I'm Gonna, I'm Gonna free porn video

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I'M GONNA, I'M GONNA God, my life is shit. My life is nothing. I'm 25 and still living at home with my parents, no job, no girlfriend, what am I gonna do? I'm a wreck. My life is disappearing, one day at a time, and it adds up to nothing. I wish I was someone else. I wish I was him. He looks like he knows where he's going, in his flash suit, a young high-flyer. Or him. Or her. In a giddy flash I trip and stumble. I would fall, but Mommy's got hold of my hand and she pulls me up. There's something happening in the street, a crowd forming round a body on the ground. Mommy won't let me look. She pulls me away, but I know what's going on. The driver is out of his car and trying to explain, to himself as much to anyone else, "He came out of nowhere, wasn't looking where he was going, I didn't see him until too late." It wasn't his fault. Everyone sees that. But he still feels guilty. It was his car the young man fell under. He'll never forget that. Someone's called for an ambulance, but it's too late. The boy broke his skull open. His life is over. Mommy chats to me while we walk down the street and she doesn't seem to mind when I say nothing in reply. "We're going to the mall, ok, we need to get you some new stuff for going back to nursery, and then we'll go for coffee, I'll buy you some juice and a chocolate cake. You'll like that Amy, won't you, hmmm? And we're having spaghetti for tea, mmm-mmm!" She buys me new panties and tights and a navy blue skirt and a pink t- shirt with a glittery star on it ("Isn't that cute?") and a hairgrip with a cartoon character on it. And I trail after her on my little legs, saying nothing, thinking nothing, trying just to go with the flow. And before I know it I'm home with spaghetti hoops and a glass of milk inside me and I'm tucked up in bed in my cotton pyjamas and the darkness is closing in. What happened? That man, that man died, run over. That man, that man was me! I'm not dead. So who died? It must have been Amy, little Amy. One minute she's skipping along next to Mommy, the next she's bleeding on the road, dying alone. And nobody knows she's gone. There's nobody to mourn her except me. And it must be my fault. I made some sort of wish didn't I? How the fuck did that happen? I make a wish and Amy dies. She suddenly finds herself in a strange body, she can't control it, she trips and falls. Mommy's not there to hold her, she stumbles in front of a car. Bang! Or maybe, maybe I died and then went into Amy's body. I can't remember. I was distracted, I wasn't looking. Maybe I walked out in front of that car just from damned stupidity and then my soul, or whatever, passed on, into Amy. But then where's Amy? And anyway, re-incarnation doesn't work like that, does it? That's stupid! So what the fuck happened? The whole thing is fucked. And it doesn't make any difference anyway. Either way, Amy's gone and I'm still here and that's not fucking right. I've had a rubbish life and now I've caused so much suffering. The driver of the car didn't deserve to have that happen. He'll never forget seeing that broken body in the street and knowing he did it, even though it wasn't his fault. And my parents, they've lost their son. They must have been disappointed in me, but they'll be grief-stricken. A pointless accident took away their boy. They'll be clearing out my room. God, they'll find my porn. Hey, Mom, I'm sorry. I haven't looked at it in, like, 3 years and I've been meaning to throw it out. And then there's Amy. A totally innocent young girl, dead or gone heaven knows where. Because of me. I can't, I can't handle this. I'm gonna, I'm gonna kill myself. I've got a wee plastic stool in my room for sitting on. Some time when Mommy's watching telly I can take it to the kitchen and stand on it and find a knife and cut my wrists, or my throat or something. I can't live like this. I'm gonna end my worthless existence properly this time, I'm gonna... Oh, fuck, don't be stupid. I can't do that. What'll Mommy think? Am I gonna cause her the same suffering I caused my old parents? No. That'd be the lousiest thing ever. I can't do that. And anyway she's too careful. She'd never let me near the kitchen unsupervised. There probably are no sharp knives within my reach, even standing on my stool. And anyway, I'm a complete coward. There's no way I could stick a knife in myself. Not if my life depended on it. I'm gonna have to live this out. I'm gonna have to pretend to be Amy, the best I can, for Mommy's sake, maybe for Amy's sake as well. Whatever she could have been, I have to be, the best I can. I'm gonna, I'm gonna manage, somehow. I'm gonna... Right now I'm gonna go to sleep. The days pass quickly. You'd think I'd be bored out of my skull, no decent TV, movies, music. The new Tarantino movie's out. By the time I'm allowed to see it it'll be ancient history. But I don't get bored. The days are short and they pass quickly. And there's constant activity - breakfast, lunch, tea, bed, watching