This Story Is About Cindy 1:8_(3) free porn video

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Two weeks later Cindy was still pissed as shit, despite a few pleasant interactions. I was starting to get really worried that this 'other guy' that Reggie had mentioned was going to win over Cindy. That worry was turned into a terror, however, one saturday afternoon.

Aunt Linny and the twins (Jamie and Becky in case you forgot) were over for an early dinner cookout. Honestly I could spend a good three pages detailing the interaction during the cookout and what-not but it's not really significant to the story so I'll skip ahead to the important part.

"So yeah," said Jamie as he took a slightly-too-big bite of his burger. We were forced to hang on his pause as he finished his mouthful before continuing. "The teacher said he'd give me credit just for coming in for the extra help, so even though I hate geometry proofs I'll still pass just for showing up a little early. I am trying, though. They're just tough."
"Why are you guys doing proofs? In my class we're working on cosine," I asked.
"That's cuz you're a year ahead in math dummy," he shot.
Jamie had failed math freshman year, and it was one of the few things I had on him, so I pretended to forget a lot.
"Right, I'm the dummy," I said with a smirk.
"Suck a dick, Zach," Becky chimed in.
"Kids be nice," my mom said shortly. "Not at dinner."
I returned to my plate and focused on consuming my meal while My mother and Aunt Linny made small talk and caught up with each other. As the meal was wrapping up I noticed Becky eyeing me thoughtfully. I choose to ignore her. When we finished eating, I offered to bring all the plates to the sink while Aunt Linny called her husband and my dad in for desert. They were having beers on the back porch. As I sat back down, I made eye contact with Becky, as she was practically staring at me.
"... So Jamie," she started, still looking me. Then she turned to Jamie to finish her question. "How are things going with that girl in math?"
"Who? Cindy?" he replied.

My gut clenched.

Jamie continued. "It's going all right. I think she likes someone else, but she'll come around eventually. I can see it in her eyes. She really digs me."

I was gritting my teeth, and it took everything I had not do something I'd regret. Jamie was such a disgusting shit, and he was a bit of a player. To think this scumbag was the 'other guy' just... I don't even know... made me wanna murder kittens. Becky looked back to me.
"Everything okay Zack?" she asked with a smirk.
Something hit me... Becky knew. She knew I liked Cindy... but Jamie didn't. Had he not heard the rumors? I had no idea what the fuck was going on.
"Uhm... yeah," I breathed. "I'm just... I gotta make a phone call for class. I think I left my assignment sheet in my locker." I didn't think Becky would buy that, but it didn't really matter. She was a wretched bitch, and if even the slightest doubt that I had figured her out existed, she'd milk it to bother me as much as possible. I went to my room, not even bothering to listen if my mother objected to my departure from the dinner table, and called up Reggie. I paced impatiently as the phone rang.
"Hello?" asked Reggie.
"It's me, Zach," I replied.
"Zach! To what do I owe the pleasure?" he cooed.
"Listen. This is serious. The other guy Cindy likes... do you know who it is?"
"I know it's someone from her math class... that's about it.... why?" he asked.
"It's fucking Jamie... my cousin."
"The twin!?" he exclaimed.
"That's the one."
"... Oh lord..." Reggie practically squeaked.
"Any progress on where the rumor started?" I asked.
"Some," Reggie informed me, to my relief. "I still don't know exactly who it came from, but every trail leads back to either the football team or the cheerleaders."
"Great," I sighed. "Well I don't know anyone on either team that would be willing to help us."
"Weeeeeeeeell, I miiiiiight!" sang Reggie. I pulled the phone away form my ear as his voice seared through the speaker. I slowly put it back as he continued. "Let's see. It's... four thirty. We still have time. Can you ride your bike to school?" he asked.
"To school?" I inquired.
"Yes or no," Reggie stated. "We don't have a lot of time."
"Uh, yeah. Yeah I can be there in a half hour," I agreed.
"Great! See ya." And the phone beeped.

