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Number 24 of a series of individual stories. A Day on My Own - By Sonia (e-mail: [email protected] - Please send comments!) Chapter 1 - A Disappointment My wife Sally Anne and I had had many adventures with me wearing panties or fully dressed as a woman. Most of the times I dressed up there was an underlying aim of sex and being in daring and sexy situations. Sally Anne and I had planned for a special sexy day on Saturday and I had been looking forward to it for ages. I had had a busy week and a late meeting on the Friday so I was not due home until 9.30 and I had told her several times that looking forward to Saturday was what kept me going. When I arrived home Sally Anne met me at the front door with a drink and a glum face. "Stacey has been let down by an agency supplying staff for a publicity launch tomorrow and the only option she has is for Stacey and I to work. I'm so sorry. I know how much you have looked forward to tomorrow. We will still have fun when I get home," she said, passing me a drink. "Oh!" was all I could say. Stacey was Sally Anne's partner and was in fact a transsexual who had lived most of her life as a woman although was still a man. It was just after she found out about my alter ego, Sonia, that she let us know her secret and for that matter made Sally Anne her partner. Sally Anne went on. "When I heard that I had to work I knew how disappointed you were going to be and so I have planned your day for you. I have written what you are to do on this sheet." Sally Anne handed the sheet of paper to me. 1. Set your alarm early and dress in your maid's outfit and keep it on for the rest of the day. 2. Bring me breakfast in bed and help me dress. 3. After I've gone, clean the house but do not shut the curtains. 4. Without changing go to the shops and buy food for supper. 5. Prepare supper and serve it to me when I am home but wear a purple maid's costume - which you will have to buy! 6. After your jobs are done you can watch television waiting for me. I felt my erection grow as I thought about her instructions. We had recently fitted net curtains across the windows and provided the lights were not on in the house it was very hard to see in but looking out it was as if there were no curtains. In the evenings with the lights on the opposite happened - inside we were on show but could not easily see out. We ate a late supper and my mind was whirling thinking of tomorrow. When bedtime came I approached Sally Anne but she said I was to wait until tomorrow evening, however she allowed me to put on my frothiest baby doll nightie to sleep in. The next morning I was up at 6.00 and washed and shaved and then went to our second bedroom where our sexy clothes were stored and got out my maid's outfit. The maid's outfit was from black satin with white lace trim with matching black satin frilly panties with layers of white lace. To go with the dress was a very full frilly petticoat, which was also from black satin again with layers of white lace and this caused the skirt of the dress to flare out incredibly. The outfit was a man's dream of a French maid with the skirt and petticoat being so short that they barely covered the panties and this of course resulted in the stockings being exposed along with the suspenders. To complete the outfit there was a black satin front laced corset with three suspenders each side and a full bra top to contain my false breasts. I dressed in my outfit with seamed black stockings and high heeled shoes and admired myself in the mirror. I put on my blonde wig and makeup and I was ready. Standing there with my exposed stockings I looked sexy but bending over exposed my petticoats framing my frilly panties and I thought I looked so incredibly sexy. I quietly went down to the kitchen and this meant walking through the living room. I did not turn on the lights and felt very exposed looking through the net curtains at people outside while wearing my maid's costume. Dressed as a woman in normal clothes I passed as a woman and hence if I was seen there would be no comment, but the maid's outfit was only something normally worn for sex and it would create a stir if anyone was seen in it, let alone a man! I prepared Sally Anne her breakfast and took it to her on a tray, curtsying to her as she woke and looked at me. She gave me a grin and patted the bed for me to sit down while she ate. As I sat my petticoats billowed around me. When she had nearly finished her breakfast I ran her a bath and asked what she wanted to wear. She had to wear her business suit but she said I could select her underwear. While she bathed I laid her suit on the bed and put with it her black satin bra and panties with matching suspender belt and black stockings and a very pretty black waist slip with a deep lace hem. When she returned to the bedroom I dressed her as if she could not do it herself and then fussed around her doing her hair while she did her makeup. "Darling, I am early. I don't need to leave for 10 minutes. Could you think of something to do for that time..." she said with a grin as she sat on the edge of the bed and raised her skirt and slip to her waist. I dropped to my knees between her legs and using my tongue and fingers I brought her to orgasm with seconds to spare. She gave me a kiss and smoothed her clothes and then picked up her case and left. "See you at 6.00," she said as she walked to the car and drove off. Chapter 2 - A Busy Day I was very happy having the day ahead dressed in my sexy