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This is the first of two parts. Part two is being lived at this time, and will be put to paper at a later date. Cindi's other writings include "Dalia's Story", "Rebecca's Peace", "A Texas Change", "Michelle's Story", and "Crossing Texas". This story, which includes explicit sex, is free to all who enjoy crossdressing. Those who are uncomfortable with crossdressing should not read this story. Alone in Paradise By Cindi Johnson, December 2004, Dallas Texas -1- Dateline: Chicago Dusk had settled comfortably upon the rundown neighborhood in southwest Chicago. The dimly lit restaurant was empty save for three men and a young lady, and a staff of just two. Outside a light snow was falling, unusual for this late in the spring. The four customers had just entered a few minutes earlier. Two of the men went to the bar and ordered a pitcher of beer. The young woman and the third man sat at a table perusing the menu. Suddenly there was a series of loud claps, accompanied by the sound of shattering glass. Instinctively the four customers threw themselves to the floor. There were more gunshots. One or more must have shattered light bulbs, as the room suddenly dimmed, leaving only twilight entering shattered windows to illuminate the room Thomas had a gun, but using it never entered his mind. He had never in his life fired one. Instead he followed his young co-worker, crawling along the floor and into a nearby door. He was only inches behind Josie as she entered the sanctuary. The room they entered was well lit; Thomas noticed the pink walls, the stalls, and full length mirrors and realized he had found safety in the woman's rest room. He followed Josie and together the hid in the stall furthest from the door. Sporadic bursts of gunfire continued for another four or five minutes followed by an eerie silence. Thomas noticed his hands trembling. -2- Consequences I awoke to a loud knock on my hotel room door. I opened the door and Eduardo entered. "Jim's being treated by a doctor who has history with Carlos," he said. "That's good," I said. "He'll recover, then?" "We'll see." "Look, Eduardo, I'm sorry. Maybe I should have reacted differently." "Give me the gun," he commanded. "What?" "The gun. Give it to me." I retrieved the gun from my briefcase and handed it to Eduardo. He deftly removed the clip and emptied the chamber, then stuck it into his waistband. "Look," he said calmly, "you fucked up. I gave you a gun. You should have used it." "But I don't know how! I didn't expect to use that gun. What the hell, I'm an accountant!" "God gave me a prick. He expects me to use it. I gave you a gun. You didn't use it." "OK, OK! I fucked up," I said in exasperation. I'll quit. You can find another accountant." "No," Eduardo stated with clear authority. "You leave only if Carlos allows. What Carlos says, happens. If Carlos says I break you neck, I break your neck." Eduardo turned and walked towards open door. "I could contact the police, you know." "You work for Carlos. No person who works for Carlos ever goes to police." The tone of his voice clearly relayed the threat. Eduardo left the room. -3- Later, as he looked back at events, Thomas realized the clues were there, like ripe apples waiting to be plucked from the tree. Take Carlos, his employer, owner of a conglomerate based in Saltillo, Mexico. Thomas had been hired by one of Carlos' businesses, a small venture capital company based in Dallas. Thomas' job was to review the books of the firms which the venture capital company invested in. Thomas had thought the job a good opportunity for a recent accounting graduate like himself. He never thought to ask the obvious questions: how had Carlos acquired such wealth? How did Carlos earn the money he invested in the U.S.? Had Thomas done some research he could have learned that Carlos was alleged to be one of Mexico's top narco-trafficers. Thomas would have known that Carlos was known far and wide for brutality. Thomas would have known, or at least suspected, that the firm which hired him was little more than a high-tech loan shark operation. Another clue overlooked by Thomas was the gun. Eduardo was stocky with dark complexion and pockmarked face. Jim, Eduardo's assistant, was a tall black man with a scar on his neck that extended from his ear to somewhere below his collar. When Thomas became a member of the "business review" team, Eduardo gave Thomas a .38 caliber revolver. Thomas accepted the pistol, assuming that Eduardo was just exceptionally paranoid. Thomas' first trip out of town was to Philadelphia, followed two weeks later by the trip to Chicago. During these out-of-town trips Thomas came to know Josie, a beautiful, gregarious, and ever cheerful young lady. In contrast, the other members of the traveling team, Eduardo and Jim, remained aloof. The business review team functioned simply: Josie made travel arrangements and was involved in any interviews of females, while Thomas reviewed the books. Eduardo held interviews with management. Jim, Thomas realized with hindsight, was there solely to intimidate. -4- "What? Are you serious, Josie? You must be kidding!" Tom's wavering voice betrayed his fear. "No, Tom, it's true. I know it's odd, but give it a chance, OK? I did my best to get Carlos to back off. He agreed to this lesser punishment only as a favor to me. I thought you'd be pleased." "Pleased? You say I must dress like a woman, and I should be pleased! Josie, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Ever!" A frown formed on Josie's girlish face. Although Josie was 23, she was so slender, with a face so pretty, that she could easily be mistaken as a high school student. She had the pure black hair of a Mexican, yet was unusually light skinned. Her lips, full and sensuous, were always painted with bright red lipstick, while dark mascara highlighted her expressive eyes. "Thomas, please listen," she said, "you'll have fun, and this way I'll have a girlfriend to chum with when we're on the road." "Josie, I'm not your girlfriend. Jesus, anyway." "You know, Thomas, Eduardo is really upset. He blames you. He told Carlos that if you had managed to get a few shots off, instead of hiding in the ladies room, Jim wouldn't have been hit." "Well, I'm sorry I hid in the rest room. I didn't want to get killed, Josie." "I know, Thomas. I tried to explain. Carlos eventually said that if you agree to my idea, then he'll command everyone to leave you alone and treat you like...." "Yes...," I prompted Josie to continue. "To treat you like a girl. Or a woman, you know. Like a female, Thomas." "And if I don't agree to all this?" "Well, you know, Thomas, it's not nice, I'm afraid. Jim says he'll kill you once his shoulder heals. Eduardo suggests breaking your legs and arms, for beginners. Carlos said he'd have someone rearrange your face, permanently, and then kill you when you recover. All color drained from Thomas' face. Josie's tone of voice made it very clear that she was not joking. "I could go to the police, Josie," Thomas said in a whisper. "I suppose you could, Thomas. But Carlos will destroy you if he so chooses. He has a wide network of thugs. USA, Mexico, Canada, Columbia. And he's very well connected; most police and many politicians stand with Carlos. Maybe you could move overseas, maybe to Iceland or Australia. I don't know. I tried to help you, Thomas. I didn't think you'd mind this type of punishment so much. When he finally agreed to my idea, Carlos said "well, if he prefers to hide in a girls' bathroom, I suppose it's only fitting that he be a girl"." Thomas stared at Josie. She had always been so cheerful and perky. But tonight she looked grim. Josie's mother was Carlos' cousin, which is how Josie got the job in Dallas. Josie had grown up in San Antonio and she planned to return there after she had saved up some money during the summer. She liked her job but missed her family and friends in San Antonio. She didn't know anyone in Dallas. The prospect of having a girlfriend for the summer, even if the girlfriend was actually a boy, excited Josie, which is why she proposed the solution to Carlos. Plus, she sincerely did not want Thomas to get hurt, or worse, by Eduardo or his thugs. -5- Patricia Tells Her Story I closely followed Josie as she entered the large Nordstrom department store. The streets and sidewalks were mostly empty on this cool Sunday morning. Josie chatted excitedly while I, wide-eyed and apprehensive, remained mostly silent. I had not slept well and, per Josie's instructions, had woken early to carefully shave all my body hair, and then applied a scented moisturizer lotion which Josie had given me. Josie entered the lingerie department. It was huge, with aisles of bras of assorted brands, styles and colors, thousands of panties all of different styles and colors, and many other feminine garments that I didn't recognize. "I truly love the selection here, Thomas," said Josie. "We'll be able to find the perfect fit for you. We're lucky that you're so slender and that you aren't muscular." "Josie," I suggested quietly, as if I were a spy in enemy territory, "why don't you pick out what I need. I'll wait at the food court." "No way! These will be your clothes, not mine." A clerk approached and asked Josie if she needed assistance. She was a stylishly dressed young woman with reddish-blond hair cut short in a punk-like style. "I suppose," Josie answered. "We'll need a number of bras, panties, slips, a couple of half-slips, a teddy..., oh, and a nightie. But first, do you sell silicone breast inserts?" The clerk, her name tag said "Kara", glanced at Josie's breasts. "Yes, we do. I'd guess you're a size B now. Were you thinking of increasing your cup size to a C or a D?" "Oh, no," Josie laughed. "I'm very happy with my titties, even if they are a bit small. No, the breast inserts are for my friend here." "For you," she asked, looking towards me. "You want tits?" "Yes, ma'am," I stammered. The young lady mumbled something, then asked us to follow her into a fitting room. Se had me remove my shirt, then measured my chest area. "It appears a 38 will fit your friend," the girl said to Josie. "What cup size will he have?" "Well, I have B cups and I wouldn't want Thomas to have bigger breasts than me," Josie said with a giggle, so let's make Thomas a 38B." Soon Kara returned with two white boxes and a lacy white bra. I put my arms through the bra straps, then Josie, standing behind me, hooked the bra. "Here," Kara said to Josie, "I'll let you put these in. I don't think I should be touching your boyfriend's breasts." "Well, soon he'll be my girlfriend, won't you, Thomas." "Yes, Josie, I suppose so," I said softly as Kara grinned. The silicone inserts filled the cups of the bra nicely. I felt one of my new tits; they felt soft, almost like Jan's. The bra came with a matching set of panties; both were covered with embroidered flowers, and each had a tiny red bow, on the bra it was placed between the cups, and on the panties it was on the waistband just below my navel. I struggled to put on a pair of pantyhose, causing a long run to form. Kara had me remove them and try again with a new pair. Josie helped, teaching me to roll up the legs first before slipping my feet in. "You know," Kara said to Josie, "I've had my boyfriend run my pantyhose trying to get them off me. Your boyfriend is the first guy I've seen ruin pantyhose while trying to get them on." Josie giggled. I kept silent, deeply embarrassed by my predicament. My thoughts returned to the gunfight. I should have fought back. Eduardo was right, I had wimped out. Better had I taken a bullet in the shoulder, as Jim did, then end up as Josie's living Barbie doll. After selecting a half dozen bras, a dozen panties, and several slips, half-slips, a teddy, a ruffled nightgown, and a number of pairs of pantyhose, it was time to select my "outfits". "So," Kara asked Josie, "what most becomes Thomas, skirts or slacks?" "Skirts, most definitely. Hs legs are too sexy to hide beneath pants." "But Josie," I said, "slacks would be easier for me, don't you think?" While I had been mostly clueless as the girls discussed things such as whether an underwire bra would provide the best fit, or whether bikini panties would sufficiently hide my "unusual vagina", even I knew the difference between slacks and skirts. "I'd feel less embarrassed in slacks," I added. "Please, Josie." "No, no, no, Thomas. You must leave these matters up to me. I've been a girl a whole lot longer