Kain's Marcasa free porn video

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Kain's Marcasa - by: Mobien For generations untold, the Morhean Dark Ladies had ruled the section of the Universe known as 'Morbien's Space'. There were trade routes from all over the Universe that ran thru it. Many races made their home in and around Morbien's Space due to these trade routes. When word spread of a Divine Order rising and spreading thru out this Universe, the Dark Lady and the Morhean Council at that time sensed danger and using their vast psionic powers, closed off their section of space and thus created a pocket universe. With the trade routes sealed off, chaos reigned until the Divine Order took control. Not only had they lost the most direct trade routes but also access to ore rich mining asteroids and planets. Morbien's Space could not be entered but after a few centuries passed, a way to communicate with certain people inside was restored. Plans were made to bring the downfall of the current Dark Lady and the Morhean rule. "How exactly," Kain asked, "Do you expect me to bring down the Dark Lady?" His guest was silent for a moment, a cloaked figure that had so far refused to reveal his identity. That he had found the hidden base of the infamous Pirate King should have sealed his fate, but Kain was intrigued enough to spare him until he had more information. They sat in Kain's office in the 'salvage' area of his operation - - the place where captured vessels were plundered and new slaves readied for market. There was still a lot of world's dealing in slaves inspite of the Dark Lady's laws against the practice. "There is a prophecy," the cloaked figure said. "A Dark Lord will be born with the forbidden power to create, an abomination that will bring down the Morhean rule. He will be as powerful as any Dark Lady. I know who this Dark Lord is - - he is the first-born son of the current Dark Lady. His powers have been suppressed since childhood, as all the great Houses would demand his death if they knew the true extent of those powers." Kain laughed, leaning back in his chair - - a throne, really. "Why would I care about some moldy prophecy? I care only for profit - - no one can get close enough to the Dark Lady to end her rule." "Her favorite son can, especially if his powers are unleashed," his visitor insisted. "And I do not speak of the Morhean Empire alone. There are many unclaimed worlds that would easily fall to the powers he possesses - - powers YOU will possess as his master. You are the pirate Kain, called by some the Pirate King, but with the power I can deliver into your hands, you could be Emperor Kain, Kain the Destroyer, Kain the God." "You do interest me," Kain purred, leaning forward once more. "But how would I get a Dark Lord that powerful to obey me?" His visitor leaned forward, and Kain sensed his smile. "By making him believe he is a Dark Lady - - and that you are her lord and husband." Kain smiled slowly. "Tell me more," he said. "Start with your name." "I am called Zenn by my people," he replied, "You may call me Dr. Zenn." Marc looked at the ring one more time before putting it away in his pocket. Tonight would be the night he finally proposed to the woman he loved. He had known Titania since they were both three years old when her mother became his nanny. They were both on leave from the ship and Titania had transferred off. He had no intention of staying on the ship without her. She was not going to get away from him that easily. He had pulled strings and arranged to take a more extended leave. They were celebrating her transfer from Security to Covert Operations. He had taken her to Chez Williams, the finest restaurant in Greenhaven. Later, he planned to take her dancing at the Red Lady Club. He was a little worried, as he had noticed she had taken a couple of recreational drugs. He disapproved but did not want to fight with her on this night of all nights. He looked up and saw her coming back from the ladies room. She was gorgeous; she matched his height of six foot with long shapely legs and bountiful breasts. Her flame colored hair cascading down in curls. He stood and moved her chair for her and sat back down. Titania smiled at Marc and said, "Okay, now what is it you have to tell me that is so important?" He reached over and took her hand in his; he looked into her lovely blue eyes and said, "Titania...I have loved you all my life. I would like the honor of making you my consort. Would you be my bride?" He then took out the small black jeweler's box and opened it. He knew she had expensive tastes and being quite wealthy himself, had bought her the most expensive diamond engagement ring he could find. He looked once more into her eyes, waiting with bated breath for her answer. It was not what he expected. Titania started laughing, she laughed so hard she could barely breathe. People were starting to look at her. "Titania, it's not a joke! I'm serious...please stop laughing!" he said. "What is so funny?" "You! Marc...you are a wonderful friend but I've seen the size of your cock, no way you could ever satisfy me with that little thing!" she said and began laughing once more. Marc let do of her hand and leaned back in his chair. She had never allowed him to touch her. "I am of normal average size, Titania!" he whispered loudly. "If you would just allow me the opportunity I am sure I could please you." "Oh, please, Marc! You've had your chance with a couple of my girlfriends...if you could not satisfy them then you certainly could not satisfy me!" Marc started blushing. He remembered those encounters. He had not been happy with their performance either. "Please Titania, stop laughing! People are staring!" he pleaded. He signaled to the waiter, "Check please!" He could not bear to stay any longer and be further humiliated in public. He noticed Titania smiling and winking at a man sitting at a nearby table as he signed the check. The man was smiling back at her. Marc read Titania's mind, she wanted that man! Livid, he stood up from the table and informed Titania that she was welcome to go on over to the man as he was leaving. She laughed some more and got up and actually walked over to the man's table. Marc used his psionic power to make the man's drink fall from his hand and into his lap. He was hurt, angry, and disgusted. He was a nice guy and he did not deserve to be treated that way! Marc went down to his car and told the driver to take him back to his estate. He sat in the darkness and closed his eyes. He opened his mind and linked with his twin sister, Liz. "She turned me down, even worse she humiliated me." He heard his sister's soothing voice in his mind, "Tell me all that happened, I'll be waiting for you when you return." He told allowed her access to his memories, she saw everything. She felt his love for Titania, heard what had been said and felt how very hurt he had been by Titania's words and actions. Once home, Liz met him at the door. Not a word was spoken, they had been communicating telepathically all during the drive home. She wrapped her arms around Marc and kissed him. She held him as his tears began to flow. She led him upstairs and allowed him to show her just how much of a man he really was and how much pleasure he could bring to a woman. He awoke before the dawn and crawled out of bed. He had made a decision. He would cancel the remainder of his leave and return to the ship. He would never see Titania again. He would never fall in love again. Titania awoke to a pounding headache the next day. As she wrapped a robe around her naked body, she stumbled into the kitchen of the apartment that she shared with Marc. A cup of juice later and two hangover pills, Titania began to think about the night before and just how stupid she had been. Why had she taken those damned drugs? She asked herself. She knew Marc had something planned. She thought it had been to celebrate her promotion. She never dreamed he'd actually propose to her. She moaned as she remembered how she'd laughed at him and blew off his proposal and if that wasn't bad enough, flirting with the guy at the next table had been. She'd never seen Marc so angry before. She had rarely seen him angry in all the time she'd known him. She went to his bedroom door and knocked upon it. She was startled to hear the voice of his sister behind her. "He's not in there, Titania! Dear Brother canceled his shoreleave and returned to his ship. He's long gone by now. How could you say those things to him? You ripped out his heart and stomped on it! He loved YOU beyond ALL measure, has for years! Why do you hate him so much?" Titania turned around slowly and looked at Liz. She had never seen Liz angry before and it was not a pretty sight. The Dark Ladies were always more powerful then the Dark Lords and all Morbiens knew better then to anger one. Titania feared no one except Marc's mother. Still, she did not want to anger Liz further. "I don't hate Marc, he's my best friend. I can't explain last night. I did something incredibly stupid and hurt him. I regret the way I treated him. I was hoping to somehow make it up to him today." Liz glared at her, "Why bother? He's out of your life now. You drove him away! No more listening to his lecturing you about your drinking, your drug use, No more putting up with his little idiosyncrasies! And no more spending his money, I'll damn well see to that!" Liz was livid, Marc had loved this woman most of his life. He had never even considered another woman to be his wife. Liz had often been surprised by her brother's patience with Titania, another Dark Lord would have used mind control and taken the bitch as a love slave! But not Marc, he was far too nice a man to do such a thing to the woman he loved. "No more Marc? I don't think so. I know he's hurting right now but he'll come back, he always does. This time things will be different. I realize now the depths of his feelings for me. I never suspected that he wanted to marry me. I truly do regret hurting him. You can read my mind, you can see I am speaking the truth!" Titania said as she carefully watched Liz. It would not do to make her even more angry then she already was but she would not lie to her either. "Are you so sure, Titania? Why would you want him to come back?" Liz asked, reading in Titania's mind the sincerity of her words. Had she been lying she would have been punished. "Yes, I am sure and I want him to come back! I will apologize to him, he did not deserve the way I treated him last night I feel just horrible for what I did to him." "No, he did not deserve it! He has loved you and been there for you for YEARS!" "I know! It's just that he can be so irritating at times! I can sense his presence in my mind at times as if he is reading my thoughts. I have no privacy from him......" Liz interrupted, "But he has always known when you were in trouble or sad and was there for you! How did you think he knew! He only did so because he loved you so!" "I know, at times I felt like he was the only person in my life that actually cared if I lived or died. I feel ashamed for the way I treated him last night! I was hoping we would get together today and talk about what happened. He's always given me a second chance before." "He has never been this angry before, Titania! Why do you deserve a second chance!" Liz demanded. "Because I really do love him. I wasn't ready to take our friendship to the next level and I am certainly not ready to get married." Titania admitted to Liz as well as to herself. "If only you had told him THAT last night instead of the insults you gave!" "When he comes back, I'll make it all up to him. I swear it! I don't want to lose him from my life. He's been my best friend since we were kids. No one knows me like he does, no one cares about me, or takes care of me like Marc does." "It's about time you realized that, Titania. My brother deserves better then the likes of you but you are the only woman he ever wanted. Mother actually gave her blessing to this union when she could have arranged for a more suitable consort for him. You are a fool." "Please, Liz......I don't want to hurt him again. Tell him how sorry I am, that I want to see him again," Titania pleaded. "You definitely will not ever hurt him again! His mind is shielded at the moment but the minute he drops his shields I will contact him and tell him of this conversation. It will be up to him whether or not he wants further contact with you." "Thank you, Liz. You