"Coming Of Age" free porn video

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"Coming Of Age"

It was 1962 the year that I turned 18, that my life as a young man took a dramatic change.
Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here

My mom and dad were farmers and had never taken a vacation that I could ever remember. We were a cattle and crop farm operation and the crops were all in and doing well. Dad asked me if I thought that I would be able to run the farm for three weeks while he took my mom on a much-needed vacation. I told him that I was capable of taking care of the place until they got back. I also had some wild ideas of parties and fun while they were gone.

That is when my mom burst my bubble. She said that her sister Mary would be coming to stay with me while they were gone.

Damn, that is not what I had in mind, but mom was going to have here way.

Mom’s sister Mary is about 10 years younger than mom is and 10 years older than I am.

Mom and Dad were loading the car and preparing to leave the morning of my 18th birthday. Mom said that she was sorry that her and dad would not be there but said that my Aunt Mary would have a great present for me. I asked what it was and mom said not to worry about; I am sure that you will love it.

Sam our coonhound let out a string of loud barks. That was his way of letting us know that someone was coming.

We lived off the road about a fourth of a mile so it was nice to know when someone started down our lane.

Aunt Mary wheeled in with a cloud of dust following her. She jumped out of the car, grabbed her suitcase and hurried up the walk. She looked at me and said, “Happy birthday Tommy.” I said, “Thanks Aunt Mary.” She threw the suitcase in the house, came back and gave me, Mom and Dad a hug.

Mom said. “You are right on time s*s.”

Mom explained that the car was packed and that they were ready to leave. Aunt Mary and I stood on the porch waving as we watched them drive away.

I want to tell you a little about Aunt Mary. This is what my mother had told me about her. Mary had been married when she was 18 and had gotten pregnant. She had major problems and her body had aborted the baby. She had complications and the doctor had to do things that would make her never bear c***dren again. Her husband divorced her and she had never remarried. However, she had many boyfriends along the way.

Aunt Mary turned around and handed me her car keys and said, “Well birthday boy, go open the trunk of my car and bring that cooler up here. And stay out of it until I come back out.”

I took her keys, got the cooler, and set it on the porch. I could tell by the sound that there were some liquid refreshments in there.

Ten minutes later Aunt Mary came out on the porch. Up until this moment, she had always dressed in what I would call a frumpy way. Baggy clothes that looked two sizes to big and her hair was usually un-kept. It was as if she did not want to call attention to herself.

Until that moment, I had never thought of her in a sexual way. However, that was all about to change.

She had taken two men’s red handkerchiefs and tied them together. She somehow wrapped them around her tits and tied them behind her back and around her neck. Her breasts were amazing you could see her nipples poking straight out like two 45 bullets. Then I noticed her shorts. Wow, they were short shorts. Her black pussy hair was hanging out of the legs. Back in 1962, girls were all natural and a bush turned on a young man. Aunt Mary spun around and said, crack open that cooler and let us start this birthday party with a cold beer.

I kept glancing first at her breasts and nipples and then at the hair hanging out around her short shorts. We drank a couple of beers each and then she reached behind her neck, untied her top, and let it fall. “What do you think of your birthday presents Tommy?” My jaw must have dropped to the ground and I was at a loss for words. There in front of me was what every young man my age wanted to see. Beautiful naked tits right in front of your face!

She said, “You can touch them if you like.”

It took me about one second and I was touching, feeling, and massaging those beautiful orbs. They were (I would find out later) 38D’s. She looked at me and said, “You are going to have to open the rest of your present all by yourself, and pointed to her zipper.”

I must have been all thumbs but I finally got her shorts unzipped and slid them down her legs. She raised her legs and stepped out of them. There on the porch stood the first real naked woman that I had ever seen. In addition, I am here to tell you right now that I was not disappointed. I also noticed that I had one hell of an erection that was straining at my jeans trying to get out. Aunt Mary noticed it also. She said, “You know it isn’t fair that I am standing here naked and your not.” She pulled my t-shirt over my head and in a flash; she had my jeans around my ankles. My dick was at full mast and pointed straight at Aunt Mary’s face. I stepped out of my jeans and she looked at my dick and then at me and said, “Would you mind if I sucked that?”

