My GirlsChapter 12 free porn video

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Cindi walked over and clasped our hands in hers.

"Mom? Dad? Do you love me?" she whispered.

"Cindi, you know we do," I answered for us, wondering why she felt she had to ask.

"Mom? Dad? Do you love me? Please, you have to say it. Please."

I squeezed her hand, and the memory of the time we made love, our climax like a spring rainstorm, and the feeling as we basked in the joy and beauty afterwards, came unbidden into my mind. I wanted to smile, but it was a little hard under the circumstances.

"I love you, Cindi. I think you know how much," I told her.

She smiled at me, a special, gentle smile, squeezed my hand in return, said "Thank you," and I realized with a sense of shock and wonder that she had seen that image go through my mind.

"I love you too, Cindi, more than I have shown you and more than I can possibly tell you," Victoria answered. I saw the look on her face as she had the same experience I did; the realization in her mind that Cindi did know. We looked at each other in confusion; what was going on here? Cindi was speaking again.

"Mom, Dad, I know I'm not good at a lot of things, like Amy, she's like a superwoman or something, but please, Mom, Dad, please, would you trust me this time, please trust me, that I can do this? Please? For Amy's sake? Please?" She seemed calm now. There were tears in her eyes, but they were no longer tears of fear or rage.

She looked so intense; I had to do what I could for her. Victoria looked at me and nodded.

"We trust you, honey. Do what you can." I had no idea what I was telling her to do, or why, but if it helped her deal with what was coming, I would do it. I just was not sure how I was going to deal with what was coming.

She looked down, closed her eyes, and whispered, "One more time, Mom and Dad, and really believe it this time. For Amy's sake, do you love me and trust me?" She seemed to be concentrating, and suddenly I felt a wash of love and trust pour through me. Victoria's gasp, told me she felt the same.

Cindi led us over to Amy's bed. She took one of Amy's hands and laid it in mine. I clasped it, half feeling, half hoping that I felt her squeeze back faintly. Cindi smiled at me.

"Yes, she knows you are here."

Then she took Amy's other hand and laid it in Victoria's hand. Finally, she took each of our remaining hands in hers.

"Close your eyes. Think about nothing except how much you love me." I did as she asked. I did not know what was going on, but my girls had always been special, and if this would help either one of them, I would do it. I thought again about the time like the spring rain. Cindi squeezed my hand. I thought about all the wonderful times I had had with her. As I continued to think how much I loved her, I could sense a blue fog seeming to come over my eyes and seep into my mind. It was blue, a deep blue, the same color as Cindi's eyes! The blue deepened the more I thought of her. Images ran through my mind of the times I had enjoyed with Cindi. But somehow, they were different. I was seeing Cindi's memories of our love and wonderful times together in my mind! I could feel the love building up in me, higher and higher. I was so full it felt like I was going to burst. When I felt I no longer could hold it in, Cindi spoke again.

"Think of how much you love Amy. Think of your baby. Give her all your love."

Interesting. I could hear Cindi's voice ... in my head!

I thought of spending Sunday together with Amy. Rubbing her temples, her stomach. I thought of running my fingers up the insides of her leg. Cindi squeezed my hand. I thought of all the times we cuddled in bed together. The haze in my mind turned green, beautiful, deep green. Amy's eyes!

My God! I could feel her! I basked in the joy of feeling at one with my girls. I could feel Victoria there, too. I was amazed at the depth of love I felt from her, for me and for her babies. And for the one that wasn't there. I didn't know what that meant. I felt the huge bubble of love slowing, leaving me, colored bright green as it left. I wondered what it looked like in the room. In my mind, I saw Amy lying on the bed, green tendrils floating across to her body and disappearing inside. Cindi's voice whispered in my mind, "It looks like that," and she giggled. I had never seen anything so beautiful.

I heard Cindi in my mind again. "This is our secret, just for us. Even Amy doesn't know. Tell no one." The green faded.

Suddenly we were standing there, by the bed, the three of us hugging each other, our eyes open, a warm sense of calm, love, and peace filling us. It seemed like we had walked over to the bed just a minute ago, but a quick glance at my watch showed a half hour had passed. I had only a vague remembrance of something too weird to be possible having happened.

"Hey. Don't I get a hug, too?" a weak voice asked. We turned quickly around, to see Amy, eyes open, smiling faintly. Amy looked awful, but she looked better. Some color had returned.

