The Feminization Of Thomas free porn video

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Shirley Braithwaite was not a happy woman. Having just turned the wrong side of 40 she was happily married for the past 19 years to her school sweetheart Brian. The marriage had produced 4 children, Sarah who was 18 and Zoe who had just turned 16. The other 2 children were Alexander who was 15 and the youngest child being Thomas who was 12 years old. Mrs Braithwaite was not happy because like most mothers she wanted a daughter who would be a girly girl, someone who enjoyed wearing petticoats and frilly dresses and skirts. Her 2 daughters, Sarah and Zoe were by no means masculine but whilst Sarah didn't even own a dress or a skirt, Zoe had a very limited feminine wardrobe and only wore a skirt as part of her school uniform. Sarah was a good football player and played for a top ladies team and Zoe would rarely wear the minimum of makeup if she was going out on a date or with friends. One evening, Shirley had her best friend Emily over at the house, her daughters were out with friends and her husband had taken the boys to a football match, leaving the two women alone in the house. Emily had for some time been aware that her best friend seemed a little depressed and after several failed attempts to ask her friend what was wrong, this particular evening, thanks to the bottle of wine they had just consumed, Emily opened up about her concerns and challenged her friend as to what was Troubling her. During the conversation that followed, Mrs Braithwaite explained that she wanted a daughter whom she could spoil rotten and spend hours doing mother and daughter shopping trips. Frustratingly, neither Sarah or Zoe had any interest in such activities. The following week, Mrs Braithwaite met with her best friend for lunch and it was during this meeting that Emily first put her crazy idea to Shirley. Emily had a few days earlier read an article in a woman's magazine about unusual punishments that some parents gave their naughty children. One such story was about a single mother who used something called petticoat punishment to control her wayward teenage son. The results were amazing, the embarrassment of the boy being forced to wear girls clothing greatly improved his unacceptable behaviour and his school reports showed a dramatic improvement on his grades. Mrs Braithwaite quickly dismissed this crazy idea as both her sons were just typical boys who sometimes got into mischief but nothing serious As the weeks went by, Shirley Braithwaite couldn't get the idea of turning one of her son's into a girly girl. Her youngest Thomas at just 12 years old hadn't yet started puberty and so she began to do some extensive research on the Internet about if it was possible to turn a boy into a girl without the boys knowledge. During this research, Shirley discovered the whole world of forced feminization. Some sites were just fiction and others seemed genuine. Gradually, Mrs Braithwaite was beginning to understand how she could feminize Thomas and have the girly girl that she so much desired. Once Mrs Braithwaite had decided to feminize her youngest Offspring, she began ordering the nessessary items to carry out her plan. As Thomas had not yet shown any signs of the onset of male puberty, the first item she purchased online was the anti androgen Androcur. This drug she would administer morning and night in her son's food. After about a month, low dose female hormones were added to Thomas's food. Mrs Braithwaite had purchased 3 months supply of a new drug, estrofemme, which was regarded by the transgender community as a wonder drug. Estrofemme worked much faster than the traditional drugs used to feminize the male body. The main advantage of estrofemme was that after around 12 months, the patient would have developed large breasts, at least a c-cup, meaning that the need for breast implants was almost eliminated. Because of the high potency of estrofemme, the dosage had to be low for the first three months, 5mg twice daily, increasing to 10mg after 3 months and 20mg twice a day after 6 months. By strictly following this dosage, Thomas would go through a full female puberty, minus of course starting a menstrual cycle which would take around 18 months to complete. After starting Thomas on Androcur and then the low dose of estrofemme, Mrs braithwaites mood began to improve dramatically. If everything went according to her devious planning, soon she would have the girly girl daughter she so much longed for. Thomas Braithwaite, unaware of his mother's diabolical scheme, having just turned 13 was beginning to become concerned that he was the only boy in his year group that had not yet started puberty. Indeed the small swellings that he had noticed a few weeks ago around his nipples which seemed to be getting larger and itchy of late were beginning to worry him. Thomas was also very embarrassed about these swellings and was reluctant to tell his mother. Mrs braithwaite however was delighted as she had been paying close attention to Thomas and had seen on several occasions the boy rub his sensitive chest. This excited Mrs Braithwaite. The situation came to a head when Mrs braithwaite received a telephone call one afternoon from the school nurse. Thomas had been playing sports and at the end of the session the young boy went with the rest of the boys into the showers. Several of the boys teased Thomas as his chest now had the appearance of a young girls breasts. The sports teacher, Mr Anderson came to the showers and quickly realised the source of the commotion and Thomas was sent to see the school nurse. After seeing poor Thomas and on closely examining the poor boys chest, the school nurse decided to call his mother via the telephone. Following the phone conversation, Mrs braithwaite arranged an appointment with the family doctor for the following week. At the surgery, Thomas didn't see the usual family doctor, instead he saw a young woman, Dr Charlotte Harris. Dr Harris was a doctor who had a special interest in transgender issues and she explained that poor Thomas was probably suffering from a condition Called gynecomastia, the development of breasts in boys going through puberty, which affected around 50% of All boys. The doctor said she would take some blood for testing and the results would be available in around a week's time. A few days following the doctors visit, Mrs braithwaite received a telephone call from the surgery asking her to make a further appointment with doctor Harris to discuss the results of her sons blood test. Three days later both Thomas and his mother sat nervously in the surgery waiting room to be called by doctor Harris, Mrs braithwaite was more worried than Thomas as the Doctor may have discovered that someone was feeding him female hormones. During the conversation, doctor Harris went on to explain to Thomas and his mother that his blood tests showed that the young body was producing very high levels of female hormones, around 3 times more than a girl going through puberty and almost no testosterone was found in his blood stream. Dr Harris asked Thomas to remove all his clothing to allow her to examine the boys increasingly feminine body. Although most girls would be embarrassed about having small A-Cup breasts, for Thomas his breasts seemed huge. The rest of his body was also showing signs of feminization, his slim waist, wide hips and increasingly rounded bottom were obvious to an expert like Dr Harris that the poor boys body was developing into that of a young woman. For the next half an hour or so, Dr Harris explained to them that all boys produce small quantities of estrogen, likewise girls produced small amounts of the male hormone testosterone. She explained that just above the kidneys are situated the Adrenal glands. These glands produce small amounts of estrogen in men but in Thomas's case his adrenal glands seem to be producing the high level of estrogen, hence the development of A- cup breasts on his chest. After telling Thomas to get dressed, the young boy was asked to leave the room whilst Dr Harris could speak privately to his mother. Dr Harris didn't mince her words and quickly informed Mrs Braithwaite that she knew exactly what was going on. The Doctor explained that the blood tests showed large amounts of the drug estrofemme in his system along with male hormone blockers. She knew that someone was deliberately feminizing Thomas. At this revelation, Mrs Braithwaite broke down in tears and explained to the doctor what she had been doing to her youngest son. Surprisingly Dr Harris was very understanding and sympathetic towards Mrs Braithwaites desires and said that she was willing to help her feminize her son but it had to be done under close medical