SOVEREIGNTY 5_(0) free porn video

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"I thought you were gone for good! When I took you home I felt the longing in you to stay there." Hanging his head Alan whispered, "I thought you'd be happier there than here with me. Alright! Yes damn it! I missed you that bad ok?"

Hopix couldn't believe what she'd just heard, Alan had missed her? Why? She was just a simple Fairixie, trying to do her job for the council, to save as many as she could before Alan was either tired of the job or was killed. Just the fact that he'd freed her planet, plus saved what was left of her family, she would devote the rest of her life to him.

"Alan," she breathed out trying to control her shaky breath, "I am here to help you, many things that are wrong were my fault, such as the one that had taken my planet." Here she hung her head, she couldn't tell him not yet, if he wasn't ready she'd loose him forever, she'd waited far too long to allow that to happen. "I am hoping that we can set right so many wrongs that were done by the recruits that I tried to train." Again she hung her head.

"Hopix," Alan started. "I am more than willing to help you and accept your help, we're a team and a damn good team at that."

Hopix had been hoping he would say something like that but it was still too soon for her to say anything, if she lost him right as they were getting started, she'd never recover. She'd been researching this at home the whole time after her grandfather had said what he had, or she'd have been back a hell of a lot sooner.

"I hope so Alan, as I said there is so much to do yet, we have barely scratched the surface." Hopix almost whispered.

Alan was still slightly in shock, not only had Hopix come back but she still wanted to work with him. Hell he still felt he was the worse mage that any of them had ever seen.

"Alan you really have to stop thinking like that! You are truly a rare find of a mage, you are accomplishing things that haven't been seen in thousands of years."

Again Alan was a little shocked, he didn't think that his thoughts were that strong. Was Hopix actually a mind reader or was she more sensitive than most?

Hopix had to bite her lip damn it! Her and her big mouth! She wasn't used to being this excited. As a matter of fact she wasn't this used to being as confident in her abilities as she was now. She looked at Alan a feeling of pride growing in her chest, something else she wasn't used to. What Alan had said was true, at first she had wanted to stay home with her mother and sister, god she had missed them for so long. Now thanks to Alan she had a family again another thing that she could never truly repay him for.

"I went over a report of your last job, you did extremely well Alan," Hpoix said.

"I don't know how you think I did well, it took Queen Glimmer and your people to convince them to let me help them, not exactly a glowing review," Alan replied.

"No but, you have to think of it this way," started Hopix, "you wasted no time and found a solution within minutes of thinking of it. To me and I'm sure to them you are definitely a hero, your quick thinking saved them even more suffering."

Ok, Alan thought, when you thought of it that way he ... might have helped a bit. Hopix sighed what was she going to do with this man? It seemed he had no confidence at all, had his female partner drained it that much from him? Suddenly anger swelled in her chest, she wanted to do violent and terrible things to Alan's mate.

Shocked Hopix shook her head then she felt the icy cold tendril of the dark council pull away. Hmmm trying to hurt Alan through her, crafty but wasn't going to work, sticking her tongue out at them she felt them bristle then they were gone. She had to do something to bring Alan's confidence up but nothing she thought of would really work, she'd have to work on this she sighed.

"The council has given you a few days off Alan, they think you need rest and a chance to relax. The only problem is I have no idea what people of this time enjoy, the previous selections liked different things." Hopix could feel one of the things Alan desired above all the others, blushing she knew she couldn't supply him with THAT! Well, not yet anyway but someday she hoped to, it all depended on Alan and his feelings if any that he had for her.

"It's alright, I'm just glad I've given your people, the Slimtori, and the Tribocs a new lease on life." Alan said with a sad smile.

Hopix hated to see Alan so sad, she vowed that no matter what she would cheer him up. Again she blushed, true she hadn't in well over a thousand years, and Alan more than peeked her interest still she had to make sure of her and Alan's feelings. It wouldn't do to confess to Alan just to have him reject her crushing her feelings forever.

Alan rested the rest of the day 'bout damn time he thought, Hopix was just glad she had him back though it killed her not to reveal her true feelings she stayed by Alan's side through the night. The next day Alan went to eat, Hopix actually went with him though no one else could see her, she was still a little afraid. Half way to the diner a shadowy figure stepped from an alley way, her eyes wide when they saw the Fairixie that was hovering close to her target. Hmm, she thought, at least the council was using their head this time, she'd kill his ass where all the others had failed! Alan ate watching everything that was going on, no point in going to sleep there were too many of those bastards on earth to ignore. He and Hopix had just left when he felt rather than saw the evil presence that was following him. Never subtle are they. Walking into the same alley Alan waited telling Hopix to stay back and what he'd felt.

