Degraded Assets - Parts 1 And 2 free porn video

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General standard generic disclaimer: If you are offended by sex, rape, men being turned in to women, sodomy or homosexuality; if reading such material is illegal in your area or you are under age, then do not read this story. General standard generic end to general standard generic disclaimer - you have been warned. "If you don't stand for something, You'll fall for anything." - A slogan I once saw on a button "Degraded Assets" Part 1 of 6 - "Pride came first - it was the light" By Quiet Savage Missy was the office's wet dream. Yes, she was kind of thick in some areas but overall she was well above average. Except for a more modern sensibility - clothing, hair style, makeup techniques - Missy was a throwback to America's glory days, not the 12 year old girl look so popular today. A real Gil Elvgren's come to life. Missy took after the greats: Marilyn Monroe, Mamie Van Doren, Jane Russell. She had a passing resemblance to Jayne Mansfield. All the right assets were her's - ample bosoms, a fat ass and a perfect beautiful face. And mentally she was just as attractive - openly flirting with her coworkers and the customers. She liked to show off her body always wearing low cut tops and tight, if conservative, skirts. And there was an odd feature that some men had noticed - right on the edge of her breast, often peeking out, was a small tattoo. Unless you stared directly at it and concentrated on reading the tiny letters you never knew exactly what it said. The tattoo read, "Slut." But for all her overly made up face, exaggerated features, provocative clothing and flirting ways Missy never wanted to cross the line to actual "slut hood." In the few months that she had been a secretary there she had never once taken up one of the many offers made to her. The men in the office had concluded that she was nothing but a cock tease who enjoyed turning them on just to leave them frustrated. What they didn't know was Missy had some secrets. First, and most notable, she had some "extra equipment" tucked away under that skirt. Second, A few short years ago she had been the male boss of this office. And, lastly, she was in love. Missy's girlfriend, Kate, was a very strange bird indeed. The age difference between the two was greater than normal. When they met Mike, Missy's former self, was only 22 while Kate was an elder 33. But was she hot! And fast! After their eyes locked at that party years ago it was only three hours flat before they where in his car doing it, and doing it hard. Kate was the architect of all he was this day. The young man was "innocent" and unprepared for anything other then a straight vanilla relationship. She had blind-sided him by giving him exactly what a young man wants - excitement, action and sex. And lots of it! Over a three-year period she had corrupted his mind and led him down the road to sissyhood. And the part Kate was most proud of? To the world, even in Missy's own mind, she had chosen to become what she was today. Kate had laid a line, a real head trip, on Mike. Mike was no ordinary boy or man. At the tender age of 16 he had entered the business world as a high school intern and he had showed such talent that by 20 he was the head of a minor, yet very profitable, corporation. He was young, ambitious and wealthy. He was, in Kate's words an "ubermensch". "Beyond Good and Evil" was the phrase she always used. Those weak useless moral guidelines that the common man followed? He was above all that. He was the yin and the yang, the embodiment of a new order, a new man for a bold new time. There was no reason for such a man to control his excess, his wantonness. All those rules were for the common man - the man who made $35,000 a year; the man, who at Mike's age, still lived with his parents. "Today," she would say, "belongs to the masses. The masses however don't know what is great, what is worthless, what is straight and what is honest. They always lie." No, Mike was not member of the masses. Today belongs to them, but tomorrow to him. He had climbed high on his own two feet. He had no reason to follow their rules. His will to power gave him and excuse, an out, to do what he wanted. Spoon-fed by Kate, Mike ate it up. He WAS power, he WAS control and in so believing he was the perfect victim for Kate's control. Somehow, all the philosophies and ideas didn't quite sync up, out of context, but that was beyond Mike. The ideas where interesting and fun and made him feel good about himself. And instead of thinking and reasoning Kate kept Mike partying and dancing. Throwing his money around - expensive cigars and cheap women. The club scene was not the country club scene and Mike wanted to be hip - the browns and blacks of the normal American male where replaced by silken purples and fuchsias of a metrosexual. All the while he, and his girlfriend, where scoring with an endless string of young women. That was another bonding point for him and Kate, they both loved women. And Mike was in a state of constant arousal for both Kate and the women she provided. With all those women it would be normal to think that the attachments between Mike and Kate would loosen but just the opposite was true. All that those women provided was empty sex; it was Kate, and only Kate, that truly understood him. In Mike's mind it was Kate that loved him and he loved her back. They were in this together. Sex and love were powerful motivators but Mike's real passion, and Kate's real power over him, came from drugs. Gutter drugs - Cocaine, heroin, weed - where all known to him. At first he didn't want to take them, it seemed against his goals. But Kate made him understand that while others used these drugs for pleasure or escape he was using them to improve himself, as tools to exceed the common limits of the species. The street drugs kept him hopped up, but the real weapons in Kate's arsenal were the less common drugs - muscle relaxers, stimulants, Viagra, tranquilizers and even psychiatric medications. By giving Mike these she could produce in him any number of physical and emotional states. If she wanted him excited or excitable, clam or gung ho, she could produce that exact state in his mind or body. And she preferred to keep him physically weak and mentally placid. The drugs and a poor diet where taking there toll on Mike. Over a few months his body had changed from a fit healthy male to a small waif of a man. He had become androgynous. He looked the part of the classic effeminate gay man. He wasn't though, how could he be? He and his /GIRLFRIEND/ banged so many women. He had his share of offers from men but it never interested him in any way. In fact, he and Kate always had a good laugh at those "queers" expense. Yes, it was all in fun. That was a line he would never cross. But one come-on was a bit different. One night in the darkness of a club a straight man tried to pick Mike up, thinking him a girl. Soon realizing his mistake the man went on to chew out poor Mike calling him "sissy", "pansy" and "fag." Kate had spent so much time building him up and this little man came along and knocked him right down! To Mike, the "new man" who was beyond good and evil, it was infuriating. Kate saw and seized the opportunity. Sissy? Pansy? Fag? Mike was none of these! He was above all that. Kate said if that's what they thought of him he should