A half hour later I was locking my bike into the rack at school. Once that was done I called Reggie again, and he told me to meet him at one of the side doors to the school. As I approached him, I spoke. "Reggie! What the Hell are we doing at school on a Saturday?"
"What any other high schooler would... taking advantage of the gym and weight room that the school leaves open for us to work out in," Reggie told me.
"... They do that?" I was surprised. Reggie nodded. "... And people use it?" I asked.
"Not many, but that's the beauty of it," he said. "Almost nobody is around."
"So what are we here for Reggie?" I asked.
"To see the person that puts the 'almost' in 'almost nobody'," Reggie grinned.

I followed Reggie into the school. We went to the main gym first, but found it empty. "Well," Reggie started. "Maybe she left a little early. Follow me." I complied, until following him would have meant entering the girl's locker room.
"What are you doing?" I hissed. "Why are you going in there?"
"Don't be a pussy," he said back as he held the door half open. Then he leaned into the room. "Hey bitch! You here?"
"That you Reggie?" asked a voice.
"You know it babe," he cooed to her.
"You're a fuck, Reggie," she called, though her voice was playful.
"You naked?" Reggie asked.
"Not yet."
"Stay that way. I got a friend with me and we need to talk to you," Reggie informed her.
"Alright," she sighed. Reggie turned to me a motioned with his head to follow. I rolled my eyes and walked into the girls locker room behind him. As Reggie and I turned down the aisle the girl was down, my heart sank little. It was the girl who had been making fun of Cindy the other day... the one I pissed off real bad. I just couldn't catch a break, could I?
"Oh... It's you," said Melissa.
"Took the words right out of my mouth," I agreed.
"Oh," said Reggie, as he looked between the two of us. "You two already met..."
"Yeah... miss prissy here was making fun of Cindy the other day. I put her in her place," I said, giving Melissa a disapproving look. She returned it.
"Yeah, with a comment about my ex... that was low, Zach," Melissa shot back.
Reggie looked back and forth between us another few times. "... Soooo, you guys are good?"
"Depends. What are you two here for?" Melissa asked.
"Information," I stated. "... Reggie?"
"We uh... we're trying to figure out where the rumor about Cindy started," he said.
"I already told you. I heard it from Jenny," Melissa told us.
"I know," Reggie said. "And Jenny heard it from Tina, and Tina heard it from Vivian, and Vivian heard it from Wendy, and Wendy heard it from Patricia, and Patricia heard it from you. I'm not stupid Mel. I know bullshit when I hear it."
"I don't have time for this crap," muttered Melissa. Then to my surprise, she turned to her locker and pulled her sports bra right off over her head. As the tight fabric left her chest, full D-size breasts plopped down; the sports bra had really compressed them. In a combination of surprise at their size and surprise at seeing them in the first place, my jaw dropped slightly. Without skipping a beat, Melissa then dropped her workout shorts and her panties and opened her locker. I could hear Reggie talking but nothing was registering. I had no emotional feelings for Melissa, and didn't even feel the excitement I got from Sunny, but Melissa was a star athlete with an amazing body, and though bigger tits weren't necessarily a preference of mine, her naked form still fired electricity off through my body. Between her abs, her ass, her chest and her toned arms and legs, she was like a sculpture. She reached into her locker and grabbed a bottle of soap and a towel and turned towards me, giving me full frontal view of her body. Her body was virtually symmetrical, and her bare pussy was shaved clean. As my erection pressed painfully against my jeans, Melissa spoke. "Do you mind?"
"Wha, huh?" I mumbled. I saw Melissa's eyes flicker over to Reggie and back to me. Then I felt a sharp pain across my face as Reggie slapped me.
"Get out of her way daisy fuck! She's going to the shower!" he yelled at me.
"Oh, sorry," I said quickly and I stepped out of her way. Melissa walked passed me, and I could have sworn I saw her glance down at my bulge...
She walked away from the aisles of lockers and into the shower room. Reggie walked passed me, following her, and grabbed my arm and pulled me along. "Get a hold of yourself Zach. We're still having a conversation."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good," I said, as I tried to force the heat from my cheeks. We stopped in the doorway of the shower room as Melissa turned on one of the shower heads.
"Look Melissa, this isn't a game. Cindy's never done anything to anyone. She's sweet and kind and the school is at her throat over a lie someone spread... and she blames Zach," Reggie explained.
"So?" asked Melissa as she glanced between the two of us.
I breathed out through my nose, and tried to ignore the water cascading down Melissa's body. "... So... I like her... and I don't have a chance with her if she think's I'm spreading rumors about her."
"You like her a lot, huh?" Melissa mused as she squeezed some soap in her hand and began rubbing her body, washing herself. "That's interesting..." she continued as she ran her hands over her tits and around her soapy breasts. "Cuz it seems like you like me quite a bit, too."
Immediately I pulled my eyes away from her chest and looked back up to her face... I wondered for a moment if she had the same deal as Sunny... but she didn't seem to really be enjoying giving me a show. She was just doing it.
"I'll tell you what... I will tell you want you want to know if you do something in return," Melissa offered.
"And what would that something be?" I asked.
Melissa grinned, and her eyes moved between Reggie and I. "How about you let Reggie there suck you off."
"WHAT?! NO WAY!!" we both cried at the same time.
Melissa just grinned maniacally. "Why are you opposed Reggie?"
"Please bitch, this man ain't my type," he said smoothly, regaining his composure.
"No?" Melissa cooed. "Could have fooled me, because as long as he's been staring at me, you've been staring down at him."
I looked over at Reggie, slightly worried.
"I have not been staring!" he cried, indignant. "... I've been glancing. There's a difference."
"Oh dude! Come on!" I breathed exasperatedly.
"What do you expect! I'm a guy!" he yelled. I rolled my eyes and looked back to Melissa. She still had that maniacal grin as she looked between the two of us... again.
"... This was your plan wasn't it?" I said.
"Hm?" questioned Melissa as she raised an eyebrow.
"You've been trying to give me a fucking erection so you can distract Reggie."
"Distract? No. I just wanted to see if getting him to suck you off would be possible way to get some payback for what you said to me the other day. I thought it would be a long-shot, but the hormones of growing boys tend not to disappoint."
"Slut!" cried Reggie, disgusted. "That's it. You've changed a lot Melissa. Maybe a little too much. Tell us who started the rumor or we're not friends anymore."
"Okay. I have new friends Reggie," Melissa snapped back. "And you already know what the price of that information is, so if you want it..." and she looked to me. "I'd start unzipping."