than you. You're new at this. Believe me, you'll look much better in a skirt or a dress. Now hush up and let me select a few pretty outfits for you." I turned red with shame as Kara, grinning, watched Josie treat me like a little girl. Kara stared at me, standing in the dressing room wearing a pale pink slip. "Doesn't your friend have a more feminine name," she asked. "Thomas doesn't seem to fit his new look." "That's so true, Kara," Josie agreed. "Thomas, you need a new name. A girl's name. Maybe you could be "Kara", as a compliment to our very helpful salesgirl." "Oh, please," Kara protested, "I don't want a guy going around using my name." "Well, how about Mary. That's a truly feminine name," Josie continued. "Mary is my wife's middle name, Josie. Please don't call me Mary," I pleaded. "Your wife? You have a wife," Kara said, obviously surprised. "Does she know that you're a sissy?" I didn't respond. What could I say? I just looked away from Kara. Eventually the two girls settled on "Patricia", and from that moment on neither ever again referred to me as Thomas. It took several hours for Josie to select my outfits. Kara helped when not assisting other customers. Another young salesgirl (who found it impossible not to giggle each time I tried on something different) also assisted us. After finishing, Josie allowed me to put my male clothes back on, although she forced me to wear a bra, with the silicone inserts, and panties, saying "it's time you get accustomed to wearing lingerie, Patricia." There were more clothes than I could carry; Josie helped by carrying several bags to the taxi and into the hotel. Although I wore a loose shirt, I couldn't help but think that everyone we encountered noticed my protruding breasts and snickered. -6- It was early on Monday afternoon. Josie and I waited at the O'Hare Airport terminal for our flight to Dallas. Josie had spent nearly 2 hours that morning teaching me the basics of applying makeup. She had plucked my eyebrows into a fine arch. I could taste the lipstick I wore. Instead of pants, shirt and tie, I wore a skirt and blouse. My outfit was conservative: the navy blue skirt fell to just below my knees and had a four inch slit up the back. My pale pink blouse had long sleeves and small flowers embroidered on its collar. Of course I wore pantyhose instead of more socks. And rather than the brown loafers I had worn when I arrived in Chicago a week earlier, I now wore blue high heels. They had only one inch heels, something I was thankful for, as I had not mastered the feminine skill of walking in high heels, and they were open-toed, so all could see my toenails painted red. I wore a blond wig; Josie had wanted me to visit a hairstylist, but we simply ran out of time. "I'll be so glad to get back to Texas, Patricia. It's too cold up here. No doubt about it, I'm just a simple southern girl," Josie said smiling. She'd been talking and joking since we hopped the train to the airport. It was as if she saw absolutely nothing unusual with the fact that I was a male in female garb. Meanwhile, I was very nervous and mostly silent. I found myself clinging to Josie for protection in this foreign female environment, which was ironic, as that's precisely how I ended up in this mess to begin with. "Josie," I said, interrupting her small talk, "I don't feel at all comfortable dressed like this. It's not right for a guy to dress like this. Please, Josie, can't you intercede with your uncle to get me out of this bind? What's going to happen once I get home?" "Quit worrying, Patricia. You look great!" "To you, maybe. But not to me. And surely not to my wife." "I'll talk to Jan, OK? If I explain things to her, she'll understand." "Understand," I blurted out, "How? There's no way to explain or to understand this. I'm Jan's husband, and I'm wearing a skirt. She'll divorce me, or worse." "Quit worrying, silly. Jan won't mind. Maybe she'll prefer your new look." "May I stop by your apartment and change before I go home? Please, Josie." "What! After all we went through to get you so pretty? No way. Besides, Jan would surely notice your smooth skin, your eyebrows, your pretty nails." "Still, it's better than showing up at home like this." "NO, PATRICIA! I promised Carlos you'd be 100% girl, 24-7. If anyone asks me, I'd have to tell the truth. Plus, I'm sure Eduardo and his bunch will be checking on you when you're not even aware of it. Just relax. You do look good. Jan will be happy to have you home." "Yea," I said dejectedly. "You know, Patricia," Josie continued, "I have a cousin in San Antonio. He's my age. He often dresses up as a girl. She and I hang out together sometimes. We go shopping and we talk about clothes and guys and stuff. Believe me, my cousin would love to be in your predicament. You get to be a girl all the time, while my cousin is only a weekend girl." -7- "Here, Patricia, read my Cosmo, you'll learn a few things in it that only us girls know," Josie said as she handed me the glossy magazine. I was seated on the plane between Eduardo, who had the aisle seat, and Josie, who had the window seat. I felt squeezed; they both used the armrests, leaving me to hold me arms close to my chest, even as I held my knees and legs together in a tight, feminine manner. It was one more humiliation; Josie, as the girl, should have taken the center seat between the two men, Eduardo and I. Instead, I was forced to sit demurely in the middle, with my purse set upon my lap. "Don't you simply love that dress," Josie said, pointing to an ad showing a tall, slender and sexy model wearing a skimpy black dress. "And you could wear it, Patricia. You have the slender body of a model." I blushed. Eduardo couldn't help but overhear our conversation. And while I am slender, at five foot eight and 124 pounds, I had always pictured myself as wiry and tough, not slender and soft. Eduardo had not said a word to me; he acted as if I wasn't even present. Although I did notice him peer at me a couple of times when he thought I wouldn't notice. He did, however, indirectly address me when he told Josie, "OK, your friend knows the rules. Make sure she follows them. If she does, there will be no trouble. If she does not, then much trouble will be." "Maybe you should have worn something a bit more comfortable, Patricia," Josie said to me when she noticed me squirming. "Is it your pantyhose?" "Yes, Josie. My pantyhose are too tight. Maybe they're the wrong size?" "No way, princess," Josie said with a giggle, "it's one-size-fits-all. None of us girls like wearing pantyhose, Patricia. But we do, because it makes our legs look so smooth and soft." I noticed Eduardo glance down at my legs, then he closed his eyes and fell asleep. -8- The taxi stopped in front of my townhouse. I took my purse and suitcase and walked towards the door, Josie having promised to bring by the rest of my clothes later. The driver, apparently assuming I was a weak female, carried my one suitcase to the front door, then returned to his car and drove off. I was now alone, unable to depend upon Josie. I had considered somehow changing clothes, but abandoned the idea because, for one, Josie had thrown out all my male clothes when we were at O'Hare waiting, and two, I had no money. Plus, I realized, Jan would have to be confronted with my new reality sooner or later. The door was unlocked. I had hoped Jan would be out, but alas, luck was not mine. "What the hell...? What the hell is going on, Thomas?" Jan said as she recognized who the young lady was that had just entered her home. "What is this, some kind of sick joke?" Jan was my age and beautiful, with a round face, pale green eyes, and sandy hair. She was nearly as tall as I and thin in an athletic way. Her skin was flawless; not a line or pimple marred her face. I had loved Jan since the day I met her in the university's library. We were both college freshman at the University of Texas, and were both new to Austin. It took several years before Jan fell in love with me. We had married in the spring shortly after graduating. Jan, a Republican who had been eager to leave the "liberal" Austin area, was happy to settle in Dallas. She easily found work at a law firm. We had been married now for more than six months. I was immensely proud of myself for having captured the heart of such a beautiful woman. "No, honey, it's not a joke. Let me explain," I said, still standing at the front door. Jan stared at me, in shock, her gaze moving from my face, to my hair, my breasts, my skirt, my shoes. I blushed with shame and embarrassment even as Jan's lovely face reddened with anger and heartache. SLAP! I reeled from the strike, which was totally unexpected, as Jan had never before even hinted at such violence. Reflexively I dropped my purse and put my hand up to block the next attack. Jan began to cry as she proceeded to punch me with her closed fists. Finally, to stop her attack I grabbed her in my arms and held her to me, my silicone tits tight against her soft and sensuous breasts. -9- "It feels just too strange, Tom, you being as smooth as me. And your fingernails!" Jan was right, I realized as I moved away from her. I had attempted to make love to her, an act that had always come so easily to us, but not tonight. Even after explaining my predicament and removing the accursed women's clothes, my manhood was wounded. Was it fatal? "I know, honey, I know. But how do I get these damn things off," I said, holding my hands up in the bedroom's dim light. My nails were long and sculptured, the red polish flawlessly applied. I realized they were glued on in a permanent manner. "Maybe you should have thought about that when you went into the salon," Jan replied curtly. "We'll work this out, honey. Don't worry. Tomorrow you and Josie can discuss it. I know you'll convince her to confront Carlos. They've had their fun and humiliated me. Now we should be able to just part company. I'll find another job and things will return to normal." "Tom, put on that nightgown you bought," Jan said to me. "Seeing and feeling you in bed with me, naked, with no body hair, it's just gross. It feels like I'm lying with a woman." "I'm not gonna wear a nightgown, damn it!" "Yes you will, damn it! You don't come here into my home looking like a sweet young secretary and proceed to act like the big boss man. No way! Now put it on or I'll have Eduardo come and put it on you." "Fuck it, Jan," I said as I got out of bed and took the delicate pink gown from my suitcase, "if it's such a big deal to you, I'll wear it." I slipped it over my head. It fell to nearly my feet, feeling soft against my body. I began to get hard. I'm sure Jan noticed; how could she not? But she didn't mention it. I felt foolish as I crawled beneath the blankets wearing a woman's nightgown. Exhausted, I soon fell asleep. -10- "You know, Tom, when I was a young girl I never dreamed I'd be helping my husband put on a bra," Jan said coolly as she hooked the bra behind me. I was seated on a stool in front of her makeup mirror. "I know, honey. As a boy, it wasn't something I dreamed of, either." "Oh really, Tom?" she said as she had me wiggle my arms and chest to settle the inserts and bra onto me properly. "Then why did you get an erection last night when you put on that lacy nightgown?" "I did not," I denied, although my blushing betrayed my lie. "I saw it, Tom. Don't lie to me." "Well...., honey..., I..., well, I was thinking of making love to you. I haven't had sex all week, you know. So..., what did you dream of as a young girl," I asked, hoping to move the subject away from last night's poorly timed hard on. "Same thing as all girls, Tom," Jan said as she handed me a slip, "A big, strong, handsome man. A man with hair on his chest, struggling to remove my bra, eager to massage my titties with his mouth. That type of thing. Girls all dream of that, don't they, young lady?" "Jan, please! I know my situation has pissed you off. But I like it a lot less than you do. We'll clear it all up today." "Look, Tom, see these thin straps on your slip? They are too loose; they'll fall off your shoulder and you'll look like a hussy." Jan showed my how to adjust the straps. "So tell me, Tom, did you ever fantasize about dressing like a girl? I've read that some men do." "Of course not, Jan. I'm your husband. You know me." "I know Thomas. But you said your new name is now..., what is it, Prissy?" "No, it's Patricia," I corrected her. "Yes, that's right. My husband is PATRICIA." "Jan, I've been thinking. Here's what we'll do. If