cartoons, going shopping, going to the park to play on the swings. I have many stuffed animals of all different sorts and I carry one with me everywhere I go, something to hold on to. I have toys, building blocks, balls, picture books, a million distractions. I run everywhere, full of energy, and I trip and fall and then get up again and keep on running. I'm so clumsy. It's like this body, the controls are too sensitive, the slightest movement and I've overshot, or undershot, I've fallen down or knocked something over. But it's fun, somehow, a constant physical challenge. I concentrate so hard on everything I do. And Mommy's always there. Everywhere she goes I go with her and she holds me and hugs me and smiles at me and laughs with me and I love her so much I feel like I'm living on love. I breathe it and eat it and sleep it constantly. I never want to let go of her. I like Mommy's magazines, full of women I used to fancy, actresses, pop stars, models. Mommy reads to me from them, "So happy now ... beautiful baby ... wonderful husband ... new project ... I'm so thrilled to be working with ... he's so talented ..." I'm gonna, I'm gonna be like that when I grow up. I can picture it. When I go to school I'll be in the Christmas shows, in the drama club. I'll go to college, but keep up acting on the side, student productions, maybe the odd commercial, then get plucked from obscurity for a TV role, in a soap or a sitcom. I'll become a celebrity and I'll entertain millions. And I'll be happy and fulfilled - new husband, wonderful baby, thrilling project. Pretty soon I'm back at nursery, holiday over. And that's hard. Mommy leaves me there, and it's full of people I don't know, but they all know me, and they crowd around me, wanting me to play with them. I just have to try and be friendly to everyone and concentrate very hard to get people's names. And sometimes I make mistakes - "Donnie? I'm Ronnie. Miss, Amy called me Donnie!" And there's so much screaming and rushing around. And I feel a bit out of it, I stand on the sidelines, not quite knowing what to do with myself here. And that's not how the other kids expect me to be. The Amy they know is as boisterous and energetic and unselfconscious as they are. They want me to be involved in everything, like Amy was. "Amy, come and play in the sand." "Amy, do you want to see my new dolly?" "Come along children, let's sing a song. Amy, would you choose a song for us to sing?" The nursery teacher says to Mommy that I'm quieter than usual, quite subdued even. And Mommy agrees, says I've been like that for a few days now. She hopes it's just a phase and the teacher says it probably is. Quiet, subdued. That's nothing to do with being in a new situation, that's just how I am. That's me, not Amy. I am a quiet, shy person and it is very hard to pretend to be different. But it doesn't seem to matter. The other kids get used to my new mood almost immediately and accept me as I am. And they seem to like me so much. They all want to play with me and share their sweeties with me and sing and dance with me. I'm gonna, I'm gonna be popular. I'm never gonna be short of friends. I will always be invited to parties and I will have big parties myself for all my many friends. And I will never need to be alone, never go to the cinema on my own or to bars on my own or on holiday on my own. And the boys'll love me. If I grow up like Mommy I'm gonna be a real cracker and the boys'll chase me. Or I'll chase them first. After all, I already know about the birds and the bees. I've got a head start. Girls mature faster than boys, they say. Well I'll mature so fast I'll knock their socks off. I'll give them what they want before they even know they want it. The instant I hit puberty I'll grab me all the love I can get and I won't let go. I'll make up for, for before. I'll have all the boys, maybe some of the teachers, if there are any young, handsome ones. Maybe some of the other girls as well. I'll seduce my girlfriends. We'll pretend to be practising for our boyfriends. "Here, Mary, pretend I'm a boy and kiss me." But in fact we'll share our passionate urges with each other more deeply than we could with any boy. God, I'm gonna be the school bicycle, everyone gets a go with Amy. Or maybe, maybe I'll be selective. To most people I'll be proper and decent. But a lucky few will feel my passionate fire. I'll pick on the shy boys, like I used to be. I will pick the quietest, geekiest, most sensitive boy and make him happy like he never could be otherwise. He won't brag about me to his mates because he won't have any mates. He will only have me and he will be devoted to me and he will adore me like a goddess. Meanwhile, day after day, I throw myself into nursery activities as best I can, building sandcastles, playing ball, drawing and painting. Luckily I was never any good at art before, so I don't have to pretend to be childishly bad at it now. My daubs in crayons and watercolours are no more recognisable as trees or doggies or mommies than those of any of my classmates. There