I'm Gonna, I'm Gonna free porn video

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I'M GONNA, I'M GONNA God, my life is shit. My life is nothing. I'm 25 and still living at home with my parents, no job, no girlfriend, what am I gonna do? I'm a wreck. My life is disappearing, one day at a time, and it adds up to nothing. I wish I was someone else. I wish I was him. He looks like he knows where he's going, in his flash suit, a young high-flyer. Or him. Or her. In a giddy flash I trip and stumble. I would fall, but Mommy's got hold of my hand and she pulls me up. There's something happening in the street, a crowd forming round a body on the ground. Mommy won't let me look. She pulls me away, but I know what's going on. The driver is out of his car and trying to explain, to himself as much to anyone else, "He came out of nowhere, wasn't looking where he was going, I didn't see him until too late." It wasn't his fault. Everyone sees that. But he still feels guilty. It was his car the young man fell under. He'll never forget that. Someone's called for an ambulance, but it's too late. The boy broke his skull open. His life is over. Mommy chats to me while we walk down the street and she doesn't seem to mind when I say nothing in reply. "We're going to the mall, ok, we need to get you some new stuff for going back to nursery, and then we'll go for coffee, I'll buy you some juice and a chocolate cake. You'll like that Amy, won't you, hmmm? And we're having spaghetti for tea, mmm-mmm!" She buys me new panties and tights and a navy blue skirt and a pink t- shirt with a glittery star on it ("Isn't that cute?") and a hairgrip with a cartoon character on it. And I trail after her on my little legs, saying nothing, thinking nothing, trying just to go with the flow. And before I know it I'm home with spaghetti hoops and a glass of milk inside me and I'm tucked up in bed in my cotton pyjamas and the darkness is closing in. What happened? That man, that man died, run over. That man, that man was me! I'm not dead. So who died? It must have been Amy, little Amy. One minute she's skipping along next to Mommy, the next she's bleeding on the road, dying alone. And nobody knows she's gone. There's nobody to mourn her except me. And it must be my fault. I made some sort of wish didn't I? How the fuck did that happen? I make a wish and Amy dies. She suddenly finds herself in a strange body, she can't control it, she trips and falls. Mommy's not there to hold her, she stumbles in front of a car. Bang! Or maybe, maybe I died and then went into Amy's body. I can't remember. I was distracted, I wasn't looking. Maybe I walked out in front of that car just from damned stupidity and then my soul, or whatever, passed on, into Amy. But then where's Amy? And anyway, re-incarnation doesn't work like that, does it? That's stupid! So what the fuck happened? The whole thing is fucked. And it doesn't make any difference anyway. Either way, Amy's gone and I'm still here and that's not fucking right. I've had a rubbish life and now I've caused so much suffering. The driver of the car didn't deserve to have that happen. He'll never forget seeing that broken body in the street and knowing he did it, even though it wasn't his fault. And my parents, they've lost their son. They must have been disappointed in me, but they'll be grief-stricken. A pointless accident took away their boy. They'll be clearing out my room. God, they'll find my porn. Hey, Mom, I'm sorry. I haven't looked at it in, like, 3 years and I've been meaning to throw it out. And then there's Amy. A totally innocent young girl, dead or gone heaven knows where. Because of me. I can't, I can't handle this. I'm gonna, I'm gonna kill myself. I've got a wee plastic stool in my room for sitting on. Some time when Mommy's watching telly I can take it to the kitchen and stand on it and find a knife and cut my wrists, or my throat or something. I can't live like this. I'm gonna end my worthless existence properly this time, I'm gonna... Oh, fuck, don't be stupid. I can't do that. What'll Mommy think? Am I gonna cause her the same suffering I caused my old parents? No. That'd be the lousiest thing ever. I can't do that. And anyway she's too careful. She'd never let me near the kitchen unsupervised. There probably are no sharp knives within my reach, even standing on my stool. And anyway, I'm a complete coward. There's no way I could stick a knife in myself. Not if my life depended on it. I'm gonna have to live this out. I'm gonna have to pretend to be Amy, the best I can, for Mommy's sake, maybe for Amy's sake as well. Whatever she could have been, I have to be, the best I can. I'm gonna, I'm gonna manage, somehow. I'm gonna... Right now I'm gonna go to sleep. The days pass quickly. You'd think I'd be bored out of my skull, no decent TV, movies, music. The new Tarantino movie's out. By the time I'm allowed to see it it'll be ancient history. But I don't get bored. The days are short and they pass quickly. And there's constant activity - breakfast, lunch, tea, bed, watching