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The Green Fairy By Satine Chapter 1 It had been his idea from the beginning. I had been walking home from school. My mind lost in daydream as usual. I left the main road and turned onto Maiden Lane. My neighbor John was raking the leaves in his front yard. He greeted me with a hearty hello and inquired about my day. John was 26. He lived in a small house back from the road. Nobody in town quite knew what John did. My parents thought he was a deadbeat. My dentist thought he was a criminal. My classmates called him a criminal. I called him my friend. I knew little about him save his intelligence. John never treated me like a kid. He would talk with me about literature, music and art. He valued my opinions. "How was your day?" he inquired. "Okay, I guess. Math was mind-numbing, gym embarrassing and Physics infuriating." "And Theater?" "Theater was good. I worked more on my monologue. It's coming along but it doesn't feel interesting enough. Auditions are in a few weeks and I really have to find something exciting. I'm tired of getting bit parts and walk-ons." John paused his yard cleaning and stood erect leaning upon the rake. "Come on inside. I have a bunch of old monologue books from my university days. We'll find you something." Upon entering the house, John went to the kitchen to make tea and I phoned my parents to tell them I would be late. I always loved John's house. It was an eclectic collection of paintings, idols, furniture and other objects that fed my fertile imagination. Some days he would tell me tales the story which adorned each object. He would tell me how he bought a statue of Krishna from a sari draped courtesan in Bombay. Or the days he spent with the magician Orpheus Maximillian in Budapest. I would sip green tea spellbound by all of John's exotic travels. I was enthralled and envious at the same time. John emerged from the kitchen with a bamboo tray upon which was a steaming clay teapot and two small cups. I sat cross legged at the low tea table. John pulled two slivers out of his overflowing bookcase and joined me at the table. After an hour of fruitless searching, I was leaning against the couch resigning myself to another Tennessee Williams monologue. John was still searching diligently. Feeling warm and buzzing softly from the strong Taiwanese tea I studied the Chinese scroll painting hanging above the desk. I was pondering the craggy mountains and cascading waterfalls when John rose beaming. "I think I may have found it" "Really?" I answered excitedly. "Have you ever heard of Jean Genet?" I tried to look as if I had, but John wasn't buying it. "He was a French writer who lived 50 years ago. His world is a macabre cabaret of fantasy and wish-fulfillment." It's dark and dreamlike and passionate. It sounds a little like someone I know." I blushed slightly and spoke quickly to cover my embarrassment. "It sounds interesting. What's it called?" "The Maids." "The Maids?" "The Maids." "It's a play for girls?" John seated himself next to me and held the text out for me to examine. "The Characters are women, that much is true. The world of Genet isn't quite so simple though. He bends reality and dream. Nothing is ever very much what it seems. The Maids has been done countless times with an all female cast, but the most honest productions have featured men. In this very play allowed me entrance into the Harvard Drama School." "You went to Harvard?" "Yes. Don't interrupt." I sat back sheepishly. One thing was certain; John never ceased to amaze me. "I would be more than happy to work with you. Read it over tonight and let me know. If you don't feel up to it. I'll try to find something less demanding." I bade John farewell and wandered down the lane toward home. I hadn't read the text but I thought the entire idea was very silly. I was on the verge of dismissing it when John's parting words came flooding back to me. Would I really disappoint John if I didn't do this? Would he think me less of an actor? Less of a sophisticate? I decided I would at least read it and give the story a chance. Chapter 2 I sat at dinner listening to my parent's endless questions. They badgered me about college and the upcoming prom. My mother barely allowed a response before moving onto the next question. University was less than a year away. I couldn't wait. After dinner I wandered up to my room turned on Morrissey and took John's book into my hands. I read it straight through to get the feel of it. It was well written and entertaining, but I couldn't imagine how I was supposed to play it. I read it through another time, playing close attention to the characters. I still didn't get it. How could John think I could do this? I don't have any problems with playing a girl's part. Truthfully, I've never really thought about it. It wasn't an ego thing. I just couldn't wrap my head around this play. It was really, really weird. After another reading I decided that I couldn't do it on my own. The next day I would ask John for help. School was uneventful. Seriously now, when is school ever eventful? After the three o'clock bell I made my way to John's. When I arrived, John was at the doorstep shaking hands with a tall man in a dark suit. They seemed to know each other quite well. When John caught sight of me he waved me over and introduced us. "M______, this is Mr. Evans. He and I are opening a lounge downtown." He greeted me warmly and then bade us farewell. We then went inside and John made tea. "So, how was school today?" "Uh, okay, nothing too crazy." "Find a date for the Prom yet? "Um, no. I haven't really been looking. I don't care if I go or not. Besides, I can't really afford it." "You really should go." It is one of the formative experiences of youth." "You sound like my mother," I shot back, somewhat more harshly than I intended. "I don't mean to do so," John consoled, "I only want you to be happy. It is easy to convince ourselves that we don't need something, or that we are intellectually more mature than others. Don't allow yourself to feel that way. There is a word for it, it has gone rather out of favor as of late. Vainglorious is it? Yes, that's the one. Treasure your childhood and your experiences. You will never have your youth again." We sipped our tea quietly as I thought about what John had said. As usual, he was right. He had the uncanny ability to see straight into my soul and find the proper words to soothe my wounded pride. "Did you get a chance to read the play?" John started, setting down his tea cup. "Yes, I did. It had me um, well, a little confused." "Confused? In what way? "Well, I enjoyed the play and Genet's biting satire on the class system." I had lied about that last part. Truth be told, I had no idea what Genet was trying to say. It all seemed silly to me. I think John could tell. He let out an inquisitive "Hmmm" after I finished. "I really don't know how you think I could play it. Or how I could play it at all. I mean they are rather outrageous characters and well, I just don't think I could." "Nonsense. Let me see you perform this monologue." He handed me the book held open to a particular page. The scene was of Solange, the elder of the two maids and sister to Claire, the younger. Throughout the play Solange and Claire engage in role-play mocking of their mistress as well as others whom they run into. It all seemed like fluff to me, but this speech of Solange's was pretty cool. She was wild and explosive. She changed direction in a split second and the whole thing was a hysterical roller-coaster ride. At least that was the way I saw it. A skilled actress could do it so very well. But, I was an unskilled actor. "Okay, John. From here? From where it says, Madame?" "Yes, that's the place. Take a few minutes and begin when you are ready." I turned away from him and started my