Overwhelmed By Femininity free porn video

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Overwhelmed By Jennifer White Alyssa Fields was a beautiful woman, smart, charming, and *ultra* feminine. So overwhelming was her femininity, that any man crossing her path would be attracted to her. She could not escape a man's notice. However, once the man got close to her, he would begin to spiral inwards towards her femininity. He would become overwhelmed by it, until it engulfed him. He would not understand what had just happened until it was too late.... *** Gary Thompson was a 30 year old man, normal in every way. He was a divorced father of two, on somewhat good terms with his ex. He was dating again, but nothing serious had come from his latest relationships. He was at a bar, looking for women he could pick up, but was not having any luck. A typical Friday. Until She came along. Alyssa walked into the club, and over to the bar. Every eye in the place was upon her. The women all looked at her with jealousy. They wished they were her. All the men looked at her with lust. They all wanted her, but little did they realize, they too all secretly wished that they were her. Gary was soon going to find this out for himself. Alyssa walked up to Gary, and asked, "Is this seat taken?" "No, please sit down," he replied, waving his arm in a grand gesture. "Thank you. I'm Alyssa. What's your name?" "I'm Gary," he said, extending his arm out for a friendly handshake, "I'm pleased to meet you." "Same here." replied Alyssa. "What are you drinking?" "Gin and tonic. Can I buy you a drink?" And so it went, a typical conversation at the bar between two people who did not know each other. Alyssa was very sexy, and wore clothes to show it off. Her red skirt ended right around the knees, but that was enough to make everyone think about what was inside it. Her bosom was full and ripe, with just enough of her breasts showing to make every man in the place drool. She had long red nails, and wore just the right amount of makeup. Her hair was very neatly cut, just above her shoulders. It shimmered, even in the dim light of the bar. Silky, smooth and blond. And then there were her eyes. They were gray blue, and seemed to pierce the heart with a stare. Despite all of her sexy womanly features, anyone looking at her face would most remember her for her eyes. Beyond her physical appearance, she moved with such ease and grace, she seemed to be floating rather than walking. She had *style*. She had an *aura*, a presence. The way a movie star could light up a screen, she could for the whole bar. Yet her attention was focused just on Gary, and he was in heaven. This gorgeous creature was talking to *him*! He felt instantly in love. He had to have this woman, and would do anything to be close to her. *** Gary woke up Saturday with a smile on his face. He had spent the whole night drinking and dancing with Alyssa, and she had been smiling the whole time! He had her phone number, and committed it to memory. He wasn't going to lose the chance of a lifetime by losing a piece of paper. He had a good memory, so it wasn't long before the number was etched in mind down cold. Her face, her body, they way she walked and talked... it was all so wonderful, and also was etched in his mind. He would never forget her he vowed. He would not have to worry, after the next few days, he would surely remember her always. The whole day, he went about his activities with her in mind. "She would like me more if I was thinner." he thought, starting immediately on a diet. He threw out his frozen pizzas and beer, replacing the junk food in the refrigerator with healthy veggies, lean cuisine, juices, tofu, and a few bottles of wine. "If she comes over, I can't have the house looking like this!" he thought when the groceries were put away. He spent the next few hours dusting, cleaning, vacuuming, washing the windows, and even cleaning out under the cushions of the couch. Still not satisfied, he decided that the room needed something. He ran out to the grocery store again, before it closed at 10pm, and purchased two bouquets of flowers. He came home, trimmed the ends, and placed them into vases left over from his marriage. They had been wedding presents, and had been gathering dust ever since the divorce. The flowers lightened up the room, and filled it with a clean smell. He decided that it was much better for her now, and that he would continue in morning with his efforts to make the place presentable. He called her, and they talked until the small hours of the morning. *** On normal Sundays, Gary would get up and golf 18 holes, then go down to the bar to watch football with the guys. This day, he only thought of Alyssa when he awoke. He had a healthy breakfast, and went jogging for an hour. Upon returning, he went to work outside in the garden, weeding, trimming, edging, and making the yard look nice. He decided that in the spring, he would plant more flowers and put in some flowering bushes too. She would like that. After taking a shower, he realized what a mess his bathroom was. The next two hours were spent scrubbing and cleaning until it was nice. How he wouldn't feel bad if she came over and saw what sort of state it was in. He got dressed, and shook his head at the clothes hanging in his closet. What had he been thinking when he bought these things? He got out a large trash bag from the garage, and started to pull out clothes to give to the poor. Jerseys from football and baseball. T-shirts with sports logos on them. Plain gray workout shirts. He could never wear those in front of her. What would she think? Soon, he needed a second bag because of all the clothes he was getting rid of. Gary dropped the clothes of at the Salvation Army store, then headed over to the mall. He needed a few things for home. By the evening, his living room looked much nicer with the Monet prints replacing the pictures of baseball stadiums, the Renior prints instead of the train pictures in his room, the new stuffed kitties on his bed stand, and the new window treatments for the bathroom and the kitchen. Yes, Alyssa would like his house better now. At 10pm, he called her, and again they spoke for hours. He asked her if they could get together soon, and she seemed enthusiastic. Gary's heart raced, and he could not wait to see her again. *** Alyssa suggested that on Tuesday, she would meet Gary for dinner, then perhaps a movie afterwards. Gary had just read a review of a new place in town with a great wine list, healthy fish and salad dishes, as well as wonderful ambiance. He also saw in the paper a new movie just out with a female ensemble cast, which looked very promising. If Alyssa didn't want to see it, he would go out on his own the next day. But he hoped she liked it. He wanted to please her. After work, Gary took a shower. As he washed himself, he wondered what Alyssa would think of his hairy chest. He decided that she would like him better if it was smooth, like a swimmer of a weight lifter. He shaved the hair off his chest, the back of his neck, and his shoulders. Surveying the results, he decided that the hair in his armpits looked out of place now that the rest of his chest was smooth. Off it went. He glanced down at the hair in the drain. He would have to clean that out when he was done. All that hair was gross. Like the hair on his legs. Alyssa had such nice, smooth legs. He wondered what his would look like shaven. What a great idea! When they finally embraced, the feel of her smooth skin against his would be exquisite! He could not wait. And they would look so cute together! He set about shaving the legs too. Gary was proud of what he had accomplished as he toweled off after the shower. He carefully cleaned the hair out of the drain, and went about dressing for his date. As he put on his clothes, he could not help but feel inadequate. Alyssa got to wear such exciting sexy clothes! She wore skirts, low cut blouses, hot shoes... but all he had were pants and shirts. It just didn't seem fair. Why did she get all the good stuff to wear? He wished he could dress up in cool clothes like she did. He used the blow-dryer on his hair, and stared at his face. It just seemed so monotone. Alyssa wore light makeup, giving her face a radiant glow, and highlighting her features. Perhaps he should go out and buy some, so he could look better for her? But alas, there was no time, he had to hurry getting ready. He had not planned on the time it would take to shave himself. Next time they had a