Nantucket Sunrise free porn video

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Janie fell back to sleep and I quietly rolled out of bed. Naked, with my semi-hard dick slapping against my thighs, I passed through my bedroom, grabbed my towel and fresh undies, and made my way down the back stairs to the kitchen. The shower and laundry were in a small room just off the kitchen. It also had a door leading out to the back yard. Clearly, once we had guests in the house, I would be constrained from running around au naturel. Also, since I was only shaving about once every three days, I left my shaving kit in the upstairs bathroom.

I showered and briefly returned to my room for my work clothes. I made a quick bowl of cereal and got to work. In terms of weather, it was going to be a banner day with hopefully some afternoon beach time. I wanted to get a few hours in on the windows. Restoring the old windows was my reason for being there. I was all set up in the side yard and got right to work dismantling a window. Happily, the windows had been ignored for so many years that most of the old putty was already missing. I knew what to do, so I got right to it.

My work bench was an old door spanning two sawhorses. Leaning over a window sash and lost in my work, I was listening to contemporary rock through earphones from a small pocket tape player. I was startled when Janie sneaked up and grabbed me from behind. Well—I should say—grabbed my crotch from behind. It was unexpected and honestly scared the shit out of me. Quickly turning, I dropped my tools and pulled the earbuds from my ears, loudly exclaiming, “What the hell…?”

She found my reaction to be totally hilarious. I was not quite so amused, but in the end we both had a good laugh. Once I gathered my composure, I stepped into her space. She pulled me to her and whispered in my ear, “Aaron, I haven’t had nearly enough of you yet!”

Shocked but realizing I’d better get used to this, I seductively replied, “And exactly what part of me are you missing?”

“Don’t be coy with me, Aaron. I think you know exactly what I want.”

“I have a pretty good guess. Where exactly do you want it?”

She turned me around and pushed me toward the small deck in the back yard. The deck was only a few inches off the ground, and was completely hidden from the street. Neighboring houses, however, were close on all three sides, although the yards were well screened by mature shrubbery. The proximity of neighboring houses didn’t seem to have any effect or influence on Janie’s actions. In a matter of seconds, she pulled my tee shirt over my head, tossed it in the bushes, and unbuckled my belt. Lowering my zipper, she slipped her left hand inside my jeans. Through the fabric of my undies she grabbed my already-arousing dick.

Answering my question, she replied “I want it right here, right now!” With her left hand lost in my jeans, her right hand slid behind my head and pulled my lips to hers. What ensued was a long, passionate kiss that took my breath away. Coming up for air, my brain proved once again the breadth of my amazing vocabulary as I muttered a weak “Wow” in response.

A bit rattled by this unexpected turn of events, I asked “Aren’t we a bit exposed out here?”

She hastily replied “Don’t think about it. It’s early in the day and the season, so these houses probably have no occupants at the moment, or at least none who are up.”

Janie proceeded to unfasten the button, causing my jeans to drop to my ankles. I slipped off my flip-flops and kicked aside my now-collapsed and dispensable jeans.

I could see that Janie was wearing a light cotton bathrobe, which fell open as I tugged at the loosely-tied belt. Her hair was a bit unruly and her eyes were full of passion. I quickly scanned her entire naked body, this time noticing her neatly trimmed pubic hair and her shaved legs and inner thighs. I admit I was completely captivated. I was also way beyond any experience I had ever had, not to mention beyond my sheltered comfort zone.

Now clad only in my white briefs, I stepped forward to where our bodies again made contact. I could feel the heat of her pussy through the thin fabric of my briefs. My dick, for its part, was now fully engorged and pressing its interests. The rational part of my brain—that part that had any concern at all about where we were and what we were doing—was quickly overcome by lustful abandon. My heart was hammering in my chest. Janie’s tongue was deep in my mouth, and her hands were inside the seat of my undies, cupping and squeezing my small but firm glutes and pressing our bodies even more tightly together. She pushed downward against the white cotton fabric of my briefs in an attempt to remove this last, scant piece of my wardrobe. In tugging down on the back, the front got hung up on my tumescent dick, which was being moderately abused by the whole process.

I pulled away momentarily, reaching down and disentangling my dick, thus allowing this last bit of attire to be easily shed and cast aside.

As I stood there in the luminous morning sun, I was now completely naked and starkly exposed. My dick was hard, erect and gently pulsing with my heart beats. It would have presented an amazing tableau to anyone viewing it from afar.

