Mare's Tales - 34 free porn video

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Mare's Tales - Chapter 34. Veronica, Jacqueline, Jennifer, Cynthia. (Names of Centaurs.) Margaret. (Doctor Friend.) Bernadette, Jeanette & Susan (Beverly's Older Children.) Nicholette, Christine & Pauline. (Beverly's Younger Children.) Jemma, (Jacky's Baby Centaur.) Whilst the new femi society was evolving there was of course another group evolving in parallel. As I mentioned in Chapter 30, Jacky and her centaur friends had been extending the genetic boundaries of centaurism. Jemma was of course the first true centaur to be born of Jacky's equine womb. She had been evolved primarily from mainly female components because my friends had been nervous about introducing any male genetic elements that may have been affected by the comet's radiation. However they had been forced to use a frozen sample of my old sperm to activate the egg's division and provide sufficient genetic material. This was to ensure a proper chromosome count and avoid breeding a haploid or freemartin. My centaur friend's work in reconciling the differential chromosome qualities of horse and human to facilitate the natural genetic conception of a true centaur had been a stunning advance in genetics. It was the clearest evidence yet of my centaur friend's total satisfaction with their own partially equine condition that they had been happy to advance with a genetically true centaur. Jemma had grown to become a delightful child and would eventually become a stunningly beautiful palomino centaur. Her sleek glossy golden blond coat complemented her crowning head of ash blond hair and beautiful flowing tail. We all knew that when she reached maturity, human heads would inevitably spin and eyes gape whenever she made an appearance. Her stunning human beauty, more than equaled her graceful equine, arabesque form. Jemma was to become everyone's dream! As my friends and I watched Jemma take her first wobbling steps, we quickly realised that when Jemma reached a certain age, (Centaurs grew at the same rate as humans and enjoyed the same biblical 'three score years and ten'), she would naturally wish for childhood play friends and in later years, sexual partners. Indeed, it would have been cruel to deny her what had become (through our actions,) her centaurian rights. As soon as I had returned home from my yacht voyage and learned of Jemma's existence, my friends approached me and requested, nay demanded, that we use my sperm to do for centaurs exactly what had been done for humans. They readily recognised that the centaurs would also be affected by the 'feminism' now inherent in my sperm, but they equally felt that it was unfair to leave Jemma as a lonely single, and therefore vulnerable centaur, when my four older friends shuffled off their mortal coils. (Let us not forget that my centaur friends and I were not getting any younger.) We had already moved to ensure the preservation of our genetic science by introducing our own children to our hard-won genetic secrets. This had meant spending long hours educating them to our own self imposed high academic standards. (We also felt we held high ethical standards, for we had only ever moved to remedy disastrous circumstances when they had befallen us or others.) The centaur solution had been our own voluntary decision arising from my friend's crippling train accident. The Femi sperm decision had been made because we had spent our student lives avoiding unwanted masculine attentions and suffered endless attempts to force their way into our knickers. Before my friends had finally become centaurs they all had appalling stories of their time as limbless students at university. One would have thought that the more intelligent males of the old human species would have respected a girl's inability to fend off unwanted attentions but it was not so. All my friends had endured some of the most grotesque and humiliating offers whilst they had persevered with their early studies at college. They had all suffered groping, crude suggestions and in several instances, determined physical efforts, before one or more of us had managed to arrive in time to prevent a serious sexual assault by the perverts going too far. None of my friends had actually suffered rape but it was not for the want of men trying! It seemed that the old race of human men had never learned the real meaning of the word, 'NO!'. The femi men development had been something of a 'get-back' at the old male dominated society. In youth my centaur friends and to lesser extent, myself had suffered quite enough at their hands. There was to be no more patriarchal bullying! We held that because the comet was not of our making then we certainly could not be held responsible. Any efforts we made to ameliorate the human race's problems were entirely down to our own perspectives and us. If anybody wanted to avail themselves of our services, they would have to abide by our conditions. It was pure luck that Bernadette, Nicholette and I had been far, far down south in one of the remotest spots on Earth. It was ironic that I was actually using that time partly to escape the pressures of an oppressive male society when the comet had presented me with a heaven-sent opportunity to turn things around. Call me a resentful, vengeful bitch if you will, but an individual is what the world makes him or her. I for one had been tired of the endless oppressive overbearing attentions of men who thought they saw an opportunity whenever it presented itself. The fact that my hermaphrodism was still an issue whenever it came up was