date, he would leave more time to prepare. That and making a quick run to the drugstore for makeup. Gary felt ashamed at his clothes as he dressed up, again feeling inadequate, since Alyssa got to wear so much better clothes than he did. He wondered what she would wear tonight? He grabbed his car keys, and headed out. *** At the appointed hour, Gary arrived at the restaurant, which Alyssa had suggested. He walked in, and went over to the bar. There she was! His heart stopped for a moment. She was just so lovely! All the guys in the bar were trying to hit on her, but *he* was the one she was waiting for. He walked over, and she flashed him a smile, which made him weak in the knees. In fact, he felt weak all over. She just did that to him! He was so excited to be with her, after all of the waiting. Now it was time! Alyssa was holding a white pager from the restaurant, which started to beep and flash. "That's us hon." she said. They stood up, and walked over to the table, following the young woman seating them. She was 20 years old, extremely attractive, with perky breasts wrapped in a soft blue glossy sweater. But Gary didn't even look at her. He was transfixed with Alyssa. They sat down, and made small talk as Alyssa ordered a bottle of wine for the dinner. She was dressed in a white blouse, long black skirt with a slit down the side, sensible flats, Nothing overtly sexy or revealing, yet she was clearly the hottest thing in the place. Gary had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. They moved from small talk about work to other topics. They were still getting to know each other, so the conversation was somewhat cautious. Gary didn't want to get into politics or anything where there was a chance of offending her, and scaring her off so early in what he was sure was going to be a long-term relationship. Alyssa was being cautions, as any woman would an early date. Alyssa ordered the Caesar salad for dinner, while Gary opted for the Greek salad. He wanted to impress her that he ate right. At the same time, he really didn't have any desire for a big steak anyway. It was normally his favorite, but tonight he just didn't feel like it was appetizing or anything. So salad it was. He listened to her raptly, watching the way her hair moved, her lips, and the flash of her eyes. He was so mesmerized that he hardly ate anything. When he knew that it was getting to be the end of the meal, he started to wonder how he could get her to go home with him, to make the date last longer. "Gary, I've had a wonderful night," she said to him, making his heart leap. "Me too!" he said, trying not to sound too overly eager. It didn't work. "I'd love to do this again some time, and get to know you better." Alyssa said. "I have to get up early for work tomorrow though, so I'll have to take a raincheck on the movie." Gary felt as if a ten ton weight was dropped on him. She was going to leave so soon? He gasped, struggling for air, and the right words to say. Alyssa noticed his distress, and put his mind at east. "Don't worry hon, I'm not dumping you. How about you come over to my place for one quick drink, then we'll call it a night." The ten tons of weight on Gary's shoulders suddenly became ten tons of TNT bursting below him, skyrocketing his emotions into orbit. He was going to *her* place! She gave him her address, and he followed her there in his car. Once inside, Gary gasped as he looked around, as if he was in an art museum. He drank in every last detail of how she artfully arranged the furniture and the decorations, as well as how her tastes ran from the wine on the rack in the kitchen, to the types of flowers planted in her yard. Inside, Gary vowed that he would remake his place to be more like hers. Her place was just perfect! They sipped a fruity tasting chardonnay, and chatted some more. One drink turned into two, then they polished off the entire bottle. Gary was relating to her so much better than he ever had to any woman! She had to be 'the one'. With other women, it seemed like there was a gap between them, which blocked their communications. But with Alyssa, he somehow knew just what she meant. He found it easy to listen patiently to her, until it was his turn to talk. Most men interrupt women when they talk, which makes them frustrated because she is not being heard, or really listened to. Gary had fallen into that pattern all too often in the past, like most men did. He didn't even realize it back then. But now, somehow, he found it easy to communicate *properly* with a woman, the way another woman would. When the last drop of the delicious wine was gone, Gary took the glasses back to the kitchen to rinse out before putting them into the dishwasher. He walked back to the living room, and they started to say good-bye. When he made it to the front door, he almost tripped over a plastic bag, which was stuffed full. "Oh I'm so sorry," said Alyssa. "That's my dry-cleaning! I didn't have time to take it in today. I left it there instead of letting it get all damp in the car." "That's okay!" insisted Gary. "I'm just fine. Actually, I have to take in *my* dry-cleaning tomorrow. Tell you what: I'll take yours in too, and save you a trip." Gary was proud of himself that he was going to perform a selfless act for her, and that she would think more of him, even though he had almost been clumsy enough to trip on her clothes bag. For the final good-bye, Alyssa gave Gary a little hug. It was too soon to kiss, but the hug was more than enough for Gary. It conveyed more emotion and feeling to him than having sex with any other woman would have. He could almost cry, because he was so overjoyed! He drove home through the murky darkness of the night, smiling at his good fortune. *** When Gary arrived back at his place, he opened the trunk, and pulled out Alyssa's bag of clothes for the cleaners. She had set the example of not wanting them to get damp overnight, so he would put them beside his own clothes rather than leaving them in the car. But then a thought crossed his mind: stuffed into that little bag, they were going to get all wrinkled. She wouldn't like that. Perhaps he should take them out, and hang them over a chair. Then in the morning, he could put them back in the bag, and take them in to the cleaners in a much better state. He smiled as he dumped out the bag, and began to put the contents over the chair. Gary's hand trembled as he touched *her* clothes. First, there was a brown skirt. It was soft and smooth. He ran his hand over it and sighed. He put it across the arm of the chair, then reached in for the next article of clothes. It was a light blue sweater, with a low cut V in the front. It was very soft and fuzzy, just begging to be touched. Gary held it close, and noticed that on the clothes he could smell *her*. It was a combination of her perfume, and her own natural smell. It was intoxicating for him, and he breathed deeply of it. After he laid out the sweater, he next found a silky undergarment. It was a light tan color (the word 'ecru' popped into his mind). It had thin shoulder straps, and must have hung down to just above her knees. It was so soft! So silky and smooth! Just like her skin. Oh, what it must feel like to have something like this covering your body, so that every little movement you made would brush against the fabric! A thought grew in Gary's mind. He had just shaved his body that night, so he was smooth skinned too now, just like her! He wanted to *feel* what it was like to wear something like what he was holding in his hand. He wanted to feel what she felt. It wasn't long before he was naked, and slipping into her undergarment. Just as he had anticipated, the feel of the soft silk against his skin was exquisite! He just tingled all over! It was the best feeling he ever experienced, other than hugging Alyssa. Now the skirt beckoned him. What if he put that on too? He'd be dressed more like *her*. He could feel what she felt as it swished as she moved. He stepped into it, and zipped up the back. Then, he picked up the sweater. He knew that that color of blue did *not* go with the brown at all, but it was hers, so what choice did he have? He pulled it over his head, breathing deeply the light aroma of her perfume lingering on the soft fibers. Gary walked to his bedroom, to look in the full-length mirror. He saw himself wearing a skirt and a girl's sweater! He was dressed up like her! But he felt very inadequate again. First of all, he was so flat up top! He could just imagine how the sweater