Janie pushed me back a couple of steps until I bumped up against the glass patio table. Clearly at this point she had me exactly where she wanted me. And I, like her little puppy, wasn’t objecting in the least. The raw passion that had overcome my brain had also rendered me temporarily mute.

Her hands were on my chest and her fingers were roughly abusing my nipples, stimulating them into hard points. Then forcefully caressing my firm abs, she looked me straight in the eyes and commented “Aaron, there isn’t an ounce of fat on your whole body, is there?” Then reaching lower “And this hot cock…”

I was silent in response.

Continuing her assault on my chest and abs, she firmly nudged me backward. My ass cheeks settled onto the glass table top amid the chill morning dew. My arms and legs were now covered in goosebumps. My entire body began to shiver—but not because I was cold. In fact, I was enthralled, quite consumed by an amazing sexual tension and anticipation. I had never been naked like this, outside in broad daylight, my erect penis on display for the entire neighborhood to behold, the object of a mature, experienced woman’s sexual desires. I was beyond stimulated. I gave no thought to where this was headed. In fact, I gave no thought at all.

With my ass now partially seated on the tabletop, Janie’s hands applied lateral pressure at my knees to spread my legs. She began to focus her full attention on my groin. I looked down at my cock, which she held in her right hand with my nearly hairless balls filling the palm of her left hand. As I regarded my pulsing dick, I don’t think I had ever seen it so hard. It was well-illuminated by the morning sun, which had just crept over the roof of the neighbor’s house. Of course, my erect dick wasn’t by any means a new sight to me. My own hands had held it hundreds of times over ten years of masturbation. And one of my favorite techniques, often on a solo hike or bike ride, was to give my dick a good pull outside in the sunshine. I loved to feel the breeze on my balls and to callously disperse my seed into the bosom of Mother Nature. But nothing in my past had ever come close to this experience.

Dropping to her knees between my legs, Janie looked up at me and very pointedly licked the bottom surface of my dick from balls to tip. The boldness of her action stunned me. I could see the shield of my glans was shiny, stretched to its maximum, and was wet from precum, causing it to glisten in the sunlight. The veins along the length of my shaft were pulsing with every beat of my heart.

I am a generous producer of precum. I only have to think about being horny and I get a wet spot in my undies. This morning was no exception. As Janie’s tongue neared my perineum, a noticeable drop of my boy nectar had accumulated at my piss slit. Retaining full eye contact and with her right hand still firmly grasping my shaft, she used her left index finger to spread that sparkling droplet across and around my glans. Then, in one continuous movement, she followed this action with a similar effort from her tongue. The sensory center of my brain was now at full capacity.

Her tongue rimmed the edges of my glans. She then hungrily took the entire upper few inches of my hot and radiating cock into her mouth. My torso shuddered from this oral assault. If I hadn’t been supported by the table, I suspect my knees might have buckled at that moment. It was this confluence of stimuli that was having such an overpowering effect on my psyche. The oral competency of this mature woman was, for me, a new and powerfully libidinous experience. Coupling that with all of the other stimuli—the act of being stark naked, exposed, on display in broad daylight, stroked and sucked by a gorgeous, nearly-naked woman whom I had known since I was a boy. My brain was on the verge of shutdown. I was putty in her hands. I must say, however, putty clearly didn’t describe my cock. That particular appendage was hot granite.

I just sat there watching my cock as if I were having some out-of-body experience. Janie hand-stroked the lower half of my shaft in synch with her mouth riding up and down its purple-red knob. She knowingly stroked and sucked me at a perfect cadence. I watched each repetition consume more and more of the length of my swollen cock. Her pace was gradually increasing. She seemed to be completely intent on bringing my simmering lust to a boil. Nevertheless, despite the stimulating effect on my wickedly hard cock, I was in no immediate danger of orgasm, having cum twice in the previous ten hours. This is not to say that my cock wasn’t supremely invested in the efforts at hand.

Despite being totally focused on this amazing act of fellatio, my gaze slipped beyond my own dick and came to rest on Janie’s pussy, fully exposed within the open front of her robe. Almost without thinking I brought my right foot between her legs and began to rub her hot and very wet pussy with the top surface of my foot, concentrating my efforts through the actions of my big toe. I rubbed from her anus all the way to her clit.

