My Life In A Dress free porn video

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The following story is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. This is my first attempt at an erotic story of any type. It is my sincerest hopes that you enjoy this story. All warnings apply. If you enjoy this story e-mail all responses to me at [email protected]. This is not your typical story about a boy who needs to or has to dress like a girl but I thought some people would like something different. This story was updated on March 2, 2005. Hope you enjoy. This story is copyrighted by the author and is allowing free distribution to Crystals Story site and Fiction Mania. And now! My Life in a Dress By Sarra D. Chapter one: "Finding out who you are" Well I guess I should start by telling you a little about myself. My name is Shawn and I am a 14 year old boy, 5 foot 5 blond hair 110 lb. and I have fare skin. I have always liked being a boy and doing boy things, like playing with hot wheels, trucks and ridding my bike. The only difference in me from other boys my age is that I am Gay, and I have a major crush on my best friend Josh. I can't help my self, He is just beautiful. He's my age, 5 foot 6 brown hair, a smile to die for, light skin and a body that could kill. Josh and I have been friends since the two of us where in diapers. Since I can remember I have always had a crush on him. Only till recently did I realize I was falling in love with him. Every time I look at him I felt strange and I would get hard on just looking at him. Well one day during lunch period while day. Josh said. "Hey Shawn you all right man" I responded "Huh, oh sorry I was just lost in thought." "Ok man. If you need to talk about something I am here for you". And that's how he is. A really nice guy, one of the reasons I love him so much. But as usual I kept to myself. Feeling, that if I told him the truth I would lose our friendship forever. But on the other hand I would do anything to get into his pants, Hey I'm a teenager I think about sex. Allot! Ok so get off my back. Well anyway after we were finished eating we went outside to take our afternoon stroll to look for chicks as he would call it. Josh would look at girls and say how cute they were, and point out which ones he would like to go out with, And I would always respond with my usual agreement even though I never cared what any of them looked like. After our stroll we headed for Gym class. Josh and I had our lockers next to each other. I have seen Josh naked a few times at his house and during gym class while changing but today was different. Today while we changed for gym he took of his boxers and he had a hard on. This is the first time I saw him with a boner, and there I was staring right at it. Oh my god I thought. Then with a sly grin, he say's, "Ok that's it, you and me are going to talk after school" Then he left to go to class. The entire time during gym class he would not look at me. All this time I was sweating buckets, thinking he was going to pummel me or worse. After class was over he was his good old cheery self and changed in front of me without any more words said until we started to walk out to our next class when he said. "Don't forget Shawn I want to talk about this after school". This made me worry even more. The rest of the day went really slow. Josh and I met after school and started to walk home. Josh was quite at first but then he started to speak. "So Shawn, tell me what's up with you?" "I don't know what you are talking about" I said "Come on Shawn, I'm still your best friend, just tell me the truth." "The Truth about what?" I was still afraid to say what I really wanted to. "Bro., come on I saw the way you were looking at me at lunch and then I again saw you staring at my dick while changing for gym today." "You saw that" I said trying to shirk my desire not to talk about this. "Yes, come on tell me!" He said with a roar. "Are you sure you want to hear it?" "Yes Dam it, SPILL IT!" He yelled. "Ok man." And I actually started to tear up a little. He then put his hand on my shoulder and rubbed it in a friendly manner, and said "No matter what I will always be your friend." So I began to speak and my voice cracked. "Look Josh, I'm Gay and I think I'm in love with you." Holly crap did I just say that, it just came out. Then I said. "Sorry man, I did not mean that." His response was. "Yes you did, and I still am your friend but I don't like you in that way. Let's go home, ok." "Ok" I said. We were quite the rest of the way home to my house. We had plans to do home work together today and when we reached my house I expected him to go home but he said "Hey we still on for home work and play station?" "Are you sure you want to." I responded "Yes dummy, like I said I'm still your friend even if you want to suck me off." He said with a snicker. And that's how it went for the rest of the day, I could not believe it he was cool with it even if I would never get any of him but that's cool I'd rather have him as a friend than not at all. Weeks went by as they always do. Josh would some times make fun of me by, saying something like. "Hey that guy has a nice cock, why don't you go suck him." Or he would flash his but at me and say "I bet you wish you could touch this" And I would smile and think hell yes. Other than that