Doubting Thomas free porn video

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A couple of notes: First, a huge thank you to Mistress Dyvia for all her work over the years, which inspired this piece, as well as the writing prompt which structured this story. Second, I would appreciate any feedback, particularly if you like it. This is my first foray here and your readership and responses are appreciated. Doubting Thomas It all started simply enough. I had finally decided to stop lurking and actually contacted one of my favorite authors. I had been a fan of her writing for about half a decade and I finally decided to support her work and break out of my shell a little bit. I emailed her basically thanking her for work, and apologizing for being a lurker. She was quite gracious and we started a brief back and forth, where I expanded on some of my thoughts on her work, which had quite a bit of mind control and feminization in it, and while the latter seemed real, the former unfortunately seemed far-fetched, at least how the genre interpreted it. She admitted that while such drastic portrayals were not on par with reality,mind control was possible and in fact had been utilized before. I expressed mild skepticism, but added that it was still a huge turn on and that the fact I didn't believe it per se would not hinder my fandom. Over the next few weeks we exchanged emails, mostly me just going fanboy about her work, but occasionally touching on genre related topics. It was just idle banter, but I thoroughly appreciated it, again I was just trying to embrace my kink and her conversations definitely helped. After a brief hiatus of about a week, I got an email from her which read: Hi Sweetie, I am sending out an early preview to a select group of my readers. I think you'll like it from what I know about you ??, and I really had fun writing it. Let me know what you think! And remember follow all the rules! Kisses, Mistress Dyvia I was overjoyed! An early preview was an awesome bonus. I opened the file and quickly read the rules, three of the four were what I usually found to: 1) I belonged to Mistress Dyvia until I had an orgasm. 2) I had to wear lipstick while reading the story, 3) I was not allowed to orgasm until Mistress Dyvia said I could after I reviewed the work. The only unusual rule was that I was to listen to a sound file (which was also attached) whenever Thomas, the "victim" of this particular tale, went into the club. I was to turn it off when he left. No big deal, I thought, maybe it'll make it more immersive? I grabbed my lipstick, a deep purple and my favorite color, and applied it on my lips, thick so it wouldn't come off if I pressed my lips together too tightly. I sat down and began reading. It started off with Thomas meeting an old friend for a drink at a bar, one thing led to another and they decide to head over to a club across town. As they entered, I turned on the music and it was a low pulse, then a steady beat, a little bit like standard house, but somehow off. It did make me feel a bit more relaxed and brought some flavor to the story. Our protagonist and his old pal in the club continue drinking, and try unsuccessfully to pick up dates. The pal is rude to a woman who rejects him, and spills her drink on her, ruining her outfit and then exchanging unflattering remarks. They get tossed out (music off) and head home, drunk as skunks. They make it to Thomas' apartment and they pass out. The twosome wakes up to find themselves nude and tied up. Their captor is none other than their previous night's antagonist. She tranced them both to inspire obedience then spent the next two nights crafting them into Amber (the pal) and Slut (Thomas). Amber was made into a lovely brunette, while Slut was a blond, who became more or less Dyvia's personal plaything. Amber was given a seductive persona, whereas Slut was made into a pure submissive for Dyvia. They head back to the same club (music back on) and in the course of the evening their conditioning leads them into some sexual hijinks. Amber sucks a guy off behind the club, Slut is humiliated by Dyvia who met up with her friends, and Dyvia has her dance with both her male and female acquaintances, while his brain revolts and worries for his friend. Amber eventually returns, her mini dress stained, and this time with a lovely female companion. She goes off and doesn't return. Eventually Mistress Dyvia takes Slut back to the apartment (music off), and uses Slut like, well a slut. The next morning Amber texts Slut that she is coming back and likes where/who she is now. She sends a pic where she is wearing a collar with her tongue out. Slut relays the message to Dyvia, who asks if Slut wants to go back to being Thomas or if she wants to go back to continue making her Mistress happy? This was apparently a massive trigger for Slut who immediately gets down on her knees and tells her Mistress that she would love to make her happy indefinitely. That's the cliff notes version. Of course, Mistress Dyvia wrote it better than I described it, and I loved it. I wrote her letting her know what I thought of it, how I liked the ending, and then I asked permission to cum. I didn't expect to hear back from her so I wiped off my lipstick and went to bed. I had an odd dream that night. I was walking down a long hallway and there was someone in front of me, and well she looked pretty good. She was wearing a pink top, strapless and a black vinyl skirt; she had 4- inch baby pink heels on her feet and as I got closer, I noticed that she had little padlocks securing them onto her stocking clad feet. Her hair was up in an updo, and was a lovely platinum. As I got closer to her I could see her subtly swaying her hips, drawing attention to a leash that comes not from her neck but from her under skirt, ran up her back, with the handle resting on her shoulder. As I came up closer behind her I noticed she was wearing a nice set of gold hoop earrings, and a necklace. I called out to her, but she didn't turn, it was as if I wasn't even there. I got closer and closer, and I reached out to grab the handle of the leash, just to see the front of her I suppose. Just I grabbed the handle, I woke up. Weird but not the weirdest dream I have ever had. I went through my morning routine ruminating on how much fun it would be to meet a girl like that. I sat down and opened my email to see if Mistress Dyvia had responded, and finding that she had I opened it immediately, hoping I would be allowed to cum. No such luck. I was given a task, I had to pick out which character I enjoyed more Thomas/Slut or the pal/Amber, and read through the story and read all their lines aloud, to do so in a feminine voice when I did. I then had to write back and tell Mistress Dyvia on a scale of 1 to 10 how girly I sounded. She had resent the story, and had conveniently colorized the dialogue. Thomas/ Slut's dialogue was in green, so it was easy enough to follow. The other rules still applied so I slathered on my lipstick again, and read the story. I had the day off so I could devote some time to my task, read aloud and turned the music on/off when appropriate. This time was a bit different; I actually fell asleep just as I was reading, exactly for how long I don't know but the sound file, which was an hour and a half total was done, and I had played maybe ten minutes before I passed out. Odd, I really wasn't tired, but I shrugged it off and finished the story. I wrote Mistress Dyvia another email, telling her I had completed the task and I gave myself a generous four out of ten, so not convincing at all, with my feminine voice, but I tried. While I awaited her reply, I decided to run up to the grocery store. I began to walk to my car, and immediately ran back inside. I had completely forgot to remove my lipstick. I hastily wiped it off and drove off to the store. I got about hallway through my grocery list, when my lips started feeling really dry. I tried to lick them to refresh them a bit but it didn't work. I managed to get through my list and I headed up to the registers. My lips were really distracting me, so as I went up, I stopped off at an end cap and grabbed a tube of chapstick. Rather than wait until paid, I opened it immediately and applied it to my lips. The relief was almost instant, and I sighed a little with relief. The cherry flavor of the chapstick was kind of gross but I didn't mind, and I began to push my cart towards the registers when I noticed I was next to the makeup aisle. I smiled and thought, "I should really switch to pink, I bet Mistress Dyvia would really like that." The thought of bringing her happiness, even a tiny amount, sent a pleasant shiver up my spine, and basically skipped down the aisle. I found a lovely shade, that funnily enough seemed to match the heels I saw in my dream. I caught myself pressing my lips together with the chapstick on, imagining wearing my new lipstick reading the next story. I shook my head and headed up to the registers, steering myself over to the self-checkout to avoid any weird looks. When I got home, I checked my email again, and I had yet another response from Mistress Dyvia. Hello Slut (you picked it!) I am happy you did as I asked and maybe I'll have you work on the voice in the future. But for right now I am working on different sound files to go with the story and since you like them so much, getting you into "the right headspace," give these a try. See which one you like the most, and then use it for the story again, and let me know if it improves the story. Same rules as last time. Then, maybe my little slut can cum ;). Mistress Dyvia Well that sucks, I thought, feeling my balls ache slightly. But I played each track for about 5 minutes and settled on the second one, it had a cool beat and a weird vocal in the background. I repeated the process with the story again, only this time with the new track and wearing my pink lipstick. I feel asleep again, this time for much longer. I also had the same dream as before only with a far far different ending. This time I grabbed the leash and was met with a wonderfully made up face, perfectly done up in a tarty style, something straight out of a porno. She smiled, laughed heartily and kissed me on the lips. My viewpoint shifted and I found myself walking again, only this time I wasn't following anyone. It was the same hallway, but I knew where I was going, even though I couldn't tell you where I was. As I walked, I absently moved a lock of blond hair that had fallen across my face and smiled as my heels echoed in the hall. My heart stopped, and so did my feet. I looked down at my feet and saw the baby pink heels, and as I did so I felt the earrings graze my neck. Next, I ran my hands over the top and the skirt. It felt, well sexy, and the stockings felt sexier still. I wasn't even fazed and being dressed this way, and I walked down the hallway, until I got to a mirror. I gazed at my, I guessed it was mine anyway, reflection, and I repeated the process of taking in my outfit. My slutty face made the experience even better, and I didn't want to stop running my hands over my new self. My hands drifted to my neck and I feel the necklace. I couldn't quite make it out in the mirror, so I took a step closer to the mirror. As I tried to read it I heard a giggle, a looked up. My "reflection" was smiling at me with her hands on her hips, and with a bemused smile she said in an almost feminine voice, "It's your name silly." I woke up. The music was still