With my dick most of the way in her mouth she looked up to my eyes, raised her eyebrows, and conveyed to me her acquiescence. With her tacit encouragement, I rubbed vigorously up and down her labia, eventually working my toe into the opening of her vagina.

Her breathing intensified, and she began loudly moaning and wildly gyrating, using one hand to hold my foot tightly against her pussy. Suddenly she went wild and quickly jumped up, pulling me up and off the table. With both of us standing, she pulled me very close. I reached between her legs and slipped two fingers inside her vagina, which was incredibly hot and dripping. I grabbed my cock and directed it into her pussy, fully hilting my shaft in one firm and forceful motion. We stood like that unmoving for some indeterminate length of time. Our hearts were pounding. Our breaths were rapid and ragged. We held each other in a tight embrace.

My cock was home. It had found sweet comfort, nestled in a cocoon of total, indescribable pleasure; and for a brief moment it was happy to be at rest. My body, on the other hand, demanded action. Waking my cock from its momentary slumber, I tentatively began to move, slowly and purposefully at first, then gradually increasing both the cadence and intensity of my thrusts. My hands were on Janie’s ass, unwilling to release their very firm grip on her glutes. My body became a machine, an instrument of the most remarkable passion, driving ever harder and deeper into this place of existential pleasure. The slap of our colliding bodies was echoing off the walls of nearby houses. Lost in our animal passions, we were unconcerned and uncaring. The rest of Nantucket Island had momentarily ceased to exist.

This body slamming went on for some time. At some point, however, the sex subroutine in my brain was nearly ready to bring this coitus to its logical conclusion. I was ready to cum. It turned out, not unsurprisingly, that Janie had other desires. She suddenly disengaged from my hammering cock and dragged me a couple of feet across the deck, planting me firmly on a nearby chaise. Pushing me backward into a reclining position, her legs straddled my body. Her feet were set firmly on the deck as she quickly impaled her pussy on my granite-hard knob.

I initially grabbed her tits, which were bobbing a few inches from my face, but gave them up for a good grip on her waist as she proceeded to ride my cock with wild abandon. Although she was clearly in charge, I was a very enthusiastic participant. She used her now free right hand to good advantage. She reached between her legs and roughly stimulated her clitoris. Her head flew backward as she uttered guttural, incomprehensible noises. She was a daughter of Aphrodite, consumed by passion and lust.

This entire scenario was something I could never have even imagined. Her body became a piston, rising and slamming against my young, firm masculine form. This pounding went on for quite some time. I eventually began to sense that I might be nearing a climax. My balls were soaked… dripping with a combination of vaginal and penile excretions; and I was having the wildest ride of my life.

I mumbled “Janie, I think I’m going to cum.” In response her eyes expanded, and she suddenly disengaged her pussy from my cock, immediately enveloping its wet and dripping length with her mouth. I honestly was stunned. I knew I was very close to exploding, so I offered a quick warning “I don’t think I can hold it much longer.”

Penetrating my eyes with a fearsome look, she mumbled around my engulfed cock something like “Who’s asking you to?”

And then…slipping a finger up my ass, she hit my alpha spot. I was suddenly rocked by a powerful and explosive orgasm. Deep in the cavern of her throat I began spewing forth one incredible cum gusher after another. And when I was done, when my balls were finally emptied and spent, she continued to suck every last fractional ounce of my seed. She then licked my cock and balls clean. To paraphrase the Coroner of Munchkin land, I was “really, most sincerely” spent.

As our coital intensity subsided, Janie slid forward and reclined atop my body. We were face-to-face. She kissed me. Mingled in her mouth were many tastes: my cum, her pussy juices, probably even traces of her morning coffee. My head was spinning and it took a while for me to settle down.

She looked at me and said “God, Aaron, that was a good fuck.”

I didn’t know what to say. Amazing didn’t begin to describe it. I mumbled a quick “Oh, it was more than that.”

We stayed like that for another minute or two. Then, with a big grin on her face, she stood up, gathered and retied her robe, and without another word retreated to the house. For my part, I collected my clothes and got dressed. Not knowing what else to do I eventually got back to work. I had given myself a goal for the day. This one window had to done by noon. We had beach plans for the afternoon. And Nantucket has amazing beaches.