relaxation exercises. I imagined that he was going to ask me to perform and I had given it some thought. I thought about Rupaul and Pricilla Queen of the Desert. I thought about the various drag queens I had seen in the movies and on TV. I tried to imitate them during my reading. Holding the book before me I mustered up a campy falsetto and dove into the scene. The first thing I noticed, after the scene ended, was the silence. John said nothing. He just sorta drifted off in thought. Without saying a word he rose and went over to his bookcase. He pulled out an old, green, cloth bound book and brought it over to me. "I want you to take this home and study it. Read it again and again. I have to run and meet Mr. Evans now. I'm going to be very busy over the next week fixing up the lounge. Study that book and we'll get together again next week." I looked at the title of the book, "Maidcraft," by Lita Price and Harriet Bonnet. "Look, John I really appreciate your help. I mean that, but if it was that awful we should just find another play. I really don't think I can do this." I was disappointed and crestfallen with his reaction, but I tried my best not to show it. He must have noticed, for he took me by the shoulders and looked me straight in the eye. "Don't worry. You'll be great. You just need to feel the character from in there." He pointed to my heart. "What you did wasn't awful or anything. It just didn't capture the soul of Solange." You were doing a caricature of a maid. You need to understand what a maid is. Study the book it was written in the 30's as an instruction book for training a maid. It will help you understand the relationship between a maid and the Mistress." "Really John, I appreciate it, but let's find something else. I can always do "The Glass Menagerie." He took me a little more firmly by the shoulders. Not in a mean way, only to intensify his reply. "Listen, M____, you are attending NYU in the fall. I know you want to get into the drama school. They have seen thousands of Jim O'Connors and thousands of Stanley Kowalskis. You need to stand out to them. You need to prove that you can find the heart of a role, any role. If you can do this, you can do anything." He was right. I knew he was right. Dammit he was always right. "Okay, John. I'll study the book." "I always knew there was something special about you. You will make it. I can feel it." John grabbed his coat and we walked to the door. We said goodbye and I watched him drive down the street. I looked down at the book and back up at the car fading in the distance. Feeling a little more confident I put the book in my backpack and turned toward home. Chapter 3 After the weirdness of the week I was ready to see John again. In addition to working on the monologue, I had a lot to tell him. I had read the book he gave me. I even tried to practice some of what the book talked about. I set the table for my mother. I even did my own laundry; Mom was amazed by that. All in all I couldn't figure out how it would help me. When I arrived at John's he wasn't at home. Assuming he would be back shortly, I sat myself down on the stoop and read more of Maidcraft. I didn't have to wait long. John had been downtown working on the lounge. He must have been doing construction because he was covered in sweat and dust. "Hey. How are you doing today?" "I'm fine," I responded eagerly. "How are things down at the lounge?" "Oh, they're coming along nicely. We open next month." "That's great. When I'm 21 I will have to check it out." "Well, we'll see about getting you in before then. Now, how's the scene coming along?" We went inside and into the kitchen. John took a bottle of water out of the fridge and sat down at the table. "I've been reading it a lot. I think I have a little more insight into Solange. I read the book you gave me. I think it helped." John leaned forward over the table and smiled softly. "Show Me." "What do you mean?" I responded somewhat puzzled. "I would like you to set my place for a formal dinner." "Oh, okay, no problem." I confidently strode to various cabinets and drawers. I pulled out all the necessary dishes, silverware and glasses and placed them in their correct place on the table. I even fluted a paper napkin and stood it on the plate. I stood back and admired my work. Everything was in its proper place. I thought John would be impressed. He only watched and drank his water finishing it before I could finish the table. "M______, refill this for me would you?" I casually took his bottle and tossing it from one hand to the other filled it up at the water cooler. With a mock bow, I handed it back to him. As he took the bottle from me, his eyes became serious. "You need to take this more seriously." I was stunned. I did everything right. Everything was in the right place. What could be wrong? "What's wrong? I thought I got everything in the right place?" "Yes, you did. That isn't it. It is technically correct, but that wasn't what I wanted to see. I was watching to see how you did it, not the end result." "But you didn't say that," I replied weakly. "I said for you to show me what you learned. You have studied the specifics very well, but you missed the essence. The essence is what you need to acquire. You will not understand Solange, until you understand what her essence is." As he spoke he rose from the table and stood again before me. I looked up into his eyes. They were so sincere, so inviting. "I will help you learn this. I will help you get into the school you desire and I will help you achieve your dreams. All I ask is your trust. Do you trust me, M______?" Of course I trusted him. What an absurd question. He treated me like an adult. Not just an adult, but an intellectual equal. I learned about the classics from him. I learned about mythology from him. I learned about music from him. The only reason that I hadn't dropped out of school was him. I owed him my life and my person. "Yes, I trust you John. I will be more serious. Please, help me." He smiled warmly. "That is all I wanted to hear. I need your full concentration. Together, we will achieve greatness. Now I will show you essence. From now on we cease to be John and M______." John turned his back as I had last week. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. I could see his body relax. When he turned around again his expression had changed. He looked at me with a soft smile. His eyes were downcast and his hands folded gently in front of him. "Good afternoon, young master. I hope your day has been a pleasant one. If master will come this way, I will draw his bath." At first I wanted to laugh. I didn't no what to do. I could tell John was serious, but I didn't know how to handle it. There was a long awkward pause. Sensing the indecision, John took the lead. "Come master, follow me. I will get you a bathrobe and while you undress I will draw the bath." He walked slowly and carefully out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I would almost say his movements were delicate, but that would have been going too far. We went into the master suite. John handed me a white terrycloth bathrobe and disappeared into the bathroom. I stood there stunned. Did he really want me to get undressed? I caught sight of myself in the bedroom mirror. I was standing in the center of the room holding the robe with both hands. The look on my face was one of absolute confusion. It was then that I heard the water running. I guess he was serious. "Well, I did give John my word" I thought. Somewhat embarrassed, I undressed and put on the robe. The robe was nice and big. It was fluffy and white. It reminded me of the robes you see at expensive hotels in the movies. John emerged from the bathroom, with his eyes downcast and spoke softly. "The bath is ready, master." "Master, I could get used to that." I thought to myself. I joined