Subjects 0 Ch. 03 free porn video

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OBSERVATION NOTE: Experimented today by spraying one male mouse with the substance, then removing the mouse, and replacing with a different male without the substance. Females were not interested in the new male, but seemed to be in a frenzy of excitement. The females ended up attacking the new male, until first male was put back in the cage.

It appears that the substance only works for the one it is used on.


Carol moaned as she slid the vibrator deeper into her sopping wet slit. Her right hand was pinching her left nipple, and rolling it between her fingers, as she came on the device between her legs.

She shook off the last vestiges or her orgasm, and not for the first time wondered what had changed in her. She had never been a very sexual creature before, but over the last few weeks she had found herself increasingly aroused. She had even gone so far as to purchase the toy that was still vibrating inside her.

But that wasn't the worst of the changes. The worst part, the part that she couldn't admit out loud, and only admitted in her deepest desires, was that she was fantasizing about her son, Adam, when she masturbated. She had tried to fight it at first, but every time she got excited, it was around him, and at night when she finally gave into her desires, it was to thoughts of him that made her cum. Sometimes she had to gag herself to stop from screaming out his name. The only pattern she could discern in all of this debauchery was that it tended to happen more on the weekends, than during the week. She attributed this to her having weekends off and so was around her son a lot more often, and thought no more of it.

She knew it was wrong to have such thoughts about her own blood, and she had absolutely no intentions of following through on any of her fantasies. They were for her alone. She would never treat her son as anything less or more than her son. She was his mother, and despite her fantasies, she was determined to keep their relationship that way.

She was just glad that tomorrow was Monday, and she could get back to work. She was also glad that Adam was taking his sister, April, back to her apartment right now. If she hurried, she would have enough time for one more orgasm. She used what she had seen earlier that day as her mental fantasy.

OBSERVATION NOTE: Used substance on a rat and placed next to a cage full of mice; it had no effect on the female mice.


:Earlier that day:

April stepped into Adam's room, her face red and flushed. He didn't care that she hadn't knocked, he was just happy to see the object of his thoughts.

"Quick, get undressed. Mom went to do some grocery shopping, so we have enough time for a quick fuck." This is how it's been for the last few weeks. On the weekends when April was visiting from college, they screwed every opportunity they had. During the school week, while he was finishing up his senior year in high school, and she her sophomore year in college, he would take trips out to see her, and fuck both her and her roommate, Minnie. It was an ideal life for Adam, and his one complaint was that they had to hide everything from their mother. "Are you going to just sit there, or do I need to **** you?"

Adam grinned at the thought. She was much smaller than him, and they both knew she couldn't force him to do anything he didn't want to. Making love to his sister WAS something he wanted to do, however. He was soon undressed, and joining his sister on the bed. He crawled over her, kissing his way up her, till she complained, "We don't have time for foreplay, Squirt. Not this time. I'm already wet enough, just stick that huge cock in me and make me cum."

Adam loved the way his sister talked. His lips met hers, as he braced himself on his elbows. He felt her hand snake between them, and grab hold of him. She started to rub his head against her undeniably wet lips, spreading some of her juices to him. Unable to hold back any longer, he thrust his hips, and sank halfway into her in one go. After nearly three weeks of fucking, she had started to finally get used to his girth, but she still felt extremely tight to him.

"Oh, Gawd, I love the feel of your cock in me, Squirt. Every time it feels better and better!" Adam started to kiss her neck, breathing in her scent, and picking up his pace. "Ah, I finally have you all the way in me. Now come on, make me cum all over that massive prick of yours! Make me scream as my cunt leaks around your pecker."

Adam started to pound into her, their pelvises slapping together loudly, as April's words became incoherent, and turned into one long moan.

Adam knew the second his sister came, as her pussy became both tighter and wetter around him. He rolled them over onto his back, and was satisfied as he went slightly deeper into her. This was his favorite position, and he knew he could make her pass out sometimes from her orgasms, as he pounded into her.

OBSERVATION NOTE: Noticed a curious thing today. Hours after the substance has worn off, the females are still copulating with the male mouse as quick as he is able to recover.


Carol swore softly under her breath. How could she forget her shopping list? She had set it right next to her keys so she couldn't forget, but her head had been so frazzled by thoughts of lust all day, that she had grabbed her keys and walked straight out. She hadn't realized she had forgotten it, till she reached the store.

Opening the door to her house, she caught a scent she had been noticing a lot lately, but couldn't pinpoint. Her knees grew weak, and her crotch began to itch inside. She tried to push her body's desires aside as she went for the list.

She heard a low moan down the hallway that was unmistakable in its sexuality, and Carol hoped that she was wrong about what might be happening.

As she walked down the hallway, the scent grew stronger, and the sounds of sex were really starting to get to her. She couldn't stop her hand from squeezing her breast as she walked. The sounds were coming from Adam's room, and she noticed the door had been left cracked slightly open.

She nearly came in her pants at the sight that greeted her through the parted opening. Her daughter was riding on top of the thickest cock Carol had ever seen. Her son's arm was across April's back, holding her down, while he thrust up into her violently. His mouth was locked onto one of her large breasts, and his other hand was pulling her hair back, making her arch her back and push her chest into his eager mouth as she moaned in wanton delight.

Her c***dren were committing i****t! It was one thing for her to think about it, but another thing to actually witness the depraved act. She should go in there and put a stop to this. She should tell them how wrong what they were doing was. She should... She should... She should pull her fingers out of her pussy, and stop masturbating to the scene before her.

Carol couldn't believe her own reactions to what she saw. She tried to take her hand out of her pants, but as her fingers slid past her clit, she came hard, and barely stifled a gasp as the orgasm overcame her. Her fingers dove back into her box, as she came on them again and again.

She knew she needed to put a stop to what was going on in there. Looking in again, her eyes zeroed in to where their two bodies joined. Adam's balls kept slapping April's ass as he slammed his hips upwards. April's fluids were leaking copiously around the massive penis that was causing her daughter so much pleasure. Carol wondered what it would be like to have that stiff piece of meat pounding her, and knew then that she couldn't enter that room. She would never be able to stop what they were doing. She knew that her worst fears would be realized as she would want to join. Even now she had to fight back the nearly overwhelming desire to strip off her clothes and join in the fun her c***dren were experiencing. She could never allow herself to cross that line, even if these two had. She had to remain the responsible adult; the adult that right then had three fingers buried as deep into her coochie as they would go, and was bringing herself off to another powerful orgasm.