will not regret this!" Titania said with relief. "I best not or you will for the rest of your life!" Liz said and disappeared. The ship had been on course for three weeks near the Tymorean system when the pirates attacked. Being an Explorer class ship, it did not have the weapon power to hold out long in battle. The ship was boarded after sustaining heavy damage. The red alert siren was blaring, the room was lit in red light. Only minimal life support was left when Kain strolled onto the bridge followed by his advisor, Dr. Zenn and several of his crewmembers. He walked over to the Captain's chair and yanked up the injured man who lay beside it. "Captain Henry. I have come for the Dark Lord, you will surrender him at once and I might let you live," he growled. Henry looked up at the pirate. "What Dark Lord? There are no Dark Lords on this ship!" Henry sputtered. He was the only one on board that knew Marc was indeed a Dark Lord. Kain flung the man at two of his crew. "Make him understand that turning over the Dark Lord to me is preferable to the torture he will endure until I find out which of these men is the Dark Lord I seek." The hooded and cloaked figure that had entered with Kain had been looking at the bodies one by one until he came to Marc. Marc had sustained a massive head wound. "Kain, I have found the Dark Lord. He has been injured. Have your men go to the medical bay and find a stretcher and lots of bandages. It looks bad but he may survive." Kain walked over to his advisor and looked at the man lying broken on the floor. "Well, this is just bloody great! You'd think they would have tried to protect the son of the Dark Lady better! He's useless to us now!" Kain roared. "No, I can rebuild him, make him more easily controlled. Brain damage would be the perfect excuse as to why he cannot remember being your wife. If he survives the initial surgery all well bode well for our plans, Kain." "Alright, I'll give you a chance to try. We can always ransom the body if you fail," Kain told the hooded figure. He turned to the rest of his men, "Take the prisoner and the ......injured man here," he said pointing to the Dark Lord, "to my ship. Once they are aboard, destroy this ship." It was a week later when news reached Titania that the ship had been destroyed with no signs of survivors. She was not surprised to receive a summons from the Dark Lady. She knelt before the Dark Lady, keeping her eyes down cast. "My son is missing. His ship was destroyed. We have little evidence of what happened. We believe pirates attacked the ship. Marc is still alive, his sister and I would have felt his death. For some reason unknown to us, we cannot find him. Once you have completed your covert operator training you will be sent to the area the ship was last known to be. You will find out what happened to my son's ship. You will find out who did this and you will find my son." "Yes, My Lady. I will find the information you seek," Titania said as she stood up, she looked straight at the woman she served. "I will not disappoint you." Or him again, she thought to herself. "See that you don't! You are dismissed." Titania threw herself into her training. She had to be the best, top of the class. If Marc's mother believed he was alive then she would find him or die trying. Titania took high honors and when her training was complete, she was sent on her first covert mission. Titania found she loved working undercover, gathering information, getting close to her targets and killing them. Titania felt like this was the work she had been born to do. Kain stepped into the room and looked at the pale, still figure on the bed, the head was still wrapped in bandages, his brain and skull had been damaged by the explosion on the bridge, Dr. Zenn had worked for hours in surgery on Marc. He had implanted controls deep within the brain tissue, he had done all he could about the brain damage and only time would tell if the experiment was going to work. That had been three months ago and his patient was still in a coma. Marc's face had been altered to look more feminine, he now almost appeared to be an identical twin to his sister, the Heir of the Dark Lady. Breasts had been created thru the use of hormones and fatty tissue from his abdomen. His Adam's apple had been shaved and his vocal chores had been altered, Kain's partner assured him that the voice would be only a little higher but should still sound like a woman. Around Marc's neck was a psionic inhibitor collar, he would not be able to use his powers as long as that collar was on and Kain had the key to it's lock. Nor would any Telepath or empath be able to sense his location. "Now, explain to me again why you are not going to cut off his cock? I don't see how we can make him believe he is a woman when he has a cock and balls!" "She will believe anything we tell her. We can program the implants with false memories. We will tell her that she was diagnosed with Jorgenson Syndrome while attending University. Tests showed that although her genitals appeared to be male they actually were not. The clitoris was elongated, the testicles are swollen glands, and her vagina is fused with her rectum. There is no need to actually change the gender." "SHE is starting to look like a pretty sweet thing. I think I could still fuck her and not be bothered by the tiny cock." "She will believe that you are her loving husband. Once we find out if she has any memories we can program her to remember your courtship and wedding from that time forward." "Make sure she is programmed to be fully loyal to me. I am intrigued by what her powers can do but I want complete control of her. I want to be able to use her for more then just fucking. I want to be able to use command words to bring different personalities into play." "Yes, we are doing just that.....we have already installed the assassin program. With control words she will turn from a sweet thing into a cold-blooded killer. We have installed a program where her mind will become blank and she will carry out any order you give her without question. What cannot be programmed into the implants can be programmed by hypnosis." Dr. Zenn replied. Kain nodded his approval, "Good, I never liked my women to be sweet. I want her to be the Darkest of all the Dark Ladies. A true bitch in every sense of the word.....but only at my command." "It will be as you request." Said the hooded figure that proceeded to download the prepared programs into Marc's brain implants. Months later, the time had come to bring Marc out of the coma and test the implants. The implants were brought on line, powered by Marc's brain's electrical impulses but controlled by Kain and Dr. Zenn. Marc slowly opened his eyes, he did not know where he was. His head felt foggy, he was very disoriented. He felt someone holding his hand and looked over to see a man sitting beside his bed holding his hand. His throat felt incredibly dry. "Who are you? Where am I?" He asked, his voice did not sound quite right to him but he thought perhaps it was from the dryness in his throat. "My Love, I am your husband, Kain. You have been recovering from a horrible accident. We feared you would not survive, you suffered severe head trauma." "Husband? I don't remember being married." Marc replied, puzzled. "Oh, my dear Marcasa! It is as we feared! But no matter, you are awake now and we will do all that is possible to restore your memory. I love you beyond all measure, I have rarely left your bedside these past few months." "Marcasa? Is that my name?" Marc asked, it did sort of sound familiar. "Yes, my wife. You are the Dark Lady Marcasa." "Dark Lady? But......I'm not a woman! Am I?" Marc could not remember. He could not remember his name or what had happened before the accident. The head trauma must have been bad if he could not remember his gender, Marc thought to himself. In the next room, watching on a monitor, Dr. Zenn listened and made a few adjustments on the control panel. Mustn't let Marc remember he was not a woman. "My Love, of course you are a woman! You just have a slight birth defect, that is why you are confused about your gender!" Kain assured her. "Don't you remember? We met shortly after you had been diagnosed with Jorgensen's Syndrome. Your Mother had raised you as a male but you found out you really were not a man after all. You were living as the woman you knew yourself to be. We fell madly in love." "Jorgensen's Syndrome?" she asked. "Oh, yes! I remember going to the clinic now. They ran tests and discovered my vagina. I was so relieved to find out I had been right all along! I never felt male!" "Your Mother never accepted the diagnosis. She would not bless our union. You do remember your mother don't you?" Kain asked. The programmed memory was impressive. He had some ideas for a few more to have programmed into Marc. "Mother.....is my mother here? I want to see my mother!" Marc asked. "I'm sorry, dear wife. Your mother never accepted our relationship and cut off all ties with you when we married. I informed her of your injuries right after the accident, but she has not responded. That was almost six months ago," Kain said as he kissed Marc's hand. Marc began to weep. "I'm sorry.....I just don't remember you yet. I can't believe she didn't come or send someone! The last thing I remember is attending University. My sister.....has my sister not contacted you?" Surely her sister would have come, they had been so very close! "Lady Elizabeth has been forbidden to have any contact with you. I'm sorry my love. My sons and I love you very much. Your family turned their back to you for daring to live and love as you pleased. This has been too much information to give you so soon after your coma. Rest now, dear wife. The doctor has said your memory will return in good time." "Thank you, Kain. For loving me and standing by me. Six months is a long time to wait for someone. Had we been married long? Are there pictures I could see of our wedding?" She had always dreamed of a big cathedral wedding. "My love, you are worth the wait. We had been married less then a month when the accident occurred. I will have our wedding photos brought to you. It was a simple civil ceremony. I must let you rest now, Marcasa. I will be back in a few hours." Kain said as he stood to leave. Marc's eyes were beginning to close, she felt so sleepy. As soon as she was asleep, Kain left the room and joined his partner. "Marvelous! How soon can she be up and around?" Kain asked. "Within two weeks she will be rejoining her husband. I have prepared a lab at your manor house, I will be using it to continue with the programming." "Excellent! The sooner we get her home and settled in the better," Kain replied. Two weeks later, the day arrived when Marcasa would be released from the private clinic where she had been recovering since her accident. Each day, after a session with Dr. Zenn, she remembered more of her life with Kain. Memories of life before Kain had become rather fuzzy but she did not want to remember, she had not been happy then and since her family had disowned her there was no point in trying to remember them. She was depressed though that she could not use her powers. Dr. Zenn had explained to her that there were times when she had psychotic episodes when she behaved irrationally. To prevent her from harming herself or others it would be best for now to continue to wear the collar. In time, they would find the right combination of drugs to keep those episodes from reoccurring and then the collar would be removed. She did not know how she could face her husband. How could he still love her? What use could she be to him? She was sitting by the window when Kain walked in the door. Looking at Marcasa in that dress one would never have suspected that she was not the woman she appeared to be. He crossed the room and went over to her, kneeling by her chair. "My Love, you look so sad. Are you not happy to be going home with me today?" He asked with love and concern in his voice. "It's not that, Kain. It is just that Dr. Zenn has explained to me why I must continue to wear the collar." Kain took her hand and kissed it. "My love you are going to get better. It is only a matter of time before you are well and able to work with me once more." "What is it that you do?" Marcasa asked, she had no idea what her husband did or what their standing in their community was. "I am a shipping magnate. My ships are doing well and I think it is time to branch out into