Old Friends New Lovers -Part 1 free porn video

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This is our Story as written By Misssy - (Wendy)

It s a typical Nov. day in the UK -- cold and wet!! Very grey and dark!!! This is the down side --- the upside is that I’m meeting my long time friend Cathy -- we go back a long way -- to the day they would ride together again....

Now our lives have moved apart in distance but are still good friend’s...
We have arranged to meet half way between where we now both live --- a little get away I tell Charlie -- and when I tell him I’m meeting up with Cathy he wants to come along too ---

I was talking with Cathy on face book a couple of weeks earlier and said that I had been in a cyber relationship with this guy and he was a bit of a story teller -- he sounds like good fun Cathy says – “well I sent him your pic and he thinks you are gorgeous !! Oh and by the way he wants to get in your knickers!! “I tell her.

I turn up at the country hotel we have arranged to meet at – after checking into the room I have booked --- no sign of Cathy -- so I go to the room and unpack my overnight bag!!!! A big suitcase with all sorts of clothes in!!!
“Right down to the bar for me” --- I sit at the bar and order a favourite glass of wine.....
A few minutes after sitting down -- Cathy walks into the bar -- as beautiful as ever with a beaming smile --- god she looks fantastic –I think!!

We hug -- a real warm hug --- she feels so good too...
I order Cathy a wine also and go and sit at a dinner table --- we fall straight back into the stories of what we had done together -- where we had been etc -- laughing and drinking -- having a great time.....

I have my back to the entrance but Cathy sees this guy walk in --- he is smiling to himself ---- she carries on talking --- then after he has a drink at the bar he walks toward our table ---- smiles at Cathy --- and kisses me on the cheek !!!

Cathy is smiling -- but not sure what to say!!! --- Cathy -- meet Mick!!! –He walks around the table to kiss Cathy on each cheek ---she is beaming --- “sorry Cathy but I invited Mick along also -- so I can see him before he leaves for Spain again -- I hope you don't mind.”..

Not at all.........................

We are introduced within 30 mins it’s like we are all old friends!! Shall we eat ladies --Mick asks – “I’m starving ----but first I need to get showered – I’ve been on the road all day “---- I give him the room key!!! “Back in a few -- Steak is good for me hun -- you know how I like it!!”
When he’s gone -- Cathy is like the inquisitor --- so many questions ------ when did he get here --- have I slept with him -- is he staying the night ---...

“Relax Cathy -- he really is a nice guy --- yes I have slept with him -- and yes he is staying tonight -- he flies back tomorrow...
So I wanted to spend time with 2 really good friends -- what’s wrong with that??”
Nothing Cathy says –“but --- but nothing babe he is a real nice guy!!!”
When Mick comes back the meal is just about to be served – “hope I’m not to casual girls but -- I feel much more relaxed in jeans and shirt.....”

The meal is really nice the chat is wonderful --Cathy is really relaxing and having a good time -- we have more drinks and move into the lounge for coffees and cocktails.....
Mick looks at his watch – “well girls I have to make a couple of calls and than I’m off to bed I fly early tomorrow -- Cathy it has been an absolute pleasure” – He kiss her on the lips -- really gently -- I see she has her eyes closed -- and smile!!

Mick moves across to me and we kiss so tenderly and passionately ---- Cathy feels a warm sensation --- she knows exactly what it is!!!!!

“Later girls “he says and he’s gone ----- Cathy is again full of questions – “so is that it – goodbye” ---- I ask “why do you want a different ending Cathy--- he has come to see you --- and he has -- don’t you want to sleep with him”??