throw it back in their faces. Stupid sexual stereotypes where just that, Stupid! The "new man" should have a new body. Gone where the technical constraints of the past; a new sex - a third sex, was being born into the world. Kate showed him picture after picture of beautiful she males with large full breasts, each stroking their own nine inch cocks. She regaled him with stories of the power and desirability of these new creatures. Besides, Kate reasoned to him, they both liked tits; why not get a set of his own? He wouldn't have to cut off his cock. He didn't have to do men. He would still be a heterosexual male; he would be man plus, double plus even. And if he would do this for her, if they could share this, then Kate would be bonded to him forever, a sex life and marriage like no other. At first Mike was shocked, it seemed so over the top. But as Kate continued the pressure, normalizing it for him, the idea of a Male/Female hybrid didn't seem so off the wall. He was living over the top, why not go for it? In his constant drug induced haze he agreed to it. There where no tricks, Kate didn't have to secretly slip hormones into his food. Mike went right to a doctor, a real proper doctor, and told him his plan. Mike knew how to get what he wanted. He lied and said he had always been a woman in a man's body, and it was time for that to change. It was what the doctor wanted to hear so that's what Mike said. And it Worked! Thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery, drugs and hormones later Mike was a stunning woman. He was equal to the cute girls of his peer group, even better. He even picked out his own new name, "Missy." Very cute and very funny. Missy's and Kate's sex life was still amazing and the women she continued to bring him loved, just loved, what he was doing to himself. He truly had the best of both worlds the drive and financial power of a man and the personal sexual power of an attractive woman. The best pay off, and display of his new power, came shortly after the breast implants. Kate loved to take her new girlfriend out and show her off to the boys. Mike thought it was Kate's way of showing her own power, her way of saying, "look what I have that you boys never will." That night Missy was entered into a wet tee shirt contest. She hated such vulgar blatant displays of her body, but what the hell? It was all in good fun and Kate said it was a good idea - to get him use to being gawked at. It was at this event that a man hit on her. It happened all the time now, but Missy recognized the man as the one from before, the one that had treated Mike so poorly. With her blond locks flowing over her shoulders, her eyes clear and blue and her new breasts in full view she looked at the man and said, "What makes a like you think you could get me, go away little man!" Then Missy watched the man slump away with a proud smirk on her face. But all good things come to an end, for Missy they came crushing down. A heart arrhythmia brought on by excessive drug use landed her in hospital. As Kate sat by her bed, hand in hand, they both vowed that their lives would change. The party, the dream, was over. It was time to get on with life. Of course, just because they didn't party, didn't mean they weren't into kink. When Missy arrived home she found Kate waiting with a chastity belt. The rules were simple - it got removed, and Missy got off, only if she did what Kate wanted. And even then only when she allowed Kate to tie her up. At first the tasks were simple, easy to follow, and Missy was getting off nearly everyday. But then the tasks became less well defined and subjective - smile more, be happy, flirt. Till finally the demands boiled down to one thing, "be sexy." Each day it was "be sexy", "be sexy", "be sexy." What did it mean? Missy wasn't sure. She tried to be sexier and sexier in the only way a man understands, by sluting herself up. But it didn't always work. Often days, sometimes as much as a week, would go by with Kate judging her, "not sexy enough" and trapped in his little cage Mike would try harder the next day. The nature of their sex life changed - Vaginal sex quickly became a rare treat and the amount of oral Missy received declined as well, this man who once banged three chicks a day was soon happy with a hand job. Then Mike, now Missy, returned to his company after an extended leave of absence as Kate's personal assistant. In his drugged out fog he had signed everything over to the older woman, giving her power over himself and his assets. Not that he minded all that much, he and Kate where still together; that was all that mattered. Besides his lust filled mind was now as weak as her body, filled only with one thought - be sexy. This day Missy was seated at her desk, outside the big doors that lead to Kate's office, doing her nails; her large breasts jiggling with each stroke of her emery board. So it was when she received a visitor for Kate, it was Mr. Cone the head of a rival company. She was stunned when Mr. Cone was quickly ushered by Kate into her office, as if she was expecting him. Kate motioned for Missy to follow her. She watched as Kate and Cone signed a few papers then shook hands. Their attention then turned to Missy. Bob, Mr. Cone, lowered himself into a large leather chair saying, "Now that that's done, the question is what to do with you? MIKE." Missy's jaw dropped, Robert continued, "Why don't you take off your clothes and show us those nice big tits of yours? MIKE." Missy looked at Kate, "Show him, honey." As Missy slowly stripped off her dress Bob laid out what just happened, Mike had been played. Did he remember a few years ago when Bob Cone sent a man over with an offer? Did he remember? Did he remember how he, Mike, had thrown the offer in his face saying that in ten years the young start-up would be so large it would run Bob Cone's own company out of the market? He looked at Missy now dressed in only bra, panties and stockings, "I said I wanted to see those Tits!" "Off with the bra, Missy!" Kate added. Bob's eyes grew as the strapless bra popped off, "How big are those things?" "40 DD." Kate laughed. Bob told the now shamed girl to put her heels back on and do a few spins around. He continued his narrative. 10$ million for an 8$ million company was so very generous, but it was not enough for the young man who found instant wealth with an investment of a few thousand. And did he remember what he said? Bob hoped he remembered because it was simply the best part! Mike had said those years ago, "I'll never sell to that cocksucker Cone, who probably has to wear his wife's panties to get off." Well, Mike? Who's wearing the panties now? And you wear them so well. Bob now smiled at the lovely creature standing naked before him, "You see that's when I hired Kate. At first all I wanted to do was destroy you and your company by keeping you distracted. But as it became clear that you had fallen under her power more completely then could have been predicted I realized I could do so much more with you." Missy so transfixed and shocked by the story had not noticed Kate sneaking up behind her. She pinned the younger girl's arm behind her and forced Missy down onto her knees. Bob was unbuckling his pants, "You know Mike, or 'Missy' I guess, I understand A is A. Cocksucker? Now, that's an interesting word. Words have meaning, they are the foundation of how we understand things and relate to each