Julie's Project free porn video

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Although all characters in this story are fictional, elements are representative of real people or personalities that are familiar to me.This story is for adults only. It contains adult themes so no one under 18 please. JULIE'S PROJECT by Michelle Mikels Chapter 1 - Prelude and meeting I guess it all started when Julie handed me her panties to put on in place of my usual jockey shorts. She was responsible for doing the laundry and cleaning while I was doing the cooking and food shopping. That was our deal. But Julie had a very bad 2-week period and came home exhausted every night so the laundry wasn't done. "Oh stop making such a fuss. They're white and nobody will see them anyway, unless you are planning to undress in class today." I put them on and immediately got hard. Julie, of course, noticed. "I see someone likes my satin panties! " Here, I'll help you with that", she said, as she dropped to her knees in front of me and began to suck me until I exploded. That was several years ago, though it seems like just yesterday now. Last year, Julie brought home a guy who fucked her, then fucked me. But not before I sucked his cock and swallowed his hot cum. Stephen fucked me in the ass and left my bowels filled with his sperm. As I cried on the bed after he finished, Julie comforted me and held me in her arms. " Don't cry honey, today Jaime finally became a woman. Jaime is a beautiful, sexy, kind and thoughtful woman and can start her new life. Don't shed any tears for James. He disappeared a long time ago." "But what about our marriage plans and us," I sobbed. "Our plans for marriage? They're off of course, were off and finished long, long ago Jaime. LOOK AT YOUR SELF! "She said. Raising her voice just for emphasis. "You have beautiful breasts, almost a c-cup, and a nice round tush that is better shaped than mine. Legs that any girl would die for, no honey, you can't be my husband. Just what about you, do you think, says husband? Your pretty pouty lips, or maybe its your sexy lip gloss? I know! It's the cute way you wiggle when you walk now or just maybe it's that new mauve eye shadow. No honey, that little clitty of yours hasn't gotten hard enough or big enough to keep me satisfied for 2 years now. As for us, that is something else entirely. I love you, I don't want to leave you or lose you. You can be my wife, my girlfriend, my best friend, and my lover. But now we can share more; Clothes, jewelry and even men from time to time. I hope we will always be lovers. But before tonight, you were my shy little shemale lover, now you are the loving, sexy woman that I wanted, and if you're honest, we both wanted. Wasn't Stephen's cock better than my strap-on dildo? Didn't you love tasting his hot cock in your mouth, throbbing and spurting better then that cold rubber thing? Wasn't his hard cock up your ass heavenly?" "Yes", I cried and burst into tears once again as Julie held me in her arms and rocked me back and forth. Today is the anniversary of that night, the night Julie bitched me. How did I ever get here? Granted, I was never a real He-man type. I was not exactly a man's man, true. But I am, or rather was, completely straight, I liked girls. I love girls and women. To be honest, I was more geek than god, since I was always studying; more pretty boy than ruggedly handsome. But I was told I was good looking and I did date. I never had a quote, "long- term, serious relationship", as I was very shy, especially around girls. They all liked me - as a friend. I guess I was not hunk material. But when did our little game spin out of control and fantasy supplant reality? As I rocked in Julie's arms I thought back to how we met... Julie was a medical student and I was a computer science and marketing student in my sophomore year at the same college in the northeast. I was in the library one cold and snowy Friday in early March, just finishing up some research for a project due the following week. I was just starting to leave, my arms filled with books, papers and my laptop when Julie ran into me. Literally, knocking me down and sending everything flying. " Hey, what the ......" Looking up, as she bent down to help me gather my things, I saw an angel. Tall, slender, dark hair cascading over rounded breasts; she looked at me with the greenest eyes I had ever seen. "I'm sooo sorry." she said. " I didn't see you. Are you all right, honey?" At 5-10 she was 2 inches (OK, almost 3 inches) taller than me and insisted that I check both the laptop and myself. I was OK, but the laptop didn't fare so well. "All my data and notes are in this thing", I said in despair. My voice sounding, to be perfectly honest, like I was about to cry. 7 hours worth of tedious research, a missed lunch and a splitting headache were already invested in my paper and suddenly it might be wasted effort and gone. I guess I just wanted to cry. Julie helped me to my feet and took the laptop. "Come on miss, I know someone who may be able to help. If not, I'll pay for the damages." "Hey, I'm not a girl." I said. "Oh, I'm sorry. That's two reasons to apologize, please forgive me. But with your long hair and coat and scarf and all, I didn't realize. I guess I need new glasses too," she giggled. "'My name is Julie by the way." She extended her hand and I introduced myself. "James Coster, I 'm sorry I yelled, but my paper is due on Monday and I was in a bad mood to start with. I skipped lunch and this kind of topped a lousy day." I followed her across campus to the computer lab and into Professor Daniels's office. I was stunned; my report was for his class. Julie knocked on the door and marched in. "Miss Watkins, what a nice surprise" he said. "And Mr. Coster. What are you doing with my whiz kid of the moment, Julie?" Julie was impressed I noticed, as I turned crimson. "I managed to damage this nice young man's laptop. I was hoping you could salvage it and save me," she responded. "Let me take a look." The professor examined it and told us to wait. 10 minutes later he returned and handed it back to me. "All your data is fine except whatever was in cache, I'm afraid that was not retrievable. Now I must get to class. Julie, make an appointment and take an old man to lunch when you get a chance." With that he dashed out the door and out into the hall. "Tell me you didn't lose much, Julie said hopefully. " "No, just the notes from this afternoon. About 2 hours work, I guess." I responded. "Let me make it up to you. I can't replace your work but can buy you dinner". Julie drove us to a small Italian restaurant a few miles from the campus. "This is one of my favorite places. I hope you like it." We entered and were seated right away. The place was small, maybe 10 - 12 tables and since it was early, nearly deserted. The waiter handed us menus and disappeared. Five minutes later he returned. "Can I get you ladies a drink from the bar? A glass of wine perhaps?" I was about to say something when Julie placed her hand over mine and shook her head. I remained silent as Julie ordered 2 glasses of pinot grigio. "It's ok James, don't be offended. I made the same mistake after all. I think its kind of fun, fooling people. Don't you?" "Well, actually it is kind of old for me. It's not like it's the first time that this has happened and I'm a little tired of it, ya know? Not to mention embarrassed." Julie nodded in response. "So what are you going to order?", she asked. I looked at the short list of entrees and was clueless. It was in Italian with no English translations. And the prices! The cheapest thing was 24.95 for penne with something. "Don't worry about the prices. I'm paying and daddy is very rich, so order what you want. Do you like fish and shellfish?" I nodded yes. The waiter returned and placed 2 glasses of white wine in front of us. "Are you ladies ready to order or do you need a few minutes?" Again, Julie placed her hand over mine, shook her head and proceeded to order for the both of us. " I hope you don't mind that I ordered for the both of us. I know that you will love the seafood here, so I ordered Fruit de Mar for two. It's very special." Over the best meal I have ever eaten, we talked like old friends. I told her of the courses I had taken and things that I had done the past year in school. She told me about the pre-med program and funny stories about being in medical school. It was if we had known each other for years. When I asked if I could call her sometime, Julie responded with a broad smile that had me near ecstasy. " I would like that, James." She pulled out a pen and wrote her number on my hand. "This way I know you can't lose it and if you don't call me, it won't be because you lost the paper I wrote my number on." I called her on Wednesday to see if she wanted to go out on Friday night. "Oh! I'm sorry James, but my parents are leaving for Europe and I told them I would drive them to the airport. But I'm free on Saturday if you like. How about I pick you up in the afternoon and we make a day of it." And so it was that, after dating for almost six months, I moved into her house in August. Six miles from campus in a surprisingly rural area of town, Julie's Victorian style house was located on a tree-lined road on a wooded 6-acre lot. I could not see the neighbors' on either side of us. The rear of the property faced a county park. It was a beautiful setting. It was a big improvement over my small dorm room and it would certainly be quieter. "Daddy bought this years ago with the idea of developing the property, but the zoning board rejected his proposal and when I decided to go to school here, well, he let me use the house. I moved my meager belongings in over the weekend. It was like I was in a dream. I was always the shy; quiet one, and the fact that someone as gorgeous as Julie could be interested in me was amazing. I was short, thin, almost skinny really, and as I said, closer to pretty boy rather than ruggedly handsome. I am half German - half Italian American with small features and bone structure. I am not sure where my blond hair came from. Julie joked that I must be half Swedish as well. Girls liked me as a friend, but I guess I was not seen as being mating material. I had never had a really serious relationship. But Julie said I was sweet, sensitive, a good listener, good looking, a good lover and I had potential. "Untapped resources", she said. So naturally, when she suggested we live together, I was ecstatic and practically screamed yes. Julie was smart, sexy, absolutely gorgeous, a body that most girls would die for (OK, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but only a bit). In essence, the girl of my dreams - of most men's dreams.... We complimented each other and got along well. Julie was assertive and self-assured while I tended to shyness and was accommodating. I tended to follow rather than lead and I usually followed her suggestions as if they were orders. Not that they were orders. It was just easier that way; especially, if I did not have feelings one-way or the other. We settled into an arrangement. I liked to cook, Julie didn't. So, I would do the food shopping and cooking; Julie would do the laundry and cleaning. Chapter 2 -The party We were living together for a few weeks when Julie's laundry chores were neglected and I first wore her panties. Actually, I ended up wearing her underwear most of that week. On Saturday, she handed me an armful of my now, clean clothes, along with the 5 pair of panties I had worn that week. " Keep them for emergencies or for when you just feel like wearing something pretty or sexy," she said. With that she grabbed me and led me to the bed where we made love for hours. It was not until October that I wore them again for Julie. "We are invited to a party", she announced one Friday. "A Halloween party, actually. It's in 2 weeks so think about possible costumes." When I started to object, she said it was important, all the department heads attended and all residents were expected to make an appearance. "You and I are going- so get with the program. Besides, it will be fun." With that said, we began to discuss ideas, all of which either she or I vetoed. Finally, we settled on either Rhett and Scarlet(Julie's idea), cop and hooker(my idea) or superman & super girl( a TV show). "I'll call them in the morning and pick the costumes up on Friday, on the way home from the hospital." She said. Julie arrived home on Friday at 6 PM. We ate the dinner I prepared and I asked her about the costumes. " They're in the car, the shop was closing just as I got there. I'll get them and we can try them on." Two minutes latter she dumped several boxes on the bed. "I