new territory, perhaps mining. There are several mining operations in Sector 21 that I would like to acquire." Tears flowed down her cheeks. "With my psychotic episodes how can I possibly be of any use to you!" She said as she fingered the jeweled collar that held the psionic inhibitor. Kain smiled and kissed her tears away. "My dear, you will be more help then you know and you will be by my side every step of the way." ******************************************************************* Reports had begun to come in about increased pirate attacks in Sector 20 and 21 on both ships and mining colonies. The Dark Lady sent out ships but the pirates eluded them. With her first mission successfully behind her, Titania was called once more before her ruler. She knelt before her and waited her instructions. "You have proven yourself worthy of the task I now lay before you. You will infiltrate Kain's pirate operation. You will use any means necessary to gain information about him. Our investigation suggests that Kain had a hand in Marc's disappearance. Find Kain and find my son!" "Yes, my Lady. I live to serve you!" "You will be given a small ship to use, it has been outfitted to appear as a smuggler's ship. You will be given goods as well as coin of the realm. You must appear to be successful. You will allow your ship to be boarded by the pirates and convince them that you want to join them. You will be given documents to prove your identity to them. Captain Olivia will give you a full briefing and all you will need. I expect daily reports. You will be implanted with a communication device. You will be in direct communication with me. You will be given a list of contacts in Sectors 20 and 21. Go now and prepare. You leave in two days time. Succeed where the other operators have failed me. Dismissed." Titania stood up, bowed to her Lady and said, "As you command, so shall it be." She then turned and left the throne room. The Dark Lady watched her leave. Titania would find her son. She remembered how close the two of them had been ever since Titania's mother had become their nanny when the twins and Titania were three years old. She had agreed to give her blessing to their union when Marc had asked her. She had known that there could be no arranged marriage for Marc with another Morhean, none of the great or lower houses wanted to be aligned to her thru him. She had sent him to live on Morbia with Titania and her mother at her family's estate in hopes that Marc would get along better among the Morbiens and learn what life was like for the average Morbian. She had plans of grooming him to take the Morbian seat on the Council. The other Morheans had criticized her for choosing a Morbian to father her first born but the Lady did not do anything without careful thought and planning. The two groups needed each other and a Morhean/Morbian Dark Lady could unite them in ways no treaty could. The Morbiens were a passionate bunch of people. They loved that the Heir to the crown was part Morbian. They had loved Marc as their Dark Lord. They had mourned his loss. She refused to give up her dream for her son. He would return to her someday and take his place at her side. *********************************************************************** ********* ********************* It was not long before Kain was playing with his new toy, weapon, and wife. He used the control words frequently. It was a thrill to watch Marcasa go from being the sweet young wife to brutal killer to seductive bitch all by the uttering of certain words. He had not tested her power as yet but the time was coming soon. His territory was increasing daily. He now had control of the shipping lanes and the mining colonies in Sector 20. He had lost a few ships to the Dark Lady's forces but not enough to slow him down. He had used Marcasa to eliminate those who opposed him. They had thought he was rewarding them by inviting them to pleasure Marcasa. Once in the privacy of the bedroom, Kain made sure to whisper the command codes to Marcasa thru the communication device disguised as an earring. In the middle of seducing her target, Marcasa would pull out an ornate dagger and stab them thru the heart. She would smile cruelly while she pulled out the blade and licked the blood from her fingers. There were some who began referring to her as "Kain's whore". Not all he rewarded were killed. Marcasa never knew just what was going on during her 'psychotic episodes' as Kain liked to call them. She just remembered meeting his associates and then hearing later that they had been found dead. She began to worry about Kain, that he would be murdered as they had. She begged him to increase his security force. Kain merely smiled and assured her that he was in no danger at all, but he did agree to increase his security force. *********************************************************************** ********* ****************** Titania had infiltrated Kain's operation and was working her way up the ladder. With each rung she learned more about the man. He was sleaze. She learned that he had been responsible for the attack on Marc's ship. The man used women and discarded them once their usefulness had ended. There was talk of a new young wife who had been seriously injured shortly after their wedding. Titania felt sorry for the woman, tales were told that she had suffered brain damage and was never seen without Kain or a nurse. The higher she got in the organization, more became known of the wife. Titania learned that she was a tall woman, young, very pleasant and that Kain used her as a whore. Titania thought if there was some way she could befriend this woman, she could get closer to Kain. She reported all that she learned back to the Dark Lady. It took sometime before she became a part of Kain's household security. It was not long after she started seeing glimpses of Kain's wife around the house. Titania had been watching this woman for days, ever since she learned that the woman was a Dark Lady. She was not known to THE Dark Lady or to any of the Morhean Houses. This woman was a mystery. Titania had been instructed to learn everything she could about this woman. The resemblance to Lady Elizabeth and Marc was uncanny. Watching her had always made the hair on Titania's neck stand up. She was never alone yet the look on her face showed how lonely she was as she strolled about the gardens. She seemed to change whenever Kain was around. It was as if the young woman came alive when Kain was with her. Titania knew she would have to get closer to Kain and to his wife to learn what had become of Marc and the identity of this rogue Dark lady. *********************************************************************** ********* ******************* Marcasa's sleep was restless. She had nightmares that she would wake from in fear but not remember the actual dream. Sometimes she heard voices in her head, she knew she was not receiving telepathic communication because she still wore the collar. She told Dr. Zenn about the voices and he adjusted her medication. He told her they were from the brain damage and not to worry. She worried about her husband. So many of his associates had been found murdered. He had increased his security force as she had requested. There was a really nice looking red haired woman who had been assigned to guard him. She wanted to meet the woman and be friends with her. Marcasa hoped that they could be, she was lonely for female companionship. Kain was a workaholic but he was starting to take her with him more on business trips. Unfortunately they tended to bring on her psychotic episodes so she didn't remember much about the places they visited or what they did. A couple had been hit with disasters and they had been lucky to have left when they did. One mining colony had a city that had collapsed into rubble during one of their visits. Kain told her it was an earthquake but he had been able to accomplish his mission. Another had been attacked by unknown forces. Thousands were killed. She was starting to wonder if someone was after Kain. His ships were being attacked as well. She climbed out of bed and put on her red satin robe and went to find Kain. She did not find him but she found the red haired woman. She looked very familiar to her, "Hello, I am looking for my husband. Please tell me where he is." She asked the woman. Titania was surprised to see Marcasa walk up to her, let alone speak. "The Emperor has gone back to his office, he has a meeting there and will not be back before tomorrow. How may I serve you?" "Oh, dear. I wish he would have told me goodbye before he left." Marcasa said sadly. "You were asleep at the time, he did not want to wake you. He left orders for me to see to your needs." Titania told her. "You look very familiar to me." Marcasa began as it slowly dawned on her that she knew this woman. "Titania? Is that you?" Titania was surprised. "My name is Titania.....you know me?" "Yes!" Marcasa said, a smile brightening her face. "Don't you recognize me? I haven't seen you since our Junior year in University! It's me, Marc!" Titania was stunned but hid it well. Titania tried to remain calm. Alarms had just went off in her head. What she was thinking could not be right. She looked closer at Marcasa. She would play along, perhaps she would learn just what had happened to him. She could hardly wait to contact the Dark Lady and tell her, not only had she found the identity of the rogue Dark Lady but Marc as well. "Marc.....what happened to you? You just disappeared one day. When did you become a woman?" Titania asked. "I am so glad to see you again! I've missed you!" She said and threw her arms around Marc. The breasts felt real. "Oh, Titania, so much has happened since I last saw you! I was always a woman......my gender had been misdiagnosed at birth. I found out the truth and then I met Kain and married him my Junior year. Where were you? I don't remember the last time we saw each other. I had some memory lost from the accident." "I got a job offer from a Pleasure Transport and left school, you remember how much I liked sex." Titania said with a smile. "Then I sort of got bored with that job and became a private security guard. I just recently started to work for your husband. I sure did not recognize you, you've changed a lot since I last saw you!" Marcasa blushed and was about to say more when they were interrupted by her night nurse. "My Lady, it is time for your medication." She said as she pressed a hypo spray into Marc's arm. The nurse looked at Titania. She would report the conversation she had heard to Kain. "We'll talk more, later. The drugs always make me sleepy. Goodnight, Titania! I'll look you up in the morning!" Marcasa said as she yawned and allowed herself to be led away by the nurse. "Sure, I'll be looking forward to it." Titania said as she watched them leave the room. The nurse's timing was not lost on Titania, the room was being monitored, no doubt the whole house was as well. She would have to be very careful what she said and did in this house and the garden. It would be two days before she could leave the grounds and make contact with the Dark Lady. She was puzzled, the Marcasa she had observed seemed so different when she was with Kain. Marcasa was more aggressive with Kain, more of a bitch. The Marcasa she had just met was friendly and the more she thought about it, the more the woman had seemed to remind her of the nice guy Marc had been. She needed answers before she contacted Marc's mother. __________________________________________________________________ When Kain returned home, Dr. Zenn was waiting for him. "We must talk, Kain." He said. Kain gestured to him to follow him into his office. They would be more secure in the office, there were no monitoring or listening devices there. Kain settled into the chair behind the desk while Dr. Zenn remained standing. "Your new security guard, the red-haired one named Titania, Marcasa approached her and recognized her. She told the woman who she was, Titania now knows that Marcasa is Lord Marc!" "Calm yourself, Zenn. I had the woman's background fully checked. She was raised with Lord Marc but has not been in contact with him for years. The woman has a death sentence on her if she ever goes back to Morbia. I will speak with her and if I find anything to worry about I'll make sure she disappears for good. What worries me more is that Marcasa is not as easy to control as she was in the beginning. The control