playing, but I was surethat I had been out for longer than its run time. After a quick look I could see that it had been set on repeat. When had I done that? I shrugged it off. I finished the story again, and dropped Mistress Dyvia a quick line. I let her know the second song was much better, and I had in fact gotten into a better headspace. I didn't tell her about passing out and the dream. I did ask, begging this time I finished the email with "Humbly, Mistress' Slut" as a half joke. Still when I did it it sent another cork screw of happiness through my body. That was the second time that had happened today, both when thinking of Mistress Dyvia. I wondered why briefly, and let it pass. I went to the bathroom and wiped off my lipstick. I went about some random household tasks, but after a while that same feeling from before came back, like my lips had just walked through the Sahara. I put on the chapstick again, but the relief only lasted maybe 15 minutes before I had to reapply. The reapplication lasted even less time and in what seemed like the blink of an eye I was back to where I started, only this time with chapstick on. I racked my brain trying to figure out what was going on, or at least a remedy. I took a Benadryl, but after an hour with no result I ruled out allergies. I raked my brain, and finally I thought about the lipstick. It seemed like a good idea for some reason, so I grabbed it, found a mirror and reapplied. The dry feeling subsided, and I stopped focusing on the annoying problem an assessed my situation. I had had weird although not really disturbing dreams, I apparently needed something on my lips, and every time I thought about making Mistress Dyvia happy, or in the case of the email calling myself her slut, I had a nice shot of happiness. This all started after I had been reviewing this story, especially after I started with the audio files. The realization that I might, might have been mentally manipulated dawned on me slowly, and I can't say that I was sure it was true. The funny thing was I wasn't even mad or upset, just concerned and mildly confused. I really didn't know how to proceed, or what to do. I wasn't even sure if it was real. I logged into my email, prepared to send Mistress Dyvia a lengthy questionnaire of sorts, only to find a reply to my earlier reply. Hello to my Little Slut, (Note: this felt really good to read) Yes, I found the second track to be absolutely 'dreamy', I think that's a good word for it. I am so glad you are following the rules as well, are you still wearing lipstick? Kisses, Mistress Dyvia PS If you're curious about anything at all just shoot me a DM. I am sure I will be hearing from you shortly. A DM? That was new. I can honestly say I had never engaged in that form of communique with her, but yes, I was excessively curious. And from her word choice it was abundantly clear she knew what was going on. I quickly logged onto to another platform, and sent a message: Me: Hello Mistress Dyvia, can you help me understand what's going on? (Three minutes later) MD: Hello Slut! So, you let your curiosity propel you here? (That felt amazing, to see it in real time, I not only felt the rapture but was also aroused, in my defense I had been reading erotica for two days without release) Me: Yes, care to shed some light on the situation for me? MD: Certainly! Poor Slut so confused. Well, let's start from the beginning. I may have fibbed a little, this exact story was for you and only you, so far, I have had similar works before, but not this exact copy. You were my guinea pig, and I can't say I am disappointed! You responded just as I thought you would! You always did LOVE the rules at the beginning of my stories, so I thought I could get you here. Let me guess you have been having dreams that eventually led you to become Thomas aka Slut from the story? Me: Yes. MD: How lovely! And you just can't seem to take off the lipstick anymore can you? Me: No, I can't MD: Perfect! Oh, and finally you get a shot of pleasure whenever you think about making your Mistress happy, don't you? I paused; I don't know why but it seemed like this was some sort of profound admission but after a moment I responded simply. 'Yes' MD: Don't be shy Slut I already know. Oh, I almost forgot, you get turned on when I call you 'Slut' don't you? Me: I do. MD: Slut that makes me so happy to hear! (I nearly passed out when I read this) We can move on to the next adventure Me: Next adventure? MD: Yes, did you think I went to all this trouble just to prove to you this was all real and let you go on your merry way? Me: Maybe. MD: Of course not. You were after all a "doubting Thomas" and you are now Mistress' Slut. Say it out loud, as if I were there. Say "I am Mistress' Slut" I mumbled it. It felt amazing. MD: Like you mean it! I said it much louder, projecting it into the ether. My head swam and I smiled from ear to ear. MD: How did that feel? Me: Good! MD: Some thanks are in order. Me: Thank you! MD: Oh, come now, be respectful. Me: Thank You Mistress! MD: Much better Slut! Now I imagine you are wondering what comes next? Me: Yes MD: Don't make me remind you again Me: Sorry! Yes Mistress, I am very curious MD: Well, I just emailed you the address to a hotel not too terribly far from you, about three hours down the road. You will book a room there for tomorrow with an early check in, pay for it, and send me the confirmation. You are to meet me there. Understood? Me: Yes, Mistress Dyvia I understand! Holy shit! A mixture of fear, excitement, trepidation and happiness overwhelmed me, as I opened up my email, found the address and quickly booked a room and emailed the confirmation. I got an alert that I received a DM MD: Good Slut! Now a few more things before I go pack. First, shave any thick body hair you have, we will take care of the rest of it tomorrow but it will be more comfortable for you to get the worst of it tamed tonight. Second, send me your male measurements and sizes so I know what I am dealing with for tomorrow. Finally, you now have my permission to cum, but as you do you will repeat "I am Mistress' Slut," until you climax. I am sure it won't take long. I can't have you bouncing off the walls tomorrow, now can I? Thank God! I thought. MD: Oh, and additionally, tomorrow if at any point it all gets too much you need only say "Mistake" and that will be that, I will remove all of your lovely little triggers, all of the work I have done so far, gone. I will be disappointed, but so be it. I am not all cruelty ?? Me: Thank you Mistress Dyvia MD: You are welcome Slut. Oh, and don't bother bringing much with you clothing wise! Night night! And with that she logged off. I quickly sent her my clothing and shoe sizes. With that done, I exhaled heavily, thought about how to proceed for a minute, then walked into my bathroom. I took out my electric razor, and looked at my reflection. I sighed, clicked on the razor and began. After a few moments my beard was gone, and I move on to my arm pits. I shaved my chest, and pubic area and then I reapplied my lipstick. In the nude I went into my bedroom, got on my knees and began my assigned mantra. I was only able to say "I am Mistress' Slut!" about eight times before I came. I was imagining myself on my knees, dressed like I was in the dream and before I knew it, I was cumming. It would have been an intense orgasm regardless but thinking and saying I was "Mistress' Slut" produced a feeling that seemed to well up from the center of me and spread outward, more powerful than any orgasm I could remember. I stood up, and stumbled over to my bed, and basically fell in. I grabbed my phone, set an alarm and rolled over. I quickly was out, and the dreams came. They were all similar. I was walking down a street in the same outfit as before, waving to people starring. I was standing still on a busy street corner waiting for the light to change to cross. Simple things made lewd. The last was the best: I was walking down the street, being led by a woman dressed in a black sleeveless leather dress, with knee high boots. She held my leash in her hand, a leash connected to my butt plug, a fact that made me smile the whole time. This visual symbol of being owned, and controlled was truly a delight, and I couldn't get enough of the attention that it brought from those who stared. I woke up to my alarm, took a quick shower. Dressed, and because my lips were again bothering me, I applied my lipstick, again with relieving results. I packed some toiletries and not much else, and hopped in the car. The ride seemed twice as long as it was and a million thoughts ran through my head, all tumbling on top of each other. Anxiety was chief among them, but every so often I remembered I was doing this because Mistress Dyvia told me to, and I was her Slut. This immediately brought a smile to my face, and I kept going despite my fears. I arrived at the hotel, parked and entered. I strode across the lobby, and at the front desk I gave my information. The woman behind the desk smiled as if she had heard a hilarious joke, and then looked down at her computer to my surprise, she said the other guest in the room had already checked in. She slid a key card into an envelope and handed it to me. I thanked her and turned to go, as I did so she said "That's a lovely shade of lipstick!" I had forgotten to wipe off my lipstick again! Needless to say, pink was not the only color on my face as walked over to the elevator. I exited on my floor, made a couple turns and found the room. I starred at the door for a good long moment, before taking the key card out of its sleeve and put into the lock. The door clicked, I turned the handle and I entered. It was a spacious, long-term suite, with a kitchenette a couch as well as a bed, and as we were on the corner there was a window both in the kitchenette and in the small seating area. On the counter for the kitchenette was a brown paper bag, and a note. The note read: Hello Slut! Are you ready for the real fun to begin? I certainly am. In the bag you will find hair removal cream, and a lovely lavender body wash. Use the former first, shower to rinse off, and then take a bath using the soap. All the hair below your eyebrows is to be removed, be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle! When you are done you will exit and if I have not yet returned, you will sit on the couch and wait. You will wear nothing but lipstick after your bath. The clothes you have on you will put in the trash can in the bathroom. See you soon! Mistress Dyvia PS It goes without saying that you are not to touch yourself for pleasure unless I say so. You are Mistress' Slut, and you no longer own your body. Your mind I already possess. The post script had sent a strong tingle all over my body and I hurriedly grabbed the bag, and went into the bathroom. I took my wallet, lipstick, keys and phone and put them on the sink. I next removed all my clothes and threw them in the trash can. For good measure I placed my shoes on top of my clothes. I began to apply the hair remover, and while the smell was repugnant, the process itself went smoothly. Starting from below my neck I went down my torso, then my arms, than my pubic area, and my legs. I where I had to be, and I took a look and the mirror and almost laughed at the image of myself covered in hair remover. I stopped laughing when I remembered Mistress had said everything from the eyebrows down, not the neck. I remedied the situation quickly, and I waited for what