The Making of a Fairy
- 3 years ago
- 30
- 0
I hated using the library computers, but my hard drive crashed, my roommate was out of town with his laptop, and I was in a jam needing to get an assignment printed for a morning class. I was normally pretty good with them but was having a formatting issue and couldn’t find the right menu option to turn it off and change it back to what I wanted. God, this was frustrating! This cute little thing next to me asked if I needed help. Of course, I did, but I wouldn’t admit it. Typical male. So, she let me stew for a minute, then told me to listen to her. “Look, I know very little about life, but I know computers and I know Office. What is the problem? You obviously need to get this done and need to change or fix something. Oh, my God, your bullets and indents are fighting each other. Let me help.” She moved in close, the scent of lavender or something similar wafted around me. Really nice. It filled my nose. I just moved over, but not far enough to lose the scent, and let her take control. She did. Thin figure, long dark hair with a reddish tint, navy blue slacks with matching high heels, and a plain white long-sleeved button up blouse. She could have been a real estate agent, a secretary, or a rocket scientist. A generic pretty girl. Really pretty.
“Are you my library fairy? Ummmm...”
“Lydia. Lydia Preston. You might say that. I’m happy to help. I am here a lot. I don’t have my own equipment, but I used to and ... Never mind. I like computers. You look like you normally use a different one. Is there a story there? Ummmm...”
“Chuck. And yeah. Hard drive crashed this afternoon. Haven’t even had time to get it to the shop.”
“Want help with it? I could use the money and I know a thing or two about it. Maybe I can help you save some information on your old one. Is it a desktop or a laptop?”
“It’s a desktop. You really know that stuff?”
“Maybe. It depends, but I’d like to try. You could pay me, maybe?”
“Lydia, I’ll give you a hundred bucks if you can get it running tonight and more if you can save some stuff I have on it.”
Her smile could have blinded me. Money, I had. Time, I didn’t.
“I get off in about fifteen minutes. Let me fix your document and save it. We’ll get you printed out and then take care of your desktop issue. Walmart is still open. Take me there, we’ll buy you a hard drive and see what we can do. You’ll need a hard drive one way or the other, and I can show you how to do backups, so you don’t have this happen again. But, then, as soon as you start the backups, you’ll never have a crash. Insurance, you know? As long as you have insurance, no accident. Let it lapse, and a telephone pole jumps in front of you.” I could tell she was nervous and laughing at her own joke.
I took her to Walmart where she picked up a couple of hard drives and an external hard drive reader she asked me for. She said it would help.
“Lydia, is that the same kind of hard drive a laptop uses?”
“No, they use these little ones, Chuck.”
“Get one of those, too, then. I have a laptop that quit a few months ago. Same problem. Hard drives don’t like me. You get it running and you can use it. How does that sound?” Another smile to eclipse the sun.
She asked about the software that came with the machines and after I told her I had all that, she smiled, and off we went.
At my house, she asked for the little girl’s room, then came out and got to work. My computer was up and running in an hour, and she was dumping saved files on it. She asked for a little screwdriver and had a new hard drive in my old laptop and had it running alongside the other. She was a machine. Both computers were up and running before I knew it.
“Lydia, you’re great. Thank you. Here’s two hundred dollars. Here’s the charger for that laptop and a bag to keep it in. I don’t like it because my hands are too big, and I make too many mistakes on it, but maybe you can get some use out of it.”
“I owe you for this, Chuck. This is a nice laptop.”
“Not to me it’s not. I’ve all but worn out the backspace key fixing problems caused by my thumb dragging over that pad thing. Never mind. I use my big one and I’m happy. If you owe me, though, why don’t you keep me company for a late snack? I’ll buy and then get you back to the dorm.”
“Thanks, Chuck. I’d like that.”
“Anything special you like, or can’t do for a bite?”
“Mexican this late would be problematic,” she said, then laughed.
This girl was cute. “Come on, Lydia. Let’s print this other paper out off my thumb drive here, then we’ll go eat.” She brought it up, I pointed it out, and off it came through my big Brother laser printer. “Thanks. Looks like I have a world that turns once more.”
I took her to a late-night Wendy’s. She had a potato with extra sour cream and a Frosty. Cheap date.
“Lydia, are you seeing anyone? You are really cute, you seem to be a really nice girl, and I’d really like to get to know you better. Really.”
“Chuck, you seem like a nice guy, so I’ll finish my comment from the library. You asked if I was your library fairy. I’m not quite what I seem. I’m a girl, for the most part, but ... Chuck, I’m sorry. Forget it. I’m not your type. You need a woman, not a little girl like me.”
“Lydia. I’d like to have a chance to decide what I need. And what I want. You were about to tell me something and decided not to. That’s fine, but don’t, please don’t, prejudge me on what I might or might not prejudge you about. I’d like to see you again. That’s all. If you want to finish telling me then, fine. If not, I’ll want to see you again. And again. And again. Am I making myself clear?”
She nodded, and the movement shook the tear on her cheek loose. I wiped it up with a napkin, then dabbed her cheeks. A girl she knew stopped over by the table to check on her.
“Hey, Lydia, you OK, girlfriend?” I recognized the girl. She was a cheerleader and was in the engineering program at our university. “Oh, hey, Mr. Chambers. Is Miss Lydia OK?” As a TA, a teacher’s assistant, I saw most of the kids in the program at one point or another. She was a bright one. She was an African-American beauty, enrolled in the electrical engineering path on a scholastic scholarship through a charter school program. She was so athletic she also made some scholarship points as a cheerleader for our basketball team. They called her a flier, and threw her around like a rag doll, but she loved it. I think she loved it. She was always smiling, so it was hard to tell.
“Yes, Monica, I brought her for a snack after she fixed my computer. She was just telling me a little about herself.”
“Oh, God. Don’t tell me,” Monica said, putting her hand over her mouth.
“No, Monica, not yet. But thanks. After that display, I might as well tell him already. I’m sure he’s bright enough to put two and two together by now.”
