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Copyright Transfemme 2000, 2002. Permission granted for internet publication and private reproduction. CYNOSURE 1 Tessa unbuttoned her cotton blouse, her face flushed with a heady cocktail of embarrassment and excitement. The dressing room was literally bustling with movement. Neon-lipped models stepped gracefully through clouds of make-up and perfume, assistants rushed costumes from rack to shoulder, while the floor manager waded through the chaos barking orders like a drill-sergeant. Tessa smiled to herself, breathing in the rich scent of Red Door and adrenalin. Narrowly avoiding a gaggle of dressmakers making for the door, Tessa walked across the room blouse in hand, looking around for the clothing rack. The rest of the cast had already been zipped into their outfits - mainly miniskirts, camisoles and designer jeans - ready for the first take. Filming was about to begin; she had to get into costume as well although this would involve dressing down rather than dressing up. They were making a television commercial for Carmine Nights Lipstick, a relatively upmarket cosmetic with a racy girlfest image. CNL had pulled out all the stops with this advertisement, aiming at a young professional female demographic. Glancing through the doorway, Tessa could see the technical crew running last minute checks over the video equipment. The set was a fluorescent retro seventies mock-up, soft edges and liquid day-glo colours contrived to suggest a large group house in the burbs. Seemingly imbued with a life of its own, it buzzed with a glaring neon radiance. She hung the blouse over a nearby chair, almost delirious with anticipation. Very soon, she'd be called out to present herself to the camera in her underwear; a girl of barely seventeen with flowing platinum blond hair and liquid blue eyes so deep you could drown in them. Undoing her tiny black mini, she slid the skirt over her slender, tanned thighs, then let it drop to the floor, forming a lycra pool at her feet. Her high-cut lace panties were so sheer that they seemed to have been airbrushed onto her body; the tender hues of her flawless, ivory flesh were plainly visible through the gossamer fabric. She suppressed an urge to place a slim hand over her cleavage. This was her first time before the camera, the dressing room was full of strangers, and she felt agonizingly self-conscious. Still, she had no reason to complain. A new life was opening for her. She was going to be a model. Maybe not a star like Elle or Claudia or Naomi (lets face it; Chamberlain Studios were hardly the Pret a Porter), but the thought of being on TV was thrilling nonetheless. Besides, even if she never froze the traffic at Times Square, she would live out a fantasy she'd had since she d been a little girl. She was utterly breathless, thinking on it now. Small local advertising companies notwithstanding, the commercial would be broadcast via ECN; the East Coast Communications Network. The thought was virtually intoxicating. When she stepped in front of the video cameras, she'd be parading her underwear throughout the entire northeastern region. Which meant that literally millions of people were going to see her in absolutely nothing but her bra and panties. Stepping through the human tide in her flimsy pink undies, Tessa glanced in the mirror, checking her Alpine blond hair and adjusting an errant lock spiralling over her left cheek. She nodded, smiling faintly to herself: the illusion was perfect. So perfect, in fact, that it was no longer an illusion. 2 How long had she been a girl? All her life, how long had she lived as a girl? Six years; since her eleventh birthday in fact, she'd always had a rather feminine appearance with a softness and a fluid grace which simply couldn't be hidden or disguised, regardless of what or society or genetics had to say on the matter. Of course, image was nothing, as the soda commercials had told an entire generation of teenagers back in the nineties. Image alone hadn't made her a woman, nor had the gradual reshaping of her adolescent physique during more than half a decade of endocrine therapy. In the final analysis, such factors were largely irrelevant. Tessa Greenhart had entered the world biologically male, an insignificant Y-chromosome carelessly tacked onto the end of her DNA, but events since that moment had confirmed that biology did not equal destiny; at least not for her. Tessa's body had been a template, a blank page on which sex and gender could be written. The essential truth had been inscribed on her flesh in chemical signifiers, (albeit a posteri): Quite simply, Tess had always been a girl. 3 The commercial was based on the universal belief that pretty young girls fall inevitably out of their clothes as soon as they're left alone together. Tessa had loved the idea as soon as her agent had described it to her: five beautiful girls sharing a house in the suburbs, preparing for an evening out on the town. Running from shower to bedroom, borrowing hairdryers and stockings, swapping dresses hand to hand and making up in