The Feminization Of Adam free porn video

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The Feminization of Adam This is a tale of how love can blind you into becoming someone new. I am Adam, and this is my story. When I was 18, living on my own while going to college, I had been a very shy and average sort of guy. I wasn't bad looking, but certainly not 'macho'. I lean more towards being pretty, but I would never admit that. I also didn't really have goals for my future. I awoke each day going through the motions but not really excited about anything. Oh, I guess I should mention that I have been gay since I was 16. I had 'fooled' around with two guys in high school, (not at the same time silly), but both were rather straight types and I guess only used me to release their sexual angst, being teenagers and all. I, however, easily fell in "LOVE" with each guy and found myself hurt once I realized they had no long term interest in me. And so my days in high school ended. I was glad to be going away to college and looked forward to living the 'gay' lifestyle in Gainesville, Florida. The gay dance clubs were fun, but I was looking for a LTR and found most guys at the bars just wanted one night of sex only. Sure, I indulged and explored my gay tendencies. I won't say it was bad, in fact it felt good to be around others like me. GAY. But I still felt out of place. I longed for romance. I desired having a boyfriend. But like most young gay boys, I looked forward to my Friday and Saturday nights at the clubs. Meeting Mr. Right: It was while I was studying at the campus library one Saturday, when I saw 'HIM! Sure I flirted with most guys outside of the gay bars and imagined having sex with them, but being shy and unsure of whether they were gay, and not wanting to get beat up by a straight boy, I never acted out on my desires. That's what the gay bars were for, or so I thought. Well there he was. Sitting at the other end of the library and seemingly focused only on the book he was reading. I felt compelled to find a way to casually go over to that area of the room to 'get a better look' at him. And so, having made an excuse in my mind, I decided to go over to the rack of books nearer to where he was sitting. Funny, the books on this rack were about hypnotism. No way did I believe in hypnotism. But, having my mental excuse for moving over to this side of the library, I acted interested. So I pulled a book off the shelf randomly and proceeded to sit opposite him. I pretended to be engrossed in the book, but stole glances at him often. I noticed he was reading a book called "Control, through Hypnotism". There is no such thing as control through hypnotism! I didn't care, he was absolutely handsome and one of the hottest guys I had ever seen in my life. I was giving the book I pulled as much attention as I could while stealing glances at him, I didn't notice that he also was checking me out. I think at one point he made a comment about the book I was looking at, and I just smiled and said "u huh'. What an idiot I am! I racked my brain to think of something to say to engage him again, but before I was able to ... he got up, went to the counter to sign out the book he had and left the library. Damn!!!! Oh well, on to my original plan to study for the day. Before I knew it, it was 5:00 and I wanted to get home and prepare some food before going out to the gay bars for the night. It was 10:00 pm and I had taken a nap after dinner so I would be able to stay up late at the dance club. I just finished showering and was getting dressed when I started thinking of that guy I saw at the library. Wouldn't it be cool if he was at the dance club tonight? I would definitely chat him up if I saw him again. I got to the bar at around 11:30 pm. It was a few blocks from my apartment so walking was not a problem. I was in line waiting to pay my cover charge when all of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. IT WAS HIM! Don't ask me why, but my face turned beet red and I stammered a mumbled 'hello'. He told me his name was Trevor. He winked at me and told me he liked it when I moved from where I was sitting and came over and sat near him at the library. I blushed further, asking myself (in my head) why my gaydar wasn't working? I told him bravely that he was very handsome and I wanted to get to know him. He laughed and asked why I didn't say anything while I was sitting opposite him? I told him I was a bit shy and figured he was straight. He just smiled and told me that he found me fascinating. Then he asked if I liked the book I was reading. I had actually forgotten that I had pulled a book off the rack but proceeded to tell him "oh yea, I find the subject interesting". I remembered then that he was reading "Control, through Hypnotism". He asked if I liked the book he was reading? Of course I said 'yes'. He smiled and said that it was interesting that I was reading "Submission, through Hypnotism" and that he was reading "Control, through Hypnotism". I was flabbergasted. I hadn't even realized. So, I kind of smiled, but realized I may be leading him on. So I told him that I didn't really believe in hypnotism but that I was just curious. He said that he would like to be with me this evening and if I wouldn't mind letting him pay my cover charge for me. I felt a wave of embarrassment but appreciated his offer. I told him "sure, I'd like that". The next 3 hours went by fast. He had been buying me drinks and danced with me much of the time. At one point he took my hand in his and told me that he and I were meant to be together. I thought it was the alcohol so I just