As soon as she could trust her legs under her, Carol stood and left; the sounds of Adam losing his load into his sister following her out.

OBSERVATION NOTE: Continued to watch this latest batch. The females finally left the male alone and he is getting some much needed rest. The females are staying close by, though. I wonder if they are waiting for him to wake before continuing, or what this odd behavior signifies.



Adam tip-toed through the house to his bedroom. His mom was fast asleep, for which he was grateful. He had spent longer than he had planned at April's apartment, screwing both her and Minnie. Neither one would let him leave till they had each had a load from him. He was just thankful for his quick recovery time, and their sexiness.

He peaked into his mom's room, and felt himself get hard. She was lying naked on her bed, a vibrator lying next to her. Stealing himself, he entered slowly, so as not to wake her. He wasn't trying to get a better look at his mom; he was more concerned with covering her up.

He couldn't deny that even at almost forty, his mom had a great body. Her breasts more resembled Minnie's than Aprils, and she had a light tuft of brown hair at her crotch. Adam could see the slight glistening of juices around her labia, and the unmistakable smell of a woman aroused. He noted that it too was closer to the smell of Minnie, vs. April, and wondered at that. Maybe April and him truly were test-tube babies.

He had to readjust himself before he could begin to pull the covers up over her sleeping form. She moaned in her sleep, and Adam wondered what she was dreaming about as he noticed fresh liquid seep from her crotch. He debated on moving the vibrator, but didn't know where it went, and didn't want her to know he had been in here.

As quietly as he entered, he slipped out, and went to his room. He was unable to fall asleep right away, and realized he needed to rub one off, if he wanted any slumber. His mom had got him going again.

* * *

School the next day was pretty boring. In his last period of the day, he let his mind wonder. Adam couldn't wait to graduate in a month, and get out of here. He had already decided he was going to go to the same college as April and Minnie.

He had been surprised when Minnie had asked him last night to be her real boyfriend. Apparently she hadn't been able to look at any other men in any real way since that weekend when April had caught them screwing, and then joined in. April had agreed it was a great idea, and would give him more excuses to come over to their place. Well, who was he to argue with two such beautiful women?

Thinking again of last night, Adam realized that he was developing a bulge in his pants. He closed his eyes to turn the image to that of a blank wall, to keep himself under control.

"I'm sorry, Adam. Am I boring you?" The teacher's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Would you like me to set up a nice bed in the back of the room for you to take a nice nap in?" Miss Shelly was one of his least favorite teachers. She taught English, and while she was attractive, she had a poor attitude, and she dressed as unflattering as possible. Today she had her nearly black hair tied back into a bun so tight that he had to wonder if she suffered from headaches. She wore a loose black blouse, and baggy khakis that completely hid her frame. She shoved her glasses back up on her face, as she leaned over his desk, wrinkling her nose at him. She looked into his eyes for a moment, before pronouncing, "Stay after in my class today, Adam. And if I catch you falling asleep again, it will be tomorrow too."

The class 'ooh'ed at her harshness, but Adam didn't care. He had long ago put his other classmates out of his head. He had the reputation as a pervert, brought about by his inability to control his erections; an inability that his sister had cured a little over a month ago. The problem he now faced is that he didn't want to get stuck with another afternoon detention, but he couldn't get his boner to subside unless he closed his eyes and concentrated.

As class wore on, he could feel himself getting harder, and harder, and in turn even hornier, until even Miss Shelly was starting to look good. Adam shook himself to get rid of that thought. She noticed his movement, and gave him an odd, considering look.

The bell rang, but Adam remained in his seat. Maybe in the confusion of everybody leaving I can take care of it, he thought, and dropped his head to his arms, and began to convert the images of Minnie and April into a blank wall.

"I thought I told you not to fall asleep," Adam lifted his head and groaned. It hadn't been long enough, and his cock was nearly raging behind his zipper.

Miss Shelly stood over him for awhile, obviously waiting. "I'm sorry Miss Shelly. For some reason I couldn't sleep last night." He knew why he couldn't sleep, and images of April, Minnie, and his mom flashed through his head.

Miss Shelly seemed to grow confused for a moment, before saying, "sleep is good for a growing man. Seven to ten hours is the recommended for boys your age." She continued to stand over him, breathing deeply, as she talked. "You are one of my best students, Adam. I'm sorry if I seem a little harsh. I can see your potential, and would hate to see you squander it." She paused to lick her lips. "You don't seem to have many friends. Do you have any girlfriends?" She doesn't even wait for him to answer, as she leaned closer to him, and looked him in the eyes. "I believe you are eighteen, is that right?"

Adam was confused by her behavior. He had never seen her act like this before, didn't know how to respond. He could only nod affirmatively to her question.

Miss Shelly froze for a second, as her eyes focused on his. Her breathing was getting heavier, and he could smell the half eaten apple from her desk, on her breath. Her face was only inches from his. He didn't know what made him do it, but suddenly he closed the gap between them, and pressed his lips to hers. If he had thought she was frozen before, she became even stiffer now, and Adam wondered if he had made a terrible mistake.

Finally she moaned, and parted her lips, and he felt her tongue seek entry into his mouth. The kiss only lasted a couple seconds, before she pulled away, and ran to the door.

This is it, thought Adam. This is where she screams for help, and I get an even worse reputation.

But instead she closed the door, and the blinds, then for good measure turned off half the lights. Anyone looking in from outside would think the room was empty.

"I'm terribly sorry about this, Adam, but I don't know what has come over me," she told him as she started to walk back and unbuttoned her blouse. "I've never done this with a student before, and I hope you won't tell."

Adam had to blink to make sure this was the same woman he had been taking English from for the past year. She pulled the two pens that were holding her hair in a bun free, and let it fall to her shoulders. She stopped, and stuck one of the pens in the corner of her mouth regarding him.

"I'm really sorry. Did I misinterpret that kiss?"

Adam realized he hadn't moved since the door had closed, and quickly stood to start undressing. Miss Shelly's face split into a huge grin, and Adam realized that she really was attractive, when she let herself be.

She slipped off her top, revealing a black bra with red straps holding in a considerable bosom. He grinned as he dropped his pants, finally freeing is aching penis, and saw her jaw drop.

"What have I gotten myself into?" He heard her whisper, as she pulled down her pants, revealing matching panties.

He stepped up to her, and pulled her into his arms, to continue their kiss.