the mirror; the myriad little things women do before the big night out. Towards the end, the girls are shown in their bedrooms, glossing their lips with Carmine Nights, while the stereo blares out the GirlPower jingle written especially for the advert. It was the only mention of the product; the rest of the commercial was made up of pretty girls decked out in stilettos and lycra slip-dresses as they hurried about brushing their hair and ransacking each others wardrobes. Tessa had been snared instantly: the treatment was fun, the soundtrack boppy. It was exactly the kind of shoot she'd wanted to do since she started modeling and (best of all) the script required that she appear in her bra and pants. This had been the major drawing card, as far as Tessa had been concerned. She had to run through the house flaunting her dainties while the gyro-cam followed her from the bathroom to the stairway, and thence to her bedroom, where she'd be shown doing girly- things: blow drying her hair, dancing in the mirror and making up her lovely face - exactly what she did at home when she was planning a long evening's nightclubbing. It was completely gratuitous, of course: there was absolutely no reason why she had to film the advertisement in her bare essentials; it was a lipstick commercial, not a lingerie parade. She could just as easily be shown glazing her lips fully clothed. Not every women makes up in her underwear, regardless of what the majority of men would like to believe. But the undisguised naughtiness of the idea appealed to Tessa. It was as if the part had been written just for her. 4 It all had to do with DDT. Her mother had explained it to her on several occasions during her frantically careening adolescence: she was the product of a global interaction of nature and science. Her immaculate femininity was a fragile arch spanning human biology and industrial technology, a bridge constructed before she was even born. Her physical development had been influenced in-uteri by artificial hormones, synthetic estrogens, the scientific journals had called them. Mainly insecticides, their chemistry mimicked the effects of natural female hormones when assimilated into the human reproductive system. The United States (along with most of Europe and the Asia) had been literally inundated with these complex molecules since the middle of the twentieth century; researchers only noted their impact on the biosphere in the nineties, when ecologists began to notice declining male populations amongst certain environmentally sensitive species - mainly frogs and salamanders. Of course, no one was too concerned over the disappearance of a few creepy crawlies at the bottom of the pond, and the effects of the synthetics had been largely ignored. At least until the fertility levels of the West had taken a sudden, and quite significant down turn. Then everybody had become concerned for the well-being of all kinds of creepy crawlies. To say nothing of the rising numbers of sexually ambiguous children being born throughout the industrialised nations. Of which Tessa had been one. 5 Walking to the doorway, Tessa looked out to the set once more. Lights were being dimmed and brightened, remotes tested for white-noise. CNL had spent a small fortune on this production; no expense had been spared in terms of design, personnel, and hardware. They were even shooting a portion of the commercial on film, so as to capture the cinema crowd. Things look as busy out there as they do in here, she thought, watching a tekkie running a white balance on one of the steadycams. Feeling a light tap on her forearm, she turned and found herself eye to eye with the director's assistant. She was a small, bright-faced woman in a blue pants suit, carrying a clipboard full of names and publicity stills. Her nametag read 'Lois'. 'You're ... Tessa?' she asked offhand, consulting the clipboard. Her voice was brisk but otherwise pleasant. 'Yes, Tessa Greenhart, Chamberlain Studios'. 'And - that's what you're wearing for the shoot?' the woman inquired, indicating Tessa's flimsy lace scanties. 'Yes, it is', she replied, putting a hand to her mouth to hide her smile. She could feel a giggle fluttering around the top of her throat, trying to escape. 'My agent told me to wear my prettiest undies today'. 'Nice choice,' Lois remarked, indulging her with an admiring glance, then snapped back to her more business-like protocol, 'We're ready to start filming. You ready?' Tessa took a deep breath. The others were already filing towards the door, gossiping like schoolgirls out on the town. Tall and leggy and beautiful, they had nothing to feel nervous about; they got to keep their clothes on. 'I wish,' Tessa replied, and the giggle finally escaped. 