Alessa Lombardi: Free At Last free porn video

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       My husband had finally packed all of his things, and was now standing at the front door, staring at me from behind dark sunglasses. His mouth was a straight line, tight, his eyebrows drawn together. I wasn't sure if he'd been angry or feeling regret. I couldn't have cared any less at that point. I just wanted him to walk out of that door, and hopefully out of my life. He opened his mouth to speak, but I held up a hand.

       "No, Chayton. Just leave," I said.

       "Alessa, come on, we can work this—"

       "God damn it, Chayton, I said no! Now leave!" I screamed, pointing a rigid finger toward the door. Thankfully, he said nothing else, turning away. He shouldered his duffel bag, and grabbed his suitcase. He paused when he opened the door, and I expressed my exasperation with a sigh. Not only because he was letting in chilly, December air, but because he felt like he had to keep talking. I wrapped my silk robe tighter around myself, my nipples suddenly attentive.

       "What, Chayton?" I asked, making a point to use his full name. "What could you possibly want to say to me?"

       "I'm sorry," he said dourly, his head down. "For everything. Really."

       "That's a fucking laugh, Chayton. You weren't too sorry when you were fucking your so-called 'cousin' of yours." I turned away, walking toward the kitchen, thankful that the children were away at school. They didn't need to hear any of this. "I'll have movers send over your crap."

       I heard him let out a defeated sigh, followed by the door closing shut with an angry rattle. I glanced over my shoulder, hearing car doors slam, and the engine roar to life, then the sweet sound of tires screeching hurriedly against pavement, the roar of the engine fading into the distance.

       Finally, he was gone.

       I wouldn't have to put up with his bullshit anymore. No more staying up at odd hours of the night waiting for him, only to fall asleep and then feel him sliding into the covers at three in the morning. No more tears from discovering phone numbers in his pockets. No more lame excuses. No more bullshit. It was over, and I was free. Free. I probably should have felt upset or something, but that word—Free—seemed to keep a smile on my face.

       Padding bare feet into the kitchen, I snagged the phone hanging near the fridge, and dialed Nicholas, my best friend Velia's hot little brother. I figured that I could get him to help me gather the rest of my husband's shit . . . among other things. The phone rang for a moment before he answered, sounding groggy. I glanced at the clock. It was just five minutes till two.

       "Jesus, Neeko, were you sleep?" I asked, releasing the front of my purple silk robe, letting it hang open. I was, of course, completely nude underneath.

       "Lessa?" He said, coughing. He waited a long moment before saying anything else, probably wiping the sleep from his eyes. "Of course I was sleep, it's like . . ." A pause, and then a curse. "Fuck, it's after 12 already?"

       "Yessiree-bob," I said with a laugh.

       "Wow . . . well, it is my day off," he reasoned. "What's up, Lessa?"

       "Well . . . Chay's gone. His bullshit finally caught up to him."

       "Damn, Lessa, I'm sorry to hear that," He said with a bit of uncertainty. He probably didn't know whether to be joyous or consoling.

       "Don't be, hun," I said. "I do need someone to help me gather all of his crap so that I can send it to his brother's, though."

       "Sure, when do you need me?"

       "Is . . . now fine?"


        I could already see the smile creeping up on his deviant little lips. Though he'd never made a move against me—out of respect for my sham of a marriage—but he never hid the fact that he wanted me. From the little comments he'd make about my weight being sexy, to catching him watching me with amorous eyes. Velia had even told me once that Nicholas has had a thing for me for years.

       And with Chayton gone . . . I could finally do as I pleased, whom I pleased. Nicholas in particular. I suddenly felt a twinge in my pussy . . .

       God, Velia is going to kill me, I thought amusingly.

       "Sure, now is fine," he continued. "Just let me grab a shower and I'll head right on over, alright?"

       "Great! The door'll be open when you get here," I said, leaning back against the fridge, my fingers aching to give my pussy a bit of attention. I suppressed the urge.

       We exchanged our goodbyes and hung up, and I let out a deep breath. He was really coming over, and I intended on seducing him! I hadn't seduced anyone since . . . well . . . ever! Anxiety filled me, twisting in my gut. What the hell was I going to do? What if he felt put off to my advancements? And suddenly my age became a factor, a liability. I was thirty-eight years old, and Nicholas was barely twenty-five. How was he really going to find me and my overweight, thirty-eight year old body attractive? I almost had a mind to rush to my computer to see if there was a way to drop from a size sixteen to a five in ten minutes.

