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Chapter 1

Ian was the first guy I ever went with in any sense of the word. He was one of the gang I hung round with, had done all through school and now we were at collage it hadn’t really changed. We went to the same collage and hung with the same crowd doing the same things. At home we had our own friends and hung round in different areas. I was just eighteen and single. All my time was spent studying but these summer holidays I had vowed to have more fun. Little did I know that Ian would be a part of that fun and more. Now both of us had enjoyed some flirting and lingering looks but it wasn’t anything serious as far as I was concerned, obviously Ian thought different. He wasn’t what you could call handsome but he did have a certain something. His brown eyes twinkled cheekily when he talked and his smile always promised that little bit more. Dark brown hair, broad shoulders and narrow waist he was just an average guy. However I liked bad boys and Ian certainly wasn’t a bad boy or so I thought.

The sun blazed down and a clear blue sky promised a very hot and sultry day. Summer holidays were always a time to recharge batteries after exams and brain strain. I lounged in the garden listening to the drone of a lawnmower and music wafting over the air. Although our garden was overlooked it was a quiet neighbourhood with people at work during the day so I could sunbath in peace, and if I was really daring, topless.
Up early as usual I had showered and changed into a pair of white shorts which clung to my hips and a loose-fitting white t-shirt which hung off one shoulder. I hoped to top up my tan later so underneath I had slipped on a white bikini. Grabbing my normal toast and fruit juice I wandered outside, it definatly promised to be a hot day. So here I was lounging in the garden enjoying the early morning sun. Stretching out I lay listening to the world go by.
Besides sunbathing I had no idea what I was going to do for the day. It was bliss having this much time on my hands for a change. I had the day to myself and could come and go as I pleased. Having stripped down to my scant bikini I settled down with a good trashy novel and a bottle of water. Just when I had got to a juicy bit the doorbell rang and putting my book down I went to answer it, hoping it was Paula, my best friend, instead I found Ian and some guy I didn’t know on the doorstep.
“Hi, what you up to Emma?” Ian stood with hands in his jeans looking directly at my chest and smiling cheekily.
Placing the tip of my finger under his chin I lifted it up so he was looking at me not my chest but his eyes seemed to gravitate towards my chest yet again.
“Not much. Why what you got planned?” I replied leaning against the doorframe with my arms crossed.
“Fancy hanging out at mine, movie and popcorn?” Ian said finally looking at my face.
“Sounds good to me, hold on while I get my stuff.”
I went to sling on my t-shirt and shorts then grabbing my keys, mobile and sunglasses I headed out the door.
As simple as that my day was sorted. Ten minutes later we were walking back to Ian’s house.
Apart from Ian’s older brother Neil we had the house to ourselves. I felt a bit awkward being in Ian’s house especially with his brother wandering in and out of the room. Neil was home on leave I learned and I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. He was good-looking but not in a conventional way more rugged I blushed when he came through just wearing a towel after a shower. The water glistered on his shoulders and his hair was damp, now that was hot. His body was toned and his skin was smooth and tanned.The only experience I had had with the male species was the odd fumble in the back of a car or a kiss at the end of a date. Neil was no fumbling boy he was entirely male. I had never seen a guy with nothing on and although he was wearing a towel he may has well have been naked. It barely covered him, hanging low on his hips. I could make out the fine line of dark hair that went from his navel to below the top of the towel.Now innocent I maybe but it didn’t mean I didn’t know about the male anatomy My pulse raced at the thought of what lay beneath that towel causing me to blush even harder. Looking away I studied the room trying not to look at either Ian or Neil as they talked.
The large room was tastefully decorated. A large bay window looked out onto a neat front garden at one end of the room where as at the other end patio doors opened out onto a private garden. I could just make out the sun-loungers on the decking. Surrounding the garden I could just see the tops of large conifers which reached to the sky above. I would have loved to have sunbathed there then I could have worked on my tan, in the nude. Eventually Neil left the room but not before I had seen him undo his towel as he walked out the door. His ass was seriously good. At the last minute he turned round to look me in the eyes. He smiled and winked before the door shut behind him. He had wanted me to see him naked. Very cheeky, I laughed to myself.
Sitting on the floor I listened as Ian and Mark chatted. The only thing I could thing about though was Neil as he had walked out of the door and how fine his body was. I imagined him upstairs in his room getting ready to go out.
“Ian where’s the toilet?” I asked.
“Upstairs next to my room.”
“And which one is that, considering I’ve never been to your room” I grinned at him
“Top of the stairs on the right you can’t miss it. Want me to show you?” he replied cheekily.
“Somehow I think I can do that myself.” I laughed. With that I got up and sauntered through the door leaving Ian watching me his eyes focused on my ass.
The bathroom was large and spacious with a huge corner bath and separate shower. A wet towel hung over the side and I realised that Neil must have put it there…mmm what a thought. The room was warm and moist with the smell of spice and musk. I thought of Neil having his shower and towelling himself dry before walking naked across the landing to his room. I could hear him moving around in his room and I had a mental picture of him naked as he got ready. My temperature was rising at the thought.
Downstairs I could hear the start of the movie so I hurried back regretfully, wishing that Neil would come out of his room first. Ian lay sprawled on the settee and Mark was in the chair with his leg cocked over the arm. I had no choice but to sit on the floor. Lying down I didn’t realise that my shorts were tight across my bum. Or that the line of my bikini was visible through them. Ian and Mark obviously had because they were looking at my rear and smiling at one another.
The movie had started and I soon realised it was an adult film. The more I watched the more I got moist between my legs and the harder my nipples got. On screen the couple were outside sitting in a garden. The stunted conversation was meant to be flirtatious but it was just awkward. The action, however, made up for the rubbish dialogue. The guy in the film stood up and went over to her reaching down to fondle her breasts through the blouse. His crotch was bulging and she reached forward to hold it. I could see her nipples getting hard through the material just as mine were. His touch became firmer as she allowed him to fondle them. Soon he had both of them in his hands. He kneaded them slowly caressing the nipples, he pushed them upwards, he pushed them together. Then he undid the blouse and I could see that the nipples were peaking over the bra. Pushing it down he started to pinch them making them harder. Her load moans filled the air and I really wished someone would do that to me.
I was getting really wet now and I licked my lips as the woman undid his trousers. Pulling them down she licked her lips and put his large cock in her mouth. It was so crude but so hot at the same time.
“Enjoying the film Em” Ian asked a slight tremor in his voice.
“It’s ok”
Turning slightly I could see the size of Ian’s erection in his trousers and my eyes widened slightly. God he looked big in there, he was definitely enjoying the film I thought. Mark was enjoying it too because his erection was showing through his trousers as well. It turned me on to see them and my heart beat quicker. Biting my bottom lip I had to stop myself from groaning loudly. Looking from one to the other I was surprised at how horny I was. My nipples were so hard they hurt and my clit was throbbing.
Marks mobile went off and he went out of the room to answer it. Seconds later he popped his head round the door.
“I gotta go. Some things cropped up.” Then he disappeared out the house leaving me and Ian to watch the rest of the film.
Yes it had cropped up I thought, it was a shame he had to go things could have got interesting. The atmosphere felt different after Mark went. The moans on screen were getting to me and all I wanted to do was pleasure my self as I watched.
Propping myself up on my elbows I knew that my shirt would be tight across my chest, my erect nipples on show for Ian to see.
“How about you, are you enjoying the film?”
Ian’s eyes wandered to my chest before coming back to my face and I could see him swallow before answering.
“Oh yes definitely. But it looks like you are as well.”
Glancing at my chest I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.
Turning back to the film I wriggled my ass trying to get comfy giving Ian a good view to look at. This made my shirt ride up and my shorts to push into the crease of my bum. I could have sworn I heard Ian moan but I wasn’t sure. Smiling I knew he was uncomfortable with his hard on in his trousers. My bikini panties were getting wetter and I could feel my clit throbbing. All I wanted to do was lie down and slide my fingers into my shorts. Deciding to be naughty I rolled back over so I could see his face.
“So which bits do you like the most, the bit where she sucks his cock or the bit where they fuck?”
“Both, how about you?” Ian replied.
“Both for me to, ever had a girl suck your cock?” I asked looking at his erection and licking my lips.
“Why are you offering?” he suggested.
“You never know. One day I just might.” I said laughing slightly.
“One day might be too late.”
“Let’s just watch the end shall we.” I smiled and turned back to the movie.
“Tease.” I heard Ian laugh.