“Let me do it. Mr. Chambers is cool, Lydia. Watch this.” She turned to me. “Mr. Chambers, Miss Lydia is not an engineering student, so she’s not off limits. She is, however, a dorm suite mate of mine, so I know a bit about her. She is a nice girl and doesn’t party or play around and drink and raise hell. She studies, has a four point oh average, is on the dean’s list, and has a small penis where most of the girls have ... Other things. She is more of a woman than I am, though, looks absolutely stunning in the one cocktail dress I’ve seen her in, has legs to die for, and is loved and admired by everybody in our building except Betsy Turner, and Betsy doesn’t even like her own mother. Oh, only about three of us know about Lydia’s physical attributes. We share a bathroom. The rest just love her for being her. Questions?”
“Will you ask Lydia if she’ll go out with me? She seems to think I’m looking FOR something other than what I’m looking AT.” I was talking to Monica but looking directly into Lydia’s eyes.
She turned to Lydia. “Lydia, this is way out of my wheelhouse, but since I’m an engineering student, and sucking face with one of your TAs is frowned upon, will you go out with Mr. Chambers and tell me all about it so I can live my love life vicariously through you? You’d be doing me a great favor, especially if you told me about it late at night with the lights off and...”
“Monica, shut up! God. How embarrassing. Good Lord. OK, Chuck, I’ll go out with you. If for no other reason, just to get this sex maniac out of my face about it. And Monica, what the hell? You’re a lesbian.”
“I choose to be a lesbian. If the right man came along...” She looked at me and licked her fantastically shaped plump lips. “Just sayin’. You two be good, and Mr. Chambers, please don’t make her cry again. There are a lot of girls in that dormitory over there, and in big enough numbers ... Just remember the ants in South America. They kill and eat cattle. I’ll leave you with that thought.” She leaned down and kissed Lydia’s cheek, rubbed her fingers across my shoulder, giggled and walked over by a friend to sit.
“You could have told me, Lydia, but I understand why you didn’t really want to. To be honest, I think I understood what you were going to say long before. You are too feminine and probably have made an effort to be more of a girl than most girls will ever be. That’s something I noticed a long time ago. Trans girls seem to be more effeminate, more womanly, more willing to be desirable to men, than real girls. Sorry, I know you’re a real girl...”
“Stop apologizing. You told me you’d take me back to the dorm. You don’t mind? I can catch a late bus if you’d rather not bother with me.”
“No, I’d rather take you. It’s getting a little late, and I’d really rather bother. Really,” I told her. She giggled. She noticed my overuse of the word ‘really’. I didn’t want her, or any students come to think of it, running around alone this late at night. We left, saying goodnight to Monica and her friend on the way out. I hadn’t noticed, but I put my hand in the middle of her lower back on the way out. It was just a subconscious move on my part. She looked straight up at me and smiled. My library fairy was not a big girl. Once I had helped her into the car, I took her through the campus and stopped outside her building. I was in a reserved staff spot, but late at night, and with my stickers, I figured I’d be OK.
“Chuck, are you sure you’re OK with this. It’s scary for me. I had one bad experience, very recently.”
“He didn’t know up front, though, did he?” She shook her head. “I know. And knowing is half the battle.” I reached out for her cheek. She reached up and held my hand to it. “Look, I mentioned before about being feminine and all. I’m a lover of the feminine. I really am. Dresses, hose, heels, all that. Girls just don’t seem to want to do that anymore.”
“I do. I like them. I’m wearing slacks ‘cause it was supposed to be windy and cold today. I’m not studying meteorology or anything, but I know how to dress when the weather girl is calling for snow snakes.” She smiled.
“You look good in them. Very good. I’d like to see you again. You’re a pretty girl, Lydia.”
“Thank you.” She leaned forward and kissed me gently over the console. “How will you find me, Chuck? I don’t have a phone or anything.”
“You’re my library fairy. I’ll start there.”
“OK. Sounds good. Thank you again.” She kissed me again, then before I could get out to walk her over to the door, she was gone, through the door and on the elevator.
I sat down, relaxed, and sat there for a bit. The knock on my window startled me. I looked over at the Nubian Goddess, one Monica Maples, staring at me through my window. I rolled it down.
“You OK with Lydia, Mr. Chambers? I’d hate to see her get hurt again. The last guy was pretty nice, until he found out she wasn’t giving him any nookie, then really an ass to her when he found out why. He actually hurt her. She just needs to find a human being, sir. Keep that in mind.”
“I will, Monica. I will. See you tomorrow. Oh, if you see Lydia tonight, please don’t tell her I was down here daydreaming like a lovestruck teenager. It wouldn’t be good for my reputation.”
“Actually, sir, it would. About half the campus thinks you’re a hermit. Lonely by choice and beyond approaching or fixing.” She laughed. “Don’t worry. I saw the look on your face at Wendy’s. Your secret is safe with me, and every other girl that saw you look at Lydia. Be careful not to let her break your heart either, sir. See you tomorrow.” She wiggled her fingers and walked inside with her buddy.
I drove back to the house and started doing research on my new favorite subject. Oh, my, did I have a lot to learn. Bedtime brought fitful sleep as I kept wondering what I saw in her. She was a very pretty girl, though, and had a wonderful attitude and demeanor. And ... She could fix a computer. I needed to find out what she was studying. If it was computers, that would put her in the engineering school. Hmmm.
The alarm went off and my first thought was to be thankful for Lydia and my paper being ready for the old Battle Axe today. Even graduate students had things to turn in, and I was no exception. Even though I was about four months from landing my doctorate and being able to go home and take over our business from my father’s partners I still had work to do. Long story, but that was the deal. They were all bought out, a few years ago, but when Mom and Dad were lost in a ferry accident in Indonesia on vacation, the partners came back to hold down the fort until I could get through school and take over. It was close to happening. I had an MBA already, so I could probably handle the business side, but we’re a technology company, so they figured I needed to know what happened when an electron fell on the floor into the bit bucket. Sorry, terrible joke.
“Good morning Mr. Chambers. How are you doing today?”
“Fine, Mrs. Chambers. And you?”