Carlos doesn't back off, we'll leave. Your sister lives in Saint Paul. We'll move up there and start all over. I'll just change my name a bit to throw Carlos off track. We'll be able to get jobs there." "What," Jan exclaimed angrily. "I should move to Minnesota because you acted like a sissy? I should freeze my ass off for six months a year because you were a coward?" "You've been there. Saint Paul isn't so bad." "Thomas, I like this house. It's our house. And I love my job. Soon I'll pass the bar exam and then I'll be made a partner. I've planned a life here, Thomas. Your part of the deal was to get a good job here and get me pregnant. I want a home here, in Texas. I want kids! These were our plans, Tom. Hiding in Minnesota for the rest of our lives, that is definitely not in our plans!" "OK, Jan, calm down." "It's not easy to be calm over this, Patricia. And the worst thing is that Carlos' companies are my firm's largest clients. If you piss off Carlos, he'll have the firm fire me. Then what? We'll both be jobless." "Here," Jan continued, handing me my pantyhose, "put these on and don't run them, Patricia." -11- Although the same age, Josie and Jan had little in common. Josie, perpetually cheerful, never worried about tomorrow. She held no reservations about anybody; instinctively she liked all she met, and nearly all liked her. It didn't matter what race, color or nationality a person was, or their sexual leanings. Josie went through life without complaint, no matter what life offered. And everyone who knew Josie just accepted as fact that she would enjoy a wonderfully fulfilling life. Jan, on the other hand, always focused upon the future, intent upon building a full and successful life. She would work at her happiness; life was a treacherous mountain which she would climb. Jan loved Thomas, but not in a spontaneous way. Thomas was fairly good-looking, healthy, intelligent, and best of all had good prospects for a successful career. Thomas fit well into Jan's life plan. And while Jan didn't really hate anyone, neither would she help or even associate with anyone that might possibly hinder her progress. For example, a childhood friend of Jan's recently bore a child afflicted with a cleft plate. After much soul searching, Jan terminated their friendship; she simply could not bear to have that child at any of her gatherings, as he might make others feel uncomfortable. -12- "Hi, Josie," I said as I opened the door. As promised, she had arrived promptly at noon. "Well, hello Patricia," Josie replied, smiling broadly. "Don't you look nice!" She wore tan shorts, sandals, and a pink T-Shirt emblazoned with the phrase "BOYS STINK". Apparently she was not wearing a bra, as could see the outline of her nipples. Josie didn't really need to, as her firm, young breasts were not that large. Josie proceeded to give me a warm hug and a peck on my cheek. No handshakes, now that I was a woman. I noticed Jan watching - glaring, really. "Jan, you are SO lucky to have such a sexy husband. I envy you! Don't you think he looks stunning as Patricia?" "Well, Josie," Jan said coolly, "I rather miss the man who used to be my husband." "Don't you know, Jan, boys stink, and so do men," Josie laughed, pointing to her t-shirt. -13- Josie and Jan sat in the kitchen, drinking coffee and discussing Tom's situation, while Tom moved his "Patricia clothes" from Josie's car to the spare bedroom. Jan had decreed that Patricia move out of the master bedroom and into a spare bedroom "so that we don't mix up our clothes. I'd really hate to put on a pair of your panties by mistake". "But Jan," Josie said as she reached out and gently touched Jan's hand, "you must be reasonable. He's still the person you love, the person you married. I know Tom loves you madly; when he's out of town on our business trips, he talks of you constantly, brags about you. He's so proud of you. And he misses you like crazy, even if it's only a few days." "Josie, you say he must dress and act like a female. But I don't want a sissy husband. Each time I look at his chest and see tits, well, it makes me feel cheap, used. Like I married damaged goods. Is there no way to get Carlos to back off?" "No. Carlos is a very important man. Believe me, Jan, now that he's made his decision he does not want to hear about it again. But I'm sure that at the end of the summer, when I return to San Antonio, all of this will fade away and, if you two so choose, so can Patricia. I tell you what: if necessary, after I get back to San Antonio, I'll travel to Mexico to see Carlos, if it's necessary. I'll try my best to convince him at that time." "So that's it, then. I won't have a husband again until September. And maybe not even then?" "True," said Josie, "but you do have a new girlfriend, and so do I." -14- The color drained from my face as I sat at the kitchen table with Jan. Josie had left, and I had finished unpacking my clothes. Jan spoke with a tone of anger mixed with disgust. "So that's it," she concluded. "You have no chance of ending this before September." "This is absurd," I protested. "I refuse, plain and simple. Fuck Carlos! Hell, I've never met him; he's probably just a worthless asshole. And fuck Eduardo, too. I've had enough. I'm a man, god damn it, and I'll act and dress like a man." I tore the wig from my head and threw it to the floor. "No, Thomas. Fuck you! This is all your fault, not mine. I'll not lose my job, my home, my future, because of you," Jan yelled. "Well, Jan, what the hell do you suggest, then," I yelled back. "I don't suggest anything. I'm telling you. You're gonna go along with this punishment of yours, like it or not." "And if I don't," I countered defiantly. "If you don't, you lose me. Forever! Plus, you'll deal with Eduardo and his minions. If they don't kill you, you'll probably wish they did." I was silent. We were both silent for quite a while. I stared at Jan with anger and resignation. "So," Jan finally continued, "from now on you will dress like a woman. Act like a woman. Think like a woman. From this moment on you are not my husband, not until all of this is finished and just a bad memory. Now you are Patricia. You are my sister-in-law, not my husband." "Honey, please..." "Don't call me honey. We're not lesbian lovers, Patricia." "Jan?" "Yes, PATRICIA?" "I'm sorry. I'm very, very sorry." "Follow me," she snapped. We went upstairs to the bedroom. Our bedroom. Maybe, I reasoned, maybe this means she wants to resume our sex life. If I could once again treat her like a man, in bed, if I could make love to her, then surely her feelings for me would return and we could work all of this out, together. "Jan," I said as I gently grasped her forearm, "this is our room. We're alone. It's been a long time. We both want sex, so let's undress and do it." I leaned over to kiss her. "I don't want your lipstick on my lips, sissy! Forget it!" Jan pushed me away. "But I thought that's why you brought me up here, Jan." "You did? No way! I'm just going to give you some of my old clothes." "Why," I asked, unsure of what she wanted now. "Maybe I feel sorry for you. You do need something more comfortable than that secretary's outfit you're wearing." "But, my own clothes are right here. Le me wear them." "It's over, Patricia. Forget your male clothes. Forget you were ever a man. You're the wife in this household now. That means you do the cooking, cleaning, shopping, everything. And a woman doesn't clean house in a new skirt." She proceeded to hand me one of her faded jean skirts, a girl's t-shirt, and a pair of beige flip-flops. "Here. Go into our room and change. While you're doing that I'll gather a few of my old panties and bras to add to your collection." -15- Jan sat at the foot of my bed, watching me with a non-expressive face. I now wore her jean skirt, which fell to just above my knees, a print t-shirt with red roses against a beige background, and beige flip flops with one inch heels. Of course I also wore my bra and the silicone inserts, but instead of the tight lycra panties, I wore Jan's looser-fitting pink panties. "I hope you don't mind, sis," she had said when she handed them to me, "I took them from the dirty clothes hamper. They probably smell like pussy. But since you're Patricia now, I suppose you'll want to smell like a female." Despite the jab at my manhood, I had thanked her for the panties. "Oh, yes," I said with relief as I walked back and forth across the room a couple of times, "this is much more comfortable. Thanks Jan, I appreciate it." "Anything to help my little sis," she responded in a slightly mocking voice. "You look kinda cute in my clothes." "Patricia," she continued after a brief pause, "I've decided to accept this..., situation..., which you've gotten us into. I really have no choice but to accept it; in that respect I'm in the same boat as you. I'll help you out when I can." "Thank's Jan," I said. I sat next to her on the bed. My eyes teared with emotion. "I'm so very sorry that I messed things up for you. After we're through this, I promise I'll be the best husband a woman ever had. I will." "You're my sis, not my husband. Remember? Now quit crying or you'll ruin your mascara. Go down and fix lunch. Salads, with a little cheese and coffee. As of today, you'll eat like a girl." -16- I was vacuuming the living room carpet when the door bell rang. I yelled to Jan asking her to answer it. "No way, sis," she called from the kitchen. "You answer it. I can't cover for you forever." "But honey, I can't, not dressed like this." "I'm not your honey, Patricia! Answer the damned door!" My hands trembled as I opened the door. Katrina and Sandy were there. "Is Jan here," Katrina asked. "Yes, come in," I said, using the feminine voice which Josie had taught me. Jan came out from the kitchen. "Hi, guys, I'm about ready. And meet my sister in law, Patricia. She was just cleaning the place up." Turning to me, she continued, "We're going shopping. I'll see you later." "Okay," I said, blushing. I realized that neither woman had recognized me. Katrina, who was recently divorced, was tall, blond, and thin. She wore jeans and a tan blouse, with sandals. Sandy always dressed fashionably; today she wore a rose colored silk blouse tucked into tailored tan slacks and matching heels. At about five foot two, Sandy was considerably shorter than Jan and Katrina and was a tad overweight. She was married to a wealthy lawyer and had a two year old daughter. "Patricia, would you care to join us," Sandy asked. "It'll be more fun than vacuuming." "Why, no..., no thank you," I replied. "C'mon, we won't be gone long," Katrina added. "No, I've got to finish cleaning." I looked towards Jan, who had a scowl on her face. "Jan, what do you think? Should Patricia come with us," asked Katrina. "I suppose she can," Jan said flatly. "Grab your purse, sis." Clearly this was an order, not a request. -17- My deception soon collapsed like a house of cards. We were driving to the mall. Jan and Sandy sat in front, while I sat in back with Katrina. Sandy and Katrina filled Jan in on all the latest gossip, including Sarah's pregnancy and Julie's suspicion that her husband was depressed about something. Just girl talk. And since Sandy and Katie presumed that I didn't know the subjects of the gossip, I wasn't expected to participate in the conversation. But after a while Katrina turned to me and said, "So, Patricia, tell us about yourself. Are you married?" Jan glanced back at me. I was so embarrassed that my face turned red. "Yes..., I am," I replied softly as I looked into Jan's cold eyes. "Oh, then tell us about your husband. And your kids," followed Sandy. "Yes, Patricia," Jan said coolly, "tell us about your husband. I'd really like to hear about him." "No!" I blurted out, completely stressed. "I don't have a husband. I'm Thomas, your husband, Jan. Please stop teasing me!" "Well, my hubby, if you weren't wearing a skirt, maybe I wouldn't be teasing you." "Thomas! Well I'll be....," said Sandy. "I knew something was odd about you." "Yea, me too.," added Katrina. "You looked too much like Tom, even for a sister. So why in the world are you dressed like a woman?" I was too embarrassed to respond. "Let's just say that my so-called husband has a thing for us females. Tom's going to spend the entire summer as a female." "Jesus, that's really weird. Kinky, even," Katie said. Nobody spoke for a long time, until Sandy said, "Is this OK with you, Jan?" "I've agreed to it. Enough said." Again we lapsed into silence, until Katrina