Dear Charles free porn video

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Want to have a little fun with this? Before you read it, use your 'Replace' function in your Word Processor to replace "Charles" with your (masculine) name. Replace "Monica" with the name of your favorite domme - then replace "Janis" with another domme name that you like. (Don't forget, use the 'all locations' option!) Hope you enjoy the consequences. Bea Dear Charles By Bea Charles darling? What on earth took you so long in answering the door? That was disgraceful! Yes. Yes, I KNOW you couldn't see me through the viewer - I intentionally stayed out of range to see what you would do. Are you going to tell me that you won't answer the door unless you can see who is standing here? Ridiculous! Here, take my coat and hang it up. No, I'll take my handbag with me. Bring my drink into the den please - and I hope you'll be quicker than you were in opening the door for me. Get along now! That's a little better Charles. Thank you. Mmm! That is good! Did I have a nice day? Thank you for asking dear. Yes, I guess it was okay. Though I'll admit that I felt a little testy when you took so long to answer the door. Charles darling? Please don't be repeating this same old song and dance. I don't care what other men do - or don't do. Are you going to continue with this silly argument? Remember the last time you got me aggravated? Well then! Turn around and let me see. Yes! That's a much better bow on your apron! Very pretty Charles. But my dear? I think your mob cap needs to be adjusted just a little. Come here, and I'll do it for you. Yes. Much better! Your curls look cute, peeking down from your cap. Did you use the electric curling iron like I showed you? Very good! Okay then. You've dusted, vacuumed, scrubbed the kitchen floor and set the table for dinner? Good. What time did you leave work? Right after lunch? A little early was it not dear? And did you get Dorothy's okay? What do you mean - "No"? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I instruct you last week that from then on, any time you had to leave the office early for housework you would ask Dorothy for permission? I'm perfectly aware that she is your secretary. But I'm also perfectly aware that you signed over all ownership in the company to me - so that makes ME your boss, does it not? Don't babble dear. I AM your boss - and perfectly aware that I can delegate my authority to any one I wish, and in matters of this nature, I want you to report to Dorothy. As a matter of fact? You have left me no choice. I feel that I should demonstrate that authority right now. Now go and get me the phone. Dial in to the office and get Dorothy on the line. Once you have her, tell her I wish to speak to her, then give me the phone. Think you can do that darling? Thank you dear. Hello, Dorothy? I understand that Charles left early today? He tells me that you were not asked for permission? Well, yes, I had told him to do just that. No dear, it is not your fault in any way. If any fault is to be handed out, I'm afraid that I should be given most of it as I did not make my wishes crystal clear. Oh, thank you. But now, I'd like you to type up a memo over my signature? Just a short one, notifying all of the ladies in there that you are, as of tomorrow morning, the office manager. You may sign it for me. Now Dorothy! Don't be shy! I've known for quite some time that you are effectively the head of the company. What would Charles have done without you? You deserve the promotion. Your thanks are not required. You worked for this and it is only right and fair that you get it. Charles? Of course he will continue working there. He is now your employee. Of course you can take his office! No, I can't think of any reason why you should give him your desk. He doesn't have the skills to be your secretary, and you'll need one right away, I'd imagine. Put him out in the main office amongst the girls. Use him in any way you see fit. In fact, I just had an idea? Just a suggestion though, you don't need to use it if you think of anything else? Quite simple actually. That new office girl you have - what's her name again? Janis? Well why don't you assign Charles to work under her for a while? She seems quite mature for being such a young girl - and giving her someone to supervise will be good training for her. You agree? Wonderful! Well keep in touch Dorothy. I'll want to know how Charles is doing under your supervision. Of course you may! I was probably the first to see that Charles needs a firm hand and any discipline you may want to exert will be fine by me! Bye. Why the glum look Charles? Could that possibly be tears I see in your eyes? Tell Mummy what's wrong. Come on now. Come and sit on my lap. There! Comfy? Lay your head on my shoulder. Oh, you ARE crying! What's the matter dear? Well Charles dear. I DID tell you to start checking in with Dorothy, didn't I? Of course it made it look as if she was your boss rather than the other way around - but that's what I wanted - and if you'd behaved properly? Done what you were told? It would have simply been between you and Dorothy. Now all the girls in the office will know. But that's YOUR fault now, isn't it? If you'd just done as you were told, you wouldn't be in this pickle, would you? And, what's this about Janis? You told me what? Oh! I did forget, didn't I? She's the girl you wanted me to fire because she was snapping your garter belt straps, isn't she? Did she snap them again today? Well, maybe that's a sign that she has not forgotten that you're wearing garter belts and nylon stockings under your pants. But doesn't she snap your bra straps too? She doesn't know about your bra and camisoles - and panties? Oh, you sly little devil! Wearing your jacket all the time! Yes, I see. That would stop your bra and camisole straps from being seen under your shirt, wouldn't it? But Charles darling! There just are some girls who delight in snapping another girl's bra straps or panty elastic. It's a fact of life. I don't see why you can't just accept it! Okay. Technically speaking, you're not a girl of course - that's true. But if you're going to be walking about in lingerie all the time, what can you expect? Well dear? Of course I know it isn't your choice. I know that it's me that makes you wear the