are lots of posters and stuff with writing stuck up on the walls and there are also blocks with letters on them. But I'm too young to read them so I don't have to pretend to struggle with them. I can just ignore them. But school's gonna be a problem though, when I get there. How will I manage? Can I pretend to learn things I already know perfectly well, reading, writing, arithmetic? If I grip my pencil very hard and try to make big, clumsy movements will I be able to make those big, spidery letters junior school kids make when just learning to write. If I try and phonetically spell out every word ("guh, uh, er, luh, girl,") can I sound just like the other kids learning to read? Can I work out what sort of realistic mistakes I should make in my sums, so nobody realises I can do it already? And, most important, can I keep it up, day after day, week after week? Can I be consistent, not be too smart one day, and go back to making mistakes again the next? If I slip up, I'm gonna, I'm gonna be some kind of infant prodigy if I don't watch out, a freak. I'll have the authorities on to me in no time and they'll be testing me and wanting me to go to a school for gifted children. But maybe, maybe that won't be so bad. I could relax a bit. I wouldn't have to work quite so hard pretending to be an ordinary little girl. I wouldn't get bullied for being a swot. I'd get to study interesting stuff more quickly than I would normally. I always liked science and maths and I was good at it. I didn't drop out of college from stupidity. Maybe this time I can make a go of it, become a great scientist or something, discover new drugs, new stars, new theorems, or something. Or not. I'll be, like, advanced for my age, until I get to first year at college. Then I'll have, like, caught up to my previous self. And I'll be no brighter than anyone else, not a prodigy any more, just an average college kid. They'll say I'd burned out. Hey, I'd be normal for my age then. Nothing wrong with that. I'll not have to pretend any more. And maybe, maybe I wouldn't be normal even then. I mean, if I start out from where I am now, a four year old girl who can not only spell 'differential calculus', but also knows what it means, then who knows where I can get to if I work at it. Maybe, maybe I'm gonna be a real genius, someone important, Nobel-prize winning, doing cure-for-cancer or solving-the-energy-crisis kind of stuff. Maybe I'll do some great service to humanity. Maybe... Oh, who knows? I don't know. I don't know. I think I'll just take it one day at a time for now, just enjoy my finger-painting and sandcastle building while I can. Daddy came home today. Back home from a six week contract, fresh pay packet in his pocket and many beers in his belly, he swept in all at once, pinned Mommy to the wall, squeezed her breast and plastered a drunken kiss on her lips. Then he swept me off the floor and kissed me as well, boozy breath in my face, unshaven cheek on my lips. "Hey baby, sweetie, how are my two favourite girls eh? How've you been with daddy away, eh? Get me a whisky would you babe? Hey, little Amy, look what I got you?" It was a big teddy bear, really too large for me to cuddle properly, though I give it a dutiful squeeze and tried to look happy with it. It was late in the day and I was sent to bed after that, but I couldn't sleep. Life with Mommy was just so perfect I could hardly bear to think of this alien presence coming between us. I'd sort of known he existed. There were a few photos. And Mommy mentioned him occasionally, but kind of distantly. I'd never thought of him as someone who might actually turn up some day. But now here he was. I must have dozed for a few hours because then I was awake again and hearing Daddy clomping up the stairs to bed. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but he was clearly in a jolly mood. He clattered into Mommy's room and I could hear his drunken chatter and Mommy asking him to shush, don't wake Amy. And then their bed was banging against the wall for a few minutes. And then there was quiet and I was asleep again. The next morning Mommy seemed kind of quiet and distracted. She bustled around the kitchen while Daddy had breakfast and read his paper. Then he went out. Mommy swept around doing housework all day and told me to stay out of her way, so I sat in my room. It was a Saturday, so no nursery. And that's how it was then. When Daddy was here he sat watching telly, sports mostly, and Mommy sat next to him or got him drinks when he asked. When Daddy was out at the pub Mommy was busy, too busy for me. Sometimes I joined them on the sofa, Daddy's arm round me. But it was boring just watching the football. Daddy didn't want to play with me, but he wanted me there. He called it "being a family," the three of us sitting there watching his programmes. He was frequently affectionate. He ruffled my hair or squeezed my shoulders. But he was easily irritated. If I showed my boredom he could turn on me. "Don't you want to sit with Daddy? Well bugger off then. Nobody's forcing