clothes. I cleaned the house first and particularly enjoyed the views in the mirror as I bent over to vacuum. The best part of the housework was the ironing and particularly ironing our sexy lingerie. As I put it away I spent a glorious time sorting through the bras and panties and putting them into sets and displaying them to their best in the drawers. I went into the kitchen and made a coffee and sat down at the breakfast bar. The skirt was so short that I could not sit on it and instead it fanned out around the stool and I sat with my frilly panties and the bare section of my legs above my stockings on it. The cool feel of the stool really made me think of how I was dressed. I caressed my body as I sat there feeling my female shape given to me by my false breasts, and corset. I lifted the front of my skirt and petticoat and looked at the frilly panties. They really were fantastically sexy. Chapter 3 - Shopping My next task was to buy food for supper. After coffee I put a light coat on over my sexy maid's costume and checked my makeup and general appearance in the mirror. The coat came to about 3 inches above my knees and covered the maid's costume but I knew what was hidden below! The layers of petticoat caused the coat to billow out a little and when I walked, if I took too big a step my stocking covered leg showed. I was ready! I locked the house and went to the car. In the car I undid the coat and opened the front so I was driving along in my maid's costume fully exposed and headed for the supermarket. I could not resist slipping my hand under my skirt and petticoat to stroke my penis in my panties as I drove, masturbating myself to the edge of orgasm but no further to keep myself tingling with sexual excitement. When I arrived at the supermarket I glanced around and then got out of the car doing my coat up as I did so, allowing my maid's costume to be fully exposed to any onlooker for a split second. Doing the shopping, knowing how I was dressed was so sexy. Every step I took I felt the petticoats against my legs and the stockings pull against the suspenders - utter bliss! I bought champagne and smoked salmon and other luxuries to make a special meal and headed for the checkout. Standing in the queue I suddenly noticed the woman who lived across the road behind me. Would she recognise me? I was sure she wouldn't but the feeling of being in close proximity of someone I knew while wearing frilly panties made the wait a thrill not a bore! After paying and loading the car I decided to go home and unload and then head off to buy my new dress. While I unloaded the bags and put the food in the fridge I had an idea. I went up stairs and took off the dress and petticoat and stood there in my corset and frilly panties. I would go with just these on under my coat. I changed my shoes to high leather boots as I thought they looked more sexy with my lingerie and then put on my coat again without doing it up and was ready. I had parked the car in the garage but left the doors open and I walked out of the kitchen and round to the drivers seat with the coat open and my lingerie exposed. It felt so exciting exposing myself if someone happened to pass even though the chances of being seen were remote. I drove to our local sex shop with the coat undone in my corset and frilly panties but as I arrived, there were too many people and I was a little disappointed to have to cover up as I approached a parking space. With the coat fastened, only I knew how I was dressed. Slipping my hand in the overlap of the coat I felt my frilly panties below and hopefully without being too obvious I arranged my penis so it did not stick out quite so much. I went into the shop and was pleased to see I was the only customer. The shop owner had become almost a friend over the time we had frequented his shop and knew I was a man in panties. I think even he would have been surprised with how I was dressed today as I chatted to him with my normal male voice. "I wondered when you would be in," he said, "Sally Anne was in browsing earlier this week." I left him and went over to where the costumes were and immediately saw why Sally Anne had sent me to buy a new purple maid's costume. On the rack was the sexiest maid's outfit I had ever seen. The dress was very short, in purple satin with 2 inches of lace around the hem of the very full skirt. There was lace around the neck and the little apron was lace trimmed and sewn onto the dress. As if this was not pretty enough the petticoat that went with it was so full it stuck out almost like a tutu. It was white but each layer of the petticoat was finished with lace and a purple satin ribbon. Not to be outdone the frilly panties were full cut and layered with lace so they were almost 2 inches thick. I saw the price and gasped but there was no decision to make. I look the outfit to the counter and returned to the lingerie section to browse further. The next thing I found was a purple waist cincher - a cross between a suspender belt and corset that would give me a good shape. It had 4 suspenders on each side and would come to about a couple of inches below my bra. I had a white satin bra at home with lace that would go with the outfit so I was done. I had already planned what I would lay out for Sally Anne. Her rubber outfit! This was one of my favourite outfits of hers consisting of full cut rubber panties complete with an integral double ended rubber penis. With these on she had one penis buried inside her and the other sticking out like a full erection and