other. Wouldn't you agree, COCKSUCKER." Missy was now vainly struggling against the stronger Kate as she was pushed across the floor to Bob's waiting prick. She was crying out, whining, "NO! NO! I'm not gay! I won't do it." He pushed down ruthlessly on her head, "it's not gay for a gal to give a fellow a blow job." She was then warned that if Bob felt any teeth he would belt her across the face and knock every last one of her pearly whites out. He was moaning, she was on the verge of vomiting. The head of his cock was moving over her tongue. It was sick, it was disgusting. And as she felt him tighten and spurt into her mouth she tried to pull away but found her head held fast. She was now a cocksucker, a real cocksucker, and she could never go back. Her view of reality was crashing and burning all around her. That body, that body she had paid so much for had but one purpose and she now knew what it was, sex. Her body was made, shaped and molded, to turn on and be used by men. Missy had been fooling herself that she could walk that line so closely. Most lines in the sand have some coming back, but this was not one of those times or places. She now saw that it was not a line at all, it was a precipice. She had now crossed over, she had been pushed off the edge. Part 2 of 6 - "Shiny things from on high" "Fuck - (also f*ck, f**k, f***, ****, f-k, f---) 1. to copulate ... 3. semen 4. any sex act leading to orgasm. This includes all homosexual acts and other practices which are covered by the term 'sodomy' 5. a woman considered as a sex object, as in the phrase 'a good fuck.' ... 8. to cheat, deceive, or ruin" from "Slang and Euphemism, Abridged Edition" A, B and C; these were the choices before her. Each was represented by a sheet of paper with a different fate written on it - street whore, corporate slut toy and housewife. From these limited choices Missy was to decide the course of the rest of her life. She looked them over then looked to the right where a list of mandatory rules Cone had drawn up for Missy to follow, to follow despite which ever choice she made, lay. The rules where designed to ensure that, forever, Missy would never be a threat to him or the business world at large. They ran from the obvious - she could never have more then $1000 in a checking/savings account and she could never own any stocks, to the odd - her hair must be at least one foot long and her clothing can never extend below her knee. There was even quasi-legal language - "The owner, here after referred to as "Master", reserves the right to reinterpret and revise these rules at any time. Random checks by the Master to insure compliance..." Missy's eyes next darted to her girlfriend, who was sitting across the desk. She looked so calm and collected, how could she change so fast and so completely? Just a few days ago they were so close, now she had sold Missy's company for her own profit and was about to sell Missy herself into slavery. There had to be something left, "Kate? I..." "Do not forsake me, oh my darling", came a sarcastic tone cutting her off. Missy's eyes shot to the other end of the desk Where Bob Cone was sitting. He was pushing his lips out in a funny pout. It looked comical on his face but, Missy realized, it would look damn sexy coming from her full lips. He continued, "Don't look to Kate for help. She has what she wants from you, now it's time for the men of the world to get what they want from you. And it's up to you to decide precisely how you will provide it. So be a good little pet and try to focus on the task at hand." Missy averted her eyes, "none of these..." "What? 'None of these are acceptable?' Is that what you were going to say? Well, that's sort of the point, isn't it then? You'll soon learn that you don't get to decide what's acceptable, a cocksucker like you doesn't have that right." The word, cocksucker, cut into Missy; the memory and taste of her first blowjob where still fresh in her mind and mouth. Bob continued, "If you don't make a decision by the hour, I will! And tranny whore it will be! There's a 'nice' black man downtown that's going to have a lot of fun turning you out. You won't walk so proud or talk so loud after you've had a dozen cocks a night in each of your holes." A shiver went down Missy's spine, street whore was definitely out. Kate and Bob had explained the lifestyle each choice entailed and the horror of being forced into the life of a street whore was particularly horrific. She never considered it a viable option. Bob didn't consider it a legitimate option either, it was just there as a threat to force Missy into deciding between the other two. However, Bob thought, wouldn't it be a hoot, and revealing about Missy's true nature, if she would choose it. The other two, the real choices, where meant to inspire a separate kind of terror of their own in a man. Corporate slut - being a kept woman, a very nicely gilded cage indeed. Luxury and fashion would be hers, but it would still be a cage. She would be required to have an active social life, to be the play thing of every man who would ever come in contact with Bob's company. Many of whom she had worked with or pushed around when her name was "Mike." She would have to see them everyday and they would know that she was the "go to girl" to relieve their tension. She would always be THAT girl, in the boardroom. And many, if not most, would be in on her secret. She would be an object lesson, the kind of thing usually relegated to urban legend in the dark corners of the corporate psyche, "don't cross Mr. Cone," they would whisper, "he can do some very bad things, look at Missy." Housewife was little better - no luxury or fashion, the cage would be much more bleak. A life wasted away on such mundane things as cooking and cleaning. But, there would not be hundreds of men, just one. One man she would be completely subservient to. And her hell would be private, no public displays of submission; no object lessons for others to stare and marvel at, just a slow burn into nothingness. Right now it was the choice itself that was important. In the end Missy would be a toy for along time to come, and Bob had such devious plans for his toy. Both choices would lead to her destruction and his pleasure. But right now the game was simple - fool her into thinking she has some say in the matter, then make her do what he wanted anyway. Years down the road, when Missy was completely broken and lost to the world, Bob could point to this exact moment and say," it's your fault, Missy, you should have chosen better." There was a fourth choice - Missy could start screaming bloody murder and hope for a rescue. It had crossed her mind. But Kate had bested her so easily, forcing her to Bob's crotch. Missy was sure she would be tackled, chained and neatly delivered to that "nice man" downtown. It was enough of a threat to send the thought fleeing from her head. An antique clock on the side table started to chime. Bob smiled, "The chimes of Big Ben! What's it going to be?" She looked at the papers, it was go time. Which would it be? She passed the paper across the desk. Bob grinned, checkmate! He laughed out loud, "It's your funeral. Kate, you know what to do." She reached for the phone. The paper read "house wife." Bob then launched into a monolog," I knew deep down that's what you wanted. I know little about psychology and I know in every would-be titan of industry there is a 