asked, "So, Tom..., I mean Patricia, are you thinking of having a sex change or something like that?" "Huh?" I was still focusing on Jan and didn't hear Katrina's question. "Sis," Jan said, "Katie asked you a question. Are you going to get your prick cut off so that you can be a "real woman"?" "No..., no of course not. I don't want that. No way," I replied, speaking directly to Jan, her beautiful face, always warm to me in the past, now as cold as a statue. Clearly Jan was miffed that I, her husband, had joined her "girl's gang". Sandy pulled into the mall's parking lot. After a time Jan's anger subsided and Sandy asked, "So, gals, what's our plan?" "We'll have to hurry so that sis can get back home and finish cleaning and then get ready for her sleepover." "Sleepover? What do you mean, Jan," I asked. "Josie has planned a sleepover. She thinks it'll help you understand girls. She's sure you'll love it. She and a friend will be over tonight at eight." "What friend?" I asked. "Who knows? It's your sleepover, not mine. Anyway," Jan continued, now addressing Katrina and Sandy, "Patricia needs an outfit appropriate for a sixteen year old. I'm just not up to helping sis choose her sexy outfits. Surely you two can understand that. Would either of you like to accompany Patricia to Mervyns Department Store and help her pick out something pretty?" There was a silence as the two women tried to fathom Jan's statement, then Katrina said, "Sure, I will, Jan." "Thank you, Katie," said Jan. "But remember, Patricia needs something cute and sexy, from the junior's department if possible. Don't let sis choose. She hasn't been a girl long enough to develop a taste for fashion. Oh, and one more thing. Try to find a baby doll nightie to fit Patricia. Who knows, maybe she and her sleepover friend will have a pillow fight tonight. Isn't that what little girls do?" "No problem, Jan," said Katrina. "We'll meet you at Starbucks in 30 minutes." -18- The coffee shop was crowded, mostly with fashionable young women in their twenties and thirties. Jan sat at a table in the far back corner of the Starbucks, where she and Sandy sipped their lattes and shared a blueberry scone. A steady hum of conversations, cell phones, and background music provided some degree of privacy. Stirred by a slowly turning ceiling fan, an aroma of strong dark coffee pervaded the air. "It's hard for me to empathize with Julie," said Jan. "Sure, her husband may be depressed, but at least he doesn't go to bed wearing a bra, for god's sake." "It must be difficult for both of you," Sandy said as she touched Jan's hand ever so lightly. "Did Tom explain why he's doing this?" ""Yea, he did. And he's got a good reason. I can't really divulge his problems, you know. But reason or not, it's still so... demeaning." "You mean to Tom?" "Fuck Tom. Fuck Patricia, for that matter. Yes, I imagine it's embarrassing for him to wear high heels and carry a purse. But no, I meant it's demeaning to me. Having him, or her, as my husband, that's demeaning to me." "I don't think any less of you, Jan." "You don't? Really?" "No, Jan, not at all." "I don't believe you, Sandy," Jan said, emphasizing each word. She took a sip of her latte before continuing, "You're my best friend, Sandy, my best friend. But I cannot believe that after you realized Patricia was really my husband, you didn't think to yourself: "Poor Jan, she married a sissy." Or "Poor Jan, her husband is not a real man." Or, "Poor Jan, her husband can't fuck her because he prefers to be fucked". "And if you, Sandy, my best friend, thinks that, then just imagine what other women, and men, will think of me! I tell you, I'm embarrassed to be the sorry sissy's wife. What woman wouldn't be?"" "But Thomas has always been such a good husband and such a perfect friend to you, Jan. I know he loves you. Whether he's wearing a flannel shirt and jeans, or an evening gown, either way he loves you more than anything in this life." "I know that, too, Sandy," Jan said, crying now. "Tom loves me more, much more, than I ever loved him. But..., but when I see him wearing a bra, well..., I just get so angry I don't know what I'll do. Sandy, I just don't know what to do...." Sandy moved her chair closer to Jan's, gently comforting her as Jan quietly sobbed. -19- "Hurry along, Pamela," Katrina urged as I struggled to keep up with her, "we don't have much time." "I'm trying, Katie, but this skirt is just too tight. And my shoes don't seem to fit. Listen, they're so loose you can hear them flapping against my feet." "Silly. That's why they're called flip-flops! Get used to it. Us girls prefer to hear our shoes. Surely you've noticed the click click click that Jan's high heels make as she walks?" "Yes," I replied, still struggling to keep abreast of the long-legged blond, "but I don't understand." "It's uniquely feminine, Patricia. You must know how important it is for a girl to be feminine. Apparently it's even important for some guys to be feminine." Katie giggled at her comment before continuing, "It's like this, sissy. When guys walk, you might hear a clump clump clump, if anything. But when us girls walk, you'll often hear a sharp click click click, or the telltale flapping of our flip-flops, signaling to all that this is a girl walking. That way, just the sound of a girl walking can make guys' heads turn. Enjoy it, Patricia. It's girl stuff." "I'm not a sissy, Katrina." "Sorry! Gee, Patricia, I surely didn't think you'd mind being called a sissy. You are a guy in a skirt, you know." "You're right," I apologized. "I shouldn't have snapped at you. It's just that I'm a bit stressed." "Hey, it's OK. You know, as Tom you were always so quiet. But as Patricia, it's different. We can talk. Girls share their feelings, right?" We entered the department store. I followed Katrina through the lingerie department, a section of the store with a vast assortment of female undergarments on display. I began to blush; even though I was wearing these same sexy unmentionables, I still felt myself an unwelcome trespasser. "What is a juniors department," I asked Katie as we entered it. "You don't know? Really, Patricia, get with it! "Juniors" is the word for young teens. Middle school girls and high school girls buy clothes in the Juniors department." "But I'm too old for that." "I agree, Patricia. It must have something to do with your sleepover." At this point a young, petite salesgirl approached and asked if she could help. "Yes, please," Katrina responded. "My boyfriend here will be having a girl's sleepover tonight, so he needs a cute outfit. Something that a girl like you might wear to a school dance." The clerk stopped chewing her gum and stared at me as she addressed Katrina, "Your boyfriend dresses like a teenaged girl?" "Yes! Isn't that sweet," Katrina said as she reached over to place her hand on my arm. "Whatever," the clerk said, rolling her eyes. "Over here, miss," she continued, now addressing me, "we have some very cute dresses. Skimpy dresses. Guaranteed to show off your legs. Guaranteed to kick any boy's hormones into overdrive." "Oh, this will be so fun," Katrina said as she grasped my hand and led me to the display of dresses. -20- Jan, Katrina and I sat in the living room watching television. Jan was casually dressed in jeans and a long sleeve tan blouse, while Katie wore a calve-length navy blue cotton skirt and a simple white blouse. I, on the other hand, was dressed to the nines in the outfit Katie had chosen from the Juniors department. I felt foolish, to be sure, but Jan had warned me that Josie was boss tonight; she had strict orders to call Eduardo immediately should I "assert my manhood". Jan firmly emphasized that her job was on the line, not just my "balls". Jan and Katrina were drinking wine, but since I was "sweet sixteen" tonight, I was allowed only soda. As they discussed various matters they mostly ignored me, although Katrina, who sat next to me on the couch, once reached over and gently touch my pantyhose-clad thigh and said "Patricia, don't worry, your girlfriends will be here soon." 21. At 8:00 the doorbell rang. Jan gave me a stern look and commanded: "Answer the door, Patricia. And remember, be friendly and obedient, all night!" OK, I thought as I rose from the couch, Josie's always nice to me. I can "obey" her, if that's what Jan wants. I straightened my pleated skirt, which was hot pink with a pattern of black pinstripes and which extended only halfway to my knees. My top was a bright yellow pullover which clung tightly to me, causing my breasts to show prominently. Of course I wore pantyhose and high heels. While dressing I had protested to Jan that I was a tad overdressed for a sleepover, suggesting that jeans and a T-shirt would be more appropriate. Jan, who was clearly unhappy to have to participate in my sleepover night, replied simply, "Josie wants you dressed smartly, so that's what you'll do. Remember, my job is at stake here." I opened the door and Josie entered followed by a latina girl. Josie was again dressed casually in jeans and a simple long sleeve blouse. The latina had a darker complexion than Josie, lustrous black hair cut in a page boy style, and a nice face, although maybe a bit too angular for true beauty. She was about 5 foot 7 and wore a stylish pale blue dress which highlighted her slender figure. I guessed that she was here to join my sleepover. Josie held the latina's hand. "Hi everyone," Josie exclaimed, then turned towards me and smiled broadly. "Oh, Patricia, you do look hot! I'm very impressed. Patricia, meet my favorite cousin, Leticia. Leti, meet my new girlfriend, Patricia!" Leticia approached me, grasped both my hands in hers, and looked directly into my eyes. I noticed how she had used mascara to skillfully highlight her dark eyes, and how her shocking pink lipstick contrasted with her dark complexion. Then she leaned forward and kissed me directly on my lips. I instinctively responded in kind, such that we kissed naturally and, to me at least, erotically. Surely, I thought, Josie must have told Leticia that I wasn't really a girl. Knowing that I was a male, this couldn't have been an innocent girl-girl friendship kiss. No, I reasoned, Leticia was coming on to me right in front of Jan! This disturbed me; after all, I loved Jan and would never hurt her. But that said, having been kissed by this sexy girl would surely send a much needed message to Jan: that even when dressed like a young lady, I was still able to attract pretty females. "You two young ladies sit here," Katrina said, indicating the couch, "while I get a glass of wine for Josie." I held Leticia's hand as we crossed the room. Jan stared at us. Leticia straightened her skirt as she sat down close to me. For the first time I appreciated my tight panties and pantyhose, which hid my hardening prick. The women talked amongst themselves, with Josie and Katrina getting to know each other, as Leticia and I sat quietly and watched television. Leticia continued to hold my hand, now clasped in hers and set upon her lap. -22- Josie asked Jan if she'd like to introduce her "cute sister-in-law" to the group, which had grown with the arrival of Sandy and of Mary, another member of Jan's "girls' gang". A brief look of disgust crossed Jan's face as she looked towards me, her husband. "Sure," Jan replied. Everybody, let me introduce my little sister-in- law, Patricia. Sixteen years old and dressed to kill. Stand up, Patricia; show us your cute outfit. And tell us about yourself." I turned beet red as I rose to address the women. "Hi," I stammered, "I'm... Patricia. I'm Jan's new sister in law. Tonight is my first sleepover and I'd like to thank you all for coming by. And I'd also like to thank Katrina for helping me select this cute outfit I'm wearing. Since I'm new to... this..., you know..., being a..., girl..., and all..., it's all so.., very..., difficult... and...., well..., ah.... I'll need..., well..." Tears began to form in my eyes. I looked towards Jan anxiously, hoping she would step in and help me with this. Luckily, my botched introduction was aborted at this point when Jodie began to clap, and the others followed her lead, except Jan, who just stared at me with a grim expression. Then Leticia rose, approached me and kissed me on the lips. Damn, this girl is sexy, I thought to myself. With her large hoop earrings dangling, Leticia, holding my hand, began to address the group in a somewhat hushed tone of voice. "Hi," she began. "I'm Leticia, Josie's cousin. My friends call me Leti for short. I'd