everything went normally for us. We still hung out together. The only difference was he was a little shy when changing in front of me during gym class. The more and more I thought about Josh, the more in love I became with him. To the point it hurt to think about it, knowing I would never have him. Then one day while surfing the Nifty archive for stories I think I found an answer. I was doing my usual reading teen boy stories then I scrolled to the bottom and found a transgender story for teens. I got interested and started to read it. It was about a boy who wanted more than anything to be a girl and it ended up him going on a date with a friend of his and kissing. Which intrigued me to no end and I thought to myself, I wonder if I could dress as a girl and find a way to go on a date with Josh. I got up and went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror and wondered if I looked feminine enough to do it. I was still unsure, so I went to ask my mother. Now let me tell you now, my mother has always known I was gay and that I had a crush on Josh. We never kept any secrets from each other. So I asked her. "Mom, do you think I look like a girl?" "Why do you ask honey?" she said with a worried look. "Well, I just want to know if I could pass for a girl if I dressed the part." I asked She looked at me quizzically for a second then said. "Is this a way to try and go out with Josh?" "Yes." I responded. "Do you think that is a good Idea?" "It's the best one I can think of mom? I don't know what else I can do. I love Josh so much I would do any think to go out with him." "I know honey I just don't want you or Josh to get hurt." "I know mom, but will you help me look pretty. If it does not work at least I tried." "Ok, honey I'll help. I know how much you care for Josh. But as soon as you get serious, like kissing, I want you to tell him who you are." "I will mom, don't worry." "Ok honey, I trust you to make the right decision. How do want me to help?" "Well I want to be pretty for him and I need the right clothes. So I guess we should start by going shopping." "Ok, we will go Thursday after school so you can be ready by Friday for Josh. but that part is up to you ok." "Ok mom, you got a deal." So that was the deal, mom would help me dress as a girl and I would find a way to get a date with Josh once I was dressed properly. I went to my room to think about it. Then it came to me in a flash. Every Friday Josh and I went to the local arcade to play our favorite game. I could just show up their dressed as a girl and play that game and see what happens. So now I have my plan. Well Thursday finally came and I rushed home from school, I told Josh I had a doctor's appointment, and could go to the arcade with him. This was the first time I ever really lied to him, well almost. I just kept certain things from him for along time. I ran into the front door of the house and yelled "Mom I'm home Let's Go!" She responded "Not so fast young man, or should I say Young Lady, Get your but into the shower and use this cream on yourself from the shoulders down." "What is it mom?" "It's hair remover, it will help you fit the part of a young lady." "Ok mom." I went to my room shucked my close off and jumped into the shower. I washed my hair and used the cream mom gave me. I waited a few minutes then rinsed off, I watched in amazement as my body hair washed down the drain. I was completely hairless from the neck down. It looked weird but felt very nice. I then dried off and went back to my room to get dressed. As I walked into my room my mom followed my in. She had a small shopping bag with her and she handed it to me. I asked "What's in the bag." She said. "Proper undergarments for shopping honey. Put them on and then get dressed in some jeans and a T-shirt." I took the bag and said. "Ok." She then left the room and I dropped my towel and opened the bag. I was amazed at what I found inside, a pair of pink satin panties, and a matching bra. I thought how cool, an early start. I put them on and the rest of my clothes. The bra was a little difficult at first but I got it on by pulling around front and clasping it together that way. I laced up my shoes then ran down the stairs to let my mother know I was ready to go. She grabbed her purse and we left for the mall. My first ever trip to shop for girls clothes. I had no idea what my mom had planed for the afternoon. I was a little scared but otherwise ok. We arrived at the mall and mom parked outside a major department store. We walked in and went straight for the juniors department. Boy was I in for a learning experience. I had been in their before, but I never really paid any attention to all that was there. I never would have guessed that there was so much to choose from. Wow! We started to look around and my mom bluntly said. "What would you like to get?" "I have no idea, what do you think?" "Just make me pretty." "Ok Shawn lets see". We looked around and she would ask my opinion about a certain dress or skirt. I had no clue. All I wanted is to look good. So I picked a few out and said. "We should try these." She said "Ok." And she pointed me towards the dressing rooms. I then turned white. Oh my god, I thought, is she crazy. She obviously saw my misgivings and said. "You'll have to try them on to get a proper fit so you look good for Josh." That