Are You Turning Into Your Roomie free porn video

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This was a tag for something on AOL. Figured it would make a good theme for a story. Are You Turning Into Your Roomie Chapter 1 My name is Ronnie and I'm now a sophomore in college. My freshman year had been filled with a huge set of ups and downs for me. Academically I had done really well, acing almost my entire freshman course. Socially it was a disaster; I had not fitted in at all in the freshman guy's dorm. I was smaller and skinnier then the rest (it seems that somehow most of the guys on the hall were jocks or jock-wanna-bes). I was that interested in sports (although I felt that soccer was kind of cool) and I really didn't like to swill beer the way most of the guys did. I had been home schooled for the most part, my parents had sent me to a very exclusive, small prep school my senior of high school. My mom and dad were pretty well off and because of my good grades my folks agreed to let me get an apartment my sophomore year. I decided that it would be nice to have a roommate so after finding a pretty nice place off campus I put an ad out. As a result of the ad, I found myself sharing the 2-bedroom apartment with Ann, a very pretty and outgoing grad student. She had gone to undergraduate school somewhere else and had even worked for a couple years at a Wall Street trading firm. She was now pursuing her advance degrees in economics. Ann was tall, 5'10 to my 5'8, with an athletic build, long blond hair and a beautiful face. She spent most of her time studying but did occasionally go out. Over the course of the first semester, we eventually fell into some patterns of life around the apartment. Ann ended taking care of paying the bills and doing the shopping for us while I tended to the cleaning and cooking. We were really enjoying spending time together but it felt like brother and sister more then anything else. They say that if people live together long enough they can start to pick up each other's traits. My hair had always been long but it was usually pretty unkempt - I just normally pulled it back into a ponytail each morning. Ann taught me how to wash it properly, how to brush it out while drying it and finally convinced me to get it dyed at the salon we went to get our hair cuts. The hair coloring turned my mousy light brown hair into a gorgeous blonde that almost matched hers. The coloring and the daily care I put into also cured the frizziness of my hair, leaving me with really full hair that felt so rich in my fingers. Ann encouraged me to exercise, first walking each day and then other exercises in our apartment. Pretty soon I joined the same gym that she went to and found myself joining her for pilates and yoga classes. My body quickly started to develop in a lean, graceful way. My clothes also started to change; Ann was impeccable dresser even when she dressed casually. I felt myself starting to emulate her style but in a slightly masculine way; I found slacks that I had tailored to fit me in a way to show off my cute little butt. I wore silk shirts or tight, light sweaters. I finally started to wear contacts too. The guys in my classes pretty much shunned me, I even heard a few whispers of "fag"; the girls turned out to pretty friendly and I even was able to out to have coffee or study and such with a number of them. Living with Ann had given me confidence to deal with other girls as equals and to be able to have real conversations with them. A number of them, when seeing me and Ann together would ask if we were related, Ann always seemed to get a kick out of that question and would tease me by saying that I was her younger sister. At Christmas break both Ann and I stayed at school. My parents had decided to go to Europe for a second honeymoon and Ann had to work on preparing a paper for a conference that spring. The campus really shut down during the holiday, Ann spent a lot of the week before Christmas working on her paper leaving me alone. I decided to decorate the apartment and I also spent time shopping. I decided to buy Ann a really nice dress and some perfume as presents. I made my now usual trip to the salon to get my hair trimmed and even let them give me a manicure with clear polish on my nails. Christmas morning finally came and I was able to surprise Ann with her gifts. She absolutely loved the dress and went ecstatic over the perfume. I was really surprised when she in turn gave me some presents - I didn't even realize that she had time to shop. Before she let me open though she asked me to sit down and have a talk. "Ronnie, these presents are kind of special for me but I want to ask you some things before you open them." "Sure Ann", I was nervous about how serious this had become but she gave my hand a firm squeeze and I settled down. "Ronnie, you've changed a lot since we started to live here and I'd like to try some new things, at least try them during these next two weeks before classes start up again. You've really become special to me, I really do feel like you're almost like a little sister to me now." I guess I should have felt a shock at what she was saying but strangely I didn't. "I guess I do feel like you're my sister Ann." Ann then spent some time telling me about her sister Karen. Karen had been a couple of years younger then her but had died of cancer when they were in high school. Ann and Karen had been very close as sisters and her death had deeply hurt Ann, she had recovered only by throwing herself deeply into her schoolwork. "Ronnie, I'd like you to try being my new sister, will you?" I could barely breathe. All of the loneliness I had felt as an only child was washed away. Ann had become my hero over the last few months and now she wanted me to be her sister. "Yes, I'd love to." We were both crying by then and she took me in her arms and hugged and rocked me till finally the tears stopped. "Now that it's settled, time for your presents." At that I set to opening each of the boxes she stacked in front of me. They of course contained two complete sets of women's clothes. Bra, panties, a beautiful wool dress, a calf length skirt and silk blouse. There was also a gorgeous long coat, pantyhose, breast forms, and a pair of shoes, pumps with a three inch heel. I kissed her cheek and hugged her for giving me all of the gifts. Ann led me through getting ready, first showering and shaving what little hair I had