would look if it was placed over the sweet curves of Alyssa's body. Her soft mounds on her chest would have made it look so much better! And without curves in his hips, the skirt paled in comparison to how it would have looked on her. And again, his face was so plain. It cried out for a light touch of makeup like *she* used. It dawned on him that the local 'superstore' was open 24 hours a day! He could go out right now, and get what he needed! He grabbed his coat from the closet. It was a 'trench coat' style, which he wore with his suits at work. As it turned out, the coat just barely covered the skirt, so someone looking at him would not know that underneath, he was in fact wearing women's clothes. But this didn't even dawn on him. He just grabbed the first coat he found, so eager was he to make it to the store. Once at the store, he grabbed a shopping cart, and first headed over to the women's clothing department. He grabbed a pair of pantyhose, in the tan color, to match the natural he of Alyssa's legs. Next, he selected a packet of Hane's Her Way panties, with their inviting curves and soft white cotton fibers. He wandered through the bra department, looking at the dazzling array of choices. He never realized there were so many! What in the world would she wear? Did he want underwire? Racerback? Extra support? Padding? A Wonderbra? How about the color? There was white, black, pink, purple, blue... not to mention the size! He had no idea of how women's sizes ran. What was the difference between a 32A and a 38DD? He decided to go something in the middle, selecting a white uplift bra, with extra padding and frilly lace, in size 36C. Next was the makeup department. They had several "all in one" kits, which came in a cool bag with see-through plastic sides. Kind of like a lunch box, but filled with all sorts of goodies. He grabbed it, figuring it would save him from digging through all the piles of makeup, not knowing what to get. He also grabbed the most expensive bottle of perfume, hoping against hope that it matched her scent. He didn't know enough to even try the tester at the counter. He was going to head to the register, when he noticed the shoe department. He looked at all of the cool women's shoes. Guys didn't get much to choose from in shoes; black or brown, in just a few styles. Meanwhile, women got to pick from so many wonderful shapes, heel sizes, and colors! Cool pointy toes, different profiles... they were dazzling in their array of choices. He was transfixed staring at a pair of red pumps, so he dug through the boxes to find the largest size they had. He knew that women's shoe sizes differed from men's, but he had no idea how to go between the two. Walking down the aisle, he noticed some cute little teddy bears and stuffed kitties in the toy section. Alyssa had things like that laid out on her bed, so he grabbed the cutest ones he could find. As Gary reached the next department, he went to grab some mouthwash, which he was running low on. At the end of the aisle, he saw the feminine care section. He decided that since she was destined to move in with him, he would impress her by stocking up on some of the items she would need. He just felt like he needed to have some of them around the house anyway. He grabbed some Always pantyliners, Tampax tampons, and a Summer's Eve douche. He needed deodorant, so he decided to try Secret. And he grabbed some of the women's shavers, hoping they would do a better job next time he did his legs. The shopping cart was full, and Gary was feeling tired, since it was so late. He finally made it to the cash register, but picked up a few of the women's magazines from the stand by the register. If she read things like Cosmo, Redbook and Glamour, then he should too. After bringing in all the bags, Gary laid it all out on his bed. He stripped naked, and began by putting on the panties, including a liner, just so he could see how it felt. Next, he put on the bra, which laid flat against his chest. He pulled out a box of tissues, and proceeded to stuff the cups full. There. Now it would look right under the sweater. He got into the pantyhose, but caused a run because he didn't know enough to roll up each leg first, and not to just pull from the top. Oh well, he could always go back to the store! It wasn't too bad of a run, so he could make do for now. Next, he put Alyssa's clothes back on. The feel of the skirt against his legs was now even more exciting, with the pantyhose seeming to amplify every little touch of the fabric against his silky smooth skin. Standing in front of the mirror, he was now feeling a more satisfied. He had bumps on his chest, although they were not as perfect as the rolling curves of hers. And his face was still so pale and even in color! He picked up the makeup kit, and headed to the bathroom. First he put on a layer of foundation. The makeup covered the pores of his face, engulfing him in a gentle mask. Once it was dry, he started by applying some red to his cheeks. He did a terrible job, with big globs in some places, but hardly any in others. He tried to smooth it out with a brush, but it was no good. Oh well, he would take it off and practice again later. Next, he took a go at his eyes, putting blue on the lids, and some brown and red under the arch of his eyebrows. His eyebrows just looked too thick! He pulled out the razor, and tried to trim back some of the excessive growth. But he had to resort to pulling out some of the hairs with a tweezers. Ouch! It hurt! But if she did it, so could he! Once satisfied that his eyebrows were more slender, he applied mascara to his lashes. He wasn't good at that either, and it came out clumpy. Some hairs stuck together, while others were barely covered at all. He did better with the lipstick, although he realized once looking in the mirror that he had picked *way* to bright of a red color for his face. He would need one of the more subtle ones, perhaps in the maroon range? Only then did it dawn on him: duh! This months Cosmo was the special makeover edition! He picked it up, and read it for an hour, reading carefully about techniques to use and how to bring out certain features of a face. He used some isopropyl alcohol and cotton balls he had in the cupboard to remove his makeup, and try again. This second time, he fared much better, although inexperienced hands plus cheap makeup did not make the job any easier. He realized that if he was going to do this right, he was going to have to shop at a higher end department store, and get the good stuff. Now he took a shot at doing his nails in a bright red color. He actually did a very good job of it, so after two coats and some clear coat, his nails looked very good! This was encouraging! He gave himself a splash of the perfume, and sighed in ecstasy, when he realized that somehow, he had picked *her* scent! It was so lovely, with it's light floral touch, but not too overpowering. Leave it to her to pick the perfect perfume too! Gary walked to the bedroom, and unboxed the shoes. His feet were a little too big for them, but he managed to force them in. It was very tight, especially being much more narrow than his feet. But if she managed to wear shoes like that, nothing was going to stop him from doing it. He had to spend the next half hour practicing how to walk in pumps. It was a lot different! He was teetering precariously, and almost fell several times. But after a while, he was getting good at it. It was 4:00am, and Gary was exhausted. He called in to his work number, and left a message that he was sick, and would not be coming in that morning. He took off his makeup, and sat down for a minute to stretch on the couch before taking off his shoes. That was a mistake, because within thirty seconds he was fast asleep, dreaming of Alyssa. *** Gary spent the next few days practicing and learning some more about the right ways to put on makeup, wear clothing, and walk in high heel shoes. He wrote down the brands and sizes of Alyssa's clothes, and went to the mall to replace them. He found new versions of everything she had given him. He had the new ones washed, so that he could keep the ones which were actually *hers*. He also bought some high-end cosmetics at the department stores, and several outfits of his own (following her general tastes of course). He spoke to her on the phone every night, while dressed in her clothes! He felt *so* close to her. By the end of the week, not only were they talking on the phone like old friends, but he was getting very good at