Moments later a gorgeous woman walked around the corner, immediately Alan sealed the alley way.

"I don't know why you idiots keep trying to get me to switch sides, it ain't gonna happen!" Alan shouted, his anger rising.

The woman in front of him, her mouth dropped open, he was on earth! There was no way he had control of his power! "We no longer wish to get you to switch! You are now targeted for DEATH!" She screamed as she shot (go figure) a fire ball at him.

Extremely pissed off they were now trying to kill him, Hopix noticed that he was glowing brighter than ever before, but how? This planet always dampened all magic, it had for centuries! Yelling no, the fireball bounced back at the woman, screaming she tried to stop it, then hold it. Finally she cursed Alan telling him he was a dead man he was only one man they would kill him soon. "You can try but right now I have a count of twenty-three to nothing you make twenty-four, bye bitch!" Alan said as the fireball engulfed the woman then was gone as soon as her screams stopped.

Taking a deep breath Alan tried to calm down still not noticing his skin was glowing an intense reddish blue color. Hopix was startled she had to contact the council as soon as she could, in all the thousands of years she'd been doing this she'd never seen a human express his power visually while on earth. Smiling she thought it had to be Alan he was the most unusual human she'd ever met or ... shaking her head no! He couldn't be! There was no way! Sighing she could see she would have to take another trip home too, things were starting to get stranger by the moment.

They'd both just gotten in to his room when the light council contacted them. "Alan please forgive us but we have a case that we need you on, it appears that this planet is about to die. It has been drained to the point that the core has started to destabilize. It also appears to be the same one you met on the last planet, Do you think you are rested enough to face him?"

Alan thought for a moment feeling the strength he had, "I believe I am, though not as strong as his brother he is still powerful enough to harm a great many." Alan replied.

"Good, please leave at once," the council ordered. Alan laid down, Hopix flying to his side, "be careful Alan, this one is far smarter than his brother, plus I feel that he will have many escape plans."

Alan nodded, lying down he closed his eyes and reached out for a planet like the council had described. Within moments he was there, the sky was dark, the air foul. Reaching out Alan found the source of all the planet's distress.

Again Alan felt the same entity that he had on the Tribocs planet. Reaching deep Alan powered up as much as he could, his anger also building. Releasing it he sent as big a fist shape charge at the entity as he could. He felt the other crumple from the onslaught almost all the energy fleeing back into the planet.

Appearing next to the again lizard shaped magic user, Alan reached in crushing his shape shifting ability. The lizard creature screamed looking at Alan, again Alan crushed two, then three, and then a fourth ability before the lizard's eyes got huge and he flashed out. Damn it! Hopix had warned me but I was so anxious to stop him I let him escape, at least he can never do this again, nor feed off others but the other two abilities Alan was unsure of. Alan reached out, feeling all the beings on the planet close to death, freezing all of it, Alan tried to accelerate the energy feeding back into the planet, finally the planet started to feel more like it should.

Releasing all the life was harder than he thought, within moments a massive amount of green fuzzy life forms were crowded around him. Alan, though tired, had to make this planet safe, extending, he first protected the core, then the beings.

They all stared at Alan with wide eyes then they all bowed, "We thank you Tranzarie no other has ever shown the caring and compassion that you have. If you ever have need of us, you forever have an ally and friend in all of us." the leader said.

"May I ask what you call yourselves? Alan asked feeling a little stupid asking but had been taught if you didn't know ask there was always power in knowledge.

"Yes Tranzarie, we are called Trembly," the leader replied. "We will raise an effigy to you so that all will know that we are not alone that at least one being cares for us."

"I do not like to be praised as a god that I am not, at present I am trying to stop many with power like me who think they are." Alan explained.

"Yes, we have sensed this, take this," the leader handed a box to Alan... which fell through his hand. Again there were a great many gasps. Many withdrew in awe, "you ... aren't really here are you?"

"No, I am still on my planet, though I do wish to help as many as I can I am not always truly there." Alan said.