smiled and said, "Yea". At around 2:30 he asked if I had had enough and did I want to go home? I said sure... assuming he would be coming to my place. We walked back to my apartment and when we got to my entrance he turned to me, took my hand, and gave me long deep kiss. He then said it was great to meet me and asked if he could take me out the next day for brunch? In my head I thought, "Damn, I blew it. Why doesn't he want to come up to my apartment?" I said, "Sure, I'd like that". He told me then he would come to pick me up at 1:00 pm. And off he went. I had trouble sleeping as I couldn't get him out of my head. Was I, being fickle, falling in 'LOVE' again? Was I rushing into something? Finally I told myself that I should wait and see where this brunch date led to. And fell gently to sleep. The Courtship: The next day at 12:45, showered and dressed, I waited for my 'Prince Charming'. At 1:00 sharp he rang my bell. I let him in and we sat on my sofa for what seemed only a few minutes. My mind seemed blank. I know Trevor was talking but I couldn't understand a word. It was as if he was speaking a foreign language. His tone remained constant and I was mesmerized by his gorgeous blue eyes. I always fantasized that my 'ideal' guy was black haired and blue eyed with a body to die for. Not too muscular yet not thin either. A guy I could let go to and melt in his arms and chest. As my thoughts continued to roam I suddenly heard him say "Adam, I think it's time to eat something, it's 2:30". I snapped out of my haze and got up and allowed him to get my keys and lock the door behind us. At brunch, he told me all about himself and how he had inherited a large fortune from his parents. They had died in a car wreck and he figured he would indulge in studies for a while, before he took over the family firm. Currently a board of directors ran his newly inherited business and allowed him a few years to find himself. He then asked all about me. I explained that I came from a small town and that my parents thought little of me and in fact were happy that I had decided to move to Florida and go to school. They could afford my college but nothing further. They also expressed very clearly that I was on my own now. Basically they were rid of me. That was alright by me, as we never expressed much affection in my home nor had I ever felt wanted by them. Trevor gave me a look of sadness. I reached over and held his hand and told him I had no ill will towards my parents and did not feel any loss. I was alone, not lonely. He smiled and said that he would like to be my boyfriend, if I would have him. I said "yes", very quickly. Over the next few weeks we would spend many evenings together, sometimes at my apartment and sometimes at his place. Oh by the way, he could afford a lovely 3 bedroom house about a mile away from campus. It was in a gated community, surrounded by a golf course. It was decorated very modern styled, and I did love his taste. But there were many occasions where I felt my mind would go blank as we sat together and talked. I only recall that after each 'episode' I would feel more dependant and in "love" with Trevor. After 6 months of our being together, he asked me if I would move in with him? "Of course, I told him!" And within 2 weeks I had sold most of my things at a 'yard' sale and given up my lease. I WAS in LOVE! Was it Blind Love? Each evening, as we would go to bed, he encouraged me to wear just my underwear (briefs) and a t shirt. He slept in his boxer shorts and no shirt. We would make passionate love and spend hours talking to each other. Although for me, the talks seemed to last only seconds, but I know I would fall asleep very happy. I usually slept with my head on Trevor's chest and all snuggled against him. It wasn't long before Trevor asked me if I had ever thought of shaving the hair off my body. For some reason I told him I had always wanted to, but never did. Did I really 'always' want to'? So one evening he asked, could rub Nair all over my body? I got undressed and stood before him patiently waiting on him. He began slowly rubbing the cream all over me and asked me to raise my arms over my head. A thought came to me wondering why my underarms needed to be without hair? But that thought left me as Trevor proceeded to rub the Nair over my balls, ass and cock. But he seemed to be taking his time 'shaping' the cream at the area above my cock. After 20 minutes of standing there waiting for Trevor to tell me what to do, he told me he had prepared a hot bubble bath for me. I felt giddy and almost ran to the bathtub. I got in and slowly, using a washcloth, soaped down my entire body with this 'special' perfumed soap. I loved the scent. It was jasmine or gardenia. I wasn't certain, but it was flowery, and I loved it. That night as we lay in bed, he commented on how nice it was to feel my body being so soft. I blushed and told him, "anything for my man". He gave me that awesome smile of his as I snuggled ever closer. Of course we made passionate love and he would enter me so gently and always ask if I was ok. I adored him. It was around this time that I noticed how his manly aroma (especially around his cock and underarms) made me feel very lightheaded. It was a very addicting scent, to me. I began to long for his cock and his underarms. He knew it and just smiled. Of course after our lovemaking we ended the night talking. Well, it was more Trevor talking and me listening. I would listen in awe and found myself enamored with his every word. And off to sleep I went. A few nights later, Trevor asked if he could do something to my 't' shirt to make