cartoons, going shopping, going to the park to play on the swings. I have many stuffed animals of all different sorts and I carry one with me everywhere I go, something to hold on to. I have toys, building blocks, balls, picture books, a million distractions. I run everywhere, full of energy, and I trip and fall and then get up again and keep on running. I'm so clumsy. It's like this body, the controls are too sensitive, the slightest movement and I've overshot, or undershot, I've fallen down or knocked something over. But it's fun, somehow, a constant physical challenge. I concentrate so hard on everything I do. And Mommy's always there. Everywhere she goes I go with her and she holds me and hugs me and smiles at me and laughs with me and I love her so much I feel like I'm living on love. I breathe it and eat it and sleep it constantly. I never want to let go of her. I like Mommy's magazines, full of women I used to fancy, actresses, pop stars, models. Mommy reads to me from them, "So happy now ... beautiful baby ... wonderful husband ... new project ... I'm so thrilled to be working with ... he's so talented ..." I'm gonna, I'm gonna be like that when I grow up. I can picture it. When I go to school I'll be in the Christmas shows, in the drama club. I'll go to college, but keep up acting on the side, student productions, maybe the odd commercial, then get plucked from obscurity for a TV role, in a soap or a sitcom. I'll become a celebrity and I'll entertain millions. And I'll be happy and fulfilled - new husband, wonderful baby, thrilling project. Pretty soon I'm back at nursery, holiday over. And that's hard. Mommy leaves me there, and it's full of people I don't know, but they all know me, and they crowd around me, wanting me to play with them. I just have to try and be friendly to everyone and concentrate very hard to get people's names. And sometimes I make mistakes - "Donnie? I'm Ronnie. Miss, Amy called me Donnie!" And there's so much screaming and rushing around. And I feel a bit out of it, I stand on the sidelines, not quite knowing what to do with myself here. And that's not how the other kids expect me to be. The Amy they know is as boisterous and energetic and unselfconscious as they are. They want me to be involved in everything, like Amy was. "Amy, come and play in the sand." "Amy, do you want to see my new dolly?" "Come along children, let's sing a song. Amy, would you choose a song for us to sing?" The nursery teacher says to Mommy that I'm quieter than usual, quite subdued even. And Mommy agrees, says I've been like that for a few days now. She hopes it's just a phase and the teacher says it probably is. Quiet, subdued. That's nothing to do with being in a new situation, that's just how I am. That's me, not Amy. I am a quiet, shy person and it is very hard to pretend to be different. But it doesn't seem to matter. The other kids get used to my new mood almost immediately and accept me as I am. And they seem to like me so much. They all want to play with me and share their sweeties with me and sing and dance with me. I'm gonna, I'm gonna be popular. I'm never gonna be short of friends. I will always be invited to parties and I will have big parties myself for all my many friends. And I will never need to be alone, never go to the cinema on my own or to bars on my own or on holiday on my own. And the boys'll love me. If I grow up like Mommy I'm gonna be a real cracker and the boys'll chase me. Or I'll chase them first. After all, I already know about the birds and the bees. I've got a head start. Girls mature faster than boys, they say. Well I'll mature so fast I'll knock their socks off. I'll give them what they want before they even know they want it. The instant I hit puberty I'll grab me all the love I can get and I won't let go. I'll make up for, for before. I'll have all the boys, maybe some of the teachers, if there are any young, handsome ones. Maybe some of the other girls as well. I'll seduce my girlfriends. We'll pretend to be practising for our boyfriends. "Here, Mary, pretend I'm a boy and kiss me." But in fact we'll share our passionate urges with each other more deeply than we could with any boy. God, I'm gonna be the school bicycle, everyone gets a go with Amy. Or maybe, maybe I'll be selective. To most people I'll be proper and decent. But a lucky few will feel my passionate fire. I'll pick on the shy boys, like I used to be. I will pick the quietest, geekiest, most sensitive boy and make him happy like he never could be otherwise. He won't brag about me to his mates because he won't have any mates. He will only have me and he will be devoted to me and he will adore me like a goddess. Meanwhile, day after day, I throw myself into nursery activities as best I can, building sandcastles, playing ball, drawing and painting. Luckily I was never any good at art before, so I don't have to pretend to be childishly bad at it now. My daubs in crayons and watercolours are no more recognisable as trees or doggies or mommies than those of any of my classmates. There