'little woman' hiding. An anvil inside a hammer, and you have gone so easily from a hammer into anvil." The words again cut into Missy, raking across her mind, inspiring both shame and fear. She had flipped so easily, not only choosing to become a woman, but custom designing her body's sex bomb look. Kate had said B-cups where fine, but Missy had balloons installed. Kate said narrow hips where ok but Missy was not satisfied, even going so far as flying to a European clinic to have exotic hip implants put in. Thin lips? A little lipstick goes a long way Kate told Missy. Missy went to the surgeon with a blanket demand "whatever it takes", she wanted her face, her lips, "fixed." Kate had not directly opposed these decisions, in fact she was happy to wink and say Mike had done the right thing afterwards, but she had not encouraged him either. Mike's predilection to overdo things, to do them to perfection, had been turned against him. Now he would be overdoing homemaking and learning to suck his husband's cock to perfection. Bob continued, "You've been a schizoid man... er... woman. Living out of harmony with your true nature", he was clearly mocking her with a crooked grin on his face, "But soon darling, we'll have you living in harmony. After all women, like you Missy, like to server men and men like to fuck women like you." "The world is not a free for all. We can't have you flaunting that body of yours around then going home to your 'lesbian' girlfriend, there would be fall out. That", and he stretched and emphasized the next word, "H-O-M-O-S-E-X-U-A-L life style is death. And what you did with Kate was the dance of the dead. We can't have you being the 'girl who was death' leading everyone astray. We can't have that at all." To Missy this was a strange disturbing speech. To her she was a heterosexual male who for what ever reason, by hook or by crook, now had the body of a female. She even had all the essential equipment, secured away in it's chastity as it may be. To her sex with Kate, or any woman, was normal and healthy. Sex with men on the other hand, that was wrong, disgusting. Her body shook with the understanding that she would be the bottom, the "catcher" and not the "pitcher" to her new husband. She even wondered if he would ever allow her escape from her chastity, or keep her forever locked. There was a knock on the door. Bob waved for Kate to open it, "The arrival! Your once upon a time is about to begin." Kate greeted Missy's former chauffeur. As he leered at the bare breasted sissy behind the desk Kate finally spoke up, "I don't think you need to be introduced, but your new husband here wants to introduce you", she giggled, "to 'The General'" Missy didn't know who 'The General' was but the on coming reality that this was her new "hubby" was dawning and horrifying her. Bruce was a large man, linebacker large, and had a history of violence. Missy remembered the long list of orders of protection against him that riddled his criminal background check when she, then Mike, had hired him. Back then this tendency to violence and his size were good things - he was to be both a chauffeur and bodyguard. And he was there for all of Mike's transformation. Missy even remembered the circumstances of his dismissal. Kate and Missy where making out in the back seat after a night out when Kate leaned over and whispered in her ear that the driver was watching. Missy looked up and saw, indeed, he was studying them in the rear view mirror. Missy not thinking shot at him, "keep your eyes on the road, Bruce! And keep IT in your pants!" and she closed the privacy barrier. After that Missy began to see something dangerous in his eyes, she had seen it before but now it was directed at HER! It was something wild, a violent anger (or lust, Missy wasn't sure) he seemed unable to tame. It scared her so much that he was soon gone. Missy couldn't even do it herself; Kate had handled Bruce's firing. Of all the men she had encountered since her transformation he was the one that Missy most feared. And now, she realized, she would have to be totally subservient to his wishes. Missy was soon introduced to "the general", Bruce's mighty prick. It was large like the rest of him - a full 10 inches and 2.5 around, the uncut skin gravelly with veins along the shaft. When Missy first saw it she tried to flee, this was all getting too real for her. She had to be dragged kicking and screaming back to the desk. "NO! You can't make me," she wailed, "I won't put that in my mouth. I'll choke!" Missy's fear deepened as she heard Kate hiss in her ear, "You won't choke. Because, it's not going in your mouth!" Missy was held firm bent across the desk. She felt a finger invading her, greasing up her passage. Still she vainly struggled,"No! Please! No! This isn't right!" She then heard Bob's voice, "No Missy, it IS right. In time you will come to accept that," he then trailed off, moving back," You must have known, when you where shooting yourself full of female hormones. You must have known this is where you would end up. How could you not? You want it Missy, we'll help you see that. It is right, it's exactly right." Kate had a popper in her pocket; she debated whether she should use it. It would keep Missy from clenching up and make her deflowering go all the easier. But it would also make her light headed and high. Would the effects relax her or make what was happening all the more frightening? It didn't matter, Bob would want Missy in her right mind for this; it's best to see how it plays out. Such subtleties, such kindnesses, where best avoided anyway if Missy was going to accept her new life in any quick order. There are times, like now, to be ruthless; times to give the pray no quarter. She could feel Bruce now, pushing. Forcing his way in to her. Stretching her wide," please, it hurts! You're hurting me!" Bob then began to talk in a mock serious tone," We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman..." She could feel it moving, tearing her wide, ripping every inch of her. Bruce was more than excited, he was fond of taking real girls anal virginity, and the site of his former boss; the person that had been the object of his lust and angry scorn; beneath him was profound. He would enjoy breaking her, getting her use to and even willingly accepting, his cock on a daily basis. "To have and to hold? In sickness and health? Till you let her up?" "I Do." Bruce moaned "And do you Missy pledge to love 'the general' and obey Bruce through..." Bruce was now slowly moving in and out, reaming Missy's battered hole. The overwhelming pain from his invading cock and her inability to do anything to stop it's violation of her had reduced Missy to tears and she was quietly sobbing, "please stop.. please.. please.. please..." Bob looked down at the grimace on her face and listened to her soft pleas."I'll take that as 'I do.'" With Bruce's heavy weight and deep penetration now nailing Missy firmly to the desk Bob lifted himself off her. He walked over to a side table and picked up a glass. Wrapping the glass in a handkerchief he listened as Bruce groaned filling Missy with his thick white essence. Bob put the package on the floor and just as he had crushed Missy's manhood he crushed the glass with his loafer. He, Kate, Bruce and Missy where all now bound in an unholy marriage, "many happy returns." To be continued... Copyright 2004 Quiet Savage [email protected]