words are not working as quickly. She actually told me 'no' to a request I made of her yesterday. The mouse turned into the bitch without my having to use the control word and I'm a little worried about the assassin coming online at the least opportune time. Why is she malfunctioning?" Kain demanded. Had it not been for the psionic inhibitor collar, Kain would have been afraid of Marcasa. As long as he held the key to it, Marcasa could not hurt him. If the contact words failed, how long before her programmed unending loyalty and love for him failed as well. "The biomechanical implants do break down as does anything with circuitry." Dr. Zenn replied. "It is one of the reasons why time is of the essence, Kain. It is time mother and child were reunited." "Not until Tymora is mine!" Kain snapped. "Once Tymora falls to me then we'll see about bringing down the Dark Lady!" Kain pushed a button on the desk and ordered that Titania be brought to him. "You keep Marcasa under my control. I don't care what you have to do, once I have Tymora she is disposable." There was a knock on the door. Kain bellowed out, "ENTER!" Titania was escorted into the room by two security guards. Kain turned to Dr. Zenn and said, "Have her ready, we will leave for Tymora tomorrow." Dr. Zenn bowed and left the room. Kain looked at the two guards and dismissed them. Titania watched Kain's every move. "Have I displeased you, Emperor?" She asked as she stood before him. She kept her breathing even and remained calm. She knew why she had been hauled in here and she had every intention of leaving this room alive. It was debatable if Kain would though. "I understand that you had a conversation with my wife today. You knew her before she became my wife?" Kain asked, watching Titania through narrowed eyes. "Yes, I was rather surprised when she walked up to me and begin to speak. I did not recognize her as my childhood friend Marc but she recognized me. I was even more surprised, as I had no idea that Marc wasn't a man. Too bad about the accident, I can see where it changed Marc. Had she not said anything I would never have known that Lady Marcasa was Lord Marc. She does seem happier as a woman. Do you mind if we renew our friendship? She did seem rather lonely and if I may say so, you are gone for long stretches of time." Titania said, watching Kain's reaction to her words. She was a very good liar and she knew it. I will get Marc away from him if it is the last thing I ever do, she thought to herself. "It does not bother you that your old friend is now a woman and my wife? What about her family? Do you plan to contact them now that you know?" Kain asked. "Doesn't bother me at all. Whatever makes Marc happy is fine with me." Titania replied. I'm going to enjoy watching you die you sorry son of a bitch, she thought to herself. "Why would I contact them? It's not my place to contact them, I haven't seen any of them since I left University. I was nothing more then the hired help's kid and they never once let me forget my place. Hell, they used to pay me to play with Marc and be his friend. I feel sorry for you, you have the worst mother in law in this universe. Why does she keep attacking your ships? I would have thought that would have been a breach of your marriage contract?" "I do not have a marriage contract." Kain answered, puzzled by her question. "Surely she doesn't want Marc back what with the brain damage and all. She can't get a good marriage contract or price for such damaged goods." Titania said, noting the look of puzzlement. "Not that he was very valuable before the brain damage or the sex change. The other Morhean Houses would not have him linked with them." "What are you talking about?" Kain asked. "The Dark Lady only had children to use as pawns in her political game or to acquire valuable commodities." Titania explained. "I would have thought she would have allowed you to marry Marc in recognition of your place as Emperor of Sector 21, thus making you an ally. The Morheans didn't like the fact that Lord Marc was half Morbian so they didn't want to be linked with House Nesmith thru him." "You seem to know this Dark Lady rather well, Titania. Perhaps you can be of use to me in negotiating a marriage contract with her. I think it is about time that my Lady was reunited with her mother and be given her blessing on our union. Marcasa dreams of a High Cathedral wedding. I want to make that dream come true." Titania bowed her head before Kain, "I live to serve you, my Emperor. Command and I will obey." Kain was pleased to hear that Titania knew her place. "Perhaps an arrangement could be made for you to be my Lady's companion. Not too different an arrangement from when her mother paid you to play with her. You would be with her at all times, keep her safe and happy. In return, you will be well rewarded. What do you say?" Titania leaned forward on the desk giving Kain a good view down her cleavage. "I'd have to ask about fringe benefits.....I'm not too good at being a lady's maid." She said as she laid a hand over Kain's hand. "Surely you have other uses for my time then babysitting your poor wife?" Kain smiled. "Perhaps arrangements could be made for after hours entertainment after Marcasa is asleep." Titania arched an eyebrow. "She's asleep now isn't she? What say I start the new position tomorrow and have a go at the 'fringe benefits' tonight?" Kain licked his lips at the thought of a real woman in his bed. "An excellent idea. I was about to retire for the night. You will join me." He said and held out his hand to her. Titania gave an evil little smile as she took his hand and allowed him to lead her off to his quarters. _____________________________________________________________________ Afterwards, as they lay in the bed where they had just explored each other's bodies, Titania began to question Kain about his plans for Marc and Tymora. "Tomorrow, we will leave for Tymora." Kain told her as he continued to nuzzle her neck. "Once Tymora is mine then we will make contact with my mother in law." "Why is Tymora so important to you? You already hold their mining colonies." Titania asked. Kain stopped his nuzzling and fondling of Titania and laid back in the bed. "I was raised on Tymora. My mother was the mistress of a nobleman. His wife took offense at her giving him a son before she did. When my father died, his wife did not follow the law and take me into her home as her son. She threw my mother and I out into the streets. My mother petitioned the crown. Her petition was denied. She did not have marketable skills. We lived in poverty from the time I was six years old. She died when I was twelve. By that time I had been living on the streets and had joined a gang that led me to the pirate trade. I swore that someday I would return and I would seek vengeance. Tymora will be the crown jewel in my Empire. I will make my home there and I will rule my Empire from there." _____________________________________________________________________ Titania could not believe the destruction she witnessed on Tymora. She could not believe that anyone could be so blood thirsty. She could not believe even after seeing with her own eyes Marcasa's horrendous acts. She felt ill at having stood by and done nothing to help the Tymorans. She had tried to get word out to the Dark Lady about Kain's plans and Marc but she was not sure if her message ever reached it's destination. The Dark Lady's ships came too late and too few. Kain's armada picked them off one by one. Titania could do nothing until her orders came thru though, she longed to put an end to Kain once and for all. Marc......after all the bloodshed and destruction seemed disoriented as if he had no idea of what had happened or that he was responsible for the deaths of thousands as they had fought against Kain. It was almost as if there were two people inhabiting his body, the murdering bitch known as Marcasa and the sweet, confused Marc. It did not make sense to her. She thought the brain damage might have had something to do with it. She also felt that Kain was somehow controlling Marc. _______________________________________________________________________ _________ _____________________________ "Report!" barked the Dark Lady. Never had she been so angry, they had lost contact with most of the covert operators in Sector 21. Tymora had fallen to Kain despite their best efforts to repel his attack. The Dark Lady Marcasa appeared to be just as powerful as Grace even without the crown amplifying her powers. The young man stood straight and tried not to show any sign of nervousness. "My Lady, at last report, eighteen covert operators died to get the information you are about to see smuggled out of Sector 21." "Titania......what is known of her fate? Her last report stated she had infiltrated the pirates." The Dark Lady asked, she had tried not to pin all her hopes on the young woman but she had been like a member of her family. "This information is the last known report from Titania." A large view screen came to life showing an image of Titania. "My Lady! I have much to report! Send your forces to Tymora! Kain will strike there next! I have infiltrated his household security. I am now the bodyguard to his wife, the Lady Marcasa......I know her identity." A picture of Marcasa appeared on the view screen. The Dark Lady's eyes widened as she recognized that face. She quickly hid her emotions. It would not do to let others see her shock and dismay. Her voice betrayed her as it cracked when she gave the order for the image to be enlarged. The face was so much like her own that they could have been mistaken for close relatives and in fact, they were. Titania's voice continued, "Kain controls Marcasa with drugs as well as command words that suggest some sort of mind control is used. She wears a psionic inhibitor collar that is controlled by Kain. She can only use her powers at his command. She is often dazed and confused after being commanded, she does not remember what has happened. She believes she has psychotic episodes in which she loses control of herself when she blacks out due to brain damage she received in an accident. Marcasa is a completely different person under Kain's command. She becomes the ruthless bitch that our reports indicated. Her loyalty to Kain in this state is unwavering. She takes pleasure in performing for him, and does not question his orders. Fortunately, she does not stay in this state for very long before reverting back to the dazed and confused state. She is kept sedated most of the time. Kain avoids her except when he had need of her powers." The image of Marcasa changed, no longer did she appear as strong as she had in the earlier image. She appeared puzzled as a nurse administered a hypo spray shot to her arm. She was crying. "My Lady, I have found Marc. It is my unfortunate duty to inform you that Lady Marcasa and Marc are the same person." There was an audible gasp from the young man who had noticed a family resemblance between his Lady and the rogue Dark Lady. He had met Lord Marc on more then one occasion and had not recognized him upon the screen. "It is my belief that Kain has forcibly feminized Marc. When Marcasa first saw me, she recognized me and told me how she came to be Kain's wife. Her last memory is of being in University. She believes she has memory loss due to the brain damage incurred during the "accident". She was told that although she had been raised as a male that her gender had been misdiagnosed at birth. She believes she began to live as her true gender during her Junior year. She believes that she met and married Kain shortly after. Kain has gone to great lengths to create a history for her. But he messed up on one detail. He told her that you and the rest of the Family did not approve of her decision to live as a woman or her marriage to Kain and disowned her. That you were informed of her accident and refused to come to her side. She questions this lie where she does not question any of the rest of the story. On more then one occasion, she has been caught trying to contact you or Lady Elizabeth. Kain punishes her each time but still she continues to try. She has even asked me in private if I can get word to you. I have told her that I have cut all ties with her Family. I have been hinting to Kain that he should establish contact with you. So far he has seemed willing to establish contact with you. Please......if he does ask for negotiations, meet all his