dressing, and applying the makeup. He would talk to her on the phone, dressed in her clothes, trying to feel closer to her. He felt that he was making progress. He gave up on the tissues (after going through a box each day at first), and managed to find silicon breast forms to wear instead. He found a place, which specialized in large women's shoe sizes, and he purchased several pairs, so he would have a choice to coordinate properly with whatever outfit he selected for the day. Tired of his short hair, he bought a nice long brown haired wig, which came down to just below his shoulders. He made sure he styled it so that his new earrings were not obscured. He brushed back his hair with his hand, which was showing the effects of the hand softening cream he had been applying every day. He was not as smooth as her yet, but he would work on that. He also noticed how much better his hands looked once he went to the press-on nails. It would take a while for his own nails to grow long enough to satisfy him. Grabbing his purse, he made sure he had his lipstick, and he went out to his car. The chill wind under his skirt gave him shivers up and down his spine. He was going out to buy some more flowers, some wine, and some shitake mushrooms to cook for dinner when Alyssa came over that night. She was going to be so impressed! He had worked hard, and had really made his house look much better. Much more like *hers*. After the grocery store and 'The Wine Barrel', he made one last trip to the cleaners, to pick up the clothes he had dropped off. He had been careful not to wear any of her clothes that night; she might notice that. He wanted to show off how good his own taste in clothes was. He hoped she would think the ones coming back from the cleaners were really hers. He just couldn't bear to part with the ones she had given him, because *she* had worn them. *** At 7:30, right on time, Alyssa rang the doorbell. Gary checked his makeup one last time, flipped his hair back, and sauntered over to the door. "Hello girlfriend!" he said, greeting her with a smile. His teeth looked extra white with the contrast of his darkened lips. It had turned out that he was right, and maroon was the best color for his face. "Hello." said Alyssa, somewhat disappointed. She had hoped somehow that this wasn't going to happen again. She thought that this one would manage to keep himself. But here he was, sinking into femininity, just like all of the others. She decided that she was going to have to make love to him tonight, before he lost the ability to penetrate her. Oh, how she hated this! She had been shunned by all the boys in school as far back as she could remember, because her femininity scared them. Not it attracted boys left and right, but as soon as they grew close to her, she would overwhelm them, and they would start to do what Gary had done. She had tried to be careful! What had she done wrong this time? She had kept her visits with him spaced out, yet he was turning himself into a woman, just like all the others had. Alyssa's last boyfriend had just called that week to tell her that he was officially a she now. And the one before that had adopted a baby, because she felt such a strong urge to nurture a child. Each of these men (and the dozens before that) were women now, in every way, except the inability to become pregnant. And how that must sting for them! She knew a few natural born women who were infertile, and knew the agony they suffered. Perhaps it was time to try something different with Gary, and see if she could shock him out of what he was doing. The first man she dated, in college, had started to dress up like her. She had yelled at him, screaming, "What in the hell are you doing!!!" He had responded back as if he didn't understand what she meant. He had gone so far over the edge, he really thought that he was a women, her lesbian girlfriend! She had tried helping them adjust, but it only seemed to speed up the process. She tried a lesbian affair, but it wasn't for her; she needed a man. She tried to threaten one young man that she would expose him in front of all his friends, if he didn't stop it right away. He told her that they already knew! He had bragged that he was a pretty girl now! Alyssa had gone years without a relationship, but she was lonely. She needed a man. Why did she have to be cursed like this? She had even tried online dating. She didn't know if it was her fault, or if she had picked the wrong man from the get-go, but when she met him in person for the first time, he unbuttoned his shirt to reveal that he was wearing a bra underneath. Now what to do about Gary? The poor thing. He was really trying to look pretty, and doing a fairly good job of it. He had no shame, no qualms about wearing a dress, right in front of her! No doubt he had been going around in public like that. She shook her head. Well, she would try something different this time, and see if it worked out any better. She thought of her old college roommate, Jasmine. The way the hair from Gary's wig laid on his shoulder reminded her of Jasmine. "Hello Jasmine." she said. "Jasmine, who's that?" replied Gary. "Why you are, silly!" "Me? No, I'm Gary." "If you're Gary, then why do you have breasts? And why are you so pretty? Gary would never show up for a date wearing a skirt. No, you must be Jasmine. Now tell me who you are!" "I... I'm Jasmine" he replied. He didn't understand it, but if that is what she wanted, then it was what *he* wanted too. "Jasmine, tell me how you know me." said Alyssa. "Why, we met in a bar and..." "No!" she snapped, cutting him off. "You went to college with me. You were my roomie. We've known each other for years." "I lived in your room?" asked Jasmine, stunned. "Yes. We were like sisters." "I am your *sister*." said Jasmine, excitedly. "Your girlfriend, your sister." "And do you know why we stopped rooming together?" asked Alyssa. "No, I don't remember." "Because you fell in love with me. You told me you wanted to make love to me, and I ran away." "Yes! I do want you!" said Jasmine. "I'd do anything for you!" "And that's why you had the operation." "What operation?" said Jasmine, puzzledly. "Now look, don't play dumb with me!" said Alyssa, feigning anger. "I'm sorry, I just can't seem to remember. Please my love, please forgive me!" "I will, but you must promise to be loyal to me, and do whatever I say. Don't ever go against my wishes." "I promise, with all my heart! I will never do anything you don't want," said Jasmine. "All right, I'll forgive you. And I'll remind you. You wanted me so much, that you had surgery, so that you could satisfy me sexually." "What do you mean?" asked Jasmine, still confused. "Well look, are you a boy or a girl?" "I'm a girl silly!" she laughed. What a stupid question! What was wrong with Alyssa? "Yes, you're a girl. But feel between your legs. What do you have down there?" "I have... ew! I have a dick! No! This is wrong! Where is my vagina? What did you do to me?" "I did nothing. You had a penis created for your body." "I did?" "Yes, you did. You told me that you would do it so that we could have sex, and both of us be satisfied. You do want to satisfy me, don't you?" "Of course baby. I want to make love to you, and satisfy you. But why can't you just suck my pussy? I want to feel your tongue penetrate me! I want to feel your tongue inside me!" "That's what I think about you. That's why you got your penis." "But it's so awful! It just hangs there between my legs! And these balls... they just dangle there. Look! My panties have a bulge. This is just awful. Why do *I* have to be the one with a dick? How..." she trailed off into tears. "There, there." said Alyssa, hugging Jasmine. "Poor baby. I know it must be hard for a girl like you to realize that she has a penis. But you're all girl to me. In my eyes, you're completely female." "Really?" asked Jasmine. "I mean, even with this awful thing?" "Yes, even with that. Let me show you why you got it." she said, taking Jasmine by the hand, heading to the bedroom. Epilogue: Alyssa and Jasmine were married on June 20th the following summer. Alyssa had convinced Jasmine to keep the penis, so they could have sex whenever they wanted. It wasn't six months after the wedding (both wore bridal dresses) that Alyssa became pregnant. As a concession to Jasmine for having to keep the penis, Alyssa allowed her to get breast implants and hip surgery, so that she could have a more feminine figure. Today, they live together in happiness, raising their daughters,