are lots of posters and stuff with writing stuck up on the walls and there are also blocks with letters on them. But I'm too young to read them so I don't have to pretend to struggle with them. I can just ignore them. But school's gonna be a problem though, when I get there. How will I manage? Can I pretend to learn things I already know perfectly well, reading, writing, arithmetic? If I grip my pencil very hard and try to make big, clumsy movements will I be able to make those big, spidery letters junior school kids make when just learning to write. If I try and phonetically spell out every word ("guh, uh, er, luh, girl,") can I sound just like the other kids learning to read? Can I work out what sort of realistic mistakes I should make in my sums, so nobody realises I can do it already? And, most important, can I keep it up, day after day, week after week? Can I be consistent, not be too smart one day, and go back to making mistakes again the next? If I slip up, I'm gonna, I'm gonna be some kind of infant prodigy if I don't watch out, a freak. I'll have the authorities on to me in no time and they'll be testing me and wanting me to go to a school for gifted children. But maybe, maybe that won't be so bad. I could relax a bit. I wouldn't have to work quite so hard pretending to be an ordinary little girl. I wouldn't get bullied for being a swot. I'd get to study interesting stuff more quickly than I would normally. I always liked science and maths and I was good at it. I didn't drop out of college from stupidity. Maybe this time I can make a go of it, become a great scientist or something, discover new drugs, new stars, new theorems, or something. Or not. I'll be, like, advanced for my age, until I get to first year at college. Then I'll have, like, caught up to my previous self. And I'll be no brighter than anyone else, not a prodigy any more, just an average college kid. They'll say I'd burned out. Hey, I'd be normal for my age then. Nothing wrong with that. I'll not have to pretend any more. And maybe, maybe I wouldn't be normal even then. I mean, if I start out from where I am now, a four year old girl who can not only spell 'differential calculus', but also knows what it means, then who knows where I can get to if I work at it. Maybe, maybe I'm gonna be a real genius, someone important, Nobel-prize winning, doing cure-for-cancer or solving-the-energy-crisis kind of stuff. Maybe I'll do some great service to humanity. Maybe... Oh, who knows? I don't know. I don't know. I think I'll just take it one day at a time for now, just enjoy my finger-painting and sandcastle building while I can. Daddy came home today. Back home from a six week contract, fresh pay packet in his pocket and many beers in his belly, he swept in all at once, pinned Mommy to the wall, squeezed her breast and plastered a drunken kiss on her lips. Then he swept me off the floor and kissed me as well, boozy breath in my face, unshaven cheek on my lips. "Hey baby, sweetie, how are my two favourite girls eh? How've you been with daddy away, eh? Get me a whisky would you babe? Hey, little Amy, look what I got you?" It was a big teddy bear, really too large for me to cuddle properly, though I give it a dutiful squeeze and tried to look happy with it. It was late in the day and I was sent to bed after that, but I couldn't sleep. Life with Mommy was just so perfect I could hardly bear to think of this alien presence coming between us. I'd sort of known he existed. There were a few photos. And Mommy mentioned him occasionally, but kind of distantly. I'd never thought of him as someone who might actually turn up some day. But now here he was. I must have dozed for a few hours because then I was awake again and hearing Daddy clomping up the stairs to bed. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but he was clearly in a jolly mood. He clattered into Mommy's room and I could hear his drunken chatter and Mommy asking him to shush, don't wake Amy. And then their bed was banging against the wall for a few minutes. And then there was quiet and I was asleep again. The next morning Mommy seemed kind of quiet and distracted. She bustled around the kitchen while Daddy had breakfast and read his paper. Then he went out. Mommy swept around doing housework all day and told me to stay out of her way, so I sat in my room. It was a Saturday, so no nursery. And that's how it was then. When Daddy was here he sat watching telly, sports mostly, and Mommy sat next to him or got him drinks when he asked. When Daddy was out at the pub Mommy was busy, too busy for me. Sometimes I joined them on the sofa, Daddy's arm round me. But it was boring just watching the football. Daddy didn't want to play with me, but he wanted me there. He called it "being a family," the three of us sitting there watching his programmes. He was frequently affectionate. He ruffled my hair or squeezed my shoulders. But he was easily irritated. If I showed my boredom he could turn on me. "Don't you want to sit with Daddy? Well bugger off then. Nobody's forcing