OBSERVATION NOTE: The male mouse woke, and the female mice no longer seem to be in a mating frenzy. They are still acting strange though, as they are staying close, and even bringing the male food.


Shelly couldn't believe what she was doing. She was being kissed by one of her students, and she wanted more. She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter as the kiss wore on, until finally she couldn't stand it anymore. She pulled Adam back to her desk, and easily cleared a spot by the expedient method of knocking everything off. She pushed him onto the edge, and then dropped down to her knees to see if she could fit this b**st of a cock into her mouth. She rarely ever did this for her boyfriend, considering it to be disgusting, but for some reason she just had to get a taste of this young man's penis.

Odd, she thought, I don't even care that I am cheating on my boyfriend. And just like that he shoved to the back of her mind as she kissed the tip of her student's cock. Her soft lips had to stretch to make it around the head, and she knew there was no way for her to get this thing down her throat; her mouth already felt too full.

She swirled her tongue around the head, and reveled in the sound of his moan. She started to taste a bit of his precum, and wondered why she didn't do this more often. She had never tasted anything this divine. It was like nothing she had ever had before, and it made her want to feel him inside her even more.

She stood up, releasing his cock from her mouth with a 'pop', and told him to lie down. She couldn't help but feel giddy at how easily he obeyed her. She debated for a second on taking off her bra and panties, but decided to leave them on. She had worn the sexy things for her boyfriend, but it was Adam that she was thinking of now.

Shelly climbed onto the desk, and positioned herself over his rod. With one hand she pulled the soaked crotch of her panties to the side, and with the other she grabbed his prick, and aimed it for her hole. She gradually pressed down, and moaned as she felt him stretch her nether lips.

She felt his hands grasp her hips, and begin to move them in a circular motion. This helped speed up the process, but she wasn't sure she could take the whole thing at once. It was much bigger than any she'd had before.

When she thought she could take no more of him, he lifted his head, and grabbed the cup holding her right breast and pulled it down, only to cover it back up with his mouth a second later. This shocked her enough that she accidently applied all her weight down, and felt a pop, and a deep burning sensation. She held perfectly still, trying to become accustomed to the new feeling. It wasn't entirely bad, and the longer she sat, the more she found she enjoyed it.

Her student, no, her lover she decided, started to move his hips beneath her, and she suddenly found that he was fully inside her. He was touching places she didn't know existed, and the pleasure from it was driving her to new heights of passion.

She began to move like a woman possessed, and came nearly as soon as she did. Shelly grabbed her lover's head, and mashed it into her breast, excited by the feel of his tongue on her nipple, the sensation of being so stuffed down there, and the dirty naughtiness she felt for knowing that she was doing this to her student, and in her class no less.

"I'm coming close," he warned, then pulled the other cup down, and latched onto that nipple. Whatever he had just told her flew from her mind as she came again, squeezing his phallus with her internal muscles.

Pure liquid fire sprayed into her, and she felt her climax reach a whole new level of bliss.

Shelly opened her eyes, and realized she must have feinted. She felt odd, and exposed. Looking under her, she saw one of her students grinning stupidly at her. And she was on top of him... Nearly naked...

She pushed away from him, and felt something leave her pussy. She suddenly felt very empty inside, and not because of what she had just done with a student.

The facts were a little fuzzy, but she could remember enough details to know that it had been her that had come onto him, and not the other way around.

She started to straighten her undergarments and getting dressed, not saying a word, as she watched Adam do the same. Why was it that even now she wanted to drop to her knees and take his penis in her mouth? That was a disgusting and vile thing to desire, not the least reason of which was that it had been inside her not that long ago.

She groaned at the horror of the situation she had put herself in.

"Miss Shelly?" She glared at him, daring him to say another word. The sooner he was out of her class the better, and if she could get that accomplished without having to talk to him, all the better.

OBSERVATION NOTE: Noticed this same behavior in another cage. As a test, we introduced both cages together into a new cage. I'm curious to see what happens.


Carol had been in a panic all day. She couldn't understand her inability to step in and stop her c***dren from committing the heinous act of i****t yesterday, and then had gotten off to two great orgasms, just thinking about it.

She tried to devote her mind into her work, but it continued to wonder back to yesterday afternoon.

"Are you okay, Carol? You've seemed distracted all day." She turned to see Harold, one of her co-workers, standing next to her. He was probably the last person she wanted to talk to. He was usually vulgar or rude, and she knew that he liked her. Truth was he wasn't her type. Problem was she was beginning to fear her only type was Adam.

"Yeah," she told him off-handedly, "Just some issues at home. Nothing major." But it WAS something major.

"Don't you wish families were as easy to figure out as chemicals? I mean, in a way, they control everything about us."

Carol froze. Could it be that simple?

She jumped up from her station, and headed outside and to her car, ignoring whatever Harold was saying to her. It couldn't be that easy, but then again, maybe it was.

Whatever it was, it couldn't be her; that much she was certain of. It had to be their father. He had come into her life only twice, and both times left her with a c***d. She barely even knew his name. She had never even hungered after another man after him (until now), and figured it was because of the way he had left her. Now she wondered.

She screeched to a halt in her driveway, and fumbled with the keys at the door, nearly dropping them in her haste. She had to know.

As soon as she was inside, she ran to the laundry basket. The first set of socks she found were empty, as were the second, and the third. What had happened? She had gone over a month, finding nothing but her son's crusty cum soaked socks in the laundry, and now she couldn't even find one. Then she found one, near the bottom. She yelped in triumph as she examined it, and noticed that it was indeed dry cum in it.

She ran to his room, and grabbed his sheets and pillow case. His sweat should be on these, she figured. With everything in tow, she dashed back out to her car.

She was actually pulled over by a cop for speeding, but luckily the cop let her go with a warning.

Back in her lab, she cut up the sheets, and started soaking them in a chemical mixture. She took some of the dried cum, and ran a DNA test on it. As the head chemist, she was easily able to put her tests to the front of the list.

A few hours later, she was stunned as her test results started to come back. She hadn't gotten all of them back yet, but what they were saying was simply astounding.

Her son, and perhaps her daughter too, were natural pheromone factories. Not only that but the levels on which they were producing could easily overpower someone's willpower. This explained so much about her own behavior lately.

Then it occurred to her. If she could somehow bottle this up, it would put the perfume market to shame. And what might it do for a****ls on the endangered species list?

