My Life free porn video

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A big ‘thank you’ goes out to my editors and friends, LadyCibelle and Techsan. They always make my stories a much better read. I made quite a few changes after editing. Any errors are mine. There isn’t a lot of sex in this story.


As we get older I think we all look back and wonder ‘What if’ I did things differently? Even small things like taking the spouse out for dinner a couple of extra times, or playing catch with the kids instead of just watching them. Then there’s the bigger things, what if I had a different job, followed my heart. Would I be where I am today? Would life have been better or worse? Questions, questions, and more questions, but never any real answers. There’s no answers because all the results are based on ‘What if’s’ and what might have been instead of what is real.

There I go rambling on again. All I know is, I have some decisions to make. I have cancer and am lying in a bed. The hospital is waiting for my decisions. I guess I should start at the other end of my life. Or this will be an awfully short story.

I was born and raised in a good home, actually a very good home. I have one sibling, a sister who now lives somewhere out west. In high school I was part of the geek set. I was proud of it and still am. I was always able to handle myself and had very few fights. I was named ‘Most likely to succeed’ and had a number of friends who were also of the geek set. I had a lot of jock friends but wasn’t really good enough to play sports. I liked to watch sports but just didn’t have the athletic ability to succeed in that arena.

My arena was the computer industry. I remember thirty years ago when it took a whole room of computers to do what one PC (personal computer) can do today. I went straight to the tech schools and kept learning everything I could about computers. I grew in knowledge as the computer industry was making all the big changes. I was there through it all. I didn’t want to just program a computer or run a little software. I wanted to know it all, how to build them from the ground up, to learn of their inner workings.

I succeeded and worked for some of the largest computer companies. I spent a lot of time repairing, and inventing new programs and parts to make the computer more user-friendly. Eventually I went out on my own and ran my own business. I still am a major stock holder in the businesses today. I’ll get into that later.

My personal life isn’t exactly that of a stud or a player. I didn’t date a lot in school but there were a few gals I liked. A date for me was just that, we would go to a movie, maybe go somewhere and eat. With some I had sex, and it was good. I didn’t particularly fall in love or anything like that. To me some were better than others, but sex just wasn’t first in my life. My inventions and learning seemed to come first.

When I turned twenty six my parents wondered why I still lived a home. It was because I felt comfortable there and Mom was the greatest cook in the world. I paid them rent even though they weren’t hurting for money. It was just the right thing to do.

When I started making the big bucks, I completely remodeled their home and added a hot tub and a pool for them. I wasn’t cheap or insecure, I was just happy living there.

Everyone was trying to set me up with someone. I started dating Katie who worked at one of the local banks. She seemed like a nice person but did have a little girl out of wedlock when she was in her first year of college. She never told the father but quit college and came back home to raise her child. I do have to say I enjoyed being around her. To cut to the chase, we did get married and bought a nice condo with a pool and all.

Life was different then. I’d come home to a family life which I wasn’t accustomed to. I would get late night calls to go help businesses with their computer problems and Katie didn’t like it. It just wasn’t working out except the pretty much sex on demand, which I did like. She loved sex and was always willing.

I went to quite a few computer class updates. There was always something new coming out. When I came home from my last trip, Katie said she needed to talk. It didn’t sound good.

‘Harley, I met someone and I want a divorce,’ she said staring down at the floor.

‘Do I get more information or is that it?’ I asked. It really didn’t bother me the way I thought it should.

‘It’s Carrie’s father. I saw him and we talked and I still have feelings for him and he wants to see his daughter.’

‘He hasn’t seen his daughter in six years, you see him one time and now everything is peachy? What’s the real story, Katie? You can have your divorce but I want the truth.’

‘I’ve been seeing him for about four months now. You never noticed because you’re never here. I’m sorry but we’ve been married for two years now and I’m just not happy and I don’t think you are either. So just let me go.’ She was crying, wondering what I would say next.