Same as Overwhelmed by Femininity Videos

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Girdle of MasculinityFemininity

Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity by Diann Tommy was mildly surprised when he got a notice there was a certified package for him. He knew he didn't send away for anything recently, and couldn't think of anybody who would send him something in the mail, especially a package. Anyway, he decided, he'll wait till tomorrow after his weight training session at his high school gym to pick up the package. The day at school passes in a blur as Tommy wonders about what he could've...

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A Net of Femininity

A Net of Femininity By Jennifer White Part 1 The show On Friday night, Ken and Joan Winslow went out to see a show with their friends Pete and Betty Eastman. "The Amazing Annette" was a magician, conjurer, and hypnotist. The show had rave reviews in the newspaper, so against their better judgments, Ken and Pete were dragged to the show by their wives. At least it would be better than a musical or ice skating this time. They fought traffic downtown, waited in line to pay...

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Video Shoot 2 Flirting with Femininity

Video Shoot 2: Flirting with Femininity: BAQ's representative said that Sharon, their other dancer, had called in sick but they hoped she would be ready by the afternoon. Sheila said, "I know you think this was forced on you but don't you think the same was true of the girls in the original video? Don't you get the impression that none of them would chose to dress that way? They look more like sex objects than individual women and they all look the same. " Dressed like they...

2 years ago
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Appreciating Femininity

Erotic TG stores by talltslover. Do not read this if you are offended by transgender themes. Appreciating Femininity By George Wilson Chapter 1: The Butterfly I was, like any other red-blooded married American male, thinking I was the big man of the house. I worked. I made money. I came home, had the dinner my wife made, sat in front of the TV watching sports, drank beer, and finished off the night with a roll in the sack with the wife. Oh, and I should mention that she had...

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Sabrina was starting to ask questions slowly, sensing that I was spinning out of control, lost in the intensity of the moment, “Do you have the camera on?” “…Yes,” I slowly replied. I was hardly able to concentrate. I sat atop my wife’s upper body with my hard cock gently bobbing near her chin. Again, Sabrina could sense the blood flow was being cut from the less vital parts –like my brain, “Are the headphones still playing the music now?” I checked the MP3 player. “Yes,” I responded. I was...

1 year ago
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Sabrina was starting to ask questions slowly, sensing that I was spinning out of control, lost in the intensity of the moment, “Do you have the camera on?” “...Yes,” I slowly replied. I was hardly able to concentrate. I sat atop my wife’s upper body with my hard cock gently bobbing near her chin. Again, Sabrina could sense the blood flow was being cut from the less vital parts –like my brain, “Are the headphones still playing the music now?” I checked the MP3 player. “Yes,” I responded. I...

Straight Sex
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The GovernorChapter 8 Submissive Femininity

To what extent do we know our parents? We may think we know them. We grasp that side of themselves that they choose to reveal to us, but what of the rest? That was the question that Lucy was left asking herself after rummaging about in her parent's room and discovering a box of contraceptive tablets and a packet of letters from a man named Albert. She'd found them hidden at the back of one of her mother's drawers beneath her private lingerie. The dates on the letters suggested the...

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Origins Fucked into Femininity

I’ll keep updating my diary of the years I worked as a “faithful consultant” for Cyrus and his firm, doing all manner of deeply perverted things for his select group of occasionally sadistic clients.I should also tell you how I got this way.I left college and pursued a professional degree in international finance. I was, and am, pretty clever, so making money was never a real concern, but I realized right away I wasn’t ‘marrying material’. I was way too horny, all the time, and unable to commit...

2 years ago
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Her Badge of Femininity

He led her into the room. Indicating the bed, he told her to get undressed and lie down on her stomach. "I'll be back in a minute or two with the massage oil," he said. She looked around. It certainly wasn't what she had expected to see. Despite what Caroline had told her about Eric, she expected the appointment to be in one of those seedy motel rooms that were rented out by the hour, cigarette burns on the furniture, who knows what stuff staining the carpets. Dubious looking bed...

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"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuckkkkkk..." I trailed off my murmurrings. Lenda smiled across at me, her mouth twitching and her body shuddering as she tried to smother a laugh. "What a voice!" I whispered across to my classmate as she regained her composure. We were sitting up the back of the darkened lecture hall, listening to the droning monotone of our lecturer. "No wonder he's a hypnotist...he had me asleep at hello." Lenda was a short, petite little asian girl who always dressd pretty sexily. She...

Mind Control
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I gotta have him... My wife and I normally go dancing each week at a hot little club near us. Sue and I have been married for almost ten years and dancing was one way of keeping our sex life active. Dancing turned us both on, especially the way Sue dressed when we went. You see my very beautiful and well built-wife, was into exhibition, flashing her full breasts, her thong panties, all with my encouragement. It excited us both unbelievably and usually after a night of dancing with other men...

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Decidedly Feminine

Decidedly Feminine By Angie Renee Rineheart My story begins with a little bit of history. As far back as I can recall, mom always told me I was a beautiful little boy and my eyes and eyelashes should be on a little girl. My sister, who was the only girl in the family among four boys constantly, teased me about it. I complained to my parents, but secretly liked it, but do not recall acting on my desire to dress as a girl until starting puberty. Ironically, I wore my sister's...

4 years ago
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Feminine by Busko Part I: The first change. "My name is Bob. Bob Bones. I'm a 25 year old clerk and I know more about women than many other man. I'm married to Dr. Lucy Baines. Maybe you know her, last year she was nominated for the Nobel-prize for Science for her study about the hormonal interference during sexual intercourse. It is..., no I must say, it was much to complicated to me." Last year we had our 5 year anniversary of our marriage. For this occasion I had bought a...