proof enough to me and indeed, my intimate friends. We all held that an individual's sexuality is strictly his or her own affair! Ask any woman, (or trannie who can pass,) what it's like to sit at a bar and simply try to enjoy a drink or watch the screen without inevitably being pestered by some conceited, sexist, overbearing (usually drunken,) idiot. Anyway, what was done, was done. Femies were here to stay and in truth most of them thoroughly enjoyed their new special status. Except for the odd 'homosexual femi', a femi's new feminine 'mind set' fully complemented his physical circumstances. The mental changes were a huge part of the puberty thing for femies. As they passed further into puberty and on to full maturity, femies increasingly enjoyed being femies! They particularly enjoyed rearing the children! Our researches into centaurism had also incidentally provided homosexuals of both the new genders with excellent 'get-out' clauses. After their astounding success with Jemma, (Jacky's genetic centaur child,) my friends had taken my sperm and started to experiment with the femi gene. They wanted to create centaur stallions. The problem was that a natural stallion was even more aggressive and competitive than a man and the last thing my friends wanted was a four- legged rapist able to capture just about anything alive and abuse it. The trick was to create a centaur with all the gentle caring attributes of a human femi but enjoying the powerful earth-shattering physique of a stallion. If there was one thing my centaur friends relished it was the ability to hurtle around savouring the ecstatic freedom and joy that their equinity gave them! Even in their middle years, Jenny, Jacky, Vee and Cye could still give a wild turn a tremendous speed if the fancy took them. Jenny, in particular, would savour the sheer exhilaration that her stallion's power gave her. I had to confess, it was almost orgasmic for me to watch Jenny relishing her speed as her long glossy raven hair and tail streamed out like a banner behind her. There was now also the wonderful sight of young Jemma gamboling and prancing playfully on her long stiff foal legs as she bolted to catch Jenny as they hurtled around the park. Jenny laughing for the sheer joy while Jemma pursued her scampering and squealing with sheer delight after first having learned to walk then trot and finally gallop. Centaur ball games put human football in the shade and there were no sexual divisions. There might have been different 'positions' on the field suitable for stallions or mares but that was always the case. Both rugby and American football, had always provided scope for all types of physique, but for centaurs it mattered little. All of the four new centaur genders carried the same attributes of speed and agility. After a few years we had finally managed to create suitable centaur stallions. Naturally, because of the femi gene, a third of the centaurs had fully functional dual genitalia between their forelegs whilst two thirds of the centaurs had proper vaginas. All centaurs could conceive and bear offspring through their female parts. This sexuality however was not always reflected at the equine end of those same centaurs. Some femi centaurs had a stallion's penis and some 'real-girl' centaurs had a mare's vagina. Here again the 'social equine split' was one stallion's penis to every two 'mare vaginas'. This gave diversity to the sexuality of centaurs that made them the envy of the new humans, especially the gay humans. In effect there were four differing sexual variations amongst centaurs. Like my friends however, all the new centaurs had beautiful female human torsos and delicate feminine features. This human femininity was also mirrored in their personalities. All the new genetically engineered centaurs were gentle caring creatures (Or I should properly call them individuals!), with intense parenting bonds. Centaurs did not commit rape, and furthermore they held tremendous affection for the new human race. There was never to be a case of 'The Sabine women'. Naturally, (just as they had between my friends and me,) relationships developed between centaurs and humans. The laws had to be adapted to accommodate this development, but centaurs were accorded the same sentient rights as humans after having long ago proved their humanity in all pertinent matters of life. Humans and centaurs were to grow up sharing all their pleasures and passions except for the running abilities of centaurs. No human, femi or new-girl could hope to keep up with a centaur, whatever the gender. It was this furious athletic centaur freedom that the homosexual femi's so admired. Homosexual femies did not relish childbearing and wished usually to continue as 'boys. Puberty for them became a nightmare as their bodies betrayed their sexuality. Some gay femies dreamed only of being able to imitate centaurs for their speed and athleticism would give them back their boyhood freedoms. For lesbian new-girls the same options became attractive. Attachment to a horse of their chosen sex would retain their athleticism whilst endowing them with whatever sexual preferences they had concerning the horse's body. Thus human gays of either gender could choose to have an additional penis of vagina courtesy of being grafted to a horse. Our genetic secrets and our surgical skills were by now extended under licence into the general community where gay femies and lesbian new-girls availed themselves of 'The Beverly Hart Clinics'. Large hospitals sprang up in the main centres of population where our special reassignment services were in greatest