       Stop being silly, Alessa, a voice told me. You know good and well that he wants you. Just show off those tits of yours and he'll be filling you with cock before you know it.

       I felt myself smile, looking down at my 38G breasts. My nipples were still hard, like little rocks, yearning to be touched and sucked and squeezed. My insecurities suddenly felt silly. This little seduction bit wasn't going to take much effort. Not much effort at all.

                                                              × · × · × · ×

       "Hey, Lessa," Nicholas said, kissing my cheek as I leaned into do the same. He'd arrived in thirty minutes, smelling like Irish Spring and fresh deodorant. Despite the cold, he wore a short-sleeved shirt, black, with a silkscreen of Kurt Cobain smoking a cigarette printed on the front. He wore some old gray sweat pants, and well-used running shoes. He didn't look like he was wearing socks. The cold didn't seem to bother him.

       God had blessed Nicholas with a magnificent body. He was tall—a whole head taller than myself—lean, well-muscled, though he insisted that he'd never worked out a day in his life. He kept his dark hair trimmed short, finger-length, just a tad shorter than my own blond locks. The sun had colored his skin a beautiful bronze color.

       I felt my pussy twinge again when my breasts moved against him slightly. Though, at there size, it couldn't have been helped. It didn't make my pussy any less soaked, however. I held my robe closed at the waist, letting a little bit of cleavage show. Scratch that. "Little bit" might be an understatement in my case.

       Either way, I felt satisfied as his dark green eyes occasionally wandered south.

       "Hey, Neeko," I said, turning and making for the master bedroom. I motioned for him to follow. "How was the drive over?"

       "Goddamn lunch hour," he said with annoyance, though he tried to let humor slip through. "People obviously don't like packing their lunches."

       "Aww, I'm sorry," though I really wasn't. I was glad it took him long as it did, I had to tidy up the house a little bit, after all.

       I led him into me and my husband's bedroom. I'd made the king-sized bed, and piled my husband's business suits in a pile next to his other clothes by the antique armoire. I'd taken down all of the pictures of me and Chayton, and tossed them into the garbage, so the coral walls were bare except for the occasional black nail.

       When Nicholas stepped further into the bedroom, I moved to close the door behind him, turning to lean my back against it, trapping him. He turned, a confused grin curling his perfect mouth upward. I suppressed the urge to lick my lips, feeling like I could devour him right then and there. He lifted a brow.

       "Lessa?" He asked, bemused.

       "I have to be honest with you, Neeko," I said. "I really don't need your help getting my husband's shit together."

       Sureness showed in his expression then, as if he'd known what I was going to say next. He stalked toward me, his steps slow and careful.

       "Truth be told," I continued, closing my eyes. Shame was crawling up into my chest, but I'd gotten this far. "I really want you to fuck me. I want you to throw me on the bed, and fuck my brains out. Call me filthy names, smack my ass, and fuck me." When I reopened my eyes, I discovered him standing before me, his shirt removed, on the floor behind him with his shoes. His sweat pants were pulled down slightly, showing off his midriff. He wore no underwear, it seemed. And I could see his cock pressing against the front of his pants, twitching as it tried to point toward me.

       I ... am so wet, I realized. My robe was open, my plentiful breasts revealed, aching for him to touch them. He was so close, I could feel the heat emanating from him.

       He was still smiling, like a deviant little child.

       "Feeling is definitely mutual, Lessa," he said, and smoothed his hand against my belly. I jumped, suddenly feeling self-conscious, but he continued to smile, tracing his fingers along my tummy and up in-between my breasts. I felt like I was going to cum, in that very instant. I felt like I could have exploded from his touch, from his mere presence.

       He pressed against me, my chest against his. I could feel his hand teasing my left nipple now, and I bit my lower lip.

       "So . . ." he said in a secret, seductive tone. "How bad do you want me to do those things to you? Really."

       My clit throbbed, his other hand moving its fingers along my slit, covering his digits in warm pussy juices. He'd slipped a finger inside of me, just the tip, teasing me. I gnawed harder on my bottom lip, feeling my eyebrows draw together. Unconsciously, my hips moved against him.