The real question was, would it work for other men, or only the person the pheromones came from?

She called and left a message on her answering machine. She was going to be working well into the night, and wouldn't be home. She didn't dare actually call Adam directly. She didn't know what she would tell him.

* * *

She didn't realize how long she had been working till Harold came in the next morning. She was normally the first person in, but Harold was generally the second. His work ethic was the main reason she kept him hired here.

But she had done it! She had separated the right chemicals, and synthesized a few of her own, and based on how the rats were currently humping away in front of her, she had done it!

"You didn't work all night, did you?" Harold's voice behind her startled her, and she watched in horror as the plugged glass vial she had held in her hand fell to the table and shattered. The contents, recently under pressure and in liquid concentrated form, now vaporized into the room.

She knew there was no way to escape the vapor, and could already feel its effects on her. She turned to look at Harold, afraid of what this meant, but saw that he just had an apologetic look on his face. He didn't in any way seem attractive to her. Was he immune to its effects?

"I'm really sorry, let me help you clean that up."

"No!" She nearly shouted, as he reached for a rag. "I mean," she moderated her voice, "I can take care of this. I'm sure you have work to get to." She knew he couldn't miss the dismissal in her voice.

Harold turned sullenly away, and Carol began to clean up the glass. The longer she worked on it, the hornier she felt. There was an itch deep inside her that was going to need to be scratched really soon. She was thankful that she hadn't felt the urge to jump Harold right then, and also relieved that Harold hadn't felt the same instincts either.

By the time the mess was cleaned up, Carol was nearly frantic with need. If she left for home now, she should just miss her son, and be able to use the vibrator, to get her off.

She made it home in record time, and had actually had two orgasms while driving. She could feel her juices leaking down her legs, and glancing at her watch, she was thankful that her son should have left for school by now. She wasn't certain she could contain herself if she was confronted by him right now.

STATUS REPORT: The separate groups from different cages seem to ignore one another. They are neither hostile, nor aggressive in any way. The females cater exclusively to their male, ignoring the other group. This is not typical mouse behavior. What can it mean?


Adam knew he was going to be late. He had had to sleep on new sheets last night, and couldn't figure out why his mom had torn off his other ones without replacing them. He had tossed and turned, worrying over Miss Shelly's reaction yesterday after they had screwed and hardly slept at all, until he finally did sleep right through his alarm.

Forgetting that he had parked in the garage last night, he reached for the front door, only to have it opened for him.

His mother stood frozen before him, still in her work smock. Her eyes were large, and she had that deer in the headlights look.

"I know I'm late, mom. I'm trying to get to school." He tried to squeeze past her, but her arm shot out and blocked him.

He looked at her, and watched as her face slowly turned to face him. Her outstretched arm pulled back, and grabbed the front of his shirt at the same time.

"Mom?" was all he had time to say before her lips were mashed to his. He could feel himself getting dragged into the house as his normally aloof mother kissed him passionately.

Whether it was from the lack of sleep, his lack of time to rub one out this morning, or the fact that he really did have an attractive mom, Adam found himself returning the kiss with ardor.

"I'm sorry son, but I really need this right now. Just this once and we'll never need to talk about this again." Her hands were fumbling with his pants, and tugging them down as he removed his shirt. He just nodded his head to her, unsure what had gotten into his mother, but afraid to say anything and break the spell.

He helped her out of her work clothes, and then followed her back to her bedroom. The memory of him covering her up a couple nights before flashed through his head, and he looked at her pussy to see how wet she was. Despite only having laid down a few seconds before, he could already see her juices leaking out of her. The light brown patch of hair was still there, and there was no mistaking the smell of a woman in heat coming off of her.

Seeing her leaking pussy he decided he wanted to taste her. He didn't feel the rush she did, and decided to take his time. He kissed her inner thigh, and loved the way she moaned. "Oh, Adam, please hurry. I need you inside me." He ignored her request, as he reached her labia with is tongue, and sucked them in. He was rewarded with a flood of juices from her, as she grabbed his head and tried to shove his whole face into her.

Adam swallowed all that he could, before she grabbed him by his ears and hauled him up to her. "I said I need you IN me! Now fuck your mother, before I tie you down, and do it myself!" She mashed her lips back to his, and he knew she could taste herself on his tongue.

He lined himself up with her heavenly hole, and started to press in; only to slide up, bumping her clit in the process. She was tight. Tighter than any of the women he had been with lately, and too tight to just slide right in. He realized that she probably hadn't been with a man in many years, her small vibrator her only companion.

"This might hurt, mom. Are you sure?" He lined his cock back up to her, looking into her eyes, and waited for her answer.

She threw her legs around him, and pulled him to her. The change in the position of her pelvis plus the grip he had on himself must have done the trick, as he felt his head break past her labia.

She screamed, and Adam wasn't sure if it was in ecstasy or pain. He figured by the way she kept frantically thrusting her hips against him, it was the former rather than the latter.

He pressed harder into, and felt her tight grip slowly let him slip in. If she hadn't been so wet, he never would have made it this far, this fast. She felt like fire around his rod. All the other women, April, Minnie, and even Miss Shelly had felt hot, but his mom felt like she was either going to burn him up, or squeeze him off.

"That's it, baby. Get it in there deeper. Oh, Gawd that thing is huge. No don't stop! I want it all. I NEED it all!" His mom was like a woman possessed, and he couldn't deny that it was turning him on even more.

He hunched his back, and lifted one of her smaller breasts to his mouth. It felt like his mom was having one non-stop orgasm after another, as he continued to thrust into her, until he finally felt their hips meet.

The feeling was too much for Adam, and he began to blow his load deep into his mother.

"Sorry mom, I couldn't pull out."

"Oh, I'm doomed!" She wailed beneath him, and he was afraid she was going to have another reaction like Miss Shelly had had.

"Mom, I really am sorry!" He tried to tell her.

"Wait, you're still hard." He tightened his muscles down there, and realized that he was still pretty stiff. The movement made his mom moan. "Just keep fucking me till I tell you to stop, son. I still need it."

Adam had a feeling he was in for a long Tuesday.

OBSERVATION NOTE: The nearest I can speculate is that this is some form of mouse love. This substance seems to induce an immediate and uncontrollable urge to mate with the one using the substance, and then afterwards, want to remain with and care for that one.