from my body to trying on my new lingerie and then the skirt and blouse. She helped to softly curl my hair and finally put some makeup on my face. When we stood side by side we did really did look like sisters. I spent the day cooking our Christmas dinner while we had a long, long girl- to-girl talk. Chapter 2 The rest of the holiday week was wonderful as Ann really made me feel like her younger sister. We went shopping each day buying whole new wardrobes. We both would try on the clothes as it turned out that we were just about the same size. We'd run in and out of the dressing room, trying on skirts and dresses. We made a special shopping trip to buy me new slacks, not the men's ones I had been wearing, but women's slacks that had a slight men's styling, Ann had convinced me that I would be able to wear them to classes with no one noticing the difference. On one day Ann took me to a spa where I had a whole day beauty treatment; my legs were waxed, my skin pampered, my nails were done, and finally I was given a full makeover. Each evening we would get dressed up and go out to eat at a different restaurants. I started to enjoy all of the stares that Ann and I got from the men. No longer was I feeling like some kind of awkward geek of a guy, now, thanks to my big sister I was a beautiful young girl. I was surprised at the end of the holiday week. ?Ronnie, I want us to go out for New Year's eve.? Ann told me. ?Where do you want to go?? ?There's a club across town that has dinner and a party.? ?Okay but what will I wear?? My wardrobe by now was pretty large but I had neither a tux nor an evening dress. ?Oh, I've got us matching dresses, sis.? Ann of course had everything already planned out. The dresses were deep red, with long skirts that were slit almost to the hip. Hers was low cut in the front with a very deep plunging neckline and a completely sheer back. Mine was more demure with more coverage front and back but there was absolutely no mistaking the fact that the same designer had made both of them. On that day we spent an incredible amount of time working on each other's hair and makeup, wanting to look just perfect. We both wore sheer, silk, tan pantyhose to show off legs under our dresses. Ann didn't wear a bra but we both wore are sexiest black lingerie. Ann had rented a limousine for the night, and promptly at 9, dressed to the nines, we departed in our chariot. The club turned out to be a private, exclusive club. Ann had managed to get an invitation through her old Wall Street connections. We were served champagne and the dinner buffet was magnificent. There was a very nice jazz band playing; Ann and I chatted around while watching all the couples dance. It was kind of a shock when we were asked to dance. Two handsome men in their thirties, Dave and Frank had apparently been watching all evening and finally come over. ?Well I'm Ann, this is my sister Ronnie and we'd love to dance.? Ann smiled at me as she took Dave's arm and let him lead her out to the dance floor. Frank offered his arm, and almost in a trance I found myself being led out to the dance floor too. I had never done very much dancing before but I quickly found myself being expertly led about the dance by Frank. He was a tall, very handsome, well- built man with a very nice smile and sparkling eyes. From time to time I saw Dave and Ann dancing together; it turned out that they were both fantastic dancers and made a spectacular couple out on the dance floor. I felt a certain pride to realize that Ann was easily not only the best looking woman out on the dance floor but probably the best dancer too. We danced for what seemed to be hours when suddenly the band leader announced that that it was now time to get ready to count down the new year. Frank and I found ourselves back with Ann and Dave as the count down started. Everyone in the room was loudly counting down the seconds and then it happened; it was the new year and I found myself in Frank's arms being kissed and kissing him back. It was over fairly quickly but I found my breathe completely taken away. ?Hey, little sis, Happy New Year!? I broke out of my dream as Ann hugged me and gave me a peck on the cheek. Dave also gave me a quick kiss before I found myself back in Frank's arms. The music started again, much slower now, and I felt myself melting into Frank. The lights had also been dimmed considerably and in the darkness I turned my face to Frank's and we kissed again. There was nothing short or quick about this, it was a long kiss that I eagerly returned, his tongue teased my lips and I opened my mouth and sent my tongue to meet his. His arms completely encircled me as I clung to his shoulders and neck. In kissing him, the decision that I had been struggling with the whole week had been made. Despite the absolute joy I had felt at becoming Ann's sister this past week, I had harbored some doubts about what the new school semester would be bring. I had loved the feelings I had as a girl but I didn't know if I could be one at school. I had thought that maybe I would end up straddling some line between boy and girl; going to classes as I had as boy, even the slightly femme boy that had been and being a girl in the evenings and on the weekends. Now I realized that none of that would make me happy; that I really did want and need to be a girl. I also realized something more, that living with Ann had given me a sense of what type of confidence I could have in myself as a girl. The song we had been dancing to finally came to an end and we broke our kiss. I excused myself from Frank and went to find Ann. ?Ann, can we talk? I really need to ask you something.? ?Sure Ronnie, what is it.? ?Let's find somewhere private.? Ann led me out of the banquet room and we found a small alcove off the hall that had a small sofa in it. ?Is there something wrong Ronnie?? ?Ann, you said you wanted me to be your sister right?? ?Sure, honey, why?? ?Well, I'd like that but I'd don't want to be a boy anymore.? Any doubt that remained was banished as I saw Ann's face light up, the joy in her eyes was unmistakable. ?Ronnie, are you really sure?? ?Yes, I am, is it okay?? ?Oh, Ronnie of course it's okay.? I couldn't help it anymore and tears started to flow down my face. Ann laughed and drew me into her arms as I felt such a huge burden being lifted from me. ?Don't worry, you're my baby sister now and we'll work everything out honey.? Ann took out at tissue and