went with Rhett & Scarlet, it was the only one with both our sizes. Here try yours first, then you can help me." Handing me a large box, I open it to discover a police uniform in the wrong size. While I was 5'-7 1/2" to Julie's 5-10 & 126 LBS., I was 20 LBS or so heavier than she was. Julie had short, dark brown hair; while my sandy-blonde hair was just about shoulder length and was almost always in a ponytail. Julie has sparkling green eyes while mine are blue. Julie wore a size 6, and I wore a size 10, as I was soon to find out. "I thought you said Rhett & Scarlet, Julie? Not only is it the wrong costume, it's too small it will never fit", I said, as I held up the blue uniform. Julie opened her box to find what was obviously a similar problem. A short red dress that was definitely not Starlet's gown, it was more suited for a stripper, hooker, or club girl costume. Obviously, it was too big to fit her size 6 body and too short for her 5-10 frame. " Well, we can return them in the morning and still go to the party," I said. Julie looked like she was about to start to cry. "No we can't, they're not open. There was a sign on the door when I got there tonight. The sales clerk said they had a death in the family and she was leaving town tonight and won't be back till Wednesday; so we should keep them till then." "Oh great! Well, we could try a different shop", I suggested. "This was the fourth one I tried when I called around on Monday, they were all sold out" she lamented. " Well, what can we do, yours is to big. Maybe you could make some adjustments but mine is to small." "Let me see yours she said. I handed it to her and she stripped down and put it on, the fit was almost perfect. " Well you have a costume, at least you can still go. But what about me?" Julie, with a gleam in her eye, said, " You can go too, try this on", handing me the dress. "No way! I am not wearing a dress and especially not this thing, I'll look like a fool. No! No!! No!". "Just try it on honey. Please..... Pretty please, pretty please with honey on top, for me! You know how important this party is for me. All of the department heads will be there. If it doesn't fit or you look foolish we will try something else." I should have stood firm. Her tears and pleading got me to at least try it on. Unfortunately, it fit pretty well; although it was short. Julie looked at me and had me turn around. "This will work.", she said. Grabbing me by the arm, she led me to the bathroom and told me to get undressed and into the tub. She ran the bath as I got out of the dress. "I can make you look gorgeous she said, no one will recognize you. Just soak in the tub a few minutes while I get some things together." Ten minutes later, Julie came back and spread lotion all over my body. " Leave this on till I come back, then take a shower." After what seemed like hours, Julie appeared, just as I was about to yell out that my skin was burning. " What is this stuff?", I asked. "It's just a depilatory, honey. Relax. Your hair will grow back. We use it in the hospital." "Julie you've gone too far, I never agreed to this", I said. But it was too late. I could only watch as the hair from my neck down, washed into the tub. Drying myself, I followed Julie into our bedroom. Laid out on the bed were matching bra, panties, waist cincher, and garter belt all in pink lace and satin. Black stockings, the red dress and silicone breasts were also laid out. I stood speechless. "Here, lets start with this". She handed me the waist cincher and helped me put it on. The bra, garter belt, stockings and panties were next. I stepped into the red dress and Julie zipped me up. The dress fit like a glove and was made of a lycra blend, Julie told me. She led me to her dressing table and started putting a lot of cosmetics on my face. The smells of the foundation, blush, lipstick etc were intoxicating and although I again protested, I thought that it was sexy. She silenced my objections with a kiss and squeezing my now obvious bulge. "We don't have time to really do your hair right, but a wig comes with the costume, so just wear that tonight. A cheap, long blond wig was placed on my head and Julie spent a few minutes combing it out. She added clip on earrings and handed me a pair of red high heels " These are only 2 inch heals, so walking should not be a problem," she said. As I slipped on the shoes, I noticed that they were tight but was surprised that they fit at all. They were obviously not Julie's heels as she had much smaller feet than the size 81/2 shoe that I was putting on. "OK take a look." Julie led me to the full-length mirror. I almost fainted at the sight. I looked pretty, not a gorgeous knockout, but clearly pretty. The woman in the mirror actually looked kind of hot. The dress looked like it was painted on and showed off my long legs as it came down to only the middle of my thighs. The stockings, rubbing together, sent shivers down my spine. Clothes never felt so good nor looked so sexy. Except for the narrow hips (and the now very hard bulge in the front) she, er rather I, looked good. Even my butt looked sexy. "Well how do you like my handiwork James?" I was speechless. "Oh! We almost forgot your new boobs!" Julie picked up silicon breast forms and pulled the scoop neckline of the dress out and placed a form in each of the cups of my bra. " Now just walk around a bit to get use to the heels and see how it feels. Isn't it wonderful the way your stockings feel on your legs and the heels lift your calf muscles? Doesn't it feel good? Well, judging by your reaction I guess I know the answer." Playfully, Julie grabbed my bulge and asked how much I charged for a blowjob. She walked me over to the bed and pushed me down on it. Lying on my back she reached under my dress and pulled off my panties. "This is why panties go on over your stockings and garter belt, honey". With that she stripped off her uniform and placed her soaking pussy over my cock and rubbed her wet labia over my length -back and forth. When I tried to pull her up so that I could enter her, she stopped me. "Does my little whore want to fuck?" she asked, as she slid her wet pussy over my now aching cock. "Tell me what you want slut. Say it! I want to hear you say it." "Oh god, fuck me Julie. I want to be inside you. Fuck me, make me come, please" "That's right my lovely whore, beg me to fuck you." Her hips sped up their movement on my cock, as I begged her to fuck me. "Fuck me hard, please fuck me," I begged. With that, Julie raised herself up on her knees and reached back to place my cock into her hot pussy. She rode up and down my length till I was just about to come. Then she grabbed my cock and squeezed hard, stopping my ejaculation. " What will you do if I let you cum, whore?" " Anything, I answered, anything. Just let me cum, Please!" "Right answer whore. Will you wear what I want you to wear? Will you let me fuck you anytime I want? Well? Will You?" "Yes, yes, anything, just let me cum, please just let me cum." With that, Julie again began to ride up and down on me and I came on the second, or third down stroke. It was one of the most intense orgasms of my young life. We fell asleep in each other arms, but Julie woke me several hour later to wash off the makeup. ""Never sleep in makeup dear, it ruins your skin." I washed up and striped off the costume and got back in bed. I spent a restless night but managed to fall asleep again at 4 AM. Julie let me sleep late and I got up at 10. "Glad you're finally up lover. We have a lot to do if you don't want to look and feel ridiculous." After eating breakfast, we got busy with Julie teaching me to walk, sit and stand like a woman. I practiced for hours in the high heals with Julie correcting my stride, hip movement and gestures. "Don't overdue it with your hips, women don't swing them that much. Take smaller steps. Keep your head up. Smile." Her corrections seemed endless. We took a lunch break and Julie started correcting my eating habits. "Chew your food, take smaller bites. Sip your coffee, don't gulp." On and on it went, all afternoon. Finally I could take no more. "Julie I can't do this. People will think I'm gay or weird or something. I just won't go. You can tell them I got sick or died, or whatever." "No one will make fun of you, honey. You don't look like a guy in a dress, really. You make a very attractive girl. People will think you're a hot, young babe. Hell, you'll be better looking than almost all of the women who will be there and definitely sexier. Just try not to talk too much. We can practice that in the car but you're going, and that is that. You can't ruin this for me. An hour or two at most, then we leave. Besides, if you do this, I promise you won't regret it and I will make it up to you." With that, she kissed me deeply and rubbed her body against me. Grinding her hips into my groin, she whispered in my ear. "I promise you the best sex of your life when we get home tonight lover. Now go take your bath, I'll get it ready." As I settled into the bubble bath that Julie had prepared, she handed me shampoo and conditioner. "Use these instead of yours", she instructed. Later, Julie helped me dry off and sat me down at her dressing table. " I'll do your hair first, then we can get dressed." She combed out my hair, then produced scissors and started to cut. "Don't worry I'm just trimming the split ends, now don't fidget." After trimming my hair, she started putting it in rollers. "Wait a minute, I never agreed to this", I protested. Julie explained that I would not use the wig tonight; but what she was doing was only giving my hair some curl and body. "It will wash right out", she promised. "Well, OK as long as whatever you do can be undone," and I started to relax. She then spritzed my hair with something and handed me the hair drier. "Dry your hair with this while I get out the costumes and take a shower. Don't change the setting. You don't want it too hot," she cautioned. Thirty minutes later, my hair was dry and Julie was dressed in her costume. " We'll leave your hair for now and comb it out after you're dressed." She led me over to the bed and handed me a pink corset. Put this on first, I'll lace you up." "Julie this is going too far if you expect me to wear this thing." " Well, this is more comfortable than the waist cincher and bra you had on, but; if you would rather wear your pretty bra and panty set I'll understand", she said. Put in those terms, I stepped into the corset and pulled it up over my hips and into position. Julie pulled and tugged the laces till I could barely breathe. "I can't breathe, it's too tight," I squeaked. Julie ignored my protest and said it will correct the problem with my waist. At 29 inches I didn't think I had a waist problem. This will give you more of a woman's shape by reducing your waist and make your hips and chest look bigger she explained. After pulling up a pair of pink panties, Julie suggested I tuck my cock back between my legs to hide my bulge. "That' s better she said, no nasty bulge to give you away." I sat on the bed and rolled black stockings up my smooth legs after Julie showed me how. I had to admit that they did feel good on my legs and made them look very sexy. "See, I told you it would be fun," she teased. Julie place the silicone breasts in the cups of the corset and adjusted them till, looking down; it appeared that I had cleavage. The red dress was next. Julie zipped it up then handed me a short black slip. "You'll need this." I put it on without argument. In for a penny I thought. Julie was right, the corset gave me more cleavage and made my hips seem bigger. Julie had me sit at her dressing table again and started to apply makeup. This time, explaining each item and why it was necessary. Only the mascara was a problem as it bothered my eyes. "That will go away once it dries," she explained and she applied 2 more coats. "Normally only one or two would be needed, but you are supposed to be a hooker after all, so we need a dramatic look. She finished with a deep red lipstick. She stood back and admired her handiwork. " You look fabulous! I just need to clean up your brows a bit and we'll be finished." She produced tweezers and started to pull out hairs. "Ouch, that hurts. Stop!" "Relax you big baby, I 'm only doing a few stray hairs. Perhaps you can appreciate now, what we girls have to go through to look pretty." Julie placed a silver, 3-inch wide choker around my neck and clipped long, silver earrings on my ears. She then started to take out the rollers in my hair and combed out my shoulder length, blond hair. My hair seemed to be everywhere. After putting on the red high heels, I stood up and walked to the mirror. Julie