A Strange Attraction To Concrete Cows - Part 9 free porn video

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A Strange Attraction to Concrete Cows by Karen Page Chapter 9 Friday, Christmas Eve, dragged. I hadn't seen Anna all day. She was busy helping her Mum, who finished her job the previous day, pack some of the remaining items. I wanted to help but I'd spent so much time with them that I hadn't managed to wrap any of my Christmas presents. Most of the morning, therefore, was spent wrapping. When I came to wrap Anna's present I took special care with the wrapping, putting a big red ribbon to make it look that little bit extra special. I'd purchased Anna's and Erika's present a few weeks previous but had decided to get something a bit extra. Last night I was playing with the counties concert wind band at a shopping mall. During a break from playing I managed to purchase something for her to remember me with. Mum arrived back at twelve from the shops. She'd left for the supermarket at six this morning. I knew things would be busy but I wasn't expecting it to take that long. "Bill," called Mum. "Can you give me a hand?" I trouped out and helped her carry in several plastic bags full of shopping. Then I spied a big open top box on the back seat. Inside was a huge turkey. "Isn't that turkey a little big for just the three of us?" "It won't just be the three of us this year. We're having visitors." "Is Dad coming?" I asked getting excited. "I know how he hated eating alone last year. Is he bringing Julia?" "No, your Dad isn't coming," replied Mum her face falling. I thought that she was going to burst into tears so I rushed over and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry Mum. You really miss him don't you?" Mum just nodded as we carried the box into the kitchen. After a moment of silence I asked, "so who is coming?" "The Scott's and the Donald's. I invited them when I found out about them moving between Christmas and New Year. I didn't think it would be very merry in a bare house surrounded with boxes." "No wonder you got such a big turkey," I said. "Ten is a lot to cook for. Would you like some help?" "Always offering to help," smiled Mum. "Thanks, but I should be able to manage. I could do with some help with some of the preparation during this afternoon." My face fell for a second as I had hoped to go to Anna's this afternoon. Then I perked up as I thought about helping make Christmas special for the girl I loved. "No problem Mum. Let me help put all of this away and then after lunch I'll gladly help." Mum turned up the dimmer as the closing credits of A Christmas Carol came up. Patrick Stewart hadn't done a bad rendition of Ebenezer Scrooge but I still think that Alistair Sim is the best. We leave for church at eleven so we had two hours to kill. Perhaps we should turn over and watch Chocolat but it finished at five to eleven so that wouldn't give me much time to get ready. "Will you both please put up the camp bed," requested Mum making the choice not to watch Chocolat for me. "We will have a guest staying overnight." "You can get it out this time," I told Beth. "My head still hurts from last time." Beth just burst out in laughter remembering what had happened. "No problem little bro, I'll get it out." Beth then turned to Mum and asked, "which room should we put it in?" Mum actually stopped to ponder. This surly couldn't be a difficult decision was it? Males went in with me and females in with Beth. "It's up to you," she replied baffling both me and Beth. "You could put it in either room really. I'll leave it up to you." Beth and I just looked at each other in wonder both of us failing to understand what was going on. In our baffled state none of us thought the obvious question about asking who was staying. Instead I asked, "Is the person male or female?" "Female," responded Mum with a small smile. "Well then we will put her in Beth's room," I decided. I wonder if Mum has had too much to drink after the meal. While Beth rummaged under the stairs for the camp bed I found the bedding in the airing cupboard. I was starting to get quite good at making up camp beds. You don't use them for a year and this is the second time in under a week. At ten Beth and I were playing a game of scrabble. As usual Beth was getting better words than me but I was placing mine in more strategic positions so was slightly ahead. The doorbell rang and Beth got up to see who was knocking at this time of night. "No Beth," said Mum. "I think that Bill should go." Wondering what Mum was playing at I opened the front door. There shining as if she were the actual Christmas angel stood Anna. I stood aside to let her in. As the door closed Anna dropped her bag and jumped into my arms. When eventually we separated I noticed that she was wearing some smart clothes. "Are you coming to church with us tonight?" "Yes. I spoke with my parents last Sunday about it and they discussed things with your Mum. My parents have never really been church goers so they find this a bit strange. However they support my choice and thought it would be nice to accompany you." "Do you want to go because of me or because you want to go to church?" I asked. "A bit of both," she said after a moments thought. "I like being with you and went the first time to keep you company. I found the service interesting and some of what was said made sense. I'd like to go to make up my mind and Christmas is supposed to be about the birth of Jesus so here I am." "So why are you staying overnight?" "Well I'm going in the morning with you as well." "Let's take your bag up," I suggested. Then it dawned on me, Mum gave me the opportunity to have Anna sleep in my room. "I'll be right back," I said to Anna as I strode towards the lounge. "How could you Mum," I said. She just smiled and said, "thank you for not disappointing me and the Scott's. Like I said, we trust you both." "Ahhhh," I mock screamed with frustration which just caused Mum and Beth to laugh. I leaned over to Beth and said, "well you'll have to put up with her snoring." This stopped Beth laughing and I just laughed at the look of anguish on her face. I left Beth and Mum alone and went to help Anna