me more comfortable. Of course I said "yes". Well, he got out of bed, went to the bathroom and came back with a pair of scissors. He proceeded to remove about 6 inches off the bottom of the 't' shirt so that it rested just above my belly button. He commented that he wanted to see my gorgeous abs. I just blushed. I found the next evening all my 't' shirts had been altered in the same way. It didn't matter to me if this was what my boyfriend wanted. A few weeks later, Trevor asked if I had any briefs that weren't so rough feeling. I didn't quite understand so he asked me directly if I had any undies that were nylon or any other material but cotton? All I knew was the next morning I got up and went to the local Target store. I found they had men's briefs made out of nylon or polyester??? I bought 6 pair. But these didn't have a slat in them for peeing and I found myself sitting down to relieve myself. No problem. My boyfriend liked it that way. So there I was each evening, shaved completely, wearing a shirt that exposed my belly button and briefs that were nylon. Trevor enjoyed rubbing his hand over my bottom and I loved his feel. I would almost ritually take a deep breath of his armpits and slowly move down to his manhood. I ADORED his aroma. And again we ended our evening with Trevor speaking softly and I would fall asleep. It wasn't long before Trevor would come home with a newly wrapped package for me. In it were tops that looked a little bit like my 't' shirts but had less fabric around the neckline. Also the new tops were sleeveless. Trevor had bought me 6 different colored tops. Mostly pastel shades of yellow, powder blue, and even one pink one. I didn't event think about it. If Trevor wanted me to wear them I would. I wanted him to be happy. I knew I had found my true love and only wanted to please him. I was his. A Commitment: The school year had now ended and Trevor had asked me if I would return with him to Miami. This is where his family home is and also the headquarters of his inherited business. He explained to me that as his lover, he wanted me to share the rest of his life with him. I was so excited to say yes. I knew then that I only wanted Trevor and that my future was with him. I did ask him how I would be able to work and make a living as I hadn't yet received my college degree. He said not to even think about that. "I want you to spend your days thinking of how you can make yourself more attractive to me", Trevor told me. "You deserve to be the pampered Princess, as pretty as you are". He proceeded to raise one arm up over his head and I instinctively knew that he was allowing me to worship his armpit. I did. Feeling lightheaded and almost drunk with his aroma, I agreed to move with him and be his. Moving was easy, Trevor had told me that I wouldn't need any of my things in Miami and that I would be able to go shopping for new clothes when we got there. So off we went in his car for the 6 hour drive to Miami. Oh by the way, he had the cutest little convertible BMW in black with beige interior. And off we went. For some reason I slept most of the way down to Miami, with happy dreams of course, as Trevor spoke to me. And we arrived just around 6pm. Trevor showed me around the 2 story 6 bedroom home. He took me out the back to his pool area and garden. It was then that I noticed the home was on the inter-coastal waterway with the view of Biscayne Bay and Miami at sunset. I felt I was dreaming when Trevor asked if I wanted to eat out. I said sure, but I didn't have any clothes other than what I had on. He thought for a moment and told me to relax, fix us both a cocktail and he would be right back. He left to go to the storage room. I went to the bar and fixed us drinks and then returned to the dock and settled in looking at the sunset. It was the most romantic experience I ever had. When Trevor returned he said he had found a few things that were left by his parents, and asked would I mind wearing any of them? Of course I said I didn't mind. We slowly drank our cocktails and Trevor told me how excited he was to finally take the reins of the family business. He told me that as his lover I would be one very lucky girl. Did I just hear him right? It must have been a slip of the tongue. I blushed and found myself bowing my head to him. We finished our drinks and he took me by the hand and led me upstairs to the master bedroom. On the bed there was a 'blousy' looking top (I haven't called a top a shirt in a long time) and a pair of slacks. The top was white and almost looked like a pirate shirt. The slacks were the latest style, very slim and hip hugging. As I dressed I noticed there were no pockets on the slacks. Trevor told me "not to worry", he would be paying for dinner anyways. I didn't realize how effeminate the outfit was. I didn't seem to care and neither did Trevor. Over dinner, Trevor told me that the next day we would go clothes shopping. But he said something unusual. He told me that the clothes we bought for me would only be temporary. I didn't know quite what to make of that comment but held my tongue and told him I felt like a 'kept' woman! We both laughed at my joke. The next evening, in bed, Trevor asked me if I liked the new sleep outfit I was wearing? I commented that it felt so soft and light. As he talked to me I realized that the top had spaghetti straps and hugged me just a little tightly under my chest. It was made of pastel yellow silk or satin. (I am not sure). It flared out under my chest to just above my belly button and almost felt like a too short dress. Ha, that's funny. The briefs were made of a matching color