The leader bowed, "we respect your wishes Tranzarie when you can we would greatly love a chance to actually meet you. When you depart this will follow you and be near you, it has a great many more benefits than just travel. Please be well Tranzarie."

Alan just blinked, ok where was the fight? The suffering he had to ease? This was an unusual case there was nothing that he's gone through in the first three cases he'd been on. Still unable to move Alan just stood there waiting there had to be something that he'd missed. The cases were never that easy, and to win the love of a people for really doing nothing but showing that he cared? Alright he thought what was the trick! Nothing was ever that easy especially for me! Suddenly Alan felt a tug and was opening his eyes on the bed in his room.

"How was it?" Hopix asked as soon as he appeared.

"Something is going on." Alan said, "I've never had a case go that easily!"

A moment later he summoned the council, "Alright what the hell is going on?" They all looked at Alan with questioning looks, I've never had an easy case." He then proceeded to tell the council everything that had happened.

"Wait," the elder spoke up, "you actually entered his mind and crushed his abilities?"

"Yes. I thought that's what I said, he can't change form anymore he's a lizard 'til I let him change, he can't absorb power anymore. The other two I'm unsure of I made sure they wouldn't come back I sealed them after I broke them.

All of the council members were sitting there with open mouths, they'd thought it a fluke when Alan had done it to the man on Hopix's world but for him to actually do it in a battle was far more impressive.

"Also I set the core of the Trembly world so that it could not be hurt again." Alan said.

Again the council members were amazed not only had he defeated the lizard man, taken some of his power but the Trembly had actually spoken to Alan an unheard of thing! A moment later the multicolored box appeared next to Alan.

"Oh yeah, they also gave me this and wish to actually meet me some time, I told them I would when I can."

Hopix's heart swelled with pride, she knew when she'd found him that he was special, but it wasn't 'til now that she realized just how special he truly was. The council all stared in dumbstruck appreciation of the control block that Alan had, a block that could let Alan go anywhere he desired, even the few thousands of blocked worlds. It had been no wonder the dark council had attack the Trembly world.

Alan held the cube in his hands feeling all the love and compassion that had been poured into it. He was about to set it down when he heard a weak call for help, huh? looking around he thought he heard it again.

"I've heard a call for help," Alan said, "I don't know how to use this yet nor...." Alan felt a short shock then he could see where the call was coming from. "I can see it, I can see the people, they look so much like Hopix and her people; though they are very pale in color, paler than even Hopix was."

Hopix's eyes grew large, but how? No one had heard anything from that planet in over 5000 years she should know she'd sent her younger brother to investigate. If it were true perhaps her family could be whole again. Tears began to fall from her face she hoped it was true she had missed her brother fiercely.

Alan stood transfixed staring at the cube seeing scenes that only he could see playing before his eyes. Moving closer Hopix touched Alan's shoulder suddenly she was immersed in the same images standing next to Alan.

"My god!" Whispered Hopix, "it's our sister planet, so far away."

Alan turned to stare at Hopix he could see her staring in sadness at the ruin and decay. Suddenly they both heard a small cry for help, rapidly they were drawn to where the voice had come from. The council was all opened mouth again Alan was seeing a blocked word? Was it possible that they had given him the power to go there?

Rushing forward they came upon a younger looking version of Hopix. Hopix gasp, "that's my brother he's hurt."

The council looked at Alan, "you can obviously go there but you are on your own Alan, we lost any chance of helping the people there centuries ago. If you free enough of them we will then be able to intervene, but not 'til then. We wish you well and success, you go in blind as we have no information about this place."

Alan just nodded then turned, "I realize this but this was a genuine cry for help that I cannot ignore, if I can free the world, I will, if not, then I will leave it with those, that wish to leave. Please be ready either way, we both know that the dark council is upset over losing those four worlds I feel Hopix's world would have given them an advantage that might not have been overcome. They know I have the cube and I feel they are preparing for my arrival."

The entire council nodded each impressed with Alan's desire to free all that he could on the sister world. Looking at Hopix he nodded, "I'll bring him home if I can, know this," Hopix nodded and threw her arms around Alan's neck, tears falling freely and unashamedly then Alan touched his other hand to the cube and was gone.