‘Fine. I won’t pay child support or alimony. You’re welcome to leave with what you brought with you. I know you set up a savings account and put money into it. I know you’re surprised that I know but then you saved over sixty thousand dollars in less than two years. The bank has to report that kind of money and since you’re my wife, they checked with me. You ought to have known better, working there.’

She looked stunned. ‘That was for Carrie’s education. I put it there for her.’

‘Fine then, transfer it to an educational account in her name and it will be there for her when she starts school in about twelve years. With the compounded interest, it should do quite well.’

‘You bastard, you knew about the money and never told me,’ she replied.

‘I’m the bastard? I just gave you the money you hid from me. Why did you marry me in the first place?’

‘I wanted a father for my daughter. I wanted her to have a real life and nice things but you weren’t a good father. You hardly ever even played with her. It was always business with you.’

‘You’re right about that. She is a good little girl and, believe it or not, I will miss her. I know I never treated her like a father but I never treated her badly either. Maybe her real father will do a much better job. None of this is her fault. She’s only six and deserves a good life.’

That was the end of my marriage and she moved out the following week. She moved out west with her boyfriend and daughter. They were going to get married when our divorce was final. I checked with the bank and she didn’t touch her daughter’s educational account. Each year I added five thousand dollars to it so Carrie would get a good education and start in life when she turned eighteen.

Marriage number two came when I was thirty-two. I met Trish while putting new equipment in an insurance office. She was twenty-four and a very nice looking gal. I asked her out and she accepted. We dated for about a year and decided to get hitched. Within the next couple of months she got pregnant and eventually Darren, our son, was born.

I didn’t want to make the same mistake I made in my first marriage so I sold my business to all my partners. I kept a major portion of the stock and all royalty rights to the products I had invented. I was asked by the local college to be a professor at the college, teaching computer science and technology.

It started out pretty good. I figured I would have more time at home with my wife and son and wouldn’t have to worry about the late night calls. My wife left the insurance company and got a job at my old business. She was a secretary for the senior partners. Of course, I stopped in once in awhile to say hello to everyone but again I had a full plate. I taught school and went back to school myself. I decided to get degrees in the technological teaching industry. In simple words I was working toward a Doctorate degree in computers.

School for me was simple. In the computer field I actually knew more
than my teachers, after all I was a teacher also. I was able to test out of most every class and it moved my degree process right along.

I spent any available time with my son. He was my pride and joy. Since I always had tickets to all the sporting events, I made sure to take him to all I could. We were pretty good buddies. We attended all the events we could after he turned five. My wife on the other hand didn’t like sports and didn’t care to go with us.

Trish was the business woman. She was more interested in money and power than she was in our family get-together’s. During one of our many arguments she told me she married me for the powerful person I was.

‘What power?’ I asked. ‘I just ran a business. I never sought any kind of power.’

‘It comes with the territory. You are well respected and known for your computer abilities. Now you’re just a teacher. Teaching wannabe computer geeks.’

‘So what are you saying? You want out of our marriage because I’m a teacher and not this big power seeking exec you want?’

‘Harley, it’s not just that. We don’t do anything together.’

‘You mean party and rub shoulders with the big boys? We’re not the center of attention anymore. Trish, that’s not me anymore. I’m a teacher, a professor of computers. I’m going to get my Doctorate soon. You will be able to call me doctor.’ I tried to smile but she wasn’t smiling back.

‘I want out, Harley, out of this marriage. The only problem is our son. We both love him and we have to do what’s best for him.’

‘… and what’s that Trish? For him to live with you?’

‘Yes, with me, Harley. You can see him anytime you want. I’m sure we can work something out.’

Well, marriage number two had ended. Only this time there was a cost to it. I paid a large amount of child support even though we had joint custody. I didn’t care, money wasn’t a big issue with me, but Darren was. I made sure he got the best life a boy could have. He and I continually went to sporting events together. I saw him regularly. I attended all his school functions.