and fabric and were bikini style. As I was putting them on I thought I saw a tiny pink heart on the front top of the brief. All I know is that they felt fantastic on. Here I lay, all smooth, having shaved that morning before we traveled, and wearing very soft sleepwear. Meanwhile, Trevor, in his boy boxer shorts, strong arms and chest exposed, made me feel so secure in his arms. And again, Trevor spoke to me, and I gently fell asleep. Over the next few weeks I found myself feeling more and more feminine. I would lounge around the house the early part of the morning, after Trevor left for work, wearing nothing but the (what was it called?), the teddy and panties. By this time I had also bought some thigh high stockings to show off my legs further for Trevor. My hair had grown out as well and Trevor kept promising me an appointment at a beauty salon. Every time I mentioned this to him, he would look at me and ask if I was sure I wanted to go there? I don't know why he would ask that? Of course I wanted to look good for my man. Doesn't every sissy girl want to go to a beauty salon? Of course when I would say "yes', he would flash me that special smile of his and wink at me. He then told me I could go in good time. Trevor told me I was becoming "so pretty', and that soon I would become 'the most wonderful girl in the world'. I did a double take but let Trevor's comment about becoming a wonderful girl pass. I just wanted to be his girl. Did I just say that out loud? I couldn't think too deeply about it. I was just so happy here with Trevor. I even started to wear just a little light foundation on my face, to keep the blemishes from showing. Trevor had bought me some moisturizer for my lips, calling it "my lipstick". I didn't mind what he called it, even if the color was a shade of pink. And each evening we ended our day together in bed, making love, and I would fall asleep to Trevor's voice, so soothing, relaxing and in command. Many months had passed, my hair was down to my shoulders, and Trevor had bought me presents almost every day. New outfits, new creams and lotions for my skin to keep me soft, new shoes (with a slight heel on them) that made my legs look awesome and even a couple of dresses that I would wear just around the house for Trevor. I had submitted my mind, body and heart to my man. And Trevor was always such a gentleman with me. And then it happened... The proposal: Trevor came home and told me we would be taking a cruise for the weekend to the Bahamas. I was thrilled, but I had to go shopping. Any excuse to buy new clothes thrilled me but this I felt was special, a coming out so to speak. So we went to the mall, and Trevor took me to the most beautiful shops there. I bought new sleep outfits, OK, let's call them lingerie, from Victoria's Secret, a few 2 piece bathing suits, (although I really didn't have big breasts), some sandals and a few skirts and matching blouses. Once we were done Trevor held my hand and told me had made an appointment for me at the beauty salon. Would I like a total makeover? I nearly jumped on top of him I was so excited. And so I finally had the experience all girls look forward to, a beauty salon makeover. Shampoo, hair cut and style and a mani/pedi. Am I a girl or a boy? Back at home that evening, in bed, Trevor spoke to me. But this time I was fully awake throughout. He explained everything about our relationship and how it came about. He revealed that the first time I sat with him at the school library, he knew I was his perfect match. He mentioned that because I was reading the book, "Submission, through Hypnotism", he knew I would become his. After all he was reading the book "Control, through Hypnotism". Once we began dating he knew we were meant for each other and he only wanted me. He then took out a small box he had placed in the nightstand next to his side of the bed. As he presented it to me, I cried like a girl. I told him I had to admit something to him. He held my hand gently and told me to go on. I explained that I never even knew the name of the book I had pulled off the rack in the school library. I asked him if I that meant I was just an airheaded gay boy? He smiled and said I was perfect. I explained that I only wanted an excuse to get closer to him and sit by him. I then told him that I don't believe in hypnotism. That it could NEVER work! I apologized for deceiving him and asked him if he could still love a 'girl' like me? I was so scared he was going to throw me out right then and there. I begged him to please forgive me and to look past my deception. He just smiled his smile, brought me closer to him, hugging me in his strong arms. He told me to open my present. I did and found the most beautiful diamond ring in the box. He took it out, held my hand and asked if I would be his forever. How could I say no? And the ring was placed on my finger. Finale: On the cruise I had to dress up for dinners. But since I hadn't bought any gowns, I had to but one in Freeport, along with other dresses, skirts, blouses, new shoes, many lovely handbags and of course ... jewelry. I felt like a Queen. Sunbathing onboard the ship at the pool in my 2 piece bikini (many straight guys gave me second looks flirtingly and one even tried to come on to me). But my man Trevor is all I wanted. We had breakfast each morning in our suite, played at the casino at night until 11:30 then danced, danced, danced in the ship's dance club until 2:30 am. This had reminded both of us of our first 'date'. Trevor of course was the most handsome man onboard. He was elegant, sophisticated, charming and most importantly ... MY MAN!