pretty undies. That reminds me. Tomorrow? Stop wearing those silly men's socks over your nylons. It's a ridiculous thing for you to do - and I can't believe that it's good for your feet. Yes, yes! I know that there's the chance that your nylons will be noticed - but that's all right, don't you think? You have quite nicely shaped feet. Why wouldn't you want to show them off a little? Oh Charles darling. You're such a little doofus! Now go and look me out my gray silk lounging pajamas and robe. Then run my bath please. A little more bubbles tonight if you don't mind. Up with you dear! Work to be done! *** Mmm! This is so decadent - having one's husband on his knees bathing you - just as if he were a ladies maid! Your hands are so soft - though dear? It may be time that you had a manicure - but when you do? Make sure you use the same polish on your fingers that you use on your toes. Mmmm! I must admit it. I get so sexy when I boss you about. Don't know why, I just do. I'm SO glad I found out that you have this tremendous NEED to be dominated. Bless the day that you hired me for the office. I just couldn't figure you out - you were so sweet! And your pretty fianc?e? What was her name again - Priscilla? Yes that's right. My rival for your affections! But she didn't know how to treat you properly, did she? I did, didn't I? Remember how I asked you for a date? Then took you home - and kissed you goodnight? It was so funny. I mean, I'm a submissive type myself - though compared to you, I'm probably a macho, ravening, domme I guess. How did I know how to treat you? Easy. I could see that you weren't very aggressive. Saw that our date wasn't going very well. Simply decided to treat you the way I'd want a girl to treat me. And now, we're married - and I'm so happy. But now darling? Enough of this idle chit chat. Why don't you just help me out of this bathtub then go and mince your way down to the kitchen and make sure that dinner will be ready for eight o'clock. I'm expecting company. Set another place at the table? Why on earth would I want you to do that? Oh, I'm sorry! No dear - you won't be eating with us - you'll be too busy making sure that dinner is perfect - and serving me and Monica. So after you've finished drying and powdering me, you can run along. I can dress myself. *** Well! Wasn't that an interesting evening! What did you think of Monica? Isn't she just dreamy? So charismatic! Such a leader! That time when she kissed me - when we were on the couch - remember? I thought I was going to cream myself! Almost had an orgasm right there and then. I must admit that I was kinda hurt when she said I wasn't training you properly - though I have to admit that she was correct - I really had never thought of having you curtsey! You should have SEEN your face when she told you! I thought I was going to pee myself! But I must admit it - you learned quickly - you were curtseying very prettily before the evening was over. I think you impressed her. Do you know something? You blush SO prettily! I couldn't believe how fiery red you became when she suggested that I put you in a uniform! Now please don't start acting up with ME dear! If you feel that way, why didn't you tell HER? That's better! And now? I think you should say that you're sorry - and curtsey. YES! Curtsey to me while you apologize! Yes, RIGHT NOW! Very good darling! Now why don't you get me ready for bed? I think I'll let you brush my hair again tonight. It relaxes me so nicely. *** Yes darling, I'll take a refill on the coffee. Thanks. Dishes all done? Kitchen tidied up? All ready for work then. Charles? Lift your pant leg a little, would you please? Yes - very good. See? I told you that you'd look much better without those ugly socks you were wearing. These dark blue nylons go very well with your pants. Of course you can ask me something darling. What is it? I wish you hadn't asked me that darling. You want me to go back on my promise to Dorothy? You know how I feel about going back on my word. No, sorry. I want you to work with Janis today - that is, if Dorothy doesn't have anything else for you to do. And while we're on this subject? Well darling, it was you that brought the subject up in the first place - wasn't it? Of course I'm right. Now just listen! This is important! When Dorothy makes the announcement to the girls? I want you to stand there with her - and look HAPPY! And even more important? Make sure that you be helpful around the office after that - I want to find out that you merge in very well with the women. Show that you fully approve of your demotion - become one of the girls, so to speak. Yes, that's all. Off with you. Have a nice day at the office. Now come and give mummy a kiss. Mmmm! You're so soft and warm - and you blush so nicely! Now I think on it? I've got some blusher almost exactly that shade! Maybe let you try it sometimes? Oh Charles! That's an even DEEPER shade - aren't I turning into such a tease! Bye Darling! *** Good evening Charles! That was much better time in answering the door! But m'dear, didn't you just forget something that we talked about last night... Much better! It shows how much respect you have for me when you drop the occasional curtsey! No dear, you don't have to do it all the time - I mean, how do you think I'd feel if you forgot and did it in front of your friends? They'd think I was married to SUCH a sissy! But I must say that you look quite different - Is that one of the new aprons and caps I bought for you? Very nice dear! Lovely and fresh looking! But let me look at you dear. There's something wrong, isn't there? Have you been crying? Well, of COURSE I'm interested! What on earth would make you think otherwise! But be a little darling and make mummy a drink please? I'll have it in the den. Then you can tell me ALL about it. *** Charles darling? This is a very large drink, is it not? You're not trying to soften me up by any chance, are you? Naughty, naughty! You're blushing again dear! Getting all feminine and devious are we - my little Mata Hari? So? Am I going to find out the reason for the tears? That's all right. We've no company coming tonight - so take all the time you want. But Charles dear? I want you to stand in front of me here, then cross your hands over your apron - and keep them still while you tell me. Yes. Just like