did it I was in the dressing room in a second. Both dresses I had picked out fit good and looked really nice. With some padding up top and a wig and makeup I think this is going to work. That's when my mom asked to see me so she could see how the dresses fit. I hesitantly stepped out of the safety of the dressing room and showed my mom. At the same time the sales lady walked up and asked if we could use any help. We said no. Then she surprised us both by saying "That dress suits your daughter well ma'am" "Thank you." My mom told her. After putting my heart back in my chest I put on my regular clothes. We went to the counter to pay for the things we liked. I ended up with three dresses, one skirt, a few blouses, 3 pairs of panty hose and 2 pairs of shoes. I did not get heals though I wasn't ready for those yet. My mother and I then walked out of the mall and she drove for a block or so and pulled over. She said. "Are you ready for the next step?" "What step is that?" I asked. "You will see in a minute. Go over to that bathroom in the park and take an outfit and put it on then I'll tell you where were going." I was a little apprehensive but did as she asked. I think she was having more fun with this then I was. I walked towards the bathrooms and stopped in front of the men's room and looked at mom for assurance. She casually pointed towards the women's bathroom. I looked over and got the hint. I walked into forbidden territory and started to undress. There I was a boy in the women's restroom in nothing other than a bra and panties. I then set my clothes on the bench and started to pull out the items I would be wearing. I first pulled out a package of tan nylons and put them on. Let me tell you, they are harder to put on then it looks. I got them on eventually. I then took out the dress and slipped on over my head, again did not look quite right. I then got an idea. I then grabbed some toilet paper and stuffed the bra until I was satisfied with the size of my new bust. I pulled out the white flat shoes and slipped them on. I looked in the mirror and saw myself in a dress for the first time. Oh well I'm not done yet, this is just the beginning. I then folded my clothes and put them in the bag I brought with me. I then straightened the dress and walked out to the car. As I opened the door and sat my mom corrected me by saying I should smooth the dress under me before I sit. So I tried again and did it right. She then said. "You look nice sweet heart, by the way have you thought of a name for yourself yet?" "Um No, I haven't." I thought for a few seconds then thought of my favorite character. "How about Sara?" "That's sounds perfect... Sara, yes perfect." "Thanks mom." We then began to dive of to who knows were. We then pulled in front of my mother's beauty salon. I then felt really uneasy. But she promised only her friend would their and would not tell anyone else. So I reluctantly walked into the salon. I was greeted by Carol my mother' hair dresser and lose friend. "Hello Fran and this is?" she said. "This is Sara." Mom pointed to me. "Well hello Sara and welcome, come over here and sit" She pointed to one of the chairs next to a sink and mirror. I started to feel a little better when I saw she was not going to freak on me. Mom must have briefed her before hand. As I sat in front of Claire she asked. "Have you given any thought to what type of hair style you would like?" "No, not really, I just thought I could get a wig of some sort or pick form a selection" I responded. She then said. "That sounds good and easy. Let's see what we have and then you can pick any color you like." "Blond" I said a little too quickly but no one seemed to notice. "Ok, let me go and look" As she left for the back room my mom smiled at me and said. "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Yes mother more than anything" I answered. In a few minutes Carol came back out with a nice looking Strawberry blond wig. She placed it on my head and adjusted it a few times then asked what I thought about it. I looked in the mirror and said. "Wow, even without makeup I look like a girl." My mom shook her head in agreement. Then Carol led me to another table in the salon and began to apply makeup on my face. While she was doing that another woman from the salon took my right hand and began clipping and shaping my nails. After both were done I got to look at myself in the mirror and was totally amazed at how I looked. Even to me I looked like a babe. I thought to myself that I am going to pull this off with ease, I am going to make Josh's heart pound. Then my mom looked at me and said, "You know Shawn, you look relay good, pretty even." "I know mom, it's almost scary." I said. "I guess I should call you Sara from now on?" "Yes, I should say so, so that we don't confuse anyone for now." Then I got a good look at my finger nails, they were longer than before. My mom must have seen my puzzled look on my face. "Honey, you know we will be able to remove those before you go back to school Monday." "I Know mom, thanks for all the help Carol." "No problem Sara, good luck and I hope to see you here again." "Ok Carol, we will. Bye." My mom answered. My mom and I walked out of the Salon to the car and drove home. On my way home I told mom of my plan on how to bump into Josh Friday. She said it was a good