At this point I had almost completely forgotten she was naked, I was so pissed at this bitch. "... So what... you like, used to be nice?" I asked her. Melissa didn't answer, just kept washing herself.
Reggie answered for her. "Used to be the nicest girl in the school, and one of my best friends."
"Huh," I breathed. "What happened?"
Reggie shrugged. "She changed. Guys started really hitting on her in eighth grade, she realized how hot she really was, decided she was too good for a lot of us. Started treating us as sub-par to her new friends in cheerleading. And even her new friends... Mel has certain expectations of them that tend to be one sided." Reggie looked from me to Mel. "She's kind of a selfish bitch."
Melissa turned away from us and continued washing, as if she was trying to ignore Reggie. I bit my lip, considering my next words, and then looked at her bare ass for a second as water and soap suds ran down her back and slipped between her cheeks. I shook my head and steeled myself. "Selfish bitch, huh?" I wondered aloud. "Maybe that's why her football boyfriend cheated on her."
Melissa whirled around, her boobs jiggling with the motion, and the look she gave me could have burned through metal. "He played lacrosse you mother fucking son of a bitch," she spat.
Then there was a flash and a click, and I looked to see Reggie holding his phone out towards her. "... What the fuck was that?" asked Melissa.
"Well honey... I'm getting tired of wasting time, so here's the deal. You tell us what we want to know, or this picture goes up on social media." Then Reggie turned slightly to me. "I think a lot of people would appreciate that."
"Delete that now or every single girl in this school will know you're a creep who snuck into the girl's locker room."
"Melissa... I'm gay. You think I care?" Reggie retorted.
"... You wouldn't do this to me," she said, calling his bluff.
Reggie sighed. "You're right. I'm too nice... Here Zach," and he handed me the phone, I took it, and on the screen was just a selfie of himself... but Melissa didn't know that. I had to stifle a snicker.
"You better not post that," Melissa commanded.
"Then you'd better tell us what we want to know," I informed her.
"I swear... I will fucking kill you," she growled.
"Try," I said with a wink, and I hit the upload button with an exaggerated motion. I saw fear rise up in Melissa's eyes. Then the phone made the little 'bloop bleep' noise, signaling that the upload was complete.
"You didn't..."
"I did, but the sooner you agree to talk... the sooner I take it down." I looked down at the phone and feigned surprise. "Oh... wow. Already four 'likes.' You are popular Melissa!"