made her look so incredibly sexy. She had a rubber basque to wear with it with exposed nipples. I looked around and found a black voile dress that was almost totally transparent and decided this would be perfect over her rubber. I paid for my goods and chatted a little longer before heading home. Chapter 4 - Getting Ready I was home mid afternoon and having taken off my coat I prepared supper just in my frilly panties and corset. Walking around the house fully exposed apart from the net curtains was incredible. Even though I was pretty sure I could not be seen it still took courage to stand exposed as people walked by particularly if they glanced my way. I went up stairs and stripped off and had a bubble bath and shaved thoroughly. I then slowly put on my new outfit. The waist cincher was first and for a while I thought it was not going to fit but I finally had it done up and was pleased with the curves it gave me. Seamed black stockings followed and then the wonderful panties. I had never seen any so frilly. If it had not been for the cincher and stockings they might have looked like babies frilly pants with nappies below they were so full. The petticoat was next and the bra and finally the dress. The skirt sat out almost horizontal over the petticoat and I thought it looked so sexy. I paid special attention to my makeup and hair and I was ready. I lay out Sally Anne's outfit and went downstairs to wait. Sitting down I was surrounded by a sea of frills and lace and the contrast to my stockings and straining suspenders was very sexy. I turned on the television and sat watching the sport waiting for Sally Anne. Chapter 5 - What an Evening Sally Anne arrived home at 6.15 and hearing her car turn into our drive I got up and went to meet her. As she got out of the car I stood in the kitchen doorway waiting for her. She got out grinning at me and gave me a kiss. "That was very daring of you," she said. "What do you mean?" I replied. "Walking across the living room fully exposed in your pretty new outfit to show it to me." I suddenly realised that it was dusk and the light from the television had illuminated me so now the living room was on full show. How long had I sat there on show? Who had seen me? Oh well, I thought. I could not change the past but I must admit that I found the thought of what I had inadvertently done pretty exciting. Sally Anne pulled the curtains and then admired my outfit, having me lift my skirt to show her the petticoat and lift that to show her the panties. I poured her a drink and ran her a bath. While she bathed and changed I got supper under way. When she came downstairs her face was already flushed as she walked into the kitchen with the rubber penis tenting the front of her voile dress. What a sight! We kissed, my petticoats bunching up against her while her penis jutted into me - what a pair!! It seemed both odd and natural having our meal. There we were a husband and wife enjoying supper together like so many others - except I was dressed in frilly panties as a French maid and Sally Anne was clad in rubber with a rubber dildo buried in her to the hilt with an equal amount erect in front. After we had eaten we had coffee and brandy and discussed the day. As I told her about going out in my outfit and then wearing only my corset and frilly panties when I went to the sex shop she gripped her erection and masturbated herself by pulling it in and out of her as I recited the story. "Bend over the sofa," she commanded. I did as I was told and as I leant forward my frilly panty covered bottom was exposed to her. She came behind me and I felt my panties pulled to the side, some cold cream applied to my anus and this was quickly followed by her rubber penis. I was getting used to her advances and relaxed, feeling the rubber penis enter me and then meet resistance before finally extending into me to the hilt. The sensation was incredible with her deep inside me and then she started thrusting. As she thrust in and out of me I tightened my anal muscles and the resistance caused the end of the penis buried in her vagina to move in and out against the rubber panties giving her amazing sensations. She thrust harder than I had ever known and cried out as she orgasmed but kept on and on. She slipped her hand around me and gripped my penis and squeezed it in time to her thrusting and I came in my panties. Still she carried on and my penis barely lost its erection. Finally she gave a further cry as she came yet again and collapsed against me. I gently pulled away from her and turned to her and kissed her. We rolled onto the floor and I was behind her gripping her penis and gently pushing it into her so it came into contact with her clitoris. Not to be out done I grabbed the KY jelly and smeared a little on her anus and over my penis and then while still moving her penis in and out of her I pushed my penis into her anus. I was trying to be gentle but she did not wait and thrust herself back towards me onto my erect penis and I entered her tight anus which gripped me tightly. I began to thrust into her in unison with my movements of the rubber penis and within a few seconds she came again and I shot my semen deep into her. Totally spent I slipped from her and we gripped each other in a loving embrace, kissing and gently caressing each other. "Not bad," she said finally, grinning at me. We went up to bed, changed out of our sexy outfits and slipped on satin nighties and cuddled together in bed, drifting off to blissful sleep in each others arms. What a day!