you to sit there. Go on, get lost." And I would be glad to get away. He made me jumpy. And late at night, when Daddy came home drunk, he was always noisy, in the kitchen, on the stairs, in Mommy's room, with loud footsteps, banging, sometimes singing. One night I heard shouting, a slap, then the bed banging against the wall. That morning Mommy was very quiet and her eyes were red. I wanted to comfort her, somehow, but she pushed me away, she wouldn't look at me. "Go to your room. Can't you see Mommy's busy?" One night I woke to the sound of Daddy banging the door and clomping up the stairs. Then he came into my room. "Hey, Amy, how's my little baby doll, eh? How's daddy's little girl?" For some reason I was suddenly struck rigid with terror. I couldn't move a muscle. Daddy ruffled my hair, slobbered over me with beery kisses and tried to tickle me on the chest. "Hey, hey, Mommy's sleeping, shush, shush, let's not wake Mommy, just us two, eh, eh?" And then he pulled down my pyjama bottoms, spat on his hand and started rubbing me between my legs. What the fuck? What the fuck did he think he was doing, foreplay? Did he think he was getting me hot? I was four, for Christ's sake, I wasn't hot. I was sore. Daddy was hurting me. "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!" "What the...!" He couldn't believe it. "Shush! Shut up! What are you doing?" "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!" "I said Shut! The Fuck! Up!" And he raised his hand and - Bang - he slapped me across the face. "WAAAAAAAAAAA!" "Shut up I said!" And he stuffed his hand against my mouth, desperate to silence me any way he could. And then suddenly Mommy, may God bless her soul forever, is there, in nothing but her panties and her righteous wrath. And she takes one look at me, wailing my eyes out, with my jammies round my ankles, and one look at him, backing off, hands raised defensively, and she starts trying to lay into him, beating her fists off his chest. And he has to physically push her off him, throw her against the wall, while simultaneously trying to get his excuses in. "Calm down, you stupid bitch! It's not what you think." And then the police are around to speak to Daddy. "This really isn't necessary. My wife just panicked a bit. Nothing happened." "Well, ok sir, but we still have to investigate any complaint, so if you'll just open the door sir..." And Mommy has to confess that she didn't actually see anything happen, as such. And I'm crying too much to give a coherent story. And Daddy is contrite and cooperative. "Ok, I was drunk, I blundered into the wrong room. I obviously frightened her.... Her pyjamas? It's warm; she must have pulled them off herself... Yes, I did hit her, just a tap really. I panicked. I thought she was going to wake the whole street up... No, no, I don't believe in it normally. No, we never smack Amy... probably the shock as much anything, she got a bit of a fright from her stupid old dad, she'll get over it... I feel so stupid... never happened before." A nice policewoman interviews me. "Amy, can you tell me, has this ever happened before?" And I cannot tell a lie. "I don't know. I don't know." But really, I do know. That can't have been the first time. It's just that Amy never cried out before. She suffered in silence. And then the police are away again. "Call us again, Madam, any time you need to. And there'll be a social worker round tomorrow, just to check up, ok?" And a medical exam shows no sign I've been interfered with and there's not really enough evidence for further action. And Daddy wonders if maybe he can put this all behind him, get on with life, back to normal. But the look in Mommy's eyes tells him he can't. Nothing she's put up with from him before compares to this. No matter how often she's given in to him before, she will not give in again. Two days later Mommy and me have moved out of our house into a tiny flat in the city. Mommy has to work in a supermarket and I hardly get to see her. When I'm not at nursery I stay with an old lady down the corridor. She's quite nice and gives me sweeties, but her flat smells funny and I feel lonely. I go to a different nursery now and because I'm new nobody's surprised that I'm a bit quiet and shy. I think they must know something about me because they all seem really careful to be nice to me. And when Mommy's home she won't let me out of her sight. She hugs me so tight I can hardly breathe sometimes. She won't let go of me. She looks at me sometimes with fear in her eyes and I can hardly bear it. I feel I would do anything, absolutely anything, to make her happy again. I'm gonna, I'm gonna be a policewoman, or a social worker, or a doctor or a nurse, or something, something to help people in desperate need, people like Mommy, like Mommy helped me. I'm gonna, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make Mommy proud of me, for all the love she gives me. I'm gonna, I'm gonna... Oh, God, who am I kidding? I don't know what I'm gonna do. I might do anything, or nothing. I'm gonna, I'm gonna...