supervision as what she was doing to Thomas was both reckless and very dangerous. It was therefore agreed by the two women that Thomas would become a patient at the doctors private gender clinic. Back at home it was explained by Mrs Braithwaite to the rest of the family that Thomas had been diagnosed as being a hermaphrodite, both a boy and a girl but although he had a penis and testicles, he did not possess the internal reproductive organs of a female. As Thomas had already started female puberty, the decision to change him from a boy into a girl was taken by his parents. From this point forward, Thomas would become Alice, a 13 year old girl. Mrs Braithwaite explained to the family that if she had another daughter she would have named her Alice. Poor Thomas was devistated by the diagnosis given by Dr Harris that he was a hermaphrodite and the last thing in the world he wanted to become was a girl. The young boy also realised that the ever increasing size of his breasts meant that he had little choice than the frightening realization that he would have to live the rest of his life as a female. Mrs Braithwaite began the transformation of Thomas almost immediately, purchasing numerous items of lingerie, skirts and dresses. Most of her purchases were so girly that most 13 year old real girls would be embarrassed to wear. His frilly dresses that were situated in his closet were all above the knees and Mrs Braithwaite insisted that whenever Thomas wore one of these dresses that he wore the petticoats in his lingerie drawers under the dress to give the impression of being a girly girl and not be mistaken for the boy he really was. Mrs Braithwaite explained to Thomas that by dressing in such girly atire, nobody would have any doubts that he was a girl and not a boy. The first thing that Thomas's parents did was to remove him from school, this was quickly followed by a visit to the solicitors office to legally change the poor boys name to Alice Louise Braithwaite. Thomas of course was totally against this, after all he considered himself to still being a boy, even though his body was becoming increasingly feminine. For the first few weeks, Thomas refused to wear anything that appeared to be remotely feminine, he still had his boys clothes and Mrs Braithwaite knew that she would have to be patient and that in just a few weeks his breasts would be to large to hide under his boy clothing. Three months after his mother had started him on the road to womanhood, the young boy had his first appointment at Dr Harris's gender clinic. At this stage the poor boy had still refused to wear girls clothing, even though his breasts were now a B-cup in size. His mother was determined that he attended the gender clinic wearing a frilly dress and after several arguments and with the full support of Mr Braithwaite who was totally unaware of his wife's evil plans, Thomas arrived at the clinic with his mother wearing his first ever dress. Earlier that morning, Thomas was awoken at 7am by his mother who had already chosen his outfit for the day. After his morning shower, Thomas was taken by his mother to her bedroom wearing just his bathrobe and ordered to sit down at the makeup table. Mrs Braithwaite didn't want to go over the top and so only light makeup was applied to the sobbing boys face. His cheeks had minimal blusher applied and his lipstick was hardly noticeable, although it did make his face look more feminine. Back in Thomas's room, his mother helped the young boy to dress. When he had removed his bathrobe, the embarrassed boy quickly turned his back to his mother as he did not want her to see his tiny penis and testicles. He quickly put on the bright pink panties that he was handed before turning back to face his mother. Mrs Braithwaite struggled to hide her excitement as she looked at her sons feminine body. His breasts looked huge on his small frame, his waist was tiny, his hips were well spread and his bottom was well rounded. His body looked more like an 18 year old young woman than a 13 year old girl. Wow, she thought to herself, that estrofemme is truly an amazing drug. Getting Thomas dressed proved a lot easier than Mrs Braithwaite thought. This was because her son was more embarrassed standing naked, minus the panties in front of his mother. First came the bra, a B-cup pink push up bra that made his breasts seem much larger than they already were. Next came the plain Pink petticoat, quickly followed by the plain yellow knee length dress. White socks were added to his legs before a pair of mary Jane shoes were placed on his feet. The final task was to sort out his hair. Being short, a wig was required and so the mother and son returned to the mother's bedroom to fix the shoulder length brunette wig on the boys head. After the final adjustments were made, Thomas was now ready to face the world for the first time as Alice. Alice was shaking with fear as she made the short walk down the driveway to where her mother had parked the car. She was releaved that what seemed like forever, the walk only took about 30 seconds before they reached the car. The journey to the gender clinic took around 90 minutes, most of which was spent with Mrs Braithwaite trying to reassure her new daughter that she looked like any other 13 year old girl. In reality poor Alice was dressed more like a much younger girl, perhaps around 7 or 8 years old because Mrs Braithwaite wanted Alice to ask to wear the attire of a girl more appropriate for her age. Deep down she couldn't wait for the time when she would have to show Alice the delights of stockings, suspenders, basques and all the other sexy lingerie that a young woman might wear to seduce her boyfriend. She chuckled to herself on thinking that her two real daughters, Sarah and Zoe probably didn't even know what a basque was, let alone wear one and a Teddy was a cuddly toy who you Slept with each night and not an item of lingerie. The Gender Clinic was situated in the grounds of a large former country estate on the outskirts of Bristol , South West England. The building itself was actually a former 16 bedroom Manor and was secluded to allow the clients of the clinic privacy. After parking the car, Mrs Braithwaite and Alice entered the building and followed the signs to reception. At reception Mrs Braithwaite announced to the staff member that both her and her very nervous looking daughter Alice were here for an 11 o'clock appointment with Dr Harris. The friendly receptionist whose name badge identified her as Michelle Freeman told the woman and her daughter to take a seat in the waiting room and she would notify the doctor of there arrival. On arrival at the waiting room there were around a dozen people sat down waiting to be seen by staff at the clinic. What stood out for Alice was that everyone was, or appeared to be female. Amongst these people were sat 3 young girls who appeared to be around 16 years old, all seemed nervous as they sat alongside what appeared to be their mothers. After around 45 minutes the name Alice Louise Braithwaite came over loud and clear through the speakers with instructions to go to room 3. On arrival at room 3, the pair were met by Dr Harris at the open door to her consulting room and once inside they were invited to take a seat. Once settled and after some small talk between the two older ladies, Dr Harris turned her focus on Alice. She started by telling Alice that she looked very pretty in her dress, something that poor Alice didn't want to hear. She asked the youngster if she was use to her new life as a girl and wearing skirts and dresses at which point her mother intervened stating that today was the first day that Alice had ever worn a bra, let alone a skirt or a dress and had been living as a boy dispite now having what was clearly a young woman's body. Dr Harris next asked Alice to go behind the screen situated in the room and strip completely naked and to then put on the blood red robe which was hanging on a hook on the wall behind the screen. After several minutes, Alice had trouble removing her bra as this was the first time she had ever worn one, Alice reappeared from behind the screen clad only in the robe and was instructed by the doctor to stand in the middle of the room. Dr Harris approached the young frightened child and removed the robe, leaving the poor girl standing naked. Dr Harris said that she needed to examine her body to check her development and then proceeded to feel first the left and then the right breast of Alice. The doctor asked Alice a whole series of questions about her breasts such as were they sore to touch, were they tender and were her large nipples sore or itchy. Alice responded that at first when they started to grow, her breasts were indeed very sore and tender as were