smiled in the background as I examined myself in the full-length mirror. I could hardly see myself. My male self was just not there. The woman in the short, tight, red dress was stunning. From the soft, flowing hair that surrounded her face, the shapely breasts, to legs exposed to mid thigh, she was a vision I could only describe as sexy. Deep blue eyes were empathized by the mauve and pink eye shadow. Lips full and deep red glistened in the light. The face in the mirror seemed to shout sex. " So did I do a good job or what?" Julie asked with obvious pride. I had to admit that I looked good and no one could possibly recognize me. Hell, I couldn't recognize me. "Just one or two more details honey, then we can go." Julie had me sit once again and glued fake nails on me, then sprayed my hair with hair spay. She put perfume on my neck, wrists and behind my knees. The smell was overpowering my senses. "It's called Red Door, I'm glad you like it." Julie handed me a small red pocketbook, and placed lipstick, foundation, and face powder inside along with tissues. "That's all you'll need. I'll drive tonight," She said as we walked out the front door and into her car. Julie drove to the party and had me practice my voice. "Higher, less vibrato. Not too much." I tried again. "No, no that's too high, you sound like a little girl; and why the lispyness? Lose that, you sound like a drag queen. Don't overdue it. Just try softer, and a little higher than your normal voice." I practiced for 35 minutes till we arrived and Julie found a space on the next block, forcing me to walk a block back to the party. Before we got to the door, she stopped and pinned her hair up under the cap, took out a mustache and placed it on her lip. She looked like a girl dressed as a guy. Suddenly, she produced handcuffs and snapped a cuff on my left wrist and one on her right. "Now every one will know that your mine and hopefully guys will not bother you too much". Thankfully; there was no one at the party that I knew. Julie, however, knew everyone and everyone came over to say hello, especially the men. She introduced me as Jaime and we got lots of attention. I turned bright red, as the men seemed to stare at me, my legs, and my chest in particular seemed to draw the most attention. When I complained the men were caressing or pinching my butt, Julie laughed and said to ignore it. Luckily, she was good to her word; we only stayed an hour or so when Julie made our excuses to our host, Stephen, and we left. Still cuffed together, Julie led me on sore feet back to her car. She uncuffed me and opened the car door for me, "give me any trouble little lady and the cuffs go back on, you understand?" Playing along, I said "Yes officer, I'll be good" She smiled at that and we drove home. Julie placed her hand on my thigh and gently rubbed and caressed it. Inching her hand higher with each delicate stroke. "You were very good tonight Jaime, very good indeed. Your voice needs a little work but you were wonderful. Thank you for coming with me. Stephen is head of the neurosurgery unit and rumor has it, the next chief of staff." I didn't spoil the mood by telling her she had given me little choice in the matter. Julie pulled into our driveway and turned off the car. She reached over and grabbed me and gave me a passionate kiss. We necked for a few minutes with her tongue exploring the inside of my mouth. "Lets go inside so I can reward you properly, honey." As I walked up the front steps, Julie grabbed my ass. "Ouch! That hurt.", I said. Laughing we went inside and Julie led me to our bedroom. She unzipped my dress but told me to keep everything else on. Including my heels. "I always wondered what making love to woman would be like. You don't mind being Jaime a while longer do you?" I kissed her hard and led her to the bed where we both fumbled with her clothes. Once naked she spread her legs and I climbed on top of her, kissing her eyes, nose, mouth, and neck. She cupped her breasts in her hands and asked me to suck her nipples. I kissed and licked and sucked them for what seemed like hours. Julie caressed my sides and back through the satin corset. The feeling was incredible. " Do you like my nipples? Do you like my breasts?" I could only moan in response. Suddenly, she rolled on top of me and turning around, lowered her drenched pussy onto my face. "Eat me Jaime, stick your tongue in me, deep. Oh, honey I'm so wet and that's sooo good." As I kissed and sucked and licked her pussy, Julie leaned forward and lifted my knees off the bed. She spread my legs and began to run her hands over my stocking clad legs. The feeling was incredible; suddenly my legs became another erogenous zone. They had never felt like this before. I was going to cum just from her touching and stroking my smooth legs. She bent down and began to kiss and lick my legs. Stopping only to gently bite them, she continued until her face was in my crotch. She grabbed the checks of my ass and ran her tongue and nose over my cock, still held back between my legs by my panties. She nuzzled me and with a finger, gently moved the panties slightly aside so that my hard cock was now exposed to her tongue, but still trapped bent back. She licked and sucked me as I slurped her juices. Just as she came for the forth or fifth time, she bent her face lower and sucked the head of my cock. I exploded instantly. She kept me in her mouth till I went soft and my cock was too sensitive to take any more. We both collapsed as we were. Julie climbed off me and told me to wash up. She came into the shower with me and we soaped each other and later dried each other. "God honey, that was incredible she said, and I agreed." I love the way you lick and suck me, promise to do that to me whenever I want you to." She whispered. As we went to bed, Julie turned to me and said she hoped Jaime would come back sometime. "There is always next Halloween." I said. Chapter 3 - Changes In January, Julie came home one evening very upset, but would not tell me what was bothering her. Finally, on Saturday, while we went out to dinner, she explained what got her so uptight. "My father is coming to town on Tuesday and I'm not sure what to do about it. He wants to stay at the house while he is in town on business. I can't refuse. He bought this house for me and, well, I kind of lied about who my roommate was." "So? What did you tell him? , I asked. "I told him my roommate was a college sophomore studying computer science and marketing" "So, I don't see a problem. Where did you lie to him, that's what I am." "James, I know my father. He is very conservative and kind of old fashioned. In order for him to agree to let me take a roommate, I told him you were a female student. He would never permit me to live with a guy, especially while he picked up the mortgage. I never thought he would come here. His business keeps him in the Far East and Europe for 10 out of 12 months a year. That's why he and my mother are about to split up." "Its not a problem Lisa. I'll just stay in a hotel while he's here. It will be fine." "And what do I tell him when he asks where you are in the middle of the semester? James, he's not stupid. He knows me and he's checking up on me. That's why he wants to stay here rather than a hotel. He wants to meet my roommate. Check her out. Make sure that everything is as I said it was, and is OK. I'm still his little girl and he has come to make sure of that before he leaves for Europe again. " I sat silently for a minute or so. What was Julie asking me to do? How could we ever pull it off? "Julie, if what your thinking is for me to pretend to be a girl while your father is here, it will never work. We will never pull this off. You said so yourself, your father is not stupid. He'll see right through this. OK, I fooled a few half drunk people at a Halloween party, but up close for an extended period, never. How could it ever work? What do I do about school? " "We can make it work, James. I haven't worked out all the details. But you go to school as normal, you just have to be Jaime again while you're in the house. You only have a few classes and then winter break starts in a few days. Please James, I could never find a substitute it time. You have to do this and we can pull it off. I'm desperate here. I would never ask you if I didn't think you could do it. You underestimate yourself and how convincing a girl you can be. It will work. It has to work, trust me." Despite my doubts, I did trust her. So three days later, after an excursion to the mall for a new wardrobe for me, and days of practice under Julie's tutelage, I became Jaime once again. We moved my stuff err... James's stuff out of our room and into the attic. Then, I moved Jaime's things into the bedroom next to Julie's. Mr. Watkins would be staying in the guest bedroom in the front of the house. He arrived in the early evening, just after dark. A dark blue Mercedes pulled into the driveway and I watched a tall, salt and pepper haired man about 50 years old get out and walk towards the front door. "Julie", I called out, "he's here" in my best Jaime voice. Julie ran to the door and opened it wide. "Daddy", she shouted. "It's good to see you', she said as she threw herself on him and gave him a big hug. Julie's dad returned the hug and picked her up, spun her around and put her down gently. Kissed her on the check and laughed. "It's good to see you too, honey." They walked through the door, arms around each other. "Daddy this is my friend and housemate, Jaime. "Jaime this is my Dad." I extended my hand and said in the sweetest voice I could manage; "Pleased to meet you Mr. Watkins, Julie has spoken of nothing else for days." He took my hand in his and said, " Please, call me John. Julie has told me a lot about you too, Jaime. But she never said how truly lovely her roommate was. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." "Thank you," I said blushing. For the next several days I dressed as Jaime in the morning, usually just jeans and a tee shirt or blouse, and a little make up of course. I was becoming pretty good with it because I would have to take it off on the way to school and reapply it again on the way home. I had makeup remover toweletts in the car and in my handbag. Julie showed me how to remove my bra and breast forms without taking off my shirt. I got a few strange looks while stopped at traffic lights when I tried this on the way to school though. I'd leave the bra and forms in the car and then head to class. I tried to choose unisex shirts and things to wear and no one noticed that I was wearing "Chic" or "Wet Seal" jeans or shirts that buttoned up on the wrong side. At least nobody said anything to me anyway. The hardest part was becoming Jaime again on the way home. Thursday was a late day for me. I got out of class at 8 pm and it was so dark I could barely see in the car- even with a lighted mirror in the sun visor. I was forced to stop at a gas station on the way home and use the restroom. I went in as James and came out as Jaime. Makeup perfect and bra and forms in place, I opened the restroom door to a guy waiting to get in. "The ladies room was a mess", I explained to the shocked teen waiting to get in. Sunday night finally arrived and Julie's dad finally was going to leave on Tuesday. We all went out to diner at a fabulous restaurant in New York City. Le Cirque was crowded and expensive. I was dressed in a Betsy Johnson LBD (little black dress) with black pantyhose that, if I was to be objective, was a killer. It was Short, Tight and Sexy! Julie insisted I wear it, after a week in jeans her father might be getting suspicious she reasoned. Well, this dress would leave no doubts, that was for sure. Every eye was on us as we took our seats. Julie was dressed to kill and I was jealous as all the guys ogled her on the way to the table. Later in the ladies room, Julie said it was me most of the guys were looking at, as I was the one in the short mini, not her. It was a very embarrassing thought as I endured stares on the way back from the ladies room and again on the way out. That night, Julie's father thanked me for coming and said he felt 20 years younger in our company. "Besides, every male in the place was jealous of me for having a beautiful girl on each arm," he said. Monday, things went from bad to worse. Julie's dad told us his trip was pushed back. He asked if he could stay another week or so. We, of course, assured him he could stay as long as he wished. It meant that with school on winter break, I would not be going to class and would be Jaime full time for at least another week. Julie assuaged my fears and talked me into it. "We could say I was going home to visit my folks and I could move to the College Inn for a week." I suggested. "James we don't have the money for that. It's 150 a night." That ended that idea. No way either of us could afford that. It all went relatively well. There were a couple of close calls though. I came out of the shower one evening and was drying my back off when John opened the door. I had forgotten to lock it. Luckily, I had my back to him and he actually didn't get to see anything. The towel was around my back and he quickly closed the door mumbling apologies about not knocking. When I emerged 10 minutes later he was very embarrassed and turning the deepest scarlet I had ever seen. Julie's dad stayed another 10 days. I did my best to avoid him, thinking that the less time spent in his company the less chance of being made. He left on a Thursday morning. We had somehow managed to pull it off. I could not believe it. But I actually only spent a few minutes a day alone with him. Things between Julie and I went along pretty well after that and we even talked of getting married. However, in Mid-March something happened that changed my life forever. I was badly injured by a drunk driver while bicycling about 3 blocks from our house. I awoke in the hospital 3 days later; my legs and chest in a cast and my face on fire. I was scared to death. I didn't know where I was but I knew I was in trouble. Tubes ran everywhere and I could not move. The monitors beeped and buzzed and there was a hissing noise coming from somewhere. It was freezing cold and I was as scared as I have ever been. Julie was at my side when I woke up. "James, your going to be OK," were the first words I heard. She offered me water on a sponge and rubbed it over my lips. 