“We’ll see.” Six of us were in a morning seminar spearheaded, or I should say belt beaten by a nasty old woman who just happened to be my uncle’s wife of twenty-five years or so. He hated me, she hated me, and the world knew it. My uncle and my father parted ways about the time I was a toddler, and never made amends. Now, here I was, with her seminar, a couple of other classes, a lab, and a thesis defense away from taking control of our namesake, a company he and Dad started over thirty years ago. Chambers Enterprises, Incorporated. Dad bought him out, after a tiff between them involving plans for the future of the company, and then went on to make millions upon millions while my dear old uncle, scrooge that he is, went back into academia and met this wonderful (gag) woman. The deans of both the engineering school and the university knew me, and them, and the issues, and just told me to do my best and they’d make sure everyone played fair. Okayyyyy Fiiiiine.
The seminar was constructive. I listened, for the most part. The two points I wanted to make, another student, a really bright woman, made for me, so I got to listen to the battle axe tear her logic up, even though it would have been the right answer in everyone’s opinion, save auntie axe. Another day, another credit. I was feeling pretty good about going almost unscathed through the morning, so I decided to hit the library. I had a couple things to look up that would be easier in print than on a computer screen, so I headed over.
My library fairy was talking to a guy in a fairly animated fashion, and I thought seriously about making myself scarce, when she saw me. She waved and motioned me over, making it clear that I was wanted near her, quickly. So, I did my duty, as I saw fit.
“Barry, this is Mr. Chambers. One of Monica’s instructors. What can I help you with, Mr. Chambers? Barry was just leaving. BEFORE he said anything out loud he’d be sorry for.”
Barry was about two inches shorter and forty pounds heavier than me. I had a feeling none of it was fat. He looked like a running back for our school football team. I later found out I was right. Second string, though. No cheerleaders for him. He looked at me and smirked then turned back to her.
“Listen, you little queer. If I find out anyone else knows I went out with your stupid tranny ass, I’ll make you wish...” I’d heard enough. I grabbed the pressure point in his elbow and made him throw up in the trash can he was standing next to.
“Quietly, very quietly, I want you to walk with me to the men’s room. You aren’t feeling well and need to go there to clean your face up a bit and make sure you’re OK. Understood?” He tensed, so I made him throw up again. He nodded. “Good boy. Lydia, darling, I’ll be back in a minute. OK?” She looked at me in abject fear and nodded. “Don’t go away, hon. Please? I have a question I need to ask you. Come, Barry, bathroom.”
When we got into the men’s room I asked him what was going on. He told me that when he got his bearings he was going to kill me, but went on to say that he went out with that ‘trap ass sissy piece of shit’ and when he went ‘to do her’ she said no. Then he found out the ‘queer assed fucker was a guy’. He moved a bit to come around on me, thinking he had his footing, but wound up vomiting in a urinal. Another guy came in and seeing the commotion asked me if I was OK. Staff normally had badges on lanyards we wore, and at the time I did, so I looked all official when I told him we were fine and that old Barry there must have gotten ahold of some bad milk in the cafeteria or something. “OK, just wanted to make sure.” He peed next to Barry, flushed, washed up, then walked out.
“OK, Barry, we’re going to try this again. You’re upset because you found out that a really pretty girl you had the hots to bang was really a gender dysphoric teenager and although she was born with male parts was actually a girl and has been for some time. Right?” He nodded. He was about to say something when he got queasy again. “Here’s the deal. We’re going to go through this once, then never speak of it again. Deal?” Another queasy spell, then a nod. “Good. I am going to date Miss Lydia. If she’ll have me, that is. She’s pretty and she’s nice. She’s more of a woman than most of the women on this campus. You aren’t going to say anything to anyone about anything, or the entire school will know of your escapades and how you tried so hard to get into what you think are a boy’s pants. You see, Barry, I don’t care that she’s got an itty bitty clitty. I care that she looks good in a skirt and heels. Understood?” He looked at me funny. “She’s an attractive woman, dipstick. Even you thought so. I’m not asking her to have my children, just to date, have dinner, talk about fun stuff, and make fun of football players.” He tensed up again. Puke. “Back to the deal. More of a bottom line. You’re probably on a football scholarship. Right?” He nodded. “Think you can play if I do this to your knee for a while.” His eyes went wide open. “Got it in one. Speak in an unfriendly tone to her again and you won’t play football again. Ever. Not a threat, Barry, a promise. I mean that. You need to stop being a bully. And, young man, if you think you have friends on the football team, think again. I actually give some of the starters grades. Oh, and two of them are second cousins. Be careful. We done here?” He nodded. “Good. Bye.” He walked out, but when he looked back, I really doubted it was over. I’d have to talk to my cousins and ask them to keep their ears open. One thing Barry needs to know, Lydia, too, for that matter. I don’t lie. I don’t even bluff well. If I go all in, I’ve got something.
I walked out and saw Lydia watching Barry walk out of the library without even looking at her. Oh, Lordy was he upset. He was probably thinking of a way to kill me as he walked out.
“Lydia, sorry for the display. He upset me. I’m sorry for butting in but he almost violated the school’s policy on inclusive behavior, and I didn’t want him expelled. Who knows? Someone on our team may get hurt and they might need Barry to do something silly like play football or something. Are you OK?”
“Yes, just a bit scared. He let go of my arm when you walked up, but he had it pretty good.” I looked at it and knew a bruise was coming. So did she. “Yep. Yuck. Long sleeves for a couple weeks. At least it’s cold this time of year.”
“Lydia, I need to know if he confronts you again. Just don’t mention to anyone that he tried to (I made airquotes) ‘do you’ and we should be OK.” She giggled. “Now I was going to ask you ... What is it you are studying?”
“Promise not to laugh?”
“Heck no. If you were to tell me Library Management or something like that, I’d laugh my ass off.”
“And at this rate when you’re done you’ll weigh about thirty pounds. So much for the nice engineer.”
I chuckled. “Are you serious? I made fun of library studies and you got caught in the crossfire?”
“Yes. I’d say ‘Yes, Asshole’, but I don’t know you well enough. I was actually hoping, like Monica intimated, that you might want to ask me out, but now I find out you are library phobic. Out of the pan into the fire. A transhomophobe to a libraphobe. I just can’t effing win.”