Oh my god! Hopix thought he actually went there! Hopix knew that the Trembly were powerful but she didn't think they were that powerful! I have to do something she thought, thinking of the last place he'd gone Hopix concentrated 'til she was standing on the surface of the planet. Her mouth opened in amazement it was beautiful! She sat not sure what to do or who to talk to. Looking at many of the flowers she smiled using her magic to bring them fully into bloom. They were so lovely! The beings here must love them, no longer concentrating she started to bring as many of the flowers to bloom as she could, the aroma was so good she just couldn't stop. It was about this time that she noticed quite a few of the green fuzzy beings watching her. Suddenly afraid, she went to the elder, "Elder sir, I wish to apologize to you and your people for bringing your flowers out early. They were so lovely and I thought I'd try to make it more beautiful for you and them. I meant no harm, I am not thinking clearly."

"Little one," the elder started, "never in our history have we had a powerful magical being help us, and in the same day another powerful magical being apologize to us. Tell me little one, are you acquainted with the Tranzarie Alan?"

Hopix mouth dropped open, she was just trying to help a habit she'd gotten from Alan, how did they know?

Bowing Hopix nodded and said, "yes elder, I am his magic watchdog for the council."

"Ah! I see! You had a chance to go home yet you came back to Tranzarie Alan, how long have you had a room in your heart for him?"

Again Hopix could only stare opened mouthed, no one knew! "I don't..."

The elder chuckled, "be still little one, to us emotions are nothing to feel and read, it is how we truly know when a being means us harm or not. Now then, why are you here, and don't worry you actually helped, Alan forgot the flowers when he saved us all, a minor point compared to all the other life here."

"I am worried elder, Alan has gone to the sister world of my planet, my brother is there. The council has no knowledge of it, as it has been blocked by the dark council for a long time." Hopix said still worried about Alan.

"I feel Alan is more ready than you think, the cube helps him to focus and think clearer he will be fine but he needs you little one, don't think he doesn't and don't wait too long before you tell him or the secret of your people."

Again Hopix could only stare at the elder.

Alan appeared on an open field, there seemed to be nothing alive at all. Even as he stood there a small squad of Fairixies moved in to attack him, it was almost the same as before.

Reaching out he caught the leader wrapping her tight he saw she was just as the one's on Hopix's world had been, clearing her mind then blocking outside control she looked up at Alan, "Where am I?" then her eyes grew large, "Please protect me," she begged.

Damn here we go again, Alan thought.


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"Hello!"..a voice called out. It was coming from the front screen door. I walked through the house, dripping water as I went. "Can I help you hun?" I said. I noticed my nipples were still hard as rocks and the gentleman at the door seemed to notice too because he couldn't keep his eyes off them. "Excuse me ma'am, we are workin' in the area an I was wonderin' if you would mind if I used your phone?" He held up his ID as he spoke...power company. "Sure" I said and let him in....

4 years ago
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I Became a bst to My Maid SG

As I walked into the maid agency, I noticed immediately a group of about six to seven Filipinos sitting together talking to each other. I was there to pick up my maid, which the agency had arranged for me. My wife had recently given birth. As with most Singaporean families, that meant getting a maid to see to the housework as well as take care of the baby because most of us could not do without the additional income that the wife can bring home.I scanned the faces of the future maids and could...

3 years ago
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Moth Ch 004

Written by Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * ‘We’re here,’ said Lei, released the rope, and let it fall to the ground. They had been there a while, but she had decided not to declare it until the forest’s edge was out of sight. ‘Altwar,’ she clarified. Exhausted she sank to her knees. ‘What now, Oli?’ There was no reply, only that horrible stench. She had lost count of how many nights had passed since he died. Lei curled into a tight ball and covered herself with her ragged wings. ...

3 years ago
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Head Above WaterChapter 13

People call me a bad bitch. If you’re a part of the older generation, you may think this is an insult, but to us millennials, bad bitches are confident women who are bold and do things for themselves, relying on no one. I was a bad bitch to the first degree, a woman on a rampage, at war with the world, fighting it to earn my place, and for the better part of the last ten years, I had succeeded. From eighteen to twenty-eight, I’d been a beast at work, a Dragon Lady, breathing fire and tearing...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend ko choda shaadi ke baad

Hi to all readers. My name is Aakash and I live in Delhi. I am a regular reader of this site n now thought to post n share my experience with u guys n gals. To apni kahani start karta hoon..baat aaj se kuch 2 saal pehle ki hai main karol bagh market main kuch shooping kar raha tha tabhi kisi ne mujhe peeche se awaj di. Dekha to wahan sonia khadi thi kafi khoobsurat lag rahi thi uska dressup newly wedded jaisa tha haathon main chuda pehna tha gale main mangalsutra aur sindur lagaya hua tha…..aap...