6 Conceived in an environment literally swimming in synthetic estrogens, Tessa had been unique, even amongst the thousands of children born into the twilight light zone between male and female at the end of the twentieth century. The reason had been deceptively simple: by the time she'd turned six, Tess had voiced her desire to be a girl. In effect, she wanted the right to choose her own gender. While Tessa's story hadn't made the front page of Time, it had caused a small hurricane of controversy amongst the pediatric specialists handling her case. They'd wanted to flood her system with steroids before she entered puberty, adamant that this was the most logical course of treatment: he was a boy, he'd been born with a male organ (tiny though it was), biology dictated that he had follow his chromosomatic destiny. Tessa's wishes were, of course, completely irrelevant, he was a child and he had no idea what he wanted, and certainly, no concept of what was in his best interests. This was precisely how they'd talked; emphasis on the masculine pronouns. They'd rambled on in this manner for some time, employing the authoritative, slightly patronising tones that medical professionals retained for the ignorant: yes, his reproductive organs were completely atrophied: they'd never secrete the androgens he'd need to achieve manhood. But while he was incapable of producing his own testosterone, small daily dosages of the male hormone would ensure that he'd progress as God and nature intended. He had to become a man. Tessa's mother, Eva Greenhart, was a sole parent and liberal feminist from way back; she'd been thoroughly UNconvinced by these arguments. She'd read enough constructionist theory to know that a child's gender was not automatically determined by her sex. Gender was simply the product of culture and socialisation, not an immutable law of physics dictated by anatomy and chromosomes. Besides, why was masculinity considered the only option in this (or any other) case? Was femininity so undesirable? If they could change Tess into a man by boosting h/ir testosterone levels, couldn't they just as simply employ estrogen to transform her into a woman? The endocrinal team had found the suggestion laughable (if not down right criminal) in its naivety: synthetic estrogens were the cause of Tessa's condition; by what stretch of the imagination did she conclude that the female hormone could be used to treat the boy's pathology? It's time you faced reality, Ms Greenhart, your son is suffering from an illness, his development has been arrested by foreign agents, his DNA damaged by toxic chemicals. From a medical perspective, he's no different from a victim of heavy metal poisoning. Basking in the pompous, lilac glow of utter contempt, Eva listened in patient, nodding silence as they dictated her child's future, dismissing her (Tessa's) childish aspirations as totally unimportant. One of them had actually said that in his 'sexually unresolved' state, Tessa was no better than a neutered dog. Putting him on estrogens would produce a sexual anomaly, a mutant neither male nor female, shunted to the periphery of 'normal' human society. Is that how you want your son to go through life? Are those the only choices you're willing to offer him: Eunuch or freak? And it had been this one statement, delivered in the offhand tones of complete insensitivity, which had made up Eva Greenhart's mind regarding Tessa's 'treatment'. 7 Ten minutes later Tessa was standing on the set with her face flushed the colour of a ripe strawberry. The only girl in the cast to be stripped to her bra and panties, she felt wonderfully vulnerable - her tiny lace remnants covered so little that she felt almost completely naked. The other girls milled around in their minis and high heels, listening to the director's opening spiel. Exhibiting a subtle pink flush from ankle to hairline, she crossed her hands over her pink satin 'Wonderbra' in a vain attempt to hide her deep cleavage. It was an impulse she was totally incapable of resisting: the director, the floor manager and most of the technical crew were men. Worse still, the set didn't appear to be closed; people seemed to be wandering in all the time, and she had immediately become the focus of all the attention of the masculine quarter. She was almost swooning with pleasure. It was strange: she had dreamed of this moment for years; since early high school in fact, but now that she was actually facing a battery of video cameras with her underwear on full display, her embarrassment was almost as vast as her delight. She'd never imagined how much she could actually enjoy being a public spectacle. Anticipation washed over her in a warm, pulsing cascade. Her tummy was tingling with suspense; anytime now, the cameras would start rolling (or blinking or whatever it was that videocams do) and she'd be told to take her position for the first take. She was being overwhelmed with feelings and sensations, almost all of them drawn directly from childhood experience. This was hardly surprising in itself; she'd been only twelve years old when she had discovered that delicious blend of joy and humiliation, which accompanies public exposure. It had taken place during her first year of junior high school; she'd been living as a girl for about twelve months. Tessa and her older sister Zenia been conscripted as flowergirls at their cousin's wedding, and her mother had taken them into Chamberlain for the fitting. They'd