The women's self-help group was dedicated to making men
suffer for their marital sins, and what more fitting
humiliation could there be, than to force them to be the
kind of woman they most desired. When the narrator wakes up
as a Dolly Parton look-alike, he expects the worst, but
actually gains more than anyone could possibly have
This story contains adult themes. Please respect your local
By Marianne Nettes
'Hell Hath No Fury'
The words had been staring me in the face for some time. I
knew they should have meant something to me - perhaps they
were part of a saying or quotation, but for the life of me,
I couldn't think what.
I read the words again, scrawled in large letters in bright
red lipstick across the mirror above the dressing table,
but still they meant nothing. It was strange - my mind felt
as though it was switched off - but not in the way it
normally was when I awoke with a massive hangover. No, it
was more similar to the time after I'd had my tonsils
removed, and my body had regained consciousness, whilst my
mind was still dormant. I'd been aware of my surroundings,
without being able to think too deeply about them.
At that moment, I couldn't even remember where I was or how
I'd got there. From the furniture and the decoration, I was
clearly in one of those standardized hotel rooms, which
look exactly like each other, no matter what part of the
country you happen to be in. I turned my head to the
bedside cabinet on my left, hoping for sight of a hotel
logo on an information card, which might jog my memory.
'Hell hath no fury like...' The words were there again, on
a folded white card on the bedside table, this time with a
valuable one-word addition, and a few dots, which bade the
reader to look inside.
The missing words were on the tip of my tongue. I knew that
I should know them.Hell hath no fury like... But in my
befuddled state, I couldn't bring them to mind.
A hand reached out to take the card. I vaguely wondered
whether it might be my own hand, but it was as though it
belonged to someone else - as if it was disembodied from
me. Inside the card were the words I'd been racking my
brain for.
'A WOMAN SCORNED', it read, in glitzy red print, to match
the colour of the lipstick on the mirror. Of course, Hell
hath no fury like a woman scorned.Underneath the heading,
in smaller type: 'A WOMAN SCORNED is the name of a women's
self-help group like one you have never experienced before.
You won't find us in any phone book or directory of
business services, for we can be approached only by
personal recommendation.
'We exist to provide fitting revenge to men who are
unfaithful to their partners. You have been selected by
your partner...' the word 'Sheila,' had been written in,
'...who has nominated you to receive our full treatment. A
letter from your partner is enclosed.'
The disembodied hand brought an envelope in front of my
eyes. That hand was joined by a second one, which tore open
the flap, and took out the handwritten letter, inside.
It read, 'You bastard! At last, you get what you deserve.
This is for...' and there followed a list of about twenty
girls' names, together with dates stretching back over the
last eight years.
'I hope you detest this weekend, and remember it for the
rest of your life.Incidentally, don't even contemplate
complaining to the police about this or mentioning it to
the divorce lawyer, else I may recall details of that nasty
car accident you had in Seacombe last December, after you'd
had far too much to drink at that Christmas Party.
'May you rot in hell.
I lay back on the bed, in a shocked daze. Things were
falling into place with an all too startling clarity. The
disembodied hands were shaking so badly now, they could
hardly pick up the original card, and hold it still enough
for me to continue reading from where I had left off.
'You have been temporarily turned into a woman by members
of A Woman Scorned, using gender transformation products,
secured in place by powerful adhesives.In a few days, the
adhesives will lose their strength and you will be able to
revert to your former self with only a little discomfort.
However, we strongly advise against trying to force an
accelerated reversal, since you are likely to remove large
areas of skin, as well as less important human tissue, such
as your genitals.
'After discussing your preferences in women with your
partner, we have designed a body for you, which should be
in accordance with your perfect shape. It will be
interesting to observe whether you find that shape as
perfect for your own body as you seem to find it for
others. The body shape chosen by your partner is...' and
the words 'Dolly Parton' had been written in.
'For the next forty-eight hours, you will experience life
as a woman has to experience it, as you undergo a series of
demeaning tasks and tests. Do not expect to enjoy this
experience, for you will be A WOMAN SCORNED.'
As my senses returned to normal, I was left staring at
those two disembodied hands holding the card. The hands
were quite large, and had crimson fingernails that were so
long, they projected at least half an inch beyond the end
of the fingers. But it wasn't the length or colour of the
nails that was the problem, it was the fact that the hands
weren't disembodied at all - they were my hands! I could
open them and close them, and clasp the card or release it,
so it dropped onto the quilt bulging over my chest.
I had, of course, been conscious of the bulge for some
time, but like everything else, had not thought deeply
about it. Now, I grasped the quilt and threw it off me and
tried to sit up as hurriedly as I could. The problem was
the heavy weights sitting on my chest, holding me down. I
had to turn my body to the left, and I could feel the
weights slide sideways - but not very far, as though they
were a permanent attachment. I levered myself up onto my
left elbow, and looked down.
I guess Dolly Parton doesn't get a shock like that every
morning when she levers herself from the horizontal into a
sitting position on the bed. Just imagine two flesh-
coloured water-filled footballs attached to your chest, and
you get the idea. In fact, although I'd never had the
opportunity to see at close quarters the pair that Dolly
carries around every day, I reckoned these two beauties
must be even bigger than hers.
As I pulled myself into a seated position, they hung down
over my stomach, almost touching my thighs. Somewhere under
there, I knew, was my groin, or at least, the position
where my groin used to be. I dreaded to think what had
happened to it.
I put one hand onto either breast, and spread them apart,
so I could peer between them. There was nothing, other than
pubic hair, to be seen. I released my right breast and felt
down below. As I had feared, where yesterday I'd had my
manhood, there was only a slit!
I swiveled my feet onto the floor, noticing that my
toenails were painted crimson, to match my fingernails. I
stood upright, staggering forward a little as the extra
weight at the front unbalanced me, and walked over to the
full length mirror on the wall.
I guess if I really had looked like Dolly Parton, it
wouldn't have been so bad, but then, I guess if it was that
easy, there'd be millions of women imitating her. I had a
Dolly blonde wig; my eyes carefully made up with the same
dark eye shadow as she wore; the same kind of heavy, ornate
earrings hung from my ears; and my lips were the same
crimson red as my nails. They'd even changed the shape of
my cheeks slightly, and I raised my hand to my cheek, to
try to work out what had happened, almost poking out my eye
with a fingernail, in the process.
But the overall impression was that of a very poor
imitation of Dolly by someone who, apart from a simply
massive pair of tits, simply didn't have the looks to carry
it off. Down below, it wasn't just my cock they'd
changed.Swiveling around, I could see I had an arse the
size of a hippopotamus, and hips to match. Overall, I had
the appearance of a cheap tart.
The clothing hanging in the open fronted wardrobe looked as
though it had been chosen to give the same impression.