that. Okay sweetheart, I'm listening. Mmm! Are you finished? This is very interesting. Where shall I start? Well, to begin with, you seem to have taken your demotion very badly dear. All right! You said you were finished. Now let me say MY piece please! As I was saying, you seem to have taken your demotion badly. So now they consider you the office girl. Big deal! Would you be as offended if they called you the office BOY? Well, for your information? When I visited the office this afternoon, you certainly didn't look like any BOY I'd ever seen - office or any other kind. Serving up tea and coffee to the women - and that little frilled apron that Janis had loaned you? I must admit that you looked cute in it - think I'll buy you some like it for around the house. But I'm being distracted. You tell me that you were crying because they're treating you like a new office girl? You're upset by this? Why should you be upset. Don't you see? Treating you like a girl is a compliment! Not an insult! Darling? It's time you understood. You're not a man any more - if you ever were. Look at it this way. I'm a soft, feminine, submissive, woman - true? Well not with you silly - that would be far too demeaning. But wouldn't you say that Monica is a woman? A strong, forceful, dynamic, woman? One stronger than me? Fine! Now here is Monica - a woman. Stronger than me - another woman - and I am stronger than you. You're weaker than me. Do as you're told. So if I want to dress you in women's pretty clothes, do women's work around the house - and now have you do women's work in the office? It's no insult dear - I'm trying to upgrade you! But you're obviously not mature enough to have a woman's status right away - so I thought I'd start you out where every woman has to start - by being a girl first! Janis will be a great role model for you, trust me! She's young and pretty. Okay, she's bossy - I could see that. Enjoys having someone to do as she tells them - but that's alright darling because, let's face it - you DO enjoy being told what to do, don't you? And? Now that I think on it. I noticed that you weren't wearing your jacket. Did anyone say anything about your undies? So Janis snapped your bra strap a few times? Well, you must have expected that, surely? But I'm truly glad that you're over that little hurdle now. Once you took that jacket off? Any of the girls that didn't think you were a sissy, probably know better now. Oh Charles! I'm not really laughing AT you - well, maybe just a little. You don't really think that any of the ladies in the office still consider you a man? If they ever did, that is. I bought you a few little presents last week. Now you can use them. They're up in the spare bedroom closet. Three or four parcels - tied with pretty pink ribbons. Why don't you go and bring them here, I want to see you open them. *** (Yawn) I must admit it Charles. You look SO pretty in that teal nightdress and peignoir! Mind you, I thought the light blue set would be more suitable - being far more feminine, but I think that the teal color suits you better. Yes. Keep on brushing my hair. I'll let you know when to stop. Did you put your new undies away? Good! I must admit it - you are getting quite a collection! Lot's of girls would probably give their eye teeth for it! Talking of girls? What do you think of your lipstick and blusher? You look SO sexy! As a matter of fact? Go get me that spritzer bottle on my dressing table. Make you smell nice for bed. There! Don't you smell nice now? As a matter of fact? I think I'll let you sleep in mummy's bed tonight. Won't that be nice? Yes, put the perfume away - and hop into bed! That's a girl! You're blushing again darling! So I called you a girl? You're in a pretty nightgown, wearing lipstick and blush, smell of nice perfume? Look like a girl, smell like a girl - and once I get into bed beside you - you're going to act like a girl. MY girl! No? Well, let me get my robe off and get in there - and we'll see what we shall see, huh? *** Good morning pretty Charles! Time to get up dear! You've got mummy's breakfast to make! But before you go and do that? Freshen up your lipstick - it's all mussed! No need to look ashamed dear. You were a nice girl for mummy last night - and we both enjoyed it - at least I did. And if the happy little squeals you gave out when I gave you that spanking as foreplay are considered? I think you enjoyed it too! Wasn't it fun? Slithering about over my knee, being play-spanked for being a naughty girl? Yessss! We'll have to do that more often I think. But know what? You're getting me all sexy again, you saucy little thing. So sleepy eyed and pretty. Nice pouty lips just begging for a kiss. Yes! Put your soft white arms around my neck. That's it. Mummy's girl? Of course you are! But today? Think I'll buy you some nice breast forms for you to wear at night. Get you a nice lacy sleeping bra! Bet you'll just love it when I caress you then! *** Thank you dear! What a pretty curtsey! Yes, please hang my coat up, then bring my drink into the den - and you can tell me what happened today. Just LOVE that polish on your fingernails, and you look so nice! Did you put on your lipstick and blush just for me? And - OOOOH! You've had your ears pierced - and your eyebrows shaped. How nice! You know, it's getting harder and harder for me to imagine you as a man? But you must have had an exciting day, huh? Well get my drink, then you can tell me all about it! *** So? Janis took you shopping? Yes. I must admit that I was somewhat aware of this in advance - but only after making ABSOLUTELY sure that Dorothy approved. I felt that it was high time you were introduced into the delight of just shopping, the way that girls do - felt that Janis would be the perfect guide for you. Was she? Good. Am I sensing something here? Bossy, was she? Well truthfully, that's about what I expected. Okay, so what did you two get up to, huh? Look at lingerie? Try some shoes on? I hope you bought some - oh yes! I can see that you're wearing a pair! Wonderful! How high a heel? Well, that's not bad - and you seem to be walking in them okay. Didn't give you any trouble wearing your first high heels? You know, that's funny? I've heard that some sissy men take to high heels as if born to it! Think that may explain why? Charles dear! You're blushing