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I've already gotten more response to the second part than the first; that's why I wrote part 3 so much more quickly. It's still going to be a while before Tom isn't Tom, but a slut on his knees. Please keep telling me what you think, and if you have any requests. By the way: I'm a tall, thin, finely featured man with a secret desire to be treated like the slut I feel I am. I live in the NYC area. If anyone has any advice, I'd be ever so grateful. [email protected] Popular Chapter 3 By Anastasia Toy Three weeks later I was in a small conference room at the University's medical center, sitting uncomfortably in a chair and facing a long table, behind which sat a row of five people, like a panel. I recognized Lillianna, who had taken the center position, and Antonio, who sat to her left, but the rest were strange to me. They had said nothing to me when I had first been led in by one of Antonio's assistants, but only shuffled papers and talked softly among themselves. It was only after a few minutes that I noticed an empty chair at the end of the table; I assumed we were waiting for one more person. In the meantime I had only my thoughts to break the silence. I had spent the last weeks in a blur of paranoia and dread, certain that at any moment federal agents would burst into my office or home and quickly bring to an end the life I had built for myself. A professor convicted of rape was no professor at all, and with a degree in sociology I had scant hope of finding a job in the private sector. What good was all my academic training if the world of academics was taken from me? Now and I again I fumed at the injustice I faced. I had wronged Lillianna, but I had also loved her; any man will tell you that he is capable of simultaneously loving one woman and lusting after another. And it was because I loved her, and because she had loved me, that her reaction had been so strong. I knew that I would never have her body again - though this didn't keep me from fantasizing about her joining Denise at my feet, obediently on her knees, sucking my cock while looking up at my eyes... in my fantasies they thanked me for abusing them, for treating them like the sluts they were - I knew I would never have her body again, but why should she treat me so cruelly? And Denise? I couldn't think of her without a flash of hot rage and the thought 'that lying slut!' The girl who had come into my office begging for a chance to suck my cock in exchange for grades now had the temerity to suggest I had raped her? But rage would eventually give way to dread; what if this bizarre, madcap plan Denise had sketched out was actually put into action? What could it possibly entail? I had looked up Antonio's name on the web, and sure enough Denise was right: he practiced cosmetic surgery at the university's hospital. I asked a couple of my students about him, affecting as much nonchalance as I could, and learned that he was a well known figure on campus because girls thought he was a real 'hunk'. One day one of my competitors had approached me on the paths and asked, with a nasty smirk, how I felt about about my ex-girlfriend seeing another man so quickly. I could only assume that Lillianna had been seen around with Antonio, though I had become such a recluse that I couldn't be sure. I could be sure, now, that half the faculty was whispering about me in humiliating terms; the only silver lining was that they weren't whispering about Denise. Denise, the lying slut - here she came now! I was snapped back to the uncomfortable present as Denise joined the 'panel' facing me. As she sat down, Lillianna looked directly at me and began to speak. "Hello, Tom." "Uh, hi." "Tom, I imagine that the last few weeks have been very uncomfortable for you. Although you may not believe me, you should know that I have no desire to inflict more pain on you than is necessary; well, that's not precisely true - I have the desire, but I'm trying as hard as I can to suppress it, or rather sublimate it into something higher. "That something higher is learning. Everyone who has come here has done so because they have the opportunity to learn - everyone, that is, except you and Denise. Denise is here not to learn, but to give her blessing to the experiment we are about to conduct. If she does not give that blessing, we will hand this case over to the police. "You are a slightly different case. You are going to learn a very good deal from this experiment - more than any of us will - but you don't yet realize that's a good thing. The only reason you're here is to avoid the consequences of a crime you committed. I can only hope that, by the time we get to the end of all of this, you'll be grateful more for the understanding of women that you've gained, than for the prison time that you've avoided. "But enough preamble. After a great deal of deliberation between ourselves and consultation with the other members of the panel, Antonio and I have decided on the following experiment: you will spend the next year of your life as a woman, attending a state university in Florida. At the end of that year, you must be popular, but not what you call a 'slut'. Regardless of whether you pass this test, you will be transformed back to a man during the following summer; however, if you do not pass the test, you will be delivered to the authorities on the charges of rape you would now face. If you pass the test, you are free to continue your life however you see fit. "Yes or no, Tom?" I was unable to