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The SmithChapter 11 Baffled

Catherine woke with me freshly showered and mostly dressed, buttoning the remaining button. I hadn’t planned on a jacket today since we were leaving for home in a few hours. What she hadn’t realized was where she was or what direction she was curled up in. “What time is it?” inquired the over tired, teen. “Eight, local. Do you want breakfast in the room after your swim or in the restaurant?” “Can we eat here? I haven’t done any studying in the last couple days.” “That was the point and...

2 years ago
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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 43 Jun 1944 Americans Liberate Cherbourg France

“Maybe there are 5,000, maybe 10,000 Nazi bastards in their concrete foxholes before the Third Army. Now if Ike stops holding Monty’s hand and gives me some supplies, I’ll go through the Siegfried Line like shit through a goose.” During those long months of pre-operational training, the allies were convinced that they would have to take a major port close to the Normandy beaches in order to bring in the fresh reinforcements and supplies desperately needed for a sustained second front in...

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dark shower fantasy

in walks an ebony god...( it is u )massive & muscular... torso a perfect mass of muscles & legs like mammoth tree trunks... rivulets of sweat run down your body clinging & then running down your abs2 the waistband of your spandex shorts... big & built & bulging... ( & massively hung ) i follow u in2 the locker room & then in2 the shower... there u are your body totally exposed under the steaming hot water glistening... your long soft cock sways almost obscenely as u...

5 years ago
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Lady In The House Reprised Chapter 18

I decided to end this story a few years ago but I keep getting requests to continue it; particularly from my fans here at Fictionmania. I have been thinking about it of late and I finally came up with a few ideas to keep the story going. So here it is..........Lady In The House reprised. For those that don't remember; the story ended like so: Steve sat on the edge of my bed and I was on my knees between his legs sucking eagerly on his erect penis. His head was thrown back in...

4 years ago
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Old Mrs Edith Shows Neighbor a Good Time

Cuckold, Interracial, SSBBWTommy had a crush on his much older, fat neighbor. She was in her seventies and huge. Edith had 44HH tits, which was the main reason that Tommy was obsessed with her body.He would sneak over to her house and peak in to watch her undress for her shower. She was like clockwork at 8pm every night. He never knew for sure, but he always imagined that she put on an extra show for him. She would touch herself on the bed, often on her knees, giving him a perfect view of her...

3 years ago
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A strange encounter Must read if horny

I am relaying this encounter, it did not happen to me, but I know this woman and I guess he had a delicious fuck.Helen was sunbathing in the archipelago, on one of the numerous islands available, small rocky enclaves, with little stretches of beach measured in meters.Swedes use them, most preferring to choose deserted sites, and with privacy, comes nudity.Helen was dropped their by her husband, who promptly weighed anchor and sailed back to complete business, then return.Helen set out their...

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Nine Months Month Seven

Month Seven The house looked like any other - a modernish 80s style house. The front garden had a low hedge and a large oak tree. I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe something with turrets and a moat? The witch's house in Hansel and Gretel? "Well, this is it," Bill double checked the GPS on his phone to be sure, 6 Farmdale Crescent. "Uh huh," I just looked up. It all seemed so... normal. Bill helped me out of the car and up the drive. There was a potted little bush by...

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ExxxtraSmall Brooke Haze Val Dodds Lesbo Up a Little

Val Dodds is a sexy blonde who is very concerned about her friend Brooke Haze. Brooke has done nothing but study since she moved in with her mom. Val is sick and tired of seeing Brooke be such a wet blanket and starts throwing crumpled balls of paper her. Brooke is not amused and tries to get Val to stop, but Val is relentless. Brooke finally gives in a little and starts to goof off. The goofing off starts to turn into some lesbian girl on girl groping and kissing. Soon, the tiny Brooke Haze is...

1 year ago
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With the uncertainty of the coronavirus infecting our daily lives, it’s hard to know what the hell to do with ourselves. Everything seems like a risk of contamination these days. People are afraid to go to the grocery store, let alone hang out with friends or nail crackwhores. In these weird times, I’ve turned to one of the safest pastimes: using sites like Shag.co.uk to have sex with strangers I meet on the Internet.I crack jokes, but these guys are still getting a couple of million visits a...