'Your jaw is broken and wired shut, that's why you can't lick your lips. Don't try to talk. Doctor Miller will be in a minute to explain what happened; but know that I love you and your going to be all right. Do you understand? You are going to be all right. Blink twice if you understand me." It took all my effort but I blinked once then a second time. Tears ran down her checks as she squeezed my hand. A bald headed man in his 40's came in as Julie spoke. He introduced himself as Dr. Miller and explained that I was in the ICU the past 3 days and would probably be moved out in another day or so, as soon as they completed more testing. My left leg was broken, along with my jaw and my right cheek. I had a concussion and several fractured ribs and a crushed testicle. These were the most serious injuries and the reason for my continued stay in the ICU. Some of the injuries would require further surgery, but these would wait till I was stronger. Also, I might need to begin hormone therapy in several weeks since I had lost a testicle. It appeared that I would not be back at school for a long time. After he left, Julie told me that I should not try to talk for several days. She also told me what had happened, as thankfully, I had no memory of the accident itself. A drunk driver hit me near our house, there were several witnesses who called 911 and wrote down the plate number as he took off. I was thrown from the bike and into a row of hedges. The bike was pushed between my legs and my head hit a rock and I bounced into the bushes. Most of my body had hit the pavement. If I hadn't been wearing my helmet I would be dead. The driver left the scene and police found him passed out in his car in his driveway, too drunk to even get out of his car. After 2 weeks in the hospital. I was transferred to a rehab center for about a month. Hours of agony followed, as I worked to recover. After 23 days, I was finally sent home to continue my rehab work. Several operations still lay before me. But at least, for now, I was home with Julie. The initial joy at being home and in familiar surroundings was tempered all to soon. After a couple of days I found I was troubled and restless for reasons I could not fully explain. " One thing I do remember about that day Julie was that I almost didn't wear my helmet. I remember thinking I was only going for a short ride and wouldn't need it. But as I walked out the back door I saw it on the chair next to the door. And thought; what the hell, might as well use the darn thing. Perhaps my restlessness it has to due with confronting my own mortality", I said. Julie's only response was "perhaps". Reality also tempered my joy in a more concrete way as well. The medical bills were well over 100,000 and growing. I now had no income and no real medical insurance, just the school policy. On my second day home, Julie had a friend over. Julie introduced me to her friend and mentor, Dr. Susan Geller, as I rested in bed after an hour of exercises. Dr. Geller was a plastic surgeon and had come at Julie's request. Medium height with a terrific body, Julie's friend was very attractive. Cute, where Julie was pretty. Stacked, where Julie was lean. She asked some questions and checked my fractures. "You have healed very nicely James. Any reconstructive measures would be minimal. Your cheek and jaw could use a little work but it would be mostly cosmetic. You may need to have this jaw realigned though. I'll need to check your x-rays to be positive. You definitely need to build up you resistance though. I'll leave Julie with a couple of syringes of hormone complex that will speed up your recovery and that she can administer later. Julie has told me so much about you, it was nice to finally meet you James." "Come Susan, have coffee with me and lets let James rest." She got up and Julie walked her out. "Well?" Julie asked as soon as they were in the kitchen. "Yes of course, he has potential. Physically, he is short and thin with good facial bone structure. You say he is mentally adaptable?' "Yes, he is passive, submissive and feminine. He scored an 87 on the Ross-Benet Gender Identity Test. The psychological profile is at work; I'll show it to you later. When could I start?" "Right away. But go slowly, Julie. Remember, a frog will sit in water and remain in it till it's cooked -if you start out with warm water and gradually raise the heat. Throw it in boiling water and it leaps to safety." "I will. I'll be very careful. Wait till you see how strong his tests results are and there are past behaviors that are positively feminine as well. I wish you could have seen him at the Halloween Party, Susan. He was just gorgeous and very sexy in his little red dress. Some of the guys came up to me the next day asking for Jaime's phone number or wanting to know more about her. Can you believe it? It was amazing." "I am sorry I missed it, but Jaime still has a long way to go psychologically and emotionally. She needs to experience things slowly and gradually so that she will accept the changes. Think small, incremental changes. Eventually she will realize that she is no longer James but Jaime and that she has no choice but to go forward as Jaime. Just bring her along slowly. And... get him into a bra as soon as you can. Nothing symbolizes femininity to a male like a bra. Once he starts wearing one, his masculinity is history. Panties, they can rationalize. A bra they cannot. Only women wear, or have need of a bra! Listen, I've got to run. Bring her around to the office in two weeks and I'll give her a physical and a check up. We need to monitor her hormone levels very carefully. " Susan left as Julie jotted down the appointment. Chapter 4- Afresh start The first few weeks' back living with Julie was wonderful. Although I could now have intercourse, I found it was painful to do so in the usual positions. My legs and hips were not fully recovered. So Julie came up with several variations. Beside the various 69 positions (my favorite), Julie found that I could penetrate her while I sat in a wingchair and she lowered herself down on me. She especially seemed to like facing away from me and lower her pussy onto my cock while I fondled her breasts and bit her neck and ears. This, as well as me licking her pussy, seemed to drive her wild. After several weeks I decided that since the school semester had already started, I would go look for work. I needed money desperately. Since I was not in school, my scholarship was suspended pending my re-enrollment in the fall. Julie knew of someone who operated a fairly large advertising company that needed a person familiar with computer software and marketing. I set up an interview and got the job and would work for them over the summer. I could also work part-time since I would need to have more surgery and would need to take a lot of time off. Marsha Paully, the CEO, was very understanding. I was soon in a routine and work was going well. However, physically I was having problems. My legs were still weak and for some reason my chest hurt. By June, I began to notice that my nipples were very sensitive and always seemed to be irritated. The areoles seemed darker and bigger somehow. Over the next few months my chest seemed to become more swollen and tender with each passing day. I told Julie about the swelling and irritation. After examining my chest and poking and prodding she pronounced everything seemed normal. "Oh, it's probably just a reaction to the hormone shots or maybe one of the other medications. Lets wait a week or two to see how your body adjusts and if it still bothers you I'll make an appointment. She got up from the table and handed me half a dozen pills. "Take these. It's important to maintain your vitamin and mineral balance while you are still heeling. The blue and purple ones will help your skin. The black, red and yellow are herbal supplements. I swallowed all of them as Julie watched. "I got you a pill dispenser to keep them all straight as to when you should take them. Some you take 3 times a day for the next month then we will cut it to two. Others are once or twice a day. I've loaded this dispenser with all your vitamins and medications for the next week. See? Each day is on a vertical row with the time on a horizontal row and you just take the ones for that day and time. It will help you can keep them on schedule and not mix them up." She handed me a blue plastic box with little doors labeled with the time: Morn, Noon, Eve, and Bed. Gradually, my nipples seemed to double in size and wearing a cotton shirt was almost impossible. My chest muscles also continued to get softer and were very sore. One day, Julie suggested I wear one of her T-shirts. "Try this on and see how it feels. If it helps, I'll go shopping in a day or two and buy a few for you. " Julie tossed me her shirt. It was sleeveless, kind of like a man's athletic T-shirt, but make of a satin type material. I pulled it on over my head and it just seemed to slide in place. It was cool and soothing and, I must admit, a big improvement over my cotton t-shit. This one did not seem to be irritating at all. "Don't worry about the lace insert in front. Under a shirt it won't show and I'll see if I can find ones without the lace. That's the only white one I own, but I do have several nude and pink colored ones that should be OK as well. How's the fit?" "It is a little tight under the arms, Julie. Other than that, just a little loose in front and a little short." "It's the darts honey, they are made to fit a woman's body. I'll buy you a size 8. That should fit fetter. I'll see if they have longer ones too" Two days latter, Julie came home with several bags from various stores in the mall. "I picked you up a couple of camis of your own as well as a few other things." Julie handed me a bag from Victoria's Secret. Inside were half a dozen satin t-shirts in white, pale pink and nude. Plus panties. "The panties were free. They had a sale. Buy the cami, get the matching panties for free. They only had 2 white ones in your size left. I got the nude and blush because I figured you wouldn't wear the red, black or purple." I dumped the contents on the bed and, sure enough, several thongs and bikini panties and short camis slid silently on to the bed. I stared at the flimsy tops and panties, speechless for several seconds. Too stunned to move or talk. Julie put her arm around my shoulders. "Try one on honey. See how it fits." My hand reached down and without looking I pulled up a white satin top. It was short with 1/4 inch wide shoulder straps and an edge of lace along the bottom. I slowly stripped my shirt and Julie's t-shit off. I stared at the wispy, satin top and slowly pulled it over my head. I seemed to just drift down and settle into place. The bottom edge fell just over the top of my hips." Oh that's just perfect. Good. I was afraid that the 8 might be too small but the 10 seemed too big." I examined the tops as Julie picked up each one and showed me. They were all similar, except one of the pink ones was much shorter and had spaghetti thin shoulder straps. I would not be using that one I thought. "What else did you buy?" I asked. Julie picked you another Victoria's Secret bag and dumped out bras. In white, nude and blush. "If you bought the camis the matching bras were only 6. Don't worry these are mine. Unless you want them." She added teasingly. Julie picked up and dumped the other bags on the bed as well. Pantyhose, stockings, several slips, a couple of skirts and tops lay in several piles nearly covering 2/3 of the bed. " Help me hang up the clothes while I put the rest in the dresser." She directed. 