her nipples but over the last few weeks, the discomfort had stopped. The only time very felt sensitive was when she accidentally brushed up against something, like her boobs touching a side of a door. Dr Harris explained to Alice that this was very good news and that in a few years time when she had a boyfriend both her and her boyfriend would get hours of pleasure from fondling her breasts. This of course was something that Alice didn't want to hear. The examination continued with the doctor producing a tape measure and measuring the size of her waist and her hips. She then looked at her bottom and commented that it was well rounded and very feminine. Lastly came the examination of the young girls male equipment which thanks to a combination of the estrofemme and androcur had done its job well, for all that remained of the girl's maleness was all shrivelled up. Following the examination, Alice was told to go back behind the screen and get dressed. Throughout the 30 minute examination of Alice, Dr Harris looked up several times at the young girls mother and could clearly see the excitement on the woman's face. She thought to herself that during the examination of Alice, Mrs Braithwaite probably had several orgasms. Once dressed and sat with her mother at the doctors desk, Dr Harris explained the results of her examination of Alice. She explained that the 13 year old child had the body of an 18 year old woman and that she should be prepared for when her B-cup breasts had fully developed and that she would probably end up with at least DD-cup boobs. Poor Alice began to shed a few tears at this news for she didn't want such large boobs, in fact she didn't want boobs at all. All she wanted was to go back to being Thomas, the young boy he was just a few months ago. Dr Harris explained to Alice that she fully understood that it must be a huge shock to discover that after nearly 13 years of living as a happy boy, being told that you're not a boy but a girl. She told Alice that it would probably take her at least a year or even longer before she came to accept the situation and on the positive side, she would turn into a beautiful woman and that being a girl could be a lot of fun if she accepted her condition. If all of this wasn't distressing enough for Alice, when the doctor explained to Shirley Braithwaite the medical procedures that were needed to remove her new daughters male equipment, poor Alice burst into tears. The doctor explained that firstly Alice needed to be castrated and that she would arrange for her castration surgery for around 3 months time. We will remove his testicles to prevent the possibility of testicular cancer, as patients with a condition similar to Alice were 10 times more likely to develop cancer, she lied. She also said that she would leave the scrotum as this was needed when Alice had her penis removed and a vagina created when she turned 16. The final 2 things that were discussed was that Dr Harris recommended that Alice should only wear skirts and dresses to help her adjust to her new life and no trousers, even girls trousers and Dr Harris also advised that Alice see a psychiatrist weekly at the gender clinic to help the poor child adjust. Over the next several weeks, Alice was taught just about everything about being a teenage girl, short of being shown how to insert and remove a tampon. Mrs Braithwaite continued to dress her new daughter in frilly lingerie and dresses that were more suitable for an 8 year old. Mr Braithwaite, although he found it very difficult adjusting to the fact that he had lost a son but gained a daughter and being totally unaware of his wife's evil plans for his former son, tried to be as supportive as possible to both his wife and Alice. Meanwhile Alice's 2 older sisters, Sarah who was now 19 and 17 year old Zoe were also very supportive in helping Alice adjust to her new life in skirts and dresses. Zoe was especially very supportive of her new sister and even started to wear skirts and dresses herself, something that she hadn't done since she was 12, apart from the skirt she was forced to wear as part of her school uniform, to support Alice during their daily walks to the park. It was Zoe who in fact first suggested to their mother that Alice's dresses seemed very juvenile, more appropriate for an 8 year old. The result was that their parents purchased a whole new wardrobe for Alice, one that was more appropriate for a girl of Alice's age. As time went by, Alice, although still unhappy about now being a girl, adjusted well to womanhood. Thoughs of Alice returning to school arose, it had been nearly 5 months since Alice last attended school. During the family discussions it was decided that Alice attend a new school, the secondary school in the next town, about 10 miles away as this would minimise the risk of anyone discovering that Alice use to be a boy named Thomas. Arrangements were therefore made to transfer the former boys old school records to the new all girls school that she would be attending in 4 weeks time. 3 weeks before she was to start her new school, Alice had another appointment at the gender clinic. Alice was dreading this appointment because it was for his castration surgery which would be performed by Dr Harris. Poor Alice knew that this day would come but she was still frightened and scared at the thought of losing her balls. Thankfully, the castration surgery which was done under local anasteethic and only took around 20 minutes to perform the surgery, was a total success and at the follow up appointment 10 days later, Alice had fully healed. The return to school, although it was a new one was a very traumatic experience for Alice. Thankfully due to the support of her family and the weekly visits to the psychiatrist, Alice soon settled in, looking smart in her schoolgirl uniform and quickly became popular and made many friends. Alice was excused from doing sports, thus avoiding any embarrassing moments in the showers, she still had a penis and not a vagina between her legs, on the grounds of having a rare heart condition. Mrs Braithwaites plans for her former son had worked to perfection, even to the point where each Saturday whilst her sisters were out with friends and her brother Alexander attended football matches with their father, something that Alice missed badly, Alice and her mother spent mother and daughter days out having their hair done, having manicures and pedicures. Alice was quickly turning into a stunningly beautiful young woman. Although Mrs Braithwaite now, after nearly a year, had accomplished her plans to have a girly girl daughter she could spoil rotten, she unknowingly made one big mistake, a mistake that was going to cost her dear. Emily Martins hadn't seen or heard from her best friend for over 6 months, they met as teenagers at school nearly 25 years ago and despite having telephone conversations initially 3 or 4 times a week, these quickly reduced to just 1 or 2 calls and after a couple of months the Conversations stopped completely, several messages left by Mrs Martins On her best friends answerphone were not responded to. Mrs Martin's was deeply concerned about her friends welfare and remembering well the last time they met face to face all those months ago, had guessed that Shirley Braithwaite was very depressed. The two ladies lived around 150 miles apart, Shirley lived in Devon whist Emily lived in South Wales. After discussing the strange situation with her husband, Emily Martins decided to take a short holiday to Devon and look up her best friend whom she hadn't heard from in over six months. About a week later, Emily left home in her car and travelled down the motorway to a town called Torquay, situated on the south coast of Devon, around 5 miles from the Braithwaites home. On the second day of her trip, Emily decided not to call at the Braithwaites residence, instead she decided to park her car nearby, within Eye contact and just observe the property. It didn't take long to realise that something strange was going on at the Braithwaite house. On the Thursday, the day before she was due to return home, for the third day running Emily observed both Alexander and Zoe returning from school at around 4-30pm followed about half an hour later by a young schoolgirl dressed in a uniform that indicated to Emily that whoever this young girl was, she didn't attend the same school as Alexander or Zoe. After considering all her opinions, Emily Martins decided to speak with the young girl rather than visit the house as originally planned and therefore knowing what time she would likely to be walking home, she decided to approach this unknown person around 100 yards from home. Emily sat in her car as the number 12 bus arrived at the stop about 20 yards from where