       "Bad," I breathed. "Really . . . really bad. Please, Neeko, don't tease me."

       He lowered himself onto his knees and sat back on his feet, smiling. He spread my legs some, and buried his face into my pussy, sliding his hot tongue along my slit. Luckily, Chayton had preferred me bare down there. I let out a sharp breath, and sucked in, feeling his tongue move against my slit, my hole, my clit. My hands scrambled for something to hold onto, but there was nothing close enough. I settled for my tits, massaging them and pinching my nipples between my fingers.

       In-between the sucking noises, I could hear him moan. God, I thought. He's frickin' enjoying this! Chayton had never liked eating me out. It'd always been a fucking chore. But now . . . my legs almost gave out from under me. He shook his head, whipping his tongue left and right against my clit, and I bounced slightly, my robed back sliding against the door behind me. I took one of my nipples into my mouth, sucking hungrily while Nicholas' ravenous mouth slurped at my cunt.

       "God!" I moaned. "I'm . . . I'm . . . I'm . . ." I tried to tell him that I was coming, but the ecstasy gagged my words. Still, he seemed to get the picture, and I felt his tongue move against my hole—inside my hole.

       "FUCK!" I cried.

       My entire body tensed, and I exploded in orgasm, my legs and hips moving spasmodically. My moans became sobbing breaths, and my hands clambered for him—anything.

       I almost didn't feel him lift me and carry me onto the bed. Hell, I'm not even sure how he did. C'mon, you're not that heavy, Alessa, I told myself. Finally, I felt myself calm down, and when I was able to see straight again, my pussy lips twitching, I saw him crawling onto the bed. Completely nude this time.

       He sat himself up on his knees, and I sat up on my elbows, gazing at his cock. It was long and rigid, thick and throbbing. Downright beautiful. I could see a string of precum dripping from the tip of his cock, and my pussy started aching again. It needed that thing in me. It needed to be abused. His hands moved along my thick thighs, up to the back of my knees. He leaned up and inward, and then I felt him enter me, my walls expanding around his veiny shaft, a jolt of electrical pleasure spilling throughout my thighs, and my belly in waves. I sucked in a quick breath, eyes rolling to the back of my skull.

       "Beautiful little fat pussy," he said, dragging his hips back and then thrusting into me again, and again. There was something about his words that made me even hotter, though I wasn't sure which.

       "Oooh, fuck me! Fuck me, Neeko!" I grunted as he drilled into me again, my body crying out in pleasure as he impaled me with that lengthsome cock of his.

       "You like gettin' fucked huh, you fat little slut?" He said, and my eyes widened.

       I suddenly realized what had gotten me so hot.

       He was calling me fat. And I loved it. Absolutely adored it.

       "Fuck yes!" I yelped. "Fuck this fat slut, slam that big dick in my fat cunt! Fuck it! Fuck it! Fuck it! Fuck it . . . !" My words trailed off into breathless whimpers, my eyes squeezed shut. His thrusts became harder and faster, my words apparently having an effect on him. And I writhed and moaned, feeling his cock slid into my sopping cunt. He'd let go of my legs, and I wrapped them around his waist, pulling him into me. I wanted more . . . and more. I wanted him to fill me with cum.

       "You want to fill me up with your cum? Huh? " I asked, but it wasn't really a question. I looked up into his eyes, seeing the passion and hunger—the animal. "You want to fill this fat pussy up with your cum?"

       "Nuh-uh," he said, punctuating each syllable with a slow, hard, deep thrust, my tits bouncing up toward my face. "I'm going to fill that mouth of yours up with cum," he sat up, pulling his cock free of my cunt, and slapped the underside of his cock against my pussy lips. I writhed even more, my pussy hungry for his cock, and my mouth hungry for his hot cum. I wanted it. I wanted to be fucking covered in it.

       We both grunted as he slid it back inside, and rolled me over atop of him. I sat astride him, his cock buried deep into my pussy. His hand slapping against my ass got me moving, bucking my hips against him, the sting of his strike morphing into pleasure. And I yearned for more.

