Sarah Gets TrainedChapter 10 free porn video

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Sarah experiences new things

Sarah awoke a couple of hours later to the feeling of a hand rubbing something on to her ass. Her ass ached where the hand was rubbing. But whatever was being rubbed on her, she assumed it was the salve the doctor had prescribed, was helping.

A few minutes after the rubbing stopped, she started becoming aware of the pressure in her udders. She stood, wincing from the pain caused by the, now only hours old, brand. It hurt to move but the pressure in her udders forced her to walk toward the milking room.

"I see our little heifer is up. I bet your udders are real full. Let's get you hooked up."

Sarah did something then, completely without thought. She mooed. She was shocked when she heard herself moo, but reasoned that, she was a cow and cows moo. Then she spotted her milking station and hurried over.

The stable hand helped ease her down until she was on all fours and then proceeded to wash off her nipples before slipping them into the nozzles.

Sarah mooed again when she felt the milking machine start sucking milk from her overly full udders.

She did little but eat, sleep, conduct some research for Stone, and get milked for the next few days. But gradually the pain and stiffness receded as she settled into life as a cow.

Stone came to see her a week after her branding, just before she was to start her second morning milking.

"How is my little cow doing this morning? I take it your brand is healing well."

"Your cow is doing well. It took me a day or so to get used to the nose ring but now I don't even notice it."

"Good. I won't keep it in there a lot. It's more for when I show you. It's the kind of traditional touch that wins trophies. As you know, I like to win."

"Show me?"

"Yes, fairs aren't just for ponies. There are always cows being shown. I've been winning the pony contests. I figured with you, I'd start winning the cow contests too. You'll be judged on your beauty and milk production."

Sarah had never considered that she'd be milked in public. The thought warred with her concept of being a business woman. What if she had to sit across a negotiating table from someone who had seen her being milked? Then she realized that Stone would have already considered this. She knew her owner would take care of her.

"But won't the ring take away from my beauty?"

"Oh, it's only for the milking event and the parade. I can't wait for the judges to see the length of your nipples. No one has a cow with nipples that long. With a beauty like you, at minimum, I expect to win the beauty contest."

"Thank you. I will do whatever I can to see that you win a trophy."

"I know you will. Now, let's get you settled at your milking station."

When the milking machine had started sucking away, Stone said, "I want your opinion on the potential for this deal."

He then proceeded to discuss the deal with her the whole time she was being milked. He stopped when she was empty.

"I'll email you more information shortly. I want you to prepare a proposal and email it to me the day after tomorrow. Any questions?"

"No sir. I'll get right on it."

"Good cow. Looks like your production has settled at about 3 quarts a day. I may increase your milking to six times a day. One of those sessions will need to be about 2 am. That should prevent your udders from becoming too painful by morning."

"What about hooking them up all night long? I'm sure my production would increase."

"Interesting idea. I'll discuss it with the doctor. Now, I have to go. I have another trainee. She's going to be my second cow."

Sarah shuddered at the thought that another innocent woman was being converted into a cow. While she accepted her status as a cow, she did not wish it on someone else.

Stone saw the emotions flash across her face. He wondered what she'd say if she knew who his "trainee" was.

"One more thing, I've noticed that you haven't been keeping up with your exercises. I expect you to keep my property in tip top shape. I didn't install a gym in the barn for the stable hands; it's to keep my livestock in good shape."

"Yes, sir."

Walking away, he considered her idea of being milked all night. It had real potential.

A few days later, Stone dropped by, once again, before a milking session. He deliberately timed his visits so he could discuss business with his cow while she was being milked. He just loved the incongruity of the situation. He also discussed business with his ponies while they were pulling him around the grounds. It was awkward at first but the ponies gradually learned to speak around their bits. But now they, too, were conditioned to treat their bodies as separate from their minds and their bodies belonged to Stone. Ah, life was good!

"The doctor said your idea might just work. We have to figure out how to keep the nozzles on all night but he thinks he has a way. In the meantime, let's get you milked. I think today, I'll milk you by hand. It's been a while since I've done that. What's the use of having a human cow if you don't occasionally get to milk her by hand?"

While Sarah settled into her milking station, Stone got a pan to place under her udders. He washed his hands and her nipples, and then proceeded to milk her. They discussed one of the deals they were working on the whole time he was milking her.