By now the film was nearing the end with most of the cast naked and doing stuff to each other on a large bed. One woman was sucking a guy’s cock while another guy was fucking her. Now that was a turn on. I loved watching as she swallowed the cock and I wondered what it would taste like. I wondered what it would feel like to hold it while I licked and sucked it all over. Taking it deep into my throat and letting my tongue wrap itself around it. Nibbling on it gently then licking it again. It had turned me on to watch the film and I wanted to try some of the things I had seen.
The film ended and the credits rolled up. Using the remote Ian turned it off and flicked the TV off at the same time. Silence filled the room with both of us feeling incredibly horny, well I was at least.
“Wanna go sit outside and catch the sun?” Ian asked breaking the silence.
Glad for the distraction I got up and wandered into the garden lying down on one of the sun loungers. Putting on my sun glasses I got comfy. The garden was a suntrap and before long I wanted to take my t shirt off. I had my bikini on underneath so it wasn’t like I was naked. However with the privacy the trees offered it would have felt good to lie there with no clothes on .Little yellow daises lined the top off my bikini and the straps. It was pretty and sexy, pushing my breasts up and holding them firmly. It looked more like a bra than a bikini the cups only half covering my large breasts which sat snugly inside the material my nipples barely hidden. Stripping of my t-shirt I wondered what Ian would think seeing me like this. Shrugging out of my shorts I hoped the wetness in my briefs didn’t how to much.
Soon Ian joined me carrying two large glasses of juice. Standing over me I could feel his eyes staring at my chest.
“You’re blocking the sun. How am I supposed to tan if you’re in the way?” I said smiling.
“Well if you don’t want your drink I can always take it away again.”
“Don’t you dare do that.” I laughed. “I need that drink.”
“I would dare anything.” Ian said his voice suddenly husky.
“Well in that case I dare you to….” I stopped. Neil had walked outside. Neither of us had heard him Dressed simply in jeans and t-shirt with his hair still damp he looked bloody sexy. My mouth went dry suddenly and my stomach clenched as I watched him talking to Ian. Suddenly I felt very naked. bloody hell, I thought, guys like him should be made i*****l.
“Ian, I’m going out.” His eyes strayed to me and I saw them widen slightly when he saw what I was wearing. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and I could feel his hungry gaze on me.
“Behave little b*o and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He teased Ian staring pointedly at me. Turning he walked away glancing over his shoulder to look me in the eye. I smiled innocently at him then looked down at my chest licking my lips. Neil grinned and raised his eyebrows at me.
Now we were completely alone the tension was high and my body tingled with anticipation. Looking at Ian I wondered just what was going through his head now we had the place to ourselves.
“I wish he wouldn’t call me little b*o it makes me feel about bloody 16 instead of 18. Just because he is a few years older than me he thinks he is the boss.”
“Don’t let it bother you. It isn’t worth the stress.” I said.
“Yeah I know but it just pisses me off when he does it in front of mates. He’s a fucking arrogant shit sometimes. Him and his army buddies think they are god’s gift. Just once I would like some girl to show him he ain’t all that.”
“Now that could be interesting.” I said smiling.
“Do you know when we are hanging out he can be a decent bloke but if anyone else is around he puts on this big macho act and it’s so annoying.”
I didn’t know what to say to this I could see that Ian was really annoyed with his brother for trying to show him up in front of me.
“Like I said chill out and relax. I came here for fun not to get caught between you and Neil. So anyway on a change of subject, what were we doing?”
“Did you enjoy the film? I lent it off Neil; one of his army buddies got it for him, thought you might appreciate it.”
“And what makes you think that?” I said laughing.
“You always seem quite easygoing and broadminded. I just thought you’d enjoy it.”
“Well you’re right I did enjoy it. I will admit to being a bit shocked at first but I’ve never seen one before. I still can’t believe you knew I’d enjoy it and not be offended.”
“You’ve never seen a porno before.” Now it was Ian’s turn to sound shocked.
”Neil has a few and I know he has a stash of mags in his room. Sometimes I sneak a look at them.” Standing in front of me I could see that Ian was hard inside his trousers and I was still horny from watching the film. The thought of either Ian or Neil playing with themselves while watching a porno was a huge turn on. In my head I could see them both as they sat in a chair naked, their hard cocks standing to attention as they touched themselves. I could see their hands slowly moving up and down their shafts making the pleasure last longer. Thinking about it I could feel my panties getting wetter as I imagined the sensations running through their bodies. I could almost hear their breathing becoming shallower and tiny moans escaping their lips with each stroke of their hands.
My mind was working overtime as I figured out how to innocently take this further. I didn’t want to seem to keen but I defiantly wanted something to happen. I needed relief from the growing need in my body.
“I’ve never seen an adult mag either.”
“Give us a minute and I’ll see if I can find one that’s not to gross.” With that Ian eagerly went to fetch one. I watched as he walked into the house realising he was a mini Neil. Ian’s ass was almost as good as his brothers. I longed to touch it, to feel my nails digging into the peachy flesh and feel the tight muscles beneath.
I had never wanted anything as much as I wanted this moment to last. It felt right to be here and I had never felt like this before. It felt amazing to feel so sexy. All of a sudden I knew what it was to be female and in control. I was sick to death of people telling me what to do and how to act. Seeing the looks of open admiration and longing on the faces of these good looking men made me realise I was sexy. Being the only daughter in a household of sons I was used to being a tom boy and doing everything my brothers did including sports, which probably accounted for my toned body. But with it came the insults and banter that brother’s give. I spent more time climbing trees than playing with dolls and make up.