again! Anyhow, don't let me interrupt. Where'd you have lunch? Oh, at the Beauty Salon? While you and Janis were having your Bikini Wax jobs? Yes! She was so thrilled when I told her I'd pay for hers if she kept you company. Stung, did it, dear Charles? Well, Monica demands it of me - so I don't see why I shouldn't demand it of you. Give you another look at what us girls learn to go through for our men. You'll learn, trust me. Isn't that funny? I'm YOUR man! ME! But just wait until you put your nightie on tonight - it'll be worth it! So? What else did you and Janis do that was exciting? You're KIDDING! Had you sit at a cosmetic counter and get made up? Oh Charles, how could you? In public? Bet you felt like a proper little sissy, didn't you? Of COURSE you did! Silly me! But, tell you what? Why don't you give me the details of your day over dinner? You can eat with me - just informal, okay? So, why don't you get moving dear? I'm a little peckish. Think I want an early night, tonight. Big day tomorrow. Well, I'll tell you all about it later. *** You know, that third glass of wine with dinner really bombed me - especially on top of my pre-dinner drink. Then my bath - Mmmm! Now you're brushing my hair - I just feel so decadent - so loose! I now I see you in that pale blue nightgown and negligee? I think I may have been right after all - it's far more feminine, but it suits you now. You wearing that new perfume you bought today - like I asked you? Yes, I thought so. But Charles darling? That brings up a point. You know that I like you being feminine and pretty, don't you? Don't look so downcast about it Charles - that's getting rather old now. You're forgiven. I'm just trying to say that it's about time that you started doing things on a more voluntary basis - stop waiting to be TOLD what to do! Use a little initiative! I know that this must be difficult for you - but you know? Even in just the few days you've spent under Janis? I see a difference. Well, for one thing, you're walking much better. Not an exaggerated swish like a lot of sissies use - just a nice ladylike way of walking. Another thing? Your hand movements are more feminine - at least they appear to be - so you're gradually taking on a very nice female persona. I'm expecting great things from you! You're welcome. But dear? Must I point out to you that girls differ in one major respect from men? Vive le difference? My goodness Charles - a flash of humor? No silly, it's not the gender aspect I'm talking about at all. Women - and sissies - wear dresses, skirts, and blouses. Men don't. Well? Aren't you going to say anything? Of course I understand that you enjoy being dominated - and it turns you on when I make you behave - and dress - in a feminine manner. I mean, how could I possibly have missed the tent in front of your nightdress after I put your breast forms on tonight? And seeing them under the material of your nightgown? They appear to be real. Actually? I think getting you a C cup was probably overdoing it - but they DO bob around nicely, just like the real thing. But I'm allowing myself to get distracted. Going back to what I was saying? It's time that YOU understood something dear. You are here to please ME. Not the other way around, and it would please me somewhat if you understood that - and acted on it, that's all! Okay - as I always say - A word to the wise is sufficient. I hope that you're wise enough to listen. Okay dear. Get that little tush of yours into bed! *** Coffee? Yes Thank you. Solvent? What solvent are you going on about dear? To remove your new breasts? Whatever for, darling? After the trouble I had getting them on correctly yesterday? Don't be silly. Just keep them on. How on earth do you expect to get used to having breasts if you don't keep them on? Darling? Hush! Just hush! I'm not in the mood for this now! And when you get to work? Ask Miss Janis and Miss Dorothy for permission for you to leave early - though make sure that they understand that you're asking for me. That way you'll get it. Yes. I want you home here by one o'clock. That'll give you enough time to get ready - and prepare for the small party we're throwing tonight. Oh? I didn't mention it? Was I supposed to? Just go and look out my tailored skirt suit - the gray one. The gold satin blouse - the sleeveless, thank you. The burgundy flats. Dark hose. My teal undies. Then I suppose that you'd better get ready for work - I wouldn't want to upset Miss Janis with tardiness if I were you. *** My My! Just look at you Charles! Royal blue taffeta? It suits you to a 'T'! And the way that your petticoats swish underneath? Wow! I'll just bet that you're the prettiest husband in the world! And I'm SO impressed. You must have come home and, all by yourself, figured out what I wanted when you found the maid's uniform on top of your bed. THAT'S the kind of thing I was talking about earlier. You didn't wait for me to TELL you to put it on! Just went ahead and dressed yourself. That's a clever girl! To tell the truth, I was worried about that wig I'd chosen, but I must admit that I picked well - don't you think? Did you try on the white nightgown? Fitted nice, did it? Monica will be SO thrilled! She wants you to wear it tonight when you come to bed with us! But I'll tell you more about that later on - don't want to get you in TOO much of a tizzy before you even start work tonight. The table looks lovely darling. I love the way you've arranged the flowers for the centerpiece - and our best crystal and china for a party of five? Wonderful! No dear. There won't be any men coming. Whatever gave you that idea? Just an all-girl party. Monica and I will be sitting together of course. She'll be at the head of the table, with me on her right. Miss Dorothy will be on her left. Then Miss Janis opposite to Monica. The remaining place? I wanted to surprise you - but now that I think on it? Think it only fair to let you know. I searched her out - your old fianc? - Priscilla. Just thought that you'd love to show her what a WONDERFUL husband you are! As a matter of fact? There goes the doorbell! That may be her now - I asked her to come early. Thought you and she might appreciate the chance to have a little girl-talk before the party begins. Why don't you go and let her in? Thank you darling. What a lovely curtsey! The end