There was a flared black skirt, not more than twelve inches
long, and a white tee shirt, with a deeply scooped
neckline.Next to those was a white corset, with four long
suspenders hanging down, and on the shelf next to the
wardrobe, a pack of black, fishnet stockings, and a tiny
pair of black panties, made of the sheerest material.
On the floor, was a pair of black sling-back shoes, with
heels at least four inches high. Everything chosen to make
me look conspicuous, as I undertook my demeaning tasks,
which presumably would involve being seen as much as
I considered. Of course, I didn't have to go through with
everything they had dreamed up. Obviously, I'd have to
dress in these clothes for the time being, since they were
the only ones available. There was no phone in the room,
but I could go to Reception, get them to call a taxi and
then get it to take me home.
But my keys and wallet were missing, and without them, I'd
have to smash a window to get in, to find the cash to pay
the taxi fare. I had normally considered that having nosy
neighbors was an advantage, since the house was usually
empty all day long. But they would certainly call the
police when they saw a prostitute trying to break into my
house. The thought of speaking to the neighbors beforehand
and trying to explain what had happened was more than I
could bear.
On the other hand, I reasoned, perhaps I could stay right
here in this hotel room, and order meals on room service.
As a solution, it appeared too easy. I turned back to the
Woman Scorned card, and continued reading.
'You could choose not to take part in the tasks we have
devised for you. It is your choice, but we should warn you
that this hotel room has to be vacated this morning and you
will be without food and shelter, since all your money,
credit cards and keys have been put into safe keeping. Only
if you satisfactorily complete your tasks will you receive
food and accommodation at appropriate times.'
Finally, at the bottom of the card, someone had scrawled:
'Suggest you get dressed and have breakfast, which is
served in the restaurant until 10 am. No room service! For
your first task, you may like to select a less revealing
dress from Tweeds Fashions in the old town. One of our
representatives will find you in the changing rooms at
around 11.30 am.'
Thank God! They weren't so heartless after all. I was not
going to have to wear this all weekend. A bit of
humiliation, just to show me what it was like, and then
they were going to let me wear something more respectable.
I didn't know Tweeds Fashions, but it sounded very Town &
Country. But first, I had to get dressed, and suffer my
embarrassment over breakfast. Looking at the radio clock, I
saw I only had an hour before breakfast ended.
Several times in the past I had hopefully suggested that,
if my wife was concerned about her figure, she should try a
corset, but she had always treated the suggestion as a
joke. I'd always thought that a great pity, for I found
corsets extremely erotic - now I was to be tested to see
whether I still found them so attractive from the inside.
I knew enough about them to know I had to fully loosen the
cords, unfasten the busk at the front, wrap the garment
around my waist and then refasten the busk.That task, at
least, was relatively straightforward, although even before
I started pulling on the cords, it was all a rather tight
The corset had a built-in bra, although the cups barely
covered my nipples, and appeared to function solely as
curved platforms upon which my breasts could rest as they
were pushed outwards to their fullest extent - a bit like
large jellies perched on top of tiny dessert bowls.
I drew in the cords until I felt I had gained rather a nice
shape. It wasn't even particularly uncomfortable - in fact,
I found it rather erotic simply being pulled into such a
wonderful shape. I stood in front of the mirror, swiveling
left and right to admire myself. Then I took the tee shirt
of the hanger, and slipped it over my head and pulled it
Jesus Christ! I looked good. OK, not the kind of woman I'd
have wanted to take home to have tea and cakes with my
mother, but certainly the kind I'd have wanted to take home
when no-one else was around.
I turned to the little, black skirt. I reckoned that once I
had that on, I was going to look so incredibly sexy that
I'd probably have an orgasm just looking at myself.
The skirt didn't fit! I couldn't get it to slide over my
hips and bum. I made certain the zip was fully open, and
the waist fastening was undone, but there was no way I was
going to be able to pull it up.
Then I had my brainwave. I could pull it over my head.
Well, my head wasn't a problem, of course. I even managed
to wriggle it over my fairly broad shoulders, but when it
came to my tits, I had one hell of a job. I finally managed
it by twisting so that I could feed the skirt past first
the left breast, and then the right. But the skirt still
wouldn't fasten around my waist! It was at least four
inches too small!
The answer of course, was obvious. The Scorned Women hadn't
wanted the corset to give me a 'nice' shape - they wanted
me to have the kind of hourglass figure that most men drool
over. I was going to have to do some serious tightening of
the cords, if I was going to fit into that tiny little
I tried drawing the cords tighter in the same way as I had
done previously, with my arms behind my back, but I
couldn't get any real leverage to give the cords the kind
of pull they needed. I cast my eye around the room for
something to assist.
Eventually, I found the solution in the bathroom. There
were a couple of handrails on the wall by the bath - the
kind which disabled people use, and which will bear the
full weight of a person. I stood in the bath, pulled the
cords as tight as I could, and then tied them to the
handrail, and lowered myself so I was hanging from the
It took a bit of wriggling, and I twice had to repeat the
process, but eventually, I had a waist narrow enough for
the skirt to fasten.
Success! Combined with absolute agony!
But when I climbed out the bath and stood in front of the
mirror, again, I realized the agony was worth it. I had a
figure to die for - the tee shirt stretched over my tits
like barrage balloons, a tiny waist, and the short, black
skirt splaying out over my huge arse. All I needed now to
complete the picture were the stockings and shoes. Oh, and
of course, the panties!
The busk of the corset almost gouged a hole through my
stomach as I tried to bend over to pick up the pack of
stockings. That was a lesson I wasn't going to forget in a
hurry, to keep my torso dead straight at all times. No
wonder women had been so keen to forgo their corsets and
their wonderful figures, to avoid having their stomachs
ripped open each time they bent over.
This time, I bent my knees in order to lower my body
downwards until I could grasp the pack, and then stood up
again to consider my next move. The problem was, my feet,
as usual, were at the end of my legs, and I had to get the
stockings over them. I realized that I should have put on
the stockings and the panties before the corset, but there
was no way I was taking off the corset and going through
the whole process all over again.
After a while, I worked out the solution. I sat on the edge
of the bed, and brought my ankle up until I could grasp it
in my hand. Then I fell backwards so I was lying on the top
of the bed, with my ankle still in my hand. Now I could
slide the stocking over my toes and up my leg.
It was only at this point I realized how utterly hairless
were my legs, and for that matter, the whole of my body.
The Scorned Women had certainly done a fantastic conversion
job on me, and must have spent most of last night on it.
Only now could I vaguely remember deciding that, since it
was a Friday evening, I would pop into the West Beach
Hotel, on Seacombe's sea front, for a couple of drinks on
the way home from work. I had hoped that perhaps I might
get lucky and pick up a beautiful woman on holiday on her
own, looking for a little romance. It was an image I'd had
many times before, which was the main reason I tended to
frequent the West Beach Hotel, rather than the more
conventional hotels and pubs in the town center.