Soon he was back handing me a magazine. Sitting up I straddled the lounger and placed it in front of me. Indicating he wanted to sit on the same lounger as me I inched my bottom backward. Ian sat down mirroring me looking at the magazine cover. It showed a large breasted woman holding her breasts up and trying to lick the nipples. Mine were as large as hers and I could feel a trickle of moisture between my legs. As we flicked through the pages I got more and more turned on the material on my bikini bottoms was really wet and almost see through, I could almost smell my arousal.
Jokingly I said. “I feel small compared to these.”
“Yours are not small, believe me.”
Looking up I could see Ian staring intently at my breasts his eyes taking in everything about them.
“In fact they are perfect.”
“You think so.”
“Oh yes.” He swallowed. ”Perfect.”
Pushing them together I decided to tease him a little bit.
“Are you sure they aren’t too small?”
“They are hot.” Ian licked his lips as he stared at my chest.
“I wish they were bigger.”
“Really!” said Ian.
“Well what girl doesn’t want bigger boobs?”
“Believe me Emma when I say your boobs are just perfect.”
The tension was electric Dare I take this any further or should I stop what I had started. Feeling sexy was one thing; acting wanton was something entirely different.
“Do you like my boobs Ian?” I said innocently.
“Yes I do.”
Pushing them even closer together I looked down into my impressive cleavage then straight at Ian. His eyes were fixed on my breasts and I knew he wanted to touch them
“Would you like to touch them Ian?”
I felt so horny talking like this. To my ears my voice sounded really husky.
“Would you like to play with them?”
Letting go of my breasts I watched as they bounced up and down. The movement caused my nipples to harden and watching Ian’s face I reached up and stroked my skin between my breasts. Trailing a finger over my breasts I circled each nipple, drawing attention to my arousal. Slowly I reached behind my back and undid the clasp letting the straps slide down my arms and my breasts fall free of the bikini top. Placing it on the lounger in front of me like a gauntlet I sat with my breasts on show. The hands by my sides itched to reach across and cover myself from his intense gaze. Feeling exposed I could hear my breathing, it sounded really loud in the silence.
“Is this what you want to see?” I asked.
Ian was silent and I wondered if I had gone too far.
“Oh my god Emma.” His voice sounded breathless and shaky.
“Yes Ian.”
“They are defiantly perfect.”
“Would you like to touch them Ian?”
I cupped first one and then the other holding them up for Ian to look at. Dark pink nipples standing hard, and feeling very sensitive, longed to be touched. I rubbed first one then the other nipple with the pad of my thumb. They tingled with each stroke getting harder each time. Letting them go I sat holding my breath the moment stretching for ever. I was so aroused my pussy throbbed in anticipation. I could almost feel the trickles of moisture oozing out on to my panties.
Looking up into my face I saw the indecision on Ian’s face. His eyes had a longing in them that mirrored my own but I could see that he was unsure.
Slowly his hand reached out and touched my skin. The touch was like electric and I let out my breath.
“That’s it touch them.” My voice was thick with lust.
Tentively he stroked each breast. Holding them one at a time he gently rubbed his thumb over each nipple.
“Do they feel good to touch?” I said groaning, wanting more.
Taking this as encouragement Ian used his other hand. He lifted both of them together and pushed them up. Closing my eyes I thrust my chest towards him and sighed. I had played with my breasts before but this was heaven. His touch was sending tiny shocks to my clit and my bikini bottoms were soaking with my juices. My nipples were so hard I thought they would burst. Hot air caressed my skin.
Opening my eyes I saw Ian bending forward and his tongue come out. Flicking his tongue over my nipple I almost melted. Wet and warm it twirled around my skin sending sparks all through my body, I felt like I was on fire. Fascinated I watched as his tongue swirled around and over each nipple. Gently nibbling on them Ian teased them with his mouth. Reaching up I grabbed Ian’s hair burying my fingers in the dark mass. Twirling it through my fingers I tugged on it encouraging him to suckle each one.
Pulling away from him I lay back on the lounger. Ian’s questioning gaze searched my face and I reached up to pull him back to me. Lowering his head Ian took my nipple into his mouth again and sucked slowly on it. Moaning loudly I arched my back wanting more.
“Mmm yes. Bite them baby.”
My skin tingled with anticipation as Ian gently nibbled and bit each one. His teeth grazed each tip and I tugged harder at his hair. Pulling away from my grip Ian Trailed kisses over my stomach. His warm breath caressed my skin as he licked lower and lower. His hands roved over my body, caressing my skin and sending shockwaves of pleasure through me. I wanted to be fucked there and then but he never changed his pace. Deliberately slow he caressed my stomach following the line of his kisses before stroking them over my legs. I had goose-bumps all over me as he bought his kisses lower. Moaning loudly I fondled my breasts pinching my nipples as my skin tingled. Ian’s tongue was going lower and lower. This was sexual torture. Suddenly I felt fingers between my legs. Up and down they went pressing gently against the material of my bikini. My hips raised and I wanted more. I could feel Ian’s breath getting closer and closer to my pussy. Holding his head I pushed it down encouraging him to take it further. I wanted to feel his tongue on my clit doing the same things he had done on my nipples. I wanted to feel his tongue delving into me, licking me and probing me. Tugging at my bottoms he tried to pull them off over my hips. My legs were splayed and they wouldn’t go so he undid the strings at the sides letting them fall onto the lounger beneath me. My pussy was on show and the moisture trickled out of it. I was so turned on I could smell my own musky smell.
My eyes were shut but lights danced before them. I had never felt so sexy or horny before and I just couldn’t contain myself. I withered beneath Ian as his tongue gently lapped between my legs. Each stroke of his tongue sending me closer to the edge, my moans got louder and I didn’t care if someone heard. Trailing my hands over my stomach I held onto Ians head feeling it move up and down as he licked me.
“That feels so dam good.” I gasped. “Oh god that’s good.”