I stammered, “That would be wonderful!” She had not put the first two inches in her mouth, when I shot my wad. Bless her heart she did not spill a drop. The amazing thing was that I did not go soft. She looked at me and said, “Part two of your birthday present is ready for you to enter.” She had me lie back on the porch and she straddled me immediately. She looked at me and said, “Do you want to guide your dick into my pussy or do you want me too?” I took my dick in hand and stuffed it between those hairy pussy lips. She let the first inch or two in and then she dropped. It was amazing, the feelings were better than anything that I had ever felt. It sure beat the hell out of jacking off.

Suddenly her pubic hair was cutting into the side of my dick, and although the feeling was so wonderful, there was a little discomfort. Aunt Mary said, “Oh My God!” and buried herself on my cock. She must have had a very intense orgasm and at that moment so did I. She kissed me repeatedly telling me what a wonderful lover that I was “going” to be. However, all the time I felt joy and pleasure I also felt pain.

We lay side by side, holding each other and Aunt Mary said, “What do you think of your Birthday present?” I said,” it is the best present that I had ever received, thank you.” She smiled and started kissing me down my chest and body. When she put my cock in her mouth again, my body jumped. It was not pleasure it was pain. The side of my dick was raw caused by Aunt Mary’s coarse pubic hair.

She immediately stopped and asked me what was wrong. I told her that my dick was so sore. She looked at it closely and said that she knew what had caused it. She told me that she was so sorry, that there had been other men in her life who had the same thing happen to them.

She said, “You know what we are going to do Tommy?”

I said, “What?”

She said, “We are going to shave all the hair off of my pussy, what do you think of that?”

Like I said, this was 1962 and no one that I knew of had ever seen a pussy that did not have hair on it. Later on, I found out that women had their pussy shaved when they were going to have a baby and the only man that ever has to see it up real close was the Doctor. The next time that the poor old husband has a chance to see his wife’s pussy, things have changed. (This back then was a least six weeks away.) The hair had returned. Those Doctors were assholes.

I told Aunt Mary that my dad had bought some hair clippers and that he was going to have mom give us haircuts. He said that he was tired of paying those high prices at the barbershop. He had mom cut his hair first and after that, we both went to the barbershop again. He put those clippers in a hiding place, but I knew where he had hidden them.

Aunt Mary told me to go and get them and to meet her in my bedroom. When I walked into my room there, she was naked on my bed with her butt lying on a big towel.

“Cut it all off,” she said, “and be very careful and try not to hurt me.”

I plugged in the clippers and gently started removing the bush. I really do mean it was a bush. It even made the clippers slow down. After about 10 minutes, and a lot of encouragement from Aunt Mary I had her pussy looking like a man with 5 o’clock shadow.

Aunt Mary said that it still felt too prickly to her and a razor would now be in order. Aunt Mary rolled off the towel and headed for the bathroom. I marveled at all of the hair she had left on that towel. I quickly folded the towel up and put it in the corner of my closet. This was going to come in useful for some good jack off times or bragging rights in the future.

As I entered the bathroom, Aunt Mary had the water running in the tub. As soon as it was warm and deep enough she slid in. She said that she was going to let the water soften what hair that she had left. I just sat on the stool; I still could not believe my eyes.

She looked so amazingly beautiful sitting there. I grabbed a shaving mug with soap and put new blades in my razor. Aunt Mary took them, sat on the edge of the tub, and started shaving. Thank God, she did not ask me to do it. If she had, I would have cut her to pieces. I sat looking at that beautiful pussy as if I were in a trance.

After all these years, I can still see that sight. It was one of the sexiest things that I can ever remember seeing. Just watching as she moved her pussy lips around and shaved this way and that way.

She looked at me and said, “Tommy did I make you hard again?”

I just shook my head yes.

She said, “Come over here, feel it, and see if I missed any hair.” I ran my fingers over her mound and her pussy lips and it was so amazingly smooth. She said, “Let me rinse off and then we will see how you like it.” She dried off and we headed to my bedroom.

Aunt Mary lay down on my bed and with the sun, shining in through the window it looked like her pussy was in a spotlight. She said, “Tommy, don’t just stand there, come to me.”