       "Do it again! Fuck, do it again! Spank my ass! Aiee!" I yelped, feeling him smack it again. His teeth gnawed on his bottom lip. I continued to work, moving my hips against him in circles, grinding his cock inside of me. My pale skin flushed with heat, and I felt another orgasm coming. I saw a smile flash across his lips.

       "You about to come?" He asked, pulling me close to him, my tits swaying heavily in his face. He spread my cheeks, sliding his fingers down my crack and pausing at my asshole. I gasped, unsure of what he was going to do.

       He shoved one of his fingers inside.

       I winced, yelping. A mixture of pain and pleasure running through me.

       He dug it deeper, and deeper, and began thrusting up into me, bouncing me on his cock whilst his finger slid in and out of my asshole.

       "Oh shit! Oh shit! I'm going to fucking . . . !"

       "Cum, bitch. Cum!" He demanded through clinched teeth, using his other hand to slap against my ass again, his cock slamming into me with merciless thrusts. He was so deep. So fucking deep. It didn't take long for me to release all over his cock, for me to practically have a seizure on top of him, my entire body twitching with pleasure.

       And he continued to pound into me, harder and faster still. I could feel tears burning in the corners of my eyes. It felt so good, his fingers in my ass, and his cock dug deep in my pussy.

       He rolled me onto my back again, and before I knew it his cock was waving heavily in my face. I welcomed it into my mouth, just in time, feeling his seed spill warmly into my mouth, his cum bittersweet. I swallowed as much as I could without gagging, letting it dribble down my chin and neck. His body lurched, and I sucked him, my lips smiling around his cock. I sighed breaking my mouth away from his cock, kissing the tip. His chest heaved, as did mine.

       And that's when we heard the loud screech of school bus brakes, and the hiss it made as it came to a complete stop.

       My eight year-old daughter was home, I'd almost forgotten.

       Nicholas shot me a look, and I grinned nervously. "You mind hopping into the bathroom real quick and getting dressed?" I asked.

       Nicholas smiled back, shaking his head. "Not at all."

       "Good," I said, spanking his cute behind. He leapt from the bed, gathered his clothes, and made for the bathroom. I got up myself, my robe still on, wrapping it closed. I could tell little Amalia that uncle Neeko was just fixing something in the bedroom . . .

       Fixing something indeed.

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In The Freezer

IN THE FREEZER By Charlotte Dickles SYNOPSIS: Nigel, and his wife, Jenny, are happy to offer a temporary UK home to Nigel's Aunt Nancy, following the death of her rich husband Frank in Australia. On their first evening together, they are absolutely delighted when Nancy signs her will leaving all her fortunes to them when she dies. But wills have to be properly witnessed, and with Nancy's premature departure, someone else has to get it witnessed. Although the...

2 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 3

They drove in silence for the first part of their trip. Cindy would occasionally put her hand outside the window and let the air flow through her fingers. "Ah," she said at last, "I haven't driven with open windows in ages. When I was with my parents, it was just so easy to keep the climate system on and listen to music..." "I've got some CDs if you like. Mostly Jazz, but also some Spanish guitar and choral music... Some Rock & Roll from the 60's and 70's too..." "Sounds...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 19

Earth time: Thursday, 1 PM, September 30, 2010 Central Daylight Savings Time "That's it Jim," Cindy link-thought. She was standing up against one of the front-room windows. Having rocks thrown at her head was now such a frequent occurrence; she wasn't even flinching when they would bounce off the glass. "I've got all eleven of them either in front of me or in their shelter. Go!" Jim came out of the closet and closed the door, then quickly walked six meters across the back-room. There...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 38

A few weeks later... Earth time: Tuesday, July 10, 2043 7:33 AM Central Daylight Savings Time ( 1 hour, 17 minutes after sunrise on Antelope Freeway ) Aina time: day 277 of 1449 H.E. 4:34 AM ( 1 hour, 24 minutes after sunrise at Spirit House ) Isabelle rushed into the situation room three minutes after the meeting was supposed to start. "Sorry I'm late!" "No problem Issie." Jim replied. "How was your workout?" Isabelle smiled. "Pretty good! Ten kilometers in forty minutes! It's...