felt like the longest ten minutes of my life and began using the plastic scrapper on my hair. It came away in strips, and followed the same pattern as before, my face coming last. I turned on the shower and rinsed off, noticing that the feeling of being smooth everywhere had me feeling aroused, and despite not owning my own body the desire to play with myself almost got the better of me. Before I had a chance to make this mistake, I gather some resolution and I quickly turned off the water I hopped out, plugged the tub and immediately began filling the bath. I grabbed the lavender wash, dumped some in the tub (as the package instructed) and then got into the warm water. Thankful that this hotel room somehow had a decent water heater, I got into the bath and began scrubbing, the lavender scent quickly filling the room with a delightful girly scent. I was extremely thorough, guessing that Mistress would like this scent if she picked it. After washing, and a quick admiration of my now hairless body I stood up got out of the tub, and dried off. I looked in the mirror and smiled at my reflection and reapplied my lipstick before I was driven to distraction again. Wearing nothing but that lovely shade of pink on my lips I open the bathroom door to find myself looking at a woman sitting on the couch. She wore a black leather corset, and leather pants, complimented nicely by her knee length black boots with three-inch heel. Her face, upon which she wore a broad and mischievous grin, was made up quite nicely in understated but enticing makeup, and her brown hair was up in displaying a pair of diamond studs in her ears. I was immobilized, I could neither move nor cover up, I just stood there dumbly. "Well Slut it appears you not only arrived but followed directions! Good girl!" I blushed as she stood up, noticing that she also wore black gloves that went halfway up to her wrists, and as she walked over, I ran my eyes over her once again. She was definitely a beautiful woman, but the striking thing wasn't her look it was her bearing, it oozed authority, poise and confidence. She got to within about two feet of me, and stopped looked me up and down very deliberately, and said simply "Turn for me." I did as I was told slowly turning 360 degrees, until I faced her again. She was still smiling, which both made me happy and relieved. "I am of course Mistress Dyvia, and you are..." "Mistress' Slut," I said automatically, without thinking. I was mildly shocked, and it must have showed because she laughed softly. "Excellent, it seems everything has worked so far, but we have much to do! Come over her," she walked over to the couch grabbed one bag of many that I hadn't noticed, and as I walked over, she began emptying its contents: she pulled out clothing, shoes and a small jewelry box and put it on the seat of the couch. She grabbed another bag and opened it, removing a variety of sex toys, restraints, and three or four gags. She turned and smiled as she pulled out a butt plug and laid it on the couch, winking as she did. I gulped, hard. Finally, she grabbed one more bag and rather than empty it, she pulled a rather large silver box from it and held it out towards me. "Take this and put it on the counter." I did so and turned to find her holding a pink piece of fabric that appeared to be anything but extensive. "Come her Slut," I walked over and she handed me the cloth. "Put it on," she commanded smiling, "it should look familiar." There was a savage glint in her eye and it took a heartbeat before it hit me that this was the same, or very nearly same, top from my dreams. It covered barely anything but my chest. Mistress giggled once I had it on, adjusted it slightly and added, "Not much to cover up slut, but maybe we can deal with that in the future." She tweaked one of my nipples slightly and it took a lot for me not to moan. She turned around, grabbed a black miniskirt from the couch and handed it to me. She looked down as I pulled it on, and remarked, "I am happy that you are enjoying this Slut, it seems very much. That may attract some attention later but." She looked me square in the eye. "I doubt it." Luckily the skirt zipped in front, and was simple to secure. Apparently, I did a good enough job that I needed no adjustment, and she handed me a small container and told me to apply it about three inches below the hemline of my skirt, all the way around my leg. Given the skirt barely went halfway down my thigh, it wasn't hard to reach. Next, she had me sit on the edge of the bed, and she handed me a pair of thigh high white lacy stockings, telling me to put them on slowly to avoid ruining them. I pulled them up to where the gel was and made sure that the gel would hold them in place once it dried. The piece de resistance was the heels. They were at least four inches tall, and had a t-strap. They were of course pink, matching the top and after a little struggling I managed to get them on correctly and stood up. "Walk for me Slut." I did, heel to toe trying to imagine I was walking on an invisible line, I turned once or twice, but my walking must have been amusing, and Mistress Dyvia couldn't hold in her laughter, despite blushing I wasn't too embarrassed. "We'll work on that too apparently; you'll have to mince along for some time." She came over to me and leaned down over my feet. I felt her hands run over my left foot, heard an audible click and the process was repeated on the left. She stood, and said, "I doubt I will ever be beneath you like that again, so don't get used to it." I looked down to find a small padlock on each heel, locking them in place. I lifted my right foot slightly and turned it to examine the padlock and the heel. "Come over here girl," Dyvia said. While I had been transfixed by my firmly affixed footwear, she had gone over the counter. I minced over, causing another laugh, and she had me sit on the stool. She opened the box I had placed there earlier, revealing an extensive collection of makeup and tools. The first thing she had me do was put my palms flat on the counter, fingers spread. First, she worked on my cuticles, and then filed the rough patches of my nails. Next, she pulled out a tube of glue, and finger by finger applied first the glue, then a bright pink press on nail about ? of an inch long. "Leave your hands there until I tell you to move." After that she began to work on my face, plucking and shaping my eyebrows, which hurt like a bastard, moving onto foundation, concealer, and blush. My eyes took longer, but finally she got to the lipstick, a step that made her smile, and stirred my dick thinking about it. After what seemed like an hour, she took a step back and nodded. "Stand up," she said and I did so almost too quickly, coming close to falling due to my newly acquired footwear. She walked over to the couch and came back with a jewelry box. "Now these are clip on for now," she said affixing a large hoop earring to each ear, "so be mindful of them. Especially if you decide to act like Amber and end up in alley today!" My eyes shot up in surprise, and she laughed again, leaving me to hope she was teasing. Next, she put a bracelet around my left wrist, it was plan but gave off a very feminine vibe, fitting in with the overall look. The last piece of jewelry she made sure I saw. It was a necklace, with a pendant reading "Mistress' Slut." I felt an electric pulse run through me as she put it around my neck and secured it in place. I felt her hand run up the back of my head, pat me slightly, and the she came back to face me directly. "What's your name?" "Mistress' Slut!" I said enthusiastically, feeling an even stronger wave of endorphins flowing through me as I did. I was so happy to be Mistress Dyvia's slut. I could feel my crotch stirring again, despite the cool air from the air conditioning hitting my virtually unprotected neither regions. She smiled again, and had me sit on the stool. From somewhere a cardboard box appeared and she opened it revealing a platinum blonde wig, and placed it on my head, shifting it around taking a step back, and repeating the process twice before being satisfied. She stepped back one final time, and nodded. "Stand up and walk around for me Slut." I stood, carefully this time and walked across the room and back so she could get a good look at her creation. "Good enough for now, come over here and lean against the counter." I minced over, and put my arms about shoulder width apart. She kicked my feet to about the same width and suddenly I felt two of her fingers plying something warm, lube I realized, thickly around my asshole. "Relax," she commanded, and I tried to do so, but I was excessively nervous. The plug, also lubed in the warm liquid was, larger than anything I had every used before, and as she pushed it in, gently, I moaned, not truly in pain but because I loved the sensation. It was particularly arousing knowing my Mistress was doing this not for me, but for her. She paused, for a moment, but after that I felt her clipping a harness around legs and ass. "This is to hold your plug in place until I want to take it out." She pushed against the plug in two pumping motions which caused me to moan again. "You are a slut aren't you?" she asked, just her saying sent a warm glow through me. Between the large plug and the feeling from here referring to me as a slut I was almost overwhelmed. "Uh, uh huh," I managed to mumble. I felt a sharp slap on my ass. "No, Slut answer me correctly." I felt the her push the plug further in, pushing it further inside, and tightening the harness. "Now, you are a slut, aren't you?" I took a deep breath, composed myself and replied, "Yes Mistress I am a slut." "And your name is?" "Mistress' Slut." "Perfect, come along." She walked towards the kitchen, leading me behind her on a leash that she had attached to the plug itself at some point. She stepped in front of the window, and pulled the curtain back. "Care to see where we are going today?" A jolt of fear went through me. Going? We weren't staying here? I stepped over to the window and looked out. In a different situation, I might have remarked how decent the view was, but as it was, I just looked out over the neighborhood. "Now then we are going to walk, just down the block and over to the bus stop there." She tapped the glass. "Then we will go over to there, you can just see the sign over those trees." She turned and looked at me. "Then we'll take another little walk and head over to the mall for a little shopping, and then we will head back here. A full day, no? Are you ready to go?" I was terrified. I stood motionless, staring at her my mouth agape. I had never expected to be paraded around for so many people to see. I couldn't do it, no way. I was forming the word "Mistake" in my mouth, when I remembered what Mistress Dyvia had said, that she would be "disappointed" if I gave up. My stomach sank, and I felt awful. I knew there was no way that I could disappoint her so early, and so easily. "Yes Mistress, I am ready to go." It was barely a mumble, but she clearly heard and turned towards the door, using the leash to guide me out. She held the end above her shoulder, giving her a very dramatic look, but the real effect was to quicken my step and force me to walk faster behind her. It was a daunting task to both keep up and keep my feet in my locked heels. Thankfully, Mistress decided on taking the elevator down. The doors chimed open, she stepped on and I followed. I stepped on just behind her, and caught