you to sit there. Go on, get lost." And I would be glad to get away. He made me jumpy. And late at night, when Daddy came home drunk, he was always noisy, in the kitchen, on the stairs, in Mommy's room, with loud footsteps, banging, sometimes singing. One night I heard shouting, a slap, then the bed banging against the wall. That morning Mommy was very quiet and her eyes were red. I wanted to comfort her, somehow, but she pushed me away, she wouldn't look at me. "Go to your room. Can't you see Mommy's busy?" One night I woke to the sound of Daddy banging the door and clomping up the stairs. Then he came into my room. "Hey, Amy, how's my little baby doll, eh? How's daddy's little girl?" For some reason I was suddenly struck rigid with terror. I couldn't move a muscle. Daddy ruffled my hair, slobbered over me with beery kisses and tried to tickle me on the chest. "Hey, hey, Mommy's sleeping, shush, shush, let's not wake Mommy, just us two, eh, eh?" And then he pulled down my pyjama bottoms, spat on his hand and started rubbing me between my legs. What the fuck? What the fuck did he think he was doing, foreplay? Did he think he was getting me hot? I was four, for Christ's sake, I wasn't hot. I was sore. Daddy was hurting me. "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!" "What the...!" He couldn't believe it. "Shush! Shut up! What are you doing?" "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!" "I said Shut! The Fuck! Up!" And he raised his hand and - Bang - he slapped me across the face. "WAAAAAAAAAAA!" "Shut up I said!" And he stuffed his hand against my mouth, desperate to silence me any way he could. And then suddenly Mommy, may God bless her soul forever, is there, in nothing but her panties and her righteous wrath. And she takes one look at me, wailing my eyes out, with my jammies round my ankles, and one look at him, backing off, hands raised defensively, and she starts trying to lay into him, beating her fists off his chest. And he has to physically push her off him, throw her against the wall, while simultaneously trying to get his excuses in. "Calm down, you stupid bitch! It's not what you think." And then the police are around to speak to Daddy. "This really isn't necessary. My wife just panicked a bit. Nothing happened." "Well, ok sir, but we still have to investigate any complaint, so if you'll just open the door sir..." And Mommy has to confess that she didn't actually see anything happen, as such. And I'm crying too much to give a coherent story. And Daddy is contrite and cooperative. "Ok, I was drunk, I blundered into the wrong room. I obviously frightened her.... Her pyjamas? It's warm; she must have pulled them off herself... Yes, I did hit her, just a tap really. I panicked. I thought she was going to wake the whole street up... No, no, I don't believe in it normally. No, we never smack Amy... probably the shock as much anything, she got a bit of a fright from her stupid old dad, she'll get over it... I feel so stupid... never happened before." A nice policewoman interviews me. "Amy, can you tell me, has this ever happened before?" And I cannot tell a lie. "I don't know. I don't know." But really, I do know. That can't have been the first time. It's just that Amy never cried out before. She suffered in silence. And then the police are away again. "Call us again, Madam, any time you need to. And there'll be a social worker round tomorrow, just to check up, ok?" And a medical exam shows no sign I've been interfered with and there's not really enough evidence for further action. And Daddy wonders if maybe he can put this all behind him, get on with life, back to normal. But the look in Mommy's eyes tells him he can't. Nothing she's put up with from him before compares to this. No matter how often she's given in to him before, she will not give in again. Two days later Mommy and me have moved out of our house into a tiny flat in the city. Mommy has to work in a supermarket and I hardly get to see her. When I'm not at nursery I stay with an old lady down the corridor. She's quite nice and gives me sweeties, but her flat smells funny and I feel lonely. I go to a different nursery now and because I'm new nobody's surprised that I'm a bit quiet and shy. I think they must know something about me because they all seem really careful to be nice to me. And when Mommy's home she won't let me out of her sight. She hugs me so tight I can hardly breathe sometimes. She won't let go of me. She looks at me sometimes with fear in her eyes and I can hardly bear it. I feel I would do anything, absolutely anything, to make her happy again. I'm gonna, I'm gonna be a policewoman, or a social worker, or a doctor or a nurse, or something, something to help people in desperate need, people like Mommy, like Mommy helped me. I'm gonna, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make Mommy proud of me, for all the love she gives me. I'm gonna, I'm gonna... Oh, God, who am I kidding? I don't know what I'm gonna do. I might do anything, or nothing. I'm gonna, I'm gonna...