By this time, Sarah was not even aware of the incongruity of her situation. It was how things were. Her business woman mind was in the body of a human cow. What did happen though, was that the sensation of being hand milked created electric jolts to her clit and she had a hard time keeping up the discussion.

Finally, she could not take it any longer. "Please sir, let your cow cum! Please?"

"I guess you won't be any good until after you've cum. So, go ahead. Cum!"

"Aaggh! Oh god. Oooooo! I love it when you milk me by hand. It feels so good. The squeezing and pulling makes me so ... Oh my god!"

Sarah sagged into the milking station, leaning heavily on the bars that kept her udders from dragging on the ground. She was totally spent.

Stone finished milking her and then helped her stand so she could walk to her stable and lay down.

"We'll start your night milking tonight."

"Oh, good. I want you to get full value out of your cow. Besides, I want to always be your biggest producer, no matter how many cows you own. I want you to be proud that you own me."

"I am, little cow. I am."

When she rose a half hour later, Sarah realized she hadn't emailed her sister, Vicki, in a few days. She'd tried to keep up regular emails with her despite all that had happened to her over the last year. She deliberately avoided any mention of her physical training. Instead she just focused on her work and the various people she'd met. She'd been pleased when Vicki got a job right after she graduated with her BA. She was an intern with some large multinational. Vicki didn't give any details about her work, citing a really strict confidentiality agreement she'd had to sign. But it was clear that the work excited her. Sarah was glad that Vicki had a regular job, not one that is designed to turn her into a human cow.

Now that Sarah had settled into her new role, Stone would often take her to work with him in the office. He amused himself by getting her a delicate nose ring to wear there. He loved the looks on his clients' faces when she walked in with it on. One time he seemingly playfully put a string through it while meeting with a client and pulled her along as they walked into a meeting. Sarah had a hard time dealing with this at times. She'd learned to sublimate her milking times at the office but the rest of the time she was supposed to a business woman. The ring, and especially, being led around by it, left her confused and a little hurt. Of course, that's what amused Stone.

The night milking idea worked. Sarah missed awaking to full udders and a fucking but she was pleased that her milk production had gone up as a result. After a couple of weeks of night long sucking, it was now almost up to almost a gallon per udder! The constant sucking at night caused her to have mini-orgasms all night.

She'd wake up feeling sexually sated but was always ready for more by the time of her first of her five times a day milking sessions. Another affect of all the sucking was that her nipples were now larger around than a man's finger. They now fit the milk machine nozzles fairly snuggly.

One day out in the field, Wanda approached Sarah and asked, "How about letting me have a drink?"

"Sure, Stone is no longer measuring my production. Just not too much. It belongs to Stone, remember?"

"I remember."

Wanda squatted in front of Sarah and latched onto Sarah's right nipple. She moved her mouth up and down on the nipple, almost as though she was giving a blowjob. The sensation Sarah was feeling was incredible. It only increased when Wanda's fingers started playing with her clit ring.

After a couple of minutes, Sarah called out to one of the hands, "Please sir, can this cow cum?"

Glancing over at them he said, "Will you look at that. Sure honey, go ahead and cum."

Sarah did just that. This was her first time cumming from the hand of a woman. She wasn't sure how she felt about that, but she knew she had to experience it again.

Life settled into a routine after that with only three changes. One was that she was becoming sexually active with the ponies. That prompted some interspecies jokes from the stable hands but they were good natured jokes. The stable hands loved watching the lesbian action, especially when all three were sexually engaged.

Another change was in the material Stone sent her regarding potential or ongoing deals. Someone had obviously done a lot of prework for her. Sarah guessed it was Stone's new "trainee." Sarah hoped the new "trainee" would not get ensnared.

The final change was the removal of her nose ring. Sarah had grown so used to having a ring in her nose that she felt strange without it. It would be put in for an hour or two each week just to keep the hole open but otherwise she would not have it in much.

One day she came into the feeding room and saw Ellen practically jumping with joy.

"A fair! We're going to be in a fair this weekend! You'll love it. It's great to see other ponies and cows. Oh, and it's so sexy being looked at by all those people. Makes me soo wet."

Sarah was torn between getting caught up in Ellen's excitement and apprehension at being shown. This would be the first time she'd be out in public in her new cow persona. But Ellen's excitement won her over and she started getting excited. The ponies and cow huddled together after being fed, discussing make up and tips for looking especially sexy when nude or in harness.