I slid in beside her and we curled into each other’s arms. She kissed me and said, “I am going to show you how to be a lover. A lover is someone who knows how to please a woman. A man can be very selfish and only take what he wants or he can become a lover and give as much as he gets. And if he is very, very good he will get much more than he ever expected from his woman.”

She taught me where a woman loves to be touched, also where a woman loves to have her body kissed. What a man needs to nibble on. What a man needs to nip. What spots are the most sensitive and help to turn a woman on. As she explained and gave me directions, I fell into her powers. All I wanted to do was to make her happy.

My kissing, licking, and touching finally found my face between her legs. I was looking close up at the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen in my young life. I started to put kisses all over her mound and then on her pussy lips. She had my head in her hands and she was guiding me around her pussy. Just like a man leads a woman around the waltz floor.

We were in tune and she was humming. I started licking her from the bottom to the top. When I would hit her little nub, she would literally jump up off the bed. The more I hit the nub the louder and tighter she pulled my head to her. Finally she hollered, “Oh my God here I cum.” She was grinding my face into her pussy one moment and the next instant; she was pushing me away from her. I heard her say, “Nuff, Nuff.” Which I knew was her way of telling me to stop.

I could not believe how soft her pussy had felt against my face and how wonderful her taste was. Even today, I can remember all of that.

She still had me by the hair and once again, she gently pulled me to her. I started to kiss her pussy again very gently and as she started to respond, I became more aggressive. I hit that nub again with my tongue, I started sucking on it, within seconds, she was shrieking again, and then she was pushing my head away. I sensed a pattern and I continued this time after time until she pulled me up her body.

I just lay there on top of her. I really did not know what she wanted me to do. I could feel the head of dick nestled between her pussy lips and the male in me made me push. The head slipped in and I could feel her arms wrap around me. I pushed again and I was half way inside of her.

She said, “Tommy I will never ever let you go without sex, you can have me forever!”

I pushed again and I had all of me inside of her. I had never felt anything so warm and so soft in all of my life. I thought that I had just died and went to heaven. My cock was no longer sore and the feeling was so great that I thought that I would come right then.

Aunt Mary said, “Don’t hold back, this time you should go as hard and fast as you like.” I did not need any encouragement. I put my weight on my hands and arms and I pounded that pussy like there was no tomorrow.

Do you remember that first great piece of ass? To this day, I do not think I have ever had a climax like that. I could feel one squirt after another until I collapsed on top of her. She locked her arms around me, kissed my face and neck, and told me how great that had been for her. I rolled off her and cradled her in my arms. The next thing I heard was her saying, “Tommy, it is time go and do the chores.” We had both fallen asleep and I was late starting the chores. I figured that the livestock would forgive me for one day. As I jumped out of bed, I noticed this huge wet spot. Aunt Mary said, “Don’t worry; I will take care of that.”

I pulled on my jeans and shoes and headed for the barn.

After the chores were finished, I headed for the house. While I had been taking care of the livestock, my mind had been on what had just happened. I could not wait to get back to the house. I walked in an Aunt Mary had supper on the stove. Damn I did not know until that moment just how hungry that I was.

She said, “Get yourself in the shower and when you come out, supper will be ready.”

I hit the shower and within minutes, I was in the kitchen. She had fixed a great supper, but I still cannot remember what it was. I was thinking of other things. We cleaned up the table, did the dishes and then retired to the front room. We turned on the TV and Ed Sullivan was on. I stretched out on the couch and she backed in beside me. I wrapped my arms around her and snuggled my nose into her freshly shampooed hair. God she smelled so good.

Hands started moving, lips started kissing and we were back in high gear in minutes. I ended up on my back on the front room floor and she was on top riding me like my 58 Cushman Scooter. When she climaxed she got very vocal. I was sure glad that we did not have any close neighbors. I held out until she had climaxed twice and then I let loose with both barrels. When we stood up, there was another of those wet spots on my mom’s carpet.

Aunt Mary looked at me and said, “Don’t worry, it won’t leave a stain.”

We went to bed and I do not ever remember sleeping as well as I did that night.