'I'll put your things in your top drawer. Just hang up the tops in the closet and put the skirts on the shelf for now, I have to iron them anyway before they can be worn." 5 minutes late the bed was cleaned off and everything was put away. "So how does the cami feel? Isn't it better against your skin than those rough shirts of yours?" I had to admit it did feel better. My nipples were not hurting so bad. "It feels a lot better, Julie. Thanks. My T-shirts were beginning to feel like sandpaper." "I don't usually shop for lingerie at Victoria's Secret because I think they are too expensive for the quality that you get. But they are the only one's who have salespeople that actually help you and they tend to knew the merchandise. The department stores have the best prices, but trying to find someone to help you is impossible. So remember that if you need anything. Until you know your size and what you want, stay out of the bigger stores." I wondered what she meant by her last comment but didn't say anything. Over the next week or so my chest continued to hurt and swelling seemed to get worse. I wore the tops - camis, that Julie bought every day under my normal shirts. I just had to be careful and not match a white shirt with a blush colored cami. That definitely showed under my white shirts. But the camis were definitely better than my t-shirts and soothed my sore nipples. Chapter 5 - Mutual Confessions One night, several weeks later, Julie sat down next to me on the couch. "We have to talk, James. I have a confession to make and I need to tell you some things that you may not like but that have to be said." I sat stunned. I thought thing between us were good and this sounded serious. Very serious judging by Julie's tone and body language. "Remember the mix-up with the Halloween costumes? I did not tell you the truth, not the entire truth anyway. Well... it wasn't a mistake by the store. We got the costumes I ordered. Not what I originally wanted; I had to settle." "Why Julie? Why did you lie to me and why did you get those costumes?" As soon as I asked the question, it hit me. She knew! I suddenly started to shake with fear and I blushed. Julie mistook my reaction as anger. "Please don't be angry with me. I did it for us, and I did it because we both needed to find out." Now I knew why the shoes and everything else fit me so well. "I don't understand. How was that for us and what did you need to find out? " I asked. But I feared I already knew the answer to that question. I could taste the bile in my throat and thought I was going to be sick. "Let me start at the beginning. Remember that night you fell asleep in front of your computer; just before you moved all your things in over here, and I came home and put you to bed? Well, after I got you in bed I went back in to turn off your computer and realized that you were still on-line. I got curious and found all the sites you had visited and checked out every one. I was up till 4 in the morning." I knew now that she definitely knew and I was overcome with fear and embarrassment. I wanted to cry and run and hide but Julie held me fast. "It's OK honey. I was mad at first because you kept this a secret from me. I also realized that keeping such things secret would be natural. But, then I got curious and I printed out the list of sites you visited and then read the stories on the fiction sites later in the week. And when we were invited to the party, everything came together in my mind and I decided to try it. I actually set out to get the Rhett and Scarlet costumes, only my plan was that the Scarlet costume was to be yours. They were rented out, so I had to improvise." I sat there speechless, too numb to move. My world and life suddenly seemed over. "The episode with the panties after you moved in was an experiment. To see how you would react. And you did react remember? I didn't forget to do the wash; I didn't do it on purpose. Now I want you to answer a question. When did you know that you liked to wear panties?" "I never liked to. You just didn't do the wash and I had no underwear." "James, you know that's not the truth. I tested you, true. But you could have done the wash! Why didn't you do it? You could have done just your own underwear. Hand washed a pair or two of your own. But you didn't!!. You didn't even ask for cotton panties did you? No, you were quite happy to wear my satin and lace panties. They even turned up in the wash again a couple of times. So you were wearing them after that day and you wore them all week didn't you? Now, don't lie to me again. If we are going to be together you must never lie to me." I started to cry and Julie hugged me close. Suddenly, the story just poured out of me. "The first time was when I was 10 or 11. I went to live with my aunt and cousin Tina, one summer. Tina was older, 15, I think. Well, one day my aunt had to travel to Philadelphia for a conference. It was an overnight trip and she left Tina in charge. Tina invited some friends over for a sleep over. Well, someone said that only girls could stay and that I had to leave. Tina suggested that if I dressed up as a girl that would be OK and that I could then stay with them. So they dressed me up in bra and panties, pantyhose, skirt, blouse and curled my hair. They put makeup on me, and in the end I looked better than most of the girls there. Someone, I'm not sure who, called some boys to come over and I was introduced as Tina's cousin, Lee Ann. Well, we had a party and it was fun and after the boys left, Tina and another girl talked to me about sex and started to undress me and played with me through my panties. It was the first time that I had an orgasm and it was the most wonderful thing I had ever felt. We played dress up three more times that summer and each time Tina or her friend, Denise would masturbate me while I was dressed. My aunt caught us the day before I was to leave for home. Tina managed to blame me and called me a queer. My aunt called me a little pervert. It was horrible. My aunt took me to her beauty parlor and had them cut and perm my hair. "This should get even with that asshole father of yours, Mr. Macho. After hitting my sister and moving out, wait till he sees his little sissy son now." My dad picked me up at the airport the next day and refused to talk to me. Wouldn't even let me explain how my hair got all curly and was cut like a girl's. When we got to mom's house, he dragged me out of the car and practically threw me into the house. Screaming at my mom and cursing my aunt, he called me a little faggot and stormed out of the house. I never saw him again. My mom blamed me. She never saw or spoke to him again. It was awful. Eventually, I managed to tell her that it was Tina who made me do it. But things were never the same between her and my aunt or Tina after that. I know she blamed me for all the trouble between her and her sister." I started to cry again and Julie just held me till I stopped. "My poor baby, I know the memory is painful, but what you told me only confirms what I had suspected after I saw your computer files. Now I need the truth, James. Did you ever do it again, dress in women's clothing? Besides the party and when my father stayed over, of course. Did you ever wear you mother's things? Didn't you ever buy your own things? Have you ever dressed up in my things? " "NO! I never wore your things, not once, not ever. You must believe me. I never touched your things until the day you gave them to me, honest. " I again started to sob uncontrollably. "It's Ok, James. I believe you. What about you mother's or buying you own panties and things?" "I sometimes wore my mom's old things, if she was throwing them out. But after the incident with Tina, she never left me alone much. I never had money to buy my own. Besides, it would be too embarrassing going into a store. .. No I never had the nerve". "From all I have read, I know that must have been hard for you, having my panties so close but not touching them, wearing them." I began to sob uncontrollably thinking that my life was over. The thought that Julie would hate me and throw me out seemed very real. " James. Are you hearing me?" Through my tears I could only nod my head. Placing her hand under my chin she lifted my face up. "Look at me. I need to see your face. When I saw your reaction after the party, how much you loved it, and how great the sex was, I knew I was right. Then there was this. This just added evidence to my conclusions." Julie placed a plastic garbage bag at my feet. "I took these from the closet in your hospital room. They were the clothes you had on at the time of the accident." She said. I sat staring at her, not understanding. "Open it up honey." I opened the bag and started to pull out my dirty and tattered clothes: Torn and dirty polo shirt. Sweat pants that were bloody and torn, running shoes, panties. Panties? I had completely forgotten that I had worn them that day. Embarrassed, I quickly put them back in the bag. They were ones that I had bought for myself after the party. "Don't you see James? You want and need to be feminine and for me to dominate you. I want you to be feminine & submissive. I hate macho men. Don't you know that about me by now? I hate their crappy attitude and bluster. I hate their phony aggressiveness and their emotional detachment. It's that 'wham bam thank you Ma'am and ' I'll leave the toilet seat up if I want to', selfishness that I detest. I mean, they're OK for sex - actually better than OK, but for love? Never! I could never, would never, fall in love with a Mr. Macho type. I know that that some women find that attractive. But me? Absolutely not! So see, this could be perfect. I love you. You love me. But we must trust each other. Do you understand?" "I think so," I sobbed. "There is more, lots more. I want you to submit to me freely. Are you man enough to show me your feminine side? Show me the tender feelings that are inside you? Expose your vulnerabilities? If you live with me will you wear anything I want you to? Will you dress as I tell you?" "I like to play games James, and I liked our game of dress up. I liked it a lot. It still excites me just thinking about you in a bra and panties and how good you looked in heels, hose and a dress. I loved seeing you all made up and looking hot and knowing that you turned guy's heads. That you can make a guy's prick stiff just by sitting and looking good, but only I know what you are hiding in your panties. Like the night of the party, I saw guys watching you. Looking at those long legs and your nice tight ass and the effect that you had on them. There was more than one stiff cock in the room when we left that night. It made me so wet. I loved the feminine side of you and the way your lipstick-coated lips kissed me and licked me. I loved our "lesbian sex" on Halloween night. I want you to be Jaime again. In fact I only want Jaime inside my house at night and on the weekends, every weekend. Do you understand?" I shook my head, "Yes I understand." I understood, but I could hardly believe the words that I heard. This was too much to comprehend all at once. "James, I have always been dominating. That's why I love to be on top when we have sex. I love to be in control. Most of the men in my life have resented it or could not deal with it. I never wanted a husband, I've always wanted and knew that what I needed was... a wife. You could be my perfect wife. I'd have the best of both worlds and so would you. You need to be feminine and submissive while I need to be dominating and in control. James, errr.. Jaime this could be perfect!" " You will not my slave. I will not be your mistress! I want you to submit to me freely, and you can leave anytime you want. However; if you leave, that is the end for us. I will not allow you back. By leaving you are telling me you don't trust me to do what is best, best for you, best for us. So, if you choose to stay you will be freely submitting to me, to my judgment, to my will. I want to dominate you. Force you, if I have to, to do what I want, not through the admi