Harold watched bemused as Carol practically ran from the lab. Even in her lab coat, he thought she looked sexy. He had lusted after her for years, but she had never returned his advances for some reason. He thought he was a decent enough looking man, and he was ambitious enough. He rarely ever had a problem picking up women at the bars.

He shrugged Carol's behavior off, as she had been acting odd lately anyway, and turned to look at what she had been doing. Carol was a genius when it came to chemicals, and he wasn't above stealing from co-workers. He noticed a piece of the vial she had missed cleaning up, and stuck it in a little baggy. He started to shuffle through her notes still left on the table, and became really excited.

If what he was reading was accurate, and from the way Carol had fled from here, it just might be, Harold was going to become a very rich man. All he had to do was synthesize some more of these elements...

PERSONAL NOTE: Will have to see what happens when we spray the substance on a new male, and introduce it to the cage.

My only other question at this point is: what are we going to do with all the extra baby mice running around?


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A normal family

100% fiction! My family is... unorthodox to say the least. When we're out and about we act like a "normal" family. But when we're home alone, that's a different story. For our whole lives my whole family (me, my , my dad, and mom ) has been a nudist family. We never close doors, we never sleep alone, and we always shower with a companion. Sex is just an everyday part of life for us. We don't have personal bed rooms. We just have the two bedrooms and every night a different combination of family...

2 years ago
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Hospital Hijinks Part 3

Sitting there in the stairway with Edna I didn’t know whether to feel passion or compassion for her. I had seen a tear trickle down her cheek as she told me about the medical condition that had changed her from a faithful wife with normal sexual desires into a sex starved woman who needs to have sex of any kind, anywhere, with any man. I could tell that she didn’t like being what she had become, but that she was being driven by a force she had no control over. Turning toward her, I wrapped my...

2 years ago
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Bettys life incomplete

You're Betty Boops, 19 years old white brunette with a very hot body. The first thing all men looking at when they meet you is your impressive melons(38DD). It's summer time now, your mom is away on a business trip and your stepdad is outside town with his stupid friends, who always trying to flirt with you, staring at your full chest. So, you're alone at your parents house, and it's time to have some summer fun. But it's a bit complicated in a meaning of having fun, because you have a...

3 years ago
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College Time Freeze

I was just a normal guy. Mostly average. Graduated in the middle of my class, played football, basketball, and baseball. Was not a standout, just a position player that did his job. My best friend, Tyler, her was the star. He was on Varsity from Freshman till we graduated. He was Valedictorian, got scholarships to any school he wanted, both for sports and smarts. He dated Kimi, the head cheerleader and was always at all the parties. I was always the “oh, you can come too” invitee. Well, we...

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The FreshmanChapter 14 Jasons Second Punishment

As the semester progressed, Cecilia quietly tightened her control over Jason. In some ways she wanted to change him, especially how he appeared and what he did in public. She wanted him to become conservative in his appearance instead of "trendy", to look dignified and not look like a kid. By the middle of October it always was Cecilia who decided how he should dress, even with casual clothing. There was another expensive trip to her favorite men's store for more clothes, this time for a...

1 year ago
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Was It A Dream ch2

I sat upright in bed, and noticed I wasn’t wearing a nightie and my pussy and ass were on fire. Was it a dream, or was Michael really there. I looked around the room and didn’t see any signs that told me he had been. I put my nightie back on, crawled out of bed, and went into my computer to see what was happening online, maybe I would find someone there exciting to talk too. After turning the computer on, I chatted with a few people, but the conversations was boring, so I logged off. I sat...

1 year ago
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First Saw My Wife

When I first saw my future wife I thought how plain she looked, but she had a nice smile. Our parents had set up our meeting because her father, a multi millionaire wanted to get shot of his daughter to a good family, while mine wanted me to marry money. Although I have a good name, the family had lost all it lands and titles over the last hundred years or so. We had arranged a garden party so we could meet under favourable substances. Her father introduces us, we shook hands and I steered her...

1 year ago
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Adam Jesse Ch 07

The next day Jesse greeted Adam at her door. As the dinner party was formal, he was wearing a black tux with a white shirt. She had put on a white strapless dress that was slightly longer than some of her other ones, but it still didn’t come to her knees. Her hair looked uncombed, but very sexy and windswept. She also was wearing a small diamond necklace and diamond earrings. ‘You look ravishing! I can also tell that you have nothing on underneath. ‘ Adam said softly with a grin. ‘But my...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 412 Inking A Bike Deal

“We don’t have a business anymore,” the woman sitting next to me said on the verge of tears. I put my hand on her arm and said, “You just might, if you will hear me out.” Now they are all ears. I found that their shipment had enough parts to build two thousand bikes sat in the warehouse they were renting. Another was due today or tomorrow. Some digging got me the details for the people they paid to rent the warehouse. I connected to my implant to feed that data to the AI to give me the...

2 years ago
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The MILFs 20 year old college daughter

I was fucking a MILF and over time became aware she had a 20 year old daughter away at college/uni. One weekend I stayed over and she happened to be home. I couldn't believe it when I finally saw her in the flesh. She was way hotter than her mom - which gave an insight into why her mom was so hot - though quite petite and she got me increasingly horny due to her slutty summer dressing. She was curvy but knew how to carry her curves and her ass was just perfect. On the Sunday morning her mom...

3 years ago
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the bathroom3

As I'm waiting for the elevator to come, I glance over at the workmen who are busily doing something far beyond my comprehension with pieces of wood and huge tarps and paint. Well, I may not understand it, but at least it moves, I think, as I wait for the slowest elevator in the world to arrive to take me up to my floor. Some of the guys working in the lobby are glancing my way, checking me out, trying to figure out what I look like under my business suit, I guess. Well, they're allowed to...

2 years ago
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Brigantine Weekend Part 1

Nick and I got to the club about 1am and the place was packed. Summer weekends in Atlantic City meant lots of partying people looking for fun. I drove down most weekends to stay with Nick who worker there as a dealer and was well known and well liked by the people at the club. We went to our regular spot by the bar and within a few minutes Nick struck up a conversation with the two girls drinking next to him at the bar. One was a hot looking blonde about 25 and her friend was a plainer looking...

4 years ago
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My first orgasm

I lost my virginity a year before I “should have” according to my at-the-time boyfriend. He says we rushed it and it wasn’t the right time blah blah blah. It was quick and not worthy of a moan, let alone a story. But that’s not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about the first time a guy made me orgasm, with no help from me or any toys, just himself making me feel that incredible feeling.I’d had a few boyfriends before that I faked it with, just to keep their little egos happy. Guys...