unpack her overnight bag. "I hear you're coming to lunch tomorrow." "Yes. It will seem strange not seeing my parents until lunch time and not opening my presents till we go home." "How did your parents feel about you staying?" "They understood that this is something I wanted to do. As you know they've always been one for me choosing what I want in life." "Like when you wanted to take ballet lessons?" I teased. That just resulted in Anna sticking out her tongue at me. "I brought down your clothes," she said referring to Jill's clothes. I took them and placed them at the back of my wardrobe. At just before eleven we all were in our smart clothes and piled into Mums car for the short journey to church. The air was quite warm and didn't feel very Christmassy. The images on the front of the Christmas cards really gave the wrong impression of Christmas. It was never white during Christmas. Mum told me the other day that the last real Christmas with snow on the ground was in 1981. When we got to the church it was already starting to fill. There were a lot of non regulars attending which swelled the numbers and just before half eleven the church was nearly full. Just before the service started I remembered something I meant to chat with Anna about. "Anna I know that you're not confirmed. I meant to talk with you earlier about this but you can still go up for blessing." "I'd feel funny doing that," she replied. "What would the vicar think?" "Dad didn't get confirmed until he was in his late twenties," I stated. "Also I heard that vicars feel it is an honour. By going and asking for a blessing you are personally asking the vicar to act as a conduit." "But what will everyone else say?" "This is about your relationship with Jesus not anybody else's. If you go to the communion rail or not is up to you. Just remember there are a lot of non regulars here tonight and not all of them will have been confirmed." I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and let the subject drop. I always loved this Midnight Communion service as it is a service of celebration and hope. At midnight the verger lit the last advent candle and Christmas day had begun. This was my second Christmas without my Dad and the first with somebody not from our family. When we arrived home we were all tired. "Go on up," Mum told all three of us. As I went into my room and I heard Anna say to Beth, "I just want to say goodnight to Bill. I'll be back in a few minutes." I was in the process of removing my tie when Anna walked in. "Merry Christmas," she said giving me a tender but firm kiss. I like those kisses. "Thanks for earlier," she said. "You know what you talked to me about in church. You were right, the vicar was totally unfazed about me going for a blessing." We talked for another few minutes until we heard Beth finish in the bathroom. "Goodnight," I said giving Anna a kiss. "See you later today." *** In the morning we just had a light breakfast of orange juice and cereal. It was pointless to have much more as Christmas day lunch would fill us up till New Year. After attending church again we all came home to open the presents. Anna looked a bit down so I asked, "what's wrong? You seem a bit upset." "Nothing really. I'm glad I stayed and went to church but I feel a bit left out. All my presents are waiting at home." "Not all," Mum said. "Bill has some presents here for you. See the pile of presents under the tree. Well all the children help divide them up into individual piles. Why don't I leave all three of you to sort them out while I check on the turkey?" As she walked out of the door she said, "and no opening them till I'm back!" We all scrambled onto the floor and started sorting them out. Suddenly there was a loud shriek from Anna. "What wrong?" I said worried as tears streamed down her face. "Some of these are for me from my family," she said happily. "Dad must have snuck them down." I then realised that they were tears of joy, not sadness. As we sorted the presents I came across the ones from me to her. I passed them to her and gave her a quick kiss. "Can I open it now?" she asked looking ready to rip the paper off. "NO!" screeched Beth and me simultaneously. "Mum will go spare if we open them when she's not here." "Okay," she said reluctantly putting them onto her pile. Just as we finished dividing the presents out the door bell rang. "Can you get that Bill," asked Mum. I looked at the clock and it was too early for the Scott's or Moore's. Who could this be? May be it was Dad? Then on second thoughts Mum had categorically said that he wasn't coming. I walked to the front door accompanied by Anna. As I opened it I heard Mr and Mrs Scott cheerfully greet us both with a "Merry Christmas". Anna virtually jumped into their arms. I knew that she'd missed them. "What are you doing here this early?" a bewildered Anna asked her parents. "It wouldn't be Christmas if we didn't watch you open your presents." I ushered them into the lounge where Mum had reappeared. All the presents were separated into areas. When Anna opened her present from me she gasped and flung herself into my arms. It was a silver photo frame with a picture of me and Anna. Written in the bottom left were the words, "To Anna, All my love for always. Bill." I found her present to me and she just burst into a fit of giggles as I began to open it. Nestled inside a mountain of wrapping paper was an identical silver photo frame. The picture inside however was a different one of us together at one of Planetwide's family events. Anna was wearing a rather fetching red velvet cushioned dress. I remember her wearing it as it used to drive my then undeclared feelings wild. I took her in my arms and gave Anna another big kiss much to Mum's amusement. My parents had given me a mobile phone. When Beth opened her present she had an identical phone. My parents had always said that they didn't believe in children having mobiles so this was quite a surprise. "What made you change your mind about us having a mobile?" I asked. "With Anna and Erika leaving you probably will go out alone. That didn't used to be a problem as there were always plenty of pay phones. With such a widespread mobile