It was a few years later that Trish got remarried to the president of the company. He was an old friend but we didn’t communicate much now. I don’t know if she had any affairs while we were married or not, doesn’t make a lot of difference now anyway.


Life for me was pretty good. I received my doctorate in computer programming and networking. I was now Doctor Harley Davidson. Yeah, you read it right, my parents had a sense of humor. I’m the one who had to live with it.

The students either called me Dr. Harley or Dr. Davidson, I really didn’t mind either. Of course many called me Professor. I really enjoyed my work. I taught college and started doing more repairs and programming on the side to help pass the time. Also the money was pretty good, setting up new accounts for computer purposes was rather expensive and I was known as the best around. Even my old partner and wife’s new hubby called me a few times for set-up and repair information. I knew it had to kill them to come to me for help and I always charged them about double the going rate. I guess it was kind of a professional revenge.

My son was an honor student in high school and in college. He earned scholarships from many different universities. He decided not to attend the one I was a professor at because he was taking computer science and technology. I would have been his professor and neither of us thought it would be a good idea. He did ask me if I would help him with his homework and it made me laugh.

When he received his Bachelor’s Degree his stepfather hired him instantly. I was really proud of my son. He was a real chip (computer chip) off the old block. Then tragedy struck.

I got a call from Trish saying that Darren was in a auto accident. I rushed to the hospital and held his hand while he took his last breath. I cried so hard that I was emotionally drained. He was the only person it my life that really counted and now he was gone.

I took the next two weeks off from school just to grieve for my son. After I divorced the second time, I let Trish have the condo and I moved back in with Mom and Dad. They were getting up in age and I was there to take care of them. Darren’s death was really hard on them too. After all, he was their only grandchild that lived close. My sister had two kids but she lived more than five hundred miles away. Mom and Dad never got to know their kids the way they knew Darren. It was probably the darkest point in our lives. No one should have to bury their child or grandchild. It just wasn’t right.

Life for me wasn’t as happy after the death of my son. I spent time taking care of my parents and teaching at college. I did a lot fewer computer set-ups. My heart wasn’t totally in it. Two years after the death of my son, I lost my father to a heart attack, within six months I lost my mother also. They said it was a heart condition but I know it was from a broken heart. My mom and dad lived most of their life together. They had what I always considered the perfect marriage. One could start a sentence and the other could finish it. In a really close marriage like they had, it seems that one spouse always dies within a year of the other.

My sister came home for a week for each funeral. Her husband and children, who had families of their own, came also. I had to think how much Mom and Dad would have loved to have seen the kids more often. Again I guess it’s the priorities we all have in our lives. We could argue all day what’s most important. I can honestly say, my son was first, then my parents. Everything else in life comes after them. Now they were all gone.


I need to drop back a few years and explain my sex life or the lack of it. After two divorces, dating wasn’t a priority with me. I did date for companionship but not necessarily sex. Now I’m not an idiot and yes, I did sleep with some of my dates. I have to tell you up front that I told them I wasn’t interested in a long term relationship. Two failed marriages did me in. It’s funny how so many of the women I dated felt the same way.

It’s nice to go out, enjoy oneself and not be worried what happens when you take the date home. Now with that explained I have to tell you my secret to my sex life. I went to a house of ill repute, whorehouse, or whatever else you might want to call it. I’ve been going there for years. Let me go back to when it all started.

I taught computers at the University. I don’t think I have to tell anyone what some of these young girls, and even older women looked and dressed like. Everyday it was mini-skirts, or hip hugger jeans that damn near showed their pelvic region. T-shirts with no-bra’s, shorts with no-panties, you could see up the oversized leg holes. This list can go on and on, anyway seeing this everyday can get to a guy once in awhile. I’ll admit even though sex wasn’t a priority in my life, every now and then I did get turned on.

Now I’m a teacher, a professor, and needed to have control of my class as well as myself. One thing I had always promised myself was that I would never bed down one of my students. It would be totally wrong as well as putting my profession in jeopardy. So around once a month I went to see my friend Stella. She was a Madam of her own place.