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Driving Mrs Tandy

John Stefanovitch was appointed as Mrs. Tandy’s driver on his 25th birthday. He took that as a good sign. He didn’t have any reason to think otherwise. The payment was more than generous and the work wasn’t hard. Most of the time he was doing small repairs on Mrs. Tandy’s old Bentley, and washing it. Two times a day he had to take Mrs. Tandy’s nurse downtown for shopping. And that was all. The nurse’s name was Norma, a plump little creature with a permanent smile on her face. Norma...

3 years ago
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Making Love With Gorgeous Delhi Girl Chandni

Hi, this is Amit, once again. This incident happened recently and has been etched in my memory forever. For those reading my story for the first time, I am 39, quite good looking, 5.10 in height and having an athletic build. I reside in Mumbai and am quite adventurous. Without detailing further, let’s get on with what happened. It was a usual day at work, a hot summer day. I had just completed lunch and heard my phone ringing. When I looked, the name it displayed put a smile on my face. It was...

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Shantha8217s Assets Vandalized

( I thank Shantha for sharing her story. Please send comments/ suggestions to ) I was young, young, when I first felt Uncle Raghu’s hot cock poke me in buttocks. I was sitting in his lap, like I always did since I was a child. He pampers me a lot, kisses and hugs me, lifts me up in his arms and cuddles me. He was like a dad I never had. ( My dad died in a tragic accident when I was 4 years old). Uncle Raghu and auntie Deepa were our support system since that time. My Mom’s parents passed away...

3 years ago
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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Fucking Neighbour Girl Nandhini

Hi ISS readers. This is Vicky from Coimbatore again. I am a huge fan of ISS for past 10 months and I like Incest sex stories more. I am 5.7″ Bit fair complex. Here I’m gonna share a true incident happened just three month back. Now here comes another real incident of my life in which I had sex with my neighbourhood lady (beauty).. Her name is Nandhini 25 who is an MCA graduate and wife of a person who needs only money. She looks very good with beautiful apple size round boobs with brown nipples...

2 years ago
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Lemons and Coffee Chapter Two Kandy

Kandice, Kandy for short, was even more stunning than Kat – if that were possible. She had an almost identical body to Kat, just a little more developed in the right places due to the five year age gap between the two girls. She stood almost five centimeters taller than Kat and carried the extra height well.  Kandy was twenty-eight years old and recently married, and I often thought what a lucky fuck her husband was to have such a gorgeous lady to come home and fuck every night. Okay, maybe...

3 years ago
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Sex Studio Secrets 1 Alessandra

I run a small sex shop specialised in spanking and erotic equipment for submissive lesbian ladiesI run my small shop sometimes with my dear granddod pretty Petra and some awesome sexy assistentsI have on the first floor my private quarters also a studio full of see-through full size mirrorsI have on stand-by a few cameras behind each of those mirrors, for recording seek some assistanceI will direct with the help of hot Princess Petra the debute for Alessandra in her first 3-someI will direct...

1 year ago
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Slutty neighbour vandana

In life people always like to partake in a little bit of risk. Just enough to feel a rush, but not enough to get caught or noticed. Here is a story of a slutty teasing aunty. Vandana was no different. She was a beautiful 27-year-old woman working a relatively unassuming entry-level job at a fortune 500 company. The pay was nice, but her job was boring and provided very little excitement. So to bring a little excitement into her life, Vandana began to dress sexier. First it started off very...

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Histoire de Sandrine

Histoire de Sandrine (1)Par Perverpeper le 15/05/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySynopsis?: Sandrine est une jeune lyc?enne. Quelques jours apr?s avoir f?t? ses 18 ans, alors que le baccalaur?at n’est plus qu’? quelques semaines, elle est enlev?e par une femme richissime qui l’initie aux peines et aux joies de la soumission.Adressez-vous plut?t aux passions qu’aux vert...

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The story of Sandrine

Story of Sandrine (1) By Perverpeper on 05/15/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySummary: Sandrine is a young high school student.  A few days after celebrating her 18th birthday with college only a few weeks away, she is kidnapped by a rich woman who will introduce her to the pains and the joys of submission.Comment?: This is a translation from the...

4 years ago
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Meri Padosan Chandni

Dosto mera naam Rahil hai aur meri age 25 years hai mai ek smart n clever ladka ho.Ab story mai ata hu meri padosan chandni bohat hi khubsurat ladki hai uska figure 32 26 30 ka ho ga dekne mai todhi choti lagti hai uski age 18 ya 19 yrs ki hai,woh shalwar jamper pehenti hai. Mere mummy papa aur chota bhai sab mere cousion bahi ke bedi ki mangni mai gai the out of town mujhe office se chutti nhi mili thi to mai ghar pe akela tha jab mai office se gahr aye to dekha mere mummy papa log ja chuke...

1 year ago
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PA01 LAbattoir Alessandra

Name: Alessandra Ortiz Ethnicity: Puerto Rican Age: 24 Height: 5'8" Breasts: 36DD Waist: 24 Hips: 41 Weight: 140lbs Hair: Espresso Brown Eyes: Pistachio Green Skin: Peanut Brown Personality: Extroverted, Shallow, Sweet Inspiration/Muse: Priscilla Huggins Chapter 1 - The Mistake Alessandra was on top of the world. Her recent shoots with popular men's magazines got her noticed in a way that a girl from San Juan simply couldn't have anticipated. Her shockingly stunning face,...