demand. Gay femies and lesbian real-girls would be seen nervously arriving at the clinic doors accompanied by a pre-prepared genetically compatible horse of their chosen sex and colour. All the horses were naturally of the same breed thus giving the surgically altered centaurs the same attributes as their naturally bred cousins. Centaur's human heads came to approximately the same head-height as real girls. This avoided any induced competition stemming from stature. It was a real delight to see ecstatic gays and lesbians emerge trotting from the clinics savouring their newfound athleticism and mobility. Usually the lesbians chose mares because their femininity would be compounded in the additional capacity to enjoy female sex, which indeed most of them preferred. Some 'bull-dykes' however, chose stallions with a view to engaging in penetrative sex. This percentage was low for it simply reflected the 'normal' percentages in society. The same percentages were reflected in the gay femi scene. Most 'masculine gays' chose stallions but the effeminate gays often chose a mare. Nevertheless, all the femies still carried the 'milk gene' and their breasts had to be extra well supported as they indulged in their vigorous newfound freedoms. Fortunately their slender waists and subsequent frailty were now gone. The main reason being that the gay femies chose to be grafted onto stallions with the immensely powerful neck and shoulder muscles of a stallion. When surgically adapted to the femi's torso, the stallion's powerful musculature provided superb support for a femi's overly large breasts and slender shoulders. Thus when the neck muscles were realigned to provide thoracic and abdominal support. The new newly grafted individual would be able to display an attractive 'eight-pack'. 'With their specially adapted bras and reinforced double d cups, gay femi centaurs invariably savoured their newfound freedom and sexuality. For an effeminate gay femi with his mincing gait and limp-wristed behaviour, the choice of a mare's body would be complemented by the more slender supple flexibility offered by a mare's graceful neck. They could still indulge their girlish actions and behaviour. All such 'altered' humans enjoyed the same agility, speed and athleticism as a trueborn centaur. Another aspect of our genetics was that such altered humans could conceive a centaur foal if they possessed a mare's body. However the femi gene was a persistent indestructible factor and it affected centaurs child-rearing in much the same way as it affected humans. Just like their human counterparts, pregnant femi-centaurs would be found indulging in (what was to them,) the immensely satisfying practice of breast-feeding any young centaur foal that chose to suckle. One would see them in the same maternal groups either lying down with the helpless newborn centaur in their arms or standing relaxed as one or two older, prancing 'foals' tugged eagerly at their large heavy human breasts. With this similarity a hard reality, the maternal groups became a mixed up jumble of centaur and human femies all savouring the lactatious bond with their babies. Unlike their human counterparts however, femi-centaurs shared the same spatial awareness as their real-girl-centaur colleagues. It was an essential factor if they were to enjoy the same physical prowess as ordinary centaurs. This same spatial awareness could be returned to gay femies by implanting the horse's spatial sensibilities into the femi's brain when they were grafted together. It was one of several important options discussed before surgery. Invariably all the gay femies attached to stallions chose the option, and indeed lots of the effeminate gays attached to mares did as well. However, perversely, some effeminate gay femies chose to remain spatially inept for they enjoyed the mothering and breast-feeding condition still available to them. Not for them the hurly-burly of the sports field, much nicer to mince and prance like circus horses as they indulged their double femininity. Thus were the human femies allowed several alternative outs from the gentle, fulfilling, delicate state of femi-ism and child rearing if they wanted it. It was satisfying or me and my friends to realise that no 'ordinary' femies ever chose to leave such a happy rewarding condition. Our ideas about a 'new society' had been proven correct and the proof of the pudding was in the eating. The breast-feeding and mothering rewards of femi'sm were just too delightful for the vast majority of human femies and natural born femi centaurs. During my middle years, one my greatest delights was watching the young centaurs growing up. I considered Jemma to be my own daughter, for the masculine components of her conception had been achieved with my sperm. Additionally it was wonderful to watch Jacky savouring the total satisfaction of being able to indulge all her female characteristics, especially when one considered Jacky had been born a boy with severe sexual dysphoria. Our efforts had come a long, long way. So it was that the new society evolved throughout my middle years. I was now able to sit back for a while and savour what I considered my successes as my children matured around me. With wealth and friends in abundance, there was little more for me to seek. My story must end here unless my circumstances change in the future. I hope you have enjoyed this story. Bye for Now, Beverly Author's note. There is another story gestating called Mindful. This is a brutally dark, cathartic, autobiographical faction, (part fact, part fiction,) with no romantic pleasant ending.