The next morning I slipped out of bed and headed to the barn. I knew that there was going to be food and sex waiting for me when I was through. After breakfast, Aunt Mary said that she would like to lie out and get some sun. I was in awe at her nakedness. She had taken a bath and shaved again this morning. She laid a couple of blankets on the porch and stretched out in the sun. It was everything that I could do to keep my hands off her. I decided to take a quick tour of the livestock and make sure that none of them had gotten out of their pens.

I unsnapped Sam and said, “Let’s go check things boy.”

He was off like a shot. I made a lap around all the fences and gates and was headed back to the house when I heard Aunt Mary holler, “Sam you son-of-a-bitch!”

I went tearing to the house as hard as I could go. I came around the corner and there sat Aunt Mary with a strangle hold on poor old Sam. I said, “What happened?”

“Well,” she said, “Here I was all stretched out sunning myself and this sneaky bastard snuck up and stuck his nose right in my crotch.”

She said that she had jumped and then caught Sam by the collar rolled him over and she was now sitting astraddle of the poor old guy and she had a strangle hold on his collar. Poor old Sam had his tongue hanging out and if there was any way possible for a white dog to turn blue, he was turning blue. I grabbed Aunt Mary’s hand and told her to turn him loose. She reluctantly did so. She stood up and Sam headed around the house as hard as he could run.

I started laughing, and at first, Aunt Mary was looking at me as if she was going to kill me. Then she too started laughing. Sam was peaking around the corner looking at me, as if he wanted to know if everything was all right.

I had a sudden thought and asked her what Mom had meant about my birthday present?

She laughed and said, “Your mom thought that you might think a cold beer on your birthday would be just the thing. The sex was all my idea.”

You have to love the way Aunt Mary was thinking.

Well here, it is 49 years later. I have married one of my high school sweethearts and we have c***dren of our own. However, Aunt Mary is still going strong at 77.

This might sound awful to you young folks but Aunt Mary and I still have great sex. Not as often as when we were young but it is still great.

If you like maybe I will tell you how my wife caught us. That is another story.

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I LOVE PANTIES!I have been in love with women’s lingerie since I was a young teen going through puberty. The first time I had any encounter with panties was with an cousin two years older who was a very perverted boy. He was the one who showed me how to masturbate, and he loved to suck my dick whenever he got a chance. I remember once him calling me over and showing me a Sears Catalog. He had it opened to the lingerie section. He encouraged me to kiss each picture of a woman in panties. I...

2 years ago
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TV Slut and her Cottaging Master Final Part

Part 2 ends here:"Go to the lorry""Yes master"I walk slowly past 1 occupied and 1 unoccupied car and the 1st occupied HGV to the 2nd one, there is no traffic and as it's in the country all you could hear is my heels!I look behind me and my master is still with the group outside the toilets talking to one of them"Yes, that one, get in, slut"Now I must have looked eiether very horny or a bit ridiculous trying to get into the lorry, it's a long way up, even without the heels!The door is opened and...

1 year ago
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NFBusty August Ames Between The Breasts

This sexy blonde teen August Ames shows her generous curves and jiggling her big tits to make her man cum allover her body in this hardcore video from NF Busty! This lovely girl loves to be massaged before sex, so her guy stripped her nude, squirted almond oil all over steamy flesh and was rubbing her tits and rump until she was begging for him to screw her. Before long, his cock was rock hard and he was sliding it in and out of her tight twat, while she orgasmic with great gusto. He knew she...

4 years ago
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Fun At The Campground

Introduction: A man and wife find oout about group sex Fun At The Campground My wife and I had been camping at this site for quite a few years and had met many people over that time. This time though, one particular couple gained our fancy. They were a little younger than us but had many of the same interests and especially sexual interests. They liked hiking so one day my wife went on a hike with the woman why her husband and I stayed at the camp site. The two of us talked for a while then...

2 years ago
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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 6 Escape

Issue 6: Escape I was in what Blain mockingly called my 'jewellery', manacled, headed to the gym and mulling over my pending identity death. Soon I would be just Jessica Drew, FBI agent and mindless slave to a corrupt government agency. I'd be dead and no one that mattered to me would ever know I ever existed. Yeah. It was a bleak prospect. I pulled weakly against my bonds then turned about and looked accusingly at Blain. We were in the unmonitored corridor. Fluorescent lighting...