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Prime Assets Ch 05

‘How did it go?’ said Howard, handing Emma a cup of tea and a biscuit. ‘Grant is quite the connoisseur, so I assume he was satisfied with your breasts?’ ‘Immensely satisfied,’ Emma said. ‘Although you should probably know that they forced him to change his plan somewhat.’ ‘Oh?’ ‘He was going to ejaculate onto the final girl’s boobs, but he did it onto mine instead.’ ‘I see.’ Howard scribbled a note. ‘He couldn’t help it.’ Emma added. ‘I just took off my top and…’ She slapped her hands onto...

1 year ago
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Lous New Assets

Lou's New Assets - By: Apathy Lush Lou stared doubtfully at the quivering globes before him, carefully examined the textured flesh around one of the reddened nipples. They were perfect, or at least as perfect as any he had seen. Jenny eased his confused arms into the bra. She continued to defend herself as she helped him in his child like state. "You did say you'd do anything for me!" He had to admit those were his exact words. As far as he could remember the body of the...

2 years ago
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Love To See Others Seeing My Wife8217s Assets

Hi everyone, my name is Ajay and my wife is Teena. Am like 25 year old and 5’9″ with an average built body. My wife is 24 year old, fair, 5’4″ tall. Her size being 32-26-34. We both work in a MNC in Bangalore. We recently got married a couple of months back. We both like to work hard and party harder. Though we hardly get time to spend with each other she loves having a drink every time we hook up for lunch or dinner in near by restaurants. I usually love seeing others look at her sexy butt...

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LegaciesChapter 19 Preparation for intercept of vessels sale of petroleum assets

Despite the extensive celebration for the return of Deb and Reb it was time to commence our run on another beautiful morning. All were accounted for and we were on our way at a little faster pace than usual. That must have been because of the return of our loved ones. As we were gathered around the table I announced, "For the necessary confidentiality of our rescue team all credit will be given to the Mexican marine forces that are now occupying the site. We will return to the office to...

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Punishing Kandi

This is a true story, so, to protect her identity, I'll call her Kandi.She is my personal sex slave and slut. She is not my girlfriend. In fact, I am engaged to be married to a man. But there is dominant part of me that loves to sexually control, use and engage in rough sex with bimbo bitches who love it just as much as i. Kandi comes when I call. She knows not to bother me unless I initiate contact ... or else she'll be punished. Last weekend, I phoned her and told her to meet me at a...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Maid Nandhini

Hello to all the iss reader’s. Let me first introduce myself, I am sparta with nice athletic body and this incident happened in boys hostel when I studing my bachelor’s degree. The heroine of this story is the maid nandhini who works in that hostel. She is black in color and good looking. Her size is 38-26-38 which will make everyone tempt. This is the real incident happened between me and my sexy maid few months back. Nandhini was working as a maid in that hostel for more than three years. Her...

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Night In Nellore With Sexy Girl Chandan

Hello everyone, greetings to all the readers. I am Ravi kumar from Nellore town in Andhra Pradesh and also a regular visitor and reader of the sex stories. I am here to narrate my real hot experience in Nellore with a sexy girl by name Chandan who is from Bangalore. This wonderful incident happened last week when I came to my native place Nellore from Hyderabad for a short stay. That evening around 7pm I went to meet my friend at DR Uttama hotel, as he was coming from Chennai and asked me to...

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Lena and Landon

Lena Brooks and Landon Parker sat proudly at the graduation of Walter, Lena's son. His fellow classmates envied him since he was receiving double Masters degree's at his young teen age. It was no surprise to Lena nor his uncle Landon when he gave them a nod in his acceptance speech. They too were "gifted" she a recognized Environmentalist, Climatologist and Speaker. Landon a Mechanical/Nuclear Engineer for Military Special Projects before going independent. "Wally" as they called him rushed to...

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Fulfilling Robber Pussy Eating Fantasy Of Nandini

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a pussy eating fantasy. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

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Fulfilling Robber Pussy Eating Fantasy Of Nandini

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a pussy eating fantasy. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

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Chandni Oh My Chandni

Hello, ISS reader i am Sumit from Siliguri, West Bengal and this story involves me and my sexiest hot girlfriend Chandni, losing her virginity to me. To begin with my hot girlfriend Chandni, she is about 5’7 and her assets measure 36-26-32 she looks like Ayesha Takia, her boobs can make any one go crazy within first look, her eyes are so beautiful that one gets hypnotized by her beauty. Though i am 5’10 and my cock measure about 7″ she’s truly a sex goddess. It all happened after the college...

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The Knight Zander

Since the day of the ill-fated campaign to bring down the warlord Mahrk that led to the death of the youngest prince of Harya, Zander lived in seclusion in the tiny fishing village of Fairno. No kingdom would accept him into their knighthood nor would any hire them for their "dirty" work. So Zander was content living in Fairno and keeping the life he now had. Most of his days we spent excercising keeping in shape and farming his land. And on days like today when he needed supplies Zander went...

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Enter Sandman

‘Enter Sandman’ Although most scholars of erotic mind control fiction would agree that the Internet has provided us with a new Golden Age of hypnotic stories (in both senses of the word ‘hypnotic’), the increased attention paid to the fetish is also providing us with a wealth of information on the history of mind control erotica. Discoveries continue every day, from the use of hypnosis in silent films like ‘The Cabaret of Doctor Caligari’, to the infamous ‘burlesque hypnosis shows’ of Germany...

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Das Rote Halsband

Das Rote Halsband © 2006 / 2019 Lydia Lighthouse Schon seit langem hatte ich es mir vorgenommen. Nur an einer passenden Gelegenheit mangelte es bisher. Zugegeben, ein wenig mehr Mut w?re dem Unternehmen sicherlich zutr?glich gewesen, aber jetzt war es ja endlich so weit. Mit einer Eintrittskarte f?r einen Travestie-Event in der Tasche war ich auf dem Weg zu meiner ersten Erfahrung als Frau in der ?ffentlichkeit. Nun gut... ?ffentlichkeit war zwar vielleicht etwas zu viel gesagt, denn au...