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Dear Diary

Synopsis: This could be fiction,  There are sections that dwell on sexual domination; By my definition a joyous state of mind, should you disagree with my perspective, by all means go elsewhere and DON'T READ ON !! Dear Diary - ForwardMy name is Danial Martin, Dan.        How we got here is and isn't really all that complicated, think of it as a some what normal evolution of events, more than a social experiment, but it's more something I just stumbled into perhaps, or was I cleverly led,...

2 years ago
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Dear Stepdaddy the 2013 Annual

Dear Stepdaddy, I'm in eighth grade and now I got a problem. It was all fine until last summer when Mom married Roy, my new stepdad. No, it ain't what you think, Roy's not fucking me. Though I know my age's not bothering him, since he is screwing my friend Tabby. He doesn't know I know, but her and I tell each other everything. The problem with Roy is that he makes me get good grades. Mom never cared much, but Bob says if I don't get good grades, he's gonna make me go to summer school...

3 years ago
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Dear Cum The Fools

 1 April 2021 Ms Cum GirlCum CottageLower Snatch DrippingCunnyshire Dear Ms CumIt has been brought to our attention here at 'The Daily Heil Publishing Corporation' that the saddo website you're so fond of frequenting is hosting an international competition, and that as a saddo of minor repute and standing we expect you to fly the flag for this Sceptred Isle. All of us here at 'The Daily Heil Publishing Corporation' are rabid acolytes of the tousle-haired cockwomble and sport huge, throbbing,...

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Dear Cum The Fools

 1 April 2021 Ms Cum GirlCum CottageLower Snatch DrippingCunnyshire Dear Ms CumIt has been brought to our attention here at 'The Daily Heil Publishing Corporation' that the saddo website you're so fond of frequenting is hosting an international competition, and that as a saddo of minor repute and standing we expect you to fly the flag for this Sceptred Isle. All of us here at 'The Daily Heil Publishing Corporation' are rabid acolytes of the tousle-haired cockwomble and sport huge, throbbing,...

Gay Male
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Dear Kiki 1

Dear Kiki, I've heard that you often give advice to people with sex-type problems, and that you can be really wild and uninhibited sometimes, so I thought you'd be ideal to help me with my husband Gerald. We've only been married for a few months, and yes, I know Newlyweds have to go through a Period of Adjustment, but I really don't see how I'm going to work this out without some Expert Advice! Gerald's nice-looking, in 'a sort of soft, boyish way, but I must admit that what really...

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Dear Diary

                                                                            DEAR DIARY      I awoke on the filthy mattress and looked around the darkened room. The dim glow of the street light peaking thru the dirty slats on the windows blinds. The   quick moving hoards of cock roaches skittering across the thread bare carpet. Sitting up I realized what had happened last night. There were bruises and ugly raised welts all over my aching body.  My tits were in terrible pain with dried blood...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary aka Coping with Coming Out

Sun 10/17/04 I feel foolish writing in this book. I've never kept a diary before. I don't even like the word "diary". It is a silly word. A child's word. I think I made a new friend a little over a week ago. His name is Ricky. I am writing this on his advice. He says it will help me cope with my emerging feelings. So, here I am, trying out his advice. It can't hurt, right? Okay then, here it is. These first entries will be very long Dear Diary. So many new sensations, longings,...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary

This story and all it contents and names are fictional.January 1st.Dear diary,This is my first diary entry ever, so I suppose I better tell you about myself. My name is Ashley, I'm 19 years old. I have long blonde hair with blue eyes. I think of myself as a very attractive girl. I like to stand in front my full length mirror and admire my naked body and of course play wife myself, I love looking at my pussy when I orgasm, sometimes my juices even spray on the mirror, I lick all my juices off my...

2 years ago
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Dear Diary I Cheated My Husband

Dec 3 2015 Dear Diary, I love my FB friend, but I’m afraid, I’m married and he’s seven years younger. It’s hard to believe how soon everything happened, seems as if yesterday that Ajay sent me a friend request on Facebook and started chatting with me. In no time we became close, I shared my joys and sorrows with him and he did the same. This brought us so close in a year’s time that he got some courage to propose me. And even though I told him no and tried to make excuses like age and me being...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary6

I awoke on the filthy mattress and looked around the darkened room. The dim glow of the street light peaking thru the dirty slats on the windows blinds. The quick moving hoards of cock roaches skittering across the thread bare carpet. Sitting up I realized what had happened last night. There were bruises and ugly raised welts all over my aching body. My tits were in terrible pain with dried blood caked around my raw nipples. Sitting up on the bed I became dizzy and peered about looking for...