I thrust my hips up wanting more, wanting his tongue deeper inside me. I was so close to coming I groaned loudly arching my back and thrusting forward. His tongue teased my clit as it twirled around it. Then I felt his finger delving inside of me, probing deep inside my very wet pussy .Moaning loudly I arched my back and pushed his head further down. Ian’s fingers slipped in and out of me, fucking me, his tongue mirroring each move. Splaying my legs wider I lifted my hips up trying to take it deeper, wanting it deeper. Slowly I began to fuck Ian’s face. Pushing his head down further I thrust upwards. I was going to explode at any second. I could feel fingers probing me and I groaned even louder. Deeper they went in and out, in and out. Slowly he fucked me with his fingers. It felt delicious to feel both his tongue and his hand pleasuring me.
Fondling my own breasts I pinched and pulled on the nipples making them even harder. Pushing my breasts together I stroked the sensitive skin. My large breasts spilled out of my fingers the nipples big and hard.
Suddenly it hit me and lights exploded in front of my eyelids. My whole body arched and bucked as I came.
“OH MY GOD YES, YES YES.” I almost screamed as I came.
I fucked his face as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through my body. My skin hurt to touch but I carried on thrusting into his face. Grabbing his hair tighter I buried his head deeper between my thighs wanting him to keep eating me. Groaning loudly my body went rigid as the remnants of my orgasm washed over me.
“Nice one b*o.”
My eyes flew open and I felt Ian catapult out of my pussy my juices glistening on his chin. Lying there with my legs spread, naked, I saw Neil standing over me with a huge hardon in his jeans. His dark eyes smouldered with lust and a sensual smile played on his lips. I let him look at me as I lay there naked. Slowly and deliberately I sat up and reached for my clothes. Walking slowly past him I glanced up into his face and smiled. Running upstairs to the bathroom I shut the door and stood with my back to it. My chest heaved and my legs felt like jelly suddenly but I had never felt so bloody alive. Sinking down to the floor I suddenly started to laugh. Oh my god this was just too funny. Caught having one of the best orgasms ever by a guy I truly wanted to screw.
How long had Neil been standing there watching? Had he heard what I had said? Had he seen me playing with myself? All these questions were going through my head. Wow what a power trip if he had. The guy was so dam hot and could probably get any girl he wanted. Maybe this summer holiday was going to be more interesting than I thought. For the moment though I needed to face the music. So standing up I started to dress it was then I realised that my bikini was still downstairs. Sliding my shorts over my hips and slipping my t-shirt over my head I tidied my hair in the mirror and went back down to face the music.
Neil and Ian were sat outside and I joined them on the patio.
“I think you forgot something.” Neil said as he held up my bikini bottoms. “Maybe you need to put them back on.”
Blushing slightly I grabbed for the material.
“You’re ok. I’m fine as I am.” I replied looking him straight in the face.
“I know I saw. And very fine it is to.” Neil’s eyes travelled up and down my body as he spoke.
I wondered if it would be greedy of me to have Neil today as well.
“Stop teasing Neil.” Ian said.
His voice sounded harder than normal but I could still hear amusement in his voice. He was sounding protective and I was touched by it.
“I wasn’t the one teasing a moment ago, was I?” Neil said smiling.
Looking over me they grinned at one another unspoken words passing from one to another,
Straddling the lounger I leaned back against Ian’s chest feeling his heartbeat against my back. Neil stared at me and I smiled innocently licking my lips and looking deliberately at his crotch. I was still feeling hot and horny. It felt surreal to be like this but it felt so good to. Both of them wanted me and the power trip coursing through me was making me feel incredibly sexy.
“I thought you were staying out or something?” I challenged.
“One of the lads had asked me for a DVD but I had forgotten it. But it looks like you’ve been watching it because the case is in the living room and not where I left it. If I’d known you liked porn I would have stayed and watched it with you.”
Oh my god, I thought, if only he had.
I felt Ian tense behind me as Neil looked me up and down. His dark eyes were hungry on my body and I knew then that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. Ian’s arm was around me and he pulled me against him his hand cupping my breast. Leaving it there he sat and regarded his brother as he slowly stroked my nipple.
“Back off Neil she is mine.”
“Hey share and share a like.” A smile toyed at the corner of his mouth and amusement played in his voice.
“She might not want to be shared though.”
I listened as they discussed what I wanted and I became more and more annoyed.
“Excuse me lads. I am here you know. I will decide what and who I want, what do you think I am a car or something.”
“Well if you’re a car you got the finest body work I ever saw.” Ian chuckled behind me.
“Shit yes, finely tuned and raring to go.”
I liked the analogy but was still a tiny bit annoyed. They definitely had some making up to do for this one, I thought.
Stretching out my leg I placed it on Neil’s crotch.
“Well it looks like your engine is fired and ready to go, or should that be your gun is fully loaded and ready to go off. I’d watch your trigger finger soldier if I was you.”
The double meaning wasn’t lost on Neil and he grinned at me, His eyes twinkling as he laughed. If he thought for one second I was going down, so to speak, without a fight he was sadly mistaken. Having two older brothers I knew how to handle myself. Then it hit me that’s where I had heard Neil’s name before.
“Oh my god, I think you know my brother.” Removing my foot quickly from his crotch I sat up and leant forward. Neil’s eyes were looking at my chest.
“Focus soldier. This is serious. Do you know Paul Richardson?”
“So you’re that Emma!” Neil’s eyes were still on my chest but his voice was wary.
“Eyes front soldier.”
“Oh they are believe me.” I could feel Ian chuckling behind me.
Slapping him I told him to stop it and concentrate.
“You do realise you can’t say anything about this to your mates. If he finds out he will go mad with you.”
“Does that mean I can’t do anything to you?”
Feeling Ian tense up I knew he didn’t like the idea of that. Men, some of them thought just because they had given you an orgasm they thought they owned you, bloody typical.
“I didn’t say we couldn’t do anything, I just said don’t let my brother find out or he will kill you.” Turning round I said to Ian “and that goes for you to.”
I was still innocent but it was a status I intended to rectify pretty soon and today had been just the start. However if my brother found out life would be very uncomfortable.