I looked around, and seeing almost no one, and certainly no one looking at us, I took her in my arms and kissed her. I whispered in her ear, “I think librarians are sexy. Books, glasses, skirts, heels. Sexy.”
She pushed against me, creating some space and looked up. “You think you can win me back with a kiss and a line like that?”
“And lunch?”
“Maybe. Another kiss and we’ll see.” We did. Then she hugged me around my chest. “Thank you so much for being here. He’s such a bully. I was actually afraid he’d hit me again when no one was looking, and the place was almost empty. My shoulder still hurts from the last time. Really, Chuck, thank you.”
“You’re working here aren’t you, hon?” She nodded. “I should have picked up on that last night. When is lunch, anyway?”
She shrugged. “Pretty much anytime, if we’re not busy. Wanna go somewhere and talk?” I nodded. “Let me go tell Mizz Bailey.” She went into an office and came back out then led me across the street to a little coffee shop bistro operation.
“Order for both of us, doll. I’ve never been here before.”
I watched her walk, more like a sashay, up to the counter and ordered. She looked like a million bucks in her skirt, dark stockings, and plain black stiletto pumps, bringing back a Pepsi with two straws. I looked at her funny. “You kissed me. We can share a drink.”
“Got it. Understood. Makes perfect sense.” I was kidding, then I thought about it for a second and told her. “Actually, I guess it does make sense. Cool. OK. Lydia, to what end are you studying Library Management?”
“Library Sciences, actually. Chuck, every company worth its weight in regulations has a filing system, a storage system, and a retrieval system. From the smallest drycleaners to the largest aerospace firms. Mom and pop to the military. They need organized people to organize. That’s me. I’m a sophomore now, taking the minimum qualifying workload and working my way through school. Four and a half years, both taking classes and working, even in the summers, for my bachelor’s, then I can sell myself to the highest bidder. I plan on doing my Master’s part time and work full time.”
“Wow, you’ve got it all figured out, don’t you?”
“Summers, school and working?”
“That’s the plan.
“Tell me about Lydia, please?”
“No. You first. I’ve said too much.” She got up for our tray when they called her name. “I want to know who the nice man is that gave me such a nice computer. You know that thing’s almost new.”
“I hate it. I hope it makes you happy. It’s like a cat. Won’t sit in my lap but goes to yours. Oh, never mind. That’s too close to real life.”
“I did notice the cat, but it didn’t come to me.”
“Just wait. When you’re not busy throwing tools and shiny CDs around like a Ninja, he’ll check you out. OK. Chuck Chambers. Charles. Only child of Charlie and Annie Chambers, of Chambers Enterprises.”
I held my finger to my lips. “Shhhh. Not done. Close, but not yet. Ascension trust requires I finish my education before I take over. I already got the MBA done, but they wanted me to have a PhD in electronics. Hence, engineering school. I did a few years in the military, too, but that was when everyone was happy, healthy, and OK with me goofing off. I wound up doing a special assignment with some special people who showed me a lot of things, not the least of which was how to make a jock vomit.”
“Chuck. Stop. We’re eating.”
“Sorry. In any case, in four months, I’m out of here. Done having fun and back to what will surely be my undoing. It killed my grandfather, my father, and now, it is sure to kill me.”
“Charles Chambers, you are full of shit. Everyone in this state knows your grandfather was killed trying to stop a bank robbery and your father died in a shipwreck. That company never killed anyone.”
“Aha. Grampa was depositing money for the company.”
“Don’t joke. He was a hero.”
“More so to me. OK. Done. What about Lydia?”
“Lydia Evelyn. Born Lloyd Everett Preston. I guess I was about four when mom and dad started seeing me for what I was, and it wasn’t a little boy. I was very carefully pointed back in the ‘correct’ (she air quoted) direction but it never took. At nine, a psychiatrist told them I was a girl, and my life began anew. My father actually accepted me as a girl. Most fathers don’t. I had two supportive parents. A miracle in the arena. Medicine, both before and after puberty, an operation here and there, and voila, a girl who feels more at home in skirts, hose, and heels than in slacks. Except when it’s really cold, and yesterday was a bit chilly. Now, Chuck, I know you have questions. You can ask them, and I’ll do my best, or we can play it by ear.”
“Yes, Lydia Evelyn Preston, I have questions. I have answers, too. You like Mexican, you know more about computers than I do, and you are my kind of girl when you dress. Can you dance? That’s one of my questions. The other, is a bit personal, but since we’re sharing a Pepsi...” I raised my eyebrow.
“Yes, somewhat. I like it more than I’m good at it. The dancing. Now, ask away. If it’s answerable, I will.”
“Stockings or panty hose?”
“You cad. Stockings. Panty hose only when needed. Hot pants and slacks included. Think you can get any more personal than that?”
“Garter belts or thigh highs?”
“That’s too personal. For now. Finish your sandwich. I need some fresh air. You are a dirty young man.” She reached for my hand as I set my napkin down and put it on her thigh. I could feel the tabs on the garter belt and the stocking welt on her thigh. Then she took my hand, kissed it, and put it back up to my napkin. “Way too personal. Second date material, at least. Maybe third. Something to think about.”
“Lydia, will you go dancing with me Saturday night?”
“I need to close the library. Can you pick me up there at eight?”
“Done. Thank you for lunch. That was a good sandwich. I had good company. I’m having a good time.” We got up and went to the register where I paid, and we walked out.
“I am, too, Chuck. Please tell me if anything needs discussed. Please. I’m scared to death. You know. I know you know. You’re still acting like a gentleman and I’m still feeling like a lady. What happens when the other shoe drops?”
“I kiss you again.” I did. “Stop worrying, Lydia. You’re a beautiful girl. I’m proud you’d be seen with an old fogey like me.”
“Chuck, how old are you, anyway? I’m thinking twenty-nine.”
I kissed her again. “Not quite. Close. Thirty-Three. I was in the service for quite a while. You? I’m thinking nineteen.”
“In May. I graduated early and all.”
“Whew. Legal. Barely. That was close.” She slapped my arm, then hugged it to her as we walked back across the street. It was February. Cold. Snow snakes were the most prominent form of wild life.