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Barb and Adam

Barb and AdamPart 1Barb sighed with relief as she walked in the door. Another long day at the Post office was finally done, and she was home. Her keys and purse fell onto a chair, a dreamy smile crossing her lips as she anticipated the E-mail that was surely awaiting her. He was so very good at writing them. Her hands traveled across her hips a she savored the tightness of her pants and t-shirt, imagining it was his hands that were touching her. Another sigh, this one of pleasure rather than...

3 years ago
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Adam Prologue: Hello Friends: This is a photo of Adam. Adam is the latest young man to audition for my upcoming theatre season. He wants to be a professional actor. Some of you know that I have gotten many young men their starts in professional theatre. Some have gone on to become big stars. For any of you living in the Minneapolis area, the man starring in Peer Gynt at the Guthrie, Mark Rylance started out with me in every sense of the word. Anyway, I am helping Adam look into Drama Schools...

2 years ago
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Jill Adam

Copyright© 2006 "That was extraordinary," Joan said as she modestly straightened her skirt and plopped down on the couch; forgetting for the moment that her big breasts were still exposed. Jill made another round of martinis, but took a moment to cover her breasts with her blouse before bringing the drink over to Joan. Joan accepted the martini, took a sip and sighed. "Extraordinary, ' she said again. Jill took note of the fact that Joan's nipples were still erect, and felt a momentary...

1 year ago
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Anything for Adam

This story is totally true and takes place in the early 1980's after my stint in the military. After doing a hitch in the military i learned a lot about myself the fact was know evident that i thought i was more of a woman than a guy, While in the military i learned the joy of sucking cock and being fucked in my boi pussy. I came back to small town U.S.A. with all kind of experiences. I did find how ever there were places to go that gave me what i was looking for. I also found a men's magazine...

3 years ago
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Sweaty pleasure with Adam

Nothing can arouse me more than watch my partner ( I'm bi so both girl or boy ) exercising, some hard exercise like exercise bike or running belt because I love to watch him (her) sweating, the best his whole body bathed in sweatI was hiding my fantasies till I was 25 yo and the boy who I confessed about this became my boyfriend for over 2 years. His name was David, was just 19 yo, active in sport with perfect physical shape and his sweaty body gave me hundreds crazy orgasms, he got me also to...

3 years ago
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The Feminization of Michelle

The Feminization of Michelle By Aleisha James Author's note: Despite the dark aspects of some of my stories, I do not in any way endorse the use of force or pain to compel anyone to do anything. This story, as with all my stories on this site, deals with issues of an adult, sexual nature. No-one under the age of eighteen and no-one who finds forced feminization stories to be offensive should read any further. If you are still reading, then you are an adult with an interest in...

2 years ago
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The Secretive Mister Adam

Adam Andrews was not really a complex man. In fact, he was, if anything, a rather simple man not given to either embellishment or attention-seeking drama. He knew his co-workers were whispering behind his back about the fact he was almost thirty and had not yet been married. It should have bothered him but it really didn't because he thought the entire pack of rumor mongers were beyond redemption and too far in the quick-sand of mean spiritedness for him to even make the effort. It didn't...

1 year ago
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Feminization 1 ENG

Feminization 1Just say that nothing extra ordinary in terms of sex or orientation, I was not different. He studied at the university, like everyone else. Girls liked, but did not give much. So, more in porn specialized in the internet. You look, you twist and life normalizes.That's how he lived, it's okay, the truth is boring enough. But during this time I became practically an expert theorist in terms of different types of sex.There was a lot of theory, practice with partners was zero. So I...

2 years ago
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Forced Feminization

Forced Feminization? Hello to all my friends and readers, I guess this little discussion should be written in a blog or something, but I don't know how to do that, so hey ho. As well as writing stories, I like to read them too and one of my favourite subject headings is "Forced Feminization", however, and this is the reason for this discussion, many of these stories disappoint. The heading is two words, Forced and Feminisation, yet so often I find that the key character appears to...