Cathy then surprises you and says – “yes I fuckin should Wendy ---I should fuck him so hard he wants to keep coming back to see us” – “and he will my love he will – I say “we have something so special already” ----- Now I lean into Cathy and says --- “I saw how you reacted when he kissed you too” --- she says what do you mean --- your eyes were closed and “I bet you are wet too!!!” –

Cathy laughs and says “just a little!!! -- Fuck Wendy where on earth did you find him “-- you know where -- and we just really get along --- “Mick is my relaxation from the real world” ---- Then Cathy says – “I wish I could do that” ---- I jump right in --- you can babe --relax with me and Mick tonight – “I know he really finds you sexy “-- how do you know that asks Cathy --- “because he told me so -- that’s how I know -- I can talk to Mick about anything and everything he listens and doesn't judge -- unlike most people ---- so --- I am going to Mick’s room now and I want you to come with me “--again I lean into Cathy and kiss her full on the lips -- her mouth opens and our tongues play ---- we hold her hands --- they are sticky with sweat -- nerves maybe -- but not for long !!!

I say nothing more we stand together and walk -- no words spoken until we arrive at my room --- just so happens to be Mick’s room too.
I knock the door – and Mick opens it and kisses me --- just a brief peck --- then he steps forward and kisses Cathy --- on the lips --- tender this time Cathy responds by opening her mouth -- they tongues play --- he pulls her into his body holding her tight --- hands are in her hair holding and moving in rhythm --- hands run down her back --- they stop at her hips --- she is pushing her mound into his stiffness --- making him breath hard.

Cathy is now very much part of us -- our private group of 3 --- 2 old friends and 1 new friend ---- Mick’s hands are massaging her ass cheeks
Opening and closing her --- she feels her wetness dripping from her lips --- her panties are soaked – I now join the welcome -- standing behind Cathy as I kiss him and raises Cathy’s' dress – I move Mick’s hands and takes over massaging Cathy’s ass cheeks open and closed ....
I start kissing Cathy on the nape of the neck sending shock waves down to Cathy’s pussy --- she feels so alive and very very horny ----- still not one word has been spoken!!!!!!!!!!!!

We break the kisses --after quite a while Cathy opens her eyes and smiles at him ---- I make Cathy a little more comfortable --- Mick has already had her dress over her head --- standing there in her bra and soaking panties -- 5 seconds later she is naked I lay her down on the bed --- and kiss her full on the mouth deep long passionate kiss --- Mick is sat next to us on the bed --- watching and amazed at how erotic it is to see friends kissing so passionately ---when we do break he moves around the bed and help me out of my dress -- no panties for me -- Mick asked me never to wear them and I have done as he asked – he is so pleased -----

Cathy is amazed as she sees how smooth and shiny my pussy is and so fuckin wet ... as he removes my bra my nipples are huge -- so hard and sensitive!!! --- I kneel back on the bed and offer a nipple to Cathy -- she very willingly accepts -- sucking and playing dark brown nipple --- I have a small orgasm as she sucks me so well --- Mick removes his top but I stop him and tell him to kneel on the bed --- I sit Cathy up -- and take it in turns undoing Mick’s button fly ....... I open the last one ---- put my hand inside --- then I speak for the first time ---- “Cathy see how much pre cum Mick has --- it tastes incredible too!!!! “I ease out his large thick manhood--- Cathy says nothing -- just licks his eye tasting the pre cum!!--- I say “don’t have it all I want some too and laugh!!”
So here Mick is kneeling in between two beautiful women who are sharing his cock!!!! This has to be heaven ----

He reaches down to us both and find my very hard nipples -- he rolls and plays with each of us -- taking it in turns left nipple right nipple ----

I push him back onto the bed -- and takes off his jeans ----- I also push Cathy onto her back -- Cathy automatically opens her legs wide --- offering her a very very wet pussy to her old friend and now -- new lover --- I go down --the wonderful smell and aroma of fresh hot pussy is one of my favourite ---- Mick watches as I run my tongue along Cathy’s dripping lips -- tasting her cream --- I lick around Cathy’s asshole too --- she shudders --- she really likes this --- then I lick back all the way to her clit !!!—

A huge orgasm washes through Cathy’s body --- she shivers and shakes ---- and her cream runs freely from her gaping pussy lips!! I’m like a wild woman eating and drinking as much as I can ---- Mick slide by Cathy’s head --- her eyes are closed so intense are her orgasms hitting her --- he turns her head to the side ---- she looks in to his eyes and smiles --- she mouths “Thank you” ---- and he smiles back at her --- and kiss her mouth -- very very gently ---- she comes again on my now cum covered face!!.

