Do You Dare free porn video

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DO YOU DARE? By Ghost For you to understand my present condition, I have to backtrack about six months. That's where it all began, one dark and lonely night in London. I have always been a quiet and shy type of man, always preferring to help out rather than command. A person who likes to stay out of the limelight and would rather let others give the orders. This attitude is what set me off into the world of female domination - just the thought of a powerful leather-clad woman ordering me about during the day and completely immobilising me into total helplessness at night would send thrills up and down my spine - not to mention other places. Surrounding myself with various magazines that covered every conceivable aspect of the F/D, S/M and Bondage life, I had cocooned myself in a private fantasy world where I had become a rubber-clad slave. For a while this was enough, but after a time I felt that I needed to taste the real thing. According to the magazines, London was the place to be - a place where I could actually make my fantasy happen, so that's where I set off to. After just a short journey I found myself in the bustling heart of Britain. In my innocence I had scoured the streets of London to no avail, I knew what I wanted but not really where. I felt disappointed, London seemed to be just too big a place to search for such a specific dream after all. Then it struck me, it had been obvious really, searching inside the telephone boxes, advertisements offering the service I would want should be there. I looked for the nearest booth and quickly entered. I was right, plastered all over the inside of the phone-box were dozens of multi- coloured cards with drawings of various 'Kinks' usually followed by a phone number. I was an "Aladdin's' Cave" of perverted delights. Quickly I scanned the cards. 'On your knees', 'You will obey' and other such words stared back, but I felt a bit disappointed, they seemed so unreal - so tacky now. Not what I wanted - no NEEDED after all. Cheap cards for quick cheap thrills, no, I was looking for something different. It was then I spotted it, a clinically white card with a basic black border, it seemed to glow and stood out from the others by a mile. On the card was just three words and a number, the card read: DO YOU DARE? My curiosity aroused, I quickly dialled the number with baited breath. One ring, two rings, on the third the receiver was picked up and a woman's voice answered, "Hello." Her sultry but precise tones echoed through the earpiece. Finally confronted with - possibly - the answer to my dreams, I spoke, "I... I'm phoning in regard to your advert." I stammered. "I see," came the reply, "very well, I'll need to ask you a few questions first. If you are suitable then I will arrange a meeting. Do you understand?" "Yes." I replied nervously. This was odd, wouldn't I be paying her for her services to me, this had sounded almost like a job interview. The voice continued. "First, is it total - and I mean TOTAL domination you want?" She asked. I replied 'yes'. "Next, do you live alone?" Another oddity, but again I answered 'yes'. "Finally, are you sure? As the advert says 'Do You Dare?', it is still not too late to change your mind." This final question unnerved me slightly - what could I be getting myself into? However my hormones overrode my intelligence and I gave her my answer, "Yes, yes I dare!" It was almost a shout of defiance. "So be it," said the voice and she then proceeded to give me her address. I was to meet her there later the next day. She told me that I was to check out of my hotel room the next morning and bring my belongings with me as she would provide accommodation. With my pulse racing and adrenaline surging through my body, sleep did not come easily for me that night. When morning broke I packed my things, paid my bill and checked out of the hotel as instructed. The hours dragged by - it was as if Time itself was deliberately slowing down just to spite me. Eventually I made my way to the address I had been given. It was a medium sized semi-detached house in a normal London street set quite far from the busy main roads. I stepped up to the door and pressed the bell. Through the frosted pane of glass I could see a figure approaching. The door slowly opened and I saw her for the first time. She was tall, her dark brown hair cut into a 'bob' style. Black patent high-heeled shoes encased her feet, her hips and legs were tightly wrapped in a long pencil thin black rubber skirt, she also wore a white cotton high-necked blouse. The whole effect gave her a slightly school teacher look. However the most striking thing about her was her eyes, she had the most intense green eyes, they seemed to stare deep into your soul. She opened the door wider and beckoned me in. The inside of the house seemed perfectly normal, with quality furniture neatly placed in the main room. I was slightly taken aback, where was the wrack, the straps, the leather and rubber outfits? Where were the hoods, gags and all the other equipment? Had I made a big mistake with the address? She turned to me and spoke quietly, "Are you still determined to be totally dominated? You haven't changed your mind at all?" "No, this is what I need." I replied, she nodded knowingly. "Very well then." She said. Excellent I thought, this is where we get down to business at last, but her next question threw me totally off guard. "Tea or coffee?" She asked. I mumbled that coffee would be fine and five minutes later she walked back into the room with a tray of silverware and poured out a cup for me. We sat facing each other, talking about mundane things, during which I slowly finished my