I went back to my music, and although I was concentrating on my work, my thoughts kept coming back to my sexual experiences of the last twelve hours. Despite my above-average vocabulary, I was at a loss to find sufficient superlatives to describe it. Two things were apparent: number one, for the moment I was quite satisfied, and number two, I also knew that this was going to be one hell of a summer. I secretly hoped I was up to it.

About half an hour later Janie left the house and called over to me “Hey, Aaron, I’ve got some shopping to do. I’ll see you at lunch.”

“Yep, sure thing!”



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Swinging Parents

After I graduated from college, I took off for a year to see the world. I developed a certain amount of scorn for the small-town morals of my home as I explored everything from the elegant obscenity of Thailand's brothels to the wide-open, anything-goes atmosphere of Holland’s sex clubs. Never in all that time did I guess that I would encounter the ultimate and universally most forbidden kink when I returned home! My m0m looked years younger when she met me at the airport. She gave me a...

3 years ago
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Sex Ahead 6

Paul T. Findley was deep in thought as he browsed through the mountain of documentation Laura Stevens had dumped on his desk. "You have enough material here for a dozen books," he said, glancing up at the attractive young woman who sat across from him with a satisfied smile on her face."I believe in being thorough," she told him. "I've got everything I need to start writing. I have all the facts on Dorothy Baker and her son Mark, Mary Anne Overton and her son Brian, Jennifer Henderson and her...

3 years ago
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A test of love

All my family and friends adored her. We married when she turned 19 very much in love and moved away from home on transfer with my work. After about 2 years into our marriage I was given some subtle hints by a friend that my brother was closer to Debbie than he should have been. I confronted her about this and she confessed to having let him kiss her at a party she had been to on a solo return visit to our hometown. Debbie implored that was all that had happened and asked that I forgive her...

1 year ago
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Shamus JournalsChapter 24

Tran came in wearing jeans and a sweat shirt. She was carrying a small bag and had a paper bag from the drug store. She handed me an ibuprofen and refilled my coffee cup so I could have fresh hot coffee. I had to admit, being home I felt a lot better and my head wasn't hurting. Mark came back in and sat down, sipping his coffee. You would think we were at a wake the way they both were looking at me. "All right you two. What's up?" Mark laughed and looked at Tran and she nodded her head...

4 years ago
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Build the Moon Ch 01

‘You really thought you could get away from me didn’t you?’ His hot breath tickled my ear lobe. Sweat dripped down my face. My eyes slowly started to tear up. I heard him draw in a deep breath through his nose. I swear he could smell my fear. His grip tightened around me. Ice crept through my veins. ‘N-no.’ I whispered. His arm wrapped around my throat, my chin fitting perfectly in the crook of his elbow. It felt like this is the way it was supposed to be. A play pre-written by fate. A play...

3 years ago
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VacationChapter 72

Day Seventy-two - Tuesday The sensation of a pussy rhythmically squeezing your morning wood while slowly sliding back and forth on it, is a wonderful way to welcome a new day. I was spooned against Sue, deeply lodged within her while attempting to cup one of her monster mams. We were both contributing to the slow in and out of our coupling, until Sue let out a loud groan and I felt our crotches get soaked from her juices. This led to more rapid in and outs, until I unloaded into her while...

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Walk On The Wild Side 2

After my initial foray into the joys of experiencing cock for the first time, I was left in a bit of shock at what had happened. It took me a few weeks to process, and get my head round that I had been fucked by a man, and had the sexual time of my life.My cousin Paul had sent me a few text messages asking me if everything was alright, not prying into my experience which was nice. Mark also was in regular contact, checking in to see that I was ok. After about Mark's fourth message I felt it was...

2 years ago
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A Little Sexy Fun For Robert

Robert had figured out that he really had a fetish for women’s panties. He absolutely loved to see his girlfriend in them. In fact, when she was out, he would go into the hamper and actually smell her used and fragrant panties. Her scent was very intoxicating to him. He often would masturbate, while smelling her used panties and sometimes would even taste them. Robert would smell the used panties and then get another pair of hers and wrap them around his cock. He would work his cock up and...

3 years ago
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15 Battery

Is there ever a more depressing feeling than when you have lost your phone charger. I say lost, but I knew exactly where it was, I could picture it, sitting proudly in the wall socket of the table by the big bay window in the Whitehorse pub. It had been a good night, but we’d all left quickly after the news had filtered through on the student group chat that there was a party on Gypsy Lane. I doubted for one moment that it was still there, my guess was that I’d probably be wasting my time to go...