1 year ago
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Mistys Reluctant Gangbang

She entered the room and sat down beside her date. They were on the couch that was perfectly arranged between the other seats in the living room. He put his arm around her shoulders and she rested her hand on his knee. She looked around the room and felt slightly uncomfortable when she noticed the other four guys in the room staring back at her. There was good reason for them to stare. She was wearing a skimpy skirt that showed much skin when she crossed her legs trying to look elegant. But,...

First Time
1 year ago
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Welcome to your new home part 3

Carissa felt the wind blow across her exposed legs, the fishnets not offering too much protection. The parking lot was full as she walked around the SUV, and met with her Daddy. He smiled, pulled her close as they walked towards the building. Once around the corner she noticed several men and women having a smoke, Carissa felt all the eyes on her. Rodger knew the new sissy would be quite the sight and pulled her close as they walked into the store. Rodger opened the door, a bell chimed...

3 years ago
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My Mother And Me Part 8211 I

Hello friends, This isn’t just another story of an incestual relationship. This story has true love shared by two people of opposite gender. Love knows no bounds. Anyone can fall for anyone anywhere and at any time. It has no barriers. You may fall in love with your siblings. You know that it is not sexual love or we can say that you think that it’s not sexual love because they are your own sibling. Thus you suppress the love for them. Similarly, at some point in our lives, we find our parent...

1 year ago
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Bondage Nightmare

I watched her for some time before she finally got up to pay for her drink. She was a beautiful young woman. Early 20s. Light beautiful tan skin. Big brown eyes. Red hair. About 5'11". Big round ass that would drive any guy crazy. Big round breasts that I fantized about sucking and playing with most of the time. The rest of the time I imagined how much more beautiful she would look tied up and gaged. She got up and paid for her drink. I drank the last of my vodka and coke and paid for my drink...

2 years ago
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sissy fucked by two big men until i was sore and m

I got to know these two guys at work, they were sporty and worked out. I used to listen to there talk on a Monday about the girls they had fucked over the weekend. I thought they were a couple of macho strait guys into girls and that was it. All the time, under my trousers and shirt and tie, I was wearing stockings, pink satin sissy panties and a lacy bra. Im a sissy! What more can I say, when I get home I take off my trousers and horrible black socks and shoes and put on my blue satin Alice in...

2 years ago
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I like to expose myself for my Boyfriend

by Vanessa Evans All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over the legal age of consent when the events took place. How I discovered that my boyfriend loves it when I expose my body to others; and so do I. Part 01 ===== It all started one night when we were at university party where the booze was flowing freely and one of the spaghetti straps on my strappy V-neck tank got ripped off in a silly drinking game. For the rest of that night I struggled to keep my...

3 years ago
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Marabogo Cuckold Island Ch 03

Chapter 3A crowded lobby stood in front of Joshua as he began to drag the suitcases towards the elevators. Luckily two of the cases had small wheels on them, which made it a lot easier. Though the laughter he got from the women he passed made the whole matter a lot more humiliating.Joshua could hardly fathom how this had all happened. Just a few days ago he had gotten married to the love of his life, and the only girl he had ever been with, Megan. Now, he was naked, wearing a humiliating...

1 year ago
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An unwanted affair 4

We never know what life has in store for us. We start doing something that we don’t enjoy, but end up liking it. Something similar happened to me. My amorous relationship with my father-in-law started as a non-consensual one. I hated my father-in-law for taking advantage of my vulnerability. He threatened me and then fucked me against my will. However, once I took his cock into my pussy, I forgot everything. It was a strange kind of love-hate relationship. I still hated him secretly for what he...

2 years ago
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Dealing with the local Bully

Ryan was a good for nothing waste of space with a big man reputation on the estate, he always had someone who would fight his battles or do his dirty work for him, while Rob was overseas 4 months ago, his little whore of a daughter Jemma had started causing trouble at school for Annelise. Keeley had popped round to see Ryan and Laura, Jemma's mother, to try and stop the bullying. Ryan had threatened to burn the house down with both them in it. Rob was so angry but agreed to leave it after...