3 years ago
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Over the Phone with Adam

We'd only dated about three months before Adam took a job in California. I was still finishing school in Vermont and had one semester left before I could join him. We'd talked about staying together and about breaking up, but the sex had been so good, we decided we could weather a few months a part.One evening, while lying in bad and thinking about an especially hot night between us, I got the idea that it'd be fun to tell him how that thought was making me feel. I'd been feeling a throb...

3 years ago
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The Space Adventures of Adam

Some people inherit a watch when their grandfather passes away. Other people get a house or lots of money. I wasn’t one of those people. I got something a lot more valuable. I was seventeen years old, almost eighteen when I sat at my grandfathers death bed. The cancer had finally gotten to him, after all those years. Though you would never be able to tell. He still looked fifty, even with all the medical equipment hooked up to him. He was in fact 96 years old. And battling with disease for more...

2 years ago
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The Feminization of Leslie Part Three

The Feminization of Leslie - Part Three Chapter Four - Summer in Skirts The end of school came and went. Susan was as good as her word, and never told anyone, as far as he knew. Leslie also returned many times to the Dreycott residence to play with Denise. On some of those occasions, his mother even allowed him to go dressed -- more or less -- as a boy (although he still wore androgynous clothes and jewelry, and still had his feminine hairdo and long nails). Denise was always...

1 year ago
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Meeting 5 Being Shared By Adam

Sally spent the whole day fretting about tonight. She must have been sick at least twice and could not settle into anything. She spent two hours getting ready and was still not happy. I told her that she looked sensational. I gave her a glass of wine to settle her nerves, but she looked terribly anxious. Sally always gets like this before meets and I just have to manage it as best I can.After packing some sexy clothes into a bag we finally we headed out to the hotel in Daventry. We checked just...

Wife Lovers
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Meg Adam

Adam couldn't keep his eyes off her. He would follow Meg around, keeping his distance as much as possible, trying to get a view of her backside. She was a pretty girl for sure, with a slim figure and perky breasts – all of it secondary for him. His fingers itched for her ass, more than anything else. He clamped his lips, admiring the way her black one-piece wrapped around her plump buttocks from a distance. She was sitting with her friends with her legs crossed, and Adam was standing in his...

4 years ago
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Misstress Mollys Feminization Farm

Mistress Molly's Feminization Farm Note: At the point this is only a perspective business idea, but I would like to find the backers needed to start this operation. Prelude: Qualifications and Intake. Where we explore who comes to my farm and how I prepare them for training, by breaking them of their previous personal identity. There are three ways that subjects come to become products of my farm. The most common way for products to enter my farm is that of an owned slave being...

1 year ago
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God and Adam

God was watching Eastenders. Don’t ask me how, but they do say he works in mysterious ways. And being omnipotent, he could, if it was his wont, sit under a larger tree in a beautiful garden and watch the miserable faces of walford. Especially as this was Sunday all and his day off. Just put all calls on the answer machine and let ’em pray. Life was sweet. When he notice Adams figure meandering along the meadow he guessed that life wouldn’t be so sweet for much longer. Adam plonked his self...

3 years ago
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Lessons Learned in Forced Feminization You Decide

So did this title catch your attention. Will you read on?? Ok so I'm not going to tell you I was forced onto hormones, I didn't get huge breast implants or permanent makeup tattooed on my face. I cannot go out in public and pass as a beautiful genetic female. But if you read on I will tell a true story of one of my early experiences with my wife after she caught me secretly crossdressing in her clothes, masturbating hard as a rock ready to cum. (that was my first of many to follow ruined cum)....

3 years ago
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Sudden Male Feminization Syndrome

Hey, whoever's reading this. I'm not much of a story-teller, but I have got a story to tell. First off, my name's Jane. It used to be Joe, then it was Jo for a little while, and that's pretty much what this is all about. I was a pretty depressed little boy. My parents watched sports and my brother played them. At school, all the boys wanted to be professional athletes and all the girls wanted to be performers or didn't have the self-awareness to consider the future at all. All but...

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Eve Adam

My sister was a slut; there was never any doubt about that. It was like she hit puberty running. There was no stopping that girl. Maybe things would've been different if Mom had still been around. Though, er ... um, scratch that thought. Dad did the best he knew how. He got her a box of tampons, then took her to the doctor for a round plastic box of circular pills. Maybe at some point the old man should've bought me a box of rubbers, but that wasn't the way it was back then. If you had a...