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Daytona Beach DesireChapter 1

Winter in northern Michigan gets cold, damn cold, every year. There is always enough snow on the ground to suit the most finicky snow lover. Hell, during the worst of the winter, we walk through tunnels of snow piled high along the sidewalks, higher than I can even reach in some cases. The college has some high powered sidewalk snow blowers that can send a solid column of snow about forty feet into the air. By January, every sidewalk has become a trough through the accumulated snow that can...

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The Lockdown

Whenever a new tenant moves into one of the adjoining flats I’m always interested in who they are, and with good reason. Living in a flat in a converted house (in my case a turn of the last century, three storey terraced townhouse) anti-social neighbours are the last thing I needed. I’ve lived in flats since I was 21 with my current one situated on a tree-lined road around the corner from Cardiff’s Roath recreation Ground. It was my fourth and in the three previous ones I’d had my share of...

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Erotic Games With Busty Neighbor In Lockdown

Hey guys, this is Raj (name changed), bringing you a real experience of mine that happened with me during this lockdown. Thanks to the virus, I got lucky with a busty woman who satisfied me as I have never been before. The queen of the story is Disha, a 35-year-old married woman with huge, huge melons and even more huge ass. To describe in numbers, she must be 38-28-38. Huge assets with the nicest kamar (waist). She usually wears a saree that reveals the most beautiful deep navel I have ever...

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Amazing Fuck With A Horny Neighbor In Lockdown

Hey guys! Thank you for the overwhelming feedback you gave that compelled me to write another story. Kudos to the ladies and girls who came closer to me due to my previous story. Like my previous story, this is also a true and authentic experience about an amazing fuck. I have had many fair shares of experience with women around me. For those who haven’t read my previous adventure, please give it a shot. Those who don’t know me, my name is Rocky. I am 6’1 feet tall and have a slim athletic...

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Incognito Sex Chat Between MomSon During Lockdown

Hello everyone! My name is Luv Agnihotri. I am from Jaipur. I want to share my real sex experience with my mom during the lockdown. Let me introduce myself and my mom. I am 25 years old, a young boy working as an Engineer in Jaipur. My mom Savita Agnihotri, is a beautiful, modern, and curvy lady. Her age is 49 but she looks very young because of her gym, dancing and nutrition classes. My mom’s curves always make me crazy especially her soft, rounded, huge ass. Her measurements are 36D-32-40....