Hookup Sites
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Battlemage Book 6 Scarlet Rage UnleashedChapter 4

Ariel stood with her arms crossed holding her twin swords, blindfolded, and waiting. Nathan was still skeptical, but with what she has been doing lately he was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. He was standing in front of a pile of rocks with two in his hands, standing about twenty feet from her. Suddenly he lightly threw two hand sized rocks her direction about a second apart and cringed as he watched them fly towards her. Moving faster than he thought possible, Ariel cut each...

4 years ago
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The wonders of feet

I am a lucky guy, a very lucky guy. I have had a few girlfriends in my time, but they never understood my fixation with feet. The long, slender feminine legs with the delicate feet are something to behold.My current girlfriend didn't get it at first, but now she feeds this fetish as much as possible. She gets a foot clean up and pedicure once a month and walks around the apartment bare footed.Every night she lets me massage her feet and sometimes she lets me suck on her toes. When she does, I'm...

3 years ago
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Derek and Amy Dereks Turn

As I walked into the hotel room hours in advance, my cock was rock hard with anticipation. The last time me, my lover Amy, and her husband Matt were all together, it was my dear love Amy's turn to be in charge. Amy had Matt and I dress like two Fifties sluts. The kind of girls uptight parents used to believe would cause the downfall of society. It was both Matt and I's first times with other males though not my first time dressed up. He is still fairly new to this as his wife just discovered...

2 years ago
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BrattyMILF Carmen Valentina Keep It In The Family

Carmen Valentina is trying to help her stepson, Tony, with his schoolwork. There’s a chance that Tony will need summer school or that he won’t graduate at all if he doesn’t get this paper done. When Carmen realizes that Tony is just doodling instead of writing, she freaks out at him. Tony tries to get his stepmom to do the paper for him. At first he promises to do all the chores, but Carmen has a different thing in mind: She wants to fuck Tony since she hasn’t been...

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EvilAngel Riley Reid I Am Riley Episode 5

Filmmaker Evil Chris presents superstar Riley Reid in a XXX documentary segment combining genuine journalism, behind-the-scenes access and a full, hardcore double penetration scene. The petite, energetic porn beauty is open and candid throughout, letting fans get to know the real person behind the fun loving sexual sensation. At director Chris Streams’ shooting location, Riley shows him her suitcase full of porn wardrobe, and they select a latex dress. She sits for makeup, chatting about...

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Strange Introduction

So there I was laying on a bed in the E.R. I was there because I was in very extreme pain on and off. My lower back on my right side and my groin were intermittently causing me severe pain. I was in my early 20's and not very aware of many things yet. I always was more of a geek so you could say socially awkward. My extent of my sexual experiences were mostly confined to porn and the occasional make out session if I was lucky. The doctor and nurse came in to my room and after some general...

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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 4

October 1857 Several months passed quickly and I had all but forgotten the Mooring sisters. Still I had not had any but the slightest intimacies with a female of any age since that last afternoon of carnal wantonness. I concerned myself with getting my home in order, going to Sotheby's on a weekly basis and picking up excellent pieces, both of art and furniture and appliances. Finally, with the house fully furnished and both a housekeeper and servant hired, I decided it was time to look...

2 years ago
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Daughters Slut Trainign 14 Mommys Naughty Punishment

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Fourteen: Mommy's Naughty Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah I used to be a good Muslim woman. A faithful wife. A loving mother. And then this young man, Clint, awakened the slut in me. I shuddered as I stared up at him as my mouth engulfed his dick fresh out of my asshole. It tasted so sour. I whimpered, sucking on his dirty shaft, cleaning him the way a whore would. I didn't...

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OHGirl Velvet Taboo

OHGirl:I was sandwiched between my lover, Hondo, and my son, James, as they both double penetrated me, while Marvin and his crew filmed me being stuffed. They each wore a mask as they pumped me with their huge cocks. Together, they both sported the biggest two pricks that I’d ever had in my entire life and that was saying a lot, for a woman who had been a prostitute for the last 30 years and had fucked and sucked off over 7,000 different men in her life. One big white cock and one big black...

4 years ago
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My Coworker Brian

When my husband left for his first tour, I was working for a credit union. The tellers pretty much were split between the teller line and the drive thru. Don’t know what really kept the two sides separate, but that’s the way it was. Anyway, out in the drive thru it was me, Traci, Alicia and Brian. Things were normal for the first month or so until one day Traci, Brian and I were in the drive thru and we were playing a modified form of truth or dare ... well, there wasn’t much in the dare column...