John in the bathroom. The bath was quite large. It was much bigger than the one at my house. The tub itself was one of those old claw footed tubs. It was vast. The tub was filled with a softly steaming bubble bath. It looked most inviting. I was about to climb in when I remembered John was in the room. John noticed my hesitation. "I'm sorry master," he replied meekly and turned his head as not to watch. I climbed into the bath and sank into the warm water with a sigh. This was the life. I relaxed into the bath and let my trouble just melt away. After a little while I opened my eyes to see where John was. He was sitting quietly on a chair looking down at the floor. He barely made a sound. Feeling my gaze he looked up. "Is master ready to bathe?" I thought I was bathing, but I said yes anyway. John came over and knelt down next to the tub. He reached into the bath and took my right ankle, bringing it up to rest on the edge of the tub. I was shocked. I hadn't been touched by anyone in the bath, ever. Well not ever, I mean my mom washed me but that doesn't count. I must have flinched at the touch because John responded soothingly. "Master really must be clean." I thought there was wisdom in that. I relaxed again as he scrubbed my leg with a loofah. It felt really nice. I watched him as he did this. He was concentrating on his work, but it was a sexual thing or anything like that. He was making sure I was clean. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the edge of the tub. I heard a small hiss and felt John's hands rubbing lotion up and down my leg. His strong hands felt nice on my skin. A little too nice. As he worked the lotion down my thigh I felt a twitch in my groin. I opened my eyes and looked at John. He was still focused on his work. Oblivious to what I was feeling. Only concentrating on covering my leg with the thick white lotion. This was reassuring I guess, but still a little weird. Just when it was getting too uncomfortable, he stopped and rinsed off his hand. He reached over to a small table and got a small pink stick. He grasped it carefully between two fingers and began to run it along my leg. He was shaving my legs! I thought about saying something. I was about to. The words were at the back of my throat rushing toward the tip of my tongue. Suddenly, I thought better of it. I trusted John. I know he would not hurt me. But was he gay? What is this? I mean he hadn't touched me. It was all very business like, almost impersonal. John had to feel my uneasiness, but didn't let on. He continued on his work in an almost professional manner. I relaxed back into the tub. I would let him finish. It didn't take him long. He finished with my right leg and moved on to my left. After he was through I could certainly feel the difference. I rubbed my legs together under the water. They were slick and smooth. I could now understand why swimmers shaved their legs. I almost felt faster, sorta like a fish. As I was enjoying the experiences of my bare legs, John moved around behind me and washed my hair. He used some fruity shampoo and conditioner. My shoulder length hair has never had this kind of attention. My mom bought the cheapest generic stuff on the market and I didn't believe in conditioner. After he washed my hair he took out a spa pillow and put it around my neck and on my shoulders. He took out a dark mud mask and put it on my face. "Now, if Master will relax for a few minutes." Relax? All I have been doing is relaxing. If John insisted I would comply. He disappeared into the bedroom and the bathroom filled with soft piano music. Debussy, if I had to guess. It was heaven. I listened for awhile. I could hear rustling in the bedroom. My mind whirled with all these new experiences. "Is master ready to get out?" John reappeared holding a washcloth and a big fluffy white towel. He carefully removed the mask from my face and bade me exit the tub. I was hesitant at first, but I noticed that once again John had his eyes cast down. I exited the tub and John wrapped me in the warm towel. I tried to take it from him, but he would not allow it. He slowly and thoroughly dried me from head to toe. I thought I would be weirded out by this, but it felt very natural. Next, John coated his hands in Jasmine scented lotion and rubbed them over my newly shaved legs. And I thought they felt nice in the water. Wow, they felt great covered in lotion. "If master is ready, this way please." John stood at the entrance to the bedroom gesturing majestically with his arms. I wrapped the towel about my waist and entered. I only got a few feet inside the room when I stopped dead in my tracks. Laid out on the bed was a full French maid's outfit, right down to a pair of high heels. My first thought was that I couldn't believe John wore this stuff. I mean he has always seemed so manly to be. Then I slowly realized, that the clothing wasn't his, it was mine. "Take a seat on the bed please." John was still standing at the door. He was watching me carefully. I suppose he was trying to gauge my reaction. I was shocked. I was stunned. But I knew I couldn't stop, not now. I walked to the bed as if in a trance and seated myself on the edge. John walked over and stood in front of me he reached behind me on the bed and grabbed a pair of black panties. I wanted to protest, to say something, but my mind was blank. I watched as he grasped the panties and pulled them up over my slender hips. Next he took a matching bra and wrapped it around my still hairless chest. I felt myself turning red with shame. I felt so weird, so silly. While I was getting used to the tug of the bra on my shoulders he clasped a matching black garter belt about my waist. I was still lost in a dream. I could watch what was happening, but I couldn't believe it was happening to me. It was like I was watching the whole thing on television. Slowly John rolled a black stocking up my right leg and then my left. My gaze fell on John. He was still very focused on his task. I could have been a mannequin for all it mattered. Here I was sitting on my friends bed dressed in skimpy girl's underwear. I felt so naked, so vulnerable. He clipped the stockings to the garters. For some reason the garters went under my panties. I couldn't figure out why. He slipped the heels on to my feet and asked me to stand. I rose, but started to topple on the slender heels, catching myself on John's shoulders. For a moment I could feel his breath on my thighs and on my panties. It felt very nice. I became even more embarrassed. John didn't miss a beat. He steadied me on my heels and pulled the petticoat from the bed. He held it out for me to step into. Using his shoulder for support, I placed one foot then the other inside the frilly lace. John pulled it up and settled it on my hips. I felt a little better with the petticoat on. I wasn't as exposed as before. Finally, John put me in the dress. It was very short. With the petticoat, it didn't even reach the tops of my stockings. John stepped back to examine me. He seemed pleased with my appearance. However I got the feeling he wasn't through yet. He took my hand and assisted me in walking across the room. It was difficult walking in heels on carpet. It was good that I didn't have far to go. John seated me in front of a mirror, but turned me so I was facing away from it. Reaching behind me he took out various brushes and powders from a small cabinet. "If Mistress is ready I will begin." Mistress? Mistress? Mistress. It didn't sound that bad. Was I starting to feel comfortable dressed this way? It certainly was different than boy clothes. There was a power of sensuality to the way I was dressed. I traced the line of my leg in the black stocking with my eyes. I never realized how slender my legs were before. Perhaps it was just the stockings, or the heels that created the illusion. With all these