The next thing I knew, Melissa was right in front of me, charging for the phone. I moved the device behind my back, expecting her to grab for it, but instead, she hauled off and punched me right in the face. "Whoa, shit!" I exclaimed as I staggered backwards. The smell of copper filled my stinging nose; she drew blood.
"TAKE IT DOWN NOW!" she shrieked. "... Or there's more where that came from."
Slowly I placed Reggie's phone in my back pocket, and moved into a fighting stance. Melissa charged me, swinging her fists with, to my surprise, a fair amount of precision. Of course, my Mui-Thai was kicking in, so I managed to prevent her form striking me again, until she faked me out by twitching her leg like she was going to throw a kick. My defense dropped to block such a strike, and she plowed her fist into my solar-plexus, almost knocking the wind out of me. Then she leaned forwards with a jerk and head-butted me, crashing her forehead into my nose. The blow sent sparks through my vision, and I felt my back hit the floor.
"Holy shit..." I heard Reggie comment. He was right... this girl could fight.
Melissa spoke. "Give me the phone, now."
I leaned back and kicked myself up onto my feet. "Then start talking," I replied. Melissa scowled and came at me again. I blocked three strikes and then gave her a strike of my own. I ducked under a punch she threw at my head, and twisted my body, driving my fist into her gut with a right hook. She stagered back and heaved for a second.
"... You actually hit me back..." she breathed. I shrugged, and then, for a second, I thought I saw a smile tug at the corners of her mouth, but then she came at me again. She and I blocked and struck almost equally; she was good. After about twenty seconds, she finally landed a knee strike to my stomach. I doubled over, and then she grabbed the seam of my shirt and pulled it over my head. Then I felt her feeling my back pack pocket for the phone. I reached my arms around her and grabbed her (by the ass cheeks) and moved forwards until I pushed her into the wall. I heard an 'umph!' come from her, and I backed away and pulled my shirt all the way off. She recovered quickly and came at me. I blocked one strike and then gave her quick jab in the face... not at full power, but enough to rock her world a bit. She shook her head as she recovered from the blow, and wiped her lip. There was blood on her hand. To my surprise, she just grinned and laughed lightly. Then she charged again. 'How long is going to go on? Jesus...' I wondered... and then immediately got my answer. Melissa faked me out good... real good, and in a move I guessed was from jujitsu, Melissa put me on the ground with my arm twisted and her knee on my neck. The tile floor of the locker room was cold on my stomach. I tried to move but she only put more pressure on my arm, and it felt like if she pushed much harder, it would break. With a free hand, Melissa reached to my pocket and pulled out Reggie's phone. She looked at it for a few moments, and then released me. I rolled away as she sat back against one of the rows of lockers. I faced her, and she started laughing... for some reason the sight of this beautiful girl, sitting naked and laughing while blood ran down her chin, was making my blood run hot. Melissa sighed and tossed the phone over to Reggie.
"You assholes," she breathed with a smile. Then she regarded me. "... I've gotten in a few squabbles with guys over the years... you're the first one who's ever hit me back. You've got balls Zach."
I stood and held my hand out to her. She took my hand and I helped her up. She wiped her lip again and regarded the blood on her hand. "... It was Becky. The girl from the lacrosse team. She's the one who started it... and she told us to cover up that it was her."
I looked over to Reggie. "... Well that's not good," he stated.
"That's really not good..." I agreed as I retrieved and pull don my shirt.
"... Why? What's her deal anyways?" asked Melissa.
I sighed. "She's my cousin... and her twin brother likes Cindy, but he's a scumbag that just wants to get in her pants... Becky is probably trying to get me out of the picture so Jamie can close the deal..."
"Wow..." breathed Melissa. "She's even more of a cunt that I am... and... I'm sorry for spreading the rumor and making fun of Cindy... I just get caught up in it."
"Maybe the old you isn't entirely dead, Mel," grinned Reggie. "We should start hanging out more again."
"Maybe we should," Melissa sighed. Then she looked to me.
"... Thank you," I said. "... and I'm sorry about the comment about your ex... honestly I didn't even know that he... you know. I was just trying to be a dick. Not an asshole."
"It's okay. Now get the fuck out of here. I need to shower again," Melissa said and she motioned for us to leave.
"Uh... yeah. No problem," I agreed. I looked over my shoulder one last time as we left, and caught sight of Melissa strutting towards the showers.