Unfortunately, until last night, it had never worked out
that way. Only occasionally did you find women in the bar
on their own, and as soon as you'd got chatting to them,
some hunky bloke inevitably turned up and whisked them off,
often with quite an aggressive look towards me.
Then, last night I had literally bumped into the woman of
my dreams as I left the Gents toilets. She'd been looking
behind her as I came out, and she walked straight into me.
She had on a low cut dress, and although her boobs weren't
one quarter of the size of my current ones, I had found
them exceptionally attractive. We got chatting, I bought
her a drink, and then another, and finally she'd suggested
we go up to her room. We had kissed, she had told me to get
undressed and get into bed whilst she went to the bathroom,
And nothing. Presumably, at some stage she'd dropped a
date-rape drug into my drink, and then the Scorned Women
had done their dirty deeds upon my body whilst I lay
To be fair to them, although their intention was clearly
vindictive, I really could not complain about the woman I'd
been turned into. I smiled. No doubt they had thought to
have this kind of body was the worst fate that any woman
could suffer. Typical women! They never did understand what
made a woman look attractive.
'Mind you,' I thought, 'neither did I.'
After I'd put on my other stocking and fastened on my
shoes, using the same principle as before, I stood in front
of the mirror once again, and I had to confess I looked
absolutely breathtaking. OK my face wasn't pretty, but with
a body like mine, who was going to be looking at my face
The only parts of my clothing with which I was really not
happy were the four-inch stiletto heeled shoes, in which I
could barely totter across the floor. I needed to spend
ages practicing walking in them, but I looked again at the
clock, and realized I had barely ten minutes before
breakfast ended. I had to go.
It was one of those hotels where you have to walk miles to
get anywhere. I'd realized I needed some practice in
walking - well, I certainly got it on that trek to the
restaurant. Fortunately, there was a handrail along most of
the corridors. I certainly needed it, for by the time I got
to the restaurant, I was barely able to stand up. My ankles
were aching as though they were about to drop off. I'd
passed one or two guests on the way, and they had all given
me rather strange looks - no wonder really - I looked like
a prostitute with artificial legs.
But when I got to the restaurant, I let go of the handrail,
stood up straight, and made an entrance they would never
forget. Body straight (well the corset ensured that,
anyway), one foot in front of the other combined with a
nice sway of the arse, which the skirt amplified into a
wonderful swing. I could see everyone's head turn to watch
me, and I felt like a million dollars, until my foot
turned, and I went sprawling arse over tit, to end up on my
hands and knees at the feet of the head waiter.
The bra cups failed to control my tits, and they flopped
forward out of the front of the tee shirt, and my skirt was
up around my waist. It was only then I remembered I had
forgotten to put on my panties!
The waiting staff was quite nice about it all, really. OK,
they threw me out of the restaurant, but in a very polite
'Madam needs assistance to visit the Ladies Powder Room,'
the headwaiter directed, and I had no shortage of beefy
waiters who were more than willing to slip their arms
around my waist, accidentally squeezing breasts and bum as
they did so.
Once inside the Ladies, I made a few lightning adjustments
to my clothing, all the time wondering if I had the nerve
to walk back into the restaurant. In the event, I was not
given the choice. When I left the Ladies, the door to the
restaurant was shut, with a large 'Closed' sign on it, with
the headwaiter standing implacably inside, his back to the
glass door. I knew there was no way I was getting past him.
So I commenced the epic journey back to my room, where I'd
noticed tea-making facilities, together with a
complimentary biscuit.
There were only two ways to leave the West Beach Hotel -
one to the west, to the next town, ten miles along the
coast; the other to the east, and towards Seacombe town
centre, located around the river mouth.
The problem was that it was the best part of a mile to the
town centre, along Seacombe's promenade, which lined the
West Beach. Without even the money for the bus fare, I'd
have to walk the whole distance in my heels.
That wasn't all. Until then, I'd thought Seacombe was in
serious decline as a seaside resort. How wrong can you be?
There were more holidaymakers on that beach than you got in
Baywatch when Pamela Anderson was due to appear.
Families with kids, elderly couples, students from the
university, as well as the other kind of day trippers, who
were simply wetting their toes in the sea before beginning
the serious business of drinking dry the local pubs.
The crowds weren't just confined to the beach. They milled
around the little huts on the promenade, selling all the
usual beach paraphernalia - ice creams, suntan lotion,
children's fishing nets, and swimming aids. And every
adult, and many of the more mature children, stared at me -
the men with looks of open admiration and lechery, as
though it was Pamela Anderson, herself, walking by, whilst
the women looked on in open disgust.
I'd only gone a few hundred yards before my ankles started
to burn in agony, and I had to drop onto an empty bench.
Within five seconds, I was sharing the bench with three
blokes, who were looking for a bit of fun on their day
out.They were keen to point out that on principle they
wouldn't pay cash for sex, but they could be very generous
to a girl with the right attributes (and I had them) who
would be happy to contribute to their enjoyment.
Of course, the male part of me would probably have punched
them on the nose, were it not for the fact that there were
three of them, all of whom looked far more capable in that
respect than I was. So I let my female side dominate,
smiling sweetly at them as I shook my head. It was only at
that moment I realized, with a sinking feeling, my biggest
problem would occur as soon as I started to speak, for
surely, I would be sussed out within a few seconds.
Yet those three blokes seemed determined to engage me in
conversation. 'Do you live here, luv?' 'Are you married?'
'Got a boyfriend?' 'How do you fancy a stroll into the
dunes?' 'Do you want a lift into town?'
That last question went straight to the core, because over
the last few minutes, I had been rubbing my flaming ankles,
and wondering exactly how I was going to complete the
journey into town. I decided to take my courage into my
hands, knowing that if these guys realized they were really
chatting up a bloke, they would beat me into mincemeat.
'Have you got a car?' I said the words as softly as
possible, with a little smile in my eyes, hoping he would
notice the smile, more than the maleness of my voice. It
seemed to work.
'Yeah. We could give you a lift.'
They were all leering at this. 'What, all three of you?'
When they started to nod, I added, 'You must think I was
born yesterday, getting into a car with the three of you.'
I looked the one I presumed was the car owner in the eye.
'I'd come with you, though, if you were to offer.' Too
late, I realized the ambiguity of the words I'd used.
His face lit up. 'Right on! Great!' He turned to the other
two. 'I'll see you guys a bit later - say in the pub at
about twelve. I reckon me and the Princess will be done by
then.' Thirty seconds later, he'd loaded me into an old
Ford Capri parked by the side of the road, and we had shot
off into the traffic.
'Gary's my name. How about you?'
Shit! What was my name? I could hardly tell him the truth.