4 years ago
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When my wife and I were just Boy and girl friend we took chances as the only place we could have sexy games was at her house(I was on leave from the USAF in West Germany on leave in London, england. In those heady days she always drew the line at “going all the way” but loved sucking my cock and Always swallowed each and every spurt of my heavy ejaculate saying my cum tasted delicious! As a reward I in turn used my mouth, two fingers and long tongue on her hairy snatch which would emit sexy...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 10

The Judge came out of a side room just as my escort and I arrived at the two-way mirror that separated us from Samantha. He looked like he'd been up all night, and I knew I was the one at fault for that, so I wisely kept my observations to myself. He jerked his head at the prisoner and said, "It took almost ten hours but she finally broke down and confessed. "Kevin, your tip to the President saved his life. Samantha was feeding details about his movements to the people who were behind...

1 year ago
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You Know Youre A True cuck when

You look through the window as you walk up to your front door and see your wife in the kitchen with two men. She kisses one and you notice he has her blouse unbuttoned and open and he is, apparently, playing with her breasts.Her skirt drops to the floor and she turns to kiss the other man. You see his hand caressing her ass and she wraps her arm around his neck as she's kissing him.Trembling, you hurry to the door, but not sure if you should enter or not, you stand at the door for awhile,...

4 years ago
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A Helping Hand From a Neighbour

My and I had been married for ten years, and until recently our sex life had been fantastic both personally but we were also swingers, concentrating on the MFM threesome side of the scene and we’d enjoyed sexy fun with over twenty different men. Recently though, my ability to perform was severely restricted, after being diagnosed with emphysema. Sometimes while we were making love, I’d ask her if she missed having another cock at her disposal, but she always said it didn’t really bother her but...

3 years ago
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Consequences Part One

The apartment door creaked open and Rachel threw her shoulder-bag across the room where it landed on the couch with a thump. "What a long fucking day," she said, to nobody in particular. A recent college graduate, the young woman lived alone in a cramped studio apartment. Her own little shoebox. Of the three tiny windows that ran along the opposite wall, only one could be forced open. A pathetic breeze came in, along with the sounds and smells of the city. Car horns, heels on...

1 year ago
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TouchdownChapter 8 Torpedo Running

London and Stockholm. The afternoon after Jennifer's release. Lightning Strikes Twice In the early afternoon, Grantby receives another unexpected call. Alice buzzes his telephone. "Grantby?" "I have an Inspector Ackroyd on the line for you from the Warwickshire Force." (1) "Oh, put him through." Grantby remembers Ackroyd from their work together on the McEwan disappearance. He assumes that the energetic Inspector Thomassen must have got Ackroyd's name from Joseph McEwan and...

3 years ago
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Summer Holiday Education pt3

Granma went into the kitchen and fixed us all a bite to eat and a large Jug of ice cold Lemonade which she set out on the patio table. “Come and get it” she shouted   Still naked me and grandpa walked out onto the wooden decked patio took a seat and looked out towards the sea while we ate our sandwiches, just then I heard the phone ring.   “I’ll get it” said granma   We could hear granma in conversation with someone and now and again she laughed so we knew it was someone she knew.   ...

2 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 53

Time: January 2, year 204,894 5:40 AM Honolulu Local Time (T plus 19 hours, 40 minutes) Twenty minutes before black-hole injection, the slip-ship's reality projection point jumped from one meter above the event horizon to five microns above the event horizon, approximately 71.5 kilometers from the geodesic center of NBHX35. The orbital period remained at 1.50 milliseconds. The ship was now traveling 99.9999999997% of the speed of light. A second of Kyle's and Brianna perceived time...

1 year ago
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Just a Crush Ch 02

I would like to thank everyone that took the time to read my first chapter. I heard wonderful feedback. To answer a lot of the same questions I received. No this is not an actual story, as much as I myself would like it to be also. All characters and places were made up with my imagination. I know my grammar could be improved. I’m trying, so bear with me and enjoy! Thanks again, all comments and constructive criticism are welcome. * School the next week was a blur to me. Travis made attempts...

3 years ago
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The Next Day Part Four

When Matthew and his mother finally arrive at the house, Matthew is extremely exhausted. After the party, and, of course, after what happened only minutes ago. He exits the car with a smile. In a way, proud of himself. When his mom unlocks the door, he heads straight for the upstairs."Night, mom," he murmurs quietly under his nose.She watches him leave for his room.'What have I done!? I just gave my own son a blowjob. To make things worse... I swallowed it all, too. Fuck, Bridget, get a hold of...

3 years ago
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Surrendering to Temptation 3

Grant returned to his room on rubbery legs due to his recent masturbation session. Clad in his sister's nightie, panties, and pantyhose while he masturbated gave him the most intense orgasm that he had ever experienced up to that time. He thought about the nightgown that he had worn, washed, and hidden in the basement and decided not to return it to his sister's room.Since his sister admitted that she no longer wore them, he was sure that it wouldn't be missed. He would recover it and hide it...

2 years ago
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A Trip to Miami part 2

I must admit I stood there for a full minute not quite able to take in exactly what had just happened. Not just in the preceding few minutes since reaching my hotel room but the evening as a whole. This sort of thing just doesn’t happen to me. I’ve never found it easy to ‘pick up’ (I hate that phrase) women, especially in a bar or well, anywhere to be honest. Yet here I was with someone I had only known for a few hours, having mind blowing sex. To quote one comedian I have the sort of luck that...

4 years ago
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sister Fucks her 4 brothers

sister fucks her 4 brother. “What time did you say her train was arriving?” Mal asked his two brothers who were sitting on the couch having a drink. “Around six but they must be in caught in traffic” said John.“Don’t worry they’ll both be here soon enough so chill out you impatient bastards” said Pete.They were in their older brother’s apartment waiting for him to bring their sister home from England. The three boys started joking about what their sister may look like after not seeing her for...

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Second ThoughtsChapter 6

Michael was troubled as he waited for Jen. What did Gerard mean when he said he'd had "long conversations" with Jen? He had given Gerard permission to call Jen, but how much exactly had they talked? Michael went over to the computer in the bedroom and logged onto Verizon's website. He browsed through the log of all incoming and outgoing phone calls for the last month. With a start he realized that Jen had spent hours on the phone with Gerard. Over the last month they had spoken almost...