articulate a single word. Imagine, for a moment, listening to such a speech. Imagine being told that you could avoid jail time by living as a woman for a year, subject to a fabulous condition that I somehow become popular. How bizarre! How patently ridiculous! Denise had said something along these lines that night several weeks ago, but she was a freshman girl, delirious from a night of excitement; here I was, listening to the same madness from an ostensibly sane professor flanked by other tenured men and women, gravely nodding their heads in agreement. I had no real response, but a laughed a strange squeaking laugh I wasn't at first aware I was responsible for. "Gather yourself together, Tom. In the meantime, I might as well address the questions that you'll think of asking soon, if you haven't already. First, let me introduce the other people here, and explain their interest in the project. "At the end of the table to my right is Dr. Gambeaux, who is researching methods of connecting nerves to one another. He will assist Antonio in performing your Sexual Reassignment Surgery. I'm sorry that we couldn't find a proper SRS doctor for your procedure, but this is necessarily clandestine and we had to choose only people so keen on performing new research that the chance of being caught was not a concern. Gambeaux, an older man with a severe, wrinkled face, inclined his head in recognition of me. He said nothing. "To his left is Dr. White, a researcher in clinical neuropsychopharmacology and endocrinology. She will work with you to devise your drug schedule." White was a plain looking woman in her mid thirties who looked more nervous than stern. Unlike Gambeaux, she spoke: "While the circumstances of all this is very uh troubling, I am very enthusiastic about the possibility of working with you." Lillianna continued: "To my left, you know Denise, and Antonio, who will perform any cosmetic surgery on you that you require. Between them is Dr. Arnold, a specialist in foot and hand transplantation. You see, it's crucial to the experiment that you not be revealed as a man at any point, and given your height suspicion will be necessarily high. We realized that only by replacing your hands and feet with much smaller replacements would you escape all doubt. Dr. Arnold, a smallish man with nervous gestures, cut in: "Perhaps you heard about the first hand transplantation surgery when it was performed a few years ago. The results were medically satisfying, but cosmetic failures. What I have been developing, and hope to implement in a living patient for the first time, is a set of complementary procedures that reshape the structure of the hand altogether, in order to make the transplant a visual match for the body. If this is unclear now, it won't be for long." I expected Lillianna to take up talking again, but they were all silent and simply stared at me. Only Antonio displayed any emotion: a thin grin. He, at least, was enjoying this. Clearly they were waiting for a response. I knew I was essentially powerless and that it would be a poor choice to anger Lillianna further - and I knew she her motivation was anger, no matter what she said - but I couldn't help it. All I could think of to say was: "This is insane. Absolutely fucking insane. Where did you find these 'doctors'?" Then it struck me: "This is some kind of deranged prank, isn't it, Lillianna. Look, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry about what I did. You don't need to do this kind of thing, whatever it is you think you're going to accomplish..." Lillianna laughed a heartless laugh. "Insane? I realize I've forgotten to explain one part of the experiment, the most important part, the sociological part, my part, Denise's part. All the other doctors see you as a human guinea pig, someone who will silently agree to procedures for which no agency will spend research dollars. And I should mention that you will be paying for all of this with you savings. But I see you as a wonderful opportunity to explore some of my own theories about women's sexuality. "In particular, women's sexuality is often co-opted by men and subverted entirely to their needs. How interesting will it be to see if this is a sociological construct entirely without connection to women's biology, and without connection to women's desires. In plain English, I mean this: some people say that women are sexually controlled by men because they are genetically programmed to do so, or because they want to be controlled. But you aren't genetically a woman, nor do you have the desires of one. So if you become sexually controlled by men, it will be stunning confirmation that this happens because of social forces. "But even more, we may see how these forces seem to work with the cooperation of the woman - in this case, you. Because when I say 'abused', or 'forced', I don't mean literally - although that sometimes happens. I simply mean that women are sometimes pushed toward a particular sexual fate; perhaps they contribute to that process, but it certainly isn't the one they would have chosen, if they'd had a totally free choice. The point is subtle, but if my theory is correct, you'll come to understand it very well indeed. "In your case, we'll have to give you a slight push in the right direction; and so, you've got to be popular. This will be your challenge, and the difficulty will be for you to become popular without resorting to your sexuality, without giving up your sex." "But I've forgotten another, equally important part: your part. You are going to