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Taking a shower together was torture. He wanted so much to fuck her again, and she was willing. However, time was short for a full day. Tom suggested she put on her bathing suit under her tank top and shorts. Sitting on the bed, he watched her getting dressed. She was totally at ease with each other’s nakedness. Packing a picnic basket with the essentials, he loaded towels and a beach blanket into the trunk. They headed out to the ocean beach with the top down on the car. They stopped for a...

3 years ago
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Julies Assault

Introduction: Julie is walking home from school when shes grabbed on the street by a gang of men…now they can use her however they like She was walking home from school when they grabbed her. It was a warm night, She was wearing only a light tank top and a pair of jean shorts as she walked down the empty street. she walked this same street every night, and she always had since she started college three years ago. This was the first class she had that got out at nine at night though…which...

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Julies Capture

It was a cold day as Julie rode her motor cycle down some back road in Australia, she could not rember where or when now it was to long ago, she rode a Harley, 95 fatboy down and stoped at a pub, her last day of freedom.  She parked the bike outside and walked in, in her tight leather jacket and pants, pulled off her leather gloves sat down at the bar and light a ciggerate. A man in a pickup had been following but she did not know, now did she know he had made her bike inoperable. He walked in...

1 year ago
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The Ghost Project

The Ghost Project By Anon Allsop With a sensory score that was off the charts, Heath Carroll thought his ship had come in. Unfortunately for him, our government was the entity doing all of the testing. Early on, he had been sought out for his uncanny ability to self-induce a trance and Astral Project himself across great distances. At first it was thrilling to be able to physically occupy one separate plane of space, then within mere moments he would appear in another. His...

2 years ago
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The Pandora Project

Author's Note: This story evolved from a particularly vivid and disturbing dream that I had perhaps ten years ago; it's taken me this long to actually frame it with a real plot and write it all down. I hope it was worth the wait. The story is essentially straight-ahead science fiction with a transgender sub-theme, as opposed to a transgender sci-fi story, if you get the distinction. If you're looking for a little transgender titillation, you're not likely to find it here....

4 years ago
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Married To African For Project

Hi this is Sravya (friends I am changing my name ) This is story about my personal experience when I was in Africa for a project I am 24 years old 5 feet 7 inches  height fair and  slim In my family we are 3 members my family is well established in business for few generations so literally I was born with silver spoon The story I am telling it is about 5 years back when I am studying  archeology in hyderabad its during the project work time every  one started to select there own interest ...

3 years ago
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The SmithChapter 30 XL Project

“Ha, I bet you never thought I could do it this fast did you?” GB8 was floating... “Air cushioned. Is its skirt made from a shower curtain?” “Yup, works pretty well. I just have to keep it around nineteen centimeters.” “How is the energy consumption?” “Better than I thought it would be. The louvered fans aren’t exactly fast, but works okay.” She was still grinning over her prank, but a tinge of disappointment shadowed my student’s eyes. Rachel didn’t come this weekend with the excuse of...

1 year ago
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The Project

Chapter 1: It was a bitter cold, dreary, grey, January day in Cincinnati. Brad Taylor sat in his small, spartan office and found himself thinking about a seed. He remembered how it grew in his brain, occupying more and more of his thinking, maturing into a fully developed idea and now it was almost time to harvest. He knew exactly the moment that the tiny seed had been planted in his fertile mind. It was planted that day, more than three months ago, when Darrel, who occupied the small office...

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23YearOld Girl Loses Virginity For Getting A Project

If I could turn back the clock and rewind this event then it would not exist anymore. But I can change neither the past nor this event. After the , I felt so guilty that I sometimes thought of killing myself for having done something which felt wrong. But it didn’t feel wrong at that time. I still ask myself these questions – Was it just out of lust and body wants? How could I ever let my body decide over my emotions? Did I love him more than just the body? I could not even reason to myself or...

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The Project

The Project Synopsis: A group of girls at Chris' high school decide to make him their project for the next four years - feminizing him - and they get some help from an unexpected source during the fourth year. Eighth Grade I wouldn't exactly say that we live in the wilderness or anything like that, but we live in a part of upper New York State that is mainly rural - small family farms and stuff like that. The area where I live does have a school, but it's only for grades K-8, no...