We met when I got a call one day and asked if I could put in a computer system. She said it was a private business and she was willing to pay me for services as long as I kept quiet about her business. Of course I was intrigued about this and made an appointment to see her. When I got to her place, which was a house or more like an old brick mansion with dozens of rooms, on the front porch was a neatly dressed man. He was huge, maybe 6 ft. 6 tall and weighed maybe 325 pounds. He was sitting on the porch talking to two very nice looking women. He asked me who I was and what I wanted. After telling him, he escor
ted me into Stella’s office.

‘I’m Stella Stevens, proprietor of this business. I’ll tell you up front that it is basically a whorehouse even though we don’t use that term here. We prefer names like Pleasure Palace, or Relaxation Therapy Center.’

‘I’m officially Doctor Harley Davidson,’ I said, and she smiled like everyone did when they first heard my name, ‘but you can just call me Harley. May I call you Stella or do you refer Ms. Stevens?’

‘Stella’s fine. What I need to know is if you can put me in a reliable computer system to cover all my needs.’

‘First, may I ask why you called me? There are a number of reputable technicians in this area. I know because I trained them myself.’

‘You were referred to me from a number of my girls. They say you are the best, and I want the best.’

‘I see. So some of the girls that work here are my students or at least know of my abilities. Well, Stella, let’s get down to business. I can put you in a computer system that will literally do anything you want it to. Accounts Payable, Receivables, billing, taxes. I noticed you have an attached adult store. I can run your sales and inventory through it using a separate header so your customers can get receipts and use your business as a tax deduction. We can do it all above board and you will be within the law in this state,’

‘Wow, you really are good if you can do all that. What kind of a price tag are we talking here? Is it affordable?’

‘You tell me. You will need at least four computers at about a thousand each including the printers. I can write the programs specifically for you for three thousand dollars and another two thousand to install it all. I can have it done in about two weeks. I could do it sooner but I have classes to teach. So, talk it over with whomever you need and you can get back to me.’

‘I make all decisions here and you’re hired. When can you start? I prefer you don’t work on the Friday or Saturday, they’re rather hectic days and nights here.

‘I’ll start next Monday after my last class. I’ll only be here a couple of hours to see how we’ll set it up. Then it will be the following Monday when I start putting in the equipment. I should have it installed by Tuesday night.’

‘I thought you said it would take two weeks.’

‘The rest of the week is to teach you how to operate the programs. We will do a few test runs and see how it goes. It’s part of the cost of installation.’

‘Thanks, Harley, I really do appreciate it. If there is ever anything I can do for you, just let me know.’

After completing the installations I called Stella about once a week to see if she was having any problems. I did mention that she could get hold of me at any time. About two months later I had a really rough day at class. I saw a lot of tits and ass and it kind of got to me. I went over to see Stella.

‘Hi, Harley. I never called so why are you here?’ I hadn’t mentioned anything to her about my sex life or that I might be interested in being a customer.

‘Can we talk in private, Stella?’

‘Of course, come into my office.’ We went in and she closed the door.

‘Okay, Harley, what can I do for you?’

‘I want to know a little about your business. I want to become a customer.’

She explained to me about all the services she provided. I mean there was everything from talking, to light bondage. She handed me a price list that she had printed off on her computer. It almost looked like a menu from the corner restaurant. She smiled at me knowing I was impressed with her quick learning of the programs that I had showed her.

‘Stella, I have a big problem here. I cannot and will not have sex with any of my students. I notice that you have quite a few girls. Can you let me know which ones don’t attend our university?’

‘No problem, Here is a book on our ladies that are not students, at least not at your university. There are also a lot of women who do special things for customers. Where do your needs and wants lie at the present time?’