thoughts running through my head I didn't take notice of John's handiwork. It was all a whirl of scented powder and pastes. He left me alone for a moment and disappeared into another room. I wanted to turn and see myself. Or rather to see this stranger that I knew existed, but I waited. Something told me that John would be disappointed if I turned and I didn't want to disappoint John. John returned with what looked like a dead cat in his hand. It was only when he got closer that I realized it was an auburn wig. Carefully he placed it upon my head, fussing with it ever so gently. I was dying to look now. I knew the image was complete. I needed to see this stranger he in John's bedroom, but John wouldn't allow me that pleasure, not now anyway. Suddenly the room disappeared as John covered my eyes with a black satin ribbon. I could feel his breath on my neck as he tied it tight, but not too tight. He hovered behind me for a moment the warm sweet air drifting across my neck, shoulders and exposed chest. It felt so nice, so soft. I didn't want it to go. I shuddered. John must have realized the effect he was having because I felt him leave. I could hear his soft footfalls on the carpet. I followed the sound with my ears, out the door, down the steps and into the kitchen. I heard him pull a chair out from the table and the noise ceased. What was I to do now? John didn't leave me any instructions. I suppose it would be all right to explore some. I stood up balancing carefully on the unfamiliar heels. Steadying myself I turned to face the mirror. Carefully I removed the ribbon. It took several moments to process what I saw. It was me, or at least it was once me. Standing in the looking glass was a tall slender brunette. Her shapely thighs disappeared under the short full maid's skirt. She had a narrow waist and long slim arms. Her lips were pink and pouted slightly in an expression of awe and wonder. Her dark, long lashed eyes peeked out from short uneven bangs exploring the image in the looking glass as one explores a painting at a gallery. Slowly a smile appeared on that porcelain face. The image in the mirror turned and walked a few tentative steps. The girl standing there looked back over her shoulder and examined her calves, her thighs, the curve of her hips and the soft bare skin of her back. Shaking the surprise off doubt and fear returned. I couldn't fathom what was going on. Why did John do this? Where did he get this stuff? Was he some sort of child molester? I guess I would have to ask him. He has always been honest with me, or so I always thought. I was starting to doubt our relationship. Dragging myself away from the mirror I slowly and carefully walked downstairs to confront John. It was difficult to leave the safety of the bedroom. Despite the fact that I was still inside, I felt exposed and vulnerable. Although I have to admit I liked the soft breeze that blew up my skirt as I walked down the stairs. John was seated at the table reading a copy of the New York Times. I stopped in the doorway feeling very silly. I couldn't bring myself to speak. I hoped very much he would break this painful silence. "Ah, Solange you are here. Please make me some tea." That was it? That was all he had to say. He dressed me like a girl without any discussion and all he had to say was I'd like tea? I was astonished, embarrassed, a bit angry, but I let none of this show. I couldn't. For some inexplicable reason I made tea. My mind tumbled with accusations and threats, but none left my lips. As the tea finished its final infusion I placed the pot and cups on a tray and carried it to the tea table. As I set it down I noticed that John had already moved from the kitchen and was watching me very intently. With a smile and a joke of a sardonic curtsey I stepped back so he could seat himself. "Thank you, Solange. That was very sweet of you. Now please go upstairs and attend to the laundry. There are towels and robes all over the bath. It is quite a mess." I hesitated a second but obeyed. I could not explain John's power over me, but I wanted to attend to him, to fulfill his requests. I just couldn't figure out why. As I cleaned the upper floor I noticed how much more comfortable I was in the heels. My steps were longer and more confident. Even my poor posture seemed to improve. I had just completed loading the washing machine when the doorbell rang. "Solange, please answer the door." Was he serious? I couldn't possibly answer the door dressed like this. What would the neighbors think? It was probably my mother anyway. She would drop dead of a heart attack right there on the stoop if she saw me like this. There was no way I was going anywhere near the front door. The bell sounded again. "Solange, do not make callers wait." I could hear the disappointment in John's voice. It was slight, but almost unbearable to my young ears. With a deep breath and a silent prayer I opened the door. I was surprised and embarrassed to find Mr. Evans. I was also tongue tied and speechless. I mean what do you say to someone in this situation? For his part, he didn't seem alarmed or disturbed in the slightest. "Is John in?" He asked with an air of indifference. I half motioned toward the study, shocked by his attitude. "Thank you." He moved past me with a mind of purpose leaving me aghast in the foyer. It was only the wind which blew firmly and stiffly across my thighs that broke my revelry. Shutting the door quickly I rejoined John in the study. "Ah, you've returned. I'd like you to meet my new maid, Solange. Solange, this is Mr. Evans." For some inexplicable reason I curtseyed to Mr. Evans. He nodded politely and returned his attention to John. I felt so unimportant. It was as if I was another piece of furniture in the room instead of a person. "Solange, please get Mr. Evans a glass of Chardonnay." I left the room to retrieve the wine, but when I returned John was gone. Only Mr. Evan's remained. I set the wine upon the low table completely unaware of what it did to my skirt in the back. Without warning I felt a hand on my inner thigh. It slid slowly up to my black panties and squeezed my ass softly. I was shocked and stood immobile. I didn't know what to do. The hand continued to explore the soft material and my smooth bare inner thigh. Mindlessly I pushed against the hand allowing a soft moan to escape my lips. Apart from the soft rustle of my skirt and the rhythmic ticking of the grandfather clock the room was silent. As quickly as it had appeared, the hand retreated. It was suddenly very cold beneath my skirt, the presence of the hand was missed. With a great deal of embarrassment I retreated to the rear of the room. With my back to the bookcases, I straightened my skirt. Mr. Evans was calmly sipping his wine as if nothing had transpired. He looked calmly out into the garden outside without an acknowledgement of my existence. John returned shortly to end this terrible silence. "Solange, please leave us now. We have some business to discuss. There are some books in the living room if you wish to entertain yourself." As I left I felt ashamed. Who was I becoming? Or had I already become? I pondered these thoughts for the next few hours while I was flipping through volumes of Li Po and E. E. Cummings. At long last Mr. Evans departed. John had me escort him out. As he was leaving he wordlessly slipped a small card into the cup of my bra. It was a business card in modest form. On it read: "The Green Fairy, Lounge and Cabaret." Below that there was a downtown address and nothing else. As I closed the door I wondered what this place was and why he had given me the card. I didn't know it then, but I would find out and I would find out quickly. To Be Continued? I would love and appreciate any feedback you may have. This is my first story and if it is well received I will continue. Kisses, Satine