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Rags and Chauvinism turn to Riches and Honour of the Feminine

(Most of the names have been altered to protect the guilty). Rags and Chauvinism turn to Riches and Honour of the Feminine: A TRUE STORY! By Laurence Part 1: The Beginning I was almost always a child of smiles and meekness. When I was only about three and a half years old I remember my mother taking me to a student's day parade. Most were dressed in funny costumes but one man was dressed as a ballerina with a white tutu. I was shocked but my mother explained that this was...

3 years ago
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2 Fast 2 Feminine

This is my first, and last story of any kind. This was a one shot deal. I've been reading stories like these for about 3 weeks, and I thought I'd make a story that didn't follow the stereotypes as far as the characters, their interests, their attitude, and how they handle changing. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading about it. In not any of the races thats in the story, but they should be well represented. If you know places that this should be posted, tell me. If you like...

3 years ago
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Overwhelming Reality

********** There is no explicit sex in this ‘snapshot’ in time. I wish to thank the people who helped contribute to and edit this story, per their wishes, they remain anonymous. This story is totally fictitious, any resemblance the characters might have to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. No part of this story may be published at any other site without the express permission of the author. © January 18, 2008 ********** He was doing his best to see past the crowd, trying to...

2 years ago
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Overwhelming lust for cock

My lust for cock is overwhelming. Ever since I was young, it drove me and consumed my thoughts. It made me lie awake at night and forced me to experiment with my friends as they slept. I would reach over during sleep overs and touch their cocks and quietly lick them and slip them into my mouth as they were sleeping. I loved the feel and savored the taste. Yet the fear of being labeled “Gay” and being judged made me hide my desires. I have lived my whole life as a straight man, having many...

2 years ago
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overwhelming need

Kneeling before Him, working his cock slowly at first, from tip to base, loving the look that appears on his face as his thick cock disappears into my mouth. Hungrily, I gain speed and force, to the point where my face is slamming into the base of his cock. He grabs me, one hand in my hair and the other tight around my neck and guides my head forcefully and precisely the way he wants it to go--fast, hard and deep. That lovely, thick drool that is produced from deep in the back of the throat...

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Mind Control Video Games Turned Feminine

Video game heroes and heroines are constantly in danger of being mind controlled and transformed. In this story video game heroines will be transformed from strong willed individuals into the ideal feminine beauties. But don’t think the male video game heroes are safe. They can easily be at risk too. Turning even the most masculine character into a sexy woman. (Dear reader, as you read this story please remember that if you like any of the chapters that you read please take a second to click...

1 year ago
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Mind Control Heroes turned Feminine

Superheroes are constantly in danger of being mind controlled and transformed. In this story superheroines will be transformed from strong willed individuals into the ideal feminine beauties. But don’t think the male superheroes are safe. Villains can easily do the same to them. Turning even the most masculine Superhero into a sexy woman. (Dear reader, as you read this story please remember that if you like any of the chapters that you read please take a second to click "Like". It only takes a...

3 years ago
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Overwhelming Reality

He was doing his best to see past the crowd, trying to determine where it had come from. 'There it is again ... that's got to be Renee's. After nine amazing years with her, I'd recognize her laughter anywhere.' As his ears made an exerted effort to sort hers from the other sounds filtering across the room, he realized, 'It's been sooo long since I've heard her wonderful voice.' Memories surfaced that hadn't been conjured up since that day and he pondered, 'What has it been, a...

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Bravos Feminine

"Bravos Feminie" (or "The Bravos" as most people know them) is a group of heroes, composed of four women: Fuu, Becky, Emmaline, and Liv. Together they travel the land, slaying horrible monsters and protecting those in need. Recently, however, some strange spell has been working its way through the wilds, inspiring ravenous lust in the foes our heroes would usually slay. To make matters worse, it seems that this lust spell can be transmitted to humans via liquid contact, such as spit, venom or...

2 years ago
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Panty Fetish

Now im 23. I dont know exactly when i started to get turned on by the sight of women panties probably right around the 7th grade. The sight of a girl leaning forward and exposing the waistband of her panties give me hard on. I remember one time a girl in my class wore a blue shirt and jeans, she leaned forward and i could get a perfect view of her brand of panties on the waistband. It was jockey panties and i would see a bit of her panties which was white cotton. The trim on the waist band was...

3 years ago
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And Mother Reaches The Colonies

A Piece of my Imagination Jimmy glanced around him and felt a moment’s trepidation but it was too late to go back now. Standing in front of the glowing transporter terminus the young man considered the extraction process he’d just gone through and how it had resulted in him standing on the grey steel deck of a Confederacy colony ship. The Marines had interrupted the party by announcing their intention to extract all the volunteers and their selected concubines for service in the...

4 years ago
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Velvets Sweet StallionChapter 7

Velvet's love for her stallion had reached abnormal proportions. She was with the horse constantly. They were always together. They enjoyed each other's company. Every chance she could she touched his cock. She didn't know what had come over her. Her dreams were becoming more vivid every night. Sometimes she would wake up screaming and bathed in a cold sweat. Then she heard Vulcan whinnying in his stall from the stable below her window. Velvet had gotten into the habit of touching and...

3 years ago
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At the lake

Summer finally arrived. I was planning on going to my friends house for a few days when my mom came home and said we were going to uncle Rob and aunt Sara's lake house for a week. I thought, I'd rather be back in school. We packed the car and headed to the hill country. Getting there mom said her hellos while I carried our things in the house. When I was done I went up front to get something to drink. Aunt Sara was in the kitchen putting things away. She said let me get a look at you. She...

3 years ago
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Mera chhota bahi 8211 1

Hi I m anamika. Meri age32 saal ki hai. Hamare pariwaar me kul 8 log hain. Main{30} papa{54} mummy{51} mere bhai{27} bahan{24} orr sabse chhota bahi{22} saal ka hai. Meri chhoti bahan or ek bhai ki shadi ho chuki hai. Main or sabse chhota kuwaare hai. Main sunder hoon per phir bhi shadi nahin ho rahi hai. Kaaran mere right leg me thodi si problum hai jiske karan main langda kar chalti hu. Chhate bhai or chhoti bahan ki life ko dekh kar kai baar man dukhi ho jata hai. Per job me man laga kar...

4 years ago
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My New Neighbour 6Her Biker Milf Friend

I was lying in my neighbours bed having had our usual hot session,my young spunk oozing out of her mature pussy whilst my cock was still semi hard despite having fucked her twice.She said,"Did you enjoy the party we had the other night?".I said i had but she said,"Oh.I wasn't sure if you had.You seemed to be on your own most of the night.Did you not get lucky or did nobody take your fancy?".Actually there was a woman there who looked really hot,had long reddish-purple hair,i think she was a...