learn - in particular, you are going to learn what Denise's life has been like. Rather than punish you in prison, we're going to show you why what you did was wrong, or at least make it possible that you'll see. That's why you are going to become a college freshman - or freshwoman - again. We'll give you the same social challenges that Denise had, and see how you do. Now, what do you think?" Silently, I thought she was deranged. But this was not the point to keep pressing: "Certainly, there's some other way of going about this. How will I get away from my job? Where will I live? Perhaps -" "Let me stop you right now. There is only one other way, and that's prison. Do you want to go to prison, to give up the life you thought you'd have?" "Uh, no." "Then listen a little more. I see you want to know how we'll make all this work. First of all, you are about to be diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer by a friend of Dr. Arnold's who owes him a favor. This will be your pretext for a sudden sabbatical and the sale of your house, the proceeds of which will pay for the costs of surgery and medical treatment. "We have arranged, through Antonio, for a complete set of replacement papers for you: birth certificate, social security, passport, high school transcript. "Finally, I have a friend at a state university in Florida who is prepared to admit you to the university without the scrutiny of the customary admissions process. So you see, the plan's quite well worked out. I looked at her. She was serious. She was absolutely serious - oh my fucking god: "My cock! Uh, my penis. You're going to replace it?" "Temporarily, yes. The transformation must be, to outward appearances, complete. But if I understand Antonio correctly, we can reverse the procedure at the experiment's conclusion. You won't get your original penis back, and you may have altered sensation, but you'll have it back. And, being outside of prison, you'll be able to use it. "This is a good time to mention some of the other minor rules of the competition. First of all, certain procedures are required. You must have the size of your hands and feet reduced, must have SRS, must have electrolysis over your whole body. You will be given small breast implants; you may have larger ones, if you wish. We will reduce the size of your Adam's apple, and make minor modifications to your facial structure to make it less obviously a man's. "If you want more procedures performed, this is entirely your choice. You are furthermore welcome to ask for extra procedures once the experiment is begun. Simply come back to the university and tell us what you want. Any kind of cosmetic surgery will be available to you. "Your tuition will be paid for you, in the form of a student loan. However, you will be responsible for getting any pocket money that you may feel you need over the course of the school year. "It goes without saying that you must pass all of your courses during your time at college, and that you must take on a normal course load. "Finally, there is the question of your ultimate goal: popularity without being a slut. How will we determine whether you've succeeded? Simple. At the end of the year, Antonio and I will pose as your legal guardians, and come to the university. There, we'll ask a number of students whether you're popular, and whether you're a slut. A simple majority will decide the question. Of course, if we find that you've paid or bribed students to say that you're popular or anything like that, you'll be disqualified and lose the competition. "So again I'm asking you, what do you say?" So much preparation had clearly gone into this plan that I was now sure it wasn't a joke. I looked around, but none of the stony faces I saw gave me guidance. "I don't know, Lillianna. It's all so wild. Put yourself in my position; it's so sudden and so outlandish. Can't I think about it?" "You have half an hour, and you have to think about it in this room. If you agree, we'll give you a shot to make you unconscious and immediately begin the surgery; we have a lot of work to do to get you ready for the coming school year. If you choose not to try the experiment, we'll call the police immediately. I've told you everything you get to know; from here on out, it's only you." For the next twenty-nine minutes I felt more alone and isolated than I had in my entire life. Regardless of my choice, I was due to be plucked from the world I had come to know. It was true that I had few friends and fewer relatives, but I had always relied on my career for companionship, and that was going to be taken from me. Should I give that up for life, spend time in prison, be ostracized for my whole life? Or submit to a battery of untested surgical procedures and give up my identity for an entire year to a bizarre sociological experiment designed only to humiliate me? In the end, I had only one choice. Better to sacrifice a year than a lifetime. Yes, it would be only a year. With my age and confidence, I could succeed in a college's social scene, even as a woman. That part would be like beating toddlers in a foot race. And Lillianna really was crazy if she supposed, even for a moment, that I would somehow become a slut simply because I wanted to be popular and had a pussy. Still, my voice was shaky as I said: "Give me the shot." Lillianna said, "Denise, give him this shot, as a symbol of your approval of the plan." She did - the room began to spin - I felt faint - Next Chapter: Tom undergoes a radical transformation in the summer of change.