wiped the tears from my face. ?What prompted all this anyway?? ?I was dancing with Frank and as we started to kiss something seemed to just click in me and I knew what I wanted with my life. I mean this last week had been so nice and we had been thinking about something like this but I guess I had never really faced the decision before and I was so worried about classes and what people might say and what my parents would think and I wasn't even sure if you were really serious about and I just didn't know about what I wanted except well you've really been such a hero to me and when Frank kissed me I just seemed to know that if I was girl all the time it would be okay.? I finally ran out of breath and sat there looking at my hands. ?Ronnie, everything is going to be okay. You've made your choice and that's the important thing right now.? Ann, at that point took my hands in her and gave them a gentle squeeze. ?Now, what do you think of Frank?? My head jerked up at her question and I felt myself blushing fiercely. ?Um, well he's nice.? Ann laughter was infectious, ?Oh Ronnie, don't be so coy with your big sister, I can see that you really like him.? I giggled in response ?Yes I guess I do, I mean he really is pretty cute.? ?Good, I'm glad that you like him, I was hoping that you would.? ?Really, wait did you already know him?? ?Honey, I'm sorry I didn't tell you ahead of time but I wanted it to be a surprise and if I had told you before, you might not have agreed to come. Dave and I dated some when I was in New York and I asked him and Frank to come and celebrate with us. Frank is a very nice and very understanding guy. He's also bisexual and really adores girls like you.? ?You mean he knows that I'm really a guy underneath.? ?Ronnie, you need to realize that you're not a guy anymore; you're a girl now, it's just that you're a special kind of girl.? ?Oh.? It was all starting to sink in now, if I was going to be a girl then I was really going to be girl, yes a special girl but I was girl, not a boy playing at being girl but a girl. ?Yes, Oh. You also need to understand that there are guys out there too. There will a lot of guys that will only see a girl, but you'll need to be careful with them so they don't find out about you but there are others like Frank that won't care about that or will even find it exciting too. You understand.? ?Yeah, I mean I just never realized anything about that.? ?Oh Ronnie, there are plenty of girls like you out there; some of them go all the way and have surgery to make them real girls and others just dress only occasionally dress and there are all sorts of others too.? ?Ann how do you know so much about this? I guess I was really sheltered.? Ann laughed ?Oh Ronnie, I lived in New York where you see just about everything but I also dated Dave and he and Frank are roommates and I got to learn about it from some of the girls that Frank dated.? ?You mean girls like me?? ?Yes hon, like you but none of them were nearly as pretty or femmy as you already are.? We just sat there for a moment as it all ran through my mind. There weren't any more doubts in my mind, I knew I was a girl now and I knew that Frank would be waiting for me and I also knew that Ann loved me as a sister. Chapter 3 We finally went to find the guys. Ann had asked me if it was okay if Frank and Dave came back to the apartment with us. She wanted to spend the night with Dave; she told me that it was up to me entirely whether I wanted to sleep with Frank or let him sleep on the sofa. She told me that he understood already that I was a new girl and that I might not be ready to go very far. In fact she encouraged me not to get carried away because everything was so new to me and so much was happening. After we found Dave and Frank, we decided that it was time to get home. Ann had explained that everything was okay and it was that I had finally made my decision to start the year as a girl. Both Dave and Frank congratulated me, Dave gave me a quick kiss and hug before handing to Frank who also gave me a quick kiss but also wrapped me in his arms. We retrieved are coats and all of us piled into our waiting limousine. On the way back to the apartment, Dave and Frank asked us how school was going. Ann talked about her grad courses and about preparing for the upcoming conference while I replied to their questions about being an undergrad. When we finally got the apartment, Ann gave me a quick kiss goodnight before leading Dave to her bedroom. Frank and I settled on the couch. He had removed his jacket and tie, loosening his shirt collar. I had removed my heels and let me hair loose before curling up next to him. We began to kiss again. We started slowly and softly but soon are kissing became more passionate. Our mouths were open to each other as our tongues dueled back and forth. My hands roamed over his strong shoulders, his muscular arms and his broad chest. His hands held me close to him, he stroked my leg through the slit of the dress, he gently cupped my ass. His lips left mine as he kissed his way up my jaw line. He kissed my ears and made his way down my neck. I felt my whole body flush as he kissed my shoulders and the top of my chest. He slowly made his way back to my mouth, reversing his course as I opened his shirt and placed my hands on his bare chest. We kissed more but finally came up for air. I looked into his eyes but I knew I had to say something to him, no matter how much my body wanted him right now I knew I couldn't go all the way with him but I still wanted to spend the night with him. ?Frank, I really want to but we can't go all the way, I'm just not ready for that yet.? ?It's all right Ronnie, I really do understand. Besides Ann would kill me if we did.? He was smiling down at me as he said but it did touch a certain warmness in me to know that my big sister would look out for me. ?If you want I'll sleep out here.? ?No, I don't think that will be necessary, I really do want to spend the night with you, it's just that there has to be a limit as to what I'm going to do. Is that okay with you?? My head was down, looking at my hands in my lap; I was afraid that he would be upset that I had led him on and that he really had expected to have sex with me or wouldn't want to be with me unless he could have me. ?Ronnie, I'd love that. I can't think of a better way to spend the first night of a new year then sleeping next to you.? ?Well why don't we go to bed then, just