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Andrea and Adam ten years later

Kevin Jackson was lying on his bedroom floor, reaching for a bag under the king size bed. He reached further with his arm, but it wasn’t long enough. He found a broom in the laundry room and went back. This time he managed to pull out the bag and opened it. Inside were several smaller plastic bags with photographs. They were taken before the digital era and some were so old they had yellowed. He found the ones he was looking for and put the rest back into the bag and pushed into its corner.The...

4 years ago
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A Legal Beaver Chapter 8

A Legal Beaver Chapter 8 By Stefanie Flowers Getting to see Janet and Sir Benjamin was not as easy as I had anticipated. Since both had disappeared together on some international junket our confrontation would have to be put on hold for a while. They were attending conferences and giving talks to promote recent medical advances in gender reassignment. No kidding, they were probably touting about their new procedure to change a persons gender by removing or donating Y chromosomes. I...

4 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 2

If I thought the night before had been rough, the next couple of days made what happened then almost seem like a vacation. Almost. Sally was so preoccupied with Janey she could think of nothing else. Janey, for her part, apparently couldn't think at all. She wouldn't react, wouldn't talk, and wouldn't move. She just lay there. Sally was able to clean her gently every day, although only behind a locked door, and gently force a few bites of food down her, but other than that, nothing. I...

2 years ago
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brotherly love almost getting caught

So me and my brother had been fucking for a while now and our mum had no idea what was happenin, even though we had a bit of difficulty keeping quite when we were fucking each other hard at night. But by the morning of our first day on holiday she knew.We were staying in a villa in Turkey, we each had a room to ourselfs with our own bathrooms and a private pool. We arrived late the night before so we were all having a long lie, by the time i got up my mum was already up and sunbathing. Now i've...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Stefany Kyler Such A Helpful Roommate

Petite cutie Stefany Kyler asks her roommate Mugur to help her choose an outfit to go out. Stefany models several outfits but Mugur is not completely happy with any of them. Mugur goes up to Stefany’s bedroom and finally helps her choose the best outfit for her, but now she needs help with something a little more personal. Stefany pulls out a butt plug, and Mugur is more than happy to help her put it in. Now it’s time for Stefany to reward Mugur for all of his help, by sucking and climbing that...

2 years ago
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Awww Lovely Moments With My New Maid Devika

Hi everyone, my name is Supreeth, basically I am a 22 year old male from Chennai. I am 5.10” fair complexion having good personality built. This is my first real story that I am writing here. This is about how I got into a relationship with my maid Devika. Hope you all travel to an extent of realistic imagination. I am going to write about the aww-lovely moment that happened to me approximately a year ago at that time I was 21. This story is the first part of the story. Don’t forget to read the...

3 years ago
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The Sabacc Shift

A wise old man once told me that in this galaxy we inhabit, there are only three universal truths. First, there’s nothing more dangerous than arguing with a Wookiee. Second, there’s nothing more foolish than gambling with a Jedi. And finally, there’s nothing more alluring than the dance of a Twi’lek. But I came to learn the last of those truths is only half true, and that lesson ended up changing my life in ways I never imagined. In any case, I’m getting ahead of myself. My name is Kyp Grant....

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I was 27 years old when I decided.I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her"career". She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her tothe city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there weremany times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekendwith her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It alsomeant that I had about every third weekend...

1 year ago
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Truckstop Nuns

The two young nuns ignored him as they walked by the cheap hotel room. His friend, who was sitting on the car out the front chimed in, "Come on baby, you didn't need to become a nun, I'll take you to heaven!" They continued to walk by, "Frigid penguin Bitches!" they heard one of the young men call out behind them. One of the nuns was blushing, her pretty, rosy face framed in the white wimple. "Just ignore them Alice, they're like little boys looking to get a reaction," said the...