Her ass was really something.


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My Threesome with Madison and Cindy

It was Summer and school was out, normally a time of fun and relaxation. For me, it was a time of trauma quickly followed by anger followed by resignation as my girlfriend of a year and a half dumped me. Well, shit. Not only that, the news spread like I'd won the lottery. The only good thing was that I heard right away from two friends who had been in the same boat, then dumped overboard. I had gone through elementary school, then middle school with Madison and Cindy, and we were always pretty...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Liquid Mind MachineChapter 3Cindy

Neil looked at the large clock on the wall. "3:00pm Tues. 6/2/04" it said with its bright green digital display. Neil scratched his head with a pencil and got back to work. He was putting the finishing touches on a new schematic of his LMM. A much-improved version; that would be half the size, due to the efforts of one of his schoolmates, who was a wiz with miniaturizing electronics. Neil glanced up when he heard his lab door open; peeking through some equipment he spied a very cute...

2 years ago
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Fun for the Wife and Cindy

After my mother in law left the wife and I were sitting relaxing and I told her I saw the show she was giving danny. She asked me how and I told her I was in the bathroom and heard them talking and looked out. She asked if I saw everything and I told her I thought so, she asked if I enjoyed it and I told her yeah. I told her I would have stayed and let her do more but didn't need her going any father than she did. She laughed and said how far did you think I was going to go. I said I didn't...

4 years ago
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Exploited Cindy

“You have a nice penis”, the soft voice said innocently from the bathroom door.Jim Thompson jumped at the intrusion, nicking his face with the old safety razor that he was shaving with. “Cindy, what are you doing in here”, he asked his young stepdaughter as he turned to face the small Asian teenager. “I’m sorry”, she replied demurely yet not taking her eyes from his cock. “The door was open.” She intentionally left out the fact that she’d come to her mother’s bathroom hoping to get a peek at...

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Bullying Cindy

Bullying CindyCindy did never even learn why the girls at her new school didn’t like her. She did look good alright, petite body with perk breasts that would soon turning head, flowing blond hair. Yet she always thought of herself as an easy-going girl who tried to see the good in everyone. But it seemed the minute she set foot into that school the other girls just saw her at prey. It had started somewhat simple: being tackled in the hallways, somebody making her trip in the cafeteria, hiding...

2 years ago
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Cindy knew she had entered the wrong bar almost immediately. But before she had a chance to go out, Skye was all over her. Making him feel welcome. Buy his drinks.Cindy wanted to leave, but she did not want to be rude. And Skye was nice to her. And she was definitely intrigued by all the tattoos in Skye. She had never seen a girl so close who had so much ink.When Cindy said she had to use the ladies' room (a pretext to try to leave), Skye offered to escort her. Cindy could hardly say Skye...

3 years ago
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 47 Mark Gets Angry at Elsa and Cindy

Mark I realized that something was amiss when I heard a commotion in my outer offices. When I ended a phone call and went to see what was happening, there were Lucas, Elsa, Cindy, Marcia, Sheila, Melanie, KC, and even Izzy, all talking at once in excited and mostly happy voices. “WHAT’S GOING ON?” I said loudly as I approached the group. I guess I sounded irritated, because for everyone to be together in my suite and talking in excited tones, something big was going on that I was not privy...

1 year ago
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My sister Amy and I have been screwing for a little over a month before our k** sister sister Cindy discovered our little secret and wanted to join us. We were a little hesitant at first so we decided to put her through an initiation that might cool her off. We told her that she to first have sex with Amy. She looked at us for a few momennts and said : "Okay". She had called our bluff. Amy had only one previous sexual esperience with another girl, but she couldn't show her own awkwardness as...

4 years ago
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The Making of Cindy

He said it was a family own cabin in the wood near a lake and convinced me to come with him to go fishing and hikingI was waiting for him after school at homeMommy helping me prepare my backpack when Mike rang my phoneshe kissed me good bye and i got out to Mike carHis ford SUV was nice he opened the door and help me get my backpack in the trunk''ready to go ?''''yes ''and we left, Mike driving toward the highway smilling only him knowing exactly the real weekend planningHe light up a spliff...