demands! It may be the only way to free Marc from this megalomaniac." The transmission then broke off. "This was sent before the attack on Tymora. We have reports that show the 'Lady' Marcasa in action.........." The Dark Lady stood up from her throne and walked over to the officer. "What you have seen and heard in this room, stays in this room. No one must know that Marcasa is my son!" She ordered. "I want all reports and evidence of Marcasa's crimes brought to me at once!" The young man bowed his head, "Yes, My Lady, I live to serve you!" "Dismissed!" She growled and began to pace the room after the young man left. After pacing for some time, Grace called a Family meeting. The Family as well as the Council would have to be informed. She was not looking forward to those meetings. _____________________________________________________________________ Titania continued to sleep with Kain to further gain his trust and information concerning Marc. The man sickened her. She was glad when he left her behind to watch over Marc. It would be the perfect time to try and reach Marc, she was convinced he was still in there somewhere. Marcasa was getting ready for her bath when Titania entered the room. "I will take care of Marcasa for now." She said dismissing the nurse and was rather surprised when the stoic woman actually nodded and left the room. This had to be a test, she thought to herself. She went into the bathroom where Marcasa stood before a mirror, tears running down her cheeks. Titania was glad to see that Marc's genitilia did not appear to be changed, just smaller then she remembered. Marcasa looked up to see Titania watching her. "I'm not very feminine, am I?" She asked. "I don't look right. Kain doesn't want me to have surgery, he said I was fine as I am but that doesn't keep him in my bed. I see the way he looks at you. I know you are having an affair with him. It's not fair! I've only had sex with him one time since the accident and I was having an episode at the time! I just woke up and found him on top of me. He barely touches me." Marcasa sobbed. Titania went over to her nude friend and put her arms around Marc. "I'm sorry, Sweetie. He means nothing to me, it's just sex. Just part of the job. I didn't mean to come between you and your husband. Honest, I didn't!" She said as she hugged Marc close. "I'd much rather be making love with you then having sex with him." Marc pulled back, startled. "What...what do you mean? You never let me touch you, the whole time we were growing up and I had a huge crush on you, never once did you so much as kiss me!" "I was a fool back then, Marc." Titania said calmly. "I hardly knew what I wanted. But I know what I want now. I've always been attracted to both men and women. I think you're even more attractive now then you were the last time I saw you." "You do?" Marc sniffled. "Yes, I do. Want me to prove it to you?" Titania said as she began to nuzzle Marc's earlobe. "That...that would be a fantasy come true!" Marc said and closed her eyes. Titania scooped Marc up and took him over to the bed. As long as he had a cock, she would always think of him as a man. She laid him on the bed and began to kiss and fondle his breasts, watching for any sign of arousal from his shrunken cock, there was none. As she continued in her efforts to seduce Marc, she noticed a change come over him. He became very still and closed his eyes. She thought at first he'd simply gone to sleep until he opened his eyes once more. Titania gave a gasp as Marcasa grasped her by the arms and flung her off. She straddled Titania's hips and snarled, "You don't have permission to touch me! Kain might want you in his bed but I don't want you in mine!" An ornate dagger appeared in her hand just as the bedroom door burst open. "No, Marcasa! Put the dagger down and get off her now!" Kain ordered. Marcasa did as she was bid, she thrust the dagger into the mattress just beside Titania's head before getting up off the bed. She went over to her husband and put her arms around him. "Your mistress tried to seduce me. I awoke to find her straddling my hips and touching me." Marcasa tried to explain. "She is not worthy of touching me." Kain put his arms around Marcasa. "Titania was merely trying to comfort you in my absence." Kain purred. "I have wonderful news for you, My Love. Your Mother has contacted me. She wishes to see you once more and give us her blessing." Titania could not believe what she was hearing. There had to be more then just what Kain was telling Marcasa. Marcasa smiled. "It is about time! When do we leave and where do we meet her?" "We will leave tomorrow. She has agreed to meet us at the edge of Sector 21. Come, you must have Dr. Zenn prepare you for the journey." Kain said and took her out of the room. He came back a few minutes later. "Now, my dear......I do believe I can help you scratch that itch that dear Marcasa could not scratch." He said as he began to disrobe. Titania smiled at him. "Oh, I do hope so! Your wife is such a tease! C'mon over and show me what a real man can do!" _______________________________________________________________________ _________ ________ Aboard the Dark Lady's ship, "Fist of the Realm", The Dark Lady and her Warlords were gathered. They went over the battle plans one last time. How foolish Kain had been to think he could make a treaty with her. Did he really think she would recognize him as the Emperor of Sectors 20 and 21 merely because he had her son? Did he really think she would order a cease-fire and stop attacking his ships? It had been all she could do to keep a straight face when she had contacted him and told him that she was willing to make peace with him since she had been informed that his wife was her missing son. That she understood that Marc was deeply in love with him to have caused all that destruction on Tymora just so that he could be Emperor. That she wanted to welcome him as a son in law into The Family. He had been very charming but she had no doubts about him. He was up to something. He underestimated her. She would not underestimate him. _______________________________________________________________________ _________ ______ Marcasa stood beside Kain in a bridal gown of white satin and lace. Her new psionic inhibitor collar was hidden under a pearl choker. Kain had the controls to her collar hidden in the palm of his hand. His forces were hidden nearby. At his signal, they would attack the Dark Lady's ships. He smiled as he stood on the Bridge of his ship, the Reaper. Soon it would all be his, everything he'd ever wanted. Kain's eldest son approached. "Father, I have the signal device you ordered. This wristband has a single ruby stud. Press this, and the attack will begin at once." "Well done, Bain." The Emperor smiled as he accepted the device and slipped it on his wrist. "What do the scouts report?" "Only the flagship, 'Fist of the Realm' and two light cruisers are in this region, just as the Dark Lady said," Bain replied confidently. "Even if the cruisers have a full complement of fighters they don't have enough firepower to stop us. They are ours, Father. The Morheans will soon kneel trembling at your feet." "Very good," Kain responded. "Marcasa, we will be seeing your mother quite soon." "Mother?" Marcasa asked, trying to focus through the effects of the drugs. "Will I be able to stay with her for a while, Kain? I've missed her so much!" "Yes, my sweet," Kain replied. "When my business is concluded, you and your mother will be reunited." He smiled at Titania, who was to eliminate Marcasa once the Dark Lady was dead. She would make a much more suitable Empress, really, unless Kain tired of her. Titania nodded back at Kain, her eyes unreadable. She wanted him dead with every fiber of her being, but she knew the Dark Lady would want him alive. "It is time, Father," Bain said. "The transport is ready." "Come my bride," Kain said to Marcasa. "Let's not keep your mother waiting." He took her arm in his and left the Bridge. _______________________________________________________________________ _________ __________________________ The Dark Lady and her party had arranged a neutral place to meet. It had been a cathedral at one time on a small asteroid in a region of space between Sectors 21 and 22. Kain and Marcasa, along with Titania and four of Kain's bodyguards were escorted into the sanctuary turned throne room. At the end of the room sitting on a large ornate throne was the Dark Lady. She wore the crown, it gave off an aura of darkness. All along the walls were members of The Family and her warriors. Kain felt no fear as he and Marcasa was led before the throne. The Dark Lady descended from the throne and walked toward Marc with her arms open wide and a smile upon her face. As Marcasa left his side and walked towards her mother with a smile on her face, Kain turned off the collar and triggered Marcasa's assassin program Marcasa's smile widened as she drew nearer to the Dark Lady. Her arms stretched forth as though to embrace her mother as she calculated the killing blow. Kain was rather surprised at what happened next. Marcasa stopped within three feet of her Mother. She became perfectly still. She turned around and faced him as the Dark Lady took mental control of her child. The Dark Lady motioned to two of her people who came and took Marcasa by the arms and began to lead her out of the room. "Stop! What is the meaning of this!" Kain cried out, furious that his plan to have Marcasa assassinate her mother had been thwarted. "Did you honestly think I was going to let my SON assassinate me? You fool, the moment you released that collar I took control of him!" Grace sneered. "You will not live to see the end of this day!" The dark aura that flickered around her crown blossomed into a black halo, symbol of the Dark Lady's wrath. Kain's bodyguards cried out and reached for their weapons, only to find themselves frozen in place. Titania stepped away from Kain as the Dark Lady's Elite Guard disarmed them. "Titania, kill her!" Kain growled, then saw the feral smile on her face. There would be no help from her. Kain flushed as he realized the depth of his betrayal. "Traitorous bitch, I'll see you in hell." He snarled. "It's over, Kain," the Dark Lady said. "Your reign has ended almost before it began." Kain smiled as he pressed a button on wristband that alerted his people to begin their attack. "I do believe you will find that I have a few surprises in store for you as well." Kain's fleet emerged from hiding as the signal went forth. On Reaper, Bain took the Captain's chair. "I want the gun ships on the two cruisers, hit them hard and fast," he ordered. "We'll take on the Fist ourselves. I want fighters on that asteroid - - - ." "Sir, we're picking up enemy vessels!" called the gunnery officer. "What?" Bain hissed, turning. "We swept the asteroid field, there was nothing there!" "Sir - - it is the asteroid field - - - the ships - - - the asteroids were the ships! They were holographic projections. My god - - - there are hundreds of them!" the frightened man looked up. "Orders sir? Sir?" But Bain made no answer as he fled the Bridge. He knew it was over - - - his only hope was that he might escape in his fighter in the confusion of battle. _______________________________________________________________________ _________ _____________________________ They had a perfect view from inside the crystal-domed cathedral. Grace's vessels decimated Kain's forces, enveloping and firing on each ship. There was a brief attempt on the part of the pirates to fight back, but they were too heavily out numbered. Only a handful of pirate ships managed to escape the initial carnage, and the Morheans only needed to send a token force to pursue them. "So," purred Grace Nesmith, the Dark Lady and ruler of the Morhean Realm. "All your plans have come to nothing, and you are left with the ashes of defeat. Where is your arrogance, now, pirate? You have nothing." Kain stared up at the dome for a long moment, then faced Grace with a smile. "I have one thing, at least," he said. "The satisfaction of revenge. You may have defeated me, but you won't take any satisfaction from it, because I've taken the one thing you desire; Marc. Your son no longer exists. You may control his body but his mind is forever gone. Alive, yet not. No matter, I have grown tired of him and had planned to kill him after he killed you. Do your worst, Bitch!" Grace let her anger get the best of her. She had plan