drink. We talked for about an hour, her piercing eyes almost never leaving mine. I felt very calm and relaxed, the music in the background gently played through the air. I decided to be direct and come to the point, as this wasn't what I thought would've happened when I had contacted her. "I thought I came here to be dominated, not to just drink coffee and talk about the weather." I asked quietly. There was no menace in my voice, just a form of bewilderment. Her eyes once again made contact with mine and locked on. She smiled. "It has already begun," she said mysteriously, her eyes never leaving mine. "Are you familiar with the process of deep hypnosis?" She asked. I nodded slowly, a cold chill began to spread through me. I suddenly felt incredibly tired, my body seemed to have gained a tremendous amount of weight. She continued. "I have a friend who uses hypnosis in his work, sometimes a trance has to be induced using a certain drugs." She pointed to the empty coffee cup. "You received your first dose with that, your second, more concentrated dose is here." She tapped a black box seated near her leg, she opened it and a syringe filled with liquid dropped into her hand. "You cannot move," she commanded, her voice suddenly filled with authority, echoed through my brain. "Your limbs seem to be made of stone, you no longer have a voice so you cannot cry out. You WILL sit there as immobile as a marble statue until I tell you to you can move again!" Trapped where I was, my body felt like it was encased in plaster, she had turned me into a living breathing statue. She stood up and walked behind me, gently dabbing a swab over a vain in my neck she then injected the entire contents of the syringe into me, she stood back and faced me with a wicked smile on her face. "There that's better, in about twenty minutes you should be ready to receive your commands. My friend tells me that only a small amount is used to induce a light trance, you have now been given a concentrated amount equivalent to sixty times that small dose." She picked up my suitcase and emptied its contents into a plastic bag. "I'm afraid you won't be needing these any more." She said as she wandered into the garden and place the bag into the trashcan. I suddenly began to feel very strange in my immobile state. My head was swimming, I couldn't seem to feel my body and even thinking was becoming difficult. The woman returned about fifteen minutes later - completely transformed. Gone was the prim and proper schoolmistress look to be replaced with a leather-clad Dominatrix of the first order. She carried a bundle of black shiny material over one leather encased arm, the cat mask she wore enhanced her green eyes even further. She sat opposite me and again locked her gaze with mine. I felt as if I was drowning in those eyes, the strong smell of leather surrounded me, her leather covered body creaked gently as she moved within it. She smiled. "You should be just about ready." She said, "Now for an explanation, the concentration of the drug I have given you makes it very powerful and very fast acting. Any instructions I give you - you will have no choice but to obey. The effect I'm afraid, is permanent. Your previous life has now gone forever, you will be now known only as 'Slave'. Do you understand?" She stared at me and despite myself I felt my head nod and heard my own voice say 'yes' to this goddess in gleaming black. "Good, now for your commands. First, you have no will of your own - none whatsoever, you will obey my every order without fail and at all times. You will serve me in every way possible. If I allow you to speak you will acknowledge me as 'Mistress', make no mistake I now have complete control over your body and mind. These orders will apply at all times for the rest of your natural life. Is that clear? You may speak." "Yes, Mistress." I replied, my will no longer my own, I was unable to resist her physical and mental domination. "Don't forget, you wanted this, you were given two chances to back out - now it's way too late. Stand up and remove all your clothes." She commanded and patted the shiny bundle she was holding. "I have your outfit here." Like the perfect slave that I had now become I obeyed and stood in front of her completely nude. "Hmn, not a bad body, it's almost a shame to cover it up - but I will. Follow me upstairs, you have to be prepared first." she said. I didn't like the sound of that, but in my new state I was helpless to resist. She led me to the bathroom and pointed to the bath, which was filled with a thick pink liquid. "Get in," she commanded and dutifully, I obeyed. She then told me to completely cover my body with the thick liquid and to rub it into my face and head - taking care not to get any of in my eyes or mouth. In moments I was covered from the top of my head to the tips of my toes with the liquid. She left me there like that for another twenty minutes. Eventually she came back, pulled the plug from the bath and switched the shower on. "Stand up and wash all of that off." she commanded. I began to wash and to my horror, found all of my body hair was coming away with the cream. She noticed the look in my eyes and gave a short laugh. "That's much better. I like my slaves bodies to be shiny and smooth, not ugly and hairy like yours is," she said. "That depilatory cream bath you just had didn't just take the hair away, it totally killed off the follicles as well! You now have a sleek and shiny body - permanently." She produced a towel and proceeded to dry and talc me. A strangers' face stared back at me from the mirror. She had said that my former life was gone forever, and as I looked at this reflection she was right. My eyebrows, eyelashes, hair and stubble had gone completely