The next day the ponies were kitted out with their full regalia. They pranced around the grounds for an hour before the stable hands put an end to that. They removed the ponies' harnesses, tails, and head gear. Then sent the ponies to their stalls. Not that that calmed them down much.

Sarah spent some time pacing in her stall before a stable hand came and led her out on a leash. He didn't kit her out with a harness. Instead, he reinserted her nose ring, took off her collar, and practiced leading her around by her nose.

Then he said, "We're going to color your hide in large spots but we won't do it until right before the fair. It'll make you look like a Holstein. They're great milk cows."

"Perhaps Stone will color my hide permanently. Then I will always look like a Holstein."

"That's up to Stone. But I'll let him know what you said. Bet he gets a kick out of it."

Then the big day came around. The stable hands woke them up early, got them fed, and loaded them into a trailer. It wasn't what you would think of as a livestock trailer. For one thing, it was climate controlled with piped in music. The stalls were small, but well padded with a bench and access to a shared indoor restroom, which was just a section of fake grass hiding a receptacle for their urine.

There was also room for the carts, harnesses, and a milking machine. It was the complete human livestock trailer.

The trip only lasted an hour and half. Not long enough for the livestock to calm down much. Instead, they spent the time gossiping about the fairs they'd been shown in and what might happen this time. The ponies were so excited that Stone would finally have a cow to compete with.

Sarah, one the other hand, was apprehensive. She just hoped she'd measure up and give Stone the trophy he deserved. Who else could have converted a free, intelligent, and educated woman into a human cow? He was a great man and she was his cow.

They were left in the trailer for a while after they arrived at the fair. Sarah figured Stone was taking care of some paperwork. Finally, a stable hand entered and led the ponies out, one by one. Then he came back for the cow.

Sarah blinked when she emerged from the trailer. It was a bright, sunny day. There was a hint of morning coolness but it felt like it would be a pleasantly warm later. That was better for her than for the ponies. Unlike the ponies who would be racing, she would mostly be standing or kneeling all day.

She was taken into a large tent and her leash was tied to a pole on one side of the tent. Attendants she didn't recognize were grooming the ponies and getting them outfitted in their regalia. The ponies were practically shaking with excitement.

Then a woman approached Sarah. She was about Sarah's age but was clearly not livestock. For one thing, she had a crop in one hand. She was also fully dressed.

"So, you're Stone's cow. Impressive. How much milk do you produce a day?"

Sarah proudly answered "Almost a gallon per udder, Ma'am."

"Really? I've got to find out Stone's secret. I can only get 2-3 quarts per udder at most from my cows."

Just then Stone entered the tent and said "Now, now, Sylvia. No peeking. I'll be showing her in a little while. You can wait just like everyone else."

Sylvia grinned at Stone and said "Are you kidding? You've been bragging about this cow for months now. I had to see her as soon as possible. But I must say, you weren't exaggerating. A gallon per udder! Amazing."

Stone took Sylvia by the elbow and gently led her out of the tent, chatting with her about non-consequential things the whole time.

A short time later, Stone came back and said "Don't let her throw you off. She's been winning the competitions for the last couple of years and knows she's lost the top spot now. I bet she has a new cow before the next fair, trying to get it back. Not that that will do much good. Part of her problem is how she treats her livestock. Not sure why she thinks a beating will get more milk out of a cow."

"Now then, we need to get you ready for the opening parade. I want you to be at your best. This is the start of the beauty judging. You'll be led around by your nose ring during the parade but the judges will be looking for obedience and poise. You are top in both departments, so I know you'll do very well."

Sarah beamed at his praise. It put to rest all her apprehension over possibly letting him down. Her reaction also showed that the old Sarah was completely gone. Where there had been a free thinking mildly feminist woman, there was now a domesticated cow.

Stone held out a butt plug for her to see. "I had this made for the parade. As you can see, it's a creamy white just like your milk. On the end, it has the logo for my business. I never lose an opportunity to advertise to the right audience. I know lots of people will be staring at your lovely ass."

He handed her the plug and left. A couple of minutes later a pair of attendants came over to start preparing Sarah for the parade. They made up not only her face; they also applied large temporary tattoos that gave her body large black spots. They then colored the rest of her skin white. The only things not black or white were her long nipples. They painted them a deep red. The final step was to put her nose ring and butt plug in.