she was parked and watched the five schoolgirls all dressed in identical schoolgirl uniforms exit the bus and make their way home. Luckily the mystery girl was the only one who was heading in her direction and Mrs Martin's decided to leave her car and approached the young girl, pretending to be lost and asking for directions. As she started to speak to the schoolgirl, the girl froze as she recognised Mrs Martins immediately. Mrs Martins could see that the young girl, who was obviously very feminine, had a striking resemblance to her best friends youngest son, Thomas. After a brief silence, Emily asked the young girl what her name was and the young child responded with Alice Braithwaite. Emily Martins was not a stupid woman, quite the opposite in fact and remembering the conversation she had almost a year ago with Shirley Braithwaite about wanting to have a girly girl as a daughter, she came straight out by saying to the girl that he was really Thomas Braithwaite. At this, the poor child just burst into tears and Emily helped the child to the car. After several minutes sat in silence, Emily asked Alice /Thomas why he was attending school as a girl. The child's response completely surprised Emily as the child explained that about a year ago she started developing breasts and after a visit to the doctors, she was diagnosed with being a hermaphrodite and on the specialist's instructions, began living as a girl. Emily didn't believe a word of what the child had just told her and so she asked her if she was happy as a girl or wanted to return to being a boy again. Unsurprisingly, Alice said that she hated everything about being a girl, the frilly skirts and dresses, the mother and daughter days out and most of all she hated having breasts and having to wear an uncomfortable c-cup bra which it's cups struggled to hold the large orbs that hung from her chest. Not knowing what to do, Emily phoned her husband who worked as a solicitor in a large law firm in Cardiff and was advised to bring Alice /Thomas back home to Wales with her. Having known Emily Martins all her young life, Alice knew she could trust her and was happy to go back to her home with her. Meanwhile Mr Martins telephoned Mrs Braithwaite and left a message saying that Thomas was safe and well and spending some time with him and Emily in Wales at to contact them at the earliest opportunity. After returning to the hotel accompanied by Alice, Mrs Martins checked out and after briefly visiting a local store to purchase Alice a change of clothing, a uni-sex looking black tracksuit, Alice went into the ladies toilet to change and after putting on the tracksuit bottoms, the young girl realised that this was the first time in around a year that she actually wore something below the waist that wasn't either a skirt or a dress. During the 90 minute journey back to Wales, Emily couldn't help repeatedly looking across at Alice who was sat beside her in the front passanger seat of the car. There was no denying that this young girl was stunningly beautiful. Several times she wondered if the large orbs sticking out from the top of her baggy top were real breasts, breast implants or just falsies. This she would discover at a later date. When they finally arrived home at the Martin's residence at around 7- 15pm, both Mrs Martins and Alice were met in the driveway by Mr Martins. Peter Martins had already sought an emergency custody order with the help of Cardiff social services and Alice had been made a ward of court and placed in the care of Mr and Mrs Martins for the next 7 days to enable the relevant authorities to investigate the circumstances that led to a 12 year old boy becoming a girl. Additionally an order was placed on the entire Braithwaite family, preventing them from entering Wales. While his wife was driving home with Alice, Mr Martins had been clothes shopping, his wife had given him instructions on what to purchase clothing wise for Alice and went shopping after sorting out the necessary legal obstacles for making Alice a ward of court. The investigation into Thomas Braithwaite becoming Alice Louise Braithwaite began almost immediately. Alice's aligations that he was forced to become a girl was reported to social services who in turn informed the police and around 10pm that first night, Shirley Braithwaite received a home visit by social services and the police. Mr and Mrs Braithwaite were arrested initially on suspicion of child neglect and the 3 remaining children were taken into temporary Foster care. Mr and Mrs Martins didn't have any children although they had been married for nearly 15 years. They were both career driven people, Mr Martins being a solicitor and his wife was on the board of a large banking group. Although they were childless, the couple live in a large 8 bedroom house surrounded by nearly two acres of land which was valued at over 2 million pounds. They lived on the outskirts of Cardiff and were well known for holding lavish dinner parties with their friends and work colleagues. Having a young child come to stay was going to be a whole new experience for the Martins. Back in Devon the police obtained a search warrant and the following day with Mr and Mrs Braithwaite still in police custody and Sarah and Zoe staying with a Foster family, the police began searching the house. It didn't take long to discover that Thomas Braithwaite was not a hermaphrodite, the 5 full boxes of estrofemme found hidden in Mrs Braithwaites wardrobe and the bank statements that clearly showed that Mrs Braithwaite had made several purchases of estrofemme and androcur online using her personal bank account over the last year and she also kept a secret diary that went into great detail about the forced feminization of Thomas and she was duly charged with child neglect, grievous bodily harm, assault and other less serious crimes. Meanwhile Mr Braithwaite maintained that he had no idea of his wife's evil actions and the police having no evidence against him, he was released without charge after being detained for 48 hours. Being cleared of any involvement in the abuse, both zoe and Alexander were allowed back home to live with their father. Back in Wales, Alice had several tests and examinations performed on her by numerous medical professionals and it soon became clear that Alice was not an hermaphrodite or transgender but unfortunately it was explained to her that it was impossible for her to return to being a boy and she would have to remain a female for the rest of her life. DR Charlotte Harris had her private gender clinic was raided by the police and by looking through her patients computer records, it soon became clear that many of her patients were not there by choice and at least 18 boys had been forced feminized by their mother's, although the police suspected that there were many more victims. The doctor was duly arrested and charged with numerous crimes and her clinic was shut down by the authorities. After a week, Mrs Martins returned Alice back to her father and siblings who was fully supported by her father and siblings. When the case went to court, both Shirley Braithwaite and Dr Charlotte Harris pleaded guilty and both were sentenced to lengthy spells of imprisonment, Shirley Braithwaite received 15 years and Charlotte Harris received 22 years and was duly struck off the medical register. 2 years later, Alice Louise Braithwaite, now 16 years old, although not happy was content at being a girl. She, by choice dressed in attire suitable for a girl her age. Although she had to wear a skirt to school, during her free time she mostly wore trousers or jeans but occasionally wore a skirt or a dress when going out with her friends. Alice decided that she would not have any surgery to remove her penis and have a man made vagina between her legs, although she probably would have breast reduction surgery to have her DD-cup boobs reduced to a B-cup. Meanwhile, after divorcing his wife, Alice's father had a new woman called Michelle in his life and she, with the full approval of all four of his children had around 3 months ago, moved into the family home and only the previous week, the loving couple announced their engagement and asked the three girls if they would be bridesmaids at the forthcoming wedding. To everyone's surprise all 3 girls said yes, including Alice who knew that this would mean that she would have to wear an identical dress as all the other bridesmaids, which seeing how happy her father and future stepmother were, she would gladly do. One thing that occurred to Alice and made her smile was the thought of seeing her oldest sister Sarah, who was now 21 years old and in a lesbian relationship, wearing a skirt or a dress, something that she hadn't done in over 5 years since leaving school.