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The Pink Pony Express

Gisele was eighteen and one of the Pink Pony Express’ newest dancers. The Pink Pony Express was use to having girls of different races and cultures, different views and dreams and even broken and hopeful beings. Gisele was no different than the other girls, but she was more of a bad ass than the rest. Although she had heard the rules a few times, she never really abided them. She didn’t think the rules really applied to her and she was running from a past she couldn’t escape. Maybe that’s why...

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Pregnant girl

*************************************************** I am a simple man, carpenter by trade. I specialize in making furniture and especially beds. I never thought that the day I delivered a particular bed that I would be so thankful for the fruits of my labor. I pulled up to the house of 7777 Lucky Lane, an interesting address to say the least. I wondered if lady luck just so happened to live here as I rang the door bell. When the door opened I was happy to see that I hit the jackpot. Standing...

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My Eighty Year Old Granny

Mom and dad were going on holiday and I said I would move back home for a couple of weeks, just to be with my eighty year old granny so they did not worry about her being alone.She was sprightly for her age, tall and big bodied but with typical granny type looks, short curly white hair, a few pounds over weight and always wore dresses for as long as I can remember. She moved in with mom and dad after my granda died over 20 years ago and looked after me when mom and dad went to work when I was...

4 years ago
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Once More With FeelingsChapter 16 All Saints Day

The big day was finally here! The first game of the season, and the entire team had the day off from classes to rest up for our game against Catholic Central. Rest, however, was about the furthest thing from any of our minds as we sat around the cafeteria chewing on fried chicken. For the last two weeks we had worked our asses off shaping a group of unexpectedly talented athletes into a coordinated team, and I thought we had done really well for such a small school. Unfortunately, or perhaps...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 33 Hold The Line

Saturday, May 27, 2006 If there was one thing I absolutely fucking hated, it was escort duty in a gun truck. By now everybody in the platoon knew about Riley’s smiling-little-yellow-ducks theory of combat in Iraq and not too many people disagreed with him. At least if I was up on over-watch or on patrol somewhere, the smiling little yellow duck might just get a chance to shoot back. Riding around in an armored Humvee while waiting to get blown up by an IED was a lot more nerve-wracking for...

4 years ago
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The Meeting

Shit, i whisper as i continue running towards the gate. My heels in my purse as i reach the gate, breathless, just in time to still board. I can tell everyone is waiting for me to board so i quickly get situated in my sit. Smiling as i notice that one of the seats beside me is empty. Relaxing a bit as we get up in the air. I realize i was snoring a little and wake up only to see that my head was resting on your shoulder. I quickly move it softly blushing, "im so sorry," i whisper. You...

2 years ago
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A Peril at IshtarChapter 8 Planning the Colony

The door had barely finished opening when a dark haired missile charged me and pulled me inside, checking every inch of me for bruises as she did so. Meiko was so attentive and vigorous in her probing that I could not get a word in edgewise and soon was laughing as her light touches started to tickle me. My other ladies came over and I offered them all a group hug as Meiko started to calm down. "I'm fine," I said. "Well, you scared us," Bethany said. "And why did it take so long to...

3 years ago
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Call Boy Service At Chennai

Hi all I am Karan from Chennai I am a call boy aged 29 strictly only for aged women’s above 32 to 50 so women who want my service can mail me to The payment depends upon the services you need from me. Going to the story once I got a call from one number the voice was very sweet and matured she inquired about my service . She told that she want complete body massage with mouth and hand I accepted she asked me to be ready and stand near Vijayanagar bus depo by 5 pm she told she want full night...

2 years ago
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Our Own Show

Nikki was the first to blow. S/he caught me square in the eye."Oh! I'm cumming," s/he shouted.That caused a chain reaction. Francesca splashed me on one side while Zaza got me on the other.************************************************************************"Fuck!' shouted Nick in frustration. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!""I'm OK!" I assured Dennis. "Now what do we do?" asked Zaza.And with that one of Gigi's favorite movies popped into my head."Come on everybody! It's like what Judy Garland...