1 year ago
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The Fore Play

By: Mandhisha Hi to all I am Sha from Coimbatore the incident I am going to share happened 6 months before. I am regular reader of ISS and a great fan of the site. Now neither let me tell about myself am not a guy with heavy muscle built nor having 7 to 8 inches long and 3 inches wide dick I am a regular guy whom you see in your neighborhood. I work in inbound call center situated in Coimbatore itself. Now let’s come to the story. I live with my family. My family is just a middle class one and...

2 years ago
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Colors of the NightChapter 13

Travis switched cars with his mother, despite his father's protest over how he mishandled cars, trucks, and anything of value. As he made his way across the width of Michigan, Anya had crawled into the back seat of the sedan and promptly had fallen asleep. She didn't even stir when he pulled off of the interstate to fill up the gas tank. He grabbed a couple of bottles of juice from the little store, paid the bill and slid back behind the steering wheel. As he put the car into gear, he...

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Petrol Station

It was a rare sight, seeing a convertible full of bubbly teenage girls pull into a petrol station in a sleepy village at 2am, NB: The first part of a many part story ? will be updated when I can. Petrol Station It was a rare sight, seeing a convertible full of bubbly teenage girls pull into a petrol station in a sleepy village at 2am, and one that Valerie, the clerk attending there, thought she should savour. It just seemed like a momentous occasion ? beautiful teenage girls were in...

3 years ago
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Island Adventure

It was my first full day in Fiji and I had woken excited to have a day to explore this summer wonderland on my own for the day before my friends arrived. I was half-way through my final year of university and a couple of my best girlfriends had decided to drag me away to some place warm and summery to escape the cold and forget about uni for a couple of weeks. Due to a mistake with our flight reservations, I had ended up flying out a day early, with the instigators of this whole adventure...

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OHGIRL Homeless Summer

I had stumbled out of my apartment once again, stoned and dressed like a whore as I wandered down the street in the warm night air. It was the middle of summer and nearly 1 am when I got hungry and decided to go out for a bite. I had found a container in Shawn’s pile of clothing that had a few chunks of white material and I had smoked it just a short time earlier. I had tried PCP, crack, meth and a variety of regular d**gs before, but I had no idea what it was that I had smoked. My mind was...

2 years ago
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Fucking Best Friend On A Reunion

This sex story is about me and my best friend who had quarrel before six months and ended up in sex because we liked each other and knew what was to happen. Myself, Sanjay Kumar from Bangalore, age 22 5.7 ft tall with a chubby whitish body and 6″ dick which is fat and healthy and jumps for my order to satisfy ladies around me I am doing my PG in the top college of our city. My best friend turned bitch name is Hasini my classmate with 5.3ft tall and perfect figure wheatish body which anyone...

2 years ago
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A New Taste Part 11

A week before Harrison texted me the good news that his house was ours for two glorious weeks of mischief I got a message from Nick. He required me immediately. I had to make my excuses for an early lunch and head to a car park near his workplace. An area of common ground with woods surrounded it. I waited and recalled the second time I had sucked him, in another woodland not far away, on my knees in the cold winter air. I could vividly remember my immense joy as I held and sucked Nick's cock...

3 years ago
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It was a quiet night; the gentle hum of the air conditioning pervaded my senses as I sat in the foyer of the Grand Hotel.  Few people passed me by but there was one consolation. There was a woman sitting by the bar. Her long dark hair seemed to flow around her face and shoulders.  One side fell elegantly across her breast. Her fingers played with her Gin Martini in a way that was pornographic and she sat precariously on the bar stool; one heel hooked into the rung and the other flat on the...

4 years ago
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Adventures in Role Play

I just wanted to let everyone know right off the bat this is a true story. Names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent, and the downright naughty! Yes, everyone is over 18 (even though later I act like I’m not- just a warning to you psychos out there who think we’d really do anything with jailbait). As for me- well, you can call me Columbia, like in the Rocky Horror Show. After all, I played her a few times. Here’s my first submission to Literotica, I hope you enjoy reading it as...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the SdrenChapter 5

Dammit! How could Catherine let things get so far!? She had remained talking like a valley girl for a few hours after leaving Chad’s place. In that time, she had taken at least 10 selfies for Instagram, judged the appearance of everyone she passed, and had bought a few new outfits for her to wear for Rush week. She had thought it was weird that Sai was calling her “Catherine”, but that wasn’t what ultimately snapped her out of it. It was when she sat down to do her homework, having...