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I Need to RememberChapter 20

This was the last week before Wishes had to go back to University so we decided to play tourist for most of the week. With Wishes driving we toured the county getting her as much driving practice as possible before she would have to drive to the University every day from next week. On Monday she drove us down to St. Ives where we had a lovely quiet day wandering around the quaint old fishing village. We walked past the harbour to see the Tate Modern and looked around the gift shop. But it...

3 years ago
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Bartender Tanya

She gathered the garbage bags and took the last 4 outside into the dark back alley. She could never see out there and complained to management about wanting some lighting. As she threw the last bag onto the enormous pile she was pushed from behind. Someone or something really heavy squished her down onto the pile of bags. Her face pressed deeply into a smelly bags which reeked of stale beer and nacho chips. She could feel strong large hands holding her ankles and shoulders down. ...

2 years ago
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ExWife has become my Pimp Gay

I got the shock of my life when I woke up one morning. I found out that my wife had walked out on me. A short note lay on the kitchen table telling me that she would not be coming back. And I had no idea that she had been unhappy with our marriage. I was devastated I thought we had the perfect marriage I started hanging out in bars and honky tonks. Then one night I ran in to my ex-wife she was dressed like a slut and acted like a whore, she came over to me and started talking about how she had...

4 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 373

It might have been a long night for those who kept watch, but I spent mine listening to music. Music which had been old, when I first heard it. I first heard it while riding in my dad's old pick up. I was lost in memories. Memories so real I could hear his voice while the real world passed by outside my door. My memories were even more real that night, than they had been before the change. The memories of my dad were just as real as the ones of me running through the jungle an hour earlier....

2 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Part 5

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! A previous version of...

2 years ago
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 Diapers was a girl I dated fairly often back in the eighties. She was a cute and sweet young gal that always seemed happy and on the verge of giggling. She was in her early twenties and had a one-year-old son. Diapers lived with her parents who helped her care for her baby. She carried around a few extra pounds and, though not overly fat, she was nicely rounded. Like most heavier girls, she had a wonderfully large set of tits. I was beginning to really appreciate bigger girls and their big...

Straight Sex
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Me And My Son First Time Part 8

About fifty or so yards away, the inter-village under-eighteen football teams were warming up for their match. It was still warm and I sipped cool water from a plastic bottle as I viewed the boys through my tinted shades.When the referee blew his whistle to start the game, I was one of many adults, mostly parents, who’d come to cheer on their sons. I was excited, not so much about the game or who would win — but at seeing muscular teen legs racing over the green grass. I wondered what delights...

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This is another true story told to me by a friend of mine. I had lost my job several years ago and without income I soon lost my house and cars. My wife wanted more so she left me and took the k**s and the dog. I was able to get a job delivering pizza. It was a big change for me to go from being an important VP making six figures to a pizza delivery guy making ten bucks an hour plus tips. It was to be my last delivery of the night and then I could go home to my pathetic garage apartment....

3 years ago
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Black Widow

Black Widow by Laura303 My head was spinning as the elevator doors closed. The sudden acceleration as the car started upwards up was enough to cause me to grab onto the handrail at the back of the car. The flowery scent of her perfume was magnified by the close quarters, and for the umpteenth time that evening I wondered how I could be so lucky. It had been just a regular Friday Afterwork Club night. I'd gone to a local bar with a few of the girls from work, and knocked...

3 years ago
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It Was Just A Light

It Was Just A Light Chapter 1 - The Light "Would you like a light miss?" I hear this guy say to me as Im about to light my cigarette. I want to say no to him because Im a 19 year old guy but for some reason, I find it a lot easier to say yes and so he gives me a light. But why has he just called me miss? And why have just I let another man light my cigarette for me? This is so weird but not to worry as I take a deep inhale and feel the smoke go into my lungs. "Thanks......." I say...