phone use BT are removing some of them. A mobile will make sure you can contact me or in a real emergency Dad." Soon all the presents were open and the lounge cleared of the torn wrapping paper. Just before Christmas lunch the Donald's appeared and the day passed with lots of exuberance. The only strange thing was when the Christmas pudding was brought out. Mum poured some brandy over the pudding and set it alight. Erika, who was sitting to my left, leaned across and whispered, "you still eat it after that?" I gave a small giggle, "Of course. It's just a part of the tradition. It doesn't burn the pudding." "Okay," she said doubtfully. Beth took the pudding back to the kitchen and served it into bowls. She brought them in with a jug of brandy sauce. Erika picked at her pudding until she saw her parents eating theirs with gusto and she tucked in. After the mince pies and Christmas cake everyone was very much over fed. The Donald's and Scott's eventually left about nine that night. It was one of the days since Dad had left, well apart from Anna sleeping on my lap! *** The days passed quickly and I saw little of Erika or Anna as they prepared for their move. I wanted to help but the thought of Anna leaving was too much for me. I just cooked lots of cakes to try and take my mind off the fateful day. Mum was always there to listen to me when I got too upset. She had taken the days between Christmas and New Year as holidays so she would be there when Erika and Anna left. On Wednesday it was time for Erika to leave. At half ten I wandered up to Erika's house. The day was crisp and dry rather like the days since Christmas. Outside of the house was parked a large lorry and three removal men were carrying the last remaining boxes out. I didn't see Anna wander up and the first thing I new about her presence was when she slipped her hand into mine. We just watched in silence as the Donald's life was packed into a lorry. We'd known Erika for just over a year. In that time she had much to adjust to. We might speak the same language but there was a lot for her to adjust to. My thoughts however weren't on Erika. They were on Anna's impending move. We'd known each other for most of our lives and now she would be gone. Watching Erika move was like watching Anna move twice. I think Anna must have thought the same as we both started to cry and our grips on each others hands tightened. The lorry slowly pulled away and we walked slowly towards the house. As we approached Mrs Donald signalled that we could go into the house. It was empty. We stood just inside the entrance as Erika misty eyed walked around the house obviously remembering things that had occurred during the year she'd been there. Eventually she noticed us standing there watching. She wandered up trying to keep control of her emotions and Anna let go of my hand. We all embraced into a group hug and Erika's barriers crumbled. We sobbed on each others shoulders until we were interrupted by Mr Donald. "Erika it's time to go," he gently said. We released each other and Erika gave me a tight hug, "thanks for being my friend," she whispered into my ear. "I hope we see each other again." "Me to," I said tears still running down my cheeks, "me to." We all left the house and Anna and I stood at the end of the drive once again hand in hand giving each other as much comfort as we could. Erika climbed into the car as Mr Donald secured the house for the final time. We waved as the car started and slowly drove out of view. We stood there silently in remembrance of our friend. Then we set off together. Neither of us had told the other; it just happened. Soon we were walking along a long abandoned canal; the aroma of the stagnant waters weren't as oppressive as in the heat of the summer. The week glow of the sun occasionally gleamed through the bare branches of the trees. The dry leaves that still covered the ground acted as a good blanket and we settled down to relax. When we grew up this used to be our favourite hideaway. Hardly anybody came down the old towpath especially during the winter. Anna looked tired and didn't appear to have been sleeping well. I patted my thigh and Anna giving a smile sat on it. We snuggled and kissed as I gently rocked my love. I opened my eyes to a strange warbling sound. I looked up and saw that the sun had changed positions and was now low in the sky. We must have fallen asleep. The insistent ringing of the phone eventually woke Anna, who for once hadn't been snoring, opened her eyes and stretched just as the phone stopped ringing. She giggled and said, "you missed it." "Appears so," I responded giving her a little tickle. She moved off my lap and a rubbed my numb legs. I fished out the phone from my pocket and peered at the screen. It showed "1 Missed Call". I investigated further and found out it was our home. I returned the call. "Hi Mum," I said as she finished her greeting. "I just wondered if Anna wanted to join us for tea." I glanced at my watch as saw it was three. In about an hour it would be going dark. "Do you want to eat with us tonight?" I asked Anna who now stood up and brushed leaves that had stuck to her jeans. "That would be nice. It's a bit depressing at home with everything packed." I put the phone back to my face and said to Mum, "if that's okay then she'd love to." With the phone again stored in my pocket I stood and we made our way back towards civilisation. With the sun low in the sky we didn't want to be caught in the dark so close to water. Memories of Mums reaction when, aged eight, I came home dripping wet were still strong and I didn't want a repeat lecture. We made our way through the centre of the village and we chatted about some of the things we had done. We'd both missed lunch so I purchased a small cake for each of us from the bakery. It was just enough to quell the hunger pangs but not spoil our appetite. People we knew from school saw us walk through the village but we were left alone. The temperature was dropping and a slight frost was developing on some of the cars parked along the roadside. When we got home we were beginning to feel the cold and were glad to enter the warmth of the house. Mum as per usual popped