1 year ago
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The Feminization of Leslie Part Four Conclusion

I have rated this story 'X' just to be on the safe side, but frankly I think it occupies a point on the spectrum somewhere between R and X. If you are expecting a healthy dose of explicit sex based on the published rating, I apologize. There really isn't THAT much. A couple of reader comments have asked if it really HAS to end here, with Part Four. Well, of course any story can be continued almost indefinitely, but I think that with the inclusion of this section, it says pretty much...

3 years ago
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The Mailroom Clerk A Tale of Coerced Forced Feminization Pt1

THE MAILROOM CLERK A TAIL OF COERCED FORCED FEMINIZATION PT.1 I am 27 years old at the time this happened. My name is John Allen and I am from Cape May ,New Jersey. Shore boy all the way. I am 5'6" tall and weigh 165. I know, small for a man. But I could do things on a surfboard or jet ski. It wasn't to bad being a little small. And as with many others, I have a fetish for women's items. Everything that makes a woman a woman. I was never gay nor interested in men...

4 years ago
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The Feminization of Michael 2

The Feminization of Michael. Chapter 2 I continued with the “weekend” clothes for another few weeks and consistently had people commenting, laughing and making things difficult when I was out shopping. I continued at work in the more feminine suits and blouses too.  The rumours increased and somehow word had got around that at the weekend I wore dresses and full make up! This couldn’t go on like this, I had come very close to being beaten up when I was out and the chanting was just crazy. ...

2 years ago
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The Feminization of Michael Chapter 1

The Feminization of Michael. Chapter 1 How I had found myself in this predicament Ill never fully understand. Ok I guess it was my own fault but why I didn’t kick against it when I could Ill never know. I had been involved in a sordid night of drink drugs and sex with a young transsexual hooker! Including her/him putting a bra and panties on me! I didn’t know any of this until my wife, Sue, confronted me with the brown envelope with pictures and a blackmail note. I had been caught before...

3 years ago
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Cockslave Feminization as told to me

Cockslave / Feminization as told to me Story from the perspective of a college boy who is abused by a dom master and turned into a sissy faggot pussyboy whore, who learns to love his abuse.This is my story of how I was turned into a cock slave. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs,with a smooth, almost hairless body. I'm in good shape with a baby face andbarely any beard. I grew up around New York as a straight male, but I didhave a few experiences with other guys when I was young.I dated and slept with girls and...

2 years ago
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RENT BOY: FEMINIZATION[/image]Hey. My name is Lyosha. And this is my story. Enough fun, read, can enjoy. Maybe you want ...I have not enough years to call myself a boy in the fourth ten years. But, as I said Ostap Bender, let him first cast a stone at me, who's to say it's a girl.Although, although now I would so clearly himself did not speak. And then we can get the stone. And all that's why.Yes, I have long been fond of the theme of trance. He liked me in all sorts of role-playing games, the...

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House of Feminization

House of Feminization By Catherine 1 I had been driving through the curves of the mountains for three hours and had yet to see any sign of life. I desperately needed to find a gas station, or I would be stuck out here. My cell phone was low on batteries and I had forgotten to bring the charger with me. Finally I saw the mountain pass in which I was driving was ending, making way to a valley secluded by the mountains surrounding it. I still saw no dwelling, or any kind of...

4 years ago
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House of Feminization 2

House of Feminization, Part Two - by: Catherine ...continued... 7 I opened my eyes and saw the sky was still dark. I immediately felt the new breasts protruding from me. My hands of course felt them, which seemed like instinct. They felt incredible, perfectly rounded and oh so firm. I saw the blonde sleeping next to me, and she seemed peaceful in her slumber. I quietly rose from the bed trying my hardest to not stir her, and succeeded so I walked to the bathroom, which gave...

1 year ago
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House of Feminization 3

House of Feminization 3 By Catherine 12 I was awake now, early, I gathered from the sun attempting to rise over the eastern mountains that I could glimpse through the open velvet curtains of my now familiar pink room, and I looked around while still clutching the comforter tightly to my chin. I noticed the blonde ringlets protruding out from the corners of the blanket and pulled the cover off quickly as I rose to a sitting position. Oh my god! Immediately I felt the sensation...

2 years ago
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Kristens Story A story of forced feminization PART I

Kristen's Story or Clockwork Kitten: A Forced Feminization by Alana Bonetto PART I I think If I hadn't been so cocky, I wouldn't have wound up where I am now. I was a trim, hard-bodied guy with dreamy eyes, the kind of man-boy women love. They always commented on my long hair my tight butt, my smooth hairless body and my fat 9-incher. More often than not, it was no chore to lure them into my bed. I played a careless game of seduction, and my playing fields were the bars, discos...