my reflection in the mirrored walls. I stopped dead, and my jaw dropped open. I looked amazing, quite similar to the wannabe porn star I had seen in my nocturnal visions. My makeup was over the top, and as I closed my mouth into a smile, I could imagine the looks I would get and I felt butterflies in my stomach from nervous excitement. "You seem to enjoy the new you." I glanced over at Mistress Dyvia's reflection and saw her smiling/leering at me. I nodded. Seeing myself this way, finally in real life, got me excited and I ran my hands over my hairless stomach down to my skirt and... I felt a slight tug on my plug. The doors had opened. Mistress was waiting for me just outside the door. I grinned sheepishly, and took a cautious step out of the elevator. My heels clacked on the tile floor. The air conditioning blew up into my skirt. The front desk woman looked agog as I walked behind Mistress Dyvia. I waved my bracelet hand at her. I loved it. But it was only a moment. We were out the door, walking across the parking lot, over to the sidewalk and down the road. A few cars passed, but there was no one on the street. We turned the corner and headed over to the bus stop. We passed two young men who did a double take, and at the bus stop an old woman glared at us. Mistress Dyvia was unfazed. I was mildly mortified by the old women, but my feelings about the two men were more ambiguous. I wasn't necessarily appreciative of the two being men, but the looks had me tingling again. As we waited for the bus I wondered if they saw my name on my necklace and I almost groaned aloud thinking of them knowing who and what I was. Forget the old woman, I thought, she's probably mad all the time. As the bus approached, I was still lost in thinking about being ogled, or at least stared at. I was actually thinking if maybe those guys thought I was cute, when I felt a gentle tug that brought me back to reality. I followed Mistress Dyvia up the steps, gingerly to avoid falling. I followed Mistress to the middle of the bus. She sat down in the seat closest to the aisle. I stood looking down at her, and she said, "Make sure you hold the handle." She indicated the handhold slightly above me. I reached up with my pink nailed hand and barely had a grip before the bus lurched forward. I was on full display for the entire bus, which granted was only a quarter full, but that still meant about 12 people. No one really paid much attention, but I was still on full display. A couple minutes down the road the bus stopped, and as Mistress didn't move, I figured we still had a ways to go. Three people got on, and each at least glanced at me, but one in particular took a nice long look. She was a rather petite 30 something woman, decked out in prototypical punk gear. The sides of her head were buzzed, and on top the hair was blue done in an elaborate comb over. She wore glasses with thick black rims, and had piercings in her eyebrow and a ring in her right nostril. She alone didn't sit but stood like me. Well sort of, she didn't have a leash attached to her ass. I couldn't help but stare, I don't know why. It could have been the overall look was striking, or the contrast between her and the other riders, or maybe it was because she was the one who took a long look at me. Regardless, I locked eyes for a moment, and I saw her eyes take me in from toe to neck (in that order), but stop for a moment at my necklace. She squinted, and then smiled broadly. I am pretty sure she knew exactly what was going on, and she gave me an exaggerated "finger waive" that made me blush and look down in an aw-shucks fashion. I looked up and saw her with her phone, taking a picture of me, my leash, and out of the periphery of my eye I saw Mistress Dyvia leaning into the aisle, making the leash handle visible to the camera. I smiled for her and only after did I wonder what she would do with the picture. I started to worry. Then my anxiety started to take over. What if we knew some of the same people and she posted it on Facebook or Twitter? What if they recognized me? "Mis-" I had turned and looked at Mistress, to blurt out, "Mistake!" but she had been looking at me already as if anticipating something. I stopped short, and thought about how disappointed she would be, we hadn't even had lunch, and my heart sank. Had I even thought of how much work she had done? I couldn't bring myself to say it, I just couldn't disappoint her. So, I switched tacks. "Mistress are we stopping soon?" "Hum, is she making you nervous?" She nodded toward the blue haired woman, and smiled. "Uh, well yes Mistress, a little," I responded quietly as if I could be overheard with a bus engine, and traffic in the background. "Why?" I took a breath. "Well she took a photo and well I don't know what she's going to..." Mistress had her phone out and with a *tap* she stopped me. Still looking at her phone she said, "Well slut you are now on my Twitter feed, with a simple caption: I created a slut. What do you think of that?" "Ummm, well..." I actually loved it. I was breathing heavily, thinking of the dirty comments it might garner, the exposure as Mistress' Slut, which in turn prompted a wave of euphoria and arousal. "I know you like it. You know you like it. Tell me the truth." She pulled the leash so I had to take a step closer, "do you like being paraded as my slut?" "Yes Mistress." It was automatic and true. "Tell me your name!" 'Mistess' Slut." "Louder." "Mistress' Slut." I had raised my voice back to a conversational tone. "LOUDER!" A hard tug nearly knocked me off my heels. "MISTRESS' SLUT!" I yelled it, and everyone on the bus heard me. Every head turned, and the blue haired girl smiled. "You cannot and you will not hide it." Mistress Dyvia had her eyes locked in mine. I nodded, surprised by the authority she had simply by holding my gaze. "You should thank me. You know you wanted this." I inhaled deeply, the bus began to stop, brakes squeaking and forward motion slowing. "Thank you, Mistress." She stood up, and I stepped back slightly, as the bus slowed, I followed her towards the front. She stopped next to the blue haired punk, looked back over her shoulder at me, and said, "Thank her for the attention Slut." "Thank you for the attention ma'am." To say I was embarrassed would be an understatement, but I tried to keep my volume up. She responded with a smile, and a laugh, and, "Oh you're quite welcome, if she ever gets bored with you, I'll take you for walks." I know I blushed, and I know Mistress Dyvia smiled, but how I got off the bus, and into a restaurant booth is beyond me. It was a blur. Despite my embarrassment, which would have certainly overwhelmed me just days ago, I was euphoric. It was exhilarating to be Mistress' Slut, a walking caricature of lust, and to be led around in such a lewd fashion. I had never really thought about it before, had never fantasized about it, but I enjoyed being eye candy, I enjoyed the looks and the stares that followed me on the bus, and now in this restaurant with goofy decor specializing in faux neighborhood pride. I was grinning ear to ear. Mistress ordered for us, she got a steak and a drink I'd never heard of, and she ordered a Caesar salad and an appletini for me ("Sluts need to watch their figure," was her comment when she ordered). I didn't care, I was gazing flirtatiously with a nerdy looking guy at the bar, just to see if I could get a rise out of him (that was it right? Just playing around.). "So," Mistress said interrupting my fun, "you seem to be having fun." "YES!" I was too loud! "I mean yes, Mistress I can honestly say this is a blast. Thank you again, for all this!" She smiled. "Oh I am sure you'll repay me soon enough. Although, I have to say this is all new to me too." I was mildly shocked. "Really Mistress, I thought you would have had loads of experience?" "Not with the 'Slut' no, but there were three Amber's of a sort before you decided to be my exclusive property. I gave them different names of course, can't have a bunch of sissy whores named Amber running around." Our food and drinks arrived simultaneously, and in between bites I asked, "Mistress what happened to the uh, 'Ambers'?" Another smile, this one devilish. "You read the story, they went their separate ways. One did get a little too excited at a glory hole once... her I gave to a dear old friend." I was slack jawed. So, if they went off as Amber's what was the end game for me??? "Oh, don't get me wrong dear I think you would do the same, if I told you or even asked you to." My eyebrows shot up in surprise, my fork stopped in midair. "Oh, come now my little Slut. You know you would. Take that awkward guy at the bar, you'd give him the hotel room number and a condom if I asked. You wouldn't realllly know why, not yet, but you would. And that girl on the bus? If I find her, you'd rim her ass for a week, and that's without me asking. You're a natural, that's why you picked being my slut, you know it's who you are, you just need some prodding." She paused. "And a good lipstick." She drained her drink, and added, "If I was wrong this," her foot came up under the table and tapped my hard cock under my skirt, "wouldn't be able to cut glass would it?" She tapped with her toe again, playfully not painfully. "The thought of getting on your knees and blowing a complete stranger, while I watch with you still leashed is fantastic to you isn't it?" She rubbed her boot over my shaft, and I scrunched up my face in a pleading pathetic look of longing. I nodded, thinking of my head bobbing up and down, his hand on the back of my head, while Mistress watched, maybe playing with herself? Ohhh I could cu- "Well no worries Slut you don't have to do that yet." Her boot fell back to the floor. She pulled a card out of her boot, my card!, and ran it through the tabletop machine. "Oh, you don't mind do you Slut?" She indicated the card. "I thought you would like to pay for today's activities, plus I think it's fair for all my efforts, wouldn't you agree?" "Yes Mistress!" I nodded along with my enthusiasm. Of course, I owed her a day out. Think of all the effort she had after all made me this Slut, the tease I was, the toy I looked like. "Good girl, now." She stood up and grabbed the leash which had been on the seat next to me. "Come along." I smiled, I sauntered, as we walked out, and across the street. We entered a nice city park, there were benches, and manicured gardens, some sort of memorial to some tragedy, but only a few people, mostly focused on their phones. As we walked, I thought about my transformation from this morning until now. I was more than a little nervous, had fretted about wearing lipstick (my lips currently felt great!), and more than a little shy. Now? I looked like a bimbo hooker, sauntering behind a black clad Mistress (I truly enjoyed the view incidentally), with a butt plug leash in, and not only did I love the attention, but I had begun to behave flirtatiously, and with a guy, something I had never even thought about, and all simply at the urging of Mistress Dyvia and maybe a little suggestion (or had I wanted to go blow that guy?) I had begun to see myself as a slut. Not just see, feel like one too. My internal reverie was put on hiatus, as we came out of the park, and before us just across a narrow road. We quickly crossed and entered the mall. "A few stops Slut, then we will see what happens next." She picked up the pace, and we walked around a curve in the mall headed towards a boutique style shoe store. As