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THE CHRISTMAS FAIRY Leah married her husband John in spite of her family's wishes. They wanted her to keep to good Irish stock, a man's man, not some short, skinny wimp of a systems analyst, most of them didn't even know what that was. She had two sisters, one was in the army and currently training to be a dental nurse, the other was a welder by trade. Leah went ahead anyway. She loved his kind, thoughtful ways and that he treated her like a princess. She scoffed at her...

4 years ago
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Gift of the Tooth Fairy

Gift of the Tooth Fairy By: Katie Anne, aka, Malissa Madison Hillary rushed into her brothers room in a panic. "Harold you have to help me, please. I, I don't know how I did it but I have two babysitting jobs tonight." "Yeah right, like I know you just want to go out with What's his face," Harold told his sister. "No seriously, I know you wanted to go out tonight. But I have two babysitting jobs. The O'Leary's and Mrs Stanton," she informed her brother. "Look if you fill in on...

2 years ago
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The Woodsman and the Fairy

Two eyes, as blue and as dark as the dusk sky spied out from the lower branches of a thick tree. Foliage hid the creature. It’s gaze was centered on the back of the woodsman. Each time his ax went up muscles on his back and arms twisted and arched creating large mounds and valleys in his skin. They snapped together like the thick braided ropes of the ships in the royal fleet. The eyes watched the diamonds of labor run down his back cooling his skin. They saw his faded yellow pants, ripped and...