Idea. Friday morning I woke up and got ready for my day. Today being a school holiday, I knew Josh would be at the arcade early, so I gave him a call. "Hello." "Josh, its Shawn, are you going to the arcade today?" "Hell yes, you ready to get your ass whopped?" "Ha" I said. "In your dreams, well anyway I can't make it. I have to go to the doctors with my mom today." "I hope it's not fatal." He said with a chuckle. "No my mom wants me to get a checkup and the only appointment they had was for today, but I will try and make it later in the afternoon." "Ok Shawn, I'll see you later." "Ok, later dude, bye." After Josh hung up I check myself in the mirror and made sure I looked nothing like Shawn, but what I saw was Sara, the new me. I sure hope this works. I then walked to the corner and waited for the bus to take me to the arcade about 4 miles away. Within 5 minutes the bus arrived then I was on my way to the arcade. Chapter 2: The Arcade I arrived at the arcade in good time and I got off of the bus and walked to the end of the mall where the arcade was. As I walked in Josh was at our favorite game playing away. I walk up behind him cautiously as if I was interested in the game he was playing. He was doing well but not as good as me. I watched for a few minutes. Then he lost the game at a level I had beaten long ago. He turned around, saw me and smiled. Then he said. "Hello, do you know how to play this game?" "A little." I answered. "Would you play two players? I'll pay." "Sure, I'd love too." He then put in the right amount of quarters for two players and then we began to play. At first I was keeping myself from going a level above him, but after a while he was making the same mistakes he always did. So with sure experience I past him up and won the game and I even beat my own highest score. We both entered our initials and ended the game. He looked at me weird then smiled at me and said. "Either your good at this game, or It was just luck?" "It's just luck I guess?" I said. He then asked me "Hey would you like to grab a bite to eat with me?" "Um Sure." I said anxiously and I thought to myself, this is actually working. He held out his hand and I reached for it and I held his hand for the first time. Oh what a feeling, I was so nervous. I began to perspire. I hope he doesn't notice. We walked out towards the food court and got some burgers and cokes. We sat down and began to eat. He then asked "You sure were good at that game, are you sure you don't play it much?" "Like I said, I've played it a few times before I guess I got lucky, like you said." "Uh Huh!" He said with a laugh. "My name is Josh, what's yours?" "Sara" I said. After our lunch Josh stood up and asked. "Hey, would you like to go see a movie with me today?" "Yes!" I said, just a little too enthusiastically. He then said "What would you like to see?" I had to think quickly. "Um, How about Mission to Mars?" "That sound great, let's go." So off we went. We arrived at the theater ten minutes before show time, what luck. Josh bought the tickets, took my hand in his and he lead the way towards the concessions line. He bought us some popcorn and some drinks. We then choose some seats in the back of the theater and sat down and waited for the movie to start. The lights went down, the music started and the film began. After a while he reached for my hand and held it in his. We sat like that for a while. Then during the dance seen he put his arm around my shoulder and put his hand on my right breast. I could feel it and I shuddered. I fell totally in love. I knew then that I had him. So I went for it. I put my left hand in his lap and felt his manhood for the first time in my life. It was wonderful. He was hard. I ran my hand up and down the shaft several times. I was also looking into his eyes the whole time. He had a very content look on his face then leaned toward me and touched his lips to mine and we kissed for the first time. It was wonderful, but I pulled away from him and said, "I can't do this Josh" and then ran out of the theater towards the front doors. Josh caught up with me as I reached for the door to open it; he grabbed me by the arm and yelled. "Shawn, wait!" I thought I was going to die. He knows who I am. I turned to face him with tears welling in my eyes and said. "How did you know?" "I've known since the arcade" "How?" I said. When you won the game you used your usual initials." "Oh shit" I said. "Yep, that's when I realized who you were and how you were dressed and said what the hell, If he is willing to dress like that and look as good as you do why not humor him." "Really?" "Yes really, but something happened while we were eating." "What's that Josh?" "I was thinking about you, I began to realize I was attracted to you, the real you. Then during the movie I thought what the heck I'll try anything once, and that's when I held your hand." "It was wonderful Josh" "I know, I think we should find somewhere else to talk" "Ok, how's my house sound?" "Good, let's go." "Ok." About fifteen minutes later we arrived at my house. My mom's car was in the driveway. We went to the front door and walked in. My mom was sitting in the living room watching TV. She looked over and saw us both standing their, me still dress as a girl. *** (c) 2002/2005 by Sarra D. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.