we walked over to the entryway, I felt a few sets of eyes on me, but I simply smiled, feeling even better than I has before about what I looked like, reveling in walking behind Mistress on a shopping spree. We walked in, and rather than browsing we walked directly up to the register. The young woman looked up and reflexively smiled, and then I had the lovely experience of watching her face morph into shook when she saw Mistress leading me by a leash. "Hello, I have an order for an M. Dyvia." She was unfazed, and there was a generous tone in her voice. It still took the clerk more than moment to reply. "Um, yes." She turned to a table behind the register, bent over to check the labels, and grabbed first one box than the other. She laid them both on the counter, one box was decidedly longer than the other, and she opened this one first, and then the smaller box. Dyvia leaned over the longer one first, and gently removed a black, laceless boot, thigh high with a red four-inch heel. She turned it over in her hands, and looked at me and asked, "What do you think Slut?" "Mistress they are lovely, they would look great on you," I said, in a different tone and pitch than I had all day when had I decided to use my "girl voice" as terrible as it was? "Well I am glad you like them; you'll be cleaning them later Sweetie." She put the boot back in the box, and then replaced the lid. She leaned over and removed a shoe from the other box. This one was pink sequined, laced up the front, with a strap at the top. It had a seven- inch stiletto heel, with a platform toe. "And these?" "They're amazing Mistress, are they for me?" She nodded. "They are, you may even be ready for them soon. It will make me very happy to see my slut in them." She placed it back in the box, and I could have jumped for joy. She was buying me something, for her! I was beaming as the clerk took my card and ran it. She put the two boxes in a bag, and I stepped over and picked carried it out the door. Our next stop was an adult novelty, and lingerie store, which was a surprise to find in a mall but not unheard of. This was less than eventful, we walked in, Mistress picked up her bag, handed it to me, we paid and left. No odd looks, or shocked workers. Kind of a pity. However, the black bag that from its outline contained several items, was wonderfully intriguing. As I carried it to our next stop, I could only imagine what lovely, and devious things it contained. We walked a few store fronts down, and I found myself in front of a tattoo and piercing parlor. Again, an oddity for a mall but I shrugged it off. We waited for a moment, and then a red-haired woman, wearing an outfit that closely resembled Dyvia's came from the back. "Dyvia! How lovely to see you again! It's been too, too long." She walked over and gave Mistress a hug, which was returned causing me to step forward, as my leash pulled me. They separated and the redhead looked at me and then back to Mistress Dyvia, and asked, "Is she the one who this appointment is for?" "Yes, shouldn't be too much of a challenge, but we'll start simply." Start with what? I was nervous again, was I about to get a tattoo? I've never gotten a tattoo, maybe this was a mis... "Slut, this is Miss Daphne, consider anything she tells you to be a command from me. Do you understand?" I nodded and said, "Yes, Mistress." Mistress Dyvia gave Daphne the leash, and she unceremoniously led me back to a chair and had me sit. She leaned over and unclipped my earrings. "Now," she said looking down at me, "I have eight piercings to do. I am going to start with your ears, and go from there. Sit still, it won't hurt too much, and it won't take too long. Are you alright with that?" I gulped, and nodded. Eight piercings! "Since you have never had a piercing, we are going to use a gun for these, start slow." I felt a cool sensation on my left ear near the top, and I felt first one pinch and then another, followed by a click each time. Next, I felt another cold sensation, which was quickly repeated. Next, I felt cold on my left earlobe, followed by another pinch, and another click, with another cold sensation. This process was repeated on my other ear, and when I tilted my head and felt an earring brush my neck again, just like before only it felt, well bigger, landing differently than the clip ons I had worn all day. Daphne had me look straight ahead, cleaned a portion of my nose on the right side, and then cleaned the interior as well, and then said, "Do you have a problem with needles?" "No, I don't think so," I replied remaining motionless. I felt a quick stab, a cool sensation again, and then I saw her insert a stud into my new nose piercing. "Don't worry it'll heal quick, and Dyvia will have you clean it properly." I nodded gazing slightly cross eyed at my nose. "Was that the last one?" I asked meekly. "That was seven." She turned slightly and grabbed something I couldn't quite see, and turned back to me. "Stick your tongue out honey." My tongue! Oh shit! I hesitated, and this prompted Daphne. "Look, you can stick out your tongue, or I can go get Dyvia, your call Slut," I thought about it for a heartbeat, and then reluctantly stuck out my tongue. Taking a slightly softer tone she said, "It's not as bad as it looks." She grabbed my tongue, and a sharp stab, cold again and then a spray of something. I looked up at her questioningly. "It a disinfectant, and it also speeds up the healing process. God knows Dyvia isn't going to let you wait to use that so it will help. I've told her what she needs to do to prevent infection, and I'm sure you'll listen." She turned and grabbed a square mirror like barbers used to show you the back of your head after a haircut. Each ear had two golden ring helix piercings, and big gold hops, worthy of every bimbofication story I had ever read. My nose had a baby pink stone stud in the right nostril, and after taking a breath I stuck my tongue out to find a pink barbell. If I had been slutty before, I now looked downright whorish. "Thank you!" I said instantly and enthusiastically. "Oh, you're welcome, maybe Dyvia will let you come thank me some time, the other three did." She helped me up and lead me back to the front where Mistress Dyvia was waiting. "Ah, Slut I see Daphne has worked her magic." She smiled and thanked Daphne, and then had me stick out my tongue. "The piece de resistance! That will come in handy." She turned back to Daphne, and they chatted for a few more moments about designs for something I couldn't quite catch, they exchanged goodbyes and we were off. I picked up our bags where I had left them when I went to the back and followed Mistress out of the store. We walked out towards an exit, but before we got there she stopped at a small photo booth, and had me put down the bags next to it. "Take the top item from the bag." I reached in and pulled out the first item I found, a 7-inch pink plastic dildo, still in its packaging. "Take it out and get in." I tried to open the package but so unused to nails, I struggled mightily. Slightly annoyed Mistress grabbed it from me and opened it. She handed me the dildo and had me step in. "You'll have four photos Slut. I want you to revel in this. Show me with these photos how much you like what I have made you. In other words, show me how slutty you are." She closed the small curtain, and after a moment the screen in front of me did a count down from 10. I thought quickly and brought my fingers in a V in front of my mouth, stuck my tongue out so the pink barbell was plainly visible just past my fingers, and snap! The clock went back to 10. I brought the dildo up and kissed it, snap! I put the dildo straight up and down, and licked it, running my barbell over the side with my eyes closed. Snap! Finally, I shoved the dildo in my mouth, and attempted a sultry look at the camera. Snap! The curtain opened, and Mistress helped me to my feet. The photos printed on a strip next to the entrance, and when they came out Mistress took them, looking them over. A frown developed and I was crestfallen. I had disappointed. "I should have given you a bigger dildo Slut," and she laughed again, "you didn't disappoint, at all Slut. Not once today. As a reward, I'll get us an uber so we don't have to walk all the way back." She pulled her phone from her boot, tapped a few times, and led me outside. The car must have been at the mall already, because it was only about thirty seconds before the car pulled up and we got in. The driver must have been a vet, because she didn't bat an eyelash the whole ride back to the hotel. When we arrived Dyvia led me back through the lobby (I waved playfully at the new front desk lady, who stared in astonishment) to the elevators. It was a silent ride up, and the walk back to the room was similarly quiet. We got back into the room, and Mistress had me place the bags by the couch, and she took a seat and had me stand in front of her. She looked me up and down, and said after a brief reflection, "Slut take the items from the bag we picked up at the sex shop." I pulled the dildo out, and she had me place it on the floor. Next, I pulled out a large box, and turned it towards me, and I saw a picture of breast forms, and a logo with the brand name KNOWU. Under it the description read, "Fully Enclosed Silicone F Cup." "This will be the last time my Slut goes out flat chested. Those will do until I say otherwise, there is one more box. Take it out." I reached into the bottom of the bag, and pulled out a smaller box, and saw immediately it was a pink (of course) cock cage. I looked up surprised. "Before we go on let's chat a moment," she crossed her legs at the knee and looked me over again, "You know I hypnotized you, you know I made you this way, and you may have even guessed that I programmed you to feel more and more confident as the day went on, to accept and believe that you were in fact my Slut, and to embrace it," I hadn't really thought about the last part, but it hit me like a thunderbolt. It made remarkable sense. She continued, "And you did. You did wonderfully Slut, so well I may even give you a real name at some point. But you have a choice. You can stop now, no more triggers, no more programming, and we just have a night of roleplay, and then you go on your way. Nothing is permanent, even the piercings will go away in a little while," she leaned back and looked me in the eye, "Or you can decide to continue, to be Mistress' Slut. I'll train you; I'll use you; I'll mold you. There will be no going back. And while letting you go would be a disappointment," the word almost shook me, "I am prepared to let you go if you wish." I thought about it, I weighed the options but it came down to this: I wouldn't disappoint Mistress. "I would like to continue Mistress," I said softly. "You're sure?" "Yes Mistress." "Then your real training begins now, hand me the box," I complied. She opened it, pulled the device out and pulled me closer, "this will pinch." She fitted it in place, snapped it shut and with a click locked it. "That will be locked until further notice. I own it, I own you, and you will obey me, is that clear?" "Yes, Mistress." "Kneel." I got on my knees and looked up at her. "What's your name?" "Mistress' Slut!" I replied with unforced enthusiasm. She unzipped her pants, then unbuttoned them. "I want you to worship my pussy until you are told to stop." I crawled over, and leaned in, and as my tongue started its work, I heard her say, "You never had a chance." The End