gone to a bridal store called Something Blue, where the attendants had made an enormous fuss over her, utterly captivated by her long blond curls and huge cloud-blue eyes. Being only twelve (and looking about ten) they hadn't bothered taking her into the fitting room; opting simply to undress her in the showroom right down to her underthings. She'd been too surprised to even protest her disrobing; within seconds, she had climbed out of her jeans and t- shirt and was being led by the hand to the middle of the floor with her white cotton underpants on full display. Tessa had been completely embarrassed: they were treating her like a little girl; standing her on a leather-bound footstool in her bare panties while they took her measurements. She was in high school now, almost a teenager; she didn't walk around in her undies like a six year old. Worse still, her sister wasn't made to bear her panties in public; Zenia got to have her fitting in private! Strangely, she had experienced another feeling, hot and bright and skin-tight, a sense of pleasurable vulnerability she'd never known before. It was an emotion for which she had no word, something trembling and deep, poised halfway between bliss and ecstasy. She'd felt utterly and incomparably beautiful, like the princess in the fairy tale. 8 The same feelings of exaltation and arousal coursed through Tessa's thighs and belly while she waited patiently for the filming to begin. She was having difficulty keeping still; she had no idea where to put her hands. Hiding her cleavage left her panties exposed; so much of her body was on exhibition. She'd been standing on the set for nearly twenty minutes while the director held a confab with the assistant and the FM; her embarrassment and sense of dishabille increasing to an intolerable degree. She would have given virtually anything for a brief robe to cover her modesty, but her pleasure at being forced to wait in her BRA and PANTIES was undeniable. Her breasts were straining at their tight satin restraints, throbbing gently at their pert pinkish tips. She looked over to the directors committee. The creativity conference seemed to be going on forever! How long were they going to make her stand here like this, the only girl in the studio stripped to her knickers? It was so unfair!! Did they actually think she had nothing better to do than show off her underwear to a hundred perfect strangers? She had never enjoyed herself so much. Tessa thought about the script (such as it was), trying to distract herself from her semi-nudity. She'd seen the storyboard that morning, so she had a good idea what she was expected to do. Her first scene is an extreme close-up of her face as she opens the bathroom door, her platinum blond hair moist and gleaming. Grinning a naughty little-girl smile, she looks both ways to make sure no one is watching, then scampers along the passage way, tossing aside her towel to reveal her brassier and briefs. The camera then follows her on a hundred yard flash through the household. Darting into the living room where one of her roomies is ironing a blouse, she pauses to glance at herself in the mirror over the mantelpiece, before flitting out to the central hallway waving to her friend as she goes. Glancing at Tessa's panty-clad figure, the girl laughs and shakes her head. Heading for the staircase, Tessa passes another one of her flatmates, this one holding an animated discussion on her cell phone, who gives her a friendly slap on the tushie as she rushes up the stairs, damp hair flying. Still grinning wide - but eager to hide her undies from public scrutiny - she turns right at the top, dashing through her door with a silvery laugh. Her second scene, which appears later in the commercial, takes place in her bedroom. Dancing before her full-length mirror - brush in one hand, blow drier in the other - she allows the camera a generous view of her nubile young body: her lean, slender legs and shapely round bottom; her curvaceous hips; tiny, waspish waist and perfectly sculpted breasts. Tessa imagined it would be the best scene of the commercial: a pretty teenaged girl bouncing around in a tight satin bra and pink, gossamer panties, her hair flailing around her broadly smiling face. The sequence ends with Tessa colouring her lips cadmium red with a stick of Carmine Nights, winking cheekily at the camera: I knew you were there all along!! 'Tessa?' It was Lois, the director's assistant. Evidently, the creativity conference was finally over. 'Are you OK? You're looking a little flushed.' 'Just a touch of backstage nerves', Tessa smiled, 'this is my first time before a TV camera.' Lois patted her hand sympathetically. 'You'll be fine. Come on, the shoot's underway, and you're up first'. Butterflies began dancing in Tessa's tummy as she felt herself led by the hand across the set in her lingerie. Her cheeks flared like a pair of valentine roses, and her heart slammed into overdrive. The time had come, the lights overhead flooded the set with brilliance, cameras were trained and focused. It's happening, Tessa thought breathlessly.