1 year ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 58

Gina sat at her desk in her next class, confused. She had seen Victor standing in the hallway on her way to the classroom, in itself nothing unusual. What was odd was her aversion to him. She avoided him, as if he were not supposed to be there. Something strange had happened around him as well. She had seen some students standing near him, but they had vanished when she had directed her gaze straight at them. She had felt as if she needed to turn her attention somewhere else, anywhere but...

2 years ago
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My Wife Gets Surprised

My story starts off how I wanted to see my wife give a blow job to another man. I had been after her for over a year and she finally agreed to do it once for my 50th birthday. My wife is in her upper forties and is 5'4 and about 140 pounds. She is a mom of three and works in management for a large company. She is somewhat conservative and I have been her only partner. This last June I finally convince her to give another guy a blow job while I watched. She would only agree to do a blow job and...

Wife Lovers
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RookiesChapter 6

We whipped up on Detroit, 10-4, in the opening game of our six-game home stand. I actually got into the game, in the fourth inning, when the Tigers scored all four of their runs. All four runs were officially charged to our starter, although I was the one who let the last of them in, on a one-out ground single. After that, I held that Tiger through the fifth and sixth, while the game was still close, and Paul Warren yanked me when the Birds took the field for the seventh. We were ahead, 4-3...

3 years ago
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A Royal Engagement

A Royal Engagement The planning had taken several months. Diplomatic exchanges had been lengthy and tedious and now the happy union between Prince Harold of Moronia and Princess Lilla of Transvallia had been arranged to cement the union between the two nations after twenty years or so of sporadic war. Neither side really wanted a war, but neither would accept peace over the disputed city and province of Dunn. Basically neither side wanted the money pit but national pride got in the...

1 year ago
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Lust Conquers Love

Kathy was content. She was engaged to the perfect guy, she had the perfect job on the horizon, and she lived in the most perfect part of the world. She was happy, healthy, and looking forward to the years ahead of her. Kathy lived in Hawaii, had been born there as a matter of fact. Her parents were well off, her dad worked for the FAA as a supervisor at the Honolulu Center, the agency that directs all the air traffic into and out of Hawaii. His annual salary exceeded 150K per year, not...

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Beginningsthe end

So after that day at my new friend Lou's, I didnt really have anything going on. Rick was off doing his own thing, I saw my gf Joanne a couple times, just went to work on the eves I worked, and not much else. I hadnt seen Walter around either. A couple weeks went by and I was thinking about going over to Lou's place to see if he needed any work done, and maybe suck some cock. The day before I was gonna go over there I ran into him and he asked if I wanted to come over the next day. No work, but...

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Cabana Crazy

My mobile phone rang off and I glanced at the text message. I called my assistant and told her to clear off the rest of my afternoon. This is not an original story; I guess in most ways this kind never is. It started simply enough. My wife Yvonne and I had met another couple of similar age, temperament, interests, and we all hit it off really well. Jack and Caitlynne like Yvonne and myself (Rob) were young, married, and looking for a good time. We had a lot of fun together and things reached a...

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Warlords Conquest

You are the son of a Lust demon. Your mother had been impregnated with you by your demon father after she performed a dark ritual to summon him forth. She had done this because she wanted eternal youth and had read about Lust demons being able to grant wishes. What she hadn't realized was that those wishes often came with a price and when he sprang forth, he agreed to her wish with the stipulation that she must bear him a child. Not being able to resist his lusty ways, she agreed readily and on...

1 year ago
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The Fifth Force

Modern physics textbooks refer to four fundamental forces – the strong and weak nuclear forces, the electromagnetic force, and gravity. It is surmised that these forces are all related in a fundamental way. The scientific equivalent of the Holy Grail is to find the set of equations which will combine all of these forces into one Unified Field Theory. However, it is a little-published (but well known to all men, and most women) scientific fact that there is actually a Fifth Fundamental Force,...

2 years ago
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487 Sex for the good of the family

487 Sex for the good of the familySome of this story is 100% true, some is wishful thinking, you be the judge of which bits, though I will say the names are not all false, enjoy and after, tell me your thoughts!I, stretched myself, stood and took my plate to the sink, hers was already on the drainer, just another day, unusually it was me who washed up, normally it would be Kate, my Kate, the love of my life, Kate who kept house, and who saw to the lad, young John, 16 now. Growing to be a real...