Victoria and I wrapped our arms around her, hugging and kissing her as we cried.

A look of panic crossed Amy's face.

"Cindi! Where is Cindi?"

I looked around. Cindi was sitting in a chair, leaning back against the wall. She looked tired, really tired, and sick, her eyes half closed and face pale. She looked old, and ... sick.

"Dad! Bring her over here," Amy said.

We helped her walk over and sat her on the bed next to Amy

"Cindi, what did you do?"

They looked into each other's eyes, communicating with each other somehow.

"You goofball, what am I going to do with you? Thank you," Amy whispered.

Amy called me over close to her.

"Daddy, Cindi needs something from the nursing station. Can you get it for her, please?" She pulled me down and whispered into my ear.

I stared at her in surprise. "Are you sure, Amy? If you are wrong, things will get awful interesting real quick!"

"Trust me, Daddy."

Well, I had learned a lot about trust in the last few minutes. I kissed her forehead, hurried out to the nursing station, and I asked the nurse to prepare what I needed. She looked at me in astonishment.

"Are you sure?" she asked, assuming it was for me. "If you have digestive problems, suffer from migraines, have heart problems, or latent diabetes, things will get awful interesting real quick around here!" She didn't understand why I laughed.

"Trust me," I winked. I got what I needed and returned to the room, handing Cindi a glass of murky white, foul smelling liquid.

Cindi crinkled up her nose in disgust. "Are you sure about this, Amy? This stuff smells yucky!"

"Drink it all down. Good news. It tastes worse than it smells. And perhaps ... next time you'll think twice about saving my life," she teased.

After Cindi, complaining loudly and continuously about why this couldn't be a pill, drank it all down, two things happened almost simultaneously. She perked up, her color returned, and her energy level returned. She looked her age again, and no longer looked ill.

At that same moment the monitors hooked up to Amy went crazy. Her blood pressure returned to normal, as did her temperature, her pulse stabilized, her respiration deepened and evened out, the irregularities in her EKG disappeared, and her rash faded almost away. Alarms that were set to sound with significant changes in either direction were beeping incessantly. I laughed. They all looked at me quizzically.

"Wait for it," I chuckled.

Almost immediately, the door burst open and the nurse and doctor ran in. They paused slightly when they saw Cindi, looking at her nervously, but she smiled sweetly at them.

"Come on in! I'm human again!" she quipped. Then she looked at us and winked. She ran over to Amy and hugged and kissed her. "I'm so glad to see you again."

"Me too! What happened?"

"Don't know," Cindi answered. "We were standing here, then all of a sudden I felt sick and you started waking up. What did you do?" Cindi asked innocently.

Amy rolled her eyes and gave her the Amy look (YES, she is getting better!). "I'll talk to you later," she murmured.

The doctor politely told the girls to quit gabbing and let him give Amy a checkup. Amy politely told him to talk to the finger (Poor Amy. So innocent. She doesn't know these things. She had no idea she held up the wrong finger!), and all of us, including the doctor, burst out laughing. She turned red and asked what was wrong. We told her she wouldn't understand.

They kept Amy two more days, trying to find out what had happened. They were expecting her to suddenly get worse again. Finally, on the third day, Amy demanded we either take her home or she was walking out the front door and hitching a ride with the first person that picked her up. If we liked this place so much, we could stay and eat that ... food! Yep, Amy was getting better. She was still weak as a kitten, however. We decided we wouldn't make her hitchhike home.

I refused the wheelchair and told them I would carry Amy out, and picked her up in my arms. She squealed in delight, wrapped her arms around my neck, and kissed me. She gave me a big kiss, not quite daughterly but not too scandalous, and asked me quietly if I was going to give her another shower. I had not told anybody about that. I told her I was feeling a little weak myself, especially in my arms; I hoped I would not drop her on the way out. She giggled and said she was sure she could find a convenient handle to hold on to with her hands.

That did it! I blushed and decided to quit while I was only way too far behind.

"Sorry, Daddy," she whispered in my ear, while everyone else waited patiently to hear the story behind those comments, but I wasn't talking. It's hard to sound sorry when you are giggling.