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My father used to look after and maintain the garden of a local business man who had a large mansion, and at times I would go with him to cut some flowers for the lady of the house to decorate the lounge and other rooms . She would show me how to do flower arranging using the flowers and ferns, she was always very nice and pleasant with me because they had no c***dren of their own, and would at times she would ask me to tea after school. I always agreed because my parents were always arguing,...

4 years ago
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Filipa becomes a cuckoldress

Filipa had been annoyed by her boyfriend Mark for sometime now about getting into cuckolding . She had resisted the idea of dating and sleeping with other men because of her religious upbringing but recently she had become more comfortable with the idea.She had been chatting with several guys online and was starting to feel a connection with one in particular "Derek" .He had been trying to persuade her to meet him for a drink. he was tall 6,2 to be exact with a muscular ripped body and a great...

1 year ago
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Black BBW Cuckoldress

I meant Janine on live links. Actually I was drunk when I called the line. Just hoping to talk a woman while I jacked my little pink dicklet. In my introduction I mentioned that I was into cuckolding, and SPH, and that I had preference for BBW's. This was in the Detroit area so most of the ladies on the line were African-American. Her ad stated that she liked to have her asshole licked, and was looking for a long term relationship where she could really control the person she was with. At the...

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The Irish Cuckoldress

"I finally got a date with her!", I shout loudly as I walk home. Of course the people around me have no idea who or what I am talking about, nor do they care. Her name is Claire and is an absolute Goddess. is 6 feet tall, blonde, big titts, long legs, and a body that a porn star only has. She is beyond beautiful and pretty. I have tried for months to get a date with this amazing wonder like woman but have always been rejected due to...

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Marrying a cuckodress

So it's my wedding day, i look at my future husband as i walk down the aisle and see his smile, then i look at his best man and wonder if i'm rally doing the right thing getting married. It wasn't that Alex wasn't a nice guy, he totally was and he was the sweetest guy i'd ever met, but i was just used to being with dickheads, a lot of dickheads , and didn't know if someone like Alex could handle a woman like me. I knew he was very inexperienced, although we hadn't actually done anything much...

3 years ago
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Today my very lucky & equally pathetic cuck bitch hand delivered me a £500.00 cash tribute along with a bottle of champagne, some vodka, flowers & cocktail shaker..he thought he was just dropping them off & meeting my bf in preparation for our big joint session in a couple of weeks..nothing could of prepared slut for what I had in store for him....Here in his words is part one..After a near sleepless night thinking about the day to come it was with eagerness and trepidation I set...

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Black Cuckoldress

I met Shanice at work three years ago. We worked for a manufacturing company, I worked in the plant and she worked in the lab. It was at the company Christmas party that we really had a chance to talk. I had such a great time with her at the party that I decided to ask her out. Things progressed from there and soon we were dating on a regular basis. I can still remember the first time we had sex. Shanice is a beautiful, athletic black woman. I had never seen a naked black woman up close before...

2 years ago
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Babs dresss

My father used to look after and maintain the garden of a local business man who had a large mansion, and at times I would go with him to cut some flowers for the lady of the house to decorate the lounge and other rooms . She would show me how to do flower arranging using the flowers and ferns, she was always very nice and pleasant with me because they had no c***dren of their own, and would at times she would ask me to tea after school. I always agreed because my parents were always arguing,...

1 year ago
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Military School Crosdresser

MILITARY SCHOOL CROSSDRESSER By Kresha Matay PART 1 Tim was a sensitive young boy, bright and intelligent, but lacking many of the physical characteristics of Joe, his father. The father had wanted a son who was interested in sports, hunting and fishing just like himself. Unfortunately, through no fault of his own, young Tim couldn't measure up to the desired image. Joe had expected his son to grow up to "be a chip off the old block" and when he didn't, his father felt...

2 years ago
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Mommys Darling 2 Playing Dressup

Mommy's Darling 2: Playing Dress Up - By Billie Lovelace At twelve, I was deeply conflicted. On the one hand, I was a normal boy. At school I liked sports, roughhousing, and teasing girls. On the other hand, mother hated masculine aggressiveness. So at home I was more girlish. I played the piano, did housework, and spent hours with mother -- brushing her hair, polishing her nails, and helping her in and out of her high heels. It was so confusing. I wanted to be like other boys....