They led her over to a bank of mirrors like you'd see in a tailor shop. For the first time, Sarah saw what she looked like in her full parade regalia. The black and white made an interesting contrast. One udder was half covered in black while the other was all white. Her deep red nipples stood out obscenely in contrast. At least, it would have been obscene if she was human. As a cow, Sarah was so pleased by how much it highlighted her long nipples. It also highlighted her status as a cow, designed to be milked by her owner.

Finally, Sarah shifted so she could see her ass. It was colored black, so the white butt plug stood out as if under a spotlight. She could see the company logo very clearly. Once again, she was impressed with Stone as a business man. He left no detail to chance.

Then there was her brand. They had left it uncolored. Her natural flesh tone against the black made it very obvious that she was a branded cow. Sarah shivered in pleasure at seeing herself. She knew Stone would win today. He had created a perfect cow and she was it. She was so proud of him!

Suddenly, it was time. Sarah's nervousness returned as an attendant came up to clip a leash to her nose ring. She was led over behind a cart that was decorated with ribbons and other colorful items. The ponies were harnessed up. They were in their full regalia, shifting around, stomping their hooves, anxious to get started.

Stone walked up just as Sarah's leash was being attached to the back of the cart.

"My, aren't you a pretty heifer. No matter what else happens today, I want you to know how pleased I am to own you."

Sarah blushed and grinned at his statement. Not that you could tell she blushed since her face was also covered in black and white.

Stone jumped into the cart and an attendant handed him a long buggy whip. Another attendant opened the tent in front of the cart and Stone flicked the whip at both ponies' asses. It wasn't a hard flick, more symbolic since he knew his biggest problem would be keeping the ponies from going too quick in their excitement.

With that, Sarah was, for the first time, shown in public as his cow. They joined the parade as it made its way down the main street of the fair and into a large ring. It was obvious that this was a regular fairground, probably used for more normal fairs most of the year. Sarah wondered if the fairground owners know what kind of fair was being held here today.

It immediately became obvious that Stone and his new cow were what everyone wanted to see. People craned their necks to get a better look at her. Some pointed at her nose ring, others at her long red nipples, while others were intrigued by her black and white skin. Of course, as she was past the people, she could hear comments about her butt plug and brand. Being at the center of so much attention and conscious of her status as Stone's first cow, Sarah proudly stood up straight and thrust her large udders out for everyone to admire.

Sarah could see other cows being led around the ring. But none of them, from what she could see, were being led around by the nose. Nor did she see any nipples as long as hers. Of course, it was hard to tell from a distance. But with those thoughts, another wave of pride suffused her.

At the front of the cart, the ponies were prancing with very high steps. It made the cart jerk a little, but there was enough slack in Sarah's leash that she wasn't worried about her ring getting pulled on.

Before she knew it, the parade was over. All the participants lined up around the ring and the audience was invited down to examine them. Needless to say, a crowd quickly surrounded Stone's cart and started pelting him with questions. He started to answer one question but so many were coming his way that he finally stood up in the cart and announced, "Please, everyone, may I have your attention? If you will give me a few minutes, I will bring my new cow over to the stage in the amphitheater. There I will give you some history on my cow and some of her unique features."

With that, Stone sat back down and flicked the reins, prompting the ponies to move forward. The crowd reluctantly parted to let them pass.

When they got back to their tent, Stone jumped off the cart with a big grin on his face. "Did you see their faces? Everyone wants to know all about my cow! This is great! This makes all the work I put in over the last year worthwhile."

He wasn't speaking to anyone in particular. He was just so excited, he could barely contain himself. He calmed down enough to motion to an attendant to unharness the ponies. While they were doing that, he walked over to them and said, "You two were magnificent. You are excellent ponies. If it wasn't for my new cow, you'd have been the highlight of the parade."

Both ponies beamed at his words of praise. Like Sarah, they had left their earlier personas of free, intelligent women far behind. Now they were Stone's livestock and proud of it.

"I'll be back in a while for the first race. Make sure you rest up. I want to win again this year. I hear that Mr. Burns has a new set of ponies that he thinks can beat you. I want to prove him wrong."

"Oh, we will, sir. We'll be the fastest ponies and win that trophy for you. You can bet on that."

"I know. Now let the attendants get you out of that harness so you can rest."

Turning, Stone spoke to two attendants, "Please take her milking station and a bucket over to the amphitheater. I will be giving a milking demonstration."