1 year ago
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The Touch Ch 04

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. Chapter 4: A Ride Home for Annabelle Autumn at the garden centre was a lot slower than the spring or summer. There were fewer customers and most of the work that we needed to do was inside, either in the greenhouses or growing sheds, which was fortunate as winter that year came early and October and November were cold and wet, just bloody...

4 years ago
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Lost My Virginity To My Aunty

I m 20yrs old from Goa this happened when we went out for dinner at night. My aunty is 6ft tall and looks like a actress from the hindi daily soaps(serials) her hair is up to the shoulder length, her weight to body ratio is perfect her breasts are of normal size not to huge nor to small perfect for the body size. I could never see her nipples even when she used to be in her night wear then I found out that she used to wear a bra which had those spongy mounds which would prevent the impression...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 2

Since our first meeting had gone so well, Jennifer and I started going out together. Other than the fact that in the bedroom I was the ‘man’ only about half the time, it was a fairly normal relationship, apart from possibly being even more open with each other about our desires. One day a couple of months after our first encounter, we were both in her room talking and listening to music. ‘Kat’s having a party next weekend,’ she told me. Katrina, Kat for short, was one of her friends, who I got...

2 years ago
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Sexy student ko choda

Ek din mare centre par ek ladki internet ki coaching ke liye aayi wo bahut hi sexy thi aur uske boos bhi bahoot bade aur sexy the wo lal rang ki salwar kamiz pahan kar ayi thi jab uski chunni uske boobs par se hatti thi to uske boobs ki gahrai nazar ati thi use hot bahut hi rasile the. Aur bal bahut hi bade the. Rang bilkul gora aur aakh nili nili thi, esi lagti thi jaise america ki rahne wali ho Wo ayi aur usne mujh se internet ki fees pushi. Maine use 500 rs. Batayi. Wo razi ho gayi aur usne...

2 years ago
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Night Before The Concert

It all started with free concert tickets. Josh's sister and a friend of hers had managed to win four tickets and found two other friends to match the other tickets. All they needed was a ride, seeing as how none of them could drive yet, or at least they couldn't drive with other people in the car without someone over 21 being with them. Thus, they turned to Josh, Megan's 22-year-old older brother. Being that all of the girls in the group were in the same after school activities, and family was...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 175 Correcting Changed Paths

Hmm. That would explain her being able to take my dick. Could she be telling the truth about having puberty start at seven and then stopped? After what Fern had told me I looked inside her using the place in my head. It showed me that she really had ovulated a bunch of times years ago, even that she had gotten a few eggs fertilized, but her uterus wasn’t ready to do anything with them. I was next guided to see the places the medicines to reverse her puberty had short-circuited places in her...

3 years ago
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Girlfriend and the Boxing Match

John is in late thirties, and average slim guy, still in great shape for his age. He has recently started dating Kate, a smoking hot brunette, five years younger than him who felt in love with him head over heels.The sex was amazing, they both found in each other a chemistry that neither had experience with anyone else before, and it didn't take long for them to start sharing their fantasies.John, unsurprisingly, was the more perverted, and timidly started to share his interest for being...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 11

We both signed settlement agreements, and the celebration included homemade chocolate cake. Brian and I praised Millie's recipe to the rafters. We laughed as Colleen and Rebecca got into a storytelling contest, each trying to tell the 'worst' story on the other one. Colleen almost won when she told a story about Rebecca falling in 'love' with a professor in pre-med, who ended up being gay. Brian was outside on the porch, playing video games on his games boy. Since he couldn't hear the...

3 years ago
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Work In ProgressPart 4 Continued

Stephen walks to Sophia, and facing her, he gives her a soft gentle kiss. She closes her eyes, and enjoys the fleeting moment. She hands Stephen his coat with questions all over her face. She doesnt say anything, but she wants this done and over with. "We will be riding in seperate cars. You will arrive before I do, you will be riding with Seth and Alexander. Dont concern yourself with where I am. I will catch up to you soon enough." Stephen pushes through the door, into the night, while...

2 years ago
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My Daughters Faith And Cheyanne

"I don't have any plans; what about you, Cheyanne?" "Me either, Faith," she added, shaking her head no. "Really, you're twins, but you don't have that mind-reading power?" "I guess not, Daddy," Cheyanne replied, glancing at me. "Too bad, so if I ask you two if either of you will be introducing me to someone soon, would I get an answer?" "I'm afraid not, Dad," Faith responded. "Really, you're both beautiful, but neither of you has anyone on the radar to report on or...

3 years ago
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The Lodger part 1

My parents had rented the room to a university student after my older sister left home. He was a 20 year old guy studying chemistry at university, and I thought he was pretty cute - but also a bit annoying. I was also aware that it probably wasn't a good idea to get involved with a guy who was paying rent to my parents. Even though I was only 15, I could tell he found me attractive. After all I had a nice body, guys at school were always trying it on with me. I had small but nice and...

1 year ago
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A particularly lucky summer night

This story is a true experience that happened to me one summer evening some years ago. I had a good friend named Paul who was going through a divorce. As some people do when a part of their life is falling apart, Paul decided to fill that part of his life with having fun. He would often call me up to go out to a bar or some other diversion, and one summer night we drove out into the country in Paul’s pickup truck, and we eventually found a fairly large bar with a big parking lot near the edge...

3 years ago
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First Mature Incounter

At the apartment building I used to live in, there was a women who worked in the leasing office. Her name is Debby and she was in her mid 50s, but looked younger then her age. I remember her hair as a shoulder length, very light brown-ish red. She was five one and was a skinny, one-hundred pounds. Her skin was fair with just a few freckles on her chest, and other places that I soon found. Her breast was a small B cup and hes but is small but round. I would go down to the office on my...

1 year ago
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Fucking Auntie Again

100% fiction! I went to visit her for a week while her kids where away. i arrived at the airport and she was waiting there in her skimpy outfit. we got to the car and as soon as the doors shut she jumped on me. we kissed and i told her to wait until we got home. the whole ride home i fingered her as she grasped my chubby through my pants. We pulled in and scurried to the bedroom,pulling our clothes off along the way. her huge tits turned me on. she pushed me on her bed and fell to her knees....

1 year ago
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Amazing Time With A Tinder Date In Bangalore

Hey folks, This is Pavan back again with a new experience I had recently 1 month back with a hot girl I met on a dating app… I’m a software professional from Bangalore who loves sex and more than that who loves satisfying a girl big-time on bed.. You can post your feedback on my mail which is Coming to the story.. On a fateful weekend which is a Saturday, I was just bored and I started surfing the dating app in the morning where I happened to talk to this girl called archita whose a software...