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Let me begin by saying that I am fascinated with shemales! I AM IN LOVE WITH SHEMALES! How did this love affair begin? For me it started back in 1984 when I saw a shemale magazine lying on my high school campus. Someone left it behind or it fell out of a bookbag. That image of a redheaded shemale left an impression on me that I will never forget. Initially, I was slightly shocked because I had never seen a magazine like that before. Then my shock turned into curiosity. Fast forward to...

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How Not To Babysit part 21

PART TWENTY-ONE: PLAYED "No Jenny," I say to her, but my eyes are on Stewart. I don't like guys. I'm pretty sure of that. I *love* the way he's looking at me. I don't get that. "You promised to play house!" Jenny complains. Stewart raises an eyebrow. "In a bit," I placate her. "And you promised to be the baby girl!" she reminds me. Stewart's eyebrow moves towards the ceiling. "Baby?" he asks. "Yeah," Jenny answers as she joins us. I'm dumbfounded. "Katie wears...

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Lucys Revenge Part 6

It was Friday night after a very long week of being humiliated. I had a couple of cocktails to calm down after my latest forced outdoor adventure - being exposed to numerous people while crossdressed. The phone had rung and I made the mistake of answering it thinking it was my wife who was due home that weekend. But the caller wasn't my wife it was Lucy. Lucy continued the conversation, "I'll pick you up at 10:00 tomorrow morning as we've got a lot to do to get you ready for your...

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Husband Offered His Wife For Three Days Punishmment Sex Part 8211 2

To unknown guys my name is hemanth and I am from Andhra pradesh.I am 6.1 height with a packed body, skinny tone and a bit lean.Any aunties want sex then contact me at guarantee a sex within a week and your privacy will be kept secret by me and the same way you should.In my last part, I had narrated my first-day experience with anusha.Now I am going to tell you what happened on the second day. Me and Anusha were totally tired and we decided to sleep that night.Next day I woke up at 10am in the...

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Orthodox Mom Fucks Her Son Sexual Rituals

Hi everyone. I am back with another fantasy story of mom and son. This story revolves around some sexual rituals between a village mom and son. This is Ricky. I am 19 years old. I am a degree 2nd-year student. Coming to my mom, she is Yamini, 41 years old orthodox women. She looks like 30 years old women because of her slim body and fair, tight skin. She is educated even though she believes superstitions, and she has a lot of spirituality. She believes even fake status (hermits). She will do...

4 years ago
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The Second Time Was Not a Mistake

Just so I don't need to rehash much, I and my sister had been separated when very young. In fact, we had not even been told of the other's existence. Mom had taken me at the divorce and my father had taken Wynter. I had not learned of this until my senior year in college. At a frat party I had totally used my sister as a fuck machine. She still didn't know that I was her brother. I was keeping it that way for awhile just for the fun of it. And besides, who knew, she might not give me anymore...