4 years ago
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Anns Art Project

Ann couldn't remember when those dreams started. Ever since her breasts became so large, pictures of her globes started popping up in her mind all the time. Her boobs materialized as part of old paintings and art installations, on walls and windows, in fruit baskets and even inside bookshelves! It was just crazy, and quite irritating. At some point, Ann was concerned that she was about to go crazy. She knew she had to do something about those weird thoughts. And so she decided to study art,...

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Final Year Project

Final Year Project Per & Dorothy (Dor) are final year students living in London, Per is Swedishfinishing a degree in Media & Communications (which gives him a lot offree time) and Dor is finishing a degree in Fashion. Dor is a full time Gothand dresses in Goth fashion at all times. Per has been working at a club forthe last two years which twice a month holds a Bondage / Fetish night.  AsPer can get her in for free Dor went along for a look and soon found that shewas into the bondage scene. As...

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The TakeTwo Project

What if you could... start over? Try again? Charge forward into life with a brand new perspective? Imagine a reality where you didn't have to look down at yourself and sigh; where you look in the mirror every day, with your ideal self looking back at you. Think of a world where problems like body dysmorphia didn't exist. Never too tall, too short, too thin or fat, too much or too little of any part of you, of anyone. Sounds good, doesn't it? From the welcoming arms of Encephalon Silver, we...

3 years ago
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New Project

New Project By: Light Clark Synopsis: Tyler Gahret cares for nothing more than science, so when someone attempts to recruit him while he is returning to his usual job, he is all set to refuse. When he learns what the new project he's being recruited for is, however, he finds it too tempting to resist. Warning: This story is 'technically' set in the Whateley universe. It makes mention of a few characters and places from that universe, but does not use them for anything major. It...

2 years ago
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Episode 19 the School Project

Kelly and her dad were out walking in the park one autumn day; Kelly skipping along in a short summer frock, kicking through the fallen leaves. Kelly occasionally flipping up the back of the skirt to reveal the bright pink boy panties that her dad loved. He would often just lie on the sofa stroking and licking the tiny crescents of her bum cheek exposed by the panties; sometimes without even fucking her properly. Once aroused she would flip his hard erection out of his trousers and into her...

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The Project

She was hot! She was hot and she knew it. The table had been 'guy central' as guy after guy made the pilgrimage to the shrine to ask for her to bestow even the smallest amount of attention on them. She danced with a few, but turned three times as many away. Some things never change. She was hot! She was hot and she knew it. The two girls with her weren't bad, but they didn't even come close to her. A steady stream of guys made their way to her table and after a moment or two of...

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Little Sisters Sculpture Project

Lori scraped one last sliver of clay away from her art project. It was finished. She looked at it critically. It was a recreation of the statue "The Thinker" that she had done from a photograph of the famous piece. It had taken her six months. But it looked good. She was sure anyone would recognize it. The muscles in the naked man's body had been much harder to form than she had thought they would be. But now it was done. She'd turn it in tomorrow. Ms Haskins would fire it in the big kiln...

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The Human Toilet Project

The Human Toilet ProjectIt all began with a casual visit to the Misc. part of Craigslist's job openings. I didn't necessarily need a job because I had begun to receive Social Security just a few months ago, but you are allowed to have a little part time work. The listing was as follows.The University of California Berkeley Psychology Dept in coordination with UC Medical School Dept of Internal Medicine need a male volunteer for their human toilet project. We prefer someone who has never been a...

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Top Secret Project

So, I was walking to the nearby supermarket to pick up a few things early on a Saturday morning, probably around 8am. Being the weekend, my husband, Mark, is taking care of little Abby, so I can get some things done. As I'm walking, I see a plain white van pulled over a few car lengths in front of me. I thought nothing of the van at first. It was just a vehicle that was double parked like any other, which was a common sight in the city. Probably there to move some furniture or something. The...

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Top Secret Project

Introduction: In case the tags werent enough: This is a twisted tale of getting skinned alive and butchered. It comes from my own fantasies. I imagined this happening to myself many times before I wrote it down into story form. I find the idea very erotic. If you dont share my fetishes… Then you probably shouldnt read this. Living in a city has its benefits. I live here with my husband and baby girl in a 2-bedroom apartment. Being able to walk to most places, rather than having to drive is one...

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My project

My project. I have no imagination so I must write true stories. When I found out that Dad was fucking my sister something started to brew inside of me. Was I shocked about it? I think I was surprised because before that day I never expected it. I am sure Mother also did not suspect anything if I didn’t. Was I disappointed in them? I was not, I loved them both and if it made them happy and did no harm to anybody it was fine with me. In any case I was quite sure that Mom had some fun on her...

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Summer Project

Summer Project by B. Pink This story is about forced feminisation, the transformation carried out for the fun and amusement of twin 17 year old girls from an affluent family. Their parents give them the freedom and finances to undertake this project, something they see as a part of the girl's developement. The victim was to be a working class male and therefor considered disposable. The father owns a large chemical company. The research and development department will do...

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Julies Summer Schooling

‘Enjoying the view?’ ‘Hmm?’ ‘You like what you see over there?’ ‘Don’t know what you’re talking about.’ I turned on my sofa-bed and smiled sheepishly at Lucy. Best to own up when you know you’ve been caught out. Plus there’s a special dispensation for letting your eyes stray when you’re on holiday. I read that in FHM. Not that I was easily distracted from the five foot six of tightly-coiled sexual fury lying next to me. Since our first meeting two months previously, when Lucy had sold me a new...

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Julies lockdown silver lining

It was a strange year in 2020, a year that i would never forget. I had met Jeff that year, during a time that a virus was sweeping through the world. Laws were passed to keep people isolated and meeting up was entirely forbidden. Technology was a god send in those days, it allowed Jeff and I to really get to know each other. We had all the time in the world to chat and discover where we had similarities. It turned out that we liked a lot of the same things. We spent so many days and into the...

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Julies lockdown silver lining

It was a strange year in 2020, a year that i would never forget. I had met Jeff that year, during a time that a virus was sweeping through the world. Laws were passed to keep people isolated and meeting up was entirely forbidden. Technology was a god send in those days, it allowed Jeff and I to really get to know each other. We had all the time in the world to chat and discover where we had similarities. It turned out that we liked a lot of the same things. We spent so many days and into the...

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Julies lockdown silver lining

It was a strange year in 2020, a year that i would never forget. I had met Jeff that year, during a time that a virus was sweeping through the world. Laws were passed to keep people isolated and meeting up was entirely forbidden. Technology was a god send in those days, it allowed Jeff and I to really get to know each other. We had all the time in the world to chat and discover where we had similarities. It turned out that we liked a lot of the same things. We spent so many days and into the...

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Julies lockdown silver lining

It was a strange year in 2020, a year that i would never forget. I had met Jeff that year, during a time that a virus was sweeping through the world. Laws were passed to keep people isolated and meeting up was entirely forbidden. Technology was a god send in those days, it allowed Jeff and I to really get to know each other. We had all the time in the world to chat and discover where we had similarities. It turned out that we liked a lot of the same things. We spent so many days and into the...

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Julies first black cock

A couple months ago , I was looking to take my wife out and get her laid. The day seemed to start off good . A black man had contacted me on a swingers website that we belong to and said he was willing to meet. Knowing how wet she would get , I gave him her cell phone number and told him to call her so she could set up a time for this to happen. Wouldn’t you know it he never called. When she came home from work, I could tell she was a little bummed out by it. Still no call, I asked. Nope he...

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The BabyMaker Project

The Baby-Maker Project By Jillian As part of this project, a very key part in fact, I was ordered to write of my experiences as though doing a case study. And not just of my experiences but also of my feelings and emotions as I progressed through what everyone knew was to be a very difficult experience and period of adjustment at the conclusion. I thought about my best approach during the three days before I was to leave for an unknown destination where the project itself was...

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A Black Girls History Project

Tina and I had been friends for the last six years. Both of us just turned twenty-one a few months ago. We hung out together in high school and we went to the same college together. We continued to hang out all the time. Even when I had a girl friend or she had a boyfriend, we were always close friends.We never thought about our race differences. Tina was black and I was white. All we knew was, we got along great. We would talk about everything together. Well, everything but our sex lives and...

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Fairy The Fairy Genome Project

The Fairy Genome Project Dandelion didn't arrive that next morning. Originally Holly hadn't been too worried. She had been having too much fun with Anise, happy for Alyssum Rose and Xanthium, welcoming Trillium and Sakura to notice. But by noon the new Pixie had not returned and as the day wore on, she became more anxious. She stood on the branch of her nest, hugging Alyssum desperately as the sun reached the horizon. Anise was inside making dinner for them both, as happy in the...

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The Dionysus Project

Chapter 1The iron gate rolled back and Dr Kerry Moriarty stepped into the darkness. A light glowed at the end of the long passageway and she walked slowly towards the figures emerging from the gloom. She was scared, but she knew that she must appear calm and confident before the three men who now towered over her. Two men wore grey shirts, and one wore white. Moriarty presumed that the man in white was in command.        ?Dr Moriarty,? she announced, holding out her hand. The man in white may...

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The Bully Project

Welcome, John. You have been chosen to participate in the Bully Project. The BP is designed to punish those who would bully others in order to improve the living standards of those who get bullied. This project is aimed at giving the less popular, more intelligent, less physically inclined among us the chance to turn the tables on those who feel it necessary to pick on, put down, and otherwise harass those, such as yourself, who do not fit in due to their higher than average mental abilities....