When they stop kissing she reaches for his cock -- then she takes it deep into her throat -- taking all of the cock and sucking so hard --- Mick’s sensations are going wild --- he has never felt his cock being sucked so hard --- “am I going to cum before we have started” he cry’s out --- NO – he tells himself -- but Cathy has such a wonderful mouth ---- Cathy realises Mick’s problem and lets the cock free from her mouth --- and she knows how close he was!!! –
I’m however is now feasting on Cathy’s asshole -- my tongue is deep inside – I’m also spreading Cathy’s cheeks as I do so!!--- it now seems like Cathy is having one continuous orgasm -----Mick slides down the bed and position himself behind me ---- His cock is throbbing so much – He dare not enter me as for sure he will cum straight away !!--- The he spreads my thighs wide --- and then ass cheeks -- both holes are wide and welcoming ---- Mick rims me -- which he knows I adore --- he feels my cum squirt from me!!! Splashing the bed --- he’s tonguing my ass so deep --- “you tastes amazing” he says --- “I really need to taste your cream” – He licks down my slit and my mouth in turn latches onto Cathy’s clit!! I bite her --- she squirts on me --- I bite her she squirts in my mouth --- the last time I bite 3 times she squirts into me and over me !!!

The orgasm is so strong that I -- fall face first into Cathy’s pussy ---- Mick laughs and sit on my ass --- slapping and riding me --- I come up for air – “help me Mick “—“what’s wrong babe” -- thinking he’s hurt me --- “get my strap on --- I want Cathy now” !!!!!
Mick feels in my bag and sure enough there is a strap on dildo!!! Fuck me “Cathy says” --- “no not you Mick” Wendy ---- Then I say kneel up babe --- and she does immediately ---- Mick helps me on with it ----- then I just open Cathy’s wet cheeks --- and Mick watches as I slide into her !!! fuck ---- its so fuckin good to watch me -- thrusting into her -- and pulling her onto me --- Cathy is taking the whole 8 inches and loving it too ---- again orgasm after orgasm until she also collapses onto the bed face down --- I just carry on pounding her pusssy so hard --- Mick drags me off her and roll me on my back ripping off the dildo and spread me wide -- He has never seen me this wet before ---

Mick kneels between my thighs and wipes his throbbing cock along the length of my dripping gash – down to my asshole --- I thrust up trying to take his cock inside me –he pulls back and laughs as he is teasing me ----- “get your cock in me now you fucker – or I will bite it off “--- I demand

Mick eases into me gently --- he always does --- but I am so wet – immediately my pussy is making very loud fanny farts as he strokes his cock in and out –the pumping is getting faster and harder ---- Cathy is eating my nipples – they are so sensitive – my cunt is just one long hard orgasm now --- it feels as though I am pissing on his cock –but I know it is just pure love juice!!!!!!!

Cathy kisses down my stomach and is amazed as she watches Mick now pounding me so fuckin hard --- as he thrusts into me my cum is splashing onto Cathy’s face !!!
She asks Mick to pull out --- he does ---his cock is covered in thick white pussy cream ---- Cathy takes him into her mouth --- and cleans my juices from his shaft ---
Mick’s breathing gets very hard --- Cathy and I know he is about to cum!!---

She sucks harder –I’m still laying legs and pussy wide open ----- Mick pushes Cathy away --- Just in time --- he rams his cock deep into me!!! 2 more thrusts and I feel him explode deep into my womb --- washing and spraying the walls of my cunt --- Fuck – he has never cum so hard in me before !!!!! He is enjoying himself????