Amy had lost weight while she was sick, so she was ravenous. I dropped them off at home and went to buy dinner. I got a sausage and pepperoni pizza for Amy and me and a special for Cindi and Victoria. I also bought a quart of Pistachio ice cream. For those with weak stomachs, you might want to skip the next paragraph at this point.

Ok, remember, I warned you. Amy likes to tale alternate bites of sausage and pepperoni pizza with pistachio ice cream. As Cindi says, sometimes she is just way too gross and disgusting! I told her if she ended up in the hospital again due to gross eating habits, the insurance company would not pay; it does not cover self-abuse. We left her in the kitchen eating alone, telling her we were going into the other room to eat with normal people before we got sick. When we sneaked back in and gave her a tickling attack, her mock sad face got happy and she just beamed. She just loves being teased. "I love you guys," she sighed happily.

Two days after getting home, Victoria had to leave town again. She looked so distraught trying to explain to Amy why she had to leave, but we all understood; all was well. I had as much time off as I needed from work until Amy was better.

The next day she told me I could go into work if I needed to. I flatly and curtly refused, and when I saw her eyes widen I turned and walked away. A few minutes later, a pair of teenage arms slipped around my waist and a pretty little girl snuggled up behind me. Then she gently turned me around and took my hands in hers.

"It wasn't your fault, Daddy," she said softly. "It still would have happened if you would had stayed home from work that day. I didn't feel really bad until shortly before you came home. It wouldn't have mattered". I looked down and felt silly for her having figured me out. The doctor had said the same thing. I was also glad she had not figured out the other reason I felt bad.

"I just don't know what I would do if I lost you," I whispered. She just hugged me.

"It would kind of ruin my whole day, too," she whispered back seriously.

The third day home, Amy announced that she felt dirty and disgusting and we needed to do something about it.

"I thought you were just kidding about giving you another shower," I said, feeling frantic.

"Not shower. Too weak. Bath. Now."

So, I carried her into the bathroom. She waited patiently for me to fill the tub and take her clothes off. I helped her into the tub, she sighed happily as she sank in to the water and soaked for a while.

I got up quietly to leave, but she put her hand on my arm and asked me to stay, then closed her eyes again. I think she just enjoys teasing me to death. She knew the lovely sight her beautiful body made lying naked in that tub.

She asked me to wash her; she said she was too weak to do it properly. I tried, but I was just making a big mess trying to do it with me outside the tub (washing her, I mean). Finally, she took the washcloth away from me.

"This just isn't going to work this way, Daddy. Get you clothes off and get in here and wash me right."

I must have looked like a deer in the headlights, because she cracked up, and then put her hand on my arm affectionately. "I'm not drunk. I'm not going to seduce you. Well, probably not. Not while I'm this weak, anyway! Just kidding! We have already seen all there is to see of each other. Come on."

She lay back and closed her eyes as I got undressed, so I wouldn't be embarrassed. She is such a sweetheart. Then I climbed in behind her and sat down. She snuggled back against me, closed her eyes again, and sighed happily. I proceeded to wash her cute little body all over. I'm sure she must have felt me against her butt, but for once in her life Amy passed up the opportunity to tease. Once I was over my embarrassment, and assured myself that nothing was going to happen, I really enjoyed giving her a bath. She just turned boneless when I washed her hair. She enjoyed it so much she fell asleep. Drying her off was a hell of a lot easier than last time I was in the bathroom with her! We got dressed, and went into the living room, where she sat on the floor in front of me on the couch while I brushed her hair.

If any of you have never brushed female hair, you have to try it. Whether she is 6 or 37, (I've never tried it older than that) it is one of the most sensual (not the same as sexual) things you can do. Washing hair is tied for brushing hair on the sensual scale. They are both about a 15 on a scale of 10. Victoria loves it almost as much as a massage. It had been a long time since I had washed and brushed Amy's hair. I made a mental note to do it again soon. She purred like a kitten as I ran the brush through her long black hair. Not for the first time, I marveled at how much she was an almost exact duplicate copy of Victoria physically. Maybe I should take a bath with Victoria next time she came home.