let me get changed first.? I went to my bedroom where I discovered that Ann had laid out a nightgown for me. It was a long, white, silk gown with a lace bodice and spaghetti shoulder straps. I picked up the nightgown, finding some very pretty white lace panties too, and went into the bathroom to cleanup and change. I quickly took off my dress and hung it on a hanger and then removed the lingerie I had worn that night before putting on my new panties. I washed my face and then applied some more perfume before putting on the gown. The silk of the gown floated down my body and hung gracefully from my shoulders and the breast forms still glued to my chest. I turned off the light as I left the bathroom and slowly made way to my bedroom where Frank was waiting. He was sitting on the side of the bed in his silk boxer shorts. Without his clothes I was able to examine his finely muscular body. He was muscles were overdone in extreme bodybuilder way but they were built up nicely and well defined. His chest, stomach and legs had soft covering of light brown hair. He had turned down the covers of the bed and he rose to his feet as I entered. I went to him and he drew me into his arms. ?You look lovely in that Ronnie.? ?Thanks, I think Ann left it for me.? We kissed briefly before he slowly guided me onto the bed. We climbed into the bed, arranging ourselves on the pillows facing each other before he drew the covers up over our bodies and turning out the lights. It seemed so wonderfully to be in bed with him. I reached out to him and kissed him. My hand traveled up and down his bare chest as his arms encircled me. He kissed me tenderly as our legs intertwined beneath the covers. I could feel that he was hard as his cock rubbed against my hip. I realized that while I wasn't going to have sex with him that I did want to give him some pleasure tonight. As we continued to kiss, my hand traveled down his chest, I traced the hair down past his navel till I felt the cool silk of his boxers. My hand found his cock now, and softly grasped it through the silk of his boxers. ?Are you sure Ronnie?? His voice was husky in my ear. I didn't trust myself to answer but instead I quickly reached up and tried to pull his boxers down. He lifted his hips a bit and I was able to push the silk shorts down his thighs. I then reached up and enfolded his naked cock in my hand as I kissed him. I started to stroke his cock with my hand and he moaned into my mouth as we continued to kiss. I pushed him onto his back and straddle his leg with mine as I continued to stroke him. I kissed his lips, his nose, and his eyes. My mouth traveled to his neck, down his neck below his ear, I kissed my way down his neck to shoulders. My hand continued to caress his cock, it was leaking now as my mouth made it's way down to his chest. I traced out the outline of the muscles of his chest with my tongue and then kissed his nipples. My hand and his cock were now moist and slick. My mouth continued to explore his body, his breathe was rapid now and his body was tensing. ?Ronnie, I'm going to cum now.? I looked up and watched his face as his whole body tensed and went rigid. My hand continued to stroke his as I used my leg to rub the silk of my nightgown against his leg. His eyes closed as he threw his head back, his breathe came in gasps and I felt his cock in my hand twitch as he came. He slowly relaxed as his cock stopped twitching in my hand. His breath became deep and he opened his eyes as he raised his head to look at me. I rose up beside him and then leaned in and kissed him deeply. When I finally pulled back, smiling down at him, he smiled at me and chuckled. ?You are incredible you know that?? ?Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.? ?Liked it? God that's an understatement.? I got up then and went to the bathroom. I wet a towel and then came back to clean him up. I softly washed his chest, stomach and groin before dropping the towel on the floor. I pulled the covers up over us as I snuggled up against him. I felt a sense of contentment and warmth as he wrapped his arms around. I was almost sure that we would now drop off to sleep but he pulled me to him and kissed me. He kissed my lips as he hands explored my body. I was resting on his chest, which left both his hands free to stroke my body through the silk of the nightgown. He massaged my back and shoulders before slowly making his way downward. His hands caressed my legs and worked their way up to my ass. His hands felt the globes of my ass and traced the outline of my panties. His touch excited me and I felt my passion building. He must have sensed this and I soon found myself being rolled over until my back on the bed and his body was above me. He kissed my ear and neckline and I felt his hand more up my bare leg and under the hem of the nightgown. His hand traveled up and explored my thighs before lightly moving over my panties and to stomach. He slipped the nightgown off of me and then kissed me over my chest. His mouth and tongue made their way down the center of my chest and wished now that I had real breasts for him to have licked and sucked on. His breath was hot on my skin as his tongue flicked at my navel. Then he was at my panties. I had folded my cock between my legs to hide it but now he was bending my legs and was softly stroking me through the material of my panties. He bent his head down and kissed the lace panel before he started to lick my cock through the panties. His hands reached up and lifted my hips as drew my panties down. My cock immediately unfolded itself from its hiding place and started to harden. I was only about 5 inches long and Frank quickly took me into his mouth. My cock had never been touched by another person except for the doctor and the pleasure of Frank's act stunned me. My breath was torn away from me as Frank licked my shaft and I immediately came. As I realized I was cumming I tried to lift his mouth from but he kept it there and drank down my cum. I was floored, I was grasping for breath and my heart was racing, the pleasure that Frank had given me, the discoveries of the whole evening had erupted through me. I lay there, almost comatose as Frank rinsed his mouth out in the bathroom and came back to dress the two of us, slipping his boxers on and drawing the nightgown over me. He gently drew me to his body and pulled the covers over us. I felt him kiss me before we both drifted off to sleep.