leaving an anonymous - almost androgynous stranger to stare back. She led me back downstairs to the living room where it had all began only just a few hours previously. "Now for your outfit," she said and picked up the bundle from the chair. My newfound Mistress unfolded it to reveal a shiny black latex all over suit - feet, gloves and hood were all included. "Put it on!" She said, her eyes sparkling in anticipation. In almost no time at all I was encased in a new glossy black outer skin. The only visible parts of my body left were my eyes, mouth, two small nostril holes and the tip of my penis protruding through its rubber sheath. She zipped up the suit and my new outer skin tightened. She then wrapped a thick collar around my neck and I heard a click of a small padlock closing. "There, you can't take the suit off even if you wanted to." She stared deep into my eyes "and you don't want to, do you. You love rubber and you never want to take this suit off." Her thoughts rewrote mine again and I DID love rubber enclosure never wanting to take it off. She carried on with my dressing, this time producing a black latex 'French Maid' outfit and again locked me into it - almost like a robot I did what I was instructed. Next came a pair of high-heeled shoes fitting over my rubber-encased feet, the standard padlocks snapping shut on both straps at my ankles. "There, you look so much better, oh I almost forgot," she produced a long thick gag and stuffed it into my mouth locking the straps either side of my latex covered head. "I will allow you to talk if you want to." She giggled, knowing that with this thick intruder in my mouth, speech was now impossible. She stepped back, nodding her approval, she produced a full-length mirror and showed me what she had done. The difference was incredible. Now completely anonymous, she had transformed me into a living, breathing black rubber doll. My shiny new outer skin gleamed as the light reflected off it. She had rendered me totally helpless in both mind and body, I was now hers to command forever. As the weeks go by I serve my Mistress faithfully, if she is in one of her more generous moods and I please her, she will 'treat me' as she puts it. This normally means she will lead me - in the strictest bondage - to one of parties she attends. I am then commanded to be the maid for the evening, serving the guests - almost all female - in one way or another. Either that or I am left heavily bound in an inescapable thick latex body-binder and taken to one of the special rooms where I am treated as the toy doll I have become. I cannot resist her commands and I have about as much freedom as the plastic dolls that are sold in toy shops. It was at one such party that I noticed my Mistress talking to another leather-clad dominatrix and they both appeared to be talking about me. Their glances in my direction were obvious and very unsettling. I had my instructions for the evening pre-programmed into me before we had left the London house. As usual, I was to serve drinks and ordeurves to the guests and if requested to do so, I was to return to their rooms and do whatever they commanded. Still locked inside my black latex body- suit and the maid outfit over the top, it was easier to feel protected from the humiliation I was to be put through. My identity was hidden by the full mask and the rubber acted as a sort of shield against my torment. Not that things really mattered to me any more, I was unable to resist my Mistress no matter what she commanded. I glanced over to the their direction again and watched as the Dominatrix passed a bottle of tablets, three bottles of clear liquid and a syringe to the Mistress. They both looked over in my direction again and burst into near hysterical laughter. The Mistress placed the items carefully into a bag and joined in the rest of the festivities with some of the other slaves who were in attendance. All further thought was taken from my mind as a beautiful blonde-haired woman wearing a full red PVC, corset, rubber stockings and gauntlets strode over to me in her six inch stiletto thigh boots. She placed a thick collar around my neck and attached a dog lead to it. "Come slave!" She said in a husky whisper and led me upstairs to the bondage room. I had been given a command and could not resist. Placing the tray of drinks on a nearby table, I followed this devil coloured goddess up to the room. She told me to lie down on a long marrow bench and proceeded to bind my body to it. Within minutes it felt as if I had been welded to the bench and I was unable to move a muscle. The only thing that was left free was my face, undoing the gag and throwing it into the corner of the room, she stood over me, legs either side of my head. Unbuckling the strap on her leather thong and letting it fall away, I was greeted with her eager pussy, the lips glistened in anticipation of things to 'come'. "I understand you have been well trained in this," she said and flicked a switch on the left side of the bench. Immediately the bench began to vibrate, shaking my immobile body from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. "So, what are you waiting for?" Her sultry voice commanded as she lowered herself over my face, "Get to it!" And then for me, the sky darkened in a sexual eclipse as she covered my face completely. I was being smothered in her love juices and let my skills go to work, licking nipping and rubbing wherever possible. The effect was further enhanced for the Dominatrix as the vibration from the bench passed through me and directly affected the stimulation to her. She had transformed me into a living, flexible, human vibrator. My fate had been literally sealed for the rest of the night. As we travelled back from