We did the bath thing a few more times until she was strong enough to take care of herself. The next day I filled the tub before I carried her in and, unbeknownst to her, made it a bubble bath. She squealed with glee when she saw it and I let her enjoy it for quite awhile, giggling and splashing and just generally making a total mess of the bathroom until we finally got around to getting her clean. Just watching her have such a good time made my heart melt, and I hugged her, getting misty-eyed thinking how close I had come to losing her. She looked at me with head cocked to one side, curious as to what I was thinking, then her eyes softened as she seemed to figure it out. She wrapped her arms around my arms, which were around her waist, laid her head against my shoulder, and whispered, "Me too."

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Dan Burke never got over his time in the Marines and its tradition of early rising. When he awakened, it took him a few moments to orient himself. He was in bed with Cindy Martin and cupping her breast in his hand. As he marveled at how warm and vibrant it was, he must have moved his hand the slightest bit. He watched as she held it more firmly with her own and snuggled even closer against him. She had molded her body to his; he was conscious of the satin contact over the full length of his...

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A Summers Odyssey

A SUMMER'S ODYSSEY by Jennifer Sue ********************************************************** DISCLAIMERS: This story may contain scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download,...

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Amazing Experience With My Girlfriend

Hi everyone my name is nani(name changed)….Since from my childhood i am very desperate to have sex.When i am i my school i dont know what to do but when ever i sleep beside my cousins i always play with their boobs n press them…..I did that for 3 cousins and 2 other aunties… After some days i changed my school and their i met an angel named rani.She is really beautiful and loved her a lot.We continued to talk casually and in my +2 i got a new mobile and her uncle also brought her a new mobile...

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Night at the Video Store part 3

There I was a sissy bimbo dressed like a slut in a short black micro mini skirt, spike heels, lots of junk jewelry, huge platinum blonde wig, shoulder strap white fur purse and, of course, perfect make up. I had never been to this video theatre before and was nervous at first, but I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness and then moved into the theatre area. Screen five was recommended to me by the door girl, who I knew from other theatres. She knew I was a cross dresser and a bimbo slut...

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Episode 71 My Stepdaughter Fixation

My phone rang: "Hello Gorgeous - haven't heard from you in a long time".My fantasy step-daughter Amy was sobbing: "Come and get me Daddy please - I can't stand living here any more". Kath and I had divorced several years ago - she threw me out after catching raven-haired Amy sucking my cock in the school car park - we had always been very careful at home ever since that slippery encounter in the shower. Anyway, I hadn't seen Amy for nearly 5 years - her tits were just budding when I left - now...

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Dont Blame Me

The brain is a strange and wondrous organ. Apparently, mine is stranger and more wondrous than most. My brain sees patterns and relationships. Well, except when it comes to my personal life, then I’m clueless. Women? Forget it. If they even look at me, it’s like they are seeing a vacuum. So, let me state categorically, “Don’t blame me. This isn’t my fault.” I’m reasonably smart, but I’m no genius. I have a PhD that is pretty much a run-of-the-mill math and physics combination from MIT. I own...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 266 The Difference

By mid-October, we had three athletes in the clan in training. Adam, of course, was being pretty consumed by football. He was splitting running back duties with another senior who had moved over from back-up quarterback. Both guys were feeling the pressure from the new class pushing behind them. Men's basketball was in practice and Lionel was anxious about being gone during Sugar's pregnancy. Sugar was in her last trimester, which meant she'd deliver in the thick of basketball season. We...

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Affairs of the Heart Ch 02

Special thanx to our editor and friends that have enjoyed our stories. I want to add that these stories are not to be taken too seriously – they are fantasies after all. We hope you enjoy the second half of our romance! Mulls and I look forward to more fantasy fun in the near future! *** With the setting sun, the woods became darker and harder to navigate, but Lynn had Jake holding her hand and helping her along after their heart racing, earth shaking, soul shattering moment that had left...

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Ravis VacationChapter 5

Ravi woke up early the next day to the pleasant sensation of Vandhana's body pressing against his. He freed his hand from under Vandhana's head and proceeded to slowly tweak her nipples and massage her breasts. Vandhana woke up with a groan and turned towards him. After a brief exchange of kisses, He caressed her body and amid her mumblings, Brought his hardened cock to her pussy, He teased her a bit by rubbing the top of his cock against her slit. That drew a low moan from Vandhana. He...