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Maren gab mir die Tüte mit den Einkäufen und wir schlenderten weiter durch die Mall. Ihr Geld, vielmehr das Geld ihres Mannes, saß locker und so schleppte ich schon bald eine beachtlich Zahl an Tüten. Langsam meldete sich meine Blase zurück, da ich mir ja noch nicht so wirklich Erleichterung verschaffen konnte. Als wir dann am Ende des Einkaufscenters an einem Springbrunnen vorbeikamen, wurde der Druck übermächtig. „Maren, ich muss pissen.", sagte ich und blickte mich nach einer Toilette um,...

2 years ago
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Kareena Kapoors Honeymoon Night

As you all know, the sexy and gorgeous Chammak Challo, Kareena Kapoor married the hot and dashing Saif Ali Khan earlier this year.. They had been in a live-in relationship for many years during which he had fucked Kareena senseless many times.. He had also fucked her in the sets of Agent Vinod in her vanity van and then on the set when in a scene, while running from the villain, they fell on a bed decorated for the wedding couple.. After that, the whole cast and crew had enjoyed her creamy...

3 years ago
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Kareena Kapoor having sex

I’m a guy from India. This trust me is a true story. No not a stories it is an incidence which truly happened. So I’m not going to reveal my name & any identities. Here is how it goes. I’m a guy working in a hotel at a hill station in Maharashtra.(I can’t tell my post or name of hotel or name of hill station as I can lose my job. Actually I’m taking a great risk here as if anyone knows abt this I’ll be dismissed immediately but anyways!). It’s a very royal hotel not meant for any ordinary...

3 years ago
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Rehab Roomies

The addiction counselor asked the room how they could work on self-improvement. A middle aged white woman was answering first when the door swung open. “Come on in,” said the licensed professional. “You must be Geo.”“Yes, I am,” replied the five-foot-five-inch, dark brown young man.“There’s a seat right over there by Aaron,” the man pointed. “I’m sorry, Barbara, Continue on.”Barbara went ahead sharing her thoughts. Geo sashayed over to the chair and parked his tail next to the older bald...

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kareena 2nd

"Spread your legs, girls." They did. "Wider", they obeyed, spreading their legs about 2 and a half feet wide. Kareena gasped as she felt the cold air of the room caress her bare pussy in that micro-dress. "Hands behind your head", again silent, unhesitating compliance. Even Kareena was obeying without any objection. Less for fulfilling her promise and more from the animal fires burning between her legs, I thought. After the shoes and socks I let Mahima take off my pants and...

4 years ago
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Kareena kapoor sex at her farmhouse

Not a very brief period earlier .. Kareena Kapoor Khan .. welcomed Alia Bhatt into her fuck escapades .. though Alia .. didnt need any.. they drained that choreographer .. took him to his limits.. and made him gasp for his life ..Surely he wont be in any state to use that dick .. for a while now !!Kareena was back in India .. for Xmas Eve and New Years .. and on top of that she was getting restless.. after having that foreigner cock .. she was craving some Indian dick .. and not...

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If Yourre 18 Lovea Father

Life can be utterly confusing, especially if you are an 18 year old hottie, in love with a man of the clothe. Read on!!! Rachel volunteered for a priest – a man of God. His name was Father David and he was a magnificent man, whose gigantic compassion for others was only equaled by the size of his cock. He was her mentor, and she was his Mary Magdeleine. Many months before when Rachel was only 18, she had met the Father late one night, while he was preparing for his Easter speech. She stayed...

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His is bigger than yours

I’m walking along Waikiki Beach down by the park, south of the hotels. It’s late, I’m a little d***k, and I’m trying to catch the last bus back to Pearl Harbor. If I miss it, I’ll have to walk back to my ship to get there before morning quarters, because the first bus doesn’t arrive in time. I’ve got a boner for no apparent reason (unfortunately), and it’s getting sore from rubbing on the inside of my jeans. I’ve recently lost my virginity to a B-Girl in the Philippines, where I also found out...

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**[Sorry for publishing the story without an ending, but I will try to do a chapter every day :)]- - - - - - ** Im a young boy, im 22 years old, i start living by myself and because of that im feeling lonely :( Im new in this town, and i have no friends here, my job suck (it's a callcenter) i need to meet new people fast because im going crazy. I found this dating site MarryYourFuta, i will register here, and maybe il meet a nice and kind woman or maybe the love of my dreams, who know :) This...