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Super Mario Mushroom Kingdom

Normally it wasn't this difficult for Mario to win, but Bowser was pulling out all the stops today. Mario jumped away from Bowser in time to dodge the Koopa King's fiery breath. Mario Landed on a moving platform and ducked as Bowser tossed the discarded shells of one of his beaten minions Mario's way. But Bowser wasn't aiming at Mario. The mechanism that worked the platform shattered and Mario was dumped from the platform. The only thing waiting below was a warp pipe and a lake of lava. Mario...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Hoot MccoyChapter 19

“Hoot?” “Yeahhh Mandy?” “When you brush-fuck Ms. Sue Lynn’s pussy, I want to see it, I couldn’t see all of it when it went in my fucking wet pussy that night we brush-fucked each other at Micki’s.” “Sure I’ll even let you hold the brush and you can brush fuck her like you want to get brush fucked yourself.” “Wow really?” “Shit yeah ... Damn girl you’re some kind of hot-assed sexy fucking teenage cheerleader with your long blonde hair and your sexy mouth full of braces and spit drooling...

3 years ago
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What Would You Have Said If You Were Me

This is the completely true story of our first ever visit to a swingers club and how it led to my wife’s first interracial experience. I’ve stayed true to the events and emotions, so that the reader can immerse themselves and feel what it REALLY feels like to experience the wild world of swinging. All the characters are real, so join me into the dark erotic world of swinging.  Let me introduce myself, my name’s Rick. It was a whirlwind courtship. I was chatting her mate up in the bar, she...

2 years ago
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Fairy Part I Redux

First Contact Daniel Hodges checked his traps meticulously. A shy boy, he had never really gotten along with his peers. He was too short for basketball; too light for wrestling or football, little hand to eye coordination so baseball was out. What could a kid do? He discovered an interest in insects. They never expected him to hit a glove at 90 feet. They didn't care if he could kick, hit, pitch or anything else. They went about their lives with indifference to anything they...

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LoveHerFeet Jasmine Wilde Wife8217s Best Friend

Gorgeous hottie, Jasmine Wilde, feels shocked after knowing that her husband is cheating on her with another man. The beautiful babe with an eye-catching tattoo on her right forearm can’t believe what she just heard from Quinton James. While the two are talking seriously on the couch, Jasmine can’t help but touch her sexy feet. Her sex life with her cheating husband has not been good so far, and being alone with her best friend’s husband makes her feel wet and naughty. Unable to...

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Ava and James The Reunion Part 2

Ava pushed through the large double doors emerging into the warm light of a late summers day. Small droplets of water clung to the surface of the plants and trees from a light summer rain earlier in the day. Standing a few feet from the entrance James stands silhouetted in the light as he leans against a fence post to the side of the car park. Looking up from his phone a smile begins to spread across his face, his eyes lighting up as he sees Ava emerging from the building. Spotting him standing...

4 years ago
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Patty Screws Up

It started with an innocent request: "Feel up to going to a party with me and having a drink or two?" It wasn't the first time that Janis had asked me that, but I'd usually said no in the past. Janis wasn't looking to hustle me, she just wanted company at another affair that she really didn't want to go to anyway. Janis, my boss, was a political animal and as such she always felt the need to put in an appearance at parties and events that our customers and suppliers put on. Janis was a...

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Tim And Abbie 26 Taking Les Out

Saturday morning is sunny and pleasant when Abbie and Tim awake and start their day. In the high seventies, it is cool enough not to be overheated as they walk through the outside market.After a quick breakfast where Tim tells Abbie he wants to learn to do the prostate massage properly for her enjoyment, they find themselves aroused again.  They will have to put some reins on things, but for now, in the early days, it is fun giving into longings and desires.Back upstairs, their clothes...

3 years ago
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Wolf Mountain Found Gurl

Wolf Mountain, Found Gurl By: Melody Anne Layla Pearson hadn't seen home in years, not since that summer day at thirteen when she was taken away to the private school. Or rather when Lyle had been banished because he wasn't what his father expected of his son. They called it a private school, in reality it was a mental hospital where rich parents sent their children when they didn't want to deal with their problems. The Wilder Institute had...

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From 16 yr old girlfriend to 17 yr old mother

I often hung out at the house of 2 younger girls I got to know in High School. Edna ,17, was the older sister and she had long brown hair and Jenny ,15, was a blonde 2 years younger. Edna and Jenny’s parents were older and didn’t pay much attention to what went on out of their sight. The sisters had a large dressing area outside the bathroom with a huge 8' long mirror over 3 sinks and a matching vanity. Edna was not shy about her looks or her body, and she had the reputation of being a...

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Tempestuous Ch 04

It was the beginning of the season, a bright new start screamed from the skies and a fresh dewy smell permeated the air. It was a season where the story started anew as it ended for good. It was an unusual spring to say the least, the rain was relentless, forcing everyone to take shelter lest the lightening lick their limbs and the thunder shake their bones. The constant down pour had become depressing and had most people staring out their windows wishing for the summer. It had been the...

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God of LoveChapter 47 Quickie in the Toilet 18

“What exactly do I need to do to be able to use this fame to get subscribers?” Gasping sharply from the sudden pleasure he felt at being sucked into a sensitive spot, Lucas held Violette’s head in place, showing where he wanted her to focus her efforts. Taking the hint, Violette started sucking hard in the place where Lucas had pointed. Although she still wasn’t very skilled, she knew the sensitive spots on a penis well, and she used that knowledge to make the best of the situation. She...

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Rules are Made to be Broken

‘What are you thinking?’ You ask. I don’t reply, I can’t. I’m trying so hard to be good, to not touch you, I promised I wouldn’t, and yet you seem to be trying your hardest to push my endurance to its limits. I don’t understand you sometimes. I don’t understand myself. *** Sitting on the beach again you reach out and push me. I know what you’re trying to do. I want to grab your arms and pull you on top of me. But I don’t. I promised. Besides, in 20 minutes my parking runs out and I’ll...

4 years ago
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White Slut Training Academy The Baby Sitter

The definition of “A White Slut” is usually a dirty minded sluttish woman that engages in vulgar and unsavory sex acts with anyone, mostly for money The Baby Sitter in this story is predisposed and easily turns into a slutty little white whore with little encouragement! It is also important that young women with these tendencies are exposed to this type of sexual abuse early on. So that they then can be expertly trained in the White Slut Training Academy by black male instructors, so ...

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The Final Pants Down

I’d had a nice snooze, taken my rest according to the law and was ready to move on with the truck. However it was my business and I was under no pressure to get back to base, satisfied with the days takings. This lay by was nearly always quiet as I knew from my many travels, apart from the odd bloke who dashed up in a car, the space wasn’t big enough for vehicle much bigger than mine, disappeared into the woods unzipping and emerging a minute or so later with a satisfied look on his face. This...

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The Bold and Amorous Adventures of Sir

"All Rise for before His Imperial highness Kaiser Sigismund the I of the Holy Roman empire, King of, Germany, Bohemia, Italy, Hungary Croatia and King of the Romans" the Herald bellowed 'fuck how many titles can a man have' you think smirking as you do, the whole court stands present of the Emperor takes his Throne In the high halls of the Prague Throne room, you heard in his youth he was 6 and a half feet tall with ginger locks passing his shoulders and he cut a dashing figure with piercing...

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The Toilet Slut Unleashed

Hello everyone! Scockslut7 here with another sex story for you all! I hope you all enjoyed the last one. This story is about how I discovered how much I love playing with and drinking piss from a man’s cock! I understand that urophilia or piss play is a “taboo” kink but it is not very uncommon. So, this story is also a real-life story. This story is in continuation of my last story – . If you haven’t already read it, please check it out before reading any further (it is totally up to you). All...

Gay Male
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The Man of Sin Chapter 10

“Oh God! Please! No more!” Sister Olivia was sobbing on the floor, having woken up in the church for another night of torture. She still believed this to just be a recurring nightmare. Xavier strode towards her, a hungry gleam to his eyes. He gave her a hard kick, knocking her onto her back and then setting his foot on her throat. “That’s right, keep begging. Beg for mercy.” She tried to push him off her, struggling to breathe. “Please, I just want this to stop! I don’t want to...

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Return to EdenChapter 15

Back on the Gardener Miller had been awake most of the previous night, diligently monitoring the visual feed that was his only link to the planetside contingent given Meiersdottir's insistence on closing down all audio. When Zo had reactivated his communicator in the morning—after carefully admonishing Hill not to say anything—the major had demanded a detailed report of the night's events. Having been far too preoccupied to have observed anything, the sergeant cheerfully invented a...