her head round the door as we entered and ushered us both into the lounge where she turned on the gas fire. Soon the coals were glowing and we sat dangling our now bare feet to warm them up. The last evening we would spend together passed all too quick. Mum and Beth gave us the privacy we wanted and we spent the time in the lounge enjoying being together. As the chime of the wall clock struck nine Mum knocked on the door and said, "Anna should go back soon as she has a lot to do tomorrow." "Okay," Anna and I replied simultaneously. We spent the next few minutes kissing but soon we knew we couldn't put off Anna going any longer. "I'll walk you back," I offered as we put our coats on. "Thanks", she replied. We stepped into the hall where we saw Mum walking down the stairs. "I'm just walking Anna home," I informed Mum. "It's been a real pleasure knowing you," said Mum to Anna as they both embraced. "Thanks," was all Anna could say as again she burst into tears. I put my arms around her and comforted her. Mum wandered into the lounge leaving us alone. When Anna had calmed down we walked up to her house. As she went in I saw boxes everywhere. The coat hook in the hall had gone and it looked more like a shell. It was no longer the warm home that I'd known. The photographs that donned the lounge were no longer there and all that was left were bare walls. I said a quick goodbye as being in here was making me depressed. This was a place that would soon be somebody else's home. I walked home in a sombre mood knowing what tomorrow would bring. I know life must change but I'd had enough change already when Dad moved away. Why did I have to loose my girlfriend as well? When I got home I just went straight to bed. I was glad that I didn't see Mum or Beth. As I snuggled under the duvet I reflected on life and gently sobbed into my pillow. My life as I knew it would never be the same. I would have no real friends at school and outside school I would be alone. Eventually I drifted off to a fitful sleep. At just past one in the morning I awoke finding that I'd been crying in my sleep. I wandered to the toilet to find it occupied by Beth. When she came out she found me sitting on the floor, my back to the opposite wall and my face full of tear marks. I got up and relieved myself. When I eventually came out Beth was waiting for me and led me to her room. Made up was a camp bed. "I made the bed up earlier just in case Anna wanted to spend the night. I think you need somebody with you tonight and tomorrow night." "Won't Mum be upset with me sleeping in the same room as a girl?" "I think Mum trusts you not to do something wicked with your own sister," she replied with a smile. Eventually I again fell asleep with thoughts of ten wonderful years with Anna. I woke up twice and Beth comforted me as I gradually transferred the box of tissues into the waste bin. When I eventually awoke in the morning the sun had already risen. Beth was awake, still under her duvet, watching me. "You okay little brother?" "I think so. What's the time?" "Quarter to nine." Tears began to leak from my face again but I made no effort to hide them. "What's wrong?" gently asked Beth. "The removal truck will be there. It was going to be there at eight," I responded through the tears. Beth calmed me down and when the tears were gone shooed me back to my room while she got ready. When I came down for breakfast Mum was making some toast and had put several different jams on the table. "I thought this would slip down nicely," she said as I took my seat. A few minutes later we were joined by Beth who looked almost as tired as me. The breakfast was eaten in virtual silence which I was quite relieved about. Any normal discussion would probably have had me breaking down in tears. As I went to clean my teeth I heard Mum say to Beth, "thanks for looking after Bill last night. Was it as bad as we thought it would be?" "Worse. Even when he was asleep he appeared to be suffering some type of bad dream. I don't think tonight will be any better." I'd gone through the bad dreams and Beth didn't know half of what I'd dreamt. I hopped they were wrong about tonight but I very much doubted it. I got ready and after putting on a thick jumper and coat with trepidation set off to say farewell to Anna. When I arrived the lorry was filling up fast. They had more to move as they'd lived there for so long. I stood on their grass watching as their worldly goods were carried and placed into the lorry. After about fifteen minutes a removal man walked up with a steaming hot cup of coffee. "The young girl in the house thought you'd appreciate this," he said. "Thanks," I said as he walked back to carry out more boxes. At nearly eleven the house was empty and the lorry set off for Milton Keynes. I went into the house and saw Anna sat on the floor in the corner of the lounge. "Hi," I said as I sat next to her. "It's all gone," she simply said. "I know," I responded putting my arm around her. Nothing more was said as we just sat there. There were no tears just a deep sadness at our impending forced split. "It's time to go," said Mrs Scott walking into the lounge. "Can we have a few minutes?" asked Anna. "Of course," she replied. "I'll just be outside." I leant across and gave her a tender kiss. "Will you give me a ring when you're unpacked?" "If the phone isn't connected then I'll use Erika's which is." "If you see anything of my Dad you will let me know." "I can't," she responded with sadness. "Mum and Dad talked with me last night. We aren't allowed to see your Dad or Julia. If we do then we aren't allowed to talk with you about it." "Don't worry," I reassured her. "I'm not surprised. Mum and your parents have taken great care to keep things secret. So don't look as I would hate for you to get into trouble." I stood and pulled Anna up. Together our arms around each other we walked to the car. "Good luck," I said as she got in. "I'll always love you." "I'll always love you too," responded Anna tears starting to trickle down her beautiful face. Mr Scott locked the house and they were on their way to their new house. I watched in silence as there car disappeared around the bend. Anna was gone.