like to thank Patricia for inviting me to her sleepover." I felt Leti gently squeeze my hand. "Josie suggested I might assist Patricia in bringing out the feminine which resides within her, and indeed within all of us, female and male. I am thrilled to be part of Patricia's transformation. But, as we all clearly see, Patricia has succeeded very well on her own - her outfit is really sexy, and she looks gorgeous! "As long as I can remember I've admired and envied beautiful girls. I recall, as early as the eighth grade, stealing glances at this very pretty girl seated at the desk next to mine. Her name was Jeannette. She wore short skirts and tight dresses, colorful tops, and makeup. No other girls in my class dared to wear makeup! And she always carried a small purse with a long, thin leather strap. Often, before class, I watched, mesmerized, as she removed her compact from her purse, opened it, and - oblivious to my existence- checked her makeup in its mirror. During the boring classes I would look at her and wish, so very, very much, that I could wear a dress like hers, or wear lipstick like she did, or apply dark mascara to make my eyes as beautiful as hers. Oh, and I so wished that I could let my hair grow long, like hers, and wear it in a ponytail one day and in curls the next. "But the world denied me such pleasures. Only within the past few years have I actually been able to dress like I am tonight. Now I no longer sneak into my cousin's bedroom when visiting her family and, with great stealth, slip into her panties, sometimes even a bra, and always into one of her many skirts. Yes, Josie, I did do that - many times - and you never did find out, did you?" Leticia and Josie both laughed at this admission. "Like Patricia, I'm not anatomically the same as the rest of you. Yet I feel, and have always felt, a kinship with females. I love you for what you are: beautiful, soft, gentle, sensitive, caring, tender, and passive. Truly, I so much love females that I ache to be one of you. Literally ache! "In every aspect of life, boys and men always TAKE, while girls and women GIVE. It's true! It's true on the playground, in the classrooms, at workplaces, and during war. It's true in our homes, and above all, it's so true in our bedrooms. By constantly giving and nurturing, we females (Leti looked towards me and grasped my hand again) are the heart and soul of civilization. We are life! "And tonight I am proudly female, and so is Patricia! I do hope Patricia enjoys being a sixteen year old girl tonight. I know I will." Her introduction over, Leti again kissed my lips, then hugged me. I heard the women applaud. I looked to Jan; she wasn't clapping. She looked somber; tears had formed in her eyes. Josie then jumped up and hugged Leti, telling us that Leticia was the best cousin any girl could ever have. I stood at Leti's side, astonished and embarrassed. How did what seemed to be a simple (albeit humiliating) punishment - wearing women's clothing - turn into this? My manhood was not merely being hid beneath a skirt. No, it was being torn from me, discarded and left to die. -23- I noticed everyone was smiling and enjoying themselves, except Jan, who seemed incapable of smiling tonight. What had she been thinking as I, her husband, stood in front of her friends, looking and acting like a teenaged girl and being kissed - by a male? After a few moments Jan, as hostess of this gathering, spoke. "Very good, young ladies. And let me say, Leticia, you are actually more feminine than many of the girls I've known." "Thank you," Leticia answered shyly. "And Patricia," Jan paused, gathering her thoughts, "you do look cute. I'll admit that. Your outfit is very sexy. Hell, I would have loved to have worn that skirt of yours - when I was 16, that is. "But you are not as feminine as Leticia. Maybe you will be, someday. But you'll need guidance from us women. And we'll be here, all of us, to help you continue your transition. "I agree with you, Leti. Feminine characteristics are admirable. We females are givers. We give life, after all! But that said, I must also concede that I, as a woman, am attracted to just those characteristics we lack. I like men with hard muscles. Men with hair on their chests. Men who push, who demand, who take. Ambition is a male thing, is it not?" Now Jan turned to me, continuing as if she and I were alone in the room. "So where does this leave our relationship, Patricia? I'm not sure. I love you. I promised that I would adapt to your new... situation, and I will. You are Patricia. You are a girl. I hope you'll be a lovely, happy girl. I really do. And me? I'm now alone. A widow of sorts. Or at least a woman whose husband has left her. Maybe he'll return someday. Maybe... "But enough speeches," Jan concluded. "You two young ladies go to Patricia's room and hang out while we women catch up on our gossip." Leticia took my hand in hers, grasped her purse strap with her other hand, and together we left the room. 24. "Look Patricia, your skirt is the same shade of pink as my lipstick. So neat! You know, Josie is just so excited about your transformation. Don't you just love being able to wear a skirt, just like real girls?" "I don't know, Leticia," I replied, still stunned by all that had happened. "This is all very new to me." "Well, believe me, Patricia, once you've been a girl, you'll never want to go back. Maybe you'll have to, but even then your heart and soul will remain here on the other side, with the girls. So," she continued, changing the subject yet again, "what brand of panties are you wearing?" "I'm not sure. They're pink. That much I know." "Pink panties beneath a pink skirt?" Leti giggled. "That's a tad too feminine, Patricia. You should wear your white panties. Contrast, you know. Take your panties off, we need to get them changed right away!" "Are you sure, Leti? No one sees my underclothes anyway." "Patricia, us girls do not think like that! There's always the possibility that some lucky guy will get into your panties. Real girls always consider that when selecting lingerie. Now, where do you keep your lingerie? I'll pick out a pair of panties that'll work with that outfit." I removed my panties as Leti searched through my lingerie collection. A definite advantage of skirts over pants, I realized, was the ease of changing one's underwear. She selected a pair of Bali lycra panties, white with small ruffles on each side. "Much better than skivvies, don't you agree," she said, laughing, as she pulled high the hem of her dress to show me her panties. "These are from Victoria's Secret. Twelve dollars a pair, but SO sexy!" And indeed they were: beige, bikini cut, with white embroidered flowers. Just then Jan and Katrina walked through the open doorway. Jan stared silently at us. "Oh, hi," Leti said happily. "I'm just showing Patricia my panties. I think she'd like some for herself." "I'm sure Patricia would," Katie said with a sigh. "Come on, young ladies. Sandy brought a movie for you to watch, a cute teen flick with Hillary Duff." "Great," exclaimed Leti as she let loose of her skirt. "But could Patricia paint my toenails while we watch? I didn't have time to do it before coming over." "Go for it, girls," Jan said unenthusiastically, "but first put your nighties on. You wouldn't want to get nail polish on your pretty outfits." -25- I couldn't help but stare at Leticia as she stood before me in her bra and panties, her smooth, slender body looking so girlish. I, too, was naked except for bra and panties. Jan was helping me change into my nightie while Leti told us about Eduardo, a longtime friend of her family. Apparently Eduardo had a wife and two children in Mexico City. Josie said he often seemed very lonely here in the United States. -26- "That's right, use the Q-tip to remove every bit," Leti said as I worked at removing every vestige of red nail polish from her toenails. She sat on the couch between Katrina and Josie. The three of them spent more time watching and instructing me than watching the movie. Leticia wore a sleeveless, pale blue nightie with an empire waist that highlighted her breasts and slim body. When she stood, the nightie was so short it barely covered her panties, and when seated, it definitely failed to cover them. Leti's beige panties could easily be seen through the sheer nightie. I wore the pink nightie which Katrina had selected for me earlier in the day. Its hem was also very high, although not as high as Leti's. It had short sleeves with ample lace covering my breast area, sleeves, and hem. Jan, Sandy, Mary and Eduardo were seated at the table at the far side of the room, drinking wine and beer and playing cards. Eduardo had stopped by to check on Josie and Leti; per Leti, Carlos charged Eduardo with the safety of any of his relatives who happened to be in Dallas. I was seated on the floor in front of Leticia. Conflicting emotions coursed through me: shame, humiliation, anger wrapping a heart of lust and disgust: lust for the outwardly female Leti, so sexy as she instructed me to put cotton balls between her toes to separate them, making my task easier, and disgust directed towards the maleness so artfully hidden beneath Leti's panties. Seated as I was, with my face mere inches from Leti's crotch, I couldn't help but notice a bulge within her panties, a bulge caused by her cock and balls. What, I wondered, was Jan thinking as she watched me lavish attentions upon another male? "Ooh, that tickles," Leti giggled as I raised her left foot towards my mouth and blew on the fresh nail polish. She and I had been sharing Josie's wine; everyone in the house was getting tipsy, it seemed. "You two girls are hot, hot, hot!" Katrina said, laughing. "You'd make a great lesbian couple." "Only until the panties come off," Josie added. I began to apply the "shocking pink" polish to the little toe of her right foot. "So, Patricia, what do two girls like you do when they climb into bed together," Katrina asked with a smirk. I blushed. I knew Jan was listening to her friend tease me, but she did nothing. Why? "Well, I suppose we'll sleep," I replied. "Is that all," Leti asked in mock disappointment. "Surely there must be something we can do in bed together. Josie, tell us, what would you and Katrina do in bed if you were wearing nighties as pretty as ours?" "Wouldn't you like to know," laughed Katrina as she gazed affectionately at Josie. Josie smiled at Katrina. The sexual banter and wine apparently loosened Leticia up, as I noticed an erection begin to strain against he panties. "Patricia! What are you staring at, girl," Katrina asked. Ahh..., I wasn't staring..." "Yes, you are staring. It looks like there's something in Leti's panties that's not supposed to be there. Go ahead, Patricia, pull her panties down and get a look. We're all curious, aren't we, Josie?" "No way," I replied as I applied polish to Leti's final toenail. "I'm not taking her panties down." "This is a sleepover, Patricia. Girls do compare themselves during sleepovers. Isn't that right, Josie?" "Oh, yes! I remember one sleepover when I was about twelve years old. Myself and two of my friends must have spent a whole hour comparing and measuring our titties. I was so embarrassed because mine were smaller than theirs. What about it, Leti, can we have a peek at your hidden treasure?" Leti was blushing now, too. "I suppose so," she replied. "If Patricia wants to look, it's OK with me." "No, Leticia, I do not want to look," I said. "Well, why were you staring at me then, I mean, at my panties?" "I don't know..., after all, they're right there in front of me." "It's OK, Patricia, I'm sure Jan won't mind if you take a peek. Jan," Katrina called over to her, " tell your little sis to behave!" Jan turned to face me and said in a firm voice, "Patricia! You've promised to do whatever Josie asks. So quit disturbing me. Anyway, we are going out to have a drink or two. We'll be back in an hour or so." She and Eduardo got up and, without even another glance at me, left the house. -27- "This is stupid!" I said. Katie and Josie were smiling as they watched me. I set Leti's foot down - the polish dry now - and with both hands gently grasped the waistband of her ultra-sexy beige panties. They were tight, made of an elastic material. Still seated on the couch, Leti lifted her ass up a bit so that I could remove her panties. Slowly, I began to pull them down her legs. Once the panties cleared her groin, Leti's prick sprang out, fully erect and surprisingly large for someone