3 years ago
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Melodys Bad Day Fairy

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I wrote this for another Literotica voyager who was apparently having a bad day. At least I assumed that from the tear stained Email she sent me. Mark. * * * * * ‘Oh, who the hell is that? It’s ten o’clock at night…just figures, everything else has been going wrong…so why not this…shit.’ Normally I don’t swear. Girls aren’t supposed to swear. But the last few days had been brutal. You know the old saying ‘if it can go wrong, it will’? Well, it was true. But why the ceiling...

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My Little Fairy

Disclaimer: Any similarities to people or events are purely coincidental! This story is fiction. May or may not be continued, depending on the response this story receives. Comments and votes would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.I looked at her beautiful, sleeping face and reached out to caress her cheek softly. For years I had loved this little angel and tonight my dreams had come true. The fact that she was married didn’t matter at all. She was my true love and no other woman would ever be...

1 year ago
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Harpers Fairy

Crystal smiled, and kept up appearances. While there was joy to be had in the annual Harper family Christmas gathering, the sting of what happened simply wouldn’t allow her to fully enjoy the festivities. As everyone rose from their seats to adjourn to the kitchen to play Hearts, Crystal’s mother asked, “Are you going to play?” She kept a smile on her face as she shook her head and stood. “I think I’m going to turn in. I’m still jet-lagged from the flight.” “I’ll walk up with you,” her...

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Samantha Fairy

Hello. My name is Samantha. I am a fairy. Well, I'm not a real fairy. There are real fairies. There is even a fairy in the garden named Samantha but I'm not her. I'm a statue of a fairy. I wasn't always a statue though. I was once a living woman. I only became a fairy after my spirit was placed in the statue while my body was cooked. Yes my body was cooked and eaten by my lover Jenny but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start at the beginning. Like I said I wasn't always a statue. I...

1 year ago
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The Library Fairy

I hated using the library computers, but my hard drive crashed, my roommate was out of town with his laptop, and I was in a jam needing to get an assignment printed for a morning class. I was normally pretty good with them but was having a formatting issue and couldn’t find the right menu option to turn it off and change it back to what I wanted. God, this was frustrating! This cute little thing next to me asked if I needed help. Of course, I did, but I wouldn’t admit it. Typical male. So, she...

4 years ago
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Alexis The Dark Fairy

"Hey, stop that!!" Vanessa exclaimed. "What? It's a humungous firefly we just wanted to catch it." "By throwing rocks at it? Honestly..." she reached up in the nearby tree and cupped the creature in her hands. "Hey, girl, what are you doing? We found it first!" One of the boys yelled, but she ignored them and kept walking. She made her way home and found a jar to put it in while she went online trying to figure out exactly what it was. She put the jar on her desk in her room and...

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Alexis The Dark Fairy

Vanessa had just turned eighteen and still lived at her parents' house. She was very beautiful and could have any man she wanted, but it seemed that her standards were high for someone of her age. Her fetishes were all of that of the supernatural. She could be interested in guys or girls but she wanted something magical and could not settle for less. One day she was walking in the park alone and saw these middle school boys mercilessly torturing what looked like a dragonfly, except oddly...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Alexis The Dark Fairy

Vanessa had just turned eighteen and still lived at her parents' house. She was very beautiful and could have any man she wanted, but it seemed that her standards were high for someone of her age. Her fetishes were all of that of the supernatural. She could be interested in guys or girls but she wanted something magical and could not settle for less. One day she was walking in the park alone and saw these middle school boys mercilessly torturing what looked like a dragonfly, except oddly...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Alexis The Dark Fairy

Vanessa had just turned eighteen and still lived at her parents' house. She was very beautiful and could have any man she wanted, but it seemed that her standards were high for someone of her age. Her fetishes were all of that of the supernatural. She could be interested in guys or girls but she wanted something magical and could not settle for less. One day she was walking in the park alone and saw these middle school boys mercilessly torturing what looked like a dragonfly, except oddly...

3 years ago
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The Fairy

The Fairy (c) 2020 by Anthony Durrant Harold Lloyd Grassgren and his ward Portia walked up to the front of his Uncle Claude's home and Haroold then used a keu his unle's attorney had sent him to unlock and open the door. As they enyered his Uncle Claude's home, Harold looked around at the furniture and said, "It hasn't changed much since I lasy came to this house the Christmas before my Mon and Daed tooke me from England at the age of five! Good old...

2 years ago
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Sugar Plum Fairy

Copyright Oggbashan November 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* I had gone to the Christmas costume party only to escort my sister Mary. It was full of her friends and I didn’t know any of them well. Mary had...

1 year ago
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Sylvia Greenberg becomes Silkie Greene She loves

After the events with Al Lombardi, and his murder, Sylvia needs to get out of Los Angeles as quickly and discreetly as she can. The L.A. mob guys know that Al never gave them the 450,000 dollars he was supposed to, but they don't know where it went. They are looking hard through all his contacts. Sylvia is staying with Gerald for the time being, with all the money in cash under her bed. She and Gerald both know this can't go on forever. after six months at Gerald's, things are starting to calm...

