once Debra had a few drinks she would do anything to get a cock she told me protein was her favorite dessert. She wasn't the most beautiful girl and couldn’t...

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Brotherly love

Brotherly Love My parents were much older than my friends parents. They had both been married and had kids before they met and had me. My half brother, Dan, is 15 years older than me. He lived with us for a while, when i was 10 and he 25. He taught me how to give blow jobs then. He would come in to my room at night to molest me, he tried to penetrate me a few times but thankfully i was too tight down there and he gave up. At 15 my parents were killed in a car accident. The night is happened...

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Vacation Road Trip

I was on a thirteen day vacation with my better half when I met a beautiful redhead that would change my life. We were traveling in our 31’ motorhome visiting South Dakota and Wyoming. We were staying in an RV park outside Yellowstone National Park in a small town. The wife decided to shop in this small town for souvenirs. We had been through four or five stores when we entered a really big store. A young store clerk asked us how we were doing and f she could help us find anything. “Life is...

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Sex With Best Friend8217s ExGirlfriend 8211 Part 2

My name is Aswin, working in Bangalore in IT Company. This is the continuation of the first part; guys, who have not read the first, read the first part from the couple’s category. In first part, I told about how I got used by my best friend’s ex- gf without allowing me to insert into her. In this part, I will narrate how I slowly changed the table and fucked her. Before starting the second part, let me tell about me and her. I have athletic body with 67 kg weight and 5ft 7in height, hairy body...

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Purty Prison Guard

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and especially not smart enough to stop reading should you find yourself becoming offended viewing such a story, don't! I hereby grant permission to post this story, make it available for download, or send it to a one or more of your kinky friends, as long as I...

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Heart BallPart 8

Steve's parents were in their bedroom when he got home. He got himself a quick snack of beef stew. In his pajamas, he checked his e-mail. He had received two copies of the real story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, a reminder from Ken of the work sessions on the next two days, and an inquiry if he still played MUDs on-line. There was nothing from Shannon. "Thinking about you," he sent her, and signed it "An Unknown Admirer." When he went off-line, he slipped the disk from Dave into...

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Mistress Dyvias Girl in a Box

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Synopsis: Mistress Dyvia has her way with a girl's mind,...

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AnnetteChapter 4

Annette was given little chance for further thought. She came home from school on Monday bubbling with excitement. "We're playing the celebration hockey match against Marlborough on Saturday week," she announced. "We'll be playing on an all weather pitch so we're going up this next Saturday morning to practice on it. We have to be at school at eight-thirty for the bus." "Great!" exclaimed Richard. "We'll certainly be there for the match. Are they going to provide a map or...

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Family Awakenings Ch4

“Wow! What a great way to start the day.” Steph said as she was scooping up her brothers cum and swallowing it down. “We need to try and start every day like this.” Danny said while he was rubbing his sisters tits. Steph began reaching for my belt. “Daddy, you’re the only one who hasn’t cum yet.” “I know sweetie but we can’t right now or I’ll be late for work. You can make it up to me when I get home.” I gave her a kiss and pinched her right nipple as I turned to leave. When I got to the...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 77

‘‘I found ten acres fenced in 6 miles from the Brownsville International Bridge. The property is owned by Texas Steel and Fabrication. It was a shared property, they use half of it. They had the rest of it on lease to Gulf Shores Petroleum Ventures.” ‘‘Gulf Shores was sold and incorporated into Shell Oil offshore. I leased it for one hundred eighty days with an option for more.” ‘‘Texas Steel says they can do any kind of fabrication. Andy and I worked on your sleeping problem and we think...

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How I Got My Mom To Start Cheating

HOW I GOT MY MOM TO START CHEATING BLACK ON MY DAD I want to write my story to share so that maybe some others can take this chance too. I was reading stories here on the Internet for a couple years and I could never tell what was real. My favorite stories are all where a white mother would get to cheat on her husband to start having sex with some black men. I think it is just the dirtiest sex that I can imagine.My own mom is named Leta Karlstrom and I always knew she was really sexy. It was...

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Blackmailed Into HomoHumiliation Ch 02

After my wife had discovered me being fucked by Roger and submissively sucking his cock on order she had stormed home packed her bags and went to her sisters for a fortnight. It was a full three days before she answered my phone calls and I tried to explain my actions to her. It wasn't easy but eventually she agreed to return to our home to at least live but I was deservedly banished to our guest bedroom.Meanwhile, at work Roger laid off me. Yes, he was constantly there and giving me knowing...

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what a way to spend a Friday night

“Okay,” Scott holding the camera says, “looks like we’re ready to start. Mom, you ready?” “Hun, You know I’m ready,” Alicia said as she grin seducetivly. “Tay, you ready?” “I can't believe i let you two talk me into this, but yeah, I'm ready.”Taylor grinned wickedly at her husband behind the camera. “Okay, let’s go, then.” “Mmm, come here, Mama,” Taylor growled, as she and Alicia get up on their knees, and lean in, until they were face to face, and the camera zooms in on...

3 years ago
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Crush on my Teacher

Chapter 1: My first time When I was 15, I had a huge crush on a teacher of mine, He was tall, sexy, cute, charming, and had a body that was just absolutely perfect. He was 29 years old, married, and had one daughter. He was also black, and I'm not sure to this day if him being black was part of reason I desired him. As for me, I was around 5' 6" tall, 127 pounds, long brown hair, green eyes, avrage body, somewhat flat chested, but I had what I considered to be embarassingly long...

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