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Seduced By My Mom 8211 Part 3

I am Rohan, and I was seduced by my mom, Smita. I somehow finished my classes in college and returned home. Mom has just returned and enquired about how my day today was. I mischievously replied, “Mom, completely boring without you. I was only dreaming about you.” Mom sighed and said, “I made mistake, it seems, that I indulged you into all this. Now you want me all the time. That’s difficult.” Without a word, she went into the kitchen and prepared dinner. We had our dinner in silence. After...

3 years ago
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Three Worlds

The two consecutive thuds at my one-o’clock position grabbed my attention. The shockwaves and sudden strong gusts of wind were felt through the steering wheel, pushing the car into the empty oncoming lane. A strange, perfectly vertical dust devil formed in the wheat field. The car was allowed to decay its speed. From the phenomenon, I noticed two people scrambling for the road as if to catch a bus.The two strange-looking women reached the bus stop just in time to request a ride with me. I...

1 year ago
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My friends friend comes calling

My friend of many years had been fucking my wife for quite a while now. It was almost a regular thing for him to stop by our place a couple times a week for a piece of ass, or a blow job. Sometimes I would join in, as I loved to watch her get fucked. Generally, Iwould clean her pussy out with my tongue when he had finished fucking her. One day, Ken said that his friend, Don, told him he would like to fuck my wife, as he knew Ken had been fucking her for years. He was aware that I knew my...

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Lost in the woods1

"She's only 6." It was so annoying. I shoved her out of my room, slamming the door behind her. I hit 'play' on my remote and Taylor Swift began blasting through my iPod speakers. I flopped back on my bed and grabbed my phone and texted Ashley, my best friend. I knew she was at her Anime Club meeting. God, she is such a nerd. She needs to stop hanging around those losers and hanging out with more popular people like me. But I did get a phone call. It was Lucas, my boyfriend. "Hey...

2 years ago
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Fantasies fulfilled chapter 3

Matt sat at the end of the bar, casually drinking his beer and anxiously waiting for her to return. They had been to the swinger's club once before, but this time was different. This time he and Janelle had been talking about it for months, ever since the first time. He was a confident, suit-type. Tall, dark and ruggedly good-looking. The type of guy that you know is a man's man, yet a gentleman to the core. He could see the staircase leading down from the change room out of the corner of his...

3 years ago
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Enemy CombatantsChapter 3

Damon's cock pistoned repeatedly into Svetlana's ass as he rewarded her for a job well done. The portable heart-monitor he wore registered his accelerated pulse as his orgasm approached, and then he was spraying the inside of her colon with his seed. He wiped himself off on her white lab coat and put his boxers back on. He grinned up at the device, which looked a lot like giant ball bearing with Cylon eyes. A jumping, red line synched with his heart-monitor. Phillips wouldn't find him as...

1 year ago
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Corporate Assets Chapter 2

Chapter 2 "Sounds like our friend don't like our accommodations," said a male voice. "Well, we`ll just have to make it up to her later," laughed another voice. The drive lasted for 30 minutes or so. Sandra had no idea where she was or where they were taking her. She could tell there on a freeway but then traffic seemed to get thinner as they drove. Then she felt the van pull onto rough gravel. They were no longer on pavement. They came to a stop. She heard the doors of the van open. Then she...

2 years ago
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It Isnt FairChapter 4

While we were satisfied and relaxed, we were still the same horny people we’d always been. I woke daddy up in the middle of the night for a session of slow, gentle love making. I came, then daddy drenched my pussy with a heavy load. We cuddled on the giant wet spot and went back to sleep. We woke up, brushed our teeth, I used the bidet attachment on the toilet to clean daddy’s cum out of my pussy, and then we showered together. We got dressed. I made breakfast for us, and daddy headed off to...

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Alene Ravens New Life Year IIChapter 9

“Are you OK? What happened?” Alene responded to Nadia’s fearful yelp as she lifted her upper body to get a better view of the room. Nadia took a deep breath, “I’m fine.” She said and as she did, Nicky’s head popped up at the bed’s feet. She rose to her knees and Alene saw that she was naked. “What are you doing here? Didn’t we give you a room?” Alene wondered. “Yes, sorry,” Nicky yawned, “when I was in my room I was so frightened I couldn’t sleep. I just needed some company, you girls make...

1 year ago
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I introduced Kath to my sex partner it was her first cock

One Saturday while my old lady was working until 4:30 PM, Louise called me and asked if I was free? I told her I was available until 3:30 PM. She told me she had something important she wanted to talk to me about and she was sure I would want be hear it. I asked her if I should come over there or was she coming over to my house? She told me she would be coming over my house and to open the back door to the basement. She told me to be ready for a fun afternoon. When she arrived we fooled around...