4 years ago
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Neighorhood Slut Mom

By Janexxx My name is Jane and I am the mother of a 13 year old son. I had my son Randy when I was 15. A boy several years older than me took me out to a private area at a nearby lake and got me drunk. When I drink I get very horny and he knew that. Before long he had me naked and sucking his cock. He was very hard and thick. I sort of remember him pushing his thick cock into my tight pussy. I almost came as soon as he entered me. My pussy was soaking wet. His cock glided back and...

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"You did it you smooth talking Yankee son-of-a-bitch. You nailed her didn't you?" Sam Harding chortled as his friend and fellow attorney, James Austin, sat down at the smalltable in the noisy club. Austin scanned the crowded bar before answering the question with a brief nod. His eyes locked with those of a striking brunette standing alone at the bar. She was clad in a tight red mini, her full breasts spilling over the top ofthe low cut neckline. A smile curved her lips as he moved his...

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Mike and Sarah Ch 02

This is part 2 reading part 1 first is recommended. I have fleshed this out a bit more, but this is quite short compared to part 3. * Sarah was in the bathroom doing her morning routine of toilet then shower. She looked in the mirror, she applied her makeup, she smiled as she noticed a lack of wrinkles, her skin was good. She thought of how much Mike looked like his father Alan. When she was a teenager, Alan was the one man Sarah wanted, but her friend Karen got there first, her friend,...

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Bigger sister

Here was the moment. I had to leave my room. I knew mom was out running errands. I went out and heated up some leftovers in the microwave. When Vera walked by, she flinched seeing me in the kitchen. I just tried to ignore her as she walked by. After she passed she turned back and asked "Hey uh... Blake do we still have the old plastation?" Vera asked I looked a little surprised "Uh yeah I think it's in the attic." I said turning back to the microwave as Vera went off to find the playstation. It...

1 year ago
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Coming MotherChapter 10

When Shellie walked out onto the deck the next morning, she found another houseboat tied up about five feet from theirs. As she watched the boat, a young girl came out onto the deck. The pretty little blonde stretched, arching her shapely body. Shellie studied the sweetness of the girl, seeing the tight little ass swell out, encased in a very tight bikini bottom, the small, pointing tits well defined. After a moment a man came to join the girl. He wore swimming trunks, and was tall,...

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Golf Girl Fuck me FUCK HER

“Hey, could you help me with something?”My brain went into hyperdrive. Help her… The hottest, youngest piece of ass I’d seen on the golf course the last six months with the shortest skirt, tightest ass, and firmest breasts, in the most form fitting and braless tops EVER in the world! The perfect golf girl! She wanted me to help her with something . Like maybe put my sprung hard cock in her hot, wet, tight pussy! Help her like that?!Luckily what came out of my mouth was, “Uh, sure. How...

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DL Thugs

It was a hot spring day, a day of my life I would never forget. I was currently dating this guy named Eddie. I am a well portion woman, I have the long pretty hair, full lips on both ends. I can make a dress pucker up a little in the back, my hips are pushed out like a coke cola bottle. Breast are little more than a mouth full, along with my pecan color skin. I am the total package for most men.Eddie on the other hand, is a very slim thug type guy. He has these long dreadlocks that falls...

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My first lesbian Lust feeling

Walking in the hallways at Ebony Lesbian College , I just spotted a girl that caught My eyes. While walking by i notice she had A Fat a** that sat up in her Blue Ripped Shorts , pretty feet with With red nail Polish so bright it caught your attention from her nails to her toes , the sandals she wore had Fit her foot very well , her Lips were pink Like my Red Pu*** when it got wet When i get horny. I had a flash back from when i watched this Lesbo Porn video on , I dazed out...

1 year ago
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Jordanian ConnectionChapter 7 The Mystery Woman

When I waked up around ten on Tuesday morning, Aunt Alia was gone. I went to the bathroom. When I returned to the bedroom, I found Aunt Alia dressed in a sexy outfit. She was in a white tight sleeveless minidress, obviously with nothing underneath. We kissed, my tongue exploring her mouth as my hands explored her ass and tits, massaging her outlined nipples through the dress. She had a hand behind my head and the other stroked my hardening cock. "I have something different for you this...

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