1 year ago
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Farewell To Cindy

Farewell To Cindy "Thank you for flying with us today," the flight attendant said as I exited the plane. I acknowledged her statement with a forced smile. There was no joy in such a smile, as it was hollow and empty at best. This flight to Alabama I knew was to be my last. Ever since cancer had claimed her life, I had made this annual pilgrimage. Each summer I would come to spend time at her graveside. On her birthday, I would spend the day at the cemetery just hanging out and spending time...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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The Legend of Cindy

The Legend of Cindy By Eve Smith The trip had been most uneventful, just as I had wanted it. In fact the plane journey had been very boring. I was not used to travelling economy and the cramped seats were dreadful. The disguise had been perfect and getting through Passport control at Heathrow had been easy. My fake Passport had cost a fortune but was well worth the investment. Even the normally security conscious Americans had not queried my identity and now I was in my hire car...

3 years ago
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The Liberation of Cindy

[ "Don't it always seem to don't know what you've got till it's gone", as Joni Mitchell sang some years ago; and how very true those words are, and for a variety of situations! In this instance, I'm talking about a wife and mother, who's husband (for some reason) lost his ability to truly 'perceive', rather than merely 'seeing' (superficially) what he had in her...until it was far, far too late to save her for his own! ]When Cindy had gone down to Florida to see her mother, and her...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 66 Short Date with Cindy

Saturday, April 16, 2005 (Continued) We parked fairly close to the restaurant and walked down the sidewalk. I had Cindy properly attached to my left arm, Julia on my right arm, and Carol to her right. Carol got LOTS of looks and knew it. And loved it. She stood tall, in her already tall high-heeled shoes. I noticed that she was not totally comfortable walking in those shoes, but was managing surprisingly well (even though Carol was two people away from me, I could still see her quite...

4 years ago
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Young Cindy

By Gail Holmes Firstly I can’t tell you my age as you may consider me to young, my sexual activities started when I’d happened to come across my big sister and her boyfriend at it. It was my sister’s gluttony for sex that started me off. A lot of my girlfriends had already had sex, but myself no, ok, from their experiences I feel I’ve missed out, and I mean big time, one actually had had a coloured guy, and from her own experiences they are the biggest, or at least their cocks...

3 years ago
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Ginger and Cindy

Introduction: I was out of town on business when I was approached by her husband. I was just sitting there in the hotel restaurant in Wichita, Kansas minding my own business as I usually did when I was out of town on business. I had just finished my meal, paid my bill, and I was enjoying a nice glass of wine when he approached me.He said, “My wife wants you.”I asked, “For what?”He laughed softly and then he sat down at my table, leaned in a little closer, and said, “She wants you to fuck her...

4 years ago
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BurrChapter 33 Getting to Know Cindy

At breakfast Suzanne wanted to hear about my date with the Baldwin girl. I told her it was not a date and that it was three Baldwin girls, not just one. This caught Mr. Oldham's attention. "Which one were you with?" He asked. "Cindy, she's the Speedwell girl," I said, hiding my wish that it had been Jessica sitting next to me in the theater and later in the back seat of their mother's car. He went back to reading his newspaper but Suzanne's appetite for the juicy details was still...

2 years ago
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BurrChapter 60 Football Dance and dinner with Cindy

Molly brought a tall glass of orange juice to my room and told me that Ned had already been to the kitchen asking if I was up yet. "He's raring to get started with the pool," she said, showing a mouthful of teeth with a wide grin. "Mr. Oldham and Suzanne are sleeping in late too," she added. I laughed. It was only fifteen minutes past six on Saturday morning. "There's a suit in my closet that's getting too small for me. It's a summer suit but you may as well take it now if you...

2 years ago
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Princess Diaries 03 Cindy

“Wait, wait,” said Cindy. She pointed back to Jasmine, “you were in a private porno and you think I’m a slut?” “Sure,” shrugged Jasmine. “I’ve only been with Aaron. You’ve been around, that’s the rumor, anyway.” Ariel sighed in relief. Jasmine didn’t have any other boyfriends. Aaron and she sounded like fuck buddies, nothing for Ariel to feel jealous about. “I haven’t been around and or on camera,” corrected Cindy dramatically. Then she perked up, with a cheshire smile, “can we see?” Jasmine’s...