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Kims Rough Life

Kim is 32yrs married and two great k**s although her family is great it's her sex life that takes control. She is sitting in her living room when her sister Amy comes in saying HELLO but Kim is lost in thought. Amy laughing says hey you dreaming about a lover? Kim's eyes water and she grabs Amy. OMG Honey I was just k**ding what's wrong? Kim dries her eyes and tells Amy to sit down. OK I'll tell you it all but Please don't stop me till I'm finish. About three months ago I was in the park...

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Susies Zoo Submission V

The lights flicked on again in the vet's office, slowly pulling Susie from her dreams of men with cocks the size of snakes writhing on top of her. Sighing, she blinked her eyes to see Dr. Stone standing over her, with Adam in the background leering. With a flick of her hand, the vet yanked the blanked off of her, exposing Susie's finger still wedged between her legs. Dr. Stone smiled, "So, I guess the snake wasn't enough for you, huh slut? You had to get yourself off again on your own? ...

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Gary and Dave First time bisexual

Gary burst through the door brandishing his briefcase.‘Jim got back’ he said with a big smile on his face.‘Jim?’ I answered.‘Guy I work with… huge collection of porn. Remember he turned up at the pub the other day.’ Gary clarified.‘Ah, porn. Loan of. I remember! Its not any of that German pissing shit you borrowed last time is it?’ I said sitting up.‘He says not but he’s not sure what is on these tapes. No pissing or a****ls though. I’m going to get changed, grab us a beer would you?’ Gary said...

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EvilAngel Gia Vendetti Anal Darlings

Long-legged Gia Vendetti bounces her bubble butt and twerks flirtatiously. The aroused vixen fills her rectum with a purple butt plug and buzzes her clit with a vibe as she gives Mark Wood an eager blowjob. He plunges his thick prick into her hungry butthole, making her spasm in pleasure. Mark’s meat stretches her asshole as he strokes. Gina masturbates while Mark drills her butthole from behind. She cums on his rod and begs for more, and Mark keeps thrusting. See expansive backdoor...

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Stacies Mom

"No Mark you cannot go out on a date with this Stacie Girl: I have never met her OR her folks and don't want you getting in some kind of trouble." Luke Barrister said from under the body of the 89 Buick station wagon he was working on while his younger brother Mark and younger sister Wendy asked him if Mark could go out with Wendy's new friend Stacie Downs. Luke had been reluctant enough to let Wendy hang out with her at the mall, that was at least a public place and Wendy was the more...

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Picnic Surprise

Lynn hadn’t slept a wink since her last date with Neil. They had been seeing each other for almost 3 months, and had yet to have sex and it was beginning to drive her crazy. Since their first date, Lynn had been plotting on how to get him into bed, but since they had such good chemistry and so much in common, they decided that perhaps they should go slow, to build their relationship. Today, they were planning on going on a late afternoon picnic out in the country and then she planned to take...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 72

Friday morning Jessica decided to go to one of Serena’s regular, public yoga classes where people would have clothes on. This way, she figured, she could get in a complete workout that didn’t devolve into an orgy. Not that there was anything wrong with orgies, but she needed to get her exercise somehow.Marie and Jane hadn’t wanted to attend, and Jessica had been perfectly happy to leave them behind. They had been sort of high-maintenance lately, Jessica thought as she sat in the studio waiting...

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The Mind Control DeviceChapter 4 Wifersquos Incestuous Game

Dean Michaels I pulled my SUV into the garage a changed man. It worked! My mind-control device worked. I had used it at the park, controlling hundreds of people. Most I just made disinterested. They didn’t care what was going on while I had my perverted fun. Receiving a blowjob from a beautiful woman while watching a pair of twins stripping, then fucking said twins and taking both their cherries, before ending up with a threesome with the blowjob woman and her teenage daughter. It was...

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Khala Mein Daala

Hello friends. My name is Jahangir. I run my own restaurant in outskirts of Hyderabad. I am 26 years old 6, 2’’ tall, fair and had worked really hard and made a strong muscular body. I also went to Mumbai to try my luck in movies but I didn’t sustain long enough in the competition. Anyways the story which I am going to narrate to you people today is about me and my Khala( Aunty) My Khala Ruksana is in mid 30s but she is still as sexy as a college going girl. She is 5’6” 34 boobs, slim,...

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The Train Journey

She boarded the train at Paddington and moved down the carriage to her seat, as she sat down she took off her coat and gazed out of the window, a little smile adorned her face as she knew that in less than an hour she would be with him again, and this time it was for a whole weekend.The train jolted as it moved out of the station and just at that exact time her phone vibrated in her pocket,the vibrations sent a tingle all the way around her body, again she began to grin as she knew the message...

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Sneaking into my gfrsquos sisters room

So I’ve had a girlfriend for about five years now and I haven’t cheated on her once... well not technically cheat per say but every so often I will sneak into her sisters room and peak in her underwear drawers. Both her and her sister still live with her parents. Her sister is much more sexy than she is and only a few years older and I think she sort of has a thing for me as she’d often walk in to my girlfriends room wearing just a towel, one time dropping it “accidentally” exposing her fat ass...

4 years ago
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Wild Teacher Fucked Wildly

By : Abhishek Malhotra Hello friends, I am Abhishek Malhotra “” from Nagpur I have been reading stories on this website which excited me to write my own experience. I am 21 years old and this experience happened when I was in school in 12th standard. There was this one teacher named Shital ma’am she was very strict and used to scold everyone very badly but she looked gorgeous and had milky white skin and red lips I can’t say that she had a very awesome figure but she had amazing boobs and was...

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My Girlfriends Sister

It has been awhile since I have had a really great sexual experience. I do have a steady girlfriend but she is the type of girl who will have sex but does not like it that much. It is not my fault, she just has some emotional problems and is not a very sexual person. Don't get me wrong, she is an extremely beautiful girl with golden blonde hair and an amazingly fit body. She is also great to be with but sexually, she is very frustrating. I have been with her for almost two years and have got to...

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Massage Parlor

Dave was in his mid 30’s and recently divorced for about 6 months. He had been on a few dates, but no activity over the past month. Needless to say, he was horny all the time. He hadn’t jerked off in a few days and was dying to cum, but he was running late so he knew he’d have to wait another 12 hours until he got home that night. He was a college professor at a state university which supplied a bevy of beautiful young women to lust after.His classes usually ranged around 150 – 200 people. ...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 6

Twenty minutes in the hot tub and it was time to get out. I walked over to the cabinet that held towels. Tamara was watching me. She asked, "What are you doing?" "I'm getting us a couple of towels," I replied. When I returned with them, she had a quizzical look on her face and asked, "How did you know those were there?" "Come with me," I said. I picked up my pants and got my keys and led her to the French doors that led into the den. As I put my key in and opened the door, she...