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The author claims copyright on this document. It may be posted in other groups or copied for inclusion in archives, etc., but may not be used for commercial purposes in any way! If you do repost this or copy it off somewhere, please keep this notice of copyright attached. NASA contributes 40% of the Budget at the Sexperimental Farm Laboratory. This is a Documentary of 1998 when the Fallopiansthreatened our Civlisation.The account of SFL Dairy, June 1st - 24th 1998. Iowa After meeting their...

3 years ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 2 Calling in the Cows

3:01 A.M. Aside from the distant radio all was dead still and dark as if night would forever refuse morning’s light. It was bleak, it was cold, ungodly early and vastly preceding any time I’d ever risen. I didn’t understand why people were getting up out of bed. But the drill seemed somehow so ordinary for them it didn’t leave me too uneasy, just a bit amazed. A tired young mind of broken rem sleep, awakened, is a hard thing to muster alive. Known reasons for refusing the new day are...

2 years ago
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TouchdownChapter 15 Flux in the World of Concrete

Warwick. Thursday, 8 days after Jennifer reappears A New Business Opportunity? At Joe's office there have been rumours over the last few weeks. Unexpected comings and goings. Regular meetings cancelled and rearranged. Now, there's been an email announcing a staff meeting for everyone in the restaurant at 10 o'clock. Joe has been given compassionate leave to help him look after his wife, Jennifer, after her unexpected reappearance but yesterday, he took a call from Chris Parker, his...

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Rebuttal of Cows and Girlfriends

Frank was livid! The love of his life was being treated as a COW. Things were going to change, and he was going to get his wonderful bright, Intelligent, happy girl BACK. When Frank went into the Army, he had just finished graduated from college. He had always wanted to go into the Army, he felt a strong need to protect and defend, and he was finally old enough to enter. He was smart. He had finished high school by the time he was 15, and his BA when he was 17, and his masters a year...

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Attraction reactions

——————————————————————————— Chapter 1 The event that changed everything Lily and Tessa have been neighbors and best friends since they were toddlers. Growing up together, they both know most of each others secrets and can talk about almost anything together. Lily is the shy one and the follower of the two, sometimes shes embarrassed by Tessa’s brashness. Lily’s shyness and Tessa’s brashness has made their relationship work well. Lily and Tessa are both 18 years old still living at...

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Attraction reaction

——————————————————————————— Chapter 1 The event that changed everything Lily and Tessa have been neighbors and best friends since they were toddlers. Growing up together, they both know most of each others secrets and can talk about almost anything together. Lily is the shy one and the follower of the two, sometimes shes embarrassed by Tessa’s brashness. Lily’s shyness and Tessa’s brashness has made their relationship work well. Lily and Tessa are both 18 years old still living at...

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The Bosss Concrete Fortress

In April 1989, I was working at a corporation with so many layers that I couldn’t precisely say who my actual employer was. At the top was a conglomerate that had started out as an auto parts manufacturer. As it added and shed many lines of business over the decades it needed a new identity. Eventually, it had purchased an old-line Hollywood studio called Apex and it had glamorously renamed itself Apex Communications.Apex must have been doing well because it built itself a skyscraper...