“Can I see you tonight, Lydia? Even if it’s just to talk while we study?”
“I’d like that, but I do need to study. I have a paper I’m doing for an angry lib lit professor. Where are you recommending?”
“You’ve been to my house and have left unscathed and unsullied. I’m sure we can make it two nights in a row. Pick you up? When are you off?”
“Five. Chuck, are...”
I kissed her. “Yes, Lydia, I’m sure. Five. I’ll be here.”
I went to a department store on the way to my house and went looking for a salesgirl in the women’s wear department. I found one. About Lydia’s size. “I need some blue silk pajamas and a matching robe and slippers. Conservative.” I looked at her and held my hands out to frame her. “About that size.”
She laughed. “Sir, conservative AND silk? Wow. Hmmm. mmmHHMmmOh! I know! Back here.” The girl led me to the edge of the lingerie department. They had the perfect set. Oriental pattern. Silk. It just flowed. You could hardly hold it without it running out of your hand. “Perfect.”
I took them home and put them on the guest bed. Bill was going to be gone for a couple more days. He was due back Sunday, this was Thursday. All should be well.
I took a shower, brushed my teeth, shaved, everything, and changed undies, but put the same clothes back on. I didn’t want her to know. I didn’t want to look pathetic. Bad enough being pathetic without looking pathetic. I walked into the library at five. She was checking some girl in or out, shooting books with a laser gun. She looked at me with that smile. Like the sun rose. Pretty girl. When she was done, she grabbed a backpack and her laptop case and walked toward me.
My name is Matilda, and I used to be a fairy. A long time ago my people were many. We were small, beautiful, full of magic, and generally good people. But not all of us were good. Not all of us were fairies. Some of us changed when we became angry. It took a lot of anger for it to happen, but if we became angry enough a fairy would transform into an ugly raging giant. We called these fairies witches. Our people had a queen. She was queen over all the fairies in the world. It was her wish to...
So there I was, backpacking through Europe like every other early twenty-something, when lo-and-behold I got myself lost. That’s pretty normal for me. Ever since I was a kid, I got easily distracted by the most mundane things in the world, and got quite comfortable asking retail workers to help me find my parents. Even in my own backyard I’d end up chasing a butterfly or squirrel into another neighborhood if I wasn’t careful. I just love examining the little things in life, the details...
Fantasy & Sci-FiSo there I was, backpacking through Europe like every other early twenty-something, when lo-and-behold I got myself lost. That’s pretty normal for me. Ever since I was a k**, I got easily distracted by the most mundane things in the world, and got quite comfortable asking retail workers to help me find my parents. Even in my own backyard I’d end up chasing a butterfly or squirrel into another neighborhood if I wasn’t careful. I just love examining the little things in life, the details...
Andy woke up at 3.13 am, and immediately knew that something was strange. Andy rarely woke up in the middle of the night. But he knew that he'd heard a sound. And what was more, he knew the sound had come from inside his room. Cautiously he looked around. The room was dark. He felt he could almost hear a voice in his head saying, "Go back to sleep. It was just a noise outside." But he knew the noise had come from inside his room. So he decided to fool it, whatever was making the...
THE CHRISTMAS FAIRY Leah married her husband John in spite of her family's wishes. They wanted her to keep to good Irish stock, a man's man, not some short, skinny wimp of a systems analyst, most of them didn't even know what that was. She had two sisters, one was in the army and currently training to be a dental nurse, the other was a welder by trade. Leah went ahead anyway. She loved his kind, thoughtful ways and that he treated her like a princess. She scoffed at her...
Gift of the Tooth Fairy By: Katie Anne, aka, Malissa Madison Hillary rushed into her brothers room in a panic. "Harold you have to help me, please. I, I don't know how I did it but I have two babysitting jobs tonight." "Yeah right, like I know you just want to go out with What's his face," Harold told his sister. "No seriously, I know you wanted to go out tonight. But I have two babysitting jobs. The O'Leary's and Mrs Stanton," she informed her brother. "Look if you fill in on...
Two eyes, as blue and as dark as the dusk sky spied out from the lower branches of a thick tree. Foliage hid the creature. It’s gaze was centered on the back of the woodsman. Each time his ax went up muscles on his back and arms twisted and arched creating large mounds and valleys in his skin. They snapped together like the thick braided ropes of the ships in the royal fleet. The eyes watched the diamonds of labor run down his back cooling his skin. They saw his faded yellow pants, ripped and...
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I wrote this for another Literotica voyager who was apparently having a bad day. At least I assumed that from the tear stained Email she sent me. Mark. * * * * * ‘Oh, who the hell is that? It’s ten o’clock at night…just figures, everything else has been going wrong…so why not this…shit.’ Normally I don’t swear. Girls aren’t supposed to swear. But the last few days had been brutal. You know the old saying ‘if it can go wrong, it will’? Well, it was true. But why the ceiling...
Disclaimer: Any similarities to people or events are purely coincidental! This story is fiction. May or may not be continued, depending on the response this story receives. Comments and votes would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.I looked at her beautiful, sleeping face and reached out to caress her cheek softly. For years I had loved this little angel and tonight my dreams had come true. The fact that she was married didn’t matter at all. She was my true love and no other woman would ever be...
IncestCrystal smiled, and kept up appearances. While there was joy to be had in the annual Harper family Christmas gathering, the sting of what happened simply wouldn’t allow her to fully enjoy the festivities. As everyone rose from their seats to adjourn to the kitchen to play Hearts, Crystal’s mother asked, “Are you going to play?” She kept a smile on her face as she shook her head and stood. “I think I’m going to turn in. I’m still jet-lagged from the flight.” “I’ll walk up with you,” her...
Hello. My name is Samantha. I am a fairy. Well, I'm not a real fairy. There are real fairies. There is even a fairy in the garden named Samantha but I'm not her. I'm a statue of a fairy. I wasn't always a statue though. I was once a living woman. I only became a fairy after my spirit was placed in the statue while my body was cooked. Yes my body was cooked and eaten by my lover Jenny but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start at the beginning. Like I said I wasn't always a statue. I...