4 years ago
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The Boys Story Chapter 12

I lay very still feeling his fingers moving around inside my arse and he started slowly moving his hand back and forward hand fucking my love tube. "You are my Good Boy" he said to me again and I knew that he would want to hand fuck me more times in the future. Chapter 12. We lay together for quite some time each enjoying the feelings we were having and both beginning to feel tired. We had started our sexual activities at about 7pm the night before and it was now 5.30am so we each turned over...

3 years ago
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En Plein Coeur de la NuitPart 5

It was already the dawn when I woke at about 6.30. Laurence was still asleep, her hair tousled on the pillow. I couldn't get to the bathroom without waking her and I got a quiet 'Bonjour cheri. Dormes-tu bien?', as I tried to creep back to bed without waking her. As we crept down stairs in search of orange juice and croissant, she spotted her holdall that her thoughtful parents must have brought over after we had gone to bed. Inside were clean clothes for the day, toiletries and her...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Alex Chance 12132016

Alex Chance works the bar at Shane’s Joint. It’s a popular place for our crew of Bulls to hang out and work the white girls who love the place. Our Bulls like the joint so much, a lot of times they’ll show up before the place even opens! Why? They know Alex tends bar tonight, and they’ve had their eye on Alex and her over-sized, all-natural titties! Our Bulls love their “PAWGS”, and Alex fits that description perfectly. Did we mention Alex is a...

3 years ago
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Changing Sisters

CHAPTER 1 When Charlton King bellowed ‘Come here!’ people jumped although that command would be rare. He was more inclined to yell ‘Fuck Off!’Usually all he had to do was to mutter, ‘This is making me angry’ and his support staff either jumped to pacify him or fucked off to a remote part of the building. That was one of Charlton’s strengths. He communicated well, so rarely were people left in doubt. The company made dog biscuits at four plants across the country, with the head office in...

4 years ago
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Roles Reversed

ROLES REVERSED by "c.c." I'm a high-ranking official in the Administration of a large mid-western University, and though I've always had an interest in Tranvestism, I know I'm just too manly-looking to cross-dress successfully. So for years, I just went along fantasizing.... Till I met Gloria. Gloria is a good-looking, well-educated woman about my age who makes ends meet with a variety of part-time jobs around the University; She works in my office from time to time, she schedules...

2 years ago
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New Year Party Fucking

Hi girls and boys, this is Arun again. Thanks to all the readers who gave comments to my previous story ‘ fucking my friend dharshu’. Who wants to know about me read my first story, This story is all about me and my close friends. This is not a fictional story its really happen on 31 Dec 2015. Any girls aunties and widows who wants sex can contact me through this Tell me come to the story. Its all started in the Christmas, when me and my friends started chatting. Let me tell about my friends...

2 years ago
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The Strange Case of the Missing MadonnaChapter 9

Thomas was rudely wakened by a hefty thud bedside him. He opened his eyes and stared for a long second at the sky. Where was he? He looked in the direction of the noise; sprawled out alongside him was a man. Slowly the recollection and the pain returned, the man laying beside him, that was his assailant. Thomas went and collected his staff before flipping the unconscious man on his back. He was amazed by the amount of injury he had caused with a simple staff. It was clear that the demon was...

3 years ago
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Ryan gets a spanking

I pulled up to the house in my little car and saw that the grass wasn't cut or the weeds pulled from the flower beds like they were supposed to. What the hell did Ryan do all day I wondered. I got out of the car and walked into the house. Stuff was laying around and I had cleaned the house before leaving. "Damn it!" I thought to myself. I asked him to pick up after himself today. We were supposed to be having a party here tonight and now I was going to have to clean again and make food and...

2 years ago
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On a silent and dimly-lit street, a young man in a gray hoodie and sweatpants fidgeted with his pry bar, trying to slip it under the window sash and catch the Porsche's locking mechanism. Carl was a little nervous, wiping the sweat from his brow as he worked. This was far and away the nicest car he'd ever boosted and the closest to his home. He hoped the car alarm didn't go off, he was less than a block from his house. It might wake up his mom, who would find out that Carl had snuck out...

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The Babysitters Cummin Out Ch 08

Sheila was in shock for the first time in a very long time. Scott was never really this brazen with her in public, she couldn’t decide if he was really turned on by this because he found it sexy or if it was the revenge issue alone. The man standing behind her was still sucking her neck and ears and he had both hands full of her enormous tits. He had slid the material apart so that he could grasp her bare flesh and his hips were pushing hard against her ass. He swallowed hard, closed his eyes...