4 years ago
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Dutch lessons Ch1 Free at last

Introduction: Its Friday night. Yes! Its the first Friday since my dad signed a permissions slip to tell my school to let me out at weekends. Im free at last &hellip, but free for what? Chapter 1: Free at last Swirling around me is a vibrant, pulsing, teenage party. Its loud and dark and steamy. The music pumps, surges and shudders with a deeply pounding, bass reverb. I feel confused, almost dizzy. My head spins. These Dutch kids certainly know how to do it &hellip, whatever it might mean...

4 years ago
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A Freebie for Randy continued

The Saturday morning after giving Randy a freebie I awoke feeling happy and very horny.I was still lying in bed enjoying the smooth feel of my soft skin and the silk camisole and panty set that I put on before bed.  While I was having a good time with myself and my favorite dildo, I heard a knock on the door.  Leaning towards the window I saw the UPS man walking back towards his truck, and I knew that my new outfits had arrived.  I quickly jumped from the bed and dashed for the front door to...

2 years ago
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A Freebie for Randy

In the aftermath of our first paid sexual encounter, I lay bent over the desk with my ass pleasantly sore and leaking cum down my stocking covered legs. Randy had left moments after pulling out of me, but I stayed on the desk for about twenty minutes just enjoying the feeling of being used. After cleaning myself up I went back to my desk, still dressed in my all-red outfit, and began to order a couple more sets for next week’s hook-up.This time I went with black and white instead of with colors...

Office Sex
1 year ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 07

It was a quiet evening at the Q and A Bar amd Grill in Seville Hills, MO. Thomas Albright sat with two of his friends, Petey Harms and Freddy Kleinschmidt, nursing beer. The hour was just past 8:00. Tom was a relatively young man at 51 compared to his two friends, who were grizzled old men in their 70s. The old men was on furlough from their wives of many years, Tom was a fugitive from his home at Carefree Cove, trying not to think where his lover of the past few days, Michelle Hawkins, might...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 32

Earth time: Saturday, March 19, 2033 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (29 minutes to sunset) Aina time: 5:15 AM, day 216 of 1436 H.E. (53 minutes to sunrise, morning of the first day of spring and the Red Bird Festival) "Visual image locked?" I nodded. A'moth and I were in a tight embrace, staring into each other's eyes. I linked with her mind, she join the lock of my mind's eye on my target destination ten feet away. An instant later we were both there. "Excellent Gary! You needed...

1 year ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 42

Five years later... Earth time: April 27, year 204,860 9:00 AM Antelope Freeway Standard Time After my morning workout with A'moth in the arctic gym, I was all set for our usual 8:00 AM staff meeting, but Isabelle said she and Jim are working on something interesting and she asked if we could postpone the meeting till ten o'clock. So I asked Issie to jump me to Antelope Freeway so I could practice my jumping for a while. I practiced for about a half hour, and then got bored. I parked in...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 59

Time: Unknown, parked in a field of corn... We all woke up about the same time in the cockpit. Hoshi looked totally confused and surprised that we were still in one piece. The view outside was that of a setting sun. The plane was surrounded by a vast expanse of corn... I probed with my mind and sensed the 400-foot sound barriers in all directions, about 23 kilometers away. I probed a little more closely. I think my seat in the cockpit was directly opposite the center of Antelope Freeway....

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Carefree Cove Ch 05

Tom Albright drawing in the summer Missouri morning. He wore his swimsuit and surfing shoes beneath his white T-shirt as he stood on the dock of his neighbor, Michelle Hawkins. She was a voluptuous woman of forty whom he just started a physical relationship the night before. She posed on her lounger for forty five minutes in her white robe in different positions before removing it so he could draw her naked. Her face was a little tired from lack of sleep, but aglow with the aftermath of great...

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Carefree Cove Ch 01

‘Sing the song, Daddy!’ The small voice rang brightly across the waters of the cove, and Thomas Albright shook his head a couple of times. A long, lean, nut brown body turned around and swam back past him, the blonde head poking indignantly out of the water. The nymph demanded: ‘Sing the song, Daddy! You know I’ll keep this up ’til you do!’ Tom took a deep breath, and in his shaky tenor did his best Peter Blegvad impression: ‘That’s my daughter in the watereverything she owns I bought...