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mother son fun

Something a little different for all you horny bastards * I am a divorced 38 year old woman who has an only son named Tim, who is 14 years old. I have always had a strong sex drive and loved any type of sex. I also love to lay in bed and read most any kind of erotic stories. The internet has become my masturbation addiction. I love to print off stories and take them to bed with me as I play with myself. I have a smooth shaven pussy and am very clean. Nothing feels better to me than to...

1 year ago
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Mayhem 4 Irish MistChapter 5

The next few weeks were just plain work. It probably seems like touring with a popular band would be great fun and endless adventure but mostly it was a lot like combat: endless hours of boredom interrupted by moments of shear terror. Well, terror is probably a bit of an overstatement, maybe agitation and concern would be more appropriate. Anytime the girls were heading into a large crowd there was a concern; happily we hadn't had anything like the clusterfuck we'd seen in Clonakilty but...

2 years ago
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Thanks for the memories PT 1

I met Cindy while I was living in Jacksonville FL and working a major warehouse. She was the office manager and the one I had to get my paperwork from. Cindy was about 23 she has long dark hair and brown eyes. She was about 5'8" 13 0 lbs. Very pretty. Well we really didn't talk much right away then one day I went to lunch and Cindy was sitting alone at one of the tables. She smiled and asked if wanted to sit with her. I sat down and we started talking and getting to know each other a little...

3 years ago
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The Mystery Land The Making Of A Woman 8211 Part 2

Hi guys.I am chinmay back again with the second part of my story..Thanks for your responses.You can contact me at feedbacks are the source that make me write more. So now coming to the story.After a great fucking session with subhra aunty I was astonished when she told me to call her mother.So I asked her what difference it would make.She said it means a lot to her.Which is somehow related to her origin her family where she was raised as a child.Lets here it from subhra aunty’s point of...

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23rd Century Digital Girl Chapter 9

We were sitting on the couch, watching TV, when the doorbell started to ring. Nicole swung her braced leg around, preparing to stand up. I stopped her with a gesture, then reached out and tickled her toes, which were curled up in a way I found very seductive. “Don’t bother; I will open the door,” I said and reluctantly withdrew my hand. “Thank you, Peter. Who could that be?” Her eyes flickered worriedly. A blond girl about Nicole’s age was standing outside. “Hi, I’m Hanna,” she said and winked...

1 year ago
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UY Redux

Standard Disclaimer: I do not own Urusei Yatsura, nor do I intend to profit from abuse of its characters. Now there is something you don't see every day, Shawn thought. He'd seen Starbucks that popped up overnight many times, but this was the first time one had disappeared overnight. It was rather inconvenient since he happened to work part time at the coffee giant. In its place was a simpler looking establishment called Spell's R Us. Curious, Shawn decided to enter. "Hello Shawn,"...

4 years ago
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A wank with a friend continued

Pete and I sat beside each other, close enough to feel the heat from each others body. We kept silent and revelled in our orgasms. We remained naked as neither of us felt as though clothes were needed any longer. Especially not as later it would be Pete's turn to give me oral sex. I just needed some time to get my energy back.The porno was still playing on his TV but I noticed his eyes were on my groin more than on the screen. I could tell he was eager for me to be ready for him. He was almost...

2 years ago
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Their Own Thoughts

Copyright© 2003 There once was an Arpanet freak, Who better response-time did seek. He searched coast to coast, For a reliable host, Whose logger took less than a week. "Man, your insatiable!" Bill laughed and patted the curly head of hair that moved above his lap. "Shove a battery up my ass and I keep going and going and going!" Both buddies laughed at their own crude humour. Cray sat down next to his best friend and looked down at the expert blow job that his peer was...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 631

These are compliments of John A. It’s all in your perspective. Dorothy and Edna, two “senior” widows, are talking. Dorothy: “That nice George Johnson asked me out for a date. I know you went out with him last week, and I wanted to talk with you about him before I give him my answer.” Edna: “Well, I’ll tell you. He shows up at my house punctually at 7 pm, dressed like such a gentleman in a fine suit, and he brings me such beautiful flowers! Then he takes me downstairs and what’s there; a...