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Betsy readied herself for the next chapter of her life story. She was lying comfortably on the bed in her spare bedroom and quickly fell into a dreamlike state. Her relationship with Phil was over and now she dearly wanted to reminisce about Thomas. Betsy had met Thomas, even had a torrid affair with him, during her relationship with Phil. Now her mind drifted back almost twenty years. With the official end of summer, she got home Monday evening feeling sad. Betsy was sad remembering the...

3 years ago
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Priscilla And I School Thomas

My forty-year-old wife, Priscilla, can’t keep her hands off of young boys. Her latest target is the sixteen-year-old lad, Thomas, who cuts our grass. He usually works shirtless, dressed in denim cutoffs, sneakers and no socks.He’s about five-ten, slim, slightly muscular, blond hair and rather handsome. When he shows up to do our yard my wife will call him in to the kitchen so that she can apply sun block before he starts.“We can’t have you getting sunburned,” she tells him.Prior to his arrival...

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Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter ThreeThomas

Baseball Player to Baseball Girl Chapter 3 Mike meets Thomas The alarm clock rang at 6:30 am. Mike had only a few hours of sleep, but it felt like he had slept much longer than that. He jumped out of bed and took a quick shower so that he could be ready for Thomas's arrival at 7:00. Fortunately, it was an off day for the Seals, which meant Mike had a day with no obligations. He was looking forward to trying on all of his new clothes and jewelry. As he was contemplating what he...

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Shelia and Thomas

Chapter 1 — Shelia and Thomas Meet It was late at night and Shelia was lonely. After dumping her boyfriend two months ago, for cheating, she had finally gotten over the ‘all men are dogs’ theory and wanted to simply have someone appreciate her for her. Not wanting to just meet someone at a bar she had started complaining to her girlfriends about there not being any good men left. With their agreement she sank deeper into her loneliness. Work was always the same. There was Mark in Marketing,...