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PromiseChapter 23 Alejandra

SATURDAY PROMISED TO BE HOT. Daytime temperatures that were unpleasant but as compensation the evenings were mild until midnight, sometimes later. I found Aída in the stands and sat down beside her. “Why aren’t you out there today, Aída?” She made a face. “I twisted my ankle a couple of weeks ago, Michael. I’ve got to take it easy for another ten days at least.” She laughed. “Otherwise I’d cream her, and Alex knows it.” My lizard brain immediately wondered exactly what kind of creaming...

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Me And My Maid Nandini

This story is about my maid and me and how we started our secret affair. Before that, let me introduce myself as it’s my first story. My name is Rahul 22 years, and I am a proper Bangalore man. I’m 5’8 with dusty color with a lean athletic body as I do regular gym I have finished my studies and started my firm. My mom moved to dad’s place as he works abroad. Now, coming to the story. As I told, I had finished my studies and started my firm. With mom gone, I was left alone with no-one to do my...

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Kandy By Daisy May Chapter One Adrian had been fired, again. His boss had been ragging on him because he missed another Monday, she didn't take kindly to his suggestion that she 'blow me' and, instead, had fired his ass out the door. Another man might have been upset, and, truthfully, in a couple of weeks when his cash was gone, Adrian would clean himself up and get another job; until then, a can or three of Faxe 10 would keep him occupied and happy if not blissful. The...

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Professor Sanderson

The little bitch had started coming on to him almost from the first class. Giving him those doe-eyed looks, the sly smiles, sitting there with his legs spread wide apart so Professor Sanderson could see his hard boy-meat. And he continued do so up until mid-terms. But, even though the little bitch had been outrageously flirting with Professor Sanderson from his front row seat, he had also been careful to never actually approach the man, to give his professor any opening to act on the boy’s...

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Drunk Sex With Hot Married Colleague Nandita

Hey everyone, thanks for the support and responses to my previous stories. I have been busy all this while but finally got time to pen down this erotic experience I had last week with a hot office babe, Nandita. For comments, suggestions or some fun (only for women), contact me at my email. I had recently moved into a new role in the company and was supposed to go under a training for a week. Already bored by the dull looking mentor, I was cursing my new role until the training ended and I was...

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The Boxs Pandora

The Box's Pandora By Morpheus "Are we there yet?" I asked from the back seat of my family car, a five year old sedan that Dad had bought brand new. "No," Dad answered from the driver's seat. I turned my attention back to my DS, and the Pokemon game that I was in the middle of playing. A few minutes later, I repeated the question, "Are we there yet?" This was more from boredom, than because I thought we were really that close to our destination. "Not yet," Mom answered from...

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The Haruhi Armband

The Haruhi Armband. By apsm. Disclaimer: I don't own Haruhi Suzumiya or its characters. As the twilight sky darkened over the skyline, a young man was sauntering his way through the spatial crowds of his street towards his nondescript apartment. With hands in coat pockets, and a messy tangle of brown hair, he looked like your average citizen. Well actually he was- just an office boy fresh out of university named Gene- but despite the melancholic expression, a feeling of dull enthusiasm was...

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Becoming Candi

Becoming Candi Rachel        The alarm on my phone shocked me from my sleep and I thumbed with the touch screen in an attempt to turn it off. The phone was new and it was the first time I had heard the alarm tone, which was less like a wake up alarm and more like an emergency siren.        ?Rach, will you get that?? I heard my Mother yell from downstairs. With a tremendous amount of effort I managed to lift myself off my pillows and sit up. Today was the first day of university for me and my...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 26 An afternoon with Chandra

"Milord, you need a money belt, carrying that much money is not wise." Chandra said. I agreed with her, and tasked her to get me one along with anything else she thought that we might need. I followed her as we went shopping for the rest of the afternoon. I also filled her in on tomorrow's entertainment and my encounter with Lord Steven's lackeys. "Be watchful Milord, Duke Steven has a dark reputation." "I should be fine until after the duel, his lackey seemed competent and sure of...

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Neve and the Sandman

"In the repertoire of my being, that of a mortal with creative juices...I, The Sandman and sweeper of sensuality make my nightly journey to seek out the one female creature that I might make my own.”Neve read these words to herself, then said aloud, “The sweeper of sensuality huh? Not in my experience.”Neve sat back in her bed. The story was from one of those online sites that specialized in more adult themed stories. Stories of erotic encounters between two or more people that resulted in hot...

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Meri maid Vandana

Hi friends mere nam simer hai aur maine abi abi apni Intunship complete ki hai aur aj main ap ka apni life ka sab se happy aur zabardast experience share ka rha hu yeh bat un dino ki hai jab main 9 standard mein the aur Vandana hamare ghar mein kam karti thi us ka rang gora badan 36-24-36 k kareeb tha ,aur woh jab kam krti to apna dupptta utar kr rakh dati aur jb woh niche ki aur hoti to use ke boobs saaf nazar atte. Ek din papa ne kaha k hum sab manali ghumne ja rahe hai kyuki unhe Family tour...

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Friends More SexEd for Chandler

Chandler walked into Rachel and Monica's apartment one morning, with a look of obvious frustration on his face. Monica was sitting at the kitchen table eating toast and orange juice."Hey there, lover boy. How are things going with Kathy?" she teased.The week before, the roommates had given Chandler some "tips" on pleasing Kathy, with Monica coaching as Chandler practiced on Rachel."Oh fine," he said disgusted. "Is Rachel here?""No, she's already at work at Bloomingdales. What's up?""Well, it's...