Same as Alone in Paradise Videos

2 years ago
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The Long Road to Paradise

It had come at last. The night of nights. Mitt's princess stood before him, her long blonde tresses curling down her back, her green eyes alert, yet respectful. The white wedding dress brought out her beauty all the more, a cone of lace crowned with the smooth softness of her bare arms and shoulders. He had called her a "vision of loveliness" in his toast, and indeed she was. His wife's face - yes! she was his wife now! - was so perfect he could not take his eyes off it.She reached behind her...

2 years ago
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Joanns Club Paradise

Sis rented Mom’s old bedroom to two of the gurls on my soccer team. They would also look after the house so she and Chrissy could come down and join us as we spent the last week preparing for the grand opening of “Joann’s Club Paradise”. When they arrived, Sis and Michelle started on setting up the salon. They couldn’t believe how good the old motel looked. Chrissy set-up the booking and charge system while I worked with the newly hired cooks and bartenders stocking the kitchen and bar. Joe...

3 years ago
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A Trip To Paradise

 A Tropical Story -- Sex and Love in ParadiseIt's another unbearably hot and humid September day in Florida. It’s just too hot to do almost anything outside. You are back in your bathroom playing some game on your iPhone and I am sitting in front of my computer, bored stiff reading poorly written erotic stories on EP.I momentarily think about jumping into the swimming pool in the hopes you will join me. But of course, at that exact moment, there is a large and way too close clap of thunder and...

Love Stories
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Thank you for Paradise

Thank you for ParadiseThis hot shemale story was sent to me by our forum member Leeya and i'm anxious to share it here with everybody. It's a classy story about a guy who went to an Asian country on a business trip and met a very beautiful womain in a very romantic atmosphere... Little did he know that this young voluptuous lady was a ladyboy.Thanks for this story Leeya. As a reminder to all others, if you have a story suitable for this section, by all means post it either here as a comment or...

2 years ago
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A Visit into Paradise

I looked around the Room and there she stood an Angel in a Yellow DressThat Clung to her Figure of Perfection I thought that I had gone to HeavenShe Was 57 She Took me By Surprise She was only five feet five with Brown Hypnotic Eyes She had my Spirit Dancing my Heart was Pounding with DelightHer Coffee Colored Skin Felt like Velvet so soft and so warmHer Lips tasted like wine she had me in a tranceI never felt so intoxicated before as she held me tight I caressed her ever so tender I brushed...

3 years ago
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Paradise By Deputy Duffy The hair salon that my mom went to was aptly named ?Paradise?. The place wasalways beset with sexy women looking their best. It was females only, so (beingborn with a penis) I had to be a little sneaky. I would always try and comeup with some sort of excuse to borrow her car (I had my own) on the day ofher appointment. Then I would act disappointed when she said that she had ahair appointment, before offering to drop her off and pick her back up. Sometimesit worked,...

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 15 Paradise

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Fifteen: Paradise Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Tuesday, July 1 9th, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Paradise, WA I couldn't help staring at the golden statue of father standing with his wife Mary. The larger than life edifice rose out of the center of the wildflowers. The statue was well maintained and there were dried flowers about its base and melted wax from candles. “They hold ceremonies here,” I said as Aoifa walked up to...

2 years ago
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"Very simply put, we offer the finest oral, vaginal, and anal sex in the world." My mouth dropped open as I stared at her. She didn't blink. She didn't grin. She was profoundly serious. She had made what she believed was a statement of absolute fact in answer to my question. I closed my mouth and swallowed the saliva that had accumulated in it as I pondered the possibilities of the transaction that I was considering. I couldn't help glancing again at the large notebook which she had...

2 years ago
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Changes In Paradise

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgendered or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Changes in Paradise By Patricia "Damn it's hot," Patrick said to no one in particular. He stretched out his back, stiff from bending over the mess of electronic parts spread out on the tarp in front of...

2 years ago
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ParadiseIt was the fourth time they had met and the undercurrent of attraction was just as strong as it had been the very first time. The look was unmistakable in his eyes as she looked up into them shyly and looked down quickly blushing, yet smiling to herself in excitement as they reached out and hugged each other laughingly. They both knew what would happen this night; there was no doubt in either of their minds that a sexual encounter was destined to happen after the conversations that...

1 year ago
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Sissy Sisters Paradise

SISSY SISTERS PARADISE? by Throne The three feminized husbands had been left in Penny's bedroom, which was a study in pink and white, with bold splashes of magenta here and there. Penny had been sissified by his wife Marge over the past few years. She had met other women who had done the same to their husbands and they all formed a loose network for shared activities. Penny asked Flo, "Did your wife tell you why they have the three of us here tonight?" "Not really," Flo answered...

2 years ago
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Swinging Paradise

I am Huma, with a new kind of group sex experience of a couple who have already tasted the pleasure of swapping. Hope you like it. ” Swinging Paradise offers you the best atmosphere to swing and enjoy in the lap of Mother Nature. Do you swing? Do yoy wish to swing? The best time has arrived to enjoy love to its fullest. We will take care of your needs, fetishes, dreamas and even whims and fancies. Contact us online or phone us to mail you entry forms and other literature” So read the...