'Donny Partem.' The name slipped out before I'd even
thought about it, and I sought to justify it. 'That's my
professional name, anyway. I do a Dolly Parton look-alike
act, round the clubs and bars. Do you think I'm like her?'
'Fucking hell.' He leered at my tits. 'I'll say.'
'You're going the wrong way. The town centre is in the
opposite direction.'
'I've just got to find somewhere to turn the car round.'
'You've just passed the West Beach Hotel. You could have
turned round there.'
'Yeah, but they get really snotty-nosed about people having
sex in the car park.'
I gulped. I knew it was a bad idea getting in the car with
him, aching ankles or no aching ankles.
'We can turn round up here,' he said, turning the car off
the main road and taking a side road into the dunes at the
rear of the beach.
'Oh God,' I thought 'I've asked for this.'
I looked around. We were now completely surrounded by the
sand dunes, with not a person in sight. I could be in
serious trouble.
'Gary, I'm not going to have sex with you.'
He looked at the expression on my face, then stopped the
car with a lurch.'Sorry, that's what I thought you were
suggesting. Still, I'll never force a woman to have sex
with me, so if you want to get out here, it's OK by me.'
'But you've taken me away from the town centre. It's miles
back there, and I can't walk through the sand in these
'Well, I didn't make you wear those shoes, did I?' He
hesitated a second, then said, 'Look, if you don't fancy
full sex, how about a tit fuck?'
It was my turn to hesitate. After all, it wasn't as though
they were my tits, were they?
'And you'll take me into town, afterwards?'
'Course I will,' he said.
The problem was, I saw the bastard cross his fingers as he
'Come on, then.' I jerked my head, indicating we should get
out of the car.
His leer turned into a huge grin. 'Great.' He switched off
the engine and got out, walked around the car, and held the
door open whilst I got out.
The road was about three feet higher than the sand at this
point, but a few gorse bushes had grown by the side. I
thought that these, together with the car, would probably
conceal us from anyone strolling amongst the sand
dunes.Hopefully, we'd be able to hear if a car was coming,
and take cover before it came into sight.
'This place is as good as any,' I said, not really certain
how I was going to play this, and trying as hard as I could
to remember the few times when I had been a recipient of
this kind of good fortune. It was all going to be made so
much more difficult, I realized, by the restrictions so
uncompromisingly imposed by the corset.
Taking care not to bend forward, I knelt down before him,
released his trouser belt, and unzipped him. His trousers
fell to the ground, and his prick was bulging beneath his
underpants. I grasped them and gently eased them down over
the bulge, and his prick suddenly sprang out towards my
'I'm not doing a blow job,' I said. 'Sit down.'
'Any scrubber can give me blowjob,' he said, dropping down
onto his bum, leaning back on his elbows and pushing his
legs forward. 'But I've never seen a woman with tits like
yours before. This is going to be unique.'
I pulled up the front of my tee shirt, and shrugged first
one tit out of the bra, and then the other. Then I edged
forward on my knees until my tits were hanging over his
balls, and sat firmly astride his thighs. With my weight on
top of him, he wasn't going to move until I was ready. I
didn't want him deciding he wanted to extend the range of
our activities, and suddenly reversing positions.
So we commenced. I didn't have to lean forward very far for
my huge tits to be hanging either side of his prick, and I
simply pushed them together with my hands until his prick
was totally hidden. Then I rolled my tits down the side of
his prick, until the purple head came poking through. I
pushed them back up again, and then violently jerked them
'Fucking hell! That's good,' he moaned.
'Lie down on your back,' I commanded, 'close your eyes, and
think of England.You'll last longer that way.'
He obediently complied, resting his head on his hands, for
comfort. I allowed the purple knob of his prick to protrude
once more, and then got into a smooth rhythm - up and down,
up and down, up and down. Every now and again, I gave a
violent jerk downwards, and he would grunt in response.
We continued for another five minutes or so, before I could
sense him about to spurt. Well, one thing I was determined
was not going to happen was that he squirted over me. I had
him pointing in exactly the right direction when his knob
protruded the next time. I gave another violent jerk, he
gave an enormous grunt, and his cum shot into the air.
I guess a schoolchild could make some kind of scientific
deductions about gravity, by observing the parabola of that
splodge of semen, as it soared almost three feet in the air
and then, with quite a large element of luck, landed
exactly where I'd planned - right in his gob!
But he'd already shot his next load by then, and this time
it was sheer chance that, as he wrenched himself upright in
a choking spasm, he was hit straight between the eyes by
his own semen.
Well, that suited me even better, because he was half blind
now, as well as choking. Whilst he frantically rubbed his
eyes, I grabbed hold of his trousers, and yanked at the one
side, causing him to roll off the edge of the road towards
the sand beneath. His head and torso slid down the steep
slope to the sand, but I kept hold of the trousers, with
his feet trapped inside the legs, so he was left hanging
upside down.
Just to make certain he wasn't going to easily free
himself, I pushed the trousers over a few branches of a
gorse bush, and wedged them as deeply in the centre as I
I'd carefully noted what he'd done with his car keys as he
got out the car, so after I'd managed to stand upright
again - no mean task in that corset - it was simple to
retrieve them, get in the car and prepare to drive off.
'Thanks for offering me the lift into town,' I said. 'It's
a pity your feet appear to be enveloped inside a gorse
'You fucking bitch! Get me out of here or I'll... Shit!'
The last remark came as he tried to extricate himself from
the gorse and rather badly scratched his bare leg.
'Be careful,' I warned, 'Gorse can be very sharp.' I gave
him a nice smile, and added, 'I'll leave your car in the
harbor car park. Thanks for lending it to me.'
I shut the window and drove off.***
Tweeds' Fashions was nothing like I imagined. I thought it
would be full of respectable middle-aged ladies buying
their tweed suits. Instead, it was full of teeny boppers,
buying club wear - short, sexy dresses, brightly colored
catsuits, bustiers and hot pants.
'Select a less revealing dress in Tweeds,' a Woman Scorned
had written. Looking around, I could see very little which
matched that description.
I wondered whether, when they said 'dress', they would let
get me get away with trousers. Unfortunately, time was fast
approaching 11.30, when I was supposed to meet them in the
changing rooms. I had a nasty feeling that if I wasn't on
time, they would simply walk away and leave me abandoned. I
hurriedly grabbed a few outfits in the largest sizes, which
looked as though they might be slightly more respectable
than my current garb, and headed for the changing rooms.
Inside, I'd expected to find separate changing cubicles -
the same as you get in men's clothes shops. Not so, it was
one long room, with a bench down either side and hooks at
intervals along the walls. Not that you could see much of
the benches, for there must have been twenty girls in that
room, all in various stages of undress, including several
who were stark naked, apart from the tiniest pairs of
knickers I'd ever seen.