1 year ago
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Carefree Cove Ch 06

Another Seville Hills, Missouri Wednesday, and the Methodist Domino Club gathered on an August evening at the shelter house by the community pool. Mutt Hayes talked his grandsons and their friends into playing Texas Hold ‘Em with his usual companions, with Reverend Hoot Pidgeon acting as dealer for the evening. ‘Check.’ ‘Call.’ ‘Fold.’ ‘Raise the pot.’ ‘Fold.’ ‘Call.’ Mutt Hayes looked smug as he peeked at his cards. His grandson Todd studied the old man, searching for a clue to his hand....

4 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 6

"Oh hell, Jim. Hell... Look at the odometer. It's right on schedule." It was now 8:40 AM. Jim slowed down and stopped by Cindy's car. Cindy noticed the battery status flip from yellow to blue, as the current charge of 33% began to make its 2% per minute ascent. The day was starting out just as whacky as the last one had ended. They had had an early breakfast and had started traveling eastbound on Antelope Freeway at 7 AM sharp, a few minutes before sunrise. Jim had decided to drive at 67...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 16

Future Interlude III: The Holographic Gravity Experiment Aina time: 2:06 PM, day 150 of 1472 H.E. Havika called out. "Inner hologram stable at target parameters. Kalea, you are clear to proceed." "Thank you. Aegis, take the outer shell curvature down to 9.395, and then make a base stability measurement." "Acknowledged..." After a few minutes he replied. "Base test complete. Outer shell curvature is at 9.395 meters per second squared, inner shell at negative 50,000 gravities. Kalea,...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 27

Time: Unknown, transversing a slip channel conduit... Isabelle's mind was filled with wonder as she sped through the column of blue bubbles. She could sense being held tightly by her mother, but that sensation seemed to exist in an alternate reality. Isabelle cried out to her mom, trying to make contact. "Mom! What is this stuff?" Isabelle sensed rather than heard an answer. "I don't know! This isn't what I was expecting! Hang on!" The lights were so pretty, broad swatches of...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 29

I awoke about an hour before dawn, breathing deeply and totally relaxed and refreshed. A'moth was still sleeping in my arms, but I could sense she was right at the edge of waking up herself. I began to nuzzle her neck and pet her stomach. "Ah! Good morning Gary..." I glanced out the tent. It was still dark outside. "Gary... Yeah... I haven't been called Gary in years." A'moth nodded. "It was the same for me sometimes, over the centuries. You're the first person who knew me as...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 36

Four years later... Earth time: Friday, April 24, 2037 9:25 PM Central Daylight Savings Time Aina time: day 0 of 1442 H.E. 2:00 PM First day of summer and the Festival of the High Sun Cindy walked into her bedroom at her arctic home and saw Jim lying naked in a very awkward position on the bed. Cindy herself was feeling terrible, weighed down with an enormous burden of sadness and despair, and she took off her clothes and lay by Jim's side. They stared into each other's eyes for a...

2 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 41

Time: Unknown, Blue thunder on Antelope Freeway... Just as Gary completed his jump, the light in the cornfields of Antelope Freeway changed from the normal afternoon sunlight of late-winter to something so bizarre that A'moth gasped in astonishment. All the colors of the green corn and brown earth were replaced by a bright cornflower blue, the entire world one great expanse of great blue glowing light. The sky above was incomprehensible, a uniform blue without clouds, but with a huge arc...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 55

Time: 1 hour 52 minutes post injection Isabelle had spent the last several minutes running preliminary diagnostics. Hoshi looked on quietly and admired her expertise. The other four teachers were gathered near the door. "This confirms it," Isabelle called back to the other teachers. "The plane has dropped back to its very last solution. It's activated both terrain mapping radar and gyroscopes, and is being guided by its internal map software." "I didn't even know the jets had such...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 62

Time: December 3, 207145 6:57 PM Nebraska Standard Time We started the meeting right after dinner, and had been working on the plan for almost an hour. All twelve of us were in Conference Room A, the primary situation room of the arctic home. Jim and Isabelle had finally come up with a plan of what we should be doing, and it was a doozy. All twelve of us had been debating it ever since. Even the girls were chiming in... "If we decide to do this, how soon should we leave?" asked...