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It took a little while to get everyone settled down and get all the explanations made. The four of them were sitting outside the 5th wheel. The lawn chairs were the only things saved from Susan's home. The lawn chairs and the BBQ grill that is. Susan didn't want to think about it and wasn't sure if she ever wanted to see the grill again. Bill and Susan were drinking the last two surviving beers from the case Bill had arrived with. The girls had cokes accompanied with squeals of surprise...

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MSG The Marriage Guidance Counsellor

MGC ? The Marriage Guidance CounsellorBy Ivan Wilson ([email protected])Story codes:  mf, mff, mc, nc, md.INTRODUCTION:Ivan was a most unusual Marriage Guidance Counsellor.  He was independently wealthy due to a very fortunate Inheritance from his Great-Uncle.  Ivan was his only surviving relative & benefitted hugely from his Great-Uncle?s wonderful business skill.Since Ivan knew that he had no commerce skills at all, every company he inherited was sold before he had the chance to damage...

4 years ago
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Full Moon Syndrome final edit

"a bully took my backpack" he said through his tears. I smiled secretly I had faced a similar problem when I was his age. "Well I don't see why would do that" I told him. "You seem to be a very nice kid" he looked up. I smiled at him. He smiled back. I held out my hand to help him up. He took it, his soft skin felt amazing. I pulled him up. "What's your name?" I asked him. He hastily wiped away his tears "Cedric" he told me I let go of his hand "Well Cedric" I said still...

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The Last Flight

“Good morning, Karen.” I turned and saw the suave middle aged pilot approaching me, along with his co-pilot, strolling nonchalantly across the departure lounge. “Ah, good morning Captain Anderson,” I replied, flashing him my sweetest smile. “A beautiful morning.” “Yes, it is indeed,” he agreed. “Should be a good flight.” I had been a stewardess for six years and I loved every minute of it. Having been drafted to work in munitions factories throughout the war years it was like a new life. I...

4 years ago
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Vivacious Vixens

I open the door and you are there, wearing a smile and a very short dress. I see your friend with you, and I welcome you both inside. We all know why the two of you are here, and I get an instantaneous erection."Come on in, my vivacious vixens! Have a seat!" I request to both of you as I give each of you a good looking over. I see you have been developing quite a tan from the looks of your legs, and then my attention turns momentarily to your friend, Wendy. She's taller than you, almost taller...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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The Reluctant Model

“Come on, Adi. It’s just a picture. No one will see your face!”Adi looked back down at her book, trying to ignore her roommate’s pleading. Dorrie was in another photography class and wanted her to pose for a very specific picture. Dor told her what she had planned and it wasn’t her thing at all. 'I mean, naked,' she thought to herself.“Look, Adi, I helped you in your art class, didn’t I?”“Yea, Dor, but that just involved letting me make a cast of your face. You want me naked!”“Not completely...

1 year ago
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An Amazing Vacation 2

Alan Bryant woke up the next morning alone. Had the previous day been all just a wonderful dream? Did he actually enjoy the best sex of his life with a gorgeous, young blond woman half his age? Although it felt like a dream, the evidence of strewn bedding and clothing suggested that it was no dream. It was definitely real. He shouldn’t have expected to see Casey by him when he woke up. Surely, the young woman had come to her senses and realized that she could do much better than a forty...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Melissa Moore A Big Black Stepbrother Beats Sexting

Adorable Melissa Moore shoots pics of her cute, natural tits, but big, black stepbrother Isiah Maxwell catches her in the act of sexting. He thinks she shouldn’t be such a tease, and she wants him to teach her dirty things! Excitedly, she sucks his big black cock and balls, spit flowing down her boobs. She grunts and moans as he fucks her on the couch, and she throats his massive meat pussy-to-mouth. Isiah carry-fucks her and bends her in half as she shrieks in orgasm. Melissa rides the...

3 years ago
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My Old NextDoor Neighbor Nurse

It was a spring day as I was heading in to work at a local video store near the college I was attending in early May of 1993. School was out for the summer and I didn't enroll in any of the summer classes like I've done after both my freshman & sophomore years. I found out I was ahead of schedule and I still have another two more years, instead of one. Therefore, I decided to take the summer off and work a little more. Originally, I was born & raised in SE. Michigan in the early '70s. I...

1 year ago
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I Love to Lick a Womans Big Butthole3c

===Continuation "I Love to Lick a Woman's Big Butthole" 3a and 3b. The story of Lisa, an anal newbie who turns into an anal slut & exhibitionist.We had just finished a super hot picnic with Lisa letting me fuck her asshole with a big silver vibrator and her showing her butthole to the whole world, a foreshadowing of even more depraved anal exhibitionism shocking old men by letting them "accidentally" see her gaping butthole.We had just finished with me assfucking her at her insistence. I...

1 year ago
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BadDaddyPOV Bailey Brooke Gets Special Instructions From Mommy

Bailey Brooke has a kinky family. Her Mommy has decided that this little girl is all grown up and ready to start taking care of her step Father. She wants the young blonde to spread her legs and use her body to please the man of the house whenever he requests. At first Bailey is skeptical, but after a call to her Mother it becomes very real. The teen drops to her knees and gets prepared for her new life. From now on, around the house she is to be a personal cock sucker and fuck toy. Bailey has...

3 years ago
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Sudden Urges1

I was crazy horny. It must have been a phase of the seasons. Spring was coming. I have been married for years and we stopped having regular sexual interactions a few years back. So, I've been masturbating, reading sex stories, imagining more and more erotic adventures. My wife was away on a trip and I was reading porn and thinking about gay sex today. I was riding a butt plug under my clothes. After trying to convince my wife that she could get used to anal sex, I bought her a butt plug but...