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Wet Sissy Clown

WET SISSY CLOWN by Throne "B... but..." I said, my voice shaky. "Darla. When you volunteered me to work at the fair I thought... I mean, I assumed that I would be... taking tickets... or something." "Well," my tall busty wife said with an impish smile, "this is SOMETHING. It's being the guy in the dunking tank. Don't tell me you're afraid to get wet." "N... no, but that costume. And the m... make-up." "Well, you ARE supposed to be a clown. And the costume they sent is...

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The Face of a Clown

Chapter 1 I was ready to end it all. Here I was only nineteen years old and with a birthday tomorrow pushing me into middle age status at twenty. How did I allow myself to get so old so quickly? It seemed like I was just a silly virgin only four short years ago. Not that I had a lot of sexual experience. I mean, yeah, a lot of hand action and I was pretty quick to get down on my knees with the slightest encouragement but I had rarely engaged in real sex sex with a guy. In fact, after...

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Touchdown.By Phil LaneWith Freddie CleggThe Fourth Story in the Joe & Jenny Series.A sequel to Thesis, Such Sweet Sorrow and Tales from a Far Country.WHAT’S WHAT Touchdown is the fourth episode in the story of the relationship between Jennifer McEwan, also recently known as Vyera Anatol’yevna Kuznetsova an adventurous academic who is studying BDSM games and adult play behaviour and her husband Joe, a civil engineer who is anxious about his wife’s sexual interests and where they might lead....

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A message of optimism Pandemic Lockdown

Pandemic lockdown day 15 I am in my apartment. Just like a prisoner. Prisoner of fear. More people are getting sick every single day. Yesterday the took three of them from my building with severe symptoms. I am getting more nervous every day. Things are going to get worse before they get better they say. I have a feeling that I cannot escape this. I was looking for a way to ease the tension. Sex would have been a safe bet but my girlfriend went away for the weekend visiting her parents and...

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Internship During The Lockdown

Dear ISS friends. This is my recent story during the lockdown. I work for the software industry and have two college students doing an internship in , Divya and Rita. Due to sudden lockdown, they could not go to their home town. Moreover, the office also got closed, and we were working from home. They were staying in a rented apartment in the same area where I was staying. After a few days of lockdown, they must be getting bored doing nothing. One day they called me and said, “Sir, can you give...

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3 fat girls, a birthday party business, and a circus of hot sex WARNING: Reading this story may cure your fear of female clowns! I have to be honest when I tell you that I never really thought about fucking a fat girl. It just wasn’t my thing. Of course I don’t have anything against overweight women in general , I mean my sister is overweight , my cousins are overweight , and a lot of my family in general is overweight so I don’t have a bias against overweight people. I just never...

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Christal Persuasion Ch 3Where are the Clowns

If you haven’t already, I would suggest reading Chapters 1 and 2 of Christal Perusasion.http://xhamster.com/user/edintx99/posts/334817.htmlhttp://xhamster.com/user/edintx99/posts/343575.htmlI didn’t do it right away, had to swap shifts at the ER, claim a fami1y emergency to get time off. Then it’d taken another few days trolling the places “prick filet” had recommended. But we did discover the older man’s home base. During the hunt, Alex had told me more about Petra. Her life had been even...

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Daycare Charge Part 2

Summary:Christy continues to try and get a hold on her potty training while the results of her bet with Stacy hang in the balance.Chapter TextThe Daycare Charge, Chapter 2 - The BetIn the hours after accepting the bet and her rather embarrassing addition to the potty training chart, Christy tried her best to continue doing her job in addition to the attention she was paying to not poop her pants again. For the most part, her job consisted of watching over and assisting the c***dren they had at...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 30 The Finals Countdown

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 12, 2010) Chapter 30 - The Finals Countdown After church the following morning, Ethan, Emily, and I were sitting in Sarah's room waiting for the American Top 40 show to start. This was the first week that my song qualified,...