'You going through luv, or waiting for a bus?' The voice
came from an impatient woman, behind me. 'Look, there's
some space right at the end.' She pointed past me, to the
far corner, almost hidden by the seething half-naked
'Thanks. I hadn't noticed.'
I took a deep breath and moved forward, hoping the bodies
would move aside to let me through. They didn't.
'Oh, for God's sake!' The woman pushed past me in
exasperation, and started worming her way into the crowd.
She had almost disappeared into it, when she turned round,
grasped my wrist and added, 'Come on. You'll never get
through this lot if you're polite.' She pulled me into the
When I was a schoolboy, I'd had this dream of being pushed
by the other boys into the girls' changing-rooms, and not
being let out. It might have been a premonition of that
moment, except that I wasn't certain whether it was a dream
or a nightmare!
On the one hand, wriggling my way amongst dozens of half
naked girls was fantastic - on the other hand, there was a
part of me that was screaming to get more deeply involved,
but it was trapped immobile by whatever contraptions it had
been glued into. I was in the middle of twenty naked women
and I couldn't get an erection! And of course, I was doing
something highly illegal and I might be found out, to my
everlasting disgrace.
'There you are luv, there's a couple of spaces here.' My
companion had pulled me all the way through the heaven/hell
zone, and we had some clear space around us. 'Will you undo
my zip?' She turned her back on me so I could oblige.
As I pulled the zip down her back and her dress gaped
opened, I realised she was bra-less. She pulled the dress
off her shoulders and it fell to her waist, as she turned
round to step out of it.
'What's the matter? Not seen a waspie like this before?'
She was proudly displaying the bright red foundation
garment around her waist.I gulped, trying to concentrate on
that, rather than those wonderful boobies.
'No... well, yes. I was admiring it. I wear a corset, but
it's nothing like as attractive as that.'
'Gives you the nice figure, though, doesn't it? I wish I
had a figure like yours.' She nodded at one of the outfits
I had selected, a midnight blue catsuit. 'That's nice; I
might try one of those myself, later on. Can I see you in
'Yes, of course, although I'm not certain it'll fit.' I
took a deep breath and pulled my tee shirt over my head,
followed by my skirt, and stepped out of my shoes. I pushed
my feet into the legs and, surprisingly, managed to pull it
over my hips and feed my arms into it. It had a long back
zip, and my companion obligingly did it up.
'You look good in it,' she said. 'There's a mirror over
there.' She pointed into the crowd. 'I'm just going off to
show this to my friend. Back in a minute.' She had pulled
on a red dress that was almost as short as the skirt I had
been wearing, and she disappeared towards the door.
Now I was starting to get used to all these naked women, I
didn't find them so distracting as I forced my way over to
the mirror. I stared critically at my image. Jesus Christ,
I looked good! I would actually enjoy walking around in
this outfit, especially watching the look on blokes' faces
as they saw me.Hopefully, the Women Scorned wouldn't veto
it, simply because it wasn't a dress.
I went back to the hook where I'd hung my clothes, thinking
that I might as well try on the other garments before
making my final decision. Unfortunately, when it came to
undoing the zip of my catsuit, I couldn't reach it. Damn!
Hopefully, my companion would return soon, as I really
didn't want to risk starting up a conversation with someone
else in there.
I examined my other outfits fairly carefully, and as I
looked as the white dress, I recognised one of the labels
hanging from the zip. It had three words written on it: 'A
Woman Scorned.'
I glanced around. One of these half naked girls must have
tied it on there whilst I'd been looking in the mirror, but
I couldn't see anyone taking the slightest notice in me. I
turned over the label, and read the handwritten message:
'The police have just been given a description of a man
masquerading as a woman in the changing rooms at Tweeds.
You have only a few minutes to get out.'
My first reaction was to bolt for the door, pushing aside
everyone who got in the way, and run out of the shop, but a
quick glance at the Amazon guarding the entrance to the
changing rooms indicated there was no way anyone was going
to get past her wearing the, as yet unpaid, shop goods.
'Do you think you could unzip me, please?' My voice was as
sweet and soft as it had ever been, and the girl next to me
didn't even break her conversation with her companion as
she did as I bade. The catsuit was off in ten seconds flat,
and I was fully dressed and leaving the changing-rooms
within a couple of minutes, carefully handing over the
outfits to the Amazon as I did so.
I could hear a siren as I went through the shop door, and I
hurriedly turned in the opposite direction. I was ten yards
down the street before the police car turned the corner and
I quickly darted inside the nearest doorway, which happened
to be that of a wine bar called Jed's.
'You're late.' The man, who I presumed was Jed, had been
clearing one of the tables, and he scowled at me as I
stepped inside. 'You were supposed to be here by 11.45.
It's now almost twelve.'
'Sorry. Er... I think you must have the wrong...'
'Woman scorned?'
My mouth almost dropped open, but I managed to nod.
'You think I don't recognise my own uniform?'
'Uniform?' I glanced around. There was a waitress serving
another table wearing the same white tee shirt, black skirt
with fishnet stockings, and ridiculous heels. But she also
had on a frilly white apron, tied in a large bow at the
rear, a white hair ribbon, also tied in a large bow, and a
black bow tie around her, otherwise bare, neck.
'You'll find the rest of your things through there.' Jed
indicated a door behind the bar. 'Get them on straightaway,
and you can finish clearing this table.'
'I don't want no buts. If you're not going to work then
piss off, but make certain you leave the uniform behind,
otherwise I'll have the law on you.'
'But I haven't got any other clothes...'
'Not my problem, is it? As far as I'm concerned you can
walk stark naked down the street, or get properly attired
and start serving.'
I sighed. This was obviously the next part of my
Fortunately both the bow tie and the hair ribbon were of
the pre-tied, elasticised variety, and I managed, on the
third attempt, to put a half decent bow at the rear of the
apron. As I went back into the bar area, I felt pretty
good, and I reckoned that as demeaning jobs go, this was
not going to be too bad. Little did I know.
The problem was that with that uniform, every male that
came into the place regarded the waitresses as easy meat,
and dressed in that way, it was mainly males that came in.
It was called a wine bar, but it was really a pub for lager
louts, with waitress service, which meant they could drink
huge amounts without realizing they were so pissed they
couldn't even stagger to the bar.
And the more pissed they became, so their suggestions
became cruder, and were generally accompanied by a grope. A
hand wandering between my thighs and up my skirt, to feel
the skin between stocking top and panties, or grabbing a
tit and rolling the nipple between finger and thumb.
The first time it happened, I poured the guy's lager
straight into his lap, but I got a tremendous rocketing
from Jed, and was told that, not only would I be out the
door without my uniform if I did that again, but that I'd
have to pay for his trousers to be dry cleaned out of my
share of the tips.