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Izzy and Mr James p1

Izzy and Mr James First submission, comments welcomed (no characters in this story are underage) The one thing that Izzy hated the most about herself was her baby face. She’d always been teased about it. She had hoped that by the time she made it to senior year her ‘puppy fat’, as her mother called it, would have all gone away. But now she looked at herself in the mirror on the day of her PSATs and thought, what’s the point? College is all about falling in love, again and again. Who’s going...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 90

The alarm clock awakened Shelly and Adam at 6 a.m. Neither of them wanted to head to class but they knew they had to. Allie groaned a little when Adam moved her off top of him but soon cuddled up around Sarah and both girls drifted off to sleep. Karlie was already awake and sitting at the table with Shelly, Rebecca and Trinity when Adam came out of the shower. Rebecca and Karlie looked fresh and awake but Shelly and Trinity looked like part of the living dead. But the three students...

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Roseanne barr meets rosie of Donnel

It was a wild Hollywood party,,1989 everyone that was anyone was thier. A luxurious penthouse in the sky. The party thrown by roseanne was to be the most decedant,,orgy of sex and v******e ! Every sexy kink was to be explored, Roseanne sits atop a magnificent throne! Dressed like a 50s sex kitten,,her big boobs in a glorious red bra,,matching panties cover her ample hips and ass,,,black garters and nylons,,,full heavy make up,,and a 50s bouffant hair do.reigning over her subjects,,,,large...

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Erin and Mike again

Erin , the 18 year old student of Mike her Tutor, was only slightly happy with the spanking he had given her when she had been dressed in her NetBall kit, he had brought her off with his hands and Erin felt she had got off too lightly!She sent Mike a message by E-mail to the effect that she did not feel she had been punished severely enough for her spelling, Mike read this with interest and thought for a day as to how to sort her out, also Erin had said that whatever happened she would like to...

1 year ago
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The final chapter of She wanted it but was scared

I ordered the drinks and the food and we sat in the hot tub for about ½ hour. It was around 6:30PM and there was almost no one at the pool. They were either still in class or getting ready for dinner. There was another couple in the tube but they looked like they didn't care who else was around. She was straddling him as she sat on his lap facing him and we could hear the moans coming from both of them. The clouds were moving over the in front of the sun and it was starting to get dark. The...

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My first and recent fuck

Hi to all readers, I am also regular reader of this site and this is the site, which made me to enjoy heaven. Well I am 18 from pune, I happen to pursue my Biotech Engineering in Bangalore, so all the arrangements made for my studies with a reputed collage and staying in my aunt’s home. By the time I gone to Bangalore I was motivated into sex; I used to fantasize my classmates and some sexy females whom I happen to cross over on road or the other way. I was taken and left in Swarna Aunt’s...

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Ashleighs Adventures Bk 2 Ch 05

At this point, the four friends were grinning broadly, aided by the wine they had consumed. The boys’ cocks were getting hard and the girls’ panties were getting wet. Sharon suggested a short break while they cleaned up the dinner dishes. A short while later, the dinner table was clean and the cards were retrieved from the closet. Glasses were refilled and they began to play. The game was started. Following the rules, Tom was the winner for most of the hands. Ashleigh was the big loser. When...

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Photo Shoot

I finally succumbed! After chatting endlessly on-line with a photographer I agreed to model.Hubby's pics are allright but they lack a certain professional, exotic feel.He'd sent me plenty examples of his work so I knew the pics would be different and erotic.Hubby was excited by them too and gave me his blessing for the shoot.I met him where we had agreed. It was to be an outside location. Thankfully the Scottish weather was unusually good.Ronnie the photographer had a younger woman in tow with...

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A very unlucky day

who do we follow? David Black. A little bit of a bio: David is a straight white English male who doesn't enjoy being squashed and is quite shy when it comes to women. He's in the last year of secondary school where there are a lot more girls than boys though most of the girls are shemales. John Cyan. A little bit of a bio: John lives in his apartment, alone, just after his girlfriend broke up with him. He's currently jobless and prospect less and is desperately looking to make the rent by the...

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Nanbanin Kathali Jersy Ennai Ooka Azhaithaal

Hi friends, indru kaama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana 20 vayathu nanbanin kathali ennai sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Kishore, vayathu 20 aagugirathu. Enaku oru nanban irukiraan avan peyar mani en vayathu thaan aguriathu, avanuku puthithaaga oru pen madangiyathu. Iruvarum love seivathaaga enidam solinaan, naan yar machi antha pen epadi pazhakam endru keten? Avalai naan facebookil pesi correct seithu viten machan endru solinaan. Pinbu iruvarum meet seiya pogiraargal endrum...

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The Bliss 1

When I graduated from Middle school there were tryouts for High school teams. Some teams were about to practice during summer so tryouts were arranged before the summer break. I wanted gymnastics because I was at gymnastics at my old school. I was sure there was a team last year in High school too but then that "No money" thing worked and boys' coach said they didn't have gymnastics team anymore. So I tried for track and field but my running time wasn't good despite my friend Al cheering...

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Once Upon a FantasyChapter 12 Revelation

It surprised me when we had our first argument. The surprise was because I had automatically assumed that Kim would want to put our two households together right away. I was wrong. "I think it sends the wrong message to our children, Norm. Until we are properly married we should at least keep up appearances." "But Kim, I want our family together at Christmas time especially. Our girls and Brandon are almost adults now. Surely they'll understand. In fact, why don't we ask...

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A Dark Knight Ch 01

This original character Star Wars follows the life of a Twi’lek Jedi and her life during the Great Jedi Purge. Part one details an encounter with one of her old friends and fellow Twi’lek. Part one contains Lesbian sex. *** It was a dark night in Supore. Only a few dim lights could be seen faintly reflected in the water that lapped gently against the interlinking jetties and houses that comprised most of the residencies on this swampy planet. Chu Kori’s face was partially obscured by the...

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Amat Memoriae

He saw her shadow through the front door waiting for him. He quietly unlocked the door and let her slip in. With her shoes in her hand, they tiptoed down the hall, through the kitchen to the stairs to the basement. They went down the stairs careful not to be heard. He led her to the guest bedroom at the end of the hall. As they entered the room, he spun her around and wrapped his right arm low on her waist. She dropped her shoes. He pulled her towards him. Their bodies pressed together at the...

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My sisters Best Friend

My older sister Alison and I shared a flat while we were both still at university. It worked okay; we had a big room each so we could keep out of each other's way. She already had a fiancé and I supposed they had sex together, because she stayed the night at his flat two or three times a week.It was one of those nights. I was alone and the frozen meal which I'd nuked for dinner was so ordinary it made me feel depressed. I was trying to psych myself into getting on with an assignment which...

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PenthouseGold Nicole Kitt Loves White Stepdad8217s Dick

In exchange for a ride to the mall, sexy black stepdaughter Nicole Kitt offers stepdad Derrick Pierce her young nubile body and hot interracial sex that he just can’t refuse. How can you blame him after one look at the ravishing ebony babe in her cleavage revealing top and denim booty shorts, which don’t stay on for long? Soon he’s working her up to a soaking wet frenzy finger fucking and eating out her dark pussy before pounding her with his big white dick in this Penthouse...

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The Incentive He Needed

Jack was studying the report and hadn’t heard the first instruction, and jumped as twenty-three-year-old Emma stood by him, glaring down at him, and ordered, “I don’t like asking a second time, but I want a coffee.” Jack blushed as he looked up at his ever so dominant personal assistant, and immediately stood up and said, “I am really sorry, Miss.” He thought she looked so authoritative with her shoulder-length dark brown hair and her sleeveless light blue dress with its white belt and a hem...

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Birthday Celebration

My boyfriend had been asking me for weeks what I wanted for my upcoming birthday. After a few pleading attempts to at least give him a clue as to what I might like, I finally got up the courage to ask for something that I had been wanting for quite some time. A spanking. I told him that I wanted a birthday spanking, an actual spanking. Not just a few passionate swats during sex. I wanted him to give me an actual punishment. I had only been spanked a handful of times as a kid but for as long as...

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Party Tasks

Rene was driving absentmindedly. Her mind raced as she thought of the possibilities. Ed had asked to see her tonight. More importantly, Ed had asked to see her and had told her to dress sexy. It was that that had her mind soaring to places that were everywhere but on the road in front of her. She remembered the last time Ed had made a request. They were going to go to a party and Ed wanted her to wear a dress with a thong underneath. When she arrived at his house, she understood why. Almost...

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James and SonChapter 3

We napped away the afternoon on the couch, him lying on top of me. He was still exhausted from metamorphosis from a human being into a member of our clan. At first I didn’t think I would be able to sleep, too excited that I had made my first son. I lay awake watching him sleep so peacefully on top of me, drooling a little in my chest hair. I felt all kinds of instinctive urges welling up inside of me. I wanted to hold him, keep him safe, take care of him. I wanted to wrap him up in my arms...

4 years ago
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Shopping Adventures 1

Sunday afternoon Lynn is in her bedroom sorting out her clothes. She is excited about her new job and is refreshing her wardrobe. Her emotions are still swirling after cuckolding her husband Mike with a businessman, Friday night into Saturday. Her excitement still runs high. She has outfits scattered all over on the bed.“What are you doing?”“I’m just going through my clothes. I didn’t realize they were so dated. They won’t do for client meetings. I bought those two new outfits I showed you last...

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