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Voyourism 101

I received an education when my husband and I began dating that has taken me and our sexual relationship to a different level and knocked out some old myths for me. I enjoyed watching X-rated movies with him and thoroughly enjoyed the rewards afterwards and I have a few toys in my collection that get occasional use, but had no idea of the adventure I was about to encounter. I had always thought of myself as being a little on the wild side, but I have since figured out my idea of wild was really...

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Date Coach from sissifyourself

Chapter 1“So what brings you here today?”Daniel looked at the date coach. He wasn’t sure of his height, taller than himself for sure, who stood at a paltry 5’ 4”, even though he was already 23 years old. He’d been made fun of his whole life for his height, but he still had a good bit of muscle, and some fat on him, as he weighed about 150 pounds, with nary a hair on his body. The doctor on the other hand, still looked athletic and muscular through his button down shirt, and didn’t look a day...

4 years ago
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Groundhog Day from sissifyourself blog

The alarm went off at 6 AM, like it always did. I stirred groggily andlooked over at my fiancée Leah. She looked so scrumptious lying therethat I had half a mind to blow off work and make passionate love to her,but instead I gave her a little shake on the shoulder. She moaned thatshe was awake, and she padded off to the shower. Only having onebathroom in the apartment meant I was shaving while she was showering. Itwas hard to see in the steamed-up mirror, and sure enough, I nickedmyself.We...

1 year ago
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Your Amateur Porn is one of the OG's! Amateurs have always been one of the best categories around. One of the reasons for this is the fact that amateurs are so damn sexy with their inexperience. They also tend to be a lot more personal and intimate, unlike professional porn stars. And of course, there’s the fact that there are just so many fucking amateur porn videos out there that it’s an unlimited source of sexual pleasure. And where can you find all those videos? Well, I’m glad you asked...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Submit Your Flicks! Got it? The world of professional porn is always perfect and all that crap, which can get boring after a while… believe me. This is why, from time to time I prefer to browse the homemade section instead since we all know that the amateur community tends to post some of the weirdest yet most satisfying porn shit out there. If you share my opinion, and I am fucking sure you do, then you will enjoy what has to offer.There is no need for me to discuss the...

Amateur Porn Sites
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YourFreePorn is a domain that sounds like yet another free porn tube. It’s such a perfect fit that I’d bet money was their original plan. It’s actually an amateur site, and it’s not entirely free. (Spoiler alert: you get a few free views per day before you’re suddenly cut off.)The logo at the top calls Your Free Porn “the Best Amateur Site of the Year!” It doesn’t say who gave them the honor, but I’m not too worried about it. I’m less concerned about awards and more about what’s on the menu....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Your Daily Porn Videos is a website that looks quite promising, right off the bat. I mean, there are tons of movies right there on the home page, and they are surely videos that you'd love to see, judging by the thumbnails. Not just you, or me, but I firmly believe that these are appealing to all men all around the world. Oh well, there also seems to be a lot of unnecessary info on the home page for some reason. First off, there's the tab where all the information about the twitter account of...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Sexy Porn, aka (not is quite the name for a page, huh? You really had to let the people know that you've got the hottest movies up on your website with that domain name, did you? That's fine. I like how bold the person who came up with the name of the page was. However, this raises a single question. Are the movies here that great? Well, there's only one way to find this out, so, we will make our way inside Your Porn Sexy and see what kind of content hides within!The...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Bitch Your Famous! If I was writing this review for any other website, I’d probably start off by saying I’m about to ruin your day. The thing is, I know you sick fucks all too well. definitely ain’t a website for everybody, but you’re going to love it if you’re the kind of freak who likes the seedier side of the Internet.Let me give you a word of caution before we dive right in. If you’ve got a weak stomach, a weak heart or a noble one, go watch something else....

Extreme Porn Websites
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Your Daily Porn Movies! Looking for a new source of full-length porn movies? Don’t know where to look for all of the most amazing pornos that the industry has to offer for free? Well, I wish I could help you if there was a place like that but… Oh wait, there’s a place that fits that description perfectly and it’s called Now, I don’t think you need to wonder too much about what you’re about to find on since they have everything that you need for...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Your Doll! Today, we’ve gathered here to talk about why you should go over to YourDoll.Com and buy a sex doll today. But first, the humor!Back in the early 2000s, I used to think sex dolls were cringy as fuck; then I tried fucking one. I still remember the first sex doll I ever touched. I damn near blew my lungs out, blowing her up. I didn’t have one of those air pumps, because I bought the damn thing out of the back of a dude’s truck. Long story short, I ran her through the wash to make sure...

Sex Doll Shops
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Kareena Kapoor Bob

Hello everyone, my name is bob & I am not a terrorist  that line was from a Bollywood movie ). Alright I am a big fan of ISS & I have read so many stories here in multiple categories, which motivated me to write stories of my dreams. Girls I am virgin, if anybody likes to help me with it then please contact me at . Boys if you do not like my stories so I can understand because I am virgin & these are nothing but imaginations of mine. But if at all you like it then never forget to give your...