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Middle Man

Much as I respect the wit and wisdom of the Urban Dictionary, there are actually a few more variations than that, which I’ll get into. The MMF (or, as it’s generally written if its option number one above, MFM) was not something I encountered too much when I was first starting out escorting as a young woman. But in the last five or six years of my work, it became very, very common…I don’t know if it’s because Maxine was specifically putting me up for these jobs or if the practice itself had...

3 years ago
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Loves True ObsessionChapter 11

They stood there in the water for a while, still joined together intimately. Ariel could feel him softening inside her vagina. Jack pulled himself out of her and carried her to the shore of the pond. He bent down and Ariel grabbed the towels, then Jack carried her back to the lean-to. He laid her on the blanket and dried her off. He handed her clothes to her and then dried himself off while she dressed. While Jack dressed, Ariel straightened the blanket and set out the picnic lunch that she...

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Fucking A Mature Woman Whom I Met On Orkut

To maintain confidentiality, addressing her as Meena. Meena was in her mid-30’s, and a few years elder to me. She was a mother of two and basically from Coorg. A sweet person to interact, and thin and tall on looks. Meena and I initially interacted on Orkut as we had some common friends. I had started the initial conversation as she, like me, likes nature. We got along for 3 months with just casual friendship, and at last, decided to meet up at a coffee shop in Jayanagar. She wore a nice blue...

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Blacked Anya Olsen I Love Anal and BBC

Anya has been married to the love of her life for two years now, and she knows that she’s lucky. He provides for her and treats her well. She is usually satisfied, but she has a secret. She loves to watch interracial action online when he is away. One particular day, he comes back unexpectedly and catches her in the act. Surprisingly, he’s pretty cool with it, and when she admits to her fantasies, he finds it pretty hot and admits he loves the thought of her with other men. When she tells him...

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iWant To Go Further 2 iGive In

iCarly: iWant To Go Further # 2 - iGive In[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]Two days passed since the challenge, and Sam was beginning to think that Carly had forgotten about it. Such thoughts were, of course, foolish and immediately proven wrong. The suggestion wasn't awful, but still not something Sam would want to hear for the rest of their relationship. Carly reacted to the rejection with a playful...

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EastWest Relations by loyalsock

Kimiko groaned softly to herself as the wide straps of her bra dug deep into her slender shoulders, and while only standing five feet tall and weighing in at a scant ninety five pounds, you'd swear that at least half of that weight was residing inside of the 32DD lace bra of the cute twenty three year old Japanese-American flight attendant!!! After being on her feet all day inside the cramped airliner, she was dying to get checked into her hotel room and just soak for and hour in a hot tub!!!...

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My Wife fucked a young soldier the same age as our son

My name is Sally Jordan and I recently cheated on my husband. I guess I can call it cheating. It was the first time I had ever had sex with another man without getting his approval in advance. We have an open marriage because of my extremely high libido. Sometimes I just can’t get enough sex. Jim loves sex as much as I do, but he doesn’t have my stamina. I have told him he is free to have sex outside the marriage as I do, but doesn’t seem to require as much sex as I do. I am reluctant to...

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Helping Joel M2M

When i was a Junior in college, i was rooming with a friend named Joel. Joel was 5-9, blonde, blue-eyed guy that had a reputation with the girls as being a player. Besides his good looks, he was rumored to be hung like a horse, which I heard from more than one reliable source. For some reason, i had a curiosity to see his dick, not only soft, but hard as a rock. However, he seemed shy around guys and I never saw him without baggy shorts in our dorm room. To this day, i still do not...

1 year ago
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Affirmation River Pt 2

Nick and I went down to the river and went in the water until it was about half way up our chests. It was such a beautiful scene as the sun began to set, with nothing but trees surrounding us and the shallow river slowly moving through it all. It was like our own, private, little paradise. I could still smell his musk with every breath and loved it. But no matter how much I liked it, that annoying voice reappeared, rearing its ugly head and getting stronger by the second, saying that I had done...