the party, the Mistress looked over to my controlled form and began to think aloud. "Do you know, there is something missing about you and until tonight, I couldn't understand what it was," she said matter of fact. "I was discussing this with Mistress Alex at the party and she immediately knew what it was. It's so obvious really, I really cannot fathom why I failed to see it before. Would you like to know what it is?" She asked. "You may speak." "I do not understand Mistress," I replied puzzled, "but, yes I would like to know." By now we had arrived back at her home and we entered the house via the garage door. The Mistress entered the kitchen and returned with a bottle of antiseptic and a glass of water, she had the same look as when she had been first drugged me. "Well," she said with obvious glee, "you are my rubber doll, you see. But unlike normal rubber dolls you appear to be somewhat lacking in the chest department and this is where these come in." She stated, showing me the bottles and pills. "I've decided to feminise you and give you a lovely pair of beautiful breasts! Isn't that nice of me?" My blood ran cold, surely this was the final humiliation, to be stripped of my masculinity. Oh God, I prayed, please don't let her do this. The Mistress seemed to notice my despair and shook her head soothingly. "Oh don't worry, I'm not going to get rid of that," she said looking in the direction of my - very worn out after all the activities at the party - flaccid penis. "No, I have plans for that. This will just give you a wonderful pair of breasts, it may also alter the way you feel as well but that's all." "Now, sit down and don't move!" She commanded and like the perfect slave, I obeyed. The Mistress filled up the syringe and emptied the contents into my pectoral muscle in both my left and right chest. I could feel the needle entering my skin and then the cold fluid being pumped through. Searching through the tablets, she selected three and passed them to me along with the glass of water. "Here, take these!" She commanded. "Now, you will repeat this procedure twice a day every day. You will never miss a dose and you will let me know when you need replacements. You cannot resist me. Do you understand?" "Yes," I replied meekly and, unable to resist, found myself carrying out my medical duties everyday as stated. I have been feminising myself, losing my male-ness and I cannot help myself. Within three weeks, my pectoral muscles began to tingle and slowly at first began to grow. My Mistress ordered me to increase the dosage and over the months - the expanding evidence could clearly be seen. The sensitivity of my breasts increased dramatically and after four months, Mistress injected collagen into my nipples to make them stand out more. I am now no longer male or female and yet, in a way I am both. A hybrid hermaphrodite under the total control of the Mistress. When completely undressed I am a strange sight indeed, with my sleek smooth body, beautiful size 34C breasts, large sensitive nipples and hard erection. My Mistress and I have had many sessions where I am free of my rubber encapsulation, I feel this is her way around her - occasionally lesbian tendencies. She was right, my feelings have changed by the feminising hormones but I am at a loss as to explain them. And that is where you join me now. At night she allows me control of my mind and body once again, but only after she has totally immobilised me into a solid statue of bondage delight. When daylight comes she takes control again and I become a passenger in my own body existing only to serve my mistress. My partial female form has now stabilised although I still have to keep taking my regular dose of hormones. She was right, memory of my past life fades with each day, I don't even know my own name or what I used to look like any more - I am Slave and that's all. My body has changed so much I don't know whether anyone could recognise me now. Even if I could break her conditioning - which is still as strong now as it ever was - I am still locked into my outfits, the smooth, sleek, shiny latex looks perfect over my new feminised form. My breasts appear to have been painted with rubber as they gleam in the light. In my old life I have probably ended up as yet another unsolved "Missing Person", another statistic in a book no one reads any more. No, my life is here, serving my Mistress and whom so ever else she chooses. Doing whatever she has commanded and being whatever she wants me to be and in a strange way I am content. I have been conditioned to accept my new form and to be sexually turned on by it, she has taken all the choices from me and I am truly her rubber doll, a toy for her to play with. Today I stand rigidly to attention in the corner of her room as she has commanded. She enters the room and removes her skirt and panties, her voice thunders across the room, "Slave, attend me." Dutifully I turn and kneel before her, she releases my gag and I pleasure her like a good little slave. She fondles and rubs my breasts through the latex coating and I give a slight moan to mingle in with her own. When I think back to the day I found that card I know that it had been meant for me and only me. "Do you dare?" it had said, well I dared and look what I have become, would I do it again given what I now know, I cannot say, as my mistress makes all my decisions for me. My mistress has said she will induct me in other things as the years move on. She says that there are many "special" places to take me to and many "special" training sessions to come - but that is for a later story. The moral of my story is an ancient one - be careful what you wish for... but the question you must ask yourself is this - DO YOU DARE?????