4 years ago
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Whoa Susan Gets an Assignment IX

Susan Gets an Assignment As she had promised, Susan phoned Jason at his office Monday morning. When he answered, she giggled and asked, “Do you want me to come over and service that huge cock of yours.” “No Susan. But I do have something you can do for me.” He told her. “You know I'll do anything for you, Jason. Just name it.” “Good. As you know, Dean Malcomb's wife died about a year ago. He has been very depressed ever since. I want you to go to Dean Malcomb's office...

2 years ago
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SLUT WIFEs gangbang

Well it happened again... I'd been away for a business trip and once I got back, my slut wife Ellen whispered in my ear, "I've been naughty." I was instantly hard!! She gave me her best "Little Miss Naughty" look, jammed her hand down my pants and started her story...Ellen had been out with some girlfriends to a Mexican Restaurant that just happened to be having a Tequila promotion. They got stuck into the "lick-sip-suck" routine and before they knew it, were a little bit pissed. Before long,...

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Teacher Teacher

The alarm clock went off as usual?6 am, another day. I am a teacher at the local high school. I get up and get together the wardrobe I would wear today. I have been divorced for a number of years now and have developed a liking for both sexes although I prefer women over men. I stay in shape and at 43 years old I must admit, I do look pretty good for my age. 36c breasts, flat tummy, cute round bottom and neatly trimmed pussy. The majority of my students are very attractive, but there are a few...

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Consensual Cheating Ch 1

Is there such a thing as consensual cheating? Well I reckon the story of Lisa and my marriage proves that such a contradictory idea is actually possible.Our story starts around three years ago. At the time both Lisa and myself (Adam) were thirty-four. We’d been married for thirteen years, and had a happy marriage which had been blessed by two wonderful healthy children.Lisa is the product of mixed White-Latino heritage, and I’d fallen head over heels the first time I’d met her in our first year...

Wife Lovers
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A Spirited Affair

‘Tonight was going to be special,’ Shana thought miserably as she drove home from her waitressing job at PJ’s Eatery in her beat-up 1985 Pinto, ‘but that idiot had to go and ruin it by not calling me this morning and on top of it all going to play poker with his scummy friends!!’ She then slammed on the brakes, laid on the horn and lifted up her right middle finger as some jerk in a Lexus nearly careened into her. Not like it would have damaged her junker any more than it already was, but...

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Wife Fucked By Shemale

This is the story of me Rittu married to a guy named Harvinder in 1996. We had 2 k**s from our marriage .Harvinder was very fond of girls and even before my marriage he use to fuck prostitutes right from young girls to middle aged women. He used to get his cock sucked and even used to fuck these prostitutes in their ass. After getting married to him he used to apply all the tricks on me. He made me watch blue films and he get his cock sucked as women in bluefilm. He even used to make me drink...

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New Lengths for Obedience

i had lost the privilege of wearing clothes for the weekend. I wasn’t that worried about it. I didn’t think we had any plans and it seemed like a pretty easy punishment to endure. You called me out into the garage and I hesitated at the doorway because I knew I could potentially be spotted if someone were to drive up. You called again, which meant automatic additional punishment and I rushed out to you and kneeled on the garage floor with my knees apart, open for you. I looked up at you and saw...

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Sexy aunt

Hi dear readers I am samy,I am 21.dis is the story when i was 13. I was in 8th class.let me tell about my aunty,she is of 30 at that time.she married my mama,they stay in village and their life was nice for 4 years and the had a son. But my mama was a fool. He use to drink a lot due to that he had a loss in his business .so,he came to hyd .we used to stay in there house because there would be no one in that house before. They joined,days were going on and my mama used to sit at home...

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2020 a new year for a cocksucker

Last night new years eve all i could think about was sucking a white cock and nodded off with that thought in mind, i didn't dream at all but when i woke up my first thought was a need of a white cock to suck today until it comes in my mouth and happily swallow. It's January 1st 2020 after waking up i got online to go to a favorite website, i hadn't been there in a couple of days and to my surprise i had 22 views of my page. i was like wow, i wonder who has a nice cock for me to suck today....