The other waitress was quite philosophical about it,
pointing out that, the more she let the guys touch her up,
the higher the tips became. She had a point, and for the
rest of the day, I became as co-operative as she was. The
only problem was, at the end of the day, I didn't get any
It was well after midnight. I'd been on my feet in the wine
bar for the best part of twelve hours, with barely a rest.
My ankles burnt, my feet throbbed with pain, my legs ached,
even my shoulders felt as though they wanted to drop off,
tired of carrying the weight of those enormous breasts.
'No way luv. You've been skiving all day long. You poured
that beer over the guy and we've had to pay for his
trousers to be cleaned. We've had to spend so much of our
own time in just showing you what to do. There's no way you
get a share of the tips.'
So Jed shared the pot out with the other waitress, and she
left with a smirk over her face.
'Where do I sleep?' It was a question that had started to
bother me over the last few minutes. A Woman Scorned had
told me I'd get accommodation if I did what I was told. I'd
been totally obedient, so Jed ought to know what the
arrangements were. But he'd made no reference to a room,
and he was now turning out all the lights in the building,
and there seemed a clear desire to get rid of me.
'Sleep? I don't know where you're sleeping. It's not my
problem. I'm not a bed and breakfast, you know.'
'But...' I looked outside. There were still dozens of
drunken yobos roaming the streets. 'I've got nowhere to go.
Can't I stay here?'
'You're kidding!' He stared at me, then his gaze softened.
'Got nowhere to go? I guess you could stay here, but what's
it worth?'
'Worth! You've taken all the tips I earned. I haven't got
any money.'
He smiled. 'I wasn't thinking of money.'
I was about to tell him to get lost, but there was a sudden
bout of raucous shouting outside, and I knew if I was out
there on my own, I was going to encounter far worse than
'I suppose I could give you a tit fuck,' I tentatively
offered. After all, I'd managed earlier on that day, even
though it seemed a lifetime before.
'On yer bike. It's the full thing, or you're out the door.
And don't forget I need the uniform off you before you
I glanced down. There was an enormous bulge appearing in
the front of his trousers. Whilst I didn't know what kind
of device the Women Scorned lot had used to convert me, it
was a sure fire cert I wouldn't be able to find a home for
that monster.
'Sorry. It's that time of the month. I could give you a
blow job.'
He shook his head. 'Like I say, it's the real thing or
nothing' He gave another smile. 'Course, if it's just your
period that's putting you off, I'm quite happy with any
port in a storm, if you know what I mean?'
I did.
He could sense my hesitation. He pulled something out of
his pocket and held it flat on his palm. 'I've got the
protection, so what's the harm?'
I looked at the condom in its foil pack. He was right. It
wasn't as though he was actually going to do anything other
than use me as a receptacle in which to masturbate. I
nodded. 'OK, you're on.'
'Right, get the uniform off. We don't want to mess it up,
do we?'
He helped me out of my clothes but told me to keep on my
corset, stockings and shoes. 'A corset really keeps me hard
on for hours.'
Well that seemed a bloody good reason for removing it, but
I could see I wasn't going to get away with that argument.
'Look, I'd better tell you,' I confessed. 'I've never
actually done it this way before.' That was certainly no
lie. 'Will you be.... gentle with me?'
He smiled at me. He really had a rather nice smile, I
'If you've never had it this way before, then you don't
know what you've missed. You'll be screaming for more
within five minutes, and mighty glad your corset will keep
me hard for so long.'
He was right in one respect, I thought, I would certainly
be screaming but it would probably be within ten seconds of
starting, and I certainly wouldn't be asking for more.
He slipped his hands around my waist, and pushed me over
one of the round tables in the bar, forcing me to lie flat.
Of course, once I was in that position, there was no way I
could escape, since the corset prevented me from twisting
about. His hands slid down to my hips, and he pulled my
body slightly back towards him. I felt a shiver of... was
it fear, apprehension or excitement? I wasn't certain
Then I felt something nuzzling at my back passage,
something very large and very hard, and very intent upon
finding its way inside. It squirmed to the right, then
twisted to the left, to right and left again, then lifted a
little, dropped and...
God! My ring was being stretched over something the size of
a pickaxe handle - something so large, it was surely going
to tear me apart - something...
He was inside me, and I could feel it tunneling its way up
towards my navel. I never dreamt a prick could go that far
inside, but then it was sliding out again, until the knob
started to stretch my ring.
'Jesus Christ!' It felt bigger, as he slowly withdrew it,
than when it had forced its way inside. The pain was...
delicious! Yes, I had to admit it; after only one
insertion, I was hooked. I wanted him to shove it in again,
but he was pausing, as though deliberating whether to
'Please. Give it to me.'
'I thought you weren't too keen on this. Shall I stop now?'
He must have heard the panic in my voice, for he teased me,
'Well, I'm not so certain. I wouldn't want...'
'Please. Fuck me. Hard!'
'What? Really hard?'
'Yes! Please. Fuck me really hard!'
It was like an express train entering a tunnel. An
explosion of pain from rectum to navel.
'How was that?'
'Good. It was very good.'
'But I bet you prefer it a bit slower, don't you?'
He was withdrawing, slowly - oh so slowly. As his knob
approached my ring, he went even more slowly. The pain was
so exquisite I screamed in delight, and he kept it in just
the right spot for a second, before his prick was sliding
out of my hole.
This time, he didn't make be beg for it - in an instant, he
was slowly sliding it back in again, just far enough for my
ring to be stretched to the full, and then start to close
over his knob, before it was sliding out again. In, out,
in, out. He wasn't bothering about pleasuring himself -
only in bringing me to the most fantastic climax of my
I screamed and screamed with pleasure. Nothing had ever
been that good before, and it went on for minute after
wonderful minute. Finally, he realized I was over my peak,
and he changed his rhythm to long, powerful thrusts,
pulling hard against my hips to impale me fully on his
magnificent tool, and then withdrawing almost all the way,
before thrusting into me again.
We continued like that for ages, before I could feel his
balls, which were slapping into my bottom at every thrust,
start to tighten in preparation for shooting his load. Once
again, he changed his rhythm to the short, slow movements,
which sent me into a screaming orgasm again.
God knows how he managed to keep that monster satisfying me
for so long, but when he finally shot his load into me, and
I slowly got myself into an upright position, I noticed
that the clock over the bar stood at 2.15 am.
'You can kip down over there,' he said before he left,
pointing to a fairly comfortable looking settee in the
corner of the bar. 'I've been told to give you this, for
tomorrow morning.'
He dropped a bulky envelope into my hands.
'Have a good time tomorrow, and if you er... want a repeat
performance anytime, just pop round and see me.'
It sounded a bloody tempting offer.
The white bikini barely covered the crucial parts of my
body, as I walked down the main shopping street towards the
beach. I got plenty of appreciative shouts, even though I'd
draped the tiny towel, which had also been in the envelope,
over my shoulders, trying to hide as much as possible of my
wobbling breasts. The problem was, the towel was miniscule,
and my breasts weren't.