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Amnesty Program Ch 05

Nathan sat in a booth across from Emily in the warm dimness of a local pub and smiled at her. She scowled back. ‘If you were expecting to fuck me tonight, you can forget it.’ She was wearing a black leather jacket over a red and white striped tank top and frayed denim shorts. The jacket had slipped off her right shoulder. She left it that way. ‘What I expect,’ he said, his smile only fading a little, ‘is an intelligent conversation,’ He took a sip of his beer, ‘I was only hoping to fuck...

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The Stepsister Part 13

~~Start of Part 13 ~~ They finish up the final things and we all get a plate and sit down at the table and start eating. I notice Mandy has something on her mind, so I say, “what’s up Mandy you are thinking hard about something?” She says oh nothing, just thinking hon…” Becky looks at her and says, “come on now, we have all had some pretty deep discussions here…hell you all know my husband is fucking a 17-year-old…” Mandy relents and says, “Ok, god this is embarrassing…ok, Hon, would you mind...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Aur Us Ke Choti Bahan 8211 Part I

Hi i am Rishi from Kanpur U.P. I am 28 years old. Mai ne bahut sari stories yaha pade hai tho aaj maine bhi socha mai bhi apni ek real incident aap logo se share karu par ye meri pahale story hai tho pls agar koi galati ho jaye tho maaf karna. Mai apne lund ke kasam khata hu ye 100% sacchi baat hai. Par shayad aap logo ko ye fake lage. Ye baat aaj se kareeb 5-6 saal purani hai mere bagal wali ghar bana waha us ghar mai total 6 log rahane aaye mai kesi ka bhi sahi naam batauga nahi galat batane...

4 years ago
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It's the first day of my senior year. I had some health problems when I was a baby and entered school a year late. It's a little awkward being the only 18 year old on campus, but daddy says it just means I'll be able to get A's in every class. Daddy always teases me like that but I know if I ever tried something that outrageous, he'd give me a beating I would never forget. I walk down stairs in a black denim mini skirt that shows the bottom curve of my ass and a red and black lace corset top...

2 years ago
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Meeting on a train

I was on my way home with the train when two girls seated themselves across from me in the stall. I said hello to them, both of them lit up and giggled a hey back. We talked for an hour on the train, and really hit it off. They were 18 and on a trip to the capital; and very interested in talking to a college guy. The most chatty of the girls was Carly. She was a skinny brunette, very skinny, and tall; probably close to 175 cm. She had about shoulder long hair - or that's my best guess because...

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Sex Slave and Master Boyfriend

I could tell that he was very horny by the way he kept looking at my titties, breasts, and pussy and by the way his cock was struggling to escape his pants. In the car, we didn't keep our hands to ourselves. When we got home from dinner, we ripped each others' clothes off, started making out, and having sex. I was feeling very kinky, so I brought out my secret stash of sex toys. I took out a spiked collar with a leash attached and a whip.He understood my message and demanded me to give his cock...

Oral Sex
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Inhibitions None

It was late in the morning when Lee sat up and felt the cum drool from his anus. His cock grew hard as his thoughts dwelt on the previous evening. Wow! What a night he thought to himself as he slid over the soft black satin sheets. The large love nest glowed in the warm sunlight that poured into the room through huge patio windows. Lee stood up and let the sunlight warm his body. He stretched and yawned before he walked to the patio door. When he looked through the door the most beautiful...

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THE BOSSS SLUT 9 Convention Slut Gangbang

“You wanted to see me, Sir?” I was two steps into his office, my suit jacket sliding down my arms as I walked to my location between the chairs in front of his desk. “Something has come to my attention that might be interesting.” It wasn’t normal for him to blurt out what was on his mind when I was summoned to his office. We had established something of a protocol of how this was to work. It was akin to a tribal ritual of exchanging pleasant conversation prior to entering into serious...

2 years ago
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The Meeting Part 3

The meeting between my Master and I will last 5 days. We are still on day one so stay tuned as I promise there are exciting things to come. He smiles at me as I enter the living room barefooted with only my tank top and G-string on. He leads me to the couch and pushes me down. As he lifts my legs to his lap and slowly massages my feet, I look at him and can’t believe I am cheating on my husband. For the first time I feel bad that I’m doing this, however, it feels so splendid and I never want it...