2 years ago
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From Hell To Heaven In 21 Days

Hell to heaven in 21 days Hello, I am Srinath from Bengaluru. This is a story of year 1997 in Vadodara. I was then 32 years and my wife 26. We were married for 5 years and as we had planned we had no kids for five years. Then we started sex with intention to get child and my wife conceived soon. It was a good news for the whole family. Her parents took her to Mysuru when in her sixth month itself and I had to stay alone. We had a maid servant by name Sudha who was also married and in her early...

2 years ago
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WhoresChapter 2

They rode in silence back to the house. Stone was trying to wrap his brain around the last hour of his life while Nikki stared out the window with a vacant smirk. Her hand rested on her upper thigh, deceptively delicate fingers surreptitiously digging against the shape of her mound as it pushed against her jeans. He knew she felt him thinking about her. He could practically smell it rising off her skin. He kept searching for the right compartments to fit everything into he felt coming on...

3 years ago
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Fucked My Married Reader Tanya In Mumbai

This is Aniket, doing my engineering in one of the renowned colleges in Mumbai. I am 23 with a small belly and a 6-inch cock that is very eager to fuck pussies! This is a fictional story. One fine evening, I was checking my mail on my way home from college and I found this reader named Tanya. She said that she was really excited about the story and wanted to connect. Later we talked for a month via email then he asked me to connect via Facebook. We had sex in chat on Facebook and one day, we...

4 years ago
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Watchers Part 1

Sophie placed her school bag against the soft, green mossy bark of the old oak tree and squatted unflattering in the undergrowth, her grey skirt riding up slightly on her hips. She tried desperately to stifle her breathing only too aware that her heartbeat seemed almost audible in the relative silence of the forest. Sophie licked her glossy pink lips and stared transfixed through the greenery into the clearing. There, not five metres away stood four people, three men and a woman. There was a...

2 years ago
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Regain Your Honor

Ghorbash Orkul, second son of the great chief Nargol of the Orkul tribe. You were, for a time, content in your position as the chief's brother. It was a prestigious position, and you were to act as a second in command to your brother, as running an entire tribe was too much for just one orc. However, you soon came to resent your place. You weren't treated as an advisor, but someone for your brother to dump all the responsibilities on as he fucked his way through the women of the tribe. His...

2 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 12

Kate came out of her room at nine o'clock. I was lying on the couch, reading my Biology text, trying to understand about phylum, class and order. I knew I'd never need any of this after I got out of school, but I also knew I had to learn it now, at least well enough to regurgitate it up for the test that was coming. I didn't even notice her standing there until she sat down near my knees. "Are you happy now, Larry? Clara says she wants to stop being my friend. It's all because of what...

3 years ago
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Freshmen Dorm Room Sara and Angie Part Four

Sara walked into the large room of her English class, her very first one as a freshman, and chose a seat three rows up from the front. As she sat, she felt the leftover stimulation from the morning in the shower still in her pussy. She was sure that some of it fell to the lining of her thong. Somehow, it excited her. She knew that was a bad thing, as it would make her very uncomfortable. She wished that she would have had time to take a shower to get clean. However, Angie had been right,...

4 years ago
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What Would You do For Your Dream

Josette couldn’t stop fidgeting as she waited to meet Claude. If he accepted her, her chances to compete with the world’s elite in gymnastics would drastically increase. She thought about the hours and effort she had put into her craft, and it had all come down to this moment if she wanted to take the next step. The door opened and a man’s voice with a French accent told her to enter. She could feel her heart thudding in her chest as she entered the room. Claude was sitting at his desk, head...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Angela White Anal Australia8217s Finest Export Shows Her AssPort For Cock Clearance

Big Busted Beauty Angela White has flown in from Australia with a special delivery…her Asshole! This Aussie is always a fan favorite when she comes to JJV. She teases us in her hot pink fishnet bodysuit, playing with her all natural G-cup’s and licking her nipples to make them nice and hard. When Angela finally sees the cock that’s in store for her today she immediately shoves it down her throat to get it nice and wet. Making good use of those titties she gives an amazing boob...