As Mick slowly withdraws – believe it or not he is still so hard ---Cathy moves Mick from between my legs and to my wonderful amazement she goes down on me to clean Mick’s cum from deep inside me ---- with her mouth and tongue!!!!!
I orgasm immediately ---- Mick moves up the bed and turns my head toward him --- he wipes his cock across my lips --- I taste my pusssy and his cream --- what a cocktail it is too --- I suck him so hard –sucking every drop of his cum from his tubes and maybe even direct from his balls !!!

Cathy is doing an amazing job --- but now again she surprises me --- she is fingering my asshole ---It just doesn’t get any better than this -!!!!!!
Well I didn’t think it could –!!!!!

Mick pulls out of my mouth to my great disappointment ---- but then he goes around behind Cathy ----He wipes his cock along her –now –gaping pussy ---- and eases himself all the way deep into her creamy soaking pussy – his balls rub against her clit – so deep is his cock – and she takes it all --- willingly --- and again a surprise as she starts to back onto his cock --- fucking herself on him!!!!

I lift Cathy’s head from my cunt --- only for a second –so that I can work my way under her stomach and down to her pussy!!!!

Perfect ---- I can now lick Mick’s cock and balls as her is pounding Cathy’s dripping pussy --- the taste of her and Mick is driving me wild --- plus the fact that Cathy is now once again eating me out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remove Mick’s cock from Cathy and suck all of her cum from him --- then I ease him back deep inside her ---- 7 – 8 times I do this --- then again the tell tale sign – Mick’s breathing hard and pumping so fuckin fast his balls are really banging against Cathy’s Clit ----- he stops suddenly ---- I watch his balls twitch – several times --- he is releasing his juices into Cathy – deep and long ----- I bite his balls to make sure he has fully emptied himself ---- as he withdraws slowly ---- a big blob of his cream hits me in the eye ---- my mouth goes straight to –Cathy’s dripping cunt -----

Fuck its amazing my two best friends feeding my appetite ….................................... My huge dirty sexual appetite...........................

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From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

One morning Uncle Bear cooked them some porridge for breakfast. As the porridge was too hot to eat, the Three Bears decided to take a walk in the woods while it cooled. They had not been gone long when a young girl named Goldilocks came along. She had been picking flowers and had wandered into the woods. She was very pretty, her long curly golden hair tied back from her freckled face with blue ribbons, skipping along in a short, pale blue, lace-edged dress so occasionally her yellow...

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...

Group Sex
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Goldilocks And The Three Lumberjacks

In a time not long ago, a young girl named Goldilocks had just turned eighteen. It was a warm summer day when she decided to take a stroll in the forest. It wasn't long before she noticed the aroma of food coming from the trees off to the right. Taking in a deep breath, her large breasts rose up and the buttons popped off. The warm air on her bare skin felt good. Being hungry, she followed the scent and stepped off the path, not bothering to cover up.It wasn't long before she saw a log cabin...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Goldie Lox and the Three Behrs A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a girl named Goldie. Her parents were very mean to her. Like, they made her actually clean her room! And come home on time when there was a curfew!! And be respectful of old people, like her lecherous boss down at the Hit and Miss Drive In, where she wore roller skates to take food to people!!! It was a real bummer for Goldie, but her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lox were serious about her growing up to be a proper woman. They made her eat her vegetables at every meal too,...

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Friends and Lovers0

Tracy was the kind of woman who felt comfortable adhering to rules. She’d served in the military for 20 years and was now enjoying her life pursuing her dreams of becoming an artist. In many ways, it was the exact opposite of the strict, rigid life she’d had in The Army. She could stand in front of a canvas for hours, sometimes forgetting to eat, on only two or three hours of sleep a night, and paint to her heart’s content. Several local galleries were showing her work and while the sales...

2 years ago
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New Passions New Lovers

Ashley is eighteen-years-old and has just left school. He has blonde, has curly hair, a surfer's body and is six-feet-two-inches tall. He lives with his mum, Jane, and has just finished school for good. His mum and dad separated when he was eight years old and he has lived with his mum since and his nineteen-year-old sister lives with their dad in France.Jane, their mother, had a series of relationships with women and men since she got divorced. Later, she made a conscious decision to be...