3 years ago
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Not So Sweet Caroline

A part of me was wondering how I got there but most of me was at her attention.I lay there in her bed nude, my swollen cock throbbing with every heart beat. My arms were tied to the bed at the wrist. My legs tied at the ankles. I am a strong man but she had overpowered me. I couldn’t have been her strength alone there is no way. Still I lay there completely at her mercy no way to wiggle free.She just stood there contemplating her next move. You could see the satisfaction in her eyes as she had...

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Parallel Dimension Dating App

To: [email protected] From: [email protected]%^*&)%)).net To whom it may concern... You're probably wondering why you've been sent this email. You've deleted it several times without reading the contents and tried numerous times to get our email address on the spam list. Heck, you even tried to change email addresses once or twice now. There's a reason why we've adamant about reaching out to you, and no, we won't stop until you've actually taken the time to read what we have to offer. This...

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Chrissie and Kate

Chapter 16 Chrissie & Kate It was the end of our first day of the working week and mommy and I sneaked into one of the empty rooms, locked the door and climbed on the bed. She lewdly spread her legs allowing me to lick her pussy clean, savouring the scent of her juices and the remnants of the many men who had been inside her. She let me tease her clit briefly but was too sensitive to let me carry her to a climax. After I was finished I wiped my lips with my hand and looked down...

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The Bosss Wife Part 2

It had been a while since my encounter with Louise. Lee’s trip to the states had been called off and so Louise had been in the office every day. Each day she had popped down to my office and told me that she really wanted to get together again. She would walk in to my office, lean back against the door, and open her top. The first time she did it, Lee had been on his way down, so it all happened very quickly. The next time she came down, she had a dress on, and she lifted it up.

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The Cuckolding of Neil Dodds Part 8

It took Claire a while to drop off to sleep. She had been feeling a little down when she first settled down to sleep but Neil’s revelation had changed everything. The fact that he had got so sexually aroused by it, had taken her completely by surprise. She needed to speak with Karl. He would know how to take hold of the situation and develop it. She couldn’t speak with him now but she would first thing. She would leave early and call him. She felt that tingle in her groin again as she lay...

4 years ago
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Carols Christmas Story Part 1

Carol... Carol Johnson walked into the crowded mall on a Saturday, surrounded by her friends. They were talking loudly, mostly about guys at school, as most freshmen girls do in high school. Carol normally wouldn't have come to the mall on a busy day like this, since she hated large crowds of people, but she still needed to get a gift for her mother. She and her best friend Lindsay broke off from the main group and headed toward a small jewelry store. On the way they saw Santa's village,...

2 years ago
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My Wet Dream Pt o1

I can't sleep. I slip my hand in my boxers and think about Coach Riley. You've gotta get some rest. Tomorrow is the football game, and the team needs you... I lay back. I know what was keeping me awake. It was Coach Riley. His muscles, his abs, his shorts, his cock-- Where did that come from? "Cum, cum, cum," whispers a voice. I sit up in bed. My hard on cock throbbing. It needs attention, but I have to find out who was up. I had checked all the rooms before masturbating, so it wasn't any of...

Gay Male
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The Tides Of War Pt 11

David organised training involving setting up and firing the Vickers and Mortars until every man was familiar at doing it. This included their transportation by mules. News filtered in that the Germans were expanding their force and a regiment of German soldiers had arrived from Europe along with artillery. Askari’s were being recruited and trained and tensions were rising all along the eight hundred miles that divided the two countries. Maasi reports came in that Askari’s along with white...

3 years ago
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How to Eat Pussy and have fun

How to Eat Pussy and have funHey, I have a lot of respect for all you guys who like to eat pussy because there are too few of you out there. AndI'm not the only woman who says this. Furthermore, some of you guys who are giving it the old college try are notdoing too well, so maybe this little lesson will help you out. When a woman finds a man who gives good head, she'sfound a treasure she's not going to let go of too quickly. This is one rare customer and she knows it. She won't eventell her...

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Jaya Akkatho Naa Sex Anubavam

Hi na peru ram. Nenu ee site ki eppudu regular ga vastu untanu. Ikkada kathalu ani chadivi inspire ayi na anubhavam kuda share chesukovali ani ee story raastunanu. My mail id na mail id ki msg cheyandi e storie meku nachithe….Na vishyani ki vasthe na age 18 , average height, oka chinna town lu untanu. Chudataniki bane untanu. Naa modda 8 inches untundhi baaga mandham ga kuda untundhi. Story lo ki vaste ee story lo na heroine peru jaya na cousin. Jaya Age 22 . tanu 32 – 26 – 32 figures tho...

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