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Seth II CarolineChapter 19 Crisis

1873 After several days of iron-willed control, the young woman was exhausted. "But Daddy," Caroline wailed, a sour knot in her throat, "he was only thirty. It's so unfair. We were just getting started." She beat weakly on her father's chest with one fist, her confused baby trapped between them. Mr. French held his daughter as best he could as she cradled her youngest in her crooked arm and had her other two children hanging to her skirt and legs, impatient to be somewhere else,...

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The Sex Therapist Part 2 The Cure

My name is Marge. I am the Executive Vice President of a large NY advertising agency. Following a flare up with my assistant Jolene, she suggested I go see a therapist due to problems I am having at home and at work.  After my first session with Jim, my therapist, he brought me back to his office. He proceeded to give me the diagnosis he had come to. ”Well I do not want to shock you, but you are a complex case. At the office, you are under stress trying to control the business. You carry that...

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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 2 Cinderellas Surrender

"Look at you!" Stepmother said, dragging her over to a full-length mirror. Cindy gasped. Her skirt and blouse were back in place, though the blouse was too tight up top. The new bra cupped her breasts firmly, drawing them upward and together, displaying them to the whole world. She ran her fingers through her hair, which had been brushed, and her usual mousy brown curls shown with a luster she had never seen before. "It's time to go now, dear. Your new father and Pablo are waiting...

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Teenage Anal Virgins

Joking aside, I remember being a horny young guy; experimenting, fooling around, feeling guilty, not sure if I was weird and hoping I wouldn't be caught. It would have been so much easier if I had someone to guide me and tell me that my feelings were completely normal. Luckily for Dan and Tim, they have me to point them in the right direction. As the guys were leaving my house after our first sexual lesson, I told them that instead of risking getting caught or in real trouble risking...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 15

Monday we studied together. He made sure we actually studied. I don’t think he did any studying before he came because he brought such a big stack of books in his book bag that it looked like he was carrying them to build up his muscles rather than to prepare for his courses. ‘Why all the books? That’s gotta be at least twice as many books as I have for all my courses.’ ‘I’m taking a heavy load.’ ‘How heavy?’ ‘I’d say about fifty pounds.’ I rolled my eyes. I was waiting for the cigar and...

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Haunted by the PastChapter 3

Her best friend Lynda Curtis had admitted that she had feelings for her husband Charles. Diana Richards suspected that Lynda hadn't told her just how deep her feelings were. She'd have to start paying attention to how Lynda acted around him so she could figure out if it was just a deep physical attraction or if her emotions were getting too involved... She knew she didn't have anything to worry about where Charles was concerned—he was a one-woman man and she knew he loved her beyond...

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The Inn Brothers

The Inn: Brothers Written By Mr. Pec "G'day, Keep!" The innkeeper turned and saw a young woman entering his establishment, her face smiling and a hand waving. "A fine morning to you M'lady! What brings you into town this early?" She made her way to the bar and plopped down on a stool. Keep instantly poured a glass of milk and set it before her as she got comfortable. "I had some business to take care of with the land magistrate." She took the milk and drank...

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Chocolate Kisses 2 Pearl Ch 01

In the tale, ‘Chocolate Kisses,’ the characters of this story, were introduced. That tale related a forbidden romance in Depression Era Los Angeles. James Ewart, 45, a World War One fighter ace whose children were viciously murdered. His wife, Catherine, committed suicide after becoming pregnant with the murderer’s child. Years later, he fell in love with Bethany Rose, a colored woman. Bethany Rose, 33, a college nursing student who dropped out due to the Depression. She and her Jimmy moved...

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SAMANTHA’S NEW LIFE: CHAPTER f******n: MORE FUN AS SLUT & BITCHThe idea of being a slut, too, wasn’t bad after getting Nick’s new definition. Not that we were going to have it tattooed on my forehead or anything, but between us the idea of ‘bitch’ and ‘slut’ became categories of activity. In Nick’s view, he sees me as having the courage to lead life according to the idea that sex is nice and pleasure is good and someone who has taken control of my sexuality. Most of that fits me and I like...

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Sequel to hotel adventure story on the link above and read the first part of this adventure. It's extremely sexy.Follow up story.I awoke to find her gone after leaving her bra, panties and some make up. I dressed in my work clothes but putting on some white panties under my trousers. Suspender clips would he been seen so I decided not to risk it. I breakfasted then drove to the meeting.I arrived a few minutes early, so I had time to familiarise myself with my...