3 years ago
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Kristens Story A Forced Feminization PART 2

Kristen's Story: A forced Feminization PART 2 by Alana Bonetto They buckled my arms and my ankles securely. Despite my fear and anxiety at being taken here against my will and bound to a chair, I felt lightheaded, almost elated. My head floated as if I had done a popper, as I would sometimes do at a disco with friends, or before a night of savage coupling with a hot slut. Jim said, "Sit back and enjoy the show, hon. I'm sure it'll be an unforgettable cinematic experience!" They...

2 years ago
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The Feminization of Michael 2

The Feminization of Michael. Chapter 2 I continued with the “weekend” clothes for another few weeks and consistently had people commenting, laughing and making things difficult when I was out shopping. I continued at work in the more feminine suits and blouses too.  The rumours increased and somehow word had got around that at the weekend I wore dresses and full make up! This couldn’t go on like this, I had come very close to being beaten up when I was out and the chanting was just crazy. My...

2 years ago
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The Feminization of Michael Chapter 1

The Feminization of Michael. Chapter 1 How I had found myself in this predicament Ill never fully understand. Ok I guess it was my own fault but why I didn’t kick against it when I could Ill never know. I had been involved in a sordid night of drink drugs and sex with a young transsexual hooker! Including her/him putting a bra and panties on me! I didn’t know any of this until my wife, Sue, confronted me with the brown envelope with pictures and a blackmail note. I had been caught before...

4 years ago
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Feminization Academy

You are walking down the sidewalk after another long day at college. Listening to a live news feed from your phone, it is suddenly interrupted by a breaking update. "This just in: Another young man has gone missing in the downtown Philadelphia Area. Men between the ages of 18 and 24 are advised to travel with caution until the-" you switch off the feed and move on to youtube, tired of hearing the millionth update on that same old story. You put on one of your favorite songs and allow yourself...

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Asian Feminization

ASIAN FEMINIZATION Sleazy Blonde, 2021 It wasn't what I wanted. Not at all what I wanted. But my wishes and desires, my wants and needs: they meant little to my parents. We're an immigrant family from East Asia. Maybe a bit more South-East than East; I won't tell you the country except that it's not Japan. My parents brought with them some of the better attributes from our Confucius-laden heritage: hard work, loyalty to family, respect your elders. With the benefit of hindsight, I...

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A is for Adam

V sat alone in her cubicle at work, eyes unfocused, skin flushed. It was mid-afternoon. The smokers were outside smoking, the social nonsmokers were sharing gossip and coffee in the employee lounge. V just sat, hands slack on her keyboard, knees pressed together under her desk. She daydreamed sex dreams and breathed carefully, hoping to be discreet, hoping to spend the whole afternoon with her thoughts. She licked her lips and shifted in her seat, pretending she didn’t feel her sweater...

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Meeting Adam

I walked across the hotel room towards the door to answer the tentative knock, opening the door I smiled and moved back to let Adam in, he brushed past me and I turned to look at him as I closed the door behind me, from the look on his face I think Adam appreciated the black basque, stockings and killer heels I was wearing especially for him, I moved forward and pushed him against the wall, my lips finding his as we kissed for the first time, starting slowly and soft, quickly to become more...

2 years ago
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Cult of Adam

A hundred years ago, the Archangel Samael descended from Heaven and gave the prophet, Adam Smith, a set of golden plates upon which was inscribed the new covenant between man and his Creator. Guided by The Lord's hand, Adam translated the plates, revealing God's desire to create a new paradise free of the taint of the original sin. Years later, the village have grown into a prosperous town and became the home to a secret and incestuous society. Secluded from the rest of the world, Eden was a...

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Final Feminization VII

Not only was it a beautiful day, he could smell the sea in the air. From the large canopy bed where he sat, Cloud saw a set of doors and windows leading out to a wooden deck. Beyond that, the ocean stretched outward. The waves rocked gently against the massive beams holding up the villa. Wherever he was, the rent wasn't cheap. This looked like some kind of swanky vacation resort home. His new location wasn't the biggest surprise. What really took him aback were the clothes he was wearing....

2 years ago
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Paying the Debt A Forced Feminization Story

I married Alexis five years ago when we were both in college. Ever since then we'd been struggling to make ends meet. Ultimately we had to no choice but to get a loan. The problem was, we had to get it from a shady businessman, Mr. Stone. Dealing with him was scary but due to our financial situation banks were out of the question. We had no idea how to repay him and got more and more worried as the deadline was quickly approaching. Finally, the date we dreaded arrived. It was a Friday and...

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