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Ninja tales

This tale starts with Naruto. Naruto can be a child, meeting a brother figure, or with Naruto on his way to the academy. Either way plz follow these guidelines 1) All teams must be 4 Genin and 1 jonin, 2) Your OC must not be a godlike, overpowered, super ninja, at least not at the start of the story 3)Have fun writing and reading :)

2 years ago
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Piano Lessons And Monster Tales

The young Isabeau clenched her jaw and struck the ivory keys of the piano with her fists four times in quick succession. “Arpeggios, arpeggios, arpeggios! I despise arpeggios!” she screamed out in anger and frustration.Isabeau stood from her piano bench and stomped her way to the open window that looked out over the impeccably maintained garden of the mansion’s grounds. She stood in defiance with her back to her piano teacher, the Maestro, her arms crossed under her small breasts and her head...

4 years ago
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A Tale of Two Tales

Part One ~ his perspective~My wife Brittney and I married early in life. That was the best part. Because we both loved each other and also knew that there was a difference between love and sex. And we LOVED sex. We always flited with our friends and really enjoyed the times when we one would watch the other making out with one of our friends, and while the furthest either of us got was either giving or getting head, or eating pussy or getting pussy eaten; we’d never really had an opportunity to...

4 years ago
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Psychic Tales

I had an apartment in Torrance, California about 20 years ago. As my Dad was out of town, my Mom took me to dinner. On the way there I had this strong feeling that something horrible was about to happen..I couldn’t eat. I thought I might lose a grandmother, or a major earthquake, I just knew it! My Mom was concerned about me so she drove me the long route home so we could talk. I got home and friends were waiting for me, so I told them something was going to happen, but what? I decided to walk...

3 years ago
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01 The Chico Tales

It had seemed like a great idea at the time, having just finished her senior year at college, she remembered her parents offering her the prospect of six months in England, as a gap year, while she made up her mind whether to get a job or go to graduate school. It sounded so wonderful at the time, even though her Mom couldn’t accompany her & her Dad. While Mom would miss them both, she had to stay behind for her job. Michelle was excited though, that she could actually take Chico with her,...

3 years ago
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02 The Chico Tales

“Go to your room,“ Michelle’s mother said quietly to her daughter as she looked for a floor cloth. “Where’s Julie?” Michelle asked still in a post-orgasmic daze. “Thank goodness she wasn't here to witness you being a slut,” said her father, “now go to your room.” Michelle trudged up the stairs with leaden feet as the enormity of what had just happened started to sink in. Her parents had caught her with the family pet and heaven only knows what would happen now. ‘Oh no’ she thought in...

3 years ago
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05 The Chico Tales

**************** Sarah tried to shield her eyes against the strong Mexican sun as she walked down the steps at Mexico City airport, wondering if this was such a good idea. Here she was, a few months into the swinging nineties, and just a few weeks before she was due to get married to the man of her dreams, in the middle of a foreign city, all at the whim of someone she hadn't seen in four years. 'I must be mad' she thought to herself, as she remembered how the conversation had gone with...