4 years ago
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Strange Attraction

Serina cursed. That was all she was doing lately. Cursing her luck, the station she was stranded on and the bastard who put her here. She plopped down on her usual spot at the bar and cursed that she even had a usual spot. She ordered the synthetic stuff someone liberal might name coffee and took a look at her pad. There's got to be work out there for her. She was a god damn pilot. Not one of those hot-headed fighter pilots. No. Big starships. That's her size. Flying those for ten...

2 years ago
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Intended AttractionChapter 3

I quickly shut Sophie’s door behind me and took a step towards the still figure seated upon the couch. Hanna hadn’t reacted yet; simply sitting there staring at me with what seemed like a carefully blank expression. I didn’t know how long she had been sitting there or how much she had heard. Had we been overly loud? I didn’t know - Sophie had told me that Hanna wouldn’t be getting home until the next morning so I’d thought there was little need for us to be discreet. I took a step closer and...

4 years ago
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An Unknown AttractionChapter 2 An Awkward Introduction

Amongst the raging beats of the overlapping songs from multiple Orleans pubs, amidst the varied lights and sights the city offered at this time of night, though the raging sea of humanity celebrating an old city, Shaniqua walked us both back to the hotel. She never moved more than a few millimeters from my side, pressing her large soft breasts against my upper arm the entire way. It was a bit awkward, especially if you aren't used to it, but it was an exquisite torture. Cate just kept...

3 years ago
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The Omega TouchChapter 14 Purple Cows and Colored Pencils

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 7:15 PM “He needs to love you.” The ghost Tricia squatted on the bed, glowing, naked, translucent, and she looked at the real Tricia with an expression filled with love and concern. Her voice echoed as if spoken from a great distance through a long tunnel. “That is the answer to most of your questions,” she said. “He needs to love you.” “But...” Tricia began. She stared at the image. Her future self was beautiful, content, sexy, and energized. Her long ghostly...

4 years ago
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Laws of Attraction The Playgirl

Monday, September 7 2015 5.13 AM Pacific Time Attraction has got laws too—like a ‘bitch’ dog wants certain principles followed before she goes on hit and starts having intercourse anyhow. From my perspective, these are the major Laws of Attraction I picked up from experimenting with both love and sex. 1. Never ask a man for sex. Yes, you got me right. Men don't like it when women ask them for sex. They will pretend they have not heard what you said correctly, or switch the topic...

4 years ago
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Laws of Attraction The Playgirl

Introduction: Phoebe discovers that the man she is lusting for is her cousin. FACEBOOK NOTE Monday, September 7 2015 5.13 AM Pacific Time Attraction has got laws toolike a bitch dog wants certain principles followed before she goes on hit and starts having intercourse anyhow. From my perspective, these are the major Laws of Attraction I picked up from experimenting with both love and sex. 1. Never ask a man for sex. Yes, you got me right. Men dont like it when women ask them for sex. They...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Variation On A Theme Of Human Attraction

Variation on a theme of human attraction. The AGM at Microweb’s Chicago office had just finished. By a bit of good planning and, even although I say it myself, ingenuity – I managed to sustain an interview with the chief sales guy TO introduce my new Android App.. . I was directed into a large fussy waiting room which adjoined the executive conference room so after the meeting was closed and the delegates piled out, I decided to take a gander inside My being of a very inquisitive...

2 years ago
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Intended AttractionChapter 2

“Well that was a good decision on my part.” Hanna said, her voice smug and filled with satisfaction. She was laying on her stomach looking at me while kicking her heels idly in the air. Hanna still hadn’t bothered to put any clothes back on and I was enjoying all of the tanned and smooth skin on display. My guest seemed completely indifferent to her nudity - either in regards to modesty or to using the charms of her body to entice me - she didn’t care. We’d had sex and we’d both enjoyed it;...

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Intended AttractionChapter 4

I almost couldn’t believe my good fortune; here I was at my neighbours apartment with two gorgeous girls to play with - albeit with the caveat that I couldn’t enjoy both of them at the same time. Not yet anyway. What had begun as an accident with Jasmine and Alexis months before had morphed into an interesting experiment with intriguing results; I had successfully instilled an attraction within Hanna towards her teenage flatmate that was strong enough to overcome any moral qualms she might...

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Kids scream and dogs bark, yet I come with new lemon! GOD SAVE US ALL! This particular lemon was comissioned by (believe or not) my gf and soul mate. I hope you like the lemon, it took me longer than I expected to make. Asuka looked at the packages Kaji had put his clothes at. "You don't have to go,“ she said kinda sad. Kaji gave a heavy sigh. "I got a open challenge. If I were to back away now, I'd never hear the end of it." he said finally. "Well…Can I wish you luck in my...