He then took up Sarah's leash and led her out of the tent. Sarah looked around curiously as she was led through the fair crowd. It was just like any other country fairs she'd seen except the only livestock here were human. There were booths for fresh produce as well as ones for livestock feed. There were booths with games and booths offering services such as branding, custom leatherwork, and tattoos.

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Sarah Naked In School Extended Version

Sarah stood in the doorway to Mr. Leighton’s office; a corner of the large main house where the warden conducted his business.He was diligently reading a file spread across the green-hued blotter, an antique lamp off to one side casting a dim light across the stack of papers pinned under one side of the brown cover.  She could see the name on the file.  It was her’s.?You wanted to see me, sir?? The man looked up.  ?Yes, hello, Sarah.  Please, come in and close the door behind you.?Sarah swung...

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Sarah Naked In School Book Two

Dania stood in the doorway, watching as a convict tried to kill her coach with a bat.Sarah deflected the blow with her own wooden bat, backpedaling and slipping sideways, keeping Stephanie, assigned on prison detail as her personal assistant, from positioning herself in a striking formation."What are they using?" she whispered to Isparana, who also stood watching the two women attack each other."My sister says it is called a 'shillelagh'.  It is an ancient weapon used by her ancestors.""It...

2 years ago
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Sarah Naked In School Book Three

Vella stood in the doorway, studying the figure of her coach sprawled face down across the cluttered desk.  Sarah's hair was in a tangled mass fantailed over an open file. She was breathing deeply, obviously asleep. Her mouth was open and her arms were stretched towards the corners.  Her hand still held a pen.  Vella almost hated to wake her.Almost.Vella slammed the large trophy on an empty spot of wood, making certain to create as much of a bang as she could.Sarah's head shot up almost...

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Sarahs Friend

Sarah’s FriendAmy had the perfect figure for a model, her slim shoulders curved into a tiny waist and then out over the cutest of hips and down into long slim legs. Yet she looked on jealously at the only other person in the gym.Sarah was sitting on the leg press where her strong athletic legs were moving almost half the stack of weights. Like Amy, the woman was in her early thirties and like Amy the woman had long brown hair in a ponytail. Amy observed the woman discretely, her white...

1 year ago
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Sarah Naked In School

Sarah stood in the doorway to Mr. Leighton’s office; a corner of the large main house where the warden conducted his business.He was diligently reading a file spread across the green-hued blotter, an antique lamp off to one side casting a dim light across the stack of papers pinned under one side of the brown cover.  She could see the name on the file.  It was her’s.?You wanted to see me, sir?? The man looked up.  ?Yes, hello Sarah.  Please, come in and close the door behind you.?Sarah swung...

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Sarah under Control

SARAH UNDER CONTROLSarah walked to work that beautiful summer morning just as she did every morning. She walked with the sort of grace and confidence that could only come from knowing men enjoyed watching her. Even into her 40s, she still turned heads. When she had married Pete, some 20 years earlier, she had been a stunner, with breasts that stopped traffic, but now, all those years down the line, her regime of fitness, horse riding , healthy eating, and most importantly dressing the part,...

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Sarah and Daniela

This piece is a chapter extracted from my novel "Toggenburg" a lesbian love story set in the mountains of Switzerland which I've posted in case any Xhamster reader might enjoy it. Toggenburg Thirty. “We are going to get wet!” declared Sarah firmly. It was a fair analysis as she and Daniela stood huddled in the doorway of the Hotel Toggenburg contemplating the wretched weather before them. It was still raining heavily and the wind was blowing the sheets of rain around...

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Sarah Part Thirteen B

It is an interesting moment when one is about to experience their first FMF threesome. One would think that my mind would be full of lust, need, ideas and expectation. A “let’s do this” attitude. On the contrary. The realization that you are about to get into bed with two attractive women, each of whom wants to be fucked and sexually satisfied is suddenly quite daunting. How do we start? Who should be first? What if I cum too soon? What if I can’t cum more than once? Will I embarrass myself?...

Group Sex
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Sarah Is Humiliated By Megan

Sarah was surprised to get the instant message from Megan, Dillon’s twenty-one-year-old girlfriend. She asked if Sarah could come over the following day to discuss a surprise she had in mind for Dillon.Sarah knew Megan to be quite a forthright young lady with a dominant personality and had often fantasied about being humiliated by her. Sarah supposed it would never happen as Megan was Dillon’s girlfriend and it would seem like two-timing, unless it was a threesome, Sarah musedDillon was the...