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The Omega Project

Humans once believed they were alone in the universe. They were wrong. Despite a long standing history of conspiracies and so called evidence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life, most of this was either a hoax, or a legitimate confusion over something much more tangible. Despite this fact there was no denying alien life, when the first wave struck. Early 2015; low flying UFOs managed to evade radar detection and drop large metallic canisters in urban settings. These devices were the first attack...

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John Jon Whats the difference Part 1 The Term Project

John? Jon? What's the difference? Part 1. The Term Project By Akkano Synopsis: John Smith is a well adjusted, happy, prosperous businessman. In an alternate universe (which is identical to the first universe), his parents name him Jon, instead of John. Because of his being named Jon, his life takes a totally different track in the alternate universe and he becomes transgender. The change of name is largely responsible for his turning transgender, if he had been named John, very...

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Karin8217s Home Improvement Project

Karin Angelides gazed at herself in the mirror as she dressed. At 34, she still felt she had a pretty good body. She was tall, about 5’8″ and still thin, but her hips, breasts and buttocks were fuller and more womanly now. Three days a week at the gym over the last seven years was an investment she wasn’t about to give up. She’d started her exercise regimen when she and Rob first got married. She was 27 at the time and he was older, more established in his career as a...

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His Senior Project

They were just about to graduate but only one thing was holding them back. That was the Senior Project they were required to do. They hadn’t come up with an idea and had to start there at least. They knew they had to have that done and so they headed home and spent some time thinking about it. They thought hard that night. Time was closing in. Jefferson even went to bed thinking about it. He was the groups’ leader. He laid awake that evening as thought and he thought about her that night. He...

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The Project

This is my first story, so sorry if it sucks. Leave feedback so I can improve! Ding dong. I take my time getting to the door because I know its my boyfriend coming over to work on our Spanish project, which I am dreading. I greet him with a kiss and he follows me into my bedroom. Rob is a sweet and loving guy, always wants to make me feel good. Hes a little on the short side standing at about 57 but thats ok because Im only 51. Hes a little heavier too but has a smile you could die for and...

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His Senior Project

They were just about to graduate but only one thing was holding them back. That was the Senior Project they were required to do. They hadn’t come up with an idea and had to start there at least. They knew they had to have that done and so they headed home and spent some time thinking about it. They thought hard that night. Time was closing in. Jefferson even went to bed thinking about it. He was the groups’ leader. He laid awake that evening as thought and he thought about her that night. He...

First Time
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The Group Project

A big hello to all the readers of ISS. I am Anirban,from Kolkata. I am studying in a reputed engineering college in Kolkata and presently in my 2nd year. The story I am going to narrate today is totally true and happened to me when I was studying in class 12. Let’s hope all of you enjoy it. Before starting I would like to introduce you to the other 3 characters of the story. All the characters in this story are 18 years above . Prapti: Tall,fair,has an absolute hour glass figure with perfect...

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Pune Diary Episode 2 8211 Encounter With A Hot Team Mate Of My Project

Hello friends, I am Saurabh Sharma and I’m back with another encounter happened last night. For readers who don’t know me , let me introduce myself (other can skip it :p ) Well I am working in pune in a reputed it company located in hinjewadi (punekar readers must be knowing), and I live in a posh society in wakad (near dutta mandir)I am 24 and have been god gifted with 6 feet height, athletic built as I am gym addicted stud :-p, charm on the face (as a compliment by girls at the office ) and...

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The Incident Took Place While Commencing A Green Field Project

Hello readers, hope everyone is enjoying reading the stories here like me. I am Rahul again, sharing another real incident happened to me a few years back with all the readers of ISS. I am working in an internationally reputed engineering firm for last few years. By the way, I am 25 now. I joined this company as a management trainee and thereafter getting a couple of promotion, I became a project head which has been a decent rise in career. Before coming to the story, I would like to mention...

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How College Project Turned Into Sex Project

Hello everyone. This is Chirag, a Guajarati guy basically from Chennai, right now in Bangalore pursuing MBA in a reputed college in Bangalore. Girls/Aunties mail me your feedback at I am 21 year old, not the fittest guy as mentioned here on ISS. But definitely can bring a smile to your face. Coming back to the story, I moved to Bangalore in the month of July 2014 to start a new phase in my life. As it was a new place, new people it took time for me to make friends. It was August where our HR...

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Student Project

My roommate, Tracy, couldn't believe that I had signed up for the research project. "Behaviour modification through what?" she asked, with more than a little disbelief in her voice. "Through intense hypno-therapy," I answered. "It's right in my field of study. I've read a lot about it." "How the heck does that work?" "I've agreed to participate in the project for six weeks during our summer break By reviewing my initial psychological profile, Dr. Porter will target some...

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Sarahs Project

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. My wife had been working on her special project for four months now. It wasn't only her specific project, but she was the lead person and was responsible for it's success. The project was designed to save her company, Bixler Enterprises, and I don't have the slightest idea what it entailed. The last four months had been difficult because of the hours she was forced to work. It was important to her and to the company. Chances were...

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Class project

I jumped up the stairs and rang the doorbell, 15 year old Kasey answered the door. We had been paired up in English class to write an essay together and I could not complain. At around 5'2", with shoulder lenght brown hair, hazel eyes, nice sized titties, and a big round ass, she was one of the finest girls in school. Tonight she was wearing a pair of long purple pajama pants and a tight fitting top which exposed just the top of her breasts. "Hi Jimmy, come in," she said. Immediately,...

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Cassie and Julie health project

All though junior of high school I was attracted to this girl named Julie. Her flowing golden hair and deep brown eyes, her boobs were huge (looked better in the showers). All the boys loved her, I know I did. One time I snapped a picture of her while she was changing in the locker room an I would masturbae to it when I could at home thinking about our steamy sex we would have. It was now senior year and I heard rumors Julie was eating out a the field hockey team names kat. The night I heard...

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Hybrid The furry project

First name=Male Characters name (scientist) Last Name=Female characters name (furry) National laws mean nothing when you live and work in the middle of no where, far from civilization. That’s why GenTek Labs put there research center here in international waters. Ten teams of scientists have all been working separately on trying to complete GenTek’s secret project known to outsiders only as ‘Hybrid.’ It is well past midnight and everyone else on your team left for bed hours ago. You can’t...

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The Westmorland Project

He stood there quietly, leaning against the wall, nursing a single malt scotch and observing the people attending this party. As he sipped his host’s superb whisky he spotted that same host making his way through the crowd of people in his direction. Not only was the man a wonderful host, Josh was also a great friend. “What are you doing over here by yourself?” Josh asked. “I don’t invite you to my parties to play pocket-pool. I invite you so that you can entertain some of my guest with your...

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The German Project

The German ProjectThis story is dedicated to my friends http://xhamster.com/user/gs4loveThe flight from Heathrow was uneventful as usual and only reminded me that I really needed to change to Lufthansa in future who without doubt has much prettier cabin crew than British Airways. Landing and clearing Frankfurt airport was equally uneventful as was the taxi ride out to Bockenheim district where the German subsidiary of the company I work for has its offices.It was late in the afternoon and I had...

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Sisters 4H Project

Sister's 4-H Project an original story by CutePatti My name is Rob and I'm 13 years old. I have a younger sister, Amy, who can be a real pest sometimes. But I guess that's what 12 year old sisters are for, huh. Actually, she is pretty cool most of the time but a few weeks ago she came up with the craziest idea I had ever heard of. She's real big into 4-H, belongs to the "Sunshine Girls" chapter with a bunch of other girls from our area. Anyway, they're always working on some...

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Millicents Project

?????????????????????????????????????????????????? Millicent's Project??????  Millicent put the finishing touches on her makeup and arose from her vanity to admire herself in the full mirror. Her short satin skirt hugged her ample bottom like a second skin and her silken top teased her nipples with her every move. She did a little turn on her four inch heels in order to gauge the total effect. She pranced and posed admiring how the tight pink skirt and matching heels were complimented...

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High School Project

Mike was beginning to get worried. His girlfriend Anna was already an hour and a half late. She was conducting an interview at the nearby prison for her Society and Culture project [1], and it was only supposed to take half an hour, but Mike had been sitting in the car for two hours already. Not wanting to cause a fuss he sat there nervously for two more hours before he saw Anna emerge from the front entrance. She looked nothing like the prim and proper girl who had entered the prison four...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 3 The Pleasures of CampingChapter 9 The Backyard Project

Dr. Lewis walked up to the front door of the Anderson house and just stood there a few minutes. He had just gotten off the web with Lana and Katrina and they had had a very satisfying chat together. In the end most of the other, if not all of the other females, on the trip had come into, or maybe the proper phrase is 'CUM in', the tour buses Recreation room. He had left them preparing to watch some movies Ron had just brought in with that red-headed cousin of theirs. The point was though...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 407 Setting Up the Consummation of My SCS Project

Mid-November 2007 It took a week for things around me to settle down after my lid-blowing revelations. On Friday morning, November 16, I was thinking about having fun on the weekend. Over breakfast I checked what my families thought. They agreed with me, being delightfully sure that there's no chance that anyone in our Government would try to spy on us. More potential baddies may have their suspicions about us, and they may even be absolutely convinced that their suspicions are correct,...

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