First Time
2 years ago
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Loosing Cindy

I'm not sure why I went into the Adult Book and Toy store on Jefferson boulevard. I had only been there once before. It was with a couple of buddies the summer after graduation, a long time ago. The place back then thrived as half sex shop half head shop tended by both male and female clerks. We were young and wild in the shop. A rich selection of colorfully lit exotic and erotic merchandise was arranged on shelves and cabinets. Danny kept turning on the battery operated dildo demonstrator...

Love Stories
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Birth of Cindy

The Birth of Cindy (c) 1995 - Cindy Evans Chapter 1 - Last year I reached my fifteenth birthday with somewhat of a disappointment. My friends had started to grow out and up, putting on muscles while my body remained small, frail and hairless. Fortunately my friends had been friends for many years and this did not change that. We still played baseball, football, cards and other teen male activities. One of these activities was discussing girls. While my body had not...

4 years ago
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Pseudo Cindy

"Pseudo Cindy" It was another Friday night and after my hot bubble bath I found myself once again going through my meager clothing and lingerie collection trying to decide what to wear. That's what I usually did on the weekends. It was a strange hobby to be sure, but since I wasn't bothering anyone and kept to myself I figured it wasn't anybody's business. I just wish I had more money to spend on my wardrobe. I had been living in my townhouse for nearly three...

2 years ago
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One Handed Tales 9 Carla Vicky and Mistress Cindy

One Handed Tales #9: Carla, Vicky and Mistress Cindy By Sarcastic Slut I slipped the long woollen cloak from my shoulders and let Vicky catch it before it fell on the floor. The tight, heavy satin busti?re top showed my breasts and my pretty shoulders to good advantage. I was dressed entirely in black and smoothed my flared velvet mini skirt down over my bare thighs as I accepted the drink handed to me by Carla. "Thank you, slut," I said. She curtsied and replied, "You're w...

1 year ago
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Loving Cindy

Copyright© I guess it was inevitable, the love that Cindy and I learned to share. We were twins born but raised as... just kids. Mother, bless her; miss her, died giving life to us. Dad was lost without her and raised us in a haphazard way — there at times, often not. Early memories: Dad on the floor, asleep? No, the bottle by his hand belies the truth in that. Cindy, one hand, Lee, me, the other. Drag him, pull him. Grunting with our childish lack of strength. "Push... Cindy, Pull! Get...

4 years ago
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Jake and Cindy

My name is Jake I am 19 years old normal build and blonde hair, My sister Cindy is 18 and a petite build with b cup breasts, and brown hair. I had recently moved back to my hometown after my parents were recently killed in a car Accident tragically. Cindy was living with them and now had called me and asked me to move back so we could live together to save her money while she finished her schooling, She was enrolled in a nursing program and had just started when the horrible accident occurred.I...

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Growing Up Cindy

All constructive comments are welcome. Please e-mail to me: [email protected] or [email protected] Growing Up Cindy by Samantha Michelle My first memories are of my mommy playing dolls with me in my crib, and singing softly as she nursed me. I grew quickly, and I was a chatty little kid, and by four Mom would take me out to play with the other little girls. I remember always being dressed in skirts and layer after layer of soft, frilly underwear. I was treated...

2 years ago
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The GiftedChapter 9 Cindy

"Davy what do you mean she has been kidnapped?" screamed Mike's voice in the cell phone. Davy stood there listing to Mike's frantic words. "It means what I said. The bastard who killed my mom has..." Davy cried out. "What does he want?" Mike interrupted. "Nine thousand dollars, I am waiting on his call now," Davy said with despair in his voice. "Davy, snap out of it. "It's my fault Sir..." "No it's not. Now cut that shit out. When you talk with him, tell him I will pay...

4 years ago
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Anything For Your FriendsChapter 3 Cindy

I was at my parents home one day talking with Dad about some company business. I had to run out to my car to grab some papers that I forgotten. I looked up the street and noticed a familiar face walking down the road in my direction. I got what I needed out of the car and slowly made my way to the road. "Hello stranger?" She looked at me for a moment before she stopped walking. It seemed to take her a moment to recognize me. "Mike? Is that really you?" "I was about to ask you the...