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Taking Thomas

I lie there, listening to the soft sounds of my best friend’s breathing. I’m thinking about the events of the past week and debating with myself. You see, I’m in love with him. Have been, for over twelve years. At one point, years ago, he reciprocated my feelings, but, we never acted on them. Now, we are together for the first time in years and all of those old feelings are resurfacing. Thomas and I met when we were teenagers. For me, it was an instant attraction. Being only fifteen, there was...

First Time
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Craigslist Chronicles Ch 06 Thomas

While at work, my horniness returned. God was I ready to be fucked again. It hit me hard. I needed to be used. Stumbling through the m4m section of craigslist, I added "dom" & "dominate" to my search. I wanted someone more dominate and rough around the edges. The thought of having someone tell me what to do turned me on. Hard dom top for slave btm - 22 Horny as fuck. My regular sub has moved away... Looking for a replacement. Big load saved up. Late night ++++. I'm 180lbs, 6', fit,...

2 years ago
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a longing lust of mine for thomas

Me and Heather walked around a bit talking before going to the locker room. On our way back the whole b-ball team walked passed us to leave. I was outside the locker room and Heather says, "I dare you to sneek into the boys locker room and spray perfume everywhere, on everything." of course me being the goodie goodie I am,I refused. but she forced the bottle in my hand and shoved me into the locker room and gaurded the door so I couldnt leave. So I turned around to start spraying and none...

4 years ago
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The Feminization of Michelle

The Feminization of Michelle By Aleisha James Author's note: Despite the dark aspects of some of my stories, I do not in any way endorse the use of force or pain to compel anyone to do anything. This story, as with all my stories on this site, deals with issues of an adult, sexual nature. No-one under the age of eighteen and no-one who finds forced feminization stories to be offensive should read any further. If you are still reading, then you are an adult with an interest in...

4 years ago
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Sowmya8217s Sex With Thomas

Sowmya was slobbering Thomas’s face with her pink lips and long darting tongue. “Dei ! Thomasaa , ivvalaan nanna irrukku ,onnoda moonji, naan nakka nakka nee fair ayindaey poraeyaey!!”.( Hey Thomas as I lick your face it seems that you are becoming fairer). “Sowmi, onnakku rhombadhaan thimiru”. said Thomas(Sowmi, you have the gumption) This was in contrast to his coal black face clean shaved save for his moustache. He , coming from the town of Nagercoil( town in South Tamilnadu) was a tamil...

2 years ago
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Doubting Thomas

A couple of notes: First, a huge thank you to Mistress Dyvia for all her work over the years, which inspired this piece, as well as the writing prompt which structured this story. Second, I would appreciate any feedback, particularly if you like it. This is my first foray here and your readership and responses are appreciated. Doubting Thomas It all started simply enough. I had finally decided to stop lurking and actually contacted one of my favorite authors. I had been a fan...

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Feminization 1 ENG

Feminization 1Just say that nothing extra ordinary in terms of sex or orientation, I was not different. He studied at the university, like everyone else. Girls liked, but did not give much. So, more in porn specialized in the internet. You look, you twist and life normalizes.That's how he lived, it's okay, the truth is boring enough. But during this time I became practically an expert theorist in terms of different types of sex.There was a lot of theory, practice with partners was zero. So I...

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Forced Feminization

Forced Feminization? Hello to all my friends and readers, I guess this little discussion should be written in a blog or something, but I don't know how to do that, so hey ho. As well as writing stories, I like to read them too and one of my favourite subject headings is "Forced Feminization", however, and this is the reason for this discussion, many of these stories disappoint. The heading is two words, Forced and Feminisation, yet so often I find that the key character appears to...

2 years ago
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Viv Thomas

Lesbian sex! Now that I got your attention, let’s dig into what VivThomas has in store for you. This is one of those Sapphic sites that’s got real romantic ass, touchy-feely lesbian movies that are all about the exploration of female sexuality. Now I know how to satisfy a woman, obviously, but half of this shit is really confusing to me. – Like how women watch porn for the story and not the penetration.A Brief HistoryVivThomas is actually a legendary website that’s been around almost as long as...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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The Feminization of Leslie Part Three

The Feminization of Leslie - Part Three Chapter Four - Summer in Skirts The end of school came and went. Susan was as good as her word, and never told anyone, as far as he knew. Leslie also returned many times to the Dreycott residence to play with Denise. On some of those occasions, his mother even allowed him to go dressed -- more or less -- as a boy (although he still wore androgynous clothes and jewelry, and still had his feminine hairdo and long nails). Denise was always...

2 years ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 17 Bedtime For Thomas

The coffee and brandy session soon ended after the Emir left and various people drifted out, leaving Henry and Thomas alone. "Captain," said Thomas, "Can you advise me?" "In what way?" "Am I allowed to take one of the attendants in our suite to bed with me?" The Captain smiled, "That is why she was provided. You may do anything you please with any of them. If they do not please you, you may have them whipped, or do it yourself. If she is not to your taste, others can be...

5 years ago
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Misstress Mollys Feminization Farm

Mistress Molly's Feminization Farm Note: At the point this is only a perspective business idea, but I would like to find the backers needed to start this operation. Prelude: Qualifications and Intake. Where we explore who comes to my farm and how I prepare them for training, by breaking them of their previous personal identity. There are three ways that subjects come to become products of my farm. The most common way for products to enter my farm is that of an owned slave being...

4 years ago
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Lessons Learned in Forced Feminization You Decide

So did this title catch your attention. Will you read on?? Ok so I'm not going to tell you I was forced onto hormones, I didn't get huge breast implants or permanent makeup tattooed on my face. I cannot go out in public and pass as a beautiful genetic female. But if you read on I will tell a true story of one of my early experiences with my wife after she caught me secretly crossdressing in her clothes, masturbating hard as a rock ready to cum. (that was my first of many to follow ruined cum)....