2 years ago
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The Trainer The Client

The rain in recent days had invited the grass in my front yard to grow quicker than usual and I found it necessary to address it before it got out of control. I was in between projects anyway and it felt good sweating in the sun as I pushed the mower back and forth. Using a push mower is my way of proving to myself at least that I’ve not grown lazy. Just as I was finishing I glanced down the street toward Janeen’s house. There was a yellow Corvette parked in front of her house but I had not...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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If only it were real

In a euphoric state I lay flat on my back with my legs spread wide and bent at the knee, floating in this void of darkness yet I could sense and see everything, even though I felt as if I was on the other side of the room . Looking down as if from above, my hands were raised up over my head and coupled together with Velcro cuffs which were attached to the top of the bench by a short cord. My nipples were swollen and hard, pointing straight up into the air and so sensitive to the light caressing...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Real Live Mom Next Door

Real Live Mom Next Door Dad and I had been living alone ever since Mom split. Then a really pretty lady moved in next door. She was what the other boys call a MILF. I just call her the real live Mom next door. Kind of like the girl next door but older. Did I tell you that she was very pretty and that she dressed very sexy? I liked her two daughters and would push them on my old swing set. Kelly was seven and Debra was five. They looked just like their mother only younger. They all...

2 years ago
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RebelChapter 54 Lizzie Violet

"She's back," George said, "an' she's lookin' f'you." "Who?" I asked. "What are you talking about." "That there James woman, the big 'un, the adjutant major's doxie, she's back." He smiled. "I'm sure you 'member her since you nearly got yersef hanged that time." Then I recalled: the carriage with the broken wheel, the three women including little Suzy who sold her non-existent cherry repeatedly, and Lizzie James, a strong and tireless lover and then the vile rapes. I...

3 years ago
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Caught on Tape

Caught on TapeThere wasn't anything worth watching on TV, so I dug through a stack of my father's tapes looking for anything with a little action. I hoped for porno but didn't expect to find any. I couldn't imagine my straight-laced father whacking off to porn. I found a tape labeled "NYPD Blue". It's one of my favorites, so I popped it into the VCR. As I took a seat on the couch, I pulled my pants down and began to stroke my cock. At college, I shared a house with three other guys. We had an...

1 year ago
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Adori the cum slut part 3

"Should we try the kitchen now?" I said and pushed Adori towards the table. "You know what to do." She blushed a little but climbed up on the table and laid down on her back with her head hanging from the edge. Before she had opened her mouth I was pushing my cock against her lips. When she opened her mouth she soon gagged as my cock hit her throat as I pushed my cock deeper in to her mouth. I started to facefuck her deep, fast and brutal. It didn't take long before Adori started to...

2 years ago
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Another story i found about fucking your SiL

There are always stories from people on how bad their in-laws are. Hey, being married, I know. They can be obtrusive, opinionated, selfish and overbearing. But, being the optimist that I am, I can always find the one good thing about almost any situation. My name is Rob, and in this case, her name was Caroline.She was my sister-in-law, and she was absolutely gorgeous. She was about 5'7, 120 lbs...pretty damn good for 30. She had short blonde hair, and naturally pouty pink lips. Her skin was...

1 year ago
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Becoming Sister8217s Valentine And Fucking Her Brains Out

Hello, handsome guys and sexy girls, I am Amit, once again bringing a hot story to you. This story is about a true incident happened between me and my hottie sister, Abha. For those who are meeting me and my sis for the first time, I am Amit, 25 years old, living in Bhopal. I have a hot sister, Abha who is 24 years old and working in an MNC in Pune. My sister has a damn hot figure, more on the chubby side but with awesome boobs of 36D size. We have had fucked many times. To know our journey,...

1 year ago
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a cousin and a friend

a year ago when my cousin came to my house with his friend to sleep over since they were visiting the town for a couple of days it's been like 3 years didn't contact with each other it was a surprise they entered and sit in the living room drunk some beer and talked for a while before they went upstairs to get some rest half an hour later when i started to listen some voices sounds like moaning or something coming from their room i get upstairs to see whats going on the door was slightly open...