1 year ago
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While relaxing in the woods by the lake, the fairy was surprised to see a demon drop from the tree above her to the ground. She quivered in fear as she looked up to see the tall demon in black leather vest, chaps and motorcycle boots.He looked at her and with a lightning fast move of his hand caught her. Tearing her slight gossamer gown from her, he shimmered and they both vanished.Reappearing in a dark underground cave, she panicked as she saw the leather straps hanging from the wall; then...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 23 Home

(Checked by Glenn) Martha watched as Cherubim once again entered the main lounge of the small ship. “Cherubim, you say we are on our way back to Green Hell?” “No, Martha, we are not, your son is. Official Union authorities, as well as several very dangerous groups, are after the three of you.” Martha waved towards the viewport. “I thought we were going to Green Hell, so my son can find that guardian and a way for us to find that Techno Mage?” “Your son is about to reach Green Hell, and he...

2 years ago
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Floaty Fairy

We were walking downhill, towards the meadow. It was late spring, the air was filled with smells of nature awakening still, the sound of chirping birds and a warm feeling of comfort and energy. The trees’ leaves were green and if you looked through the thickness of them shielding us from the sun, the blue of the sky was shining through.He was leading me through the forest, I was on a leash. We almost never do that, showing our relationship that open. But here, in the forest, in nature,...

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Adventures of a Greenie Vol 1Chapter 14 Green Hell Claims Two More

The two Mercenaries had left Desolate a few hours ago and arrived via shuttle on Green Hell. They both were Pertharian. They had accompanied Ms. Yeager to the prison colony and now their mutual employers wanted them to make an initial survey of this world. Neither of the Pertharians believed there was a planet in the universe they could not survive, especially with the nice equipment their employers got them. All these stories about Green Hell were made by weak and fragile humans of course...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 6 Sister Calling

Everything really did feel larger than life to Roy. There he was on Summit-Peak, a world known to spacefaring societies even before the formation of the First Galactic Council, being in the company of the most revered and beloved Immortal of the Union, a living legend only a handful of people ever met in person. To top it all off, he was wearing an old pre-Union uniform of the Eternal Warrior. The place was buzzing with activity. There were sentient beings he could identify and there were...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 20 Next Stop Virginia

Geha melted and faded away, dissolved like a puff of smoke in a strong breeze. As they raised the helmet-like apparatus she had been under, it was as if she woke from a long deep sleep. She could remember everything and in a clear order. She also remembered what she had experienced while she was Geha. Including the lasting impressions of her ending up on Alvor’s Cove and meeting her new friends, Martha and Sister. She remembered meeting them again in an old secretive satellite in an orbit...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 7 The Wurgus

The planet and the system had many names, but to most it was known as Summit Peak. Like the Planet of Universal Peace, this world was also famous for being a place for important meetings between space-faring societies. It was almost forgotten during the height of the First Galactic Council, as such trans-society meetings took place on the Planet of Universal Peace. However when the Original Galactic Council became a farce to most because of the Kermac demanding sole control and the rise of...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 4 Betrayed

Roy followed the living legend, he knew very little about. He remembered of course what Stahl did for him at Belle Station. He also remembered the tough questions after the pirate attack on the Silver Swan. Now he was actually walking right next to him towards a waiting D-20 shuttle, that had made landfall right in the middle of a sports field with a red track surrounding it. The shuttle was not the usual kind, but a tough-looking Lister-Class with fixed forward-facing guns and a small gun...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 19 Next Stop Green Hell

Geha felt almost as miserable as she had in the Portel room on Lorman’s Starbase. While she was free of the tormenting mocking of that infuriating woman calling herself Jane Smith and was no longer compelled to betray the ones she loved, she knew her life was a lie and that her real name was Sybil Putnam. Her body was perhaps not even the one she had been born with. Geha only knew for certain that she wasn’t the girl she always thought she was and that her existence was based on deceit. She...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 2 A Prelude

The United Stars of the Galaxies, more commonly and simply referred to as the Union, was as societies went, still young, and had only existed for about 2700 years. This was not a very long time even in human terms. There had been empires and societies existing for much longer than that. Compared to other galactic societies and empires past and present, the Union had not even really started. In this short time, however, it managed to spread over a considerable region of space and even into...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 5 ReAnimated

McElligott was not certain what talents the Glou might have, but he was pretty sure they were based on Psionics, and this latest Union shield technology was not only opaque to it, but an effective way to isolate a psionic user from accessing that trans-spatial condition where Psions could be accessed. The small humanoid, sure enough, fell to the ground, no longer able to levitate himself. The Old Highlander got up and gestured towards a visitor chair that established itself. “As I said,...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 17 Reunited

The Saran woman entered the hotel room she and the Saresii had occupied since they arrived in Montreal. They both were working for the Kermac Ministry of Information and thus for the enemy. She had been a member of the Black Cat society and like all Black Cats very opposed to the Gray Cat society, a rivalry as old as time. The Gray Cats had become the dominant group and influenced everything in Saresii life, while all the other societies, like the Red Cats or the White Cats, withered away to...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 10 Deepa

Martha tapped the activation sensor and established connection. Geha did not use an Avatar connection. “Martha, I managed to get away from the ones that tried to capture me again, but this is not why I am calling. I wanted to let you know that I am trying to get back into Freespace.” “Geha, Sister is alive.” “I am glad, it appears I gathered enough of her and it appears there was enough life in her for them to keep her alive. What will they do to her once she can be regrown?” “Geha, she...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 12 Compelled to Betray