I had thought of using it as a wraparound skirt, to hide
the bikini bottom, which was in reality, little more than a
thong. Unfortunately, the towel wasn't long enough to go
all the way round my waist, and I couldn't even get it to
stay in any worthwhile position about my lower half.
Instead, I draped it around my neck, so it at least covered
my nipples thrusting through the thin material of the
bikini top.
I'd kept the high heels from yesterday, but I wasn't
certain whether they were an advantage or not. OK, it would
have been dangerous walking on the pavement without shoes,
since last night's yobos had left plenty of broken beer
bottles lying around. But the shoes made my bottom move
from side to side as I walked, which sent sympathetic
wobbles out to the rest of my body, considerably enhancing
my entertainment value to the crowds. I noticed at least
three blokes following me along the road - crossing the
road when I did, and speeding up and slowing down to match
my own progress. No doubt, I was providing them with their
sexual thrill for the week. If only they knew!
When I reached the beach, at least I felt far less
conspicuous, and I could remove my shoes and carry them to
the spot where I needed to settle down. I chose a part of
the beach that was already fairly crowded with families,
giving little space to lurk for my three followers.
All the fathers openly goggled at me, whilst the mothers
gave me dirty looks, and then even dirtier looks at their
spouse. At least I was relatively safe here, and I guessed
there'd be no shortage of people to look after my towel
when I went swimming in the sea.
The instructions in the envelope had been brief, but
specific. I was to put on the bikini that was enclosed, and
arrive on the beach in time to swim out to the bathing raft
for 10.30. I would be met there, and my next instructions
I hadn't swum in British waters since I was a kid, and I
had forgotten how incredibly cold they could be, even on a
warm summer's day. For the first time, I appreciated the
conversion job the Scorned Women had done on my
testicles.With those safely tucked out of reach of the icy
waters, and the breasts insulating my front, I wasn't as
bad as I might have been. The cold had the additional
advantage of discouraging a couple of blokes who'd followed
me into the water. Presumably, their ardor was not only
cooled, they were also suffering the brass-monkey problem.
I'd always been a strong swimmer, and it only took me a few
minutes of fast crawl to reach the bathing raft. There was
one nasty moment in the swim when I twisted my head to
breath, and found I'd inadvertently swum into a kid's
Mickey Mouse tee shirt that was floating about. I thought
I'd been attacked by a giant jellyfish, but having realized
my mistake, I swept the shirt to one side and continued.
I pulled myself onto the bathing raft, and flopped down on
my bum, propping up my upper body with my elbow, in a
manner not dissimilar, I thought, to a mermaid displaying
herself on a rock. The effect on the men on the beach was
every bit as impressive, for several walked to the water's
edge and simply stood there, their mouths agog.
It was strange, I thought, but all my life I'd tried to be
as inconspicuous as possible, dressing conservatively,
saying nothing controversial, and conforming in every
respect with the middle-class neighborhood in which I
lived. However in the last twenty-four hours I had become
someone completely different. And I was enjoying it!
I should have been cringing in shame at having men want to
stick their pricks inside me. Yet not only had I
experienced that very event last night, which had resulted
in me having a series of orgasms like none I'd ever
experienced before, I was incredibly excited by the
prospect of it reoccurring.
'Were you waiting for me?'
The voice had come from the water on the seaward side of
the raft. I turned and looked. It was one of the weedy
looking blokes who'd followed me along the seafront.
'Should I be?'
He smiled. 'You look suspicious,' he said. 'Very beautiful,
but very suspicious. Like a woman scorned.'
I smiled back. 'You have something for me?'
'Maybe. But you have to earn it first.'
I shrugged. 'I thought maybe I would. What do you want?'
Why was I feeling excited, I wondered, rather than shocked.
'A blow job?' He sounded extremely nervous, as though he
had never asked for that before.
I looked him over, and thought that he probably never had.
'Out here? We'll get arrested.'
He had it all worked out. 'If I stay this side of the raft,
we can't be seen from the shore. I could float on my back,
whilst you just lean over the edge of the raft and er... do
it.' He was half pleading, almost certain I was going to
tell him to get lost.
I knew that if I acted shocked and outraged, he would cave
in. I'd be able to bully the next clue out of him, simply
by threatening to report his obscene suggestion to the
On the other hand, I felt rather sorry for him. I had been
in a not dissimilar position often enough to recognize his
nervousness. I looked around. There were no other bathers
out this far, and he was right, he couldn't be seen from
the shore. It would simply look as though I was lying on my
tummy, staring at the sea whilst I sunned my back.
'OK,' I said.
'You'll do it?' He couldn't believe his ears.
I rolled over onto my tummy and edged forward so my head
and shoulders were over the edge of the raft, and I could
reach him with my mouth. He was trying to pull down his
swimming trunks and obviously having difficulty, because
his head dunked under water a couple of times, and I had to
grab hold of him to stop him choking.
Finally, he was floating on his back, his prick standing
proud towards me. I had to admit that, even though his
balls had shriveled to the size of walnuts, his prick was
showing no such inhibition. I lowered my mouth towards him,
and started by kissing the end.
He gasped, and a flush of excitement surged through me, at
the power I had to bring him to a shattering climax. I
stretched out my tongue, and slowly licked him, commencing
with his glans, and then working all the way down his
shaft. I briefly gave the shriveled walnuts a lick, but
they seemed to be taking no interest in the affair, so I
moved back to his cock and worked my tongue back up the
shaft, until I was giving his glans long strokes.
'Oh God! That's gorgeous.'
Well, I felt pretty good about it as well. I didn't think I
would reach a climax, but I did feel a little sweetness
inside. I slowly eased my lips over his knob. It was, of
course, the first time I had been in that position, and had
never before realized how wide one had to open the mouth in
order to get a decent sized cock inside.
I pushed my head right down the shaft as far as I could,
until I felt his cock at the back of my throat. I almost
gagged then, but had the will power to stop myself, and
withdrew to the point where I could use my tongue on his
knob for a few seconds. Then I was working my mouth down
his shaft again.
When I knew he was on the point of orgasm, I delicately
pulled my mouth off him, knowing I would never be able to
keep my teeth apart with a gob load of cum shooting to the
back of my throat. But I used my tongue on his glans to
finish him off, and then he was shooting his load into the
'O-h-h-h Y-e-s-s-s! That's fucking great!' he shouted at
the top of his voice.
I looked around, anxious whether anyone had swum close by,
and stared straight into the faces of around fifty people
on a pleasure cruiser, which had just set off from the
landing stage on the beach.
'Oh that was so fucking g...' His eyes had followed my
gaze, and I noticed that in the space of a second, his
prick reduced to something the size of my little toe. He
took a deep breath, then ducked underwater, so that I was
left on my own to outstare the fathers, mothers, boys and
girls who looked back at me.