2 years ago
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Dear Cum The Not Very Spectacular Wife Lovers Omnium Spectacular Part Three

Dear Cum Lush,My really hot wife recently fell down the stairs and the police couldn’t prove it wasn’t an accident, so that’s good. Anyway, she bonked her head and now she thinks she’s sixteen.The sex has been fantastic, although I think her mind is still degrading, because we’ve gone from, “are your parents home,” to “is your wife home,” to “is Mom home” and she keeps shouting, “Oh, Daddy,” which is kind of hot, except for when one of the neighbors called Child Protective Services.My question...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Dear diary september

September 1 Dear Diary, First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Becky Ford and I can't believe I started my last year of high school today! I learned that there are over 600 students in my class, and over 2400 in the whole school, I doubt I'll ever get to know all of them, I just hope to recognize a few of them!!! They said that the senior year is the easiest one of all, I don't believe it!!! My locker mate seems nice enough, but we don't have any classes together, so I only see her a...

3 years ago
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Dear Cum The Not Very Spectacular Wife Lovers Omnium Spectacular Part Four

I think we can all heave a huge and much-needed sigh of relief at the knowledge that we've all nearly reached the end and there isn't much more of this shit. So, splash yourself out a glass of pink poison, give it a little swirl in the glass so it refracts the light, and then chuck it down your throat not letting it touch the sides on its way down. Just consider it a medicinal necessity. And with that, let's go 'to the letter'. Dear Crumbs in the bed Girl,I am fucking a "hot wife" almost every...

Wife Lovers
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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 25 Visit to Charleston

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 25 Visit to Charleston It was a trip that she knew that she had to make, but it was a trip that she was dreading. Aaron and Beth were heading to Charleston to spend a week with Aaron's family. A whole week, Beth still couldn't believe this was happening. The trip was Aaron's idea. He thought a trip to see his family at the end of the spring semester would be a great opportunity for Beth to have another opportunity to spend time with his...

2 years ago
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Letter from Charleston

LETTER FROM CHARLESTONDear Shoeblossom: I still get wet when I remember that first thrashing in my grandfather’s barn. My little denim miniskirt turned up, panties down, struggling over Gramp’s knee as the huge strap had come down again and again against my jiggling full butt cheeks. When the strap connected with my buttocks, bouncing a bit off my little tuft of pubic hair, Gramps screamed at me about my abuse of the free will God had granted me! And as I’d screamed, he’d brought the strap down...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary10

He knew he was really trespassing by reading her diary, but he couldn’t help it. He was astounded at what he found in there, written only this week, too. “Dear Diary, I got a carrot from the fridge and peeled it smooth this evening. I felt so naughty! I brought it upstairs tonight and tried to break my hated hymen with it, but when I got in my hand and started rubbing on myself down there, it was just too gross, and I had to stop. Then I was too embarrassed to bring it back...

2 years ago
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Dear Waverly Lesbian

In the wash of new light, Tristy sat in a boring lesson. Yawn."Waverly, Waverly, Waverly," Tristy sang to herself in a daze. Oh, with Tristy and her dear Waverly currently walls apart, Tristy longed for her girlfriend's presence. With her hands on her cheeks, her elbows on the desk, Tristy rocked her head from side to side as she dreamt of her dear Waverly."Tristy, focus!" Michelle, the Arts Professor, snapped at a dreaming Tristy in order to wake her up. "You won't get anywhere by...

4 years ago
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Dear Judge

Dear Judge, Now I was supposed to write you this and explain how come the woman I accidentally did was not illegally done after all. What she was turned out to be the party of the first part of the party. I been told I was supposed to use legal words because that is what the defrocked lawyer that went to a mail order law school and has a real diploma and everything and is in...

3 years ago
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Dear Will

Pushing the food around my plate, hardly satisfied, I am hungry, starved indeed. But unable to taste a morsel. It’s only been a week, yet the days seem to go by like years, waiting. ‘I hope he can write soon,’ thinking to myself, looking over the dessert trolly parked all too close to my corner table. The stout waitress, hovering over me asking, ‘Would you care for anything from trolly dear?’ ‘I’m sorry, did you say something?’ I say eyeing the older, heavyset woman. ‘Yes, would you like...

2 years ago
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Dear Kiki 2

Dear Kiki, My name is Bob, and I've never written to you before, but I understand you often give advice to people who find themselves in strange sexual situations, and I need your help with something. I've been seeing a girl named Lorna, and basically she's everything I ever looked for in a woman: Sweet, sexy, good-looking, athletic, and with a wild sense of humor! Maybe too wild! I first met Lorna on a camping outing with some mutual friends. All through the 4-day trip, she...

4 years ago
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Dear Steven A Fans Oral Fixation

Dear Steven, I know you list your stories as PETTYBOX, but always think of you as Steven in my fantasies, so I will keep it that way. I first read your Steven "Sig" Grayson stories when I was away from my home. I work in sales and spend 2 or 3 nights a week away and I began getting horny almost the first night I spent in a hotel away and alone. I love your perspective and style of erotic writing only because you don't get off the path of reality. Everything is feasible, where so many other...

3 years ago
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Dear Atnas Please Make Me A Girl

Dear Atnas, Please Make Me A Girl A little boy writes to a magical spirit about his wish to become a girl. Again when he's older, and again after he becomes a man, and... 1. (From the bedroom of Nick Walters, aged 7) dear atnas please make me a girl my name is nicholas andrew walters i am in elemntree school i am a boy i want to be a girl mommy says you are a magik and i should write eltters to you in the tree and you will grant my wish i want to be a girl they are pretty and have...