The Library: Rewrite, Part 1 by Roberta J. Cabot Ghosts in the library. A fairly common story for Halloween . Telling such stories, especially around a campfire at night, is fun. Heck, it's almost a tradition - a ghostly figure that you see from the corner of your eye as you work on your homework in the library, eerie sounds, unexplained movements like doors closing or chairs moving et cetera. Old hat. Hackneyed, even. Thing is, I was the one who saw them,...
Are you the kind of mother fucker that enjoys getting off to something a little…different? I’m not talking about the fetish that you may have that makes you feel different than the rest. I’m talking about the fact that you typically don’t enjoy getting off to videos or images.Rather, you enjoy tugging one out to erotic literature. Hey, lots of people are into that kind of porn! I would know: I make my living reviewing porn sites for you horny fucks on ThePornDude! And what I can tell you is...
Sex Stories SitesLate night Library fantasy. It all started with my late-night visits to Liverpool Central Library. I use the place at least once a week as I?m studying as a mature student. My preferred time is late, usually after midnight. It?s the best time to go as it?s pretty quiet & you be sure that the only other users are serious geeks who, like myself try to avoid being disturbed. Anyway, back to my fantasy?.. One evening, I?d dropped into the library & chosen my preferred corner, the older part...
"Hey, stop that!!" Vanessa exclaimed. "What? It's a humungous firefly we just wanted to catch it." "By throwing rocks at it? Honestly..." she reached up in the nearby tree and cupped the creature in her hands. "Hey, girl, what are you doing? We found it first!" One of the boys yelled, but she ignored them and kept walking. She made her way home and found a jar to put it in while she went online trying to figure out exactly what it was. She put the jar on her desk in her room and...
Vanessa had just turned eighteen and still lived at her parents' house. She was very beautiful and could have any man she wanted, but it seemed that her standards were high for someone of her age. Her fetishes were all of that of the supernatural. She could be interested in guys or girls but she wanted something magical and could not settle for less. One day she was walking in the park alone and saw these middle school boys mercilessly torturing what looked like a dragonfly, except oddly...
Fantasy & Sci-FiVanessa had just turned eighteen and still lived at her parents' house. She was very beautiful and could have any man she wanted, but it seemed that her standards were high for someone of her age. Her fetishes were all of that of the supernatural. She could be interested in guys or girls but she wanted something magical and could not settle for less. One day she was walking in the park alone and saw these middle school boys mercilessly torturing what looked like a dragonfly, except oddly...
Fantasy & Sci-FiVanessa had just turned eighteen and still lived at her parents' house. She was very beautiful and could have any man she wanted, but it seemed that her standards were high for someone of her age. Her fetishes were all of that of the supernatural. She could be interested in guys or girls but she wanted something magical and could not settle for less. One day she was walking in the park alone and saw these middle school boys mercilessly torturing what looked like a dragonfly, except oddly...
The article about the library shutting its doors appeared in that day’s newspaper. When Tom had read it – it was a short piece – he folded the paper and leaned back in his chair. After a minute he rose, shuffled to the sideboard and in an orderly way pulled out its drawers and placed them next to each other on the floor of his kitchen-diner. He searched through them in turn, like a fox digging up a garden.After some minutes he found what he was looking for. His library card.He held the scuffed...
Straight SexThe Fairy (c) 2020 by Anthony Durrant Harold Lloyd Grassgren and his ward Portia walked up to the front of his Uncle Claude's home and Haroold then used a keu his unle's attorney had sent him to unlock and open the door. As they enyered his Uncle Claude's home, Harold looked around at the furniture and said, "It hasn't changed much since I lasy came to this house the Christmas before my Mon and Daed tooke me from England at the age of five! Good old...
Copyright Oggbashan November 2014 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ************************************************* I had gone to the Christmas costume party only to escort my sister Mary. It was full of her friends and I didn’t know any of them well. Mary had...
I have a gorgeous boyfriend, except when we have conversations about sex. We often end up in one of two states, agreeing with each other and promptly carrying out the task at hand, or violently disagreeing with each other. The last one was in between, a very different outcome for us both.It was on the topic of exhibitionism and voyeurism. I quite like it, and would definitely give it a go, but Matt was more ambivalent about it. He couldn’t really see the point, so I tried to explain about the...
ExhibitionismExposing sister in the Library Posted by Paul606A boy discovers his sister as he grows up, pushing boundaries and breaking the normal "rules". Eventually, he might get the girl, if he plays his cards right... I have absolutely no idea what came over me that day… or how in the world I got away with everything, but I am glad that I did, and I will admit to you that this was the first of many experiences which included my sister and I, and a great deal of shared pleasure. -----------------...
LIBRARY BEHIND CLOSED DOORSEpisode 1 "Perfection in the Skirt" He walked in thought, absorbed in the events related to the work at the Heat and Power Plant in Wrocław on the street Łowiecka 24 as the main power dispatcher. He considered the manager's accusations to be completely unfounded, even offensive, he probably intends to put his cousin on the job, so he looks for a "hole in the whole". Well, a lot of dark ones were gathering clouds, you have to start looking for a new occupation,...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE LIBRARY: REWRITE, PART 2 by Bobbie Cabot - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I used to be a boy scout. Yeah, yeah, you can shut up now. The only reason I mention this is because of the ghost stories that we told around the campfire. No, we didn't roast weenies or marshmallows, but we DID tell stories. Stories about ghosts in the dark - scary-fun. But there's no fun if you...
I didn't mean to be locked up in the library that night. It was the night before a major essay was due to be handed in, and the only books available to provide the answers were the kind you couldn't check out of the building. Fair enough, I shouldn't have left it so late, but I was fairly confident I could dash off the 1,000 words required within a few hours. So when I turned up at seven-ish, fresh from a post-football practice shower, I wasn't even rushed. And okay, call me a sports jock if...
LIBRARY FANTASY SERIES: THE MAKING OF “S,” THE STORY OF “S”TWOTHE SURRENDER OF “S” By Pornmaster1. ©2011. All rights reserved The symbolism in her decision to again wear the long green peasant skirt, the plain white blouse, and the gold spike heeled pumps told me all I needed to know about her. So did the filmy dew of perspiration just above her glossy red lips. And the slightly startled look when she saw me, as if she were reminded that this was really real. She even sat in the same library...