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Sarah Humiliated by her StepGranny

Sarah had a real soft spot for her Granny Mary.Sarah lay on her bed, her legs were spread apart and her fingers were caressing her pussy lips and she was squeezing her so sensitive nipples with her other hand as she played over in her mind two particularly memorable times her Granny Mary spanked her in front of a whole group of onlookers. Both times the humiliation of being spanked so publicly were a real turn-on for Sarah. Both times as well she deserved a second spanking that day and each...

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Sarah is Humiliated at the Office Party

Sarah smiled as she slowly woke up and as she opened her eyes saw her boss, Kristal, the sixty-three-year-old Head of Accounting, smiling back at her.Sarah was thirty-four-years-old and was married. However, she had the reputation of being the office slut and regularly slept with co-workers. She loved the reputation as being humiliated in public was one of her biggest turn-ons.Kristal had been Sarah’s boss for the last two years and they regularly slept together. Sarah’s husband was fully aware...

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Sarah and Greg Get Married

"Are your parents coming?" Greg asked. "I don't think so," Sarah replied matter-of-factly. She had given up on her dad long ago, but she still had hope for her mother – there were a few, strained conversations over the phone, but Sarah wasn't holding her breath expecting a "welcome back" any time soon. It had been eleven years since her parents threw her out of their house and their lives for being "a freak" - at least that's what they called her. Sarah paused for a moment as she...

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Sarah acts out

A/N: Another story featuring submissive Sarah and her Mistress, Rebecca, from my earlier stories "The 14th Anniversary", "My beautiful Sub" and "Choosing Corner Time". It takes place a few weeks after Sarah received her permanent collar from her Mistress, about seven months after their first meeting.Note on the timeline. "The 14th anniversary" and "My beautiful sub" take place on Valentine's Day 2011, the first story recalls things that happened on Valentine's Day 1997 and a few days, later....

2 years ago
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Sarah By Sissie Maid Cuckold FOR SARAH "What wrong honey?" "I don't know I guess I am tired." "But it's not like you to no be able to get it up." "I know Pam. I just don't know, maybe its stress, works not going so good." "Hey, I know, Audrey at work said her husband had some issues and she did this..." Pam took hold of her silky nighty and wrapped it around Brenden's cock. She could instantly feel it grow. She smiled at him and said, "It worked, it worked just like...

2 years ago
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Sarah Chalke has her first lesbian experience with a guest star on the set of Scrubs

This story is only a fan fiction, not real. Sarah threw herself down on her couch and took a deep. She was exhausted after a long day of shooting. She really loved to work with Scrubs and she was grateful for the fame it had brought her, but sometimes the workdays were just too long. The reason for today’s long hours was the fact that it was the last day they were shooting the last scenes of Amy Smart’s guest appearance and they had to get all it all done tonight. Sarah was in no...

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Sarah Loves Being In Charge part one

Hi guys, Thanks for reading this is a gentle femdom story I wrote I am trying to take on feedback received from the first couple of stories I wrote and i’d truly love to hear from you guys. All characters are 18 at the time of the story Sarah was always a bit confused when it came to guys, the ones she had dalliances with before all wanted to treat her as a princess holding doors and generally trying to be her knight in shining armor. This was in part due to her good looks she reasoned which...

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Sarah Humiliated by Michelle

It was always the low point for Sarah when she had to go to her step-sister, Michelle’s, house. Sarah hated going to Michelle’s and normally only went every other week when she and their mum were invited over for tea. Sarah had always been treated so badly by her step-sister who had always tried to control and manipulate her, but whenever they were both with their mum she was all sweetness and light. It was an act they both put on so as not to make their mum feel bad.Michelle was...

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Sarah Lung Hammer

Hey,Found this in my archive. I remember it being one of the very first smoking fetish stories I read.I do have the full collection of Sarah/Nikki stories and am trying to recover them. Most will be able to be posted here, with the exception of the first 2-3. Posted this one as I found it but will hold off until I have the rest in reading order.Think there are about 45 chapters/stories like this in total.Lung HammerSarah and Tom arrived at the airport thirty minutes beforethe scheduled...