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Roadside Attraction

Roadside Attraction By Tyrone Slothop Chapter 1: Exit To Nowhere The Peterbilt cab rolled into the Sunny Serve, over to the diesel section. Another Wal-Mart trailer on its way somewhere else. Betty looked out the window of the caf?. It had been the only truck today and she bet he would not even stop for coffee. She watched Bobby hobble over from the garage bays and talk to the driver. It was broiling hot in the high desert and she could not see the Sierras through the h...

1 year ago
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Mutual attraction with my master Led to Sex

I had been working for Perez for a year and had seen his roving eyes watch me. I knew what he thought of me and wanted me to sleep with him. But I hadn’t given him that opportunity yet. As a result I did get secret gifts and requests to give in to him. The truth was, I was attracted to him and was just about to give in. That mutual attraction with my master would lead to a blasting sex, I didn’t know. That day I was dusting and he was sitting on the couch working. To give him the go ahead...

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Fetish sexual attraction to the leather boots Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Hi, I am Shamil, I am 26 years old and Leather boots, especially the new ones attract me a lot. I don’t remember since when I acquired this fetish sexual attraction to the leather boots but one incidence, from 3 years ago is still fresh in my mind. I was on a trip to Goa with my gang. We walked into the hotel and were waiting in the lobby. I was sitting closer to the gate. A few minutes later the smell of fresh leather teases my nostrils. I turn around and see a woman wearing a short skirt, a...

4 years ago
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Degrees of Attraction

This is nonsense. And yet... The modern belief is that a person cannot be hypnotized into doing a thing which they would object to doing if not hypnotized. There are three problems with that; first is the possibility that someone could be gradually conditioned into doing a thing which they would not do if presented with it as an immediate order. Second is that there is evidence it is not true at all, but a superstition put forward as self-serving propaganda by hypnotic...

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Leg attraction

As I sat on the patio my thoughts were s**ttered in many directions. A warm summer breeze lifts my hair and delicately raises my skirt as it sheers past. I peered down at my tanned smooth thighs knowing they are once again taunting,... and well. It's now been two years since our canoe trip following my discovery of Michaels peculiar attention. I wanted to allow him time to mature which provided me plenty of time to seduce his mind. This certainly isn't something that one can just initiate but...

1 year ago
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How I became centre of attraction for rich gay men Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Hello friends, my name is Ricky and this is the story of how I became a paid cross dresser two years back. It was during the Christmas holidays when I was in need of some money. I called my friend Kris and asked for his help. Though he agreed, he asked a favour in return. When I met him, he told me that his job was in danger and that the only way to save is by pleasing my boss. He told that his boss was a bisexual who had a thing for cross dresser. I used to dress like a girl at times but never...

Cross Dresser
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A pretty blonde teacher becomes the main attraction at an interracial party

Miriam Smith looked forward to her Friday nights with her fellow teachers from school. She and several of the other teachers got together for a ladies night out to let their hair down and celebrate the start of the cherished weekend. The pretty blonde wife taught English at the high school and enjoyed her work but she also enjoyed having a good time as well. She was definitely no ‘stick in the mud’ when it came to partying on the weekends. Sometimes the group went out for drinks at...

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Celebrity Hucows

DISCLAIMER: This story exists for the sole purpose of sexual gratification through literary means. In no way shape or form is this meant to marginalize, demean, attack, or offend the women in question. This work does not condone real acts of kidnapping, sexual abuse, and/or overall cruelty. Without further ado, let us proceed to the story. A large, empty facility lay silent at the dead of night. Within it were stalls, waiting rooms, showers, restrooms, infirmaries, and offices. But alas, it was...

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An Unexpected Attraction

“You want to fuck me, don’t you?” What the fuck? I stopped in my tracks. I was coming back from the men’s room, heading back to the pool tables where I shot pool with a mix of regular and semi-regular guys every Wednesday night. There in front of me was Stella, one of the waitresses, hand on her hip looking up at me like a real smart ass. Stella, while not super-hot, was very pretty, with long dirty-blonde hair down to her shoulder blades. This wasn’t “Hooters,” just your friendly...

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An Unknown AttractionChapter 3 Songs of a Life

Having finished our little demonstrations, and deciding we'd wasted enough time hanging around the hotel, we prepared to leave. I was anxious to see more of New Orleans's famous French Quarter, but was hesitant about running into someone else like Shani. I didn't know whether I simply shouldn't look anyone in the eyes or if I'd draw them to me like a magnet regardless of what I did, resulting in a whole string of women following me down the street. Honestly, I simply didn't know what to...

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Helping Her Explore Her Attraction

We both knew that this was not a “Forever Love.” It was not going to be an “until death do us part” kind of relationship. We were both young nineteen year olds, exploring life and tasting its carnal pleasures. This is not to mean that we didn’t love each other. We did. We were lovers and friends, with an unspoken agreement to be there for each other - which is why I listened intently and sympathetically when Corey confessed to me. “I don’t know what to do,” she blurted, “I am so attracted to my...