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soooooo you like sucking big black cock

I became my haitian buddy secret ''friend'', on a warm night of July back drunk from a school end of session party, his parents sleeping alone outside in the pool nervously watching him show me his very very bigger bbcboth naked in the pool , Mike joking about me liking his bbc ''dont be shy touch it, im big isnt it''''yes dude, wow''''how big are you''my hand under the water, help on my friend bib cock. feeling it becoming harder and bigger in my hand''8 i think''''you like it?''i was stroking...

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Mother and Daughter 3

Somewhere on a ranch in the middle of the desert, in a basement which looked almost as rough and primitive as a dungeon, an Indian-American mother and her two daughters were being held captive. Kidnapped and then repeatedly raped, Rhonda could hardly describe the fear and despair she now felt as she looked at her two daughters. There was Natalie, her 18-year-old youngest, and Amanda, her 19-year-old girl. Both of the girls were slender, gorgeous, and sexy…but now they looked hardly...

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A Lil Hypnotherapy

‘God damn it, Jason, this isn’t the restaurant!’ Jenna slammed her purse down on the dashboard. She recognized the street and the building they were in front of. It wasn’t the posh restaurant he had promised to take her to. Instead, it was the office of Jason’s psychiatrist. Jason had been trying to get her to join him in a joint marital counseling session here for the past two weeks, while Jenna had steadfastly refused. Earlier in the evening, the two had a marital spat — yet another in a...

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ChangesChapter 7

Saturday morning came bright and early; Jae was not quite ready to start the day. She hasn't seen Chase all week, when she got home from work on Monday there was a note on her door saying that he had to go out of town but he would be back in time on Saturday to go shopping and he would be over by 11 am, with his sister to start more transformations. He was in for a surprise, Jae thought as she got up to shower. She had already went to the salon and got her hair cut, styled and dyed. She...

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Hanumangarh Ki Hot Geeta Aur Uski Naukrani Maya Ko Sath Choda 8211 Part 5

Mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.Main iti krta hun.Ek young lady geeta jo bahut ameer thi uske saath sex ki ye panchvi kahani hai.Din mein uski nukrani maya ki zabardast chudai ki thi.Sb aage ki kahani…. Koi bhabhi ya lady mujhe is id pr contect kare… us din nukrani ki jawan beti maya jo 18 saal ki chut ki malkin thi usko choda.Meri darling geeta ne plan banaya ki raat ko geeta aur maya dono ko andhere mein choda jaye. Sham ko hum ne khana kha liya tha.Main kamre mein aaram kr raha...

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A new life part 47

Judi didn't remember much about how she got home that evening or even what she said to her husband. She went right to bed and slept through the night and late into Saturday morning. The light of day Saturday brought back the reality of what she had done. She tried to keep busy Saturday with shopping and errands, trying not to think about her situation, but it kept coming back to her. She would never have believed it if someone had told her that she would be letting one black man, let alone...

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In The Woods

This happened when I was still in High School. I dated this girl named Tiffany for a few months. I got her hooked on me in every way possible. When ever I wanted to have sex she would be willing. After we stopped dating, we still continued to have sex. After a while we kinda stopped. I started to date a new girl and she was not as good. Well me and the new girl broke up. I still wanted to be with her, but I pushed her away. Anyway, one day I asked Tiffany to hang out and talk about what I was...

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The Best Job Ive Ever Had

This story is based on real people, I’ve taken some literary license with the characters and events. Sorry, there are no graphic sex scenes in this story. Constructive critiques and comments are hoped for and more than welcome. If you like or even dislike this story please comment or send me an email. Your comments, emails, and votes/ratings will help me to learn and grow as a writer. Thanks for reading my story and for your comments and your votes/ratings. Please Enjoy. For four years I had...