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Thomas slowly walks into the room and gently takes your arms in his callused hands. He lifts them off the keyboard as he slowly stands you up and turns you around. his rough hands gently slide down your arms to your hands sending goosebumbs down your spine. he looks at you softly, you see a sparkle of something kept secret lurking behind his pale green eyes. Cautiously he moves his head forward, and gently brushes your lips against his as your flesh meets his, your body flushes with that sinful...

2 years ago
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Taking Thomas

I lie there, listening to the soft sounds of my best friend’s breathing. I’m thinking about the events of the past week and debating with myself. You see, I’m in love with him. Have been, for over twelve years. At one point, years ago, he reciprocated my feelings, but, we never acted on them. Now, we are together for the first time in years and all of those old feelings are resurfacing. Thomas and I met when we were teenagers. For me, it was an instant attraction. Being only fifteen, there was...

2 years ago
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Ashley and Mr Thomas

Thursday: No matter how many times I'd gone to the Adult Video place to wank, I've always gotten an excited but scared feeling as I've gone in. What if someone were to see me? Of course, having been divorced for 3 years, I no longer had to fear that someone would tell my wife. In fact, since my son took her side and barely speaks to me, there's really nobody who'd care. But still, I get that feeling. In the last years of marriage and the three years since, this was the extent of my sex...

3 years ago
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Old man thomas

It was just a normal story day, me and my sister sunbathing in the front garden letting lads ust stair at us, felt good, the next door neighbor came up hes about 50-60 plus walking his dog wearing joggers and a top, any way my sister and i was talking to him saying we look sexy and that then i noticed that in his jogger pants he was getting hard, i was inpressed and i couldn't blame him for that, but what got to me the most is that it never stopped growing i mean it kept getting harder and it...

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Girl RefurbishedChapter 11 Doc Thomas

Joe Five weeks later, we were on our way to Montana. In the weeks prior to that, the telephone wires were overheating while Lori cleared the remaining issues with her parents. Our flight was on Wednesday while my parents with my kids and with Ruth would take a Friday flight. At the Missoula Airport we took a rental car to make the drive to Clearwater. It was early afternoon when we arrived, and the Honeymoon Suite at the Clearwater Inn motel was waiting for us. We showered and changed before...

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Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are your reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn they from bad...

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Getting Married

My name's Tommy and I'm getting married. Sounds like an AA introduction,doesn't it? It probably should because right now I'm viewing getting marriedlike a curse. You know, getting married is just something that most peopleassume they're going to do. Your parents talk about grandc***dren, your sistermight mention about what kind of aunt she'll be, and of course - eventually -your girlfriend will make little comments about getting married and havingbabies. So, I just kinda assumed that I...

1 year ago
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Melodic RedemptionChapter 20

Stoney: She loves me. She REALLY loves me. We're married. I killed a guy. I'm supposed to feel remorse. I'm supposed to receive counseling by caring professionals who will help me grieve or some such crap. Therapy? I'll tell you what therapy is. It's having the woman you just protected put her arms around you and tell you that she loves you. And when the thought crossed my mind that this scum wanted to touch my Johanna, I tensed up. "Stoney?" a little voice said. "Yes,...