First Time
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Celebrity Naked Attraction

There is a TV show titled as above but without the Celebrity word, although there are several programmes with the Celebrity prefix. I thought it could be an interesting, maybe humorous story using celebrity names and changing the format from a dating programme with a twist evident in the title, by adding the ‘slebs’ and very different twist. It’s highly unlikely and implausible, but I enjoyed creating it. I have imagined and described intimate details of each of my celebrity selection “As you...

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An Unknown AttractionChapter 15 One Girls Views and a Little Family Time

In order to best convey Alex's official history, I'm going to intrude into the story in my role as 'official biographer' once more to introduce one last voice, that of one of the more hard to fathom people in this whole endeavor, Alex's sister, Cate. Many people have trouble understanding how a sister could be so enamored of her older brother, yet still have such problems showing and relating to him. She's a complex figure and her inner psyche isn't readily apparent. What's more,...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

4 years ago
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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Genetic sexual attraction

About 10 years ago i got into the whole genealogy thing. As everyone usually does, i built myself a family tree and eventually got around to taking the DNA tests. Everyday i would get a recommended list of cousins i could communicate back and forth with. One, in particular caught my eye, jennifer, but i will call her jen for short. She was a few years older, but had the body and face of a 29 yr old despite being over 50. There was something special about her smile that intrigued me to read her...

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Cousin8217s Attraction 8211 Part II

Hi all I am back on ISS platform with the second part of my story “Cousin’s Attraction”. I am sorry for the delay in second part but now without delay I am starting, and must tell you that in my last story I tried to have sex with my cousin when she was sleeping and she sucked my cock while sleeping and I cummed in her mouth with my sperm, she did not like it and went away. So now I am going to tell you next part in hindi with my original feelings. Us rat ke bad mai ek hafte tak uske pas nai...

2 years ago
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XXI The Main Attraction

‘I’ve heard that, if one pinches oneself whilst dreaming, they will awaken,’ Alice thought to herself. Putting words into deeds, she did just that, pinching her thigh as she took the last step. Alas, all that happened was she left a tiny red mark upon her thigh, one that began to fade almost as quickly as it appeared.‘Bloody hell,’ she thought with a disappointed sigh. Not that she had truly expected it to work, only that she had hoped it might as Sargeant-Major Dumpty led her into a small room...

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Chapter 18 Cumming Attraction

Thursday EveningMarta sat in the middle of a packed theatre, knowing that she couldn’t hold out much longer, that she was going to cum, and cum hard. She also knew she would probably be loud, and messy, and humiliate herself in public. Worse, she couldn’t close her legs, and the people in front of her, when they turned around, would be able to look right up her skirt at her naked cunt as she was cumming.And worse still, she found herself wanting it to happen. It was making her so...

5 years ago
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Unnatural Attraction the Torrid Tale of DeloresChapter 2

I was at the shop late, finishing up on the accounting. I was going to sleep there in the bed my boss had bought to fuck me in, and then take the bus in the morning to meet Evon in San Francisco. I was 19. I had $500, no car, no home, no diploma, and no references. I hoped Evon wouldn’t find out about my affair with her dad, because she was the only friend I had left. Ron’s big gleaming Lincoln pulled up outside. I went around to the front and opened the door. Ron was Henry’s dad. Yes, I...

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Degrees of Attraction

There have been fantasies for hundreds of years about what can be done through hypnosis – especially erotic fantasies, especially of a man taking absolute control of the minds of dozens of young and nubile women. This is nonsense. And yet… The modern belief is that a person cannot be hypnotized into doing a thing which they would object to doing if not hypnotized. There are three problems with that, first is the possibility that someone could be gradually conditioned into doing a thing which...

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Siblings Chain Attraction Pt1

If you like our story please let us know interact with us so we know to keep making them. Like i said this is just the beginning of our story which now has gone on for 3 years. This is not the typical story about incest which you have heard online time after time. Both my sister and I were very well raised in a loving home where are parents worked extremely hard to give us a good life. We both went to school and were very good A average students. For most of my life I just saw my sister as...

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Forbidden Attraction 1 Revised

Physics class was over, and next was my favorite class of all... Choir! Everyday, before going to class, I would stop in the bathroom to freshen up for my hot Music teacher Mr. Connor. I sprayed on some coconut body spray, unbuttoned my blouse to show a little more cleavage and headed up to his room. "Hey Erica, how are you?" Mr. Connor asked smiling as I approached his room. "I'm great. You?" I cheesed. "Up with my babies again. I'm so tired. But I'm glad to see...

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