1 year ago
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Juicy Daddy

This episode happened 2 months ago, in my hometown in Brazil. It was a lovely saturday night, 11pm. It was raining and I was at home (alone), making something to eat. I usually don't get naked if I'm not in the shower, but that night I felt very comfortable to do so. I took off all my clothes and finished preparing the food.A notification from Grindr popped up while I was liking photos on IG and eating a cheese sandwich, it was from ''BigEdDaddy''. He started to message me, asking me things. We...

3 years ago
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Mistaken Display

Introduction: Jessaica is asked by the local butcher to sit in his window display to show off her meat untill his late meat shipment can arrive. Mistaken Display Story: #45 Copyright 2009 Written: March 22 2009 A Story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Jessica woke up this morning to the sound of her mother calling her from the kitchen, Jessy, Jessy dear come on down here She...

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She Tries To Forget Ch 13

The next day, after work, Lonnie again went to Ann’s house. He walked in the back door crossed the kitchen to where she stood waiting, put his arms around her, and kissed her. Even though Ann still had misgivings about what she was doing with the young man, she returned the kiss avidly. He was the first man she’d been with in ages who really seemed to care for her. The irony was that as much as she liked having sex with him, she wasn’t really in love with him. Now she was the user, not him....

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Georginas Delight

Georgina was in the changing room of her old college; a sixth form college for sixteen and seventeen-year-olds. She was now twenty-one and recently returned from Uni. As an ex-pupil she could still use the college gym. She enjoyed going to the gym and felt comfortable in her old college surrounds. She had finished her swim, showered and was by her locker wrapped in her towel and about to get dressed when a familiar voice came from behind her. “Yes, I have the punishment detention tomorrow after...

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Designer Children Part 1

Designer Children by OneShot20XX "The... folly which sees in the child nothing more than the vivisector sees in a guinea pig: something to experiment on with a view to rearranging the world." George Bernard Shaw, 1913 Chapter 1 The city of dreams and the city of misery. This is what Los Angeles has become to me. Thousands come here, wide-eyed, brimming with talent, eager to make their mark. The siren song that brought us here,...

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Tale of an Indian House Wife 5

The initial weeks after marriage are the best of times in ones life.Its some thing like being a new recruit,a freshman,things are all rosy,minimal responsibility,mistakes are overlooked and people are ready to help.But then marriage is entirely a different ball game unlike a job or college days.It changes everything ,the feelings are different.For me too these were the normal course,I was exploring my sexuality.Me and my husband were having a nice time trying to understand each other,making...

2 years ago
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First time anal

The first time I had anal sex was about 4 years ago it was a very cold winter. I was out with my guy friends. We went up to bar to have a few beers. I a few hours later I did my usual and sucked one my friends off as we booze cruised. We then went back to bar. It was getting late and there we a couple of older guys still there at close and they asked for a ride. I was way to drunk to be driving but they were worse. I found myself driving thru the country and one asked to pull over he had to...

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Sex and Crime1

EPILOGE Everyone called her Kokanee. It was her nick name. Everyone had their own ‘street names’ all referred to them as. She was one of the oldest. 19 to be exact. For some one who lived on the streets for 11 years she was gorgeous. She made sure to watch he body image and was in better shape then anyone else in the group. Her long blonde hair was never let down. Always kept back in a messy bun. She was 5’7, 5’8 at the most. She had long legs and a great body. Nice tight stomach. She made...

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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple 8211 Part V

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...

4 years ago
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Getting His Attention

My hubby just bought the new Gran Turismo 5 game and was so excited to play it. I on the other hand was very horny and really wanted sex, which is my normal.So whilst he was engrossed by the game I got undressed and pulled the blanket over myself. I reached into my night stand and pulled out one of my vibrators, put fresh batteries in it and turned it on low as to not arouse his suspicion ;)I used my phone to watch porn while I masturbated right behind him. Mostly lesbian, but some anal. I...

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Pajama Party

About a month ago, a local woman’s group sent Vicki a letter, asking her to speak at one of their upcoming meetings. Since my wife is an accredited counselor, they requested that she talk about, ‘How to handle sexual harassment in the workplace,’ and then host a question and answer session afterwards. Vicki was quick to reply, saying that she would be happy to help. Truth be known, my wife is well qualified to speak on the subject of ‘sexual harassment.’ When she was young she had a well paying...

2 years ago
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Cuckolds ChoiceChapter 5

Even if Sam Slade had not already been perversely but extremely turned on by the sight of his faithless spouse being long cocked the sight that now befell him would have been too much for the morally-challenged schoolteacher to resist. The girls called June 'fatty' but it the sobriquet was engendered more by envy than anything else. June Adams was barely thirteen although a punster seeing her in her present state of dishabille might have said she was a nearly bare thirteen. And, despite...

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The Adventures of Captain Bliss

Julie strolled through the rain seemingly unaware of her clothes being soaked through. Her shoulders were hunched and her arms hung very limp by her sides. Her beautiful face showed only agony and desperation. After 12 months of involuntary celibacy and suspecting her husband was cheating on her she had discovered that it was true. To make matters worse it was her best and only real friend that had betrayed her. Stephen and Julie had hit it off when Stephen arrived from Sydney, Australia on...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Jenna Reid Katya Rodriguez Cum Tea

Jenna Reid and her friend Katya Rodriguez are hanging out when Jenna mentions that she lost her voice at a concert. Nothing has helped so far, but Katya has an idea: swallowing cum. Jenna’s boyfriend is out of town, so Katya is quick to call Lucas Frost to ask him to help his stepsister. Lucas agrees to donate some cum to the cause, but Jenna insists that Katya needs to be the one to take the reins. Taking things one step at a time, Katya shows Jenna what to do. Soon Katya has got Jenna...

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On line meeting for breeding

Back in the 90’s I had a habit of being on line in a few Yahoo groups that I was active in. It was for some web cam shows, hooking up with BBC and other things like K9. I had made some videos but it was fun [for me] to cam live when I was dressed. There were nights that someone close would even drop by for a quick blow job or a fuck on cam. It was also useful to set up some gang bangs or, when I was on the road for the company I was working for then, set up meets in areas where I’d be...