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Our Neighbour in Lockdown

This is purely a fantasyWe moved into our home nearly a decade ago. Our garden is not attached to our house and we have to get access through our neighbour’s garden. Roger, our neighbour, was widowed a few years before we moved next to him and is now in his late 70s. He can be cantankerous and rude and we have had many disputes with him over our access rights. I have not really gotten on with him, but my wife has tolerated him. The good Samaritan in my wife came out immediately at the time of...

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A New Taste Part 32 Lockdown

It felt like an age since I had pleased a beautiful cock. The virus lockdown had put a stop to my regular servicing and my thoughts circled around like a goldfish in a bowl. The tension was evident when I masturbated and before I knew it and without orgasm, semen started pulsing out of me. I scooped it into my mouth a savoured it. I so enjoyed the texture and taste that I played with the little load pushing it against my teeth and around my mouth for some time as I edged my cock. Images of...

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101 Days of Lockdown

Thanks for that. Well, that’s if you choose to believe that bullshit anyway. The only certainty about this whole weird alternative world we’ve found ourselves in is that however it started it has fucked it for the rest of us. We have to wear masks. We wash our hands a hundred times a day. I use hand sanitizer like my life depends on it. There’s a daily death report on the 5 o’clock news each night that we’re all absolutely glued to watching, to the point that it has become a rote part of...

1 year ago
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The Ark Part 1Chapter 22 Lockdown

We had completed our major pickups of short-term residents and we were in the final stages of getting the residents settled in their new homes. We now had to make a final decision regarding further pickups. Things had gone bad on our last major pickup. The pickup started out the same as the other pickups we made. By eight thirty in the morning, there were over a hundred demonstrators outside the stadium, and more were on the way. By ten, the number was close to five hundred and growing, they...

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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 5 Lockdown

We slept straight through and woke up starving. We got cleaned up and made love in the shower. It was hard to stop fucking when every glance showed me a new side of Jas that turned me on even more. The little dimple at the base of her spine. The difference in the color of the sole of her foot from the top of her foot. The one slightly crooked tooth on the far right side of her smile. Everything I discovered made me want to have more sex with her. And she seemed to agree. It was only our...

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Yesterdays Panties Part 2

Yesterday's Panties - Part 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - From Yesterday's Panties- Part 1: Tabitha took her hand and put it on my left breast and began to massage it. She pinched my nipple and looked longingly in my eyes. "Maybe you could start sharing bras with me too, then," she asked as she pinched harder and sent a shock of excitement through me. "Baby, I don't think I have the parts that it takes to fill out your bra. ...

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The empty shell of the townhouse still smouldered as the fire crew carried out the charred remains of another victim. The corpse soon joined the line of black body bags behind a parked ambulance, hidden from the gathered TV cameras. No doubt an effort to give them a dignity in death that they didn't have in life. So… what happened at this old townhouse? DC Blakely scribbled into his notepad, twitching his nose at the acrid smell of burnt furniture. He turned to his colleague, the buxom brunette...

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Back with steve after lockdown

Well it has seemed like an age due to lockdown but back visiting my black lover steve but musnt complain as health and safety is paramount. Visited last saturday and cant believe the session we had. I prepared for hours to get ready as i wanted everything to be perfect and chose the outfit that steve likes as he insists on being my master and im his sissy faggot. Put on my thong with matching basque suspenders black stockings and a skin tight latex dress then heavy makeup with ruby red...

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MILF Neighbour And Her Daughter During Lockdown

Thanks for the amazing response to my previous stories and kudos to the ladies with whom I got closer because of the stories! ;) Like my previous stories, this is also based on real-life experience. The facts although have been tweaked to make the story more relevant and related to the current times. For those reading my story for the first time, my name is Akshay. I am a 35 year, six feet, and a moderately built married man from Bangalore. I have had a lot of fun outside marriage during my...