Gay Male
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The Zoo

After the trauma of finally deciding to visit a gay bar, I was totally blown away by how exhilarating the experience was. I knew I was gay but my ‘closet’ door was practically bolted shut. I had indulged in nondescript homosexual encounters while at school, but they only consisted of an occasional wank or fondle, and were very infrequent. I could have been far more proactive in those days, but I was always scared of being exposed for ‘degenerate’ behaviour.Eighteen months before I had moved to...

Gay Male
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DickDrainers Rebel Rhyder I8217ve Got A Date With His Wife8217s Asshole

What’s the secret to keeping your marriage happy? Lots of dates! That’s why Rebel and her husband always go out every week! Going out every week is great and all…but when you do something like clockwork…other people mite notice. And someone definitely noticed Rebel walking around in those tight dresses every week. With those pretty eyes and big ass titties…they make Branden’s hard thick BBC swell up every time. It’s been so long since he had sum ass....

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ReplayChapter 18

Simon arrived earlier than usual at The Lodge on Friday evening. Emma met him at the door. "Hallo, Simon dear," she smiled and kissed his cheek. "You're early." Simon merely smiled slightly shyly. "Come on in. Your timing's immaculate. Jerry's just pouring drinks." She pulled him into the kitchen. "Look who's here already," she cried. "Hello, Simon," Jerry welcomed him with a warm smile. "Just in time. Beer?" "Um, could I have a whisky and soda?" Jerry could not help...

2 years ago
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My Philippines Adventure Chapter 12

The rest of our evening was very quiet until my lady friend received a call from her cousin in another province. It seems that her favorite aunt had gotten quite ill and it may be time for her to my lady friend to see her. The trip would take a couple of days and the place where they lived was very rural at best. It was decided that I would stay here and she would go and come back later. We made the arraignments for her to take a private car to the ferry and another car to their village the...

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The House at Greenwood Lake

My name is Lisa, and I’m eighteen. I just graduated high school and am now on my summer vacation until I start college. I've been accepted to New York University. I’m so excited. I’m going to be studying to be a nurse. I've done very well in high school. I received a scholarship for Soccer. Even though we live in New York, I still will be living on campus. I'm five foot three inches tall, I have blonde long hair and blue eyes. I don’t have a huge chest. I guess I am 34 B-Cup. I have a shaved...

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Sashas birthday present0

Cindy sighs. She’d been waiting for the inevitable, and her new boyfriend didn’t disappoint. Being a girl of short stature with relatively modest breasts, there is one particular feature of hers that tends to attract men more than any other. And much to her dismay, it isn’t her love of the arts and sciences, or her glasses that announce such things to the world. It is that which her mother gave her. Which, itself, does not refer to her penchant for emotional honesty, her taste for fantasy...

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TommyChapter 2

Older boys got all the lifeguard jobs that summer so Tommy ended up cutting lawns. At one of the first big homes, he was surprised to find tall, blonde Jona in a tiny bikini lounging by the small swimming pool. He sat and joked with her for a few minutes and then her mother came out in a white two-piece suit and the girl introduced him to her. They shook hands and the woman gave him a wide smile. Tommy felt himself aroused. Jona’s mother was a walking and talking centerfold in a suit cut...

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Telugu story

Hai naa peru kiran nenu iss ku pedda abhimanini nenu chala stories chadivanu anduke naa real expiriancenu meethopatu kalisi share chesukovalani anukuntunnanu. Nenu karimnagar andra pradsh lo untanu, naa age 24, hait 5.7. Maa pinny age 32, hait 5.2 peru shiromani maa fother valla brother pellam.nenu athanini chinnana ani pilusthanu ameki chinannanu pelli chesukoni 14 yaers avuthundhi,mugguru pillalu pedda kuthuru 10years,next 8,tharuvata 6 years age untaru. Pinny mugguru pillala thalli aina ala...

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True Dominant

It was pathetic looking at him there. Struggling against his bonds desperately trying to raise himself to get purchase against the vibrator hanging from above. I watched him, spread-eagled as he was, pull against the bonds securing him to the corners of the solid oak bed, trying in vain to get some extra leeway to raise himself further. This had been going on for the past 30 minutes and the sweat was flowing freely across his shaved torso and legs. I smiled contently in how far we had...

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