1 year ago
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AirBNB Cindy

I had a good nights sleep and woke up fully refreshed and looking forward to greeting my guest who after checking my emails was on her way and due to arrive around lunchtime, I had given her directions for her short walk from the station and the tone of her emails left me excited to meet her.I took a long refreshing shower and made some fresh coffee before dressing, I decided that a crisp white tee shirt and a decent pair of sports shorts would work well as it was going to be a warm day. I made...

3 years ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 37 The Coffee Bar Part One Meeting Sean And Cindy

We walked into the coffee bar at ten fifteen, which meant of course that we were precisely fifteen minutes late, and were immediately greeted enthusiastically by Ian and Trish Matheson. "You don't know how good it was to hear that you would be here tonight, that you were going to honour that promise you made yesterday," said Ian as he gave Vikki an enthusiastic hug and a more than friendly kiss. Then, when he realised she wasn't wearing panties beneath her short skirt, he moved his right...

4 years ago
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Adventures of Cindy

"God, I can't stop" the 14 year old Cindy exclaimed as her finger wandered once again down to her bare pussy. She had just finished masturbating herself to another orgasm. Her best friend, 13 year old Annie had talked about how she found some files in her dad's computer that showed young girls with shaved pussies and how good masturbation was after she had shaved her pussy, so Cindy decided to see how it would feel. "Your dad has pictures of naked girls?" Cindy exclaimed. "Yeah, and...

2 years ago
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Fun with Cindy

Chapter 1 Fucking with CindyCindy was on her knees in front of me, giving me a long, slow and very wet blowjob.? Her hands were rubbing the tops of my thighs.  She knows she is only allowed to use her mouth on my cock.? I slid into her throat and she gagged slightly, producing even more drool.? There was already a puddle of saliva between my legs.? Later, I'd make her lick it up before cleaning my ass with her tongue.? I watched her working for a few more minutes, looking right into her...

3 years ago
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CindyChapter 7 A New Home for Cindy

It was almost dark when we pulled through the gates into the subdivision about three miles from the trailer park. There were still a few people out about jogging or finishing up the Saturday honey-dos. Most of the children were inside although there was evidence all around that they had been there. There was a bike in the Smith's yard with the wheel still spinning. There was the portable basketball goal at the end of the Roger's driveway that had sure been the focus of attention in the...

2 years ago
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Driving Miss Cindy

If I were to believe the other fleet drivers, being a chauffeur in this company was an iron clad way to get laid on a regular basis. The stretch drivers all had stories of back seat orgies in which they were invited to participate, or the female passenger who got so pissed off with her drunken partner that she had him dropped off home and she continued on with the driver. Most of these stories I would slot into the urban myth category, because from my experience nothing like that actually...

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Snoozer2000 bimbo daughter Cindy

I've been going to the gym regularly for years to help keep fit and get some cardio. It's sometimes boring and frankly at times I just don't feel like going there again. That feeling came over me one day last week and I almost didn't go. Boy and I glad I did!!There's a girl that works out there regularly that I've chatted up a couple times. I know her name is Cindy and I also know she is drop dead fucking gorgeous and literally oozes sexuality. Every swinging dick in the place can't take their...

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Cindy Throne is on her way home from work. She is the manger of six very smart women in an accounting firm, it's Thursday and she needs to be in early tomorrow for a very important client. Pulling into her drive Frank her husband is home and this is not the normal for him. Going inside she sees Frank bond to a chair gag in his mouth and bleeding from his nose. A big black man 6' 6" or more standing over him. Cindy yells LEAVE HIM ALONE PLEASE!!! The black man turns to her WHO THE HELL ARE YOU...

4 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 55 Sarah Cindy

Cindy didn't spend too long in prep. The Emir wanted his new acquisitions "fresh" as he called it. That was fine by us. I'd gone down to the customer lounge to join Rick for the handover of the remaining eight of the Emir's household slaves, four house maids, three for 'entertaining' clients and his new PA. We'd got together pretty much everything he'd wanted and, of course Cindy as well. Tricia had suggested using Brian's daughters, Beth and Ella, as two of the 'entertainers', I...

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