4 years ago
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lustful sin closest kin part 2

I walked by my neighbor’s trailer and observed that he was gone. I returned to the trailer a few minutes later and in the darkness I pried open one of the small windows in the back door and was able to unlock the door from inside. My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness in his trailer and I went to his bedroom. There I took two of his pillows and laid them on the middle of his bed. Using only a lighter for light, I placed mom’s panties on the end of the top pillow as if they were being...

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Surviving the IslandEpilogue

Jessica's leg was in bad shape. For several minutes, Julie and Stacy had discussed whether to even deal with the traitorous woman. But in the end, they'd both decided that they couldn't live with themselves knowing they'd left her to die. They dragged her unconscious body back to the beach in front of their house, but neither made the move to bring her inside. They both examined the wound on her leg, which was deep. They cleaned it and stitched it closed, wrapping it up with a clean...

3 years ago
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The Royal Witch and The Roge CH1

She wore a sturdy wool gown with a lace and cotton pelted bodice that seated her breast, making them an automatic look when someone spotted her. The dark green wool curved down her body ,lacing up the back so her small waist was showed off, and her breast were pushed up and together. She wore sturdy riding boots and thigh high stockings tied into place by a garter belt. Her hair was braded into a fish tail down her back and over her shoulder and covered with a heavy wool cloak. She...

2 years ago
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total desire

A night of watching a heavy metal cartoon after a extremely fancy dinner can lead to only one simple desire.I want to smell the scent of your panty soup that you have been cooking up. It's not hard to get your juices flowwing. A little suckle on your nipples, a little finger slip under you tight frilly turquoise panties.....MMMMmmmmm........ Hey baby I can smell you from here. Maybe you won't mind me coming over there and dropping my shaft into your lazy mouth. That's right it's time for a...

3 years ago
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PennyChapter 11

Towards the end of June Peter and Penny received warning of Boulter’s trial at the Crown Court in Dorchester on 15th July. It stated that if his Defence notified the court in advance that he would be pleading Guilty they would not be required to give evidence. In the event of a Not Guilty plea they would and would not be allowed to sit together. Peter and Caroline had gone to work when the post arrived. Penny opened and read hers. She was horrified. She would be on her own again and not have...

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love making to friend

Hi readers let me tell you the incident happened with my best friend. Her name is vidya(name changed) she stands 5.2 inches tall, with medium built she is 1 year elder to me we were best friends we often used to roam around, chat I did not know that i will end up having sex with her one day.Day by day we were getting intimate with each other, her behaviour towards were changing she used to rub her body knowningly making me feel more hornier, which tempted me to kiss her. Once we were hanging...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Biwi Ko Choda Part 8211 7

Hello friends. Thank you all for your response to my stories. I am back with my new story. It is a continuation of my previous story. For new readers my name is ravi. Ths is a story of my frnds wife ruchi nd me. In my last story. Ruchi, my frnd kawal nd me had gone to a lodge. We checked in at 10am nd we had fun till 1 noon. Nd we still had time till 6 pm. Starting with the story. Ruchi kawal se ek shot lagwa chuki thi. Hum sab ne lunch karke sex session resume karne ka decide kiya. Humne lunch...

3 years ago
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Trying to Be Normal11 Starting Someone Elses Hobby

“Could you explain why you want us to go see her, instead of yourself?” Shani asked. I’d just explained to everyone what had happened at the hospital, and why I wanted Shani and Allison to visit the hospital to talk to the newest girl there, Jennifer. “There’s a variety of reasons. After making such a spectacle of myself I’d like to keep a low profile, also, I don’t really want to do any more favors for the good doctor until he fulfills his part of the deal, but mostly because I’m afraid...

4 years ago
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Back to Daves

It had been a very long time since I had been over to see Dave. Apart from the odd wave in the street, we never really spoke or saw each other.I decided to go and see why he was being so off with me, particularly as we had so much fun when I helped him previously.I knocked on his door, and watched him approach through the glass. He was wearing a t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms, and when he opened the door, saw from his still wet hair that he must have just got out of the shower.'Hi John. Come on...

3 years ago
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Moms Donkey UrgeChapter 6

Although Linda was certainly relieved to find that it was not her mother who had found her stuck full of doggie cock, it was quite likely that Valerie might not have objected, either... Valerie, at the moment, was dealing with a donkey prick as hard as stone. The donkey had turned sideways and Valerie was admiring his gigantic prick in profile, her blonde head tilting from side to side as she slid her gaze up his cockshaft. It was no wonder that a donkey was a sturdy pack animal, she...