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1-900-DRESSUP By Ricky I'm sure that you have seen an ad or two (or twenty) for one of those 900 phone services. They usually have neat names like 1-900-HOT-HOTT, which is a real number that a teenage neighbor called twice on my garage phone before I caught him. If I ever could understand why someone would pay $25 for the first four minutes of talk when for a smaller monetary investment you could go to a bar somewhere and buy some floozy a few drinks and get the talk live, or...

3 years ago
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Sidedressing By Tyrone Slothrop Older sisters can be a boy's good friend and most effective torturer. Bernadette, charged with watching her little brother, was getting bored and decided to see how far she could manipulate him. Nothing nasty just keeping her hand in. Practice makes perfect. "Ralphie, come here, I want to try a new game." Ralph heard his sister and put down his videogame. He wandered into her room. At thirteen he was fairly average in height, about five feet...

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Babs dresss

My father used to look after and maintain the garden of a local business man who had a large mansion, and at times I would go with him to cut some flowers for the lady of the house to decorate the lounge and other rooms . She would show me how to do flower arranging using the flowers and ferns, she was always very nice and pleasant with me because they had no c***dren of their own, and would at times she would ask me to tea after school. I always agreed because my parents were always arguing,...

2 years ago
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Playing Dressup

My parents have a library. I was a very lucky girl growing up, not because of the collection of classics that they had in leather bound editions, or even the enormous number of new books that they seemed to add constantly from visits to the book store or from various book clubs that they belonged to. I liked a lot of those, but my favorite books in their collection weren't actually on the shelves in the spare room that we used as a library, they were in dusty boxes stacked in the garage and...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Confessions of a Cuckoldress

Confessions of a CuckoldressHi! I’m Melissa. I’m just a regular gal that has a very active sex drive. I found a great solution to the age old problem white women have had since the beginning of time and this is my story about how I found this solution.We white gals love our white boys. They are great for cuddling, doing housework, showering us with affection and of course worshipping us. The problem with white boys is their little dicks! What is a girl to do when she is in love with a white boy...

3 years ago
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The Jamaican culture is rife with cuckold stories; white women bored with their husbands taking advantage of numerous available lovers to satisfy their needs. I went to school with the product of many such unions.Later as I matured sexually, I listened as the old bulls told of interesting liaisons, with the tourist women, who frequented our idyllic island looking for the same.So it was one night a bunch of us young "Turks" were hanging out scoping the women hoping to get lucky before the night...

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Custom Cuckoldress

Tonight's the night. My boyfriend has been insistent that I try to fuck another man. I've been hesitant because it seems so bizarre, but, ultimately if we do it safely, I guess once can't hurt, right? We've had a few group dates with an African American man named Markus, and decided he'll be the one. I'm fairly anxious, I've never been with anyone other than my boyfriend. I've been trying to keep my head on my shoulders. We arrive to the hotel. Underneath my clothes I'm wearing some dangerous...

4 years ago
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Lifeguard Stand

“All right,” I said to the three boys in the room. “Your Mother and I are going for a walk on the beach. We’ll be back in a while. We’ve got our cellphones if you need us. Only call us for fire, flood, or blood- and there better not be any blood, ok?” “Ok, Dad,” said one of them non-commitally, staring at the TV screen. The oldest, my 15 year old, grunted in agreement as he continued to hammer away at his Xbox controller. The other sibling was silent, engrossed in watching his brothers shooting...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Lifeguard 4

From the Lifeguard 3 StoryIt was a fairly long walk out of the pool, first came her beautiful breasts, her thin waist and her penis…Without touching my dick, I immediately shot my load in just one long shot.I doubled up in pain I had ejaculated so hard.Caley walked up beside me, held my head, kissed me and said, “Now that’s got to be love.”And I then knew what my special opportunity was that my parents were talking about. It was Caley.I kissed Caley back.Lifeguard 4 StoryI was in a daze. A sex...

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Lifeguard 6

I was still hard of course. I proceeded to flip her over the arm of the couch and pushed my tongue straight into her anus sending another jolt through her body. I learned later nobody had ever done that to her. I spat on her anus (actually, she was so lubed up from her vaginal flow her butt was already slick) and slowly pushed my cock into her back canal. I found out later she had never allowed anyone to do that to her before.She knew immediately she’d really been missing out. Within a minute...