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Maree bahan or bua

Aik din mai college sa jaldee a gaya mom or dad office gaa tha kam wali chalee gae thee didi college sa wapis nahi aee thee, maina door bell dee bua na darwaza khola aj toon jaldee a gaya? Hain bua vo period khalee tha isee leya a gaya, khana khaa ga? Nahi bua didi ka sath khon ga, phir bua na kaha mai aram kar rahi haoin taree didi ae to batana khana garam kar doon gee, mai kuch parashan ho gaya ya kon sa time hai aram ka, abhi to bua so kar uthee ho gee, phir bua chalee gae or mai be...

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Maree shemale bahan

Hi dosto sunny again, recieving alot of friends stories, but care about some interesting & meaning ful stories, here it is 1 more. Hi mara name ram shiri chan(call ramu)age 18 1 sister name preti age 19 figure 30 boobs 26 waste 3″ cock, mom & dad is doing job abroad. Dosto ya recently he ki baat hai ka mujha pata chala maree bahan shemale hai. Mara dad 2 sa 3 years ka baad ghar ata hayin. Or ghar main hum 2 log he hayin. Middle class family… Wasa ya stories par kar maree neyat bahan par wasa he...

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Karens Story7

Introduction: Fuck-Fest Finale: 2 Sisters, 1 Brother, Their Dad & 1 Boyfriend I was flying high above Europe. Only an hour before my plane would land on Schiphol Amsterdam Airport. Finally home after being away for more than six weeks. But it had been worth it: I made a few bucks shooting an interesting film, getting laid most of the nights, fucking with the beautiful Dawn. God, my cock missed her already, although it only had been a few hours. We had said our goodbyes at the airport. Dawn was...

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LaredoChapter 4

"Ya wanted to see us, Cap'n?" Ezra asked as he and Sean walked into Capt. Johnson's office. "Yeah, I got a little job fer y'all." "Thank God, Cap'n. Sean an' I been sittin' on our tailbones for over four hours since we got back from that last little jaunt ya sent us on an' we're gittin' a little stir crazy." "Y'all are crazy, no matter what! But, to business. There's been a rash of stage robberies between here and Frontline, an' I want y'all to put a stop to 'em. It...

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Mares Tales Chapter 35

Mare's Tales: Chapter 35 ? By: Beverly Taff Hello Dear Readers. I apologise if I seem to have been away from the story board for an inordinately long time. I have been writing another story in another genre on the Nifty Gay Caf? Site. This story is called Two by Two and it addresses other issues that are not to the taste of many readers on the Fictionmania site. 'Two by Two' runs to 15 chapters in the Bestiality section of the Nifty Gay Caf? site. It is a 'Carry on' from t...

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Clarence C took what he wanted

Clarence C. and his folks moved into our neighbor, in fact just in the next block six houses away from mine. Clarence was a brute and always bullied the rest of the k**s that played on our street. There was rumors that his father was in prison and his brothers beat him for no reason. Being cautious I stayed out of his way, always going the opposite direction of his route and running like crazy when out of his sight. I t was on a dreary days in April that I made a big mistake and found myself...

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Mares Tales 34

Mare's Tales - Chapter 34. Veronica, Jacqueline, Jennifer, Cynthia. (Names of Centaurs.) Margaret. (Doctor Friend.) Bernadette, Jeanette & Susan (Beverly's Older Children.) Nicholette, Christine & Pauline. (Beverly's Younger Children.) Jemma, (Jacky's Baby Centaur.) Whilst the new femi society was evolving there was of course another group evolving in parallel. As I mentioned in Chapter 30, Jacky and her centaur friends had been extending the...

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Clarence and Millie

We sat at the table, her holding my hand me bawling like a baby. "Clarence stop it now. I mean it. It is not the end of the world. I told you because I love you. I do not want to lose you. I do not want you finding out the wrong way about; well, about the things I am doing with Marcus," she said. I'm sure she thought her tone was supportive, but she was killing me. "Millie, you're my wife. Is what you really want a divorce? I mean after all of these years, Millie, twenty-one years!" I...

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Clares First ShootChapter 4

The morning air felt refreshing for Clare, as she stood outside on the porch. She didn't bother with her robe, as it wasn't that cold, and the only people around were herself and Annie, who was still asleep. She stared out into the small, wooded area around the residence, and wondered about what she should do, before she felt a pair of arms wrap around her body, right under her breasts. "Morning beautiful." She heard Annie whisper in her ear, and smiled, before turning a slight shade of...

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Laredo As I walked out on the streets of Laredo. As I walked out on Laredo a.m., I spied a young cowboy wrapped in white cotton, Wrapped in white cotton with lace on the hem. "I can see by your outfit that you are a cowboy." These words as I boldly walked by he did say. "Come an' sit down beside me an' hear my glad story. "I'm caught in drag gear but I'm still a good lay" "It was once in the saddle, I used to go dashing. "Tall in the saddle and first to a fight. "Then to the...