1 year ago
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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...

Group Sex
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FRIENDS OR LOVERS?   by Rumple Foreskin     Amy Marshall sat alone and miserable on the bank of the Mississippi River. A giant oil tanker heading upstream went unnoticed. She was too busy trying not to cry.   The tall redhead felt angry and weepy, and incredibly stupid for not knowing why. Leaning back against a big, driftwood log, she closed her eyes and tried to come up with an answer.     What has gotten into you, girl? One minute you’re feeling great, joking with the other guests—though...

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Friends and Lovers

Tracy Robinson had a hard and fast rule: Do NOT, under any circumstances, never, ever, ever fool around with a married man. She’d been married and cheated on and she remembered all too well the pain it caused her. In her mind there was no valid, justifiable reason to date someone who she knew was going to be a liar from the very beginning; she had enough respect for herself to not date someone else’s man. Because she was bisexual, the same theory applied to women as well. Women were...

2 years ago
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Friends and Lovers Ch 01

This is actually the second story I wrote. Though Mine was submitted earlier as it took time to find walkingliberity to edit this. For those who, like me hate it when an author starts a chapter story, then for whatever reason, abandons it you’ll be happy to know all six chapters are written and with walkingliberity. I cannot thank her enough for her assistance. Friends and Lovers Chapter 1 Copyright 2014 Jack met her the day he arrived at the law school. She was in front of him in the line...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

2 years ago
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My New Lovers

While reading a spanking story on lush one night I became so turned on by it that I couldn’t help but run my hand down my stomach and slide my hand into my lace underwear. I was freshly shaven after my shower and my fingers felt amazing rubbing my warm and moist lips. After rubbing my fingers around my slit a few times I slowly pushed in one, then two fingers. I shoved them in a few times before becoming a little frustrated. I reached for my hidden vibrator before remembering I hadn’t gotten...

3 years ago
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Wife Customized by Black Lovers and New Boss

Wife Customized by Black Lovers and New Bosses is a story of a woman who experiences the pleasures and frustrations of being a Hot-wife who loves Big Black Cock. It also looks at the desperation that her “husband” must endure as she is shared with a black man and given to a Master who changes her appearance without regard to how others will see her. It is a very true fictional story of how couples deal with the changes that they did not foresee when they decide to step into this lifestyle. ...

2 years ago
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A Kink in Time Part 3 Friends and Lovers

A Kink in Time, Part 3- Friends and Lovers As I approached our room on the 13th floor, I gave up any pretense of hiding my erection, letting my little skirt tent out as I opened the door to our suite. Judi, Selima and Adele were waiting for me. Judi looked at my cock peeking out under my skirt and said, "Well, I see you didn't waste any time." I was too worked up to be embarrassed. "I just need to know what the hell is going on." "Sit down and I'll explain," Selima...

2 years ago
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My girfriends mother part2

My girlfriend’s mother ……part 2You remember that in the first part I was going out with a girl called Gillian and that I had fucked both her mother and her aunt in a session of debauchery that lasted all afternoon, if you have not read it I suggest you read it first because this second part is not as long but has a lot of strong connections to the first apart from the link of Gillian and her mother.I made regular visits to the house to service the two ladies, Gillian’s mum had to be on a...

3 years ago
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First time friends become first time lovers

Let me first start off by telling you about the 2 main characters (I have changed their names for privacy issues) Tom is your average 21 year old male, 5'11, brown eyes, dark brown hair and a bulky build who lives alone and works for a local factory. Debbie is 18 short at 5'4 long brown hair that goes to her midback, and 34c breasts shown off by revealing tight clothing, her ass is literally shaped like a hear and is firm and tight. ------------the story -------------------- Tom an Debbie had...