1 year ago
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The Pregnant Bride Part 2

[ Part two is a further exploration of what certainly seems a sea-change emerging throughout the world (an within the Caucasian population more than anywhere else) as the long, and tragic influence of the false ideology of 'white supremacy' (i.e. racism) is, at last, waning more and more. As with the first installment, this one is dedicated to Alicia and Oscar (and of course, to Ahmed)!! ]The evening that Alicia and I got married, I remember very clearly thinking, as we exchanged our vows, that...

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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 7

The Doctor took the blindfold off Tonya's eyes; she squinted, and looked around. When she saw the equipment, she was filled with fear, and whimpered through the gag. Her captor was prepared for her reaction. "I realize this is kind of scary, Tonya, but I promise that you won't get hurt. There'll be some pain involved in the therapy, but it has to be that way; it won't work correctly otherwise..." He gently stroked Tonya's face, and she started relaxing. He walked around to the other...

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Desperate To start a family

Though Greg felt discouraged, Emily was determined and full of hope. Every morning she would wake her husband up by slipping her hand under the covers and stroking his cock to life just to get on top of him and be filled with his seed. She would make him breakfast while he showered and got ready for work and then try again have sex with him one more time before he left. When he got home from work she would be waiting inside wearing close to nothing and ready to go at it again. For Greg this...

2 years ago
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Sarda Mami Ko Chodne Ki Ichha Puri Huyi

Hi dosto Aap logo ne meri fast story padhi our pasand ki is ke liye thx. muje meri story ke liye bahot sare mail Aaye khas kar gujrati femal ke jyada mail Aaye our unmese kai femal ne kaha ki yaar hum guju hai to gujrati me story kahona to dosto un sab femal friend ke liye me Aapni story gujarati me likh raha hu, Dosto vese to Aap muje jante hi he mera nam Sunil Patel from SURAT our mera mail edress he Aab age ki story gujarati ma Dosto mari mami nu nam che Sarada ye khub sundar ane bharav...

3 years ago
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“Shush, Be quiet, its opening”“We know, we can all see the light, do you think we are stupid or something, you always tell us to be quiet, it is exactly like the other week when the great portal opened you told us to be quiet then as well and…..”“Will you just shut up, for crying out loud let’s see what she wants.”“Do you think she will choose me? it has been ages since I was last chosen.”“Well if she does take you out and uses you just make sure she washes you down afterwards.”“Look it is not...

1 year ago
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The Craigslist Killer Part Four

The Craigslist Killer Part 4 © 2014 by Nom de Plume I lay there in stunned silence, my death sentence ringing in my ears. "I have H.I.V," Ron just told me. How many times had I warned myself about the dangers of dating on Craigslist? How many guys had I blown off because of the teeniest suspicion that they might not be safe? How much time did I have? I bolted out of bed and raced into the bathroom. There was a bidet next to the toilet, and I turned it up full blast and...

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Best friend8217s mother Shanthy

Hi Guys… This is Rahul from Chennai. I am 22 years old now and this story is about a real experience that happened to me with my friend’s mother Shanthi. This story happened when I was doing my Higher Secondary year at school and as any other student I was very studios and a likeable person. I had a very close friend by name Jagan who was at the same class with me and also lived near my house. We have been good friends since our childhood days and studied together for more than 10 years....

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NubileFilms Tara Ashley Art Of Seduction

Lucas Frost is surprised by his lover Tara Ashley, who beckons him back to bed with a guileless smile. Her slim figure is framed by an open shirt, showing off how stunning Tara is in a lingerie bra and thong. When Lucas captures her lips and then throws her down onto the couch, Tara is warm and willing and eager to be seduced. Wasting no time, Lucas kisses his way down his girlfriend’s body, trailing his lips down her tanned thigh and down to suck briefly on her toes. Tugging Tara’s...

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The Alpha Female

Washington D.C , 21:00 pm. In a remote house near the White House, a man and his 8 year old daughter are waiting patiently but full of desire the door to open.???: Guess who's back!???: Mommy. MOMMY!!!???: I'm here my beautiful Bridgette! Let me have a look at you! You grew up SO much while i was away. Daddy must have been feeding you well.Bridgette: Daddy is the best dad in the world and when i grow up and join the airforce like you, i will find and marry a beautiful and kind househusband like...

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MonstersOfCock Michelle Martinez Takes On 3 Wild Anacondas

Man, do we have a treat for you guys this week! This week’s Monsters of Cock features Michelle Martinez taking on 3 Monster cocks. Michelle approaches these three guys at playing basketball and asks them to teach her. Once they teach her a bit about basketball, she demands them to teach her more. So they take her to their crib to teach her what 3 monster cocks stretching that pussy feels like. She swallows their monsters cocks and loves every minute of it. They each took turns pounding...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 407

... Arlene motioned to their forward screen and the rippling, wavering, blurry image there. “I can’t see worth a shit because of the burning atmosphere, and the sensors have packed up from the heat. But I think I’ll go to full shields right about...” A geyser shot hundreds of feet into the air as the craft hit the water with a sound that could be heard many, many miles away. Even at full shields, some of the shock bled through and, had it not been for the gravity field of their seats,...

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Wasted Wendy

One never expects disaster when they are at a party having a good time, but it does occasionally happen. It was my parent's fiftieth wedding anniversary and my brother Paul and I had thrown them a surprise party at Paul's place. It was a large affair with over seventy people attending and near as I could tell everyone was having a great time. In fact, some of them were having too good of a time and my wife Wendy was one of them. Not that she was doing anything wrong, it's just that she likes...

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Wishes Hindsight the Cruise

‘So,’ the Genie mused, as he sat on James’ sofa. He had a can of beer in his hand and a lazy grin on his face. He was handsome, that was for sure. “You can guess the drill; you get three wishes.” “I get three wishes?” “Three,” he said with a smile, “and none of that fooling me like Robin Williams crap, I wasn’t born yesterday.” “When were you born?” “Three thousand years ago.” He winked broadly at James. “Oh.” “Yup.” “So ... I should decide my wishes?” “Yup.” “Standard...

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My Life Between Virginity and Celibacy Part one

Foreword Dear Reader, What follows is an accounting of fifty years of my life as far as my lovemaking and sex life is concerned. I’ve tried to recall this in an honest manner with recollections of the good, not-so-good, and the painful missteps along the way. What started this was seeing a photo on a new friend’s profile page. Sadly, she has disappeared from my friends list. That photo so reminded me of the girl I first loved and wedded, and started me on this journey back through time. The...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 46 Megan Renewed

She broke my stare and looked down in shame. "Everything." "Everything," I repeated. She just nodded. I patted the ground next to me and told her to sit. She sat. I laid back down with my hands behind my head and rested my eyes. My shoulder shouted in protest at the mistreatment. "What exactly did you tell him?" I was not all that surprised by her admission. It had to have taken a lot of fast talking on Chandra's part to get him to agree. "That you were a Wizard Lord, that you...

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Thirty DaysChapter 2

When they got home, Gloria ordered Tommy to get his iPhone, iPod and iPad and give them to her. Tommy complied and she told him to go back to his room until dinner was ready. Gloria changed into regular clothes. She reluctantly put a bra and panties on and a decidedly unsexy house dress over them. Meanwhile, Tommy had the picture of his essentially naked mom in his head. He closed his door, took off his shirt and fished his hard cock out of his pants. It was red from being half or fully hard...

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The ContractChapter 1

The young woman paused at the entrance of the storefront office building and regarded the sign beside the door: Dr. Richard Cordman. Psychology. Hypnotherapy. She took a deep breath and reached toward the doorknob, then stood, mesmerized by her reflection in the dark glass that fronted the low building. When was the last time she'd dressed like this? A real dress ... purchased only hours before, chosen almost entirely on the recommendation of the saleswoman at the mall department store....

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TeamSkeetFeatures Kay Lovely Nikki Zee A Lovely Time of Year

Kay gets an unexpected visit from her stepfamily for the holidays. At first, she’s not too keen on Kiki, Tommy, and Oliver showing up unannounced, but she eventually comes around to the idea when she remembers how much fun they have when they’re together. Things get a little sticky when they discover Kay is shooting porn in secret with Brother Love and Maximus. But like a good stepfamily, they come through their differences to make their bonds even stronger – It’s the Loveliest time of year,...

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An Evil Witch in the Modern World EDITOR'S WARNING: This story has strong forced sexual and BDSM themes, and is not at all suitable for those not interested in "Bad Endings" for the heroines and heroes. There are many possible story paths, each with their own dangers. Turn back now if you expect mostly happy endings. This is the dark story of a modern world corrupted by a newly awakened witch. Three hundred years ago, the...