3 years ago
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Lifeguard 7

Lifeguard 6Jill was shivering even on a warm summer night. Once Alex had Jill’s clothes off, he turned her slowly around so that now they were both facing his parents, Jill in front, Alex in back. Alex reached around and began to slowly rub her breasts with both hands. Her nipples hardened and extended as far as they could. Her nipples ached. She moaned. He kept one hand on her breast, then slid the other one into her wet pussy and moved his cock so it was sliding up and down the crack of her...

3 years ago
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Lifeguard 8 Group Mom Dad Son new GF

Lifeguard 7 RecapSlowly but surely, Alex started rolling onto his back pulling Jill along with him. She could barely control her legs, they were like rubber, and so they splayed on either side of Alex’s thin strong body. When he was finally fully on his back, he was also fully inside Jill’s ass so once he was fully inside of her she started cumming. Not like she’d come before, something totally different. Something totally… divine.She kept cumming and cumming, and along the way, Alex did too....

Group Sex
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Lifeguard 9 All Together Now

Lifeguard 8 RecapFriday morning Alex was shaken out of bed with a, “Get up, sleepy-head. We’re leaving to go to Derek and Belle’s in thirty minutes.”Alex jumped into the shower, packed a small bag of clothes, headed downstairs, grabbed a water bottle and some snacks and headed for the garage. He was the last one in the car. When he jumped in he saw his sister Ashley for the first time. He’d totally forgotten that his sister was joining them for the weekend. Ashley was twenty-four, so being six...

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Lifeguard 10 Here Cums Jill

Lifeguard 9 RecapAlex was poolside with Caley languishing in a kiss, lips locked for the longest time. Their combined hardons were only partly slowing them down. Ashley came over and grabbed Caley away from Alex and started to ravish her, paying particular attention to her penis. Caley’s mother Belle came over and did the same thing to Alex. Fay walked out of the pool and kneeled down, then started kissing Belle as Alex started kissing Belle’s lovely boobs and slid his cock between her legs....

3 years ago
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Lifeguard 8 Group Mom Dad Son new GF

Lifeguard 7 RecapSlowly but surely, Alex started rolling onto his back pulling Jill along with him. She could barely control her legs, they were like rubber, and so they splayed on either side of Alex’s thin strong body. When he was finally fully on his back, he was also fully inside Jill’s ass so once he was fully inside of her she started cumming. Not like she’d come before, something totally different. Something totally… divine.She kept cumming and cumming, and along the way, Alex did too....

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Confession and testament of a crossdresser

Italy, september 2011. Sorry for bad english, I try to write correctly but don't know if I did. From tonight, I was a crossdresser. I'm been crossdresser from 12 to one day before my 27th birthday. Irony. I begin to have an answer to the question: "What feel girl?" Yes, a simple question. What feel girl when wear panty, tights, dress, skirt? What feel a woman in heels, purse, with her hair falling down the shoulder? What feel a teenage when begin to make up herself? When wear lipstick,...

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My Qualifications to Write About Crossdressing

My Qualifications to Write About Crossdressing By Ricky How ironic! While looking for something in my files the other day I found I have been writing about crossdressing more than 10 years now. The problem is, I now realize I am completely unqualified to be a crossdresser, let alone a writer on the subject. Think about it, just what are the qualifications for a crossdresser? Surely you've read a multitude of "true life stories" in the crossdressing magazines. Perhaps if we...

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outside the hairdressers

My wife had gone to the hairdressers, I was sat round the corner in the car waiting for her, it was opposite the employment office, where all the screbs go to get money off the state, it was a run down area but I never felt unsafe, as I was sat there I reached for a cigarette, as I opened the packet a girl was next to the car, she said "Do you have a spare cigaretts", I said "Maybe".She was around 20, long brown hair, slightly chubby, wearing a trakkie bottom and a white top. She said "I really...

2 years ago
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One moment, you are in bed, and the next, you are standing in your underwear outside a gate which seems to be the entrance to a park. A man in a white uniform greets you. "Hello," he says. "Welcome to Afterlife, the place you go when you die. Normally, I would check you in," he tells you, "but today, we are short on staff and our maximum has been reached. So instead, you get to go back to Earth, as a different person. Choose."

4 years ago
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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 2

Molly came to consciousness as a vagina -- a very tight one. A new one. It hurt. “Oh, Daphne, oh, baby...” The penis got deep enough into Daphne to wake up the clan. “What the hell is going on?” came a loud voice, very close by. It could be no one else but Adam. “Hi, Adam,” said Molly quickly. “Don’t worry. You’re dead. You come alive when your descendants have sex.” The penis poked in and out, the live boy gasping. “What? Come off it!” shouted Adam. “Yes, Daphne, yes!” said the boy,...