Sam could not deny a sense of deep friendship as he saw the towering Cerberus standing there by the entrance. Even though it was a Mark IV, made obsolete quite a while ago with the Union military now using the Mark IX, it still was an impressive combat system. The fact that Charles was truly sentient made the Cerberus much more dangerous than any known main battle system in Sam’s opinion. Sam has just stepped out of a TMT booth and onto Treasure Island Plaza, right before the sky-reaching...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 22 Fianceacute

Roy doubted there could be a moment more perfect than this one. There beneath the invigorating light of a GIII type yellow sun, standing at attention, wearing his dress uniform, he and the other 22 were officially decorated in recognition of their heroic deeds. However, that he was the one receiving the Navy Cross was not the source of this feeling that made him almost explode with pride. It was the fact that Admiral Stahl, commemorating his Marine roots and wearing an old fashioned but still...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 24 Going Below

“What is the World of Old?” Sister asked with her growling, hissing voice. Sybil wrapped her arms around her knees as she pulled them up on the deep and soft couch that was part of the yacht’s main lounge. “I think I heard the term a few times, but I don’t know. Martha, who left her seat to get herself a Hot Chocolate stood by the brass and dark wood appointed, robot attended bar. “I am sure I have heard the term once or twice, but without consulting GalNet, I can’t recall where or in what...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sugar Plum Fairy

The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy By VI This story is based on my favourite piece of TG fiction, which was written by the author Sarah Barndt. If you have never read 'The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies' then please do so, as it is an imaginative and well told story. Thanks very much Sarah. ************************ I had been performing ballet since I was eight, and for the last six years had been with one of the American ballet companies. I think the fame...

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The Toothache Fairy

Collecting the keys of the car from the rental company’s underground offices, he headed west out of the airport. He tapped in the hotel’s post code on the Sat Nav, to be informed that he would reach his destination in under an hour. As English country house hotels go, it was no great shakes. But it was the end of the financial year and the Brussels office had had its travel budget slashed.Cyber-security specialist Mark Cavendish was in Britain representing an international cartel (backed by...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Blowjob Fairy

Magic still exists in the world. The Blowjob Fairy stands ready to serve. Who will summon her and receive her favor? More importantly, do they even know what they're in for? Please feel free to submit chapters/characters, or post suggestions in the comments to keep the adventure going.

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 1 SolHub

Sol Hub positioned right at the edge of the so-called heliopause. Almost exactly one lightyear from the actual star at the center of this system. As star systems went, this one was without question one of the most important. While every rock and floating pebble big enough to put a boot on was occupied or utilized. It was all about the third planet; by all accounts, he heard, one of the most beautiful and perfect garden worlds in existence, with a rich diversity of climates and life forms....

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 13 Prelude to Action

(This is the one Glenn checked) “Fleet assets are on their way,” the XO of the USS John Basilone yelled across the sudden chaos unfolding on the Tripoli Class dropship. It had been completely unprepared when it dropped out of Quasi just moments after a large Galactic Council fleet which was conducting a full-scale attack. Captain Bragg had completed this run to the Champain system many hundred times. Even while the first Line Cannon barrage raked across the hull of the Basilone, and the...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 21 Officer Candidates

Sybil, Martha, and Sister Sybil, formally known as Geha was no longer confused. She now knew who she was and how it all started. The one thing she and her alter ego had in common was their origin. She was born on a planet named New Olympus colonized by the Privileged. She once again knew that the Privileged were exiled from a society known as New Gods who had split into three distinct societies, the Standards, the Outcasts, and the Privileged. The Privileged split into four groups and left...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Miss Greene Chapter 2

That evening, both Adam and his teacher, Miss Greene, relived the exciting and forbidden events of the afternoon. Adam couldn’t believe the woman of his dreams, the love of his life, wanted him too. He could still feel his first kiss, the taste of her tongue dancing in his, his first blowjob and then repaying the pleasure by eating her out. It was all so much better than the movies he had watched online. He was in such bliss, and so satisfied from their adventures that he just lay there...

4 years ago
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Courting Miss Greene Ch 02

‘Doesn’t this look familiar to you, honey?’ asked Ethan, surveying the meadow. Ginny plowed through the tall grass behind him. ‘Mr. Clark, I warned you not to bring that up!’ she said with a stern look. Ethan had a mischievous glint in his eyes. Ginny could tell what he was thinking. ‘Stop it!’ she commanded and glanced over her shoulder. ‘Mind the family!’ A wide grin appeared on Ethan’s face. ‘I said ‘stop it!” insisted Ginny while her face turned red. Ethan winked at her instead. ‘Oooh!...

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Miss Greene Chapter 1

Adam was brought back to reality when the bell rang. He’d spent the entirety of the class staring at her again; it’s no wonder he needed private tutoring after school. It’s not that he didn’t understand the math, he just couldn’t pay attention when he could get away with daydreaming for an hour.He stood up and gathered his books to head for last period.“We’re still on for today?” asked Miss Greene as he passed her desk.“Yep,” he blushed. Her eyes were fittingly green, but today they especially...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Taking Mrs Greene Chapter 1

Introduction: The following story is a sequel to my story Ore-gasm  (found in the Outdoor category) and picks up where it left off. It is suggested that you read Ore-gasm before starting this one as it will introduce you to the characters and how they got to this point, making this story easier to understand.It had been six months or so since that first picnic and trip to the mine where Becky became a woman. Billy and Becky had continued to see each other regularly and Billy had spent nights,...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

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