3 years ago
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06 The Chico Tales

Julie had just finished recounting the story of the wild time her and Sarah, (Michelle's mother) had in Mexico where Sarah had been ganged by seven dogs. Julie paused for a moment as she looked at Michelle's sweet young face and the pure pleasure that was etched across it as Chico throbbed and pulsed inside her, filling her with his seed. Julie knew that Michelle had come a long way in such a short time and was still young, but she was confident that Michelle could handle the final tasks....

2 years ago
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07 The Chico Tales

"Yes," purred Julie, "Every member, myself, your mother and everyone you meet who is a fully-fledged member." Michelle drifted off to sleep, her head on Julie's shoulder, as she imagined her best friend and mentor Julie moaning with pleasure as she was fucked in the ass by a dog. The weird thing in her dream was that Michelle suddenly pictured Julie as Mary Poppins and she giggled in her sleep as Mary Poppins / Julie was fucked by a large dog. Michelle was still tired and struggled to...

4 years ago
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Witch Tales

-Clive Barker *** Herb looked at the house and whistled as he got out of the car. “Are you sure this woman’s not a real witch?” he said. “Who else would live here?” Herb’s wife shushed him. The old iron gate around the property’s dying lawn creaked when he pushed on it, and a winding path of broken stones led up to the tall, dark house with Gothic turrets and staring windows. You’d basically have to be a witch to move into a place like this like this, he thought. The realtor was...

3 years ago
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Three Tales

If you don’t like interracial porn stories where a white wife goes black etc etc, then you may want to choose another story, in another category perhaps. Also, the black men in this story aren’t thugs or “gangsta,” they simply have sex with white women only. There are good guys and bad guys in this. Some form of justice is served in the end. As always, the appearance of characters are based off real people. Lisa is based off Lisa Ann, and Denise is based off Denise Milani – both appear in...

4 years ago
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Genie Tales

****I apologize to all my readers who read what should have been the ending to Conner Evans. The Breast size problem wont happen again I promise. I am definitely not the original writer of the genie chronicles, just a fan. Here’s a spin-off I hope all you guys will like. =) James walked out of the school, feeling the sun on his skin and taking a deep breath of fresh air. When he stood in the sun he felt like everyone else was gone, leaving him standing in his meadow. But he knew that they...

2 years ago
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Fairy Tales

Just as well, thought Daali. She'd been feeling the ache since last night, but unfortunately she had been responsible for accomplishing more important tasks before dawn. And so, tonight she exited and secured the locker, adjusting her black stockings before strolling down the avenue. Her hips, wrapped in the scarlet dress she had chosen for this evening, swayed in time to the beat of her stilettos against the asphalt. She loved the way her ass looked in this outfit - it (and she) would be...

2 years ago
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The Succubus Tales

It was more than just a house to me the house was part of who I was, most of my memories were of this house and most of them were happy ones. That was until the night when my father’s debts were prayed, in blood. my father’s first as he opened the door the knife was immediately plunged into his chest and he fell back with a gasp still alive as he watched the man step over him we were screaming, my fright burnt in my head bright hot screaming at me to run but my legs wouldn't move, mother...

2 years ago
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Real Horny Housewives Tales

Prologue.Amanda and Nancy have much in common. They share the same birthday, grew up on the same street, went to the same schools and graduated from a prestigious university.They both married into the same, influential and very rich family. This wasn’t by fluke or fate. Amanda and Nancy had conspired and meticulously planned out their future, shortly after entering university.It didn’t take the two very beautiful and shrewd blondes any time at all to master the art of manipulation. A professor...

4 years ago
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Marine Corps Tail Of All Tales

Here is how Justin looks in the eyes of the one man who had protected, sheltered Justin for his 18 years living on earth. Justin stood about 5’7” tall and weighed a solid 156 pounds. Since nobody had a clue as to whom his mother was, Justin’s skin complexion offered signs that he may have been born as a mixed race. His skin complexion is naturally an olive color with his hair being a brilliant blond, bordering pure white. Even Justin’s thin eyebrows were nearly invisible due to its white...