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Sarah Loves Being In Charge part two

Warning this contains pegging, If you aren't into male butt stuff this isn't the story for you party on! Adam woke in his own bed, the evening passed by pretty normally after the events of the day before. It made the encounters with his sister earlier seem all the more surreal and if it wasn't for the one thing he would honestly have doubted any of it had happened and had all been a fantastic vivid dream. It wasn't and the one thing that said that more than ever was the cage his cock and...

1 year ago
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Sarah Disciplined at the Bridge Evening

Sarah had been looking forward to the monthly "Bridge" evening. She loved to be humiliated in front of others and on these evenings there was humiliation in abundance. 'Bridge' wasn't played of course, but instead, there were normally ten or twelve mainly women split between those who were natural doms and those who were natural submissives.There was no set way of doing things. You could stick to the partner you went with, or the submissive could be passed around to various doms who could do...

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Sarah Being Disciplined at the Office

Sarah was as surprised as everyone else in the office when a policewoman walked in accompanied by a woman who they supposed was a plain clothes policewoman. They went into the main meeting room with Kristal, but soon afterwards Kristal called out to the whole accounts team to join them.As the team trooped in and sat around the meeting table Kristal confirmed that both women were with the police which got everyone chattering. Sarah noted that the policewoman in uniform must have been Kristal's...

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Sarah Is Humiliated On Holiday

Sarah was enjoying her holiday in Hawaii. It was a lovely hotel and her room had a direct sea view and also a view of the large swimming pool with all the men and women guests in their skimpy trunks and bikinis. She sat on her balcony people-watching and imagining herself giving blow jobs right there by the pool to a whole series of men and tongue sex to so many of the gorgeous looking women.At dinner, Sarah and her hubby were at a table with friends from San Francisco who they liked to meet up...

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Bethany only just managed to hide the dildo as the door opened, "fuck....don't you ever knock?" She asked pushing the pink plastic cock further under her pillow."I called you twice and watch your language girl," her mother snapped back,"Your friends on the phone for you, your still in your nightdress know it's gone nine, where's your mobile? You haven't lost another one have you?""No! I left it at Nikki's​ last night,"Hoping her mother wouldn't notice her panties were missing she...

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Sarah and John Resolution

Sarah and John - Resolution By Callie Messenger "You are three kilos over the specified limits, Miss Spencer, but I think we can waive that. Next time don't pack so much?" "Certainly." "You're in 28C, an aisle seat, and your boarding gate is number fifty-four. Enjoy your flight!" Miss Spencer headed over to the bookstore at the end of the check-in desks. "Briony, over here." She looked up to see the owner of the voice waving from the magazine racks and skipped over to...

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Sarah and Nicole go Shopping part two

Please see part one for the explanation to this extract. ***************************By five o’clock, Sarah had had enough and called a time out. Nicole’s enthusiasm for spending Daniela’s money had worn her out and in any case if it continued like this, Sarah grumbled, then Daniela would be reduced to busking on street corners to make ends meet. Besides, the day was still warm enough to make the prospect of a glass of beer on a sunny cafe terrace an inviting prospect....

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Sarah Lisa and Greg Grow Older

PREVIOUSLY IN THE SARAH (AND LISA) AND GREG SERIES Sarah, Lisa, and Greg are a happily married triad with two children, Amy and Paul, now 17 and 15 respectively. They live in a suburban community and are accepted by their neighbors. THE LOSS OF BETTY JOHNSON The years passed until Amy was a senior in high school and Paul was a sophomore. It had not been all sunshine and roses, but the kids knew they were loved and respected by their parents, which led to their never doing anything which put...

3 years ago
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Sarah Part Seven

Sarah and I walked into the hotel ballroom to a crowd ofpeople, all dressed up, mingling, eating and drinking; the event was definitely well attended.We walked around the perimeter of the room, and then Sarah went off to look for the lady she was interested in and any clothing designers she could find.I made my way to the bar. The bartender did not take cash, and I had to buy a ticket for a drink. Each drink ticket was $10.00 or five tickets for $45.00.I knew that I would likely have two...

Group Sex
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Sarah and Kimberly

The sun was taking its time coming up as Sarah dashed from my car to knock on Kimberly’s door. The waiting was over, our holiday was here and we were making a good early start. Sarah had invited Kimberly to come and spend a week in Yorkshire with us and she was now as excited as we were. Regrettably her s****r Frankie had decided not to come. I had spent some time with her and fucked her a couple of times since I invited her but she has as I always expected found a lad of her own age and was...