2 years ago
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How I Became a Simpering Sissy Slut Part 1

How I Became A Simpering Sissy Slut Part 1 I had been a closet crossdresser for most of my life. Ever since the first time I had stolen a pair of my mother's panties and jerked off with them I became obsessed with female clothing. I loved it all, panties, skirts, blouses, dresses, heels, the more girlie the better. Satin items were my favorite! I just loved the feeling the soft, silky material sliding across my skin. By the time I was 18, I had a whole chest filled with female...

2 years ago
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Rachels Fire 01

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Parts of this were posted in an earlier form as ‘Roger Simian’. BTW, the punctuation and style are SUPPOSED to be a bit weird. Just me being all wacky and experimental – haha. (COMPLEXION) The author of *Miss Babylon 1999* sits naked lonely and drunk up there in her bedroom/ slurping straight vodka from a coffee mug and gazing distractedly into the Looking Glass. Its not little blonde Alice she sees staring back at her though. More like a scrawny Snow White. Ink-black hair...

3 years ago
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Clouds of lavender scented steam billowed through the doorway as she stepped out of the warm confines of the gray tiled bathroom and padded across to her bedroom. A switch was flicked, her towel was dropped and the top drawer was opened as she sorted through her smalls, looking for her good pair of black thigh high stockings. The silk caressed first her fingertips, and then her smooth legs as she gently pulled them up, where the lace top of the stocking sat proudly around her left thigh. The...

Quickie Sex
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Buddy Fucker

Countless nights I have laid in my bunk, waiting to hear the shower turn off in the bathroom, knowing that Christian would soon be walking out with a towel around his waist. The skimpy brown towels that are issued to G.I.s. I hear the water turn off and pretend to be reading when the door opens and I watch my best friend and roommate exit the bathroom and head to his bunk. The bulge under the towel moving left and right as he walks past me is not hard to notice. He opens his wall locker and...

Gay Male
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Mansi8217s Special Way To Celebrate Valentine8217s Day

Guys and girls and this is Rahul here from Mumbai, aged 28 years and this is a story of my Junior College days. I had a big time crush on one of my school girls. Her name Mansi Bhatia. A gujju to the core. She stayed in Andheri. Any young and lusty females feel free to contact me at rahulkhanna311 @ It was after my FYJC exams that i proposed Mansi. She asked me for a few days to answer and finally her friends coaxed her to say YES. That was the best day of my life. Mansi is 5’4″...

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Jill Goes to College

Jill’s arms strained under the weight of the wavering stack of books she held as she made her way down the narrow hallway. With each trepiditious step, she struggled to prevent her grip from giving way while maintaining the precarious balance of the teetering pile. As she reached the closed door of her dormitory room, she firmly planted her chin against the top of the stack and lifted her knee from the bottom to help support her tired, shaking hands. As she fished into her pocket, rummaging for...

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Divorced Indian Roommate In USA

Hello ISS readers, My name is Bobby, from USA. I’ve living here for more than 5 years, did my education work in IT industry. I work in projects a lot, so moved a lot across USA. These incidents happened last year. I completed a 2 plus year project in a city and I moved to a new city in the East Coast region. For more than 2 weeks I could not find proper accommodation, finally saw a posting in Indian classifieds by a female named Arpita (name changed for obvious reasons) who was looking for a...

2 years ago
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Callboy Banne Ki Shuruaat

Hy chuddakad dosto. Mene kafi sexy kahaniya padhi h, muje sexy kahania aur sex bohat pasand h to mene socha ki me bhi meri life me huye sare chudai kisse apke samne pesh karu. Is kahani me sabhi sirf nam badle hue h. Koi real name nahi h. Baki kahani bilkul sachhi h. Ha to, mera name rohit sinha h, meri age 25 years h, ye kahani sirf 1 sal purani h. Meri family medium class h. Me mere mom dad ka bohat ladla beta hu, muje modeling aur movie me hero banne ka bohat sokh tha. Isliye mera body kafi...