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Stepfather of the Year

Dear Stepfamily Magazine: This letter is in response to your call for nominations in your April issue. I would like to nominate my husband, Dick, to be named your magazine's Stepfather of the Year. Dick and I were married four years ago, but your posted rules said that I should share anything in the nominated stepparent's history, not just stuff from this year, so I guess I'll start there. Now technically, I am a stepmother, since Dick has a daughter by his first marriage. I've never met...

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The DrifterChapter 7

And the wayward wind is a restless wind A restless wind that yearns to wander... When we rode up to the front of the house, there was an older man who walked across the barnyard to take our horses. I told him I’d have to unload my packsaddle when I found out where I was staying. “I’m called Nettleton ... Boss done told me you’d be in the foreman’s shack. There’s a rope pulley back there, I’ll lift your packsaddle off and put it on the porch so you can unpack it before I take it to the...

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Young Girl In High Heels

Young Girl In High Heels When I first saw her in those shoes I was amazed that she could even stand up in high heels. She couldn’t have been any older than eleven or twelve at the time. I still called her ‘Brat’ but in an affectionate way of course. Brat is actually an acronym for Betty Rachael Ann Turner my pretty little niece. She is my sister’s daughter. She had two annoying little brothers that are several years younger than she is, so she became the built in babysitter. She...

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Goddess Blessing 2

The Goddess' Blessing, Chapter 2 - by Angie "kitn" Hughes Tracy awoke feeling very relaxed. The deep sleep Baidh had put her into, had held some... interesting dreams. Not all of them were overtly sexual, but all were about the same person. 'Baidh just doesn't give up, does she? Not that I mind...' Tracy shivered remembering some of the nicer bits of the dreams. Getting up, Tracy brushed her teeth and took a bath, contemplating her decision. 'I told Baidh I would tell Casey...

3 years ago
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Festa per la pensione parte 2 Retirement party

La festa continuava molto bene, la cena era ottima e tutti hanno apprezzato le portate.Ovviamente l'atmosfera era elettrizzante, e anche gli altri normali avventori spesso ci guardavano sorridendo. Ormai tutti avevano capito che le "donne" del nostro tavolo erano in realtà uomini travestiti, ma in realtà erano tutti contagiati dal nostro calore e buonumore.The party went on very well, the dinner was excellent and everyone enjoyed the courses.Obviously the atmosphere was electrifying, and even...

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Mera Pahela Sex Experience

Hello Friends,Mera nam siddharth hey. Me Mumbai se belong karata hu. Me married hu aur meri sadi ko aabhi 2 saal ho gaye he. Waise to akshar meri sex fantasy ko me kisi k sath disclose nahi karta lekin pata nahi meri life ki anokhi aur paheli sex fanrasy ko me jab yaad karata hu me romanchit ho jata hu… q ki wo pal bas ek iqtefase aaya tha… Abhi me aapani marriade life se bahot khush hu. Aur aj me aapane best frnd ki shadi me jaane ki taiyari me laga hu..!! Me :- Ragini(my wife)…… Ragini :- ha...

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First Time

I have been married faithfully for many years. But I met a man online who sparked my interest. He seemed genuinely "normal" and was in a place in his life similar to mine. We were both missing something that we needed and wasn't getting at home. I love my husband dearly as does he love his wife. There was a mutual respect for that. We both have k**s too and agreed that our home life always comes first. That being said, as our emails continued, so did our curiosity. We decided to meet in a semi...

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Husband Or Annoying Brat

HUSBAND OR ANNOYING BRAT? by Throne The wife and husband were standing in the living room of their two- bedroom, suburban home. It was a typical domestic scene but with a twist. "I swear, Gigi," said the wife, "you're turning into a total brat." "Zelda, couldn't you..." There was a hint of pleading in the husband's tone. "...couldn't you go back to calling me Georgie?" "How can I use your old male name with the way you have yourself looking? I mean, with your full head of...

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BangPOV Vina Sky Stepsister Rubs One Out

Vina Sky and Tony Rubino are on a road trip. Finally, they get to their destination. It’s Seems like nice accommodations until Tony notices there’s only one bed. Vina made a mistake and booked a room with only one bed. But it’s fine they’re only stepsiblings. They both settle into bed, Vina noticed something against her leg. It was tony’s throbbing cock. At first, she’s outraged at his natural urges. But Soon She finds a way to relive her brother’s...

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Ashleys First Black Cock

Ashley is a cute little thing, with a lovely face, long flowing hair I want to wrap around my dick and a killer body. She can fuck any man she wants to, anytime. Guys fling themselves at her at work, on the street and online. She loves to flirt and blue ball the bros in town, but I know from hearing her exploits that the lucky guy who gets Ashley naked is going to have the fuck of his life. But this was different. Ashley had never offered to let me watch her bang a guy, so this text...

2 years ago
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Chapter 39: LAGOON CELEBRATIONAlex, Tessra and I proceeded to organize a variety of foods and drinks to be prepared for when b**st, Addama and Helman returned late afternoon. After I had worked through my personal fears of being with human males sexually, letting myself feel that again, I quickly realized that the group needed a significant diversion prior to the coming conflict. While many of the various species would play roles that would put them in danger during the conflict, my battle plan...

4 years ago
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Introduction: A true story of my beautiful wife As I drove the dark lonely road home from a business trip, I decided to call my wife to let her know Id be arriving home by 1 AM, in two hours or so. My wife and I are in our forties, with a great marriage and four kids. We are both in good physical shape- my wife, Patricia is a gorgeous brunette with green eyes, lovely face and nice size 35D breasts, perfect ass and thighs! She picked up the phone on the second ring and thanked me for the call....

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Threesome Version 1

I remember the excitement-while we had done this before, it had been a while for each of us, and our last trip had been iffy. But not this time. My inner goddess stirring, knowing, excited and determined. I was wet and on edge most of the ride down, and once we were all together sexual tension filled the van. It hung in the air, a great lovely wicked b**st, demanding satisfaction. And I a willing sacrifice. But not yet. A quick dip in the pool to cool the b**st first. All eyes on us as we...

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The Key Hotel

Hello, welcome to the key room of the Key Hotel. Introductions are not needed. All you need to know is I am the host. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to find me. I will be happy to help you in almost any way you need. Keep in mind we have rules. Rule one eveyone here is over 18 and human. Except my aliens.... they're out of this world. Rule two no killing. If that gets you randy then walk out the door now. Rule three I am here for the imformation not your pleasure. I limit to...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E14 Valerie Ward 47 from Welwyn Hatfield with Renae

We’re tracking through an alleyway behind a shopping centre, signs on the outside of the grubby buildings read, “BOOTS PHARMACY”, and “EURO SUPERSTORE”, there are limited parking spaces but most of the road is covered with yellow hatch-lines, making sure trucks delivering to the shops can always get through the lane. Opposite the large stores, the rear of another line of smaller stores – each with its own lock-up garage. We move through the car park toward a gap between two brick walls, a...

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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 1

There was a soft click. The door to my room had just closed. As I lay there feigning sleep, I heard a soft patter of feet. At the same time the aroma reached me. Ciara by Charles Revson. It was my all time favorite fragrance. Elissa had worn it the first time we met. She wore it the first time we made love. She wore it on our wedding day. But I digress. Now the familiar fragrance was wafting through the room. I felt a body rest on the bed beside me. I reached out and felt a silky soft body I...

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Jacqui and Heidi aka Jekyll and Hyde Chapter F

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The Life of a Willing and Eager Prostitute

Your name is Marie. You were born in a time when many things have become better for the world. Nowadays there is no such thing as illegal prostitution or sexual slavery that is not voluntary. That's lucky for you because since you were a young teenager you've always wanted to be a prostitute. Something about being used purely for someone else's pleasure has always made you extremely aroused. Today is your 18th birthday and you can't think of a better birthday present to yourself than becoming...

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Out of the Blue Part 2

Chapter Two. I snuggled back into bed, but I was wide awake, so after a couple of minutes I got up. I pulled on my boxers and went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Rachael’s door was closed, but I was sure I had heard her and thinking she couldn’t have slept through all that anyway, decided to make her a cup and a couple of bits of toast as well. Ten minutes later, holding two cups of tea in one hand and a plate of toast with vegemite in the other hand, I headed over to Rachael’s door. I...

First Time

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