2 years ago
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A Red Valentine Valentines Day 2014Chapter 3

My place is less than ten minutes from town, so I went straight to the Sheriff's office first. The duty man at the front desk asked me to wait while he got the Sheriff. Sheriff Dan Smythe came out with his election campaign demeanor, sticking his hand out to shake. I had to smile at the guy, as I remembered him from being a couple of years younger than me, and had always enjoying winning a class officer position. I suppose we don't change that much over the years. Dan took me back to his...

4 years ago
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MaquisChapter 36

Rural Oxfordshire. Halloween With an area of fifteen and a half square miles and, due to the very strange shape of that area, a perimeter of almost twenty one miles, the whole estate would be impossible to protect. There were nineteen gates onto the estate. Most were just tractor access to one or two fields, but there were also seven gates of various sizes that led, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, onto the estate as a whole. The boundary itself had nearly a mile and a half of...

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The Cafe

It was a warm summer afternoon and she was sitting in a sidewalk café, a file folder open on the table, its contents weighted down with the silverware. She was intently reading a paper. Just as he walked by she crossed her legs and her skirt fell open at the side slit to expose the lacy top of her stocking and the clip of black garters. His stride slowed, as he neared her table she leaned forward and reached for another sheet of paper. The edge of her blouse opened just enough for him to get a...

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And so i lived in a dream,a wonderfull partner,in love,a good life,what could ever go wrong?? I had the perfect lifeWe worked both ,we had good positions,money never really was an object,our sexlife was allmost satisfactory,we travelled a lot,in short the good life......But without noticing anything,nothing to put your finger on decay broke in ,our so interesting conversations diminished,silences at the breakfasttable became louder and louder and our allmost satisfactory sexlife became a...

2 years ago
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A Restless Evening Part 1

She was asking for it. With that smug little smile and hand on her hip. Oh, she was going to get it. With that sheer, practically transparent nightgown and lacy panties. He didn’t know it yet, but she was ready. And he was going to give it to her.It was 6 o’clock, which meant Justin should be home any minute. Dinner was on the table, candles were lit, Erin was dressed - or at least half-dressed - and she shivered in anticipation. Any moment now, she thought. No car pulled into the driveway. No...

Love Stories
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Matilda and the AssassinChapter 2

Leon Bedeau stood at his apartment door peering through the peep hole. The little girl from down the hall, cradling a grocery bag in one arm, was knocking on his door asking to be let in. He wondered what she wanted. He had never spoken to her. Why was she bothering him? And then he noticed the policeman walking towards her, towards his apartment. His fingers tightened on the pistol. Why was she causing him trouble? He wanted nothing more than to be invisible. The policeman was getting...

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The Boarder

THE BOARDERby Brian Houlihan Back. "Step in, honey." She was holding a pair of women's cotton panties, pink, open for me to step into. I was naked and trembling. I followed her orders. Frieda pulled the panties up my legs and then fastened them about my waist, stroking my penis and balls and ass several times. "There. Now doesn't that feel good, honey?" "Yes Mommy." "Ohh your little pee pee and balls look so pretty. Oh someone's getting a little hard, Sweetness. I guess you like your pretty...

2 years ago
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Moms date with her new friend

Mom is always sex hungry.Dad visits us once in 2 yrs and that too he will be here for 3 months.That time he fucks her for sake but never satisfies her as he couldnt last longer.I have seen mom fingering herself at night and screaming for sex.But she never shows it out that it will be issues.I was a adddict of social medias and i use every thing.Even dating apps.I still a virgin havent had a gf.Mom and me went for a get together and she dressed so nicely and she was wearing...

1 year ago
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MylfLabs Erin Everheart Karma RX CuckQueen

For those looking to explore the idea of cuckoldry, look no further. Our newest concept, titled “cuckqueen,” is all about the age-old fetish of cuckolding. Only this time, the roles have been reversed. In this episode, Marcus London has been seeing Karma RX after his wife, Erin Everheart, cannot please him sexually. His solution is to bring Karma into their marriage and teach Erin how she should be acting. Erin is bound and forced to watch Marcus fuck another woman. Then, it’s her turn to see...


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