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Me Myself and I

I thought it might be fun to write a personal story about myself for a change, if this get's a good response, I'll definently write more!I have long, almost black hair that hangs past my round, DD tits. My skin is a light coffee color as I am mixed (half black and half white). I am relatively tall with long, toned legs. I have a nice round ass that I keep nice and tight from working out.I am also a complete nympho and masterbate as much as I have the chance too. Sex is something that is always...

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The Conqueror of the AmazonsChapter 2

Wonder Woman slowly swam up from the depths to consciousness. With her eyes remaining closed she wondered why her head hurt and her shoulder throbbed, then it came back in a rush. They had been invaded by an army of men, the Amazons were prisoners, she had been too slow in a game of bullets and bracelets and been wounded, and the leader of the invaders had really kicked the shit out of her. She slowly opened her eyes, "You've decided to rejoin us, I see," the man staring down at her said....

2 years ago
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Maike war heute nicht so weit gewandert, wie sie eigentlich gewollt hatte. Das Wetter hatte der 23jährigen einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht, so dass sie in einer Schutzhütte unterkommen musste, statt ihre Etappe wie geplant in einem kleinen Hotel im nächsten Dorf zu beenden. Als sie die kleine Hütte betrat, sah die junge Studentin, dass sie dieses Schicksal teilte. Vor dem heraufziehenden Gewitter hatten dort noch noch eine Gruppe von fünf Jugendpfadfindern, deren Leiter um die 18 Jahre...

1 year ago
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Deep Ellum

Hope checked out her reflection in a building front’s window while her girlfriends continued jauntily down darkening Main Street in Dallas’s Deep Ellum. The jazzy, upscale area of the city’s entertainment district was hours away from revving itself up into full party mode. Hope’s cousin Lacy had wanted to get out—and home again—early, tomorrow being her wedding. For Hope it was a chance to have a respite from her usual Friday night routine: feeding her fish, filing her nails, yawning at the...

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penari bispak

Sialnya, hari itu pasar agak sepi, dan sesudah dua jam saya baru dapat Rp5000 sesudah menari di pangkalan ojek. Saya nggak bisa konsentrasi, kepala penuh dengan pikiran, gimana caranya supaya nanti kalau pulang sudah punya cukup uang untuk bayar kontrakan. Belum utang-utang lainnya. Menjelang siang, saya sedang jalan di barisan toko-toko besar di samping Pasar.Dan di depan toko beras paling besar di Pasar, saya melihat Juragan sedang menghitung segepok uang. Beliau baru saja terima uang banyak,...

1 year ago
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A Wife With No OptionsChapter 5

We all watched her slowly recovering on the floor in front of us for several minutes. Once she caught her breath and her heart rate returned to normal she slowly sat up. She gathered up the towel under her and used a portion of it to wipe some of the mess from her pussy and upper thighs. Then the strangest thing happened. She looked up at me and with a look of anguish on her face she asked, "What's happening to me?" I got up and went over to her. I offered her my hand and gently pulled...

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Real Life Seduction By A Girl

Hi, everyone. I’m new to this Indian Sex Stories. I’m going to tell you my sex story which happened a few months back. First of all, let me introduce me. My name is Sudarshan and I’m from Chennai. Athletic, white, straight men, 23 Yrs of age. For feedbacks, you can contact me at Let me go into the sex story. There is this aunt of mine. She has two daughters, the elder one got married and the other still single. The younger daughters name is Akshaya. My aunt always likes me and so is Akshaya. I...

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You answer the door dressed in plain white bra and panties with a set of black wrist and ankle cuffs. My eyes are drawn to the bulge of your cunt lips in your knickers. A small damp patch has formed in the crevice between your petals. You confess to masturbating before my arrival. Naughty girl!Following you up the stairs, my eyes won't leave the sight of your buttocks. Their movement is really getting to me. Leaning forwards, I push my nose between your cheeks and take a deep sniff of your...

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A Simple Shopping Trip

First off a little about me; I'm 5'7" 150# 32-inch waist and 7+ thick inches of fun for anyone willing to go for it. This one happened not long on my way downtown to the local Marsh. My roommates parents loaned me a bike to ride around till I can get one of my own so I put on my most comfortable pair of pants, the ones from Uncle Sam(that's another story if you want it), a white T-shirt and took off. The store is about a mile from my place and I was enjoying the spring afternoon, as were...

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