1 year ago
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An Urban Latex Paradise

Welcome to the city of paradise! A vibrant new city located off the pacific coast of North America. It’s a bright, neon soaked urban jungle full of opportunities and exciting experiences! There’s just one catch... it’s... how do we put this.... kinky. It’s been called the kinkiest city in the world, even. It’s so overtly sexual, they passed a law only 18 months after the city opened that you need to be of legal age to even reside there, forcing parents and children to move out. We also have a...

1 year ago
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Springtime At The Paradise

In May 1975 I gave my girlfriend Michelle Hanley a tour of my hometown of The Bronx. We were both sophomores at the City College of New York and we had a Wednesday for ourselves. We decided to take her car for the trip back and forth and for part of the excursion within the borough; I would drive because I knew my way around and she could be free for sightseeing. I went out by subway to Long Island City on a sunny morning to meet her around eleven AM.She met me outside her house and I noticed...

1 year ago
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Destination Paradise

Congratulations! Thanks for taking an interest in being one of five testers for our newest concept resort. We are pleased to announce that you have been selected! What does this mean for you? Well, this means that you will get an all-inclusive 5-day vacation at our newest resort: Destination Paradise. Everything you could imagine is available for your pleasure. This is our 5th all-inclusive resort and we are so thrilled to have you helping us in this soft launch, to make sure everything is...

4 years ago
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Threesome in paradise

Threesome in paradiseAna had been advised that Seychelles Islands were a real paradise and of course it was right.We arrived later in the afternoon after two long leg flights; Boston is really far, far away from here. On that first night were both were a little bit tired from waking up so early; so we just went out for dinner and came back early to our hotel room.In the morning everything was quite different. Anita was the first one in the shower. She shaved her sweet pussy. She liked to keep...

1 year ago
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With Ann in Paradise

I was still in a half sleep, laying on my back but I was very aware of Ann curled against me, her face on my bare chest, her right leg wrapped over mine, just brushing my groin. I was on my back. I could feel her soft hair brushing my chin and heard the steady breathing of her sleeping. I could also feel the softness of her pubic hair pushing against my thigh. My God, this girl was perfect! How in the hell did I get so lucky?It had started with an email about a year ago. Ann read some erotic...

2 years ago
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Woman Partner Chapter Twentyfour Last Day in Paradise

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 24, Last Day in Paradise) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback. Enjoy! WARNING - No bestiality described...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1 "Welcome to Montserrat, Sir, Madam. Your good names please?" "I am Mr. James Ghiwhite, and this is my daughter Mrs. Sarah Edward. We - actually, she and her husband were supposed to - want to stay here for a week; I believe it was previously arranged." "Oh, yes. Here it is - your reserved room is HMP 2." The desk clerk, whose nameplate pegged him as Charlie, rang a bell. Almost instantly, a young boy of not more than sixteen came out of the back room. Charlie motioned...

1 year ago
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Rockin the Paradise

The other night I went to a Styx concert, I have always like Styx and never pass up a chance to see them. This concert would be one to remember. I went with a friend and we had good seats the opening band was rocking pretty good, the ladies next to us were really having a good time. My friend went to go get a beer (as I don't drink) but I offered the ladies next to us one. They gladly accepted and my friend went off to get the drinks as he didn't like the opening band, something about high...

3 years ago
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Completing My Visit To Joanns Club Paradise

It was the second day at Joann’s Club Paradise. We finished our breakfast and decided to lay by the pool since we were all up late the night before. After a few hours, I told Gail I wanted to go to the salon to have my wig and breast forms checked. She told Tom and Vince we needed to fetch some “lady things” and we would return in an hour. Amanda was at the salon counter when we went in. She smiled and asked how we were doing. I told her my wig was looking messy and asked her how long I could...

1 year ago
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Stormy Paradise

Our plane lands on a small airstrip near the middle of the island. We both saw the beach as we crossed with violent waves crashing against the shore. We retrieve our luggage and head for the exit from the airport. Our limo driver is waiting at the door and collects all of our luggage and deposits it gently into the long Cadillac. As we head towards our ocean front cabin the driver begins telling us about the storms that have been hitting and that there may be rough weather approaching. We...

3 years ago
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The Way to Paradise

It is 1809 and Napoleon is soon to marry Marie-Louise of Austria. The French are at war with Britain and Portugal. In a sleepy outpost in the Indian Ocean 2,000 kilometers off the south east coast of Africa the French-Creole inhabitants of what the Arab sailors called “Dina Arobi”, the Portugese called “Cirne” and the French now called “Ile de France” had established their own version of paradise. Turbulent times were ahead and a name change of the island to “Mauritius” was coming soon. In the...

3 years ago
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Jessicas Excitement in Paradise

Jessica’s Excitement in Paradise It had been 2 weeks since Jessica and her parents had checked into the luxury hotel isolated on an island in the South Pacific. Initially it had been exiting seeing the glassy blue water, lush green rainforest and white gold sands and exploring the hotel. But as it stood now she was bored. They were amongst only a few guests staying at the hotel with it being a new eco-resort it was yet to be put on the map and could currently only house four or five parties in...

2 years ago
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Vacation in Paradise

As I admired my bikini-clad figure in the dressing room, I knew that all of the exercise and dieting had been worth the sacrifice. At 39, my petite body was as toned and supple as it had been in my early 20s. The white string bikini contrasted beautifully with my long strawberry blond hair and green eyes and perfectly accentuated my perky 34 C breasts and the tight curves of my ass. Having climbed enough stairs on the gym stair climber to reach the moon and back in the past 4 months, I was...

3 years ago
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My friends hairy paradise

He was lying on his bed naked thinking about what he wanted to do with her that was new and different this time.He started thinking about her naked body, her voluptuous breasts, shapely curves, perfectly manicured bush and always sexy lingerie, always hinting what was underneath, not too much but leaving you wanting more.His imagination transferred from his mind down to his now expanding and slightly throbbing cock. The rising to the occasion merely served to thrill him more. He gently took it...

3 years ago
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Vacation in Paradise

As I admired my bikini-clad figure in the dressing room, I knew that all of the exercise and dieting had been worth the sacrifice. At 39, my petite body was as toned and supple as it had been in my early 20s. The white string bikini contrasted beautifully with my long strawberry blond hair and green eyes and perfectly accentuated my perky 34 C breasts and the tight curves of my ass. Having climbed enough stairs on the gym stair climber to reach the moon and back in the past 4 months, I was...

2 years ago
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Anita in Paradise

I can’t believe what’s happened to me! Here I am in a swingers’ paradise on a beautiful Caribbean island. Last night I had sex with seven people and tonight – who knows? Maybe more!Well I better put you in the picture – my name’s Anita and until about a month ago I was just one of those lonely divorced women who thought they’d never have sex again. That was until my wonderful, wonderful friend Lorraine came round with a gift – and what a gift! A magic wand which unlocked my sexual yearnings and...

2 years ago
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Last Night in Paradise

I had just finished showering and was thinking how incredible our vacation had been. As I walked into the bedroom I saw Susan sliding on her heels. Damn, she had great legs. She smiled, as I walked naked into the room. “I see someone is already excited about tonight.” She stood up and smiled at me. No wonder I was so excited. She looked fabulous. The heels accentuated her long toned legs and thrust her tight little ass upward. Her short red skirt was about mid-thigh, revealing most of her...

3 years ago
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The Way to Paradise

It is 1809 and Napoleon is soon to marry Marie-Louise of Austria. The French are at war with Britain and Portugal. In a sleepy outpost in the Indian Ocean 2,000 kilometers off the south east coast of Africa the French-Creole inhabitants of what the Arab sailors called “Dina Arobi”, the Portugese called “Cirne” and the French now called “Ile de France” had established their own version of paradise. Turbulent times were ahead and a name change of the island to “Mauritius” was coming soon. In the...

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Marilyns Paradise

So to the Marilyn saga ends. This is the last Marilyn story for a very long time, possibly ever if interest in her wanes over time. However, this won't be my last story. I have more stuff developing in the lab, so to speak. MARILYN'S SEXUAL PARADISE - By Brett Lynn "Wh...what hon? What do you want?" Marilyn groggily pulled herself out of her nap and took a look at her wife sitting next to her on the airplane as they cruised their way to Hawaii for their honeymoon. She saw...

2 years ago
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Ticket to Paradise

Ticket to Paradise By Cal Y. Pygia "Oh, no!", Toni Matthews thought as she saw the red, blue, and amber emergency lights flashing in her rear-view mirror and heard the shrill siren of the police car shrieking like a banshee. She was being pulled over by a California Highway Patrol officer. She?d been speeding, she knew, but maybe if she was flirtatious the officer would let her go with a warning. It would be her luck, she thought, that the cop would be a woman instead of a...

2 years ago
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It was Paradise

It was paradise. Sun, and clean, white, empty sand beaches for miles and miles. The tourists would arrive once a week, by boat, from the capital, some 40 minutes away across the estuary. There was a rough track through the jungle, and people and stores could come that way if the sea was too rough, but it needed a good four-wheel drive to negotiate the mud and streams. But even paradise needs workers, and I was one of them. I'd set the holiday village up and now managed the place. I wasn't the...

3 years ago
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Woman Partner Chapter Twentyfive Last Night in Paradise

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 25, Last Night in Paradise) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....

3 years ago
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Fairy III Paradise

Taking one for the team The argument was hot and heavy in the control room, but silent. Spearmint finally admitted afterward that her actions had caused a furor among her fellow monarchs. They understood why she had done it, but at the same time, the news that almost a hundred geriatrics and terminal patients had merely disappeared had made not only national but global headlines. Dandelion and Periwinkle had calmed them down, and they had decided to meet once a week for the next...

2 years ago
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Crossdressers Paradise

Crossdresser's Paradise By RogerGirl Charles had just returned from his summer trip with Stan and Desiree. It was a rare time of year since both his parents were home at their main mansion. Charles was feeling nervous, but felt he had to finally tell his parents about Charlene, his feminine side, and that he was bisexual. He walked into the kitchen where his parents were eating lunch. His father, Simon, came from a long line of wealthy businessmen and had expanded his family's...