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Prime Assets Ch 07

Howard sat with Emma in the kitchen back at home while she calmed down. He had been called out to the research clinic when Emma’s sexual hysteria had refused to die down, and had driven her home. Simon had arrived in from work around the same time, and sat in the living room, peering in confusion at the tall, handsome stranger in the sharp suit and raincoat, giving his bosomy tenant quiet words of reassurance. ‘I’m going to have to leave now, Emma,’ Howard said, patting his client’s hand....

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Prime Assets Ch 06

That night, as she lay in bed listening to the rhythmic thud of Simon’s masturbation while the breeze from the open window wafted across the snowy mountain range of her bare chest, Emma imagined sexual intercourse with a partner, any partner, able to stay hard enough to fuck her, with the visual stimulus provided by her bosom helping him to keep his erection in equilibrium rather than drive it to an instant and unsatisfactory climax. The fantasy carried over into her dreams, which were...

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Prime Assets Ch 10

Emma contacted the Booby Trap club and booked herself in for an open spot the following week, then began going back through the notes and ideas for stage routines that she had brainstormed with Simon over the last few weeks. Her various misadventures in the employ of the Prime Assets agency had had mixed success, and while they had certainly facilitated a belated and invigorating sexual awakening and more than paid off the rent she owed, her true ambitions still lay in the world of cabaret and...

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Corporate Assets Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Carmen was now using both hands to grip the dildo as she forced it up her helpless captive's ass. Sandra felt more of the dildo enter her ass. Carmen was shoving more of the rubber monster into Sandra's bowels. In a fairly short time she had about half of it, six inches or so, stuck in Sandra's ass. "Man this ass fucking is hard work", she said. She leaned back to admire her handiwork. "Hey you're doing real good", said Hector. "We'll give you a real one to play with if you keep it...

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Journeys West Chapter 20 Yolanda

Chapter 20 - Yolanda By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Proofread by: Qmodo Mary Sue stood in the doorway of the library's special archives, hands on her hips. Before her stood the rows of shelves that had been in the basement when she had arrived. One of the first things she had done after taking over as the temporary librarian was to get a group of teenaged boys in to move the boxes stored in the basement up to where they would be better protected. She had then spent several...

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Candi's story If you don't think this is a work of fiction you are crazy. "Thank you dear that was delightful." I smiled on a post orgasmic haze. Being married for 4 years out sex had become so routine. Its not that we didn't have sex often enough or that I no longer found my wife attractive. Its just the same positions always ending up in missionary position till we both came. "Yes I enjoyed it too." At breakfast the next day I struggled to formulate my wanting to...

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Degraded Teen Part 1

She was a senior in high school in a small Northern California town. Her good friend Traci moved to Nevada about two hours away. Traci was a average looking blonde girl who was a bit on the heavy side. She liked to hang out with Carmen , because she would attract a lot of boys. So during spring break she went up to visit her and stay the weekend. Once she got there they went to the mall and they met up with her friends new boyfriend, Darren, who was quite attractive and athletic and he was...

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Sexy Sandhya

Hi ISS readers, i am Bhargav back again. I really thank for the response to my real experiences . Already i told my real experiences in my last 8 stories. Now i am coming before you with my another experience happened last year. I lost my father in the last April and i was in some sad mood. One i was sitting alone on the terrace and i was lying on the floor and looking at the black sky and stars. It was 8-30 pm. Suddenly my phone rang. I lifted and said hello. I heard a sweet lady’s voice. She...

4 years ago
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The Androids

by grig314 (Warning! I'm not using 4-letter words like "fuck" in this story. I hope you like it as is, just for the story value. I'm willing to risk turning some of you people off by not putting in much porn content, but I think it is an interesting story.) This was one project that we did not want to get into the hands of large countries because they would just turn it into a military project and create armies of robots, and that's not what we wanted. And so, in small groups,...

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Cum Candies

Cum Candies By SG [email protected]        I decided to take a short break from my main writing project that I’m working on to play with this story. I wanted to try out a couple different writing styles and ideas that had formed in my head. As always, I greatly appreciate any feed back, thoughts and ideas you can give.        So I guess this all started a couple days back. One could argue that this all began at age thirteen when I first discovered my passion for exhibitionism among other...

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Fucked My Dreamgirl Student Chandni

Hello friends I m Prsashant Sharma from Modinagar. I guy on whom girls are mad. Till now date I have fucked many girls many virgins but today I would like to share story with ,y student Chandni. The hottest girl of my collage .please mail your suggestion on Now coming to the story…. After completing my engineering I decided to work as a teacher in engineering colleges. I got as a lecture appointment in a college in meerut NIT. As a lecturer I preferred to go by bus for my teaching job. The...

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Monica and Sandi

orgasm of the evening. Light sparkled off the sweat that poured over her creamy skin. Her bountiful breasts heaved in ecstasy as Monica ate out the blonde's tasty pussy. The taste of strawberries was unmistakable. (That was a great idea that Sandi had with the whip cream and ripe berries.) Her new craving for tongue was insatiable; Monica ran her tongue over the prickly surface of Sandi's shaved twat. To watch them it would be difficult to tell that this was only Sandi's first...

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Sweet Sandi

The story you are about to read is a complete work of fiction.  None of the events depicted here actually happened.  Any similarity to any actual person, place, or event is entirely coincidental.I promised I’d deliver the story about what happened between my daughter’s friend Sandi and myself.  Well, here it is.  Ah, memories…The summer afternoon of Kimberleigh’s 16th birthday party was a hot one.  The sun was blazing overhead and made me thankful for the cool shade of the trees in the...

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Punishing Kandi

This is a true story, so, to protect her identity, I’ll call her Kandi. She is my personal sex slave and slut. She is not my girlfriend. In fact, I am engaged to be married to a man. But there is dominant part of me that loves to sexually control, use and engage in rough sex with bimbo bitches who love it just as much as i. Kandi comes when I call. She knows not to bother me unless I initiate contact … or else she’ll be punished. Last weekend, I phoned her and told her to meet me at a...

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