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Truth or Dare

She came into my room then sat on the end of my bed, smiled, tilted her head then said “Hey, what are you doing?” “What does it look like, I’m reading.” She jostled her butt which caused her tits to jiggle, she’d left her bra in a drawer. “What?” “A fucking book, a good fucking book, what the hell do you want?” My sister sighed deeply, “I’m bored.” “And ---, what should I do about it? Go watch TV or something, don’t you have to fold laundry and vacuum before mom comes home?” Erin leaned...

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A huge snowstorm had blocked all roads, and taken out power to almost everyone in the surrounding area of our small town. Mom and Dad were out of town on a business trip. If the roads were clear it would take them 7 hours to get back, but as it was now it would take a few days. My sister, Lisa, couldn't stand still for more than 5 minutes and the torture of being unable to leave the house was unbearable for her. My parents had called me as the snow began to fall to ask if I could watch over...

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Truth or Dare

“Come on, Jenny. Spin the bottle already!” Someone called out from the circle. I looked around at the circle of five other people. How the fuck did this happen again? I remember some of us were a little bored at this party my friend Megan was throwing, and someone said spin the bottle, and someone else said truth or dare. So they compromised. Spin the bottle and whoever it lands on picks truth or dare and the group decides. But this game has gone a little farther than I was hoping. There were...

Group Sex
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Adventures of a Truck Stop Teen Whore Chapter 1 The Dare

***** Chapter 1 - The Dare My phone kept buzzing non-stop with birthday messages. Today was the day I turned 18 years old! To this point in my life, it has not been easy. My mother, who has taken care of me since I was a kid because my deadbeat father walked out on us, kicked me out of our home because I dropped out of high school when I was 16 and I didn't want to go back. Reality set in rather quickly once I was out on the streets. I had to figure out, on my own, how to take care of...

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12345678910 Truth or Dare February 7, 2016 Nerdgasm Stories, Steamy Erotic 1 Comment TRUTH OR DARE Matt had the biggest boner of his life. He was sitting in the living room with his friends Andy, Kate, and Stacey, and he was watching Kate give Stacey oral sex. They’d all gone round to Andy’s place for a drinking session, and after an hour or so and several levels of inebriation, the night had turned into a game of truth or dare. It had started out light enough, with normal boring questions...

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12345678910Truth or DareFebruary 7, 2016 Nerdgasm Stories, Steamy Erotic 1 CommentTRUTH OR DAREMatt had the biggest boner of his life. He was sitting in the living room with his friends Andy, Kate, and Stacey, and he was watching Kate give Stacey oral sex.They’d all gone round to Andy’s place for a drinking session, and after an hour or so and several levels of inebriation, the night had turned into a game of truth or dare. It had started out light enough, with normal boring questions and...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 78 Truth or Dare

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

3 years ago
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Truth or Dare

The pressure was on as the young woman glanced at the people around her, trying to decide who was going to be next. Her choices came down to either one of the three young men who sat in front of her, or her blonde friend who sat next to her. Two of the men who sat before her were brunettes, while the other had short, raven hair. All three of them had athletic builds, although one of the brunettes seemed more muscular than the other two. She knew she wanted to pick one of them, but which one? ...

2 years ago
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Truth or dare

Truth or dareI had been travelling alone for quite some time, so when I was in the south of France it came as nice surprise to find some people who were also venturing around the world on their lonesome. There was me, white athletic male. Dan, a skinny white lad with brown hair down to his shoulders from the states. Fran, a petite black girl with short jet black hair from Spain who spoke surprisingly good English for a Spaniard and Kim, an Australian blonde bombshell with bright blue eyes. We...

4 years ago
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Truth or Dare

I invited him and we went to my room. We were kind of bored so we decided to play some sort of game. I could not think of anything and he could not either. Until I thought of a very good game that we never played called "truth or dare". I told him we should play that and he said okay. He was the first to go. Truth or dare he said. I picked dare. He then said, "I dare you to put your hand down your underwear for five seconds. I did because I usually masturbated on a daily basis. So...