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Surprised aunty

Note : This story is completely fictional! My first experience with my aunty she was 40 years old childless with breasts and big surprise to me.I stayed with my uncle and aunt my uncle was allways drunk and she was very unhappy because of no child and his behaviour I stayed in 1 floor of the house and in the night i come late as meet my friends and i go to sleep as i used to sleep in my room . One day I entered aunts room to take my files asit was important at that point of time there i saw my...

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A Chance To Fuck My Land Lady8217s Daughter

Friends, I know this sexstory is really long, as I wanted to describe the whole scenario in which things actually developed that particular day. So please read only if you want to get the full picture. In case you are looking for a story having only the words like tits/ boobs/ pussy/ dick/ fuck/ cum/ oohhh/ aaahh, etc. Then this story might disappoint you! It was a normal Saturday for me. I returned home from the office at about 4 pm even though it was a half day for me. While driving back,...

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Bible Camp BluesChapter 17

The next morning, I awoke in Felix’s arms, the young man having definitely proven just how close and vulnerable he could be by snuggling up tight on one of the loveseats with me, using me my hairy body for warmth. We were both naked, but at least it was summer, and a Kentucky summer no less. We weren’t likely to get that cold at night, not in July. I ruffled his hair a bit as I smelled coffee brewing, and sure enough, it was Mom’s idea. Aunt Leigh was up and with her, as Felix and I...

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Bob and Carol and Gemma and Alice

A work of FICTION for ADULTS only. Do NOT read this if you are under 18 or if you are not an adult according to the laws of your state or country. Do NOT read this if you are offended by fantasies involving sexually explicit material. Comments welcome, send to: [email protected] Bob and Carol and Gemma and - Alice? - by Bethany Jacques I sat there, in the kitchen, suddenly very nervous again. The previous half-hour had started out nerve-racking enough but I had settled, more...

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GirlsWay Zoey Monroe Cadence Lux Oops I Squirted

Cadence Lux and Zoey Monroe are enjoying some quality time together on an outdoor balcony, playfully chasing each other and stealing kisses. They don’t hesitate to grope each other’s butts, the heat between them building as they make their way to the front door of the home. Cadence and Zoey are clearly aching for each other, their impatience showing through as hurried words and butt smacks as they fumble with a key to let themselves inside. As soon as they burst through the door,...

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MyPervyFamily Kenzie Love My Hot StepAunt Lets Me Spy On Her

My Step-Aunt Kenzie Love is hot. Perfect bikini body and a real sweetheart too. I’m spying on her as she gets lotioned and talks on the phone. She almost caught me watching her in the hallway but I (Peter Green) narrowly escaped! She wants me to come up to the hottub with her…I’m nervous so I tell her I have errands to run. But as she oils herself up in the tub she catches me watching again and invites me to oil her down. She confesses she knows I’ve been watching her...

2 years ago
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The ElectricianChapter 22

Kara walked with Adam from the main lodge to their cottage. “That was quite a dinner,” he said. “I’ve never had conch before. The night air is mild and I love hearing the surf. I want to leave all the windows open and let the night breeze through. It’s a good thing the bed is equipped with mosquito netting.” “I think they make an effort to keep the mosquitoes down.” “Nonetheless, neither of us needs to go home with a case of zika or whatever horrid mosquito-born diseases abound here.” Kara...

4 years ago
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Linda Saga Of Lust And Love Ch 04

The next morning Linda attended Mass at St. Augustine Catholic church with Mary, Fred and, of course, Evan. She wore her modest white and pink floral dress with her white satin corset under the dress for effect. She wanted to get Evan’s attention. She sweetly held Evan’s hand in the pew. Standing close to him when they shared the hymnal to sing and recite passages together she was happy to be with him. The sermon was from Romans – advice on relationships and love matters. When the priest...

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camping out

well after my last adventure,i decided that i loved the outdoors,expecually if i can be naked.i started to sunbath naked in my garden,just to feel free and this always finished with a good wank.any way one day i was laying in my garden naked feeling the sun beating down on my chest when i heard voice.it was my landlord he had let himself in and was now walking towards me.busted!.he didnt mind that i was laying there buck naked,he told me that he new of a place called st osyths that had a nude...

3 years ago
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Forever Connected

I love your hands. The rough calluses. As your hands cup my breasts, the tender scratches send sensations to my sex, that only you can bring out. Your behind me. I watch your beautiful hands, the thick fingers pinch and roll my tight nipples. I am completely naked and vulnerable to you. Your hand open you slide it down my tummy. Every sensation glorious, as I know now where your hand is going. I lay my head back and rest it on your shoulder in the crest of your neck. Your breath is hot in my...

First Time
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 24

Donnie stopped peeling the potatoes and went to answer the doorbell. Katie had got him into the habit of checking through the 'spy-hole' before opening the door and he did so now. He saw a man and a woman, both wearing caps with Scottish Natural Heritage on them. Donnie thought they looked harmless enough and he opened the apartment door. "Good evening, Sir. We're sorry to bother you, but could you perhaps spare us a few minutes to talk about a petition we're sponsoring?" the woman...

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This is inspired by a true story. Unfortunately it happened to me...Watching porn gave Dave such a huge swelling hard-on. Every time he watched hairy men he wished it would happen for himself.He felt like he has sucked a hundred cocks, given endless hand-jobs, and listened personally as men screamed passionately. He felt he made those men shoot their loads and he loved every fantastical thought about it.There was one guy he heard was a godly man. His name was Jay. Such silver-touched hair the...

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Jill and I

JILL AND I: THE WEEKEND Jill had been my friend for over a decade. We had met in high school, and it was then that our fragmented sexual relationship began. We would end up fooling around with each other when we were both single, but still just being friends the rest of the time. As we got older fooling around turned to casual sex, never altering our 'friends with benefits' situation. As I matured, however, my relationships lasted longer and became more serious, so that Jill and I were...

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A Memorable Night

My heart was pounding in my chest, making my head throb. Butterflies flitted in my stomach as my eyes beheld your beauty. A woman I had done nothing but think of since the day I met you all those years ago stepped off the train. Was it coincidence that you were here? Of all the places in England, was it chance that drove you to visit my city? Or perhaps the tourist sites were big enough to attract your attention. I couldn’t remember ever telling you the name of the city I lived in. And what...