2 years ago
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Dear Mom and Dad

Dear Mom and Dad: Well, by now you'll have been notified long ago, but this message will confirm it: your little girls were picked up a month ago. Just like you told us to do, we both went to try to get a sponsor. Tiffany's sponsor is some guy with a 7.4 CAP score. She's with her best friend Katie and some couple with two kids about eight and ten. My sponsor is Gerry, a really nice guy with a 6.8 CAP score who is going to be doing Technical Analysis of the Swarm's stuff. My sister...

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Dear Adelle

The other night, after our exchange of e-mails, I asked my daughter Beth if she ever thought about sex. She said, in typical teen fashion, "Mo-om!!!" But then she admitted that she had become interested in her developing body and had played with herself a little bit. I asked if she would mind showing me her body, and she giggled, but eventually lifted up her t-shirt and let me see her young breasts. They are still cone shaped and pointy at the tips. . .a lovely mouthful to be sure. I got...

3 years ago
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Dear Boyfriend

(Of course, everyone here is over 18. He was 22. I was 21. So, it’s okay to talk about sex. He agreed to share these letters we saved with you.) * Dear Boyfriend, Don’t think because I don’t use your name that I’m recycling this letter. I have only one boyfriend, you, and I know your name. I said it in your ear last night, just before I bit your earlobe when you made me come. Thank you, BTW. Also, I think it was a good idea that we adopted the rule that we thank each other when we give...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary Entry 5 Paying Daughters Fee Not With Money

Dear Diary, Hello again. This is Reena. The mom. Hope your tummy is being filled enough with my family’s regular entries. At first, I had to force my daughters to write down their sex stories. They were not interested at all in the beginning. My elder baby Sindhu was shy to even think about the idea. Now, the tables have turned. They are more than willing to update each and every experience they have had. I couldn’t be more proud. Prakash was so happy seeing his daughters making their foray...

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Dear Mandy

Note: The following is a letter to my dear friend Amanda after a night I spent with her boyfriend Jake. Jake recently confessed to Amanda that he enjoyed when she dominated the sexual aspect of their relationship. He encouraged her to experiment in light bondage and role reversal. Now, Mandy is a sweetheart and tried her best to be accommodating, but confided in me that she felt somewhat uncomfortable trying to be a dominatrix, even if she did enjoy the control that she now exerted in the...

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Dear Husband

Hello dear husband, she said, never looking back. Could you come over here and take that down from the shelf for me? She pointed to a bottle of bleach on a high shelf. It wasn’t his fault that George had just gone out to the hardware store, telling Jim, his teenage helper from down the street, that he’d be back in an hour, maybe two. Why don’t you straighten up the workbench in the basement? He’d told the boy. So Jim went down to the basement and as he passed the door to the laundry room, Cindy...

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Dear Cum Captain Quentin Stocking

This morning I popped down to Pret a Manger to meet up with my good friend Albert Einstein for a slice of red velvet cake with a vanilla butter-icing topping and a medium cappuccino on the side. "Albert Einstein," I hear you say in a somewhat incredulous tone. Yes, Albert Einstein! THE Albert Einstein. I gave you all a perfect opportunity to invite me out for a yummy little Pret-fest back in Dr Flappyduck, but did any of you offer? Did you fuck, so it's just me and Albie yet again for our...

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Dear Diary

March 15 A disturbing development — my son has started staring at my breasts and sometimes "accidentally" touches them. He asks me questions that show he knows very little about female anatomy. I believe ignorance about sexuality can lead to major problems in life, so I got an illustrated book about the human body, and we sat down together with it. The book made me realize I didn't know all that much myself, but more than him at least. My problem is that now he wants me to show him. I point...

4 years ago
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Dear Prudence

"Cut and print it," the booming voice of the Director carried across the sound stage. The four actors on the set, a depiction of a typical mid-American household, froze in place. They had been at it for over an hour now, trying to finish a scene that seemed plagued by one glitch after another. The Director paused for a moment more, then said to their relief, "Okay people, that's a wrap for today." "Thank God," Brooke Hudson said to herself, thankful to get out from under the hot...

3 years ago
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Dear World

As the curtains drew back they reveled the big white screen. Darcy squirmed in her seat a little. She hated the seats at the theatre just as much as she hated the previews. Although they did give her plenty of time to reflect on everything that her mind was still trying to process. This week had been really hard on her fragile soul. Sitting on both sides of her was her really good friends. Voices in her head were constantly asking…do they know? The voices were very persistent and just...

2 years ago
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Dear Brother

DEAR BROTHER By GENEVA A young woman, Louise, is offered the chance by her rich brother to take revenge on a former seducer. She accepts and their scheme is successful, but she begins to have second thoughts. The background of this story is that of my three earlier stories 'Pretty Edith,' 'Plaything' and 'Remodelled', but written from the point of view of the character Louise. START I stared glumly at the road ahead as I turned onto the exit from the airport heading to the...

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Dear Diary4

I know it has been a while since I have written you. I have to admit, I have missed you. all the secrets you and I share. You know so much, and yet I feel it is because I can confide in you that I push the limits of morality. To what end does this stop? Are you destined to find your way into the hands of those who would ruin me? Or perhaps I am to go on in this fashion forever, going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. It really doesn't matter, does it? No matter the outcome, it is clear...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary2

I know it has been a while since I have written you. I have to admit, I have missed you. all the secrets you and I share. You know so much, and yet I feel it is because I can confide in you that I push the limits of morality. To what end does this stop? Are you destined to find your way into the hands of those who would ruin me? Or perhaps I am to go on in this fashion forever, going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. It really doesn't matter, does it? No matter the outcome, it is clear...