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Domestic Routine

She was at home and a little frustrated, since the house needed cleaning, but she didn't really feel like doing it. As she walked through the lounge to fetch the vacuum cleaner, she stooped to pick up some cushions that had found their way to the floor the evening before. She smiled to herself. He awoke with sunlight pouring in through the windows. With a little yawn and a stretch, he sat up in bed. Pushing with his feet at the thin summer duvet, it folded to the base of the bed revealing his...

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Side Work

The economy has sucked over the last three plus years. Right, hasn’t it? I know because I’ve been laid off, for the most part of it. I don’t know how many times, but I haven’t fretted too much seeing as I am single and somehow have managed to find myself a job here and there each time throughout these layoffs. Okay, I’m not too old either and seeing as I’m not, it may have worked out to my advantage. My first year of being laid off, I was only 27. Now, no I don’t have a college degree but with...

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Hot Teacher Enslaved Pt Two

She couldn’t tell her husband what had happened! How could she explain the tattoo -- or the bruises covering her body? What could she do? The shock almost made her go to pieces. Three showers and she still felt dirty from their filth. By the time her husband, George, came home at 11pm, she finally had herself under control; her eyes dried and make-up covering the redness. Lucy melted into George’s arms in relief. He, feeling quite amorous swept her off her feet and directly onto the...

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La jefa

I was a self-confident man, women died for me until that day. There was no one to stop me if I wanted to do something just do it and period, my wife was a toy for me, I used it when I felt like it and was my maid. A day full of joy told me that I wanted to start working on something new, so it was a job interview. Great was my surprise that when I wanted to fuck her she had her vagina so open and deformed that the drops of blood spilled, I was surprised. From how tired she was, she simply fell...

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A Flawed DiamondChapter 53

The group left Las Vegas with nothing resolved. It seemed to be the way life was going for Brock at the moment. He had a lot of things going on and none of them appeared to be close to being finalized. His move to second base was progressing but not as quickly as he hoped it would be. The hardest part was learning new responsibilities on pickoffs, cutoffs and bunt plays. He had to constantly think about where he was supposed to be regardless of where the ball was hit. The contract...

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Life in an Instant

Tall, blond, well dressed and successful she wasout having a quick lunch with a friend from work when the world as she knewit came to an end. Jessie's eyes were roving around the room at random as shepretended to listen to her friend. Then she sees him. Dark brown hair, nice suit, a face that's handsomebut not too rugged. This man of indeterminate age's looks were what caughther attention, it was his eyes that held her. If asked she wouldn't have beenable to tell you what color they were but...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Colleague

Hi, ISS. This is my first story and wanted to share it to all of you. I’m a regular visitor of ISS, so thought of sharing my story too. My Name is Raj (Name changed). I work in Chennai. I am married and have a cute baby also. Well now, let me come to the story. I and my wife were having a happy life together. We are a Love marriage. So things were going smooth to us, she is very pretty. At times, we used to fight, and we used to compromise ourselves in a day or two. So it was normal for us. But...

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Tonys AdventuresChapter 2

Tony earns his Keep Debbie lay in her bed next morning. Ron had long gone to work, as she thought about Tony and what had happened between them. Just thinking about him, was enough to set her off, she realised that her hands had unconsciously started working hard under her night-dress. There was no choice, he had to go, Ron was thick, but he was not that thick, and she wanted if possible, to let her marriage run for a bit yet before she kicked him out. She had many other lovers, and she...

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indian mom and her 2 sons

Hi I am Abhay, 21 and have a brother Vinay, 20. Although we have a age difference of 1 years, we are very much like twins by our behaviour as well as looks. My mom Ravina is a 42yr old fair, typical Indian woman with the perfect layer of fat at the right places. My dad Rajesh works as a civil engineer and often remains out of town for projects. We live in Kolkata. Last November we were invited to our relative's wedding in Mangalore (Karnataka). As dad was out of town, it was decided that me, my...

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Cum Lovers

It all started out when I met my girlfriend Sherry at a strip club, she was an exotic dancer and she worked the back room too. That is where I first saw her, she was down on her knees sucking a young mans cock all the way to his balls. I couldn't believe a woman could suck that much cock down her throat. See, I have a very large cock and know woman has ever sucked the whole thing into her mouth before.But this man's cock was as big as mine, if not bigger so I waited my time and set up an...

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