4 years ago
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Sudden Male Feminization Syndrome

Hey, whoever's reading this. I'm not much of a story-teller, but I have got a story to tell. First off, my name's Jane. It used to be Joe, then it was Jo for a little while, and that's pretty much what this is all about. I was a pretty depressed little boy. My parents watched sports and my brother played them. At school, all the boys wanted to be professional athletes and all the girls wanted to be performers or didn't have the self-awareness to consider the future at all. All but...

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The Feminization of Leslie Part Four Conclusion

I have rated this story 'X' just to be on the safe side, but frankly I think it occupies a point on the spectrum somewhere between R and X. If you are expecting a healthy dose of explicit sex based on the published rating, I apologize. There really isn't THAT much. A couple of reader comments have asked if it really HAS to end here, with Part Four. Well, of course any story can be continued almost indefinitely, but I think that with the inclusion of this section, it says pretty much...

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The Feminization of Adam

The Feminization of Adam This is a tale of how love can blind you into becoming someone new. I am Adam, and this is my story. When I was 18, living on my own while going to college, I had been a very shy and average sort of guy. I wasn't bad looking, but certainly not 'macho'. I lean more towards being pretty, but I would never admit that. I also didn't really have goals for my future. I awoke each day going through the motions but not really excited about anything. Oh, I guess I...

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The Mailroom Clerk A Tale of Coerced Forced Feminization Pt1

THE MAILROOM CLERK A TAIL OF COERCED FORCED FEMINIZATION PT.1 I am 27 years old at the time this happened. My name is John Allen and I am from Cape May ,New Jersey. Shore boy all the way. I am 5'6" tall and weigh 165. I know, small for a man. But I could do things on a surfboard or jet ski. It wasn't to bad being a little small. And as with many others, I have a fetish for women's items. Everything that makes a woman a woman. I was never gay nor interested in men...

4 years ago
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The Feminization of Michael 2

The Feminization of Michael. Chapter 2 I continued with the “weekend” clothes for another few weeks and consistently had people commenting, laughing and making things difficult when I was out shopping. I continued at work in the more feminine suits and blouses too.  The rumours increased and somehow word had got around that at the weekend I wore dresses and full make up! This couldn’t go on like this, I had come very close to being beaten up when I was out and the chanting was just crazy. ...

3 years ago
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The Feminization of Michael Chapter 1

The Feminization of Michael. Chapter 1 How I had found myself in this predicament Ill never fully understand. Ok I guess it was my own fault but why I didn’t kick against it when I could Ill never know. I had been involved in a sordid night of drink drugs and sex with a young transsexual hooker! Including her/him putting a bra and panties on me! I didn’t know any of this until my wife, Sue, confronted me with the brown envelope with pictures and a blackmail note. I had been caught before...

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Cockslave Feminization as told to me

Cockslave / Feminization as told to me Story from the perspective of a college boy who is abused by a dom master and turned into a sissy faggot pussyboy whore, who learns to love his abuse.This is my story of how I was turned into a cock slave. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs,with a smooth, almost hairless body. I'm in good shape with a baby face andbarely any beard. I grew up around New York as a straight male, but I didhave a few experiences with other guys when I was young.I dated and slept with girls and...

3 years ago
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RENT BOY: FEMINIZATION[/image]Hey. My name is Lyosha. And this is my story. Enough fun, read, can enjoy. Maybe you want ...I have not enough years to call myself a boy in the fourth ten years. But, as I said Ostap Bender, let him first cast a stone at me, who's to say it's a girl.Although, although now I would so clearly himself did not speak. And then we can get the stone. And all that's why.Yes, I have long been fond of the theme of trance. He liked me in all sorts of role-playing games, the...

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House of Feminization

House of Feminization By Catherine 1 I had been driving through the curves of the mountains for three hours and had yet to see any sign of life. I desperately needed to find a gas station, or I would be stuck out here. My cell phone was low on batteries and I had forgotten to bring the charger with me. Finally I saw the mountain pass in which I was driving was ending, making way to a valley secluded by the mountains surrounding it. I still saw no dwelling, or any kind of...

5 years ago
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House of Feminization 2

House of Feminization, Part Two - by: Catherine ...continued... 7 I opened my eyes and saw the sky was still dark. I immediately felt the new breasts protruding from me. My hands of course felt them, which seemed like instinct. They felt incredible, perfectly rounded and oh so firm. I saw the blonde sleeping next to me, and she seemed peaceful in her slumber. I quietly rose from the bed trying my hardest to not stir her, and succeeded so I walked to the bathroom, which gave...

2 years ago
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House of Feminization 3

House of Feminization 3 By Catherine 12 I was awake now, early, I gathered from the sun attempting to rise over the eastern mountains that I could glimpse through the open velvet curtains of my now familiar pink room, and I looked around while still clutching the comforter tightly to my chin. I noticed the blonde ringlets protruding out from the corners of the blanket and pulled the cover off quickly as I rose to a sitting position. Oh my god! Immediately I felt the sensation...

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Kristens Story A story of forced feminization PART I

Kristen's Story or Clockwork Kitten: A Forced Feminization by Alana Bonetto PART I I think If I hadn't been so cocky, I wouldn't have wound up where I am now. I was a trim, hard-bodied guy with dreamy eyes, the kind of man-boy women love. They always commented on my long hair my tight butt, my smooth hairless body and my fat 9-incher. More often than not, it was no chore to lure them into my bed. I played a careless game of seduction, and my playing fields were the bars, discos...

4 years ago
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Kristens Story A Forced Feminization PART 2

Kristen's Story: A forced Feminization PART 2 by Alana Bonetto They buckled my arms and my ankles securely. Despite my fear and anxiety at being taken here against my will and bound to a chair, I felt lightheaded, almost elated. My head floated as if I had done a popper, as I would sometimes do at a disco with friends, or before a night of savage coupling with a hot slut. Jim said, "Sit back and enjoy the show, hon. I'm sure it'll be an unforgettable cinematic experience!" They...