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Dear Diary Ch 01

The last time I remember having used or even seen my old diary was about four years ago, after my husband and I got married and found a new home. It was a new start for me, I did not feel the need to have to mark down every single event of my married life. I was on a path into a new territory, and I would remember everything. Every minute, day, and occurrence, every happy moment, probably every bad moment, too, everything would get imprinted in my memory. Or so I thought. Years went by and I...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary

12:45 PM Dear diary, its Austin again. Nothing new to report, except that I got stood up once again. Seems she had some important meeting that she had to attend. Her last words to me were, ‘Don’t wait up’. I guess it’s pretty obvious this is going to take all day and now my plans are wasted. It’s not so much the meeting as much as the timing. She knew I had this day planned. She didn’t know what I was planning, but she knew it was planned none-the-less. So here I am, writing to you once...

1 year ago
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Dear Diary 3 her

Dear Diary,Terri's parents arrived today, needing somewhere to stay on their way to their holidays. Bugger. Was hoping to have a nice night of passion with Colin. But we ended up going al fresco instead, and I'm sure someone was watching us. bloody certain of it. But I'm getting ahead of myself...Colin arrived, just as I was putting the kettle on. How he does it, I'll never know; it's like he's got radar for the kettle. I hugged him, gave him a peck, and filled him in on the situation.We dished...

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Dear Grandpa, it’s been a week since I have last seen you, and I can’t tell you how much I miss you. Our long walks in the woods, and talking about our wonderful loving family. But more then missing see your handsome face each day, I miss waking up in your arms every morning after a night of wonderful love making.I now know why mom send me to you, she wanted me to have the same kind of love that you give her, when she was my age. A man that would show me how to love. I will always hold the time...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary Entry 6 Avenging My Best Friend On Her Wedding Day

Dear Diary, That day, my eyes were closed slightly. Lips open, welcoming his sweet mouth to kiss me. Both my arms were encircling his muscular body. We both were lying down on the long dining table naked. Both cuddled up cozily. I was literally pinching his shoulder, unable to hold myself steady from all the sex. My breasts were already loosened from all the pinching and pressing. His right hand was cupping my left boob and his left hand was holding my head in the back, pulling me closer...

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Dear Diary

Dear Diary, I am typing this now as I’m watching my sweet hubby fucking my daughters. I took a break just now from giving a prolonged blowjob to my husband for almost 20 minutes and the bottom part of my tongue is aching from it. I wanted to relax for a bit before joining in the action, drink some water, and I also needed to give some time to my daughters to enjoy as I’m not selfish enough to have the fun all by myself. My younger daughter has already started to complain about me, blaming that...

1 year ago
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Dear DiarybySion Sierra©I was asked to write this story by a friend. I do hope that you like it. I would appreciate any feedback you would care to give.Chapter 1I shouldn't have done it, but I had to. My daughter was acting even weirder after her Eighteenth birthday. It was only a month ago, I just figured she just thought she was a full blown adult. So here after I heard her scream she was leaving for school, I ran downstairs to give her money for her lunch. She was already gone. I entered the...

2 years ago
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Dear Dirty Diary part 17

Dear Dirty Diary In the second week of October, a furnace inspector informed Louise we needed a new fuel oil tank and pointed out that the current furnace could never heat our attic apartment. A heating contractor quoted $15,800 for a new high efficiency unit with central air conditioning. The bed and breakfast income had been nominal at best for our first season so we had a situation on our hands. Neither Doug nor I wanted to forsake our spacious attic for the cramped but warm guest rooms...

3 years ago
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Dear Dirty Diary part 7

Dear Dirty Diary, I tried to relax but every thought led back to my ongoing string of bad luck. I thought back and brooded yet again over the theft of my car and the loss of my laptop computer. I got the car back after a week or so but the computer, with my shameful little diary in it was nowhere to be found. Then three weeks later, after the insurance claim gave me a new one, the police department phoned to tell me my computer had been recovered. I seriously considered getting it back, until...

2 years ago
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Dear Dirty Diry part 4

Dear Dirty Diary, A few days and Doug and I were shopping in the mall. We went into a restaurant for a coffee. To my surprise, we saw my sweet Louise who, as it turned out, was a hostess there. When our eyes met, her shone dark and sparkling. Her nipples swelled and poked through the bodice of her blouse. We flirted back and forth with coy little glances to the point where I licked my top lip as my mind swam through delightful little memories of her. When she spontaneously gave me a big warm...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary

Thursday, January 4th, 2018 Dear diary, Fuck you. And fuck you too, Dr. Swalley. Friday, January 12th, 2018 This is the stupidest shit I've ever done, I swear to god. Fine. Fine. For Kiera. "You don't talk much, Tony," she says. I mean, no shit. What's there to talk about? I just get mad, okay? Who doesn't? It's all bullshit. Trying to keep ahead, listening to your coworker's crap, all those fuckin' people on the road that don't know how to drive. Kiera...

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