3 years ago
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My Delhi Friend

So I reached Delhi in 2 days n I had many friends 4m Delhi .We all were 3 people a sir, a man n I .So we reached at night booked a flat n had diner n went to sleep .Friends then I thought to chat n I had many gf on chatting so I met many gals of Delhi but they were far I was in MODEL TOWN so I remembered one of my gf from there so I waited for 1 hour. She had cm 4 chatting n I was excited I told her everything she I told her of the hotel where we are (LANDMARK HOTEL) she told I will cal u in...

3 years ago
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Megans Mardi Gras Fantasy Pt 3

Again we slept in and followed the same ritual as before. I found this especially exciting as I anticipated Megan's routine. She ordered breakfast and I set up the camcorder to tape what followed. This time, Megan remained in the bathroom as breakfast arrived. Disappointed, I let the waiter in and closed the door. Just at that moment, Megan "happened" to come out of the bathroom, dressed only in her sexiest black lingerie and stockings!The word about yesterday must have gotten around because...

3 years ago
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A Memorable Moment

Anya pushed open the door to Shear Ecstasy, walking up to the front desk of the hair salon. “Hey, I’m here for a color and cut,” she informed the receptionist, who nodded and disappeared in the back. Anya sat down with a sigh, debating what she could accomplish with her new internship she had recently finished. It involved office communications, and she knew in her job hunt, she would most likely start out as the personal slave to a higher power, despite her experience. She thought of her...

4 years ago
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One Very Hot Date Night

My wife and I have been sending some pretty hot texts to each other all day while at work. We have a date tonight and we are trying to get the other one as hot as possible. As the evening comes to a close after dinner we head back to the house ready to have a lot of fun! We arrive at the house and I immediately grab a black teddy out of her drawer and ask her to put this on now. She undresses and slides into the teddy and looks so scrumptious! Then, I blindfold her and lead her to the doorway...

Straight Sex
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Happy Birthday Part 3

Well it was about two months or so since that wonderful birthday party weekend when my sister and I had our sexual episodes. We had been chatting on the phone and made some plans for her to come stay with me for a while. Now that school was out, she would be spending a few weeks with me at my home. It was a Friday night when she arrived at my house. When I opened the door she stood there in a skimpy little short skirt and a tube top. Behind her was my father with a huge smile on his face. I...

1 year ago
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There’s just something magical about good, real amateur pornography. Yeah, those pornstars with the silicone-enhanced bodies and practiced moans are hot as fuck, but sometimes you just want to beat off to a horny babe who ain’t in it for the money. The best amateurs want to get off as bad as you do, and that’s exactly who you’ll find over at site has been around since 2000, which practically makes it an institution in the world of online smut. They’ve had ups, downs, and a...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Making Marcus

"Would you like another one, Zach?" Marcus offered. Zach nods and slurs out something that sounds like a "yes," so Marcus starts mixing another mojito for the wasted twink at the end of the bar. Marcus knows he probably shouldn't keep serving him, but business has been slow lately and his boss, Rosie, would skin him alive for putting people's health or safety over her profits. Rosie is a trash queen whose days of drag should have been long past, but her narcissism would never let her see how...

4 years ago
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A New Start

Rachel flounced out of the apartment building, dragging her huge suitcase behind her, her anger palpable. How dare that little prick treat her like that, she wasn't just some little toy, they were supposed to be engaged, she fumed silently to herself as she made her way to a nearby hotel to book herself in and consider her next move. One Hour Earlier Rachel turned the key in the lock and snuck quietly into the apartment, hoping to catch Nick still in bed, or even better, in the shower. She'd...


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