3 years ago
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Senior Truth or Dare

I want to thank Zen Master for editing this story. His input had been extremely helpful “I’m tired of playing cards. Let’s do something else.” Stella complained. Stella Benson is my wife Pam’s best friend and she and her husband Greg get together with us every few weeks and play card games or sometimes Pictionary or some other board game. We’ve been doing this for the past eight or ten years, ever since they moved into our neighborhood. Pam and Stella were friends’ from way back when they...

1 year ago
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Bridgets SpiritChapter 4 Truth or Dare

Liam prepared a light dinner of salad and hot sandwiches and the couple lounged in the living room while they ate. After finishing, he cleaned up the dishes and changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt. "It's getting late, Gina; why don't you take my bed?" offered Liam. "Where will you sleep?" "I still fit on the sofa. It's not that bad." "Look, why don't I just go back over to my apartment? It's not like it's a long way away!" "I want you close by in case something happens...

3 years ago
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My Wet Hot Mexican Spring Break Part 2 Truth or Dare

Over the course of the next few days, my dalliance with Santiago had apparently become public knowledge among my teammates. They didn't know the full details, but after Kaitlyn and Roach had witnessed that embarrassing encounter with my mother, it was only a matter of time before the rumors started flying. And it seemed to be helping my popularity, too. My teammates wouldn't stop pestering me for all the dirty details. As the quiet kid on the team, it was a lot to take in. But I'd be lying if I...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Triple Bitch Dare

The Thriller B's Triple Bitch Dare ( a sort of triple-dog dare ) Elizabeth Owen, Bette to her friends, had been the youngest of three Triple Dog Dare Daredevils at her high school. She was 15 years old when the trio started pulling dares and pranks. The other two, Beverley Evers and Barbara Lane, were a year or so older. Barb lived in the house just behind Bette's and Bev lived just a few blocks away. Ever since tenth grade, the three girls had become best buds and for years they giggled at...

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The Gay Nuru Massage Dare

Mark "Sandy" Sands didn't take his gay friend's heed too seriously when he warned that these house parties had a tendency to get out of control. Also when he said that he was "generally up for anything", he didn't seem to realise the full extent of what that meant to the people interested in him for more than his personality. Sandy couldn't say that Josh hadn't warned him! Taking an invitation to a gay house party; what on earth was he thinking?Josh's friends were not in Sandy's social circle....

1 year ago
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Truth or Dare

Sighing I listened to the laughter coming from the living room where my 15 year old son Ted and his two best friends were sharing a joke or something similar. I sat at the kitchen counter and wished, not for the first time, that my husband would spend less time working and more time at home, not just so that I could feel less lonely and frustrated, but so that he could share our son's growing up. Another burst of laughter made me sigh again and a single tear trickled down my cheek, at that...

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Truth or Dare

After a lengthy chat with a friend here on lush a week or so ago I found myself compelled to write yet another tale of sensual incestuous delights. Consider this one inspired by a guy I admire and the lady he courts.“You two know not to have any parties while we’re gone,” Cameron’s mother had told him and his little sister as she and their father got ready to leave for the weekend. They’d been looking forward to it for months and knew their 18 year old son could watch after the safety of Amie,...

3 years ago
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Truth or DARE

Truth or DARE!My annoying little si(s)ter I really do mean annoying and little. The fuckin' brat is about 5' 1” maybe 100 lbs soaking wet.I have seen her in a bathing suit in the back yard. For skinny little teen girl the brat has nice size tits and a great round ass. Every time I see her I wonder how a tiny girl like her grew such nice tits and a great ass.Mom and dad have to go to “the office” a lot in the evenings and weekends.I don't know where they go. If it's any indication of the way my...

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College Sex 8211 Truth Or Dare

Hey, darlings. This is your Harish back again. Thanks to all of you for your response to my previous story. Also special thanks to my horny girl fans who showered their love for all . A quick re-introduction about myself: I am Harish (name changed) from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Age 24. Fair complexion. I go to the gym regularly. So have a strong, firm & athletic body. Have a 7 inch brownish dick with a good width. I am 6 feet in height and 70 kg in weight. New readers, I request you to read the...

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The Pleasure Of Truth And Dare

Hi friend this is my first story which I am going to elaborate to you this is an which took place with me 2 year ago.the incident is about me and my sister best friend it is a real incident and this is the incident which changed my look toward sex. The story is about me when I was 18 yrs and my sister friend who is 1 yrs smaller than me.Here name was sania she look beautiful.She was damn hot and sexy she had a good figure of 28-30-28 as I was young I had an attraction toward her beauty I wanted...