2 years ago
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The police booked him for 'disturbing the peace'. He hadn't been violent, just noisy, so he showed no signs of having been ruffed up. Seemingly from nowhere, out popped a lawyer with the unreal name of Clarence Dethro with a habeus corpus and bail money, and George was free again. He asked Clarence who sprang for his bail and Clarence told him it was no one he knew. "Call it a Christmas present, if you will," said Clarence. "ChristMESS is more like it," replied George. "If the cops...

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Taras Bayou Level 1 Fresh Meat

Tara's BayouLevel 1 - Fresh MeatI am watching TV and as usual my hand is on my dick. Shit I am so fucking horny! Tired of just sitting here night after night rubbing several out! I need to fuck someone and I need tO FUCK THEM NOW! It's a wonder my right arm doesn't look like Popeye! What the hell am I watching anyway!?This is so fucked up. I am too young for this crap. I am 24 years old living in a country-like town far in the north of Sweden. This shithole is a place where people come...

2 years ago
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LaredoChapter 19

"Say, Pat. "Yessor, Mr. Hennessey, sor." "Ye ever hear of a bunch called The Brotherhood?" "Yessor, Mr. Hennessey, sor. I hear of 'um frum time ta time. They's a bad crowd ta cross, I hear. They gives our folks a real hard time." "Well, I jus' thunk uv a way we kin pay 'um back fer some uv that trouble. An', at the same time, we kin make a penny er two fer our own selves." "How's that, Mr. Hennessey, sor? "It's kinda complicated. I ain't shore ye wud unnerstand, but...

3 years ago
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Clare had been wondering about body modification for ages. She read magazines that covered the subject. Piercing seem to be the most usual. Girls had nipples and labia pierced frequently, and one girl has several labia piercings and wore a lace through the holes, holding her pussy closed.The more she read, the more interested she became. She herself had never been pierced but had often thought about it. But what if she had no control over it? What if she were in a position where she was unable...

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Clare 6 The final story

This is the last Clare story :( Clare has unfortunately stopped writing, to date we have still never met. Peter..............I arranged to meet Clare at our regular spot, the Lamb Inn, Nomansland. The day was scorching hot and I was looking forward to showing her a special place I had found in the Forest. I pulled up in the car park and saw that your car was not there yet so I popped in and ordered a couple of drinks for us and luckily found an empty table outside, the sun was gorgeous as it...

1 year ago
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Gareth has his sister in law Again

Since that very special, erotic and incredibly risky afternoon a couple of months ago, life has continued as normal. In that time, my wife Elaine has fucked another 2 guys as part of our lifestyle of sexual inhibition ... my hunger for her to be completely fulfilled with numerous partners, and her enjoyment of both the lustful sex and the knowledge of how much pleasure I get from the whole situation. So to recap ..... After a lot of careful planning and massive sexual anticipation, I had...

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Clare Part2

Clare - The love trianglePart 2, the week afterHow my loving relationship turned into a love triangleI woke early the next day, well before my alarm went off. I still couldn’t believe my luck. I had a big smile on my face and why shouldn’t I? I got a fantastic blowjob of Clare last night but I couldn’t figure out what she meant when she said “I’ve wanted this for a very long time.” Did she really fancy me or was I just a notch on her bedpost? I’m a decent looking guy, even back then, at 35 I...

2 years ago
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Clare Continued

Clare:What a wonderful day it had been and I felt completely fulfilled and I felt like a young teenager who had just had her first date. I waved to Peter as he drove off and then returned home to get down to the more mundane part of my life to prepare a meal for my hubby.Before I did I sent of an email to Peter to let him know I was going to Cornwall and would be staying a night or two and possibly be out of email contact. My husband arrived home from work and we had a meal together and he...

2 years ago
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Clare Continued 2

Please read the story Clare first or this will make no sense to you.Peter:I emailed Clare to explain that maybe we should cool off a little, neither of us wanted to get caught and we might get careless if we carried on as we were. We had done so much over the last few days that if we carried on there would be no surprises left! Our fantasy world stopped for a short time. A couple of days later I was on my way back from a customer in Swindon, as I was nearing Salisbury my wife called and asked...

3 years ago
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Caregiver in Love continuing the Caregiver Saga

Caregiver in Love (the continuing saga of the Caregiver) Part 1 Caregiver Saga Part II: Caregiver in Love. Shawn's older sister continues to dominate him. Shawn rejects and resists her efforts to feminize him. Meanwhile, he is thrilled by a budding romance with his beautiful cooking teacher, Jacqueline. He only hopes that his smooth legs, and his complete lack of any experience with sports or other manly attributes do not turn her off. He hopes that she can forget his shameful...

1 year ago
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Taras Bayou Level 2 ndash Evil Dong

Tara's BayouLevel 2 – Evil DongI can’t believe in all of Britain, I can’t find one bloke to fuck me. All I do is work, come home and sit in front of the tele thinking about getting shagged. I do fancy a good porn film whilst I pet my pussy into some calm state. I love giving me self a good orgasm but damn I need a good shag!I think tonight I will try and play Tara’s Bayou again. That is one intense video game. It makes you feel like you are right there in the game and everything that is...

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