This story is pretty much 100% true. The names have been changed to protect the guilty and the dialogue is probably only close, not entirely accurate (it was ten years ago - give me a break!). If you're at all interested to know, this was my first time dressed in public, first time dressed completely and first girlfriend I ever dressed with. I'd never really worn any female clothes before then, but had always been intrigued by them and had quickly tried a few items before meeting...
Mike held the small sledgehammer in both hands, dubious that he would be able to strike another living being with it, much less a minotaur. Still, it was better than nothing, which made him feel a little bit better. Mike had debated purchasing a gun, but he knew next to nothing about them other than to point the long, skinny end at stuff you wanted to kill. His lack of education aside, Naia had warned him against such a purchase for the sole reason that she had no idea what other creatures...
9.37pm. The clockface of my watch stared back at me as I caught my breath. I was pretty sure all the way to the library immediately after training was not the requisite cool down that my coach expected, but this wasn’t the time for that. The glass doors of the library closed behind me. I had 23 minutes. I cursed my lecturer under my breath. Who gives an “open book” exam the next morning when the book is a restricted one that cannot be borrowed out from the library. What’s more, there was only...
Copyright© 2002, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Special thanks to Pete, the Old Fart 2018 for his expertise in re-editing and re-proofing. Winter was gripping Abbotsville. The days continued to get shorter and for some reason it seemed to be a hellva lot colder than in recent years. The current school year was well underway. I had an assignment that proved that all history teachers must use their summer vacations thinking up the shittiest projects for their students. There had to be a...
Library 1 I am at the library. This is a big university library and it is a break time, in between terms. The place is like a ghost town, just as UCR library was when I went there several weeks ago to look for Zen books. UCR library is huge and has all sorts of dusty old nooks and crannies back in the corners of each floor. Tier after tier after tier of stacks and not a soul in sight. Every here and there, hidden among the stacks, wooden tables with wooden chairs. Mostly just silence and a...
Shelly didn't notice him at first when she walked into the library to find a quiet place to study for her midterms. Before heading up the stairs, she stopped at the coffee vending machine and plopped some change in it to purchase her first caramel latte of the night. Then she glanced over and saw him standing behind the counter processing some books that had just been returned and he caught her looking at him and smiled. He didn't look like any librarian she had ever seen, his build...
The Library ? by: Jennifer White My aunt Flora passed away, and we all attended the funeral. It was a very sad occasion, as we had been friendly, and I would miss her. Soon after, the last will and testament was read to us. Various cousins inherited some of her things, and her savings. But for me, she left her house. I had visited there often as a child, and had many fond memories. I lived in an apartment, so it was quite an upgrade to move into a nice white house in a good...
I was drifting through time in the library of a small village in Vermont one November afternoon, enjoying the swirl of leaves on tawny grass outside as autumn winds shouldered their way along the steep-walled valley that hemmed-in the little town. I was trying my best to ignore the pile of books on the table beside me. I had been looking for something in those books, some truth I’d never known, perhaps couldn’t know. The library was housed in a musty old colonial building, and the old building...
Deviantsusie whispers to Cathy_slut98: What are your limits?Susie paused before hitting send. The conversation had moved along very quickly. This was good. She wasn't in the mood for flirty banter. She was angry when she logged on. The news that her lover had dumped her had thrown her for six. Her ex was blaming the fact that Susie had been too busy at work to keep her in check. The fact that her new tart was half her age was purely coincidental.Susie had gone online initially to stalk her and...
College SexLIBRARY FANTASY SERIES: ONETHE MAKING OF “S,” THE STORY OF “S”By Pornmaster1. ©2011. All rights reserved As she pulled her car out of the parking lot, she u*********sly licked her glossy red lips. Good sign. When the library gave its 15-minute warning, my new friend and I had decided to stop for a bite to eat. When she invited me by for more coffee, we both pretty much knew what was up. And amazingly, we had been so engrossed in conversation we had not even given each other our...
This is a story of a visit to a public library. Because I wanted to try a suggestion from a fan, I decided to embellish the story with an alternative although fictional ending.As always - I'm Danish and therefore not responsible for native English speaking peoples strange desire to have us all speak and write their language fluently. I have decided to refrain from furher proof reading of this particular story. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.-----------------------------------Have you ever...
"Bait at the Library" While still an undergraduate at university, I conceived an idea that combined two my favorite turn-ons - erotic stories and the library. Here's how it "came about." I had, over the previous two years, discovered (or re-discovered, really) that fabulous and trashy genre of literature known as the "letters" magazine. The classiest example, which most everyone knows, is Penthouse Magazine's various "Forum" columns and periodicals. But there is a nearly infinite...
The Library By: Wondering SoulPart I In all factual truth the library is the perfect place to stalk someone. The shelves being the perfect hiding place, peeking through to glare at them can be easily masked as looking for a book. It was this exact reason that Mark chose the R. S. Killington Library as his hunting grounds. He was looking for four girls. This may seem strange to go to a library searching for teenage girls, but he had a thing for smart girls. He enjoyed breaking the mental resolve...
The Library Crawl by ZenmackieI must be crazy, Patti thought to herself.She didn't look crazy—in fact, she looked the opposite of crazy, if there was such a thing, although it was true she didn't look the way she normally did. At the moment, to the casual observer Patti might easily be mistaken for a librarian: her dark hair was pulled up into a bun on top of her head and she had on glasses and no make-up, and she was dressed in a long, conservatively-cut leather jacket that came almost to...
While relaxing in the woods by the lake, the fairy was surprised to see a demon drop from the tree above her to the ground. She quivered in fear as she looked up to see the tall demon in black leather vest, chaps and motorcycle boots.He looked at her and with a lightning fast move of his hand caught her. Tearing her slight gossamer gown from her, he shimmered and they both vanished.Reappearing in a dark underground cave, she panicked as she saw the leather straps hanging from the wall; then...