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Truth or Dare

George and I knew that Wesley wanted to have sex with me it was somewhat my fault as well as George’s though. I mean I had given George a blow job on the couch while him and Wesley watched the game. Wesley watched more of me giving George a bj than anything though. That and the fact I was nude almost every time Wesley came over. For the most part I put on a gown or lingerie robe. I just remember how wet and twitchy my pussy got just knowing that wesley was watching George’s cock in my mouth and...

1 year ago
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Truth or Dare

"Babe.""…""Babe," she tried again."…""Babe," Tori whined again from the side of the big red couch in her living room. Jade rolled her eyes. She and Jade had been officially going out for eight months going on nine, and they both couldn't be any happier."Yes?" she reluctantly asked without taking her eyes off of the gruesome movie on television, lightly chuckling as another dumb girl got murder with a spoon."I'm bored." "Okay. What do you want me to do about it?""Let's play Truth or Dare!" she...

2 years ago
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TreehouseChapter 2 Truth or Dare

"Well, that certainly was a unique experience!" said Bob. He and his friends, Kim, Heather, Sarah, and Jack had just witnessed from the vantagepoint of Bob's old treehouse some passionate lovemaking by his next door neighbors, the Smiths. The dim light of a lamp in the lower level of Bob's palatial hiding place in the leaves illuminated all their faces. Each glowed with perspiration from the experience of watching. They sat for a long time in silence each wondering if the sexual tension...

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Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare Written BY: Amber2165 It all started innocently enough. I was a normal 14 year old playing a little basketball in the driveway one summer evening when April and Danny came up and asked if my sister Cathy was around. I told them that she was in the house and Danny went to talk to Cathy while April chatted with me in the driveway. April asked me if I was interested in a game of Truth or Dare at her house. I grinned and told her that game was stupid. She egged me on by...

2 years ago
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Victorious Girls Play Truth Or Dare

HAVING JUST returned from another star-studded event in Beverly Hills, the "Victorious" cast arrived back to Victoria's quaint one bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles. There they stumbled inside and collapsed to the sofa, and helped themselves to more alcohol before Elizabeth suddenly produced a hefty joint."Whoa! Where did you get that?" Ariana inquired."One of the guys at the party just gave it to me.""Really?""Yeah, I offered to give him a hand job for it but he ended up leaving the...

4 years ago
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Victorious Girls Play Truth Or Dare

HAVING JUST returned from another star-studded event in Beverly Hills, the "Victorious" cast arrived back to Victoria's quaint one bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles. There they stumbled inside and collapsed to the sofa, and helped themselves to more alcohol before Elizabeth suddenly produced a hefty joint."Whoa! Where did you get that?" Ariana inquired."One of the guys at the party just gave it to me.""Really?""Yeah, I offered to give him a hand job for it but he ended up leaving the...

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Jennifers Sexual Awakening Ch7 The Dare

The four of them met up at lunchtime in the Student Union cafeteria on the following Friday and, over their food, David said ‘Jennifer, I’ve got a dare for you.’ ‘Oh, yes. What?’ ‘Come down to the seafront with me tomorrow and play a game of mini-golf.’ ‘That doesn’t sound like much of a dare.’ ‘You’ve got to be wearing just a bikini.’ ‘That still doesn’t sound like much of a dare.’ ‘Ah, but I choose the bikini.’ ‘What, a g-string bikini, I suppose? That still doesn’t sound like much of...

1 year ago
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Truth or Dare

"Luis, please go ask the next door neighbors if they have some duct tape!" "Yes mom," came the reply. 13 year old Luis Rodriguez crossed the yard of the new house he and his family were moving into towards the neighbors' house. The tall house with large windows was indimidating but Luis strolled up the driveway and rang the doorbell. Luis, a handsome young latino with brown hair and brown eyes, was stunned when a pale, blond haired and blue eyed beauty opened the door. "H-hi, I'm Luis the new...

4 years ago
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NoUnderwear Dare

It started with Katie’s Official No-Underwear Dare and with the impossibility of keeping a secret, especially when it has to do with sex. We all go to a private high school, you understand. It’s really a very good school and at least it’s coed — I’d go crazy in an all-girl school — but that’s balanced out by the stupid uniforms we have to wear. I mean, we all groan about homework and everything, but I like most of my teachers (most of the...