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Milf Seduction During The Lockdown

This is a fictional story. No events or people depicted in this milf seduction story are real. Things have not been the same between mom and me since I returned home for lockdown. Actually, things had been quite shaky since my 18th birthday 7 months ago. My mom Vasundhara is a beautiful MILF. Yes. She’s a total MILF – a Mom I’d Love to Fuck. She is just 42 but hardly looks a day older than 35. She keeps fit by doing yoga. I am sure she makes many heads turn and dicks hard at the school she...

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Maid Stayed At Our Place During Lockdown

Hi guys, this is Raja again with a recent lockdown story. I know I have plenty of story continuity pending. Hope you will give me your feedback as much as possible. Coming to the story, as you all know I am a sex freak and addict. Usually, I have sex with my neighbors during this lockdown but this one is different and I had never expected if would be like this. Yes, this time it was with my maid, aunty Vanitha. She was in her mid 30’s, I think but I am not sure. Her figure was 40-36-38 and she...

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Meeting Her Dad For The First Time Since Lockdown

“And I believe that’s checkmate, Don,” said Charles with quiet satisfaction, casting a charming smile at his father-in-law. Don rested his glass of red wine on the table and passed his fingers through his long, dark blonde hair, casting a final glance at the chess board in a futile attempt to spot some avenue of escape.   Charles really was devilishly handsome and charming, thought Don to himself as he finally looked up and their eyes met briefly. But more importantly, he knew that he was a...

2 years ago
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Naked Fucking With Dad Post Lockdown

“And I believe that’s checkmate, Don,” said Charles with quiet satisfaction, casting a charming smile at his father-in-law. Don rested his glass of red wine on the table and passed his fingers through his long, dark blonde hair, casting a final glance at the chess board in a futile attempt to spot some avenue of escape.   Charles really was devilishly handsome and charming, thought Don to himself as he finally looked up and their eyes met briefly. But more importantly, he knew that he was a...

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Lust In Lockdown

It had been almost nine months since their lockdown began, six months longer than they’d thought it was going to be at the beginning. Simon, Alexis, Whitney, and Roger had been finding ways to become comfortable with being around each other constantly. Simon and Whitney were engineers for a data collection firm that shifted them to teleworking after seven people in the company contracted COVID. Alexis, Simon’s ex-girlfriend, moved in before she ultimately lost her job as a chef when the...

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BDSM Threesome During Lockdown

Hey, this is Coolguy back with another encounter about BDSM. For those who don’t know about me, please check out A brief introduction about me, I am a 6 ft tall, normal built, 28 years old, mallu guy in Chennai. Coming back, We all know that we are going through a tough time with the COVID-19 pandemic affecting our daily life. Ever since the nationwide lockdown, I have been working from home. I had little opportunity to socialize and venture out. Most of the daily routine was work and boring...

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We are in a taxi. I am snug and warm beside you. On this occasion, I am wearing a long black hooded cloak. That's all - just a long black cloak. I'm sure this means that a nice surprise is awaiting me.I'm leaning against you, resting my head on your lap, feeling your wonderful fur coat soft against my skin.The taxi driver is used to our evening excursions and pays us no attention. He drives silently through the dark streets.We're nearing the centre and entering the quiet Soho backstreets...

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The King of Chinatown

Nancy and Diana had just finished their second bottle of rose wine for the evening, gossiping about how their handsome teacher Nick, and all the implausible kinks he might have. In truth, neither of them had much sexual experience to begin with, but since they were a little tipsy and had nothing better to waste their time doing, this was entertaining enough. "I bet he has a sex dungeon" Diana said, trying to give a sultry look before bursting into laughter. "I bet he like spanking bad girls"...


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