3 years ago
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My Favorite Extraplanar Being

My Favorite Extraplanar Being Episode 1: Do you believe in magic? Mark powered up his computer. It was dark outside, but his room was well lit. In what might have seemed like throwing caution to the wind, his door was wide open. He undid his fly and pulled his cock out. Now normally when a 17 year old guy masturbates to porn he is a little more discreet. Mark however was taking advantage of a few facts to have a nice jerkoff session in peace. It was the summer, so he didn't have...

2 years ago
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punished by mother in law

Jill went round behind me and started to caress my cum filled scrotem with one hand and to stroke my cock with the other. I was finding it very hard to not cum there and then as it was so sensual as Jill spread my legs as far apart as she could and proceeded to kiss and lick my balls whilst I buried my face deeper into her panties.I was asked to go to see my MIL by my wife Cathy to help her with her computer. Jill is 72 years old but is still fairly attractive although she is quite plump, but...

1 year ago
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Sharing my Asian wife with a stranger

The warmer weather is approaching, the city is opening up again, your work is going well and you are starting to attend business meetings once more. It’s been the end of a long and successful week, and your client has thrown in a night at a nice 5 star hotel in the city overlooking the harbour. It sounds like fun, so we check in after work, freshen up and head to the bar for a sunset drink.You are wearing a dress that falls just below your knees, showing off your slim figure, your soft brown...

2 years ago
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Company Bash

The sunlight started to peek through blinds. I opened my eyes slowly trying to figure out where I was and who was next to me. I moved my head slowly to the left and to the right, in part because I didn’t want to wake up the other two lying next to me and in part because we had drunk way too much last night. Let me start from the beginning. My company had decided to throw a huge summer bash at a local lake, complete with rented cabins. It brought people in from all the departments and a few...

3 years ago
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Prodigal SonChapter 17

Paco was nervous. He was almost panic-stricken. If it hadn’t had been for Pablo, he probably would have bolted and ran. Pablo talked to him, reassuringly. Telling him that everything would be alright. That people were watching them the whole way and that if something went wrong, they would come to their rescue. This was of some comfort to Paco. But he was still afraid. As they approached the meeting place, Pablo took charge and firmly told Paco what to do next. As they rounded a corner, Ed...

2 years ago
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My brothers mate

It was last summer when my brothers mate Will came to stay with us whilst our parents were away on holiday. He is your typical good looking lad; tall, deep blue eyes and dark spikey hair that begs to have fingers running through it. Being 20, the same age as my brother Jamie, he was only 3 years older than me, yet this still felt like a lifetime of an age difference as they both treated me as though I was ten years younger, very over protective. I think this is what attracted me to him even...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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At his service Ch 01

It is almost 6 pm and he will be home soon. Susan gets up from the kitchen table and walks up the stairs to her bedroom. She undresses in front of the mirror, kicks her clothes in… It is almost 6 pm and he will be home soon. Susan gets up from the kitchen table and walks up the stairs to her bedroom. She undresses in front of the mirror, kicks her clothes in a corner and she looks at her naked body. Her breasts are big and soft, her belly is just like she wants it to be and she is happy...

4 years ago
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Dream MasterChapter 35 Details details

Christine's surgery had gone smoothly, and she was back on her feet in no time. The doctor released her for school after only a few days, but certifying her safe to fly would take a while longer, and as a result, she was shut out of the simulators as well. It may seem like a silly thing, but the goal was to make the educational experience mirror the real world as closely as possible, and pilots had to be physically capable of handling all possible aspects of the job, including emergencies,...

2 years ago
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The Guy Next Door Chapter 3

The Guy Next Door - Chapter 3Jane continued to have arguments with her husband Bill. It was the best way she thought of continuing her life with her husband without him getting suspicious. Let things continue as they were, she thought.They were having the same kind of discussion and Jane blurted out how the sexual side of their relationship was non-existent, knowing that her husband would ignore her pleas.Bill looked at her sternly. “So you want to get fucked do you…” he said, “Right, well your...

3 years ago
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Natasha Part 1

My captions blog @ ------------------------------------------------------------ "Thank you for taking the Soviet train Lines" He hesitated for a second,then looked upward and stamped my passport. "...Sir." It was rare that I slipped back into my true voice, I quickly recomposed myself and wished the young lad a great day. On the train, I found out I shared a cabin with a woman. She was pretty, and young. Judging from her clothing, she came from a...

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