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Truth or Dare

It was one of my favorite games as a teenager. Truth or Dare seems to just tingle with incredible tension whenever I get to play it. I love the anticipation of when the game will turn naughty and what will happen. I love being "made" to do dares, things I would love to be able to do, but have always worried would make me appear a deviant. You see, I think I'm addicted to sex. I love to think about it, to see it in pictures and films, to imagine it, to read about it. It has taken hold on my...

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Futanaris Truth or Dare

The hot California sun hung in the sky so much brighter than the overcast northeast. It's perfect though. I can finally purchase a home and be free of the frustration of New York rent. Driving around from potential home to potential home with my long lost friend Alina made it even more familiar. She opened the white door of a large home after undoing the keypad. Gesturing me inside, she indicated to the curved stair case, the recent remodel, and the wood paneled floor."Now let me tell you,...

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Truth or Dare

It had finally arrived. The weekend that Katherine's parents were leaving town to visit her Aunt. Her parents had reiterated all of the house rules before they left for their time away -- homework was to be done before going to a friends house, no friends were to come over while they were gone, certainly no parties were to be had, and most importantly: no boys. Katherine had of course agreed to all of these terms before waving her parents off for the weekend. Even so, no sooner had her parents'...

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Truth or Dare

Image Source It had finally arrived. The weekend that Brie's parents were leaving town to visit her Aunt. Her parents had reiterated all of the house rules before they left for their time away -- homework was to be done before going to a friends house, no friends were to come over while they were gone, certainly no parties were to be had, and most importantly: no boys. Brie had of course agreed to all of these terms before waving her parents off for the weekend. Even so, no sooner had her...

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truth or dare

I was 16 years old. I'd been gay for about 3 years, always checking outother boy's penises in Boy Scouts. And now, I was finally in a tent withanother boy, and it looked like he would be willing to fool around with me.I had waited for this moment for so long. I'd seen so many naked boys inthe showers and tents and cabins, and jacked off to the memories of all ofthem. But I'd never reached the point of actually "fooling around" withanybody else. The closest I ever came was the occasional "do you...

1 year ago
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Sexy Truth or Dare

Note : This story is completely fictional! It had been quite an exciting and lively weekend for forty year old Cybil and her nineteen year old son Matt. Of course, things were always so when Cybil’s sister Amanda came to visit. She had always been a bit of a ‘wild child’ ever since her teen years. In her adult hood she had learned to be a bit more in control, not getting into so much trouble, but was no less wild. The last few hours however, had been quite uneventful. It was as if the three had...

4 years ago
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Never Cheat at Truth or Dare

The whole thing was stupid, and I really wanted to be somewhere, anywhere else. But I had agreed to the sleepover at Mandy’s, and she hadn’t allowed me to go back on my word. Thus I was stuck with spending the evening with her, that stuck-up bitch Jen, a strange goth called Liz whom I didn’t know at all and had only gotten some glimpses of at school, and to round up things in the worst possible way, Naomi. Not that Naomi had an unpleasant personality, she was quite outgoing, bright and funny....

2 years ago
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Never Cheat at Truth or Dare

The whole thing was stupid, and I really wanted to be somewhere, anywhere else. But I had agreed to the sleepover at Mandy’s, and she hadn’t allowed me to go back on my word. Thus I was stuck with spending the evening with her, that stuck-up bitch Jen, a strange goth called Liz whom I didn’t know at all and had only gotten some glimpses of at school, and to round up things in the worst possible way, Naomi. Not that Naomi had an unpleasant personality, she was quite outgoing, bright and funny....

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truth or dare

Most people view Truth or Dare as a silly game, played mostly by college kids.  A means of shocking your friends, and maybe yourself.  Or maybe as a way to justify doing or saying things that you shouldn’t be doing or saying -- but really want to, and need permission.  Sometimes, though, it’s a way to find out the truth about yourself. I belong to a co-ed bowling league.  There are four of us on our team, two guys, two girls.  We were just casual acquaintances, thrown together randomly by a...

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A Little Game of Truth or Dare

A few years ago one of my male friends, Tim was having a birthday party. He turned 18 that day and he wanted to give a big party for that special event . His parents agreed, on two conditions: first, no alcohol. And second they wouldn't stay at home so Tim had to take care of his guests and clean up the mess alone afterwards. That last condition seemed no problem at all. I arrived around 9pm; most people were already there. Almost all my classmates were at that party, also a group of boys who...


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