First Time
2 years ago
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Friends and Lovers

Tracy Robinson had a hard and fast rule: Do NOT, under any circumstances, never, ever, ever fool around with a married man. She'd been married and cheated on and she remembered all too well the pain it caused her. In her mind there was no valid, justifiable reason to date someone who she knew was going to be a liar from the very beginning; she had enough respect for herself to not date someone else's man. Because she was bisexual, the same theory applied to women as well. Women were slightly...

4 years ago
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Friends and Lovers

Friends and Lovers Charlese Le’Push July 2010 Ben and I have been friends now for three years. I have been avoiding him for a few days because of my inner turmoil about him. Over time the line of friendship for me has become blurred. I am absolutely in love with his mind. We talk about everything from the cosmos to the depths of the sea, politics, sports, and science. We don’t always agree but we have a respectful acceptance for our differing points of view. When we started in college we lived...

4 years ago
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Friends and Lovers

Friends and LoversCharlese Le’PushJuly 2010Ben and I have been friends now for three years. I have been avoiding him for a few days because of my inner turmoil about him.Over time the line of friendship for me has become blurred.I am absolutely in love with his mind. We talk about everything from the cosmos to the depths of the sea, politics, sports, and science. We don’t always agree but we have a respectful acceptance for our differing points of view.When we started in college we lived in the...

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Old Friends New Friendship

It was the 4th of July weekend, and I had just finished moving my sparse furniture into my new apartment, when on my last trip from the u-haul truck with a cardboard box, I heard a voice I hadn’t heard in years call my name. “Owen!!” I turned to look up the sidewalk, and saw a woman close a door to an apartment and all but run toward me. I set the box down as I recognized her as someone I had graduated high school with and had seen after school a few times, making some cool group memories in...

1 year ago
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The footer at Penthouse Gold stamps a 2008 copyright date on the joint, which means it’s old as hell in Internet years. I bet all the old fuckers remember the Penthouse name from long before that, though. The brand got its start as an old-school paper porn rag in England way back in 1965, and I know some of you had your first fap to your dad or your grandpa’s copies hidden under his mattress. Before the Internet, these guys were some of the biggest names in the business alongside Playboy and...

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Friends become lovers

Mike’s cock shot hot milky onto my hand and nylon covered thighs. He sighed a collapsed back on the bed smiling. His hand stroked my back. Mike and I were old friends and 6 weeks ago we had started playing sexually. My cock was hard in his mum’s black lace panties and his cum was drying on her black fully-fashioned stockings. We were both 17 and I was staying at Mikes as his family had gone away for a couple of months. Mike couldn’t go because of school and it had been agreed that I would stay...

4 years ago
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Friends become lovers

Mike’s cock shot hot milky onto my hand and nylon covered thighs. He sighed a collapsed back on the bed smiling. His hand stroked my back. Mike and I were old friends and 6 weeks ago we had started playing sexually. My cock was hard in his mum’s black lace panties and his cum was drying on her black fully-fashioned stockings. We were both 17 and I was staying at Mikes as his family had gone away for a couple of months. Mike couldn’t go because of school and it had been agreed that I would stay...

Gay Male
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Friends to Lovers

Oh, I'm just so nervous!" Rachel shouted to Monica from inside the shower. Monica was sitting on the toilet with the lid down, working on a TV guide crossword puzzle (addressed to Ms. Chanandler Bong".)"Sweetie, you're only going to a movie. There's nothing to be nervous about. You've been doing this since high school.""I know, but I really like him. What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm too... Oh, I don't know... too fragrant?""If men didn't like the smell of perfume, they wouldn't...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 26 News and New Friends From the Party

Dave kept hearing about various exploits his wives and friends enjoyed at the party. Heather admitted to doing five young men at the same time in the mattress room midway through the party. She said, “I was so horny, and I knew lots of hard, young cock was going to be the only way to sate my feelings.” Dave said, “I heard you pulled a train.” Heather snickered, “I went mega-slut last night. Before the train, I’d already fucked three guys from the Circle. After the train, I stayed available...

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