'Mummy. Was that a sea serpent that dragged the man
The boy's mother was saved having to explain, by the
tannoy, which boomed into life. 'Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome on board the Seacombe Belle, the only glass
bottomed boat in the area, where we promise you a full view
of sea life.'
The speaker had obviously only just noticed me, for he went
on, 'On our right is one of the beautiful mermaids who
inhabit this particular part of the sea, and... bloody
The last bit was in response to my raising myself into a
sitting position, to more fully mimic a mermaid. However, I
did think his response was over the top.OK, I was extremely
well built, but a skipper should have more self-control
when he's on a public address system.
I glanced down, with a sudden suspicion that perhaps my
bikini top had failed to contain its ample payload. It was
still properly in place, but whereas this morning, it had
been a virginal white in color, now it was as transparent
as a clear plastic bag. To all but a careful observer, I
appeared stark naked!
'I've got to tell you two things,' my cowardly cock-sucked
companion said, after a lot of quite unnecessary puffing
and blowing, following a mere thirty seconds submersion.
'The first is that your swimming costume becomes
transparent when it gets wet. The second is that you have
to go to Star-A-Gram in Back Lane, by midday, to continue
with your next clue.'
He gave an evil leer as he stared up and down my body.
'Thanks for er... it, and if you need anything else, just
let me know.' He started to swim in the direction of the
'There is one thing I need from you,' I said, standing up.
He stopped swimming and turned to look at me, as he
frantically trod water.Not, I thought, a very confident
'I need to borrow your swimming trunks, I said.
His reply was lost to me, as I made a passable dive into
the water.
I've never been bad at diving in and swimming underwater,
and it took no effort at all to reach the point where I
could see him paddling overhead, his trunks still not
properly back into position after our earlier activity. He
was frantically treading water, turning to left and right
to see where I was going to surface. The sea was only about
eight feet deep there, and it was a simple matter to push
myself up to the point where I could grab the rear
waistband of his trunks, and then expel air from my body so
that I sank back to the sea bottom.
He had a choice: try to swim the pair of us back to the
surface, whilst choking on the water he inhaled as I'd
pulled him under, or to wriggle out of the garment by which
he was being held down, and make his naked way back to the
For a few seconds he tried the former, but the more he
struggled, the more breath he needed, which he hadn't got.
Meanwhile, I conserved my own breath by staying motionless,
holding the pair of us weighted down on the bottom by
hooking my foot under the chain securing the bathing raft.
In the end, he realized the choice between life itself, and
a pair of swimming trunks was a no brainer decision. Twenty
seconds later, I bobbed back to the surface having pulled
his trunks over my bikini bottom.
'Stop!' he croaked, between the chokes. 'You can't leave me
like this! I'm naked. I won't be able to get out of the
He desperately swam towards me, but I could easily keep
well out of his reach.I gave him a nice smile, and said, 'I
don't remember you being too concerned when it was the
other way round. Anyway, look on it as a charge for
services rendered.'
I struck out towards the shore.
Fortunately, I remembered the Mickey Mouse tee shirt
floating in the water, so by the time I arrived back at the
shore, I was, if anything, more respectably dressed than
when I went in. I headed for Back Lane.
Back Lane was one of the seedier roads in Seacombe old
town, and Star-A-Gram was undoubtedly the seediest looking
premises in the road. The shop window was full of pictures
of almost naked look-alikes - not just women, but men, as
well. In fact, it was the pictures of the men that I found
more shocking. Clint Eastwood, for example, had such an
enormous tool, barely concealed by a thong, that I...
'You're late!'
I looked up at the speaker, a middle-aged man, with a beer
belly as big as my arse. He'd poked his head around the
door to berate me.
'Fred Baine's the name and I own this business. You should
have been here ten minutes ago. The act starts in fifteen
minutes, and you've got to get dressed and get over to a
hotel in the new town.'
I followed him inside, and he gesticulated to a sequinned
dress on a hangar.'Get straight into that, and I'll order
you up a taxi.'
I looked around. 'Where do I change?'
His lip curled with disdain. 'Why? With tits like those,
you can hardly be modest. You haven't time for any
niceties. Now, get dressed.'
I peeled off the wet tee shirt and bikini. There was no
underwear with the dress, apart from a pair of self-
supporting stockings (fishnet again, I noted).However, the
dress had a built in bra top, which looked about the right
size, and I could probably manage without panties, unless
the dress turned transparent like the bikini.
'Where am I going and what do I have to do?'
'Haven't they told you anything? It's the Police Booze 'n
Buffet over at the Seacombe Heights Hotel. You're singing
four Dolly Parton numbers. Is that a problem?'
'Singing! I can't sing.'
'You're going to be miming to the fucking karaoke machine,
of course.' He pointed to a ghetto blaster on the counter.
'You don't think anybody wants to hear you sing, do you?
And remember to joggle your tits around while you sing, so
everybody thinks they're going to pop out. OK?'
Fortunately, he hadn't said anything about being a Strip-A-
Gram, and I certainly wasn't going to ask, so I nodded.
'Afterwards,' he continued, 'there's a private function at
3 pm, at the Hilton, out on the Bramley Road. You'll need
to get back here before then to change your dress, but you
can do the same four Dolly Partons, with plenty more tit
joggle. Any problems?'
I shook my head. After what had happened to me over the
last two days, a bit of karaoke with tit jiggle would be an
easy ride.
In the taxi, I managed to work out how to operate the
karaoke machine. It was a bit like a ghetto blaster, with a
small screen that displayed the words, so I could get the
lip synch right, whilst it played Dolly's songs. I sorted
out which songs I was going to do, and by then we were
outside the hotel and I was stepping inside.
The first song went like a dream. OK, I was a bit nervous,
and I messed up the start so no one was under any illusions
that I was simply miming, but they ogled my tits as I
jiggled them about, and were quite appreciative.
I could see during the next song, Country Road, they were
getting a little bored. The noise level increased, as they
started talking to their neighbors, but they still kept an
eye on me, with the prospect of a wayward tit display.Now
I'd settled down a bit, I started to recognize one or two
policemen from around the town. There was the bastard who'd
pulled me up for speeding, and then been incredibly upset
that I had passed the breathalyzer test. At the rear was
the chief constable, totally pissed, and one of the few
people still captivated by my performance.
As I commenced my third song, Jolene, I decided to put some
extra gip into my gyrations. I was quite pleased with the
effect it had, as I saw that several members of the
audience suddenly sat up, and then start nudging their
neighbors to take note. By the end of Jolene, I had
everyone's attention riveted on me. I felt bloody good.
Perhaps I had missed my true vocation. It was just a pity I
couldn't sing!
In the fourth song, they were cheering me on, and clapping
in time with my singing, an