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Sarah and Kimberly

The sun was taking its time coming up as Sarah dashed from my car to knock on Kimberly’s door. The waiting was over; our holiday was here and we were making a good early start. Sarah had invited Kimberly to come and spend a week in Yorkshire with us and she was now as excited as we were.Regrettably her sister Frankie had decided not to come. I had spent some time with her and fucked her a couple of times since I invited her but she has as I always expected found a lad of her own age and was...

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Sarah and Jon

Sarah and Jon By Callie Messenger Sarah looked down through the list of library members and felt a surge of disappointment. There was no J. Davies on the list. There were two L. Davieses, one of whom could be Linda, his wife, but it might not be. She had done so well, considering she had done this alone. The last time Sarah had seen Jonathan Davies they hadn't said a word to each other. He was married by then. Linda didn't know it, but the last time...

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Sarah Lisa and Greg Buy a House

PREVIOUSLY IN THE SARAH (AND LISA) AND GREG SERIES Sarah, Lisa, and Greg were a happily married triad. They had two children, Amy and Paul, now 9 and 7, respectively. Lisa was the birth mother for both of them, while Sarah was Amy's father and Greg was Paul's father. In the previous installment, Sarah finally had her sexual reassignment surgery. All five lived in an apartment which was originally just Sarah's. THE APARTMENT IS JUST TOO SMALL Lisa had just stepped out of the shower, while...

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Sarah Meets Gregs Parents

Sarah was about to do something which made her want to vomit all over the car. She was going to meet Greg's parents. Sarah and Greg had been living together for several months. Sarah had talked to Greg's mom on the phone several times over the duration of their cohabitation and had heard Greg's dad grunt a few times (according to Greg's retelling of the story which Sarah told him). Sarah had said that she wanted to meet her "in-laws" but as the car got closer, she was beginning to think...

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Sarah Followed Me

It was in my second year at university (Western) that I got to know my sister Sarah a whole lot better than in the past. In the last few months of my first year of university I lined myself up with a sweet ass apartment in the downtown core of the city with a balcony overlooking some parkland. It was expensive but I didn’t care too much since my parents would pay for it. It was a two bedroom apartment and I was going to share it with my buddy Rob next year. On the last day of school,...

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Sarah Gets Even

Sarah Gets Even By Ellen I can't help it if I suffer from wandering eye disease. There is a woman walking down the street in a real short skirt, or tight jeans, I can't help but look. I see an hour glass figure or a pair of very nice breasts and my appreciation usually became obvious. Especially to my girlfriend, Sarah hated that I always looked at other women. Worst of all, I would do stupid things like point out other women with her in the car with me, or if we were...

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Sarah A New Horizon Ch 03

Sarah woke late the next morning to the sound of the doorbell. She quickly stepped into a pair of her sexy new knickers and pulled a silk dressing gown over her shoulders before running down the stairs. Looking through the security glass in the door Sarah could see a young man in overalls at the door, feeling very daring Sarah opened the door without closing her dressing gown at the front so that her large breasts were only partially covered by the thin fabric. As soon as she opened the door...

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Sarah Spanks Her Lazy Husband

Kevin was still in bed when Sarah breezed into the bedroom. She looked down at her husband of 6 months who stirred, looked up through half opened eyes and asked “what’s up Sarah? Why the racket?” Sarah stood by the bed and said “Kevin, its 11 O’clock. You should be up anyway.” “But it’s the weekend” he sighed. He could see his wife looked stressed. She always did when it came to getting him to do anything around the house. He was generally a lazy person. He knew it. It made his wife very tense...

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Sarah and Nicole go Shopping part one

This and the following part two are extracts from my novel "Sarah's Garden." They aren't really explicit erotica but rather an amusing account of two newly out lesbian girls let loose by their girlfriends for a day's shopping in town and a spot of girl watching with some rather startling results. Just a bit of fun really for your amusement. **********************“Well all I can say is that it’s going to be an interesting encounter with your mum tomorrow Nicky!”...

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Sarah A New Horizon Ch 02

Sarah happily put all her bags into the car and decided to go for something to eat, there was a nice little cafe in the main street, which served some good food. The cafe was quite crowded but Sarah managed to get a booth near the back just as its current occupants were leaving. She sat there for several minutes happily contemplating her morning’s fun before her order was taken by a pretty young waitress, the distraction was enough to set her off on an erotic daydream including the girl. ...

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