Jack was getting sick and tired of looking for jobs that didn’t seem to exist, or were already filled by the time he got there. He scanned the want ads again one morning, hoping to find something, anything. Oooh. There was an opening at the library, at the circulation desk. He already had some library experience from when he was in college.He could certainly check out books until something better came along. He reorganized his resume to feature his library experience, wrote up a cover letter,...
ThreesomesPOV: Sandra"The library?" I asked, walking out the door. "How kinky, Pete? I just hope you're studying and not using your time to think about your hot mom," I muttered before a pause as I kept walking. "Oh, who am I kidding? I always want my handsome son thinking of me. I'm good whether we're just cuddling on the couch watching TV or you're fucking me from behind. There's nothing wrong with it when the sex is consequential. Holy shit," I moaned, prior to stopping, leaning against the...
IncestAs the cold weather begins to roll in I find myself spending more and more time in the library because…well I love books and I love to read and you never know who you will meet but there are always bound to be intelligent good natured people. In this particular library I was browsing away one day when I spotted her for the first time. I could not take my eyes off of her as she seemed like a goddess to me. She had just begun to work at the library and I would find myself spending lots of time...
It was going to be a long day, as Saturdays usually were. The weather was beautiful outside, which made me all the more bitter for being stuck at work. Library patrons always seemed more demanding on Saturday afternoons and doubly so on nice ones. They'd simply wave and beckon on me to attend to their needs. A dude has a to have a pretty strong stomach to deal with some of these people. The homeless people and the whores are always hooking up in this place. Saturdays are different, though. The...
I must be crazy , Patti thought to herself. She didn't look crazy. In fact, she looked the opposite of crazy, if there was such a thing, although it was true she didn't look the way she normally did. At the moment, to the casual observer Patti might easily be mistaken for a librarian: her dark hair was pulled up into a bun on top of her head, and she had on glasses and no make-up, and she was dressed in a long, conservatively-cut leather jacket that came almost to her knees. The black high...
BDSMShe didn't look crazy—in fact, she looked the opposite of crazy, if there was such a thing, although it was true she didn't look the way she normally did. At the moment, to the casual observer Patti might easily be mistaken for a librarian: her dark hair was pulled up into a bun on top of her head and she had on glasses and no make-up, and she was dressed in a long, conservatively-cut leather jacket that came almost to her knees. The black high heels might have seemed a little out of...
I must be crazy , Patti thought to herself. She didn’t look crazy. In fact, she looked the opposite of crazy, if there was such a thing, although it was true she didn’t look the way she normally did. At the moment, to the casual observer Patti might easily be mistaken for a librarian: her dark hair was pulled up into a bun on top of her head, and she had on glasses and no make-up, and she was dressed in a long, conservatively-cut leather jacket that came almost to her knees. The black high...
Mr. Tyler wasn’t really the type for studying. He had never really got the grades that his parents were expecting; and even they were low. The only thing that mattered to him was PE. Looking and feeling great in life were his only aims. And you could tell too. He has a slim but toned build to him, which is normally concealed by colourful hoodies. Face was clean and tanned with a slight blush, with an equally toned neck and shoulders. Hair was always consistently black and spiked in the same...
Introduction: Read the signs. You never know whats happening underneath them… This wasnt how Charlie Tyler wanted to spend his Friday evening. When all of his friends were in town partying like there was no tomorrow, he was forced to stay at home and study. Mr. Tyler wasnt really the type for studying. He had never really got the grades that his parents were expecting, and even they were low. The only thing that mattered to him was PE. Looking and feeling great in life were his only aims. And...
One of my best friends when I was at high school, in particular during my sixth form years, was a boy called Rob. He had his fair share of hurdles to overcome, having fallen from a second storey window at the age of two and having a disability called Charcot Marie-Tooth. He argued that his problems created more positives than negatives and without question, I was drawn to him by his positive attitude and determination. He could walk short distances, although his balance was poor, falling over...
College SexThis story is from my first year in college, in the days when I was seeing Gemma. Back then I was still to have my first experience with a guy, but Gemma and I were in each other’s panties at every opportunity. Gemma, for those who haven’t read any of my stories is a half Japanese cutie, with long black hair and big brown eyes. She is a little taller than me but with very pert small boobs and a juicy peach of a bum. I was almost as booby as I am now, but being 17 I was still developing. On this...
Oral SexDuring the second year of my graduation, I was writing a paper. I often spent my day in the Library, surfing through books and reading on the internet. The Library wasn’t a popular space in our college. It was a gloomy two-story building in one corner of the campus. We also had a separate student space. People generally used it instead of the Library. It was at the college’s centre and just beside the canteen. It was almost two weeks since I had started spending more time in the Library. During...
Paul - Day 1 The warm sunshine on Paul's back felt grand as he studied in his usual place on the library's second floor. The giant window behind him provided an expansive view of the university campus and the city beyond. The desk opposite his provided a different view. It had lost its modesty panel years ago, so, while the former view gave him inspiration to study, the latter attracted the occasional coed who provided inspiration of a different sort. At first, Paul barely noticed motion...
With my child heading back to school after the holidays I figured today would be the perfect day to get out and enjoy some alone time. I don’t think I would have kept my sanity any longer if I had to endure cooking another huge feast or heard the word mommy one more time. I chose my favorite yellow dress but quickly wondered if this would be a good choice after seeing the grey skies and drab scenery of puddles lining the road. Since the library was just up the street I decided what the hell...
I was studying at college. It was my seventeenth birthday. I have a crush on Sandra and she had dismissed my many attempts to date her. She was older than me and preferred the older guys who had money to take her places and buy her cocktails in clubs. She looked great in street clothes and you would think she was at least twenty one. She had the best tits of any girl in the school. It was during a science class she was paired with me. We were in the back row in the science lab when she said to...
I needed new books so I decided to get my ass out for once and go to the library. I guess for the geek that I was, it was pretty normal to feel at home in a library, I headed to the science fiction books section, they were my favourite, it didn’t take me long to find a couple of books I wanted to read. As I was walking back between the shelves, my eyes locked on the coolest guy I’ve ever seen, he must have been about 6 feet tall, about 20 years old with nice curly red hair, his athletic figure...