2 years ago
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Jessicas Excitement in Paradise

Jessica’s Excitement in Paradise It had been 2 weeks since Jessica and her parents had checked into the luxury hotel isolated on an island in the South Pacific. Initially it had been exiting seeing the glassy blue water, lush green rainforest and white gold sands and exploring the hotel. But as it stood now she was bored. They were amongst only a few guests staying at the hotel with it being a new eco-resort it was yet to be put on the map and could currently only house four or five parties in...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Wonder Woman Hell in Paradise

Hell in ParadiseChapter I?So, at last we have the fabled champion of Paradise Island, and her sisters,’ came a voice form one of the monitors.  All around the hall the invading troops, strongly built men in dark blue uniforms, arms folded across their chests and faces obscured by black masks with eye slits with reflective lenses.  All the captured women had seen the fighting prowess of these men, skill and strength to match even the greatest of the Amazons of Themyscria.  Diana looked up, her...

2 years ago
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Sex Paradise

In the year 3000, science has reached an unparalleled height. Methuselah technology, which could halt the process of aging, has been invented. Humans were able to preserve the youth forever, but could still be killed by normal means. To prevent a population outbreak, all nations have signed an agreement that prohibited all copulations. Every obstetric clinic had to work under the government's monitoring. Only citizens with a special certification could do the acts that were possible to lead to...

1 year ago
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A Week In Paradise

The plane ride was long and rough. But they were finally there. James smiled at Rose as the small plane lands on the airstrip on an island. ‘This is going to be great!’ he says. Rose smiles back at him. As they walk off the plane in the early afternoon sun, they are greeted by smiles from the locales, flower petals thrown at their feet, and a nice warm breeze coming off the ocean. ‘Mmmmm,’ Rose says as she turns to James. ‘I think I’m going to like it here!’ He smiles back and places a...

3 years ago
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Hawaiian ala cunt ch 2 Flight to Paradise

Kandy glanced at the calendar and circled in bright red marker was that coming Tuesday, the day of their trip to paradise. It’s just five days away, and she had everything packed and ready. The two of them could hardly wait. Every night they would talk about what might happen and ended up fucking like two love struck teenagers. That Friday Todd called and told her there were no changes in the schedule everything in place. The only thing left to do was boarding the plane and fly off to...

3 years ago
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Strangers in Paradise

According to the perfect blonde stewardess, it was exactly 17:43 local time when our private jet touched down at McCarran International Airport. My older sister Madison, the reason behind the vacation, stretched and beamed at me. “This is going to be great.” I shrugged. “Bit pretentious though. Getting married in Paradise of all places?” She smiled again, “So? I don’t care what people think. It’s going to be perfect.” Yeah, you never care what people think . I begrudgingly quashed the...

3 years ago
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Venezuelan Paradise

Her name is Venezia Martinez and, like me, she’s twenty-three years old. We met on an online hookup site that caters exclusively to those who take their sex lives seriously. We have no interests in selfish sextivities, ignorant or dishonest sexual experiences, or foolish practices. With that being said, I have had quite the number of mind-blowing acquaintances. But when it comes to Venezia, I get the feeling she’ll be more than just a fun acquaintance. Perhaps it’s because our profiles match...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Paradise

Helen Walker stretched out her lithe body on the sun-lounger, enjoying the heat of the sun on her skin. Her brunette hair was tied back in a ponytail and she wore a yellow bikini. It was relatively conservative. It certainly covered more of her skin than the one worn by Amanda Graves, who lay face down on the sun-lounger next to her. Most of the curvaceous blonde’s golden brown skin was on display, thanks to the tiny black bikini she wore. The bottoms were a thong, which left little to the...

1 year ago
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Surviving in Paradise

You are invited to my birthday party on my private yacht, celebrating my 26th birthday. I hope to see you the 28th of this month at Paradise Haven. We depart at 23.00 and will go back to shore when the sun comes up. I hope to see you then! Sincerely, Carlos The music was loud, but by now the ship was so far off shore it was impossible for anyone to hear you. You were standing on the main deck with a glass of wine you weren't going to finish when Carlos decided to give a toast. He got up onto...

4 years ago
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Trapped in Paradise

You wake up in a container, much like one you'd see in some science fiction movie. You're in a position where you're mostly standing but you're also leaning slightly backwards yet your feet and legs aren't tired. You try to move but can't, at least not greatly. You can wiggle your toes and fingers but that's about it. You try to move you head to see your restraints but that's impossible too. You have no choice but to wait. After some period of time that could have been a few minutes or an hour...

4 years ago
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Vacation in Paradise

The Resort is on an island tropical paradise. Funded by a large entry fees from all visitors, it hosts a competition each year for the most formidable sexual fighters in the world. Each competitor is coded with a bracelet detailing who and where they are allowed to "hunt". The Resort is divided into zones; Inner, including the Hotel, its bar and club, the middle, containing the pool and large adventurepark, and the outer, containing the beach and jungle-park. There are some that hunt in one...

4 years ago
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Humiliation in Paradise

Sweat coated my forehead as the sun burned high above. Being a Brit abroad, I wanted to be shirtless with a cold beer, but was instead forced to wear a dark funeral suit with black tie. It was the first time I had visited the small Island paradise that my wife of seven years grew up on. I had wanted to come earlier but my wife had always had reasons not to go. Studies, money, then work. To be honest I always thought it was a little strange how she always had an excuse not to return to her...

3 years ago
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Island Paradise

I couldn’t believe it! My husband and I just hit the lottery! We hit big time -- $123 million dollars – all to ourselves. We didn’t have to split it at all. It took a few days for the shock to set in and before claiming the prize, we saw our accountants and our attorneys. My husband and I are in our mid-forties, been married for about 16 years, have no children and a great sex life – even to this day. One of the reasons is we keep it interesting. We are both professionals. I am an electrical...

1 year ago
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I couldn?t believe it! My husband and I just hit the lottery! We hit big time -- $123 million dollars ? all to ourselves. We didn?t have to split it at all. It took a few days for the shock to set in and before claiming the prize, we saw our accountants and our attorneys. My husband and I are in our mid-forties, been married for about 16 years, have no children and a great sex life ? even to this day. One of the reasons is we keep it interesting. We are both professionals. I am an electrical...

4 years ago
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Venezuelan Paradise

Her name is Venezia Martinez and, like me, she’s twenty-three years old. We met on an online hookup site that caters exclusively to those who take their sex lives seriously. We have no interests in selfish sextivities, ignorant or dishonest sexual experiences, or foolish practices. With that being said, I have had quite the number of mind-blowing acquaintances. But when it comes to Venezia, I get the feeling she’ll be more than just a fun acquaintance. Perhaps it’s because our profiles match...

3 years ago
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Vacation in Paradise

For Dana.Imagine being on holiday on a tropical island. We are out to dinner at a nice restaurant. I have a light dinner jacket and casual pants. You are wearing a light summer dress. You excuse yourself and go to the ladies room. When you return you lean into me and as you kiss my cheek you slip something in my jacket pocket. We dine and as I reach into my pocket to pay the check, I feel something soft and silky. You give me a little playful wicked smile as I realize it's your panties. You see...

3 years ago
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A Boaters Paradise

As an adult, for the first few years, I (Jim) lived by myself and developed the habit of not wearing clothing in the house, nor outside if I could do it without causing an uproar by the neighbors. I had a privacy fence around the back yard, and only those in the apartment buildings across the street could see into my yard. I was about 30 when I met my wife (Karen). She almost always dressed like she stepped out of the 1900's. Dark colors, long skirts and blouses that you could hide a truck...

2 years ago
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A Boaters Paradise

As an adult, for the first few years, I (Jim) lived by myself and developed the habit of not wearing clothing in the house, nor outside if I could do it without causing an uproar by the neighbors. I had a privacy fence around the back yard, and only those in the apartment buildings across the street could see into my yard. I was about 30 when I met my wife (Karen). She almost always dressed like she stepped out of the 1900's. Dark colors, long skirts and blouses that you could hide a truck...

3 years ago
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Smell Of Paradise

Hi indiahn sex stories dot net guys, this is Samwell. If you like my story can mail me Or send feedbacks. Any girl in me can also mail. The incident happened a year ago when I was doing my MBA. I had a girlfriend named Veronica. Describing her, she was sexy brown in complexion with dark black hairs. She was short around 5’5. Though short her assets were admirable with big booty and boobs. She wasn’t plump she was lean with an excellent figure. But all these apart the thing I loved about her...

3 years ago
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Rough Paradise

"YAAAAS!" shouted Jessica, "We won!!". And she and her friend stayed to leave stadium. They walked along the hall of brand new stadium. Then Amy complained "It's hot here. I am so thirsty." "Okay, Amy" said Jessica, "Meet me at the exit". "I will".Amy walked to find a drink. Quite a long time. And she wondered what Jessica think where she is. She thought "If I can't find somewhat where I could drink there are still toilets (there must be) where I will drink there tap water". On a way she asked...

2 years ago
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Team Outing Plan Leads To Sex Paradise

Thanks everyone for feedback through email and comments for my previous stories. Ppl can send me feedback at This incident happened between me and my office colleague in Bangalore. We were in same team and used to like each other company but nth serious as she was married. We used to do leg pulling to each other. But we were knowing our limit too. Our manager was planning for Wonder La(Amusement Resort) team outing and whole team was very exited. But in last moment plan got canceled because of...

2 years ago
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Stuck In Babies Paradise

Stuck In Babie's Paradise By Baby Christie "Come on let's hurry!" Greg was excited because he was on his way to a boy, girl sleepover and there might be some making out. He's 14 and lives with a foster mom, no foster dad and sadly his parents gave him away at an early age for crack. Eventually he ended up here with a foster mom named Becky. "Let's go! Let's go!" "Hold on there little engine that could you need your shoes for the trip." Greg blushed, "Hehe oh...

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