1 year ago
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The Succubus Tales

Introduction: Hey so Im writing something a bit darker than my normal stuff, it gets less dark as I continue, the start is the darkest so dont be put off. I liked my house, it was old set in the middle of the countryside just outside a small village. Before I came it had been empty for years no one wanted to buy the home which had been the site of such brutality. I loved it despite its history I had been happy there for a while, until we got into debt but even then my father had refused to sell...

4 years ago
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Vixen Tales

Laying on my bed listening to my music is how I prefer to spend my nights after work. But it was saturday night and my ass didn’t have a thing to do. My phone was blowing up with texts, but I was waiting for him to text me. My night always turned out right when he contacted me. I looked over at my clock, 9:30pm. Still early. He was probably on his way home from work. Now, I didn’t know him that well, Hell, I met him at the club four weeks ago. He was into his music, and he had the club...

2 years ago
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veggie tales

Me and my wife did some realy good cristal this one time, and after we did this is what happened. We were really spun so she decided to go shopping and I stayed home to watch porn because cristal makes me really horny. So she left and I put in my favorite flick and loaded up the bong. After a few hits and a couple of scenes showing toys and ass I decided it was time to try it for myself. I looked around trying to find an improvised dildo when I remembered my wife had gone shopping. Inside the...

3 years ago
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Chasing Fairy Tales

How do you tell someone you want to be fucked within an inch of your life without sounding like a total whore? This was my dilemma with Matt. We met my first day at Channel Five where I’m a technical advisor and Matt is the hot smarty-pants who does complicated shit that makes my head spin. If I’m to be judged cruelly, I should mention that this was my first position after leaving university. Before then my resume sparkled with puffed up work experience from Hot Dog on a Stick, Go-Go Service...

2 years ago
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Pussy Tales

That was a very difficult decision, but at that moment, common sense failed me and I became lost as I thought about Lorenzo’s offer           “You don’t have to have sex unless you want to.” Explained Lorenzo smiling and caressing my hands softly.             I was still speechless, and thought that possibility this was something that I could do. Finally, I decided that I would open my mind to the possibility of becoming an escort. This was unlike me. I was a wife and a mother. But none of...

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Orderly Tales

I took a deep breath. The first week of the job was always the most stressful. But it was something, at least. All I had to do was process people. Nothing more, nothing less. I tie them up and lock them way in a cell. Easy work, right? Well other than the occasional brute, it was. Other than that, the crazies were usually the same.Grabbing a white drawstring bag from the table, I headed down the narrow halls of the institution. The scent of old haunting air filled my nostrils. It was going to...

4 years ago
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Orderly Tales

I took a deep breath. The first week of the job was always the most stressful. But it was something, at least. All I had to do was process people. Nothing more, nothing less. I tie them up and lock them way in a cell. Easy work, right? Well other than the occasional brute, it was. Other than that, the crazies were usually the same.Grabbing a white drawstring bag from the table, I headed down the narrow halls of the institution. The scent of old haunting air filled my nostrils. It was going to...

2 years ago
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Old Mans Tales

    I am 60 years old as I write this, and it is all true. The only thing changed is the names. I have been married for 35 years, and for most of that time I have been true to my vows. Sometimes though, a person can only wait so long before their needs and desires overcome any resistance they may have. I met my wife Ann when we were in college, and both of us were virgins. She had gone out with a few guys but nothing ever happened. I had never even kissed a girl and I was very shy. I am just a...

2 years ago
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Stereotype gun tales

The stereotype gun created by why not go say hi to them and for more information on the gun and its origins check out the original story here; Stereotypes, who needs them right? The bimbo cheerleader, the meathead jock, the submissive Asian maid, that kind of thing. Just a bunch of cliches that only exist in porn and lazily written fiction. But what if they didn’t have to be?...

3 years ago
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Enf Tales

First you have the blonde Leonie, she’s 5’11 and D-cup breast’s and a good butt. Her hair goes down to just her neck. She’s athletic but is sometimes shy. Lucy- another blonde who’s hair comes down to just past her shoulders. She’s 5’7 and has D-cup breasts and a great butt, with a good build. She is nice but very embarrassed about being naked. Then there’s the brunette Carol, who is 5’8 and has C-cup breasts that goes well with her butt. She does athletics and isn’t very shy about being naked...

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