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The Freeing of Spartacus

The Freeing of Spartacus.1 For two long years the slave war had shook Rome to the very core. Although in its all conquering peak, the Roman army had been pushed to the very edge by this huge group of renegade gladiators and slaves. At their head was the Thracian gladiator Spartacus who, though born into slavery had never bowed a knee to his enemy.Through thirty six years of slavery he had stood rebellious, ignoring the beatings and death threats which came his way. Even his masters had feared...

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Trip to Glastonbury

Chapter 1 It was 9 a.m. in Seattle at my office when my newly hired married secretary Gina got to work that Monday morning. We had been suffering for a good administrative person for the past two months now, someone who had the common sense, skill and intelligence to do more than just answer a phone and buzz my desk to get an answer to some customer that sometimes exhibited "rocks in his or her head". I am the Sales and Marketing Director of a large Asian-based steamship line. We have...

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Freelance Cop

I was a freelance cop and working to bring in a wanted man. He was one of the top ten which meant heavily protected. Everyone knew where they were, it was just getting through their guards that was the problem. There would be consequences if I managed it, like people trying to kill me consequences. The reward was huge and I needed a way out and off world. Either bad men hid underground or in towers, Gallow was the former. The thing I shook my head at was the bigger they were, the more they...

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The Knight and the Efreet Pt 01

Alisaundre was always told stories of different lands, since he was a small child, his King had actually conquered many lands, and many of them the world had yet to even know about, however…There still remained many lands, plenty that human feet had not treaded yet. Of course, as with stories of different lands, he was also told stories of magic, sorcery and other foolish sightings like mermaids, pixies and elves, all things that were scoff worthy. He never believed these stories, and always...

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Fluid Freefall CH1 Chemistry

I wake up to her slamming my apartment door, the wrrring sound of the blender dampened by the walls. Not the first time I woke up today. A few hours earlier, I awoke to my painful erection lodged tightly between her clothed asscheeks. The barest light of dawn shone through the curtains. Spooning her though the night, I'm surprised I didn't dry-hump rape her in my sleep. Now that I'm awake, the sweet smell of her hair, and her picturesque doll face only worsen the situation. I got up and...

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Freedoms Touch

The lake engulfed the landscape, glinting and gleaming with the colors of its surroundings. It met the sky’s gaze with a fever of its own, deepening in color the farther out it reached. The evergreen forest that surrounded the body of water left, in their shadow, a deep green mark upon the water – as if to remind you just how far from the world you really were. Waves, churned up by the mountain wind, lapped up against the shore. The steady thrumming of the water was broken only by the echoes...

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Alex the Freeballer in the Comet Store

He wore a crisp white, open-neck shirt and a pale grey V-neck pullover. His stylish “Aviator” sunglasses were casually hooked over the “V” of his pullover. But what caused me to nearly walk into the pile of boxes was his tight-fitting grey trousers, in that slightly silky, shiny material; he was a “freeballer”, if ever I saw one – and I saw one alright! As he moved along in front of the PlayStation display, I glimpsed the outline of something down the inside of his right leg. He stood...

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The Donkey Solution 2C MILF Porn Movie Sex Freebees

Introduction: Having committed herself to performing multiple acts of donkey sex in Tijuana next weekend, an enterprising MILF turns to performing in porn movies to whip herself into mental and physical sex shape for the beastly event. As a part of the deal, she has to pass out some freebees to a Senator and several of his horny young relatives. The Donkey Solution, Part 2C MILFs Porn Movie Sex, Plus Freebees A DREAM BLOWJOB: As Michelle slowly came awake she attempted to lick her lips but...

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Freeuse for One

Author's note: Feel free to add onto the story yourself, but please use proper grammar and prose. Enjoy! You are Stephen, a 19-year-old living by himself in a modest apartment, who has just woken up after a strange dream. In your dream, a mysterious being told you that you had the power of something called 'freeuse.' You'd never heard of it before, but it was explained to you: "Anybody in the world must submit to your command. They may resent it, or love it - they have no choice but to follow...

Mind Control
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Tales from Freedonia

Two hours into the train ride to his soon-to-be home country and Randy Bishop was starting to wonder what all the fuss was about. He had just gotten up from his seat aboard the Freedonia Express to give his legs a much needed stretch, and, doing his best to maintain his balance, worked his way towards the back of the train in search of the train's commissary and lounge. In addition to his person on the train's upper deck, Randy's entire life possessions were carefully packed in the baggage cart...

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