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Majburi Ki Chudai Majburi Mein Bana Gigolo

Hello friends aap sabhi ka itna pyaar aur response mila meri pehli story ko jiski mujeh itni umeed nahi thi ki aap logo ko meri ye story itni passand aaygi… Lets start the story now… Main sagar friends 22 yr young handsome boy. Pichli story mein maine apko bataya tha ki kis tarha se susma madam aur mere beach mein sex hua aur susma lady police officer jinhone mere sath us din jabardasti sex kiya tha. Kuch din to tik thak guzre the uske baad fir ek din mujeh ek unknown number se call aai mai...

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Surprise ending to the evening

A short story from a trip to the states…. It happened this weekend, I had some girlfriends in town from San Diego and we met up with some guys they knew who go to my school who I’d never met before. On Saturday night, we all went clubbing and then to a little afterparty but we all winded up back at my place to crash. One of the new guys (We’ll call him Rob) was flirting with me most of the weekend. I really wasn’t that into him at first, he was a little too preppy for me, but we ended up...

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The Wonderful family reunion

100% fiction! "How cant you understand this !? " My wife screamed at me "I dont know, it just doesn't make sense " i replied "That i want you to come to a once a year family ... " My wife replied "Yes, yes i know, once a year family dinner, I just cant understand why i have to go, last years was so boring ! " "Last year !, It was your first year, i promise you this time it will be different " Ugh, i dont know why she wanted me to go. We had been married about a year and a bit now, both of us...

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Me and my Older sister Lucy

I’ve always been around my sister for as long as I can remember, our mother washing the both of us in the bath together probably the start of my memory. My sister called Lucy is three years older than me and I would sit in between her legs as our mother washed me then we would play in the bath as the water rushed out the plug hole. Towels wrapper around us, we would get dress in front of the fire dancing about as our mother tried to dress us.As I grew older, I was always part of her games,...

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Part 1 Please note this is a continuation of my little Hitchhiker, but starts off slow - very slow, the first few chapters are setting the scene. I arrived at work that Monday to uproar. People were rushing around like headless chickens! I got to my cubical and noticed that Bob's door - my door is always open! - Was firmly closed and the blinds drawn. I looked to my co-worker, Adam, and mouthed 'What's going on?' He looked at me, "Head office! That is what! Somebody's put a bee up...

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Just a Little RideChapter 2

Lisa Alcott. In many respects, I’m a lucky girl. Blessed with good looks, above average intelligence, and parents well-off enough that I’ve never had to worry about money. I’ve always been fascinated with history, so an archaeology degree was an easy choice. Thanks to Dad, a studio flat in West One, half a mile from the university, became my home away from home. I’m on an upper floor, so the view is terrific. There are shops not too far away, and there’s an indoor car-park forming the ground...

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BrownBunnies Aaliyah Hadid Deep Anal for Aaliyah

Aaliyah Hadid got some nice presents from Bangbros. A nice Bangbros t-shirt. And a box full of colorful butterflies. She opened the box and the butterflies flew away to happily fuck in the garden. There was one more Bangbros surprise. Slim Poke!!! No present is better than big dick! No present is more useful. You can suck it, put it in your pussy or best of all up the ass! That’s what Aaliyah did! Big dick up her tight little ass. Amazing that it even managed to squeeze in there. Slim Poke...

2 years ago
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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 22

Teela was dealing with the aftermath of the encounter, which had gone all wrong, from her point of view! "God! The NERVE of them, trying to put the moves on us in the middle of the mall!" Sally was smilling vaguely. She caught herself and retorted, "Huh? I didn't get 'moved' on -- Lon was being nice! Besides, wasn't that what we were here for? To see if somebody -- anybody -- would notice?" Teela's reaction to Lon didn't make much sense to her; from where she sat, it was a pleasant...

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CuckoldSessions Kenzie Madison 04272020

Kenzie Madison and her Husband Dante share with us their relationship dynamic and Kenzie wears the heels in this relationship. Her Husband Dante just can not live up to the his duties as a man with his little tiny white dick. Kenzie has found it has a much better place for it living in a chastity device with the keys around her lovely neck. On this evening Kenzie explains to her helpless little hubby that she has real Men coming over to service Her needs. Real Big Black Men of course to take...

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Experimental Procedure

The old phrase says "If the shoe fits, wear it" What happens if all the clothes (and other things) fit? Note: some graphic married sex Chapter 1 The room was extremely quiet as the panel of doctors listened patiently for the man being interviewed to answer their question. The wait was not long. "As you know from my file, I have only been given a month to live," said the 30-ish man sitting on the hard folding-chair across from them. "the cancer I have was detected only a...

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Kellie and Brad Ch 09

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the ninth chapter of a multi-part story. Please read the first eight chapters before this one to understand the whole story. Please enjoy. * After a long time, he stirred. ‘Where am I?’ he thought. Then a more pertinent question came to him. ‘WHEN am I?’ How long had he been asleep? Days? Weeks? Months? ‘Rip Van Winkle’s got nothing on me’ he thought. He opened his eyes. His brain couldn’t keep up with the flood of sensory data. He was so dizzy he nearly vomited. He...

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Draft Photogenic

Alyson looked at her watch. Damn 4:30 she thought, I am never going to get a photo today. She dashed into the camera shop praying there was someone there who could do a passport photo."Hi," she smiled brightly to the young girl behind the counter. "Is it too late in the day to get a passport photo done. I'm in a bit of a jam.""Oh yes no problem we are here for another half hour. Only takes five minutes."She led Alyson around the counter to the back of the shop where the processing lab was....

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Moni on loan

Moni on loan Moni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to...

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Awakenings first time bimale

The crowd at the outdoor concert was wild. The bands were fantastic and the air contained the scent of marijuana and orchids. The orchid scent came from the long, flowing hair of the three girls in front of me.My friends had drifted into the ocean of people and had missed out on the sight of these lovely girls gyrating to the music. Their long hair had danced in unison and their butts swayed sensually.The last band had finished their encore and the volume changed from ear splitting to...

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