4 years ago
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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 6

“Dad, I’ve gotta say, that was the nicest dinner we’ve had in a long time. It’s really nice when you don’t make those digs about, ‘When do I get my grandchild?’” Zach’s stomach went cold. If she only knew... As they drove back from the fancy restaurant in the big city to her suburban home, Jen’s eyes drooped. A few minutes later her eyes were shut, mouth open a bit. “Hey, Jen?” he asked. “Jen?” “Huh?” she said very groggily, then went back to sleep. The drug was taking effect. Five...

1 year ago
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The smell of steaming rice and the fumes of teriyaki sauce being painted on soft, juicy chicken enter the room, setting the mood for the usual dinner. Mother always cooked like this of Fridays. This is the only day of the week that Father would come home early from work and the only time where I can converse with him. It's quiet in the kitchen at this time. Mother and Father isn't on good terms right now. The absence of Father from the home worried Mother. She would come up with the most...

2 years ago
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LifelineChapter 14

I arrived at the county lockup before breakfast was served. The guard let me bring in an unopened container of yogurt and a bottle of skim milk for my client. Desmond "Tiny" Huntley grinned when he came in and sat down across from me. His grin grew when he saw he had a choice of a healthy breakfast instead of the runny eggs, grits, bacon and coffee that were served every morning at the jail. "You'll be going home today," I said. He was pulling the top off the yogurt and he stopped. He...

3 years ago
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Fantasy I have with my hairdresser

My name is Gary and I’m married and I’ve had this thing about a hair dresser I use to visit. Her name is Deena and she’s twenty years younger than me. I haven’t had Deena cut my hair in a couple of years and missed her. So I called her for an appointment as I was thinking about her recently. “Hi Gary, it’s been a while,” she said answering the call. “I know. I’ve been extremely busy with work.” “What can I do for you?” All...

2 years ago
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The hairdresser

The place I used to work at last yr had a hairdresser that came in on a regular basis to do the older ladies hair , I noticed her from the word go as she was such a sexy little thing, about 5” 1 and blonde with a sweet little figure and a lovely set off boobs, a little older than I was but at the time I didn’t know by how much, over a few weeks and a little small talk I asked her if she would like to have dinner, and with a little persuasion from a colleague she agreed, I made dinner and we had...

1 year ago
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Lockdown Hairdresser

Like most self-employed people Becky was struggling as a hairdresser during lockdown. No clients meant no money, but the bills didn’t seem to stop. She’d already resorted to cancelling every subscription she had and had even sold her TV on eBay. But she was still short of cash. At twenty-six years old and living the single life she had no one to help with the bills.Out of desperation she’d texted one of her clients to see if he needed a haircut and didn’t mind breaking the lockdown rules to...

1 year ago
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Lifes What You Make It Robs Story Chapter Five

This novel is an experimental writing collaboration by TheGulfCoaster and runnergirl. The story has two perfect halves, a male and female side, which fit together as one. Runnergirl will reveal Emmy’s feelings and tell the tale through her perspective, whereas TheGulfCoaster writes from Robbie’s perspective. The two stories share mutual dialogue and action where the two characters intersect and thus this is unique venture. Only by reading Emmy’s and Robbie’s stories, will the reader get the...

2 years ago
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Lifestyles of the Very Rich and Unknown

Lifestyles of the Very Rich and Unknown Introduction This is another of my stories depicting possible real-life situations, no magic, no science fiction, no unknown chemicals, though adult situations of sexual activity, coercion, kidnapping and some limited violence are involved, so consider yourself forewarned. My intent here is to explore the nature of friendships and relationships, and how people respond to events that are verging on the impossible to deal with. And the ending...

3 years ago
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Lifestyles Urban Vintage And Exquisitely Permanent

"Lifestyles: Urban Vintage And Exquisitely Permanent" It was an early fall day in the city. October 1955 as Ted Hawthorne finished his coffee and morning newspaper. He left the change for the check on the table then after buttoning his suit coat and putting on his hat he left the restaurant and began his walk down the city sidewalk. By the time he neared the downtown beauty salon he paused and lit a cigarette. But it was only a few moments later that an attractive woman exited the...

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