2 years ago
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The Feminization of Michael 2

The Feminization of Michael. Chapter 2 I continued with the “weekend” clothes for another few weeks and consistently had people commenting, laughing and making things difficult when I was out shopping. I continued at work in the more feminine suits and blouses too.  The rumours increased and somehow word had got around that at the weekend I wore dresses and full make up! This couldn’t go on like this, I had come very close to being beaten up when I was out and the chanting was just crazy. My...

3 years ago
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The Feminization of Michael Chapter 1

The Feminization of Michael. Chapter 1 How I had found myself in this predicament Ill never fully understand. Ok I guess it was my own fault but why I didn’t kick against it when I could Ill never know. I had been involved in a sordid night of drink drugs and sex with a young transsexual hooker! Including her/him putting a bra and panties on me! I didn’t know any of this until my wife, Sue, confronted me with the brown envelope with pictures and a blackmail note. I had been caught before...

4 years ago
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Feminization Academy

You are walking down the sidewalk after another long day at college. Listening to a live news feed from your phone, it is suddenly interrupted by a breaking update. "This just in: Another young man has gone missing in the downtown Philadelphia Area. Men between the ages of 18 and 24 are advised to travel with caution until the-" you switch off the feed and move on to youtube, tired of hearing the millionth update on that same old story. You put on one of your favorite songs and allow yourself...

3 years ago
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Asian Feminization

ASIAN FEMINIZATION Sleazy Blonde, 2021 It wasn't what I wanted. Not at all what I wanted. But my wishes and desires, my wants and needs: they meant little to my parents. We're an immigrant family from East Asia. Maybe a bit more South-East than East; I won't tell you the country except that it's not Japan. My parents brought with them some of the better attributes from our Confucius-laden heritage: hard work, loyalty to family, respect your elders. With the benefit of hindsight, I...

1 year ago
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A date with Thomas

Thomas slowly walks into the room and gently takes your arms in his callused hands. He lifts them off the keyboard as he slowly stands you up and turns you around. his rough hands gently slide down your arms to your hands sending goosebumbs down your spine. he looks at you softly, you see a sparkle of something kept secret lurking behind his pale green eyes. Cautiously he moves his head forward, and gently brushes your lips against his as your flesh meets his, your body flushes with that sinful...

2 years ago
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Taking Thomas

I lie there, listening to the soft sounds of my best friend’s breathing. I’m thinking about the events of the past week and debating with myself. You see, I’m in love with him. Have been, for over twelve years. At one point, years ago, he reciprocated my feelings, but, we never acted on them. Now, we are together for the first time in years and all of those old feelings are resurfacing. Thomas and I met when we were teenagers. For me, it was an instant attraction. Being only fifteen, there was...

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Ashley and Mr Thomas

Thursday: No matter how many times I'd gone to the Adult Video place to wank, I've always gotten an excited but scared feeling as I've gone in. What if someone were to see me? Of course, having been divorced for 3 years, I no longer had to fear that someone would tell my wife. In fact, since my son took her side and barely speaks to me, there's really nobody who'd care. But still, I get that feeling. In the last years of marriage and the three years since, this was the extent of my sex...

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Final Feminization VII

Not only was it a beautiful day, he could smell the sea in the air. From the large canopy bed where he sat, Cloud saw a set of doors and windows leading out to a wooden deck. Beyond that, the ocean stretched outward. The waves rocked gently against the massive beams holding up the villa. Wherever he was, the rent wasn't cheap. This looked like some kind of swanky vacation resort home. His new location wasn't the biggest surprise. What really took him aback were the clothes he was wearing....

2 years ago
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Paying the Debt A Forced Feminization Story

I married Alexis five years ago when we were both in college. Ever since then we'd been struggling to make ends meet. Ultimately we had to no choice but to get a loan. The problem was, we had to get it from a shady businessman, Mr. Stone. Dealing with him was scary but due to our financial situation banks were out of the question. We had no idea how to repay him and got more and more worried as the deadline was quickly approaching. Finally, the date we dreaded arrived. It was a Friday and...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Doubting Thomas

‘Won’t be a minute love’, she flapped as she frantically began searching for her keys. Brenda always flapped about in a constant rush, which was in total contrast to her husband. Lennard was cool , calm , and collected as he patiently waited for her. He kept looking at his watch as he reminded her of the time. It was a hospital appointment today, Lennard was experiencing problems with getting Brenda pregnant. Dr. Thomas wanted to see them as a couple and explain the options available. Brenda...

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Tales of Feminization

In a seemingly normal town, a new social movement is taking place. White boys are encouraged to act, dress, and be feminine. You are a student at this school, and this is story of how you become a dirty sissy slut. Choose a boy to play as and be feminized. (All characters in this story are of legal age) (I'm only working on Mark's story right now, but feel free to add more characters) (Tags on this page are tags for all the threads in the story) I decided to start playing around with variables...

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Sissies Feminization and Hormonal Transformation t

I was 39 years old and I have been a female inside a mans body. I've dreamed of changing into a full woman. Yet I got married, and had a wonderful boy. I asked my wife one night what she thought of being with another man, & was very upset. I continued to explain how I fantasized about being her cuckold an being feminized completely including hormones, body modifications, and living as a female on our Jamaican vacations were she could fuck, suck, and eventually be impregnated by a BBC. She...

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James Bondage QuickiesFinal Feminization VII

Cloud awoke from a long slumber in a haze of grogginess and confusion. His eyes had scarcely begun to open when they shut involuntarily in pained surprise. Wherever he was now, it was bright, sunny and warm. Nothing like the dark city of Midgar and the slums below it. He wasn’t used to the brightness. Combined with his headache and nausea, it took a while to adjust. As his mental fog began to dissipate, he sat up and took stock of his surroundings. To say he was taken aback would be an...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...


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