2 years ago
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The Photo Shoot Part 3 of 7

The Photo Shoot(c) Paul GarlandChapter 3Strangely, neither me nor Nicola really talked about what exactly we were going to do at the studio. As far as I was concerned, we were going to see the photographs from the other night, which I was looking forward to seeing and I knew Nicola was too. Any talk of doing another session - a nude shoot - was secondary to that, even though it was very much on my mind when we pulled up outside and were greeted by Leanne’s cute younger sister.“Come in,” Kirstie...

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Mature lady

I was 18 and at college , a bit wet behind the ears so to speak, but with a eye for the ladies , older ones do not know why but always had a thing for older ladies.My course tutor was a lady of around 50, and short dark hair lovely rounded breasts, well made thighs, and a bottom that just said mmmmmmmm.She always dressed with a blouse, that showed her breasts, off, and a skirt just above the knee, with tan stockings or tights, with a nice heeled shoe.The last class of the week on Friday...

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Concert Love With Haliee Steinfield

Hailee Stenfield waited in her trailer after the concert. I won a personal meet-and-greet with her. She didn't bother to change, reasoning that I would love to see her in her concert outfit up close. There was a knock. "Miss Stenfield, your fan is here," said security through the door. Hailee opened the door. Standing before her was a young man. He shyly looked at her and walked inside. Security closed the door behind him. Hayley stuck her hand out. "Hey! What's your name?" she asked. "Josh," I...

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Clara And Me

Clara And MeClara gasped in pleasure, her chest heaving, her large breasts swaying, her nipples hard, as Me delicately licked her dewy labia. She gripped the immortal woman's long, dark hair as she rolled her hips up trying to hump her fellow time traveller's face, desperate for more friction but Me continued teasing her by barely touching her over-heated pussy.Me held Clara firmly by her thighs as she teased the school teacher with her tongue. She smirked into Clara's wet pussy as the taller...

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SurprisedChapter 3

After Sandy, my big, beautiful wife, and I returned from our adventurous weekend in Nashville; our lives got back to a semi-regular routine. We did have sex more often than before for about a month. Our sex life returned to normal after that first month. I was happy, content, and could have continued with only Sandy and me in our sex life until one of our deaths separated us; but I would find out my loving wife had other ideas. When I got home from work one afternoon about three months later,...

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Just an average teenage guy

So far my above average Johnson has been a well-kept secret. Obviously the guys on the teams have seen it in the shower and might have buzzed it around that I have a pretty good sized pecker, but so far that hasn’t helped me with the ladies at all. My pesky 15 year old sister has tried to peak at me in the bathroom a few times and who knows who she told what she saw. I’ve had a few girl friends of course, but being only averagely aggressive not much has happened there. So, I spend a fair...

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A Tale of Two Sisters

I disliked my boss, Nathan O'Brian--hell I hated him. He walked into my cubical. "Denton, my daughter needs an escort to the dance at the club Saturday night. It would be nice if you could find the time to take her. Here is her phone number. You can call and make the arrangements." The son-of-a-bitch had the power to make me do this. I needed this job (until yesterday) and as I was the next one for layoff without any excuse, it was all he needed to make sure I complied. Just before I made...

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Most porn sites for pictures have been around for a while and they really need a makeover. Some sites, like, have tried to get this modern look and feel to them, so we’re definitely going to check out all the nifty features that come with that. But most importantly, is a place where you can enjoy free porn pictures and albums filled with some of the hottest babes around. You’ll see both professional pornstars, as well as some amateur content if that’s more your thing.Flashy...

Porn Pictures Sites
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A Womans Perspective

A spreading infection that turns people into insatiable lactating sluts? Sounds unlikely, but that's exactly what this story is about, while most stories in this universe focus on the men, we will focus on the women. There are different types of women that have been infected, here's a list for your benefit: Normal Infected: These are transformed women or men that didn't use a "cure," these women are insatiable sluts as usual, and will do anything for sex, their breasts are massive and always...


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