3 years ago
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La Vita Bella in Perugia

The wind wafted up the valley carrying citrus and olive grove smells into the stone farmhouse. The cold stone floors seemed to hum with life, history and a certain joie da vie that I was unsure what to call in Italian. "La Bella Vita" didn't seem to quite explain these feelings - sure it was "the Beautiful Life" but it was more than that. It was heaven. "Cielo!" Heaven.The decision, journey and last couple of weeks had been hectic and painful. It would take years to get over it all but right...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Cuckoldry Wife Given Permission Husband Devast

One evening we went out for drinks in a bar with music. My wife was looking sexier than ever. At one point I had to use the men's room. When I came back I saw her chatting and flirting with another man. She was touching his arm as she spoke. She nodded and went up onto the dance floor with him. My wife danced with him and it looked like she was trying to fuck him. I could make out my wife kissing her partner on the lips and rubbing her crotch against his pelvis. I felt both jealous and aroused....

3 years ago
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Straight teen boys

SHORT STORY ___________________________________________________________________________________ :) It was a Friday, my friend & I had plan to go to a party that night with a couple of other friends. At the time we were both 15. After school he told me that if i could picked him up because he didn't had a ride. I told him I was going to ask my mom. Later that night her text me if i was going to pick him up and I told him to be ready like at 8pm. After my mom picked him up she...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 182

It was only a few moments later that a mobile command vehicle came to a stop at the scene. It was the biggest motor home conversion that I had ever seen. After it stopped, a lot of things happened. Outriggers deployed with warning bells and whistles. The entire side slid out like a motor home, and then a step came out at the door, antennas extended from the top along with a rack of cameras that were moving in every direction along with flood lights. Four Ford Expedition SUVs screeched to a...

4 years ago
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Supershe IV

Synopsis of Parts 1-3: After waking one day to find a Superman Barbie in his house, Superman finds himself becoming an airheaded blonde. Upon seeing the femininized Superman, Lex Luthor becomes obsessed with her and pressures our rattled hero into going on a date with him. Superman agrees and finds himself giddily swept away by Lex's masculinity and power. Supershe: Part IV The party at Valance had led to a quick drink at a mysterious, basement club with no name, had led to...

1 year ago
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Lady of Lust

I am a lady that love catches the men’s eyes as I’d enter the room, Made me feels the heat between my legs, I am a Lady to fulfill your every sexuality desire, I love to a wears sexy teddy that glitter up your eyes, I love to hear the naughty words what out comes of your mind, To made me divine right in the bed with you, Underneath my red silk sheen of my bed, Our making love will burns like the bunch of burning candles that surround us, I will ride you like an air pump, pumping me inside of...

Erotic Poetry
2 years ago
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Church Lady

Church Lady By Pamela ([email protected]) My wife, Alice, has a problem with my crossdressing. "I'm not thrilled with it Francis. I tolerate it because l love you dearly, but it's the kind of thing that I don't want to see. My philosophy is 'out of sight, out of mind.' Go ahead and wear your girls underwear, but just not so that I'm aware of it." Of course, my wife doesn't want me wearing dresses when she's home. Only when she's out of the house. "Go crazy when I'm not here,...

2 years ago
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Enter Sandman Ch 09

I remember years ago while in the military, talking with one of the men under my command who had since passed away. He told me about the small town he had come from. The town was a pretty nice place except for the name and a corrupt and lazy police force. I could never forget the name of the town it was too funny. It was called Hell. There weren’t any major problems in the town. No murders to speak of with the biggest action on Friday and Saturday nights. Which kept the town’s police force...

1 year ago
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Fucking Hot MILF Madhavi Ma8217am In Her Staffroom

Hello ISS readers, this is Abhishek, a 23-year-old guy from Hyderabad. Let’s get into the story. Read, relate, and enjoy. After my intermediate, I had to move to Chennai to do my B.Tech in one of the reputed universities there. That is where I met my college lecturer Madhavi madam and we had sex for the first time in an elevator in some unexpected circumstances. She told me that day itself to forget about it and move on. Days passed from the first time we had sex and all these days, Madhavi...

3 years ago
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Hannas Gangbang

Chapter 1 What the fuck had I gotten myself into? Here I was kneeling naked on this bar absolutely full of black men's cum and dripping with pee. Someone had plugged my ass with a Bud bottle and was reaming my pussy with an empty Jack Daniels. Well it was my own stupid fault. But hell it was worth it. Cum, I didn't think anyone could cum as much as I had. Shit I was still cumming. It all started when Billy came home pissed as a fart, as usual. He'd climbed into bed, breathed stale beer and...

4 years ago
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Stroking Sissy 2

STROKING SISSY 2 by Throne My wife June's date with Chuck, the guy she used to go to bed with when she was single, was fast approaching. The night she had caught me in her panties, wearing a bra and wig and cosmetics, she had made me promise to obey her no matter what she wanted. But this was especially difficult to handle. It was bad enough that I was no longer allowed to have sex with her, but now she was going to happily let him take my place. The only contact I could have with...

4 years ago
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The boss knows

Working as Engineer for an important construction firm, I often had to contribute efforts with my boss on important projects for foreign nationals. Over the months, as our projects started being successful, my burden of the work also increased voluminously. My boss never really tried to grasp what was going on, though he held piles of valuable information on his laptop. Most of the time, he just wanted me to keep things running, and took credit for the good things whether he was involved or...

1 year ago
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The Great Adventure Girls AcademyChapter 10

That night in the staff dining room, Halliday made it official. The usual conversations were swirling around among the tables. Someone had asked Miss Halliday a question I didn't hear. She raised her voice just enough to carry in the room but not enough to make it seem she was trying to make everyone hear. "Marc and I discussed that today. I think it is all of our best interests to ignore gossip for what it is. No one wants to poison the atmosphere of the Academy. Our mission is too...

2 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 148

I got back to County Seat late on a Sunday night. Just in time to start a new week. I was pretty well rested, since all I had been doing was watching the perimeter a few hours a day for the last week. I also watched a lot of TV news. The country was going to hell in a hand basket, but someone or some group always thought that way. I did have to admit that the country had changed, but that is what happens in a democracy, one man one vote. All you have to do is make enough people depend on the...

3 years ago
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Cam Chat Leads To First Time Threesome

Most of you would have read my earlier post on getting lucky with a lady while her kid was sleeping and this is a sequel to that and I used to frequent to her house as a booty call when she feels like having it or when I want to everytime I get there she is mostly chatting with her young study whom she was her boy toy when he was around. That day, I went to her house and immediately we started to kiss like we have never done before. She had not had sex in a long time even though husband was...

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