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family camping trip1

We were in the mountains of Western Oregon. We planned on hiking some of the many mountain trails, kayaking and fishing on the Umpqua River. Our stay would be four days and nights. Dad had his camera with three various sized lenses hanging from lanyards around his neck, he looked like a Japanese tourist. I wore a heavy fucking backpack with power snacks and drinks while mom and Helen got to enjoy the day unencumbered by anything but Screw’s tennis balls which they threw as we hiked. After...

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I stood in front of you uneasily. Shifting weight from one heeled leg to the other. Hands at my side. Not looking you in the eye.I had made a reasonable attempt to look nice for you. The maid outfit was fairly cute, I guess. The shortness of the skirt showing off my stockinged legs. The tightness of the top accentuating my little titties. It was the blonde, shoulder-length hair, straight and fringed. And my makeup was smooth and subtle. My lips pink and inviting.But more than cuteness was...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Marilyn Johnson POV Pussy Creampie

Fiery blonde knockout Marilyn Johnson smiles sweetly for deviant director Mick Blue’s POV camera. The platinum pussycat stuns in stockings and garters. She pops out her full, natural, naked boobs for his lascivious gaze. Marilyn rubs her tight pussy and clit, flashing her dirtiest look. She finger-fucks herself, busy hands massaging her clit and swelling twat lips. Marilyn takes Mick’s big cock and balls in her mouth, dishing out a hearty blowjob. The POV angle sees him ram her...

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Twists of Fate Ch 03

Hello!! I want to apologise for the delay but here’s the third chapter anyways. Votes, rates and comments are always a welcome!! XXX * She took a deep breath as the presentation came to an end and glanced at Terence who was standing beside her. Their turn was at the last and after listening to the previous presentations, she had started getting nervous, but now that they were done, she was relived. She stole another glance at her professor and was shocked. Was he smiling? She tugged at...

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As Good As It Got

Thanks to SteveZ for editing, as always! I'm just playing with this story. No copyright infringement intended. What would famous movies be like, given a TG twist? Let's look into my Aunt Madam Olga's crystal ball... 'As Good As It Gets' becomes As Good As It Got By Eric Melvin Goodall was sitting in the restaurant, getting unfriendly stares (as usual) from everyone there except Carol, the lovely but tired young waitress. He was having an animated discussion with a...

2 years ago
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Ruhi 8211 Real Virgin Beauty

Hi friend Raj here again for you, I’m Kafi time se USA gaya tha company k kam se or thode din pahle he wapas aaya hu aate hai mne mail check kiye dekh kr aacha laga kafi girls ne mail kiye hue hai or sab ko meri story Pasand I usk liye thanks. Anyway friends I’m 22 year old smart boy and I’m 5’11tall and have good body shape my dick is 6 inches long and 3inches thick. Aaj m aap ko story batane ja raha hu wo meri or ruhi ki hai ruhi USA mai job krti hai, jis company mai m job krta hu wo waha usa...

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Anal Fantasies Cum True

For years I made love to my wife without being attached to the tight pucker that lies so closely behind the sweetest pussy in all the world, but then one day my tongue wandered into territory that had never before been shared with any other lover. As the tip of my tongue slipped past the back of her wet pussy into a field of fuzz and sweetness never before tasted, her reaction was immediate and in the opposite direction from my advancing tongue. At the time I was told not to plan on kissing her...

1 year ago
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First Experience With Raving Beauty

Hi everyone. I am too a fan of the site and used to read the stories post here time to time. So I thought of sharing my experience too here. Well the names and places are altered here but the content is stuck to originality. Ok let us get to my story. First let me tell about the girl. She is one of the gorgeous women I ever met. A raving beauty, photographic face and a wanting body. All the above words are very few to describe the goddess. I first met here as an aspirant to my college. She was...

4 years ago
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The RVirus The Buddy System

“So? It's our job... stupid. This what they pay us for.” Amanda shot back at him, her words dismissing his complaints. “Besides Mark, this is way better than playing guard dog all the time.” He relented with a sigh, his falling upon broad curves of her glorious ass, knowing full well he should be keeping an eye out, but it was impossible not to stare, even in full tactical gear it looked fantastic. “Don't tell me you don't like it… popping the heads of zombies… mowing down mutants.”...

1 year ago
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Role Reversal

Role Reversal MF FF blackmail nc Fdom ds Jill thought her life was reasonably good.  She was married, her husband getting ever more successful.  The marriage wasn’t the most romantic – comfort, potential riches, and her middle class father’s approval weighed more on Jill’s mind when she married Oliver – but he was a good lover and kept her in the manner to which she had become accustomed, and she felt she couldn’t ask for much more.  Approaching her thirtieth birthday, there were no kids, an...

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A Plan Gone Unexpectedly Right

Mr. West or Bruce as he had told me to call him is married to a beautiful woman named Eleanor who must be at least ten years younger than him with long blonde hair, blue eyes and a killer figure. She has the stereotypical hourglass figure and tits that look to be D cups or larger and is very obviously a trophy wife, a beautiful young woman married to a rich, powerful man. They have the one son together and that son is the one I have to babysit every day of the week when he gets out of school...

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Saras City of Secrets 1 Foothold

Authored by pobox731 Inspired by an xHamster member.Previous: "Sara's Beach 'bate"Sara has a voyeuristic encounter on the beach with two unknown girls"Sara's City of Secrets 1: Foothold"Sara is an olive-skinned raven-haired beauty of Mediterranean descent. She's recently graduated from high school and is sorting through all the normal urges, desires and hormonal-induced appetites of the age. With her mother's sultry eyes and her father's other classic features, her trim athletic build and...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 699

...”Can we outrun them?” “I have no basis with which to determine their top speed.” “No matter. I would hate to lead them to our stranded team, let alone back to Earth. Come to Battle Stations,” Jeff said, as the claxon went off loudly enough to wake the dead followed by a mechanical voice that announced, “Battle Stations. Battle Stations.” “The warp bubble of the other ships will intersect with our course in approximately two and a half minutes,” the Pilot said. “Very well. Maintain your...

2 years ago
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Busted Wearing Panties Ch 06

group sex – bisexual – tranny – strapon – harness – anal – nipple play – bdsm We were having such a wonderful time sitting together on the beach and watching the sun begin to set. The weather only changes a few degrees between morning and night and the evening breeze brought in the fresh smell of the ocean, crisp and clean. We gathered our belongings and walked towards the house. I was holding Emily’s hand as our arms swung between us with a lilt of happiness. Jess and Chrissy followed close...

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